WATERWORKS: AN ARTIST'S INQUIRY INTO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPACES THAT PROMOTE CREATIVE INTERACTION by Uriel Levi Boston Museum School, 1977 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN VISUAL STUDIES AT THE MASSSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1985 Copyright (c) Uriel Abraham Levi The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the Author Uriel Levi Department of Architecture May 16, 1985 Certified by Otto Piene Professor of Visual Design Thesis Supervisor Accepted by IF Nicholas Negroponte Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students RotC& MASSACHUSETTS MSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 311985 LIBIRARAES - WATERWORKS: 2 - AN ARTIST'S INQUIRY INTO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPACES THAT PROMOTE CREATIVE INTERACTION by Uriel Levi Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 16, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Visual Studies. Abstract "To Function In His Fullest Scope, Man Must Restore The Unity Of His Experiences So That He Can Register Sensory, Emotional And Intellectual Dimensions Of The Present In An Indivisible Whole." [Kepes] The objective of this thesis will be to begin to formalize inquiry into the development of environments an artist's term "creative The that promote creative interaction. interaction" as it will be used within the context of this relationship in which an to a dynamic thesis refers responds to the environment with a well individual(s) integrated sense of exploration, introspection and regard. intended to through sculptures are swim Waterworks alternative encourage the development of an awareness of By presenting the space. to relating of ways for spatial participant-viewer with new possibilities the environment will is proposed that it interaction, feedback stimulate a sense of exploration. By enhancing is proposed that the , it to the participant viewer sculpture will provide the opportunity for reflection and Through facilitating new found awareness, introspection. it is hoped that the environment will foster a sense of regard that extends beyond immediate self-concern. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Otto Piene Professor of Visual Design -3- Dedication This is dedicated to the ones I love. -4- Table of Contents 2 3 4 Abstract Dedication Table of Contents PREFACE INTRODUCTION 5 11 1. MODES OF INQUIRY; An Artist's Approach 16 2. 24 LANGUAGE 3. PERCEPTION 27 4. BODY LANGUAGE IN THE INFORMATION AGE 31 37 5. WATERWORKS 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 40 41 43 44 Early notes on Waterworks Waterworks Film Narration Recent thoughts on Waterworks The sculpture 6. DESIGN 50 7. WATERWORKS FIGURES 53 8. LIFELINES 65 8.1 Abstract 8.2 Pathways to Comprehension 8.3 Application 67 67 72 8.4 LIFEDRAWING 74 79 9. CONCLUSIONS A. Environmental Appendix Methodology Psychology Evaluation 83 Appendix B. Technology Packaging a Picture B.1 88 93 Appendix C. Waterworkers Comments 96 -5- PREFACE The views expressed in context philosophical function humankind and humankind of in processes is to nature contribute to of science processes are that and natural order the as to enhance we are structures, part of the inextricably Art the names we have given to the range of human activity that endeavors to the in comprehend and interrelated that together make up the planet Earth. and of the expression of order in our world. This view affirms the belief community part that and perceive, express these structures and processes so and is that expressions of this order are manifest the structures a affirms a belief in an order that within the natural universe; that that order; within exist paper this understand of the universe. and express They share a common purpose: the apprehension, comprehension and or expression -61 explore The universe. of some aspect of the natural will to and express is the essential quality of humankind and is the birthright of each individual. Our awareness of order in the been greatly enhanced by natural universe technologies that allow us to perceive beyond the normal capabilities of our sensory systems. oscilloscopes and Thanks has to biological the likes of microscopes, spectrometers, we gain access to 1 Aprehension and comprehension or experience and thought basic agreement are viewed as domains in a continuum in with the ecological theory of perception as propossed by J.J.Gibson in his book The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems Perceptual development and perceptual learning are seen as a process of distinguishing the features of a rich input not of enriching the data A perceptual of a bare and meaningless input. for a state of what we call hunts system "clarity". Whatever this state is physiologically it has probably governed the evolution of the , perception of the species, the maturation of the perception in the young, and the learning of perception in the adult. Gibson addresses the notion of perception in terms of of stimulus orders varying extract that systems information from a flux of stimulus energy implying a transactional relationship between the various components (senses) of these systems as well as in between systems themselves. This interrelationship funtions in such a way so that the component parts of one system may be included in another depending on the task at hand. The distinctions between systems and senses are not fixed. I suggest that there may be a similar relationship between experience and thought. (Gibson] -7- in nature that are too fast, too events about knowledge for away small or too far have to us them perceived unaided by these instruments. Yet for all this achievement our machines are just beginning to approach the functional capabilities of even the simplest life forms. Kay, Alan in delivered in March 1984 Too address his as of part Many Smart People, MIT the Engineering and Computer Science Distinguished Electrical Lecturer Series, decried society's expectations the "technological He fix". In determine not a "problem" indeed required fixing, or if or the problem was really with the way it at. regarding advocated an attempt at an understanding of the larger context in order to whether of Dept. a pertinent aside he being was looked noted his backround in molecular biology and said that he had done a "work-up" on E.coli bacterium; 1/500 the size of a standard mammalian cell" contains the equivalent of "100,000,000,000 bytes (of information) or 12,000,000 8K Atari (computer) games or 50,000 2Meg Lisa systems. The imrlication being that nature information processing knows his book When In the Awake (Tributsch82] cites evidence of a wide range of animals accurately human about that we have yet to discover. another example Helmuth Tributsch in Snakes something technology has predicting yet to earthquakes, accomplish. something The theory -8proposed by Tributch is that a specific the in function nervous system of these animals is sensitive to positively ionized aerosols produced by the effect piezo-electric by the mounting pressure of the impending quake generated on the quartzite substrate of the The surface. earth neurophysiological processes that appear to be responsible for this sensitivity to positive ions have observed been in humans. One implication of this observation is that humans as a species are possessed of the capabilities to comprehensive more body of information extract our about If environment than is generally presumed to be normal. our nervous systems are responsive to the same phenomena that alert animals to earthquakes, why should able to remains teach for a us ourselves to we be not to predict them as well? What or more accomplish as a species accurately as a civilization, is to develop, indeed evolve an awareness, understanding and facility to employ the processes that facilitate these capabilities. Professor of Philosophy, Paul Churchland puts it this way: We have a large variety of internal states and processes. We also have certain innate mechanisms for discriminating the occurrence of some of these states and processes from their nonoccurence, and And for discriminating them one from another. discriminatory that when we invoke and attend to activity, we can respond to it with explicitly conceptual moves--that is, with more or less -9appropriate judgments about those internal states and processes, judgements framed in the familiar concepts of common sense: "I have a sensation of pink","I have a pain", and so forth. We thus have some access however incomplete, to our own internal activities. Self knowledge is supposed to be a good thing according to almost everyone's ideology. How then might we improve or enhance this introspective access? Surgical or genetic modification of our innate introspective mechanisms is one possibility, but not a realistic one in the short term. Short of this, perhaps we can learn to make more refined and penetrating use of the discriminatory mechanisms we already possess. Professor Churchland goes on to suggest that we train ...our native mechanisms to make a new and more detailed set of discriminations, a set that corresponded not to the primitive psychological taxonomy of ordinary language, but some more penetrating taxonomy of states drawn from a 'completed' neuroscience. [Churchland] The position taken in this development of this consciousness integrated the and an scientific observation Meeting, the artist seeks laws, is that dependent upon the an approach incorporating a collaboration between artistic paraphrase is paper modes brought the case of inquiry. To up at a CAVS Fellows that expresses all while the scientist looks for the law that explains all cases. [Bruner] Systems in the often discrete, natural acknowledge universe in interelationship with the rest of We might call this their the form-al while very natural unique design and an universe. expression of -10- interrelationships between natural systems, the ecological principle of design. That animal nervous systems are sensitive to a subtle by product of natural cataclysm is a nice example of what I mean by ecological design. That is, each part of the system functions in relationship to the system as a whole and to every other part of the system. This thesis attempts to describe and express something of the author's exploration into the domain body mind images that consciousness. been are an expression The exploration undertaken through as of presented of body here, has the development of a sculptural system known as Waterworks. The term image refers to a perceptual entity that is not restricted to a single sense (eg. vision), but may overlap several sensory systems. The primary perceptual matrix addressed by Waterworks is a combination system. of the The term sculpture dimensional haptic is system and the visual used here in the four conception, that is the aesthetic ordering of materials and events with respect to height, width, depth and time. In addition, the beginings into the relationship between interactive aspects of essentialy the people Lifelines. Lifelines examples of a secondary inquiry formalistic, and the in space is presented in given in this paper are sketches that point towards a visual formalism that corresponds to transactional protocols. -11- INTRODUCTION A fundamental in difference the apprehension of sculpture from the apprehension of two dimensional imagery with the difference in the perception of the work. begins Specifically, a two dimensional work is from a single one views a Generally point. station primarily viewed painting, drawing or photograph while standing or sitting. Whatever locomotion that was necessary to bring one within stops meaningful proximity to the work apprehension and (and perhaps contemplation and comprehension) of the image The perceptual becomes the primary and dominant activity. systems that are active are primarily the visual ones; all other physical activity background mode function, quiets and the Ideally, etc. head and eye, optic nerve, visual cortex down and assumes a part greatest of our attention is devoted to the image before us. The fixed image provides a focus for our attention and activity and ideally provides us with the to make opportunity nothing else matter except the issue at hand, to effectively limit the intrusion of worldly events. The ability of a still image to set up a situation in which we can achieve this moment of introspective perception is perhaps supreme value. of This quality is one of the reasons -12importance that the still image continues to maintain its in face the of pictures, motion television, computer