Chicago Tribune 07-09-06 Special Olympics ends with quarantine

Chicago Tribune
Special Olympics ends with quarantine
Associated Press
DES MOINES -- At least 30 people at the Special Olympics USA National
Games in Ames were treated Friday for vomiting, nausea and diarrhea as health
officials investigate the cause and warn other states of the situation.
The Special Olympics held its closing ceremonies Friday night, and officials are
concerned that people heading home this weekend will bring the sickness with
them. More than 30,000 people from across the country attended the six-day
event in central Iowa.
Mary Mincer Hansen, the director for the Iowa Department of Public Health, said
state health officials have contacted health departments in other states and are
still unsure why coaches, fans and athletes are feeling sick. At least 10 people
have been hospitalized, and others are being held in a recreation center at Iowa
State University as a precaution, Hansen said.
A sign outside the building Friday afternoon said the facility was closed due to a
"medical quarantine."
Health officials would not comment on how long the quarantine would last or how
many people were being held in the building.
The American Red Cross had set up 140 cots in the center and was told to
expect 150 to 300 people, Red Cross spokesman Doug Yetman told the Ames
The Health Department has questioned those affected and has called in food
inspectors to investigate possible causes. Tests have been taken on the stricken,
and results are expected Saturday, Hansen said.
The first sicknesses occurred Tuesday, but the cases expanded Friday and the
Health Department was contacted about noon, Hansen said.
Special Olympics officials would not comment.