Section 1:Table of Contents Version: 07 Page: 1 of 3 Issue Date: 12 May 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson LABORATORY METHOD MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY – INORGANIC Method No. 06-002 06-003 06-004 06-005 06-006 06-007 06-008 06-009 06-010 06-011 Method Title Determination of pH. Measurement of Turbidity by a Nephelometric Method. Measurement of Conductivity. Determination of Total Suspended Solids. Determination Of Total Dissolved Solids. Determination Of Cyanide by Colorimetry. Determination Of Weak Acid Dissociable Cyanide In Soil, Sediment And Sludge Samples. Determination Of Oil And Grease In Soils, Sediments And Sludges By A Gravimetric Method. Determination Of Ammonia by Distillation and Colorimetry. Determination Of Anions In Water By Ion Chromatography. Current Version 03 02 03 01 01 05 04 01 02 05 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY – METALS Method No. 06-047 06-048 06-050 06-051 06-054 06-057 06-058 06-063 06-075 06-078 06-079 06-083 06-085 06-096 Method Title Acid Digest of Sediments, Sludges and Soils (USEPA 3050). Digest Method for the Determination of Total Metals in Water Samples (USEPA 3030E). Digest method for the Determination of “Total Recoverable Metals” (USEPA 200.2). Digestion of Solid and Liquid Matrix Samples for the Determination of “Total” Antimony, Arsenic and Selenium (APHA 3114). Digest of Sediments, Sludges, Soils and Water Samples for the Determination of Mercury by Continuous Vapour AA. Toxic Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) – (USEPA 1311). Determination of Calcium in Waters by Flames AAS. Determination of Metals by Flame AAS. Determination Of Metals And Trace Elements By Inductively Coupled PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectrometry (USEPA 200.7). Determination Of Trace Elements In Waters And Wastes By Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (USEPA 200.8). Determination of Antimony, Arsenic and Selenium by Hydride AAS. Determination of Mercury by Hydride AAS. Determination of Lead in Blood by GFAAS. Determination of Hexavalent Chromium in Waters by a Colorimetric Method. Current Version 02 01 01 02 03 01 03 04 02 01 03 01 03 02 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY - ORGANIC Method No. 06-130 06-131 06-133 06-134 Method Title The Determination of BTEX Compounds by GC/FID with Purge and Trap Concentration. The Determination of Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX) in Soils, Sediments, Sludges and Waters by a Static Headspace/GC Method. Determination of Volatile Organics in Soils, Sludge and Waters by Static Headspace. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil, Sediment, Sludge and Water Samples). Current Version 03 02 03 02 06-001 Section 1:Table of Contents Version: 07 Page: 2 of 3 Issue Date: 12 May 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson LABORATORY METHOD MANUAL Method No. 06-155 06-167 06-181 06-182 Method Title The Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons by HPLC. The Determination of PAH’s in Soils, Solid Wastes and Groundwater by GC/MS in SIM mode. Operational Qualification of Howling Packett High Performance Liquid Chromatograph. The Determination of Organochlorine and Chlorinated Organophosphorus Pesticides and PCB’s by GC. Current Version 02 03 01 04 MINERALS LABORATORY – SAMPLE PREPARATION Method No. 06-256 06-279 06-289 06-295 06-298 Method Title Dry Samples at 105°C. Sieving samples to a Specified Screen Size. Crushing Samples using Jaw Crusher (nominal 6mm) or Hammermill (nominal 600µm). Splitting Samples using Riffle Splitter. Ring Pulverising samples to nominal 75µm. Current Version 02 01 01 01 01 MINERALS LABORATORY – METALS ANALYSIS Method No. 06-301 06-303 06-309 06-312 06-317 06-329 06-359 06-362 06-368 06-371 06-374 06-379 06-386 06-389 06-392 06-398 06-402 06-413 06-417 06-424 06-427 Method Title Perchloric Acid Digest of Geochemical Samples. Triple Acid Digest for Base Metal Geochemical Mineral Analysis (HNO 3/ HCl/ HClO4). Total Mixed Acid Digest (HNO3/ HCl/ HClO4/HF). Aqua Regia Digest - Ore Grade Analysis. Sodium Peroxide Fusion for the Analysis of Geochemical Samples which include Refractory Minerals. Lithium Metaborate Fusion for Major, Minor and Trace Element Analysis of Oxidised Samples. AAS Analysis of Metals in Geochemical Samples following a Perchloric Acid Digest. AAS analysis of Base Metals in Geochemical Samples following a Triple Acid Digest. AAS analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Total Mixed Acid Digest. AAS analysis of Ore Grade Samples following an Aqua Regia Digest. AAS analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Sodium Peroxide. AAS analysis of Oxidised Samples following a Lithium Metaborate Fusion. ICP-AES Analysis of Metals in Geochemical Samples following a Perchloric Acid Digest. ICP-AES analysis of Base Metals in Geochemical Samples following a Triple Acid Digest. ICP-AES analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Total Mixed Acid Digest. ICP-AES analysis of Ore Grade Samples following an Aqua Regia Digest. ICP-AES analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Sodium Peroxide. ICP-AES analysis of Oxidised Samples following a Lithium Metaborate Fusion. ICP-MS analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Total Mixed Acid Digest. ICP-MS analysis of Ore Grade Samples following an Aqua Regia Digest. ICP-MS analysis of Geochemical Samples following a Sodium Peroxide. Current Version 02 02 03 02 03 01 02 03 01 02 01 03 01 02 01 03 02 01 01 02 01 06-001 Section 1:Table of Contents Version: 07 Page: 3 of 3 Issue Date: 12 May 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson LABORATORY METHOD MANUAL MINERALS LABORATORY – FIRE ASSAY ANALYSIS Method No. 06-543 06-552 06-563 06-567 Method Title Determination of Gold by Fire Assay Gravimetric Analysis. Determination of Gold in Geochemical Samples by Fire Assay and Flame AAS. Determination of Gold, Platinum and Palladium by Fire Assay and ICP-MS. Determination of Gold, Platinum and Palladium by Fire Assay and Graphite Furnace AAS. Current Version 03 04 02 01 06-001