© THE BAROCLINIC INSTABILITY OF SIMPLE AND HIGHLY STRUCTURED ONE-DIMENSIONAL BASIC STATES by JAMES WILLIAM ANTHONY FULLMER B.S., Drexel University (1972) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 1979 ) James William Anthony Fullmer Signature of Author .......................................................... Department of Meteorology, May 1, 1979 Certified by .............................................................. Thesis Supervisor Accepted by .............................................................. Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students MITLIBRARIES EBRARIES LBP~kPiS ii~uIIIl iiIYIIIYII Y THIS IS DEDICATED TO Mrs. Mr. THESIS MY PARENTS H. Antonine James LOVINGLY M. Fullmer Fullmer rill~l IIYYYYIY IYYIIYIYIYYII O<v 0)0 )gEpoU o0' 3) I1 Ar t% s S Ierepoc r, To I vov#ko tro ~E~-C~V Ko C~ 'SO( A R rTo PHAANE actre %y14 cer 1% M(CLt )1 oo( OV po D st( Sejo a . "Ae C/o vdr" 423 .c. \We sholl iqot cease from ex pfora ton +e en d of Ar\de l0.11 our explo- tng Will Le to where we stalred Anda f 6e place T.S. ELIOT for hke fs time. Four QuarieIs 143 A.. _I ^_ 6911 ~111__~~ _ _____ by JAMES WILLIAM ANTHONY FULLMER Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on 1 May in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 1979 ABSTRACT The baroclinic instability of simple and highly structured onedimensional basic states is studied using a frictionless, adiabatic, quasigeostrophic model on a s-plane. Square-root-pressure coordinates are used at 48 levels in the vertical and calculations are made for the upper boundary conditions 4' = 0 and w' = 0. Many properties of the unstable waves are considered: instability source, wavelength, growthrate, phase velocity, steering levels, and the vertical structure of their amplitude, phase, meridional entropy transport, and potential to kinetic energy conversion. First, simple basic states are assumed. Their shear and static stability each have a single value from 1000 to 250 mb, and another, independent value from 250 to 0 mb. These simple basic states are determined by 3 parameters: a shear ratio, a static stability ratio, and a generalized 8 parameter. A wide expanse of parameter space is considered. The highly structured basic states have zonal velocities and static stabilities obtained from one month averaged data for latitudes 250 N to 650 N and for months (January, April, July, and October), which represent seasonal extremes and transitions. The longwave modes discovered by Green (1960) are shown to have several interesting properties. To exist, they require a non-zero value of qy and are destabilized by the presence of a Stratosphere or rigid lid. Doubling times are moderately short (about 1 week) and their meridional circulation in the lower stratosphere agrees with observations. Pressure amplitudes, kinetic energy destruction, and meridional entropy transport are particularly strong in the lower stratosphere (relative to other levels). Their kinetic energy is generated in the troposphere. Their entropy transports are countergradient in the lower stratosphere when a reversed shear exists in that region. Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity meridional gradient profiles (qy) for the one month averaged data possess a considerable number of zeros. These zeros and their associated negative qy regions have a substantial effect on the unstable mode spectrum._ Some modes' growthrates are drastically reduced when a particular negative qy region is removed. New modes (distinct from those discovered by Eady, Charney, and Green) exist only when certain negative qy regions are present. Some of the new modes are potentially important for the general circulation of specific regions of the atmosphere. In particular, longwave modes, in addition to those discovered by Green, could be important for the stratospheric circulation, and some are examples of in situ stratospheric baroclinic instability. 5 The unstable mode spectrum is also shown to be sensitive to small changes in the unperturbed state. It is shown that only those changes which drastically alter the negative regions and associated zeros of the qy profile result in a substantial change in the unstable mode spectrum. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ..................................................................... 4 TABLE I. II. OF CONTENTS .............................................. 6 INTRODUCTION ................................................. 8 1. Background and problems to be addressed 2. Outline of the thesis THE MODEL .............. .... ............................... 16 1. The model eigenvalue equation 16 2. Boundary conditions 18 3. 4. Fluxes and energetics Numerical Accuracy Figures 20 22 26 III. TWO-LAYER MULTI-LEVEL MODEL RESULTS ... IV. 8 13 ......... ....... 32 1. Introduction and overview 32 2. 3. 4. 5. Necessary conditions for baroclinic instablity Nominal parameter values Results for special and nominal parameter values Results for the variation of one parameter with 33 35 36 6. 7. others fixed at nominal values Results for constant ^(T planes in parameter space Calculations for w'=0 at p=0 Figures 40 45 49 55 RESULTS FOR THE HIGHLY STRUCrTURED BASIC STATES............114 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introduction Criteria for choosing input data for the model The data sets Calculation of q1 Processing the dAta for input to the model Model results-classification of modes The Eady modes The Green modes The Es and Sm modes The S modes The L modes The necessary conditions for instability and the existance of unstable modes Importance of the unstable modes to the general 114 115 116 117 120 122 125 127 130 131 133 circulation of specifi.c regions 139 135 14. V. Calculations for w'=O at p=O Figures Tables 143 145 194 SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT RESULTS ............................. 217 APPENDIX ........................ ....... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................... ........................ 220 ............ .......... . ....229 REFERENCES .................................................................... 231 INDEX TO CITED WORKS .................... ...................... 235 ------- CHAPTER -- I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Problems to be Addressed One of the oldest and most interesting problems of dynamic meteor- ology is the stability of a horizontally uniform steady flow. The flow is said to be baroclinically unstable when there exist perturbations which grow exponentially with time, and which derive their energy from the available potential energy of the mean zonal flow. Investigation of the baroclinic instability problem began with the works of Charney (1947) and Eady (1949). Eady's model assumed a linear velocity profile, no variation of the coriolis parameter (P3= 0), and rigid lids at the top and bottom. Unstable modes were found above a certain wavelength. rigid bottom but an unbounded top. Charney's model atmosphere had a A linear velocity profile was assumed (with the velocity constant above a certain height) and variation of the coriolis parameter was permitted. Charney found instability only for waves shorter than a certain wavelength which depended on the value of P (or on the value of the wind shear). Burger (1962) established for a continuous model with constant p 3 0 that all wavelengths have an exponentially unstable mode associated with them except for certain isolated wavelengths. Modes on the longwave side of these isolated wavelengths always grew more slowly than those on the shortwave side. Green (1960) in a numerical model had also found that all resolved wavelengths were unstable (with the exception of isolated wavelengths) when P # 0. Green also extended Eady's and Charney's results to include a semi- infinite "stratosphere" of increased constant static stability. however, was kept uniform throughout his atmosphere. "stratosphere" was to make longer waves more unstable. The shears The effect of the His growth rate spectrum is similar to that for SR = 1 in Figure 3.4, given below. The shorter modes to the right of the cusp point in Figure 3.4 will be referred to as Charney or Eady modes. Those on the other, longwave side will be called Green modes. Green showed that the fastest growing Eady mode did not have much vertical structure. However, Geisler and Garcia's (1977) numerical calcula- tions found the Green modes to have streamfunction amplitudes in the stratosphere an order of magnitude larger than those in the troposphere. Geisler and Garcia assumed a reference state temperature characteristic of a mid- latitude winter, and both a linear and a mid-latitude winter mean zonal velocity profile. Both Green and Geisler and Garcia found growth rates of the Green modes to be much less than those of the Eady modes. However, there is no certainty that modes of largest growth rate must dominate. In fact, Gall (1976) and Staley and Gall (1977) have shown that the longer unstable waves can have a longer time to grow than the shorter waves because they extend higher into the atmosphere to regions where their growth is not halted as quickly by interactions with the mean flow (see also the discussion in Section IV-13). The Green modes, therefore, could be of great importance to the upper atmospheric circulation. Many of their properties remain un- investigated; in particular, their kinetic energy release and entropy transport. Also uninvestigated is the dependence of the vertical structure of these waves on 6, the shear of the mean zonal flow, and the static stability. The study of these properties of the Green modes is one major concern in this thesis. One-of the properties of the baroclinic modes which is essential to the atmospheric general circulation is their transport of heat. The trans- port is generally poleward and upwards, down the horizontal gradient of the mean temperature (Oort and Rasmusson, 1971), and accounts for a substantial part of the total heat flux at mid and high latitudes (Oort, 1971; Palmen and Newton, 1969, pp. 62-63). The eddy heat fluxes prevent the occurrence of very large meridional temperature gradients and associated intense westerlies. The theoretical study of Stone (1972) shows that the baroclinic eddies are essential to the determination of the atmospheric temperature structure. The studies of Phillips (1954) and Kuo (1956) show that the eddies help drive the mean meridional circulation. Models of the atmosphere, consequently, must include the effects of these baroclinic eddies. The lower stratosphere (from the tropopause to 30 mb) presents a curious exception to the general description of atmospheric heat flux given above. Murgatroyd (1969) points out that the latitudinal heating gradient opposes the latitudinal temperature gradient in winter and summer and this requires a net countergradient meridional heat flux. The contribution of the mean meridional circulation to the horizontal flux has been calculated from observations of Oort and Rasmusson (1971) at 100 mb. At this level, the mean flux tends to be weaker (by a factor of 4 or more) than either the transient or stationary eddy flux and is generally equatorward. the observation of Oort and Rasmusson (1971) and Newell et al. However, (1974) show the eddy heat fluxes to be poleward up to 10 mb and countergradient between the tropopause and 30 mb. The transient eddy fluxes are about 1/2 to 2/3 as strong as those of the stationary eddies. Newell (1964a) has described the lower stratosphere as a refrigerator which maintains the temperature minimum at the equator through countergradient eddy heat fluxes. The origin of the observed lower stratosphere net countergradient heat flux has not been determined. The lone observations of Oort and Rasmusson at 100 mb are not strong enough to discount the mean meridional circulation from playing an important role in determining the net heat flux. The non-interaction theory begun by Charney and Drazin (1961) and extended by Holton (1974) , Boyd (1976) and Andrews and McIntyre (1976) tequires that, in the absence of diabatic effects and dissipation, the heat (and momentum) fluxes of stationary eddies (even if these eddies have harmonic time variations) are exactly balanced by transports of an induced mean meridional circulation. Thus, only transient eddy motion or a circulation in which diabatic or dissipative effects are important remain as candidates for producing the net countergradient heat flux in the lower stratosphere. Diabatic heatinq rates are small in the lower stratosphere (< .50 K/day; Newell et al. (1969), Murgatroyd (1969), Houghton (1978)) but still may be important to the heat budget (Vincent, 1968). Viscous dissipation is likely to be small compared to radiative damping (Holton, 1975). Although a circulation with diabati- city and possibly dissipation is a possible mechanism for generating the net countergradient heat flux, this mechanism is outside the scope of the current study. The transient eddy component o the net countergradient heat flux is unlikely to come from in situ stratospheric baroclinic instability (Holton (1975), Simmons (1972)). Most of the transient eddy activity in the lower stratosphere, Holton claims, is probably due to the remnants of baroclinically unstable modes which originate in the troposphere. Green (1960) and _~ ~_ ~I _ __ Peng (1965) have shown by numerical studies that the heat fluxes of the dominant Eady mode are very weak in the stratosphere. Green's (1960) fluxes for the dominant Eady mode were down gradient as he did not consider the reversed stratospheric temperature gradient. The strength of the Green mode amplitude in the stratosphere and the results of Gall (1976) mentioned above, indicate that these modes may possess strong stratospheric heat fluxes. The possibility that these fluxes may be significant and countergradient will be investigated, and implications for the parameterization of stratospheric eddy heat fluxes will be discussed. Necessary conditions for baroclinic instability were derived by Charney and Stern (1962) . They found that, in the absence of boundary temperature gradients, the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity gradient (qy) profile must possess a zero for baroclinic instability to occur (for a more detailed discussion of this result, see section 111-2). The calculations of Leovy in Charney and Stern (1962) show zeros in q above 100 mb for data of 14 October, 1957. Leovy and Webster (1976) also suggest that qy may also have zeros on the tropical side of the stratospheric jet. Furthermore, Charney and Stern (1962) showed that such zeros are necessary conditions for an internal instability; they, as well as Green (1972) , McIntyre (1972) , Simmons (1972, 1974) and Dickinson (1973) have shown that a zero in qy is a sufficient condition for instability in a number of special cases. Therefore, detailed profiles of u and T, closer to those found in the atmosphere than the simple linear profiles studied by previous authors, may possess zeros in which have associated unstable modes. Detailed profiles of u and T are also of interest because small variations in their detail have been shown to alter significantly the growth rate spectrum of the Eady modes JGall and Blakeslee, 1977; Staley and Gall, 1977). In this thesis, the, effect of the structure of the u and T profiles on the baroclinic instability problem will be considered along with the sensitivity of the results to small variations in these profiles. 1.2 Outline of the thesis The problems raised in the discussion above will be addressed through a comprehensive study of the baroclinic instability of both simple and highly structured one-dimensional basic states. Many properties of the unstable waves are considered: instability source, wavelength, growth rate, phase velocity, steering levels, and the vertical structure of their pressure amplitude, phase, meridional entropy transport and kinetic energy generation. The model used is the quasi-geostrophic s-plane model of Green (1960) written in square-root-pressure coordinates. This choice of vertical coor- dinate gives an equal number of levels in the upper layer (stratosphere) and lower layer (troposphere). The upper layer is thereby given sufficient resolution without having an unnecessary number of levels in regions of very little mass. In Chapter II the mathematics of the model are devel- oped and the numerical accuracy of the integration scheme is checked. This study first extends Green's results by a "two-layer multi-level model" (Chapter III). ity, P Within each layer, the shear, u , and static stabil- 1 d In 8 P dp , are constant but can have independent values. parameter family results. In addition to Green's generalized A 3- 8-parameter, up (upper layer) - 8o Poo 2 layer) and static sta, there is a shear ratio SRer T f2 u0 u (lower layer) r (upper layer) Green's assumption of the same shear in (lower layer) bility ratio a Y both layers has been relaxed. A wide expanse of the three-dimensional * Klein (1974) addressed the same baroclinic stability problem, but confined himself to profiles of zonal wind and temperature which are characteristic of a mid-latitude winter. In addition, he was restricted by his method of analysis to only the most unstable mode at each wavelength. parameter space is explored. The dependence of the Eady and Green mode's properties on the parameter values is studied in detail. In particular, it is shown that the Green modes do have strong countergradient heat fluxes in the lower stratosphere although nearly all of their kinetic energy is drawn from the troposphere. Chapter IV presents a further extension of Green's model to more realistic u and T profiles for the basic state. The profiles are obtained from monthly averaged data at different latitudes and are one-dimensional. One cannot rigorously justify using monthly averaged data for the unperturbed state, since the u and T profiles from monthly averaged data do contain the effects of atmospheric eddies, and the unperturbed flow does not vary on a much slower time scale than the eddies. Nevertheless, the use of monthly averaged data for the unperturbed state can be viewed as a reasonable way of relaxing the simplified representation of u and T in previous baroclinic instability studies. It is a reasonable "next step" which allows one to, see how the unstable modes are affected by detail in the structure of the basic state. The one-dimensionality of the basic state is justified partly by the work of Moura and Stone (1976). They found that if the unperturbed state is locally unstable, it is globally unstable. Local conditions (e.g. at a single latitude) are important in determining instability even if meridional variations are included and if the unstable modes have large meridional scales. The one-dimensional basic state is also justified by the secondary role that the meridional variations are found to have in determining the depth and location of'regions of negative qy. Calculations in Chapter IV will show that vertical variations alone represent well the features of the qy profile which are important in determining stability properties. As in Chapter III, the Green and Eady modes are studied in detail, and the Green mode is again shown to possess strong countergradient heat fluxes in the lower stratosphere. In addition to the Green and Eady modes, other long and short wave modes are shown to exist for the more detailed u and T profiles. This reveals an advantage of the eigenvalue approach over the numerical time integration approach. The latter gives only the most unstable eigenvalue at each wavelength; the former gives all the unstable modes. Many of the new long and short wave modes are shown to exist only when certain negative qy regions exist. The existence of negative qy regions is shown to be very sensitive to small variations in the basic state. In- deed, small variations in the basic state are shown to affect the unstable mode spectra significantly only when they result in changes in the depth and location of negative qy regions. Most of the model calculations were done with the upper boundary condition 9' = 0 at p = 0 (?' is the perturbation stream function). However, to allow for a possible source of instability at p = 0, results assuming W' = 0 at p = O0are presented and explained whenever these differ significantly from those assuming Y' = 0 at p = 0. Chapter II discusses the choice of the upper boundary condition in more detail. CHAPTER II THE MODEL The Model Eigenvalue Equation 2.1 The quasi-geostrophic model on a purposes of this study. a-plane is well-suited for the It is simple enough to allow a detailed parameter study of large-scale motions and it still provides a good approximation to the properties of such motion. The equations for such a model, written in (p) coordinates, n being an arbitrary function of pressure, are: 7 = -- (f + ) = Dt Tr' D Dt f - w' o (1 cr f - (1) (2) 0 where x, y, t are the eastward, northward, and time coordinates, 4 is the horizontal streamfunction, f = fo + By is the Coriolis parameter, a = 1 d in 6s dp p is the reference state static stability, 7' d i d y dx x dy - velocity, dvelocity, i = x2 dp , + 2 y2 dp is the vertical dt D is the vorticity, and t Dt One next non-dimentionalizes with scales p t L - uo , w PooUo L . Then, following Phillips S= poo x,y - L, , ~ Lu0 (1954), one defines: + qp' ' = Y(T) cos x - y e ik (x-ct) yy = 0 Stime variation is hen of theof meano flw, The time variation of the mean flow, -- is then of order i' . With the 17 above substitutions, the differential equations become: (T T - = (u-c) p2) (u-c) T T - uf 7T TP TP2~ = i 7 fL 2 u ik (3) dTr TPoo [ mi- 1 (4) fL2UO where all quantities except those in brackets [ ] are non-dimensional and Y - B aTPoo T - 2 2 (k2+p2) is the generalized P parameter, and P - f2Uo f TPoo2 2 is Using Phillips' 1954 grid, one writes the the non-dimensional wavenumber. vorticity equation at odd levels and the thermodynamic equation at even levels. Combining these finite difference equations as Phillips did results i in: (u -c2)P2 ) _T T-n -- 0 = H n n (u n-2 -c) - n -c (u n n+2 T n (5) + Z n T (u -c)T + n-2 n n + n + (u -c) n n where n is odd and runs from 1 to N-1 = 97 n+2 (N is defined as the value of n at the ground level and equals twice the number of levels at which n ~ is written), means the value of ( ) at level n, Sr + n n ( I n+l )2 pn + 7TI 1i n n-l (A) 2 and En T/nl nl With appropriate boundary conditions (discussed below), eigenvalues of this system of equations are found by the OR algorithm. The algorithm is one of the most efficient methods known for solving the complete eigenvalue problem for symmetric or non-symmetric matrices (Dahlquistand Bjbrck, 1969). It is most efficient if the matrix value whose eigenvalues are desired is in Hessenberg form. The eigenvalue matrix is balanced, and put into Hessenberg form and solved for its eigenvalues by EISPACK subroutines *In the equations and symbols below aT is the nominal tropospheric value of c given in Section 3.3. _____ ____ ..... provided by the MIT Information Processing Service (IPS). _IIn ImrI iIl_____ The IPS publica- tion AP-42 describes these subroutines. Eigenfunctions are obtained by assuming Real[j3 = Real 2l the boundary condition is t' = 0 at the top, or by assuming RealY Im3 = 1 if the condition is P' = 0 at the top. is then used to integrate downwards. = 1 if 3 = The eigenvalue equation The homogeneity of the eigenvalue equation justifies the arbitrary choice forY1 orY3. 2.2 Boundary Conditions At the bottom 0. This is justified because in the first approxi- mation for quasi-geostrophic motions ) 2 -gpw. In the atmosphere for motions of synoptic or larger scale, the other terms in the & - w equation are smaller by an order of magnitude or more. The &.= 0 lower boundary condition also filters out horizontally propagating acoustic waves. dary condition is applied at level N. - tofN-3 N-1 N-3 This relation between The lower boun- It results in an equation relating N-l1 andN N-33 the eigenvalue equation (Eq. 5) at level N with is obtained by writing TT+N-l =0. At p = 0, the top of the model atmosphere, both the author and Holton (1975) have found that only the W = 0 boundary condition has been used in the literature for quasi-geostrophic models. theory, this condition can act as a rigid lid. While being exact in It can introduce spurious free oscillations which may be unstable, and cause reflections of vertically propagating modes (Lindzen,A1968; Cardelino, 1978). Geisler and Garcia (1977) assumed 4)'= 0 at a level "(typically 100 km) where solutions of interest have already decayed to a negligible value", their model is in geometric coordinates. Indeed, asymptotic solutions of the quasi-geostrophic equations for U profiles linear with height show that I grows or decays exponentially. ' Assuming i' =0 ina geometric coordi- nate model retains only the realistic decaying solution. Charney inMorel et al. (1973) requires that the upward energy flux ps 4'w' is zero at z = C. This is satisfied if the decaying solution is selected because lim ps*$z = lim p s lim I j= Z-)c lim p k'w'. The assumption behind the upper boundary condition P'w' = 0 is that one's solution should decay away from Zo energy sources which are at finite heights. For the model used here, problems with up constant have uz^u z ->, so that the available potential energy goes to zero as z-.o. -- 0 as For this case, which has no energy source near the top, Charney and Pedlosky (1963) have shown that the energy flux of the disturbance will decay at least exponentially with height. at the top. The disturbance will then decay to zero amplitude Thus, T' = 0 is a realistic boundary condition. Consideration of energy sources above the stratosphere is not within the scope of the current study. Calculations, therefore, are presented primarily with Y' = 0 as the upper boundary condition. However, comparisons will be made with calculations which have c' = 0 as the upper boundary condition. Important differences in the calculations resulting from the differ- ent boundary conditions will be pointed out and their physics will be discussed. In particular, it will be seen that the long wave Green mode experiences a behavior analogous to reflection when t' = 0 is used. Implementation of upper boundary conditions in the reduction of the numberofmodel levels from 49 to 48 sure of model levels). (Figure 2.1 shows the height and pres- The condition w0 = 0 is replaced by l' = 0 and the remaining 48 equations at levels 3 to 97 are solved for their eigenvalues. 2.3 Fluxes and Energetics To obtain the horizontal entropy fluxes, one first uses the hydroa ap static and Poisson relations: ideal gas law P = pRT 1 fo p Poo K 6 = (°) T (6); to relate 8 to the streamfunction: (8); fo R PooK a _ p P Ox' The meridional velocity is simply v' = (9) and the vertical velocity is related to ) through the thermodynamic equation. sumption that v and (7); and the P =even = (m+ + m- ), m-even 2 m+l m-l 0, w and 0, and 0 and 4. With the additional as- one multiplies the expressions for Then averaging zonally and simplifying results in: (v'8') ('8') ' aT (--) = P -K 2 1-K P kmE 1 ((L)2 * Real (i -' +T-1 i + c. I P (u 1 - ' k, 9 -1 + u1 +l 1 kme Real K-l -1 A - * 1 ++1 + + -1 - 2c. ' £+i y + i * - £+ -u * Real {(i 1 £+i * T t+l +l - 2cr ) Real {i r U1 - IF tan tan 8 N Lc 4kn * i -i E-1 ] 1 + £+1 where m = cos py, and c. are the real and imaginary parts eklit , C = r 1 Given eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, of the phase speed and ) is even. The last cor- the above non-dimensional correlations are then computed. relation is often called the "pressure work term" for reasons given below. The quasi-geostrophic energy equations have been derived by Charney (in Morel, 1973) for geometric corrdinates. Their counterparts for pres- sure coordinates are: dX d u'' u dy dp y dt Ro ''dy dE F = ( U v' u dy dp u y d dt K 1 Poo 'O' ( ) dy dp PO 0 p - I CK + CE + BE v 2K - y (o) I dy dp P Jdy R- f o fp Poo where, 6' = L /L = CK + CA + BE v''_ P dy dp - r , (L r = fZ. y Poo ) dy dp = -CE +CA is the radius of deformation) 1 = i-1 ---C +C +B 2 *Note: Once r(p)is known, writing the energy equations in Tr coordinates requires only a very simple transformation. " - -- MwlIftiIIh "~ -NIIWI 31,E , andA are the Eddy Kinetic Energy, Total Eddy Energy, and Eddy Available Potential Energy, respectively (Lorenz, 1967). The power integral CK, which represents transfer of kinetic energy between zonal mean and eddy flow, is not present for this one-dimensional model since U = 0. The power inte- gral CA, which represents the transfer of available potential energy between zonal mean and eddy flows is studied by presenting profiles of the horizontal heat flux. temperatures. The horizontal heat flux has the more direct effect on Profiles of the full power integral CE are presented because CE describes the source regions for Eddy Kinetic Energy. The last term, BE, describes the transfer of eddy kinetic energy into or out of a given pressure layer P1 to P2. Since p is always -90 ° out of phase with v, the M't' correlation reveals the relation of poleward to downward velocities throughout the atmosphere. It will be used to relate model eddy motions to observations. 