Iowa State University Professional and Scientific Council Regular Session Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 6, 2002 Cardinal Room, Memorial Union 2002-2003 President: Rex Heer Vice-President: Kevin Kane Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Good Call to Order and Seating of Substitutes The November 6, 2002 P&S Council Meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. S X X S X X A A X X X X X Becker, Tom Brink, Marcia Brinkmeyer, Linda Brotherson, Dave Brueland, Brent Cooney, Sarah Doty, Ann Eggers, Tim Good, Cathy Heer, Rex Hintz, Roger Jensen, James Joiner, Stacy X S X X X X X X X X X X X Kane, Kevin Kapke, Paul Marks, Del Mayer, Marie McCool, Kelly McCroskey, Barry McManus, Barb Mumm, Lynne Nelson, Mark Patton, James Peters, Beverly Peterson, Teresa Riedemann, Trevor X X S X X S S X Roberts, Kurt Sorensen, Jeffrey Strah, Pat Strand, Judy Van Beek, Brenda VanGinkel, Margaret Wood, Douglas Woodin, Dan X = Present A = Absent S = Substitute Guests were Carla Espinoza, Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Services and Director of Equal Opportunity & Diversity; Carrie Haefner, Human Resource Specialist, Human Resource Services; Cheryl Kamman, Licensing Associate, Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer; Marlise McCammon, Associate Director of Human Resource Services and Director of Employee Relations; Ellen Rasmussen, Assistant Provost; Karen Zunkel, Director, Program for Women in Science and Engineering. Substitutes: Daniel Crim, Analyst, Administrative Data Processing, for Dave Brotherson; Jim Gaunt, Manager, Engineering Research Lab, Civil and Construction Engineering, for Douglas Wood; Lynette McBirnie, Administrative Specialist, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, for Paul Kapke; Kelley Miller, Enrollment Services Advisor (Admissions Counselor), Admissions, for Tom Becker; Belva Weers, Administrative Specialist, Central Stores, for Pat Strah; Barb Wollan, Extension Field Specialist, for Margaret VanGinkel. Following general introductions, all substitutes were given full voting rights and privileges. Establish a Quorum A quorum was present. Presentation of Committee Motions None Approval of the Agenda The agenda was approved as presented. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes The minutes of the October 6, 2002, Council meeting were approved as corrected. Corrected minutes have been forwarded for posting on the Council web page. Provost’s Office Report Ellen – Three provost candidates will be on campus during the next couple weeks. Also, regarding the motion Council passed about the ombuds office, Ellen encourages Rex and the Council to think about what they would like and how that position would service P&S staff, interact with the Peer Advisory Committee, etc. Faculty Senate is doing something similar and she thinks it would be advisable for P&S Council to do the same. Ellen would be happy to help with this. Q: What sorts of things should P&S employees think about in evaluating provost candidates? An ideal provost is someone who has some vision about what academics can and should be, especially in a changing world, and who can articulate that. They need to be a good administrator and know when or when not to step in, administrate, etc. The person needs to fit in well with the central administration cabinet group, have energy and want to try new things, and have respect in general for the role everyone has in the institution. Human Resources Report Carla – Reminded Council that we are in the period of open enrollment for benefits; if there is a change you want to make in your benefit packet, do so as soon as possible. Also, flu shots are being administered at TASF at no cost to employees. Flu shots have been shown to improve the well-being of employees over the last few years. The Board of Regents was intended to vote on the Supporting the Arrival of Children Policy, but the Board came back with specific questions to be answered. They are still in the process of gathering that information. There is no other public institution of higher education that has such a program. This may be something we all need to rally around in some fashion. It is very difficult to justify this as a “best practice” that we are trying to emulate. We are checking everywhere for comparable programs, including with private companies. Unfortunately, legislature does not look at private companies the same way they look at public institutions of higher education. Ellen commented that the University of Iowa is not really interested in partnering with us on this effort. We are out there in front of others, and what’s wrong with that? This is the right thing to do; the right thing for our work environment; the right thing for our employees. If you have a way to save the university money, what would it be? You may get a request from the provost, president, or budget advisory committee. We do not always get a lot of warning for responding to this type of question. Give it some thought and be prepared. What should P&S employees care about in a provost? 1) ISU needs a provost who will articulate policy in such a way that it address the unique employee population that we are. P&S is a unique, special interest group that provides a service to the institution that isn’t well understood. 