FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH PROPERTY SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES by STEPHEN J. MURPHY Bachelor of Architecture Temple University (1981) Submitted to the Department of Architecture in Partial. Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Masters of Science in Real Estate Development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology July 1987 @Stephen J. Murphy 1987 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author_ /,t-ephen / . Departmefit of Arc urphy ecture July 31,1987 Certified by iviarp- Louargand Visiting Associ e Professor Department of Urban Studie and Planning Thesis Supervisor Accepted by_____ ____________ Michael Wheeler Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH PROPERTY SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES by Stephen J. Murphy Submitted to the Department of Architecture on July 31, 1987 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Masters of Science in Real Estate Development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to identify issues relevant to real estate professionals considering the financing of commercial real estate assets through the public or private sale of mortgage backed securities. Currently, two categories of securitized debt issues have emerged; financings of individual, specified properties, and financings of pools of mortgages, in which the underlying mortgages may or may not be specified. This paper limits its examination to property specific financings. This paper describes the development of the mortgage backed securities and the security markets. It also examines the alternative issuing structures for property specific securities, risk assesment methodologies, and the component costs of capital raised. Two case studies are evaluated to illustrate aspects of current security offerings. Finally, this paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these transactions from the perspective of the borrower of capital. Thesis Supervisor: Marc Louargand Title : Visiting Associate Professor Department of Urban Studies and Planning 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank my thesis advisor, Louargand for while his able providing Harwood and Mr. assistance and guidance preparation of this thesis. Paul Investment Management visiting professor Marc and unflagging patience encouragement I also wish to Stevens of for their Equitable the thank Mr. C.J. Real willingness and providing valuable data and other resources. 3 during Estate candor in TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. ............................. INTRODUCTION.... 5 Purpose Organization and Methodology Summary of Conclusions Limitations and Further Study CHAPTER II. DEVELOPMENT OF MORTGAGE SECURITIES. . ..... 13 Residential Mortgage Securities Commercial Mortgage Securities CHAPTER III. SECURITY MARKETS................... ...... 20 Public Domestic Market Euromarket Private Placements Offering Size CHAPTER IV. ALTERNATIVE STRUCTURES..................... 29 Pass-throughs Mortgage Backed Bonds Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits Senior / Subordinated Structure Stripped Mortgage Structure Interest Rate Swaps CHAPTER V. RISK EVALUATION...........................51 Property Specific Bonds Comparison to Corporate Bonds CHAPTER VI. THE COSTS OF CAPITAL......................59 Cost of Securitized Offerings Comparison to Bullet Loans Opportunity Costs CHAPTER VII. CASE STUDIES................... ......... 72 Lincoln Property Associates Bank of Boston CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUSION................................ BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................... 82 e85 4 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this paper real estate is to identify issues relevant to professionals considering commercial real estate assets sale of mortgage categories of financings of backed mortgages may or may not its securities. debt individual, pools of examination to financing of through the public or private securitized financings of the Currently, issues specified have be specified. property emerged; properties, mortgages, in which two and the underlying This paper limits specific commercial mortgage securities (PSCMS's). In response commercial capital create to real continuing estate, markets, the the prominent Wall Street hopes to of traditional forms of have incorporated or residual and liquid by investors servicers investment banks, efficiently priced By doing so, interest have attempted the to trading instruments. overcome the illiquidity real estate ownership. Instruments debt, equity, participation in value, fixed of in or floating payments, cash flow or accrued interests. Wall Street has most recently shown interest the value of outstanding commercial real 5 in tapping into estate mortgages, to exceed estimated debt, the $800 By securitizing Billion. investment banks hope to establish a market as large as the corporate bond market. opportunities in success of security market. issued, capital Assessing the heralded the this market, proponents have its precursor, this mortgage backed the residential With over $300 billion of these securities market is the residential firmly established and growing. Three principal date in the structures, instrument structures have been commercial bond obligations. mortgage structures, and status. devices such Mortgage collateralized as In addition, several prioritization stripping, and interest rate income pass-through mortgage Each is distinguished by its legal, accounting and tax the market; issued to stream and Investment internal structuring of cash flows, coupon swaps, are available to modify risk distribution. Conduit's (REMIC's) also Real Estate provide an overlay structure which can generate similar permutations of the security without altering the underlying debt. Real estate investors must address several issues choosing PSCMS's as a funding vehicle. is important, as therefore deals. many issuing economies The property of scale The size of the deal cost are can be must withstand before relatively fixed; realized on highly larger conservative scrutiny of all essential operating data in order to achieve 6 an investment grade rating. on the Several retrictions are placed property and its cash interest of investors. conventional protect the In return for these limitations, the borrower is able to access through flow in order to much larger sums of capital than sources, typically at competetive interest rates. organization and Methodology Chapter II is a residential model more recent The examined for commercial the development market, the mortgage of the precursor and commercial mortgage securities securities its similarities to and residential market. markets of mortgage securities for the market. description market is distinctions from the Chapter III describes the three capital accessed through securitization, and the various regulatory and practical limitations of each. Chapter IV describes which have the developed for alternative security packaging and structures trading mortgages; pass-throughs, bonds and collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO's). The principal characteristics of the Investment Mortgage part of Internal the Conduit (REMIC) legislation, Reform structuring prioritization, are also Tax Act of devices, coupon stripping, examined. Real Estate 1986, are identified. such as cash and interest Chapter V examines 7 passed as flow rate swaps the risk evaluation methodology utilized with property specific securities. Chapter VI capital identifies and imposed by examines the component securitization, including costs of direct and indirect costs, deferred costs, and opportunity costs, while Chapter VII describes and evaluates two case studies of securitized financings. Chapter VIII concludes the paper relevant real to estate with a summary professionals of issues when considering the paper included an securitization as a financing alternative. The methodology used extensive Numerous in developing literature search experts in real and a fieldwork estate finance, component. securitization, bond credit rating and credit enhancement were interviewed. Summary of Conclusions Securitized transactions are large scale transactions, which use the They global capital typically raise capable of raising markets as in over excess of $1 billion their source $25 of funds. million, and in single are offerings. This capacity far exceeds that of conventional lenders, such as commercial banks, insurance companies, and pension funds, which usually loan from $5 million to $200 million. 8 Scale economies play a significant role in the cost of funds Although the underwriting and of securitized transactions. structuring fees paid to the security issuer are usually a percentage of the amount raised, many additional costs, such and constant. As the size the cost of funds to the which these costs There is a threshold at borrower. the eliminate these load on an increasing percentage ability for securitized funds available through with the cost of issues to compete relatively offering diminishes, of an translate to fixed costs are expense, administrative appraisals advertising, printing, financial counsel, legal as conventional sources. In addition direct costs, to impose indirect costs on reserve asset reinvestment risk credit facilities, offerings should be the and support, cash flows until of property can of liquid Posting the borrower. bond payments semi-annual securitized payment of evaluated. Loan to value ratios may be lower than those allowed by conventional lenders, thereby forcing the borrower to invest additional equity. Borrowers seeking to million must cost of raise between $25 compare the effective capital available through million and to the cost of capital conventional $200 lenders. This comparison must include all costs, including direct and indirect costs, deferred costs and opportunity costs. 9 Limitations and Further Study The first property specific commercial mortgage security was issued by MSA Shopping less date occured. than Most euromarket or requirement of 30 Malls, Inc. in transactions are securities have through private public Of twelve transactions paper, only two were willing offering. issues Furthermore, have offering, limited thereby which source of directly were the involved contacted euromarket and trading activity for to the after this placement the initial examination be the investment in of their private into these transactions will information to in the costs of transactions is characteristics of these instruments performance. choose to enter have access to disclose details limiting To without Therefore organizations securitized to been sold placements, disclosure. 19831. estimated of these specific information regarding the limited. June of of the Those who find the best banking houses which underwrite the securities. With time, the ability to amass comprehensive data regarding property improve. specific determination of borrower issuing mortgage One topic for further involve the the commercial by making costs of these a securities may research in this area would effective cost of detailed comparison of securities with 10 capital to respect to actual their rating classification and This cost of increased when first capital could then be compared to capital through if their yield conventional lenders in order frequency of issuance of issued. the cost of to determine these securities fosters pricing efficiency. Another topic for study is on both the method of the impact of the rating systems real estate appraisal underwriting guidelines of conventional lenders. 