Comptes Rendus (Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences) There are 239 publications listed in the library catalog with Comptes Rendus in the title. The following is information on the main series that causes headaches for reference staff – the title roughly translates to the Proceedings of the French Academy of Sciences. Title is cited and abbreviated many ways (some incorrectly): As. Fr. C. R. C.R. CR AC SC B C.R. Hebd. C.R. Acad. Sci. C.R. Seances Acad. Sci.Ser. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B C.R. Sci. Acad. Ser. The words Hebdomadaires, Séances and Sciences appear and disappear from the title and in different word orders due to name changes of the organization over time. Comptes Rendus = proceedings Hebdomadaire = weekly Séances = sessions Citations often include the series number in the volume designation instead of spelling out the full title of the sub-series (e.g., “t. 289C”). NOTE: The Gallica website contains full text articles from Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences published from 1795-1955 at: Comptes Rendus in the ISU Libraries (summary) From vol. 1 (1835) to vol. 261 (1965) the Comptes Rendus were published as a single unit. This is the item MOST researchers are needing! See next page for similar series that are often confused when researchers are citing papers. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences Q7 .AC11C (A Supplement was published for v. 1-2,1856-1861 – Q7 .AC11CS) (other supplements are bound in with individual series volumes) In 1966, it divided into series A-D, some of which subdivided in subsequent years: 1966-71 1972-78 Series A, B, and I (Mathematique) QC1 .A36 - storage QC1 .A36 - storage Series C (Chimique) QD1 .A33 QD1 .A33 1979-80 1981-83 1984-01 2002- QC1 QA1 QA1 QA1 QD1 .A331x .A361x - storage .C75x .C751 C7511 1981-83 1984-93 1994-97 1994-01 1998-99 2000-01 2001- Series II & IIb (Mechanique) Q2 .C65x Q2 .C651 QC1 .C66x Series D and III (Sciences Naturelles) QH3 .A33 – storage QH3 .A33 – 1972-1976 in storage QH3 .A331x QH301 .C65x QH301 .C651 QH301 C6511 Series IIa (Geoscience) QE1 .C65x QC1 .C661 QC120 .C66 QC120 .C661 QE1 .C651 Starting in 2001 (for Series II) and 2002 (for Series I and III), titles have been changed to eliminate the “series” designation entirely and they are much easier to locate in the library catalog. Same publisher as other titles, but doesn’t appear to be connected to the other series: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série générale. Vie des Sciences. t. 1-11 (1984-1994) Q46 .C72 (This title is ALMOST IDENTICAL to, and frequently confused with, Série III, Sciences de la Vie – notice volume numbers are vastly different in these 2 series.) Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et des ses Filiales. v. 1, 1849-v. 186 (1992) QH301 So15c v. 1-175 (1849-1981) is in the Library Storage Building v. 176-186 (1982-1992) is in Parks Library Parks Library cancelled subscription in 1992. From 1884-1915 this was also referred to as Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie.