Iowa State University Professional and Scientific Council Regular Session Council Meeting Minutes

Iowa State University
Professional and Scientific Council
Regular Session
Council Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 2, 2002
Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
President: Rex Heer
Vice-President: Kevin Kane
Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Good
Call to Order and Seating of Substitutes
The October 2, 2002 P&S Council Meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m.
Becker, Tom
Brink, Marcia
Brinkmeyer, Linda
Brotherson, Dave
Brueland, Brent
Cooney, Sarah
Doty, Ann
Eggers, Tim
Good, Cathy
Heer, Rex
Hintz, Roger
Jensen, James
Joiner, Stacy
Kane, Kevin
Kapke, Paul
Marks, Del
Mayer, Marie
McCool, Kelly
McCroskey, Barry
McManus, Barb
Mumm, Lynne
Nelson, Mark
Patton, James
Peters, Beverly
Peterson, Teresa
Riedemann, Trevor
Roberts, Kurt
Sorensen, Jeffrey
Strah, Pat
Strand, Judy
Van Beek, Brenda
VanGinkel, Margaret
Wood, Douglas
Woodin, Dan
X = Present
A = Absent
S = Substitute
Guests were Marlise McCammon, Associate Director of Human Resource Services and Director of Employee
Relations; Linda Charles, news writer from University Relations (Inside Iowa State); Ellen Rasmussen, Assistant
Provost; Max Wortman, President of Faculty Senate. Substitutes: Thomas Kula, System Support Specialist,
Academic Information Technologies (AIT) for Marie Mayer; Daniel Crim, Analyst, Administrative Data Processing
(ADP) Center, for Dave Brotherson; Patrick Shafer, Business Manager, Institute for Physical Research &
Technology, for Stacy Joiner; Josie Six, Fiscal Officer, College of Agriculture, for Cathy Good; Jan Martin, Field
Specialist, Extension, for Margaret VanGinkel.
Following general introductions, all substitutes were given full voting rights and privileges.
Establish a Quorum
A quorum was present.
Presentation of Committee Motions
The P&S Council Executive Committee presented a motion regarding the Ombuds office.
As the establishment of a Faculty Ombuds office moves forward, we feel it is important that the
administration consider P&S employees in the development, similar to the University of Iowa.
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The minutes of the September 5, 2002, Council meeting were approved as corrected. Correction – Policy and
Procedures Committee report to read: Priorities are to implement the new P&S Handbook with web links, and to
review, revise, and reorganize the policies associated with P&S employee dismissal, conduct, and grievance.
Human Resources Report
Carla is not available today. Marlise McCammon opened the floor for questions. Q: Should or shouldn’t the Merit
contract have a clause that is used when reduced salary dollars are available. That is something that will have to be
negotiated with the collective bargaining unit. The topic has been brought up and administration is aware of the
concerns. Four major negotiators are determining the priorities. Q: Should we be contacting them? Not appropriate.
Conversations are at the President’s level as to the priorities. We can bring it to the President’s attention.
Provost’s Office Report
Ellen reported that the Provost search continues. The search committee is looking to have candidates on campus
before Thanksgiving.
Benefits for post-docs have been a part of the benefit program for students. The University is looking to offer
the same benefits to post-docs that P&S and faculty have. Some post-doc employees are in P&S positions rather
than post-doc because of the benefits. There may be some change in P&S numbers if the benefits change.
In the budget FY 04 process, ISU has submitted and had approved the second read of budget requests. ISU has
requested a 4% salary package for P&S, $3.5M for faculty positions, and $0.5M for economic development to
replace losses from past years. There will not be a lot of action on the budget until after elections.
Q: Has the Provost office had any more information on the Chief Information Officer (CIO) position? There has
been a decision to defer that position. The position will probably be on hold until after the Provost search and budget
Q: Most post-docs are funded by external grants. Will the change affect current P&S employees? No. Most
post-docs are 25–30 years old and are not in high cost pay brackets. It should not affect health insurance costs. Max
Wortman commented that the Faculty Appointments Committee is working on non-tenure teaching issues. There are
approximately 200 post-doc positions. That means there are 200 P&S employees that really aren’t P&S. Ellen
researched P&S numbers last year. The health insurance issue for post-docs was the main reason for increased P&S
numbers. Q: Post-docs used to have other benefits, why was it changed? It was viewed that people lingered in postdoc positions. The insurance benefits were changed to hurry them along.
Q: People really don’t have a clue how things work at the University. Is the Provost doing anything to get
information distributed as to why tuition is increasing? Every year information is distributed. Everyone needs to be
an ambassador for ISU. Sometimes it is not always helpful to respond to EVERYTHING. Comment: Extension
could have more influence if they have more knowledge. Administration needs to work on communication levels.
Lack of knowledge can be worse than no knowledge. County Extension Councils are planning 50–60 coffees around
the state after elections in the fall. Information dispersed at the coffees could be used to help the ISU cause.
Comment: Circulate ISU Web site location. The Web site is very helpful.
Council President’s Report
Rex reported that the meeting procedure has been discussed at Executive Committee meeting. Kevin will check
into the proper procedure for motions, discussion, and other issues. We will pay closer attention to the procedures
used. Jeff suggested having the members put their name card on its side to indicate who wants to speak. We need to
get motions out earlier and make adjustments on the agenda for old business and new business. Kevin will try to run
“a little tighter ship” as far as the meetings go. A suggestion was given at an earlier time to rearrange agenda items
to get the business items up front. Kevin will see how the meetings go and if it problematic, he will consider
changing the order of the agenda.
Tom Hill was unable to attend the open forum at noon. People attending discussed priority items for P&S
Council and made helpful comments. Rex has discussed the priority items with President Geoffrey and the President
has shown a lot of support. Items that cost money will be difficult this year.
