Loss-of-Flow Analysis of an Unfinned, Graded Fuel Meat, LEU Monolithic U-10Mo Fuel Design in Support of the MITR-II Fuel Conversion by Sarah M. Don Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering MASSACHUSETTS IN6TlJTE, and OF TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 9 201 LIBRARIES September 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. Signature redacted -.................. Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Author ............... August 8, 2014 Signature redacted .........--------Lin-wen Hu, Ph.D. C ertified by ............... Associate Director of Research Development and Utilization, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Certified by............ Benoit Forget, Ph.D. Associat6#rofessor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Thesis Reader . Signature redacted . Accepted by.... uji azimi, Ph.D. TEPCO Professor of uclear Engineering Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 Loss-of-Flow Analysis of an Unfinned, Graded Fuel Meat, LEU Monolithic U-10Mo Fuel Design in Support of the MITR-II Fuel Conversion by Sarah M. Don Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering on August 8, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering Abstract In order to satisfy requirements of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI), the 6 MW MIT Research Reactor (MITR-II) is to convert from the current 93%-enr 235 U highly-enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to the low-enriched uranium (LEU, <20% 235 U) fuel. This reduction in enrichment decreases the neutron flux level due to parasitic absorption by 238U. The neutron flux may be compensated for by increasing the reactor's nominal operating power level to 7.0 MW. Thus a neutronic and thermalhydraulic study was undertaken to evaluate new fuel designs with graded fuel meat thickness and unfinned clad that provide sufficient safety margins for steady-state operation at 7.0 MW. A previously-studied 18-plate LEU fuel design and an identical unfinned fuel design were compared to evaluate the effect of fin removal, demonstrating the need for fuel redesign. A recent feasibility study has shown that a 19-plate, unfinned fuel design with graded fuel meat thicknesses (19B25) provides fuel cycle length and steady-state thermal hydraulic safety margins that meet the design criteria. The objective of this study was to use the RELAP5 MOD3.3 code to confirm the steady-state thermalhydraulic safety margin and to analyze the loss-of-flow (LOF) transient performance of this candidate fuel design. Power distributions obtained for beginning-of-life (BOL), middle-of-life (MOL), and end-of-life (EOL) were analyzed to study the effect of core power distribution and burnup-dependent thermal properties on safety margins. Results show that the MITR-II can safely operate at 7.0 MW with the proposed LEU fuel with an adequate margin (40%) to the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) -limiting power level. The minimum margin between coolant channel wall and saturation temperatures was at 3 least 22 C in the most limiting channel, in the most limiting core (BOL) at 7.0 MW. The proposed LEU fuel design also performed well during a simulated LOF transient after operation at 7.0 MW, with a peak fuel temperature of 106 C reached in the hot channel, which is well below the U-1OMo blistering temperature of 365*C. During the LOF transient, the maximum clad temperature was 980, meaning that no boiling occurred even during the LOF transient. Bounding analysis to evaluate the effect of an oxide layer and fuel meat thermal conductivity due to fuel burnup estimated that up to a 15 C peak fuel temperature rise can be attributed to increased thermal resistance of oxide layer and fuel thermal conduction reduction. Thus under the most conservative assumption, the estimated peak fuel temperature is 121 C, well under the blistering temperature limit of 365 C. It is concluded that the 19-plate unfinned fuel design with graded fuel meat thickness is a promising candidate for the conversion to LEU fuel and power uprate. Thesis Supervisor: Lin-wen Hu, Ph.D. Title: Associate Director of Research Development and Utilization, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 4 Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere appreciation of Dr. Lin-wen Hu and Dr. Tom Newton for their invaluable support and guidance throughout this project, and Professor Benoit Forget for being my thesis reader. Thanks also to my senior and mentor Eric Forrest who took me under his wing providing me with the help and encouragement I needed to get started and stay on track. Thanks to Dr. Koroush Shirvan for answering my RELAP questions late at night and on weekends. Thanks to Dr. Erik Wilson and Dr. Floyd Dunn for providing me with the initial RELAP input decks and corresponding with me throughout the project. Thanks to Dr. Kaichao Sun for supporting the neutronic aspects of the project and providing me with neutronic data. Thanks also to Taylor Tracy for assisting with the proof-reading of this paper. I gratefully acknowledge the ANL/RERTR program for supporting this project. This work was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, under contract BOA 2J-30101. This study is also sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Global Threat Reduction. Thank you to my family for being understanding that I cannot easily call or visit often while we are on opposite sides of the world. Finally, I am eternally grateful to my husband Maxwell Mann for supporting me through stressful times, even when he is also incredibly busy as a graduate student. 5 6 Contents 1 2 Introduction 17 1.1 Global Threat Reduction Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.2 Motivation for Conversion 19 1.3 High-Density Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.4 Fuel Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1.5 Criteria for LEU Fuel Selection 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Background 25 2.1 The MITR-II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.1.1 Fuel ....... 28 2.1.2 Absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.1.3 Experiment Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.1.4 Cooling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 MIT Operating Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2.1 Onset of Nucleate Boiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.2.2 Hot Channel Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.2.3 Loss-of-Flow Transient Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.2 2.3 MCODE ........ 2.4 RELAP5 MOD3.3 ................................ .................................. 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.4.1 Time Step Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.5 Previous LEU Fuel Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.6 High-Density Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel 44 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.6.1 Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.6.2 Fuel Temperature Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.6.3 Graded Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel Meat 47 . . . . . . . . . . Research Objectives 51 4 Effect of Fin Removal 4.1 4.2 5 53 MIT27 Reference Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4.1.1 Steady-State Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.1.2 Loss-of-Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 MIT30 - The Effect of Removing Fins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Proposed New Fuel Design 65 5.1 Fuel Cycle and Core Power Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2 Axial Power Profiles 70 5.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Simulated Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.3 Beginning-of-Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.4 Middle-of-Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 83 5.5 End-of-Life 86 5.6 ONB-Limiting Power Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.7 Summary of RELAP Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2D Semi-Analytical Validation 7 Burnup Effect on Fuel Temperature 101 7.1 Effect of Oxide Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 7.2 Effect of Fuel Thermal Conductivity 105 8 93 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 8 List of Figures MITR-II Cutaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2-2 MITR-II Core Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-3 Photograph of MITR-II fuel element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-4 MITR-II Cooling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2-5 MITR-II Natural Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2-6 Typical forced convection subcooled boiling curve. [12] . . . . . . . 34 2-7 Pump Coastdown Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2-8 RELAP Laminar Flow Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2-9 Fuel plate layer configuration. (Not to scale) [6] 45 . . . . . . . . 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Optical microscopy images of the U-IOMo fuel-Zr diffusion barrier in- 48 4-1 MIT27 Nodalization Diagram 4-4 MIT27 Finned Fuel Steady-State Temperatures . . . . 57 4-2 MIT27 Plate/Channel Stripe Configuration . . . . . . . 58 4-3 . . . . . . . . . 45 MIT27 Power Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4-5 MIT27 Finned Fuel Transient Temperatures and Flow. . 2-11 End plate heat flux reduction by fuel meat gradation . . terface. [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4-6 Effective Gap After Fin Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4-7 MIT30 Steady-State Axial Temperature Profiles . . . . 62 4-8 ONB-Limiting Power Level for MIT27 and MIT30 Fuels 62 5-1 19B25 RELAP structure labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5-2 19B25 Nodalization Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 55 5-3 Power generation shift from BOL to EOL .6 . . . . . . 69 5-4 BOL Power Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5-5 MOL Power Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5-6 EOL Power Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5-7 Fractional power and flow after the LOF scram . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5-8 BOL Steady-State Temperature Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5-9 19B25 BOL LOF Transient Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 . . . . . . . .. 5-10 MOL Steady-State Temperature Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5-11 19B25 MOL LOF Transient Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 6-1 Semi-analytical model temperature profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 7-1 Fuel Temperatures With Oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 7-2 Thermal Conductivity of U-10Mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 5-12 EOL Steady-State Temperature Profiles 5-13 19B25 EOL LOF Transient Temperatures 5-14 19B25 ONB-Limiting Power Levels 10 List of Tables 1.1 Research reactors that require high-density fuel to convert to LEU. [30] 20 1.2 Summary of HEU and LEU fuels for the MITR-II. [13] 21 2.1 Summary of primary loop dimensions in RELAP input. [13] 2.2 Reference time step configuration [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.3 Optimal time step configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.4 Composition of LEU U-10Mo monolithic fuel. [2] . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.5 Thermal properties for Al-6061. [10] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.6 Thermal properties for zirconium. [10] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.7 Thermal properties for LEU U-Mo. [10] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.8 Graded fuel meat thickness combinations. [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.1 MIT27 Fuel Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.2 MIT27 and MIT30 ONB-Limiting Power Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.3 MIT30 Fuel Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5.1 19B25 Fuel Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.2 BOL Hot Channel Factor and Power Per Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.3 MOL Hot Channel Factor and Power Per Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.4 EOL Hot Channel Factor and Power Per Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.5 19B25 steady-state conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.6 LOF Maximum Temperature Rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.7 19B25 Hot Channel Maximum Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 11 6.1 Comparison of RELAP results with semi-analytical model for 19B25 B O L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 7.1 Oxide Sensitivity 7.2 Burnup Effect on Thermal Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.3 Burnup Effect on Peak Fuel Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 103 Nomenclature Abbreviations 19B25 19-plate unfinned graded LEU fuel meat fuel design ACI Advanced clad irradiation facility Al-6061 6061 alloy of aluminum ANL Argonne National Laboratory ASV Anti-siphon valve BNCT Boron neutron capture therapy BOC Beginning of (fuel) cycle BOL Beginning of (core) life CHF Critical heat flux enr 23 1U enrichment EOC End of (fuel) cycle EOL End of (core) life gpm gallons per minute GTRI Global Threat Reduction Initiative HEU High enriched uranium HTIF High temperature irradiation facility ICSA In-core sample assembly INL Idaho National Laboratory LEU Low enriched uranium LOF Loss-of-flow LSSS Limiting Safety System Setting LWR Light water reactor MCODE MCNP-ORIGEN Depletion Program MIT27 Reference 18-plate LEU finned fuel design MIT30 18-plate LEU unfinned fuel design 13 MITR-II Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor II MOC Middle of (fuel) cycle MOL Middle of (core) life MWt Megawatts thermal energy NCV Natural circulation valve NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OFI Onset of flow instability ONB Onset of nucleate boiling OSV Onset of significant voiding RELAP Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program RERTR Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors RIA Reactivity Insertion Accident SAR Safety Analysis Report U-10Mo Uranium fuel with 10 molybdenum atoms for every uranium atom UAlx Uranium-aluminum alloy Symbols Af Flow area cp Specific heat (kJ/kg K) De Hydraulic diameter hc Heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) k Thermal conductivity (W/mK) rh Mass flow rate (kg/s) p Viscosity (Pa s) nch Number of channels Nu Nusselt Number P Pressure Pw Wetted perimeter 14 Prandtl Number q" Heat flux (W/m2 ) Pr ) Volumetric heat generation rate (W/m 3 p Density Re Reynolds Number Tclad,ONB ONB cladding temperature ( C) Tsat Saturation temperature ( C) w Width Subscripts ci Clad inner surface CL Centerline (fuel) co Clad outer surface f Fuel g Channel gap 0 Oxide layer p Fuel plate w Water z Zirconium layer 15 16 Chapter 1 Introduction The MITR-II is a 6.0 MW research reactor currently fueled with 93%-enr Fuel element design and feasibility studies are ongoing for low-enriched 235 235 U fuel. U (LEU) fuel conversion in accordance with the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). LEU fuel is defined as containing uranium enriched to < 20% 235 U. A prime objec- tive of the GTRI is to convert all test and research reactors worldwide to LEU fuel. Research reactors typically use highly-enriched 2 35 U (HEU) fuel to achieve a high neutron flux in a compact core for applications such as neutron beam experiments, isotope production, and accelerated materials irradiation testing. The objective of removing HEU fuel from reactors is to reduce the global weapons proliferation threat by reducing the inventory of weapons-grade nuclear materials. The MITR-II is one of the six research and test reactors in the U.S. that require a new, high-density fuel in order to convert to LEU. A decrease in enrichment reduces the neutron flux density due to parasitic absorption in 23 8U. [19] However, this reduction in reactor perfor- mance may be countered by a power uprate to 7.0 MW. Several new fuel geometries have been proposed in recent studies for the MITR-II conversion. [19, 9, 13, 14] The Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program has been developing high-density alternate fuel meats to facilitate the conversion. U 3Si 2 and U-1OMo dispersion-type fuels have been developed for LEU reactor fuel, though some reactors, including the MITR-II, can only convert to LEU 17 if the density is significantly higher than achievable in dispersion fuels. [22] Power peaking in the current fuel geometry would prevent a power uprate of the MITRII, and so new geometries with uniform radial power distributions have also been designed and assessed by the GTRI program and MIT. The most promising design to date is a 19-plate, unfinned, high-density monolithic U-IOMo fuel with graded fuel meat thickness (thinner in the outer six plates) that is referred to in this report as the "19B25" case. The reference case to which this design is compared is an 18-plate, finned, high-density monolithic U-10Mo fuel with the same fuel meat thickness in every plate, which is referred to as "MIT27". [2] There is also an intermediate case which is identical to MIT27 but with unfinned fuel plates called "MIT30" to study the effect of fin-removal on the thermal-hydraulics of the MITR-II core. Research concerning the neutronic aspects of new fuel designs is currently underway in parallel with thermal-hydraulic studies to support the LEU fuel design, core conversion and power uprate. 