2.4 Numerical Accuracy The numerical method described above is a second order scheme, and numerical experiments didshow the error in growth rates varying inversely with the square of the number of levels when7 = P is the coordinate. For nominal values of the stratosphere/troposphere shear ratio, SR = -1.5, and static stability ratio a p = 50 (see Chapter III for the calculation 6f these values), Figure 2.2 illustrates the Eady mode's growth rate accuracy as a function of YT (YT = 2 is nominal). Note that many more levels are needed to obtain accurate growth rates for higher 'T because the most unstable wavelength becomes shorter, and the associated vertical structure becomes finer. The model resolution of 48 levels is of good accuracy at least to wavenumber P = 6 or wavelength = 1.8 x 103 km. In low latitudes yT can be large and T one would need 15 or more levels to even detect instability if YT = 10. T The results in Figure 2.2 are identical for both upper boundary conditions. The Green mode, however, which has the longer wavelength of 8.3 x 103 km (P = 1.3)' for nominal parameter values, is resolved much better when Y'P = 0 is the upper boundary condition. In this case, the doubling time is determined to within 2% of its 48 level value (6.1 days) when only 13 levels are used. However, when w' is the upper boun- dary condition, 37 levels are required for the doubling time to be within 2% of its 49 level value (14.7 days) (the marked differences between these estimates of the Green mode doubling time is discussed with the Chapter III &)I 0 calculations). = The above and additional calculations showed that when doubling times of long-wave modes were calculated, calculations using (P'.O = 0 converged more rapidly than those using the more common Oj('p= = O upper boundary condition. The ability of the model to converge over the entire range of the vertical coordinate is illustrated in Figure 2.3, which shows results valid for both upper boundary conditions. For the meridional entropy flux of the Eady mode, good convergence is obtained for the model resolution of 48 levels (49 levels, for the w' (p=0 ) = 0 boundary condition). For entropy fluxes of the Eady mode at higher YT values and shorter wave lengths, Figures 2.4 and 2.5 show model convergence (their results are identical for both upper boundary conditions). v'e' s The quantities v'8' T and are the mass weighted zonally averaged meridional entropy fluxes for the troposphere and stratosphere, respectively. Each profile of v'9' has been normalized, i.e. the maximum value for all levels in the profiles has been set equal to 1. Good convergence on values of v'e' T and v'e's exists for modes with zonal wavelengths as small as 1.8 x 103 km. Three additional checks were made on model accuracy. The first is a check for satisfaction (numerically) of the lower boundary condition. Both upper and lower boundary conditions were, of course, used to determine the eigenvalues. Determination of the eigenfunctions, however, started with the upper boundary equationY 1 = 0 and assumed an amplitude and phase forY3 (see the earlier discussion in this chapter for a justification of this assumption). Then the model eigenvalue equation (Eq. 5) is used to determine values of Y at lower levels. The value of Yat the lowest level, YN-1' is obtained from the eigenvalue equation written at level N-3, which to relatesL N-l . -3 and y N-5 N-3 The remaining Yequation, written at level N-1 contains the lower boundary condition. NN-l and It must be satisfied by the determined by the eigenvalue equation N-3 N-3 values, which were written at higher levels. Satisfaction of this lower boundary equation was checked for all model results. Asecond check is satisfaction of Howard's Semicircle Theorem Test (see Pedlosky (1964) for application of this theorem to quasi-geostrophic models). All values of the eigenvalues were found to be within the theo- retical limits of the test. A final check on the model's validity is its ability to reproduce previous results. 2 A plot of growth rate contours vs -1 rT-1 and wavelength 7r P 2for Green's linear u profile reproduces his Figure 3 exactly (see Figure 2.6 and Green (1960), (w' or w' = 0) Figure 3). at the top. Both calculations used a rigid lid I1 --------- - - - - ---- -- -- 111 111 100 1 IIIYYIYIYIIIIYIYIYII 1Yi 1i11hi I IIAtIIId U iIl hIi 26 0 0-- 80- -200 60 - 400 E E mb w cE w w 0. 40- -600 20- -800 km I O0 0 Figure 2.1. I 20 I I I I I 40 60 LEVEL NUMBER I 80 Height and pressure of model levels. I 1000 98 *I 27 04 48 o 442 030 36 24 C: .0 In oC 02 4 610 8 Figure 2.2. Growthrate vs. T of the fastest growing Eady mode for models with indicated numbers of levels for which 4 is written; SR = -1.5, op= 50. E 484 2 6 4 CL o 600- 800 1000I Figure 2.3. I v 1 .01 I 1.0 Vertical structure of the meridional heat flux of the fastest growing Eady mode for YT = 2, SR = -1.5, = 50. 29 i 1.0 I I .8 6 .6 8 .10 14 0 .2- 48 0 2 6 4 8 10 6T Figure 2.4. As in Figure 2.2, except for the tropospherically integrated meridional heat flux. ~-~I------ 111 -.lliil li lllliiiii 30 4 IIII 6 4 4 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tT Figure 2.5. As in Figure 2.2, except for the stratospherically integrated meridional heat flux. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 2 4 WAVELENGTH (nondimensional) 6 PcI Figure 2.6. Non-dimensional growthrate 1 divided by Y as a function of Y and wavelength p = 1, SR = 1, u(p=0) = 1, and W' = 0 at p = 0. Neutral modes are shown by the heavy zero curve. Tha o Neutral -* ------- -M- u~~l 11I~~. Y, 32 CHAPTER III TWO-LAYER MULTI-LEVEL MODEL RESULTS 3.1 Introduction and Overview This chapter treats the atmosphere as a 2-layer system having a troposphere and stratosphere. static stability, within each layer. and these Each layer has an independent shear and unperturbed flow parameters are constant This approach simplifies the parametric study of how the unperturbed state affects the perturbations. Within each layer are 24 levels so that the vertical structure of the perturbations can be studied in fine detail. Three parameters completely determine the unperturbed state: Y', the generalized n-parameter, defined in chapter II; SR, the shear ratio du) du stratosphere / du (dptropospher); and dp stratosphere stratosphere /- dp troposphere troposphere . , the static stability ratio The velocity field, u n = n ranges from 0 to uo ( 1 between ground and tropopause p Poo 1 ) and from 1 to 1 + 1 SR between 3 4 tropopause and p = 0: 1 U 4 The static stability parameter, m $ stratosphere = 4 4 (l-) (note: 1 SR p + 3 SR 49,as m is even). m troposphere = 1 for m > 49 and = mo 1- , for m <49 'o When values for YT, SR, and 69 are chosen, the model eigenvalue equation is ready to be solved to any specified nondimensional wavenumber P. Solutions will first be obtained for combinations of special and nominal values of the parameters. "Nominal" values are defined as those appropriate for mid-latitude winter conditions: 0-= 50 (these values are calculated below). YT=0 (no YT = 2, SR = -1.5, and Special values used are -effect),SR = 1 (uniform shear throughout the atmosphere), SR = 0 = 1/4), and (no shear above P/ stability throughout the atmosphere). values will be studied. = 1 (no stratosphere, uniform static Every combination of these parameter This will enable one to see the effects of: uni- form shear, zero shear above p/P o o = 1/4, and nominal shear above P/Poo = 1/4, both with and without a stratosphere, and with and without the ,-effect. The second part of this parameter study will use the nominal parameter values to define an origin in parameter space. The study will include parameter values on axes through the origin along each of which only one parameter varies. Both the first and second parts of the parameter study will treat in detail mode growth rates and phase speeds, and the vertical structures of streamfunction amplitude and phase, of meridional heat transport and of eddy kinetic energy generation. This will be done for both the Eady and Green modes. The third part of the parameter study will discuss growth rates of the Eady and Green modes on YT = constant planes in parameter space. Inter- esting vertical structure properties will be noted. Finally, calculations will be presented to point out how changing the upper boundary condition from )' = 0 to o' 3.2 = 0 affects the perturbations. Necessary Conditions for Baroclinic Instability An important part of this study will be the relation of unstable modes to the necessary conditions for baroclinic instability, given by the Charney-Stern theorem. Charney (in Morel, 1973) derives the theorem for geometric coordinates with a zero energy flux condition at the upper boun- 9'w' = dary (lim z-3c lim z.- oo 0), z =oo. 'I'= 7 The derivation in pressure coor- dinates for W' = 0 at p = 0 is similar and results in the equation (analogous to Charney's equation 9.18): 2 Sf f 2 ( d-U) ,,2 C i p) (1) d 0 dy - dy + JYdy -c 1c SE -u f yy 2 1o dpp u ) - f 25 o (1 ) p-o P = 0. This (for any U andX) results in i.e. no energy flux at p = 0. ( 2) p For the profiles of this section (linear u, constant forces lim 0 -c I pP=0 p1 Y' = 0 0), at p = 0 lim pe- o P'cO' = 0, Also, ~y'=0atp=0results (for any u and C) in the disappearance of the first integral in the above equation. The upper boundary condition >' = 0 would allow this integral to remain. the upper boundary condition Thus V' = 0 has as necessary conditions for baro- clinic instability: = 0 in the fluid in the absence of a temperature gradient 6 Sy at the lower boundary, or (1) (2) q au p a balance between the lower boundary integral and the qY integral. The w' = 0 upper boundary condition would have as necessary conditions for baroclinic instability: (1) q = 0 in the fluid in the absence of temperature gradients at both boundaries, or (2) a balance between upper boundary, lower boundary, and qy integrals. * It is not consistent to use the a term in quasi-geostrophic models. Calculations show that this term is y small. It is used only in the calculations of Tables 4.1 to 4.4. o' = 0 case has the distinction that a temperature gradient at the upper The boundary as well as a temperature gradient at the lower boundary and an internal zero of q is a potential source for baroclinic instability. Indeed, later calculations show that there are modes which depend on a non-zero value of & at p = 0 for their existence, that there are other modes which depend on specific zeros of Ei, modes which exist when for their existence, and that there are still other / 0 at the ground. y The modes which exist only 0 at p = 0 may not be realistic for the atmosphere; however, they fore 5 y may play a role in laboratory experiments or oceanic flows. will be discussed with the W'p 3.3 They = 0 calculations. Nominal Parameter Values The origin or "nominal" point is chosen to approximate a winter stratosphere and troposphere at 45 0 N. Using U.S. Standard Atmospheric values for January 45°N at 1000, 250, and 28 mb one has: AZ T 2 AZn gAp S 9 m AZ m sec 14000 m 23200 nt/m 2 10200 m secc 75000 nt/mn2 -5 n 327-In 273 4 10200 m 2 In 599-in 327 14000 mm = sec 2 .169 x 10 - 3 2 4 -2 m sec 2 kg - 2 thus: a = 52.5; P give u 28 13 m/sec, 281000 SR = -1.55 for the shear ratio: S= 1.64 x 10 -11 from above give: m y -1 sec u2 50 = 24 m/sec, -1 , = 2.19. P and U000 = 0 and 24 m/sec for U . 