animation, holography and the like. the us If it is accurate that the still image gives of introspective perception, then perhaps it would moment which that as sculpture be appropriate to characterize the opportunity for contemplative proprioceptive provides Proprioception perception. movements, sense the of our own of our limbs, the state of our positions the is muscles etc. As an object in space, the sculpture requires that we it or move ourselves in order to apprehend the piece move it around compels us to move to see it, then in some sense it is order in sculpture If the in its totality. also promoting at least a functional of awareness the we have to move around in, (perception of space) as space well as an awareness of our the within space own movements and postures if Likewise, (proprioception). a sculpture compells or even invites us to touch it then, in sense, it is also inviting us to acknowledge our own some sense of touch. The image we take with us will be one that we carry in our bodies as well as our minds. It is this notion of "body image" which I have chosen to address in Waterworks. martial wealth artist of body The dancer, the yogi and the have rich traditions from which to draw a images, poetic expression, spiritual -13transcendence and peace of mind. The images evoked through an encounter with a sculpture, be they body images or otherwise, are by definition, somewhat more ambiguous. The artist sets up a situation, that is to say, the artist makes a presentation to which an responses, reactions, appropriate. This setting up of the invites and class interactions might ambiguous of be situation the viewer to participate in the creative process by including the viewer in the Which entire of the determined by sculpture. From variety the of decision making process. responses the viewer makes is interaction of the viewer and the The decision is the viewers. Jacob Bronowsky's essay The Imaginative Mind in Art in reference to a poem by Dylan Thomas but making the point for art in general: Imagination simply means the human habit of making images inside one's head. Everyone of us reads the same poem, and yet each one of us makes his own poem. This is the nature of imagination: that everyone has to reimagine, and to reimagine for himself. Dylan Thomas certainly imagined this poem first, certainly created the poem. And yet if you want to understand the poem , you have to recreate it for yourself. This is a strange thought, but it is fundemental. No work of art has been created with such finality that you need contribute nothing to it. You must recreate the work for yourself... [Bronowsky] Making decisions in response to materials and space is basically what a sculptor does. viewer does So in this sense the indeed share in the creative experience when -14The he or she responds to a sculpture. is experience the upon dependent Encouraging The is part of the function of sculpture. response sculptor's individual expression determines and quality range, the to which the degree viewer becomes involved with that response. that of quality the specific within which the viewer, or context rather the participant-viewer is encouraged to respond. thesis This can sculpture is so function affect the the with concerned as to quality creative promote of that notion viewers the interaction, ie. experience. The sculptures that succeed in this endeavor are those that succeed in compelling the viewer to become with the response to or the exploration of space involved or materials or interaction. to Life and art become complements impasse in reached one is insight provided by the other. our perceptions of her. with an often resolvable through an It is my intention to affirming the I further intend to throw my lot artists and exploring and thinkers, those philosophers who are in the transactional scientists, process or of what of interdependent between human perception and conception. part other, the interdependence of art and life, of nature and affirm in each That we nature are a we perceive, that what we perceive affects who we are and that what we do affects our environment. In short an ecological approach towards the development of -15the human consciousness. to The objective of this thesis is present an example of art making as an exploration and an intrinsic element of this developmental process. -16- Chapter 1 MODES OF INQUIRY; An Artist's Approach Art helps me to my relationship to my understand environment, history and my self (self: referring to the universal and individual self). The academic proportion, issues issues balance, of rhythm, color and perspective, proximity are that provide me with a cognitive system with which to comprehend what I perceive. tools context, and tangible The stuff manifests theory quality. The of act taking into doing: in of a substantive, technique volition are crystalized in the art object. and The completed art object is its own proof of success or failure. fact. hand It is The art object confirms or denies the validity of the effort put forth in its execution. Art is that manifestation of human creativity that is the gestalt of concept - process - product. When an emotion, idea experienced to the extent individual's said to collective personal have been or that history, integrated experience. mood it (i.e. concept) is becomes the into part of an concept may then be that individual's The interaction that takes place when that individual is able to express that concept in -17- her own terms is the very essence of the creative or his The cultivation of the creative process combined process. mastery of attendant technique is the essential the with characteristic of the artist. Process has to do with the artist's relationship with Medium being both the material and the his or her medium. method in which it is worked. a feel nuances required expression or and for out to employed understanding of the subtleties and coax optimum the of the chosen material. be consistent with the develop It is necessary to so medium, performance and The image should that the techniques are consistent with or at least conscious of the characteristics of the material. of The art object is a product of the synthesis internal the (concept integration), and external (process and technique) creative processes. The successful art object is a crystalization of concept and process. The function of art in society is basically one of The purpose of art is essentially communication. Even enlightenment. The artist sets painting, sculpture, film, etc. from mood, society often is up a which situation to relate or - a a or idea through direct and or metaphorical feeling association. of though the motivations and reasons given by artists often have little to do with communication. one This setting up of the situation may be after the fact. Often and the artist does not -18consciously set out to say something. of nature art that the It is part of the final statement may not become the apparent (even to the artist) until after piece has been completed. the viewer relates to an issue addressed by the When takes art object, a special kind of communication Specifically, the concept is place. incorporated into the art object for its own sake and as a result of the transaction that took place between the artist and work while the work was in process. Furthermore, the viewer is the work as (ideally) responding to a result of his or her own interaction with the art object free from intrusion by other personalities. The concept is ideally communicated without the intrusion of another between ego. The that communication Love defined as the an association somewhat akin to love. of one's own ego to the extent that it may person, be replaced with concern for another When an place to art object and art object to viewer is artist reliquishment takes emotion is result of contact with idea, etc. elicited or thought stimulated as a the art work, that interaction completes the cycle of the creative process and the artist fulfills his or her place in society as a celebrant of the human experience. In Jewish tradition, a high form of charity takes place when the donor does not know to whom specifically -19his donation his benefactor. is going and recipient does not know who is enlightenment I takes suggest that a high form of place when a concept is communicated on the strength of its own worth and embraced for the same reason. As the tradition goes, the highest form of charity is providing someone with the opportunity to him or her self. help Likewise the art that succeeds is that which provides the viewer with the opportunity to gain his or her own insights. In the preface of his book Visual Thinking, Rudolf Arnheim states, "...that artistic activity is a form of reasoning, in which perceiving and thinking are indivisibly intertwined." Arnheim goes on to suggest that"a slit between sense and thought" is responsible for "various deficiency diseases in modern man." [Arnhiem] It is an attempt to reintegrate the human persona that fuels the creative process. consolidation of what I This thesis is am in effect able to express (in print) about the relationship between people and space as I explored that relationship a via an involvement have in environmental art. My first half-conscious probe into the issue conceive of a series of sensory isolation... others. they to something or I don't remember exactly what I called were was them but to be a series of sculptural objects that were -20meant to facilitate some (generally) two type of communication between or three people while restricting one or more of the five senses. The idea I had in mind was that a group of people would spend some time with each other in each one of these situations until everybody had been through each of them with everyone else in the group. culmination of the piece was to be chamber, embryonic assemble and meet. in if a specially The designed you will, for the entire group to This meeting would be the first class an imaginary art school, the encounters in the sensory isolation communication modules functioning as orientation for the first periodically schedule. class, with interspersed subsequent into a class predominantly studio I don't remember thinking much about curriculum at the time, in fact, I built only one of the modules. meetings 1d preliminary -21It was a somewhat 2x4s simple construction plywood, of and plexiglass which I entitled visual communication exerciser. that it was a good idea and that it would keep, possibly for a beginning project in the art school I was the felt I Its not that I lost interest in the project. following much to learn. September. to enter In the meantime, there was so At the time, I was a student at Miami Dade Junior College and was getting my first exposure to a full time art curriculum. photography, Everything from all. drawing to from printmaking to ceramics, from design to conceptual art was attractive to me. new figure It all seemed fresh, and yet somehow comfortable, and I wanted to try them I was just beginning my education as an artist. -22It seems as though the theory of art was acquired for It was generally through the most part rather informally. impromtu conversation with teachers and or It was also significantly with other students. most apparent that the revolved around majority and formal education, Process, technique and critique. doing. art I think one distinction between academic the of artists visiting education and teaching is that in academia the technical focus is on finding a predetermined, correct answer question, structured most where as my best a to teachers art basically said, "I'm not even going to ask you a question, rather I or may not give you some things to think may about, so that you can come up with your own questions". Much of what seems to go on in art making has with a do continual gesture, feedback and response process, or so that "the answer" through dynamically a "the question" responsive is formulated process. significance of the gesture is perceived, often, to and The evaluated, i suspect, without a clear distinction between the perception and the evaluation. The following gesture usually confirms or repudiates the evaluation. I am getting ahead of myself, the point being that I had become involved in activity that seemed resonant chord somewhere in my to personality. strike a When Ron Mitchell, one of my first instructors at Miami Dade, spoke of balance and rhythm in reference to the hand building of -23a ceramic sculpture, I knew what he about. talking was Now I had never heard the term rhythm used in reference to an abstract to a formal time signature-notation . But