1.1 Global Threat Reduction Initiative The mission of the GTRI program is to reduce the amount of vulnerable nuclear materials, which involves the conversion of HEU-fueled reactors to LEU, removal of excess nuclear materials, and protection of nuclear materials from theft. The GTRI program goals announced by Energy Secretary Abraham on May 26, 2004, included the conversion of most civilian reactors that use HEU to LEU by 2014. In order to allow time for reactor conversion, fuels suitable for conversion had to be developed well in advance of this date. Considering this, supplying qualified fuels required for conversion of most research reactors to LEU by the end of 2010 was initially planned. [30] MITR-II conversion has been postponed due to the delay in high-density LEU fuel qualification. The MITR-II currently employs robust security measures and "just-in-time" receipt and storage of nuclear materials, though it still requires the manufacture, trans- 18 port, use and storage of HEU fuel. The core must be converted to LEU fuel in order to comply with 10 CFR 50.64 requirements listed below so that it can continue operating when a suitable LEU fuel becomes available. 1.2 Motivation for Conversion RERTR is a global program whose objective is to support research and development of high-density fuels that can be used to convert HEU-fueled research reactors to LEU-fueled. It is an effort to promote defense and security by reducing the risk of theft or diversion of HEU-fuel. The successful conversion of US non-power reactors to LEU fuel should encourage similar action by reactor facilities globally, thereby reducing the amount of HEU fuel at international facilities. In 1984 the NRC proposed the rule requiring all new licensees to use LEU fuel and all existing licensees to convert from HEU to LEU, when suitable fuel becomes available. Funding for the conversion efforts is provided by the federal government through the GTRI program. The Ford Nuclear Reactor (FNR) at the University of Michigan was the first reactor converted by the RERTR program in December 1981 using a UAl'-Al LEU fuel with a density of 1.7 g/cm 3 , but most other reactors require LEU fuels with significantly higher uranium density. [30] The uranium density proposed for the MITR-II conversion is 15.3 g/cm3 . [13] Table 1.1 lists the research reactors that need(ed) highdensity fuel in order to successfully convert to LEU fuel. There is no set deadline for completion of conversion efforts, however there is limited supply of HEU for research reactors remaining. [20] The MITR-II and other HEU-fueled research reactors are currently supplied with fuel containing recycled uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads as part of the Megatons to Megawatts program established in 1994. As of the end of 2013 when the contract expired, approximately 20,000 Russian warheads had been dismantled as part of this effort. [28] 19 Table 1.1: Research reactors that require high-density fuel to convert to LEU. [30] Country Reactor Power (MW) HEU Consumption (kg/yr) Belgium BR2 80 29 RHF 57 55 ORPHEE JHR 14 100 16 - France Germany FRM-II USA MITR-II MURR NBSR HIFR ATR ATRC 20 6 38 >5 10 24 20 100 13 80 250 0.005 120 0 10 2.5 14 8 2 6 15 6 21 18 15 15 9 100 62 0 0 Russia LWR-15 IRT-MEPI IR-8 IRT-T VVR-TS VVR-M IVV-2M MIR-Mi1 CAMIR-M 1 1 The MITR-II has two main requirements for the conversion. A high-density fuel meat material must be available, and a new fuel geometry that allows operation up to 7.0 MW must be designed with adequate steady-state safety margins to onset of nucleate boiling (ONB). The RERTR program supports research and development of high-density monolithic LEU U-1OMo fuel that is proposed for the MITR-II conversion. RERTR and MIT are collaborating to perform neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of the proposed fuel designs. 20 1.3 High-Density Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel The proposed LEU fuel type is a monolithic (non-dispersion) U-10Mo material with 235 U enriched to 19.75%. Studies at MIT have shown that high-density U-10Mo fuel with a uranium density of at least 15 g/cm 3 is the only feasible LEU fuel option for the MITR-II. [13, 29, 19] The facility is awaiting the successful qualification of this high-density LEU fuel in order to proceed with the conversion. [13] Preliminary RERTR experiments showed that the presence of an interaction layer between the fuel and cladding materials caused mechanical internal stress problems. To minimize the fuel-cladding interaction, introducing a diffusion barrier between the cladding and fuel was proposed. The current monolithic plate design includes a 0.0254 mm thick, 99.8% pure, annealed zirconium diffusion barrier between the U-IOMo fuel and the Al-6061 clad. Table 1.2 provides a summary of current HEU and proposed LEU fuel properties. Miniature plates of this U-lOMo-Zr-Al-6061 configuration were irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) with promising irradiation performance. [21] The HEU fuel failure limit is the Al-6061 softening temperature of 450 C. For the LEU fuel, however, the limiting factor was found to be blistering caused by temperatures exceeding 365 C. [4] Verification that the fuel temperature does not exceed 365 C during a loss-of-flow accident is necessary in order to qualify this LEU fuel for the MITR conversion. Table 1.2: Summary of HEU and LEU fuels for the MITR-II. [13] Parameter HEU LEU Fuel meat composition U-Alt U-10Mo 2 35 U enrichment (%) 93 19.75 Uranium density (g/cm 3 ) Mass of 235 U per element (g) Heat capacity (at 100 C, J/kg C) Melting point ( C) 21 1.54 15.3 508 627 968 142 1400 1135 1.4 Fuel Conversion A report produced by ANL in July 2013 presents a candidate fuel design that uses 18 finned fuel plates, thinner cladding, thinner coolant channels, and high density uranium-molybdenum monolithic alloy fuel enriched up to 19.75% 2 35U. Dunn et al. [9] Transient analysis studies for reactivity insertion accident (RIA) and loss of flow (LOF) scenarios showed that the maximum fuel temperature would not reach the fuel blistering temperature of approximately 365 C, which makes these fuel designs candidates for the fuel upgrade. [9] A previous study showed that a design containing 18 fuel plates with 0.508 mm thick U-10Mo LEU fuel with 0.25 mm finned cladding enables the MIT reactor to retain its current flux with a power uprate to 7 MW while leaving sufficient margins to ONB. [18] More recent studies at ANL suggest several designs with 18-19 unfinned fuel plates, various fuel-to-clad thickness ratios, minimum required power uprate to 6.7 MW to 7.1 MW to maintain flux, and ONB-limiting power levels of 8.6 MW to 10 MW. [9, 2] The latest candidate fuel designs have graded fuel meat. Currently the hot channel (most limiting) in the MITR-II core is the end channel (for even fuel meat thickness across plates) due to extra moderation. In order to reduce this peaking in the end channel, the design suggests that outer 2-3 fuel plates have graded, thinner fuel meats than the inner plates, creating a more even temperature profile across the fuel element, reducing the peak-to-average fuel temperature ratio and increasing the limiting power. This also makes it more difficult to identify the hot channel, so several channels must be studied to ensure the hot channel is studied. [9] 22 1.5 Criteria for LEU Fuel Selection In order for a fuel design to be feasible for the LEU conversion, it must meet the established safety criteria for the Safety Analysis Report (SAR). The new fuel must have negative void and temperature coefficients, adequate shutdown reactivity margins at all stages of core life, sufficient excess reactivity to overcome parasitic absorption during 135 Xe transients, be adequately cooled so as to avoid ONB in the hot channel, and allow natural circulation to be effective at decay heat removal upon shutdown. In order for the fuel to improve operating characteristics it must generate a thermal and/or fast flux equal to or greater than that of the HEU core at the same power level, and the fuel cycle length must be equal to or longer than that of the current HEU core at the same power level. 23 24 Chapter 2 Background This study is motivated by the need for a new fuel for the MIT research reactor, and a power uprate to maintain the current neutron flux essential for the experimental facilities. This section gives a brief overview of the reactor and experimental facilities, thermal-hydraulics, the codes used, and previous work towards the MITR LEU fuel conversion. 2.1 The MITR-II The MITR-II is a research reactor licensed by the NRC for 6.0 MW operation until 2030. The reactor is nominally operated at 5.9 MWt, well within the window of permissible operating conditions as determined by the Safety Analysis Report (SAR). [24] Figure 2-1 is a cutaway of the MITR-II showing the core situated in the core tank and the various experiment access ports. The light water cooled and moderated tanktype reactor is heavy water and graphite reflected. Figure 2-2 shows the reactor core which contains 27 fuel element positions, interior fixed absorbing plates, 6 control blades and one fine control regulating rod. Typically only 24 positions contain fuel elements while 3 positions are occupied by experiments or dummy elements. The reactor provides a high thermal neutron flux environment for the generation of medical isotopes and in-core experimental studies. It also facilitates education through the student operator training program, tours and reactor safety and technology courses. 25 5 Core Tank Concrete Pneumatic Experiment Port - Shielding rRe Core D20 Reflector - Figure 2-1: MITR-II Cutaway 26 Medical Treatment Room Fuel Element I C-12 Gc11 \ / B-6 A-2 C-7 Core Tank C-4 \ B-9 C-15 AB-1 C-1 B-4N Absorbers \4/Fixed c- C-2 B-g2 63 us \ Regulating Rod A-1 / N7 C-13\ B-S B-7 A-3 \t C-8 ' c4 ad C3 Control made 2 Figure 2-2: MITR-II Core Layout Figure 2-3: Photograph of MITR-II fuel element 27 2.1.1 Fuel Each fuel element is comprised of 15 aluminum-clad fuel plates milled with fins 0.01 inches wide and 0.01 inches tall as shown in Figure 2-3. All fuel plates are identical with fuel meat measuring 0.2 inches thick with a frame of 0.03 inches of aluminum cladding to the sealed edges. The fuel meat is a U-Al, cermet which can withstand high temperatures like a ceramic while displaying ductility like a metal. The aluminum cladding softens at approximately 450 C which is considered to be the failure limit for the fuel. [24] The rhomboid shape of each fuel element facilitates more even and efficient fuel burnup by permitting 1800 rotation and inversion. Currently the MITR achieves fast and thermal fluxes of up to 1.2 x 1014 n/cm2 s and 3.6 x 1013 n/cm2 s respectively, with 93%-enr fuel at 5.9 MWt. It is estimated that with conversion to 19.75%-enr high-density monolithic U-10Mo fuel that the neutron flux at 5.9 MWt will be reduced by 10-20% due to parasitic neutron absorption in 23 8U. [19] 2.1.2 Absorbers The MITR-II core contains 6 control blades, a regulating rod, and fixed absorbers. The absorbers permit precise reactivity control and power shaping. The control blades hug each side of the hexagonal core, as shown in Figure 2-2. Each blade is attached to a drive mechanism by an electromagnet, and is made up of two 1.1% boron-impregnated stainless steel blades 0.125" (3.175 mm) thick with a 0.05" (1.27 mm) gap to allow for cooling. Only one shim blade can be moved outward at a time to limit the rate of reactivity insertion. During startup and steady-state operation, the six shim blades at kept at the same position as a bank to prevent radial power peaking. When a scram condition occurs, current to the electromagnets holding the blade to their drive mechanisms is cut, and the control blades drop back into the core, shutting down the reactor in less than one second. [15] 28 The cadmium-lined fine control regulating rod is located at one of the six corners outside the core housing, and is connected to the auto-control system to keep power steady. When the reactor is on auto-control, the regulating rod is automatically inserted and withdrawn as needed to compensate for small reactivity changes due to moderator temperature, coolant temperature, and xenon effects. When the regulating rod works its way outside of its useful range (too far in or out) the operator drives the regulating rod back to a more reactive position and compensates for the reactivity change with the control blade bank. The fixed absorber is made up of several plates that are fixed in the core lattice as shown in Figure 2-2. The 1.1% boron-impregnated stainless steel plates reduce the radial power peaking in the center of the core. 2.1.3 Experiment Facilities The MITR-II has experiment facilities both inside and outside the core for medical, activation and materials performance studies. In-core experiments are loaded into positions Al, A3 and B3 (see Figure 2-2) for fast-flux irradiation. An in-core sample assembly (ICSA), which is typically loaded into position A3, is capable of reaching temperatures up to 850 C. [16, 2] The Advanced Clad Irradiation (ACI) loop is heated and pressurized to simulate typical power LWR conditions for accelerated clad ma- terial irradiations. [16] The High Temperature Irradiation Facility (HTIF) achieves temperatures of up to 1600 C with a fast flux of approximately 1 x 1014 n/cm2 s to aid in the materials testing for next generation high temperature reactors. [16] Though the ICSA, ACI and HTIF are used most frequently, the reactor is capable of irradiating various other kinds of assemblies for corrosion and fissile material studies. Experiment facilities exterior to the core include several beam ports, vertical thimbles, pneumatic tubes, a gamma irradiation facility and a medical treatment room. The beam ports service a diffractometer and a spectrometer for neutron scattering 29 and attenuation studies. The vertical thimbles and pneumatic tubes are used to place a sample for irradiation as close to the core as possible for the highest neutron flux external to the core. The gamma irradiation facility is provided by space in the spent fuel pool where samples can be exposed to gamma radiation for extended periods of time. The medical (fission converter) treatment facility was defueled in 2013 af- ter cessation of the boron-neutron capture therapy (BNCT) trials for treatment of glioblastoma multiforme tumors (for which the facility was built). With re-installation of fuel and coolant the thermal/epithermal neutron beam could be utilized again for experiments. [16, 15] 2.1.4 Cooling Systems Figure 2-4 shows a simplified schematic of the MITR-II primary and secondary cooling systems. The water that leaves the core tank is pushed through the main primary- secondary heat exchanger by two identical primary pumps before returning to the core tank. Water enters the core tank via the core inlet pipe and flows down the annular mixing (downcomer) region to the core inlet plenum at the bottom of the core tank. The nominal primary coolant flow rate is 2000 gpm (125 kg/s) with the reactor scram set to occur if flow drops below 1900 gpm (119 kg/s). The water is forced up through the core between the fuel plates and into the mixing region above the core before exiting the core tank through the outlet pipe. The core tank inlet and outlet temperatures are nominally maintained at approximately 43 C and 52 C respectively. A core bypass flow factor of 0.0795 was measured for the MITR-II, indicating less than 8% of flow cools structures other than fuel plates. [24] Not shown in the diagram is an ion column primary coolant clean-up system, another much smaller pump that provides long-term decay heat removal and does not affect flow through the core, and a primary water storage tank. The heat exchanger is a titanium plate-type heat exchanger with opposing flow directions for the primary and secondary coolants. On the secondary side, the water circulates from the main primary-secondary heat 30 Cooling Towers Pumps Reactor Heat Secondary Exchanger Pumps Figure 2-4: Simplified schematic of the MITR-II primary and secondary cooling systems. (Not to scale) [7] r Core Core outlet Outlet i ASS ASV 1 1 Core Core ~Inlet Inlet 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 NCV NCV 1 1 1 Core 1 t t Core 1 y l Figure 2-5: Natural circulation paths are facilitated by the natural circulation and anti-siphon valves. (Not to scale) [6] 31 exchanger to the cooling towers and back by forced convection provided by another set of two identical secondary system pumps. As water evaporates from the cooling towers, the secondary system water inventory is replenished by city water. The cooling tower outlet temperature is nominally maintained between 20*C and 30*C depending on the season. Not shown in Figure 2-4 on the secondary side are the various auxiliary cooling systems (biological shield, experiments, A/C and heavy water reflector) and their heat exchangers. Natural Circulation The MITR-II is designed for passive decay heat removal via natural circulation in the core tank. There are four natural circulation valves (NCVs) located at the bottom of the core tank and two anti-siphon valves (ASVs) located a the height of the coolant inlet pipe, as shown in Figure 2-5. When forced convection is provided by the two main primary pumps, the water forces the balls in the NCVs and ASVs up, sealing the opening on the top of each valve. When the pumps stop and the flow is reduced, the balls drop, allowing water to pass through the opening at the top, thus establishing natural circulation. Ten