5 m =10 nt/m, f =10 -4 sec -1 -2 and u 0 and CT - -- -- - 111111~~ III, , I' llk, IY IIY ~ I II I IIIIIIIIYIY 36 The winter values of yT = 2.19, SR = -1.55, 6= nominal values Y = 2, SR = -1.5, = 50. 52.5 are rounded to the It should be noted that YT and P are analogous to the Y and P parameters of Green (1960), and, as in Green, 0 for all calculations. Since 2 2 pappears only in the combination k +P, the results for any value of . can be recovered by a reinterpretation of the value of k. In this chapter, k represents the number of waves in a latitude circle at 450 It-is also interesting to note that the value of 'T corresponding to the critical shear of the Phillips (1954) 2-level model is: ST= T Stone 2F' 2.06 where u Uc c (1978). critical value. = A= fl (R is the gas constant, see The winter value of YT = 2.19 is very close to Phillips' This shows again that the mid-latitude troposphere is remarkably close to two-level neutral stability for time averages of over a few (3) months (see also Moura and Stone (1974) and Stone (1978)). 3.4 Results for Special and Nominal Parameter Values Figures 3.1 to 3.4 present the doubling times and phase velocities of the unstable modes for special and nominal parameter values. It is immediately apparent that the presence or absence of a stratosphere or of the #-effect affects the results much more than variation of the upper layer's shear. The presence of a greater static stability in the upper layer, not surnrisingly, lessens further the influence of upper layer shear Eady modes grow faster for a reversed upper layer shear if no variation. stratosphere is present and very slightly more slowly if there is a stratosphere. The overall shape of the doubling time curves is little affected ~ ~ ' by variation of SR. This is not the case for YT. (1960), zero A-effect stabilizes short waves. As pointed out by Green Also, when SR = 1 and there is no stratosphere in addition to no A-effect, all modes are stable; this differs from Green's results for a rigid lid (see discussion of W' = 0 atp=0 'T increases, short waves become more unstable (see Fig- ures 3.17 and 3.18). The presence of a stratosphere lessens doubling times calculations). As of the Eady mode for all values of SR and days. "T from about 2 1/2 to 1 1/2 When both the stratosphere and a-effect are present, the long wave "Green Mode appears and has its fastest doubling time (6 days) for the nominal, reversed stratospheric shear. The doubling time and wave number of the most unstable Green and Eady modes for the parameter values CT', SR, Op = 2, 1, 50 compare well with those calculated by Geisler and Garcia (1977) for a constant shear and more realistic temperature profile. Differences are less than 10%. Phase velocities calculated by Geisler and Garcia are almost twice as large as this model's values for T, SR, f = 2, i, 50. is due to the much larger u values in the former model. The difference A fairer compari- son between this model and that of Geisler and Garcia will be made in the next chapter. wavelengths For zero 6-effect, phase velocities are very large at long (note the change of scale in Figures 3.1 and 3.2). When there is both a 4-effect and a stratosphere present, the phase velocity goes to zero with the growth rate at a "critical" wavelength which defines the separation between the Eady and Green modes. The existence of neutral waves stationary relative to the surface wind at this critical wavelength was discovered by Green (1960). Steering levels, as in Green's study are below the mid level (p/poo = 1/2) for all wavelengths. -Iu, Streamfunction amplitudes and phases are presented for the most unstable Eady and Green Modes in Figures 3.5 to 3.8. presence of a stratosphere causes a sharp peak in independent of 8-effect and shear variation. equal to the peak at the ground. also was observed by Green (1960). when YI at the tropopause This peak is approximately The latter is narrower for YT Variation in SR has negligible effect pause as SR goes to negative values (Figures 3.6 and 3.7). existing only for T 0, 0; this larger values of MIP occur around the tropo- = hen 50, but when For the Eady mode, the o The Green mode, 1 has a strong peak in the stratosphere which moves up from 180 mb to 120 mb as the stratospheric shear reverses. Streamfunction phases are constant throughout the upper layer when YT = 0 or o = i1. When there is both a p-effect and a stratosphere, the pressure wave tilts westward with height in the stratosphere for both Eady and Green modes, the Green mode having a much greater tilt. In the tropo- sphere the Green mode also has a greater westward tilt. For quasi-geostrophic disturbances, a westward tilt of the wave with height means entropy is transported poleward (Lorenz, 1951). The model calculations of v'&' , Figures 3.9 to 3.12, illustrate this property for the fastest growing Eady and Green modes: v' ' values are positive. of 0 all tilts are westward and all When there is no d-effect v'9' is independent and SR values and is zero in the upper layer, reflecting the con- stancy of phase there. In the presence of both a stratosphere and a B- effect, entropy transports are significant in the stratosphere, for both modes. The Green mode has a much stronger stratospheric transport. peaks at the tropopause and remains large in the lower stratosphere. It The Thus, nominal conditions flux is strongest for the case of reversed shear. produce modes which have larger stratospheric heat transports than all the other cases considered. A local maximum in the entropy flux in the lower stratosphere is observed (Oort and Rasmusson, 1971; Newell et al., 1974). Thus, the Green mode could be very important.for lower stratospheric dynamics. This problem will be addressed in more detail in the next chapter. Except for the Green mode with uniform shear (SR = 1), no modes have kinetic energy generated in the upper layer (see Figures 3.13 to 3.16). Only this Green mode and an Eady mode with no stratosphere and SR = 1 have their kinetic energy destroyed in any region of the lower layer. In all cases there is, of course, a net generation of mode kinetic energy And in all cases, there when the entire model atmosphere is considered. is a net mode kinetic energy generation in the troposphere and net loss in the stratosphere. The maximum mode kinetic energy generation is in the mid to low troposphere for all cases except the Green mode with reversed stratospheric shear. This latter mode has its strongest kinetic energy genera- tion in the upper troposphere. Earlier discussion pointed out that for no stratosphere and uniform shear there was apparently no Green mode for YT = 0 or 2, and there were no unstable modes for SR = 1, (7 = 1 and Y T = 0. stronger Is there a Green mode for a effect? What happens to it for small #? These questions are answered by a graph (Figure 3.17) similar to Green's (1960) figure 3 with the difference that Green's rigid lid is replaced byf' = 0 at p = 0* * Differences between this graph and Green's Figure 3 are discussed with the = 0 0'at p = 0 calculation later in this chapter. 40 The Green mode is seen to exist for large 8-effect (or small tropospheric shear, u ) but is very weak, and its wavelength becomes infinite as yT or q = 8 goes to zero. Also, as yT or q goes to zero, growth rate per unit YT remains constant so that the growth rate approaches zero with yT or q . When SR and have their nominal values, and ation is much different (see Figure 3.18). growth rate changes little as rT varies, the situ- The fastest growing Eady mode ycE~r~ to zero, and the Green mode is much stronger and is at a shorter wavelength for IT < 10. 3.5 Results for variation of one parameter with others fixed at nominal values In this section two parameters are held at their nominal values and the third varies over a wide range of parameter space. Doubling times and phase velocities are obtained for zonal wave numbers 0 to 15, and vertical structures of wave properties are presented for the fastest growing Green and Eady modes. Shorter modes are trapped near the ground and are outside the stratospheric focus of this thesis (Chapter IV illustrates properties of these waves for realistic T and U profiles). Figures 3.19 to 3.21 show that the doubling time of the fastest growing Green mode is much more sensitive to parameter variation than is the doubling time of the fastest growing Eady mode. The wave numbers of the most unstable Green and Eady modes are not very sensitive to the variation of SR and 0 but increase markedly as T increases. This increase of most unstable mode wavenumber with YT was pointed out earlier (see Figures 3.17 and 3.18). As SR takes on values from -12 to 4, the Green mode re- mains constant in strength for reversed shear in the stratosphere but be- The Eady mode, however, becomes comes much weaker for large positive SR. slightly stronger and the wavelength for which it is most unstable slightly increases with SR throughout its range. For values of 0- between 1 and 1000, the Green mode has its fastest doubling time, 6 days, near the nominal value, value of a = 50 (intermediate calculations, not shown, refines this to be 60). As yT varies from 0 to 10 there is a dramatic de- crease in the Green mode's fastest doubling time - from 12 days (IT = 1) to 3 days (YT = 10). The wavenumber of the fastest growing Green mode increases from 2.0 to 7.5. long-wave. Thus, at high YT the Green mode is no longer Green (1960) has shown that longer waves are expected to have longer doubling times because they only weakly satisfy the necessary condition for instability, viz., that particle paths have an average slope between that of the isentropes and the horizontal. ment was for rigid lids at top and bottom. -Green's heuristic argu- To the extent that a 50-fold increase in the static stability approximates a rigid lid, one can say that the Green mode grows slower at lower (T when ~'= 0 in the upper boun- dary conditions because it is at a