when anything but music and even in that reference it was about he admonished our beginning ceramics class to think the structural elements of our pieces in terms of rhythm, harmony and balance, I felt as though I knew just what this Now meant. realization, but it is one my hearing be to profound a recollections earliest Rhythm, had "discovered" on my own but had not yet named. and harmony; timing, in successful life recollections down matter. that for I get the As feeling elusive the works successful and balance timing, resonance; and balance qualities essential perhaps or harmony balance of to and name a phenomenon which I refer somebody seem not may he art of write I or these that much of my motivation in pursuing a life in art making is a result of an attempt to reconcile the disparity between life and art through the pursuit of rhythm, balance and harmony. provides process a or structure perceived in life. experiences and microcosmic often or Art or allegorical example of a relationship that could be It works inversely as well, day to day providing lessons in patience, observation, sensitivity, persistence and timing necessary to realize a successful work of art. -24- Chapter 2 LANGUAGE procrastination major My in writing rather or beginning to write this thesis revolved around the trouble of reconciling the making of art with about intellectualization From the beginning and in the end it is the art. work of art, the art object and experience of the art object and the making of the art object that justifies the art object. say any if the work of art "works". more then one needn't about it. Yet, at the same time the right references words often open up new understanding, explain previously not recognized and impart new meaning to relationships noticed but not acknowledged. The sound of the waterfall Has long since ceased Yet with the mention Of its name We can here it still [KINTO] The poet has written this haiku with two assumptions, first that the reader has in fact listened to the sound of a waterfall, and second that the waterfall. reader knows the word I suspect that in order to empathize with the experiential quality the poet alludes to, the reader -25time should have probably known the word waterfall at the he or she was listening to the sound of the waterfall. do we deal with experiences for which we have no How the by subconscious are Rolf Ida as such matrix name? Do we bury them in a psychological as suggested by Freud? Or, as suggested our in stored experiences these Are these experiences significant and neuro-musculature? what are the implications of not naming them? What are the ways in which we gain access to these experiences? word a Does any have meaning other than what it it refers to? Is this different for a noun or a verb than is for Is article? an it when words are different is combined, or does the sentence still only mean what it Is the language of art different? about? Is the of one functions of art to provide us with references to experiences too subtle, too private complex to be named? Does a great work of art provide us with both the experience and the contention too or It reference? my is this is indeed the case, that art at its that best is both epistemological and ontological in nature. spoke Rothko of his paintings a as and family intended them to be displayed as a group, when viewed this way,it becomes language. appearent that Rothko had developed Moving from painting to painting one sees that he had succeeded in expressing power and nuance with new set a of colors and spaces. This language each while -26consistent references with to itself other is not experiences dependent upon in to meaning, it provides its own experience. order named impart -27- Chapter 3 PERCEPTION color The the me to field paintings of Mark Rothko introduced notion an was transition that expressible The paintings showed me that powerful domains, quality. in this case those of color and space, could be balanced as long as there was the appropriate attention paid to the transition between one domain and the next. Viewing Rothko's paintings allowed me to understand these concepts of power and subtlety by the providing opportunity to perceive (ie.experience) power and subtlety. When hung together in room, Rothko's paintings a re-enforce each other. The paintings or rather the of effect paintings seem to fill the room so that the space the is transformed by paintings with the each reverberation cumulative The other. the of space itself becomes special. The controlled manipulation of the space; presence modulation, as a perception fine evolved into a discipline in its own right. of a arts genre has The works Robert Irwin are exemplary in this regard. When I married the painting to the environment, suddenly it had to deal with environment around it of -28as being equal to the figure and having as much meaning. Robert Irwin from [Weschler] Irwin's remark was in reference to a series of paintings he did on discs, concave that when viewed appropriate lighting conditions, succeeded in the distinction contemporary eliminating between the edge of the painting and the Another artist, James walls they were hung upon. a the under and one Turrell associate of Irwin's, has time succeeded in eliminating the distinctions (at least in the visual domain) between surface and space. In Turrell's what installations, it becomes impossible to discern that to appears be a subtly surface, painted exquisitely diffuse light coming from a is room in fact behind an aperture; until one places one's hand into empty space! each of these cases the artist has presented (not In represented) a unique expression of a quality of light space or presence that in is or of itself both the and reference and the referant. The work of art facilitates a genuine shareable experience. If there were an ideal state objective for the work centered, it might be which around to achieve thesis this is the capability of a language of shared experience. J.J.Gibson perceptual suggests system often that the offer senses in overlapping a given stimulus -292 in a given field of response to invarients energy. environmental The perceptual system may use this overlapping of response to extract a higher order invarient; information. The organism in turn will often use overlaps of perceptual systems to extract higher orders of information environment. in As case the from the location of a fire by of smell. The olifactory system responds to volatile aerosols the fire, the haptic system orients the head by released of to equalize the bilateral stimulation system movement (air finger) order in composite to the cutaneaous the skin of the face or wetted on determine wind direction. The information indicating that a fire is "over of there" . getting too controversial domain of epistemology, ontology, With out deeply into knowledge philosophy of the rich and representation, the mind and intelligence, artificial or otherwise, let us assume for a moment that an overlapping and integrated information 2 Besides the change in stimuli from place to place and can also be shown that certain it from time to time, higher order variables-- stimulus energy, ratios, and proportions, for example -- do not change. ...And it will be shown that these invarients of the energy flux at the receptors of an organism correspond to the permanent They constitute, environment. properties of the permanent about the information therefore, environment. [Gibson] -30system is a good thing. Good in the sense that processing the greater the information bandwidth or the spectrum of perception, the broader the greater the opportunity to extract higher orders of information. Or to put it another way, the the more we learn to refine our perceptual systems, greater the opportunity we afford ourselves to comprehend the richness of our environment. How do we go about designing a process to refine our perceptual capabilities? -31- Chapter 4 BODY LANGUAGE IN THE INFORMATION AGE The notion of body language as it is intended in this of idea the around revolves chapter, learning to understand and interpret what our bodies may be telling us entire phenomena; parapsychological water be from premonitions (knowledge of an event before it occurs) to dowsing locate to consider now we what of range It may be that an our environment. and ourselves about will underground) ( the ability to yield to eventually regarding explanations such as that proposed by Tributsch animals and earthquake prediction. the theory Tributsch's In of uptake the neurotransmitter serotonin is disrupted by the presence of positively ionized aerosols. uptake seems to animals a as meteorological activity. particles, an produce recognize This disruption of serotonin acute the the precursor to violent seismic or presence The of the charged which are also in evidence in association with violent storms, are attributed in the case of to that discomfort buildup of on pressure earthquakes the piezo-electrically reactive quartzite in the earth's crust. It is not unreasonable to assume that there are -32corresponding sensitivities in our own bodies that respond to to, that modern are we that domains ruled out that there exists energy sensitive It cannot be already been demonstrated. has this ions, positive In the case of adverse reaction to environment. the in phenomena electro-chemical of range a science has yet to describe. there After all it was not until the current century that existed an accurate description of the behavior of ions. The book his In Wave, Third which In the first wave wave would manifest itself. third Toffler domain the [Tofler] wrote on the "infosphere" as the Alvin of agricultural age, human kind established a relationship with lithosphere the in we that necessary to establish a culture, developed the skills a indeed civilization upon what could be reliably (somewhat) coaxed from the ground. By the end of the second wave, the industrial based age had imposed a somewhat adolescent domination over large portions of the earth surface and the biosphere in general. As we make the transition into the third wave early the as indications suggest that it will be characterized information age. Like the adolescent approaching young adulthood, human civilization is beginning to perceive that in to manage its responsibilities, understand those responsibilities. it must order learn to -33Understanding is based on knowledge and knowledge may be as defined the approach, appears to be a still somewhat less than mature fixate to come has civilization mainstream In what integration of information. on the accumulation of information as some sort of stockpiling or which in is understanding, knowledge has become it may be while however, Knowledge the knowledge is some attention to the "fourth might it banks, well be contexts and Then, perhaps we may the to applications of all this knowledge. forward and compound the markets knowledge various devoting look understanding. So while the power brokers are scrambling to interest in their information worth for and insight gained through the experience of that application. corner basis the which in context commodity. a with synonymous not Understanding implies a applied socio-economic a Information is becoming the currency in system market. commodities historical an in speculation wave" as the age of understanding. There is a statement attributed to claims, that sensibilities". knowledge "All Leonardo originates In a world in which knowledge is DaVinci in in our the process of becoming a prime commodity, the market-place of ideas would do well to contemplate Leonardo's assertion. a part assimilate the As of the burgeoning understanding amount of necessary to information our -34for civilization is accumulating, it is necessary the broaden bandwidth to need Consider the potential pictures. information natural be of communicating a in language visual syntax as sophisticated, and a vocabulary as well a with we perhaps then our to If a picture is worth a thousand processing capabilities. words, of us understood as that of a spoken language. If we add to this sound, language, visual with accessible information ability information, volumetric, tonal and temporal the its further to we still. express compound But we have only mentioned two of at least five senses, is it possible that day we might develop our pan-sensory perceptual one capabilities to respond to information our that the richness environment affords us? suggestion of this thesis that development and of of multi-modal It is the our minds as fully integrated perceptual and expressive bodies systems is imperative if we as a civilization