feet of water above the top of the fuel in the core tank facilitates natural convection cooling. In this configuration, the water flows upwards through the core as it is heated, and downwards around the periphery of the core as it cools, permitted by the open NCVs and ASVs which maintain a natural circulation loop. 2.2 MIT Operating Limits Currently the Limiting Safety System Settings (LSSS) are based on ONB. The margin between the LSSS and licensed steady-state power levels is 20%; the current LSSS power level is 6.0 MW and the licensed power level is 7.2 MW. The licensed power has an additional 20% margin to ONB. 32 2.2.1 Onset of Nucleate Boiling A power uprate requires analytical confirmation that the reactor can operate within the limit of nucleate boiling onset. Currently, the operating limits of the MITR-II are based on the conservative Bergles-Rohsenow nucleate boiling correlation as shown in Equation 2.1, where Tdad,ONB is the fuel cladding temperature (*C), Tat is the saturation temperature ( C), q" is the local heat flux (W/m 2 ), and P is pressure (bar). [3, 24, 25] This nucleate boiling correlation was also used for the Japanese research reactor JRR-3 which has thin rectangular vertical coolant channels similar to the MITR-II. [24] Development of a correlation specific to the MITR-II fuel geometry will aide in the development of fuel surfaces with a higher margin to the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) and thus provide for a power uprate. ii Tdad,ONB = Tsat 0.43Po.o234 + 0.556 1082P1.156 2 1 The concern about ONB is that it is the initialization of nucleate boiling before the point of critical heat flux (CHF). CHF is the condition at which the heat transfer deteriorates significantly, leading to elevated fuel temperatures. Because CHF is followed by a rapid rise in temperature, a phenomenon that occurs before CHF can be used as the thermal-hydraulic limit so as to leave a margin before CHF. As temperature increases in single phase flow, the first boiling phenomenon that occurs is ONB (see Figure 2-6). This is when the cladding surface is able to cause bubble formation, but the coolant is still subcooled so the bubbles do not detach from the cladding surface. Following ONB is the onset of significant voiding (OSV) which is the condition when bubbles are formed on the cladding surface, detach and travel with the coolant. OSV is closely followed by the onset of flow instability (OFI) which is the condition when the flow rate decreases with void fraction increase. This can lead to flow reduction and rapid temperature rise, quickly leading to CHF. [24, 31] When the coolant channel flow rate is reduced, pressure drop decreases and eventually vapor is generated and void fraction increases. As flow is further reduced, there is 33 El significant vapor build-up and the pressure drop increases with decreasing flow. When the pressure and flow oscillate in this way it is characterized as OFI. This can lead to significant flow reduction and rapid temperature rise, quickly leading to CHF. [24, 31] CHF Fully Boiling Partial Boiling-, ONB m OF OSV Single Phase Heat Transfer Tsar Torre Tosv Surface Temperatur, T.a, Figure 2-6: Typical forced convection subcooled boiling curve. [12] Sporadic flow instability has been observed between primary pump failure and the establishment of steady natural convection, though fuel temperature excursion due to flow instability has not been observed in any previous RELAP modeling of the MITR-II core. [13] 2.2.2 Hot Channel Analysis The hot channel is a theoretical channel into which all the most limiting conditions are combined; thickest oxide layer, lowest thermal conductivity, lowest flow, highest power etc. By analyzing the thermally limiting hot channel, it can be assumed that the results obtained are the most conservative and envelope the worst possible operating conditions and the highest temperatures. This method is used in the thermal-hydraulic analysis of a core before the failure, safety and operating limits 34 are established. Steady state analysis of an unfinned, new type of LEU fuel must be performed to support the fuel conversion study. For the reference case (MIT27, see Section 4), the following conservative conditions were lumped into one channel to engineer the hot stripe1 : " The wetted perimeter is set equal to the heated perimeter so that the flow area is reduced " An oxide layer of 0.001 thickness displaces coolant flow area " The heat transfer coefficient is reduced because of the oxide layer * A flow disparity factor of 0.93 is taken into account by an adjustment in the hot channel flow area. Flow disparity in this context means a difference (reduction) of flow compared with other channels. " The power profile is higher than average by a factor of 1.13 Not all these conditions were used in the 19B25 (see Section 5) hot channels because they were deemed to be excessively conservative. For example, no oxide layer was included even on hot plates because it is a 22-element beginning of life core with all fresh fuel that will only be run for 2-3 months before a mixed-burnup refueling is used, and therefore the buildup of oxide during this time is negligible. For the 19B25 case, the following conservative conditions were lumped into one channel to engineer the hot channel: " The wetted perimeter is set equal to the heated perimeter so that the flow area is reduced " Temperature increase caused by surface oxide formation is negligible 'A hot "stripe" is a fraction of a wall or channel (an 1/8 th of a channel in this case). See Section 4 for a description of stripe handling for the MIT27 case. 35 * The power profile is higher than average by a factor of approximately 1.3 (it varies with each type of hot channel, see Section 5.2). 2.2.3 Loss-of-Flow Transient Scenario The accident scenario analyzed in this study was a LOF accident due to simultaneous failure of both primary pumps. This means that the reactor scrams at the flow scram point of 2200 gpm 2 which is more conservative than if the reactor scrammed at a higher flow rate. After the pumps fail, the system flow coasts down to zero in approximately 10 seconds according to the pump coastdown curve in Figure 2-7. After 5.4 seconds the anti-siphon and natural circulation valves automatically open, facilitating natural circulation in the core tank. 140, 120 2 * " HEU (1900 gpm) 100 * 0 0 0* 0 LEU (2200 gpm) 0 80 I c" 60 oe 0 40 0 20 4 200 0 0 0. 0 2 2 4 * 0" 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 2-7: Coastdown curve for MITR-II primary pumps. [17] Pump Coastdown Measurements of the coastdown of the primary flow after loss of power to the primary pumps were made on April 14, 2011 at the MITR-II. [17] That data was acquired for 2 The current MITR-II flow scram point but 1900 gpm and 2200 gpm is the proposed scram point for the new core since the new core will likely operate with a higher flow rate. 36 a starting flow of 2150 gpm. The proposed primary flow scram point for the 19B25 case is 2200 gpm. In order to use the pump coastdown curve in the RELAP model, interpolation of the measured coastdown curve was used to develop a new curve for 2200 gpm. Figure 2-7 shows the new pump coastdown curve that was used in the 19B25 RELAP model (where 137 kg/s is equivalent to 2200 gpm at 50 C), compared to the reference case pump coastdown (where 112 kg/s is equivalent to 1800 gpm at 50 C). 2.3 MCODE MCODE (MCNP-ORIGEN Depletion Program) is a code developed at MIT that links MCNP5 (Monte Carlo N-Particle code) with ORIGEN-2.2 (an isotope generation and depletion code) in a user-friendly manner. MCNP is used to extract cross-sections and flux values, and then the output is parsed into ORIGEN for depletion calculations. MCODE automates this interfacing, improving efficiency and reducing the probability for introducing human error. MCODE was used by K. Sun in this study to generate the power profiles for each type of fuel plate in three cores with varied burnup, which were parsed into RELAP5 MOD3.3 for thermal-hydraulic analyses. [26] 2.4 RELAP5 MOD3.3 RELAP (Reactor Excursion and leak Analysis Program) is a multidimensional thermalhydraulics and neutron kinetics modeling code for steady-state and accident transient analysis of reactor cores developed by Idaho National Lab (INL) and distributed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). [1] RELAP5 MOD3.3 is not the latest version but it is the version that was available and for which MITR-II input decks had already been benchmarked. [2] RELAP5 MOD3.3 has also been benchmarked against 37 RELAP5-3D up to the point of the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) for several other research reactors. [8] An MITR conversion-related study by Y. Ko found RELAP to conservatively predict peak temperatures compared to MULCH (a multi-channel thermal-hydraulics analysis code). [14] The RELAP results obtained in this study were also checked against a semi-analytical model. This study employs the use of RELAP5 MOD3.3 to perform steady-state and transient hot channel analyses for the MITR-II core with finned and unfinned fuel plates. The input takes specification for flow circuit components (pumps, pipes etc.), initial conditions (flows, temperatures etc.), heat structures (fuel plates), boundary conditions (which fuel plates deposit heat into which coolant channels), materials data (heat transfer coefficients etc.), and power level. The individual axial power profiles of each heat structure can also be specified. To run a transient case, additional information about the type of accident and what changes happen in the system during the transient must be specified. For example, in the loss-of-flow (LOF) accident scenario modeled in this study, the accident begins with loss of off-site power which trips the main pumps. The flow decreases according to the specified pump coast down curve, and the ASVs and NCVs open approximately 5 seconds later. RELAP is a very versatile code in this way, though it does have some limitations that were observed as described in this section. Table 2.1 lists some geometric parameters for the core exterior that are used in the RELAP inputs and are the same for all MITR-II fuel cases studied. 2.4.1 Time Step Configuration A time step sensitivity study was conducted in order to select a reasonable time step size (to minimize RELAP code runtime) while preserving time resolution and accuracy for the LOF transient simulation. The reference RELAP input for the MITR-II had a conservative time step configuration as shown in Table 2.2. The step size was increased until the transient temperature output was noticeably different and the so- 38 Flow area (m 2 ) Volume (m 3 ) De (m) Flow shroud 0.130 0.099 0.387 Mixing area 0.923 2.095 1.084 Hot leg 0.032 0.427 0.203 Cold leg Downcomer 1 Downcomer 2 0.032 0.468 0.203 0.339 0.413 0.180 Downcomer 3 0.111 0.1256 0.076 0.016 Downcomer 4 0.029 0.018 0.063 0.22 0.04 4 NCVs 0.029 - - 2 ACVs 0.007674 - - Table 2.1: Summary of primary loop dimensions in RELAP input. [13] Region lution remained stable. The RELAP5 MOD3.3 time step input card takes the end time, minimum time step, maximum time step and various other control options. When a run is initiated, the step size starts at the minimum (1 ns), increasing by a factor of 1.1 with each time step if the mass error is negligible, until the maximum time step size is reached. The code terminates when it reaches the specified end time. If necessary, multiple consecutive time periods can be specified to have different minimum and maximum time step sizes. The optimal time step configuration was found to be as shown in Table 2.3. Together the steady-state and transient cases run 85% faster with the new time-step configuration. The optimized time step configuration was subsequently used for all the fuel geometries discussed in this paper. 2.4.2 Limitations While RELAP5 MOD3.3 is a versatile and powerful tool for thermal-hydraulic analysis, the user must be aware of how the results are calculated in order to identify 39 Table 2.2: Reference time step configuration [2] Condition Steady-state Transient Condition Steady-state Transient Start times (s) End times (S) Min step size (s) Max step size (s) 0.0 100.0 1 x 10-9 2 x 10-3 100.0 100.7 100.7 102.0 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-9 5 x 10-5 4 x 10-6 102.0 120.0 1 x 10-9 2.5 x 10-5 120.0 200.0 1 x 10-9 5 x 10-5 Table 2.3: Optimal time step configuration Start times (s) End times (S) Min step size (s) Max step size (s) 0.0 100.0 1 x 10-8 0.01 100.0 100.7 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-4 100.7 102.0 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-5 102.0 200.0 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-3 any inaccuracies or unphysical behavior. Some difficulties with RELAP5 MOD3.3 including inappropriate heat transfer model usage and boiling failure were experienced during this work and are illustrated and explained in this section. Some of these issues may be resolved by using a newer version of RELAP. The steady-state results have been checked against hand calculations, though the transient results should be interpreted with caution due to the findings discussed in this section. Heat Transfer Modes A study by K. Shirvan identified that the standard RELAP5 MOD3.3 heat transfer model does not account for laminar flow, which contradicts the manual. [23] Instead of using the Churchill-Chu correlation in the laminar flow region, RELAP5 MOD3.3 extrapolates the heat transfer coefficient down with the same slope. This result was confirmed as shown in Figure 2-8 where the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number linearly continues down into the laminar flow region, when a constant heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow between parallel plates of MITR-II fuel geometry (dashed line) is expected. This is of particular interest because after a 40 LOF the Reynolds number, corresponding to the natural circulation flow rate through the coolant channels, is in the laminar flow region (indicated by the solid vertical line in Figure 2-8). As can be seen in Figure 2-8, RELAP possibly over-estimates the heat transfer coefficient and therefore transient temperatures may be higher than predicted by RELAP. RELAPS MOD3.3 data -'15 10 Laminar flow- region U Laminar flow between parallel plates 5000 Re# for natural 10 000 Reynolds Number 15 000 convection in MITR Figure 2-8: RELAP5 MOD3.3 treatment of heat transfer in the laminar region. The solid blue line represents RELAP data, the dashed line represents the constant heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow between parallel plates of MITR-II fuel geometry. [12] The laminar flow region is shaded in gray and the Reynolds number corresponding to the natural circulation flow rate is indicated by the vertical solid line. Boiling Analysis While RELAP5 MOD3.3 provided for analysis of subcooled conditions, it was not capable of evaluating boiling conditions beyond ONB. This was partially due to a design fault in the simulated fuel models due to the hot channels. The hot channel boils first, and by the time any other channels experience boiling, the hot channel has experienced significant voiding, at which point the simulation aborts. Because of 41 this premature termination upon boiling in the hot channel, boiling in other channels besides the hot channel cannot be observed. This can be overcome by removing the hot channel. In a 1997 study comparing RELAP5 MOD3.3 with other thermal-hydraulics codes and experimental data, it was concluded that RELAP5 MOD3.3 use should be limited to transients that do not result in a significant amount of boiling and voiding. [32] One of the objectives of this study was to identify ONB in the hot channel, which was found by observing an abrupt change in the heat transfer coefficient at the hottest axial node in the hot channel. Because this was the first point of boiling in the en- tire core, RELAP5 MOD3.3 ran the simulations without trouble up to power levels slightly beyond the ONB-limiting power level. Phenomena such as OSV and OFI were less easily observed because the power level at which these phenomena occurred was typically the power level at which RELAP returned a high temperature or void fraction error and terminated the simulation. 