MODELLING OF UNIDIRECTIONAL THERMAL DIFFUSERS IN SHALLOW WATER Joseph H. Lee Gerhard H. Jirka Donald R. F. Harleman Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 77-016 __________ l__--·llll---LIIII July 1977 I ·IL·"·E)---·s·IT.II*IIIDI-^I.PIII MODELLING OF UNIDIRECTIONAL THERMAL DIFFUSERS IN SHALLOW WATER by Joseph H. Lee Gerhard H. Jirka and Donald R. F. Harleman Energy Laboratory and Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 sponsored by New England Electric System Westboro, Massachusetts and Northeast Utilities Service Company Hartford, Connecticut under the MIT Energy Laboratory Electric Power Program Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 77-016 July 1977 ABSTRACT This study is an experimental and theoretical investigation of the temperature field and velocity field induced by a unidirectional thermal diffuser in shallow water. A multiport thermal diffuser is essentially a pipe laid along the bottom of the water body and discharging heated water in the form of turbulent jets through a series of ports spaced along the pipe. A uni- directional diffuser inputs large momentum in one direction; it can achieve rapid mixing within relatively small areas, and has the advantage of directing the thermal effluent away from the shoreline. The theory considers a unidirectional diffuser discharging into shallow water of constant depth in the presence of a coflowing ambient current. diffuser. A fully mixed condition is hypothesized downstream of the A two dimensional potential flow model is formulated and solved in'the near field, where flow is governed by a dominant balance of pressure and inertia. A control volume analysis gives the total induced flow, which is used as an integral boundary condition in the potential flow solution. The shape of the slip streamline is solved using Kirchoff's method; the velocity and pressure field are then computed by a finite difference method. are deduced. The correct boundary conditions along the diffuser Knowledge of the flow field defines the extent of the near field mixing zone. The near field solution is coupled into an inter- mediate field theory.. In this region turbulent lateral entrainment, inertia and bottom friction are the governing mechanisms of the flow, and the mixed flow behaves like a two dimensional friction jet. model is formulated and solved numerically. An integral The iiodel predictions of induced temperature rises, velocities, plume widths enable comparisons of the overall effectiveness of different heat dissipation schemes. 3 A model for calculating the near field dilution and plume trajectory of a unidirectional diffuser discharging into a perpendicular crossflow is formulated and solved. The phenomenon of heat recirculation from the far field is ascertained in the laboratory and a semi-empirical theory is developed to evaluate the potential temperature buildup due to far field recirculation. A comprehensive set of laboratory experiments have been carried out for a wide range of diffuser and ambient design conditions. The model is validated against the experimental results of this study as well as those of hydraulic scale model studies by other investigators. The analytical and experimental insights gained in this study will aid future numerical modelling efforts and in better design of physical scale models. The principal results are applied to establish general design guidelines for diffusers operating in coastal regions. The ecological implications of the model predictions are discussed. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is funded by New England Electric System, Westboro Massachusetts and Northeast Utility Service Company, Hartford, Connecticut through the Electric Power Program of the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory. The co-operation of Dr. William Renfro of Northeast Utilities and Mr. Bradley Schrader of New England Electric is appreciated. The material in this study was submitted by Joseph H. Lee, Research Assistant, to the Department of Civil Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The research work was carried out under the technical supervision of Professor Donald R.F. Harleman, Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, M.I.T. and Dr. Gerhard H. Jirka, Research Engineer in the Energy Laboratory and Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. Several discussions with Dr. E. Eric Adams, Research Engineer and Professors Chiang C. Mei and Keith D. Stolzenbach have been very helpful. Mr. Roy G. Milley, machinist, and students Richard Trubiano, Jeff Diercks, Charles Almquist, and David Fry have provided assistance in the experimental program of this study. Computational work was carried out at the Civil Engineering-Mechanical Engineering Joint Computer Facility at M.I.T. This manuscript was capably typed by Ms. Josephine Mettuchio. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE 1 ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 I. INTRODUCTION 11 II. 1.1 Background 1.2 Multiport 1.3 Objectives REVIEW 11 20 and Summary of this study OF PREVIOUS WORK 2.1 The Free Turbulent 2.2 Turbulent 2.3 14 Diffusers Buoyant Interaction 24 Jet 24 Jets 26 27 of Round Jets from the Multiport Diffuser 2.4 Application of Buoyant Jet Models for 30 Hydrothermal Prediction III. 2.4.1 Unidirectional Multiport Diffusers in a Laterally confined Environment 30 2.4.2 Unidriectional Multiport Diffusers in a Laterally unconfined Shallow Environment 34 Basis 37 2.5 Criterion for Unstable Near Field: of a Two Dimensional Approach 2.6 Summary of Previous Work A THEORY FOR THE TEMPERATURE FIELD INDUCED BY A UNIDIRECTIONAL DIFFUSER IN A COFLOWING CURRENT: THE NEAR FIELD SOLUTION Statement of the Problem 3.1 General 3.2 The Complete Three Dimensional Formulation 38 41 41 43 6 Page 3.3 Dimensional Analysis 45 3.4 The Vertically Averaged Equations 47 3.5 A Synopsis 50 3.7 of the Flow Field 3.6.1 Control Volume Analysis 59 3.6.2 Limiting Cases 63 A Potential Flow Model for the Near Field 64 3.7.1 Basic Assumption 66 3.7.2 Derivation of the Boundary Conditions 67 3.7.3 Solution 70 3.7.4 Results 3.7.5 of the Slip Streamline Sensitivity 75 of Results to the 81 Polygonal Approximation 3.7.6 3.8 IV. Solution for the Flow Field Summary 81 87 THE INTERMEDIATE FIELD SOLUTION 89 4.1 Formulation of the Intermediate Field Theory 89 4.1.1 Model Structure 89 4.1.2 Governing Equations 92 4.1.3 Basic Assumptions 93 4.1.4 System of Integrated Equations 94 Solution of the Intermediate Field Equations 96 4.2.1 Non Dimensionalization 96 4.2.2 Numerical Solution Procedure 98 4.2.3 Initial Conditions 98 4.2.4 Entrainment Coefficients 99 4.2 7 Page 4.3 Solution 4.3.1 100 Analytical Solution in the Absence of 4.3.2 Physical Interpretation Intermediate 4.4 V. Solution of the 103 Field Solution for u a 0 109 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 5.1 General Experimental 5.2 Multiport Diffuser Design 118 5.3 Temperature Measurement System 121 5.4 Flow Visualisation and Velocity Measurement 121 5.5 Experimental 124 5.6 VI Numerical 101 a Current 117 Setup 117 Runs 5.5.1 Series MJ 124 5.5.2 Series FF 125 5.5.3 Series 200 127 Data Reduction 134 COMPARISON OF THEORY WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 136 6.1 Near Field Mixing 136 6.2 Comparison of Theory and Laboratory Series MJ and FF Results: 140 6.3 Comparison of Theory and Laboratory Series 200 Results: 148 6.4 Detailed Thermal Structure 154 6.5 Comparison of Theory with Perry Model Study 163 6.6 Comparison 173 of Theory Fitzpatrick Plant with Field Data: James A 8 Page VII. UNIDIRECTIONAL DIFFUSER DISCHARGING INTO A PERPENDICULAR CROSSFLOW 179 7.1 179 7.2 7.3 7.4 VIII. T-Diffuser in a Crossflow 7.1.1 Near Field Dilution of a Unidirectional Diffuser in an inclined Crossflow 181 7.1.2 Calculation of T-Diffuser Plume Trajectory 184 7.1.3 Theoretical Results 187 Experimental Results 187 7.2.1 Experimental Observation: This Study 189 7.2.2 Data Analysis of the Perry Tests 192 Comparison of Predicted and Observed Plume Trajectory 195 7.3.1 Plume Trajectory: Series FF 196 7.3.2 Plume Trajectory: Perry Tests 196 7.3.3 Sensitivity of Results to'CD 202 202 Summary FAR FIELD RECIRCULATION 205 8.1 Conceptual Framework of Heat Recirculation 205 8.1.1 Characteristic Scales of Recirculation 208 8.1.2 A Dimensionless 209 Formulation of Heat Recirculation 8.2 Experimental Investigation 210 8.2.1 Experimental Results 211 8.2.2 Empirical Correlation 216 8.2.3 Short vs Long Diffusers 219 9 8.3 IX. Design Application 8.3.1 Prototype Considerations 220 8.3.2 Design of Models 226 DEISGN 9.1 9.2 220 APPLICATION 228 Diffuser Design in Shallow Water: Discussion A General 228 9.1.1 Design Alternatives 229 Design Interpretation 230 of Theoretical Predictions 9.3 9.4 9.2.1 Case A: Effect of Diffuser Length for Fixed Discharge Velocity 232 9.2.2 Case B: Variable Discharge Velocity and Diffuser Length with Constant Near Field Dilution 239 Diffuser Performance and Aquatic Environmental Impact 245 9.3.1 Comparison of Ecological Performance: Variable Diffuser Length at Fixed Discharge Velocity 246 9.3.2 Case B: Variable Diffuser Length and Discharge Velocity at Constant near Field Dilution 250 9.3.3 Concluding Remarks 252 Prototype Considerations: Diffusers Short vs Long 253 10 Page X. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 10.1 257 Objectives 257 10.2 Theory 258 10.3 Experiments 263 10.4 Results and Comparison with Theory 263 10.5 General Conclusions 265 10.6 Recommendations for Future Research 267 LIST OF REFERENCES 269 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLE S 272 LIST OF SYM4BOLS 278 APPENDICES A B CONTROL VOLUME ANALYSIS VALID FOR ALL DILUTIONS SCHWARTZ-CHRISTOFFEL TRANSFORMATION FOR AN ARBITRARY POLYGON WITH SIX VERTICES 285 287 C COMPUTATION OF ISOTHERM AREAS 294 D NUMERICAL RESULTS OF SLIP STREAMLINE COMPUTATIONS 297 11 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Technological advances in recent decades have led to man's increasing consumption of electricity. A by-product of this activity is the large quantities of waste heat resulting from steam-electric power production. At present the thermal efficiency production of this mode of energy is about 40% for a fossil fueled plant, and 33% for a nuclear fueled plant. Thus for every kilowatt of electrical energy produced, an equivalent of 1.5 to 2 kilowatts as waste heat. of energy is rejected to the environment The heat rejection rate is about 7x109 BTU/Hr. for a standard 1000 MWe fossil plant. As power plants are usually located far from populated areas, the present state of technology has not found of the low grade waste it economical to make beneficial use heat. In many instances a "once through" condenser cooling water system is employed. Cooling water is withdrawn from an adjacent water body, circulated through the plant once, and discharged back into the water environment ambient water temperature. at 20 to 30 F higher than the The increase in water temperature changes our environment: the chemical composition and physical properties of the water-dissolved oxygen levels, viscosity, nutrient concentrations, etc. may be altered; the life processes of many aquatic organisms may be encouraged or hampered. The 12 waste heat input affects the ecological system. knowledge of interactions of the essential Although our components of an eco-system is admittedly meagre, it is important to provide a sound basis on which environment the impact can be assessed. of thermal discharges It is of interest on our to understand the various heat mixing mechanisms and induced fluid motion that govern the ultimate distribution of heat in the water body. For additional purposes of avoiding heat recirculation through the plant, it is desirable to predict the various temperature configurations associated with different thermal outfall designs. This is the point of departure of this study. Different standards have been set up in the United States to regulate thermal discharges from power plants. Prior to the issuance of a thermal discharge permit the applicant must per-i form detailed engineering and ecological investigations to demonstrate that the thermal standards will not be violated. Depending on the aquatic environmentand a multitude of factors, the regulatory standards are rather site specific, and vary from state to state. A common type of standards dictates that a certain temperature rise above the natural background water temperature mixing is not to be exceeded zone; a high rate of mixing the thermal outfall. beyond a relatively is thus required small close to Other standards may restrict the warm effluent to an upper layer of the receiving water for protection of benthic organisms. Important considerations that are of interest to biologists include the maximum temperature 13 rise near the discharge, time to elevated cooling water the exposure temperatues flow, of organisms the location entrained in the and extent of the plume. In recent years there has been a tendency to make thermal impact assessments on a case to case basis, allowing more interdisciplinary interaction involving engineers, biologistsand ecologists. This also furthers the need for a more complete picture of the induced temperature and velocity field. For once through cooling systems there are basically two types of waste heat discharge schemes-surface schemes discharge heated cooling water at the free surface through number of pipes located near the shoreline. results in a relatively but has the advantage stratified a canal or a This method usually large surface area of elevated temperatures, that the heated water surface layer forms a stably and the effect on the bottom of the receiving water is reduced. Submerged discharge schemes consist of single port or multiports located near the bottom water body. of the The first type of thermal standards usually precludes the use of surface discharge or submerged single port discharges. A submerged multiport diffuser discharging the heated water in the form of high velocity turbulent jets has proved to be an efficient device to achieve rapid temperature reduction within a relatively small area. Condenser cooling water systems require large quantities of cooling water. MWe plant A typical condenser flow for a standard 1000 is in the order of 1000 cfs. The projected daily 14 condenser cooling water requirement for steam-electric power generation for 1970 and 1980 was 113 and 193 billion gallons, as compared to the nation's average runoff of 1200 billion gallons/day (National Water Commision, 1971). Thus for once through systems, there has been a trend to build plants adjacent to coastal areas (great lakes or oceans) where there is an ample supply of water, the mixing capacity of thermal discharges in rivers being limited by the ratio of the river flow to the condenser flow. 1.2 Multiport Diffusers A multiport diffuser is essentially a pipe laid along the bottom of the water body and discharging waste water in the form of turbulent jets through a series of ports spaced along the pipe. performance, sufficient The ports can be oriented and are usually interaction closely to give optimal mixing spaced so that there is among the jets to approximate a line source of pollutant, flow, and momentum. Historically, submerged multiport diffusers have been used for sewage disposal in the marine environment. Recently they have been used in thermal discharge applications. There is, however, a marked difference in the mixing mechanisms of the two cases: Submerged sewage diffusers are characterised by high buoyancy of the discharge under deep water conditions. The relative density difference between the discharge and receiving water is about 0.025, and the typical water depth 15 about 100 ft. equivalent two dimensional as an can be represented Thus the discharge slot jet in an infinite and field, classical theories of buoyant jet analysis are applicable to Submerged thermal diffusers, predict diffuser performance. on the other hand, by low buoyancy are characterised discharge under shallow water conditions. difference is about 0.003 of the The relative density and the typical water depth 20 ft. For thermal discharge applications the buoyant jet patterns predicted by classical theories cannot be maintained and fully mixed conditions occur downstream of the diffuser (Fig. 1-1). In almost all practical situations, three dimensional thermal diffusers produce fully mixed conditions downstream; the nature of the flow field is altered considerably, and traditional methods of predicting diffuser performance for sewage applications cannot be carried over. fig. 1-2 shows A three basic types of multiport diffusers. unidirectional diffuser consists of ports all pointing in one direction and discharging perpendicular to the diffuser axis. A unidirectional diffuser inputs large momentum in one direction; it can achieve rapid mixing within a relatively small area, and has the advantage effluent away from the shoreline. of directing the thermal The ports in an alternating diffuser discharge alternately in opposite directions. net momentum input is zero; the plume extends The in both directions and flow is driven by buoyancy beyond a near field mixing zone. 16 V f-,I- -4 ly tified entrainment X xXX Fig. 1-1 a) II X X x X x xx Multiport diffuser discharge in deep water: Stable buoyant jet V -> discharge induced flow / ./ X ' Fig. x 1-1 b) x x x / /C X x ,q; / JX / /Full Vertical /ixing MX-X ~1 Multiport diffuser discharge in shallow water: Unstable flow situation 17 ional Alternating Diffuser ;2:lis-~---L ............ -----. . z-~~~~~~~~~ ~ Fig. 1-2 ~ Staged Diffuser ----- Basic types of multiport diffuser configurations 18 As the induced diffuser flow has no preferred is suitable direction, this type of with for use in a tidal situation reversing currents. In a staged diffuser the ports are oriented in a tandom fashion: by a narrow diffuser plume axis. this type of arrangment and distributed momentum For a given heat rejection is characterised input along the rate and under stagnant conditions, the diffuser length required to achieve a specified degree of initial mixing is shortest for the unidirectional design (Harleman, Jirka, Stolzenbach, 1977). The impact of a multiport diffuser operating in shallow water can be illustrated as follows: plant with a condenser Consider a hypothetical flow of 2000 cfs and having flow of 20,000 of 10, the total induced low flow of the Mississippi a dilution cfs approaches River in Illinois! the Tor a typical discharge nozzle velocity of 20 fps, the induced velocity around is of the order of 2 fps-larger the diffuser current speeds frequently found in coastal regions. initial mixing also means distance offshore the diffuser than The high has to be placed some so as to ensure a sufficient entrainment flow from behind. Fig. 1-3 shows an example of induced temperature rise at the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Ontario. The site is characterised ambient stratification, by a relatively small condenser and a strong offshore flow, slope of 1/50. 19 0O 21 I) rh Ca 0 c2 ,--I Cd 14-4 C .,- %::O E ~4 U 0 P-J CF ci) CI " I'D " u 3 e , f r -2E r -iU Crl -- f_ aCdJ aca) ~·r Pk -) d P) t , c r-, Cl) a) Pd 4-4 , ~4 rm c cXr o 0l fW *;r - r ·r Cd U w .H av C1 V sU Hci ,,4 t-la) C4 O: O*- ;cd P a) N) o ·- 4 Cd 0 Qc7Z ) 1-'I s-I Si 0 0 Co HuX4 ) X *'da) r , W1 $cSr J5 z kiG rW s z 44 o 4W ao r ) C) u a- 4-4 U )c4- .. 5U) 20 The isotherms are inferred from measurements of dye concentration taken in a hydrothermal field survey (Hydrothermal field studies, Stone and Webster, 1977). For unidirectional discharge dominated diffusers flow regimes the travel time in the is of the order of an hour; for such time scales surface heatloss to the atmosphere is negligible, and the temperature reduction is governed by turbulent mixing with the ambient water. 1.3 Objectives and Summary of this study This study is an analytical and experimental investigation of the temperature field and velocity by a field induced unidirectional thermal diffuser in shallow water. This type of design provides an effective source of horizontal momentum and is capable of meeting stringent thermal standards as regards allowable mixing zones and temperature rises. This study considers a unidirectional diffuser discharging into shallow water depth in the presence of constant ambient unidirectional current. hypothesized downstream of an A fully mixed condition is of the diffuser. The objective is to develop a theory that predicts quantities of environmental interest; velocities, temperature rises, areas of surface isotherms. Surface temperature patterns are crucial for a comparison of the overall effectiveness of different heat dissipation schemes. Based on an understanding of the diffuser induced flow field, the effect of the heat return 21 from the far field on potential the temperature near field can be evaluated. build up in The analytical insights gained in this study will aid future numerical modelling efforts and in better design of physical scale models. The principal results are applied to establish general design guidelines for diffusers in coastal zones. In Chapter II a summary of previous work on submerged multiport diffusers is presented and the conceptual basis underlying the present analytical and experimental modelling efforts is discussed. Chapter III presents a two dimensional potential flow model for the near field of a unidirectional coflowing current. In this region flow is governed dominant balance of pressure and inertia. analysis gives the total induced diffuser in a by a A control volume flow, which is used as an integral boundary condition in the potential flow solution. The shape of the slip streamline is solved using Kirchoff's method; the velocity and pressure field are then computed by a finite difference method. along the diffuser defines the extent The correct boundary conditions are deduced. Knowledge of the near field mixing of the flow field zone. This is important in the prediction of surface temperature configuration and in future numerically conditions. modelling for a variety of ambient 22 In Chapter IV the near field solution intermediate field theory. is coupled into an In this region turbulent lateral entrainment and bottom friction are the driving mechanisms of the flow, and the mixed friction jet. numerically. flow behaves like a two dimensional An integral model is formulated and solved Considerable of no current, insight when an analytical can be gained solution for the case can be obtained. The model is capable of predicting velocity,plume width, temperature rises, and area of surface isotherms. In Chapter V the experimental employed design apparatus in this study is described. of each set of experiments and run procedure The motivation is discussed. for the The run parameters are tabulated and the experimental results presented. In Chapter VI the predictions of the model are compared with laboratory experiments conducted in this study as well as results of hydraulic scale model studies carried out by other investigators. In Chapter VII the effect of diffuser orientation with respect to current is discussed and experimental results are interpreted in light of the theoretical insights set forth in the simpler situations. In Chapter the far field VIII the phenomenon is ascertained of heat recirculation in the laboratory and a semi- empirical theory is developed to evaluate the potential temperature build from up due to far field recirculation. 23 In Chapter IX the theoretical and experimental results in this study are interpreted from the view-point of practical design of thermal diffusers for once through cooling systems. An ecological interpretation of the model predictions is advanced. In Chapter X the findings in this study are summarised. General conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made in areas requiring further research. 24 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK A multiport diffuser can be characterised by a line of equally spaced incompressible turbulent jets issuing into a receiving water body of depth H. 2.1 The free turbulent The mechanics free turbulent jet of a two dimensional fluid has been studied jet in an infinite extensively (Abramovich, 1963). jet from a finite source. or three dimensional Fig. 2-1 shows a turbulent Near the source the sharp discont- inuity in velocity produces a region of high shear. This unstable situation gives rise to eddies, resulting in the less turbulent ambient fluid being entrained into the turbulent fluid. The jet, or the region of high turbulent intensity, thus grows in width as it entrains more ambient fluid. The mechanism of turbulent entrainment dilutes the concentration of any tracer material that may be introduced at the source. For this type of free shear flow experiments have shown that pressure is approximately constant throughout the jet and that the jet width is small compared with the longitudinal length scale. legitimate. A boundary layer type approximation is then Based on different hypothesis of relating the turbulent shear terms -u'v' to the mean flow quantities, exact similarity solutions have been obtained by Prandtl, Taylor, 25 I -1- I 'V tA IV Id~ A .4 sW r. Q) , .4 I4 0 1T 1 rla) 15 p4 or fsisq 4.. W w I 4%, - - 4 I eL* 4. r1C4d i ?~ %t~ 'r4 26 Reichardt (Abramovich). pure source of buoyancy True similarity also exists for a or a plume; this case was treated by Rouse, Yih and Humphreys (1952), and Morton, Taylor, and Turner (1956). The similarity of velocity profiles and concentration (or buoyancy) profiles has been confirmed experimentally. The profiles can also be well approximated by Gaussian functions (Albertson where et al, 1950) u(x,y) = u(x,O) e b c(x,y) = c(x,O) e( Xb)2 c : concentration of tracer : empirical constant 2.2 Turbulent buoyant jets establishment Fig. 2-2 Schematics of a slot buoyant s,n: axial co-ordinates uc : centerline axial velocity I: ambient density jet u: axial velocity e,:angle of discharge B: slot jet width 27 The free jet theories have been extended by many investigators to study.t.hebehavior of turbulent buoyant jets in a variety of situations (Abraham, Stolzenbach and Harleman, 1971). 1963; Fan, 1967; The turbulent buoyant jet possesses both initial momentum and buoyancy, and as such it is neither a pure source of momentum nor a pure source of buoyancy. (Fig. 2-2) A review of previous work on turbulent buoyant jets as related to multiport diffusers has been given by Jirka and Harleman (1973). For purposes of predicting gross quantities of interest in many practical applications it has been found convenient to assume a priori cross-sectional profiles for the velocity and concentration (buoyancy). across integrated The equations of motion are then the jet to yield a set of ordinary differential equations for the jet characteristics-plume position, centerline velocity, jet width, centerline concentration. This so called 'integral technique' has been successfully extended to other buoyant jet flows where true similarity does not exist (Abraham, 2.3 1963; Fan, 1967; Hoult et al, 1969). Interaction of round jets from the multiport diffuser The round jets issuing from the diffuser will gradually merge into one another as they spread by turbulent entrainment (Fig. 2-3). turbulent Knystautas (1963) studied the interaction of jets from a series of holes in line and discharging into a still fluid at incompressible speeds. Longitudinal 28 I' i g,1 'I a) N-4 42 0 4d 0O 4.3 ,-4 co 0 4-) t" p, Q) S kA Itl A III 4-- I cY I bt CNJ FC'4 'a 7 - It TM I .,s Lll* . 29 variations in static are assumed pressure thus the jet momentum is conserved. hypothesis for the turbulent linearises the equation to be negligible By extending shear stress for the square and Reichardt's in a free jet which of the mean velocity downstream, the momentum fluxes at each point of the interfering The theory predicts jet group may be found by superposition. that fully merged two-dimensional flow occurs at approximately 12 hole spacings downstream of the source. Cederwall (1971) examined the same problem diffuser used in sewage and thermal outfalls. momentum and volume slot jet for a seriesof equivalent TrrD to be B = radius fluxes per unit width, . Defining at the point where By conserving the width momentum b as the nominal for a multiport of an jets can be shown jet half-width, the local jet velocity equals the l/e of the centerline velocity, and assuming interaction occurs when 2b=s, it can be shown that the jets merge at x4.4s. The same line of reasoning can be worked through for a series of round plumes, in which case interaction occurs at x5.1s. the velocity point of merging, ¥2 -u M .e At the at the edge of the jet is uc =0.52 uc (obtained by summing the momentum contributions from the individual jets); thus flow is far from fully two dimensional. Fully two dimensional flow is established over a transitional region beyond the point of merging. Cederwall momentum compared jets with comparison, E is the mixing efficiency that of an equivalent defined as of a row of round slot jet. An index of 30 Dilution for multiple ports Dilution for equivalent slot jet At the point of merging, using well established relationships for free jets E was shown to be 0.95. For the case of a row of round plumes E0.78. 