11 and the NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 1. Stevenson. Securitization The Eric, for Washington, DC: The Secondary Income Property Market and Mortgages, Mortgage Bankers Association, 1986, 69. 12 CHAPTER II. DEVELOPMENT OF MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES Development of Residential Mortgage Securities of mortgages has its origins The impetus for securitization in federal support of as a means the residential sector, and developed of increasing capital flows to to ensure access to housing. made its first concerted with the formation of This system In 1932 the Federal government effort to support the Federal offered lenders in order housing policy Home Loan financial Bank System. support to thrift institutions, the principal mortgage lenders of the era. exchange, the thrifts adopted Federal charters In and adhered to standards and regulations established by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1 Further support of housing access was provided through the formation of the Federal Housing Agency (FHA) in 1934. Agency offered loan conforming insurance against to FHA Veterans Administration eligible loans made mortgage defaults standards. (VA) began by In later to offer veterans 2 . This on any years the guarantees to These programs constituted the first forms of federal subsidy of mortgages; it is these federal guarantees which have made the creation of a secondary market for residential mortgages viable. 13 As for mortgage demand to was Fannie Mae) was formed 3 . FHA insured purchase the relative and Its guaranteed VA proved system This origination. throughout to providing further funds for mortgages from thrifts, thereby mortgage arose Federal National 1938 the In task. to the Mortgage Association (FNMA or purpose the need The federal government once again put provide more capital. its resources grew, credit economic stablity adequate following World War II. In the late serious 1960's and problem. credit increased the Simultaneously, cause housing costs and increased rate a for mortgage exodus to demand combined to As loan to to outstrip income growth. During this period, interest imposed the demand increased, the creditworthiness income ratios declined. inflation became dwellers continued the as city Inflation suburbs. early 1970's, of borrowers federal banking Regulation Q ceilings on payable individual deposits, the traditional source of the thrift institutions' Depositors, in funds. higher returns instruments. turn, available withdrew funds through other in favor capital of market Insurance companies, which had been purchasers of whole loans from thrifts, were also experiencing capital were increasing drains. Policy holders loans at below market interest rates, their demand which were available by borrowing against the value of their policies. 14 for life insurance companies channeled In response, thrifts and capital into more interest rate sensitive investments, which further reduced the funds for mortgage lending. The loss of funding, known as disintermediation, in combination with the increased demand for credit, placed mortgage upward pressure on mortgage lending rates significant 4 In 1968, in an attempt to provide additional capital sources to the thrifts, the Government (GNMA or Ginnie Mae), was and credit provide backed originations. Home Loan created borrowing an rights formed. through In the agency purchases of 1970 the with able the to intended to FHA and incorporation Mortgage Corporation agency Agency By using the "full faith United States", capital support Federal Mac) of the National Mortgage (FHLMC or purchase, Federal of VA the Freddie through its Reserve, qualifying mortgages that did not have FHA insurance or VA guarantees 5 The thrifts' access advent of them in mortgage bankers, wherever credit. to funds was further regional enhanced with the who originated loans capital exceeded the and sold demand for Their activities combined with increased uniformity the underwriting facilitate standards of interregional capital the federal flows agencies to for mortgage funding. 6 In 1975, with the first GNMA pass-through, 15 these agencies issuing These securities were sold by mortgage funds. purchases. with to facilitate further thereby originators, mortgage shortages of mortgages investors, exchanged to other mortgages, or used lenders for borrowing backed by securities began alleviating three basic forms Over time, have developed; pass-throughs, bonds of mortgage securities and pass-through derivatives such as collateralized mortgage Each is distinguished by its legal, accounting obligations. and tax Chapter In status, and described in greater detail in IV. 1984 the Secondary (SMMEA) was enacted, of is private Mortgage Market Enhancement which was designed to agencies issuing mortgage Act expand the role backed securities, through the liberalization of blue sky credit restrictions and state 7 reporting requiements . Currently, residential mortgage backed securities of one form or another are issued by investment banks, saving and insurance companies, mortgage bankers, loans and commercial banks. By 1985 over $300 Billion of these securities had been issued Development of Commercial Mortgage Securities Wall Street has most recently shown interest in underwriting the value of outstanding commercial real estimated in 1986 compares the to approach value of these $800 Billion. mortgages 16 estate mortgages, Exhibit 2.1 to other capital markets. by Exhibit 2.2 indicates ownership of commercial the growth and distribution debt, excluding multi-family, during the period 1976 to 1986. OUTSTANDING DEBT EXHIBIT 2.1: U.S. CAPITAL MARKETS, (BILLIONS) Commercial Mortgages $ 500 Multi-Family Mortgages 200 100 Federal Agencies, Mortgage Pools $ Residential Mortgages Corporate Debt Issues Municipal / State Debt U.S. Treasury Debt TOTAL DEBT Source: $5,700 Roulac and Co., EXHIBIT 2.2: 800 1,700 700 700 1,800 Federal Reserve Bulletin DEBT OUTSTANDING COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE 1976 -1986 (BY INSTITUTION) 5W I~~ I I I a 7e 77 78 79 80 82 83 UFE INSJRANCE COS. OT-ERS THR1FT INST1TUTIONS =COMMERCIAL BANKS Source: i t Federal Reserve Bulletin 17 84 5 se By banks hope the estate, in the For the studies have corporate bonds, of non-convertible issuance incentive through securitization. fees generated potential found have underwriters real for commercial not exist does for housing espoused as the imperative social the Although market. investment as large a capital market to establish bond corporate debt, the mortgage securitizing commercial estimated underwriting fees, often refered to as spreads, to principal amount of the bonds be approximately 1% of the By this were measure, annual Since their $8 Billion. volume of instruments placement and the fees would backed $5 billion in 1986. limited, due mainly to the trading market and restrictions euromarkets outstanding of inception in mortgage commercial issuance has grown to over activity is very value debt to be securitized, commercial mortgage approach full the 10 1983, the securities Yet trading newness of the in where the most private of the securities to date have been issued Three markets principal exist securities; the public domestic the private placement issuance of the characteristics market. security of the for mortgage backed market, the euromarket, and The choice is determined offering, risk by of market for the size and of the profile offering and differences in return expectations of investors in each market. These markets and their discussed in further detail in Chapter III. 18 restrictions are NOTES TO CHAPTER II. 1. Editor, The Handbook of Mortgage Frank J., Fabozzi, Backed Securities, Chicago Illinois: Probus Publishing, 1985, 16. 2. ibid. 3. Law Federal Securities "The William C., Tyson, Regulatory Environment Of Mortgage Backed Securities", The Real Estate Finance Journal, Spring 1986, 6-16. 4. Fabozzi, 18-20. 5. ibid., 16. 6. ibid., 19. 7. Tyson, 9-10. 8. Fabozzi, 1. 9. Hartzell, David J. Andrea Lepcio, Julia D. Fernald and Susan Jordan, Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities: An Investor's Primer, New York, NY: Salomon Brothers Inc., May 1987, 1. Stock and of Common L.A.,"Flotation Cost 10. Green, A Descriptive and Principal Corporate Bonds: 1971-1976: Component Analysis", Unpublished Thesis, Sloan School of of Technology, Management, Massachusetts Institute February, 1978. 11. Hartzell, 3. 19 CHAPTER III. SECURITIES MARKETS The Public Domestic Market Public domestic issues are offered large, both institutions backed securities, organized by issuer issues Act of 1933, offered and sold pursuant is typically a conduit for are required to mortgage For the sole purpose and serving as domestic Securities individuals1 . and the borrower for the securities Public the for sale to investors at an of issuing the proceeds. conform which requires entity to securities to the be to a registration statement filed with, and declared effective by, the Securities and Exchange .2 Commission In the case of . will identify a debt offering, the statement the offering price, coupon regarding the issuing entity and the underlying historical collateral. operating securities. legality of A the owner and a description of The description statements, property forecasted cash flows extending the rate, information statement includes appraisals and beyond the maturity date of of certain securities and tax issues, certifying testament the of financial auditors will also be included. The 1933 Act also requires to the issuer of the diligence and imposes liability the registration statement 3 . security exercise due for any material defects in After registration, the offering statement is made available to the investors by the underwriters in the form of a prospectus. 20 In keeping with the public accessibility of information, the securities are traded on one of the large national exchanges, typically the New York exchange, and prices are quoted daily based on trading activity. Public domestic well. issues are subject to The Securities Exchange Act trading in securities and the dealers. It antifraud reporting material provisions and requirements, regulates the activities of the brokers and pursuant to registration the relating the issuer, repoting to the and of any transaction. 19 39 mandates debt securities be an and prohibits indenture trustees. 