42 2.5 Previous LEU Fuel Design A report produced by ANL in July 2013 presents a candidate fuel design that uses 18 finned fuel plates, thinner cladding, thinner coolant channels, and high density U-Mo monolithic alloy fuel enriched up to 19.75% 23 5U. [9] Transient analysis studies for reactivity insertion accident (RIA) and loss of flow (LOF) scenarios showed that the maximum fuel temperature would not reach the softening temperature of the aluminum cladding (approximately 450 C). More recent studies by ANL suggest several designs with 17-19 unfinned plates, various fuel-to-clad thickness ratios, minimum required power uprate to 6.7 - 7.1 MW to maintain flux, and ONB-limiting power levels of 8.6 - 10.0 MW. [2] The latest candidate fuel designs have graded fuel meat thickness, with outer fuel plates containing thinner but uniform fuel meat. While the fuel meat thickness is graded, the overall plate thickness and coolant channel width are the same. Varied fuel meat thickness makes for simpler geometry and improved manufacturability than using finned fuel plates or increasing the coolant channel gap width next to hotter plates in order to reduce power peaking. Currently the hot channel (most limiting) in the MITR-II core is the end channel (for even fuel meat thickness across plates) due to power peaking caused by extra moderation of the end fuel plate when in the C-ring. In order to reduce this power peaking in the end channel, the outer 3 fuel plates will have graded, thinner fuel meats than the inner plates, creating a more even temperature profile across the fuel element, reducing the peak-to-average fuel temperature ratio and increasing the limiting power level for the core. This in turn makes it more difficult to identify the hot channel, so each type of channel must be studied to ensure identification of the hot channel. [2] 43 2.6 High-Density Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel A high-density monolithic LEU U-1OMo fuel has been under development at ANL since 1996 to accommodate conversion requirements of HEU-fueled research reactors such as the MITR-II. The U-1OMo fuel can be manufactured as a dispersion-type fuel and as a monolithic composition. The dispersion-type is of lower density and would not provide sufficient excess reactivity in the MITR core geometry. The monolithic fuel is therefore selected as the fuel meat for the MITR conversion. The constituents of the LEU U-lOMo monolithic fuel used in this study are listed in Table 2.6. Figure 2-9 is a schematic of an LEU monolithic U-10 Mo fuel plate. A zirconium foil is placed between the U-10 Mo fuel meat and the Al-6061 clad, as shown in Figure 2-10, to facilitate interfacing and to reduce internal stresses caused by irradiation. [21, 8] All the following fuel types discussed have the fuel meat composition listed in Table 2.6 and fuel plate configuration as shown in Figure 2-9. 2.6.1 Material Properties Tables 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 list the thermal properties of aluminum-6061, zirconium and U-10Mo, respectively, used in the thermal-hydraulic analyses. The RELAP5 MOD3.3 inputs take material properties in table form, where the tabulated values are obtained from empirically-derived equations. [10] To model finned fuel, the aluminum prop- erties were multiplied by a fin factor of 0.743. The fin factor is used to account for the difference in heat transfer ability when the surface is finned. While the fin factor reduces the magnitude of the thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity, the surface area is greater with fins, thus the heat transfer is slightly improved. 2.6.2 Fuel Temperature Limit A downside to using U-1OMo fuel is that the temperature limit is lower than that for UAl cermet fuel. The melting point of UAl 44 is 1400 C while that of U-1OMo Al-6061 Clad mAI U-10Mo ad U-Iassasi O Zr foi 1 aso Zr foil Figure 2-9: Fuel plate layer configuration. (Not to scale) [6] Figure 2-10: Optical microscopy images of the U-10Mo fuel-Zr diffusion barrier inter- face. [4] Table 2.4: Composition of LEU U-10Mo monolithic fuel. [2] Atomic Density (atoms/barn-cm) Density (g/cm 3 ) Isotope 92 Mo 1.578 x 10- 3 0.2408 94 Mo Mo 9.857 x 10-4 1.699 x 10-3 0.1537 95 96 Mo 1.781 x 10- 97 Mo 98 Mo 1.021 x 10- 3 2.584 x 10-3 1.033 x 10-3 1.025 x 10-4 7.751 x 10-3 1.798 x 10- 4 0.07046 238U 3.082 x 10-2 12.18 Total 4.953 x 10-2 17.02 00Mo 234U 235U 236U 45 0.2677 0.2837 0.1644 0.4202 0.1713 0.03983 3.025 Table 2.5: Thermal properties for Al-6061. [10] Temperature ( C) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Vol. Heat Capacity (J/m3 K) 20 260 537.8 1648.9 167.5 184.3 201.1 268.1 2.539 2.688 2.828 3.391 x x x x 106 106 106 106 Table 2.6: Thermal properties for zirconium. [10] Temperature ( C) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Vol. Heat Capacity (J/m 3 K) 19.95 204.4 19.08 277.4 18.96 371.1 19.11 537.8 - - 93.3 1.866 x 106 2.019 x 106 - 21.35 - 20 2.244 x 106 Table 2.7: Thermal properties for LEU U-Mo. [10] Temperature ( 0 C) Therma Conductivity (W/mK) (unirradiated/irradiated) Vol. Heat Capacity (J/m3 K) 10.64/9.30 2.362 x 106 93.3 - 2.430 x 106 204.4 - 2.538 x 106 315.6 - 2.655 x 106 426.7 - 2.781 x 106 800.0 37.36/32.67 46 - 20.0 is 1135 C. [13] Recent U-1OMo mini-plate irradiation testing has shown that blistering occurs at temperatures as low as 365 C, which is lower than the aluminum softening temperature of 450 C. [24, 4]. Since conclusive results on the U-1OMo fuel temperature limit is not yet available, it is conservative to assume that the peak fuel temperature limit is 365 C for the purposes of this study. 2.6.3 Graded Monolithic LEU U-10Mo Fuel Meat The current MITR-II power level is limited by power peaking in the end channels. In order to flatten the power profile, an RERTR study proposed a test matrix of graded fuel elements. Graded in this context means progressively thinner fuel meats towards the end plates. Fuel designs with 12 or 15 mil unfinned cladding thicknesses, 17-19 plates and fuel meat gradation combinations as listed in Table 2.8 were tested. STAT7 3 , MCODE and MCNP5 were used to analyze neutronic (cycle length, power profiles etc.) and thermal-hydraulic (temperatures, ONB margin etc.) performance of the fuel types. [2] All the fuels in this test matrix were unfinned. Unfinned fuel accommodates thinner clad and therefore the fuel can be distributed among more fuel plates per element, reducing the power density per plate. Furthermore, the milling of very precise fins onto each fuel plate is a time-consuming and costly process. A fuel design without fins is desirable for these thermal-hydraulic and economic reasons. Each case was labeled to indicate the number of plates, fuel meat thickness grading configuration and nominal fuel meat thickness. For example, 19B25 (the most promising combination, and the combination analyzed in this study) has 19 fuel plates, grading configuration B and 25 mil nominal (interior plate) fuel thickness. Figure 2-11 shows that power peaking in the end channel is significantly reduced by grading the fuel meat thickness such that the outer plates contain less fuel. 3 STAT7 is a new computer code under development at Argonne National Laboratory for steadystate, thermal hydraulic uncertainties analysis of plate type fuel reactors such as the MITR. 47 80 8o -constant 70 - i reduced meat thickness meat thickness - Combination 70 A 60 60 50 50 40 z 40 30 30 fat 20 20 . N X U. S 10 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 80 -constant meat thickness -reduced meat thickness - Combination 70 8 60 S N 50 40 30 a a: 20 Z 10 hIIIIIII 1 N 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 k0 11 -constant 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 meat thickness -reduced meat thickness - Combination C 70 60 50 x SD D 40 iSt 30 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 80 .0 --- constant meat thickness 70 -reduced meat thickness - Combination - mee70 a 60 60 ESD50 so 40 40 U 30 30 20 20 N a 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 # Plate Figure 2-11: End plate heat flux reduction caused by graded fuel meat thickness for gradation combinations A, B, C and D as listed in Table 2.8. [2] 48 Table 2.8: Graded fuel meat thickness combinations. [2] Combination Fraction of nominal meat thickness (%) Interior plates 2nd plate 3rd plate 4th plate End plate A 100 100 B 100 C D 100 100 60 45 100 60 70 70 55 70 80 70 80 50 60 50 60 49 50 Chapter 3 Research Objectives The objective of this study was to perform steady-state and transient analyses (for a LOF accident scenario) for the proposed 19B25 unfinned graded monolithic LEU U-10Mo MITR fuel design using RELAP5 MOD3.3. A preliminary objective was to observe the effect of fin removal on the steady-state and transient temperature and flow behavior compared to a finned reference case. First the steady-state and transient cases for an unfinned 18-plate monolithic LEU U-10Mo fuel type was compared to that of an 18-plate finned monolithic LEU U-10Mo fuel (resembling current MITR-II fuel but with 3 extra plates and LEU fuel meat). This comparison would show that the fuel needed re-designing so a high enough power level could be achieved to compensate for the loss in neutron flux due to parasitic absorption in 238 U after LEU conversion. The second objective of this study was to perform steady-state and LOF transient analyses for the proposed 19B25 graded monolithic LEU U-10Mo fuel (see Section 5) for the proposed power level of 7.0 MW for beginning-of-life (BOL), middle-of-life (MOL) and end-of-life (EOL) cores. Oxide and thermal conductivity sensitivity studies were also performed to characterize the effect of burnup on thermal properties of the fuel. It was expected that unfinned fuel elements would operate at a higher temperature because of the decreased surface area compared to the finned plate design. The 51 hot channel temperature could be reduced and the radial power profile across each element could be flattened by reducing the fuel meat thickness in the outer six plates (three on each end) of each element. Analyses were performed using a RELAP5 MOD3.3 model of the proposed 19B25 fuel type which was checked against a semianalytical 2D thermal-hydraulic model built in Mathematica. The overall objective was to observe temperature, flow and boiling behavior during a LOF accident tran- sient to determine if the 19B25 fuel is suitable for the MITR-II LEU conversion. In order to qualify, the 19B25 fuel channels must not experience ONB at less than 9.8 MW (40% margin to the proposed uprate power of 7.0 MW), the maximum clad temperature must not exceed the clad softening temperature of 450 C, and the fuel must not exceed the U-1OMo blistering temperature of 365 C. 52 Chapter 4 Effect of Fin Removal The current MITR-II fuel plates are milled with tiny fins for cooling. While the fins increase the surface area to improve heat transfer, they limit the fuel redesign in several geometric and thermal-hydraulic ways. With the proposed power uprate, more plates per assembly will be necessary in order to reduce the power density per plate. The fins effectively double the minimum clad thickness because the clad touching the fuel needs to be a certain thickness to keep fission products in and the fins cannot be accurately milled within tolerances below a certain thickness. Babcock & Wilcox, the manufacturer of MITR-II fuel, currently uses a custom process to mill the fins with precision that is slow and costly. If the clad thickness was reduced to accommodate more plates per element, it may not be possible to fin the clad without breaching through to the fuel. Removing the fins allows the plates to be spaced closer and have thinner effective cladding thickness (therefore making room for more plates per assembly), and saves time and money. This chapter explores the effects of fin removal from a 19-plate LEU fuel design. 53 4.1 MIT27 Reference Case The reference case for this study is an 18-plate, finned, high-density monolithic LEU U-1OMo fuel with the same fuel meat thickness in every plate, which is referred to as MIT27. This fuel type is essentially the same as the currently-used HEU fuel type, except for the number of plates per element (18 instead of 15), the addition of a zirconium foil between the fuel and clad, and the fuel meat (high density monolithic LEU U-1OMo instead of HEU U-AlX). MIT27 was chosen to be the reference case because it was the benchmarked reference case for the ANL candidate fuel development study. [2] Figure 4-1 shows the nodalization diagram for the MIT27 case. RELAP5 models the entire primary loop (with temperatures constrained at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger), but the structures of interest are 302 (average inner channel), 312 (average end channel), 402 (hot inner channel) and 412 (hot end channel). The average inner (not end) coolant channels are lumped together into pipe 302 with a corresponding heat structure labeled 1302. All the heat generated in the lumped 1392 heat structure is deposited in the coolant flowing through pipe 302. The fins are not geometrically defined as fin structures (RELAP doesn't accommodate geometric specifics) and so the fins are "homogenized" by conversion factors to account for the "fin effect". [2, 9] The effective channel gap size and other geometric quantities that account for the fins are listed in Table 4.1. In order to analyze each unique type of channel and plate (average/hot, inner/end), the plates are split in half as shown in Figure 4-2. The hot channel/plate analyses are performed on hot "stripes" (1/4 channels and 1/4 half plates) rather than on entire channels/plates, as shown in Figure 4-2 (though the geometry and power profiles provided in this section are for whole channels and half-plates). The limiting stripe in this core is the hot end stripe (412). Table 4.1 lists all the dimensions for each type of channel. The word "channel" is used to describe both a physical coolant 54 103 Mixing area 2 uppplin snglvol 100 Hot log - 10 1 snkref tmdpvol 102 Cold leg , cidleg tmdpvol 201 Pump tmdpjun\ (trip 403) 105 Mixing area 1 uppl2 snglvol 202 ASV valve trpvlv (trip 401) N 203 Downcomer 1 regnl pipe 109 Mixing area 3 uppl4 snglvol 108 Flow shroud uppl3 snglvol 0 ----------------------- -- -------0 LO I- I 205 Downcomer 2 regn2 pipe 208 NC valve trpvlv (trip 402) 0 w __ 0 0 N A -CD--u (0NA 0_ . 1 j 1 ~(50 -- 0 lD 0 207 owncomer 3 regn3 pipe 1 210 Downcomer 4 regn4 pipe 110 Fuel bottom inltpl snglvol 211 Figure 4-1: RELAP model of the MIT27 fuel case. There is a separate RELAP channel for each unique coolant channel and plate combination. 55 Table 4.1: MIT27 F uel Geometry Geometry Dimensions No. fuel elements 22 18 No. plates per element Plate length Plate width Fuel width 23" 0.5842 m 2.308" 0.05862 m 0.05288 m 2.082" No. ave. interior channels per element No. end channels per element 17 2 No. hot interior channels per core 1/s No. hot end channels per core Ave. interior channel flow area Ave. end channel flow area 1/4 0.1892 0.0992 0.1629 0.0813 Hot interior channel flow area* Hot end channel flow area* Ave. interior Dh sq.in sq.in sq.in sq.in 0.0806" 0.0426" 0.0695" 0.0350" 0.009016" Ave. end Dh Hot interior Dh Hot end Dh U-1OMo fuel meat thickness Al clad thickness Zr foil thickness Eff. interior hot ch. oxide thickness Eff. end hot ch. oxide thickness Fin height/width/gap Ave. interior channel eff. gap width Ave. end channel eff. gap width Hot interior channel gap width Hot end channel gap width Heat transfer surface area per plate 0.015" 0.001" 0.008" 0.006" 0.01" 0.082" 0.043" 0.0706" 0.0352" 5.32 sq.in 1.22 x 10-4 m 2 6.40 x 10-5 m 2 1.05 x 10-4 m 2 5.24 x 10-5 m 2 2.05 x 10-3 m 1.08 x 10-3 m 1.77 8.88 2.29 3.81 2.54 2.03 1.52 2.54 m m m m m m m m 2.08 x 10-3 m 1.09 x 10-3 m 1.79 x 10-3 m 8.94 x 10-4 m 3.43 x 10-3 m2 * All dimensions are given for a whole channel. 56 x 10-3 x 10-4 x 10-4 x 10-4 x 10-5 x 10-4 x 10-4 x 10--4 I channel between plates and a lumped pipe/channel in RELAP, though care is taken to clarify which type is implied. The power profiles for each heat structure were generated using neutronics code MCODE and parsed into RELAP in 18 axial nodes per plate type. Figure 4-3 shows the power profiles for each type of plate (half plate) in the MIT27 fuel RELAP model. 4.1.1 Steady-State Analysis Steady-state analysis of the MIT27 reference case shows that the hot end channel (most limiting channel) wall temperature exceeds the saturation temperature at 7.0 MW, as shown in Figure 4-4. This means that the MITR fueled with MIT27-type fuel would not be permitted to operate at 7.0 MW. A margin of at least 20% is required between the licensed power level and the ONB-limiting power level. Ave. Inner Channel (302) Ave. End Channel (312) Hot Inner Channel (402) Hot End Channel (412) i { 20 K ti4 V , 15 / 'II / 010 I i 5 2 r r t 0 's 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 Temperature (*C) 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 Figure 4-4: Axial temperature profiles for MIT27 fuel (finned) for steady-state operation at 7.0 MW 57 412 Hot X End Channel Strips -312 - - - 1412 Hot'% End -t - --42 / __ 1 02 A-rage banrs - 4lat- F Plate Stripe 1402 Hot % Inner -a - % Inner Channel Stripe 402 Hot Figure 4-2: Plate and channel stripe configuration illustration for the MIT27 fuel case. axial 1 axial 2 axial 3 axial 4 axial 5 axial 6 axial 7 axial 8 axial 9 axial 10 axial 11 axial 12 axial axial axial axial axial axial 13 14 15 16 17 18 1302 27.8 24.5 28.6 33.1: 37,4 41.3 45.1 48.5 51.3 62.8 59.0 62.7 63.7 62.8 60.9 57.1 52.8 64.2 1312 27.8 24.5 28.6 33.1 37.4 41.4 45.2. 48.5 51.3 62.9 59.1 62.7 63.7 62.9 60.9 57.1 52.8 64.2 1402 1412 23.3 28.8 33.9 39.8 49.5 61.2 74.1 94.1 116.7 131.1 136.4 139.2 139.7 136.8 132.5 141.6 23.3 28.8 33.9 39.8 49.5 61.2 74.1 94.1 116.7 131.1 136.4 139.2 139.7 136.8 132.5 141.6 Figure 4-3: Power profiles for each unique type of half-plate in the MIT27 fuel, where 1302 is the average inner half plate, 1312 is the average end half-plate, 1402 is the hot inner half plate, 1412 is the hot end half plate. 