2.4 Application of buoyant jet models for hydrothermal prediction The considerations in the preceding sections are applicable to multiport diffusers under deep water conditions, such as the case for sewage applications, when the static or piezometric head can be regarded as constant flow can then be modelled in the flow field. as an equivalent buoyant The diffuser slot jet. Predictions of dilutions of sewage pollutant or temperature reduction of thermal discharges can then be estimated using buoyant jet models based on integral techniques (Brooks, 1972). Under shallow water conditions, however, the presence of the free surface of the flow field regarded and the bottom drastically; as constant, boundary pressure and the momentum changes the nature can no longer be flux is not conserved. Multiport diffusers designed for use as thermal outfalls usually fall into this category. (Jirka, Abraham, Harleman, 1975) 2.4.1 Unidirectional multiport diffusers in a laterally confined environment Cederwall (1971) carried out an experimental classification of the different of a buoyant types of flow regimes slot jet in a confined, that can occur downstream uniformly flowing environment 31 5.00 F I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ! ' 1 I .... I~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I II I I I 1111 Legend: Critical flow I - I . .I · __ .... I sf I I I 7 Maintained buoyant o EI0~ . - jet flow pattern .I t,I E C u discharge in river] 1.00 - a'8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Zl O.. , 0 U. =1 0 S Subcritical flow 0 Jet or plume-like patterns . .- d--13 o3 - -1_1% I- El 0.10 Occean disposal nn of sewvage o r .I I 0. . I I I 0.5 I II _ 1.0 I I I I I I llI 5 The momentum flux ratio I '10 V I I I I I 50 uH UB -. Observed flow regimes for a horizontal buoyant slot jet in a co-flowing stream.. Critical flow defined as the situation when the formation of a surface wedge is incipient at the reference section. - - Fig. 2-4 Downstream flow regimes for a horizontal buoyant slot jet in a coflowing stream ( from Cederwall, 1971) U4 jet velocity 8 jet width Uc ambient current velocity A initial density difference b' buoyancy flux 100 32 (Fig. 2-4). This simulates a unidirectional thermal diffuser operating in a river situation. For a horizontal jet the downstream flow condition is primarily governed by a source Froude number defined by F u 3 APo /g - u B, a measure of the a strength of the current relative to the buoyancy flux at the source. When F<l a subcritical flow with a surface wedge penetrating upstream of the diffuser is observed. When F>l a super-critical flow occurs with the jet flow swept downstream when reaching the surface; this represents the situation when the buoyant jet cannot entrain all the oncoming flow while maintaining the free buoyant jet flow pattern. The jet then breaks up and efficient mixing takes place close to the source. Hydraulic scale model studies and field tests done for the thermal outfall into the Mississippi River from the Quad Cities Nuclear Plant, Illinois, also indicate complete vertical mixing of condenser water with the river flow downstream of the diffuser (Jain, Sayre, 1971; Parr, D., 1975). Similar conclusions were also reached by Harleman, Hall, Curtis (1968) in a study of thermal diffusion of condenser-water in a river with application to the T.V.A. Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant. Harleman, Jirka, Stolzenbach (1971) investigated the mixing downstream of three jets placed in a channel. Temperature measurements demonstrate that full horizontal and vertical mixing are obtained in the downstream region. temperature profiles are shown in Fig. 2-5. Typical 33 12 FT. FROM PORTS Ho"atvramLSLE VECIc¢L -a45'. 3."' SCILE : - 3F 7.5 FT. FROMPORTS Horizontal Temperature profiles 3' FROM PORTS PORT Q~~~BTWPOt BETWEENPORTS ~~~~~~~~' _ WATERSURFACE : i 3 FT. FROMI 12 FT.FROM PORT -"''.. . .. - - .~~~ .. HORIZONTAL SCA VERTICAL SCA Vertic CHANNEL . OTTS.. Temper ._1 Prof i .CHANNEL BOTTOM Fig. 2-5 Temperature profiles downstream of heated jets placed in a channel F 34 Jirka and Harleman (1973) gave a theoretical treatment of the stability stagnant shallow water. combination measure of a two dimensional of H/B It was (a measure of the buoyancy buoyant found that for a certain of shallowness) of the discharge) flow is possible near the jet. slot jet in and FS ( a no stably stratified Intense vertical mixing is created and consequently the temperature profile downstream is vertically homogenous. Whereas the instability in a confined ambient in the case of a buoyant flowirg environment current, the instability is primarily induced by the of a buoyant slot jet in stagnant water is dominated by discharge conditions: momentum and the shallowness slot jet of the receiving the jet water. It should be pointed out that the rate of initial mixing of a multiport of the river with length diffuser in a river is determined flow to the condenser comparable to the width flow. by the ratio Also, for diffusers of the river (the Quad Cities Plant or the Browns Ferry Plant, for example), the mixing downstream is strongly influenced by lateral boundaries. 2.4.2 Unidirectional multiport diffusers in a laterally unconfined shallow environment A theory on the initial mixing performance of a unidirec- tional multiport diffuser in an unconfined environment was first proposed by Adams (1971). Assuming full vertical mixing a control volume analysis indicates a contraction of the mixed 35 flow downstream. The theory predicts the total induced flow downstream from the diffuser in a coflowing current. However, the two-dimensional nature of the flow field was not discussed. The location of the contraction, the boundary conditions along the diffuser, the extent and nature of the flow field cannot be obtained from the solution. discussed in Chapter Adams's analysis is further III. Boericke (1975) studied the interaction of multiple jets with an ambient current by solving the vertically averaged equaions of motion numerically. Predictions of flow patterns surrounding the proposed thermal outfall for the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant on Lake Michigan were in qualitative agreement with dye studies reported by the Alden Research Laboratories (Fig. 2-6). The numerical solution reveals large scale recirculation (in which the discharge flow is re-entrained in a circulatory flow pattern) can occur when the ambient current is not strong enough to supply the entrainment demand. This would impair the dilution cooling near the diffuser as heat is being recirculated. Although the numerical modelling promise for a more complete description approach holds much of the flow and temp- erature field, there are several shortcomings; In Boericke's work the velocity boundary conditions around the thermal outfall are obtained by adding the velocities due to each individual slot jet at the outfall vectorially. However, even 36 ___ ___ s7wit Patterns Observed FIG. 1.-Recirculation ft = 0.305 m; 1 fps = 0.305 m/s) 4* .S4 -. _-. c,* e4.- .7. , in Dye Studies of Hydraulic Mldel t o ~~ i::~ 4,..*- o e G.-o..e - W -.. -"---- :.:: -- 4k t e, Flow Pattern for 0.5-fps Ambient Current (1 fps 0.305 ms; I ft - 0.305 m) dl.4h4M!*4' .~0,. r Flow Pattern for 0.5-fps Ambient Current (1 fps = 0.305 m/s; 0.305 m) IFIG. ft =4.--Calculated FIG. 4.-Calculated Fig. 2-6 b Numerical predictions of diffuser75 induced flow patterns ( from Boericke,19 ) 37 if the water momentum body can be considered fluxes can be superposed infinite, only the and not the velocities. Furthermore, as discussed before, in shallow water pressure can hardly be considered constant and therefore even superposition of momentum fluxes is not justified. introduced in the particular The error case cited may not be large as there are only four slots oriented in different directions in the thermal outfall. In the general case of a unidirec- tional multiport diffuser with many closely spaced ports, the interaction of the jets in shallow water have to be accounted for in order to arrive at the correct boundary be imposed around the diffuser. conditions to In some cases, the near field mixing of a diffuser may be strongly influenced by the presence of an ambient current, i.e., the boundary conditions for the vertically averaged equations may be coupled with an ambient condition and cannot be specified independently. 2.5 Criterion for unstable near field: basis of a two dimensional approach Fig. 2-7 shows the stability criterion given by Jirka and Harleman water. for a horizontal On the same diagram slot buoyant jet in stagnant the (F , H/B) values of unidirectional diffuser experiments in a laterally unconfined water body for which direct temperature measurements have verified the vertical homogeneity of the temperature field downstream are plotted. From all the available data, we 38 see that the prediction of stability for a two dimensional slot jet is a good indication of the near field stability of a three dimensional unidirectional diffuser. The foregoing discussion suggests-it is useful to look at the diffuser induced temperature field two dimensionally and ignore the vertical variations as a valid approximation. Except for an initial jet mixing region of limited extent, this approach is valid up to the point where stratification becomes important in determining the flow field. In practice the region of validity will cover the surface isotherms of interest. Furthermore, under prototype conditions, wind induced mixing and turbulence created by heat flux out of the water surface will enhance the vertical homogeneity of the temperature field. 2.6 Summary of previous work It has been recognised both experimentally and theoretically that the heat discharged by thermal multiport diffusers in shallow water will be vertically fully mixed. plume like patterns cannot be maintained Buoyant jet or and the nature of the flow field is changed considerably. For unidirectional multiport diffusers in an open water body, simulating the Great Lakes or ocean coastal regions, existing theory can only predict the total induced flow near the diffuser. To date no comprehensive treatment of the temperature field induced by a unidirectional diffuser 39 i- , Us Fig. 2-7 us equivalent slot jet velocity initial density difference p$ ambient density H water depth 8 equivalent slot jet width A Near Field Instability of Unidirectional thermal diffusers in shallow water 40 Data reported by previous workers are has been done. limited to hydraulic scale model studies of specific sites and as such little general insights can be extracted from these scatteredexperimental data. modelling of thermal discharges in shallow Numerical water has been attempted. However, previous efforts suffer from the lack of knowledge of the correct boundary conditions for the flow and temperature field near the diffuser. Areas of knowledge requiring further research include: understanding 1. A better 2. A predictive model of the diffuser of the temperature flow field. induced field as a function of diffuser design parameters. 3. set of experiments A comprehensive that can provide a data base for validation of existing or future theoretical modelling efforts, as well as providing meaningful empirical guidelines in situations that are too difficult to model analytically. 4. An understanding field; of the nature this may be self-induced the diffuser situation, over of heat return by the pumping from the far action of prolongedperiods of slack in a tidal or due to the interaction of an ambient with the diffuser flow. All the above points are addressed in this study. current 41 CHAPTER III A THEORY FOR THE TEMPERATURE FIELD INDUCED BY A UNIDIRECTIONAL DIFFUSER IN A COFLOWING CURRENT: THE NEAR FIELD SOLUTION The next two chapters are devoted to a theoretical discussion of the diffuser induced temperature field for the case when the diffuser momentum is aligned in the same direction as the ambient current. in a coastal This simulates a diffuser operating zone and in particular, the limiting case, when there is no current, often reprsents the most severe design condition for thermal diffusers. this chapter. A near field theory is presented in The coupling of the near field solution with an intermediate field theory is treated in the next chapter. The near field theory does not consider the question of heat return from the far field. 3.1 General Statement of the Problem Consider a unidirectional multiport diffuser consisting of N identical ports of cross-sectional area a , equal spacing s, and discharging heated water in the form of turbulent jets at temperature T and velocity u in the same direction into an infinite receiving water body of depth H and uniform temperature The ports are located near the bottom. Ta. LD is defined port. as the distance The upstream schematized current between velocity The diffuser length, the first and the last is ua. in Fig. 3-1 and the relevant The problem parameters is are defined. 42 J -h T(x,I gc(bs@}> L-+ ,Ta, ,. I L -- y J~ -4 Pl :O IT -§-- -40 -4 PLAN VIEW ! j 4 4 U& - H I // J - I /// I6 . ,at/// ~~ ~~~__~ ~ ~ ~ - // ELEVATION / / // /// / ELEVATION u, a, N s LD To c discharge velocity port area number of ports port spacing diffuser length discharge temperature port clearance from bottom Fig. 3-1 ua T Ha h(x,y) OT=T-T Oh=h-Ha ambient current velocity ambient temperature receiving water depth free surface elevation temperature excess free surface deviation Unidirectional diffuser in a coflowing current: Problem Definition z '7 43 3.2 The Complete Three-dimensional Formulation Setting up a Cartesian co-ordinate system (x,y,z) with the origin at the center of the diffuser q (x,y,z) = [u,v,w] velocity: and defining (x,y,z) T (x,y,z) temperature: h (x,y) free surface: level A turbulent flow situation is considered and the quantities over the scale of turbulence. are time-averaged Assuming an incompressible fluid and neglecting molecular viscosity and transport terms, the following governing equations are obtained for steady flow: Continuity: + + 0 az ay ax (3.1) Momentum: au au au vy a+ +w at~Z)= pax + auv ay (u av Bax (+ + ap au2 a x ax (3.2) az v + w a) av) ay az = pg - - ay ax + avw' + aw' ay az ~ (u + v w + ay ax + w w) az v'w'+ aw ay az (3.3) g p uw az ax (3.4) 44 Heat conservation: T IT + =y w v X UUT ax ay a av'T' ay u'"T' x w'T' aZ (3.5) For small temperature differences the equation of state can be written as: P -Paa = where e (3.6) (T-T a) a e aa is the coefficient of thermal expansion of water at T . a The Boundary conditions are: z = h (x,y) On the free surface, ah ah ax ay u ax + v = w -y p=o At large distances from the diffuser, (x,y) + (U,V,W) * ua h(x,y) At the bottom, + H T(x,y,z)+ Ta a z=0 aT c az At each discharge port (u,v,w) T = = (u T o ,o o) (3.7) 45 The system of governing equations (3.1 - 3.6) with the associated boundary conditions presents a formidable task in arriving at a complete solution valid for the entire region. Instead a zone modelling approach is taken. Physical insight gained from experimental experience allows the division of the entire solution domain into several regions, each with distinct hydrodynamic properties. In the following sections, the approximate governing equations for each region are presented; the solution is sought in each region and the solutions are coupled to give a global solution for the entire field. 3.3 Dimensional Analysis As a prelude to the ensuing theoretical discussion, a dimensional analysis is presented in this section to single out the important Letting dimensionless AT = T - T a of the problem. parameters excess be the temperature above the ambient temperature, we can write the functional relationship , u f(AT,AT ,x,y,z, a ,N,H,LD,U,V,w,c,u,g,T Choosing as the fundamental AT ,H,u O variables, a) = 0 (3.8) the following o parameter groupings can be obtained, AT (u,vw)) u F( c H (xy,z) H s H uO 0- LDH D 'Na. u u a u _ AT 'N (3.9) 46 - - - . l - Dimensionless Parameter - Nomenclature Typical in this study range of - - - | LDH Na 50-500 O or sH a physical interpretation and comments values -- H/B |-- -- - -- - _ ratio of intercepted crosssectional area per port to port area: relative submergence o of equivalent jet-B For - = a /s slot is the width of the slot jet having the same discharge flow and momentum per unit length N large LD H 10-50 relative diffuser length U u a o u < 0.1 strength current Fc 50C-500 densimetric Froude S° number of the equivalent slot jet: measure of the buoyancy of the discharge < H of ambient o ,/gBeAT S Y 3.0 relative spacing: important only in initial jet mixing zone where temperature field is three dimensional C < 0.2 H relative clearance of the ports U 0gH s/gH 0(1) O jet Froude number based on the water depth m Table 3-1 Summary of Governing Dimensionless Parameters 47 The physical interpretation of each parameter is given in Table 3-1; typical values are also indicated. hider vertically fully mixed conditions variations in the z direction can be neglected and the two dimensional problem ceases to depend on the details of the diffuser design described by c s H ' H. LDH D AT v)(u F((xLy) AT u H o 'Na o LD D H u ' u u a u o o Na /gB AT 3.4 L o o gH LD The vertically Averaged Equations In this section, integrated the equations in the z direction of motion and energy are to yield a set of equations for the depth averaged quantities. Assuming u,v>>w, so that pressure is hydrostatic we integrate eq. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.5 vertically z = h(x,y). Invoking free surface and the no slip condition repeated the kinematic use of Leibnitz's boundary from z = 0 to condition at the bottom, rule, we arrive at the and with at Continuity a fh(xy) u dz + o x y (xy) v dz = 0 (3.10) 48 M omentum h P ( (!_ a I y d udz uvdz) + h x h h (ph) dz h 2 P u' a dz 1P uTdz + ay J p u'v' dz 2 - (3.11) T vTd =z- u 3h T-h ax I p uv' -ay uTdz a a ay 0v 2 dz vTdz - (3.12) T' a 3'T'dz aV'T' dz - w'T' dz v (3.13) - 49 Defining the vertically averaged quantities h u = u dz (3.14) v dz (3.15) Jo h V= J we have h22dh o udz = ( ) 22 v2dz 2 v dz = ( v ) h -2 (3.17) hv o h fh o (3.16) hu hu uvdz uvdz (- 5 h- uv ) huv (3.18) The following assumptions are made: i) The coefficients resulting 3.18 are close to unity. from the averaging in eq. 3.16- For turbulent open channel flows, for example, the vertical variation of velocity can be assumed to obey a 1/7 power law; the coefficient computed for this profile is 1.015. ii) Changes in free surface level are small,Ah/H,<< 1. 50 iii) Density differences are small, AP <<1, and can be a neglected except when multiplied by the gravity term in the equations of motion (The Boussinesq approximation). iv) A quadratic friction law is assumed for the bottom shear Pu2 o zX = 8° 8 2 vu2+v XT: u (3.19) f : 0 T = - zy 2 of U +v 8 2 Friction Factor v transfers (3.20) v) Turbulent vi) Surface heat transfers are neglected. Incorporating in the x direction these assumptions is neglected. into eq. (3.10 - 3.13) we obtain the vertically averaged equations. For simplicity the depth averaged quantities will henceforth appear without bars. au + av v = 0 ay ax au ax au ay (3.21) h ah _ aAT eg ax dz ax u'v' f ay 8H 2+v2 (3.22) av av ax va ay Uay 5dz ay-o 9ay aTdz ah f 8H /u2+v v 2 2 (3.23) u 3.5 aT aT ax + v ay - A synopsis A brief _v'T' (3.24) ay (3.24) of the flow field description of a physical picture of the diffuser induced flow field is given in this section. Turbulent mixing is created by the high velocity shear near each discharge port. The jets merge with one another and the 51 spreading reaches the water surface at approximately a predominantly A negative two dimensional flow field as shown in pressture zone is created a fluid particle at infinity jets produces of the multiple 'he interaction away. 5 to 10 behind the diffuser, would tend to converge; Fig.3-2a. to which the flow pattern behind the diffuser resembles that of a sink flow. The momentum input riises the pressure across the diffuser, creating a positive behind pressure 'separates' diffuser from theambient and is confined Fig. 3.2b illustrates field 3.5.1 fluid at the ends of the stream contracting in a flow from The induced in front of it. an instantaneous snapshot tube. : of the flow in an experiment. Scaling Through a proper choice of characteristic scales for the physical variables we can estimate the relative importance of the terms in eq. (3.21-3.23) for each region. Let (U,V) be characteristic velocities (L,6) be characteristic lengths in the x,y direction in the x,y direction pagAH be characteristic pressure deviation Ap be a characteristic density difference 52 > -4I I Ua, / Late alr Ent MV0,ctf inmenK Ent It p<o -40 2 - Fig. 3-2 a) ?I l --- >svmmetrv line X x z~- Schem .Li 1L6 - I Fig. 3-2 b), An instantaneous snapshot of the diffuser induced flow field in slack water ( photo by C. Almquist ) 53 Thus in eq. 3.22, inertia 3.23 U2/L pressure gAH/L buoyancy The magnitude p gH/L of the lateral turbulent shear stress terms can be estimated and related to mean flow quantities by mixing length concepts commonly used in free shear flows (Abramovich) -u'v' where 2 (.u)2 - : mixing length The mixing length can be assumed transverse length scale to be proportional = c'6 where c' is an empirical constant. a) The Near the following L Field: In a region scales apply: LD UsingV 6 LD AH U2/2g Using typical values of LD = 1000 ft. H = 20 ft. U = 2 fps to the For free jets c ' 101 close to the diffuser L LD 54 temperature f = o to an induced (corresponding = 0.0004 Ap/p of 4 0 F) rise 0.02 The relative importance of each term can be estimated: H 0(1) pressure % U2 inertia ,2U2L2 2 6 shear inertia inertia lateral U 2 2 X /L inertia bottom shear . L -2 3 ( 6 )3 0 (10-2) 0 (10-2 g 2 buoyancy c' fL o D 0 ( 8H inertia We therefore conclude that pressure must balance inertia in this region. Lateral shear, buoyancy and bottom friction are not important in the near for the near field au + av ay ax au ah ay ax av ay g ah ax u aT + v aT. ax equations 0 ax v The approximate are then au u av field. ay Oy _ av'T ay (3.25a) 55 Field The Intermediate b) the near field, In a region beyond takes on a boundary 6 layer character, 10LD, the flow L so that <<L V <<U The scale of free surface deviation is then due to turbulent side entrainment (U) U AH where 2g a = entrainment = 0.06 coefficient Then pressure a2 103 inertia so that the dominant balance is among the convective This region of extent lateral shear and bottom friction. 103H is called field'. the 'intermediate terms, Beyond a certain point, when friction has reduced the velocity to a scale that Ap g AP H P2 - 0(1), buoyancy effects will have to be accounted. U The governing equations for the intermediate field are then au av =O _ + ay ax au +v ax aau+ _ ay _- au'v ay fo 8Hu ulul (3.25b) 56 Cont. (3.25b) av 3.6 2 av av' aT aT av'T' ax ay ax ay fo ay u 8H ay Outline of Near Field Theory A two dimensional model for the flow field downstream of the undirectional diffuser is presented in the following sections. A vertically fully mixed condition is hypothesized, the equations of motion are then independent of the temperature field. The total induced flow near the diffuser is first derived by a control volume analysis. This is then used as an integral boundary condition to obtain a potential flow solution of the near field. In Chapter IV the near field solution is coupled into an intermediate field theory that predicts the global temperature field. A definition sketch of the near field problem is illustrated in Fig. 3-3. 1) The following As a first approximation, neglected hold. in this region assumptions turbulent and Laplace's As far as the depth-averaged are made: side entrainment equation motion is is assumed is concerned, to in the region beyond the initial jet mixing zone, vorticity can be generated only by turbulent lateral shear. that if turbulent entrainment It thenfollows has a negligible effect on the fluid motion in this region (as shown by the scaling arguments), -- ------- 57 f~~~~~I 57Ar t I -f A \ t2 \:4 X -P .\ .e tL '.~~~~~~~~ L () 1D --) -? I\ I,I ,II of) 1 I ; 21 W ~ 4~ 4'1 '~-7 I1----.1 II 6L, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lI ~I I I 41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I A. -:> I I . I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 s1, I --30! I I I I i I 1' _~j p,4 (~3 ELV Fig. 3-3 nON Control volume analysis of a unidirectional diffuser in a coflowing current 58 the two dimensional fluid motion can be considered irrotational. Furthermore, a solution of Laplace's equation also satifies eq. (3.25). 2) The induced flow from behind the diffuser 'separates' from the ambient confined at the ends of the diffuser, fluid A A A' A'. in a streamtube The slip streamline as a locus of velocity can then be regarded and is discontinuity separating the flow within the streamtube from the ambient Pressure is continuous across the slip streamline. fluid. In a real fluid the discontinuity in velocity is of course unstable and generates eddies that will draw the ambient fluid into the streamtube. included This correction as a perturbation is small and can be in the development of the inter- mediate field theory in Chapter IV. 3) A high rate of mixing is assumed; i.e. the induced flow is large compared with the discharge flow. The momentum 4) of the diffuser input creates a pressure discontinuity across the diffuser; but velocities are continuous across it. AH/H << 1. Alternatively, depth changes are small In principle, this amounts to a "rigid lid" assumption. Bottom friction is neglected. 5) _ L_ I_ 59 3.6.1 Control Volume Analysis In this section an integral quantity of interest, the total induced flow QN' is derived using a control volume analysis of the two dimensional flow field. the same as given by Adams (1972). The approach is The analysis is included here for completeness; unnecessary assumptions are removed and issues relating to the formulation of a complete two dimentional problem are discussed in greater detail. The following quantities are defined: QN= SQ S ~qD(y) total induced flow from behind near field dilution velocity distribution along the diffuser (x=0,-LD/ qD ( Y ) =I D (Y ) 2 < Y < LD/ 2 ) I As shown in Fig. 3-3, two control volumes are chosen: Bounded by the free surface and the bottom in the vertical direction, the outer control volume A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 is chosen such that A1A4 is sufficiently far upstream from x=O, A2A 3 at a downstream position where h=H. The four corners are at y = + a. The inner control volume, B1AArB2, is chosen to just enclose the diffuser. The then: boundary conditions along the control surfaces are 60 Along A1A 2 q = A4 A 3 h'n= (u a,O) (3.26) H A 1A 4 A2 A A A' 3 X Along A co A' oo = (uNO) h= H Along B1B 2 q AA' = qD ( ) h = h (y) q = qD (Y ) h (y) = h Applying Bernoulli's theorem along any streamline that extends from A1A4 to B1B2, we have Ua2 a 2g Similarly U 2 2 2g _____111_____1_11___.__11.1·1111111 qD 2 (y) H =(y) 2g + for the same streamline q (3.27) leading from AA' to A A' 2 2(y) H = +2g + h+(y) _11_1^1_1__ .1^^__ .1_1____.·._._ .· (3.28) 61 Subtracting eq. 3.27 from eq. 3.28, we have an expression for the head rise Ah along the diffuser: 2 Ah(y) = + h (y) - h(y) we see that regardless 2 UN of the velocity the head rise is constant (3.29) 2g distribution qD(y), along the diffuser, Ah = constant Applying (3.30) the momentum theorem in the x-direction to the outer control volume described by A1A2A3A 4 we obtain SQu a + PQoo = SQ (3.31) U As there is no net contribution difference in the x-momentum A 1 A 4 must be equal is equal of pressure fluxes the out of A2A 3 and into to (pSQou N-SQoUa), to the momentum forces, assuming S S-1; this input pSQo u Similarly for the inner control volume B1AA'B2, PLD Qu 0 gJ L 1/2 h+ [ h+(y) 2 2 - - h (y) ] dy (3.32) - LD D 2 The momentum input is balanced by an increase in pressure force across the diffuser. For a small deviation in the 62 free surface level (h + h-)x H, and by virture of eq. 3.30 eq. 3.32 then becomes Qou Recapitulating = gLDHAh (3.33) the complete set of equations for the control volume analysis: 2 u Ah = 2 -U Naa N (3.34) 2g Qouo = gLDHAh SQua + Q u oa Noting Q 0 = (3.35) = o o (3.36) SQuN oUN Na u , and rearranging, an equation for S, the near field dilution can be obtained L IIH ( D)( S 0 The solution u ua ) LD) S Na 0 = (3.37) 0 is S - P + V6 2 2y + 2B (3.38) wlhere LDH = The width a of u a 0o 0 00 A 00 ' can be obtained SQ° o = UNaLDH D by equating (3.39) 63 from which we get the contraction coefficient a = Sy + 0.5 3.6.2 (3.40) Limiting Cases Considerable insight can be gained by examining the limiting case of no ambient current, u a = 0. Setting y = 0 in eqs. 3.36, 3.38, 3.40 gives LDH S= 2Na o a = 1/2 UN= u /S Thus, (3.41) the contraction of the mixed regardless of the diffuser length. be evaluated as Ah u N H 2H S = 10 u uN gives H = 0.003, indeed small; = 2 = 20 fps that the pressure deviation is Ah is less than an inch in 20 feet of water. In the limit of high crossflows eqs. 3.38, H = 20 ft fps confirming LDHu >>Na u , or y>>l 3.40 gives S = By and a = 1 1/2 The pressure deviation can Using typical values of u /S flow away is always (3.42) 64 The dilution crossflow is then equal to the ratio of the intercepted flow. and the discharge be pointed It should of high dilutions, out the assumption S>>1, is not a restrictive one. A similar analysis valid for all dilutions is included in Appendix A. even for S=3, the deviation owever, for the near is only a few per cent. field dilution 3.7 in the prediction that is A Potential Flow Miodel for the ear Field From the control volume analysis we have derived the total induced flow confined in a streamtube AA A' A'. the shape of the streamtube, of the contraction, location However, the and are unknown. the extent of the flowfield In this section, the boundary conditions along the diffuser The position are derived. of the slip streamline is solved by free streamline theory and a potential flow solution is obtained in the near field by the method of finite differences. By symmetry we need consider only one half of the streamtube (Fig. 3-4). potential variable Assuming potential flow we can define W(z) of the flow field as a function z = x + iy corresponding to a point in a complex of a complex the physical plane. 