The Group Presentation allows students to research a topic and teach the class. Technology facilitating academic learning. Transition !What did you want to be when you graduated from High School? ! What did you do to prepare for that? ! Who helped you? These questions are vital parts of transition for all students. Transition is a coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome oriented process, that promotes school to post-school activities. Definitions of Self Determination Nirje (1972) -- Self Determination is an inherentright --It means there isa choice and that choice deserves respect. Field & Hoffman -- Self Determination isthe abilityto define and achieve goals based on a foundation of knowing and valuing oneself Self Determination Students choose goals based on their interests, skills and limits Evaluate progress and effectiveness of strategies Attain Goal! Develop a plan using their social supports and selfselfdirected behavior Idea: Transition Regulations 1. The Content of the IEP " Beginning at the age 14 " Statement of the transition service needs ! " Focus in the the child’s course of study " Beginning no later than age 16 " Statement of transition services as a separate part of the IEP 2. Transition Services Based on the individual student’s needs taking into account their interests & preferences. Includes: ! Instruction ! Community experiences ! The development of employment and other postpost-school adult living objectives ! And, if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation 3. Transfer of Rights Statement that student has been informed of The rights that transfer to him/her upon their 18th birthday. 4. Parent notification -Indicate its purpose -Indicate that the student will be invited -Identify any other agency that will be invited to send a representative 5. IN IEP MEETING WHERE TRANSITION WILL BE DISCUSSED These must include: -The student -A representative of any other agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services 6. Student Participation -The mandate to involve students in the discussion of their future goals and plans reflects the values of selfselfdetermination, enablement, and shared responsibility -If the student does not attend, take other steps to ensure that the student’s preferences and interest are considered Kim Howey Chris Roecker Justin Ryckaert Becky Folkema