58 4.1.2 Loss-of-Flow During a LOF accident after steady-state operation at 7.0 MW fuel type MIT27 does not perform well. Figure 4-5 shows that the most limiting hot stripe wall temperature exceeds the saturation temperature, and that there are temperature oscillations, flow oscillations and void fraction deviations from 0.0. Upon LOF, the hot end channel wall temperature rises above the saturation temperature and holds steady due to boiling. When the wall temperature exceeds the saturation temperature, water on the surface starts to boil (ONB), the heat transfer coefficient increases, more heat is removed by the coolant, and the wall temperature cools down below the saturation temperature and the boiling stops. This process repeats within a short period of time to create the oscillatory and OFI behavior observed in Figure 4-5. This process of periodic boiling during a temperature transient is not necessarily a dangerous condition as long as the oscillation dampens over time. Once ONB is surpassed by OFI, acceleration to CHF may become a concern. Though the maximum fuel and clad temperatures do not approach the softening temperature of Al-6061, the MITR-II should not nominally operate at 7.0 MW with this type of fuel if nucleate boiling is present during steady-state operation and OFI is a consequent effect of a LOF acci- dent. This illustrates the need for fuel geometry redesign to accommodate the LEU fuel. 4.2 MIT30 - The Effect of Removing Fins Fuel type MIT30 was studied as an intermediate case to characterize the steady-state effect of changing finned fuel plates to unfinned (smooth). Without fins the heat transfer surface area is reduced without changing the effective coolant flow area, as shown in Figure 4-6. Table 4.3 lists the geometric factors for the unfinned fuel. Removal of the fins causes an increase in the fuel and clad temperatures throughout the fuel element (see Figure 4-7) and causes a significant reduction in the margin to ONB (see Table 4.2). The ONB-limiting power level was reduced by a factor of more than 59 160 Hot End Channel (412) At Hottest Axial Point - 140 Channel wall temp. Saturation temp. - Bulk temp. 0 cd Max. fuel temp. - 120 . ,. ci. Su 100 80 -20 0 20 40 60 Time after SCRAM (s) 80 100 Hot End Channel (412) 0.020 0.4 0.015 0 0.2 0 0.010 I __ void fraction 0. :3 0.005 Ann mass flow -*UU120 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time after SCRAM (s) Figure 4-5: MIT27 LOF accident hot channel temperatures (top), and void fraction and flow rate (bottom) after steady-state operation at 7.0 MW. 60 two, well below the desired uprate power level of 7.0 MW. The position of the peak axial point was expected to remain the same with the change to unfinned fuel plates because the power profiles for each type of plate were kept the same. Figure 4-8 shows ONB by the discontinuity in the otherwise linear plot of heat transfer coefficient as a function of steady-state operating power level. No transient analyses were performed for the MIT30 case as it is clear from the steady-state results that boiling phenomena beyond ONB will occur during LOF, and this fuel type is not a feasible candidate for the conversion. Figure 4-6: The effective coolant channel gap width remains the same after removal of fins from MIT27 to create fuel MIT30. Table 4.2: ONB-limiting power level with core mass flow of 1800 gpm (112 kg/s). Limiting ONB Power Level (MW) MIT27 (finned LEU) MIT30 (unfinned LEU) 5.5 MW 2.5 MW 61 Position Hot stripe 402, Axial node 7 Hot stripe 412, Axial node 7 Ave. Inner Channel (302) 2 0 0 Ave. End Channel (312) Hot Inner Channel (402) Hot End Channel (412) 0 15 0 110 / 0 5 i 1\ 0Q 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature ('C) Figure 4-7: Increase in wall temperature at 7.0 MW when fins are removed. Finned (MIT27) and unfinned (MIT30) channel wall temperatures are represented by dashed and solid lines respectively. The maximum wall temperature increase is approximately 30 C. 30 '7 25 o 20 0 0 finnedd i 15 x 10 0 2 4 Steady-state power level (MW) 6 8 Figure 4-8: ONB determined by discontinuity in heat transfer coefficient vs. power curve. The power level at which the discontinuity occurs is the ONB-limiting power level. 62 Table 4.3: MIT30 Fuel Geometry Geometry Dimensions No. fuel elements No. plates per element 22 18 Plate length Plate width Fuel width 23" 0.5842 m 2.308" 0.05862 m 2.082" 0.05288 m No. ave. interior channels per element No. end channels per element 17 2 No. hot interior channels per core No. hot end channels per core 1/8 1/4 Ave. interior channel flow area Ave. end channel flow area 0.1892 sq.in 0.0992 sq.in 0.1722 sq.in 0.0860 sq.in 0.1584" Hot interior channel flow area Hot end channel flow area Ave. interior Dh Ave. end Dh 0.0844" Hot interior Dh 0.1445" 0.0733" 0.009016" Hot end Dh U-1OMo fuel meat thickness Al clad thickness Zr foil thickness 0.015" Interior hot channel oxide thickness End hot channel oxide thickness 0.004" 0.003" 0.082" 0.043" 0.001" Ave. interior channel gap width Ave. end channel gap width Hot interior channel gap width Hot end channel gap width Heat transfer surface area per plate 63 1.22 x 10-4 m2 6.40 x 10-5 m2 1.11 x 10-4 m2 5.54 x 10-5 m2 4.02 x 10-3 m 2.14 x 10-3 m 3.67 x 10-3 1.86 x 10-3 2.29 x 10-4 3.81 x 10-4 2.54 x 10-5 2.03 x 10-4 1.52 x 10-4 m m m m m m m 2.08 x 10-3 m 1.09 x 10-3 m 0.0746" 0.0372" 1.90 x 10-3 m 9.45 x 10-4 m 2.66 sq.in 1.72 x 10-3 m 2 64 Chapter 5 Proposed New Fuel Design The candidate fuel type selected for the MITR-II conversion is an unfinned 19-plate fuel with 12-mil Al-6061 clad and LEU monolithic U-10Mo fuel meat (permutation 19B25 in the RERTR LEU core design paper). [30] The fuel meat thickness in each fuel plate is graded according to configuration B (see Section 2.8) where the outer six plates (3 on each side) have progressively thinner fuel meat towards to outside of the assembly to reduce power peaking due to extra moderation at the assembly perimeter. The fuel meat thickness grading is listed in Table 5.1 along with other fuel geometry dimensions for all three cases studied. With the graded fuel meats, there are a greater number of unique channels, plates and interfaces. In order to properly identify the hot channel, and characterize the thermal-hydraulic behavior of each type of channel during a LOF, each type of channel (including average and hot channels) was defined in the RELAP input. Figure 5-1 shows the channel and plate numbering convention, and Figure 5-2 shows the com- plete core and primary coolant system nodalization diagram for the 19B25 RELAP model. A hot plate produces more power than surrounding plates and therefore depletes faster. After some time, the hot plate has depleted more than other plates to the point where it is no longer the hottest and a different plate becomes the hot plate. 65 Thus three 19B25-fueled cores were studied with varied burnup. F xa x2 - < x2 W0x E x2 N ~ x2 xio x12 beginning with the number 3 or 13 indicate average channels or plates respectively (as shown in the figure). Labels beginning with the number 4 or 14 indicate hot channels or plates respectively (not shown). 5.1 Fuel Cycle and Core Power Distributions The proposed conversion plan is to replace the last HEU core with an entirely fresh LEU core of fuel type 19B25 with only 22 elements. Nominally refueling operations are performed every 3-4 months where 3 new elements are introduced, 3 old are removed to the wet storage ring, and the remaining elements are shuffled. After the fresh LEU core has been irradiated for several months, the normal refueling procedure will be resumed to use up to 25 of the 27 fuel element spaces (2-3 are used for in-core experiment). In the fresh core case the power is concentrated in a fewer number of elements (to limit fresh core reactivity in order to maintain an adequate shutdown reactivity margin) and in the bottom half of the core (the control blades start low), making it the most conservative case. This configuration is referred to as beginning-of-life (BOL), as opposed to beginning-of-cycle (BOC) for a core made up of a mixture of fresh and partially depleted fuel elements. 66 103 Mixing area 2 upppln snglvol 100 Hotreog snkpref 101- 102 o __ __ - ~ - coldleg -; \ tmdpvol 105 Pump Mxnara1tdjn ____ ___202 1 0V I _ j- 108 Flow shroud 203 - ASV volve trpvlv (trip 401) _ Downcomer 1 .. regnl pipe - 109 Mixing area 3 0o - upp13 snglvoluppl4 uppl sngvolsnglvol - W W II IW 205 Downcomer 2 17 w j W l Wi W 1 - (trip 403) - _____ uppl2 snglvol j re n2 0 U _ I... _ __w_--20 NC volve -\X (trip 402) PQ .9 N D w 3 D < N 3 D 'ao aregn3 pipe a( - I- I ii -A 1 o pipe 110 Fuel bottom 211- ___ --------------- i-i C L CD fl CD-CDDl 207 N W N 3 'r 4: DN <N.D:N Downcomer 3 ^ inltpl snglvol Figure 5-2: RELAP model of the 191B25 fuel case. There is a separate RELAP channel for each unique coolant channel and plate combination. 67 Table 5.1: 19B25 Fuel Geometry Geometry Dimensions No. fuel elements No. plates per element Plate length Plate width Fuel width 23" 2.308" 2.082" No. ave. interior channels per element No. 4th channels per element No. 3rd channels per element No. 2nd channels per element No. end channels per element No. hot channels per core** Ave. interior flow area Ave. end flow area Hot interior flow area Hot end flow area Ave. interior Pw Ave. end Pw Hot interior P Hot end Pw Interior Ph End Ph U-10Mo fuel meat thickness, inner U-10Mo fuel meat thickness, intermediate U-10Mo fuel meat thickness, end Al Al Al Zr clad thickness, inner clad thickness, intermediate clad thickness, end foil thickness Interior channel gap width End channel gap width Ave. heat transfer surface area Hot heat transfer surface area 22/24* 19 0.5842 m 0.05862 m 0.05288 m 12 2 2 2 2 5 0.1722 sq.in 1.11 x 10-4 r 0.1516 sq.in 9.78 x 10-5 r 0.1553 sq.in 1.00 x 10-4 r 0.1368 sq.in 8.82 x 10-5 r 4.7652" 0.1210 m 4.7474" 0.1206 m 4.3132" 0.1096 m 4.2954" 0.1091 m 4.164" 0.1058 m 2.082" 0.0529 m 0.025" 6.350 x 10-4 m 0.017" 4.318 x 10-4 m 0.013" 3.302 x 10-4 m 0.012" 3.305 x 10-4 m 0.016" 4.064 x 10-4 m 0.018" 4.572 x 10-4 m 0.001" 2.540 x 10-5 m 0.073" 1.854 x 10-3 m 0.039" 9.906 x 10-4 m 53.08 sq.in 0.0342 m 2 47.89 sq.in 0.0309 m 2 * The BOL core has 22 elements while the MOL and EOL cores have 24 elements. ** One for each unique type of channel. 68 Middle-of-life (MOL) and end-of-life (EOL) cores containing 24 fuel elements were also analyzed for thermal-hydraulic performance during a LOF accident. The MOL core represents the BOC of an equilibrium core with partly burned fuel but no xenon. EOL represents the end-of-cycle (EOC) of an equilibrium core with deeply burned fuel and xenon present. Figure 5-3 shows the shift in power distribution from BOL through MOL to EOL. As the power peaking shifts from the A and B rings to the C ring over the core life, the power distribution within each element also changes slightly and was therefore analyzed in order to assure characterization of the most limiting conditions the core sees throughout its life. G=B 2 B312 2OL 104 CI'BUJ B (7 ' 1 B97" A'B'A (I I2 MW 0.411 1 CIO(.0. BOL C1 MOL - 3 C1+ - cl 0.243 - (2 EOL Figure 5-3: Power distribution shift over core life, from BOL though MOL to EOL at 7.0 MW. The gray positions represent unfueled positions. Before the conversion can proceed, the high-density monolithic LEU U-lOMo fuel must be approved by the manufacturer (Babcock & Wilcox) and qualified as suitable for use in non-power reactors by the NRC. Though the manufacturer has demonstrated fabrication of monolithic LEU U-lOMo fuel test pieces, qualification is pending construction of the fabrication plant so that process-dependent results can be approved by the NRC. 69 5.2 Axial Power Profiles While neutronic analyses were not within the scope of this study, the power profiles provided for the 19B25 fuel type were found using MCODE [33, 26] and parsed into the RELAP model. RELAP needs the absolute power generation for each volume to be specified so that it can calculate how much heat is deposited in the coolant and other structural materials and at what rate. [26] Figures 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6 show the power profile for a 19B25 fuel element at 3 stages, averaged over all fuel elements (22 in the fresh core (BOL) and 24 in the MOL and EOL cores).' The BOL case is most conservative because the excess reactivity is high and concentrated into 22 fresh elements instead of the nominal 24-25 elements in the MOL and EOL cores (2-3 positions are typically occupied by experiments or aluminum dummy elements), and the control bank height starts relatively low so the power generated is further concentrated in the lower half of the core. The middle-of-life (MOL) core contains partially depleted elements at the beginning of a cycle with no xenon present. The end-of-life (EOL) core contains depleted elements at the end of a fuel cycle with equilibrium xenon. The power profiles for each of the average plates were made up of the average of all the plates of that type from all the fuel elements in the core combined. As can be seen in Figures 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6, of the average plates, the outer-most of the plates with 100% fuel meat thickness (1312) are the hottest. On average the element-wide power profile is relatively consistent. The hot plate does, however, change position from BOL through EOL. The hot plate power profiles for each unique type of plate was created by taking the plate with the highest total power for that type of plate from the entire core of 22-24 MCODE-simulated elements. As shown in Figures 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6, the hot plate shifted from the end channel (1442) at BOL to the 4th channel from the end 'The color mapping is scaled and consistent across Figures 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. 70 Plate 1 Axial1 Axial 2 Axial 3 Axial 4 Axial 5 Axial 6 Axial 7 Axial 8 Axial 9 Axial 10 Axial 11 Axial 12 Axial 13 Axial 14 Axial 15 Axial 16 Axial 17 Axial 18 Sum I, 0.446 0,380 0,439 0.508 0.575 0.640 0.706 0.783 0.881 1.000 1.078 1.111 1.109 1.088 1.052 0.988 0.933 1.133 14.850 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate S Plate 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 Plate 9 Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 Plate 13 Plate 14 Plate 15 Plate 16 Plate 17 Plate 18 Plate 19 0.506 0.465 0.599 0.565 0.549 0.539 0.535 0.529 0.529 0.526 0.527 0.530 0538 0.554 0.586 0.456 0.501 0.450 0.437 0,401 0.521 0.493 0.477 0.467 0,462 0.459 0.456 0.457 0.458 0.462 0.471 0.487 0.518 0.401 0.442 0.393 0.507 0.468 0.613 0.580 0.563 0.551 0.547 0.543 0.541 0.540 0.543 0.546 0.555 0.573 0,608 0.468 0.512 0.452 0.587 0.542 0.708 0.672 0.651 0.641 0,632 0.629 0.628 0.626 0.631 0.637 0.647 0.668 0.708 0.544 0.595 0,525 0.663 0.616 0.805 0.763 0.741 0.727 0.719 0,714 0.711 0.713 0.715 0.723 0.736 0.759 0.801 0.617 0.676 0,594 0.740 0.683 0.895 0.848 0.825 0.809 0.799 0.796 0.792 0.794 0.797 0.805 0.820 0.843 0.891 0.684 0.748 0.658 0.815 0.753 0.984 0.936 0.907 0.890 0.880 0,875 0.872 0.872 0.876 0.883 0.898 0.925 0.977 0.752 0.823 0,724 0.897 0.822 1.075 1.016 0.985 0.965 0.955 0.948 0.944 0.945 0.949 0.959 0.977 1.005 1.064 0.819 0.897 0.794 0.995 0.902 1.170 1.102 1.067 1.043 1.033 1.023 1.022 1.021 1.028 1.037 1.053 1.088 1.156 0.892 0.983 0.875 1.108 0.993 1.272 1.193 1.152 1.125 1.109 1.099 1.098 1.099 1.107 1.121 1.145 1.188 1.270 0.996 1.110 1.011 1.183 1.058 1.351 1.262 1.213 1.185 1.169 1.161 1.155 1.158 1.167 1.186 1.213 1.263 1.361 1.076 1.217 1.129 1.212 1.083 1.378 1.289 1,238 1.207 1.189 1.182 1.180 1.183 1.190 1.209 1.238 1.292 1.392 1.104 1.255 1.173 1.211 1.079 1.373 1.282 1.231 1.202 1.184 1.176 1.173 1.175 1.183 1.202 1.235 1.289 1.392 1.104 1.259 1.178 1.186 1.055 1342 1.250 1.202 1.172 1.155 1.146 1.142 1.145 1.154 1.173 1.205 1.260 1.366 1.087 1.242 1.166 1.142 1.011 1.283 1.195 1.145 1.117 1.102 1.092 1.091 1.095 1.104 1.122 1.153 1.212 1.319 1.057 1.222 1.158 1.069 0.942 1,194 1.109 1.063 1.038 1.023 1.014 1.011 1.016 1.025 1.043 1.073 1.129 1.232 0.993 1.153 1.107 0.999 0.874 1.098 1.016 0.973 0.948 0.932 0.924 0.921 0.925 0.936 0.953 0.982 1.036 1.139 0.926 1.083 1.053 1.216 1.075 1.346 1.2;0 1.204 1.175 1.163 1.153 1.149 1.156 1.163 1.183 1.215 1.270 1.387 1.128 1.307 1.261 16.471 14.823 19.006 17.821 17.185 16.800 16.588 16.463 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1302 1312 1322 1332 1342 Axial1 0.538 0.592 0.460 0.503 0.448 0.468 0.519 0.401 0.439 0.387 Axial 2 Axial 3 0.553 0.610 0.468 0.510 0.446 Axial 4 0.642 0.708 0.543 0.591 0,516 Axial5 0.729 0.803 0.616 0.670 0.584 Axial6 0.812 0.893 0.684 0.744 0.649 Axial7 0.892 0.981 0,752 0.819 0.715 Axial 8 0.968 1.070 0.820 0.897 0.789 Axial 9 1.047 1.163 0.897 0.989 0.878 Axial 10 1.130 1.271 0.995 1.109 1.005 Axial 11 1.194 1.356 1.067 1.200 1.103 Axial 12 1.218 1.385 1.093 1.233 1.142 Axial 13 1.212 1382 1.092 1.235 1.144 Axial 14 1.182 1.354 1.071 1.214 1.127 Axial 15 1.130 1.301 1.034 1.182 1.105 Axial 16 1.049 1.213 0.968 1.111 1.047 Axial 17 0.959 1.119 0.900 1.041 0.993 Axial 18 1.189 1.366 1.101 1,262 1.197 Sum 16.912 19.086 14.963 16.748 15.276 16.414 16.445 16.553 16.773 17.153 17.841 19.166 15.103 17.025 15.702 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH HOT STRUCTURE 1402 1412 1422 1432 1442 0.977 1.057 0.863 1.012 0.238 0.815 0.899 0.727 0.853 4.200 0.922 0.988 0.784 0.911 0.319 1.022 1.099 0.875 0.993 0.380 1.136 1.215 0.966 1.081 0.448 1,247 1.330 1.048 1.169 0.513 1.337 1.434 1.131 1.258 0.587 1.419 1.516 1.174 1.304 0.738 1.447 1.544 1.194 1.308 1.064 1.461 1.551 1.198 1.316 1.460 1.465 1.558 1.205 1315 1704 1.468 1.539 1.191 1.304 1.822 1.467 1.551 1190 1.305 1.834 1.411 1.500 1.153 1.272 1.811 1.344 1442 1.121 1.242 1.775 1.294 1.388 1.079 1.221 1.684 1.243 1.338 1.072 1.229 1.640 1.542 1.655 1.334 1.520 1.771 23.017 24.605 19.306 21.613 20.049 Figure 5-4: Beginning-of-life power profiles in kW per node volume, where the node volume is constant. Top: power profile for each plate across the core-averaged fuel element. Bottom left: power profiles for each average heat structure for input into RELAP, normalized for one plate each. Bottom right: power profiles for each hot heat structure for input into RELAP. - - - - Table 5.2: BOL Hot channel factor, and power generation (% of total core power) per plate type and per lumped heat structure for RELAP input. Plate type Power per plate Lumped Power Hot channel factor Ave. inner 302 0.242 58.23 Ave. 4th 312 0.273 11.72 Ave. 3rd 322 0.214 9.192 Ave. 2nd 332 0.239 10.29 342 0.218 9.384 Hot inner hot 4th 