ARCGNVE MASSACHUSE TTS NSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOLGY JUN 2 4 2015 LIBRARIES Probing the Liquid-Vapor Interface in Microstructured Heat Exchangers by Edgardo Farias Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved. Author.. signature redacted ................... Department of Mechanical Engineering May 13, 2015 Certified by.................. Signature redacted EvelVn N. Wang Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted A ccep ted by ......................................................... Anette Hosoi Professor of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Officer Probing the Liquid-Vapor Interface in Microstructured Heat Exchangers by Edgardo Farias Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 13, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract This thesis describes two aspects of a project designed to understand the liquid-vapor interface in microstructured heat exchangers. The two aspects include: design and fabrication of a custom vacuum chamber faceplate and the investigation of the liquid meniscus shape on microstructured devices. The faceplate for the vacuum chamber consisted of two metal components that serve to house and seal a viewport. Addition of the viewport to the chamber was of interest so that experimentation within a pure environment could be conducted.The second component of this project was to map the meniscus profile of water on three different device geometries under various conditions by laser interferometry. The first experiment was a transient study where a droplet of water fully evaporated from the surface. The purpose was to determine how the profile changes as evaporation progresses. As evaporation occurs a more curved meniscus is established within the liquid which causes a greater capillary pressure. The second experiment was a steady state study with the samples partially submerged in water. This aimed to determine the profile that arises when evaporation is balanced by fluid replenishment. The profile that arises after the first several microstructure unit cells remains constant for the remainder of the microstructured region of the sample and the meniscus has the highest curvature near the fluid front, indicating a higher capillary pressure. The final experiment was varying heat applied to the surface. The aim was to determine how the applied heat flux changes the steady state profile. With higher temperature more fluid evaporates from the surface, resulting in an increase of meniscus curvature with increased temperature. Thesis Supervisor: Evelyn N. Wang Title: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 4 Contents Contents 5 1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Project Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.1 Vacuum Chamber Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.2 Meniscus Imaging..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . M otivation . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1 Faceplate Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2 Faceplate Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3 Sealing Existing Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . Vacuum Chamber Design 15 Meniscus Mapping Device Preparation . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.1 Device Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.2 Cleaning . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . 3.1 Calibration 3.3 Laser Interferometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.4 Experimental Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.5 Transient Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.6 Steady State Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . 3.2 . 3 1.1 . 2 Introduction 5 3.7 Heating Response 22 4 Conclusions 27 5 Appendix A: Faceplate Designs 29 6 Appendix B: Fabrication G-Code 35 7 Appendix C: Dryout Profiles 37 8 Appendix D: Steady Profiles 41 9 Appendix E: Heating Profiles 45 Bibliography 51 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Two-phase heat transfer has gained importance in electronics thermal management due to the bottleneck of high heat flux dissipation [1]. Various methods exist to dissipate heat from electronic components, but do not meet the growing demand for high heat flux dissipation. Methods of removing heat include natural convection, forced flow, and phase change. Devices that incorporate forced flow include air- circulating fans and pump driven fluid loops. However, such systems are limited to a heat flux dissipation of 100 W/cm 2 [2]. Higher dissipation can be obtained under phase change heat transfer. Phase change, in particular the change from liquid to vapor, takes advantage of the high latent heat of vaporization, resulting in dissipation heat flux values as high as 1000 W/cm 2 [3]. In his thesis, Xiao summarizes the various methods of employing phase change cooling: pool boiling, flow boiling, jet impingement and spray cooling [4]. Pool boiling, although a passive process, is limited by the critical heat flux of the working fluid above which a high operating temperature is required [5]. Flow boiling also suffers limitations due to high pressure drops that occur as vapor bubbles expand [6]. Both jet impingement and spray cooling supply fluid to a surface, which then removes heat by evaporation. 