2) Someone who is willing to speak to the Board Office, which has historically articulated in the interest of merit employees. More time needs to be spent educating that office about what P&S employees do. ISU insists that all communications with the Board Office takes place through the President’s Office (Mark Chidister). The Provost has everyone’s ear. Can we request to make a presentation to the Board Office staff so we can educate them about who and what we are? We need to have someone (the Provost) who recognizes the scope and depth of P&S contributions and can convey that. Perhaps P&S should partner with P&S from other Regents institutions, but we would need to have a specific agenda. Regardless, the more we can learn about P&S at other institutions, the better off we will be. Trevor posed several questions: The salary report used to summarizing the status of P&S pay system notes that caution must be used in drawing conclusions from the data. What future plans does HR have for enhancing, supplementing, or replacing the Annual Salary Report? We have no short term plans to replace the report. We have been talking for some time about building the resource databank that tells people what we used to generate the report. The report is just information, not solid conclusions. Human Resource Services added the cautionary statement about how to use the report at the request of the P&S Council Compensation and Benefits committee, so folks would not use the report as the sole source of information to benchmark their own personal situation. Where else should P&S employees look? Individuals must identify these themselves. The information in the report is as complete as they can get, but does not always include matches (or a very large number of matches) elsewhere in the market. It is hard to find matches for soft money positions. Professional organization salary surveys are another option. Faculty Senate does its own salary review via Institutional Research; does IR contribute to the P&S salary report? No. There is more diversity in the kinds of P&S assignments. We will invite Carrie Haefner to an upcoming Comp & Benefits committee meeting. Carla: We are a source of information for you. With the turnover of people on Council, the same questions come up again and again. You need to think about where you want to be, rather than where you have been. What would you like to see in the report? If we can do it, we will. The report needs to be interpreted by a majority of the population, but it should be an information guide. Council President’s Report Rex – We will follow up on Carla’s suggestion that we be more specific about what we want, in the salary report as well as Ellen’s comments regarding the ombuds office. President Geoffroy and Ben Allen both thought the ombuds idea was pretty good, though we need a little more focus on what we expect the office to do for us. The Council Policies and Procedures Committee will need to get pretty involved in this. 2 Arrival of Children Policy – is waiting for answers to Board of Regents questions; in the meantime, the Provost has sent around a memo to deans, directors, and chairs updating them and encouraging them to accommodate people who are dealing with the arrival of children. Provost’s office response to the status of women report – The provost has responded with recommendations, including acknowledging that lower P&S positions have a lower concentration of male employees, but the higher P&S positions have a higher concentration of male employees. Rex has not yet reviewed the report very thoroughly, but the University Committee on Women will be following up. Is the report available on the web? Don’t know. The report can be requested from HR. More than one male has asked how P&S Council could endorse a policy for mentoring women only. There will be a holiday reception for Faculty Senate and P&S at the Knoll, December 12, 7:00–8:30 p.m., for a dessert reception. Official invitations will be sent out closer to that date. Rex has followed up on the potential get-together at the butterfly wing of Reiman Gardens. Cost would be $100/hour to rent auditorium space, plus a contract with university dining service for catering. If we do this, we would not have enough money to do two events this year. There had been a suggestion to have an open house at the Knoll. Dr. Geoffroy thought that was a great idea, but funding for that would need to come out of P&S budget, and we don’t know how much that might cost. We will probably have to decide between the two events. The co-chair of Supervisory/Confidential Council asked Rex to come to their next meeting to talk about P&S, Council and how we might be able to communicate more than we have been in the past. He will be going to their next meeting in a couple weeks. Council Secretary/Treasurer’s Report Cathy Good reported the following balances: General Fund: $2,437.81 Campus Organization: $436.23 Professional Development: $845.03 Council Officer Reports Lynne – The campus leaders breakfast was October 15. President Geoffroy provided an update on events since the last breakfast. Other topics discussed included adding provisions to the merit contract to curtail scheduled increases in the event of state funding cuts (IDOP – not ISU – negotiates the AFSCME contract); the merits of an external review of the P&S salary structure; and what university employees, including the Extension network, can do to solicit support for the university (we can inform, educate, and urge others to lobby). The next breakfast is in a couple weeks. If you have any ideas for questions, please forward them to Lynne. COMMITTEE REPORTS Compensation and Benefits Trevor – Thank you, Carla, for taking the time to answer our questions. We would like to have you and/or your staff come to a committee meeting to educate us on things. Jim Jensen – overall things have