402 412 0.329 0.351 0.329 0.351 1.36 Hot 3rd Hot 2nd 422 432 0.276 0.309 0.276 0.309 1.29 1.29 Hot End 442 0.286 0.286 1.31 Total 100% 72 - Ave. End 1.29 Axial 1 Axial2 Axial 3 Axial4 Axial S Axial 6 Axial 7 Axial8 Axial 9 Axial 10 Axial 11 Axial 12 Axial 13 Axial 14 Axial 15 Axial 16 Axial 17 Axial 18 Sum Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 Plate 9 Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 Plate 13 Plate 14 Plate 15 Plate 16 Plate 17 Plate 18 Plate 19 0.413 0.477 0.443 0.575 0;549 0.535 0.526 0.522 0.520 0.520 0,520 0.523 0.528 0.537 0.553 0.585 0.455 0,497 0.441 0.349 0.407 0.378 0.496 0.472 0.460 0.452 0.447 0.445 0.446 0.447 0.450 0455 0.465 0.481 0.511 0.394 0.432 0.380 0.405 0.475 0.443 0.586 0.558 0,543 0.535 0,530 0.527 0.526 0.528 0.531 0,538 0;548 0.566 0.600 0.459 0.500 0.438 0,462 0.544 0.508 0,673 0.642 0.625 0:614 0.609 0.605 0.606 0.608 0.611 0,619 0.630 0.651 0.688 0,526 0.571 0.497 0.522 0,615 0.575 0.763 0.726 0.706 0.696 0.689 0.685 0.684 0.686 0.691 0.697 0.711 0.735 0.775 0.593 0.644 0.560 0.579 0.683 0.638 0.844 0.805 0.783 0.771 0.763 0.759 0.760 0.761 0.765 0.774 0.788 0.814 0.860 0.657 0.712 0.619 0.625 0.738 0.690 0.915 0.873 0.849 0.836 0.827 0.824 0.823 0.825 0.829 0.838 0.854 0.880 0.930 0.709 0.768 0.664 0,685 0.806 0.751 0.993 0.943 0.917 0.902 0.894 0.889 0.888 0.889 0.894 0.905 0.923 0.951 1.006 0.767 0.833 0.720 0.759 0.881 0.815 1,070 1.013 0.982 0.965 0.954 0.950 0.948 0.950 0.956 0.967 0.985 1.019 1.077 0.823 0.893 0.773 0.844 0,966 0.887 1.154 1.087 1.050 1.029 1.018 1.012 1.010 1.012 1.020 1.034 1.056 1.096 1.168 0.901 0.989 0.867 0.902 1.027 0.937 1.215 1.141 1.103 1.079 1.065 1.058 1,055 1.060 1.068 1.084 1.111 1.155 1.239 0.964 1.069 0.949 0.924 1.050 0.956 1.236 1.161 1.122 1.098 1.083 1.074 1.072 1.074 1.085 1.101 1.130 1.178 1.265 0.986 1.096 0.978 0.930 1.054 0.957 1.236 1.161 1.118 1.095 1.080 1.074 1.072 1.074 1.083 1.099 1.128 1.178 1.266 0.990 1.103 0.991 0.911 1.029 0.933 1.204 1.131 1.089 1.065 1.050 1.044 1.043 1.045 1.054 1.071 1.101 1.149 1.236 0.970 1.085 0.979 0.879 0.990 0.896 1.152 1.081 1.040 1.017 1.003 0.996 0.994 1.000 1.009 1.026 1.055 1.105 1.194 0,942 1.063 0.971 0.828 0.931 0.839 1.078 1.007 0.968 0.946 0.935 0.927 0.926 0.931 0.939 0.957 0.984 1.034 1.123 0.891 1.012 0.930 0,774 0.861 0.771 0,984 0.916 0.878 0.857 0.846 0.840 0.839 0.842 0.853 0.870 0,897 0.945 1.033 0.827 0.949 0.884 0.952 1.060 0.957 1.215 1.137 1.095 1.073 1.061 1.054 1.053 1.057 1.066 1.083 1.114 1.166 1.26Z 1.012 1.152 1.067 12,746 14.595 13.375 17.388 16.403 15.864 15.556 15.376 15.283 15.266 15.309 15.427 15.646 16.017 16.655 17.818 13.865 15.370 13.709 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1302 -W Axial 1 0,530 Axial 2 0.456 Axial 3 0,539 0.620 0.700 0.777 0.841 0.909 0.972 1.039 Axial 4 Axial 5 Axial 6 Axial 7 Axial8 Axial 9 Axial 10 Axial 11 Axial 12 Axial 13 Axial 14 Axial 15 Axial 16 Axial 17 Axial 18 Sum 1.089 1.107 1.106 1.077 1.030 0.959 0.871 1.087 15.709 1312 0.580 0.504 0.593 0.680 0.769 0.852 0,923 0.999 1.073 1.161 1.227 1.250 1.251 1,220 1.173 1.100 1.009 1.239 17.603 1322 1332 1342 0.449 0.386 0,487 0.427 0,420 0.451 0,488 0.558 0.630 0.697 0.753 0.819 0.887 0.978 1.048 1.073 0.365 0.422 0.480 0.541 0.517 0.584 0.647 0.700 0.759 0.819 0.894 0.950 0.971 0.973 1.078 0.952 1.057 0.919 1.027 0.865 0.972 0.799 0.905 0.985 1.106 13.620 14.982 0.599 0,645 0.703 0.766 0.856 0.926 0.951 0.960 0.945 0.925 0.879 0.829 1.009 13.227 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH HOT STRUCTURE 1402 1412 1422 1432 1442 0.957 1.044 0.846 0.982 0.877 0.802 0.877 0.709 0.825 0.750 0.892 0.966 0.767 0.872 0.802 0.996 1.072 0.841 0.942 0.871 1.101 1.184 0.924 1.036 0.960 1.204 1.295 1.007 1.120 1.040 1.282 1.357 1.057 1.185 1.093 1.337 1.426 1.104 1.224 1.134 1.436 1.351 1.103 1.215 1.084 1.360 1.442 1,102 1.199 1.062 1.374 1.452 1.111 1.202 1.057 1.369 1.446 1.102 1.203 1.052 1.349 1.421 1.087 1.189 1.054 1.314 1.388 1.059 1.160 1.025 1.243 1.318 1.022 1.118 0.994 1.183 1.268 0.983 1.097 0.975 1.132 1.229 0.966 1.101 1.003 1.416 1.531 1.223 1.388 1.269 21.664 23.153 18.013 20.055 18.100 Figure 5-5: Middle-of-life power profiles in kW per node volume, where the node volume is constant. Top: power profile for each plate across the core-averaged fuel element. Bottom left: power profiles for each average heat structure for input into RELAP, normalized for one plate each. Bottom right: power profiles for each hot heat structure for input into RELAP. 322 0.195 9.145 Ave. 2nd 332 0.214 10.06 - Ave. End 342 0.189 8.881 Hot inner hot 4th 402 412 0.309 0.331 0.309 0.331 1.38 1.32 Hot 3rd Hot 2nd 422 432 0.257 0.287 0.257 0.287 1.32 1.34 Hot End 442 0.259 0.259 1.37 Total 100% 74 - Ave. 3rd - - - Table 5.3: MOL Hot channel factor, and power generation (% of total core power) per plate type and per lumped heat structure for RELAP input. Plate type Power per plate Lumped Power Hot channel factor Ave. inner 302 0.224 59.02 Ave. 4th 312 0.251 11.82 Axial 1 Axial 2 Axial 3 Axial 4 Axial 5 Axial6 Axial 7 Axial 8 Axial 9 Axial 10 Axial 11 Axial 12 Axial 13 Axial 14 Axial 15 Axial 16 Axial 17 Axial 18 Sum Cnf Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 Plate 9 Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 Plate 13 Plate 14 Plate 15 Plate 16 Plate 17 Plate 18 Plate 19 0,455 0.531 0,494 0.643 0.611 0.594 0.584 0.577 0,572 0.570 0,568 0.569 0.572 0,580 0,596 0,628 0.486 0.532 0.471 0,403 0.468 0,434 0.569 0,539 0.522 0,511 0.505 0,500 0.499 0,499 0.502 0,509 0.519 0,537 0.574 0.446 0.496 0,447 0.501 0.576 0,530 0.693 0.654 0.633 0.620 0.612 0.607 0.607 0.606 0.610 0,620 0.635 0.663 0.712 0.559 0.631 0.577 0.593 0.678 0.622 0.808 0,761 0.735 0.719 0.709 0.705 0.705 0.706 0.711 0,724 0.743 0.779 0.844 0.668 0.759 0.699 0.676 0.770 0,704 0.914 0.860 0.829 0.812 0.801 0.795 0.793 0.797 0.804 0.817 0.843 0.883 0.959 0.761 0.867 0.801 0341 0.845 0.772 1.002 0.941 0.909 0.890 0.879 0.872 0.871 0.873 0.881 0.898 0.924 0.971 1.054 0.837 0.954 0.883 0,774 0.889 0.814 1.058 0.996 0.960 0.940 0,929 0.923 0.923 0.925 0.933 0.948 0.977 1.026 1.115 0.883 1.005 0.922 0.811 0.932 0.853 1.110 1.044 1.006 0.984 0.973 0.966 0.965 0.967 0.977 0.994 1.026 1.074 1.169 0.927 1.053 0.965 0.825 0.949 0.870 1.132 1.065 1.028 1.007 0.993 0.986 0.984 0.988 0.998 1.015 1.045 1.097 1.192 0.943 1.069 0.976 0.824 0.952 0.874 1.139 1.073 1.035 1.013 1.001 0.993 0.991 0.994 1.004 1.021 1.053 1.105 1.200 0.947 1.071 0.975 0.822 0.948 0.871 1.136 1.068 1.031 1.008 0.997 0.989 0.989 0,990 1.001 1.017 1.048 1.101 1.194 0.944 1.069 0.972 0.809 0.933 0.857 1.116 1.051 1.015 0.991 0.980 0.974 0.973 0.976 0.986 1.003 1.032 1.083 1.175 0.929 1.051 0.956 0.800 0.920 0.842 1.094 1.029 0.994 0.973 0.958 0.953 0.951 0.954 0.963 0.980 1.009 1.060 1.151 0.913 1.038 0.952 0.768 0.882 0.808 1.048 0.985 0.950 0.929 0.917 0.910 0.908 0.910 0.919 0.935 0.964 1.013 1.102 0.875 0.997 0.918 0,733 0.838 0,764 0.990 0.929 0.896 0.876 0.862 0.857 0.854 0.858 0.866 0.881 0.909 0.957 1.045 0.833 0.955 0.887 0.697 0.791 0.716 0.925 0.864 0.832 0.811 0.800 0.794 0.792 0.795 0.802 0.817 0.844 0.891 0.976 0.783 0.906 0.855 0.644 0.725 0.652 0.836 0.779 0.747 0.729 0,717 0.712 0312 0.714 0.721 0.737 0362 0.806 0.890 0.721 0.844 0.806 0.792 0.890 0.806 1.029 0.962 0.927 0.907 0.895 0.888 0.888 0.890 0.899 0.915 0.941 0.986 1.076 0.869 1.000 0.943 12.670 14.517 13.282 17.241 16.211 15.644 15.304 15.104 14.997 14.974 15.012 15.148 15.400 15.854 16.626 18.056 14.326 16.296 15,005 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1302 1312 1322 1332 1342 Axial1 0.581 0.636 0,490 0,531 0.463 Axial2 0.513 0.571 0,440 0.482 0.425 Axial3 0.624 0.703 0.545 0,604 0.539 Axial4 0.727 0.826 0.645 0.718 0.646 Axial5 0.821 0.937 0.733 0,819 0.738 Axial6 0.901 1.028 0.805 0.900 0.812 Axial 7 0.953 1.087 0.848 0.947 0.848 Axial8 0.998 1.139 0.890 0.992 0.888 Axial9 1.019 1.162 0.906 1.009 0.900 1.026 1.169 Axial 10 0.911 1.011 0.899 Axial 11 1.022 1.165 0.908 1.008 0.897 Axial 12 1.006 1.146 0.893 0.992 0.882 Axial 13 0.984 1.122 0.878 0.979 0.876 Axial 14 0.940 1.075 0.842 0.939 0.843 Axial 15 0.886 1.017 0.799 0.897 0.810 Axial 16 0.822 0.950 0.750 0.849 0.776 Axial 17 0.740 0.863 0.687 0.784 0.725 Axial 18 0.918 1.053 0.837 0.945 0.868 Sum 15.479 17.648 13.804 15.407 13.837 POWER PROFILE FOR EACH HOT STRUCTURE 1402 1412 1422 1432 1442 0.937 1.010 0.832 .0.352 0.318 0.788 0.864 0.711 0.453 0.454 0.886 0.975 0.792 0.700 0,734 0.982 1.098 0.880 0.903 0.933 1.078 1.223 0.965 1.057 1.094 1.046 1.182 1.230 1.168 1.313 1,218 1.381 1.102 1.263 1.288 1.256 1.432 1.134 1.333 1.363 1.244 1.416 1.109 1.389 1.421 1.225 1.388 1.081 1.389 1.407 1.209 1.375 1.073 1.399 1.427 1.409 1.349 1.047 1.379 1.181 1.353 1.377 1.162 1.308 1.015 1.108 1.254 0.966 1.309 1.342 1.037 1.187 0.922 1.251 1.289 0.979 1.106 0.866 1.192 1.234 1.115 1.169 0.917 1.028 0.814 1.152 1.258 1.017 1.216 1.245 19.527 21.967 17.372 20.237 20.734 Figure 5-6: End-of-life power profiles in kW per node volume, where the node volume is constant. Top: power profile for each plate across the core-averaged fuel element. Bottom left: power profiles for each average heat structure for input into RELAP, normalized for one plate each. Bottom right: power profiles for each hot heat structure for input into RELAP. 302 0.221 58.16 Ave. 4th 312 0.252 11.85 Ave. 3rd 322 0.197 9.268 Ave. 2nd 332 0.220 10.34 - Ave. End 342 0.198 9.291 Hot inner hot 4th 402 412 0.279 0.314 0.279 0.314 1.26 1.24 Hot 3rd 422 0.248 0.248 1.26 Hot 2nd Hot End 432 0.289 0.289 1.31 442 0.296 0.296 1.50 Total 100% 76 - - Ave. inner - Table 5.4: EOL Hot channel factor, and power generation (% of total core power) per plate type and per lumped heat structure for RELAP input. Plate type Power per plate Lumped Power Hot channel factor (1412) in the MOL core, and then to the plate 2nd from the end (1432) in the EOL core. The hot plate in BOL case was found to be the most limiting. The bottom axial nodes in each fuel plate typically have slightly higher power generation due to extra neutron moderation, as can be seen in Figures 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. It was assumed that the power generation is symmetric within each plate such that the temperature peaks at the mid-point between the two outer surfaces. This is a reasonable assumption regardless of the power generation in neighboring plates because the plates are so thin. 5.2.1 Simulated Conditions For each of the cores (BOL, MOL and EOL) both steady-state and transient conditions were simulated. Steady-state analysis is required because it shows what temperatures the coolant channel walls experience at nominal operating conditions. There must be a 20% margin between the ONB-limiting power level and the licensed power level, and another 20% margin between the licensed power level and the LSSS power. Transient analysis is also important in order to observe behavior during a LOF accident and resulting temperature transient. The failure limit during an accident is the fuel blistering temperature of 365 C, so as long as that temperature is not reached, the clad should retain its integrity. Steady-State Steady-state operation at 7.0 MW with 2200 gpm (137 kg/s) flow was modeled in RELAP5 MOD3.3 (see key parameters listed in Table 5.5) for each of the three cores (BOL, MOL and EOL). The purpose of this simulation was to find the steady-state temperature profiles for each unique type of channel and the hot channels in each of the three cores studied. There must be at least a 40% margin to ONB at steady-state operation in order for 7.0 MW to be a feasible power level for nominal operation with the new LEU fuel. 77 LOF Transient After steady-state operation at 7.0 MW, a RELAP-simulated LOF accident is initiated by a primary coolant low flow scram caused by simultaneous failure of both primary pumps. In this scenario, the steady-state flow is already the low primary flow setpoint of 2200 gpm, so the reactor scram happens at approximately the same time as the pumps failure, as shown in Figure 5-7. As the flow rate decreases according to the pump coastdown curve as shown in Figure 2-7, the NCVs and ASVs open, establishing natural convection within the core tank. The fuel and clad temperatures are of interest in the transient analysis to verify that the fuel blistering temperature of 365 C is not reached at any point. 5.3 Beginning-of-Life Refueling operations indicate the start of each fuel cycle. The beginning-of-life (BOL) core is the most conservative stage to analyze because the power is concentrated in a smaller volume (absorbers are lower in the core to compensate for added excess reactivity) so the temperatures are higher. If the last HEU core were to be completely replaced (contrary to normal refueling procedure) with the new 19-plate unfinned LEU fuel, the new core is referred to as BOL, as opposed to BOC. A BOL core represents the highest power density the fuel will ever have because the power is not only concentrated toward to bottom half of the core height, but also in a fewer number of elements (to compensate for the excess reactivity of all new elements). The BOL core analyzed for 19B25 fuel performance contained only 22 fuel elements. Steady-State Analysis The steady-state analysis shows that even in the most limiting hot channel (442, the hot end channel) there is at least a 22 C margin at the hottest node between wall temperature and saturation temperature (see Figure 5-8). The steady-state temperature gradient across the fuel clad was typically approximately 1C, and the temperature gradient from the fuel maximum to the wall temperature was typically less than 10 C. 78 Table 5.5: 19B25 steady-state conditions for all cores. Power level (MW) 7.0 Core outlet temperature ( C) 56 Core inlet temperature( C) 43 Mass flow rate (kg/s) 137 Core pressure drop (kPa) 23.8 1.0 - - - Fraction of steady-state - 0.8 Fraction of steady-sta nass flow power S0.6 o0.4 0.2 -10 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 50 Figure 5-7: Fractional power and flow after the LOF scram 79 In the hottest average channel (312, the average 2nd channel) the margin between wall and saturation temperature is at least 35 C. Table 6.1 shows the agreement of various key RELAP5 MOD3.3 simulation data with the semi-analytical model (see Chapter 6). While the hottest of the BOL hot channels is the end channel (442), the hottest of the average channels is 312 (the average 2nd channel) and 342 (the average end channel) is the coolest. At 7.0 MW the core temperature gradient is 13*C with an outlet temp of approximately 56 C. LOF Transient Figure 5-9 shows the bulk, wall and saturation temperature in each unique type of channel during a LOF transient. When the scram occurs, there is a temperature spike that lasts less than 1 second while the flow rate is dropping and the reactor power is decreasing. As natural circulation is established and reactor power continues to decrease, there is another slower temperature rise that lasts less than 20 seconds, before the temperature decreases monotonically with time. The temperature rise during the LOF transient in the hot channel (442, the hot end channel) and hot plate (1442, the hot end plate) was approximately 13 C, as listed in Table 5.6. In the average channels, the temperature rise was less than 12 C. The maximum fuel temperature reached during the transient is 106 C in the end plate, and the maximum clad temperature reached is 98 C also in the end plate. The fuel blistering temperature (and therefore failure point) is approximately 365 C, so a maximum fuel temperature of 106 C is well within safety margins. At 7.0 MW the margin between the maximum wall temperature and the saturation temperature during the transient was at least 13 C in the hottest channel and at least 24*C in the average channels. This means that for the most conservative core (BOL, only 22 elements) during a LOF event after operation at 7.0 MW the coolant will not boil even in the hottest part of the core. 80 Ave. Inner Channel (302) 2d Ave. 3d Channel (322) Channel (312) Ave. 0' Channel Ave. (332) End Channel (342) , Ave. i { I i 1 k i I 11 t \ i j 15 i { - i, I i i 1 i 10 i i i i I 11 I i i i i i i r I J 7 i J( i f +l l 0 40 60 80 100 1: 0 4 D Temperature ('C) 60 80 100 is 0 40 Temperature ( C) Hot Inner Channel (402) Hot 2d 80 100 120 40 Temperature (*C) 60 80 Temperature Hot 3'" Channel (422) Channel (412) 20 60 Hot 4' Channel 100 120 40 60 \ ( C) 80 Temperature 100 1. ('C) Hot End Channel (442) (432) I i i t I i i 15 0c I f 0 i 10 i 1 f f r i i 5 f i 1 t i I I 40 60 80 100 Temperature (*C) 120 40 60 t 80 Temperature 100 ('C) 120 40 60 80 100 Temperature (*C) 120 40 60 80 Temperature 100 ('C) 120 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature ('C) Figure 5-8: BOL steady-state temperature profiles for 19B25 fuel. The solid line is the wall temperature and the dotted line is the saturation temperature. The minimum margin between the wall and saturation temperatures of 22 C occurred in the hot end channel (442). 81 Average Inner Channel (302) 1 20 Hot Inner Channel (402) U 1 00 80 -- 60 ----------..- 11'ff 40 Average 1 20 4 'h Channel (312) Hot 4 " Channel (412) E 1 00 - - 80 1 40 Average 3rd Channel (322) 20 Hot 3"d Channel (422) U 100 0 F 80 It 60 ------------------------------------------- 40 Average 2"d Channel (332) 1 20 Hot 2 d Channel (432) 1 00 80 E 60 1 -. 