are to reach our potential. The phrase body language in the information age is used to suggest that we may indeed endeavor to sophisticated multi-sensory means of our world than a of communication that will enable us to perceive and communicate expression develop a far richer most of us are presently capable of. Bear in mind that the natural universe still provides the best examples of information gathering and processing. -35- Nature provides the paradigms of process and form that can serve best as models for our design. appropriately technological development is most towards the The focus of our directed understanding of the natural universe rather than the domination of it. From Helmut Tributsch's How Life Learned to Live: in general think of nature and physical People opposite and conflicting worlds. as technology in the technical, others only in only Many live the natural world. Both groups advocate their own interests and convictions. Why should it not be possible to work toward technological progress that is in harmony with nature? The schizophrenia from which we suffer is rooted in our schooling. Our biology studies disregard the fascinating technology in nature. Our physics or technology pay just as little heed to the ingenious technical inventions in the animal and plant kingdoms. with the familiar engineer an not Would respect more technological ideas of nature have realized who Would not a naturalist for nature? more have technology requires life that progress? technological for understanding Knowledge that reconciles nature and physical technology could pave the way for the progress his to is not a threat to man, but that benefit. [Tributsch] Spaces that promote creative interaction; sculpture as a vehicle for transforming a space into space a that promotes creative interaction. By developing environmental sculpture that encourages exploration of movement through space while time providing the opportunity for various modalities, I expect that an awareness will will give rise at the same feedback develop that to a lexicon of somatosensory images. In -36time this body image lexicon may expand into the rudements of a human language of space. Under legitimate the mode premise of that inquiry, art I making will is suggest in fact a that an environmental sculptor might lend some significant insight into the understanding of the real and potential qualities of people in space. -37- Chapter 5 WATERWORKS Waterworks is the author's ongoing investigation of the human experience of space. started out as an Begun in 1972, inquiry into the nature of form, by setting up a situation from which a space, minimal structure could Waterworks be defined by a explored from the inside as well as out. My intent is to develop configurations optimize the interaction swim through the piece. The (forms) that of the participant-viewers who sculpture consists of the configuration of mirrors combined with the movement of the participant-viewers through the configuration. The objective is to establish a multi sensory image from which the participant-viewer may better relate to the perception and experience of space and the perception and experience of self. In January of 1973, when I what was to installed the water medium to provide ability of direct physical access to virtually any part of a three dimensional form. the of become a series of underwater environmental sculptures, I was primarily interested in the the first Building form underwater enabled me to freely explore the form -38from a limitless set of vantage points. the work to was in the actual experience of the exploration and discovery of a three appropriate that dimensional form. It seemed the viewer should get into the water to share in that discovery. dozen To me the key I have since completed over a subsequent installations and have observed somewhat over one hundred participant-viewers interact with these installations. Although the issues of form and structure continue to be the focus of my increasingly sculptural efforts, it becoming clear to me that an equally important aspect of this work is the light it may shed on of is environments that the development promote and stimulate creative and productive interaction. As soon as the first installation was actualized, became clear that the experience of perceiving the form was as significant an issue as realization was it to be my the form itself. This first object lesson that the essential nature of Art is experiential. Subsequent work has suggested a which the relationship formal Further work indicated that a particular suggest a form (image) that reference to interaction. the issues This new in between structure and process is transactional. elicited paradigm form class would that a situation of interaction might evoke raised by or image some intrinsic experience then of the becomes an -39element in a language of images. This image language becomes the means to communicate the issues raised by original experience that is at least abstraction closer to the perception of one that order the of experience than a written language. In a painting the artist attempts to establish a image with which to express a mood, feeling or concept, In building a sculpture underwater to be viewed underwater, I am attempting communicate to the establish a multi-sensory image to possibilities for expanded consciousness through the presentation of alternative ways of relating to space. The ability of water to support bodies enables the participant-viewer to access virtually any part of a three dimensional movement. movement form with a smooth, The structure becomes a around. There is relatively effortless form to focus one's an interplay that develops between the initiation of movement through the form and the perception of that movement (perception is accentuated by the inclusion of mirrors in the structure.) Within this interplay lies one of the keys to the development of a mind/body spatial consciousness. -405.1 Early notes on Waterworks 1972 Exercises in spatial organization directed towards an awareness and orientation to non-planar-surface, non- gravity reality. To be able to relate terms, in terms of to time the universe in its own and space and speed...; to be aware of these dimensions...; to relate to them and the universe through them. My first conscious step Space meeting, my towards this first experience, awareness is my first with space. relative to itself not to surface, not to planes or Horizonless - no up or lines but to space. - down just all around. This at this event point experience. is a movement towards an awareness which seems The to be the product of or posed the viewer through or because of the experience of the piece or event. it art creative synthesis of this, what makes this art is when these questions become defined to this is "viewed"; The experience remains an exercise Only when it until is experienced does the synthesis take place, that is when it becomes art. By organizing space in a different environment confronted things. with I am different ways of seeing and reacting to At first things will be strange and unfamiliar -41but the more I function in the different environment the more my perceptions will become accustomed to and familiar with the new reality and hopefully I will expand my experience to two physical realities as opposed to the one I am currently dealing with. In viewing the piece as in creating it, a different environment presents an alternative situation or at least poses the question of the possibility of one. By expanding experience to two physical realities I have conjectured that my mental experience will shift or expand as a result of the awareness of that other reality. 5.2 Waterworks Film Narration 1974 Without planes, without a horizon, with a fluid density that overcomes gravity, the underwater world seems a fantasy. Nevertheless the underwater coexistent with our stretching to horizon lines... out surface bound together by gravity. from which we world These develop our of planar Underwater new ways to see, new ways is surfaces all seemingly glued, most basic perceptual environmental physical reality, cease to become underwater. world postulates concept an of issue we must learn new ways to move, to relate to the space all around us, as well as new ways to relate to our bodies and minds within that space. -42Art as a communication form sets up which to relate a feeling, a situation in mood or a concept to an 3 audience through visual metaphors. By constructing a sculpture underwater, to be viewed underwater, the artist attempts to metaphor moods. a establish from and which to communicate a as without effort past them. you glide smoothly, almost One can truly relate to volume, depth, positive and negative space, once the sensory relate a series of feelings and To view objects through full one has glided interior and exterior areas of a shape. sculpture is an exercise in design and process The within an altered environment. It is a simple ecstasy, freedom of movement mind and body become one. "When I work underwater I sculpt with my whole being, not just my hand or my head, but my hand and my head coming together as each gesture becomes a motion and form, a child's inside outside in. The of journey of exploring three dimensions, positive and negative the celebration space, lines sculpture and buoys from are a 3 When I wrote this narration, at the age of 21. I was pleased with the word as well as the concept of "metaphor". At this writing however I have decided that the notion of "image" as a presentation as opposed to a representation of or reference to a "feeling,mood or concept" is a more appropriate description of what art does. -43reference point in space, a point to focus one's around, movement so that the sculpture is as much what is going on around, as it is the structure itself". The sculpture is assembled on location form is directly related are visually that the to the immediate environment. The materials are portable and being origin, so congruent as of marine well industry as chemically non-reactive with the ocean ecosystem. When the combination of images and sensations produce a new experience for the participant viewer, the piece is successful. For the viewer it becomes a involvement in total mind-body experiencing three dimensional form. the sculptor it becomes a total mind-body For involvement in creating three dimensional form. 5.3 Recent thoughts on Waterworks - Water reference to provides both the physical and metaphorical the somesthetic awareness that these sculptures seek to engender. - body images that evoke a corporeal memory of haptic, somesthetic development in the womb... - re-awakening of somesthetic perception capabilities that respond to natural events , ...across space/time... - allowing those who experience feeling graceful may be ungainly on land to -44- 5.4 The sculpture the At the heart of all and criticizing Making sculpture lies is the the theorizing, philosophizing practice of making sculpture. practice of making esthetic decisions about space and materials and carrying out those decisions. Waterworks is a system within which to carry out decisions about space in water. The system is composed of three subsystems; the structure, the water interaction of those in and around the structure. UDLI and the -45The structural subsystem is comprised of a number of basic units which are themselves composed elements; anchors, elements. All combination of the of four basic floats, connective elements and focal units configured are from some basic elements and a structural subsystem may consist of one to n number of basic units. Water, the universal solvent in this case becomes the fundamental catalyst in that it supports and facilitates access to the structure and in so doing, dictates nature of interaction within and around the piece. the -46The class of interactions encouraged by Waterworks are predicated on the notion that our experience and space form is enhanced by allowing the perceptual systems most directly concerned with the perception space, of of form and the haptic, aural and visual systems to operate in concert with each other. interaction should Further more that the encourage development types of perceptual learning associated with exploration of space and form providing of by the conditions that promote increased awareness of the capabilities of the perceptual systems. Table 1-2 The Influence of the Subsurface Environment on Sensory Capability Detection Range Vision Dry Wet Audition Dry Wet Somesthetic Dry Wet Chemical Dry Wet Directionally Discrimination Localization Precision Precision Change from