1940 defines additional including inside information requirements, part of of 1934 establishes credit restricions of The Trust Indenture Act of offered other requlations as indenture conflict of meeting interests on The Investment and regulates th e activities certain the Company Act of of an investment company engaged primarily in the investment, reinvestment or trading in securities, or wh ich securities valued in excess of mentioned in Chapter II, owns or proposes to 40% of its total assets. the Secondry Mortgage own As Market Enhancement Act of 1984 was enacted to modify the Securities Act of 1933, and liberalizes credit restrictions and certain reporting requirements 4 21 The Euromarket Euromarket offerings, in the form of eurobonds, are sold in The offerings several international markets simultaneously. are not subject exist in some countries. do Eurobonds for sale within the U.S. requirement the issuers with the SEC, a must be registered their issuance barriers to few although a authority, any single national to the jurisdiction of prefer to dispense with, for reasons of cost, simplicity and Purchases by privacy. through eurobonds investors5 . for attraction exempt from taxation to remain anonymous. at the is from income issue, source of Although payment of tax is required to country holder's only their bearer form, allowing the holder eurobonds are also sold in the Not disclosure source of one is these offerings of requirements accomplished limited The accounts. offshore can be U.S. citizens of opportunity for tax evasion. anonymity residence, creates Some estimates place over half of all eurobonds in the portfolios of individuals60 The growing euromarkets U.S. real acceptance estate and other net foreign to 1986. securities mortgage inflow of parallels the illustrates the from 1976 of by foreign capital securities. investment in Rapidly increasing Exhibit into 3.1 U.S. securities in 1985 and 1986, most of this investment has been in the form of debt. 22 the EXHIBIT 3.1: NET FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN U.S. SECURITIES 1976 TO 1986 r- 40 z 0 20 z 10 0 -10 I I I I I I I I 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 FET STOCK PURCHSES Source: I 84 85 NET WND PURCHAES Federal Reserve Bulletin 23 I I 86 Anthony Downs several has noted reasons rapid for this growth in investment activity: * The U.S. has recently become a net importer dollars. thereby flooding the world with U.S. * of capital, The U.S. is perceived as economically and politically secure. * The value of relation to some the dollar has declined in foreign currencies. * some foreign countries is low with The cost of capital in respect to the U.S. * Some foreign eased have recently countries investment restrictions on major institutions and investors, allowing increased investment in U.S. real assets. * Returns on investments in foreign markets have historically been lower than those available in the U.S7 . By in investing securities backed by mortgages, foreign investors perceive U.S. estate real they have gained many of the same benefits of direct investment, while retaining a relatively recent U.S. degree prices paid real estate offered by market high liquidity. have often been far for on mortgage attractive. 24 the for premier greater than competition, resulting expectations the yields Furthermore, foreign investors by some their domestic yield comparison, of those in below 8 . By backed eurobonds seem the purchaser Private Placements are made to a Private placement offerings investors. of Act the Securities by defined As limited group of 1933, private placements may not involve public solicitations, and must be limited to not more than 35 large and knowledgeable investors. which conform to these exempt offerings offering. sequentially numbered for public an offering statement, identification purposes, receives Each investor a of requirements registration the from criteria are containing information substantively similar to a registered statement. As with euromarket restrict public access disclosure requirements information about opportunities for the offerings, borrowers to to specific This offerings. these objectively limited limits compare the advantages and disadvantages of the available structures. Private placements are to the limited issuer to number of identify the offering also somewhat simplified transactions due investors. specific The investors provides the opportunity to ability of the prior to the carefully tailor the offering to their specific risk exposure limitations and return requirements. 25 offering size Typically minimum size the offerings is $25 have exceeded $100 raise offerings to date Fisher offered in Million. excess private placement to public offering Million. either private have ranged Financial April 1986, A Realty the $970 debt transactions to date of $100 have been offerings, and Brothers a Million 10, but most typically eurobond of Most Million debt placements or from the First will $40 Million Mortgage Olympia & Notes York Maiden Lane Finance Corporation Floating Rate First Mortgage Notes offered February/March 19841. were offered on the eurobond market The magnitude of reason for choosing interviewed for this and insurance these issues 12 the Olympia & York capital potential of these Both of markets. offering indicates the In fact, the principal securitization given paper was the inability companies to handle the by owners of U.S. banks capital requirements of their transaction. The capital than accessible through these markets sufficient for the issuance of would be more pools of commercial mortgages through structures similar to the residential pool offerings. Yet one to three evolution most offerings buildings. of these to date have This may indicate transaction has 26 involved from that the recent been accompanied with borrowers and investors. some caution on the parts of both A more apparent reason is the current level of development Both of the underwriting procedures for these transactions. the public for measures objective certain addition, and the eurobond domestic markets of the institutional banking commissions permissable institutions. Act (ERISA) a Legal publish for securities The Employee regulates by both Investment investment by Retirement Investment investment Insurance companies are subject activities have fiducial issues they may hold. restrictions on the quality of by In safety. securities' investors markets look pension State List of savings Savings funds. to regulation of investment state insurance commissions National Association of Insurance Commissions. and the The commonly accepted evaluation of the safety of a particular investment is the rating given to the offering by one or more of the rating agencies described in greater detail in Chapter V. 27 NOTES TO CHAPTER III. 1. Stewart Myers,Principles Richard and Brealey, Corporate Finance, Second Edition", New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, of 1984, 299. 2. Law Securities Federal "The William C., Tyson, Securities", Backed Mortgage Of Regulatory Environment The Real Estate Finance Journal, Spring 1986, 10. 3. ibid., 12. 4. ibid., 9-16. 5. Mendelsohn, Stefan, Money McGraw-Hill,1980, 138. 6. ibid., 7. Downs, Anthony, Foreign Capital in U.S. Real Estate Markets, New York, NY: Salomon Brothers Inc, April 1987. 8. Shulman, David and Julia D. Fernald, Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate,New York, NY: Salomon Brothers Inc, March 1987, 1. 9. Brealey, 318. on the Move, New York, NY: 148-149. 10. Adler, Tamara L., Bonds", The Real "Pricing Rated Commercial Mortgage Estate Finance Journal,Summer 1987, 19. and Market Secondary The Eric, 11. Stevenson. Mortgages, for Income Property Securitization Washington, DC: The Mortgage Bankers Association, 1986, 70-71. 12. Salomon Brothers Inc, Real Estate Market Review, October 1986, 5. 28 CHAPTER IV. ALTERNATIVE STRUCTURES Property specific commercial mortgage securities are secured by a mortgage on a single large property, or by mortgages on payments of the principal are soley interest and property's cash diversification, that systematic risk is Systematic risk is specific risk. prepayment speed than is of determining significant in more is flows from a property type, location or either by the lack benefit principal The reliant upon securities inherent in the cash mortgages. of These flow. diversification benefits pool to make timely Their ability of properties. a small group due to economy wide perils, while specific risk is unique to an diversified individual Property unseasoned mortgage its or individual property pool specific securities, prepayment through A of an the minimizes property's effect are properties, immediate environment. risk investor. to the on returns particularly those default risk than mortgage some form of credit enhancement purchased from third subject more therefore based on pools unless is provided, which or may parties be to may be inherent in the internal structure of the offering. When consideration is property given to the unique mortgage backed security and the three specific financings, Commercial Mortgage risk inherent in basic residential structures ; pass-throughs, bonds, Obligations 29 (CMO's), are still Each of these structures applicable when suitably adapted. can be tax and accounting its legal, by distinguished status, as discussed below. Pass-throughs A pass-through structure does as portion of to the investor, a a monthly basis through, on the name suggests; passing the cash flow yielded by the underlying mortgage or mortgage pool. The structure may be participation certificates. certificates or certificates represent an owning a mortgage represent pool. undivided an pass through Pass-through in a interest undivided or mortgage certificates form of in the directly in a mortgage or mortgage pool. trust Participation ownership interest A pass-through may of certificates, each backed by a have any number of series distinct mortgage or pool. The issuer of pass-throughs must treat the issue as an asset sale for tax purposes. Pass-throughs were the first type represent the largest segment market. due in part to investment performance. largely issued and of the residential securities Their By 1985, over $280 Billion had been issuedA. popularity is of of security uniform and interest and have their relative predictability The governmental of the credit support are of The main concern is the pass-through, a function of the principal payments. effective maturity underlying mortgages 30 speed of prepayment of the mortgages. rates; as lending rates drop, interest refinance and the probability early correlated with is negatively Prepayment speed prepayment of changes in to the incentive of prepayment increases. The to the principal passes through investor, who must then reinvest the funds at the prevailing lower This rates. from pass-throughs prepayment U.S. feature treasuries, distinguishes which no have prepayment rights, and corporate bonds, which are limited by specified call provisions. with prepayment The reinvestment risk associated is compensated with higher yields as shown in Exhibit 4.1. EXHIBIT 4.1: BOND EQUIVALENT YIELD SPREADS FOR SELECTED MORTGAGE PASS AND RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CORPORATE BONDS, ISSUES AND THROUGH NEW NONCALLABLE, 31 MAR 86-30 SEP 86 30 SEP 86 31 MAR 86 YIELD SPREAD YIELD SPREAD ------------------------------------------------------COMERCIAL PASS THROUGHS 9.43% 200bp 9.05% 170bp AA Rated, Current Coupon RESIDENTIAL PASS THROUGHS GNMA 8% GNMA 9% (New Current Pay) 8.88 9.18 129 159 9.07 9.38 176 202 7.86 8.03 8.10 2 Salomon Brothers Inc 51 68 75 8.04 8.41 8.38 61 98 95 CORPORATE BONDS (NON CALL) AA Rated Domestic A Rated Domestic AA Rated Eurodollar Source: The typical commercial mortgage differs from its residential 31 Usually prepayment. to respect with counterpart which time the a lockout period, during mortgage will have the Yield maintainance borrower is prohibited from refinancing. These provide for requirements are also becoming prevalent. premiums payable upon refinancing which sustain the yield as Note the widening of though the mortgage ran the full term. shown increased the reflect may This 4.1. Table in pass-throughs as commercial and residential yields between perception of overbuilding in office markets nationally, and the commensurate increase in potential default. Mortgage Backed Bonds