2015-16 Verification of Veteran Status and Benefits

2015‐16 VETB 2015-16 Verification of Veteran Status and Benefits
University of Wisconsin-Stout Financial Aid Office
Please complete and return this form to: UW‐Stout Financial Aid Office 210 Bowman Hall, 802 S Broadway St Menomonie, WI 54751 Phone: 715‐232‐1363 / Fax: 715‐232‐5246 Student Name: ________________________________________________ Stout ID Number: __________________________ Federal law requires that the Financial Aid Office verify VA education benefits. It is possible that you may be receiving or anticipate receiving VA Educational Benefits and/or tuition reimbursement for the 2015‐16 academic year. Please check all the benefits you believe you will be receiving, even if not yet confirmed: _____ Chapter 1606 (Reserves/National Guard) _____ Chapter 1607 (Active Duty Reserves/National Guard) _____ Chapter 33 (Post‐9/11 GI Bill®) _____ Chapter 31 (Voc Rehab) _____ Chapter 32 (Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program) _____ Chapter 35 Benefits (Dependents Educational Assistance Program) _____ Veterans Tuition Assistance Grant _____ WI National Guard Reimbursement _____ VetEd Reimbursement _____ Chapter 30 (Active Duty GI Bill®) _____ WI GI Bill® Tuition Remission _____ Supplemental Payment _____ ROTC  Scholarship  Monthly Stipend  Room/Board  Books _____ Other __________________________________________________________________ _____ I will not be receiving any Veterans’ Educational Benefits for the 2015‐16 academic year. You MUST enclose a copy of your DD‐214 discharge papers, copy #4. As a reminder, you must complete all necessary paperwork with the UW‐Stout Veteran Services Office located at 109 Bowman Hall (715.232.1659) in order to receive any VA Educational Benefits. Once we receive this completed form, your financial aid file will be reviewed and an award letter will be generated upon completion of the review. ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Student Signature Date GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education 2015‐16 benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill Feb 2015 