dry to wet environment Good Fair to none Outstanding Good to none Outstanding Outstanding to none Good Poor Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Good Good Fair Outstanding Moderate Outstanding) Poor Poor Fair Fair Good Fair Poor Poor Small Poor Poor to none Poor Poor to none Poor Good Poor to none Good Small Large [ADO&BER] To begin with, water makes the interaction distinct from any other interaction that we may become involved in. We float and or sink in it, we can't breathe it and it -47touches us everywhere. For some, the last floated, immersed in fluid may have been Waterworks, immersion is something we shared experience, especially one as floating, sets up participant-viewers. a in utero. all primal distinct time they share, and as rapport In immersed between Precisely what that rapport the is, is the subject of continuing investigation. The next major interactive consideration the viewer encounters with regard to the water is, participant "I can't breathe this stuff". to quote Many of us have not paid much attention to our breathing since breath and probably one our first even less attention to the space or time in between breaths. When viewing Waterworks, the viewing takes place under the surface and hence in between breaths so that our awareness space/time is accentuated. of that particular Again the significance of this accentuated awareness of our breathing is the topic of upcoming work. If the water presents us with a different way of relating to our bodies in space, than it is the structure, the lines, the bouys, the mirrors that present us with a set of circumstances within which to explore and this form to move relationship. The structure is a around, to twist and turn, upside down, rightside every which way in between. develop up and The mirrors allow us to watch ourselves and each other as we play about, encouraging us -48to perform and indulge ourselves in unabashed curiosity as to how we look as we play with unencumbered by gravity. new I ways suspect to move about that the mirrors encourage the notion of vicarious learning , ex. when a dancer watches another dancer perform a movement, and then performs the movement, ie. understanding through watching as opposed to explanation. Each structural slightly different depicted on configuration interaction. pp.59 Some like each other alternately. shape seeing of piece exuberant oneself While the piece on pp.58 was able to accommodate over a dozen people at cacophony the seem optimal for two people, swimming around in concert with the helical and seems to encourage a a time in a activity, the sculpture on pp.60 suggested at least to me, quiet contemplation that without any body swimming around it. worked It appears as though within the particular character of interactions encouraged by these installation that a range of experiential qualities can be elicited. There is a physicallity inherent in sculpture that carries over into sculpture making viewing. Many of the decisions made in developing the Waterworks system seem to have had the effect of closing the distance or blurring the distinction between making sculpture and The system esthetic has decision become a making. context The viewing it. in which to exercise level of involvement -49encouraged on the part required on the part of the sculptor of the viewer is close to that sculptor. The viewer and both explore the space and both are afforded the opportunity to begin to develop a body image lexicon based on a shared experience. -50- Chapter 6 DESIGN This chapter is models. with problem a Design; essentially several pointers to questions about the design that design in industrial design the are all in need of serious review. growth, questions theory economic but This review is beyond the scope of this thesis, of from paradigms, to week hour management based on a 40 to These society. based on euclidian geometry, to work place theory dedicated the practice of dominate to come have paradigms in this brief chapter are to pointed some germain to both. the to relationship process first that this is probably a understand esthetics moving towards absolute itself satisfies appropriate; if that transcends its to be associated with it. I feel law order its gesture immediate nature. of I appropriateness, or perhaps appropriateness: within operational an Form and function; the structure has context fulfills context, If then itself then gesture a and it is then this is what I understand an esthetic gesture to be. The term design can be order. interchanged with the term To design something is to arrange it according to -51- accordance some to is something order To some order. design. arrange to designs. of in Art and science may then be , Traditionally the or and said to be engaged in either the development discovery it the scientist attempts to discover order in the natural universe and the artist attempts to esthetically express design or order. The extent to which either succeed is the extent to the which embodies some essential aspect of natural expression order. development? humankind's society known as computer and getting better perform better. These awesome. solutions these might what problems: solutions computerized intelligence, to mankind's portend for That specialized portion of our scientists and engineers are at getting their machines to better The artificial systems, expert based Knowledge specifictions performance supercomputers, are once given a model can make complex decisions and provide sophisticated solutions to complex problems. They can do it accurately, repeatably and convincingly. But what are the models we are giving these machines? How good are the models and how well do we understand what we are modeling? These questions must be given serious consideration before we relegate any vital decision making to people, It let alone machines! seems only reasonable to promote a design paradigm -52which from borrows the intrinsic ecology. nature the fundamental principles of relationship In short I between advocate form, function acknowlegement of and an ecological esthetic and its incorporation into any serious design paradigm. -53- Chapter 7 WATERWORKS FIGURES 0 0 U, January,1973 Tufts University Pool, Cousins Gymnasium. (31 (Il -1) April,1973 Harbour Island, Bahamas -56- May,1973 Tufts University Pool, Cousins Gymnasium. L(1 9!kI July, 1974 Smuggler's Cove TortolaBritish Virgin Islands ScreA IYJ-.- 7obo~~ ~ ~ 0, Ifuj~b PI. April, 1983 MIT Alumni sponsored in part by MIT Pool Public Council for performance & participatory event the Arts, Eventworks and CAVS May,1983 MIT Alumni Pool -60- 0 0 0 0 0 e March,1985 MIT Alumni Pool -61- a 0 V a I * D 0 March,1985 MIT Alumni Pool -62- April,1985 MIT Alumni Pool CY) May,1985 MIT Alumni Pool -64- @~ -65- Chapter 8 LIFELINES A crucial element of the composite of activities and of concerns that encompass a contemporary definition is the issue of exploration. It is the exploratory aspect that factors perhaps most significantly when and artisan produce objects that for the artist must experience of also clarity demonstrate express of It is the vision given work of facility the human This insight combination of the vision, in effect the quality of the exploration and the effectiveness that a into insight some aspect of the universe. is gained through exploration. the the understanding of process and product; an expressing drawing While both the artist between art and craft. distinction art of expression the of ultimately determines the success of a that art. Traditionally the artist has been (in most cases) make observations and let the conclusions be drawn by history. In this century the scientist has taken content the to initiative to draw at least some conclusions from his or her own research. science has become It may be that part as prominent direction of civilization as it has, an is the reason influence on the of that scientists -66- perhaps sadly appears It making (and war making) capacity. humankind's tool of development the consider we own This influence is nowhere more evident then observations. when their from drawn conclusions on acted have and fatally that the evolution of human consciousness (at least on a societal level) has not kept pace. I am of the opinion that part of the remedy for expand to is situation, experience in a renewed effort to and why we way the behave of the human exploration the do. Moreover, we must based carefully begin to draw a set of conclusions genuine and open ended understanding of humankind. of this renewed effort should drawing observations of have they a such in experience, evolution conclusions some human way society artists to on a Part start their own from some of the of been for be how understand better we this making that so about would the the influence society that human might responsibly manage it's technology and it's destiny. The strategy between of objective for the an this section investigation formal and the into is to the outline a relationship interactive aspects of the Waterworks underwater environmental sculpture. -678.1 Abstract inquiry initialization the is Lifelines artist's an of into the form of the movement of people in space. the represent Initially this work will simply of paths moving through a variety of spaces by displaying a people upon based line rendered trail or a positions of the people in the space over time. the of sampling The lines are interpolated from points corresponding to the position of the subject the at effect the actual motion of the sample, so that in time the of line, hence the name Lifelines. the generates subject Output displays generated by Lifelines will be referred to as Lifedrawings. 8.2 Pathways to Comprehension On a practical level an interest in paths or trails might be traced back to the hunter-gatherer stage in human development when recognition of an interest proficiency and the in animal tracks was a significant factor in the survival of a group of hunter-gatherers. The nature of that animal depth, definition nature of the creature that reveal what kind of carnivore), shape, size, and frequency of the hoof, foot or paw prints that made up the trail, would the trail, revealed left it. creature much about the A good set of prints (eg. herbivore or how big, how heavy, how long ago it was since -68it passed, the direction it was moving and how fast it was moving when it All passed. of which are significant issues when one is either trying to find a meal or trying to avoid becoming one. What determined a good or readable set of prints were the characteristics of the environment through animal A camel moving across loose sand in the passed. high wind would be next minutes several the which where to impossible as the to after detect trail of a lion stalking antilope in moist clay along a river would be evident days, was no heavy rain in the interim. there providing to It is not unreasonable between correlation that speculate the there by left painting pictures image. Both of of the of verbally at or recognition of the in a visual case this by are the artifacts left by it. step removed from the an abstraction, and that neither are necessarily naming literally upon visual imagery. one least abstractions these cave walls, i.e. images itself, i.e. phenomenon animal an characterize on of of a phenomenon (the perception of the conceptualizations animal) that are it a to develop a cognitive that animal, i.e. image, and that necessary to was necessary to conceptualization characterize an animal through the interpretation trail for In idea the them. case of dependent upon Both are dependent the tracker the of animal is drawn from visual In the case of the cave painter the -69the idea of animal is accomplished through of expression abstraction of an event in nature without a verbal lexicon. place taken have may an of transmission conceptual entire the Conceivably it. represent to order in the use of visual artifacts One possible implication being may that the characterization of new phenomenon be best initiated through visual representation. anthropology, biological of fields The neuroanthropology and the neuro and behavioral sciences in seem to be making significant head way into the understanding of the general between relationship perception, conception and behavior (including communication) and will most likely provide the context for the further discussion of the accept this paper it is sufficient to between correlation For the purposes of of verbal vs. visual. issue images nature of the subjects of an events and that interaction that is there a and the comprised that interaction. Just a as set clear of lion prints