Mortgage to appeal (MBB) were developed backed bonds to traditional fixed income investors, who were not comfortable with the Originally pass-throughs. having treated as purposes. debt It may of of savings and cost source of fixed term funds assets. sell to maturities issued by banks and loans, bonds provided a low without long and risk reinvestment the issuer bond The accounting for take the form of a structure and is tax general obligation of payment bond secured by a pool of the issuer, as in a fixed mortgages, in which the issuer is liable for timely interest and principal payments. prepayment non-recourse risk. In this case the issuer assumes all Property obligations, specific backed Additional credit enhancement or 32 only bonds by are the usually mortgage. support may be provided if the issue is rated. The bonds are entity of usually through a issued the borrower. Mortgage payments trustee which maintains seperate interest payments. the bonds. payments, bancruptcy-proof are made to a accounts for principal and The principal account is used to redeem The interest account is used to make bond coupon with any shortfalls satisfied account and reserve eliminates mismatched any credit support that by the principal is provided. timing between This mortgage and bond payments; however it exposes the issuer to reinvestment risk. Bonds can be divided maturity and yields. options backed several coupons of varying Fractioning the payment stream creates for investors mortgage into who prefer securities but the characteristics desire shorter of term obligations. Collateralized Mortgage Obligations In June,1983, FHLMC issued the first Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMO). A CMO consists of mortgages or mortgage securities repackaged into a has characteristics of is treated as debt class recieves multiple class instrument, and both a bond and by the issuer a pass-through. for tax a different priority claim 33 purposes. It Each against the cash flow. and recieves a class priority the lowest Conversely, risk. level of the low return reflecting recieves a safest position class has the highest priority The higher return commensurate with its subordinate position. protection to available for slow the collateral By tailoring CMO's to various investors yield expectations and risk profiles, arbitrage is additional cash flow reducing thereby classes, earlier class pay an accrued interest class, recieving maturity, can free up payment only at requirements. fast the after only are funds as class, pay of call a measure also provides redemption The use of satisfied. to It class. fast pay Slow Pay, certainty and shorter maturities to provides more cash flow the Fast Pay / referred to as Prioritization, often between the bond issuers earn profits on the and yields the cost of the a new underlying mortgages. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits Real Estate opportunity Mortgage to create underlying mortgages. Investment multiple The Tax the new form of intermediary simplify some of mortgage backed legislation was class offer instruments Reform Act of from 1986 created mortgage ownership in order to the accounting security Conduits and taxation issuance. fostered principally 34 problems of Impetus by Lewis for the Ranieri and Andrew Furer of Salomon Brothers and its final form contains several key provisions: * By electing REMIC status, Elimination of double taxation. the chosen form of intermediary ownership of the mortgage, and Connecticut, York New California, notably law, federal follow automatically not do (Some states which entity level. federal taxation at the considering are However, taxation of REMICs issued in the corporate form. no action been had by taken from exempted is trust), corporation, (partnership, this of as state any writing.3) * Distinction of Ownership Forms. of interests Regular ownership; debt have which interests which have equity characteristics, and Residual characteristics. REMICs may have two forms There may be any number regular interest classes, but only one Both type residual interest class. of interests are readily transferrable. * Payment allocated classes Allocations. in of a subordinating one fast pay and disproportionate manner Reallocation investors. or more classes slow pay have payments interests may REMIC categories. among can or by the allows the restructuring of occur by creation of Reallocation utilized on both new and existing mortgages. various can be This feature benefits without altering the 35 transferable, although readily limitations certain imposed on be subject may they are instruments Subordinated involvement. borrower explicit without and documents mortgage underlying to regulated investors for holders are second mortgages. * Taxation treated as were their interests if interest Regular Interests. of holders realize Residual interest instruments. debt all net income of the REMIC not attributed to regular interest holders. * Taxation of Foreign Investors. the 30% REMICs eliminate Foreign investor withholding tax on mortgages issued prior to July 18,1984 . * treated as estate "real qualification regular and residual interests are Both Effect on REITS. of an for assets" organization as purposes Real a of Estate Investment Trust (REIT). * Permitted REMIC Assets. qualified mortgages and All of a REMIC's assets must be permitted investments. Qualified mortgages are principally secured, directly or indirectly, by an include interest in three real property. narrowly defined Permitted investments categories: cash flow investments of a temporary nature producing passive income in the form of interest; qualified reserve 36 assets; and foreclosure property which may be held for one year. greater flexibility Having 4 industry observers than CMO's, predict the REMIC structure will become the dominant form of issuance of multiple class securities, particularly when the securities 4 . which intends to treat mortgage the through of achieve most can modifications are the risk. stream, as well as the issued by a sole benefits of REMIC status internal Several the income can fraction available which the security issuance as structure. bond of treatment sale asset Property specific financings purpose entity debt receive to wishes issuer These modifications, senior / subordinated structuring, stripping, and interest rate swaps below. are described REMIC structure can mortgage, underlying require developing simultaneously to It should be noted that , overlayed be the without disturbing the modifications may internal these bond indentures mortgage and compatability ensure while the and pricing efficiency. Senior / Subordinated Structure The senior / subordinated structure self credit can be enhancing instrument. composed of which is rated placement, and two classes; a can be used to create a senior class and sold to the public or a subordinated 37 a security For example, class (class A) through a private (class B) which is unrated and is either held by the issuer or private placement. in their class are subordinated The B and interest. principal of receive payment to right sold through a A liquid asset reserve fund can be established and replenished The fund of class B interests. with proceeds from the sale is available to support cash flow disruptions to the class A Over time, as holders. the underlying mortgage seasons and risk of future losses diminish, the reserve fund balance can be receive class Eventually, reduced. funds from B holders reserve as the well can begin as interest to and principal. The class senior intermediate, fractioning of by supported efficiency sale of the a high an unseasoned enhances The pricing the instrument. class, with its coupon to offset property, the short, rated classes, each class, liquidity of into securities. rateable subordinated The concentration of the risk. In the subordinated interest an equity option, as it represents residual value without any flows. divided cash flows into several the subordinated is, in effect, further term long and trading risk, requires case of and be can a bet on certainty regarding interim cash Pricing may explicitly acknowledge this relationship by providing participation in the residual on a percentage, rather than a fixed, basis. 38 Stripped Mortgage Structure The conceptual greater income value the stream of relative to the securities for The mortgage. redistributing by amount of made as principal the principle can vary among the classes interest allocated instead of being a constant, pro rata share. may be obtain a stripping is to premise of coupon The allocation may vary only, interest only, or proportions of either or both. By seperating and creating various combinations of principal be tailored to appeal to a and interest, the instrument can broader range of investors. of the maintainance provisions yield the Depending on the prepayment and newly strips may created have underlying mortgage, different prepayment behavior than an unstripped instrument of equal coupon. If a coupon created is the original coupon payments, par value; Investors these in Discount are termed Strips expect the same likelyhood of the lower to its sell at a discount occur earlier than anticipated, as difference between of rate To offset mortgage. the strip will hence coupon it will retain the underlying mortgage, prepayment as below the Discount Strips. that prepayment will their profit lies in the par value and the discount amount paid. Realizing this difference earlier increases the yield to the investor. 39 the mortgage and adopts higher than the underlying coupon rate characteristics prepayment assures a prepayment extended time to The coupon payments flow of longer term It rate. lower the of a premium to par. therefore sells at It has a opposite characteristics. A Premium Strip has the than an unstripped security of the same coupon rate. A Principal Only Strip. extreme form of Strip is an no interim coupon payments are As the name implies, yield is soley dependent upon recieved by the investor; the The investor of principal. prepayment accounts for, thereby increasing have limited and restricted therefore mortgage maturity, prepayment attractivenes depend on is to applicability therefore The predictble. the yield. Principal only rights are the prpayment more instruments lockout period; prior to prepayable for several years may be able to realize the investor is speed these of specific property securities since prepayment commercial mortgage strips in premium the pricing of the strip expects an earlier prepayment than strips the Discount if the bond increased returns. An Interest the Only Strip separates the principal. Without losses should prepayment benefit the principal, the interest only interest payment from of any right to strip is susceptible to severe occur rapidly. 