2 a=u =y ax -v W(z) - (x,y)+ i(x,y) (3.43) q(x,y) (----- ---- ·- · r I·ll----p-·-r.r. ·LI ·I(-----··II·-·I1·-·--··111_-.1 = dz = qe ·LI·li·L-·I·II··I-·l*··--lll·_L-· ---- -------- -I--- 65 II 4 */, 0.56s UNL Ad O.5 U, A potential flow model for the near field Fig. 3-4 where = velocity potential = stream function q = complex velocity u(x,y) + iv(x,y) dW o = inclination of velocity vector from x-axis qD= velocity along diffuser line qA = velocity at point of separation W A = complex potential at A WB = complex potential at diffuser A center B 66 3.7.1 Basic Assumption Consider a general case where the induced flow from behind the diffuser is given by 0. 5 oLDuN where uN : velocity at A a : contraction coefficient of streamtube uN,a are given by eqs. 3.38-3.40. This may be conceived as an integral boundary condition. We suppose that locally near x=O, each section of the diffuser induces the same amount of flow: i.e., each individual jet entrains the same amount of ambient flow. O) 0: angle of separation of It -- 0---t lfin trPamlinp --- ,--1 4 L(( -*.;+wYU. I+ I 1:4 ox t 1,&.X Fig. 3-5 Boundary conditions along the diffuser line 67 This assumption implies that locally near x=O, the horizontal velocity gradient, au , is also not a function of y. Applying conservation of mass to an infinitesimal portion of the streamtube near x=O, as shown in Fig. 3-5, we have u(x=O) = (1 - Ax tan A ) u(x = Ax) (3.44) = (1 - Ax tan eA)(u(x=O) + A tx Ax) ~x0 Equating terms of order Ax aux | u(O) tan ax a A constant (3.45) Thus u X=O = constant au = ax 3.7.2 XO constant Derivation of the Boundary Conditions By symmetry BB. is a streamline. If we define = 0 on BB it follows = 0.5LDuN Along (3.46) the slip streamline P = P. on AA. AA. (3.48) 68 2 =2 p + 1 pu 2 N (3.48 N of the velocity The magnitude and equal on the slip streamline at the contraction, to the speed the diffuser Along Pq u q = therefore i) 1 + P1 to any point on the slip streamline theorem Bernoulli's Applying is constant u N. axis AB Since u=constant by continuity we have (3.49) U = au N N q and D = cos (3.50) , by definition ' ii) Since au= constant invoking continuity again we have av = constant - By symmetry v = 0 at diffuser v(y) = vA therefore where the the x-component Whilst B fY y component vA center of velocity (3.51) at A of q (y) is constant along the diffuser axis, the y-component varies linearly. At the point qA and ----- -- ----- aUA of separation = A uN U auN ~-~~~1-^11-"-"1P---·Llil·IBII·ll -- (3.52) 69 since qACosOA = uA cosA = a we have 8 or where A is the angle As vA = qAsinSA, = cos (3.53) o of separation by virtue of eq. 3.49-3.51 (3.54) vA - UNSinA A LD N A Recapitulating the boundary conditions, and defining the velocity potential at the diffuser center B 0, we have Along AA - = 0.5 LDuN 4 = varies q = uN a varies from at A A at A to from eA at A to 0 at A Along BB = 4 0 varies from 0 at B to 0 at v =0 B 0 v Along AB dJ = au u N dy d~ = uNSinGALD2y v= dy O(o) = 0 v 'p(0)= O a UN q 0 = cosE varies from 0 at B to A at A (3.55) 70 3.7.3 Solution of the slip streamline The position of the slip streamline is solved by Kirchoff's method (alternatively called the Hodograph plane method) which has been commonly used in classical free streamline theory (Milne-Thomson, the complex 1968; Gurevich, potential intermediate 1965). W and the complex common variable i. The idea is to map dW velocity d-z onto an If each mapping is kept one- to-one, we will have obtained a one-to-one correspondence between W and dW , thus solving the problem. The complex illustrated potential in Fig. 3-6. W diagram The shaded for the case when u =0 is a portion within A ABB corresponds to the flow within the streamtube. The positions of the points A,A ,B,B on the W plane, values at the locations A,A ,B,B The boundaries of the shaded Let the hodograph Q = log(u = The hodograph n plane N ( -) the (,') in the physical plane (x,y). portion is derived plane Q be defined N represent using eq. 3.55. as dW - i (3.56) Q is illustrated in Fig. 3-7. Again the shaded portion describes the flow field within the streamtube. uN The points A,A ,B,B on the Q plane represent values at the locations A,A.,B,B. the (ln in the physical - plane ,0 ) (x,y). The boundaries of the shaded portion is derived using eq.3.55 71 If we can find intermediate transformations W 0. 5 oL () fl u D N Q = (3.57) f2 () then dz dW - 1 exp (Q) UN - d[0. 5a LDUN] d( 5L ) = di; dr exp [Q(%)] D dC (3.58) Replacing z,W by its non-dimensionalized counterparts: df z =z + Given df will give the position (3.59) di the path in the C plane corresponding eq. 3.59 the o exp(f2()) to the slip streamline, of z by intergrating along C plane. Both the W-diagram and the Q diagram are approximated by polygons and the interior of these polygons are mapped onto the upper half plane by the Schwartz-Christoffel Transformation, with the following correspondences specified, as shown in Fig. 3-6, 2-7. C W,Q plane A < > (-,0) A < > (-1,0) B < > (+1,0) plane 72 our* L, .·- --&' i * - / ./ I -0-6 i"/ ° ..5 -W0. 0.2twa - __ lis~am \ ~~I -}oo - .9 -0-6 -o-s -0 f r_ I I . I I i I I Q.2 .. 04, I I 0. !-o · P · - H w/ 8 6s. A, W(S) Fig. 3-6 = CW ) (- J b0rcCL eA=. ~ . · 3 @4_ · o.6 a( I41-t tef aI,) ( ( - ?z3 (4_1) den + _I Conformal mapping of the complex potential plane W onto the upper half plane o 73 oZ 6' o4 o6 t( LN) o. I sr =;=// 7 -t o I.0 (IQ) =a f(-+I(.g-A -I - -I ) C-c-I) AS I Fig. 3-7 Conformal mapping of the hodograph plane onto the upper half plane + 74 The points onto three shown B A,A,B for the W and Q diagrams arbitrary choices is then mapped The curvilinear on the real axis. onto (+ are mapped It can be ,0) boundary A ABB , in the W plane is approximated by a six sided polygon A AW1W2BB. By the Schwartz-Christoffel w() = C f4 j ca -1 (C+1)A - a (C-a ) Transformation, 1 1 a-l (_-a2 ) 2 - we have B-1 1) d + WA (3.60) -1 where a : interior WA : co-ordinate CW : constant angles of the W polygon of point A in It can be shown that W 1 ,W 2 will be mapped (a 2,0) al where -1 < a2 in units of the W plane onto points (a 1,0), < 1 The computational details required to calculate Cw,ala are included in Appendix In an entirely 2 B. analogous manner by a six-sided polygon A AQ 1 Q 2 BB . the Q diagram is approximated The Q-C transformation is given by (r+l) Q() = Cq-1 A Q((+) = CQ -1 (C (2-1B-1 + b ) 1 (b2 (-1) d + QA (3.61) 75 where 8i : interior (b,0),(b2,0) angles : corresponding QA : co-ordinate Substituting the expression of the Q-polygon points in units of of Q1'Q 2 on the real axis of the point A in the Q plane for W() and Q(c) in eq. 3.59 we obtain z + = - exp [C AC (+1) z QJ (C+l) (-b l) 1 (-b Q 22 a2-1 1 (C-al B (-) dC+ QA ] B-1 (-L1) ('-a 2 2 d =(0,1) (3.62) Since the slip streamline AA corresponds to the strip (-1,0) to (-o,0) in the plane, the (x,y) position of the slip streamline can then be evaluated using eq.(3.62) by integrating from i = - 1 to r = -X. 3.7.4 Results For a given diffuser design and ambient current, the contraction coefficient The angle of separation W and Q diagrams finding can be calculated A is then obtained are generated accordingly the W-C, Q-c transformations, slip streamlines by eq. 3.38, 3.40. can be evaluated by eq. 3.53. by eq. 3.55. the positions The After of the by eq. 3.62. In table .3-2 computed values of the near field dilution and the contraction coefficient are presented for typical 76 L H u Na u o a S a o 50.0 0.0 5.0 0.5 150.0 0.0 8.7 0.5 300.0 0.0 12.3 0.5 50.0 0.025 5.7 0.56 150.0 0.025 10.7 0.60 300.0 0.025 16.6 0.65 50.0 0.04 6.1 0.60 150.0 0.04 12.2 0.67 300.0 0.04 19.6 0.72 50.0 0.067 6.9 0.65 150.0 0.067 15.0 0.75 300.0 0.067 25.9 0.82 Table 3-2 Near Field Dilution and Contraction coefficient for typical LDH B= Na Na 0 u and y= u 0 values of 77 values of diffuser and y. designs It should be pointed (differentcombinations lead to the same near field dilution out that different of and y) can and contraction coefficient. The predicted slip streamline is computed for different values of , eA the angle of separation, range of practical interest. in Fig. 3-8. i) The results that encompass the The results are illustrated show that The slip streamline reaches an asymptotic value at x0.5L This means the extent D. of the near field is 0. 5 LD; this result coincides with visual observation of experiments performed over a wide range of diffuser lengths, and is illustrated in Fig. 3-2b. ii) The slip streamline matches asymptotically the contraction coefficient given by eq. 3.40 for all 0 . A This is considered sufficient proof that the basic assumption stated in section 3.7.1 (from which the boundary conditions along the diffuser are derived) is correct. It is emphasized that an incorrect specification of the velocity distribution along the diffuser will lead to an erroneous asymptotic value that does not agree with the contraction coefficient given by eq. 3.40. Details of the computations are given in Appendix D. 78 1.0 A predicted slip streamline (eq.3.62) aA contraction j y/0.5 LD o.6 … s - coefficient (eq.3.40) _contraction. 4 40 a4 6,CX6- o.766 6: C= 0.766 o.4 0.2 x/O. 5 LD i 0.2 I I a. 0.6 I I o. 1.o0 1 2. I.0 0.8 y/O.5LD , - o.6 'o 6. 70o7 o.+ 0.2 x/O. I 0.2 Fig. 3-8 0.4 I 0.6 o.g I .0 5 LD I_ 2 Theoretical solution of slip streamline for different angles of separation 79 I.o y/0.5L D 0.8 0.6 466- 50 6 o 643 0.4 0.2 o.Z 0.4 0.6 Os 1.0 LD 1.Z -L .0 y/O.5LD 5 x/O. 0.$ __O.-_ --_A__ Coo 0.6 t:- 53. 6 0 5 o.4 0.2 x/O. 5LD 0.2 0.+ Fig. 3-8 cont'd 0-6 0.9 r.a 1.z 80 1.0 y/O. 5 LD 0.g 0.6 z4,-6o o.4 6' 05 ((4- o) 0.2 x/0. 5 LD Fig. 3-8 cont'd 81 3.7.5 of results Sensitivity It was shown to the polygonal approximation in Fig. 3-7 that the curvilinear boundaries along AB in both the W plane and the Q plane are approximated by polygonal boundaries A W2B and AQ1 Q2 B respectively. The straight boundaries AW1,W2B and AQ ,Q2B are chosen to closely approximate the slopes of the curvilinear The exact positions of W1,W 2 boundary near A and B. or QIQ2 are chosen such that the polygon closely resembles the W, Q diagrams. Fig. 3-9 illustrates two quite different approximations of the W,Q diagrams for 6A= A - 600, a= 0.5. Approximation A is indicated by the solid lines AW1 ,W2 B,AQ1 Q2 B. B is indicated Approximation Fig. 3-10 illustrates AWVlW: 2 B,AQ'lQ' 2 B. the computed streamlines based on the two approximations. in the predictions the limited lines by the dotted The difference for the two cases is very small, sensitivity of the results slip demonstrating to the polygonal approximations. 3.7.6 Solution It is found can be well for the flow field that for 0 L - 0.5L g(x*) = x*4-(tanlOeA x* - by a 4th order polynomial approximated tanle < 1.0 the slip streamline D A* x 0. 5LD + 2)x* + 1 3 + (2tanleAI + 3 -2)x* 2 (3.63) 82 .g' UiLL. i A_ a- -/-O --0. -6 -04 - B a ie -4 -c Fig. 3-9 Two different approximations of the W and Q diagram ApproximationA Approximation B 83 O' It I I 0 I I I I o (n o) I CI I 4, I zz I -71 r- I I Q)r4 c= L4 I rH p oI (iI, t C a lo o 0 0 ND C) 84 Given solved a numerical g(x*), in solution terms of the stream of the flow field can be function finite differences in the region A ABBO. are indicated by the method of The boundary conditions in Fig. 3-11 I' /.0 ¥/,'= .0 =0 0.5aLDU x' ,y N Boundary Fig. 3-11 1.0 0.5 0.5LD conditions for the stream function in the near field A uniform system for grid system is used. = - 600, a=0.5. Fig. 3-12 shows the grid A second order finite difference approximation is employed. 1.0 0. 0.6 . + 0 2 0.2 Fig. 3-12 o.+ 0o.6 o. 1.o Grid system used for finite difference solution; step size=0.1 At an interior node, '~(i,)=-(iA,JA)=[(i-l,)+*(i+l,j)+*(i,j-l)+i(i,j+l)] (3.64) where A= step size Details for treating grid points near the boundaries can be 9 ) and will be omitted here. found in Ref. ( Fig. 3.-13 shows tide case (A = - the computed streamlines for the slack 600 a= 0.5), and the transverse variations of pressure at different longitudinal positions x. The near 86 r O- o .7Wiv 0.5 _ - -, - . 014 -- 3o-2 Fig. 3-13 a) o.5 a6 ;s .3 ~-- 07 ' S oq ._ ;- 1 Finite difference solution for the potential flow model. Illustrated streamlines ( Y= 0) "' /,O o.q l ~ 0. - .X cr , I 0-3 . 0.2 . o. i Fig. 3-13 b) Fig. 3-13 b) 0o.1 04 05 o o. O. Transverse pressure distribution at different longitudinal positions in the near field (Y = 0) 87 field in front of the diffuser high pressure, h(x,y)>H. is marked by a region of The excess potential energy gained from the diffuser momentum input is redirected into longitudinal momentum as the flow contracts and accelerates downstream. The finite difference approximations are checked using two step sizes A=0.1 and A=0.05. The solutions at the common nodal points agree to within three decimal places; thus of the numerical convergence size A=0.1 3.8 is judged scheme sufficiently is assured, and a step small for the calculations. SUMMARY A two-dimensional model for the flow field near a uni- directional diffuser in a coflowing current has been presented in this chapter. The vertically averaged equations are derived; it is shown that in the 'near field', pressure and inertial effects dominate. In the 'intermediate field' beyond the region, turbulent entrainment and bottom friction become important determinants of the flow. A control volume analysis yields two important integral quantities (the total induced flow and the contraction coefficient flow away) as a function of the mixed parameters LDH u Na u D o a o of two physical 88 A potential flow model for the near field is formulated and solved. The position of the slip streamline bounding the induced flow from behind is computed by classical free streamline theory. The theory indicates the extent of the near field is 0.5LD. The velocity distribution along the diffuser can also be inferred as: u = SQ /LD uSin6A 2y v(y) =LD oL D 89 CHAPTER IV THE INTERMEDIATE FIELD SOLUTION In chapter formulated III a two dimensional and solved In this chapter potential for the diffuser an integral flow model flow in the near model for the temperature is field and velocity field downstream of a unidirectional diffuser in stagnant water or a coflowing current is derived from the vertically averaged equations of motion. the model rises. The near field solution is coupled into to give a global solution of the induced temperature The characteristic features of the solution are discussed and physical interpretations are given. 4.1 Formulation of the Intermediate Field Theory 4.1.1 Model Structure The postulated Fig. 4-1. x=O. structure of the model The flow is assumed The diffuser extends is illustrated to be vertically in fully mixed from (0,-L /2 ) to (0, L 2 ). at By symmetry only one half of the flow and temperature field have to be considered. i) Region refers I The flow field is divided into two regions: (0 < x x), to the zone where penetrated the region of flow establishment, turbulent side entrainment to the axis of the diffuser flow characteristics can be described plume. has not At any x, the as consisting of a 90 i f c) P I I I~~~~ i I I 0 P.i H- o -f i /7--t; tAit Ili t I -- is 1-1 iw -, i .L AN tI IY III Q) I:t I,a a o1 IH JLt k4 q ·rH 1 i 4 i L fc J. Y %, t IC II- I \ * -I !.li 1t g r.Ii -14 ,, I 91 potential' width layer L(x). to be equal (x), The temperature and a diffusion layer of in this potential to the near field temperature being predicted profiles of width by eq. 3.38. The velocity layer is assumed AT riseATN = S and temperature take on the form: u(x,y) -c AT(x,y) u(x,y) = AT - u = {u a N c (x) = 0 S (x) a )2 L = AT N <6(x) - u ) e _(Y- AT(x,y) < y e 6(x) < y < 6(x) + L(x) The unknowns in this region are u (x),6(x),L(x). extent of region I,xI, is defined by 6(xI)=O, as ii) and is obtained of the problem. a solution Region The II( x > XI), the region of established flow, refers to the zone where turbulent side entrainment has reached the center of the plume. The velocity and temperature profiles are assumed to be: (y)2 u(x,y) AT(x,y) - u a( = {u (x)-u } e = AT sy)c C a (x) eL In this region, the unknowns are u (x),L(x),AT (x). 92 The implicit assumption involved in the foregoing is that the width of the plume is small compared with the longitudinal extent, and that the velocity and temperature are similar profiles at all x. in transverse Differences heat and momentum transfer are neglected. 4.1.2 overning Equations Letting b(x) = 6(x) + L(x), the vertically averaged eq. 3.25b, chapter, in the previous equations can be integrated across the diffuser plume (in the y direction) from y=O to y=b, The resulting i.e. to the edge of the plume. equations for conservation of mass, momentum and heat are: b Jf d d dx Continuity u dy = u o db db a dx v (4.1) e Momentum b-b u { dx o dy = (u v a dx a f J 8 8H Heat u _ ) e dx gAh dy 0 (4.2) dy o b d J uAT dy = (4.3) 0 o where u : ambient current velocity v : entrainment a e velocity at plume edge 93 Basic Assumptions 4.1.3 assumptions Two basic in the subsequent are employed analysis: The entrainment assumption, first proposed by Morton, a) (1956) relates Taylor and Turner in velocity a characteristic to entrainment the rate of turbulent It a plume. transfer recognised that in turbulent mixing the eddies causing of heat between two parallel the volume db flux of the plume, u a db dx - by the The rate of increase of the two streams. velocity relative are characterised streams is v e is assumed of to be proportional to the centerline velocity excess: u u e current; v (4.4) = a(u -u ) c is the incremental - a dx plume v db a dx a flow addition is the incremental inflow axis. a is the entrainment different values by the coflowing perpendicular coefficient in the two regions. to the that takes on Its value is determined from well established data on classical free jets. b) As shown in Chapter III, in the near field, 0 < x < 0.5LD pressure and inertia effects dominate and the longitudinal gradient of the pressure force acting over the plume crossd b section dx gAh dy, therefore does not vanish. As the diffusion layer in this region is expectedly small, the pressure force is approximated by the solution of the potential flow model that neglects turbulent side entrainment. 94 g(x*)0. _ dP d dx where P g (x*) u = (x,y) dy (4.5) pressure force over plume cross-section given by eq. 3.63 slip streamline = dimensionless = (x,y) u2 d gAh dy J dx 5LD induced velocity as given by the potential flow solution, equals the total induced flow per unit depth divided by the width of the bounding slip streamline, or SQ u p (x,y) Beyond the pressure the near field, (4.6) X*=-0.5L = g(x*)LDH is due to the deviation turbulent side entrainment and can be neglected as was shown in section 3.5.1. Thus the pressure is evaluated gradient dP d SQO dx dx LDH D 2 0.5LD D g(x*) = 0 4.1.4 as x > 0. 5L D (4.7) System of Integrated Equations Invoking the previous assumptions, the postulated forms of the velocity Eq. 4.1-4.3. and temperature profiles are substituted out the integrations, Carrying we obtain into the following system of equations: Region I d= dx I(Uc-u I c a) a (4.8) 95 dM dQ dP dx a dx dx o (4 . 9) 8H 0.5QoAT H =ATN [U 6 + L{Ua Lc (u (-u) -U + }] (4. 10) where udy = volume Q = flux across plume o = u c 6 + (b L [ C1 (u 1 c -ua) + a u (4.11) ] a 2 u dy = momentum M = u 6+ L = U + L [c 2u2 across flux plume + 22+ 2u u (Cl-C ) + u 2 (1-2c+c2 ) ] (4.12) c1 ,c2 are integration constants 2 C 1 = e -k 2 dk = (4.13) /!2 o c I e 2 dk =12 - k o Regior /2 II (4.14) dxdx aI11 (u c -u a ) dM dQ dx a dx ffM o (4.15) 8H O.5Q AT = AT L [ c2(c-ua) where Q = L [ c M= L [ (Uc-u a) c c 22 a + + C1 a (4.17) a a ua (4.16) 1 2 (1-2c + ua (-c) + c2) (4.18) 96 aI a H in region I, II coefficient : entrainment respectively. Solution 4. 2 4.2.1 of the Intermediate Field Equations Non-dimensionalization The system can be cast in dimension- (4.8-4.18) of equations less form by defining the following dimensionless varibles (x*,6 *,L*) = (x,6 ,L)/0.5LD AT * = AT /AT c c U /U U * = C c O Q*= Q/(u 0o5LD M* M/(uo 0.5LD ) The length ) 2 D o 2 P* = P/(uo 0.5LDD ) is chosen scale 0. 5 LD, the velocity temperature o to be the half-diffuser temperature rise by AT , the condenser a , Q o Region u , the rise. LH u Recalling that y= set of dimensionless velocity is scaled by the nozzle length equations LDH a o uo , Na the following o in stantardform can be obtained: I dx* dx* dM* dM* a(uc* I C dQ* Ydx* Ydx* -) (4.19) dP* f LD + dx*_ 16HD dx*16H (4.20) where 2 d(x) dP* dP* =S)2 dx* Bdx* 0 g(x*)0 0 x* < x* < < 1.0 < 1.0 > 1.0 (4.21) (4.21) 97 and from heat + L* [ c 2 (Uc*-y) + cl Y1 S = u * c (4.22) conservation: from integration of the profiles: Q* = *6 c 2 = U,*c + L* C*-y) + c +y eq. 4.22-4.24 2 (1-2c 1 u *,L*,6 +c (4.23) + y] L* [ c 2 u* 2 6* + M By rearranging [Cl(u 2u 2 ) c) *Y(c c 1 2 (4.24) can be expressed in terms of M*,Q*: U c * = Y+ Q*u * L* (4.25) (M* -yQ*) - M* = (u *-y)[(c-c2 )uc* + y(1-2c 1+c 2)] * Q*-L* 6= - C 6*(XI*) = 0 defines (4.26) [ cl (u c *- Y) +y] * the length (4.27) of the region of flow establish- ment. Region II dx* dM* dx* = a(U dQ* Y dx* (4.28) * -Y) f LD oD 16H (4.29) where 1 = AT * L* [c 2 (u * -y) c 2 c a + C 1Y ] (4.31) Q* = L* [ c 1 (u * - y) + y] M* = L* [c2u 2 c *2 + 2u c * y(c 1 - (4.30) ) +Y 2(cc2 2(1-2c +c 2 )] (4.32) 98 By rearranging eq. 4.30-4.32, u *,L*,AT * can be related to M*,Q*: C1 rcnM* )(2y) + 2 Q* c C1 2 (1) (2y c 2 M* 2 )2 + Q* 4 (M*¥ 2 Y) 2 2 (4.33) L* AT c c * 4.2.2 = Q* (u c-* y) = + Y (4.34) L*[ c2 (uc *-Y)+cY] (4.35) Numerical Solution Procedure The set of first order ordinary differential equations (4.19-4.20, numerically initial in x* with characteristics be related be solved using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme by marching out the solution The plume in M* and Q* can in general 4.28-4.29) to (Q*, M*) values u *(x*),L*(x*), c at any x* by virtue specified 6*(x*), at x*=0. AT (x*) can c of eq. 4.25-4.27, 4.33-4.35, thus enabling the derivatives dx* dx* ' d*to dx* to be be computed. 4.2.3 Initial Conditions From section 3.7, we have obtained SQo u(x=0,y) = L LDH Hence, the initial momentum flux are: conditions for the volume flux and the 99 Q*(o) a) = u (0) 0.5L o D D 0.5LD Q dy o i u 0.5L b) M*(0) S --O (4.36) D M(0) 2 u 0.5L o D 0.5L D -O. o dy = S )2 (4.37) d LD 0.5LDD u2 o 4.2.4 Entrainment Coefficients The values obtained from the experimental free jet published flow across u c coefficients for the entrainment by Albertson aIaII are data for a two-dimensional et al (1950). the jet can be related The rate of to the centerline velocity (x). i) In the region of where B o Q B establishment of 7(V2-1) 0.109 xB Q(x) = 1 + Q flow o : initial jet flow : initial jet width can be combined The two equations o a free jet, uc=uo ' c o to give, for the half-diffuser plume, ('2-1) 0.109 dQ dx 2 a = 0.040 c (4.38) 100 ii) In the region of established 1 B x Qo The two equations dQ o °o can be combined _ 0.109 dx u flow, 1 x to give (x) 4 c therefore aII 4.3 = 0.068 (4.39) Solution u The entire problem can be seen to be dependent on = o the relative strength of ambient to nozzle velocity; LDH = Na , a near field design parameter which together with y o determines fL the near field dilution A (eq. 3.38); andB 2 = 0oD 16H an intermediate field parameter measuring the momentum dissipation of the diffuser plume. In the limiting case of no ambient current, = 0, the system of equations (4.19-4.20, 4.28-4.29) can be solved analytically. Considerable insight can be gained by examining the characteristics of the analytical solution which elucidates the essential feature of the diffuser plume. Hencforth all starred subscripts will be dropped and all variables encountered later on are dimensionless variables. 101 4.3.1 Analytical Solution in the absence of a current Setting Region y=O in eq. 4.19, 4.20, 4.22 gives I u c dx dx [ c (6+cL)] 1 d c (4.40) I c d =82 [u 2(6+c L)] dx a u = 1 2 1 g(x) ) dx - (2 2 [ (6+ c (6+c 2 L) (4.41) u c ( 6 +c 2 L) (4.42) 1 where f L S 1 B Eliminating du 82 6 +c 2L 16H from eq. 4.41 and eq. 4.42 gives c d d Uc Using an integrating and invoking g(x) factor e Uc(O) = uc(x) = e 1 1 dx 2X1 1 (4.43) aX , eq. 4.43 can be solved [1.0 + X e d ( to give ) dx 0 (4.44) The entrainment relationship eq. 4.40 gives r,x a uc(6+c1L)= Io u(X) dx + eq. 4.45 from eq. 4.42, the solution Substracting layer L(x) can be obtained = of the diffusion as ouc (x)dx (c -c 2 ) and the core thickness (X)=u (4.45) fx aI L(x) 1 1 u c(x) 6(x) as (x) - c2L(X) u x (4.46) (4.47) 102 Region II: Setting y= 0 in Eq. 4.28, 4.29, we have (4.48) (ucL) = a uc C1 d (ud - (u Eq. 4.49 can be solved m(x) (4= .49) to give L(x) = u L) 2 L exp I -2(x-) (4.50) exponentially by bottom XI i.e. the momentum flux is dissipated in a classical friction; free jet the momentum flux is constant. Substituting the expression d dx (u c equation 2 c + 2 2 Since m(x) is known solution can u in u 2 c c the following eq. 4.48 and expanding, differential for u 2L(x) in eq. 4.50 into + 2 type can be derived: II by virtue be obtained: Bernoulli m(x)(u 22 c ) = 0 4.51) of eq. 4.50, the Region II f L oD o 8H = u (x) u cW= 103 (x-x8H) e e I { I 1/2 L f L -f + (1-3) oD 3e 16H (x-xI) f0L D L(x) = L I {B3 + (1- 3 )e (x-xI 16H } (4.52) foLD AT = S {(1-8 (x) 3 e ) 16H (xI )-1/2 where -32aIIH 3 I LI 4.3..2 1L Ifo LD Uc( = (4.53) I) = L(x I) Interpretation Physical The features Field Solution of the Intermediate of this intermediate field solution is best demonstrated by plotting the variables relative to their respective u the beginning valuesat the distance of region from the beginning II, c (x) n (x) U, L of region II, T c S, against ' Using L D typical values of LD = 100,50,25,5 f o = 0.02 the solution is plotted that as the variables in Fig. 4-2. are plotted It should against (x-xI) be pointed out the figure L does D not illustrate the tradeoff among different diffuser designs (e.g. a long diffuser vs a short diffuser). The implication of the theory on diffuser design will be treated in a later chapter. 104 n ,- 0 Co- C1 c0 *, ie, 0 C) r Il Cm )i I cO IA I .H P 0 ,0 ci _s (S 105 qiZ a) 6 C) (3 0 $o r-. 4.-i a 4-i -l 4-4 0 U) a) r -4 .4 P:4 O 0 10 la 106 . ,r a 0 o tn cj1 0 ,0 C C06 C a) a) 4.) 0) .D 0 a) 0 ai C1 (H w 1 1, .H P.., : c; Ci C 1C5 107 It is interesting to note that in contrast to a classical two dimensional jet in which the centerline velocity decays as x -1/2 , the velocity in a two dimensional friction jet decays exponentially with x, due to turbulent side entrainment and momentum dissipation. exponentially. Also, the width of the plume L(x) increases This diverging behavior is distinctly different from the two dimensional free jet (U x -1/2 , Lox). It can be seen from eq. 4.52, that as x- AT c approaches an asymptotic value. lim AT This is again jet, which This = AT (x) 1 in sharp contrast predicts (1-03 -1/2 to the behavior (4.54) of the free that AT X x -1/2 , and hence AT +0 as x+. behavior stems from the strong exponential decay in velocity and the exponential spread of the diffuser plume, so that at large x there is virtually due to the relative velocity This feature also places no turbulent entrainment of the plume and the ambient a limit on the mixing capacity fluid. of any unidirectional diffuser. The above features together imply that a) At some distance from the diffuser, due to the divergent nature of the plume spreading, the lateral scale of the plume is no longer small compared with the longitudinal scale, and the boundary layer asumption ceases to be valid. 