Week 10 Recap CSE 115 Spring 2007 For-each loop When we have a collection and want to do something to all elements of that collection we use the for-each loop to help us iterate over all elements of that collection. For-each loop syntax for(Type identifier1: identifier2) { //code to execute for each element } Where: – identifier2 is the name of the collection that you are iterating over – Type identifier1 is the creation of a reference to each element of the collection to use as you are iterating. If-statements Selection based on the value of a boolean expression. If-statement syntax if (booleanExpression) { //code to be executed if //booleanExpression evaluates to //true } Boolean expressions Expressions that evaluate to either true or false boolean is a type built into Java However, boolean is not a class Boolean values and operators Methods can return boolean values Can combine boolean values using logic operators && (logical and) || (logical or) ! (logical not) Operators that return a boolean value Comparison operators return boolean values as well. These operators work on numeric values. < (less than) > (greater than) <= (less than or equal to) >= (greater than or equal to) Operators that return a boolean value There are two equality operators in Java: == (equality) != (not equal) These work on numeric values as you would expect from arithmetic But are also defined on references where they compare if the references are the same.