40 These instruments' positively highly changes, rate interest with correlated be to tend therefore performance Because of typical performance of fixed income instruments. suitable for Interest Only Strips are this characteristic, the to counter use as hedging instruments. When used for commercial mortgage securities, the prepayment risk is significantly reduced to events of default and force rights are explicitely recorded in majeur as the prepayment the mortgage and offering statements. can strips specific combined be Furthermore, property with senior the / subordinated structure to create a synthetic amortization of the mortgage, underlying Consequently the remaining risk. default thereby reducing risk is principally attributable to the subordination hierarchy of the classes. Interest Rate Swaps specific Property interest rate combined with yields better with swaps to create depends on backed security the swap. also the As a hedging provide floating rate excess yield with respect to a borrower than on the the fixed rate technique interest rate with obligation to a method of a fixed payment 41 other The attractiveness of the securities of comparable quality. combination floating rate protection prepayment be can mortgage securities commercial mortgage payable on swaps can converting stream. a This technique can be useful when the prefered source of capital is floating rate debt for its lower cost. An interest rate swap between two payments rate of interest exchange is the is purpose The counterparties. threefold; to reduce interest rate risk by matching floating to floating assets rate terms between financing limit costs transaction the swap rate or fixed favorable to exchange liabilities; rate to fixed assets liabilities rate counterparties; and to confidentiality by and maintain avoiding conventional refinancing. In a typical an swap investor commercial a purchases mortgage bond which has a borrowing rate based on Treasuries of comparable maturity. The investor the same duration agreement of a swap also enters The investor as the bond. agrees to pay a fixed payment composed of the treasury yield plus an additional spread to a payment is return usually less than the the the retaining the investor counterparty into a The combined coupon on the mortgage recieves a floating Interbank Offer London Rate rate into bond. In payment, (LIBOR), differential between the mortgage the fixed payment. synthesized counterparty. while coupon and The original fixed rate mortgage bond is a in turn fixed payment floating rate converts a instrument. floating rate Exhibit 4.2 stream. flow of funds in a basic swap transaction. 42 The swap instrument illustrates the EXHIBIT 4.2: INTEREST RATE SWAP INVESTOR IN I interest based I I----->1 on fixed rates I ----- >ISWAP I I MORTGAGE BONDI<-----I interest based I<-----ICOUNTERPARTY Ion floating ratel A linterest based| Ion fixed ratesi A I<-----I BOND ISSUER to Counterparties They liabilities. payments principal Although the only agree to make of not do transaction swap a for the interest obligation. original their liability appears on the exchange interest payments to Each counterparty is liable one another. and interest based I<-----IMORTGAGOR I on fixed rates I originator's balance sheet, the swap does not. The technique swap ability spreads. the between rating has to rating. These known quality as the premium a borrower with a pay over a borrower with spreads differ floating rates and vary over borrowing in differences counterparties, A quality spread is low credit credit depends on time. for fixed a high rates and It is important to note that comparisons of these spreads are comparisons of debt of different maturities. intermediate term Floating rates, typically borrowing, have narrower short and quality spreads than fixed rates, reflecting lenders' perception of reduced exposure to default risk in shorter term loans. 43 Debt Interest rate swaps are suitable for longer term debt. with maturities of up to 2.5 years can utilize interest rate contracts which futures bonds; Bank and eurodollar (interest the asset falls market value of seller recieves cash. cash The profits. the contract, the each time the rates rise), the the reverse happen, the buyer Should flow and Gilts; date in a specific at life of During the future. CD's; Sterling CD's specific price for a GNMA's) bills, notes, financial asset (Treasury a certain or sell agreement to buy These contracts are an costs than swaps. transaction have lower typically handled is through margins maintained by both parties at the trading exchange. is the there swaps rate Interest underlying potential for payments on First, disadvantages. have certain the disintermediation between either side of transaction. the While the mortgage is based on Treasuries, the floating rate payment recieved is eurodollar 4.3, the As denominated index. spread on LIBOR, often based between eurodollars has been fairly three illustrated in month other or some Exhibit Treasuries and constant between 1983 and 1987. However, fluctuations such as that which occurred during the fourth quarter of 1984 create interest rate exposure for the holder of a swap. essence, This a bet potential Transnational interest rate swaps are ,in on the future volatility volatility can simultaneous currency swaps. 44 be of the mitigated by indices. use of EXHIBIT 4.3: 3 MONTH TREASURY VS 3 MONTH EURODOLLAR February 1983 to May 1987 11 E, 7 I. ii. 6 5 ix z 4 3 2 0 - -- --84 -M5 - -MJS8- - - -1 83 AMJ JASON 84 MAMJ JASON 85 MAMJ JASON 86 MAMJ JASON 87 M 0 INIUEST SPREAD + EURODO.AR A 3 M( -REASURY Source: Federal Reserve Bulletin 45 can at additional cost. guarantees, but another security, any the but alternative, Furthermore usually 10 to 15 Collateral the collateral position bondholders. required, in of letters through mitigated be potential This interest payments through default. exists for loss of risk risk, the is at principal although no Second, case the of would be the posting is mortgage subordinate to of amount percent or credit collateral of principal, would debt in a senior / subordinated reduce the amount of senior structure. 5 The default risk acts as the intermediary. agreements with counterparty, is in part assumed by the provide consequently, often the is. agent The during guarantees principal to intermediaries, each counterparty to the other counterparty settlement The does the against for the not life of the default. By life of make transaction. One know who intermediary will also the transaction, the swap credit exposure swap dealer who the act as contract, acting and as a dealers must accept the agreement. Any decline in the creditworthiness of either counterparty, and the dealer's credit exposure is increased. protection from acknowledge this change; no counterparty the possibility of a Yet there is no is willing to downgrading of their credit, let alone make provision for it. In 1986, The Beacon Companies and 46 Equitable Real Estate downtown 75 at building office of a the construction Management financed Investment State new with Street a commercial paper interest rate swap in lieu of a traditional draw funds as In order to construction loan. needed, the borrowers raised money by issuing AAA rated commercial paper through a coupon payment a floating paper had This credit (LOC) letter of ten year with Citibank. the indexed to three month treasury bill rate. In interest rate swap with a a 10 year fixed floating rate third party. rate payment payment based at by the counterparty. 10 points commercial paper, debt payments arrangement below the the provided a Federal Funds obligation the borrower to commercial the exchange for floating rate payment, floating passed through of 9.5% in The into an They agreed to swap on the Combined rate paid basis borrower entered agreement the a simultaneous paper borrower with of meet the issued. an the This effective borrowing rate of 9.6%. The fundamental concern for the borrower in this transaction Any downgrading is the creditworthiness of the LOC issuer. of the creditworthiness of Citibank will raise the required returns on funds is its commercial paper. passed directly to This additional cost of the borrower, widening basis point spread between the floating rate payments. 47 the 10 In another transaction, the financing of construction Boston Harbor, The Rowes Wharf, a mixed use development on same borrowers immunized themselves from this loan with floating rate the borrowers negotiated a the Bank debt obligation was credit risk. made, but instead of issuing A similar swap arrangement was commercial paper, of of Boston. The of this floating rate independent from the based on an index creditworthiness of the bank. Interest rate swaps are a recent Yet, by 1986, the International emerged in the late 1970's. Swap development, having first estimated outstanding Dealer's Association principal contracts of it's 33 largest members to exceed $200 Billion. in the wake magnitude questions of relative their intermediaries' questions about their creditworthiness The for secondary market limited to Furthermore the their capacity is these a high interest rate environment, about the Most of interest rates. of declining deals have yet to weather raising last two years the activity has occured in the The bulk of no liquidity becomes an issue. holdings 6 also instruments is these of strength. about retail two market. dozen The raises currently dealers. Consequently And without liquidity, there is less chance of laying off risk onto others. Defaults by intermediaries seems unlikely. 48 However, should the cause default the intermediary's of downgrading disintermediation, counterparty a by the acceptance would likely diminish. To of credit worthiness to unforseen due interest rate swaps date, no defaults have occurred, and over 90% of swaps involve debt rated Baa or better. 49 NOTES TO CHAPTER IV. 1. Editor, The Handbook of Mortgage Frank J., Fabozzi, Backed Securities, Chicago Illinois: Probus Publishing, 1985, 2. 1. Salomon Brothers Inc, Real Estate Market Review, October 1986, 5. 3. PerlmanJudi,"States REMIC",Mortgage-Backed on Way Own Their Going Securities Letter, Vol.II, No25 June 22,1987, 1-2. 4. Furer,"REMIC's - The Shenkman, Martin M., and Andrew E. Estate Financing", The Real Estate New Vehicle for Real Finance Journal, Spring 1987, 29. 5. Swaps "When Gregory, Miller, Investor,November 1986, 173. 6. ibid., 165. 50 Unwind", Institutional RISK EVALUATION CHAPTER V. As identified of securities can be either case, the sold with Mortgage backed or without a rating, but in be must risk determine a commensurate return. as Standard & some deal. the of risk the disclosure market in there is is sold, backed security a mortgage which regardless of the in Chapter III, evaluated in to order The rating agencies, such and Duff & Poor's, Moody's Investor Services Phelps, have simply institutionalized the risk assesment for These the benefit of both buyers and sellers of securities. agencies are disinterested providing objective measures. analysis is security with and to qualify respect parties to transactions, purpose of the agencies' The categorize its to the capacity the risk to make payments of interest and repayment of principal. is not a it recommendation to buy or sell a a commentary on the price or the of the timely The rating security. Nor is suitability for a particular investor. While the designations differ among the rating agencies, the interpretations are similar. Standard & Poor's rating system uses the following designations: AAA The highest quality. strong. AA Capacity to from AAA. Capacity pay is very strong; 51 to pay is extremely differs only slightly A more but somewhat is strong, to pay Capacity susceptible to changes in circumstance and economic conditions than AA, AAA. BBB Capacity is adequate respect to speculative with Predominately rated lower and (These pay. to capacity issues are characterized as "high yield" or "junk" bonds). BB,B,CCC,CC C Reserved for income bonds on which no interest is being paid. D Debt is in default; payment is in arrears. Studies have indicated that of default. Hickman the ratings are good predictors found that, to period 1900 for the 1943, approximately 6% of bonds rated AAA or AA and 13.4% of rated A at the time of the offering subsequently 2 Furthermore, bond ratings have been found to be defaulted . 