Design of a Transoceanic Cable Protection System Isaac Geisler, Dane Underwood, Kumar Karra, Felipe Cardenas System Engineering & Operations Research, George Mason University CONTEXT Underwater cables’ main purpose is to transmit valuable financial data and government communications. Transoceanic Bandwidth Projected Growth 20072020 faults, increase the rate of detection, and improve the mean notification time of damaged cables. 500 400 300 100 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Transatlantic Pan-East Asian North America - South America 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Transpacific South Asia & Middle East Intercontinental Austrailia & New Zealand Intercontinental Time 7 6 5 4 3 Current Desired 2 1 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 Year Underwater Surveillance and Threat Detections PLATFORM DESIGN ALTERNATIVES SONAR DESIGN ALTERNATIVES ACTIVE: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Raytheon AQ/ANS-20A Minehunting Sonar Kongsberg REMUS 6000 AUV Kongsberg HUGIN AUV Klein System AUV 5000 V2 Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) ASI Falcon ROV Oceaneering NEXXUS ROV Oceaneering Millenium Plus ROV PASSIVE: Node Network 2020 70% of faults occur in water of less than 200m deep. Sources of 2,162 Faults, 1959-2006 Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) 300m signal range; 3cm resolution; 6,000m depth rating Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) High-resolution images; 300m signal range Side-scan and Multibeam Lower resolution but greater coverage area Hydrophone 16km listening range; Uses localization techniques; 3,500m depth rating Each fault costs millions of dollars in lost bandwidth revenue and repair costs. 1200 1000 Current Desired Approximately 150 faults reported per year. Over 20% are unknown causes. When the cause is known, identifying a responsible party is difficult. 200 0 Cable Damages Activated Capacity in Tbps $11.8 billion investment in new cables from 2008-2014 31 New cable systems worth $4.8 billion will come online by 2017. Marine Traffic Monitoring and Warning Automatic ID System (AIS) Capabilities Required on all ships over 299 tons Tracks location, speed, ID GPS updates every 10-180 seconds Expected Mean Notification Time Expected Cable Damages vs. Time 700 600 ALTERNATIVES & SIMULATION NEED STATEMENT: There is a need to increase surveillance of cables in order to decrease the number of Notification Time (Days) 800 NEED STATEMENT & OPSCON 962 Increasing fears of intentional cable sabotage and espionage. 800 600 No central database or logging of threats/faults exists. 460 400 315 155 200 149 Current cable protection technologies (cable armor and burial) and international organizations and treaties (ICPC, ACMA, and NASCA) are not impactful. 116 0 Fishing Anchoring Component Natural Failure Causes Other Unknown RESULTS Mean per 10 years Fishing 56.65 Anchoring 4.00 Mean per 10 years Mean per Fault Threats 66.65 - Faults 4.11 - Detection probabilities: Based on platform, sonar, other parameters Interaction of UISS Agent and threat type, location and depth Still being implemented Delay, Travel, Repair and Downtime Calculations downtime = notifyDelay + travelTime + repairTime Threat Type Component 0.47 Totals (AS-IS) Downtime (hrs) 1236.63 301 Prevention Natural 4.68 Repair Cost $9,971,023.31 $2,426,960.00 Espionage 0.66 CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE WORK In Progress Complete implementation of agents Calculate detection probabilities of alternatives Account for various movement patterns of AUVs/ROVs Determine costs for alternatives Model additional cable systems Utility Identification Downtime Lifespan Sabotage 0.20 Lost Bandwidth Cost $10,107,639.98 $2,460,212.67 Stakeholder Prevention Identification Downtime Lifespan Private 0.40 0.29 0.23 0.18 Government 0.40 0.23 0.26 0.11 Cost-Utility Analysis 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Utility Lost Bandwidth and Repair Cost Calculations capacity = 2.4 Tbps 10 Gbps rental rate = bandUnitCost = $25,000 (est) shipCost = $12,000 per hour (est) bandwidthCost = downtime * bandUnitCost * capacity repairCost = (travelTime + repairTime) * shipCost FA-1 Cable COST-UTILITY ANALYSIS 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Cost (in millions) 30 35 40 45 50 To be Implemented Add dimensions to cable model to account for vertical and lateral movement Add movement of appropriate threats