7 These two methods have the disadvantages of being difficult to implement and requiring high operating pressures, respectively [4]. An alternative method to cooling is the use of capillary assisted-pumping in microstructured devices [1]. These devices allow for high heat flux dissipation while removing the need for an active circulation system. Instead, fluid capillary forces drive fluid flow across the surface as evaporation continuously occurs on the surface. These microstructured devices allow for thin film evaporation at low operating temperatures. This method of using evaporation is advantageous over methods like jet impingement and spray cooling as it occurs passively yet still allows for high heat flux dissipation. This project aims to study fluid behavior as evaporation occurs from microstructured devices. The devices are fabricated with controlled surface geometry, integrated heaters, and integrated temperature sensors. Varying device geometries and varying heating conditions were used to study how the fluid's meniscus shape changes under the various testing conditions. This area of study is of interest because the meniscus shape and its curvature drives fluid flow through the device as evaporation occurs. Previous work using similar microstructured devices has resulted in models for liquid propagation across the surface of the device [7]. These models predict the propagation rate as a function of device geometry: pillar height, diameter, and pitch. Additionally, the models take into consideration the capillary pressure and viscous losses. The models that were developed agree well with experimental results and allow for design guidelines in selecting device geometry. Although there have been studies on liquid propagation [8], it is important to study the effect of evaporative heat transfer on the liquid-vapor interface and the liquid propagation in a heat transfer system. 8 1.2 Project Overview This project consisted of two main components: the fabrication of parts for a desktop vacuum chamber and the characterization of microstructured devices. 1.2.1 Vacuum Chamber Design Experiments conducted in a pure environment allow for more accurate results of the fluid meniscus shape. In order for the ambient evaporating environment to be pure the experiments need to be conducted in a vacuum. A small desktop vacuum chamber was previously designed and fabricated to achieve this purpose. The chamber, however, lacked a viewport. Without a viewport experiments within the chamber do not allow for optical access to the meniscus. For this portion of the project a replaceable chamber faceplate that incorporates a 1-inch viewport was fabricated. Additional modifications were made to the chamber to seal pre-existing leaks. 1.2.2 Meniscus Imaging The second portion of the project was to use laser interference microscopy to study the meniscus of a fluid as it evaporates from the surface of the devices. Three main experiments were conducted to achieve this: a transient study in which a droplet of fluid fully evaporated from the surface, a steady state study with the samples partially submerged in water, and a steady state study with varying heat fluxes induced on the surface. These experiments utilized water as the working fluid. Laser interference microscopy enabled measurements of the meniscus profile along three different directions of interest along the samples. Additionally, three different device geometries were used throughout the study. Comparison of meniscus profiles from the experiments provided quantitative insight into how device geometries and applied heat fluxes affect the fluid's meniscus shape and curvature. 9 10 Chapter 2 Vacuum Chamber Design The purpose of performing experiments in a vacuum chamber is so that a pure environment can be established. Removing the air from the chamber allows for the removal of all non-condensable gases that would otherwise interfere with the evaporation process. In a pure environment, evaporation will then only be a result of temperature differences and not buoyancy differences. With experiments run in the chamber the evaporating environment will be the the same as the working fluid, resulting in a better analysis of the meniscus profile. Adding a viewport in the existing chamber then enables the use of laser interference microscopy to study experiments performed within the chamber. Although the experiments conducted for this project did not take place in this chamber, this chamber will be used for future experiments. This portion of the project consisted of two components: fabricating a new faceplate that contains a glass viewport and sealing all leaks so that the chamber holds vacuum. 2.1 Faceplate Design Several constraints needed to be taken into consideration when designing the faceplate. The microscope objective lens to be used for interference microscopy imaging has a working distance of approximately 5mm. Therefore, there could be a maximum 11 Figure 2-1: Section view of the faceplate design. Features for the indium wire o-ring and bolted joints can be seen. distance of 5mm from the device surface to the objective lens. Several materials need to fit within this 5mm distance so that the viewport can be properly constrained. These materials are: the glass viewport, the metal holding the viewport on either side, and the acrylic plate which holds the device. The design of the faceplate consists of two metal pieces which serve to sandwich the glass viewport in place. Additionally, indium wire is placed between the glass and metal so that the faceplate can be sealed in order to hold vacuum in the chamber. Indium wire is very ductile and forms a seal when compressed between two materials. Detailed drawings of the design are provided in Appendix A. The baseplate is bolted to the existing chamber and has a center slot for the glass viewport. A secondary metal piece is bolted onto the baseplate in order to seal the viewport in place. The fabricated faceplate design houses a 1-inch diameter viewport. A center section view of the design is shown in Figure 2-1. A secondary faceplate design was prepared that incorporates a 2-inch viewport. This design, however, was not fabricated. The increased viewport size in the second design allows for both a wider variety of lenses to be used and for a larger viewing area of the sample during experimentation. Detailed drawings of the second design are also provided in Appendix A. 12 Figure 2-2: Assembled and tested chamber with the fabricated faceplate attached to the chamber. 