108 b) At any x, a measure of the degree of stratification in the flow is given by a characteristic densimetric Froude number based on the water depth defined as: u F (x) xc e The densimetric as F c oude number decreases with x, so that buoyancy effects will become diffuser, (4.55) important at large distances from the +0. Both a) and b) suggest prone to heat recirculation that the diffuser mixed into the near field. flow is This phenomenon is experimentally confirmed and discussed in detail in Chapter VIII As will be seen later, the intermediate field solution is valid for a region of extent 103H, a sufficiently large area over which the importance of the thermal impact of diffuser discharges can be assessed. In the limiting case of f 0, the solution eq. 4.52 can be shown to possess dimensional free jet. given by the same behavior as a two At each x, as f0 + 0, f L oD e 16H 16 (x-x ) I Thus u (x) can be written c u Cx) 1 CLi3 (1+ f L 1 2 ( I) as fL oD 8H - (x-x 16H a 8HH (x-xI 1/2 I32a D H I6H 1 I f0LDD ClI 1LI (4.56) f L I 109 therefore lim rn uc(X) c( ) f +0 u I o I _=_1 (1+ 2l L (x-x ) C1L cl II 1/2 1/2 (4.57) I In an entirely analogous manner, lim L(x) = 1 + f + L o (x-x (4.58) cL I 1 revealing the linear spread of thefree jet. 4.4 Numerical Solution In the presence for u ~ 0 acurrent, of a coflowing yi 0, the theoretical solution to the system of equations (4.19-4.20, has to be obtained 4.28-4.29) section 4.2. as discussed numerically In Fig. 4-3 the numerical results and contrasted for y=0.04 Two interesting ( are illustrated L L for two sets of parameters = 10,B =50; HD = 30, = 150) with the slack tide solution observations in for y =0 can be made: AT a) diagram shows the near field temperature rise The AT o is less than the slack tide case. This is evident as the near field dilution is greater in a from Eq. 3.38, coflowing current. This leads to a more pronounced velocity field; however, the u velocity excess (c -y) is smaller implying a lesser mixing o capacity in the intermediate field. of Region I is larger, The results show the extent and that difference after several diffuser lengths. in AT (x) is small 110 b) slack The plume width tide case. is much narrower This is consistent in extent with than the the behavior of a constant pressure free jet in a coflowing stream and suggest a lesser tendency for the heat in the diffuser plume to recirculate. It should be noted when u (x) =u , relative velocity that the calculations as further mixing are discontinued may not be governed (u -u ), but by the turbulence present in the ambient stream. by the initially 111 a a4 eq aJ 4 0 N 0 a) a)o u a) c: 9 ' l 0 a) C Ti, a n r4 0 It 1; \D 0 o,4 a ci 1o 0 I zCY rl1 0 4: a 0 4 ua n % ci 119 0 N N # It N z 16 0 II I! Q) -C,Iz 4'J .l 0 To~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r -1 T/ O0 0 0 O lif U 0C 4 CY 113 I 0 4- II a 14! mn 0 In -H 0 II I U,1 4-i 0r a *4-. a "i I- 0 114 w Ut .H ra) -·I 0C" 14~~~rDX i3 & sw a, o U k~ 0 a o. xlX X .. a o o ~~k >~~~~~~~- . c% .Qj:i o~~~ UX C" .xU <~~E O I O 0 o~~~ e3 C U 0) C o ., ed o q a a 0 I % 6 It Id d l 115 O C r 4J o 0 U C_) 0 Or .z ', 6 d d 4 116 0 o N4 03 0 eI a 0 0 0o I 4J -W :3 >0 w C" tor I, 0 aL: a) cn 4 i 4- 0a 0 c Q -o -, pq O 0a 0 117 CHAPTER V EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION The objectives 1) of the experimental program are: To provide experimental insights into the global circulation patterns and temperature configurations associated with a wide range of diffuser designs and ambient conditions. 2) To establish a comprehensive set of laboratory data of sufficient spatial resolution for comparison with theoretical model predictions. Details of the experimental setup and procedure are described in the following sections. 5.1 General experimental setup Three sets of experiments (Series MJ, Series FF, Series 200) were carried out in a 40'x60'xl.5' model basin. artificial floor was constructed An in the basin using 16"x8"x2" concrete blocks so as to insure a completely horizontal bottom. Discharge water at a desired temperature is obtained from a heat exchanger and constant head tank. water level, water is withdrawn To ensure a constant at the same rate at one end of the model. Currents can be generated by a crossflow system installed at the two basin ends. Water can be pumped from either end of the basin through PVC manifolds into a large reservoir and vice versa. The lateral uniformity of the crossflow is improved 118 by horsehair matting and vertical slotted weirs at the basin The crossflow ends. system can be used to mix the water in the uniform ambient temperature before the start basin to ensure a All flows are monitored of each experiment. by calibrated Brooks rotameter flowmeters. A schematic shown in Fig. 5-1. placed in position the basin. Ibr full diffuser tests the diffuser B or C roughly midway For half-diffuser edge of one side of the basin a plane setup is of the plan view of the experimental the sides of tests the diffuser is placed (position then simulates for the induced of symmetry between is A) which temperature at the field. 5.2 Multiport diffuer design A special multiport diffuser injection device was designed and constructed to allow maximum flexibility in the operation of the experimental program. The entire diffuser discharge system is mounted on an 6' x 2.5' aluminum steel threaded framethat rods is supported (Fig.5-2). on four galvanized To ensure uniformity of the nozzle discharge, discharge water is fed from a 15" long 3" PVC pipe manifold into one side of a large 6' long 3" diffuser manifold through four 3/4" hoses, valves and couplings uniformly spaced apart. side of the manifold Discharge water is fed on the other to a system tygon tubings and brass fittings. air bleed valves are installed of copper nozzles via flexible Ior priming purposes, two at either end of the diffuser manifold. 119 0' I. I I =:X - - X- - II- - .51*4M4, 4v" . a'ya Zi II r. . . a . . I - ASUILAAA;11,ttt~h A B TIT4 - - - - - tlA - - I LI 60' I t Ic It 4tsn~bc~ci~nf; 4., CCCJL~tLALR; I CI'~ C~r/ off fvLdf fo say- - -- - ,- -. . - P* ~motsd p~cttfn CoAcng -;"dtet~LO zsd/L - i f i J - II P,4 11I , cc r ,4.,O Q*RL ¢ O', rkeVA&II, &+,CtVdAIC Grt&IrUh TO r POVKP ( 'O T tr 1.5 ._ X / I , I / l / I , Al / 2" Cv 1'%4 g.ea f& - / 4w>n41K I / /-! /1/- Bumst1 fv,- -FViL S CT, o) Fig. 5-1 I-- Schematic 4-V, PP of Experimental Setup 3" PVC 4nan4foaUd 120 3" PC Aea cowttcl~-m Side View Top View Fig. 5-2 Multiport diffuser injection device 121 The copper tubes can be fitted between two aluminum plates with indentations made to accomodate the tubes. Tightening the plates together fixes the position of the copper tubes. 5.3 Temperature measurement system A temperature measurement system consisting of 90 Yellow Springs thermistor probes (Series 701, time constant = 9 sec) is mounted at the same level on a motorized aluminum platform (vertical speed 1.5"/min.),thusenabling vertical temperature profiles to be taken. Nearly instantaneous temperature readings are recorded by an electronic scanner manufactured by Data Entry Systems (Scanning rate 100 records/min.) and printed on paper as well as punched on tape. converted to computer tape-to-card reader. The data cards by passing on paper tape was the tape through a The thermistor probes are individually calibrated against a mercury-in-glass thermometer in a steam bath at several temperatures within an expected range of temperatures. The measurement 5.4 accuracy of the calibrated probes is + 0.1 F. Flow visualisation and velocity measurement Rhodamine blue visualize the flow. of travel method: dye is injected into the discharge line to Velocity measurements were made using a time light styrofoam particles are dropped onto the water surface and their pathlines are recorded either photographically or visually. The concrete blocks that constitute the floor form a clear grid system that greatly facilitates 122 locating marked the particle at about at any given time. 6 foot intervals Crosses are also on the floor with orange fluorescent dye. Surface velocity measurements are made by taking time-lapse pictures of the trajectory of a light floating particle with a Topcon Super Dm autowinder camera mounted on a tripod on a walkway above the model. placed The pictures are taken using high speed Ektachrome film with shutter speeds in excess of 1/30 sec. When steady conditions are assumed to prevail (usually about 30 minutes from the start of the experiment) a styrofoam particle is carefully dropped onto the water surface at the center of the diffuser. When the flow starts to drag the particle along the first shot is taken. Subsequent photographs were taken at timed intervals, the length of which are chosen to reflect the magnitude of the observed velocities (smaller At for larger velocities and vice versa). The distance of the particle from the diffuser are then measured off from the projections of the photos the form of (t Usually (xt or slides. ),x x) 2 t 2 ), (xm tm) two sets of measurements are made assure repeatability of the results. great care is taken Thus a set of data in is obtained. for each run to For half-diffuer tests to make sure the particle stays out of the boundary layer near the basin wall that simulates a plane of symmetry. 123 Typical raw data recorded Run MJ Set are illustrated below: 06 1 Time (sec.) ti 0 5 10 20 30 40 Xi (# of blocks) 0.9 3.2 5.5 10.6 15.1 19.1 Xi.(ft.) 0.57 2.04 3.49 6.72 9.6 12.1 0 5 10 20 40 60 90 1.0 3.0 5.3 10.5 18.8 25.7 33.2 0.67 1.87 3.39 6.66 11.97 16.32 1 1 Set Time x.( 1 2 (sec.) t. X # of blocks) xi(ft.) 1 21.08 124 5.5 Experimental Runs In this section and experimental the motivation procedure for each series of runs will be described. Before the start of each experiment the water in the basin is thoroughly mixed to attain a uniform ambient temperature by operating the crossflow system. The discharge system is primed under high pressure to drive away any air that might be present in the diffuser system. at a desired temperature is allowed Discharge water to run through the bypass system until the temperature of the discharge water is steady. The discharge temperature is monitored throughout the experiment by a mercury-in-glass thermometer inserted into the PVC manifold feeding into the copper nozzles. 5.5.1 Series MJ Due to the limited size of usual experimental setups previous studies have been unable to study the behaviour of the It is desirable to diffuser plume beyond the near field. investigate under what conditions a diffuser will induce recirculation patterns that carry heat back into the near field. Series MJ was performed to study the circulation patterns induced by a thermal diffuser discharging under shallow water conditions. As discussed in section 3.5, it was judged that for diffusers of practical interest, the velocity field would be independent of the temperature field. As such, experiments 125 series were done by discharging in the MJ at about the same temperature as the ambient water. A typical one-minute run usually dye injection start of the experiment lasts for about 45 minutes. is made at 15 minutes A from the the flow pattern. to visualize Subsequent dye patterns at different times are recorded. measurements Two sets of velocity are made at t=30 minutes, when steady state of the near field is usually attained. Only slack water conditions were tested in this series. The diffuser length as well as the nozzle spacing were kept Only the water depth and the jet velocity were constant. 18 runs were per- varied to produce different flow patterns. formed for a half-diffuser with the basin wall approximating a plane of symmetry. Effectively doubling minimize model boundary effects. with a full diffuser diffuser tests. listed in Table. 5.5.2 Series Six additional runs were done to corroborate the results The run parameters of the half- for the MJ series are 5-1. FF In this series discharged the basin size helps to of tests, heated multiple at about 25 to 30°0F above ambient jets are temperature. Tests were made to investigate how the recirculation changes the temperature configuration The effect respect of the diffuser to a cross current in the near field of the diffuser. length and its orientation on the overall performance with of the 126 MOMENTUM JET EXPERIMENT Series RUN Q NO. (EPM) N H (in) T (F) ( F) MJ U o RD 0.5LD/H 1.22 1980 32.9 05 2 ft /sec MJ04 2.32 30 0.91 59.5 (FPS) 2.66 MJ05 2.88 30 0.66 59.0 3.29 1.22 2450 45.5 M.106 2.3 30 1.21 56.0 2.63 1.28 1866 24.8 MJ07 2.88 30 1.21 61.0 3.29 1.18 2533 24.8 MJ08 1.73 30 1.21 61.0 1.98 1.18 1524 24.8 MJ09 2.88 30 0.98 61.0 3.29 1.18 2533 30.5 MJ10 1.73 30 0.97 60.0 1.98 1.20 1499 30.9 MJll 2.88 30 0.77 57.0 3.29 1.26 2372 39.1 MJ12 1.73 30 0.73 59.0 1.98 1.22 1474 41.0 MJ13 1.73 30 0.68 58.0 1. 98 1.24 1450 43.9 MJ14 1.0 30 1.57 64.0 1.14 1.14 908 19.1 MJ15 .0 ( 30 1.33 67.0 1.14 1.10 941 22.5 MJ16 1.0 30 1.07 66.0 1.14 1.1 941 28.1 M.;17 2 .0 30 1.08 58.0 2.28 1.24 1670 27.8 MJ18 2.0 30 0.66 61.0 2.28 1.18 1755 45.5 MJ19 2.0 30 0.98 65.0 2.28 1.12 1849 30.5 MJ20 1.0 30 0.98 62.0 1.14 1.16 893 30.5 MJ2] 2.0 30 0.6 60.0 2.28 1.20 1726 50.0 *MJ22 0.8 30 1.43 62.0 0.91 713 10.5 *MJ23 1.0 30 0.66 62.0 1.14 1.16 1.16 893 22.7 *MJ24 1.0 30 0.84 69.0 1.14 1. 06 2.0 30 0.72 66.2 2.28 *MJ26 4.0 40 1.13 67.1 3.42 1.10 1.10 977 2060 17.9 *MJ25 3091 17.7 *MJ27 1.5 40 1.13 67.1 1.28 1.10 1.157 17.7 Table 5-1 Run s, nozzle parameters spacing xlO for Series 20.8 MJ experiments 1.C" D, nozzle Diameter = 0.109" N, No. of nozzles * RUNS WITH FULL DIFFUSER IN MIDDLE OF BASIN kinematic viscosity of water at discharge temperature v0 = R = Reynolds number based on jet diameter D uo D V 0 127 heat dissipation scheme was also studied. Runs FF02-29 were half-diffuser tests. of the temperature the probe sensors spacing The arrangement for these runs is shown in Fig.5-3a, is of the order of the diffuser F1 30-36 were done with a full diffuser placed length. Runs in the middle of the model and discharging perpendicularly with respect to a current ( Fig. 5 -3b) As these tests are designed to study the recirculation of heat into the near field, the experiments usually took a little over two hours, when it was judged that the model boundaries had significantly distorted the test results. Temperature scans were made every ten minutes from the start of the experiment. Dye patterns and path lines are recorded and velocity measurements are made. Fr crossflow runs, steady state is usually achieved after about forty minutes, when temperature rises change by only fractions of a degree. listed in Table 5.5.3 Series 200 The run parameters are 5-2. The objective of the Series 200 experiments is to provide a data base for comparison with the theory presented in ChapterIII and IV. dimensional All previous experiments on the three- temperature field of a unidirectional diffuser in an open, shallow receiving waterbody employ a temperature measurement grid much larger than the nozzle spacing. Because these tests are mostly either aimed at testing plume behavior on a large scale (e.g. far field recirculation) or providing global 128 . . .N ------t-~-----·- ----r----.------- * - --- - -- -. 1.-- .---- ,----~.-..---I- - - .- . -- 1· ·- -- ·--- - - - .i· ---- - -i -- -A - - -.- - ·i --- _--L .. . i; -I- .. -- -- _ .4.-. -- * i-.-;-.--------i----- ,. A . H --.- 4i -- Co @) 4i I- -- _ 4 4- ±--_ .-I I ...... tI . . t _. _ I q4 ,i --L--- tI. -1 T- t - t--.. iII t--+- -- - -- o: --.- I --I- I - t -- i _Ii. -+ I ,-l 0o l=.... ---, -i -I -__- _ I1 i --..- .….--- Pt--- - U. I iL; · ---:W i- 4.--..__ t , I / ~ ---f I i Li-t-l---v 1 . _4 t-----l t _d.. -~Q._.__ *_] i i I oIa C t --¶ - -,' ¾.----. I, 4--I -- I ..-- . . .i .- ' ---- -t-- 4-4 -c--k~ -- Al--i ..--4-- ---..r -- I- .- -t- 'I J.--. -l- ': A - ,-_ .._ -_I i[_- I -- , i j _i 4 I i PdU) Ia. -i a_tj-_.. __ _ -- 0Ct I Cto 00 *4 ------------------ ---- --- O 129 -.* --.--N i.. i I i i .-- . ... l.. : 7---: _ _ _ . I i· __ .r'.-= I I _ I I --T J .- I i_. i .= I ,, i C _. . _ *___ , I- __ i _ ,--- __ __., · i 1 e - I-r · . ·- .· . _ ,, · . Z - --;-ti r-----I 4- l½_ i il i -- 4- M -i- I . Ca 4I I ---- T -- .r4 I N-4 . I- I- _-. 1-. +r- 0) 0 il' ! i -i -N-!--· -. .... L .-- -t-- _ -Iizi o t -'--- -- f-- _ t _ ___ .i . .. _ . !-t t + -. r I ._ . . 1 -7z~~i - , _ k-.. I_ =-- t- ------ r-vd~. 1 , _ _3Lt-~-~--I ; I _ ., _ :!? :i - - I l h it 0- -4- ,---I 4- --I '5 -liz I i I I .'_ - -- ; ... .... ..t .__ -- t 1- - .--......... . i-i-- I ...... I .. i__2 . a_ II -1 | I ; I r 1 -I_. i _._ _- -i! r'- - . _ _ E .-- - l i i . . _ [....-__.._____ I,-_ - --- . II - ...... ..._t _ _ .. _ . I ·- o -- ----I t -- , ____.. I re I. 1_ __I I i9LE I--· # . _--- -.- - _i -- i- t- t ..-i -- . _ - t-- .- v .._ .. 3---- r--- p-- I ._ _ -i II I -- .i-- F-- _ --- _ ;i ii .j i I . t-t-- ·--- .- -- r--.- r-C- IZ u.~ C I I --.-. -- i ;1_ i I: _ I 1 a} In 0 a) _LZ__ P-- --- --t-rli i A-1----- I rl--I .. I 9' ! :Tl-7 -- N- I 717' - -T-l ... c.. ....--- I- .. I I.I . - li- I ,I -- 4 c- 0) -· -.. -- ; 4 N _- .. +.. -I'l' ....... I t-i -.. 1-· i --4_ . -- ! I - _ HE , -·-r·-i--- ..; I -+-- · E.---, -t` _ . - .-r-.. ... s.... -. ,--- -%I-.- i--- c ._.. ---_.-'-- I - i- --- 4 T'· - S .s i----- -,-,% .I_ ..- - C ------ -- ._ Fr 1 . _ t- -I-- t i i-· · · · ·---- 7 : - II I ·~ -~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~_-.., ~T-. ... .... .. A i, -t-I E F__ .-- ! ------ ii . .- . - i -- -- i .. i t -i I... -..- i - . i ..g_. I 1 :.... i i . . .. I I : . ..... :----H r ;! I ,L ': . . I . . i .4i TI .... :? ........... -"i ........ . .I -I -----.; I . II 1 I _ _ ;. i -- ! "· ...... iI L l i. ; I __ i i '__ l IV INw I 4-4 0i) X0o wr Fr4 - 130 40I ml 09Ni00· ~ m ~ . ~. . o~ooo . . . . . . . . . . . QC009~0~u~ . ................................... NQ~~OO 0 o ~m N · · · · - · · Y . 9 ~.... CtN i i i 1 m~~Y~lPIl~~l · ~ d ......... . · · - · · N00· · · · · · O r 9aa401··0 t NNNP ir mr~ iii3 n Z~~~~~ ~ ~ C .......... ii0009ic NNC i0C ..... ........ ~ai99a ~ o 0~ 99h .................................. I a~~il m ............... n9 9i ad3 ??o )4 ) D9. Q.. ............ ~ .................................. ~or~.. I~ ................................... 4 UI* I i 1*i i N i N N N~~~~~~~~~~~~m mn m g1 i. I I I; I.I ~~~N nO aa99o NO~~~~N N NN 3~~~~~0 N~~~~~~~~~~~~N 0~~~~~~~~3~~~N N~~~~N 0o · Table 5-2 0 n~~i 999i0 n~ N~~~~N ~ a99900P 3 9iiii ,v0 3o N~~~~~~ I ,cr haP . m3mhr anr Run Parameters for Series FF experiments 0 j 131 information basic (e.g. maximum structure temperature of the temperature rise)they do not reveal the field to a degree that can be used for quantitative comparison with theoretical predictions. resolution In this series of experiments, of the temperature sensors spacing close to the diffuser. region, the spatial is equal to the nozzle Beyond the near field mixing the spread of the plume is taken into account, the sensor spacing is adjusted accordingly. measurement grid is shown in Fig. 5-4. and The temperature Vertical temperature profiles are recorded along the centerline and across six transverse sections of the diffuser plume. Altogether 10 full diffuser tests were performed under stagnant ambient conditions. The diffuser No velocity presented is placed in position measurement is made. in Table. As the limiting B as is shown in Fig. 5-1. The run parameters are 5-3. case of long diffusers with strong potential for heat recirculation has been treated previously, this program concentrates on relatively short diffuser (LD/H<10). This enables the study of the temperature field for many diffuser lengths in theexperimental setup. Furthermore, as will be seen later, these short diffusers are characterized by large scales of recirculation (weak recirculation effects). detailed temperature field can be observed Hence, the in the absence of heat recirculation A typical result begins run usually takes about 30 minutes to be distorted by heat recirculated when the due to the 132 o $u I 0 0 a 4 O J ~~0 0'0 a i 0 o O 0 0 11 a~~~~~~~~ 0 o 0 a a a 0 a 0 o 0O o o o cEi Jg 0 0 e O w C) e J; tl( a 0) H G a *CO-.)O cin 4g o o 0 I) G) S rZ 4 r" 0 C) C-- tor 1 .,-I a a 0 133 0 N oo0 ,-a · \o IO: C,, 11 c o . . L· Loo - -I Cm <t UL1 Ln N- Ln, L(n C LCn cq m om o o m am .- . 0 CO O' o C) C>l OMH tn . C)* . ·O · a) -It Ln ' H C "C H .,, N- In irn I'D N- CO r- 1- 0 c, tn 0~ 1~Ln 'IC H H N CM 04 N1 cM 00 irn m~ N -4 l-q 0 m (n Co C, Co t £D H - H 04 n I) OO . . PC 1-i 00 1-i m m O' . Lfn 'O CN -. 1 H -. T O'% OH P4 Cl) En o% r- -- 0 H o o CO N -I L ON L(I 'IO \. 04 C4 0a) N- 0 Lr U%~ 00L-o 0) C4 o O- H N- m H H ON H H 'C - ON C4 c~-- a) O. x 00O Ln oCO ~N- L-l O Lfn Lf co 4- 00 r-4 oo ~~~O~ ~ OH H-~ PFI 0 I O% . OO . 0o- c C4 r 014 0 CO Co O H > . 1- Ln n N - N- r- H CO H Q- m Z4 ¢ <z ¢ . - r- 4 L· m . . . H lZ 'I r- C0 · Ltn . ,~ 0% 04 au u) a) - .- o o0 0p4 OOCO o N " O N -I s C1040 C4 N C4 C4 C1 CN o 14 HO m C C4 -0 U) CO ~0 Ln H CO 00 TN \D \ 0140 O -It H % Cq -. 4 - Z H N- Lrn .-. u) \O 04 N- Lfn r- H H O N- N-_ I. o0 0N r4 cn 00 O N-- N- 0C O ~- o C4 -.t N LC) C' m -T 0 0 Ul Lu 04 r- O Ln U) uLf u uL L H H H H H c m , 00 0D 0 c 0 O It C c4 H- Un CI m N -It-I -H H 0440C4 N C4 C4 H4 Pe .r- H n - , IO , N- \l Hi -. uL UH *~ 00 O CD 0 04z * .. O O * O 000000 * ~ ,4 O O O . 00 cn O *~ . *~ . . . . 4 c, c 04 04 C O O O -0 O , 00- 4 0 004 00-4 0CH D Z 0 C Z C N 0C4 00 4 00 04 014 P- I L(" (M -O EH C) c 0 134 the model boundaries. Steady state is usually attained in less than 10 minutes. 5.6 Data reduction Temperature Data For each run the ambient the average before temperature of the recordings excess is defined of each probe is defined (xi,Y i) is the co-ordinate as sensors At each time instant AT(xi,Yi,t) = T(xi,Yi,t) where a of all the temperature the start of the experiment. the temperature T as T(xiYi,0) of the i th probe. The near field dilution S is inferred from the temperature data as S AT AT where T T -T o o a T max -T a max is the maximum surface max absence of any heat recirculation. temperature recorded in the Velocity Data The reduced velocity data are obtained from the photographic measurements in the form of (x ,to), (xl t1)...(xnt where x is the distance ) of the particle from the diffuser time ti time t.. 1 _ ___ __ at 135 We assume that the centerline can be inferred velocity from the trajectory variation of a straight u (x) c pathline in the following manner. An average velocity is computed for the interval (xi,xi+l) u(-xi+xi+l c X i+l-Xi t 2 i+l-t i The error in locating be x = 0.4x width a particle of a concrete The error in recording t 1 can be estimated block =0.25'. can be regarded for the range of velocities being measured. error in measuring the velocity xi+l -xi+6x i 6u as negligible Thus, the relative can be estimated as x i+l-x i+l i At u to 6 At x xi+x X i+lAt For the record measurement illustrated in section can be estimated in the first interval 5.4, the error of to be 18% for the average and 5% for the last interval. velocity 136 CHAPTER VI COMPARISON OF THEORY WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this chapter the theoretical predictions presented in Chapter III and IV are compared with experimental results of this study and results reported by other investigators. Experimental observations are also described. are made for runs that do not exhibit the near field. This The comparisons heat recirculations topic will be separately discussed into in a later chapter. 6.1 Near Field Mixing As indicated in section 3.5 , vertical temperature measurements near the diffuser show that the temperature is vertically homogenous, demonstrating the flow is vertically fully lengths behind mixed. LD ( Surface pathlines for a wide range of diffuser LD 3 is concentrated the toal induced The diffuser concerned. 100) show that the induced flow from in a contracting that flow from the ambient stramtube fluid. (Fig. 6-la). acts as a sink as far as the external The contraction occurs 'separates' flow is at about 0.5 L D from the diffuser and the contraction coefficient is observed visually to be about 0.5 for the slack tide case (cf. Fig. 3-2b.) Dye injection patterns usually indicate a contraction coefficient greater than predicted by eq. 3.40 as shown in Fig. 6-lb. experimentally observed value of the near field dilution The 137 u =0 Run FF13 a surface pathlines diffuser Run FF19 -30 Ua scale: .5 feet 2.5 feet / / / Fig. 6-1 a) / /, , / /V Recorded surface flow patterns for a unidirectional diffuser in shallow water; with and without current /ff 138 I . ST"Ctgl-1z.r Fig. 6-1 b) is taken Dye injection pattern in the near field of a unidirectional diffuser to be AT S = (observed) - ATMax is the maximum surface temperature rise recorded where ATMAX MAX in the near field i.e., AT max in the absence of any heat recirculation. = max AT. 1 AT. being the temperature excess recorded by the ith probe . 1 In Fig. 6-2, we compare given by eq. 3.38 with is obtained for a wide the theoretical the experimental range of S. predictions results. of S Good agreement It should be noted the relative error in S (observed) introduced by temperature measurement errors is greater for larger dilutions. 139 -. r-. i o,i a) CZ (D CJ .H co C_ M C4 ,1 mn r--r-- 4 ~,, L) 9n G U) U] m on r '4 "U cn 0 4-i 5 4 "U .H r 0a) 0U 'U 4 0 14 Q a) z O 0 4 'U "u "U 1-a) a) 4J O 0 4 Oj) U1 W zrl 4-0 'H a) Ga) c\ 0 A4 Q) u 'IOa) a) 'H z co w; am 40 riI ;0 140 6.2 Comparison of theory with data: In Fig. 6-3, the predicted the observed surface Series isotherms temperature FF, MJ are compared with field for the FF Runs of a unidirectional diffuser in a coflowing current with no heat recirculation into the near field. are shown to within The recorded temperatures 0.1 F on the diagram; the decimal point locates the temperature probe relative to the diffuser and the figure is drawn to scale. For each run, the system of equations 4.19-4.20, 4.28, 4.29 are solved numerically for the set of governing parameters friction is assumed coefficient laboratory experiments. LDH B=N u foLD Y= a and H The ~~Na ' and H .The o ~ o to be f = 0.035 for all the 0o The solution yields the centerline velocity u (x),the centerline temperature excessAT (x), and c c the plume width L(x). At each x, knowing AT and L(x), the c position of a particular isotherm can be calculated using the assumed temperature profiles given in section 4.1.1. Both the quantitative and qualitative features of the model are well plume slight supported is larger by the data. In general than predicted; stratification observed the spread of the this can be attributed to the at the edge of the plume in these experiments. In Fig. 6-4, the prediction of centerline velocities are compared with measured surface velocities for runs in the FF and MJ series. described The method of determinirg the velocity was in section. 5.6. The agreement between theory and data is 141 'N FI1l) v:o.oo76 / =77 4r-I 4 3 .6 4F svrnmmt r 9- 3 2 4.' a r-_ .2. 5 1~--'t' ,51: ,F--- 3 Z 2 2 3 4 -, I- 3- S 3 4 - 2- 0.0 0.1 o . o0.0o 1i n - o .3 o '3 o -- o4. 0I o-2 o-.3 I 3 1-I 2.5 Fr. 5 cJ. iUN 0 ,. =!1o7 ,I---o.o7oO .1( ar,3.. 2.6 . F -2. o 1.4 (.6 0.0 24 - 5 , o.66 a-I *.1 r,, o.oq 1/1 6 .6 o0 f 4 _-- .i syvmmet rv 8 2.3 Z.. I .5 22 21- o.I 0.0 . 0. 0.1 0 *C 0.0o o o.) I in . 2.0 3 - o.I - 2.4- 2 3 .7 f4T 2 o oo 0.0 0.1 0.0 RI'N I FO)8 /9 line 2. 2.7 -s 2 2 ±.-o 2.7 2.7 . symmetry o 00 .1 . 0 1 0.0 O.2 o 2 6 0.1 o. . o .5.o -e 0 1 Of .o Fig.6-3: Comparison of predicted isotherms with temperature measurements in Series FF ( eq. 4.19-4.20, 4.28-4.29 ) 142 Rt'N 1.() - 921/I a- 0.oog7 L9 - E- z Y-1°F --' IF _-2 1. o.I O-1 O.1 .S =3 svmmetr' i i nc 1' 2.= o. O.- o. 0o-2 o. o0. 0. OZ o. 2.5 F. Sc.*J.L r o / - RtI ' 1 2.7 := 26 symmetry line 2.3 -5 .3 .5 '1 2 07 . o-6 14 0.5 o.3 oC. o.- 1.0 Oq 0-7 1.2 1-1 c.q o . 0- 0.3 1 - - _ -- tr _ L, RlUN 60G = i;",. mL = C.FO =_ o0.1 I · 6, I.Z I I/ L 0-6 ° 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2. 0./ 0 2 o 4 o.2 o 3 0.2 O-Z . 0- o. 0o2z o- 2 o.o 72Z 0.1 Fig. 6-3 cont 'd: /L 11_ _ _I I I _ 1X 143 I-11 /4: 161 0 _0TTZ-o F vnmeetrv 2-4 2 5 2-S 0 t.o 0.7 04 *. o -3 o -3 o .4 o .2 0o3 . . _. o 3 ITINFF 14 23 2-2 -. . /-5 O -5 05 o o 0.4- o-S ro.oo75 j/I, 4= 2.. 12 f'AT 5 3D/2 ~~ 4T~<. 0.. JI NF 1p:jc /A x q FTr. Scae, symmetry - 2-1 line .-......... T- I\ o4 o-3 0-1 0.1 o.2 o.3 o.3 O . O -2 o-I O. O o.z-3 o .2 O.2 o0-2 0.2 0 .2 O. o -I o. o -Z o- 2. LK t 2.5 z k - O.oo6f L * 0.1 = 26.6 2.3 F I-~./1- 3 linc o-J . 72.4 symmetry 3 in 3.2 l 0.2. 2 2arr -6 o.-g o6 O.- o.o0 00 6.1 O.2 o.o 0.o o. i - o .2 O-Z o 4- I Fig. 6-3 cont'd: o-3 -02 .3 o. 3 144 fairly good. For some runs there is scatter in the data and the recorded velocities are lower than predicted values; this may be due to surface tension effects, limitation in the time-of-travel velocity an intrinsic measurement technique at low velocities. RUNFF 2 Y.o3 0-0 Z1 -=z ~r,~ 1~ 'F ~~I/I I.q Ab0 I. 1 FT~~~~~~ ~~~ .- / 1sqf 0 6-2 0.a Fig.6-3 cont'd: a.2 symmetry line /.q /.q ,.q . 'w 2. o 2.'° 2,4 o-3 0-3 O2 *.Z o.3 0~~~~3*3 0.3 916 o. s l0 2.0 \ _ 2. 5' Fr Sca.e, 145 I-. CU cU 4-) 0 -. rdq 04 !> E d O- eB r. C _ "io r1 _, o HU o! .R* __ E a 0 I o 0 I 9 1 .I 60 ° 0 I t * o o o o 0 o I e e 6 I ° to 0 a) rli 4) zI 0 O ' aU) *r ! 'o mt w~a O 4 la0 - ql '-1:1 rHtO 15 m la _ !d .-z. l/ U)CD t o ZoQ O a II. .p ^l IAt / ot : N i H 0- i° i ._ -. I Q * o 1_ r, 6 C1 6 LI V 0 o 6 I C) I -L a 0 i o Cs .rd 146 I lo I - 1 z"II a R / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I i ~~~~~~~i e 4, on / Z, .4 Q .. 1 ,. 4 i 19 4 / 6 * I 0 * o . 0 4 ~~4~~~~~4 0 06 0 40 44 4 I s 0~d ok 6 Id 0 44 - ~w 4"- V0 I Iz w~~~~~~ I It 0. o 1° A i~~~~~~~~ Q~~~~~ < X I d. '0 Q 44 - _a /4 /. 0 0~~~~~~~~~~~ / as 2:It: a e I t 6 4 tb _~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ _ -; 6 Z4 0 0 Z 6 V 1 * I$ -H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ -,q j _1111^1_-·-·11111s---I 147 ? I I? a Io " *t. . . s 8IqI z B 0- ° 0 6 e6 i6 I 0 6o o 0 a T v t 16 6 6 d ,, .4 Al¢ ip . 