Transfer program to the University of Northern Iowa in Secondary Education
Secondary education majors select a major in the academic discipline of their choice.
Students should request information on the course requirements of their major at an early
date. Refer to the UNI-KCC Equivalency sheet to determine if KCC coursework is
Secondary education majors must complete professional sequence courses to include:
UNI Requirements
KCC Equivalents
200:017 Field Experience Exploring Teaching
EDU-810 Field Experience
200:030 Dynamics of Human Development
PSY-121 Developmental Psychology
200:148 Learning and Instruction in
Classroom Contexts
EDU-240 Educational Psychology
220:150 Meeting the Needs for Diverse
Learners in Classrooms
EDU-129 Inclusion & Adaptation
OR EDU-248 Exceptional
1) The Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) is required for admission to teacher
education at UNI. KCC students may take this test prior to transfer on any of the
national testing dates. It is recommended to be taken during the sophomore year.
If not taken prior to transfer it should be taken during the first semester at UNI.
2) Formal application for admission to teacher education must be made with the
College of Education. Completion of at least 24 semester hours of credit with a
cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 is required. Application is
initiated with enrollment in Level I or upon the first semester of attendance at
UNI for a transfer student.
EDU212 Foundations of Education should NOT be taken by UNI
You can meet the UNI Non-Western Cultures requirement by taking one
of Kirkwood’s approved Understanding Culture’s courses.
Completion of two years of the same foreign language in high school or
one year in college is required for graduation from UNI. A grade of Cmust be earned in the second year or semester.