2.2 Faceplate Fabrication The faceplate was designed for fabrication via CNC milling. All the toolpaths used for cutting were generated by writing custom G-Code; this portion of the project required learning how to write and interpret G-Code. A sample piece of commented code is available in Appendix B. Custom programs were written for each feature in the two faceplate pieces. Two additional steps were taken after CNC machining: deburring all edges and tapping holes. The final assembled chamber is shown in Figure 2-2. 2.3 Sealing Existing Chamber The existing chamber had leaks that needed to be sealed in order for vacuum to be held adequately. If leaks were present ambient air will seep into the chamber, resulting in a non-pure environment with non-condensable gasses, deviating the evaporation process from ideal conditions. Two methods were used to determine leaks and their locations. The first was to use a Pirani guage and a LabVIEW program to view, in 13 ,Arvin - 25001 2000CL 15001000- 500- 0) 5 1L 15 25 20 3 35 4 445 Time (Hours) Figure 2-3: Increase in the chamber pressure after bring brought to vacuum and left to sit for two days. realtime, the pressure in the chamber. This was useful to determine if a leak existed or not. A precise method of finding the location of the leak was accomplished with an Adixen ASM 142 helium detector. All outlets of the chamber were first covered by Apiezon wax, a sealant. Segment by segment the sealant was removed. Helium was then sprayed onto the exposed outlets. If helium entered the chamber from these outlets then the detector would sound an alarm signaling that a leak was found. Leaks were found at the top of the chamber at the bolted joints. The top surface of the chamber was flattened and smoothed using the CNC mill to remove these leaks. Secondly, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape was wrapped around the threads of the feedthrough fittings and then indium wire was applied under the bolt head in order to seal the top of the joint. The helium detector was used again to verify adequate sealing. After the faceplate was fabricated the Pirani gauge was used to see if any leaks were present. The chamber was brought to vacuum and left to sit for two days. Over a 42.7 hour time period the pressure in the chamber increased from 7.24x10 0 Pa to 2.51x10 3 Pa, shown in Figure 2-3. This averages to a pressure increase of 58.6 Pa/hr, an acceptable rate for the proposed experiments. 14 Chapter 3 Meniscus Mapping 3.1 3.1.1 Device Preparation Device Fabrication The devices used for these experiments were fabricated at MIT. The fabrication process involves two sets of various fabrication techniques to make features on either side of a silicon wafer [9]. The first sequence uses photolithography and reactive ion etching to create pillars of equal height and spacing. A Scanning Electron Microscopy image in Figure 3-1 shows these pillar features. After the pillars are made the wafer is flipped upside down in order to deposit platinum and gold layers using photolithography and ebeam evaporation. This creates an integrated heater and 4 resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). The integrated heater is used to heat the sample by supplying power to the device via an external power supply. The RTDs have a resistance based on the temperature of the device and are used to determine temperature during experimentation. These devices are characterized by 3 dimensions: pillar diameter, distance between adjacent pillars (pitch), and pillar height. Geometries for samples used in these experiments are given in Table 3.1. 15 2,00'.8 TO mAo.- 10.0' SiuW A- I.L- Figure 3-1: Scanning Electron Microscopy image of a device with similar features to those used in this study [9]. Table 3.1: Device Geometries Diameter (Am) Pitch (pm) Height (mm) 3.1.2 Sample 1 3 40 8 Sample 2 5 40 8 Sample 3 7 40 8 Cleaning Before samples can be used they must be cleaned to remove any impurities or contaminations present on the surface. This was accomplished by both chemical and plasma cleaning. The samples were first bathed in acetone for 10 minutes. They were then sequentially cleaned with methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and deionized water. The samples were dried using compressed air before being placed in a plasma cleaner (supplied with oxygen gas) for 15 minutes. The sample can be used for experimentation after removal from the plasma cleaner. The sample retains wetting properties for 30 minutes to two hours post cleaning. After wetting characteristics have diminished, the samples must be re-cleaned before further experimentation. 16 U 3 2 I Figure 3-2: Circuit diagram for calibrating each device RTD [9]. 