1* a- 'i 1 I 11. . Ijam. 11. & 4 I I 4) 4 0 4 : 0 0 a _ a °' t Is o Ii : 'u l 01 I 6 16 . -rI 148 6.3 Comparison of theory and laboratory results: For this set of experiments the plume is symmetrical (Fig. 6-5). Beyond dye injection for a distance Series 200 patterns show of approximately this point the plume meanders 40 H and some- what loses its shear structure. In Fig. 6-6 the theoretical 4.52 and 4.53 are compared data. with predictions the series of eqs. 4.44,4.47, 200 experimental Both centerline temperatures and areas within surface isotherms are illustrated. (Details of the computation isotherm areas are included in Appendix C). of The centerline temperature rise normalised with the predicted near field temperature rise, AT/ATN, is plotted against distance from the diffuser x/L D . At every x, the different symbols represent temperatures recorded at six vertical positions from just beneath the free surface to near the bottom. the vertical spread of these points is a measure vertical homogeneity of the thermal structure. Thus of the For a region close to the diffuser, where the temperature field is strongly three dimensional (the individual submerged jets have not completely merged with each other and the flow not yet vertically fully mixed), the model is not valid. prediction of the two dimensional Beyond the initial jet mixing zone, however, good agreement is obtained. The data clearly shows a shorter diffuser mixes more efficiently in the intermediate field. In general the vertical scatter of temperature data at any point is less than 10% of the mean, suggesting _ __ a 2D __ 149 approximation is sufficient for practical purposes. plume -- diffuser Fig. 6-5: Dye Injection Fig. 6-7 shows Pattern of Diffuser the comparison Plume: of predicted isotherm areas with the series 200 results. is obtained. induced nature close rises. of the model. to ATN surface Good agreement This can be attributed The area of the initial AT <ATN ) is of the order of LH, N D. a substantial 200 Ingeneral the model overpredicts for the higher temperature (in which Series portion of the predicted in the short diffuser jet mixing zone and can account isotherm tests. to the 2D for areas for AT __ Cl 150 L-D,'H= .4 In 4 . AITC AT, I I I2 L 4 I Fig.6-6: Comparison of predicted centeyline temperature rises with eries 200 experiments eq. 4.44-4.47 , 4.5 2-4.53 ) _ III I_ _·_ ____I _· 151 . Li ;D H BI. '3 'Z/H I. ) 0.89 0.76 3.64 0.52 ATC 0.40 0.28 ATN 0. Jj LI +4 u1 * <n <. C, > A 0. flY -A IL w A w * 0 0. 4 H -J iof * o A 0 PI 0 * o * w F- rn 0 z i._i u I C * o a + I 10 i5 DISTANCE FROM DIFFUSER C RUN 200.C 20 X/LD I 25 , 58 ,D/H= O 0 H 9 7 5 3 9 * + * w > 0 i.-Un 4 C H .a.I; 0. + 4. : *_ O C ~~~ N * C ; z -J n z Urjc" U.C RUN 2d04, Fig.6-6 cont'd 10 DISTANCE FROM DIFFUSE.R 15 K/LD . 152 . D/H-- I Z/H ATc A AA ·.TN [1 1. 4 7 9 A 4 ~n X © L'- 0. . A u Li 4 4 4 Z. 4 -J o ,J 2' u 7 L L o + L . 2 I iD 15 DISTANCE' FRM RUN 205,0 25 3D K/LD DIFFUSER ,_D/H= 8. 0 0 § cC &TN 0o O.B Ld ul A *4 A4 F-. 0. G .J -I~~~ + * + o 1.0 X "-4 --0 0 ~- 0.89 0.76 0.64 0.51 0039 0.26 Q 10 -x T--- 0 4 A C> + + 4 _ Z /H * w I-- 7 w IJ n u. I -O A n e IC 1 RIJ "Iu_ Fig. 6-6 cont'd I 4 1 h S DISTANCE FROM DtFFUS'R h 1 10 X/LD 14 o 153 I * 0.89 + 0.77 El 0.64 & 0.52 O 0.40 o 0.27 H 89 76 64 51 25 Fig.6-6 cont'd . I - - E D)IH= 2 C Z/H 0.89 0.76 0.64 0.51 0.38 0.25 T. u L L~ Fig.6-6 cont'd 6.4 Detailed thermal structure In Fig. 6-8 typical transverse surface temperature profiles at different longitudinal positions are illustrated along with the theoretical predictions. The surface centerline temperatures indicate a constant temperature rise plateau region of % 3 LD, confirming of a zone of flow the assumption In Fig. 6-9 the cross-sectional establishment. The temperature temperature profiles are also illustrated. measurements mixing show that beyond the details the diffuser of the diffuser length L 3D temperature the region is the correct distribution, of design transverse near field are not important length scale. as influenced and The exact by the merging and 155 - I AT 50 5.0 5 0 As 1.0 4.0 I~) 4.0 O.8 o61- 3.0 04 _ aT 0.6 G.2 ... 10 RUN 201 __ _ 100 AREA WITHIN SURFACE ISOTHERM .. 2 7 0.4 10 5 30 AT. 20 2.0 AT 3.FI O 0. F ., ,I.. 500 5 A}H . I RUN 202 RUN 202 00 AREA WITHIN SURFACE ~ AREA WITHIN SURFACE ISO3THEI, . . 2 500 A/H 5.0 I -- I SO 50 _ 0.6 40 0.6 3.0 Ar 40 0.8t I: AT 0 6 3D - AT AT AT04- 20(F 04._ 0.4 0.2 O.. 02 _10 ,_ . .. 5 . _1_.._ ..1 ._...---L.._-. _i .._,._ .__. 1 . .... 10 100 RUN 203RN23 AREA AEA WITHIN ITHIN SUAFACE SUFACE ISOTHERM ISOT-ER- A H Al/H E 10 80 .-.. 5 . . 0 RUN 204 .. I SURF00ACE WITHIN ISOERM 00AREA A AREA WIITHIN SURFACE ISOTHERM l L I.._l.,..1. 5 A04 1.01 -40 4.0 1.0 ,T-0.46 0.8 3.0 AT 0.6_ A7e 1.0 0.2i II R0 RUN 205 . I , I 100 AREA WITHIN SURFACE ISOTHERM Big. 6-7: .... I A/H 2 500 J 1 I .6 2.0 ATO. . 0.4 . 02 , . ... 10 RUN 20T I0 . . . . 100 AREA WITHIN SURFACE ISOTHERM . 11.0 ......... 50 A/H Conmparisonof predicted isotherm areas with Series 200 experiments ( eq. 4.44-4.47, 4.52-4.53 ) 156 50 5.0 4.0 4.0 '.C $.0 I,T 3.0 AT {*F) zo 0.1I 3.0(ITAT I12.0 0.G A T 0.4i I 0.84 _1.0 AT 02 1.0 0.24 0.2Z _ 5 10 RUN 20O 100 AREA WITHIN SURFACE ISOTHIrfM 500 A/H i 5.0 0 ,-\ 40 53.0 A AT AT 1.0F) .0 0.2 I 5 2 _ RUN 210.0 S. C A. . Fig.6-7 cont'd 50 I00 ISOTHERM AREA WITHIN SURFACE A /H 0 20 O RUN 208 , , I .0_. 00 . E00 AREA WITHIN SURFACE 'OTHERM A/H2 50_,0............. L-__ 0__ 500 157 A 1.0 A A A a " ' ' 0.t arc srl .6 .. - _. A &4 A p o. 2.0 3.o *o I p ~~~~~~111 f. .o 8.o0 o ?.o 10.o Fig. 6-8a) Typical centerline surface temperature profile along diffuser axis ( RM M ef) and bending of the individual jets, surface and bottom The temperature is more interaction, is very complicated. homogenous vertically at -the center than at the edge of the The flow becomes more stratified with increasing x. plume. that the low Reynolds setup the degree of stratification enhances in the experimental number It is expected and that in the prototype the flow will have a stronger tendency to stay fully mixed. It cannot be inferred from the temperature data alone that the temperature profile is well predicted by the standard profiles (top hat or gaussian). However, for 158 I,, I -Ip r-4A Co CM X 4-, - 4 pd QI) HI) r 0 1 I 41! Q -0 o o U) H a) r. a) ,4 LV . w <M q X _ I Q <3 C. r1' *_ j b m -H 10 1 a) I- LI ) 0i a) In *0 co ko 414 _ <3.<3 ~o o oA <3 - I~ <3 ~ < a6 J I *~~~~~~~ .H I 159 . e.,.; I c. I D.. ! i .few , n0. . 14i - iIi 4 T_ - . . A7- - - ', Er i _ x/LD =1 .1 ") 0.a Arm 4 L acb X 4 I ? ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....i ~~~~~~ i % __ J d s -i~l.4 -eke ~~ ~ AD ~ ~ ~ TR Z.D A~ ':~ 2.l .4 ._..i_a _ _ I ' ,- Fig. 6-9: Cross-sectional temperature transects at various longitudinal positions ( predicted profiles ) _ 160 -1.2 -1.0 Ar x/LD =2.2 710u _a I t AT,6 ;:VW -0.8 An .64 _0.6 _0.4 ,t- -- * 41 ., ¢?' II '_ _ i. : 2. PUNIhPJF 2 I. TP44SVC I: *! _ _I1 -;:!l. PIR~rlLL. I i,'. :. V 'LO I.," x/LD= 3.2 Z e. ar * *o A D. I .1 ,. O. as 6.??l 4 -4 W A - ~ ~ ~ - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~._ I 0. ! I, -.. . , . Fig. 6-9 cont'd 1?P, . L ' lrI i.D 'LN R.s LI l - . L E Y D - &A .- _, -- & 161 o I I x/LD =4.3 0. so Z. Arm '4, *0.w D. cx. *C 4 A, 4 0. A A -,2.D -1 -1, -1. L, PUN? D'2.: rAN-- ''. R F LL Y/L i 9 1.0 x/LD=6.5 Z/H Ar -* 4LAW + S.vr ATS O 0.8 - 0. L) <'711 L 0.6 * 0.4 t- A 0.2 p -2 RUN?D-'. Fig. 6-9 C0 -1 TR,NSVJP cont'd L' L'?. it PRDFILE' 2 0O V/LD 2.9 162 purposes of thermal prediction, the assumption of standard profiles appears to be a valid way of describing the essential features of the field variables. The temperature recordings in the series 200 experiments are taken with a Digitec (United Systems) scanning and printing unit; each scan of 90 probes takes about three minutes. Thus the cross-sectional temperature profiles at six vertical positions are measured over an interval of about 20 minutes and as such these measurements do not represent a truly instantaneous snapshot or time-averaged values (over a long time interval) of the thermal field. However, the cross-sectional measurements are taken after the surface temperature rises indicate steady state conditions, and duplication of several runs demonstrate the experimental results can be reproduced. 163 6.5 Comparison of Theory with Perry model study In this section the theory is compared with the results of hydraulic scale model studies for a proposed diffuser discharge for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Erie. An extensive diffusers for this specific site has been carried in this report isotherms are presented as illustrated the temperature out and The experimental reported by Acres American Corp. (1974). results of unidirectional set of tests on the performance in the form of surface All in Fig. 6-10. field used for comparison on information are reduced from The relevant data are the unidirectional these diagrams. diffuser tests covered in plates 10-63 in Ref.3. The centerline temperature rise along the plume and isotherm areas are compared with the slack tide theoretical predictions in Fig. 6-11, 6-12. The diffuser design and ambient conditions are indicated on each diagram. For each LDH design, the near field parameter = Na , and the intermediate field parameter Eq. 3.41; 4.44-4.47, foLD H are computed; the intermediate 4.52-4.53. 0 AT N is then given by field solution It can be seen that the data shows the same type of trend as observed in this study, comparison shows satisfactory agreement. jet mixing region of is given by eqs. 10 H is indicated and the An estimated initial on each plot. It should be pointed out that many of the Perry tests were done for rather short diffusers and as such the initial jet 164 - _--- .0 . I E -1 C\l LX 2 8 2 I1 .9 0 .icr 0 04 0 - - -- 0 0 9 z ,- z I m U1 W OI 9 ZhJ tt %0 F E nC,) flt 2 w0 II 2 __ t.J is _ C #-r Ia . 7 izZi - .3 - -1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~1I i _'l, .... C) H f to T~ ci) C) 0 4 -~) Or¢ _ 'QH . .o co *, _ __ _ __ __ ____ V . =1. I i ° ' H z I 21 sr ~o 0 40 ___ 165 mixing region can extend for several diffuser lengths. Furthermore, the assessment the nature of the data at hand do not permit of the spatial resolution of the temperature measurements and hence any maximum temperature rises that may be missed by the sensors. Only tests in which the near field mixing is not severely affected by the cross-current are included. In some test with strong crossflows the near field temperature rise is considerably higher than predicted; the effect of an ambient crossflow on diffuser performance is separately discussed in the next chapter. From eq. 4.52 it can be seen the 2 for isotherm areas A/L D vs AT/AT intermediate field parameter D N functionalrelationship is dependent f LD/H. only on the In Fig. 6-13 all the Series 200 experimental data and Perry test data are condensed on the same diagram predictions. and compared with the theoretical 166 co a) -H Lt i 11 .1 *-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -. 6 m. .. II (I- -. ; . .L, -, a) 11 , I I . I -r ., i . . 1 x1 t - 7 s il /c/ _Z A) 425 I z rz L; I / aD nz) ! a) C) I L, /i I I i / 11 / L CO 4-) .L_ " $4 A < < 4 I Er H1 a)l .4 I J 3. ;s Id o . r a.). O .r O 3N['~]INJ LC I .il 3 3516 -.. :31 ijr,631. ij -i n. .^ a P4-) Ie 1, I-J4 , 1 f , oi -.. 9 r . -z . . .. a;s,- i IZ * . i II, II . I a 0. I_ / ,i f t i ,j I /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 3 t 3z I II' C:~ I a? / L;F 01 I /c / A/ ~~~~~~~// ¢ I f 'L --I- _-~~~~~~ r-4 9;! L Il - I o 35bc.i.3NI.b311 .j -41-4 51~ a 33 L t i- O . S Xi 167 I - .- r.. c .,II. I; ,, ,2 I -m ~mmSm . ase 4 - . ._ . mm . l *0 o_ s r. r. _~l a I z I ot _1 I o / / / 3a i Ca I I r, z / /I. -C/ O .I I ; 0' : I < I A ----- C Z, 1* 1 . 5 Ib aA. 3N 1W.I 12_ AILP : . z L v_ . :, . t. z: .. . . , i; x ,, 3:J'. nj l a. ~t= o=~tZ1 . . t'' 1! , _,v I., ....... a 14, I- i / /' / ~Z I / ;.: zu o /I (. 10 / C / I I _ _ r-i tr a Nt ~~~~4 6 1 L-_ -I H / / I / _-__ __ - -- - 1 I ._ --- I-_ -__ I cI - _ Cb I 351b 'li. ;NrlIlJN ).I rUt 1 '..'I . N, '16 I N 3.3 168 i I I 1fIL ` U. :, I r. ; a o ~ ab _ is * - il x I J I ex IL Iow 0 a2 U 2 o I0 0 WI D~ .. 2 , n I IL 0 0 1SI'dN: . 3Nl[i N433 3StHI'3I ,r 3Nt I3LN3 '14 - I 0 zn I U I . . .1. I. . . CD i . 6. . . i. , ao1 2I. 2 -1j J PI 2 U WI z a. _ 112 G " 2 a -Ia o 10 0u LI 2 0 nI a4 D CU 0 r-t ,-l I 11 it_ bb 1:1:4 .n O Of~~~~~~·· I L to 3S I~ '-;~3.1 ;12 . 3 n3 ,r 3HrI-.I33 oN 169 o Io t N 2r 2 1_ 2 0 I I, 0 ow i 'iO u _ 0 z I Q) o q< Hp. E .D .. '0 2 a: 0 2 t 0 -- I I ----0 6 d 0 c 0 -p Hcia) I2 ~jz -P rU) I I TO 0- CMj 2 4I1 I 4 2U ° la 0_ 4) 0 3 Ir tl .. I 9 a0 - a o I I N 0. I o I 6 d r I II o0 - el 6 40 o t 6 N d C ,-I .-I bb 170 I 0I o~ q I // I / II i J 2 . -lf I2 I i 0 - -4 - _ ,1 O z _ 1- ~ z a: 4 i J O 0 _ __ -I I IIN I " I7 I .I J - IW L___I * o I I 6 6 I I - I 0I I _ O O _ i 0 0 6 O I _ / '9 I ._ I T 1 I 2 . 0 - W 0 .. Z _I 4 / -p 0 0 o2 - _ 6 I 1 __ 6 6 -__ . L.__.... I 6 0o r-) Q7 - 0 o a 4 I 6 bo Fr4 171 I o7 0 It 0 w I-X D 0 ZI . o 0I 9_I t~ a: I 00 I d dN o L 0 - I 0 I 6 I o I 0 0 1-' 0I 0I XI Ni 2 0 0 z IX1 4 't 9u 3, zi .4 / 4-, o I0 t 2 0 2 r i"X I0 t L 9 .__. 0ri ~Iz I I 0l I 0 N 0 0 !l o cI c i - 0 V~ C\j H I 1 bb 172 4 . SQ E . 4 0 -4 ~C m co -H H0)t E ke 4-) Y) U * C C),w 0 a)l'd C 4~~ ~ ~ - I j C e0 la S.- ;>G 0 U) .r-i Q)-- r I- P14 _; -' - I H I I 0 I __ I a E) I I ID (5 0 _ ,, I I_ + N 6a -:4 U -,-- 173 6,6 Comparison of theory with field data: James A. Fitzpatick Plant In this section the theory is compared with field data on the induced temperature field by the thermal diffuser -: discharge of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Ontario. The hydrothermal survey was carried out and reported by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (Ref. 29). Dye at a monitored tracer. rate is injected into the discharge flow as a Meterological and hydrographic conditions are recorded; both temperature and dye concentrations are measured at various levels below the free surface. The plant is located 3500 feet eastward of Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, another station employing once through cooling. in about The diffuser discharge is located 1200 feet offshore 30 feet of water direction. and discharging (Fig. 6-15) The diffuser in the offshore consists of 6 double ports (included angle 420) each spaced 150 feet apart; the design values are L D = 750 feet u = 14 fps H = 30 feet Q =825 D = 2.5 feet cfs The site is characterised by a relatively strong offshore slope of 1/50. 174 As an ambient stratification of 3-5°F was always present during the temperature survey, it is difficult to extract information about diffuser performance from the temperature pattern, which is also affected by the discharge from the Nine Mile Point Station. The induced excess temperature AT is, therefore, inferred from measurements of dye concentration. For this diffuser, submergence the densimetric of the equivalent Froude number and slot jet can be calculated by conserving momentum and volume flux per unit length along the diffuser. Accounting for the angle of inclination of the double ports to the offshore direction, we have B. s = u B giving cos () = 13.1 fps o = 0.0903 ft. F S = 128, H/B = 332 where 8o is the included angle between the double ports. 1 The stability criterion shown in Fig. 2-7 indicates the design falls marginallyin the vertically fully mixed region. In fact vertical beyond transects a small region near of dye concentration the diffuser show that the flow is always stratified. The predicted near field dilution LDH Bi S= 2Na well with 0o cos ( -) = 13.3. the observed concentrations. as given by eq. 3.41 is This value compares reasonably value of 10, as inferred from dye 175 In Fig. 6-14, the stagnant prediction for isotherm area (eq. 4.44-4.47, 4.52-4.53) is compared with the field data for June 13, 1976, a day marked (X0.05 fps). The data is recorded (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). The different by very weak currents over a period-of symbols 8 hours refer to measurements at different levels below the free surface. The discrepancy between theory and data, especially for the lower temperatures, is about the same as the scatter in the data. In Fig. 6-15 a,b the predicted isotherms are compared with the observed excess temperature contours for two different times; the lateral plume spread is larger than the predicted cigar shaped isotherms. were carried Unfortunately, no plume measurements out at a distance beyond 2000 ft. from the diffuser line. It should be pointed by a low momentum input into a strong such it does not strictly outlined in Chapter out that this design meet is characterised sloping bottom, the assumptions III and IV; the comparison and as of the model above, however, still shows fair agreement regarding the approximate position of the diffuser plume and the isotherm areas. 1 7- i1 - C Cl -1 I '"C ct 0 C H )>b ~ ~~~~~ Q "0 .. Q ,4Z 0~~ I) H -i U OU oCD CJ Ho N 0 I; ~D g3 6 o 0 aC E-d H1 0 177 I I A II I I I I I I II I 'd of I' . 1, II t Condenser flow 835 efs Discharge temp.rise 30 F 30 feet Water depth Discharge velocity 14 fps II '. s t i , I , 4I I I, I I' I II I II I I II 1( I II I I i LAKE ONTARIO / current 0.05-0.1 shorelii ps depth Fig. 6-15 a)I Comparison of predicted isotherms : James A. Fitzpatrick with field measurements Power Plant 178 0\ // i II eVf ' ~~k~~~~~~~~'. \ ,k, ,, \ I r, , K' \ , t ,~~~~" .i Condenser f low li.scharge temp. rise Wattr depth I)ischarge v lot ity 835 cIs /. 30 ' 30 ft. 14 fps 0.0 LAKE ONTARIO <0.05fps shiorel ine power pth Fig.6-15 b) - r--------- - with field measurements Power Plant - YV - I ..- - - - - - : James A. Fitzpatrick 179 CHAPTER VII UNIDIRECTIONAL DIFFUSER DISCHARGING INTO A PERPENDICULAR CROSSFLOW The temperature field induced by a unidirectional diffuser discharging chapter. into a perpendicular crossflow is treated This situation is often found in coastal predominantly alongshore currents. in this regions with A theory is developed for calculating the total induced flow from behind the diffuser and the plume trajectory. and the Perry model of the theoretical 7.1 T-diffuser The experimental results of this study tests are analysed and interpreted in light prediction. in a crossflow Fig. 7-1 shows the diffuser plume in the presence of a perpendicular crossflow in an open waterbody; a unidirectional diffuser discharging into the ambient current at right angles is often called a Tee-diffuser. The plume is deflected by the dynamic pressure of the intercepting stream; eventually the plume will be swept in the direction In contrast of the ambient to a round jet which allows the ambient current. flow to get around it, the vertically fully mixed plume forms an obstruction to the crossflow; the blockage deprives the lee of the plume of entrainment water from the ambient crossflow - this can, in some instances, cause recirculation ofheated water(Boericke, 1975). 180 -l, 1 a 4 (x,y) : Cartesian co-ordinates (s,n) : natural co-ordinates : inclination of plume trajectory u : mean velocity inside plume Fig. 7-I Unidirectional diffuser to x-axis in a perpendicular crossf low In the following field dilution sections a prediction and plume trajectory T-diffuser is presented. fully mixed conditions. for the near of a trajectory of a Both analyses assume vertically 181 A I I _ - l IIl II I - i I I zke 9. i I~~~~~~~~~1 . _~~~~~~, I I I % I I I I I \ \ \ Fig. 7-2 7.1.1 'C Near field dilution induced by a unidirectional diffuser in an inclined crossflow Near field dilution of a unidirectional diffuser in an inclined crossflow Fig. 7-2 schematizes a unidirectional diffuser aligned at an angle of a a to the ambient =0 corresponds By carrying a control current u . The special to the case of a perpendicular over the same assumptions volume analysis stated is used to derive crossflow. in section S case 3.6, the near field dilution. As in the case of a coflowing is negligible section turbulent mixing i be the section where current, we assume in the near field, the free surface there and let returns to the 182 undisturbed level; u the flow at section is the velocity 1 i; in the direction a. is the inclination 1 direction to the horizontal. ABCD is an volumejust enclosing the diffuser. clature as presented in Cahpter of of the flow outer control Using the same nomen- III, we have for energy conservation along a streamline, 2 2 u 2g + H = h 2g + q D 2 2 u + qD + H =h + 2g -2g where (7.1) . 2g qD is the magnitude (7.2) of the velocity along the diffuser A momentum balance for the inner control volume A'B'C'C' gives gLDH(h gL H h D Equating + ~~~~0 h-) = Qo ou h - momentum fluxes (7.3) in the x and y direction for the outer control volume ABCD, we have SQ o SQ o u.cosa. 1 = Q 1 = i o + SQ u sina o 0 SQ u cosa o a Combining eq. 7.1 through equations and an equation obtained S a (7.4) (7.5) a 7.5, ai. can be eliminated 1 in the near field dilution from the can be as: ysina - a S where LDH B a Na Na = 0 u /u ao 2 - 0 (7.6) 183 the solution is Y sin S 2+ =a + 2. a (7.7) 2 Using a different argument, Adams (1972) obtained the same result by directly replacing y by ysinaa a For the special case of a perpendicular in eq. 3.38. crossflow,a a =0, eq. 7.7 then gives s =/ (7.8) 2 The induced near field dilution in a perpendicular crossflow is then the same as the case of no ambient current. In the2foregoing analysis, a crucial implicit assumption Uu U. u. i a is is thatthat2g 2 << 2gI -1, so that any correction due to the ambient current in the energy equation or the momentum balance equation can be u AH= a 2 29 eglected as a first approximation. due to the blocking The head difference of the ambient stream by the diffuser plume, provides the necessary centrifugal force for the bending of the plume, and hence it cannot the calculation of theplume trajectory. in the equations necessary small. For example, written as: for calculating 2 2 qD -'- + H +e 2g where 2 u a 2g = 2g - + h + in However, its contribution S can be shown the more exact version U. be neglected to be of eq. 7.2 can be 184 importance The relative of in equation 7.2 can be estimated as _o_ ( _a _ ui 2 u U.i )22 i 2g u. % u 0 /S 1 As U (--a U 2 U. S)2 0 Using typical values of = 0.5 fps u = fps S = u The error a 25 5 introduced 2 U. by neglecting c is % 0.01 (2g 7.1.2 Calculation of T-diffuser The situation definition iss2hematised of symbols. lume trajectory in Fig. 7-1 along with the s is the distance u is the mean plume velocity in the stream For simplicity the analysis, and the plume cross-section (i.e. extending direction; top hat profiles plume width. rectangular along plume centerline; L is the are assumed is assumed over the entire depth.) to be in 185 Integrating the continuity and momentum equations in co-ordinates across the plume in the normal direction natural yields the following conservation eqations: Continuity dQ ds d(uL) ds = 2a (7.9) a As in the coflowing relates cose) (u-u current case, the entrainment the rate of increase of volume flux,' d ds assumption to a characteristic velocity difference in the plume direction. Axial Momentum 2 d (u2L) -fM =d 1dM L)-+u ds ds The momentum dM cose ds 8H a dM ds variation, (7.10) ds is governed by the exchange momentum with the crossflow and bottom dissipation. variations in the s direction are neglected; that this approximation is only valid (cf. coflowing realistic Pressure it is recognised beyond the near field, case in Chapter current of IV) and is judged to bea 3implificationas far as calculating the plume trajectory is concerned. Normal Momentum The momentum equation in the normal direction is given by u LH dO ds - 1 2 CDp(ua sine)(si02 (7.11) The main factor in determining the plume trajectory is assumed to be the centrifugal force provided by the dynamic pressure of the crossflow component perpendicular to the plume trajectory. 186 force per unit length along the plume is The bending 2 1 CDP(u Fb = (7.12) sin ) where CD: blocking coefficient. Non-dimensionalising eq. 7.9.11 with u , 0. 5 LD, the following system of governing equations can be obtained. dQ * (u = 2 - ycosO ) ds L ffoD dM D ) M*dQ*+ ycosO 16H dS dO * * (s x ) _ dS sin 2 D = _2 * -2¥ ** M cos ds* ds cosO = o * (s ) oy sinO 0 = (7.13) ds where * .* uL u (0.5L D , M ) D u * - u u , (x * * u uL 22L u o (0.5L ) D * ,y ,s ) = (x,y,s)/0.5LD o u a y o that such at s = 0 = 90° Q (O) = 2(-) M (0) = 2 ()2 where S is the near field dilution. 187 Given the initial conditions and the values of the coefficients a, f , CD , the system of equations o 7.12 can be solved numerically using a fourth order Runge-Kutta scheme. 7.1.3 Theoretical Results It can be seen from the system of equations the governing parameters of the T-diffuser 7.13 that problem are ,y and fLD H H , as in the coflowing current case (cf. section 4.2). The theoretical solution forthe plume trajectory is plotted in Fig. 7.2.1 for two diffuser lengths (LD/H = 5,20) and different D combinations of8 and y; the origin is chosen to coincide with the diffuser center. The comparison for the different input dimensionless parameters demonstrates the plume trajectory is more sensitive to ythan to . A parameter measuring the ratio of ambient momentum to diffuser momentum can be defined as M 2 u F=a LDH D Q y u 2 o0 For a given plume relative trajectories diffuser length, there is an ordering in terms of FM; the significance of the of this parameter is further discussed in later sections. 7.2 Experimental Results In this section tests with the experimental in this study are reported the results experimentally results and analysed of the Perry model that for low momentum study. of T-diffuser in conjunction It is found input in a strong crossflow, the near field temperature rise can be considerably higher than AT /S, S being given by eq. 7.8. 0 An empirical 188 fo=0.02 LD/H D = 5 20 /3-5$0O, rgO.OZ 5 o31 *, Y. LD /0 - o.lz5 /o 20 30 x/LD fo=0.02 LD/H = 20 ,63 Ia - !r, LD Y O -0-1r FFIz 0·12 5 /O Sv x/LD Fig. 7-2.1 Predicted plume trajectory as a function of governing parameters 189 correlation is developed give estimates 7.2.1 to delimit this condition, of the near field dilution and to when this occurs. Experimental observation: this study The T-diffuser The gross featuresof Fig. 7-3. tests in this study are runs FF30-36. these experiments A high pressure diffuser; the diffuser is created plume, as depicted by the ambient current. penetrate upstream region can be summarised in front of the by 1, is deflected Some of the heat is observed and is swept downstream in further to away. A stagnant region is found slightly upstream of the diffuser where the maximum surface temperature rise is usually observed. Some of the heat in this region entrainment advected is recirculated flow at the back of the diffuser downstream, is well-stratified, as depicted by 2. into the and is also Whereas the flow near the diffuser the flow in 2 in 1 is well- mixed, indicating that unstable conditions are present. from the diffuser, the flow in 1 is also stratified. Away Fig. 7-4 illustrates a typical surface and bottom scan of the temperature field. It can be seen the temperature field is highly non- uniform near the diffuser. The highest temperature is found near the stagnation As the heat load is uniform the diffuser, induced point. this non-uniformity flow is not uniform of high local temperature a diffuser length of temperature along the diffuser rises, along suggests axis. the In spite the temperature rise beyond AT °- than the away is much closer to S- maximumtemperature surface observed. maximum surface temperature observed. 190 u - a 4 Fig. 7-3 Experimental observation of a T-diffuser FF test: Series arm ient current direction la ,"%'T t wI 1.iz1 Il diffusr Runreflections diffuser Run FF33 I of ceiling lights diffuser plume (dye injection pattern) 191 Rasin hnundary .1 o.1 0* 0. *,0+~ e.g 0.2 e.1 o.a f ;' 3 PA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I ~~~~ ~ .,02 03 , 0202 0I *., 2 *.0 . 1. .s..o~~IJ'f ,ts-i q 2 i.g.t e., use r 4.& di 0.1 .''3 0. .1 e. *.t 0.0 . 3*.. 2 1.5 . 2.4 *. 0.-2 *.2 0.5 F 2 1.6 2 I.o basi boun(ary Surface temperaturefield Run FF31 tlme=50min. T"/s pF 3.1 z Pr basin boundary .3 0o3 0.2 0.3 *o 0.2 o-j o.a .3) ko. U. O0.2 FPS Is.T . 2 o-04.3 02 oo.f . 0.3 ·2 -,.e 2' 0.3 e- -2 .3 0'3 0.3 _rF o.a o.3* . o.~ 0-. *.J ,.31 0-o 1. 10 I'3 0.1 / /,, 7 0.r .6_e7.S.2I. 8 g40 - 1.7 5.3-2 ,,-.. },,.,., :.f, . -. :. - -0-. diffuser 0.-3 .4 07 *-a 0. o0- 0.7 .0.0 o6 basii bounlary Temperaturefield . H below water surface Run FF31 time=50min. 47s 3 'F sf'a Fffrr Fig.7-4 Typical recorded surface and bottom temperature uSeries FF field in a T-diffuser test; 192 7.2.2 Data analysis of the Perry tests A comprehensive the unidirectional effect analysis tests isotherms in the Perry study indicates of a perpendicular distinct of the surface crossflow types of temperature the can be discerned fields: of in two 1) Fig. 7-5 a) illustrates a temperature field little affected by the ambient current. The near field mixing is dominated by the diffuser design. The normal temperature gradient is symmetrical with respect to the centerline. 