longer wavelength. The phase velocities, shown in Figures 3.22 to 3.24, all haveasharp minimum at .the wavenumber which, by definition, separates the Green and Eady modes. The Green mode is defined to include all wavenumbers less than that of the sharp minimum in the phase velocity. minima in some of the phase velocity curves. There are other, weaker These are found to be asso- ciated with weak minima (which may not be resolved) in the doubling time curves. Phase velocities are most strongly influenced by changes in 'fT For all wavelengths, phase velocities decrease with increasing T. And, for all wavenumbers and parameter combinations of this section (except SR -- --- --' -- < -2), sphere. -- -- the unstable modes have a single steering level in the lower tropoFor a strongly reversed stratospheric shear (SR < -2) some modes have an additional steering level in the stratosphere. Streamfunction amplitudes and phases for the fastest growing Eady and Green modes are presented in Figures 3.25 to 3.36. The structure of the Eady mode amplitude in the troposphere is little affected by varying SR and a- (except when .' = 1). the ground and tropopause. Peaks of the pressure amplitude occur at The peaks are of approximately equal value and the one at the tropopause decays less rapidly into the stratosphere for small - , when y = 10. When )T begins to increase beyond 3, the tropo- pause peak begins to weaken substantially. Stratospheric Eady mode pres- sure amplitudes are largest when yT is near its nominal value. The Green mode has larger streamfunction amplitudes in the stratosphere than the Eady mode for all parameter combinations of this section. Figures 3.8 and 3.28 through 3.30 show that the Green mode's amplitude peaks higher in the stratosphere, and has larger values there (relative to those of other levels) when the parameters are near their nominal values. The peak, for near nominal parameter values, occurs at 120 mb, and the amplitude remains greater than half the peak value from below the troponause to 30 mb. For YT A 7, there are pressure amplitude peaks at the tropopause and 75 mb which are separated by a sharp minimum at 140 mb (see Figure 3.30). The upper peak is weaker and has a value of .7 times the tropopause peak value. The Green mode also has a peak at the ground which is as strong as the peak in the stratosphere when 4 10 or SR - -4. In comparison with that of the Eady mode, the vertical structure of the Green mode's pressure . amplitude is much more sensitive to variations of SR orO The same was seen to be true regarding the doubling times of the Eady and Green modes, and, as subsequent figures illustrate, the same is also true for the vertical structure of mode phase, meridional entropy transport and kinetic energy generation. The larger amplitude of the Green mode at stratospheric levels renders it more sensitive to variations of SR and 0 , which are really variations in the stratospheric shear and static stability because YT is held constant. The phase of the Eady mode streamfunction varies much less with height than does the phase of the Green mode (Figures 3.31 to 3.36). cept for the case of a very stable stratosphere, Ex- > 1000, the Eady mode pressure wave has only a slight westward tilt with height. The tilt of the Green mode is very strongly westward with height and is most strongly westward when YT or C are large or when SR = -4. The Green mode has its most rapid vertical phase variation concentrated in a region just above the tropopause (100-250 mb) and in the lower troposphere (550-750 mb). phase can change 1800 in these regions. The The Green mode and, at a slower rate, the Eady mode vertical wavelength approaches zero in the stratosphere as ---30 0. sphere as Amplitudes of both modes also approach zero in the strato- -- 0>cand are negligible for 0 > 1000. The meridional entropy transports, v'O', of both modes (Figures 3.37 to 3.42) are all poleward, as expected for quasi-geostrophic waves which tilt westward with height. The stratospheric transports are generally very weak for the Eady mode (in comparison to the tropospheric transports) except when the stratospheric shear is easterly (SR < 0), but even these - - ____ __IIIIIu _____ I l III WIIIII1W 161 transports are far shallower than those of the Green mode in the lower stratosphere. Tropospheric Eady mode v'&' values are little affected by but as YT increases, they decrease rapidly at all changes in SR and 6, levels except near the ground. The entropy transports of the Green mode in the lower stratosphere are generally stronger than those in the troposphere except for transports near the ground when SR is positive,@, < 10, or y 7. The stratospheric Green mode fluxes are countergradient and are T strongest when the parameters are near their normal values. They have their strongest peak at the tropopause and remain at greater than half the peak value up to 130 mb. for SR positive or 0 Stratospheric Green mode v'O' values are weakest 5< 10. The generation of mode kinetic energy for both Eady and Green modes occurs only in the troposphere except for the Green mode when SR > 0 (see Figures 3.43 to 3.48). In this unique case there is a weak, shallow region above the tropopause where Green mode kinetic energy is generated. The generation of Eady mode kinetic energy is stronger in the lower and midtroposphere (except for YT = 10; in this case alone there is a weak destruction of mode kinetic energy in a region of the troposphere). The generation of Eady mode kinetic energy is affected only slightly by variations of SR or 9,; however, the generation decreases rapidly as (T increases. generation of Green mode kinetic energy when SR4 0, 5 The Z 10, or 'T < 7 is nearly constant throughout the troposphere except near the ground where it goes to zero with o; when SR> 0, p = 10, or (T >- 7, there is a mid- tropospheric destruction of Green mode kinetic energy. The strongest Green mode kinetic energy generation is always in the lower troposphere. In summary, the strongest generation of both Eady and Green mode kinetic energy is in the troposphere. Therefore, both modes are tropospheric in origin. They drive the stratosphere, i.e. they lose kinetic energy in that region and build up zonal available potential energy there with counter-gradient entropy fluxes when SR< 0. The Green mode has much stronger and deeper stratospheric entropy transports and kinetic energy losses in comparison to its tropospheric values of these quantities than does the Eady mode. It is also a (zonally) longer wave mode and can, according to Gall (1976) more easily penetrate into the stratosphere. Therefore, the Green mode could be of much greater importance to lower stratospheric dynamics than the Eady mode. 3.6 Results for constant YT planes in parameter snace This section explores a much wider expanse of parameter space. It focuses on the growth rate of the most unstable Eadv and Green modes and discusses properties of their vertical structure which may be of importance to the general circulation at specific levels of the atmosphere. It also ascertains whether any new modes appear in the range of parameter space Parameter space of this model has 4 dimensions represen- which it covers. ted by (T, SR, Gp, and P. The value of the wavenumber P is always chosen to be that of a local maximum in the curve of growth rate vs P. The re- maining 3 dimensions are sampled by examining planes of constant YT at YT = .5, 2, and 6. On these planes, ' varies from 1 to 1000 and SR varies from 14 or 0 to -14, depending on the value of YT and the mode presented. The doubling time of the fastest growing Eady mode is contoured on the constant YT planes in Figures 3.49 to 3.51. On all planes there is only a slight variation of doubling time with SR-and CT when r jP f > 20; and -~~ ..- AUNM W 00111WI 111011111MIN 1 ,1 1, II I IM M M I I IIll iII 46 the variation is even slighter for larger Y * tween 1.5 and 2.0 days. days for small . Most doubling times are be- There is a lengthening of doubling time to 3 or 4 a and ISRI > 10. As seen in the previous section, wavenum- bers of the most unstable Eady mode increase with Y . * ap approaches 1 and SR becomes large and negative. they also increase as When 0 > 20 they vary little with SR and double from SR=-2 to SR=-10 (p a a P =50to r =2 (SR=-14, p smallest values of a When YT is not large, . = 2, y a . The wavenumber will typically = .5or 2) ; it will also double from y = .5 or 2) with the most rapid increase at the T On the YT= 2 plane, the most unstable wavenumber is between 6 and 7 for a > 20 and is near 15 for SR < -8 and a < 2. The fastest-growing Green mode undergoes a much less smooth variation of doubling time with SR and a (Figures 3.52 to 3.54). for higher YT , independent of the values of SR and Cp. the fastest doubling times are when a On all the The longest doubling times For YT = .5 or 2 there is a region of and SR going positive. shorter doubling times for nominal and larger values of a The nominal point (SR= -1.5, 9p = 50, YT planes, ap is small and SR is large and negative; this is the same region where the Eady mode is weakest. occur for small It is much shorter and SR near -2. YT = 2) occurs in a local region of shorter doubling times whose values are about 6 days. The YT = 2 plane shows the most complicated variation of Green mode doubling time with SR and a . This, in part, could be due to the difficulty in defining a fastest growing Green mode when there is no minimum of growth rate between the Green and Eady modes (see the SR = -4 curve in Figure 3.19). In this case, a point .6 zonal wave- numbers to the left of the point of greatest curvature was chosen to be the wavenumber of the fastest growing Green mode (e.g. 3.6 was chosen as the wavenumber of the fastest growing Green mode on the SR= -4 curveof Figure eNo lil llil IIll i i l m 3.19). In all cases there was a minimum in the phase velocity curve which separated the Green and Eady modes, and the point of greatest curvature of the doubling time curves was always on the long-wave (Green mode) side of this minimum. The wavenumber of the most unstable Green mode varies