3.2 Calibration The devices are fabricated with an integrated heater and four RTDs. When electric current is passed through the heater the temperature of the device increases via Joule heating. This heat generation then spreads throughout the device. Use of the RTDs allow for determining the temperature of the device as they exhibit temperature dependent resistance. The resistances of the 4 RTDs must be correlated to the device temperature so that temperature can be determined during experimentation. This is done by placing the device in an oven where it is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium at a known temperature. Typically this process takes about two hours for equilibrium to be reached. A simple circuit is made using a known reference resistor such that the resistance of the device can be measured, Figure 3-2. The current passing through the circuit segment with the two resistors in series is I= U Rref + R (3.1) The current passing through the smaller loop is equivalent to the current in the larger loop so that V = IR V=( R U +)R Rre + R 17 (3.2) (3.3) . ........ ...... 1480 -+-RTD1 RD -- RTD4 1460 1420 - ~1380 ~1360 --- ' 0-1400-- 13401320 13%30 40 50 70 80 Temperature (C) Figure 3-3: Calibration of sample 3 at four known temperatures to determine RTD resistance as a function of temperature. A linear behavior is observed. Resulting in a device resistance of (3.4) R = Rref This is process is repeated several times at various temperatures so that a calibration curve can be made. An example calibration curve is shown in Figure 3-3. The device resistance scales linearly with temperature resulting in an equation of the form R(T) = Ro + OT (3.5) During experiments the temperature can then be determined by R(T) - Ro( T = (3.6) A LabVIEW program and two power supplies were used during the calibration process to supply U and V. The LabVIEW programs calculates R of each RTD for use in determining the linear equation above. Matlab's Curve Fitting Tool was used to determine the linear fits. 18 .. 14-Reflected waves 80' Out of phase Reflected waves in phase Path length difference = Path length difference= of V2 of2 ............. Figure 3-4: Formation of interference fringe patterns in a fluid layer [10]. 3.3 Laser Interferometry The height of the fluid layer is determined using Laser Interference Microscopy. This technique utilizes a monochromatic laser light that shines through the layer of liquid. When the light hits the liquid surface, some of the light is reflected and some is transmitted through the liquid. Because the height of the liquid varies, the distance traveled by the light also varies. Constructive and destructive interference occurs with the transmitted and reflected light, resulting in alternating bright and dark fringe patterns, as shown in Figure 3-4. The relative thickness of the fluid can then be determined by counting the number of fringes. The height between consecutive dark-dark or light-light fringes is h= (3.7) 2n where n is the refractive index of the fluid (1.33 for water). 3.4 Experimental Set Up The same general set up was used for all the experiments. holder constrains the device in place. A custom-built device The device holder includes pogo pins that interface with the heater and RTD pads. A VisiTech Hawk laser source and a Nikon 19 . ............... Figure 3-5: Representative image of fringe patterns that result due to varying fluid thickness. Marked are the three measurement profiles directions: diagonal (AD), horizontal (AB), and vertical (BC). Eclipse LV 100 microscope project a 405nm laser onto the sample. A Prior Optiscan II moving stage controls the position of the sample. Finally, a Hamamatsu EM CCD digital camera records the images of the liquid layer on sample surface. For the transient experiment a MicroSyringe Pump Controller applied a 20nL droplet of water onto the surface of the sample. For the steady state experiments the bottom 5mm of the sample was submerged into a pool of water so that continuous wicking was established. The heating experiments were also performed with the bottom of the sample submerged, and electrical power was supplied to the integrated heater via external power supplies. Videos were recorded for each experiment at a frame rate of 10 frames per second. The videos show the liquid meniscus shape in the form of fringe patterns. Individual frames of the video were analyzed to give meniscus profiles in three directions: diagonal (AD), horizontal (AB), and vertical (BC), shown in Figure 3-5. All image processing was done using ImageJ, wherein distances between fringes were made using the measurement tools within the program. 20 3.5 Transient Response For this set of experiments a droplet of water was placed at the bottom of the sample surface. The fluid wicked up the microstructured surface and was then allowed to evaporate to the ambient environment. Videos were taken from the time that the droplet was applied to the time of full evaporation. The purpose of this set of experiments was to determine how the meniscus shape changes over time as evaporation progresses until the sample dries out. The analysis shown in Figures 3-6 used a reference time of t=O that corresponds to a steady fluid profile (capillary recovery of fluid balances lost due to evaporation). These plots are representative of the behavior that was seen across the three samples; a full set of plots is available in Appendix C. As time progresses there is greater loss of fluid due to evaporation and thus greater capillary pressure is established by the higher meniscus curvature seen in Figures 3-6. The higher meniscus curvature results in a higher capillary pressure. This behavior is observed until the sample commences drying out and non-uniform evaporation occurs (typically seen by a receding fluid front or by evaporation from individual pillars). 