depended on a particular type of soil, like wise the quality of a pencil mark of given hardness depends on the roughness or tooth of the paper, just as the trace of an electromagnetic wave form on quality of electron an osciliscope phosphors beam. in depends a vacuum upon the photo emitive when struck by an It is the trails left by the lion, pencil and electron beam that alert us to their presence and give -70- nature. their into insight us by characterize functions shape the We have of their come to trails: sineusoid, bell curve, linear. or secondary records of phenomemna provide us Trails with evidence and understanding of those of features In some create that worlds micro perceive to us allow that instruments fashion they phenomena in nature by allowing us to see the trails have left. world is spatial, the It is a wonderful achievement of human technology that we have been able to that (eg. cases have we clue neutrinos), trails are the only phenomenon exists. of phenomena. salient the some For the visual artist, much of the way of the understood tonal and through the in way vision, of Images of relationships. chromatic interactions, trails, are one language which the visual artist may come to a better understanding of the nature of interaction. The microscope enables us to perceive micro-structure and process in nature, telescope the macro-structure of the cosmos into view. of photography our ability brings With the the advent to structure and manipulate time moved an order of magnitude from the realm of the abstract towards the domain of the perceivable. The explosion of imaging technology that has come about as a result of our ability to manipulate the electro magnetic spectrum has diversified and intensified our -71comprehension of the natural universe. radar to sonar thermography to television and transformation nuclear from From x-rays and radio to ultrasound, magnetic structure resonance (object) to of the nature of matter the process (modulation) to image has created a new metaphor contemplation to for the and energy and interaction. If imaging technology has changed the way we perceive the universe then computing technology is in the process of changing the way perceive. One in which definition we think about what of learning is that learning means being able to restate an idea or image in one's terms. Although much we own of how we process and assimilate information remains hotly debated, the implication of this definition is that learning is dependent on being able to organize perceived information in some way so that it meaning to organize provide the individual. information us with extarordinary range information in the of accessible Computers, by allowing us to virtually opportunity information, to has an any way we choose to give meaning to an and to extraordinary make that range of If human existence can be expressed as a function of individuals. human thought and human action, and if that thought can be expressed as a function of what we perceive and that there is a reciprocal relationship between how we perceive and -72what we have perceived, then the implications of combining computing technology with imaging technology promises much for our understanding human the of the of experience universe. 8.3 Application Lifelines is part of an approach to portraiture which character presenting images that depict the subject's by movement relative to him or herself, to others is lifedrawing The environment. given group or individual an of something seeks to express to and a a graphic characterization of the movement of a living thing through space. When viewed characteriztions of lifedrawings of environment. the other subject, these may funtion as graphic references to a class of qualities that nature the and space the or images with context in something address interaction the between in meaningful the the subject and the The field of environmental psychology is in process of developing the language that speaks to and space. about the nature of interaction between people and Images can expand the scope of this language, and in doing so, broaden our Appendix environment. approach to the evaluation psychology. of understanding A from and our contains a description of one incorporation methodology ourselves of the lifedrawings into an field of environmental The combination of this hybrid approach may -73lead to a creative better understanding of spaces that encourage The interaction. producing insight the the happier the artist, the more message. to image quality For The image is both the medium lifelines interface product of of interactions. the imagery. computing complex and Appendix B becomes its own metaphor. It contains a description of some of the technology develop a visual image becomes the vehicle that the facilitates that quest. the be To human. and a commitment to the quest for understanding. artist image the profoundly more requires a dedication human artist visual with concerned The profound the insight, the happier the happy is images that express insight into some aspect of the human experience. expresses artist used to The images produced via the and imaging interaction If by making and that viewing technology reflect and are a complex interacting with these images, we gain some insight into the nature of complex interaction, then perhaps we have reason to smile. If an insight. image makes us smile, perhaps we have gained some -74- 8.4 LIFEDRAWING -75Waterworks Swimmers -76Waterworks Swimmers -77- Dolphin Tail -78- Graphic Design Suggested By Lifelines -79- Chapter 9 CONCLUSIONS is What an promotes that environment creative At the beginning of this paper I described interaction? creative interaction as a response to the environment with a well integrated sense of exploration, introspection and regard. evoked Konner, Is this quality something that can be encouraged, known behavioral individual an from for, other among anthropology by and surrounding? a things, sociobiology, his Melvin in work the relates following from the Fabric of Meaning chapter of his book The Tangled Wing: of embrionic moments earliest the From one influence crucially cells development, to the and another one to use of another, are from guiding the of much do embrio. Genes may within, but cells are keenly responsive to other These cues from other cells may be cells. cell-surface markers or purely mechanical forces, caused by the genes or just by the geographic layout and the movements entailed in growth. Some of the most fundemental events of development, depend entirely on the juxtaposition of different tissues at critical moments. Konner continues, citing research of Stanley Crain of Albert Einstein College of Medicine: ... Crain and his colleages concluded: "thus the -80there is by now considerable evidence suggesting are contacts interneuronal specific that during mechanisms genetic by determined development, and that organized neural assemblies are formed in forward reference to their ultimate function". Yet for all the importance of internal structures in brain development, experience still affects neural connections. ... Mark Rosenzwieg, Marian Diamond, Edward Bennet and others at the University of California at Berkely showed that impovershing or enriching the environment of rats, even aged rats can affect the weight and thickness of the cerebral cortex, the ratio of supporting cells to nerve cells, the number and size of transmitter synapses, the amount of synaptic chemicals and their enzymes, the complexity of higher order branching of dendrites, and the number of spines crowded onto a unit length of dendrite. He concludes the chapter by asserting; ... any analysis of the causes of nature human that tends to ignore either the genes or the safely be may factors environmental [Konner] ignored. Until time as artists include gene splicing in such their repetiore of techniques, we must be content to limit our interaction with DNA to observation and understanding. As far feel I environment, that artists have significant insight into the nature of human are able to make understanding of it. between real a meaningful For as far and the offer do nature, and to our contribution as ie. however, influences fact the after as interactions people and environment are concerned, artists are players theoreticians. in the field, Artists not simply observers or set up situations that directly affect our relationship to our environment. -81June The James Turrell show at the Whitney Museum in of 1980 The Museum was very is to my mind a good example. crowded with lots of people wearing the interest of looks faces, different on the faces of the people exhibition. where floor fourth the installed I noticed something quite was exhibit Turrell the When I reached curiosity. or perplexity boredom, or goers art usual coming out of the was an air of excitement in the room There and looks of delight on the faces of the people. People were walking out of the show with smiles on their faces. practice, In is it that determines a artist's what decision to place a sculptural element in "here" as artist decide that a piece is finished or that it "works"? it that determines an "appropriate decision" apart What is from its self evidence? questions; these in The essence of creativity lies in the questions probably more than in Any answer that presumes any answer we may arrive at. the solve solution to preceding questions in any definitive fashion, has lost sight of the fact that the beginning of the lies in asking the questions in the first place. In a close to the end strobe environment On what criteria does an to "there"? opposed an of the semester lecture to the lab class he inherited from Harold "Doc" Edgerton, V.E."Charlie"Miller recounted the "key to fame and fortune according to Edgerton..."what if I...". I suspect there will be at sometime in the not too -82distant future a positive laboratory correlation that study between demonstrates creative a and interaction "...thickness of the cortex, the ratio of supporting cells to nerve cells,the number and size of synapses.. .ect." and probably a few other significant factors that to a provide neuro-physiological combine of description a meaningful existence. I expect that a complete understanding of existence fact will planetary integrated encompass experience. meaningful entire range of human, in the I also artistic/scientific understanding will take the form of expect that an approach to this a and open dynamic way of learning as opposed to any static model that ended attempts to account for everything. I believe meaningful, that ultimately art should provide enlightening its best allows people to learn, feel people experience. and does not teach, it encourages us to learn. relate. with Art at Art -83- Appendix A Environmental Psychology Evaluation Methodology The is following an several research of outline Mehrabian techniques developed and or described by Albert and James in Russell text their An Mehrabian & Russell Environmental Psychology [M&R]. to Approach have proposed a framework for studying the relationship between is that levels and information rate etc.) temporal and components spacial of stimulus Approach-Avoidance of which they model. target of pleasure, arousal turn influence if not determine in which responses reformation the among an environment) combined with personality, dominance behavioral sound and ( the characterizing of relationships elicit primary emotional responses and light M&R as sense characterize temperature, color, (e.g. modalities they which environment by The framework proposed behavior and environment. This responses under classify model as the suggests exploratory a and (creative) performance. The first component of this evaluation is the series of questionaires composed paremeter a of 5 tests, including a 14 semantic differential questionaire to determine subject's response to the spacial and temporal -84characteristics or information environment, known as: A GENERAL RATE. rate MEASURE of OF a INFORMATION THE SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL MEASURE OF CHARATERISTIC EMOTIONS is determine an 18 paremeter questionnaire used to the personality characteristics of the subject. This questionnaire may be administered with two sets given of instructions, one for different determining the general emotional characteristics of a subject and another set of instructions for determining the immediate emotional state of the subject administered. at A the 40 time the statement questionnaire evaluation in which the subject is asked to agree or disagree statements + is with each of the or - four degrees either