C A A s s i s t... Network Directory Appendix D

FM 41-10
Appendix D
CA Assistance
Network Directory
CA personnel knowledgeable in the functions and responsibilities
of other agencies and organizations can conserve military
resources. A network of related organizations can satisfy requirements through coordination and sharing responsibilities. CMO will
not duplicate the efforts of these agencies and organizations, CA
personnel may use this list to establish a network of nonmilitary
organizations for specific missions, tasks, or regions.
DOS Operations Center. POC — Telephone (202)
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Responds
to foreign assistance requests from an ambassador.
POC-Telephone (202) 647-5916.
Office of Citizens Services. POC — Telephone (202)
U.S. Agency for International Development.
Established in 1961 to coordinate U.S. foreign
assistance efforts. USAID provides foreign economic
assistance in the form of loans and grants to improve
the quality of life in less developed countries through
programs in agriculture, rural development, nutrition,
family planning, health, education and human
resources, energy, and science and technology. The
POC is—
U.S. Agency for International Development
Bureau for External Affairs
Office of Public Inquiries, Room 4889
Washington, D.C. 20523
Telephone (202) 647-1850
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
Building 1607
Fort Detrick, MD 21701-5004
DSN 343-7603
Defense Pest Management Information Analysis Center
AFPMB, Forest Glen Section
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
Telephone (301) 427-5365/5366
FM 41-10
Denton Amendment Application
The Agency for International Development
Bureau for Food for Peace and Voluntary Assistance
Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation (FVA/PVC)
515 22d St, NW
Room 102,SA-2
Washington, D.C. 20523
Telephone (202) 663-2643
Department of Defense - Excess Property Program
Office of Humanitarian Assistance
Room 4B868
Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-2400
Telephone (202) 695-3159
U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental
Medicine conducts research to, among other things,
develop better fitness, reduce stress, set body fat
standards, and test altitude and environmental reactions
for the U.S. Army. The POC is—
U.S. Army Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine
Natick, MA 01760-5007
DSN 256-5127
USIA is an independent organization responsible for
the USG’s overseas information, educational exchange,
and cultural programs. USIA is designated USIS in
foreign countries and is responsible to the DOS. The
POCs for USIA are—
USIA Advisor
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307-5000
DSN 239-7500, Commercial (919) 432-7500
Office of Public Liaison
United States Information Agency
301 4th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20547
FEMA serves as the USG’s POC for emergency
management activities. It protects the civilian
population from disaster, both natural and man-made.
The POCs are—
Emergency Information and Coordination Center
Telephone (202) 646-2400
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Center Plaza
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472
The American Red Cross provides health education
programs, disaster assistance, health care services,
volunteer service programs, blood service program,
emergency financial assistance, and other services.
Each chapter is individually established. There is no
central emergency number. Call area directory
assistance for numbers for local chapters. The National
Headquarters address is—
American Red Cross National Headquarter
17th and D Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
UN High Commissioner For Refugees is responsible
for ensuring immediate needs of refugees are
appropriately and effectively met. UNHCR is
responsible for coordinating response of the UN system
to a refugee emergency. It also helps determine
appropriate standards of assistance and monitor the
FM 41-10
effectiveness of the response. The UNHCR Handbook
for Emergencies provides guidelines for setting up
emergency refugee operations. The POCs are—
Room S-931, United Nations
New York, New York 10017
UNHCR Public Information Service
P. O. BOX 2500
1211 Geneva 2 Depot
World Health Organization is dedicated to promoting
physical and mental health, assisting in immunization
programs against infectious diseases, and promoting
research and training programs. The primary aim of
WHO is to reduce the death rate and the population
explosion. The POCs are—
WHO Regional Office for the Americas
525 23rd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-2897
Telephone (202) 861-3200
World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27
Food and Agriculture Organization is committed to
increasing productivity in farming, forestry, and
fishing; raising nutritional levels, especially for
children and working mothers; improving food
distribution systems; and providing better seeds,
pesticides, and fertilizers. The POCs are—
FAO Liaison Office for North America
1001 22d Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20437
Telephone (202) 653-2402
FAO Liaison Office with UN
Room DC1-1125
One United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017
Telephone (212) 963-6036
Un Children’s Fund works for child survival and
development in 128 countries worldwide. UNICEF is a
network of regional and country offices serving the
developing world to meet needs of children. Advocacy
and action focus on the world’s high levels of infant
and young child disease and death. The POC is—
UNICEF House 3
UN Plaza
New York, New York 10017
American Council for Voluntary International Action
(Interaction) is a membership association of U.S.
