Specification 274c Amendment 1 February 2001 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE SPECIFICATION FOR PUMP, LIGHTWEIGHT, PORTABLE Page 3 3.2.1. Engine. Add the following sentence: The fuel system, to include all components beginning at the fuel tank to and including the carburetor, shall not leak when a full fuel can is positioned above the pump at a vertical height equal to the length of the fuel line. Page 12 Suction Lift. Replace the first sentence with the following: All pump testing shall be conducted at a 5 foot (1.52 m) +/- 3 inches (76 mm) suction lift. Page 12 100-Hour Endurance Performance Test. Replace the fourth sentence with the following: For example, multiply the square root of 0.85 with each value of the corrected curve ( p2 = [ p1 x (square root of 0.85) ]; f2 = [ f1 x (square root of 0.85)].