with the parameters in a manner similar to that of the Eady mode. On the T = 2 plane the wave- number is between 3 and 4 when a > 20 and is near 8 when SR <-10 and a < 5. p p Much of what was discussed in the previous section about the Eady and Green mode vertical structure also holds true for the much larger expanse of parameter space considered in this section. Stratospheric Green mode l$i mode peak values of [I Exceptions are presented below. < values are weaker when yT 2. The Eady at the ground and tropopause are equal except when P < 10 or YT > 3; then the tropopause peak becomes weaker. The peaks of the Green mode streamfunction amplitude are at the qround and in the lower stratosphere with the latter being much stronger except and SR < 0, and (2) when Y (1) when a = .5 and SR is large and negative. < 15 The strato- spheric peak of the Green mode amplitude is strongest when parameters are all near their nominal values, and when y T = 6 with SR and a p near their nominal values. The streamfunction phases of the Eady mode and Green mode behave as described in the previous section, except when y = 6 and -8 < SR < -2. In this case the phase varies about twice as rapidly for both modes. The stratospheric v'8' peak of the Green modes is weak when a < 20. It is strongest when parameters are near their nominal values and also when Y = .5 or 6; SR is near its nominal value, and a > 30. PT - - -- ~~"~~UNIYINIYNIN The previous discussion of this section has centered on the Eady and Green modes. For the parameter value combinations considered in earlier sections of this chapter, there was only one conjugate unstable eigenvalue for each wavenumber; this contained the Eady and Green modes. The mean Therefore, the un- flow in all previous sections possessed no zeros of qc. stable eigenvalue containing the Eady and Green modes owed its existence to a temperature gradient at the ground. In this section one has the possibility of an internal zero of qy helping to satisfy the necessary condition for instability. occur only at the boundary between the two layers (P = -). This zero may The value of qy for the simple profiles of this chapter is easily obtained, as upp, T p and - q y are all zero except at the internal boundary where there is a jump in u p 0. at whereL Thus, everywhere except at p=, = 1 - , so qy 31/4 1 q = There is a S-function in . goes through a zero at P =~ 1 1denotes the jump in Fupacross if = 1 In terms of the para- meters describing the profiles, this means: SR < Jp )> -1 u 0 for p ) p p-p4 SR if Sp 4 for p) 4 1 if u < 0 for p > 4 The case with u = 0 in the lower layer was applied to the underside of the P polar night jet by Murray (1960) and Simmons (1972). is applicable to the profiles of the present model. The condition SR > C Since the upper layer of the present model is assumed to be more stable than the lower layer, (T > 1), for there to be an internal zero of q , the shear in the upper layer must therefore be more westerly than that of the lower layer (SR > 1). This does not represent the situation at the earth's tropopause but does approximate conditions just beneath the polar night jet. Both Simmons and the author find that an unstable conjugate eigenvalue is associated with the zero of a and O. It occurs only when SR >0 caused by discontinuities in u for all values of yT. For the present model the eigenvalue is not well determined, even for 48 levels. The dif- ficulty is in resolving a mode whose strongest amolitude and v'O' values are concentrated in a very shallow region around the internal boundary. for 48 levels when T = 2, SR = 10, bp Results = 5 give doubling times of about one week for wavenumber 8, and a vertical decay scale (from the internal boundary) of about 40 mb. The phase speed is westerly at 30 m/sec which places the steering level at 225 mb. Simmons' doubling times are slightly longer than a week and his vertical decay scale is only a few kilometers. The pressure wave of the mode tilts very slightly westward with height; the total phase change from p = 0 to the ground is .1 radians. Essentially all of the mode's kinetic energy is generated at the internal boundary. This mode will be referred to as the "internal boundary mode". 3.7 Calculations for a' = 0 at P = 0 In the discussion of numerical accuracy (Chapter II), it was pointed out that the fastest growing Eady mode growth rate and vertical structure was not affected by changing the upper boundary condition from ,= 0 to ' = 0 if a nominal stratosphere was present. A comparison of Figures 2.6 and 3.17 shows that this is far from the case if there is no stratosphere (SR = 1, O, = 1). These two figures' results are calculated from identical assumptions, except for the upper boundary condition. stead of changing little with yT (for o' = 0 at p = 0), YT --- 0 when Y'= 0 at p = 0. Also, when The Eady mode, inbecomes stable as i' = 0 at p = 0, the Green mode's wavenumber approaches zero as YT decreases below 3, and the mode becomes very weak (the doubling time is longer than 60 days). This compares with a zonal wavenumber of 2.5 for small YT and a doubling time of 20 days for the W' = 0 at p = 0 calculations. When nominal values of the parameters are assumed, the fastest growing Green mode's doubling time is twice as long when W' = 0 at the top. This contrasts with the small effect on the Eady mode when the upper boundary condition is changed and a nominal stratosphere is present. The streamfunction amplitude of the Eady and Green mode for the case of no stratosphere, SR = 1, and w'Ip 0 = 0, both had peak values at the bottom and top of the model atmosphere; the peaks were of equal value (see Green, 1960, Figures 5 and 6). Forcing 9' = 0 at the top placed a severe constraint on these modes, causing their growth rates to be much smaller. On the other hand, for nominal values of 0- and YT, and SR = -1.5, 0, or 1, the fastest growing Eady mode streamfunction amplitude went to zero at the top for both upper boundary conditions, and the mode's growth rate was unchanged (to within 2%). For the same parameter values, however, the fastest growing Green mode amplitude peaks, which occur in the lower stratosphere (Figure 3.8), are replaced by a node in that region and 2 peaks near the top and at the tropopause when the upper boundary condition is changed to o' = 0 (see Figure 3.55). The effect is analogous to what happens when one gets spurious reflections; the effect results in the doubling of the For the case using o' = 0 at P = 0, the Green modes' doubling time (sic.). fastest growing Green mode has a weak region of kinetic energy generation within 15 mb of the top. When c' = 0 at p = 0 and one parameter value is varied and the others are held at their nominal value, one finds that for XT = 3, 4p > 40, or -3< SR < -1 the same behavior analogous to reflection and destructive interference occurs. For the Green modes at other parameter values, the change in the upper boundary condition from W' = 0 to of the V' = 0 lowers the level (II peak from the top down to the mid stratosphere; the growth rate of these Green modes are substantially reduced. For all parameter combinations where Y o and p > 10, the meri- dional entropy transport for the Green and Eady modes is not strongly affected by changing the upper boundary condition. The transports are very weak near p = 0 for both modes and both boundary conditions. The kinetic energy loss in the upper stratosphere for the Green mode is smaller when LO' = 0 at p = 0. Green mode kinetic energy loss or genera- tion is little affected at other levels. The kinetic energy loss or gene- ration for the Eady mode is unaffected by changing the upper boundary condition. A new type of mode appears for w' p=0 when there is a stratosphere and when SR > the nominal value (compare Figures 3.19 and 3.56). number of its growth 'rate peak for The wave- YT and 0? nominal varies from zonal wave- number 4 to wavenumber 1 as SR increases from -1 to 30; the value of the .Inllri 1 fastest doubling time remains constant at 4 days, as does the steering - The streamfunction amplitude peaks at the top and decreases level (800 mb). as a linear function of pressure to about 10% as much at the tropopause. It remains close to this value below the topopause. ward with height. The wave tilts west- Entropy transports are everywhere poleward and are es- pecially strong in the lower stratosphere; the peak flux is at the tropopause. Mode kinetic energy is destroyed in the lower stratosphere but is generated everywhere else with greatest generation in the troposphere. The mode is only present when the temperature gradient at the upper boundary is able to play a role in fulfilling the necessary condition for instability. A second conjugate pair of eigenvalues (one eigenvalue of each pair represents an unstable mode) exists when SR Figure 3.57). < 0 and C' = 0 at P = 0 (see When 4' = 0 was the upper boundary condition, there was only one conjugate unstable eigenvalue solution to the model's differential equation except for the internal boundary mode which exists when SR ) Cp . This new solution for W' = 0 at P = 0 exists only when the temperature gradient at the top boundary is positive (warmer toward the poles). The new solu- tion has growth rates which exceed those of the other solution (which contains the Eady and Green modes) when the Richardson number of the upper layer is less than that of the lower layer. son numbers (upper/lower) equals O7/ SR2 . The ratio of the two RichardThus, y < SR2 is the condition for dominance of the new solution; as illustrated by Figure 3.58. It can also be seen from Figure 3.58 that the doubling times of the fastest growing mode of the new solution decreases quickly with R. of the upper layer. The zonal wavenumber :-the fastest growing mode ranges from 3 when SR = -14, 0 > 40, and 'T = 2 to 9 when SR < -3, p = 2, YT = 2. Phase velocities are large and easterly; at T = 2, SR = -8 and P = 50, the phase velocity of the most unstable mode is -28 m/sec. The phase velocity becomes more negative as SR becomes more negative so that around 50 mb. steering levels remain Streamfunction amplitudes peak