3 highly negatively correlated to yields bonds In 1984, Standard & Poor's for rating securities. with their same property specific commercial own versions4 . this paper examination of these rating not As all examines the are they rated. a particular S&P have the By system. systems, one can understand the securities, whether or More significantly, identify the limitations placed on achieve backed Phelp's followed three systems risk relevant to mortgage issues of mortgage and Duff & 1986, Moody's In purpose, (S&P) developed the first system rating. evaluated with respect to their to the borrower. 52 one can also the borrower in order to These limitations can be effect on the cost of funds Standard & Poor's Rating System First the Standard & Poor's uses a two part rating process. specifics of the property Then the are carefully analyzed. proforma revenue stream is tested against a phased-in, worst case The scenario. for developed use with staff been fully occupied operating histories. However, indicate the members be expanded in model may has model quality, prime on properties with demonstrated interviews analytical current the near future to the scope of include other commercial uses. In examining the property, S&P engineering reports and historical followed by a site visit. reviews an MAI appraisal, operating data. This is After establishing the quality of the physical asset, the projected income stream is subjected to the worst case scenario. Houston's economic changes after will experience sharp declines vacancy and operating expense a matrix of eight variables to their effect on The scenario, based on 1982, assumes the property in rental increase. income while The model develops which are weighted with respect each analytical illustrates these relationships. 53 factor. Exhibit 5.1 S&P WORST CASE MODEL FACTORS EXHIBIT 5.1: (%) Worst Case Analytical Factors ------------------------------------Project Size Lease Terms Tenant Quality & Mix Property Management Energy Efficiency Construction Quality Site Location Local Economy RENT 5 25 VACANCY 5 20 EXPENSE 0 5 5 5 5 25 30 30 5 5 30 5 20 10 5 20 10 30 0 0 100 100 100 Total National Worst Case: Maximum Reduction --------------------------------- 29.0% 11.5% 15.0% Rent Reduction Vacancy Increase Operating Expense Increase Standard & Poor's Corp. Source: The order to be reduced phased in reflect a region is the reflect property under be factor for to determine the Variable Sum) over characteristics evaluation, each of the to 90%. the first three years of already in the current or can (100 the property. of the In specific eight variables can can be the projections to occur immediately if complete decline. worst case cash flow and worst case every year the by These reductions from 10% worsening recession, After the multiplied are reduction factors Maximum 5 projections are calculated, market value is calculated for S&P uses the income bonds are outstanding. 54 selecting approach, will vary depending residual and phased in over time. capitalization rates, which are rates rates discount severe on the desired bond These rating, starting with a 10% real rate of return for AA and dropping 50 bp for ratings AA through BBB, then 100bp for ratings BB and B. Any growth rate is added to this real rate. Finally and property flows the cash against financial ratios . values are measured These ratios also vary depending on the rating desired, and are listed in Exhibit 5.2. EXHIBIT 5.2: WORST CASE FINANCIAL RATIOS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS RATING AA A BBB BB B Source: LOAN TO VALUE RATIO (%) DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE 75% 75% 80% 85% 90% 1.25 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 Standard & Poor's Corp. 6 In addition to these financial ratio tests, S&P reguires the project maintain greater of two a liquidity months reserve account equal to the or three months of gross rental payments from the highest must the liquidity reserve be annual debt service on the revenue paying tenant. In no case greater than one third of the bonds. This reserve is required to insure against late mortgage payments. 55 Any shortfall of cash flow to meet bond interest payments or shortfall of residual value to cover principal repayment for any years of the the bond that In addition to mustalso cover the liquidity shortfalls, the credit support All be outstanding must credit support. insured against by means of reserve. is credit support must the bond be in place at closing. real estate is not a S&P recognizes that that funds are to insure So liquid asset. redemption at available for bond maturity, they require the posting of a liquid asset credit facility, equal to the redemption value of the bonds,in the form of a letter of government securities. to bond credit, surety This must value(LTV) ratio of 67.5% at the posting be can that time. until deferred U.S. be posted two years prior property the maturity, unless cash or bond, meets a loan to Passing this test, one year prior to until six months prior if 7the property still meets the LTV test one year prior . Posting can be delayed maturity. Meeting the requirements of this rating test will assist the borrower in However, the rating efficiency gained requirements it the through imposes. definition, be of the pricing and reserve restrictions costs of The are discussed in Chapter VI. by offsets some process the bond. possible rate on obtaining the best these restrictions While the rating system must, conservative, over 56 time it is expected criteria may that the increased become less availability of fundamentals. impact of the estate appraisal and the on familiarity with real estate for A topic rating systems to the performance data historical rated properties and increased market restrictive due further on both the method underwriting conventional lenders. 57 study is the of real guidelines of NOTES TO CHAPTER V. 1. the Rating Industrial Bonds and Belkaoui, Ahmed, Process, Westport Conn: Quorum Books,1983, 13-14. 2. ibid., 15. 3. ibid., 16. 4. Adler, Tamara L., Bonds", The Real "Pricing Rated Commercial Mortgage Estate Finance Journal,Summer 1987, 20. 5. Edith H.Shwalb and David B. Smith, Conway, Janet V., "Commercial Mortgage Ratings Credit Review", Supplement to Credit Week by Standard & Poor's, November 24, 1986, 3. 5. 6. ibid., 7. Adler, 22. 58 COSTS OF CAPITAL CHAPTER VI. Cost of securitized offerings must costs and identified be determine the effective and opportunity deferred costs Indirect costs, Direct and any securitized to the borrower of cost of capital to The basic cost funds raised through a securitized offering. structure of order in aggregated or private, offering, public consists of the following components: Base Rate - rate This is set by treasury cost of the securities of the same maturity as the proposed bonds plus a premium. This measure reflects the cost of funds to the issuer. Spread Over Base treasury rate. the coupon rate Rate - This rate is a The combined base rate and spread represent for the bond offering. the lending rate for the percentage over the It also represents mortgage placed with the borrower. The exact percentage is determined through market testing by the issuer of investors' willingness to pay for the type of offering proposed. Placement Fee - This is the placing the offering in to as the structuring fee charged by the the capital markets. fee or 59 underwriters issuer for Also referred fee, it is Fees typically equal to a percentage of the bond principal. have been found to average for underwriting corporate bonds Professionals 1%, for bond issues in excess of $50 Million. also the range paper indicate this is interviewed for this for commercial mortgage bonds, although the variance is plus or minus 30 basis points. is charged by an agency in Credit Enhancement Fee - The fee return for the pledge of of principle and payment Credit Enhancement credit to support interest may be required the to on a rated the timely bondholders. security to support any possible shortfalls or disruption to the project of The amount cashflow. achieve a given rating is enhancement required credit to determined by the rating agencies through their evaluation process. Credit enhancement magnitude or guarantee irrevocable amount. may either case In and Enhancement provide the fee of paid both transaction structuring, unconditional be limited may vulnerability fees are an to charged will the a Credit initiation of form of commitment as a specific reflect the liability. at the the fee, and quarterly for each year until redemption. Credit enhancement may take several forms: * Cash or other liquid asset reserves placed in trust. 60 and * Letter of Credit (LC) issued by domestic or foreign banks. * Surety Bonds issued by Insurance companies. As described in earlier chapters, there are ways to achieve credit enhancement without incurring direct costs, such as: * - Over collateralization; the reduction loan to of the value (LTV) ratio by increasing collateral assets. * Senior / the reduction Subordinated Structuring; of the LTV ratio by reduction of the loan amount. The cost of credit enhancement have fallen sharply in recent months. to the major Japanese Banks, This is primarily due determined to which seem foothold in the credit aggressive pricing. They have obtain a enhancement market through chosen this strategy to overcome the disadvantage of being an unknown entity to most domestic borrowers, who may show a preference for dealing with familiar organizations, all else being equal. and highest worlds'ten largest is the Citibank only rating designation. with a some AAA rating AAA favor is that six Currently in their rated rated banks U.S. bank to Those offerings must purchase organization. 61 of the are Japanese. 1 maintain the highest desiring to issue debt the credit worthiness of EXHIBIT 6.1: YIELD SPREADS BETWEEN AAA AND AA RATED CORPORATE BONDS, FEBRUARY 1985 TO MARCH 1987 90 70 I- z0 0 40 20 10 IIIII1III11III1IIIIIII1I1IIIII1I1III1II1I I 111111 83 AMJ JASON 84 MAMJJASON 85 MAMJJASON 86 MAMJJ ASON 87 M Source: Federal Reserve Bulletin 62 30bp to payments ranged between enhancement annual costs have Recent credit the amount of 40bp interest 6.1, the in Exhibit shown As protected. and principal of yield corporate debt varies greatly but spread between AAA and AA during the period February 1985 to March 1987 spreads ranged from spreads the of representation an not is Although this 59bp. to 34bp accurate similarly between rated commercial mortgage backed securities, the relationships are To the similar. extent that credit enhancement fees are less than or equal to these spreads, their cost benefits the borrower. Fees Legal and Accounting drafting and coordination mortgage and offering fees may also investors as to the prepayment rights, importance to are also regarding for the of all the as review and as well conform to the rating In the case of a private placement, for be incurred negotiations with specific details of credit enhancement, reseve accounts the investors security. the charged for the documents including documents to agencies' requirements. legal These are fees statements, of these modification - procurement offering of documents. and The other items of accounting fees certified These statements costs vary principally with the complexity, rather than the size, of an offering. Estimates range from $700,000 to $1,300,000. 