2) Fig. 7-5 b) illustrates a temperature field heavily influenced by the crossflow, resulting in temperature rises higher than AT /S extending for large distances 0 gradient an lee and the normal temperature (--n)Tside (n acurrent is not symmetrical with respect to the centerline. In Fig. 7-6 the experimentally the near field are plotted FM the momentum temperature versus is a measure downstream. observed values of rise in this study and {erry tests a momentum flux ratio of the bending F M ua LDH = --Q QoUo 0 0 force on the plume relative input of the diffuser. ATMA X is defined to to be the maximum surface temperature rise recorded beyond a distance LD from the diffuser; defining ATMAX in this manner eliminates isolated heated spots due to local stagnation that are not indicative is the near field of the diffuser temperature and stratification induced flow. AT /S 0 rise that would be obtained the fully mixed assumption is met. if In general deviates In gnerlATMAX AMAX dvae u from AT /S for larger values o of F M . MN For a given u , 0 91 a longer U) 0 F4. 01) 4-4-4 '4 Do 00 '-LO ON~ rC*'J J .- 0 *o, 21) U) t~ (a) 0 uZ Cd~ 14-44-4 -T1 44 co '4-4 4-J 3-. Cl) C4IFI CN rIIi H.A Le) E- II- .H 0 03 *-4 ) U') ,4 4 0 r II (Cl :::1 . 4. 4. 4. 4 4. LI) 4% U 4.4 3tj / I ci) r ( 4J 3 oI- 0 rZ 4 co 0o 0 4-4U) U) 14-4 C- 4-44- 0 4-1 0 .t-I<t 0 .,-4 III I in 0 4- a; co C. 4 C,, ~4J 4i I 00 Cll 3-N1 II II II bI 3-4 U) S~ u' C I 44 *- G-0) O CQ.IJ= o00C.') U) N1 U) l4 j -i ;o a) 0 Cl. 'H PO rX4 c -4 J aJ=I U) N) (Hr Clj H 1 II w 14-4 4 0 4. t4.4 4%1 11co I 194 O tn O o 0 NO 0 0 0 0 :r - iO, 0 < It ,. 0 (D1 I I a 4O w 0' H I ~-H 0 < H o 0 · 1jf OI <<tD 0 In 0 O 0 I U4 I O I 4 z W ,,J I I 0 0 0 I I I I - - I | 0 N I I I |L 0 In -0 · 0 O O 0 195 diffuser is mre prone to adverse effects of an ambient current. For a given diffuser design, an increase of the ambient current velocity would likewise worsen the diffuser performance. The correlation is not affected the near field AT /S. 0 shows that for FM<0.1 by the ambient temperature The implication more concentrated current. the near field mixing Whereas for rise can be considerably is that if a diffuser momentum input (low values FM> 0.1 higher is designed than with of FM), the adverse effect of an ambient current on near field mixing can be eliminated. With the limited amount of available data, it is our speculation that for low momentum input (high F M ) the ambient current induces strong stratification near the diffuser; the fully mixed assumption breaks down, and the prediction 7.3 of S ceases to be valid. Comparison of predicted and observed plume trajectory In this section the computed plume trajectories are compared with experimental results of this study and the Perry model studies. In all the calculations, are used for the physical the following values coefficients. = 0.068 f = 0.035 0o CD= 4.0 For each experiment, , are determined from the diffuser design and ambient conditions. by eq. 7.8. For FM>0.1, For FM<0O.1 S is given S is experimentally determined; 196 AT o S = oBs ATMAX 7.3.1 , ATMAX being defined in section 7.2. MAX Series FF Plume trajectory: Fig. 7.7 shows the comparison the predicted between plume trajectory and the observed plume boundaries. The observed plume boundaries are visually recorded from dye injection patterns during the experiment. agreement more the plume the value of F The larger is reasonable. is deflected. In general, the the In some runs the predicted plume trajectory (e.g. FF30, 34) extends beyond the model limit: distortion of results is expected in regions close to the boundary. 7.3.2 Plume trajectory: Perry tests Fig. 7-8 shows the predicted plume trajectory along with the observed surface isotherms for the Perry same trend is seen in these comparisons; to stronger plume deflection. tests. The a larger F M leads The agreement between the predicted and observed plume trajectory is satisfactory. The predicted plume width, however, is considerably smaller than the lateral extent of the surface isotherms. As the theory is based on a vertically fully mixed assumption, this suggests the plume is stratified beyond the near field. Only tets with distinct input parameters to eq. 7.3 are included; some Perry tests differ only in design parameters that do not affect the global temperature field (e.g. clearance of the discharge ports from the bottom). 197 o 0 ,.0 ,--I I .IU) I II ': -- 4 CM . 1- - . , r. C- . c * I. * 2 I U) (.° 0 . . . U ; 04 e- I V 0 I a .I V o oI . _- H- + + + t t + I 9 9, 4 ' I 1 V I_ I I .I a t i C- 4 - 0v.n E.I a ,, I.. 9 a . I r4 "- I 9 I9 JJ PH C. z 4-i .= ., 1 Io I0.0 I .. V I I I >. _ I 1. aC. 0 1 - . I I I I: CkI IC- "I aUI . . M: Io IC A II . o .) U) 9 *H U) Wi a) (1) t t t I t I t + o03 0 r4 rI 198 II 11 1: I. 11 1. . . . _,%f. ::: . I I 11 II II I I I E I IE I I II I i. i I t -W *t1 41 0 40 0 u -_ . . C . II I I I.. > C c '.I I e1 t c X C F, I _~ 1 _ I I 't t t0 11 I *V., + t X : I 1 !: 1. I to I . ."I C It + t + 4 t 199 l l4J Iu) ,P -t 1. I :1 1: r ,-t l D I'O o1 o-W C 1. _2 - -- ,1 1111 .r- U) w P= ISd( D -Ij3 r o -W) rq u o "o U,. 100 Q w oo .-4 oo IO , 0 1.H - t Cd 00 I FX - -- 200 * t o - - .0--c . NiI It t t *0 > - ii 4J o r.o ,{ C s =o c X C X X , E t * E t : SE: r >\ t j ; ' - - c " " CS c * c ., " :: os _ n a, N c " , o S X X ; v t _ X X w > X _ tc , > , - ' w cc , , , t c wr X ¢ ts c t ,e X > X, X un cc : O , _ cL c a: X E : t _ X t o _ 201 >a I ii 'Z t t aIt t _ .4 0o-,d .00 ooo ill t i 4 , 4 I I u , u + Wlb lb _. I . o-. - U e I. lb S * Ia, I] , !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 I oo I 0M4 I 4 . a ! t ! 4 r I II C;c to _R <I ." . C _ - . . I. 11 11 202 For tests characterized by large FM>O.1 the calculated trajectory indicates the plume rapidly approaches the ambient The calculations direction. current point where u(x) =u a . cos at a are discontinued As the induced in these velocity cases (with impaired near field dilution) is usually small, this occurs compared at a distance with the scale from the diffuser of the isotherm plot that is small (1000 ft.). Consequently it is judged sufficient to illustrate only several comparisons in other of this type (Runs in Fig. tests belonging Sensitivity 7.3.3 blocking to this category of results The sensitivity coefficient 7-8 b); the agreement to CD predictions of the theoretical CD is similar. is illustrated in Fig. 7-9. to the The major determinant of the plume trajectory, CD, is varied + 40% from the assumed value in all the previous calculations for a typical run with FM <0.1. The results show that a larger assumed value of CD leads to more pronounced plume deflection; the ultimate lateral position of the plume is changed 7.4 by only about 10 % from the CD = 4 prediction. Summary This chapter concerns the induced temperature field of a unidirectional diffuser in a perpendicular crossflow. 203 Perry:2M2S09 y 2000 ft. 1000 x IUUU Fig.7-9 JUUU ZUUU it. Sensitivity of predicted plume trajectory to blocking coefficient CD Based on a vertically fully mixed assumption, a theory for calculating is developed the near field dilution and plume trajectory. Data analysis of tests in this study and the Perry model that for a low momentum study shows u 2 flow, characterised o An empirical correlation Tee-diffuser is given. T-diffuser >0.1, the near field o rise can be considerably temperature higher than predicted. of near field temperature The correlation can be designed in the FM adverse effect of the crossflow. cross- H L D by F input in a strong rise for a also suggests that a <0.1 range to prevent 204 The computed plume trajectory is compared with observed plume boundaries in this study and surface isotherm plots in the Perry Study. in all cases. situation Satisfactory agreement is obtained Eq. 7.13 can be used to estimate the distance of the diffuser in a prototype plume from the shore. 205 CHAPTER VIII FAR FIELD RECIRCULATION In the previous a theoretical model for a uni- chapters directional diffuser in shallow water has been formulated, solved, and validated against experimental data. In this chapter we investigate a phenomenon that has hiterto been set aside; the potential in the vicinity heat build-up of the diffuser. Because of its large entrainment demand, a diffuser represents a strong sink. of interest The question is, therefore, under what conditions will the diffuser mixed flow recirculate, carrying heat back into the near field? In the following sections an experimental confirmation for far field recirculation is given. The effect of the return flow on the temperature field will be discussed and semiempirical correlations are presented. 8.1 Conceptual framework of heat recirculation The conceptual basis upon which the experimental investigation of far field recirculation has been conducted can be schematized in Fig. 8-1. Under slack water conditions, we have seen from eq. 4.50 that the momentum is dissipated exponentially as e -f o x/8H of the diffuser ; thus at plume a -8H characteristic distance of L rec =8H f away, the diffuser plume 0o will have lost most of its initial momentum; a stagnant pool of water at this distance would, by flow continuity, serve 206 II ! __________ diffuser Fig. 8-1: as a source symmetry line LRC Schematic of diffuser induced recirculation for the back entrainment thus creating sink >|___ demand a far field recirculation of the diffuser, resembling a source- type of flow. Fig. 8-2 illustrates an experiment. Twenty the recirculation minutes a 30 sec. dye injection pattern observed in after the start of the experiment, is made; Fig. 8-2a shows the diffuser plume immediately following dye injection, the plume edge being blurred by dye diffusion. Fig. 8-2b is a snapshot minutes after the dye injection has stopped. taken five The clear discharge water and the dyed recirculation patterns reveal clearly the shape of the diffuser flow is laminar. plume. The blue streak lines indicate the 207 Ifrc &., Fg. -2 2-w . Fe.?-2. mswa ZaL ,~a4 ( Mj' 23 ) : RaREMZ3 2./ ,,6_ 5 *4A"~ a e SdOffuetXZ-ft &ttfewest e,, ..- aMA. dre 84±- L 208 Characteristic scales of recirculation 8.1.1 From the discussion of the previous we see that scale of recirculation, of the characteristic an estimate section, LRE C is L LREC REC ( (8.1) 8H f8 o = of the diffuser is Thus the time scale of recirculation is (per unit depth) The sink strength SQ measured by H- characterised . by a parameter HL 2 REC S REC T RE TREC Q- (8.2) o for runs that exhibit In the laboratory, strong far field reciculation, the flow beyond the near field would be laminar Using a pipe flow analogy, the friction factor f 0 can be as estimated 64 f= o R (8.3) e where R = characteristic Reynolds number of mixed flow uN(4H) e induced velocity uN in the near field LREC Thus the scale of recirculation, out in this study can be estimated carried experiments u L REC % 1 2 , for the laboratory as H2 N (8.4) -V From eq. 3.41 we see that uN =u 0 /s u H2 L REC 2 2 0 S (8.5) 209 Thus L RECC is dependent The constant on a characteristic of proportionality able less than unity parameter can be expected as the actual jet velocity u 0H2 vS v9S to be considerrapidly decreases below the characteristic velocity uN as the diffuser plume spreads in the lateral direction 8.1.2 A dimensionless formulation of heat recirculation As heat gets recirculated into the near field due to diffuser induced recirculation, the maximum temperature rise in the near field would entrained be higher flow is at a temperature than ATN, as part of the higher than the ambient temperature Ta . The transient temperature build-up in the near field can b correlated with the diffuser design variables. The previous considerations suggest it is reasonable to assume a physical dependence of the following form for the far field recirculation effects. AT = f Thus the maximum induced (ATN' SQ H temperature temperature field LREC, rise AT is assumed L max t) (8.6) in the diffuser to depend on ATN, the near field temperature rise in the absence of heat recirculation; SQ0 H ' the 'sink strength' of the diffuser; LREC, the scale of recirculation; LD, the diffuser length; and t, the time from the start of the experiment. Choosing ATNLREC, t as the fundamental variables, following dimensionless grouping can be obtained: the 210 AT MA X ATN 8.2 D HL2 The correlation results LD SQt = ' L M REC REC ) (8.7) 8.7 can be obtained of this study, from the experimental as shown in a later section. Experimental Investigation All the slack tide runs in Series MJ and FF are performed to test the phenomenon of far field recirculation. these tests were done with a half-diffuser; Most of a few full diffuer tests in series MJ were made to corroborate the findings of the half diffuser confirmed tests. The phenomenon in these runs. recirculation of recirculation It was possible that is significantly to produce was a scale of less than the basin extent, thus minimizing model boundary effects. The experiments in the MJ series were designed to investigate how the scale of recirculation varies as the diffuser design parameters; no heat is introduced. series Each run lasted the slack phenomenon about 45 minutes. tide runs were performed of recirculation In the FF to confirm in the presence the of heat input and investigate how the recirculation changes the temperature configuration in the near field of the diffuser. Each run usually lasted a little over two hours, when it was judged the model boundaries have significantly distorted the results. runs a steady state accumulating is not approached in the basin. It was For these as heat is continually found that small scales of recirculation (strong far field recirculation) are in general 211 characterised by long diffusers, low discharge velocities, and shallow water 8.2.1 depths (cf. eq. 8.5). Experimental Results Fig. 8-3 (Run FF04) times after illustrates the beginning the dye pattern of an experiment. at various Also shown is a surface pathline which indicates a scale of recirculation that is significantly smaller than the basin size. the far field recirculation illustrated in Fig. 8-4. normalized by ATN, The effect on the temperature The excess AT~~y =AT(x,y) AT(xy)) of field is temperature field ispote-ear is plotted n the N beginning and an hour from the start of the experiment. value of AT greater recirculation than 1.0 is then indicative effects. Any of heat Characterised by a small time scale of recirculation (TREc= 3.9 min), the run shows strong heat REC recirculation leading to temperatures much higher than ATN within 60 minutes from the start of the experiment, T t = 15.4. REC As a contrasting the surface scale example, Fig. 8-5 (Run FF13) illustrates flow field of a run that is characterised of recirculation; thus the recirculation is clearly influenced by the presence of the model boundaries. TRe c is large for this run (TRE C 51 min.), by a large Because we see from Fig.8-6 that no heat recirculation in the near field is visible even after 70 minutes from the start of the experiment,-t TRec = 1.4. 212 I -~~~~~~~~L 0 4;) 0 Ns~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a" (D LL- ,o bcOf o .ci ci 0 I I Ii E / I II I % ,I I s, ct ~ ~ A.-i rc) t I k I I I II U \ \ o 4U) -) .H 'I 0 ~~~~\\ \ 'e Cd "I" N N _ / / rH C-) _ C1) ci) 213 0.06 035 O6 lb 0o0o 0.90 o76 0.71 0.o0 o.71 o. 0.12 0.76 073 .0 o35 o71o-. / O5 .73j o-~2 0.4. .. qs 1 0.27 3 o35 31 ./6 0. 2 0.66 o.31 0.45 o 0 14 0. 2o 0.0 0.0 o.o. 11 0.4.1 o45 .1 0. 47 o. / o-o 0.O 004 00 .0o 0.0 o002 0 .S ,f o oq2 o.qo 01 bas oz.0 oo 006o o o04- I Ias lar boun Run FF04 time=10 in. predicted near field temp. rise=4.9 F slack tide I2 6 Twc -vmmPtrv <, . li Ir.T O.92 o.9 .q oq - scale: diffuser s .0 / . 1.o4 0.91 o.16 o.q1 o-qo 1.09 0qz l'/6 0.7 t2 I 33 1.43 /2 8'7 1.37 1 1-22 0-69 f.2 .7/ '-1 0.14- 1.22 1.31 Oz 12 / /-12 1.1 9.q l , 2 ft o. .0 o. I 037 , 067 0.1 oqo o.$; 076 0 47 Oq Oj oqo 073/ 37 o 3q o . o-43 .I 0 o00 o.0o am 5. o o16044 0. 1 Ao.16 0.67 0 47 Run FF04 o4-5 4-7 °4-7 7 1 o. o o1 o.O bas I he. , time=60 in. predicted near field temp. rise=4.9 F slack tide r,,* 15.4- a.24 0.1 o-o8 0o.0 scal e: 2 feet Fig. 8-4 Effect of far field recirculation on the normalised excess temperature field: AT = _7 strong recirculation 4 N Jarv 214 0 4o LLL 2 4 (D C- : CD 11 0 cO5 C) a) 0.H aD Q O-U C) 0 4~(D CDir OO \ -4o '3O .r H0 a)-C N1- _/ ~~~~~/ ~ r-I C C E4~ 0a) a) . ~~/ u) a bO Lfc I I .H EM4 n1 C 0.63 0.67 . .? o.3o0. symmetry line e.fl * 0.6 @7 c 1/ ) 0.1 OM ao .2 O-z 0.44 0.4 0.15 o.1 o. 0.56 o.k o0-33 0.,6 °Sz 0.41 s' 0o7 @o0 0.07 e. #.?f diffusr I~~~~~1o ~e 0.-37 0.37 0-33 o-33 0.37 o3o 0.26 o.q o.l; 022 o.e o.0 0.o.F .44 0.41 o. I 0.37 o.o4 007 0607 0.07 0.0 o..+ 0.o0 0'0 0.07 0-07 -0.4 0.0 o0o0 4.04 0.04 o °.. 0.O 0.4* 0.04. 0. o basi ary boun larv Run FF13 time=1O min predicted near field temp. rise=2.7 F slack tide 00 scale: *--e 2 feet ~~~~~~~~diffuser 14o.1 0.s1 0 0.o o.q o.96 o.74a 0.7 o. 0.0+ °°+ o7-o o.30 0.0 {~~~~ o.o o.of °-° o0.0 4 oo 00 0.0 0-o 0.0 o.o0 0.33 0.0 0. of o 0.04 0 0 0. 04 00 .0 .0 0-0 0.0o o°°8 Run FFI13 time=70 min. basi predicted near field temp. rise=2.7 F slack tide Fig. 8-6 arv boudare Effect of far field recirculation on the normalised excess temperature field: weak recirculation . 2 feet 216 8.2.2 A. Empirical Correlation The scale of recirculation, In the experiment to the point plume to recirculate Fig. 8-2). By defining LRE C can be measured experimentally -REC LRE C is taken to be the distance the diffuser begins LC where the center (as indicated of the diffuser in Fig. 8-1 the scale of recirculation to within observed values about 2 feet. be well borne correlation and in this manner, In Fig. 8-7 the for LE C in the MJ and2 FF series REC u H are plotted against the characteristic parameter as it is, the theoretical from consideration out by the experimental in section data. S--. Vs Rough 8.1 seems to The empirical is: u H2 LC= REC B. 0.088 - Vs (8.8) Maximum temperature rise In Fig. 8-8 the normalised maximum temperature rise in the diffuser induced temperature field recorded at any time during AT (t) an experiment, MA an expAT(obseriment t less time d) , is plotted against a dimension- N ,where REC TREC = characteristic time of recirculation REC HL 2 RE (Obs.) __REC SQ o In general it can be seen that for small values of LD/LREC; i.e. large scale of recirculation, the heat build up is much more gradual whereas for large values of LD/LREC, the maximum temperature rise in the near field can be as high as two to 217 co 0o H QJ En z 0S C.n C T - O O - n e 11 C) 0 0 O<?o Oe.0< 0 ) C,) 1 0 H R 00 C) *h *w o C) 000 I 1 O 010 1-1 0 C T-co 0 04 W~ o N -J o 218 0 10 J C- N -zi - 0 cD o0 00n CN CI >PZ.x4 4 4z .0 iC) ~ •1 4a w occ00 -ut 505T r. - 00 cz n m 1. r- ctc4cqm NNOC\ 00 ~4 4Z P-4 4 z,-<o PL4 Ln xr H- l 4 a Iji Q '1 c3 GJ O GtO > o o 'O x3X9 0o q-4 Q) 0 cn 0C .1-4C ,4 C. co El x Ia 0 ,-y *-H ,'--I 0 U x Xo CQ) O 4_1 tl) -r-I 4 I O0 -H cc-1r-4 ·,-II~ rl [- rz = z] 4-3 I I I . . . I . o o ew- tN I d - I - ____11__11_1111111____1__11_·____1_11_ 11--·--11_ 219 three rise without times ATN, the near field temperature heat recirculation as given in section 4.1.1. The temperature data of three FF slack tide runs have been excluded in these correlations for experimental reasons; Runs FF09 and FF25 are characterised jet mixing. The diffuser with the sensor compared jet laminarity may affect so that potential RDn 1500, numbers, the length LD of Run FF27 is short spacing, not sufficiently close to resolve 8.2.3 by low jet Reynolds so that the measurements are ATMAX. Short vs. long diffuser All the previous discussion and experimental results have the far field heat recirculation suggested parameters tion LREC. - the sink strength this notion With is dependent on two SQ /H, and the scale of recircula- in mind we can compare the effect of diffuser length on far field recirculation. Let us consider two diffuser designs. The design parameters are indicated below: Design Design A Qo,2LD,2s,uo,H a ,N QOLDS,uOH,aON Thus design B differs B from design A in that only the port spacing (and hence the diffuser length) is doubled, everything else being kept the same. slack From Eq. 3.41 we see that for the tide case the near field dilution S is proportional to L H /Na o thus design B would have a near field dilution i2 times 220 that of A. For these two cases the sink strength and LREC are compared: SQ /H L % REC (f2 S)Q uH 2 O O H2 L vS The sink strength with a scale /H of design REC v(2 S) B is /2 times that of design A, of recirculation 1//2 times. These elementary considerations are demonstrated by Runs FF28, 29. Fig. 8-9 compares the surface flow field recorded for the two runs; it can be sei that a longer diffuser smaller of the dyed scale of recirculation. The movement has a diffuser plume at various stages after dye injection for these two runs is also shown normalised excess in Fig. 8-10. temperature Fig. 8-11 compares the field for the same two runs; a longer diffuser induces more far field heat recirculation in the same real time t (cf. t= 120 minutes) after the beginning of the experiment, which corresponds to different normalised times diffuser). 8.3 t/TREC 10.2 (short) vs. 30(0ng Design Application 8.3.1 Prototype Considerations In the prototype flow is turbulent; of recirculation values are hence of H f = 20 0 = feet 0.02 characteristic scales given by eq. 8.1, 8.2. Using typical 221 Q0 = 0.8 GPM L,= 2.5 FT. A = 1.0 IN. H =0.73 IN. RUN F '7-9 o=1.89 FPS Fig. 8-9 Recorded surface flow field ( short vs long diffuser) 222. r- r= CD C) rS C)- cl) C' -11c+ -W 0 C -,A II r0 C) C)S v .)- -h a) CC C) UC) , 4 ~ zrH 4 a) H, -4 C) oo E __ -11111111_1-- 1 ----·- _ _ __ 223 O ,IIa) 4i C, C) PL, . a; U) A bei ,to Ui) a) 4-i -t -4 co II C) 0 U C) U r-'} -H -c 0 C) 4> 4-' C co II I 0o a oH r,4 Q 4-i 4i 224 symmetryI ine -4i 0o .oS~ I.oZ I0o I ti /o3 fC .0 _ -n L a7 1 .,. o.q2 . 0#1 o.15 1.s3 I.It 0 /.1., 1.22....i0o o.4 ay-+ **t7 0.75/ 0-3 0.31 0o. 07 04 *.q 0C 07 0.7 0.5. 0 /~~~~ 0.44 0.44 ohl 003 0.0 o-oq 0. 0.0 o 9 03 0-0 o~o 0.0 AT 01 0.2 0.0O 0_2 _ o-4* ooq 31 *.Of 0o0 oS.67 . O.4 .05 aT~~~~~~~o 5 - T/ 0 5 I _I 0.63 0.3 O.'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~basi Iar bou 0.06 Run FF28 time=120 min. predicted near field temp. rise= 3.2 F slack tide /0o.2 0-03 0.0 0o scale: e'J 2 feet svmmer- diffuser lina 0*0 0. J o 33 0.0 0.0 o 33 0ol O,/4. o.o 0.0 basi 0'0 0. 0'O 0.0 bo U arv 0.0 Run FF29 time=120 min. predicted near field temp. rise= 2.1 F slack tide scale: - 0 Fig. 8-11 _______________I_·_1__1__11___11_1111 2 feet Recorded normalised excess temperature ( short vs long diffuser ) field, _ I·IIXLLI__II._-(-_·--_I - -C L_·- I 225 we have LRE C = 1.5 miles REC Also the time scale of recirculation, by eq. 8.2. For small diffuser TREC, can be computed flows and small initial near field dilution, for example. S = Q Qo = 5 1000 cfs we have TRE = 71 hour REC For large diffuser flows and large initial near field dilution, for example, S = Q 0 10 = 3000 cfs we have TRE C = 11.8 hr. Thus at a given site, a larger diffuser flow and larger initial back entrainment is characterised by a smaller time scale of recirculation i.e. relatively stronger heat recirculation effects. Also for a given discharge flow, a longer diffuser (everything else kept constant) would have a shorter time scale of recirculation T REC 1 S - as (cf. eq.8.2, 3.41); ED these considerations were demonstrated with relation to the laborabory tests as discussed in section 8.2.3. 226 In general, for any given LRE C and TRE C situation, estimated using eq. 8.1, 8.2 respectively. frequency and duration importance can also be used to estimate 8.3.2 Based upon the of slack in a prototype of heat recirculation can be situation, can then be assessed. the heat build-up the Fig. 8-8 in the near field. Design of Models for undistorted models In the laboratory, that preserve dynamic similitude of the near field, the friction factor is not scaled properly. of flow in the model tends to Laminarity pronounce frictional effects. Thus stronger recirculation is observed in the physical scale model where than in the prototype,i.e. (LREC) prototype r(f ) prototype (LREC) model (f ) model ; length scale ratio of prototype to model. For example, using typical values of (f0 ) model = 0.035 (f) prototype = 0.02 the scale of recirulation LRE C is overestimated by 50% in the laboratory. For a given site, heat recirculation used to establish if it is desired in a hydraulic the minimum to test diffuser scale model, induced eq. 8.8 can be model scale ratio to be used. By preserving Froude similitude in the prototype and model we have (V) model 1 (v) prototype _______1_1________________1_1111 _· 227 where V: characteristic velocity Then for the hydraulic scale model U. o. 088( - °- /Z-XQ L r = REC )( H) 2 rr vS = 0.088 u H2 ( 0 -)prototype VS prototype For any given diffuser design and L -5/2 (8.9) r del' the appropriate length scale ratio can be chosen using eq. 8.9. Using typical values of i u = 20 fps H = 20 ft. S = 10 r = 100 we have LREC = 70 At this ratio, ft. only by using model basins 200 feet or longer can diffuser induced heat recirculation be tested. 228 CHAPTER IX DESIGN APPLICATION In this chapter, the theoretical results presented in the previous chapters are interpreted from the viewpoint of practical design of thermal diffusers for once through cooling systems. overview of diffuser design is given. First, a brief Second, general features of diffuser performance for various designs are discussed for two cases of fundamental interest. Finally, an ecological interpretation of the model predictions is advanced, and prototype considerations are made. 9.1 Diffuser design in shallow water: a general discussion At a particular site and for a given plant capacity, the design objective is often to meet state or Federal thermal standards. These standards can be either quantitative (e.g., the allowable extent of an isotherm area) or qualitative (e.g., siting to locate the discharge away from fish spawning areas, making provisions for zones of passage for marine organisms) in nature. evaluation of the impact The final design is based on the of the complicated interaction of a multitude of factors--frequency, magnitude and direction of the prevailing currents, topography and hydrography of the site, the type of organisms that are to be protected, and economic considerations. It was pointed out in Chapter II there are three basic types of multiport thermal diffusers: and unidirectional diffusers. the nature of the ambient alternating diffusers, staged diffusers, Depending on the plant design and current, one type of 229 diffuser may be preferable a tidal situation, to the other. it may be desirable For example, in to use an alternating diffuser with no directional momentum input, whereas in the case of currents predominantly in one direction, either a staged or unidirectional diffuser may be more preferable. The details of the general design philosophy can be found in Ref.15 In many instances, and especially for well designed diffusers, ambient the temperature current is greater reduction in the presence of an than the case of no current. Thus the stagnant water condition is often chosen as the worst or design condition upon which general design principles and first estimates of design values The comments in the ensuing can be drawn. discussion in this chapter are limited to unidrectional diffusers, which are particularly applicable in shallow coastal waters. A unidirectional diffuser inputs large momentum in one direction; it is effective in minimizing the area of mixing zones of elevated temperatues, and directingthe thermal effluent offshore. 9.1.1 Design Alternatives For a given plant capacity, the heat rejection rate is fixed; thus Q0 AT is constant. The design variables are 230 Q AT condenser flow 0 condenser temperature rise 0 LD diffuser length u nozzle velocity N number a0 port area H water depth at discharge 0 of nozzles Many design alternatives can be explored. increase Q number of ports 2) increase and hence u , keeping constant, increase and hence the diffuser flow Q can mean either 1) increasing the Increasing Q . being We may reduce AT 0 to LD, keeping s and u the same number the port area a length constant, of ports and hence LD so that the number 0 or L D is decreased of ports - the condenser fixed. In the next section are discussed. Design two design alternatives cases of fundamental can be understood interest in terms of these two cases. Design interpretation of theoretical predictions 9.2 General features of diffuser plume characteristics can be extracted by examining the theoretical solution given in ChapterIV. It is possible view. to interpret eq. 4.52, 4.53 from adesign We have seen from eq. 4.19-4.20, 4.28-4.29, point of that for =0, LDH the solution L L HD ____ sh is dependent eltv the relative ifue diffuser on N - a near field parameter, lnt. Fo length. For a specific peii and itwNa site, we can 231 think of Q ATo, H as fixed. The near field temperature rise ATN is given by AT AT -= = N AT -(9.1) S LH *D 2Na Since Q 0 = Na u , by definition, eq. 9.1 can be written as AT o Thus for a specific site and plant design, only on the diffuser Given L determined length L ATN is dependent and the nozzle velocity D--~~~~~-- u , the details of the design D' ~~~~~~~~o0 - s,N,a u. can be by (N-1) s = L (9.3) D N a o = Qo u (9.4) 0 Given eq. 9.3 and 9.4, an arbitrary of the three variables choose s sufficiently momentum, and then a For purposes 0 s,N, and a . 