side of neutral as a MEASURE OF AROUSAL SEEKING TENDENCY. APPROACH-AVOIDANCE consists A VERBAL MEASURE OF of 8 questions prompting the subject's response on desire to stay, explore, work and affiliate in a given situation. An additional evaluation known as THE PORTABLE ROD AND FRAME TEST, as described by Herman Percept [Wapner] of Body or field independent Field dependence and field independence as determined by the rod and variety The will be used to establish each subject's propensity towards field dependent characteristics. Witkin, frame test as well as a other experiments has been shown to correlate rather strongly with different cognitive styles. At its simplest or most basic level, field independent types tend -85to differentiate more strongly than field dependent types between field themselves and their environment (eg. independent types do not seem to be prone to vertigo and generaly tend towards more "analytic" problem solving). The Waterworks evaluation individuals: 12 men, 12 women, similar proportions. is and a designed control for 24 group of The test group will be asked to take a priliminary battery of tests two or three days prior the pool site the Measure of Differential observations. Arousal to This battery will include: Seeking Tendency, the Semantic of Characteristic Emotions, the Portable Rod and Frame Test and the General Measure of Information Rate as applied Described to a selection Situations, and of the Standardized Semantic Verbally Differential Measure of Emotional State at the end of the testing. The pool site will be set up as configuration of mirrors will be installed follows; in the the pool, along with a Lifeline facility consisting of a fixed video camera and recorder, a coordinate input device (such as a mouse) and an IVIS computer. Each of the 24 subjects will enter the pool for five minutes each on four different occasions, once alone, once with one other person, once with two other people and once with five other people. will be mapped Each pass through the sculpture by Lifelines and stored as a file on the computer. Pertainent details, such as where, how and with -86whom the subject videotape. entered the pool will be recorded on A different color-linestyle combination will be assigned to each individual so that distinctions can be made during composite overlay comparisons. When an individual has he/she will be completed all four entries asked to briefly discribe the experience (the discription recorded on audio cassette) and then will be given a second battery of tests that will include: the Portable Rod and Frame Measure of test, Emotional state, the Semantic the Information Rate as applied to the Differential General pool Measure of experience, and the Verbal Measure of Approach-Avoidance. The control concurrently group with the is given both batteries of tests test group without pool site experience. Evaluation of test results and classification of Lifeline catagories will provide a body of data from which correlations between movement, environment and personality may be examined. field For example, changes in such factors dependence, arousal levels, approach-avoidance and information rate may be compared with self reports given catagory of Lifeline that may and a characterize a tendency towards affiliative behavior within a environmental-emotional circumstance. is completely understood, characterize as it might particular Until the occurence be more useful to it according to its Lifeline pattern than to -87call it "the chlorine affiliation syndrome" since or not remains chlorine is the undetermined. referential to the or The known even represented on a significant factor lifeline the video a may reduce the directly temptation to function tape). catigorization is based on de facto line it is factors in the occurence (the information ie. line is displayed as movement whether of the If initial charecteristics, prematurely name an occurence according to a more subjective classification. -88- Appendix B Technology Lifelines employs television and computer graphics as a means to graphically represent path as entity juxtaposed against a video representation of the object that produced the path in in environment the (object-environment) which The complexity of the place. took interaction the is line (number of points per figure) optional the may be displayed as recorded or with a selection sequence of dynamic graphic enhancements accentuating the of and the figure through the space. within from context reference. which Television provides the establish to movement a frame of It is the medium that replicates the familiar (an arrangement of photons in space that we recognize as a scene) and transforms it into an arrangement of electrons in time which can then be manipulated to reproduce, enhance, distort or store the virtual image of that scene. the first implementation study for Lifelines, the In scene was transferred 3/4" recorded on from video tape disk facilitated through the video tape and then was to writeable optical video use of the digital frame time base correcter (TBC). (One drawback of the 3/4" Umatic video cassette format is that store capability of a -89it's helical scan and tape transport configuation does not permit a stable video signal to be generated from a single both the upon dependent is stability Signal frame. helical scanning motion of the tape playback heads and the motion lateral of tape the moving past the drum (at a speed of 95.3 mm p/sec.)that carries the heads.) Because in this first implementation (which from here on be will referred to as markl) depended on the video generate image to supply all the information necessary to the Lifelines, it was deemed desirable to exercise as much control over that image as possible. the became store medium sequence a individually of video addressable as and stabilize and time frames. readable instability in the video signal. The The TBC in signal real synchronization or base discrete of series a will read and digitize a composite video time disk because of its ability to choice of The write once TBC model Phaser used in this case had the capability to digitize and store in a buffer one full frame (525 lines) of video that buffer second. and read out at real time video rate of 60 fields per The picture may then be displayed either as a full interlaced frame or as a 262 1/2 line field. The next of Lifelines software tool. state of development for the markl version was the development of computer graphic This program is used to collect, store and display points on the figure(s) in the video image on a -90frame by on displayled station, monitor video a digitizing tablet. interpreted by into a a the position The micro bit string are read into a data of position processor program as X and Y coordinates. frame a of which The on "puck" is puck the a the converts recognized by the computer Coordinates structure. stores the coordinates for each frame in that work graphics the at a cursor is displayed over the video image. cursor corresponds to position As each frame is referenced and basis. frame from each The structure such a way so they may be written out to the display routine. The display the display routine uses the same coordinates to line segment that coresponds with a given frame of video. A brief look at a sample structure should clarify the data storage and referencing procedure. A structure would be declared as follows: declare 1 linedata, 2 total number of frames fixed, 2 total number of figures per frame (4), 3 color of each figure Il2)fixed, 2 frame number (100), 3 figure (4), 4 head size fixed, 4 points (12), 5 x fixed, 5 y fixed; The highest level of the structure is the name of the area in computer memory to be allocated for the storage of -91Level data, in this case "linedata" and its level is "1". identify which, of first the elements, three find we the total number of "totalnumberofframes",representing one frames to be stored in the data stucture will contain integer fixed number level the of second The elements the of each array, a four (4) element, two dimensional capable of assuming any one of (12) values stored by the second dimension of the array designated a third (3) level element, "colorof eachfigure". of the second last "framenumber" and thought be may has frames associated called "figure" level (3), integer value called each of "head-size" elements up to four elements level (4), the twelve level (5). When the display program, which will of display a dot a given size and color at a given location is ready to use the values corresonding to location, and up to corresponding to two fixed integer values called "x" and "y", pattern fixed a has which twelve (12) elements called "points", each of "points" The of as a 100 element it with by called is elements level (2) multi-dimensional array, that is each of the 100 or 2 "totalnumberoffigures", can be thought of as elements, four to a value supplied corresponding through the main program. to On level "2" particular block of storage. this used name a simply is It "1" contains no data. for example, the right size, color and knee on figure 2, in -92frame 54, the reference that calls for that value would look something like this: X=linedata.frame number(54).figure(2).point(8).x where 8 is an element in the array corresponding to the right knee position). of "points" Likewise the value corresponding to the color for that same point would be referenced as; color=linedata.totalnumoffigs.colorofeachfig(3); three(3) corresponding to location of a shade of yellow in a color map. In both cases the only element in the reference call that contains any data is the last (i.e. "x" in the first example and "color of eachfigure" in the second). Values are taken from the graphics tablet, and prompting statements, eg. call ask ("what color would you like", color); displayed on the terminal and assigned to the appropriate element in the data structure, as y from the values are assigned data structure to the appropriate statements in the display procedure. In the markl version of Lifelines a on program running a 32 bit mini computer controls what may be thought of as two separate data bases (the video images on the write -93and once that data the necessary handle to the station, the mini computer and machine. once write work the between communication is MICOM the as known computer communications micro- A separate runs the program). The images from the write once and the frame buffer of the mini computer (which produces the graphic overlay) must be routed through a separate video in order to switcher display the video and graphics as a composite image. B.I Packaging a Picture It may be apparent by now that the amount total of data when considered on a frame by frame basis is not very much, in the example given 12 points of two digit three numbers each, a single three digit number corresponding to color headsize or z and a single digit corresponding to a slot, a total of previously, a single frame of Standard Code) These information. interlaced video fields per bits 208 NTSC consists 525 are lines lines of signal 525 displayed these do fields picture information and are not displayed. are known as the vertical blanking gives the as two interval not contain These 21 lines or VBI and television or video monitor time to reposition it's electron pattern. Television (National of 262 1/2 lines each, the consisting first 21 lines of each of of As mentioned frame. beam back at the top of its scanning -94information signal contains VBI The by the used reciever to ensure picture quality, these signals include; information - equalizing pulses to synchronize video between fields 1 and 2, - vertical synch pulses, - a second set of equalizing pulses to ensure field frequency regularity, - vertical interval test signals or used to system's evaluate differential gain of broadcast a gain frequency as such performance characteristics, parameters various and are which VITS phase, envelope delay, frequency response, chromanance/lumanance response among others, - the vertical internal reference signal and a source identification signal indicating the origin of the signal, date, time, etc. Equalizing these 21 lines. sync and take up the first 9 of pulses The vertical interval test up lines 17 and 18. signal takes The Vertical Interval Reference is on 19 and source identification signal generally winds up line 20. Line 21 is currently being used by several of the networks to encode a that on string of digital information can be decoded on reception and displayed as text on the screen for the hearing impaired. Negotiations have been underway between commercial