63 printing of and prospectus the costs of - These represent Advertizing Costs Printing and requirements other of Estimates range from $75,000 notification of the offering. to $100,000. for rating services as described in Chapter 5. Rating Fees - amount of the .04% of approximately the These fees are bonds, plus a nominal amount annually to update the rating. - Trustee fees the Collection and principal interest payments certificate holders. the basis payments mortgage of receipt maintained for accounts must be distribution and repayments to the of bond or These fees are typically calculated on of activity in the accounts. In any event they are an insignifcant fraction of the costs. Title Insurance - As with any real estate transaction, the be protected from claims mortgagee must The cost in the title. against or defects of title insurance are estimated at $150,000 to $250,000 for larger transactions. Appraisal fee - Typically about $40,000 to $60,000 plus an annual update fee. Liquid Asset Credit Facility - rated offerings this is a require the future cost, As described in posting of this it is 64 dependent on Chapter 5, facility. As unforeseeable market therefore and conditions, bond has call privileges prior However, if a rated priced. accurately be cannot to maturity, it is conceivable the posting requirement would avoid the additional cost. trigger early redemption to bonds have whether the is dependent on this occurrence potential for provisions and yield maintainance The the interest rate environment for reinvestment at that point in time. Base Rate and Spread The a choice of base rate is dependent on the cost of capital for the issuer of the bonds and underlying mortgage, as well as the proposed structure of the bond offering. The interest and supports mortgage It is therefore desirable to principle to the bondholders. match the principle maturities of the only, bonds. 1, 3, Or a 5 of the payments mortgage For example, a bonds. balloon mortgage of payment timely the is matched with 10 is matched with a the 10 year, interest 10 year mortgage with principle payments and with group treasury due in years of treasury instruments of the same maturity and par value. By surveying potential investors, the issuers determine the expected yield demanded for the proposed bond offering. The yield required is influenced by several factors: Liquidity - Rated Commercial Mortgage Bonds are not actively 65 traded, principally instruments. in few instances the issuer In a for its own The investor some liguidity. to create in order account makes a market sell buy and to offering the security, of the the recent introduction due to demands a higher return on investments of less liquidity. by a physical As an instrument supported Prepayment Risk - asset, the bonds are at risk of prepayment of the underlying mortgages to due investors yield to maturity will drop. and the instruments the mortgage of acts may the repayment of principle, the be covered by insurance for of act or Although these as condemnation. government, such loss catastrophic some tendency to include the event of prepayment at yield maintainance provisions in the borrowers choice, property Due to the structure specific financings are less affected by this risk. Reinvestment Risk - Accompanying prepayment risk is the risk of finding suitable investments offering the desired returns to maintain the yield that would have been achieved had the bond not been prepaid. Historic rates Rate have indicative of related liquid - Traditionally, Spreads been higher a perception investments. trading instruments, corporate than of higher Despite mortgage the 66 risk in advent investors lending lending rates, real estate of ratings still carry and higher and returns for mortgage backed expectations about the risk investments. Comparison to Bullet Loans capital to cost of the effective Evaluating the borrower requires a comparative analysis with respect to the cost of funds available through conventional lenders such as banks, insurance companies stated earlier, As and pension funds. these sources are usually limited to loan amounts between $5 million and the overlap in the inherent offerings are while securitized of $25 a minimum limited to within $200 million 2, Borrowers million. may choose whether securitized offering the who fall restrictions are warranted by an advantageous effective cost of capital. Exhibit 6.2 illustrates the average interest rates for ten year,interest only bullet loans offered by thirty major U.S. the yields lenders, of ten yield spreads between to March 1987. are typically spread year Treasury the two for the Since ten an interest rate period February 1983 ten year treasury, margin within costs of the securitzed transaction have the year mortgage bond interest rates indexed to the represents the bonds, and advantage 67 which the the yield additional must remain in order to over bullet loans. EXHIBIT 6.2: YIELDS ON TEN YEAR BULLET LOANS VERSUS TEN YEAR TREASURY BONDS 14 13 12 11 10 wi I- 9 8 7 z 4 3 2 1 0 83 AMJ JASON 84 MAMJJ ASON 85 MAMJJ ASON 86 MAMJ JASON 87 MAM 0 INTEST SPEAD + 10 YER TEA9)RY A 10 - 12 YR MORTGAGE Source: Barron's/John B. Levy National Mortgage Survey, Federal Reserve Bulletin 68 It should be Exhibit year 6.2, through costs security loan originations these rates this scope of One can expect of this narrowing of for spreads of occurence can be the narrow to Evidence lenders. which securitzed offerings from tend will recent the for further research. increased competition in the beyond offerings is within borrowing to in indicated Estimating compete. comparing them that found than margin wider can and paper, and is a topic conventional is higher a providing offerings securitized additional treasuries as such Subsequently the spread raise the effective borrowing rate. ten a reports, which appraisals and engineering commitment fees, above rate, lending to the addition in loan bullet costs to there are that noted ,however, spreads between bullet 3 loans and ten year treasuries. opportunity Costs Time and timing are the most significant determinants of the magnitude of the opportunity costs of securitized offerings. The time required to complete a securitzed transaction from inception is estimated to range from seven By comparison, a bullet to 90 days loan transaction typically takes 60 to complete, and can be as This extensive lead time borrower to to nine months. interest rate little as two weeks. for security offerings exposes the risk. 69 As the market for these securities matures, standardized, nature time of the the lead sales and required to thirty to and the time may become shorten. However, disclosure requirements, rating analysis, complete the ninety days, limit the the and the typically potential for improvement in lead time needed to execute such transactions. 70 more products NOTES TO CHAPTER VI. 1. Feldman and Arthur K. Robert A. Zisler, Randall C., Real Estate Report, The Research, Selender, Real Estate 1987, 3. 30, April Sachs, New York, NY: Goldman 2. Crittendon Report Real 28, July 13, 1987, 1. 3. Zisler, 3-5. Estate Financing,Vol. 71 13, No. CHAPTER VII. CASE STUDIES Lincoln Property Associates Limited, a 1985, Lincoln Properties Associates In December subsidiary of Lincoln Property of Dallas, Texas, issued $146 Million in fully registered, first mortgage bonds to finance commitment of two office the take out buildings then under issuer was organized primarily construction. The the bonds and to serve as managing general project that partnerships The buildings. bonds were would to issue partner for two construct placed privately and own the without third party credit enhancement. Lincoln Liberty, a Pennsylvania limited partnership, was the Pittsburgh, Pa., which will be 32 stories 615,360 leasable square feet. Allegheny Corporation agreement to masterlease $31.50 per another square in and will contain the time of the offering, At ten year lease under a to located 42% of had commited to approximately the space $26.50 Tower, Allegheny for partnership project from completion 11%. foot. plus an Rents range The from anticipated completion date is August 1987. The appraised market value at completion was $137.5 Million. Construction cost was estimated of the appraised value. at $97.44 Million, or 70.9% Allegheny 72 Tower received $114.6 Million (78.5%) of the bond proceeds. North, project partnership The leasable square feet. Bank, in the Actual 1986. July value at Construction cost was estimated completion was $45 Million. The FHLB at $28.5 Million, or 63.3% of the appraised value. received Building the of or 21.5% Million, $31.4 from years for ten appraised market The property. Home Loan North has a fee simple Midland completion was on schedule. interest as estimated originally completion, space the of contains 240,907 The Federal The tenant, leased 62% has 11 stories and building is Georgia. the Atlanta in Building FHLB the for was partnership, limited Georgia a Midland bond proceeds. Lincoln Liberty two properties. mortgages on the are secured by The bonds its leasehold mortgaged rights of the groundlessee, including to receive rent the right payments. fee collateral simple proceeds interest. assignments construction, and mortgage on the FHLB Building is evidencing a secure debt a deed to North's The is also The mortgage UDAG loan originated in 1984 subordinate to an $8.5 Million and maturing in 2066. a The mortgage groundlease from Penn-Liberty Holding Company. is subordinate to the under estate of the The bonds leases also and have first security interest until construction completion. 73 on Midland first lien received rents after in the bond Limitations were on placed lease leins and refinancing, or project sale terms. Limited guaranteed construction Lincoln Property Associates costs, without overruns cost including reimbursement, and guaranteed funds right to for bond redemption, in proportion to each project's proceeds, if either project was not completed issuer also guaranteed The within one year. to make loans to the partnerships prior to and for two years after the break even The managing general partners points. defered their development fees. The bonds seni-annually. and 2000 in mature make interest a fixed coupon rate They have payments of 10.5%, an increment of 50% of net cash flow of the partnerships, and 50% of the residual value of each project at maturity. Maximum additional variable rate at 22.5% compounded allowable interest was capped semi-annually. underwritten by Drexel Burnham The bond issue, Lambert, had a three percent underwriting discount and incurred approximately $651,000 in transactions costs, equal to an additional 45 basis points The FHLB six months after Early sale of the project order to of the completion capitalization rate at time in January, 1987, approximately Building was sold in maximize building shell. The of sale was approximately 8.5%. was encouraged by the underwriter bondholders the 74 return, while The yield to the bondholders shortening the bond duration. the the 50% and redemption early was due in large part to This was estimated to exceed 30%. participation However, was capped at 22.5% compounded, The the the bondholders payment to since the residuals. in additional return from net sale proceeds was held in abeyance until the maturity of the balance of the bonds. The bonds' participation features created a tantamount to a fourfold. project First would probably individual lenders. developer, or possibly conventional lenders. electing the securitized structure Their stated reasons for were that equivalent, available through terms were better The participating mortgage. Properties, believed Lincoln debt structure the reguirements capital exceed the lending limits of the of most capital markets, Second, by using the the developer hoped to expand the ownership pool beyond that of a limited partnership structure. the opportunity for business relationships national development buildings the as well and strengthen access the by financing two economies. Fourth, The company to learn how to believes the best way to accomplish this is through direct experience. 