40 Average End Channel (342) H Hot End Channel (442) 100 C. 80 60 - I -10 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 -10 0 10 Time after 20 SCRAM 30 (s) 40 Figure 5-9: BOL wall (solid), bulk (dashed) and saturation (dotted) temperatures for LOF transient at 7.0 MW 82 Table 5.6: Maximum temperature rise ( C) during LOF transient at hottest node of the wall, clad inner surface and fuel centerline in each plate type in each of the 3 cores. Beginning-of-life Plate type Middle-of-life End-of-life Wall Clad Fuel Wall Clad Fuel Wall Clad Fuel Ave. inner Ave. 4th 302 10.6 10.0 9.0 9.4 8.9 8.6 14.7 14.2 10.6 312 10.4 10.3 10.0 9.9 9.9 Ave. 3rd Ave. 2nd 322 11.5 10.9 8.5 10.6 10.0 9.6 8.0 13.5 17.0 12.9 16.5 9.3 14.1 332 11.2 10.3 9.2 10.4 9.7 8.4 14.3 13.7 11.1 Ave. End 342 10.0 9.2 8.6 9.8 10.1 7.5 12.6 12.5 8.4 Hot inner 402 11.9 11.9 11.4 11.6 11.6 11.2 11.9 11.3 10.4 hot 4th 412 11.9 12.2 11.7 11.8 12.0 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.1 Hot 3rd Hot 2nd 422 432 14.4 13.9 13.8 12.5 10.8 10.8 14.1 13.7 11.0 16.4 15.7 13.3 12.0 11.1 10.3 12.4 11.7 11.3 Hot End 442 13.2 13.0 12.9 10.6 11.4 9.5 13.1 12.6 11.3 5.4 Middle-of-Life The MOL core represents the BOC of an equilibrium core with partly burned fuel but no xenon. The power profiles for this type of core were prepared by running depletion calculations using MCODE. The MOL core was expected to have a lower power density due to the greater number of elements (24 as opposed to the 22 elements in the BOL core) and therefore have slightly lower temperatures. In the MOL core the hot channel is 412 (2nd hot channel) and on average the 2nd channel (312) is still hotter than the other channel types. Steady-State Analysis Steady-state operation of the MOL core was modeled in RELAP5 MOD3.3 with the same conditions as for the BOL case (see Table 5.5). The steady-state analysis shows that even in the most limiting hot channel (412, the hot 4th channel) there is at least a 26 C margin at the hottest node between wall temperature and saturation temperature (see Figure 5-10). For the average channels, the margin between wall and saturation temperature is approximately 36 C. The steady-state temperature gradient 83 Ave. Inner Channel (302) Ave. 2 d Channel (312) Ave. 3 d Channel (322) Ave. 4" Channel (332) Ave. End Channel (342) t i i 1 I 1 20 i 1 { t I I j { r I I 1 1 I j j j 1 a I I 3 i I t 15 i 1 1 I a i i I ikk i II I E 2 10 i I i i r r i 5 I i 1 r r r r i l 1 t J ((1 !r , f ti 1 ,t t' i t l 0 0 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 100 Temperature ( C) Temperature ( C) Hot Inner Channel (402) Hot 2d Channel (412) 120 40 60 80 Temperature 100 120 4D ( C) 60 80 100 1 40 Temperature ( C) Hot 3"' Channel (422) to' 80 Temperature Hot 46 Channel (432) 100 12 ( C) Hot End Channel (442) 20 15 0 / 1 , 10 ( 1 40 60 80 100 Temperature (*C) 120 40 60 80 100 Temperature ( C) 120 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature ( C) 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature ( C) 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature ("C) Figure 5-10: MOL steady-state temperature profiles for 19B25 fuel. The solid line is the wall temperature and the dotted line is the saturation temperature. The minimum margin between the wall and saturation temperatures of 26 C occurred in the hot 4th channel (412). 84 A Average Inner Channel (302) 120 Hot Inner Channel (402) U 100 80 80 E H 60 / 1 Average 4' Channel (312) 120 Hot 4 Channel (412) 100 a s, 80 - 7, 60 AA 0. Average 42 1 20 Channel (322) Hot Channel (332) Hot 2"d Channel (432) Average End Channel (342) Hot End Channel (442) 3rd 3rd Channel (422) H 1 00 80 60 40 Average 2 1 20 G 100 80 0 H 60 40 120 U100 2 /7 I 60 40 -10 .............. 7- /' / r - 0 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 -10 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 Figure 5-11: MOL wall (solid), bulk (dashed) and saturation (dotted) temperatures for LOF transient at 7.0 MW 85 across the fuel clad was typically less than PC, and the temperature gradient from the fuel maximum to the wall temperature was typically less than 6*C. LOF Transient During the temperature transient the hot channel (412, the hot 2nd channel) wall, clad and fuel centerline temperatures experience a spike of approximately 12 C at the hottest node, as shown in Table 5.6. The average channels experience a temperature increase of approximately 10 C. As shown in Figure 5-11, during a LOF transient there is margin of at least 15*C between the wall and saturation temperature at the hottest node in the hottest channel (412, the hot 2nd channel). A MOL core with the new LEU fuel would not experience any boiling even in the hottest point in the core during a LOF accident. 5.5 End-of-Life EOL represents the end-of-cycle (EOC) of an equilibrium core with deeply burned fuel and xenon present. For this core, the hot channel was 432 (the 4th hot channel) and on average, channels of type 312 (2nd average channel) were hotter than the other channels by less than 2 C. Steady-State Analysis The steady-state EOL core was modeled with the same conditions as the BOL and MOL cores, as shown in Table 5.5. The temperature gradient across the fuel clad was less than 80, and the temperature gradient across the fuel was at least 1* for all average and hot plates. Analysis of steady-state operation shows that there is a margin of at least 24 C between the wall temperature and the saturation temperature at the hottest node of the hottest channel (412, the 2nd hot channel), as shown in Figure 5-12. In the average channels, a minimum margin of 31 C occurs in 312 (the 2nd average channel). With all coolant channel wall temperatures being well below the saturation temperature, no ONB was observed. 86 Ave. Inner Channel (302) Ave. 2"d Channel (312) Ave. 3 rd Channel (322) Ave. 4 * Ave. End Channel (342) Channel (332) 20 U U 15 0O 00 - 10 8 Teprtr Ho" 10 1 *) 1 hnnl(1) 5/j 0 60 80 100 12 0 Temperature (*C) Hot Inner Channel ($02) 4 0 40 60 80 100 120 40 Temperature (*C) Hot 3'd Channel (422) 60 80 100 120 40 Temperature (*C) Hot 4* Channel (432) 60 80 tOO I: Temperature (*C) Hot End Channel (442) / 40 20 Q115 f 0 / 10 S /, 40 6 0 0 2 ./. Teprtue(C 0 40 60 80 100 Temperature ('C) 120 40 60 80 100 Temperature ("C) 120 40 60 80 100 Temperature (*C) 120 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (*C) Figure 5-12: EOL steady-state temperature profiles for 19B25 fuel. The solid line is the wall temperature and the dotted line is the saturation temperature. The minimum margin between the wall and saturation temperatures of 24 C occurred in the hot 4th channel (412). 87 Average Inner Channel (302) 120 Hot Inner Channel (402) U 100 80 E v/"~ ~ ----. S60 age 4 Channel (312) 120 Hot 4" Channel (412) U 100 80 7 CL / / ,-60 -. AA Average 3'd Channel (322) 120 Hot 3 d Channel (422) U100 0 E F 80 !s // 7 60 40 Average 2"d Channel (332) 120 Hot 2"" Channel (432) U100 80 80 E H 60 A- 40 Average End Channel (342) 120 Hot End Channel (442) U100 ........................... . . . ... . 80 60 -- ---.- --------------------Al' -10 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 -10 0 10 20 30 Time after SCRAM (s) 40 Figure 5-13: EOL wall (solid), bulk (dashed) and saturation (dotted) temperatures for LOF transient at 7.0 MW 88 Loss-of-Flow Transient During a LOF event the transient causes a temperature spike of approximately 12 C for the hot channel (412) surface and hot plate (1412) centerline at the hottest axial node, as shown in Table 5.6. The average channels and plates experience a temperature increase of less than 17*C. The maximum fuel temperature reached during the transient was 97 C which occurred in the hot plate (1432, the 4th hot plate), well below the fuel blistering temperature of 365 C. The maximum clad temperature reached was 93.7 C, which is well below the aluminum softening temperature of 450 C. The maximum wall temperature reached was 93.5*C, as shown in Figure 5-13, leaving a margin of at least 14 C between the wall and saturation temperatures in the hottest channel at the hottest node. As with the BOL and MOL cores, approximately 20 seconds after the LOF scram is initiated, all temperatures decrease monotonically with time. 5.6 ONB-Limiting Power Level The ONB-limiting power level was identified by the discontinuity in the heat transfer coefficient as a function of steady-state power level. The discontinuity represents the transition from single-phase convective heat transfer to boiling heat transfer. Because boiling permits better heat transfer from the plate to the coolant, the heat transfer coefficient increases suddenly at the point of ONB. Figure 5-14 shows that the 19B25 BOL ONB-limiting power level is 11.0 MW. For the MOL and EOL cores, the ONBlimiting power level is 12.5 MW. Taking the most limiting case, the BOL core, with an ONB-limiting power level of 11.0 MW, the maximum permissible LSSS power level was calculated. As discussed in Section 2.2, the Limiting Safety System Settings (LSSS) are based on ONB. The margin between the LSSS and licensed steady-state power levels is currently 20%; the LSSS power level is 6.0 MW and the licensed power level is 7.2 MW. The licensed power level has an additional 20% margin to ONB; the ONB-limiting power level for 89 *1 24 -22 BOL MOL - -- EOL I - 18 16- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Power Level (MW) Figure 5-14: Heat transfer coefficient at the hottest node in the hot channel for BOL, MOL and EOL. The discontinuities indicates the ONB-limiting power level in each of the three cases; 11.0 MW for BOL, and 12.5 MW for MOL and EOL. the current HEU fuel is 8.4 MW. For the 19B25 LEU-fueled BOL core, the LSSS power level would be 7.86 MW, leaving a 20% margin to the tentative licensed power level of 9.42 MW, and another 20% margin to the ONB-limiting power level of 11.0 MW. With a maximum LSSS power of 7.86 MW, uprate to 7.0 MW nominal operating power is feasible. 5.7 Summary of RELAP Results The 19B25 fuel type performs well at the proposed uprate power level of 7.0 MW with sufficient margin to ONB, even in the extreme case of the completely fresh, high power density BOL core. At 7.0 MW the core temperature gradient is 13 C with an outlet temp of 56 C. The maximum wall temperature reached was 83 C in the hot end channel (442) of the BOL core during steady-state operation, with a margin of 22 C to ONB. On average, across the three cores, the 2nd channel (312) was the hottest with a margin of at least 35 C to ONB. The maximum clad temperature at steady-state was 85 C and the maximum fuel temperature was 93 C in the hot end plate (1442) of the BOL core. The fuel centerline-to-wall temperature gradient was less than 10 C. 90 During the first few minutes of a LOF transient, the maximum fuel temperature reached was 106 C in the hot end plate (1442) after a rise of approximately 13 C from steady-state conditions at 7.0 MW. During the transient the minimum margin to ONB was at least 13 C in the hot channel and approximately 24 C in the average channels. A summary of the hot channel maximum temperatures for each core is provided in Table 5.7. These temperatures are all well below the aluminum clad softening temperature of 450 C and fuel blistering temperature of 365 C, so the 19B25 fuel type appears to perform well during LOF events after nominal operation at up to 7.0 MW. Table 5.7: Hot channel maximum temperatures for each core. Core Hot Plate Transient Steady-state Wall Clad Fuel Wall Clad Fuel BOL 1442 83.2 84.6 93.2 96.4 97.6 106.0 MOL 1412 82.0 82.5 88.1 93.8 94.5 99.7 EOL 1432 81.1 82.0 85.4 93.5 93.7 96.7 91 92 Chapter 6 2D Semi-Analytical Validation A semi-analytical steady-state 2D lumped heat structure model was created in Mathematica to verify the RELAP5 MOD3.3 results. Calculated parameters such as the hydraulic diameter, Reynolds number and heat transfer coefficient were used to validate the RELAP input. Maximum steady-state surface, clad and fuel temperature results calculated from the model were compared with RELAP results and found to agree within a relative error of 8%. The hydraulic diameter De was calculated as shown in Equation 6.1, where Af is the channel flow area, and PW is the wetted perimeter. De = 4Af (6.1) PW The flow area of each lumped channel was calculated as shown in Equation 6.2, where wg is the gap width, wP is the plate width, and nch is the number of physical channels. For hot channels, wP is instead the width of the fuel wf, as explained in Section 2.2.2. Af = wg x wp x nch (6.2) The wetted perimeter of each lumped channel was calculated using Equation 6.3. For hot channels, wP is fuel width wf. 93 Pw = rch x 2 (wg + wp) (6.3) For high aspect ratio geometries, the hydraulic diameter can be reasonably approx- imated as twice the wetted perimeter, though Equation 6.2 was used for all hydraulic diameter calculations. The mass flow rate through each channel was obtained by solving the mass continuity and momentum equations. The flow split among coolant channels was determined by the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet plenum of the core as shown in Equation 6.4, which is dominated by the friction pressure drop in Equation 6.5. An analytical solution was derived for the mass flow rate ratio between nominal (average) coolant channels and an abnormal (hot) coolant channel for the MITR, as shown in Equation 6.6. [5] AP = f (6.4) De 2 4 f= 0.316 ) pv 12 (i kIl2 = (wp,2wg,27 ( wp,iwg,i (6.5) 5 wp,lwg,1 wp,2wg,2) (6.6) For average channels where the plate width is the same but the gap width is different, Equation 6.6 is reduced to Equation 6.7, which assumes that wg « wp which is true in the case of MITR fuel. [5] 12 \m12/ wg,2/ (6.7) The Reynolds number was calculated from Equation 6.8, where pw is the viscosity of water at the inlet temperature (approximately 6 x 10-4 Pa s at 43 C). 94 Re = rhi Dei (6.8) The Dittus-Boelter correlation was used to find the Nusselt number for convective heat transfer at the fuel plate surface, as shown in Equation 6.9. Re is the Reynolds number as calculated using Equation 6.8 and Pr is the Prandtl number as calculated using Equation 6.10, where cp and k, are the specific heat and thermal conductivity of water respectively. Nu = 0.023 Re0. 8 Pr0 .4 Pr = c p (6.9) (6.10) Using the Nusselt number calculated in Equation 6.9 and the hydraulic diameter from Equation 6.1, the heat transfer coefficient at the plate surface was calculated, as shown in Equation 6.11. h Nu k, D= De (6.11) The model is semi-analytic because the integration in the direction of heat transfer (from the fuel meat to the plate surface) is analytical, while the integration in the direction of coolant flow (vertical, parallel to the plate surface) is numerical because the power generation profile extracted from MCODE (see Section 2.3) is discrete with 18 nodes. Equations to model radial heat transfer and axial temperature were derived starting with Equation 6.12 where k is the thermal conductivity and q "' is the volumetric heat generation rate. The term for temperature change with time was eliminated because only steady-state conditions were to be studied. The gradient term was expanded and simplified to contain a positional derivative in only one direction (from fuel to plate surface). 95 p cpdT = kV 2T + q"' (6.12) dt 62 0=k 2 2 82+ + z2 T q d kdT 1 dx dx (6.13) 0 = k--- + q"'x dx With a reflective boundary condition at the fuel centerline, Equation 6.13 was solved for each layer from the fuel meat to the plate surface. The thermal resistances and thus equations that describe the temperature profile in each layer were obtained as shown in Equation 6.14, where the variables and subscripts are as follows: f fuel z zirconium foil c clad 6 thickness k thermal conductivity (W/mK) heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) q" heat flux (W/m 2 ) h, TCo clad outer (plate surface) temperature (K) TCL fuel centerline temperature (K) TCL = 2kp kz To+q + +_(6.14) kc e To model the axial temperature profiles, Equation 6.16 was derived 96 from Equation 6.15, where cPW is the specific heat of water in units of J/kgK, mi is the mass flow rate in kg/s, and subscript i indicates the quantity for node i of 18 axial nodes. The linear heat generation rate in Equation 6.15 was replaced with the total heat generation for each node, as shown in Equation 6.16 because the calculation steps through each node, from 1 to 18. dT. mm cpW = q'(z) dz T(z) = Ti, + q'z m cpW (6.15) Ti=Ti-1 +AT Ti = Ti- + . M cPW (6.16) Using this model for 2D steady-state temperature distribution along a channel, 19B25 BOL results from RELAP5 MOD3.3 were verified. Figure 6-1 shows the temperature profiles for each type of channel produced with the semi-analytical model. Table 6.1 lists mass flows, heat transfer coefficients and temperatures for the mathematical model compared to RELAP, and their relative errors. All relative errors were less than 7%. The source of the error is likely the coupling in RELAP that wasn't accounted for in the semi-analytical model. For example, in the RELAP input all the hot channels are adjacent to each other so the temperature in one channel may influence the temperature in the next, while all the channels are decoupled in the semi-analytical model. The semi-analytical model verifies that the geometric input for RELAP was correct and that RELAP treats the 1-phase flow heat transfer correctly for steady-state conditions. 97 100 100 1302 1402 90 90 T = 87.9 C-82. 7 6. 80 T- 80 - T s= 81.6 "'*. 70 0 7.8 60 I- 00 Tb 40' 0 _ 5 10 -- 40 15 100 0 1312 Tf =76.8 Tf 70 S60 60 -_ 0 10 5 = 84.6 50 40 ____ 15 ..... .. . ...... . . .. . ....... Ts= 78.8 Tb = 61.4 Tb=56. 0 5 10 1322 1422 90 T T= 80 Tf = 15 100 90, i 15 80 70 10 0 ,69.8 10 1412 50 . 5 90 80 40 62.7 100 90 v = 50 80.3 73.6 701 70' 76.3 - = E, 60 60 50 40. 0 5 10 40 15 100, 90 0 15 10 5 1001332 1432 90 801 Tf = 84.5 80- Tf= 73.9 S70' 70 = T=7. 0. v 60 t50' 60 Tb 40' 0 10 5 = Tb = 60.3 50 50 55.1 40- 15 0 100 10 5 15 100 1342 901 a Tb =60.1 50, Tb =55.1 90' l442 ----- 87.6 80 80 T = 70.8 70 9 T= 67.5 - wati 60 50! 