3.6 Steady State Profile The steady state experiments aimed to determine the meniscus profile change that occurs when continual wicking balances evaporation. For these experiments the bottom 5mm of the samples was submerged in water. This allowed for continual replenishment of liquid in the device as evaporation removed fluid from the surface. Figure 3-7 shows representative steady profiles in the first five cells following the fluid front. The first cell is labeled as distance of Opm. A full set of plots is available in Appendix D. A steady meniscus profile is reached within several cells from the liquid front. The meniscus has the highest curvature near the liquid front, indicating that a higher capillary pressure is needed to balance evaporation. The meniscus profile that is established after the initial cells remains constant for the remaining sample cells. 21 . .. .. ....... 1.2 s tt = 4.9 4 . S - -l -11.6 0.6 20.7s -t ~0.4 s 23.3 9 *~0.2 0 0 2 23.3 018 -0t-0SW -- t: 1.5 W 5 4.9s 2'11 8 6 10 12 14 16 Is 20 Length along AD (pin) 5 8 07 0.6 4 2 s - 10s 4.9 s ' t 20 PMs t- 116s tt-20.7s 0.5 0.3. 4 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 Length along AB (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Length along BC (sm) Figure 3-6: Representative interference microscopy images and meniscus profiles from the dryout study where a droplet of fluid was allowed to evaporate from the surface of the sample. The images shown are from sample 3 at two different times. The profiles are in the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions. 3.7 Heating Response The heating experiments had a similar goal as the steady state experiments, but with the addition of heating of the surface to determine how the applied heat flux changes the steady state meniscus profile and to investigate the effects of temperature driven evaporation. The set up is the same as the previous set of experiments with the bottom 5mm of the samples submerged in water. Additionally, electrical power was supplied to the integrated heater via a power supply to promote temperature driven evaporation. Figures 3-8 and 3-9 show the steady profiles that occur after thermal equilibrium is established in the device. Only the profiles that occur in the first cell and fifth cell are shown; a full set of plots is available in Appendix E. The meniscus profiles in the first cell are highly curved, whereas the profile in the fifth cell is more stable and remains constant. Unlike the other sets of experiments, only sample 3 was used in this study. Temperatures of the device were determined via the RTDs using 22 . ..... . ... . ...... . .. .............. Ei 1.4 -WU0 pill -40 pin 1.2 - 80 pml 11-01 pml p20m AA 160pm S0.6 S0.4 0.2 o1 0 10 5 15 20 25 Length along AD (jim) 0.9 0.8 00 pm 1.6 0.7 -40 pin 1.4 0(.6 -80 0.5 0.4 -120 1.2 pml pil * 40 pm 80 pin 120 pm 160 pm 'U> jr S0.0 160 gm = 0.6 * 0.3 .50.2 0I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (Am) Length along AB (pm) Figure 3-7: Representative interference microscopy images and meniscus profiles from the steady state study where the bottom 5mm of the sample was submerged in water to allow for continual liquid replenishment as evaporation occurred. The images are from sample 3 at two different locations. The profiles are in the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions. Measurements were taken in successive microstructure cells (center-center distance of 40pm) from the liquid front. The first cell following the liquid front is labeled as distance of Optm. 23 ..... .......... .. ....... E 1.4 1.2 -OW -- 0.43W -043 E W 0.96 W 0.8 0.6 -- l.66 W 04 S0 10 5 0 20 15 25 Length along AD (pm) 318 0,9 0.8 %J 1.6 -O W 0 4 W 0 0 -0 W -0. 11 W .9 1.-4 y 0A~ 0.6 0.3. 0.4 0.20.2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 [2 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (sm) Length along AB (pm) Figure 3-8: Interference microscopy image of sample 3 with an applied power of 1.66W. Meniscus profiles are shown in the three directions for sample 3 under varying input power. These measurements were made in the first cell after the heating front, L =Opm. a LabVIEW program. The temperatures determined by each RTD for all heating conditions are provided in Figure 3-10. The RTDs are located on the back of the wafer along the center at vertical distances from the bottom of the microstructured area: 7.7mm, 10.9mm, 14.1mm, and 17.3mm. The temperature is approximately uniform across the sample due to uniform heating, uniform evaporation on the wetted surface, and high thermal conductivity of silicon. Increasing the power supplied to the device results in a steadily increasing meniscus curvature. With a higher temperature more liquid is able to evaporate from the surface and is balanced by the capillary pressure generated as the meniscus curvature increases. An interesting observation was noted in that the position of the fluid front remained constant for the supplied electrical power reported in these experiments. We do not expect this for higher heat fluxes: the increased evaporation rate caused by a larger temperature rise will overtake fluid uptake by capillary action, lowering the position of the fluid front. 24 . .... ........ 1.4 2W 1.2 1 V -011 W -0.43 W 20. 