0 choice can be made Thus in principle for any we can small to approximate a line source and N are determined accordingly. of discussion, the design values of for a 2410 MWe power plant in shallow water - the Perry Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Erie are chosen Q = 2780 H = 19 ft. = 28 0 AT f o0 o = 0.02 cfs F 232 Two cases of fundamental interest are considered: 9.2.1 Case A: Effect of diffuser length for fixed discharge velocity LD The nozzle velocity u o shown by Eq. 9.2, a longer field mixing. is fixed and diffuser D H is varied. is more efficient As in near The intermediate field performance, however, can be contrasted to elucidate the tradeoff between a longer diffuser and a shorter one in the entirely fully mixed region. Fig. 9-1 illustrates comparisons of variables of interest for four cases with u = 20 fps LD H The nozzle - 10, diameter 20, D 0o 40, 60 is fixed at 2 feet. Fig. 9-1 a) illustrates temperature rise with x. the variation in centerline It can be inferred from the temperature drop that a longer diffuser induces more back entrainment, whereas the shorter diffuser entrains more flow in the intermediate field The ultimate AT at large distances Fig. 9-1 b) shows the variation with distance from the diffuser. due to inertial is similar. acceleration u c of centerline u (x) increases in the near field and then decreases entrainment and momentum loss. velocity due to side A shorter diffuser induces less near field mixing and hence leads to a more pronounced velocity field. 233 0 %3 0 tG W 0 1 rzP. X, Cd )u v4 ) D0 C4 O w lb li WI 234 I 0 04 En 04 (D rH U 00m 00 owH rH-H H UO -41Oc N i 4-) -H Uo Ow -H 0 \t V'4~I~ L X - 4E C4 235 Fig. 9-1 c) shows the shape of the diffuser longer diffuser starts out a wider plume, plume. The but the rate of increase of the shorter diffuser plume is greater by virture of its larger capacity to entrain. Fig. 9-1 d) shows the areas within different diffuser designs. surface isotherms for For a given diffuser design the area within a AT0 F surface isothermis meaningfully defined only for AT < AT X < AT - N whereAT N is the near field temperature rise as given in Section AT 4.1.1; ATN = -S S being given by Eq. 3.41. AT is the asymptotic temperature 4.3.2, rise given by eq. 4.54. this is a measure of the mixing flow) of any unidirectional tures when the different As pointed diffuser. diffuser capacity out in Section (total induced For the range of tempera- designs overlap, functions are virtually indistinguishable. the A s vs AT This means that if the criterion of interest is a relatively low temperature isotherm (e.g. the 3F isotherm), as a diffuser twice as long. a shorter diffuser Fig. 9-1 e) shows the travel a function entrained time along the centerline of AT ; this is a characteristic c history of might be as satisfactory measure as of the time exposure to elevated temperatures for aquatic organisms into the diffuser induced flow. It can be seen that the thermal impact of short vs long diffusers on an entrained organism is intimately related to the ability of the organism 236 N 0 trt Nh¢ In 0 :1: Q~~~~~Q 4i H C - 3 'H Q) -I o . C)h :n E QH rz s .n 0 I 0 C An - 237 - .. I 4J U o c fU0 .1i *H D~ 0)02 u, En 44 p Ch .H o0f ¢z 0 .H c H 0 '.6 o0 F< La o0 * - 9 ~ 0 O :) cn uC) 0 m4 E J V0 V) a1) ) N -4 's 4O a) 44> pi.- .- H ~ 0 $-0cd ) 4U :~I-- ·... 0 0 .H ~4 ~4 0-C, O W 4 JQ0 CO aH Q) 0 r O~a a) OII Al -J :c I 0 0E 0 w t(1 0 +,,d O . 239 to withstand high temperature rises for small durations. is discussed in greater detail As a check against This in the next section. the assumption of a two dimensional friction jet, the densimetric Froude number based on the water u depth F = H (x) x is plotted VgfAT H be seen FH>1 up to x/H = 600. by this model effects. vs x/H in Fig. 9-1 f). The essential are thus consistent features with the exclusion It can revealed of buoyancy (see section 4.3.2). In summary, the physical one striking variables ~10 H the effect feature of interest of the diffuser that is common is that beyond length to all a distance is no longer felt. of Short diffusers with its more concentrated momentum flux, make up for its lesser near field mixing capacity by entraining more ambient flow in the intermediate field. The results also support the two dimensional boundary layer type approximation for a region large enoughto reveal the essential characteristics of the diffuser plume. 9.2.2 Case B: Variable discharge velocity and diffuser length with constant near field dilution In this case we study and decreasing five diffuser L D /H is D LDu L. stays constant. changed Fig. 9-2 compares designs proportionally the tradeoff in which u decreased between the thermal increasing impact u of varies from 15 fps to 45 fps. LD LD from H = 60 to H Thus the near field dilution (cf. eq. 9.2) and the global performance = 20 so that H is not can be compared. 240 To .. E -4 4.0 U. C< mo 0 s Wn D -W rzH 81 rz) Q) 4-J 0 -4 o' o 0 0 -1 %3 CI 241 zo 0 o -4 ,, 0 41- o ~4J o X co 4 ., 0U r-4 J -4CD 0 4Jc dU o C4X en fX a0 Q o a 4oii I-L) a CO Q o..L 0 c C a) c o3 -I (.) C ,.o4 0U U) X 1, c4 r4 s~i2 0 4U a CI N If ,O" tCI r t 40 o I<3 I 40 (3 e I 0 (: LL I 0 ( < N I Or 243 , .c. Co C ,-4 -W aNO :I0 .0 r) "U CJ0 4-C. 0 J lt -ii 0 U: 4 U 4 0 -' 0) i)u -H OCsom XoU' H 0) C N 0 o4o C) ° '3~ ~ q ) 0 244 .. X .0 t4 .0 a) 4J O 0 -'0).)'I' I O -4 0 0) o, © H 0)02 0) X G CI. I C, .H Ic a 0 0 0 ch -4 X 245 The five designs LD u D correspond to fps o H 60 15 50 18 40 22.5 30 30 20 45 It can be seen from Fig. 9-2 a,b,c,d that by increasing the discharge velocity (keeping a constant and just decreasing 0 N and hence L), D a significant decrease is obtained both in terms of centerline temperature rises and areas of different surface isotherms. Comparing the LD LD H = 60 case and the - =30 case, for example, an order of magnitude decreasein the area within the 3F isotherm is achieved by increasing u from 15 fps to 30 fps. Fig. 9-2 d. shows, on the other hand, the increasing velocities which are induced by the shorter diffusers with higher discharge velocities. 9.3 Diffuser performance and aquatic environmental impact Thus far, the comparison of diffuser designs have been presented in terms of centerline temperature rises, centerline velocities, and different isotherm areas in the previous sections. In addition to this type of Eulerian description, it may be desirable for purposes of quantifying the environmental impacts 246 of different diffuser designs to display the model predictions in an alternative manner that may provide more direct answers to question of interest What do these results to the aquatic biologist, such as: mean in terms of the organisms entrained into the diffuser plume? that are Is therea quantitative measure for the total number of organisms that will be affected? What is the distribution the aquatic population of heat to which various portions will be exposed of , and for how long? (Fig. 9-3) In this section we attempt to translate to a form that could be of more potential and decision makers. the model results use for biologists Diffuser performance is compared on the basis of "ecological histograms" which capture information from both the temperature and velocity field on one diagram. To fix ideas, the concept to the same two design In the following is illustrated cases presented with reference in Section the basic assumption 9.2. is made that the number of aquatic organisms entrained into the diffuser plume is proportional to the induced 9.3.1 Comparison of ecological performance:variable diffuser length at fixed discharge velocity_ Case A: We recall u flow. in this case the nozzle = 20 fps and only the diffuser LD compare dilution the H =~~~~~DD 60 and achieved velocity length is fixed at L D is varied. Let us L = 20 designs. The asymptotic for the two cases is about the same 247 I 4' aq en di Fig. 9-3 An ecological interpretation of diffuser performance (cf.Fig. 9-1 a): thus the total number be entrained into the diffuser of organisms that will plume will be the same. However, different proportions of this number of organisms will experience different temperature rises for different durations. In Fig. 9-4 we plot a histogram distance/total designs. of induced induced flow (in increments It can be seen, as in section flow per unit of 50 H) for the two 9.1, the shorter produces a more distributed kind of flow pattern. diffuser The back entrainment is larger for the longer diffuser, whereas the shorter diffuser entrains more flow in the intermediate field. In Fig. 9-5 we plot a histogram of the fraction of the total number of organisms experiencing a maximum temperature rise in a certain range and its duration. Thus for the design 248 . 1.c as , LIf Fraction of total a6 _ entrainment flow 6 '2 Z 100 Fig. 9-4 200 1T -. t l I l I1 r 300 U 4W 1 5oO Distributionof induced flow along diffuser plume 1.0 p. Fraction of total entrainment flow _o0 l.,20 H _I p- a, @2- I I 0 200oo t r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · I I X ! · 300 400 Soo a2W 249 ILo __ .. 0% O 'A t 00 N I a j-J: C, Cil rfi 0Q co ! I 0 ,, 0 \ 6 m o C -n ,, C C E -E "L C L $- . -C o o N 5 1 4O O -o N - 0U00 w w m C - - w r_ 2 E- -, , C, C I- *T-I 01 0 00 Z7 t, 0 ! i^ 0aU)I _ o o 0 r4 ICt ,q r 0 .C C ,- -9 I 4-4 Lb 0 0l 0 U) '-I 0C rl 1 0 C.4 'AL I- U o N4 0 _ O I 0 | . I'D oo O - b . .. : 6O O u,2 E C C .. ._4 U. . i C u J CWi.O L 0C C I .~~~~~~~~~ I . 1+ N dO ~S O I I I CCC C r: C- I1 rl 250 LD = 20 fps, 70% of the entrained - = 60, u H will be organisms o exposed rise in the range of 3-3.5 F temperature to a maximum for 38 minutes, 15% will experience a maximum temperature rise in the range than one hour. three rise in the range 2-2.5 F for longer temperature a maximum and the rest will experience F for 40 minutes, 2.5-3 tradeoff" The "ecological ( and perhaps times as short a diffuser three times less costly) can of the entrained a fraction as diverting then be interpreted of building organisms (45%) to be exposed to higher maximum temperature rises 9.3.2 (less than 10 minutes) for short durations (3.5-5.5F) Case B: Variable diffuser length and discharge velocity at constant near field dilution In this case when L D is decreased D the near field dilution i) L H ii) the same. = 60 u = 15 fps 30 u = 30 fps LD H The total induced is increased u to keep ~~o We compare flow for these two designs the two designs is not the same as the asymptotic dilution is greater for the shorter diffuser (cf. the LD H Fig. 9-2a); thus a greater number of organisms. number of entrained ecological organisms histograms be seen for the higher 30 = = 30 fps for design the total i), we plot the same for the two designs. velocity entrains design Using as base value (Fig. 9-6). case the duration temperature rise is reduced greatly ten minutes u It can for the maximum from e.g. 50_minutes to for 3.5<AT<4 0 F) at the expense number of organisms at lower temperatures. of entraining a larger 251 U. Sf k0 it r I sr E [, oI 7, H. 0 O .) ·tI 0 - na Q,! ., N U) 4 JJE - I o 0 4 - C) - -4 0 C C (4: Q *.4 C1 I.,z I- .-4 V 4C ,,- 0 C 4. *r W8 - C C g cU ) _ C s c3 c~ c % 0C c; OC(C C - o 4- 4-' i- I. a 0p --Z d ci -4 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- o 0 .,4 It C 0 4 L 0i I I I o0 ti ) o E o sC ( U) 4-4 ar4 0 0 I-, o0 .H1 o o a) - 0 -4 o l c I o L .,.. U, 0 * I0 C- I o 0 44 (',1 I 0C.-1 L 0n~ ; cr .H tc M-.4-- > V ·~ C E 0CO C -C , 0 II il CC cO C o C U: C CC% CC VO 0 a) .,4 V4 m : c- .4 '4 o- ,4. V~ C E 4- C,, C -0X I I I I O am \0 + I o 252 9.3.3 Concluding Remarks By presenting the results in this discretised fashion more information pertaining to possible ecological impact can be extracted in addition to other quantities previously adhered to: induced velocities, maximum temperature rise in the field, plume areas. It should be pointed out the assumption of the quantity of entrained organisms being proportional to induced flow is only strictly valid for weak swimmers and drifting organisms, such as embryos circulated and through larvae of fish species. Aquatic the power plant are not accounted organisms for in the ecological histograms, as their inclusion would involve the consideration of many site specific conditions: intake design, condenser flow, length of connecting piping to the discharge structure, etc. Furthermore, the number of organisms actually pumped through the plant at much higher temperatures than AT affected, is a small percentage the ratio being for example, S types characterised by 1/S . of organisms In case A, = 15, and the ratio is 0.067. The concept to other of the total number outlined in this section of heat dissipation schemes can be extended (e.g. surface discharges) as well as other sources of pollutant (e.g. chlorine and copper), provided the initial concentration at the discharge point can be estimated. 253 9.4 Prototype Considerations: All the model point Short vs long diffusers interpretations in sections to say that in general by increasing velocity u 9.2 and 9.3 the discharge (short diffusers), the diffuser performance is greatly enhanced by a large reduction in i) isotherm areas ii) the duration in the high temperature ranges for entrained organisms. The advantages offered by a short diffuser discharging at relatively higher velocities than conventional designs can be further a) substantiated in a prototype setting: In coastal regions, thermal diffusers are usually located close to the shoreline and oriented to direct the thermal piping effluent required offshore, as shown in Fig. 9-7. for a diffuser is then the sum of the diffuser length LD and the length of piping structure and the power plant, L . Because The total connecting of the two dimensional nature the discharge of the fluid motion induced by the shallow water discharge, the diffuser induced flow effectively blocks the oncoming current for some distance offshore. is greater If the total induced back entrainment, SQo, than u L H, the amount ap of flow that normally passes the region between the diffuser and the shoreline, possible local re-entrainment of warm mixed water can occur. Thus L , the length of connecting piping required to avoid local P 254 Long diffuser Low velocity disc] ambient current A1 back entral power plant Short diffuser High velocity discharge - I lateral entrainment ambient current I -;O ting piping shoreline li Fig. 9-7 power plant Prototype considerations of diffuser design in coastal region: short vs long diffusers 255 re-entrainment LD. As S fL, D' expect L p /L D is also a function (for constant D u of the diffuser length cf e.g. Eq. 9.2) we would o . In order to avoid local recirculation leading to undersirable heat build-up, therefore, a longer diffuser has to be located further offshore. proportional Assuming the cost of piping is to its length, diffusers of length LD1 L L . would pl' p2 the economic tradeoff of two LD2, and connecting pipes of length be characterised by LD1 + LP LD2 + Lp2 (cost of piping)l (cost of piping)2 LDI (yLP) L L L L 2 (L1) + ( PI___P- LD2 p2 1 + Supposing the connecting L L p2 Thus building LDILD+ = (LD1) D1 D2 D2 a diffuser As pointed we have twice as long would bear an 2= 3.4 times higher. out in Chaster VII, u momentum / L D2 cost economic cost 2 + b) ) D2 pipe is as long as the diffuser length for design 2; since ratio of pipes (L D2 flux ratio FM = for low values of the LDH U (small L D , large u ), the 0 0 near field mixing is not affected by the ambient current; whereas for FM> 0.1 (large LD, small u ), plumes of temperature rises two or three times greater than ATN areobserved for rises two or three times greater than AT N are observed for 256 large distances downstream. pointed out in Chapter The empirical correlations VII can be used to design diffusers with sufficiently strong momentum flux, so that the temperature reduction is improved by the crossflow. In periods of prolonged slack, long diffusers tend to induce stronger was discussed far field recirculation; in detail In summary, in Chapter VIII. it should be pointed on the geomorphological this topic and hydrologic out that depending conditions at a specific site, the economic and ecological advantages offered by short diffusers have to be weighed against higher pumping costs, possible navigation hazards caused by higher induced velocities, and sedimentation problems. discharge velocity u In general, the should be set to the highest value that isacceptable by other considerations of importance. is acceptable by other considerations of importance. 257 CHAPTER X SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Objectives 10.1 This study is concerned with the understanding and prediction of the velocity and excess temperature field induced by a unidirectional thermal diffuser in shallow water. A unidirectional thermal diffuser is a submerged pipeline discharging waste heat from steam-electric power in the form of a line of high velocity generation heated All the discharge jets. direction. ports are pointing turbulent in one This type of once-through condenser cooling water discharge is effective in mixing the heat with the ambient water within a small area, and is hence capable of meeting stringent thermal standards. momentum in one direction, It provides large and can direct the thermal effluent offshore. The objective is to understand induced flow and temperature patterns as a function of diffuser design and ambient conditions (discharge velocity, diffuser length,strength of ambient current) The ultimate goal is to establish a framework upon which the design of unidirectional thermal diffusers in coastal regions can be based. Three cases of fundamental 1) diffuser operating in interest are studied: stagnant conditions or a coflowing 258 current, 2) diffuser discharging into a perpendicular crossflow, and 3) potential heat build-up due to recirculation induced by the pumping Prior action of the diffuser. to this study, knowledge of a unidirectional diffuser in shallow water was primarily limited to a onedimensional analysis of the total induced flow in the near field (Adams, 1972), and scattered experimental results of site specific hydraulic scale model studies of limited general value. No comprehensive treatment of the excess temperature field induced by the diffuser in an open water body had previously been attempted. 10.2 a) Theory The theory for the diffuser operating in stagnant conditions or a coflowing current, forms the analytical as outlined foundation in Chapters for the entire III and IV, study. A vertically fully mixed condition is hypothesized downstream of the diffuser. Vertical variations of temperature are neglected and a two dimensional theory is based model is formulated on the coupling and solved. of a potential The flow model in the near field with a friction jet model in the intermediate field. The predictions do not involve any fitting of theory to experimental data; all physical coefficients are taken from well established diffuser data in the literature. plume As the travel time in the is of the order of an hour, surface heat loss effects are neglected. 259 By neglecting turbulent side entrainment and bottom friction, the total induced flow near the diffuser is first derived from a control volume analysis. This is then used as an integral boundary condition to obtain a potential flow the near field. The near field solution solution of is coupled into an intermediate field model that predicts the global temperature field, by incorporating lateral entrainment and bottom friction. Scaling arguments show that Laplace's equation satisfies the equationsof motion in the near field, where pressure and inertial effects dominate. A control volume analysis yields two gross parameters - the induced flow from behind SQ , and the contraction ratio a of the mixed flow (Eq. 3.38, 3.40) These provide the integral boundary conditions for the potential flow model. By assuming uniform induced flow locally along the diffuser line, the complex potential plane and the hodograph plane corresponding of a slip streamline to the flow can be derived. which models discontinuity is hypothesized. The existence the locus of velocity The position of the slip stream- line can be calculated using classical free streamline theory (eq. 3.62) by mapping plane. the complex Once the slip streamline potential is known, onto the hdograph the flow and pressure field can be calculated by solving Laplace's equation in a region with known boundaries and boundary conditions. 260 is a function The near field model = LDH the ratio of the intercepted cross-sectional area , NaO ' to toal discharge u a port area, and y= ua , the ratio of the o ambient current to discharge velocity. results of two parameters show that the extent The theoretical of the near field is 0.5L D and the computed slip streamlines always match asymptotically the contraction ratio predicted independently by the control volume The solution reveals a region of high pressure in analysis. The potential front of the diffuser. energy gained from the diffuser momentum is re-directed into longitudinal momentum as the flow contracts distribution along and accelerates the diffuser downstream. The velocity line can also be inferred as: SQ a = (10.1) LD u sinO v(y) A 2y A (10.2) LD In the intermediate field, an integral friction jet model is formulated for the diffuser plume; inertia, turbulent side entrainment, and momentum dissipation due to bottom friction are included. potential Pressure variations are computed using the flow solution beyond the near field. in the near field, and are neglected The entrainment assumption relates the increase in volume flux across the plume to a characteristic centerline velocity excess. The global velocity and temperature 261 field is assumed to possess a boundary layer type structure (section 4.1) and is divided of flow establishment lateral entrainment temperature refers into two regions: The region to the zone where has not penetrated turbulent to the core. rise in the core is assumed The to be AT IS. The 0 unknowns in this region are u , the centerline velocity,S(x) the core width, and L(x) the diffuser length of this region is obtained layer thickness. as a solution The to the problem. In the region of established flow gaussian profiles are assumed for the velocity region are u, and temperature AT , and Cc rise. H . in this L(x). The entire model is a function foLD field parameter The unknowns of ,y and an intermediate Integrating the governing equations across the plume yields a system of first order ordinary differential equations in terms of the unknowns in each region. An analytical solution of the friction jet model in the special case of no ambient current yields the following interesting features free turbulent (eq. 4.52): In contrast to a 2D or 3D jet, the momentum flux of a friction foX dissipated exponentially as e 8H . jet is The solution possesses an exponential type of behavior, leading to a divergent plume with rapid decrease in velocity. of heat recirculation predicts plume. into the near field. an asymptotic This places This suggests the possibility temperature rise AT a limit to the mixing The model also (eq. 4.54) in the capacity of any 262 unidirectional diffuser. In the presence of a coflowing current, the numerically computed results indicate that the plume is much narrower and that the difference in AT c small b) in the intermediate For a diffuser from the stagnant case is field. discharging into a perpendicular crossflow, (Tee-Diffuser) a control volume analysis predicts that the near field dilution is independent of the current, a S = 2 (eq. 7.8). Given for calculating the total induced the plume formulated (eq. 7.13). in natural flow from behind, trajectory in a crossflow a model is The conservation equations are written co-ordinates. The model uses top hat profiles and incorporates the same entrainment assumption and frictional dissipation as in the coflowing case. Pressure variations in the stream direction is neglected. The major factor in determining the plume trajectory is the dynamic pressure created by the blocking is assumed to take on the form is a blocking deflection of the crossflow. coefficient. is dependent on Fb = The bending CDp(u The results a parameter sine)2 where CD show that the plume u 2LDH = F M Q0 y c) the value of F M , the greater The phenomenon by the analytical The the plume deflection. of far field recirculation results 2 40 measuring the ratio of ambient to diffuser momentum. larger force of the coflowing is suggested current case. Under slack water conditions, the momentum flux of the diffuser plume 263 is dissipated at a characteristic distance of A f 0 stagnant pool of water at this distance would, by flow continuity, serve as a source for the back entrainment demand of the diffuser, resembling thus creating a source-sink type of flow. and time scale of recirculation Heuristic arguments a far field recirculation suggest Characteristic can be estimated length (eq. 8.1, 8.2). that the heat recirculation can be SQ regarded as a function of the 'sink strength' of the diffuser H and the scale of recirculation LREC . Semi-empirical correlations can be made based on these considerations. 10.3 Experiments A comprehensive set of laboratory tests were carried out in a 60'x40'xl.5' model basin for a wide range of diffuser lengths LD D D L 3 ~D D = 100) and ambient conditions. Velocities are measured using time-of-travel method and detailed temperature measurements are made. Several series of experiments with different objectives were conducted as described in Chapter V. 10.4 Results and Comparison with Theory For the case of a coflowing current the experimental data of this study validates the theory both qualitatively and quantitatively.: of the diffuser surface pathlines always indicate a contraction induced of diffuser lengths. flow at about 0.5 L D for a wide range The observed flow patterns are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of the potential flow model. A core region of roughly constant temperature 264 is confirmed, and the predicted isotherms compare favorably with the observed temperature field. The centerline temperature rise, centerline velocities, and isotherm areas agree well The theory with data. an extensive out by Acres American set of tests carried (Ref. 3) Good agreement is obtained. structure also demonstrates in the discharge with the results of is also compared dominated The detailed thermal the validity regime. Corp. of the 2D approxmiation The results show the exact temperature distribution,as influenced by the detailed diffuser design, surface and bottom conditions, is very complicated. good agreement interest, of of theory with data for all the parameters however, justifies the use of the model The as a valid way of describing the essential features of the complicated The observed plume width is usually greater than phenomenon. predicted, due to stratification tests it is found experimentally For Tee-diffuser FM at the edge of the plume. 2.1, the observed near field temperature considerably higher than ATo /S. ATMAX is correlated with FM . The maximum that for rise can be temperature rse The predicted plume trajectory compares favorably both with results of this study and the Perry tests. A CD 4 is assumed The phenomenon in the laboratory. in all the calculations. of far field recirculation is ascertained It is found that for long diffusers and strong momentum dissipation, heat recirculation into the near field can cause temperature rises two to three times higher 265 than predicted. Empirical correlations of the scale of temperature (Fig. 8-7) and maximum recirculation rise (Fig. 8-8) are presented. 