When the Provost spoke at the P&S forum, he made comments on a University Senate vs. Faculty Senate. This
topic was brought up at campus leaders breakfast. It is not in future plans at ISU. Provost Allen was NOT suggesting
or promoting the idea.
Two Ad hoc Committees have been appointed to look at the officer election process and the representation
needs for P&S Council. Kerry Dixon is in the process of arranging the first meeting for the officer election process.
The committee on representation just received the listing of P&S staff for fall. The numbers in External Affairs will
still need two representatives based on current representation guidelines.
The President’s Committee on Budget and Planning has a reduced number of members from the previous
committee. The President is trying to reduce the number of committees that require faculty and staff participation.
P&S has one representative, Kerry Dixon. Rex inquired about the possibility of getting at least one more P&S
representative. The number of members will stay the same. Ellen Rasmussen is on the committee and represents
P&S concerns. There is an idea that each college should have a representative. The committee has not yet met.
Kerry will come to council meetings and give an updates on activities.
President Geoffrey will be presenting at the P&S Open forum in November.
Q: Has any action be taken on the suggestion from the August retreat to change time structure of committee
meetings? The R & A committee discussed the suggestion and thought it was too late in the year to change time
commitments on the part of council members and for room reservations. Perhaps the changes could be considered
for next year.
Q: Has there been any thought to numbering and keeping track of the council motions as other councils do?
Kevin has already started doing that on the Web site.
Council Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Cathy Good reported the following balances:
General Fund: $2,462.81 Campus Organization: $436.23
Professional Development: $845.03
Council Officer Reports
Lynne – The Campus Leaders Breakfast was held September 19. The President gave a brief update on the state
of enrollments, State of Iowa budget forecast, and Morrill Hall. Other topics addressed included upcoming
negotiations with the collective bargaining units, a University Senate concept, K-based appointments, salary
comparison between private industry and the university, and salary indexes. Thanks to Lynne for developing
Campus Leaders Breakfast minutes.
Q: Can we have the minutes on the Web site? President Geoffrey prefers minutes and specific written comments
not be made.
Q: Is there a P&S representative at Faculty Senate? Yes, Rex goes on a regular basis.
Compensation and Benefits
Trevor – C & B discussed priorities and assigned people to gather information and details to start working on these
issues. Lee Fletcher is new chair of Compensation and Benefits Committee for the Faculty Senate.
Policies and Procedures
Dan – The Committee has been looking at the new handbook online to make finishing touches. They also discussed
if the Committee should be looking at committee structure and bylaws, and a division of committee structure to
make things work better. They are waiting for a document on grievances that was promised last month.
Representation and Awards
Bev – Applications were received for openings on university councils and committees. One person is needed on the
Professional Development Committee for External Affairs. They will update committee lists and links on the Web.
Award Deadlines: Superior Service – December 1; University Awards – February 28; Regents Awards – April 1.
The committee decided to offer to meet with departments or areas to help start awards committees and to compile a
list of no- or low-cost awards. Send suggestions to Bev or Judy.
Marcia – Jeff distributed new e-mail tree lists. Instructions will be coming out next week. One of the concerns with
the e-mail trees is to help Council members be accessible to all people in their area, not just their e-mail tree. There
has been an occasional problem with timely distribution of notices. Proposals from the committee will be presented
to council next month. The open forum schedule has been adjusted. The first e-news letter will be distributed after
this meeting. They are looking for feedback. Stacy Joiner printed out Web pages for each committee. Send updates
to Stacy by middle of month.
The committee is considering sponsoring two events for P&S employees this year. Anyone interested in helping
should contact Rex, Lynne, Marcia, or Barb.
Q: Will the e-mail and newsletter be in text only? Or HTML? They are using text only right now to serve all
people, because some have difficulty with HTML. Q: What if some people on list have retired or resigned? Use the
list as is until notified. Q: Council members are on e-mail tree lists for other council members. Council members
have not been removed from e-mail trees, so they may receive the message they just sent out from another council
member who has them on their e-mail tree.
Retention and Recruitment
Kelly – One proposal funded has withdrawn. They are in process of redistributing the money
Peer Advisory
Brenda – no contacts
Professional Development Day
Professional Development Day Committee will meet tomorrow.
Old Business
No old business
New Business
There was discussion at the last Executive Committee meeting regarding the procedure used at meetings. Dan
summarized the bylaws in this area. The bylaw on automatically tabling a motion to the next meeting for vote was
developed to address short notice requests that came from Administration. This allowed Council time to gather input
from P&S employees. It was not meant to apply to all motions. We do not have to suspend rules unless it is coming
from Administration for feedback. As we look at restructuring bylaws, we may want to revise that one.
Motion: “As the establishment of a Faculty Ombuds office moves forward, we feel it is important that the
administration consider P&S employees in the development, similar to the University of Iowa.”
Comment: Max W. – The Faculty Senate views this as a person who knows all systems in the University, such as
grievance procedures, and who will be able to refer employee to appropriate office. At the request of employee, the
ombud can talk to the supervisor. The position tries to get a solution to the problem before it gets to the point of a
grievance or legal procedures.
Move to strike phrase “similar to the University of Iowa.” Seconded. Approved.
Marlise spoke to U of I Ombudsman and was told the person is an advocate who takes on the role of mediator, and if
the problem is not resolved, then they become the arbitrator.
Vote: Motion carries.
For the Good of the Order:
New non-council member on Comp and Benefits – Cheryl Kamman, Program Coordinator, Office of Intellectual
Property and Technology Transfer
The meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Judy Strand for Cathy Good
P&S Council Secretary/Treasurer