interests and the US the various government regulating -95encoding agencies as to which of the variety of information textual that the of estate adopt to standards electronic remaining the adopted by The graphic and of vertical blanking interval. recently was in broadcast the for protocol real One standard American National Standards Institute ANSI as well as the Canadian Standards Association Protocol is the North Syntax or NAPLPS. The ability to pack or encode in a variety of types of information recorded Presentation-Level American a broadcast or a video signal points the way towards an efficient and elegant technique for the dissemination of composite computer graphics-video images. Using the example of the Waterworks evaluation, all of the recorded video, recorded audio of the self participants reports, lifeline coordinate and display information and test result data could be either mastered onto a video disk and/or broadcast or cablecast over a university or a research channel. then have behavioral conclusions possible. A large access to study in from the an number of interactive which original researchers replication independently would of a reachable study condition would be -96- Appendix C Waterworkers Comments Peter Mui Ricardo Guillermo Steven Edson used to swim frequently even before my interaction I with Waterworks, but I considered it something I exercise; I enjoyed it in the same way that languishing souls plodding along the banks of the River enjoy jogging. I was trying to did for those Charles make myself healthier, and water restrained movement, intimidated me, cast doubt on my my was my Nautilus equipment. It physical and psychological well being, and that was what I wanted! In preparation for the Waterworks performance, I learned to free-dive, and developed a new awareness of the water's depth - that it was more than the 3 feet of fluid close to the air that I churned through as part of my daily regime. It was uncomfortable, physically and mentally, to let go of the air and envelop myself completely in the The air was my water. life-sustainer, and its inaccessibility made my need for it more acute. The water seemed to -97oppose me as well, with the pain where I immediately kicked off for the bottom of the pool, for surface again, gasping air overcome my aversions, partially because I to I because performance, wanted to challenge my physical and being of of my fluid aware primordially origin, both as an individual and as a species. the with seashore, waves crashing however, element, another There was mental boundaries. element was I arrival. upon had committed myself to participating in the that the to plunged "daring" to shallow surface dives, then partially cavities sinus my My dives were limited at first increasing with the depth. determined in As at the and racing up to my feet, flirting with me, the water beckoned, the in even unlikely surroundings of the MIT pool. The of Waterworks served as the catalyst to mirrors James bring me closer to the water environment. said the subject that interests man the most is man that if himself, and challenge Thurber I needed additional encouragement to the water, it manifests itself in the desire to interact with this being I had lived intimately for with 21 years and apparently knew little about. Suspended in water, my body could contort itself in ways I hadn't experienced, and I could reflect upon contortions in the mirrors. The those erect posture I was familiar with through my interactions with mirrors on land could be replaced with the ridiculous to the sublime. As -98the I overcame my aversion to I found I water, could launch myself past the mirrors, keeping a frozen position. At first, these launches were aerodynamic, giving my body Later, they took a sleek, aesthetically elongated repose. on moving variations; I curled up in a ball and rolled, or with outstretched limbs did underwater cartwheels. My interaction while water, the with Early recreational, became more effortless and playful. on, able I to no doubt derived solace from the mirrors; in being observe environment, in being able assure to having no they became a tool with which I alien myself that the was experiencing As I gained confidence, effect. outward the with interacting myself emotional and physiological distress was still I could experiment with myself in interaction with a new and unfamiliar medium. Waterworks allowed me to obtain an increased confidence in, and awareness of, the water and myself. Peter Mui 4/21/85 -99On Waterworks Ricardo Guillermo of record or image my than Other recollections. other experience the flood of I have no visual thoughts are what remain. and thoughts a Entering Waterworks released Thoughts: than my a few involvement, aquaintances were made which I hope will endure. fascination We came from different fields: our bond the was water From the field of which joined us. architecture I have developed towards orientation an with a future when we as a civilization will return to the sea to dwell. the In preparation for this outcome I have worked further research and years sixteen past inquiry, "Aquatecture". yielded a sourcebook for for a new proposal a and of Library field of My thesis "Aquatecture: Paradigms of design and sea born structures" can Roach for and MIT be libraries institutions or through Aquatecture Press found at other of the fine Cambridge, of Massachusetts. Our first meeting, anxious to work, we were Words: informed can consciousness theory: Waterworks the of through come reflection, buoyancy, and interaction An environment awareness in an uncommon medium. of elevation density and of define a matrix. forces developed by self composed would be formed. Mirrors, floats and blocks with ropes as a medium for transferral of each the were used to Movement through the space was timed to -100- the breath hold period and we were free from the planar existence of terra firma and in in groups or pairs and observe ourselves feedback for of our formed and transformed and image physical of perceptionally and mirrors the The spatial matrix was process. our by corporeal This in turn influenced movement. subsequent movements convention We would swim underwater, alone, extraversion. constant social the and perceptions for a brief period an evolution of sorts occurred. It was a demonstration, an embodiment of an Trust: still trust the theory is I It was a trial. I did not find enlightenment. idea. valid, it has not been disproved. I wanted coherence and order as opposed Brainstorms: to My thoughts sought to organize, divide, randomness. Water define, merge the space and performance. in its course infallibly follows specific laws, yet it returns to a state of dispersal and dissolution, so I'm not of validity the of my efforts formalize to sure so a rigid choreography or boundary definition within the environment that was created. A system of notation, timing and spatial definition was hastily drawn up. adopted, others transformed. I expression in the process as sure as limit to the collaboration. sea. It was not Some ideas found the my a shore work, were limit forms it to a was a -101- A very private event proceeded Actions: circle) a in sat (We one. the showered together and and moments. remained still, sightless and soundless for some It public was a communion and rekindling of the spirit which had brought us together. friends, Suddenly we were amidst family, technicians, and a public most of whom we did not know, a breath hold from our performance. as was our musicians, path, what but we set Our groupings were did in breath hold, in descent and accent, was respond to our moment's feelings. Interactions: It was over too quickly then and donning flippers and aqualungs I became a guardian lurking in the corners of the pool lest an unwary need explorer help underwater. Wave look at after wave of afficianados swam in for a closer the interactions installation. and pride took I found joy their in in the collective work the team had done. Language: Economy and People behave very differently underwater. honesty, communications are difficult. doesn't stop us from trying to communicate, but greater importance to summon something of required. We need a language of subtle gestures it It takes the effort for use underwater. Recollections: I appreciate the holistic scope of Uri's work, the broad gesture of it's simplicity and fit -102of accomplishing on was sculpture space, simple act, installing the through the preparations, a fun, most in bouyed hold, Suspended in breath materials. intent has devised to structure his he details minute the performance, and subsequent trial installations. rectangular mirrors edged and bounded handed was I yellow marine rope attached to a cinder block on one end and a float on the other. indeed are tasks quite design. equating any This may be true, but in a with t ime less in found ca se act the joining, gathering together the parts. this as a joint better joints would be your limit in a breath hol d. important is the joy small very see may Some precise The time it took to diff icult. make the joint was prolonged. disadvantage brea th, the In the lapse of configuration. the suspend less or more a in to was The task rope the from mirrors this Then with red rubber, a gromet hole in each corner. one or What is more of two connecting, Th e act of joining the rope to the mirrors gave a great sense of achievement. In one breath, aga inst striving mirror to the rope, then the 1oop inert ia of gromet and finally the actual k not which rope was through j oins, inserted in the loop for a fric tion fittin g. of to bring the the or the peg That moment saying, "Yes it is done, I may ascend, I may inspire", very satisfying. The procedure of installation maintained these breath long periods of anticipation prior -103to completing the joint. could just The simple type of joint which barely be accomplished, helped to prolong the anticipation and led to a greater sense of achievement when it was done. Purpose: This is all together and to see life grow. experience and I want to do is put things Is it not ironic with our skill in design and construction, we must turn to underwater to find a site in which to build! -104- Through my participation in Waterworks, I was able to view and experience the swimming environment in a very new perspective. of vast possibilities are that surface the Levi's ideas just scratch Mr. human for available environment. interaction with the swimming pool and water In a very simple but maybe appropriate analogy of what the Waterworks beach ball did for the beach. to me enabled expand my ability to interact with an "old" environment in I was taught how to a new way. years, and spent I During 2 school high my swim and endurance team. training for highly a For me the pool has always been connected in a very limited relationship. sound/music of age the many arduous hours of exhaustive workouts practicing speed competitive at spent much time in the summer months playing, diving and splashing in pools. years swim To swim with maybe even language tapes, flowing through my ears while swimming and exploring the water environment of and lights mirrors helped me to realize the variations that are available, that could be applied to an old What was once the luxury of an upper class and available to few, now in the modern age of mass production portable pools where people can cool exercise in , now with Mr. Levi's concepts, in idea. blow-up, off or possibly a revolution how and what people do in their water environments can develop. Steven Edson -105REFERENCES [ADO&BER 74] John Adolfson & Thomas Berghage. Perception And Performance Under Water. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1974. [Arnhiem 74] Rudolf Arhiem. Visual Thinking. University of California Press, 1974. [Bronowsky 78] Jacob Bronowsky. The Visionary Eye. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1978. Essays in the Arts, Literature, and Science. [Brown 79] Robin Brown. The Lure of the Dolphin. Avon Books, 1979. [Bruner 79] Jerome Bruner. On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand. Belknap Press of Harvard University , 1979. [Churchland 82] Churchland, Paul M. Matter and Consciousness. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982. [Gibson 66] James Jerome Gibson. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1966. Psychology. [Kepes 44] Gyorgy Kepes. The Language of Vision. Paul Theobold , 1944. [Kinto ??] Kinto. Haiku. from a haiku on exhibition at the Freer Gallery of The National Museum. [Konner 821 Melvin Konner. The Tangled Wing. 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