0,96 W ~06 ~0.4 1,66W7 ;0.2 5 ( 10 15 20 25 Length along AD (sr) 0.9 L8 0.8 0.7 0.6 -0 "-OW -0.11 W -- 0.43 W 0.96 W 1.66 W 1.6 W 1.4 --. 43 W (1.96 W 1.66 W 1.2 0.6 03 * 0 0.1 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (pm) Length along AB (sim) Figure 3-9: Interference microscopy image of sample 3 with an applied power of 1.66W. The steady state meniscus profile in the three directions for sample 3 is shown under varying input power. The meniscus profiles shown remain constant for the remainder of the the microstructure cells following this location. These measurements were taken in the fifth cell after the heating front, L = 120pm. 45 RTD I -*-RTD 2 4-RTD 3 RTD4 40 35 C. 30 25 20 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 Electrical Power (W) Figure 3-10: Measured temperature of each RTD for the supplied electrical powers on the sample 3 integrated heater. 25 26 Chapter 4 Conclusions This projected consisted of two components: design and fabrication of a custom vacuum chamber faceplate and the investigation of the liquid meniscus shape on a microstructured device. The faceplate for the vacuum chamber consisted of two metal components that serve to house and seal a glass viewport. The addition of the viewport into the chamber allows for use of imaging tools to record experiments that are conducted within the chamber. The components of the faceplate were machined using a CNC mill, and the final assembly was checked for leaks to verify vacuum was being maintained. The second component of this project was to map the meniscus of water on three different device geometries under various conditions. The three sets of experiments were a transient study in which a droplet of water fully evaporated from the surface, a steady state study with the samples partially submerged in water, and a steady state study with varying heat flux applied to the surface. The liquid meniscus shape was monitored using laser interferometry where fringe patterns arise due to different liquid layer heights. The videos taken during the experiments were analyzed using ImageJ to provide meniscus profiles in three directions of interest. The purpose of the transient study was to determine how the meniscus shape changes over time: from the development of a steady profile until dryout occurs. As time progresses there is greater loss of fluid due to evaporation and a diminished liquid 27 source. As a result a greater capillary pressure is established within the fluid which causes a higher curvature meniscus profile. The steady state experiments aimed to determine the meniscus profile that arises when evaporation is balanced by continual fluid replenishment. It was observed that the profile that arises after the first several cells remains constant for the remainder of the cells on the sample. Additionally, the meniscus has the highest curvature near the liquid front, indicating that a higher capillary pressure exists to balance evaporation. The heating experiments had a similar goal as the steady state experiments but with the addition of heating of the surface. The aim of this was to determine how the applied heat flux changes the steady state meniscus profile and to investigate the effects of temperature driven evaporation. With a higher temperature more fluid is able to evaporate from the surface and the viscous loss of flow through the structures is balanced by the capillary pressure. This resulted in a gradual increase of meniscus curvature as temperature increased. Further work needs to be done in this project for analytical models to be developed. Future work for this project are to expand the device geometries used in order to quantify the effects of varying pillar height, pitch length, and pillar diameter. Additionally, replication of the experiments with more fluids would give insight into how the fluid properties affect the meniscus shape. 28 Chapter 5 Appendix A: Faceplate Designs Two designs for the chamber faceplate were made. A faceplate with a 1-inch viewport was fabricated. In addition, a 2-inch design was prepared. The second design design allows for a 2-inch viewport. The only modifications that occurred in this design are the dimensions; the same features are used. Detailed drawings of the designs are shown in Figures 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, and 5-4. 29 5.50 2.20 A 0.50 1.20 CN 0.25 0.40 0 Cf) 0 00.)251 y 0 (N 0 D7 \C'48 cli 0.025 00 0 A SECTION A-A #8 Tap Holes ;Equal spacing of 45 degrees #8 Clearance holes DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONALt PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE>. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART DE AD A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> U PROHIBITED. NAME DATE DRAWN ANGULAR: MACNV BENDt TWO PLACE DECIMAL i THREEPLACE DECIMAL t CHCE ENG APPR. MATER tAL Q-A- MFG APPR. COMMAENTS: NEXT ASSY USED ON APPLICATION FINISH SIZE , G. NO. iA! acelateOnejnch DO NOT SCALE DRAWING WBGI - SHED - -FI REV. RE Figure 5-1: Dimensioned drawing of the 1-inch faceplate base. This component is bolted onto the existing chamber. 