PROGRESS REPORT Grade 2 School: School Year: Teacher: Student: DESCRIPTION OF GRADES FOR SUBJECT AREAS A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59 DESCRIPTION OF GRADES FOR SPECIAL AREAS E Excellent G Good S Satisfactory N Needs Improvement U Unsatisfactory DESCRIPTION OF MARKS FOR SUBJECT AREA STRANDS & SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL LEARNING + √ - Satisfactory Inconsistent Experiencing Difficulty SUBJECT AREA Q1 Q2 * Q3 Not Assessed this Reporting Period Q4 Q1 Number of Tardies √ Check if progress is affected by absences &/or tardies Independent Reading Level for this Student 1st QUARTER COMMENTS 19 22 Writing Language At risk of not meeting grade level standards Intervention(s): Conference attended MATHEMATICS Addition, Subtraction & Multiplication Number Sense/Place Value Measurement and Data Geometry SCIENCE/HEALTH SOCIAL STUDIES 2nd QUARTER COMMENTS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ART MUSIC Respects others, things, and self Solves problems in a positive manner Follows classroom/school rules Uses good manners At risk of not meeting grade level standards Intervention(s): Conference requested by 3rd QUARTER COMMENTS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 At risk of not meeting grade level standards Intervention(s): Conference requested by 4th QUARTER COMMENTS Completes and returns homework Uses time effectively Produces neat and careful work Works independently Organizes materials Speaks at appropriate times Listens attentively Follows verbal/written directions Works without disturbing others Q3 Q4 ENGLISH SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL LEARNING Q2 Number of Absences Literature Informational Text Basic Reading Skills Speaking and Listening SPECIAL AREAS instruction Days Enrolled READING Benchmark Reading Level for this Grade ATTENDANCE = modified Intervention(s): Conference requested by Student is: Promoted to Grade 3 Recommended for retention