Volume 2, Issue 20 February 6, 2013 Upcoming Events February 14—Valentine’s Day March 2-10—Spring Break April 20—Walking Wounded Event (more info to come later) May 4—Graduation! May 11 State SVO Conference held at Ball State (more info to come later) Mission Possible: Ball State’s Student Veteran Newsletter Ball State University Politics and Veterans By: Emilee Wolfley “in state residency” to Recently, it has come to qualify a veteran to pay inmy attention that there are state tuition if he or she is two important bills going from out of state. through the Indiana Senate Secondly, Senate Bill 0115 that affect veterans and would require all state their educational benefits. educational institutions to The first bill is Senate Bill have several resources 0177 and it deals with available to its veterans giving in state tuition rates such as a centralized to veterans within 12 location for admissions, months of their separation registration, and financial from active duty or the aid. It would also require a military. To be eligible for counselor who could deal in state tuition, the veteran with PTSD or any other must simply have proof of emotional issues specific to residency in Indiana, an veterans as well as Indiana driver’s license, academic advisors and registered to vote in Indispecialized fitness facilities ana, or simply obtained for disabled veterans. employment in Indiana. These are all things that Any one of these things our office and student will count towards proving Veterans on campus have tried for many years to acquire, so this bill would make it mandatory for Ball State and other state institutions if it were passed. If you are looking for ways to help put these bills through, try contacting the senators who sponsor the bill, which can be found at this website for SB 115: http:// openstates.org/in/ bills/2013/SB115/ or this website for SB 177: http:// openstates.org/in/ bills/2013/SB177/. Using your voice and becoming a more politically active is a right of all American citizens. So if you like where these bills are headed, tell everyone about it and make it happen!