The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No.... Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 28, 2015

Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 28, 2015
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, convened
for a Board of Education/District Administration Retreat on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 5:30pm at the
Administration Building – 410 West Polk Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920.
At 5:30pm, President Jason Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Charles Jarrell, Vice President
Susan Daniels, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Ron Miller
Kevin Oakley
The following Central Office staff was present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 0 and 0 Members of the Press
CUSD #1 Administration in Attendance:
Trevor Doughty (CHS Principal)
Tim Keefe (CHS Assistant Principal)
Chad Burgett (CMS Principal)
Brad Oakley (CMS Asst. Principal/Ashmore Elementary School Principal)
Rob Ulm (Jefferson Elementary School Principal)
Kristen Holly (Carl Sandburg Elementary School Principal)
Mary Ann Pattenaude (Educational Technology Director)
Cathy Chaplin (Special Education Coordinator)
PMA Financial Network:
Howard Crouse, Senior Vice President PMA Financial Network
Patti Murphy (Assistant Principal – Carl Sandburg & Jefferson Elementary Schools)
Under public comments and written communications, President Coe asked if there were any comments, questions
or written communications. There were no requests for the Board of Education.
The purpose of the special meeting was for the Board of Education and CUSD #1 Administrative Team to
convene into a retreat/workshop to review the current goals, outline priorities and strategies for the District.
Through a power point presentation, Mr. Littleford and Mr. Vilardo reviewed the district goals and
accomplishments from each goal within the district, (located in official board book).
Special Meeting of October 28, 2015
Academic Achievement
The district will incorporate an aligned system for teacher selection, induction, development, and evaluation that
is aimed at providing research-based, effective instructional practices so that each student annually meets or
exceeds learning standards.
- Teacher selection is currently based upon candidates’ ability to demonstrate a strong sense of
purpose, caring and support human relationships skills, and effective approaches to teaching and
learning, (Ventures for Excellence).
- Teacher induction and development is designed to align with the Illinois Professional Teaching
- The Pre-PERA Committee is currently re-designing our teacher evaluation plan to align with the
Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
(planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, professional responsibilities).
- Opportunities for Growth: Once the PERA Joint Committee establishes a new teacher evaluation
plan (prior to beginning of 2016-17) the administrative team will begin to re-design our teacher
selection protocols.
Community Relations and Collaborations
Charleston CUSD #1 will collaborate with EIU, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Chamber of Commerce and
City of Charleston to strategically recruit professionals and families into the Charleston School District. CUSD
#1 will also develop the utilization of social media to provide district fact based information.
- Collaboration and partnerships with local institutions and businesses is ongoing.
 Multiple after-school and gifted education offerings through EIU and community volunteers
 Mr. Littleford’s and Mr. Vilardo’s community service (e.g., SBLHC Board of Directors, EIU
college of Education and Professional Studies Advisory Board and Curriculum Committee,
LLC Professional Advisory Board, Chamber, Panther Club, rotary club, Bridging Voices in
our Community Advisory Board, etc.)
- A district Facebook page was launched in August of 2014 and is maintained by Central Office staff
with building level support. CHS is currently considering launching is own Facebook page.
- Information highlighting school and community strengths are included on district brochures and web
- Opportunities for Growth: continue to strengthen community relations and collaborations through
participation in community organizations and events.
District Facilities
The district will develop a long-term facilities and capital improvement plan that ensures the safety of our school
community and supports the learning needs of our students.
- Completed Health Life Safety Projects. Mr. Littleford passed out a list of all Health Life Safety
projects from 2012 – current, (located in official board book).
- The District’s Buildings and Grounds Committee conducted a comprehensive needs assessment
during the Winter of 2014.
- The District will need to use Health Life Safety bonds for future Health Life Safety Projects (e.g.
Swickard Auditorium). Mr. Littleford reported that upgrades will need to be made to the auditorium.
The district architect provided an estimate of approximately $1 Million to renovate. A group of
individuals are in process of looking for grants, fund raising opportunities and community support to
help in the renovation costs.
- The 1% Sales Tax referendum is available to offset facilities costs.
- All facilities’ main entrances now have visual and intercom control of access through Aiphones.
Special Meeting of October 28, 2015
Increased the number of security cameras in school and buses.
Current implementation of emergency notification systems (e.g., CrisisGo).
Current implementation of ALiCE training for empowered approaches for responding to a violent
Opportunities for Growth: Absent a substantial increase revenue for capital improvements, continue
to utilize the Buildings and Grounds Committee to prioritize facilities’ needs.
Enabled by technology, communications, digital resources, and training, the CUSD #1 staff will prepare all to
become productive and digitally literate citizens through a variety of learning experiences. CUSD #1 students
will utilize current and emerging technologies which foster an optimal learning environment.
- Paid for by a 3-year no interest loan, all facilities are now equipped with wireless access points.
- The district has upgraded its domain servers and computer operating systems and added new
computer labs at Charleston High School and Jefferson Elementary School.
