Discovery Institute, WA 08-23-07

Discovery Institute, WA
New Ben Stein Flick, Expelled, Blows the Whistle on the Darwinist Inquisition
Expelled is a disturbing new documentary that will shock anyone who thinks all
scientists are free to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.
Two years ago when we hosted an event at the National Press Club to raise the
alarm about the persecution of pro-ID scientists and educators, I was quoted as
“There is a disturbing trend of scientists, teachers, and students coming under
attack for expressing support in the theory of intelligent design, or even just
questioning evolution. The freedom of scientists, teachers, and students to
question Darwin's theory, or to express alternative scientific hypothesis is coming
under increasing attack by people that can only be called Darwinian
Well, it is nearly two years later and it’s sad to say, but the Darwinist inquisition is
spreading. Things have gotten worse, not better. Academic freedom is under
intense attack by Darwinists across the country.
Finally someone is fighting back, and that someone is Ben Stein. Stein is
perfectly situated to weigh in on this issue, as he is an actor, a pop-culture icon,
and at the same time a serious economist who has worked in academia and the
Today the website was launched for Stein’s next film, Expelled: No Intelligence
Allowed, due out in theaters nationwide next February.
Darwinists at George Mason University, Ohio State, Baylor, SMU, University of
Idaho, the Smithsonian Institution and a number of other universities and
research centers have been hunting down and trying to disgrace and intimidate
scientists and educators for daring to defy the Darwinian orthodoxy. Most
recently we saw the witch hunt return to Iowa State University and focus on
astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.