30 A 0.75 4.00 __ 0.348 7 01.00 0.402 00.80 o 0.691 A SECTION A-A 8 Clearance Holes; equal spacing of 45 degrees PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF <INSERT CMANY NAME HERE>. ANY REPRODUCTION N PART OR AS A WHOLE ITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> IS PROHIBTED MTERLAL FINISH -- - APPLICATION HCE ERG APPR. MFG APPR. G.A COMTENTS S USED ON NEXTASSY DATE NAME DRAWN - DIMENS IONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL! ANGULAR: MACH t BEND TWO PLACE DECIMAL THREE PLACE DECIMAL I:A DO NOT SCALE DRAWING D kkPae lat Onench eIc REV. --- Figure 5-2: Dimensioned drawing of the 1-inch faceplate cover. The component is bolted onto the faceplate base. 31 5.50 4.298 3.298 A 2.20 1.20 177-7 V/ 0.50 0.25 LO) 0.025 0 0.40157 0.03937 I0 - LO 0.025 0 U-O SECTION A-A SCALE 1: 1 #8 Tap Holes; equal spacing of 45 degrees 8 Clearance Holes DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: - P ERACTEONALC ANGULAR: MACE BEND TWO PLACE DECIMAL PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OP <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE>. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THEW WRITTEN PERMISSION OF <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> IS PROHIBITED. NAM DAT DRAWN CHECKED ENG APPR. -fDAPPI. Q.A. MATERIAL NEXT ASSY USED ON APPUCATION FINISH DO NOT SIZE SCALE DRAWING A Wa O CeP WEIGT: wSCALTIT lteIwoInch E )w7ETOFI Figure 5-3: Dimensioned drawing of the 2-inch faceplate base. This component is bolted onto the existing chamber. 32 4.00 02.00 0.75 01.80 1 A Q.1 77 D.401 57 - 1 ---1Z> 0.69095 L 0 0 I A SECTION A-A SCALE 1: 1 8 Clearance Holes; equal spacing of 45 degrees DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL ANGULAR:MACHt TWOPLACEDECIMAL t THREE PLACE DECIMAL :t BEND+ PROPMETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE>. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF HINSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> IS PROIRTED. USED ON APPLICATION DATE CHECKED ENG APPR. MFG APPR. O.A MATERIAL NEXT ASSY NAME DRAWN AD kD SCALE 1:1 ;WEIGHT. s DO NOT SCALE DRAWING A BaEEPTateFwonch REV. SHEDT I OF I Figure 5-4: Dimensioned drawing of the 2-inch faceplate cover. The component is bolted onto the faceplate base. 33 34 Chapter 6 Appendix B: Fabrication G-Code Custom G-Code was written for each step of the manufacturing process. The code was used to fabricate each component on a CNC mill. The sample code provided here was used to mill the central hole for one of the components. G90 ; absolute position control G94 ; units per minute mode G57; set coordinate axis spindle speed M03 S3000 ; coolant on M08 ; #1 = 0.2 ; z-height variable x-distance variable 0.1875; #2 "while" loop to position z-distance WH[#1 LE .4] DO 1 G90 G01 XO YO F1 ; postion at center G90 GOl Z-#1 F0.1 ; cut into material in z-direction = #1 + 0.2 ; increase z-distance for next loop #1 "while" loop to cut circles WH[#3 LT 0.75] DO 2; position to cut in circle G90 GOl X#2 F0.1 ; cut semicircle G02 X-#2 YO R#2 F1; cut semicircle in the opposite direction G02 X#2 Y0 R#2 F1 ; 35 increase radius for next cut #2 = #2 + 0.1875 DO 2; end of inner loop ; end of outer loop DO end program M02 36 Chapter 7 Appendix C: Dryout Profiles Below are meniscus profiles in the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions for the three samples. These profiles are from the dryout study wherein a droplet of fluid was allowed to evaporate from the surface of the sample. A baseline of t=O was chosen where a steady profile was observed prior to meniscus change due to evaporation. 37 --------------- Figure 7-1: Raw images of sample 1 during various times (t = Os, 9.9s, 21.5s, 23.9s) in the evaporation process. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 20 pim t=0 s0p 20 pm t=13.5s t= 2 5.9 s pm=1.s Figure 7-2: Raw images of sample 2 during various times (t = Os, 5.9s, 13.5s, 16.8s) in the evaporation process. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 38 Figure 7-3: Raw images of sample 3 during various times (t = Os, 4.9s, 11.6s, 20. 7s) in the evaporation process. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 1.2 1.2 -M-I-OS t . 2.9 9. S t =51.9 s 0.4 0.4 0.2 I; 0 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 18 16 14 12 4 2 0 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Length along AD (pm) Length along AD (stm) . 1.2 a.8 4.9 11.6 0.6 S 20.7s 23.3 s 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 10 9 12 14 16 18 20 Length along AD (pm) Figure 7-4: Temporal liquid profile in the diagonal direction for the three samples. 39 . .............. S0.8 30.7 +r =Os E 0. 1.6 E Wt = 0 S S0.6 0.5 +t 0.4 0.3 *-t 21.5 s 0 -t 23.9 s 03 =099 s -t = 16.8s - '.2 .1 0 0 4 2 6 11) 8 12 16 14 0 20 18 2 4 6 Length along AB (pm) - 10 8 12 14 16 18 20 Length along AB (sim) 08 S07 -t= 4.9s t 0.5 *t 11.6 s -- t = 20.7 s t= 23.3 s 02 2 I 4 6 6 12 t0 14 16 Is 20 Length along AB (pm) Figure 7-5: Temporal liquid profile in the horizontal direction for the three samples. 1.5 1.5 -5.9s 9.9 E 0.9 - 21.5s 309 1 l3.s -t=23.9 S 0.6 M 03 x S0 (o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 3 2 14 4 5 6 7 8 Length along BC (im) Length along BC (pm) 1.5 E +Wt=0s t=4.9s 1 II, t 11.6 s 1.2 -t 09 207 s 23.3s t 06 0.3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 9 Length along BC (jIm) Figure 7-6: Temporal liquid profile in the vertical direction for the three samples. 40 9 Chapter 8 Appendix D: Steady Profiles Below are meniscus profiles in the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions. These profiles are from the steady state study wherein the bottom 5mm of the sample was submerged in water to allow for continual liquid replenishment as evaporation occurred. Measurements were taken in successive cells (center-center distance of 40Am) from the liquid front. The first cell following the liquid front is labeled as distance of Opm. The cell that contains the fluid front is only partially filled with liquid, so was neglected in this analysis. 41 Figure 8-1: Raw images of successive cells in sample 1. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 20 pm 2L=0 L=0 pm pm L=20 20 pm pm L 40 pm L=120 PM Figure 8-2: Raw images of successive cells in sample 2. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 42 ..... ... ............. .............. .. ... I Figure 8-3: Raw images of successive cells in sample 3. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. i 1.4 .0 mil [4 0 pm 40 pm 1.2 -40 ptm l80 -- Jim I -120 pm -AA * 0.6 2 4 A 0,4 0.4 0.2 ,Air 0.2 0 W- . 0 20 pm 60 pm 0.8 160 pin 0 .6 5 10 20 15 10 0 25 15 20 25 Length along AD (pm) Length along AD (pm) 1.4 .2 (Pill 40 pn -80 pil W o - 120 pm 160 mtn 0.6 0.4 -A-ni 0.2 0O 0 5 10 15 20 25 Length along AD (pm) Figure 8-4: Steady state liquid profile in the diagonal direction for the three samples. 43 .... .... . ...... M 0.9 0.9 0.9 Ar- pin pm -40 M pm + 0.4 -. -. 8 Om +40 E 0.6 - 0.5 A pm 211 pm 0.5 - 08 0.7 A -80 pm pm 120 pm 04 ' E 160 pm 03 ~0 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 12 18 16 -- 0 20 ' 0 S01 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 18 16 20 Length along AB (pm) Length along AB (pm) '.0.9 0.$ E M +9 C 0.7 40pm 0.6 pm -80 -0.5 -120 AV pm 10pm 0.4 01.3 S0.2 S0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Length along AB (pm) Figure 8-5: Steady State liquid profile in the horizontal direction for the three samples. 2 2 2 1.4 -0 pm -40 pm 0 pm 1.2 -120 U40pm 1.6 E1.2 160 pm 1.6 3 - 1.4 80 pm 120 pm E pin 0.8 0.6 0.8 O.6 0.4 0.4 - 160 pm 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 14 0 2 6 4 0 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (pm) Length along BC (pm) 2 pml pin 40 pm -WO -40 S1.4 E 1.2I4 A -120 pm 160 pm 0.6 0.2 o1 0 2 4 8 6 Length along 10 12 14 16 BC (pm) Figure 8-6: Steady State liquid profile in the vertical direction for the three samples. 44 Chapter 9 Appendix E: Heating Profiles Fluid profiles are provided for sample 3. The device was heated via joule heating at varying wattage supplied by an external power supply. For each supplied power the fluid profile in three directions was measured. These measurements were taken at the first five cells following the fluid front. 45 Figure 9-1: Raw images of successive cells for no applied power. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. i 0.9I E1.4 :L 1.2 4(1AM I 40pm j 20 pm pin 0.8 160 0.8 -a(0 m 0.7 -40 0.6 -80 0.5 pm -a 120 pm 160 pm 0.4 0.6 f0.4 pm I 0.3 S0.2 .! 0 0 5 10 20 I5 0 25 4 2 6 8 10 12 Length along AB (pm) Length along AD (psm) 2 A-0 pm -40 pm -80 pm -120 pm 160 pm 6 4 E .2 10.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (pm) Figure 9-2: Steady state liquid profile for no applied power. 46 14 16 18 20 17!1, Figure 9-3: Raw images of successive cells for 0.11W power input. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 'i 0.9 i 1.4 =L 1.2 - 1 0 Pin +40 pin 0.0, 0-7 80 AI 0. -20 0 .6 40 -- 0.5 ymi, 120 0.4 --M 41- In . 0.4 ipm 40 pm 0.2 0.2 S0. 1 S0 0 5 10 15 0 25 20 6 4 2 8 10 12 Length along AB (pm) Length along AD (pm) 2 0 1.6 1.4 -40 pm 1.2 -8 pm 120 pm f0 o i0.6 0 2 4 6 1 N Length along BC 12 14 16 (pm) Figure 9-4: Steady state liquid profile for 0.11W power input. 47 14 16 18 20 Figure 9-5: Raw images of successive cells for 0.43W power input. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 1.4 Jim 0.9 40 pm 0.8 W0 80 0-7 -40 0.6 -80pm 0-5 04t -120 +00 1.2 - -120 m E pm 60 pm 0.6 pm pm _41 pm 160 pm 0.3 0.4 0.21 5 10 15 0 25 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 Length along AB (sm) Length along AD (sim) 2 5.8 16 1. -8040 pm pm 1.2 I AM - 120pm 160 pm - 0 .3- 0.6 S0.4 .20.2 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (sim) Figure 9-6: Steady state liquid profile for 0.43W power input. 48 14 16 19 20 L .I .L .I .... ..... .11 .... .... -.. I Figure 9-7: Raw images of successive cells for 0.96W power input. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. I -i =. 0.9 S1.4 S1.2 *-0 pm in - 0.8 ~*40 pm Z 80 Pml .3< 60 0.6 0.6 40 pil pil pi -120 04 -A pm -0 0.5 - 120pm 0.0i U-0 pm 0. 160 pm 0.3 S0.4 0.2 <Air 1.2 ~0 0 5 10 15 20 2 0 25 6 8 10 12 Length along AB (pm) Length along AD (pm) 2 6 1.6 L4 r - -it pin -40 pin 80 pill .2 120 p m 160 m p -a- -A 0.8 0.6 *' 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 l( Length along BC (pm) Figure 9-8: Steady state liquid profile for 0.96W power input. 49 14 16 18 20 ....... ..... Figure 9-9: Raw images of successive cells for 1.66W power input. These images were analyzed in ImageJ in order to plot meniscus profiles. 1.4 E,0.9 W0 1.2 I 0(.6 pm 140 Pin 160 pm 7 0.8 +0 0.7 -- 0.6 -4 p42 o-5 0.4 -n PI 4) pm B (ps 160 p~m (0.3 0.(4 0O.2 ;0.2 o(.1 0 10 15 20 0 25 4 2 6 8 10 12 14 Length along AB (pm) Length along AD (pm) -2 10 pm 1.8 1.6 -40 1.4 jim __80 PM 2 120 pmn 160 -m S0.8 6 0O. 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 16 Length along BC (pm) Figure 9-10: Steady state liquid profile for 1.66W power input. 50 16 18 20 Bibliography [1] Chu, Kuang-Han, Micro and NanostructuredSurfaces for Enhanced Phase Change Heat Transfer. MIT Ph.D. Thesis. January 2013. [2] Mudawar, I., Assessment of High-Heat-Flux Thermal Management Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.122-141, Jun. 2001. [3] Pautsch, G., Thermal Challenges in the Next Generationof Supercomputers. Proc. CoolCon MEECC Conference, 2005: p. 1-83. [4] Xiao, Rong, Nanoengineered Surfaces for Advanced Thermal Management. MIT Masters Thesis. 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