40 0 TOWa 82. 70' 60T TI Tmax c- 50, Tb = Tb = 53.2 50.2 40 0 5 10 15 Axial Node (1 = bottom, 18 = top) 5 Axial Node (1 = 10 bottom, 18 = 15 top) Figure 6-1: Bulk, wall, clad and fuel temperature profiles in each type of channel. 98 Table 6.1: Comparison of RELAP results with semi-analytical model for 19B25 BOL. Quantity Plate Type Mass flow (kg/s) Ave. inner Ave. 4th-2nd Ave. end Hot inner Hot 4th-2nd Hot end Ave. inner-2nd Ave. end Hot inner-2nd Hot end Ave. inner Ave. 4th Ave. 3rd Ave. 2nd Ave. end Hot inner Hot 4th Heat transfer coeff. (kW/m2 K) Peak wall temp. ( C) Peak clad temp. (0C) Structure Model RELAP Rel. Error (%) 302 312-332 342 402 412-432 442 302-332 342 402-432 442 302 312 322 332 342 402 412 81.7 13.4 10.8 0.28 0.28 0.23 15.6 16.0 15.6 16.0 70.8 71.5 69.8 70.0 67.5 81.6 78.8 78.7 12.9 10.4 0.27 0.27 0.22 15.9 15.8 16.3 16.3 71.4 74.7 69.6 71.8 69.1 80.5 81.7 -3.7 -3.6 -3.4 -2.7 -3.9 -2.6 +1.9 -1.3 +4.5 +1.9 +0.8 +4.5 -0.2 +2.6 +2.4 -1.3 +3.7 Hot 3rd 422 76.3 75.6 -0.9 Hot 2nd Hot end 432 442 302 312 322 79.4 82.2 71.4 72.4 77.8 83.2 72.0 75.5 -2.0 +1.3 70.5 332 70.8 342 402 412 422 432 442 302 312 322 68.4 79.5 77.1 80.4 83.6 76.0 76.8 73.6 73.9 70.8 87.9 84.6 80.3 70.3 72.8 69.9 81.3 82.3 76.2 79.3 84.5 76.7 80.8 73.4 76.1 75.5 86.8 88.2 79.5 84.5 82.6 87.6 93.1 Ave. inner Ave. 4th Ave. 3rd Ave. 2nd Ave. end Hot inner Hot 4th Hot 3rd Peak fuel temp. ( C) Hot 2nd Hot end Ave. inner Ave. 4th Ave. 3rd Ave. 2nd 332 342 402 412 422 432 442 Ave. end Hot inner Hot 4th Hot 3rd Hot 2nd Hot end 99 82.4 +0.8 +4.3 -0.3 +2.8 +2.2 -1.3 +3.5 -1.2 -1.4 +1.1 +0.9 +5.2 -0.3 +3.1 +6.6 -1.3 +4.3 -1.0 -2.2 +6.3 100 Chapter 7 Burnup Effect on Fuel Temperature There are two potential mechanisms that affect the peak fuel temperatures analyzed in Chapters 4 and 5. The first is oxide layer buildup on the cladding surface and the second is the changes in the U-1OMo fuel meat. Both can be correlated to fuel burnup (fission density). Because of the complex refueling schemes and core configurations of the MITR-II, bounding analyses were performed to evaluate the effect of oxide layer and fuel thermal conductivity on the peak fuel temperatures. All analyses were performed for BOL, which was shown in Chapter 5 to be the most limiting in a fuel cycle. As fuel is irradiated in the core, oxide forms on the cladding interface with the coolant and the material composition of the fuel changes with burnup. The oxide layer has a lower thermal conductivity than the clad and therefore reduces heat conduction, and the thermal conductivity of the fuel is reduced with neutron fluence. The effect of oxide formation and fuel burnup on fuel and clad temperatures are quantified in the following sections. 101 7.1 Effect of Oxide Layer Over the in-core life of a fuel element an oxide layer forms on all cladding surfaces as a product of corrosion. The formation of the oxide layer is primarily a result of corrosion of the aluminum cladding. The reaction rate of the oxidation process is a function of temperature, heat flux, flow velocity, and chemical (pH) conditions. Previous analyses conservatively recommends that an oxide layer thickness of 2 mils (0.0508 mm) be adopted based on the limit to prevent spallation that could lead to fission product gas release. [24] This oxide layer has a lower thermal conductivity than the aluminum clad and therefore reduces the effective thermal conductivity, raising the peak fuel temperature. The purpose of this semi-analytical sensitivity study was to quantify the effect of oxide on the wall temperatures during steady-state operation of a 19B25 LEU core. Using the semi-analytical model discussed in Chapter 6, an oxide layer was added to each fuel plate. Equation 7.1 shows the expression for the fuel centerline temperature including the oxide thermal resistance term with subscripts "o". The oxide layer was 0.002" (0.0508 mm) thick and had a thermal conductivity of 2.25 W/mK. [11] It was assumed that the oxide layer was so thin that it did not displace clad nor coolant channel flow area. TCL=Teo q if C Z 2krkz c e 6 1 (7.1) o he With the addition of a 0.0508 mm oxide layer to the surface of each fuel plate in the BOL case (using BOL power profiles at 7.0 MW), the steady-state clad and fuel temperatures experienced an average increase of approximately 90, as shown in Table 7.1 and Figure 7-1. The maximum clad and fuel temperatures reached were 96 C and 100 C respectively. These temperatures are well below the fuel blistering 102 temperature of 365*C and the clad softening temperature of 4500, and therefore any oxide build-up on the plate surfaces over the life of the core would not cause the clad and fuel temperatures to exceed the temperature limits. Table 7.1: Peak fuel and clad temperatures before and after the addition of a 0.0508 mm oxide layer. Peak clad temp. ( C) Ave. inner Ave. 4th Ave. 3rd Ave. 2nd Ave. end Hot inner 4th Hot 3rd With Oxide 302 312 322 71.4 79.3 72.4 70.5 80.2 78.1 332 342 70.8 78.3 75.8 91.9 402 412 68.4 82.4 422 79.5 77.1 Hot 2nd 432 80.4 Hot end 442 Ave . inner 302 312 Hot Peak fuel temp. (*C) Without Oxide Ave . 2nd 332 Ave . end 342 Hot inner 402 4th Hot 3rd 412 422 83.6 76.0 76.8 73.6 73.9 70.8 87.9 84.6 80.3 Hot 2nd 432 84.5 Hot end 442 87.6 Ave . 4th Ave . 3rd Hot 322 103 AT 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.5 7.4 9.5 88.3 8.8 85.0 90.3 95.6 83.9 84.8 7.9 9.9 81.2 81.6 78.2 97.5 93.5 88.4 94.5 99.5 12.0 7.9 8.0 7.6 7.7 7.4 9.6 8.9 8.1 10.0 11.9 120 120 1302 100 Tf 5 EHe T j = 97.5 = 83.9 80 80 = 60 70.8 2816 - U 1402 100: 601 Tb = 62.7 Tb = 55.9 40 40 0 5 10 15 0 120 1312 U 100 15 Tj93.5 = 84.8 80 80 T, = 78.8 T=71.5 60 60 =61.4 Tb = 56. 40 40 0 5 10 15 0 120 5 10 15 120 1322 C 10 1412 100 Tj 0 5 120 1422 100 100 80 80 60 60 Tf = 88.4 E E= T,=76.3 Tb = 60.1 40 Tb =55.1 0 5 t 20 10 15 0 1332 U 5 10 15 120 - - 401 1432 1 00 100 80 T Tf = 94.5 80 =783.. ;a a. H~ 60 60 Tb = 60.3 --]015 40 T6=55.1 0 5 10 40 15 120 1 120 1342 1442 U 100 82. - Wa3. -- 5 0 T= 100 Tf= 80 T , 78.2 80 - Tbulk - Tlad 99.5 . = T 75 H 60 60 40, 0 T, 5 10 Axial Node (1 = bottom, = 50.2 Th =53.2; 40 15 0 18 = top) 5 Axial Node (1 10 = 15 bottom, 18 = top) Figure 7-1: Semi-analytical model steady-state 7.0 MW temperature profiles for each type of plate with a 0.0508 mm oxide layer. 104 7.2 Effect of Fuel Thermal Conductivity Recent work on the thermal properties of irradiated mini-plate coupons has shown a significant reduction in U-I0Mo fuel meat thermal conductivity with burnup. The empirical correlation of U-1OMo thermal conductivity as a function of temperature and burnup is provided in Equation 7.2 where # is the fission density in 1021 fissions/cm 3 and T is the temperature in 0C. [11] k = 12.57+0.04T - 0 x (1.322 + 0.00278T) - T2 (2.351 x 10- 5 +4.996 x 10- 6 0) (7.2) Using the empirical correlation, the fresh fuel thermal conductivity is 14.28 W/mK . and that for depleted fuel is 7.01 W/mK with a fission density of 5 x 1021 fissions/cm3 Taking into account an estimated measurement uncertainty of approximately 20%, the fuel meat thermal conductivity is reduced to 5.61 W/mK at worst. [4] This conservative value for the irradiated fuel thermal conductivity was adopted for the bounding analysis of peak fuel temperature. The current HEU fuel has a burnup limit of 1.8 x 1021 fissions/cm 3 , and 5 x 1021 fissions/cm 3 is the proposed burnup limit for the LEU fuel. A burnup this high is the bounding burnup case and therefore equates to the worst thermal conductivity for an MITR LEU core. The analytical solution for plate type fuel (assuming constant thermal conductiv- ity in the fuel meat) is as shown in Equation 7.3, where Tm. is the fuel centerline temperature in Kelvin, Tci is the clad inner temperature in Kelvin, a is the fuel meat half-thickness in meters, q" is the heat flux in (W/m 2 ), and kf is the fuel meat thermal conductivity in W/mK. [27] The temperature differential from the fuel centerline to the clad inner surface is inversely proportional to the fuel thermal conductivity, as can be see in Table 7.2. Created from the empirical thermal conductivity formula in Equation 7.2. Figure 7-2 shows the thermal conductivity of the U-1OMo fuel as a 105 function of temperature for various levels of burnup. For the MOL and EOL cores, the peak fuel temperatures calculated analytically for a fresh fuel nominal thermal con) ductivity of 14.28 W/mK, for depleted (to the burnup limit of 5 x 1021 fissions/cm 3 thermal conductivity of 7.01 W/mK, and a worst-case (to account for 20% uncertainty) thermal conductivity of 5.61 w/mK are given in Table 7.3. (Tmax - Tai) - (7.3) q" The highest theoretical fuel temperature caused by reduced thermal conductivity due to maximum burnup is 90 C, which is well below the fuel blistering temperature of 365 C. 201 Ox1021 Depletion , 2x10=1 3x10' U .... .~ ~. 4x102 1 0 5x10 50 100 150 21 200 Temperature ( C) Figure 7-2: Thermal conductivity of U-1OMo fuel meat as a function of temperature and burnup (0p in fissions/cm 3). [4, 11] 106 Table 7.2: Burnup effect on thermal conductivity of U-10Mo fuel meat. The halfthicknesses for the 100%, 70% and 55% nominal fuel meat thicknesses are 0.32 mm, 0.22 mm and 0.17 mm respectively. Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Fuel half-thickness ALT 100% 70% 55% 14.28 2.8 1.9 1.4 7.01 5.6 3.8 2.9 5.61 7.0 4.8 3.7 Table 7.3: Burnup effect on fuel centerline temperature of U-lOMo fuel meat. For each plate type for both MOL and EOL cores, the peak fuel temperature is provided for unirradiated fuel, fuel irradiated to the burnup limit, and fuel irradiated to the burnup limit with a 20% reduction in thermal conductivity. MOL EOL Peak Fuel Temperature ( C) 14.28 W/mK 7.01 W/mK 5.61 W/mk Plate Type Tci ( C) 302 71.4 74.2 77.0 78.4 312 74.4 77.2 80.0 81.4 322 332 342 69.1 70.9 67.3 71.0 72.8 68.7 72.9 74.7 70.2 73.9 75.7 71.0 402 81.5 84.3 87.1 88.5 412 82.5 85.3 88.1 89.5 422 76.2 78.1 80.0 81.0 432 442 302 312 322 332 342 402 412 422 78.3 74.5 71.5 74.5 69.7 71.5 67.5 78.5 80.8 75.5 79.7 75.9 74.3 77.3 71.6 72.9 68.9 81.3 83.6 77.4 81.2 77.4 77.1 80.1 73.5 74.4 70.4 84.1 86.4 79.3 82.0 78.2 78.5 81.5 74.5 75.2 71.2 85.5 87.8 80.3 432 82.0 83.4 84.9 85.7 442 80.7 82.1 83.6 84.4 107 108 Chapter 8 Summary and Conclusions HEU fuel for use in research and test reactors is being phased out globally in ac- cordance with the goals of the GTRI program. When the Megatons to Megawatts program ended in 2013, approximately 20,000 HEU Russian warheads had been dismantled and used to fuel research and test reactors world-wide. The supply of avail- able HEU is diminishing and to improve global special nuclear material security, all research and test reactors must convert to LEU. The MITR-II currently uses HEU fuel and its neutronic performance would be stifled, due to parasitic neutron absorption by 238 U, without conversion to a high- density (17 g/cm 3 , non-dispersion) metallic U-10Mo LEU fuel, and without a power uprate. In order to reduce end-plate power peaking in the fuel to make power uprate thermal-hydraulically feasible, a fuel redesign was found to be necessary. The first study was to quantify the effect of changing finned fuel to unfinned. Removal of the fins was desirable because not only does it simplify the manufacturing process, it also permits thinner fuel clad, therefore making more room for more fuel plates per element, thus reducing the power density per plate. The reference case was an 18-plate LEU fuel with fins which was compared to an identical case without fins using RELAP5 MOD3.3. The ONB-limiting power level of the unfinned fuel reduced to approximately half that of the finned fuel, and the wall 109 temperature exceeded the saturation temperature in the hot channel in both cases at the proposed uprate power level of 7.0 MW. While the fins did assist in cooling, the effect of removing the fins can be compensated for by reducing the power density per plate (increasing the number of plates also increases the heat transfer surface area) and increasing the coolant flow rate. Work done at ANL involved neutronic analysis of a design space comprising unfinned fuel with a greater number of plates per element, LEU fuel meat and graded fuel meat thickness. Gradation of the fuel meat thickness allowed for more even power density from plate-to-plate within the fuel element, thus raising the ONB-limiting power level for the core. Of the fuels studied, a 19-plate fuel with 25 mil nominal fuel meat thickness was found to be a promising candidate for the conversion with an increased flow rate to 2200 gpm. The scope of this study was to characterize the thermal-hydraulic performance of this particular fuel design for various burnup levels at nominal steady-state conditions and during a LOF temperature transient. The steady-state analysis was necessary to find the ONB-limiting power level and to identify the wall-to-saturation temperature margins. The transient analysis was necessary to quantify the maximum fuel and clad temperatures reached to be certain that the softening temperature of the clad (450*C) and the blistering temperature of the fuel (365 C) were not exceeded at any point. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: * Upon analysis of BOL, MOL and EOL cores, (where the BOL core had only 22 elements while the MOL and EOL cores had 24) the BOL core was found to be the most limiting. This was expected because with the reduced number of fuel elements in the core, the power density per plate and therefore the temperature gradients across the fuel were higher. 110 The ONB-limiting power level for the BOL core was 11.0 MW, while that for the MOL and EOL cores was 12.5 MW. Even in the most limiting case (BOL) there is more than a 40% margin between the ONB-limiting power level and the proposed uprate power level for nominal operation of 7.0 MW. " In the BOL core, the hot end channel (442) was the most limiting, and the 2nd channel (312) was the hottest of the average channels. With burnup, the most limiting channel became the hot 2nd channel (412) in the MOL core, and on average channels of type 312 were still hotter than the others. In the EOL core, the 4th hot channel (432) was found to be the most limiting and channels of type 312 continued to be hotter on average than other channels. While the hot channel relocated with burnup, channels of type 312 were consistently the hottest in each element (by 3-8 0C), meaning that the fuel meat gradation was successful in reducing end plate power peaking. A semi-analytical 2D heat transfer model was used to verify the BOL results, and the RELAP BOL temperatures were found to agree within a relative error of 8%. " In the most limiting channel in the most limiting core, the highest wall temperature was 83.2 C, with a 22 C margin to the saturation temperature. The maximum wall temperature in the average channels was approximately 70 C with a 35 C margin to the saturation temperature. These steady-state results show that no boiling occurs even in the hottest part of the hottest channel with the highest power density per plate the LEU core would ever see, with still enough temperature margin before ONB to permit an uprate to 7.0 MW. " During a LOF transient initiated due to simultaneous primary pump failure, the fuel experiences a temperature transient as a result of the loss of forced convection and transition to natural convection cooling. There is an initial temperature spike as the coolant flow rate drops faster than the power does, and then a temperature dip and slower rise again as natural circulation is established. The temperatures drop below the steady-state temperatures within 30 seconds of the scram. The peak fuel temperature reached during the scram was 106 C in 111 the hot end plate (1442) of the BOL core, an increase of 13 C from steady-state conditions. This is well below the fuel failure limit (blistering temperature) of 365 C meaning that the fuel meat performs satisfactorily during a LOF accident after steady-state operation at 7.0 MW. The channel wall temperatures during the transient remained below the saturation temperature, even in the BOL core, with a margin of 13 C in the hot channel (442) and approximately 35 C in the average channels, so no boiling occurred even in the most limiting channel of the most limiting core upon LOF. * To further stress-test the LEU fuel, an analytical study was done to quantify the effect of clad surface oxide buildup on clad and fuel temperatures. With an oxide layer of 2 mil (0.0508 mm), the maximum temperature rise was 12 C to reach a maximum fuel centerline temperature of 100 C, still well below the fuel blistering temperature. * The effect of burnup and temperature on fuel meat thermal conductivity was also quantified. With fuel irradiated to the proposed burnup limit of 5 x 1021 fissions/cm 3 and a further 20% reduction in thermal conductivity to account for the thermal conductivity empirical measurement uncertainty, the maximum fuel temperature was 90 C, again well below the fuel blistering temperature of 365 C. Overall the 19-plate graded fuel with 25 mil nominal fuel meat thickness is a promising candidate for the MITR conversion to LEU fuel. The fuel provides sufficient margin to ONB during steady-state operation to safely permit a power uprate to 7.0 MW. During a LOF, not only is there a significant temperature margin to the clad softening and fuel blistering temperatures in the hottest plate, the wall temperature does not exceed the saturation temperature at any point in the hottest channel, meaning that no boiling is expected to occur. 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