Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Council Executive Committee Meeting Regular Session

Iowa State University
Professional & Scientific Council
Executive Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Monday, February 17, 2003, 2:00 p.m.
Room 234, Memorial Union
Voting Members
X Heer, Rex
X Kane, Kevin
X Good, Cathy
X Mumm, Lynne
X Roberts, Kurt
Non-voting Members
Dixon, Kerry
Riedemann, Trevor
Jensen, James
Woodin, Dan
Peters, Beverly
Strand, Judy
Brink, Marcia
McManus, Barb
McCool, Kelly
Van Beek, Brenda
Visiting Non-members: None.
Call To Order: Kevin Kane, Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
A quorum was present. The agenda was approved with the addition of, under old business,
questions for Max Wortman for the March open forum; and under new business, discussion of
the issue of rates of reimbursement for travel mileage.
Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2003, minutes were approved as presented.
President’s Report
Rex reported:
 Non-tenure track teaching policy update: Kevin and Rex attended a meeting with Faculty
Senate and Provost Office representatives. They were receptive to and accommodated our
questions and concerns, and some of the language was edited accordingly. Part of the
problem with having P&S limited to 30% teaching was an HR issue – their database isn’t set
up to handle that sort of split. This may be an issue that we can work on with Faculty Senate
in the future.
 Supporting the Arrival of Children Policy update: It was hinted at Campus Leaders Breakfast
that Faculty Senate was preparing a motion recommending that the policy be considered for
faculty only. Consequently, P&S Council approved a motion at the last meeting reaffirming
the Arrival of Children Policy. A meeting of an ad hoc committee (Ben Allen and others)
concluded that such a move by Faculty Senate would be detrimental to the future of the
proposed policy. Therefore, the motion to exclude P&S was not presented at Faculty Senate.
President Geoffroy still supports this policy, and it will be brought to the Board of Regents
after budget discussions and collective bargaining concludes. The policy is now proposed as
a 2-year pilot program, renewable for another 2 years following review.
 Professional Development Day Committee: Rex forwarded the Committee’s announcement
to Exec Committee. We will shorten the announcement, delay sending this out until
registration information is known, and add a little more about the P&S get-together. The time
of the get-together at Reiman Gardens has been changed to 3-4:30. We may check into
extending it to a little later so those with a less flexible schedule could still come. Would like
it to go to 6:00. Rex will check with the Provost’s Office to get their support, as budget
becomes an issue if we have to pay for staffing to keep Reiman Gardens open after hours.
At Dan’s prompting, we are starting to look into having a more direct P&S input into the
committee looking into university committees. There was an initiative to review all
university committees (membership, what they do, how often they meet, etc.). There is no
P&S representation on the review committee. Rex will continue checking into this.
Officer’s Reports
 Cathy Good: Treasurer’s report: Account balances:
 General Fund $1,796.60
 Campus Orgs account $436.23.
 Professional Development fund $845.03.
 Lynne Mumm: Everyone should have received the notes from the last Campus Leaders
Breakfast. The next one is February 26, the one following is March 11 (only a couple weeks
later) so if we can drum up a lot a questions now, the carryovers can be used for the March
Standing Committee Reports:
Compensation & Benefits:
Trevor –
 We had a good meeting, Carla Espinoza came and presented for the full hour. She talked
about their P5 data integration project (P5 = policies, procedures, personnel, position
inventory, and payroll). They are trying to establish integrated databases. There is ample
information on payroll because that is what currently drives their system. Policies and
procedures are coming along well. Personnel and position inventory data are limited and only
available manually, which is why most of our requests of HR take a while for response.
 A motion on accessibility of P&S and Merit classification information has been prepared.
Extension position descriptions are already on the web through Extension’s web site. Send
any comments on the motion to Trevor. One suggestion is to delete all references to merit
positions – we should only speak to P&S positions. Another is to address this to the Provost’s
office and to Warren Madden, rather than just to “the University”.
 The Compensation & Benefits Committee is meeting on Wednesday to finalize several items
for presentation to Council at the March meeting. They plan is to present “the report”,
Review of the Iowa State University “Annual Report on Professional and Scientific
Salaries”: History of changes and evaluation of its effectiveness as an aggregate and
individual analysis tool, and its two recommendations: 1) Expectations for penetration, or
translating, up the pay grade should be defined, and 2) Allow managerial discretion to offer
salaries for new hires up to the midpoint value of the pay range. Trevor will email the latest
iteration of the report to the Executive Committee. Let Trevor know if you have any issues
with it. It will be given to the Compensation and Benefits Committee at next meeting for
approval and, if approved, there will be a motion concerning this report presented to Council
for concurrence. If yes, then it will be forwarded to university administration with a motion.
Jim – mileage issue is being pushed in extension. Retirement is another issue. A lot of people are
close to the deadline (ERI) and wanting to know what the future options will be. Those are two
new issues on our committee scope.
Policies & Procedures:
Dan – they are looking at comments provided by committee chairs to decide if any changes will
be suggested for the committee structure. They received a lot of good feedback.
Representation and Awards:
Bev – they have a lot going on right now.
 Del Marks has been working hard on elections – they still need three people to run in A&R,
need 1 more in External Affairs, have no one in IPRT/Ames Lab yet, and still need one more
candidate for student affairs. Mark is in the process of surveying outgoing council members
who choose not to run again. Just starting to talk about officer elections.
 Staff recognition – there is a proposal started. Need a name for it. Two recognition options
are being considered: 1) a recognition web site, and 2) a recognition award for “above and
beyond duty”, which can be to an individual or a group, with criteria determined at the
departmental level. Reiman Gardens will give a 1-year membership to 3 or 4 people per
quarter. Also some trademark items could be used. They are just now getting the pieces
Marcia –
 Max Wortman is going to speak at the next forum. They have drafted some questions/topics
for him to address such as coordinating with Council on current issues, logistical issues such
as the size and makeup of Faculty Senate, and how they do what they do.
 Jeff Sorenson has not had a chance to revamp the email tree and now will probably put that
off until fall.
 Ben Allen has given them four possible dates for an all-university forum, 3-4:00 on March
27, April 4, April 8, or April 11. April 8 is the preferred date, based on room availability.
 Dave Brotherson and Barb went through P&S files at University Archives and have compiled
a list of past Council members.
 The next e-newsletter will probably come out later this week.
Recruitment and Retention:
Kelly – they are in the process of reviewing mid-term reports and selecting the presenters for the
May open forum.
Peer Advisory:
Brenda – no contacts this month.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports:
Rex – Kerry plans on summarizing information and forwarding it to the ad hoc committee on
restructuring officers either this week or next.
Old Business:
Faculty Senate/Max Wortman open forum – this was addressed in the Communications
Committee report. If anyone has anything specific they want talked about, forward it to Marcia
in the next week or so.
New Business:
 Travel rate reimbursement – discussed under Compensation and Benefits committee report.
For The Good of the Order:
 Next Council meeting will be March 6 in the Gallery, Memorial Union.
 Next Executive Committee meeting will be March 17 in the Regency Room, Memorial
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Cathy Good, Secretary/Treasurer, P&S Council