improved considerably since a few years ago in providing health providers who are convenient and accessible to extension staff. He received 8– 10 responses from folks still having problems and will forward those to the University Benefits Committee and to Carla to let them know where problems have been identified. Policies and Procedures Dan – The committee has reviewed the on-line handbook several times and thinks it is ready to go. The search feature is a little difficult because of the number of links. A new index has been developed to help with this. They plan to send the URL to Council for a one-to-two-week review, then to release it for general use with a mechanism for feedback. The end is in sight. Still working on how to keep the site updated on an ongoing basis, rather than a major overhaul once every so many years. They are also starting to review materials Carla has given them on the conflict resolution policy. Other issues on their agenda include committee structure, work-at-home policy, and the ombuds position. Representation and Awards Judy – reviewed time lines for awards. Due dates are out on both the P&S Council web site and the Provost web site. Provost’s office sent out a memo this week on awards. The committee is working on changes for our web site to improve it so it will be more helpful for people looking for assistance with nominations (with FAQs, etc.). The University Councils & Committees web site has been updated. The elections subcommittee has started discussing time lines. They are still looking for ways for no- or low-cost employee recognitions. Send ideas to Judy or Bev. Communications 3 Marcia – They are looking for feedback on the first e-newsletter. Also, would like to know if there are any problems with the updated email tree; it is being reworked to make sure all email messages on the email tree go out at the same time. Jeff – if anyone is getting bounces on expired email addresses, send them to him. They are still looking for ideas for a fun, entertaining speaker for the April open forum. Send any ideas to Marcia. Updates to web pages have been made. If you want photos added to your web page, send them in. How do new P&S employees get name tags. A Sign-up sheet was passed around; Marcia and Barb will figure it out. Ask your coworkers to bring someone along to the forum; it increases awareness and makes it a little easier to get nominations for council slots. Retention and Recruitment Kelly – no report Peer Advisory Brenda – one contact last month Ad hoc committee Kevin – The ad hoc committee on President/president elect – met last week to talk about if and how it should be done. There are issues with both the bylaws and the constitution. The group will likely recommend that we go to a president/president elect, but these recommendations are not complete. Kevin – The ad hoc committee on representation (size of council and if representation at 75:1 is appropriate) – Leigh hasn’t been given a defined charge, so if you have any input on representations, when elections are done, how many representatives from each sector, what to do with External Affairs, email your comments and ideas to Bev or Judy. Awards & Rep will collect these ideas, put together a charge, and send this to Leigh. Old Business No old business New Business Rex – Feedback to the University Library Committee on serials budget – The new P&S rep on Library Committee asked us to provide her with feedback on various models for addressing the cuts going through. The models are: 1) Across-the board cuts (which has been used in the past but is thought to be inequitable, especially to departments who use journals that haven't skyrocketed in cost). 2) Inflation-indexed cuts. 3) Zerobased budgeting (each subject area would make a case for retaining a share of the serials budget). 4) Protect the “strong” subjects (strength would be determined by a formula considering national reputation, enrollment figures, etc…). 5) Hybrid (a model recommended by library officials that would use a formula based on historical allocation, rate of inflation, measures of program strength, etc.… In essence, this would be a combination of Models 2 and 4). Comments: #4 has to be part of the criteria, if we are going to excel in those areas to be part of a premier land-grant institution. Interlibrary loan system works really well and is a nice backup for those journals that are no longer carried. Email Rex with any comments. For the Good of the Order: P&S Executive Committee has been invited to meet with each of the Provost candidates. 10:00-10:50 a.m. on the second day of each visit. If anyone has any questions they want asked of the provost candidates that are relevant to the P&S employee group, please forward to Rex. This is also an excellent time to educate the candidates on who we are and what we do. Carla recommends some visual aids (e.g. an organization chart that identifies where P&S Council is, something that identifies the three employee groups) to give them a quick view about where P&S Council and their constituency is. A handout of a couple pages from the Council web page might also be useful. We might be able get it to the candidates ahead of time. When Presidential candidates were here, there were varying degrees of understanding about how P&S Council worked. Ask them if they have questions about us. Do not compare ourselves to faculty because we will loose. Perhaps indicate that good faculty become even better because of the contributions of P&S staff. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Cathy Good P&S Council Secretary/Treasurer 4