Panhellenic Council Application

Panhellenic Council Application
Please use this as the cover sheet for your application and staple your typed responses to it. This application must be
submitted by Monday November 2, 2015 at 5PM in the Student Involvement Center. No late applications will be
accepted. To be considered for a Panhellenic office, you must have completed this application and the interview
process. Interviews will be held on November 4 and 5, 2015.
Chapter :___________________________________________________________________
Email:_______________________________ Phone Number:_______________________
Year in School: Fr So Jr Sr
Semesters Active in Chapter:_____________________
Anticipated Graduation:________________
GPA: Cumulative______________________
Panhellenic Executive Council Positions: President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Recruitment,
Vice President of Risk Management, Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Community Enrichment
Please list the position(s) you are applying for in order of your preference:
Would you consider accepting a positon other than what you are applying for? Yes or No
If yes, list position(s) below.
Please type your answers to the following questions
What offices or committees have you held in your chapter and in the Fraternity Sorority Life community? Please
tell of improvements/changes you have made in these offices or committees.
Please list your involvement in the community or campus (outside the FSL community).
Why do you want to become a part of the Panhellenic Executive Council?
What position(s) are you interested in and why? What new ideas/improvements do you have for this office?
Please provide examples.
What is one important issue currently facing the Panhellenic Community and what are your suggestions for
dealing with this issue?
What do you hope to gain by holding a leadership position in our community? What interest you the most about
the positions selected above?
Please have your Chapter President print and sign their name below to show support of your application for
Panhellenic Council:
President Printed Name, President Signature
Application Checklist
***To be eligible for a Panhellenic Executive office you must be able to fulfill two office hours between 8:00am-5:00pm
weekly, attend Panhellenic meetings each Monday, One-on-One’s with the Sorority Advisor, as well as needed
Panhellenic Executive meetings thus making your total time commitment a minimum of 6 hours a week.***
Timeline for Selection:
Monday 11/2 @ 5:00 PM -Applications Due in Student Involvement Center
**Sign up for Interview at front desk
Wednesday 11/4 @ 6:00-9:00pm - Formal Interviews - Room to be determined
Thursday 11/5 @ 5:00-8:00pm - Formal Interviews – Room to be determined
Monday, 11/9 @ 4:00pm-Slate Presented at Panhellenic, State College Room
** Anyone applying must be present**
Monday, 12/7 @ 4:00pm-Voting on Slate/2nd Reading, at Panhellenic, State College Room
**Anyone slated must be present**
Checklist of Application
Completed Cover Sheet (top sheet of this packet)
Typed responses to application questions
Turn in application to the front desk of the Student Involvement Center by 5 pm on Monday, November 2nd
Sign up for interview at the front desk of the Student Involvement Center
Show up to interview in Purple Pen Room
Please remember this is a formal interview so pin attire is expected
Come to Panhellenic on Monday, November 9th for slate presentation
Come to Panhellenic on Monday, December 7th for voting on slate
If elected to Panhellenic Council, you must attend a required officer transitioning which will be held January
10th 2015, time TBA
If elected Panhellenic President, Vice President of Risk Management, Vice President of Recruitment, and Vice
President of Public Relations, you must be available to attend NPC College Panhellenic Academy, January 22-24,
2015 *See attached document for further details about the academy and the schedule.
Please take time to review the requirements and stipulations as well as the officer duties for the Panhellenic Executive
Offices in the Bylaws, which can be found at
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Panhellenic President, Anna Ryder (
or Sorority Life Advisor, Steffoni Schmidt (
College Panhellenic Academy
College Panhellenic Academy is an NPC program designed to equip College Panhellenic officers and advisors with the
most up-to-date Panhellenic knowledge, helping to ensure the success of College Panhellenics throughout the U.S. and
Canada. This day and a half long academy will provide the opportunity for hands-on training with NPC representatives,
allowing attendees to refocus their commitment to NPC values and in turn, shape their fraternity and sorority
College Panhellenic Academy will be held Jan. 22-24, 2015, at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Union Station. This pilot
program is designed for four College Panhellenic officers: Panhellenic president, Panhellenic officer responsible for
recruitment, Panhellenic officer responsible for implementation of the judicial process, and Panhellenic officer
responsible for public relations. Jan. 22-24, 2015, at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Union Station.
**Note: We may be leaving on Thursday, January 21st to make the drive out to Indianapolis.
Officer Schedule
Friday, Jan. 22
1 p.m. Registration
2 p.m. Academy Kickoff
2:30 p.m. Panhellenic Purpose
3:45 & 5 p.m. Alternating sessions:
• Panhellenic Governing Documents
• Panhellenic Policies
6 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. The Talks
Saturday, Jan. 23
8:30 a.m. Breakfast & State of Panhellenic
9:45 a.m. Officer breakout sessions:
• Judicial
• President
• Communications/Public relations
• Recruitment
Noon Lunch (on your own)
2 & 3 p.m. Hot topic breakout sessions:
5 p.m. Break
6 p.m. Dinner
7p.m. Like-Campus Meetings
8 p.m. College Panhellenic Greenprint and IFC Blueprint Planning
9:30 p.m. Academy Finale
Sunday, Jan. 24
Make the trek home