- The overall district bandwidth for accessing the internet has been increased from 100 Mbps to 300
- Along with the transition to online registration, parents now have the ability to pay for school fees
and meals online.
- Students at Charleston High School and Charleston Middle School now have the opportunity to use
Office 365 with their own individual accounts.
- The Internet Safety Curriculum has been revised to meet current standards.
- Opportunities for Growth: Continue to offer training to staff on a variety of technology topics and
continue the process of digitizing student records.
District Finances
The district will commit to serving as responsible stewards of its fiscal resources and seek revenue sources that
fulfill the district’s needs.
District administrators have continued to responsibly monitor revenues and adjust expenditures over
the past several years.
In accordance with State law, a deficit reduction plan is currently being developed to be submitted to
the ISBE.
Forecasting accurate revenue figures has been increasingly challenging and is becoming nearly
 Legislative potential for freezing property taxes at current rates and transferring pension costs
to local school districts
 Potential for additional proration of General State Aid (SDA) payments
 Potential for elimination of categorical payments (i.e. special education, transportation)
Although less challenging, there is some uncertainty in forecasting expenditures
 District health insurance ‘run-out’ (approximately $500,000)
 Additional salary wage increases for ESP and CEA employees (1%, 2%, 3%)
Mr. Littleford stated that due to the shortage of state funding, beginning in the Spring of 2009, the Board of
Education took a pro-active approach with reductions. With reductions in place, it was predicted that the District
would be viable for the next five (5) years. He noted that this was year seven (7).
Mr. Littleford reported that district administrators have continued to responsibly monitor revenues and adjust
expenditures over the past several years.
Special Meeting of October 28, 2015
Mr. Littleford listed possible revenue enhancements that could be pursued by the District. He indicated that
Howie Crouse would outline each option with his presentation.
- Sell working cash bonds
- Seek an educational fund referendum
- Pursue another County School Facility Occupation Tax (the 1% sales tax)
- Pursue additional revenue through community partnerships and grants
- Borrow on future tax revenues
Mr. Littleford raised the question, if District does not have additional revenue, how do we balance the budget?
At that time, he reviewed a chart of further possible reductions to personnel and the cost savings.
At 8:18pm, the group took a dinner break. The retreat convened at 8:37pm.
For the second part of the meeting, Howie Crouse presented a power point presentation of short term/long term
financial projections for the District using PMA’s model to forecast revenues and expenditures, (located in
official board book).
Mr. Crouse provided definitions and advantages/disadvantages of working cash bonds compared to an
Educational Fund Referendum. He outlined the revenue enhancements and election calendar requirements of
when and how to place issuance of bonds and referendums on the ballot.
Discussion ensued around the table regarding advantages/disadvantages to the district and if there would be
community support.
On the PMA interactive program, Mr. Crouse provided different scenarios of what could happen this school year
if there is a:
- property tax freeze;
- pension cost shift to district;
- additional proration of General State Aid;
- not receiving categorical payments;
- district insurance run-out in transitioning from self-funded to Egyptian Trust, or;
- salary increases for support staff and teachers.
Prior to the retreat, Mr. Littleford asked the building principals to prepare possible options to further reduce
expenditures in their buildings. CHS Principal Trevor Doughty, CMS Principal Chad Burgett, Jefferson
Elementary School Principal, Carl Sandburg Elementary School Principal Kristen Holly, Mark Twain Elementary
School Principal Brandon Miller, and Ashmore Elementary School Principal Brad Oakley, all presented their
Referring to the Board of Education, Mr. Littleford raised the question, that as a school district, what do we need
to do? He asked the Board of Education for direction.
The Board of Education discussed individual concerns and ideas in making reductions. They also stressed the
importance of making the community aware of the financial issues impacting school district programs and
involving community members.
By consensus, the group agreed that the Board of Education and District would need to present a clear concrete
vision to the public to see how they would like to see the school district 5 or 10 years forward.
The Board was in consensus in wanting what is best for the schools. It was agreed a plan would need to be laid
out and presented to the community. During stressful financial times within the community, board members
agreed that a referendum would not be passed by the community unless there is a clear understanding.
Special Meeting of October 28, 2015
Mr. Crouse stated that school officials cannot be the ones campaigning for a referendum to pass. It will be up to
community members. Unless the community has a clear understanding of what the school district needs and what
is best for the community, a referendum will surely fail.
The Board of Education directed Mr. Littleford to add to the November 18, 2015 Regular Board meeting agenda
under the Superintendent’s Report, Referendum vs. reductions and Working Cash Bonds. The Board of
Education asked that Mr. Littleford contact the news media early to place announcement in paper.
The Board meeting would be held in the CHS Auditorium at regular time, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at
The Board of Education agreed to schedule another retreat to enable further discussion and to plan strategies. The
retreat would include Central Office administration and the Board of Education.
At 10:16pm, Dr. Clarke moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Susan Daniels
Secretary, Board of Education
Special Meeting of October 28, 2015