Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 1 of 6 PageID #: 265 EXHIBIT 1 Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 2 of 6 PageID #: 266 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF RHODE ISLAND ***************************** KAREN DAVIDSON, * DEBBIE FLITMAN, * EUGENE PERRY, * SYLVIA WEBER, and * AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES * UNION OF RHODE ISLAND * * vs . * * * * C.A. NO.: l : 14-cv-00091-L-LDA CITY OF CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND * ***************************** DEPOSITION OF KAREN LEWIS DAVIDSON, a Plaintiff in the above-entitled cause, taken on behalf of the Defendants, pursuant to notice, before Sally Brassard, CSR, a Notary Public in and for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, at the Law Offices of Partridge Snow & Hahn, LLP, 40 Westminster Street, Suite 1100, Providence, Rhode Island, on January 29, 2015, scheduled at 12 : 30 p.m. Allied Court Reporters, Inc. (401)946-5500 115 Phenix Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 3 of 6 PageID #: 267 Karen Lewis Davidson - January 29, 2015 5 A. 1 2 Q. 4 And what was that for? A. 3 Q. 1982. A car accident . Have you ever been deposed in a civil rights 5 action? 6 A. 7 Q. ~. Other than a car accident, have you brought any 8 other claims -- brought any other suits? 9 A. 10 Q. 12 On behalf of yourself? A. 11 Q. I'm a lawyer, yes. ~ . If you ever need a break during this just let me 13 know, and we'll be happy to oblige . 14 ask that if a question has been presented that you 15 finish answering the question, then, we'll take a 16 break. 17 A. 18 Q. 19 20 21 22 I understand. What is your date of birth? / A. Q. And where do you live? A. Q. Edgewood. And is Edgewood a neighborhood within a larger 23 city? 24 A. 25 Q. I would just It's the part of Cranston that's on the water. Okay. And do you know what city ward you live in? Allied Court Reporters, Inc . (401)946-5500 115 Phenix Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 4 of 6 PageID #: 268 Karen Lewis Davidson - January 29, 2015 6 A. 1 2 Q. 4 What ward is that? A. 3 Q. Yes. First. Are you taking any medications today that would 5 impair your ability to answer the questions 6 truthfully? 7 A. 8 Q. 10 A. Q. 12 13 Do you have any reason why you couldn't respond to the questions truthfully today? 9 11 No. In Cranston, do you live with anyone? A. Q. No. No. And you mentioned that you are a lawyer. 14 still practicing? 15 A. 16 Q. 17 18 20 Q. Myself. What kind of law do you practice? A. 19 am. Who do you practice with? A. Q. I The right kind. Good answer. 21 A. 22 do some family court work. 23 work. 24 25 Q. Are you I do work for the ACLU. I do litigation. I It's mostly pro bone I do wills and trusts and estates. So, do you have -- when you say you work for yourself, do you have your own office? Allied Court Reporters, Inc. (401)946-5500 115 Phenix Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 5 of 6 PageID #: 269 Karen Lewis Davidson - January 29, 2015 13 1 Q. How about fire and rescue? Would they have an 2 interest in whether or not fire and rescue are 3 able to reach them at your house? 4 A. 5 think about. 6 Q. I don't think that it's something they would If fire and rescue weren't able to get to your 7 house in case of an emergency, you don't think 8 friends and family that you're entertaining would 9 care about that? A. 10 11 Q. I don't know. Do you think they have any interest in being 12 protected by Cranston services at all? 13 A. 14 about. 15 Q. I don't think it's something that they think How about you? Do you have an interest in making 16 sure Cranston services are there for your guests 17 when they're at your house? 18 A. 19 Q. 21 Q. Q. 24 25 I Okay. A. Q, Almost every time. Did you vote in the last election? A. 22 23 Do you vote? A. 20 Of course. I did. Do you vote in primaries as well as -do . as well as generals? Allied Court Reporters, Inc. (401) 946-5500 115 Phenix Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 Case 1:14-cv-00091-L-LDA Document 24-1 Filed 08/06/15 Page 6 of 6 PageID #: 270 Karen Lewis Davidson - January 29, 2015 14 A. 1 2 Q. I do. Okay. You said you vote in almost every one. 3 you remember a time when you may not have? 4 A. 5 ballots. 6 election. 7 Q. Three times I voted from abroad with absentee I try to vote in every single major Do you have any children in the schools, in the 8 Cranston schools? 9 A. 10 Q. ~. Have you ever reached out to your school committee 11 members regarding school committee business? 12 A. 13 some time ago . 14 together sometimes . 15 Q. I talked with my prior school committee member A. 17 her name. Q. She's a dog -- we walk our dogs What's her name? 16 18 Her dog's name is Pepper, and I am blanking on She lives on the street next to me. That's fine. When i t comes to you, if i t comes to 19 you, if you wouldn't mind just letting me know. 20 A. 21 Q. Do Okay. That would be great. Now, you mentioned -- and I 22 am not trying to mischaracterize or put words in 23 your mouth, but you said you talked to her when 24 you were walking your dog. 25 to her specifically about school committee Have you ever spoken Allied Court Reporters, Inc. (401)946 - 5500 115 Phenix Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920