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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Available online at Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 222–224 Electric field-directed assembly of gold and platinum nanowires from an electrolysis process Yanqing Lu, Hai-Feng Ji * Institute for Micromanufacturing, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272, USA Received 23 October 2007; received in revised form 21 November 2007; accepted 22 November 2007 Available online 3 December 2007 Abstract Gold and platinum nanowires have been grown on a silicon dioxide surface between two microfabricated electrodes from an electrolysis process under an AC signal with a DC offset. In the process, the anode electrode acted as a sacrificing layer and oxidized to metal ions. The metal ions were reduced to particles and aligned along the electric field forming nanowires connected with the cathode. Greater than 10 V and 12 V DC offset were required for growing gold and platinum nanowires, respectively. Other factors affecting the growth of the nanowires include frequency of applied bias and gap between the electrodes. Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nanowires; Electrolysis process; Electrode; Electric field assisted assembly 1. Introduction Metallic nanowires are one-dimensional, conductive nanostructures. They are expected to play an important role as interconnections and functional units in electronic and mechanical devices with nanoscale dimensions. In general, patterned metallic nanowires on surfaces are prepared from three approaches. The traditional lithography approach includes UV lithography, e-beam [1,2], focusedion-beam [3], proximal probe writing [4,5], and deep ultraviolet [6,7] etc.; the second approach is the alignment of metallic nanowires prepared from template-assisted process [8–11]; self-assembly is the third approach, which has been generally explored as a bottom-up approach for generating complex nanostructures. Nanowires have been assembled from a colloidal system of metallic nanoparticles suspended in water [12] or ionic solutions of the targeted metals [13]. In this paper, we report another direct, self-assembled approach to grow nanowire on a surface using an electrol* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 318 257 5125; fax: +1 318 257 5104. E-mail address: (H.-F. Ji). 1388-2481/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2007.11.030 ysis process. Gold and platinum nanowires were produced between two microfabricated electrodes. 2. Experimental In our design, two 150-nm-thick gold electrodes were fabricated using standard UV lithography and lift-off techniques. Electrodes with different gap at 5 lm, 10 lm, 20 lm, 40 lm, and 120 lm were tested. Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of the electrodes used in this work. Two pads on both ends of the electrodes were designed for wiring. The scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) analysis were done using a Hitachi FESEM S4800. The voltage applied on the two electrodes was provided by a function generator (FG2, Beckman Industrial Corp. Fullerton, CA). 3. Results and discussion In these experiments, the two electrodes were immersed into ethanol. By applying a sinusoidal signal to the electrodes and adjusting the amplitude and the frequency of the function generator, nanowires were generated between Author's personal copy Y. Lu, H.-F. Ji / Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 222–224 223 Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the gold electrodes. The electrodes were made on a Si wafer covered by a 300-nm-thick SiO2. the two electrodes within 2–3 min (Fig. 2). Typically, when the electrical signal was applied, the cathode remained intact while the anode was gradually oxidized and irregularly etched away from the cathode. During the process, nanowires formed between the two electrodes. The nanowires were distributed along the cathode (Fig. 2a) with 10–40 lm distance between two neighboring nanowires. The diameters of the nanowires were from 200 nm to 3 lm (Fig. 2a and b). Growth of the nanowires was directed by the electric field and was nearly perpendicular to the cathode edge, but spread to dendrites near the irregular anode (Fig. 2). The gold composition of the nanowires was confirmed by EDS analysis (Fig. 3). It is noteworthy that the Si and O elements in Fig. 3 were from the SiO2 background (the teal areas in Fig. 2a). The growth of the gold nanowires was affected by gaps between the two electrodes, frequency of the AC signal, and voltage of the applied DC offset. 3.1. Effects of gaps between the two electrodes Shorter gaps between the two electrodes facilitated the growth of the nanowires. Nanowires appeared in approximately 2 min at the 5 lm gap and 4 min at the 10 lm gaps. However, no nanowires were observed between two electrodes when the gap was greater than 20 lm. The 5 lm gap was then used in the following experiments. Fig. 3. EDS analysis of the components of the gold nanowires and the adjacent SiO2 surface. 3.2. Effects of frequency of the AC signal When only DC current was applied, gold particles were uniformly deposited onto the cathode to form a uniform film. The nanowires would grow between the electrodes only when both AC and DC were applied. The growth of nanowires was dependent on the DC voltage, but independent of the AC frequency. The AC frequency from 1 Hz to 1 MHz did not cause any significant differences in nanowire formation. 3.3. Effects of applied DC voltage When the applied DC offset was lower than 1.5 V, no reaction was observed and no nanowires appeared between the electrodes. This can be readily explained since the reduction potentials of Au3+/Au is 1.53 V. When the applied DC offsets were between 1.5 V and 10 V, the anode was oxidized and gold particles were uniformly deposited on the cathode, however no nanowires formed. The anode oxidation/cathode reduction is a well known electrolysis process [14]. During the oxidation–reduction process, the Fig. 2. (a) Optical; (b) SEM images of the gold nanowires grown from a electrolysis process under an AC signal of 7 Vrms and 1 MHz with a DC offset of 10 V. The original gap between the two gold electrodes was 5 lm. Author's personal copy 224 Y. Lu, H.-F. Ji / Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 222–224 Fig. 4. SEM images of the platinum nanowires grown from the electrolysis process under an AC signal of 9 Vrms and 10 Hz with a DC offset of 13 V. platinum nanowires. Instead of relatively clean surface on the gold cathode (Fig. 2), platinum particles were widely observed on the platinum cathode after the oxidation– reduction process (Fig. 4). In summary, we demonstrated the formation of gold and platinum nanowires on silicon dioxide surfaces during an electrolysis process. The phenomena might be used to grow nanowires directly from metal ions. We are currently investigating quantitative explanations and the feasibility and conditions to growing nanowires directly from the gold and platinum metal ions in solutions. Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by NSF Sensor and Sensor Network ECS-0428263. Fig. 5. EDS component analysis of the Pt nanowires. References + 3+ gold on the anode was firstly oxidized to Au and Au , and these ions were then reduced to gold particles on the cathode. When the DC offset is greater than 10 V, nanowires appeared on the silicon surface in less than 1 min after the bias was applied, indicating that stronger electric field is required to direct the growth of nanowires. In general, it takes relatively shorter time to form the nanowires when higher DC offset is applied. However, no quantitatively work has been done in this work due to the limitation of the Function Generator (up to 13 V only) used in these studies. Under the relatively stronger electric field, the reduction of gold ions to particles was localized on the tip of growing nanowires along the direction of the electric field [15–17]. The different observations under DC offset below and above 10 V could be attributed to competition of reduction rate at nanowire tips and diffusion rate of gold ions under different electric fields. 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