private volunteer organizations engaged in
international humanitarian efforts including relief,
development, refugee assistance, public policy, and
global education. The POCs areInteraction
200 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10003
Telephone (212) 777-8210; FAX (212) 995-2942
1815 H Street, N.W., llth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone (202) 822-8429; FAX (202) 659-2661
American Friends Service Committee was founded by
and is related to the Religious Society of Friends
(Quakers) but supported and staffed by individuals
sharing basic values regardless of religious affiliation.
It attempts to relieve human suffering and to find new
approaches to world peace and social justice through
nonviolence. Work in 22 countries includes
development and refugee relief, peace education, and
community organization. The POC is1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Telephone (215) 241-7150/7141
Americares Foundation is a private relief organization
dedicated to saving lives and fulfilling emergency
medical needs worldwide. It sponsors airlifts and sea
FM 41-10
shipments of food and vital medicines and medical
supplies to provide immediate relief whenever and
wherever needed. The POC is—
161 Cherry Street
New Canaan, CT 06840
Telephone (203) 966-5195
Baptist World Alliance is a federation of national
Baptist bodies representing more than 33 million
members in 143 countries, The Alliance conducts relief
work, including gifts to distressed peoples and
assistance in the rehabilitation of refugees from
political and other oppressions. The POC is6733 Curran Street
McLean, Virginia 22101-06005
Telephone (703) 790-8980
CARE is an international aid and development
organization for food, self-help, disaster aid, and health
care training overseas. The USG provides
Food-for-Peace agricultural commodities and financial
grants for emergency relief and development
programming. Host governments share internal
operating costs and may contribute material support
and personnel. CARE stresses shared cost, self-help
partnership programs with host governments. The POC
is660 First Avenue
New York, New York
Telephone (212) 686-3110
Catholic Relief Services (U.S. Catholic Conference) is
a nonpolitical, nonevangelical, official overseas relief
and self-help development agency of the American
Catholic community. It carries on programs of disaster
response, refugee relief fund rehabilitation, social
welfare services, and socio-economic development in
over 70 countries. It distributes food, clothing, and
medicines. It stimulates and supports indigenous
agencies engaged in welfare and development. The
POC is209 W. Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Telephone (301) 625-2220
International Rescue Committee provides emergency
relief; public health, medical and educational services
to refugees and displaced persons abroad, and
resettlement services for refugees in the United States.
The POC is386 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10016
Telephone (212) 679-0010
Mennonite Central Committee is an official relief and
service agency of North American Mennonite and
Brethren in Christ churches. It administers and
participates in programs of agricultural and economic
development, education, medicine, self-help, relief,
peace, and disaster service. The POC is—
21 South 12th Street
Akron, PA 17501
Telephone (717) 859-1151
Refugees International provides educational
information, coordination, and media help to further
the understanding of and assistance to refugees around
the world through voluntary action. It seeks alternative
means of handling refugee relocation and permanent
resettlement. It seeks voluntary support in the private
sector. Refugees International provides sponsorship of
refugee families and letters urging governmental help,
medical services, and relief for refugees around the
world. The POC is220 I Street, N. E., Suite 240
Washington, D.C. 20002
Telephone (202) 547-3785
World Vision, Inc., provides effective response to the
consequences of short- and long-term natural disaster
or civil conflict. It provides buildings, equipment,
personnel, and literature for schools, hospitals, and
clinics to achieve successful long-tern transformation
of human lives. The POC is—
919 W. Huntington Drive
Monrovia, CA 91016
Telephone (818) 357-7979