75 as a realize the opportunity capital markets. new hoped to developer as realize scale develop its reputation Third, company. transaction afforded to Properties Lincoln simultaneously; the time savings This expansion afforded transaction. the Notably, the issue raised all the funds before take out needed to they were to drawbacks certain identified developer The the construction loans. An agreement was negotiated for the underwriter to reinvest the reinvestment They also had needed. to to guarantee the principal be available when This agreement shifted the reinvestment risk to the underwriter. have amount of principal. security of the full coupon, plus the bonds fixed to the 10.5%, identical rate of to guarantee a The underwriter had needed. proceeds until consider as part issue was risk this developer would agreement, the Without this his of cost of capital. A second feature approximately nine of the months days which conventional must also be developer. simultaneously They expect transpire before lenders. finance the in the cost of through of this time capital to the to Lincoln Properties intends multiple projects in the future. not incrementally for issuance and economies of scale will additional increase the time receiving funding opportunity cost The considered However, complete and took This compares to the typical 60 to complicated transaction. 90 to organize It time. projects be realized. 76 will Bank of Boston In December, 1986, Equitable Federal Street Funding Company, general partnership formed a bancruptcy-proof Massachusetts by The Equitable Life Assurance Society, issued $270 Million secured by a first mortgage in non-recourse, ten year notes on the Bank Boston, which Street by Equitable Federal Partnership.The issue letter Completed in 1971, (1,474,150 82,900 S.F. comprises district. gross square entire an building The that is this district tenant is Bank of The major of the building. commercial bank term debt of block is one over 25 It's the of site, city's only 12 stories tall. Bank of Boston, which leases of Bank headquartered in is rated AA by feet). Boston Corporation's principal subsidiary, The First National 77% 1,355,610 rentable and contains below grade feet buildings in Bank stories above grade, the property is 37 square financial Algemene No other guarantees were provided. Nederland N.V. three stories irrevocable, a by credit issued of 100 Federal $30,680,000 credit of form the for $363 Company Limited Street Realty was provided with in collateral unconditional to refinance were issued The bonds support Equitable in 1985 was purchased by million. Street in 100 Federal Building at of Boston Boston is New England and Standard & Poor's. 77 the largest its long in the downtown area comparable properties for all buildings, seasoned office rentable prime was 2.9%, while properties as well as completed space by 1987 was projected at feet of which approximately approximately 22 million square at the offering date. 19 million was on line Total 9.1%. vacancy rate was lease-up, the properties in in 1985 for seasoned The vacancy rate rate was 3.1%. the average 2.5%; 1986, the vacancy rate stood at On August 1, Approximately 14 million was contained in 23 buildings. Office rents ranged expenses. from $33 to $41, plus pass through Estimated net cash flow before debt service was: 1996 1988 1987 692$---------------------------------------6% Inflation 3% Inflation $29,191,000 $32,364,000 $51,252,000 $29,174,000 $32,086,000 $38,515,000 The appraised market value of the building and land was $405 The loan million. Dividing the $29,716,000 by to was therefore value ratio estimated 1986 unlevered the appraised value yields net 66.67%. cash flow of a capitalization rate of 7.34%. The bonds were coupons and zero of current pay issued at par in two series, ,or accrued interest notes were redeemable 78 coupons. at par, current pay $245 million with a 9.271% Annual debt service for these notes was semi-annual coupon. The zero notes were sold at two accrual rates: $22,713,950. $15 million at 9.428%, yielding $37,456,000 at maturity; and $10 or cost borrowing rate, The effective maturity. &25,358,000 at 9.589%, yielding million at is the of capital, blended rate of the three coupons, or 9.29%. In The bonds are call protected for years one through five. but accrued interest calculated full amount the part, for not in of principal to the redemption date,and equal the to at redemption in whole, bonds may be redeemed through ten the years six plus a bond premium original yield to maturity. was equal to the 1986 net The unlevered return to the owner cash flow $363,000,000, return equaled the 1986 net 6.95%. The the offering, the cash flow after debt service of by the remaining $93 $6,460,000 divided yielding After 8.19%. yielding price of by the purchase of $29,717,000 divided yield reduced million in equity, is the result of the negative leverage created by borrowing money at a rate higher than the unlevered furthe increased by bonds. The effect return. the high interest rates of the the lower on the accrual return must be reinvestment rate of the $270 compensated for either by the million in proceeds, The negative leverage is which must earn in excess rate, or by the residual value. 79 of the bond The accrual notes value of small. are essentially the property. total The initial equity after equal $400,814,000. the owners appreciate initial at on the value with the the of value residual is relatively However, their risk redemption Combined $307,814,000. a bet of the notes is owners' million the total the offering of $93 In order to redeem the bonds and return equity approximately in one 80 1996, the percent property annually. must NOTES TO CHAPTER VII. 1. and Market Secondary The Eric, Stevenson. Mortgages, Property Income for Securitization Washington, DC: The Mortgage Bankers Association, 1986. 2. Equitable Federal Street Funding Company, "Bank of Private Massachusetts" Boston, Building, Boston Placement Offering, Salomon Brothers,September 1986. 81 CONCLUSION CHAPTER VIII. Real estate investors before several issues must address choosing property specific commercial mortgage securities as size the deal, of they must In particular, a funding vehicle. restrictions placed borrower. on the and the offering, of costs the consider the In return the for these limitations, the borrower is able to access much larger sums of capital than through conventional sources, typically at competitive interest rates. Securitized transactions are large scale transactions, which use the They capable This of raising capacity far $25 excess of in typically raise their source markets as global capital $1 billion over that exceeds of funds. million, and are offerings. in single lenders, of conventional which usually loan from $5 million to $200 million. Scale economies play a significant role in the cost of funds of securitized transactions. structuring fees paid Although the underwriting and to the security issuer are usually a percentage of the amount raised, many additional costs, such as legal counsel, appraisals and constant. As the fixed costs administrative size translate to the cost of funds to the of an advertising, printing, financial expense, are relatively offering diminishes, an increasing percentage borrower. 82 these load on There is a threshold at which the eliminate these costs funds available through with the cost of issues to compete securitized ability for conventional sources. In facilities, reserve asset of property reinvestment risk bond payments semi-annual credit be of liquid the and support, cash flows until should can offerings Posting the borrower. costs on impose indirect securitized direct costs, to addition payment of to Loan evaluated. value ratios may be lower than those allowed by conventional forcing the borrower to lenders, thereby invest additional equity. Borrowers seeking to million must cost of between $25 raise compare the effective available through capital $200 million and to the cost of capital lenders. conventional This comparison must include all costs, including direct and indirect costs, deferred costs and opportunity costs. Limitations and Further Study To date less than transactions are 30 PSCMS have occured. Most of these the euromarket or through of requirement public securities have been private placements, disclosure. specific information regarding the limited. Of twelve estimated to organizations 83 Therefore sold in without the access to costs of transactions is directly involved in which securitized transactions paper, only two were willing issues the limiting thereby offering, placement and private into these transactions will source of Those who find the best banking houses be the investment information to the of examination characteristics of these instruments performance. choose to enter initial the after trading activity limited have of their to disclose details Furthermore, euromarkets offering. this for contacted were which underwrite the deals. With time, the ability to amass comprehensive data regarding involve the borrower rating by making costs of issuing these a This cost of detailed their yield conventional increased frequency of issuance actual respect to when first lenders to their issued. the cost of capital could then be compared to through capital to comparison of securities with classification and capital effective cost of determination of may securities research in this area would One topic for further improve. the mortgage commercial specific property determine if of these securities fosters pricing efficiency. Another topic for study is on both the method of the impact of the rating systems real estate appraisal underwriting guidelines of conventional lenders. 84 and the BIBLIOGRAPHY "Pricing Rated Commercial Mortgage Adler, Tamara L., Bonds", The Real Estate Finance Journal,Summer 1987, 19-26. 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Tamara Adler, Vice President, who graciously preparation of Financial Guarantee Insurance Companies, Goldman Sachs, New York, NY. Specialist, Andrew Berman, Rating Corporation, New York, NY. Ernest T. Elsner, Senior Inc.,Chicago Ill. Standard & Poor's Vice President, Duff & Phelps Harwood, Senior Vice President, C. J. Estate Investment Management, Boston ,MA. Equitable Real David Hartzell, Salomon Brothers Inc, New Yory, NY. Lawrence York, NY. Chemical J. Langs, Realty Corporation, Thomas McKinenery, Vice President, Aetna Surety Company, Hartford, CN. New Casualty and Robert Perriello, Vice President, The Beacon Companies, Boston, MA. & Poor's Paul Stevens, Vice President, Equitable Real Investment Management Company, Boston, MA. Estate David Smith, Rating Corporation, New York, NY. Margaret Chicago Ill. David York, NY. Stueben, Welch, Vice Specialist, Credit Broker, Standard Marsh President, Lincoln 89 McClennan, Properties, New