10.5 General Conclusions This study provides a basis for comparing the effectiveness of different heat dissipation schemes. The model can be used to calculate induced velocities and temperature rises for a particular diffuser'design. for estimating isotherm Simple, engineering formulae areas of interest are given in Appendix C The design implications of the model predictions are interpreted in Chapter IX. A novel interpretation of the results for purposes of environmental aquatic impact assessment is advanced.It is proposed to compare designs on the basis of 'ecological histograms' which embody information from both the velocity field and the temperature field. The general design implications are: i) For fixed discharge velocity, a longer diffuser induces more back entrainment, but less lateral entrainment in the intermediate field. The striking feature is that beyond a certain distance (about 200 water reflected depths) the effect in the field variables, show that if thecriterion of the diffuser is not felt. of interest length, as The results is the area within a low temperature isotherm, a short diffuser may be as satisfactory as one that is two or three times as long. 266 The 'ecological tradeoff' of building a shorter diffuser for this case can be interpreted of the entrained organisms as diverting to be exposed a fraction to higher maximum temperature rises for very short durations. ii) For variable diffuser length and discharge velocity at constant near field dilution, it is shown that by increasing the discharge velocity while proportionally decreasing the diffuser length,a large reduction in centerline temperature rises and isotherm areas is obtained. interpretation case the greatly The ecological for this case is that for the high velocity duration for the maximum at the expense temperature of entraining rise is reduced a larger number of organisms at lower temperatues. iii) The empirical correlation of Chapter VII shows that by designing diffusers with more concentrated momentum input (short diffusers with velocities higher than conventionally accepted values), so that FM<O.1, the temperature reduction can be improved iv) by the crossflow. The experimental results of Chapter VIII demonstrates that a longer diffuser is more prone to heat recirculation into the near field. In summary, by designing shorter diffusers with higher velocities, the diffuser performance is greatly enhanced by a large reduction in isotherm areas and the duration of 267 high temperature ranges for entrained organisms. These advantages, however, have to be weighed against higher pumping costs, possible navigation hazards caused by higher induced velocities, and sedimentation problems. 10.6 Recommendations for Future Research More studies, both experimental and theoretical, on the mechanics of a Tee-diffuser discharging perpendicular crossflow should be pursued. limited amount of available that for a low diffuser crossflow, into a Based on the data, it is our speculation momentum input into a strong F > 0.l,stratification is induced in the near M field and the mixing capacity of the unidirectional diffuser is impaired. A more satisfactory explanation of more general applicability is needed. Based on the insights gained in this study, numerical modelling of unidirectional diffusers can be attempted. Numerical models can offer more information in a specific prototype situation with complicated boundary geometries and conditions. and distance Effects of a sloping bottom, ambient current, from the shoreline can then be studied. Our results indicate that beyond a large distance (X1000 water depths) the flow will be stratified for most designs without affecting the results in the discharge dominated fully mixed regime. More work should be directed to 268 investigate flow with the coupling of this far field buoyant the near and intermediate this study. field model of 269 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abraham, G., "Jet Diffusion in Stagnant fluid", Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Publication No. 29, (1963). 2. Abramovich, G.N., "The Theory of Turbulent Jets"., The M.I.T. Press, M.I.T. Cambridge, Massachusetts (1963). 3. 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Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, 29. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Stone and Webster Co., "Hydrothermal June 1972. Field Studies of the James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant", (1976). 272 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Page Figure 1-1 a) Multiport Diffuser Discharge in Deep Water: Stable Buoyant Jet 16 b) Multiport Diffuser Discharge in Shallow Water: Unstable Flow Situation 1-2 Basic Types of Multiport Diffuser Configurations 1-3 An Example of Temperature Patterns Induced by a 17 19 Unidirection Thermal Multiport Diffuser Two-Dimensional Free Turbulent Jet 25 2-1 The 2-2 Schematics 2-4 Downstream Flow Regimes for a Horizontal Buoyant of a Slot Buoyant Slot Jet in a Coflowing 1971) 2-5 Jet Stream 26 Temperature Profiles Downstream of Heated Jets placed 31 (From Cederwall, 33 in a Channel. 2-6 Numerical Predictions of Diffuser-Induced Flow Patterns (From Boericke, 1975) 36 2-7 Near Field Instability of Unidirectional Diffusers in Shallow Water 39 3-1 Unidirectional Diffuser in a Coflowing Current: 42 Problem Definition 3-2 a) Schematic of Surface Flow Field b) An Instantaneous Snapshot of the Diffuser Induced 52 Flow Field in Slack Water 3-3 Control Volume Diffuser in a Analysis of a Unidirectional 57 Coflowing Current Flow Model for the Near Field 65 3-4 A Potential 3-5 Boundary Conditions along the Diffuser Line 66 3-6 Conformal Mapping of the Complex Potential Plane W onto the Upper Half Plane 72 273 Figure 3-7 Page Conformal Mapping of the Hodograph Plane / onto the Upper Half Plane 3-8 Theoretical Solution Different Angles of 3-9 Two Different of Slip Streamline for 78 of the W and Q 82 . Approximations Diagram 3-10 Comparison of Approximation 3-11 Boundary Predicted A and B Conditions Slip Streamlines of for the Stream Function 83 in 84 the Near Field 3-12 Grid System used for Finite Difference Step Size = 0.1 Solution; 3-13 a)Finite Difference Solution for the Potential Flow Model. Illustrated Streamlines 85 86 b)Transverse Pressure Distribution at Different Longitudinal Positions in the Near Field 4-1 4-2 A Unidirectional a)Centerline Diffuser Velocity in a Coflowing Current Decay in a Two Dimensional 90 104 Friction Jet b)Plume Width c)Centerline Temperature Decay 4-3 Numerical Solution 5-1 Schematic of Experimental 5-2 Multiport Injection Device 120 5-3 Temperature Probe arrangementfor Series FF 128 Temperature 132 5-4 in a Coflowing Measurement Current Setup Grid for Series 111 119 200 Experiments 6-1 a)Recorded Surface Flow Patterns for a Unidirectional 137 Diffuser in Shallow Water: with and without Current 274 Page Figure 6-1 b) Dye Injection Pattern in the Near Field Diffuser of a Unidirectional 6-2 Comparison of Predicted Near Field Dilution S Eq. 3.38 with Experimental Results 139 6-3 Comparison of Predicted Isotherms with Temperature 141 Measurments in Series FF 6-4 Comparison of Predicted Centerline Velocities with Experimental Data 6-5 Dye Injection Series 200 6-6 Comparison of Predicted Centerline Temperature rises with Series 200 Experiments 150 6-7 Comparison of Predicted Isotherm Areas with Series 200 Experiments 155 Pattern of Diffuser Plume: 6-8 a) Typical Centerline Surface Temperature Profile along Diffuser Axis (Run 201) 145 149 157 b) Transverse Surface Temperature Profiles at Different 6-9 6-10 x (Run 201) Cross-Sectional Temperature Transects at Various Longitudinal Positions 159 Isotherm Plot of Model Study by Acres 164 American, Inc. 6-11 Comparison of Theory with Perry Model Tests: Plume Centerline Temperature Rises 166 6-12 Comparison of Theory with Perry Model Tests: Isotherm area 169 6-13 Comparison of Theoretical Predictions of 172 Isotherm Areas with Perry Tests and Series 200 Experiments 6-14 Comparison of Predicted Isotherm area with Field Data: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant, New York 176 275 Figure 6-15 Page Comparison of Predicted Isotherms----- with Field Measurements: Fitzpatrick Power Plant 7-1 Unidirectional Diffuser 177 James A. in a Perpendicular 180 Crossflow 7-2 Near Field Dilution induced by a Unidirectional Diffuser in an Inclined Cross Flow 187 7-2.1 Predicted of 188 Tests: 190 Plume Trajectory as a Function Governing Parameters 7-3 Experimental Series FF 7-4 Typical Recorded Surface and Bottom Temperature Field 7-5 Observation in a T-Diffuser of a T-Diffuser Effect of Ambient Crossflow on Near Field Mixing: Surface 191 Test; Series FF 193 Isotherms for Two Diffuser Designs 7-6 Empirical Correlation of Near Field Temperature rise for T-Diffuser 194 7-7 Comparison of Predicta Plume Trajectory and Observed Plume Boundary ----- 195 Series FF 7-8 Comparison of Predicted Plume Trajectory and Observed Surface Isotherms in Perry Model Study 199 7-9 Sensitivity 203 of Predicted Plume Trajectory to Blocking Coefficient CD 8-1 Schematic of Diffuser Induced Recirculation 206 8-2 Recirculation Test Demonstrated 207 8-3 Recirculation Dye Front Illustrated 8-4 Effect in a Full Diffuser By Movement of Far Field Recirculation of 212 on the 213 Normalised Excess Temperature Field: Recirculation Strong 276 Page Figure 8-5 214 Surface Flow Field of an Experiment Characterised by Weak Recirculation Effects: LREC ' model dimension 8-6 of Far Field Effect Recirculation on the normalised Excess Temperature Field: recirculation effects 8-7 Correlation Empirical 215 Weak of the Scale of 217 Recirculation 8-8 Empirical Correlation of Observed Maximum Temperature 8-9 Recorded 218 rise due to Heat Recirculation Surface (Short vs 221 (Short Diffuser) 222 Flow Field Long Diffuser) 8-10 a)Recorded Dye Patterns b)Recorded Dye Patterns (Long Diffuser) 8-11 Recorded Normalised Excess Temperature Field 224 (Short vs Long Diffuser) 9-1 a)Centerline Temperature Rise along the Diffuser Plume: Design Comparisons (Case A) 233 b)Centerline Velocity along the Diffuser Design Plume: Comparisons (Case A) c)Diffuser Plume Width: Design Comparison (Case A) d)Area within Surface Isotherms: Comparisons Design (Case A) e)Time History of Exposure to Elevated Temperatures for Entrained Organisms: Design Comparison (Case A) f)Densimetric Froude number along the Diffuser Plume: Design Comparisons (Case A) 9-2 a)Centerline Temperature Rise along the Diffuser Plume: Design Comparisons (Case B) b)Area within Surface Isotherms: (Case B) Design Comparisons 241 277 Figure Page c)Time History of Exposure to Elevated Temperatures for Entrained Organisms: 9-2 Design Comparisons (Case B) d)Centerline Velocity along the Diffuser Plume: Design Comparisons (Case B) 9-3 An Ecological Interpretation of Diffuser Performance 247 9-4 Distribution of Induced Flow along Diffuser Plume 248 9-5 Comparison of "Ecological" Diffuser Design: 9-6 Comparison Performance of 249 Performance of 251 Case A of "Ecological" Diffuser Design (Case B) Prototype Considerations of Diffuser Design in Coastal Region: Short vs Long Diffusers 254 3-1 Summary of Governing Dimensionaless Parameters 46 3-2 Near Field Dilution and Cenfiraction Coefficient 76 9-7 Table for Typical values of D o Na 5-1 Run Parameters for Series 0 and y= u 0 126 5-2 Run Parameters for Series FF Experiments 130 5-3 Run Parameters 133 A-1 Comparison of Theory assuming High Dilutions with Exact Theory MJ Experiments for Series 200 Experiments 286 278 LIST OF SYMBOLS Superscripts turbulent fluctuating quantities time-mean quantity, or quantity normalised with ATN, or depth averaged quantities dimensionless quantity *e in front of and behind the diffuser Subscripts a ambient value A value at point of separation 0 initial or discharge value c centerline value D quantity at diffuser line e entrainment quantity i ,j indices cx0 value at large distances from diffuser r ratio of prototype 1,2 indices I, quantities II to model in Region I and II N near field quantity a diffuser al,a 2 constants determined by conformal mapping iq slip streamline calculations 0 ao a 2 A, As, A AT port area isotherm area 279 b bi edge of plume determined constant b in conformal transformation in slip streamline calculations B slot jet width b0 ,BO initial jet width c concentration, clearance of diffuser port from bottom ~c'l~ ~empirical coefficient relating mixing length c 1, c2 CD CQ CW to jet width of constants integration blocking coefficient scale factor in conformal mapping diameter D ,D port or nozzle E index of dilution comparison of multiple jets with an equivalent F slot jet source densimetric Froude number of slot jet in confined buoyant flow Fb plume deflecting force FD densimetric Froude number based on nozzle diameter u o Ap / g-° D0 a FH local densimetric Froude number based on water depth .U c . . /r e AT cH 280 ratio of ambient to diffuser momentum FM u a 2L H LII D QQoU0o u F densimetric Froude number of equivalent s slot jet u _ _ _ _ .-- /co B aa f friction factor 0 acceleration y coordinates g y-coordinate due to gravity of given isotherm at any x of slip streamline at any x H water depth AH characteristic free surface deviation h local free surface elevation h+ , h free surface level in front of and behind diffuser Ah ,, hi, h 2 I I 1 AT' head rise across diffuser, free surface deviation steps towards convergence in the determination of ala2,blb 2 12 I3 integrals in conformal mapping I I integrals in isotherm area computation 1' .2 i , imaginary number = /-1 i,j indices k variable of integration 281 L characteristic length scale L(x) diffusion thickness in diffuser plume LD diffuser length LI diffuser layer thickness at x LREC scale of recirculation L length of piping connecting power plant and diffuser p mixing length scale length cale ratio of prototype to model r momentum flux across plume M =u 2 m cC L N number of diffuser ports n coordinate in direction normal to plume trajectory, index p pressure P pressure force over plume cross-section Qo power plant condenser flow Q hodograph plane, volume flux across plume QA, Q1,1Q29QB points on Q plane diffuser induced flow from behind q velocity vector qD induced velocity along diffuser line magnitude of velocity = qD i 282 R Reynolds number of ambient current based on water depth u H a v RD discharge Reynolds number based on nozzle diameter u D 00 S near field dilution s port spacing, distance along plume centerline T temperature AT temperature T ambient temperature a T o excess = T-T a discharge temperature ATMAX maximum temperature rise t time, variable TREC TREC time scale of recirculation (u,v,w) velocity components in (x,y,z) direction U,V characteristic of integration velocities in x and y direction ua ambient current velocity u discharge velocity ud x-component uAvA velocity components at diffuser end ve entrainment velocity u centerline velocity uN velocity c of qD in induced near field 283 u induced.velocity given by potential flow solution P velocity at x UI centerline u. 1 mean plume velocity in the near field W complex potential plane WAWl, W 2 ,WB points on W plane (x,y,z) caresian co-ordinate directions xI location of end of region uM velocity at point of merging I of interacting jets XAT centerline position of isotherm _____________________________________________________________ aI' II entrainment coefficients aAala2,aB interior angles of polygons approximating curvilinear figures near field parameter = LDH Na 0 81 o D =S./a momentum dissipation parameter =16H -32 aIiH cL foLD coefficient of thermal expansion of water e u to discharge velocity y ratio of ambient p density Ap density difference 6 potential core width, characteristic transverse length scale = u a 0 284 6 angle of inclination aA angle of separation ratio 1' 2 of sides of at diffuser end polygons in limits of integration, small quantity E to x-axis error of approximation a ~a ~inclination of ambient current to diffuser jet spreading X ratio between mass and momentum v kinematic molecular viscosity a contraction coefficient ~~~T ~bottom shear velocity potential 'p+~~ ~stream function upper half plane, variable of integration 285 APPENDI A CONTROL VOLUME ANALYSIS VALID FOR ALL DILUTIONS Following the same general assumptions outlined in Chapter III, the more exact version the case of arbitrary dilution of eq. 3.34-3.36 for values of the induced near field S is a + Q ou (S-1) Q = SQ ouN 2 2 uN -u Ah + Qo u (S-1) Qud N a 2g = SQ OUd + gHLDAh (s-1)Q where ud = x component of q d Combining D D and rearranging, H ~~~~LDH a cubic equation in S can be obtained: S 3 ($+l)S 2 +2 2 0 2 02(1- (A.1) 0 of A.1 are compared for a range of dilutions; 1- ua u LDH Na The predictions a2 (1-y)S + with that of eq. 3.38 the comparisons show that even for dilutions in Table A-1 as small as 3, the error involved in using the thory for high dilutions is only a few percent. 286 Predicted dilution assuming S>>1 Predicted dilution using Eq. A.1 Ratio of predicted values Eq. 3.38 10.0 2.24 2.41 1.08 15.0 2.74 2.93 1.07 20.0 3.16 3.37 1.07 25.0 3.54 3.75 1.06 40.0 4.47 4.69 1.05 50.0 5.00 5.22 1.05 60.0 5.48 5.71 1.04 85.0 6.52 6.75 1.04 100.0 7.07 7.31 1.03 y Table A-1: = 0O Comparison of theory assuming high dilutions with exact theory 287 APPENDIX B SCHWARTZ-CHRISTOFFEL TRANSFORMATION FOR AN ARBITRARYPOLYGON WITH SIX VERTICES A A.. W A"Ui kw Be AO I ; A -I.o The W-C I1 ihA . .~~~~~~~~ (,ao) . . (at,o) B /wo transformation is illustrated transformation is entirely analogous. below. The Q-4 288 W() = Cw aA-1 (+i) (4-a1) 1 a t -1 -1 (4-a2) (~-i ) LB-1 dC + W A -1 = W(1) B - W > 1 Ia CW W -1 a2-1 -1 -1 A_ i (_-ai) (4+) (4-1) (4-a2)2 B -1 2: To find a,a ratio of sides, for 'conformal' transformation; preserve I2W1 BW I w2wli it w l! 1 IA W lI A2 Let a I! (a, 2 ) =11 aA 1 (4+1) a22 I2 (a 1 ,a 2 ) = (C+1) )-la ( 1 -1 (a2 -C (ai-4) 2 -1 A1 A-1 ) 2 (-a (a2 -) a 2-1 (1-) aB-1 (i-~) a B-1 (1-C) a 1 +A I3(al a 2) a2 (4+1) -1 (c-a 1) a B-1 1 a2-1 -1 (C-a2) Then (*) i22 = A 1I1 I 3= (ala Solution X 2I1 2) for a is the solution a2: Start with an initial that satisfies Newton-Fourier (*) Method guess a(O) = (a (0) , a2 (o))) 289 T.nen, a Taylor's series expansion gives I' a ) (ka) 2 aa (a 2 ( ° ) ) ) ++ h 1 1 (a (a) 13 ah a = Il (a) = _ (a(°)) hl 1 1 a (~~~~~~o) + 2 a 21- II 1( a() (2(a ) + r2 (0)) () + 2(a Da 2 i2( a ) +a 2 2 1 I3(a) = i3(a() 1 (a (o) )+ (O) 2 + hl a + I (a()) h2 I(a ) + Substituting these expressions into (*) (a()) I2-a(°)) ++ h 1aa I2(a(o)) - + h2 a a ( 2 1 1( 1 + h 3 (- ) (a(o h 11 1 () + h (a ())+ I aaa 1 3( 1 a 31 I (a())+ (a()) 1 a I a h2 I1 h 1 [ 1 3T 1 -->hi [D~a h2D a ) 2h2 2 t I1 2Daaa22 2 3 a 2 1 a 1 Da (0 ) ] 1 (a-)=%2 (°) 1 ) 1 I2 2 1+* aa 2 (B. 1) aI 22 a 2 Solve B.1 for (h1 ,h2 ) set -a(1) = -a(°) -+ ( 2 ) and iterate [I 1-(a( ~(o) I3 Da1 (a(0) %2 [2I(a(°)) 1 1 h1 )= (a(0) ) - __ h h until convergence i.e. h I = h2 = 0 2 1 3 290 The partial derivatives in B.1 have to be evaluated iteration: Their expressions are given below at each a a -1 a l a l 2 a 2 - -I +a a2 -2 (a2- C) I1- ( 1 1 a -1 (a_1 -( (1-cD) a 1 i+ A (C+1) a Ia B-) l+al a ,1-1 -1 (C+I) cA el-1 (al-C) (a B-1) 2 12 a -a (a2 -C) cx2-2 2 - (1-) previously a 1 d (B.2) (l+ai)-1 2 -2 (1-C) a (a2-1) I 1 is defined c c 2-l (a 2 -% C) a 2-a 2 1 UA(C+1) (C-a1 ) -1 a2 (a2 -C) 2(1-) aB -2 1 (aA 1 a2 ) tA- 2 ( +1) (a -a ) a1-1 (c-a) 2 a2 OB-1 )i- drC a1 I2 a2 l +a 2-1 a2-a (a Bi) 2 a2-al [ (C+1) a (C-al 1 ) (a 2-1) a -1 )-1 a ( 1-B) 2 1 a (a - 1 ) ( a -a a aA -2 ) (;+1) Sa (C-al ) (a2 -) (B. 3) -) 1 3- I2 is defined ( previously - ) C A- 1 [1 a2 1 -2 ( a 2- ( B-1 291 3 aa 2 = i -B I 2 1-a 2 + 3 (al-l)-i aA-1 I Ja (1+0) 1-a 2 a-2CA-~2 (a -i) (1 a A (C-a - a J (+C) + +1-a2 ) 1 (-a a2-1 al-2 (t-a2) (C-a 1 ) -1 a -1 (r-a 2 ) a (C-t) (l-_a) dt (B.4) 2 a2 I3 is defined previously Remarks a) out the partial In carrying the variable the integrals, itself differentiation of some of in the limits appears of integration a2 a aa _ edge.aa 3aa = Ha aa 1 e~~g. A in such cases a change details of variable (a2 t aB- d~ (1- ) ) t is needed. We present The others as an example. As the integrand intergration, a2 1 1) for this derivative similarly. 1 i al((-a the follow does not exist at the limits of Leibtnitzrule cannot be used. C -al Let t = = a2-a1 d This transforms a(l 1-t) + a2t = (a2-a 1 ) dt (al,a 2 ) to (0,1) Let the integrand be I2*(C ) Then it can be shown by rearranging, (1 - t ) ] a2-1 al-1 aA-1 I2*(t) = [l+a2t+a l [t(a 2-a1)] [(a 2-a 1 ) (l-t)] a* aB-1 [1l-a 2 t-a l ( l-t)] B d{ 292 aa Then 1 I* a 1 (al ) 11 _. ~ J (t) dt (a (a2 -a ) b) 1 1-t 1 B l1-a2 t-a1 (l-t)] 2 (aA-1) (l-t) from tis + (a ) 2 -a 1 Ll+a2t+a ) (a o 2 (a2- 2 1 ]2 we have what is given in B.3 Every integral that does not exist in these computations at the limits As such the singularity has an integrand of integration. has to be subtracted off first before the integrals can be evaluated numerically. off part is evaluated As an example, analytically. consider ral I (4+1 (a-) A the integrand F1 ( {) -(+a) a1 a- a-i -I Near a, The subtracted 1 behaves 2-a2-1 (a2- ( (1- B-) like aA-1 al-1 (a1 -O) (a2 -a1) a2 - 1 aB-1 (1-a 1) Near -1, the integrand behaves like aAF2( = (1+) Thereforeal - c I 1I(4C) = j a1 -B-1 (l+al) (l+a al I-F 1 1 -+E: 1 2 al I (C) - F( 1 2) 2 4 )]d + 1 F (d ~~-1 1 well behaved: evaluated numerically + F ()d -12 293 = 1~ Jfa[Ii-F -F ] d +A a + (1+a ) a l+aA-1 + (+a 1) (1+a ) a1 (a2 -a 1 ) cA1 1 2 B a o 2-1 aB-1 (1-a i ) 294 APPENDIX C COMPUTATION OF ISOTHERM AREAS y -L LD 2 x Atz T Region I- x x AT Fig. C-1 Computation : length of Region : centerline position of of isotherm area of heat recirculation, In the absence Ii given isotherm : diffuser length D Region )l< I (x) : lateral position of isotherm 5(x) : potential core width LD YXA the two dimensional model outlined in ChapterIII and IV predicts the excess temperature field AT(x,y) induced by a unidirectional thermal such that diffuser AT AT For any diffuser isotherms (C.1) < AT < design it is only meaningful in this range using this model. S is the near field dilution AT to calculate is given by Eq. 4.54; given by Eq. 3.41 it characterises the ulitimate temperature reduction in the discharge dominated region. 295 A typical C-1. isotherm is illustrated are the same as used in section The notations the figure shows AT = constant the area within the isotherm, in Fig. 4.1. AT - ATN Thus AT 0 = S' is given by AT N (C.2) 6(x) dx = 2 N~~ xI,6(x) are given by the Region I solution in section 4.3.1. In general, a given AT isotherm, the area within AT is given by xA T AAT where = Jo gs(x) (C.3) dx g (x) is the y-co-ordinate the position of the isotherm of the isotherm at any x,xAT ,' along the centerline, is given by eq. 4.52. rearranging 1 1 ~~1 AT x + -in AT = XI ai- in {{-[-C1-8.)] 63 [ (SAT)2 ~~~~~3 (C.4) 3 2 AT where 0 f LD. = 16H 3 =C The computation -32a IIH L f as given by eq. 4.53 of AAT has to be split into two parts- the contributions from region I and II respectively. [x I x AAT = 2 [ gs(X) dx + AT .0 AT gs(x) dx ] x ~~~~~~I x (C.5) I The contribution = from region [XI xXI r XI J I is g(x) dx = 6(x) dx + [ gs(x) 6(x) (C.6) dx 296 of the profile By virtue stated assumptions in section 4.3.1 we have (XI (XI 6 (x) ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 0 dx (C. 7) TS II is from Region the contribution f~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT A XA gs 2 = (s) XII where S (x)/Q,1 (--) + o 0 Similarly, dx dx = AT ( L(x)/Zn (x) AT) dx (C.8) XI xI AT (x) is given by eq. 4.52. C The isotherm area can then be obtained numerical necessary integrations by performing the in Eq. C.7 and C.8. Design formula for isotherm areas For estimating isotherm areas of interest it is desirable to derive simple, engineering formulae that can give close approximations very quickly instead of performing numerical computations for the solution given in section 4.3.1. From numerical experience it is found that the isotherm areas AT toAT- corresponding approximated ATN = 0.8 and AT AT- 0.5 can be well ATN by f LD A = 1.8 exp [ 0.534 ( (T)T AT D = 0.8 H 1.437 -) ATN and A LD f LD 9.5 exp [ 3.22 (--) 2 AT ATN 0.5H =0.5 183 ] 297 Appendix D Numerical Results of Slip Streamline Computations The numerical values used in the computations of the slip streamlines (Eq. 3.62) and an abridged version of the results are given for the five cases illustrated in Fig. 3-8. The integrations for Eq. 3.62 are carried out using Simpson's rule with step sizes AC = 0.0001 close = to = 0.01 further (-1, 0) and 1. C=.5 WA = A away. -60° -1.0472 = (-0.866, 1.0), W1 = (-0.4, 0.73), W 2 AA = 0.167 , = 1.118 c |W2W1i IA W11 , 1.125 2 (0.0, 0.23), WB , aB 5 IBW2 1.187 21 1 a1 = -0.9693 QA = (0,-1.0472) , AW , 1= 2= =0.427 2 1 a2 = 0.487 , CW = 0.323 (0.4,-0.77) ,Q2 = (0.693,-0.16) , QB = (0.693,0) A = 0.3071 1 = 0.8354 , IQ 1 Q 2 1 IA Qll , 2 0.8575 = , IBQ21 1 b 1 = -0.818 1.39 , , AQ = b 2 = 0.8769 2 , = C 0.3285 = 0.268 B 0.5 = (0,0) 298 x Y 0. LD 0. 5LD 0.0000 0.0605 0.0686 0.0738 0.0778 0.0811 0.0863 0.0905 0.0956 0.1010 0.1054 1. 0000 0. 1101 0.1141 0.1202 0.1247 0. 1860 0.8977 0.8855 0.8777 0.8719 0.8673 0.8599 0.8542 0.8473 0. 8402 0.8344 0.8285 0.8235 0.8160 0. 8105 0. 4628 0.7468 0.7221 0.6937 0.6629 0.6406 0.6207 0.5911 0.5141 0.5754 0.2149 0.2529 0.3016 0.3430 0.3845 0.5526 0.6095 0.6514 0.6989 0.7560 0. 8053 0.8485 0.9029 0.9524 1.0011 1.0299 1.0466 0.5652 0.5523 0.5442 0.5362 0.5280 0.5221 0.5176 0.5124 0.5087 0. 5056 0.5040 0.5032 Q -1.0472 -0.9927 -0.9798 -0.9709 -0.9638 -0.9579 -0.9482 -0.9403 -0.9305 -0.9197 -0.9107 -0.9010 -0.8927 -0.8798 -0.8700 -0. 7376 -0.6786 -0.6069 -0.5248 -0.4634 -0.4070 -0.3206 -0.2739 -0.2433 -0.2041 -0.1793 -0.1548 -0.1296 -0.1112 -0.0972 -0.0800 -0.0682 -0.0583 -0.0530 -0.0502 299 2. a = 0.5907 aA =0.2156 X 1 , = , QA = (0, -0.9389), A = 0.2811 , , a 2 = 0.7498 1 = 0.8761 A = 2.099 C Q1 = (0.23, , WB = (0) 0.5 = 0.319 -0.75), Q2 =(0.526, 2 = 0.8428 , 0.2), 8B = 0.5 x2 = 0.672 bl = -0.9739 , b2 = 0.672 , CQ= 0.2143 x Y 0. 5LD 0.5L D 0.0000 0.0481 0.0621 0.0700 0.0804 0.0909 0.1008 0.1100 0.1201 1.0000 0.9366 0.1932 0.8053 0.7831 0.7578 0.7418 0.7253 0.2277 0.2727 0.3047 0.3415 0.3951 0.4284 0.5207 0.5811 = , aB 0.15), 0. 3134 A2 1 = 1.318 a 1 = -0.919 a2 = 1.1634 , 1.121 , W2 = (0.0, 0.70) , W1 = (-0.31, 1.0) WA = (-0.683, = -0.9389 -53.8 A -0.9389 0.8901 -0. 8676 -0. 8418 -0. 8269 -0. 8069 -0. 7867 0.8804 -0.7675 0.8716 0.8625 -0. 7496 0.9206 0. 9119 0.9008 -0.7303 -0.5992 -0.5454 -0.4825 -0.4425 -0. 4027 0.6519 -0.3468 -0.3153 -0.2450 -0.2073 0.6265 0.6430 -0. 1826 0.6933 0.6317 -0. 1511 0.7043 0.6922 0.6658 QB = (0.526, 0) 300 2. (Continued) 0.5 LD 0.7424 0.7981 0.8533 0.9053 0.9460 0.9602 0.9854 1.0370 0.6248 0.6180 0.6123 0.6077 0.6047 0.6037 0.6015 0.5986 3. x 0. 5LD Y = 0.6428 aA = 0.2418, a = 1.096 X= 1.3154 1 a = -0.9105 , , Q1 b UI____II___U__PYP____IP___1PI·III·· 1 = 2.017 = -0.9836, = 1.163 , WB = (0,) 0.5 XB cB = 0.5 2 = 0.4591 a1 -0.9105 ,' 2=07,C 039 = , X '2 b 2 = 0.4626 0.3193 C = , Q2 = (0.442,-0.2), (0.2,-0.69) 61 = 0.8816 , A = 0.2644, X , a2 = 0.6227 QA = (0,-0.8727) 8A1' 2163 , =1.096 =021, , 1 A -0. 1115 -0.0946 -0.0808 -0.0712 -0.0681 -0.0611 -0.0514 W2 = (0, 0.2) 0.7), = (-0.28, W -0.1312 -50. = -0.8727 A 1.0), WA = (-0.5959, Q 2 = 0.854 , B QB = (0.442,0) = 0.5 = 0.738 CQ = 0.1875 y x 0.5LD 0. 5LD 0.0000 0.0432 0.0517 0.0574 0.0656 0.0742 1.0000 0.9507 0.9423 0.9367 0.9290 0.9212 I1---I_-- _-YII*---YY·II-*Y·-- 6 -0.8727 -0.7917 -0.7755 -0.7645 -0.7489 -0.7327 301 3. (Continued) x 0.5LD y 0. 9122 0.9069 0.9006 0.8932 0.8852 0.8825 0. 8307 0.8099 0. 7862 0.7713 0.7605 0.7520 0.0844 0.0906 0.0982 0.1073 0.1177 0.1210 0.1995 0.2375 0.2872 0.3225 0.3506 0.3743 0.4043 0.4297 0.4582 0.5590 0.6250 0.7141 0.7758 0.8616 0.9219 0.9883 1.0064 1.0309 0.7013 0.6889 0.6753 0.6678 0.6594 0.6546 0.6504 0.6494 0.6481 =-450 = -0.7859 WA = (-0.5, 1.0), W 1 = (-0.2, 0.65), tA =0.2744 , a = 1.1045 , QA- , (0, -0.7859) QB = (0.347, 0) , W2 = (0.0, 0.15), 1.121 , WB = (0, 0) aB = 0.5 2 = 0.3254 = 0.7857 a2 = 2 A = 1.168 a1 = -0.804 -0.7137 -0.7022 -0.6884 -0.6720 -0.6538 -0.6479 -0.5255 -0.4754 -0.4176 -0.3810 -0.3543 -0.3332 -0.3082 -0.2885 -0.2664 -0.2037 -0.1703 -0.1327 -0.1111 -0.0859 -0.0710 -0.0570 -0.0536 -0.0491 0. 7420 0. 7342 0. 7254 a= 0.7068 4. 9 0. 5LD = (19, , CW = 0.3185 -57) = (0.347, 0.15) , 302 (Continued) 4. A = 0.2298 X , = 0.8841 B = 1.559 1 '2 bI = -0.9844 , Y 0.5LD 0. 0000 0. 0368 1.0000 0.9654 0.9587 0.9509 0.9457 0.9400 0.9356 0.9300 0.9263 0.9204 0.9157 0. 1067 0.1146 0.2011 0.2423 0.2962 0.3344 0.3906 0.4231 0. 9109 0.8654 0.8476 0.8274 0.8147 0.7983 0.7899 0.7853 0.7813 0.7755 0.7553 0.7448 0.7382 0.7336 0.7252 0.7219 0.7206 0.7185 0.7176 0.7169 0.7168 0. 4420 0.4591 0.4818 0.5916 0.6635 0.7175 0.7609 0.8556 0.9020 0.9220 0.9574 0. 9 731 0.9879 1.0017 · Y--- -·l--llp----l , = 0.5 = 0.1499 0. 5LD 0.0992 I C x 0. 0901 _ 2 = 0.8861 2 = 0.5216 b 2 = 0.4763 , 0.0451 0.0552 0.0622 0.0701 0.0763 0.0846 _ , P·I--·_I-F__·_L-ZIL^--I_·Y_··_II- 0 -0.7859 -0.6851 -0.6678 -0.6475 -0.6340 -0.6194 -0.6081 -0.5936 -0.5842 -0.5691 -0.5570 -0.5447 -0.4296 -0.3855 -0.3357 -0.3046 -0.2644 -0.2437 -0.2324 -0.2226 -0.2091 -0.1579 -0.1308 -0.1132 -0.1005 -0.0767 -0.0668 -0.0628 -0.0562 -0.0534 -0.0509 -0.0486 I^---·DIIICI11·- · IL - _-_l.l_s ·.111 I1 - pi 303 c = 0.766 5. 0A = -40 = -0.6981 WA = (-0.4195, 1.0) , W 1 = (-0.19, 0.7) , W 2 = (0, 0.2) , W B = (0, 0) aA =.2921 a1 = 1.0923 , , A a = -0.8558 QA = = 1.416 , ' aB = 0.5 A2 = 0.5295 a2 = 0.6747 , = 0.3185 C (0,-0.6981) , Q1 = (0.15, -0.49) , Q2 = (0.2666, -0.1) , QB = (0.2666, A = 1.1156 , 2 = 0.1988 , 1 O) 0.8937 ' A1 = 1.587 b 1 = -0.995 , 2 = 0.9075 , B = 0.5 2 = 0.3899 = 0.5356 , CQ = 0.1113 x y 0. 5LD 0. LD 0.0000 0.0343 0.0426 0.0483 0.0528 0.0628 0.0723 0.0827 0.0842 0.0897 0.0977 0.1097 0.1158 0.2040 0.2475 0.2791 0.3263 1.0000 0.9735 0.9682 0.9647 0.9620 0.9562 0.9510 0.9453 0.9446 0.9418 0.9377 0.9319 0.9289 0. 8930 0.8783 0.8687 0.8556 0 -0.6981 -0.5755 -0.5575 -0.5457 -0.5369 -0.5183 -0.5018 -0.4848 -0.4825 -0.4741 -0.4623 -0.4456 -0.4375 -0.3438 -0.3085 -0.2860 -0.2562 304 5. x 0.O.SLD 5L D 0 0. 5LD 0.3624 0.3922 0.4403 0.4957 0.6214 0.6988 0.8038 0.9325 0.9779 1.0333 1.0642 0.8465 0.8396 0.8294 0.8189 0.7987 0.7891 0.7783 0.7681 0.7651 0.7618 0.7601 -0.2361 -0.2209 -0.1987 -0.1761 -0.1338 -0.1135 -0.0908 -0.0691 -0.0627 -0.0557 -0.0522 Copies of a listing of computer programs can be obtained by request to the R.M. Parsons Laboratory. j_ I I_ P 111 ^111__1__111111_1__1____I-·· 1 · ·- ·- l-L···-·----··---------·