at the top and decrease rapid- ly toward the tropopause where they are approximately 30% as large. In the troposphere, the amplitude gradually decreases to a value of 20% (of the peak value) at the ground. The phases show a strong eastward tilt of the pressure wave with height in the stratosphere, a very slight eastward tilt just below the tropopause and a slight westward tilt in the troposphere. The phase change in the stratosphere is about :/2 radians. Correspondingly the entropy transports are strong and equatorward in the stratosphere, weak and equatorward in the upper troposphere, and weak and polewardin the lower troposphere. There is a strong generation of mode kinetic energy in the stratosphere with the greatest generation being at the steering level. Mode kinetic energy is lost in the troposphere but in a smaller amount. The picture of this new conjugate eigenvalue that emerges is one of a mode which is generated in the stratosphere and "drives" the upper troposphere (through a loss of its kinetic energy) with weak counter-gradient entropy fluxes. Eady mode: In a general sense, its properties mirror those of the It is destabilized by a temperature gradient at the opposite boundary and drives the upper troposphere instead of the lower stratosphere. The internal boundary mode described earlier undergoes substantial changes in growth rate and vertical structure when the upper boundary condition changes to c' = 0. extremely short when When Y , SR, Its doubling time for the most unstable mode is ' = 0 at p = 0, and becomes much shorter when SR>> , . 7 = 2, 10, 5, the doubling time is only 3/4 of a day and the - zonal wavenumber is 5. ' ... . . . .. I , , t ffL lMm- Unlike the situation when (' = 0 at P = 0, the eigenvalue is well resolved for the N' = 0 upper boundary condition. The difficulty of resolving a mode whose pressure amplitude has a single very sharp peak has been removed; the pressure amplitude now peaks at the top and decreases only gradually to a value of 30% 250 mb internal boundary. (of the peak value) at the The amplitude in the lower layer gradually de- creases to a value of .15 (of the peak value) near the ground. speed and steering level are about the same as for the dary condition: 30 m/sec and 225 mb, respectively. The phase = 0 0'upper boun- The entropy transports are strongest in the bottom of the upper layer, peaking at the internal boundary; they are poleward (down gradient) and do not decrease to half the peak value until 120 mb. There are weak equatorward transports in the upper part of the lower layer, and weak poleward transports near the ground. The eddy kinetic energy is generated in a region just above the internal boundary and destroyed in a region just below it, just like the new conjugate mode described above. 25 .6 - -22 T E 0 \L 0 z -f /2 \ I I / 13 / vs. wavenumber forYT = 0, I = 1, and SR = 0 (dash), and SR = -1.5 (solid). _I~ I_ _ -- "' _go 28 25 22 16 I ,) U U Cn 1 >- z w H I0 (9 Z J I 0 13 0 3 6 9. PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER 12 Figure 3.2. As in Figure 3.1, foryT = 0, Cp = 50, and SR = -1.5 0 (dash), and 1 (dot). (solid), .6 12 I U O 9 -J p- 00 I L. -6 3 3 6 PLANETARY 9 12 WAVE NUMBER Figure 3.3. As in Figure 3.1, except: (solid), 0 (dash), and 1 (dot). YT = 2, aj P 05 15 = 1, and SR = -1.5 -iIIrn iii 18 15 12 E In 0r C0 >- T 9 I a- 6 0 3 6 PLANETARY 12 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 3.1, except: yT Figure 3.4. (solid), 0 (dash) , and 1 (dot) . = 2 ,Y = 50, and SR = -1.5 PHASE (4) (radians) 200 400 CL i, 600 800 1000 .2 .4 .6 .8 Iy I Figure 3.5. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude (thick lines) and phase (thin lines) for the fastest growing Eady mode, YT = 0, and: -, = 1, SR = -1.5 (solid); op = 1, SR = 0 (dot); CF = 50, SR = -1.5 (dash dot); cD = 50, SR = 0 (dash); and 0 p = 50, SR = 1 (cross). - - PHASE. (h) pianoI - (radians) 200 400 600 800 1000 .2 .4 .6 .8 Iql Figure 3.6. As in Figure 3.5, for yT = 2, and 1 (dash) and SR = -1.5 (solid), 0 (dot), PHASE (N) 2 (radians) 4 .2 .4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 3.7. 0 As in Figure (dot), and 1 (dash). 3.5, for y 14/1 = 2, .6 .8 cy = 50,- and SR = -1.5 (solid), Mfl 62 (radians) PHASE (4,) 0 2 200- 1. I0. 4 27r -. /.. I: . 400- /e * 600 800 - 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 3.8. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude (thick lines) and phase (thin lines) for the fastest growing Green mode, YT = 2, = 50, and SR = -1.5 (solid), 0 (dot), and 1 (dash). 200 - 400- 600 - 800 - I000 I -1. 0 I I -. 8 I l -.6 I I -. 4 I I -. 2 I I 0 VI .2 I I .4 I I .6 I I .8 I iI 1.0 e' Figure 3.9. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport for the fastest growing Eady mode for the same cases as in Figure 3.5. Note, all curves are identical. It _ I- - ' =1111,11 0- 200- 400 - 600 800 1000 -1.0 Figure 3.10. -1.5 (solid), -. 8 -. 6 -. 4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 As in Figure 3.9, for the cases: YT = 2, = 1i,and SR = 0 (dot), and 1 (dash). All curves are zero Pabove 250 mb. 200 I- t~ \I \ \ . 400 E Li D VI) wn cr 0_ 600 800 - 1000I -1.0 I. Il -. 6 Ii -. 4 II -.2 I .2 I 0 Figure 3.11. As in Figure 3.9, for YT = 2, 0 (dot), and 1 (dash) . a I .4 I .6 I .8 I 1.0 = 50, and SR = -1.5 (solid), -------- ------ -- ----- ---------- S Iu llui 200 I t I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 400 - I I t t I I 600 - 800 - 1000 L -1.0 II Im I -. 8 -.6 -.4 • I I .2 | -.2 0 I V I .4 I .6 I .8 1.0 ' Figure 3.12. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport for the fastest growing Green mode for same cases as in Figure 3.8. 67 0 200- a-.-- 400 ' " I. a S 1/. C) 600 \', 800 - 1000 -1.0 I -. 8 I -. 6 I -. 4 -.2 I .2 0 CE (KE ,- PE I .4 I .6 .8 1.0 ) Figure 3.13. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE > PE is positive), for the fastest growing Wady mode for the same cases as in Figure 3.5. W --"--I^ 1-- 1111111 11111 1111 1I1II IYI 68 0I I I 200- S II I (solid), O(I)°.|(dot), 400- and 1 (dash) . LU / * 800i -1. -.8I 1000 -1. Asi Figur3.4 (sld,0 -.6I -~-6 (dtad Figure 3.14. As in 09 -4 - -.2 0 - CE (EK, II -P CE K# iue31,frteCSCy . 2I ) .4I 4 .6I .6 .8I . 1 ,a n R=-. p #ds) Figure 3.13, for the casesy 1.0 . = 2, = 1, and SR = -. 5 E Z)I 1. 800 1000 -1.0 -.8 I -.6 I -. 4 0 -2 CE (K EPE Figure 3.15. -1.5 I .2 I .4 I .6 I .8 ) As in Figure 3.13, for the casesyT = 2, O (solid), 0 (dot), and 1 (dash). I 1.0 P = 50, and SR = ---- --.-=mill .4/ V/ 200 - 400 6001 /I % I 800 r N 1000 -1.0 1 -.8 ,.. II II -.6 -.4 I I I li i I l .2 .4 .6 .8 Ii -. 2 0 I I I i 1.0 CE ( KE-,-PE ) Figure 3.16. for cases y T As in Figure 3.13, except for the fastest growing Green mode a = 50, and SR = -1.5 (solid) , 0 (dot), and 1 (dash). D = 2, 2.0 I I 1.5 I I .5 1.0 .5/ 6 4 2 0 WAVELENGTH (nondimensional) Figure 3.17. length'c Non-dimensional growthrate = 1, SR = 1, u(p- ) = i, and (_q divided by YT vs yT - 1 and wave= 00' at p = 0. Compare Figure 2.6. - -- -- ' IrlllYII 2.0. I 1 .6 1.5- 1.0 I, 1 l .5.0 O- 0 pcz4 -- /O 0 2 WAVELENGTH 4 (nondimensional) pa1 by YT vs YT _ divided growthrate Non-dimensional Figure 3.18. p,= 0. 0 at 4' = = 50. SR = -1.5, u(p-) = 1, and length:c 6 and wave- co o 'i- LId 0 z 00 C 0 3 6 9 12 PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER = 2, T = 50, and SR Doubling time vs. wavenumber for Y , and 8 (long dash) (cross) 4 (dash), 0 , -4 (solid) (dot), -8 (dash dot), Figure -12 3.19. 11111110111w, *'i* * I i l * i Si 'L " I =i Figure 3.20. As in Figuret 3.19, for the cases: y aigure =I1 (dot), . 10 (dash do ), 40 (solid), 100 (d (dspsh, 2 SR =-1.5, and and - I ' z I i m o . ! ". -I -- I I I 1 I I 0 PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER Figure 3.21. As in Figure 3.19, for the cases SR = -1.5, 50, and = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). =1 (dash dot), 3 (solid) , 5 (dash), 7 (cross) , and 10 (o dash). Y T L - 111 ii1 111611 , , j 76 I 18 I 15 12 E 9I 0 I -9 I Ii 0 Figure 3.22. 3.22. Figure Figure 3.19. 3 "I 6 PLANETARY I I 9 WAVE 12 o 15 NUMBER for the same cases as in Phase velocity velocity vs. vs. wavenumber wavenumber for the same cases as in 15 12 U ', E 95 90 JwO 7- I 6 6 PLANETARY Figure 3.23. Figure 3.20. 9 WAVE NUMBER Phase velocity vZ. wavenumber for the same cases is in I_-~1-.^i~_-I_- 111 Will ll ill, 11,01 1 78 18 15 12 - E / \ \9 / 9 J " \I x 6• I x 3 I - II 0 Figure 3.24. Figure 3.21. 3 6 PLANETARY 9 WAVE NUMBER 12 15 Phase velocity vs. wavenumber for the same cases as in 0 200 400 E w 6 .0, f, a 600 800 1000 0 III1i .2 .4 .6 8 1.0 Figure 3.25. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude for the fastest growing Eady mode for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. ~ -m____-_rrt~cP1-s_ -1-1-1 i 1Ill. OII No MIII 80 0 .-- 200 400E SIU ,I I'. I . 8000\ 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 2, SR = -1.5, and g Figure 3.26. As in Figure 3.25, for the cases Y= P = 1 (dot), 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). 81 0' v. 200 / ." / 1I E\' r600 • \\\ I 1000 0 I .2 Il .4 6 .8 1.0 Figure 3.27. As in Figure 3.25, for the cases SR = -1.5, a = 50, and YT = 0 (dot), 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). _ / er 600- 800- 1000 0 A .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 3.28. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude for the fastest growing Green mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. 83 200- 400 - / i"i ' II 800 000 - 0 Figure 3.29. IIII .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 As in Figure 3.28, for the cases YT= 2, SR = -1.5, and c = 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). P ~--- --- IIIIYlii N11111 l9111111 iII A- 200 - 2 // , / / 400k / / -o E ./ / / $7 w C, ,. U , '7/ a600 1, / N' 800 N Nr 1000 I 0 I .2 I I I .4 I .6 1 I .8 I 1. 1"11 Figure 3.30. As in Figure 3.28, for the cases SR = -1.5, Qp = 50, and YT = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). 85 0- *I .I I': \ 400- Il,Si 0 I.L I 800 - \,.: \ 1000 II O 2 PHASE ( ) 4 (radians) 2-rr Figure 3.31. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase for the fastest growing Eady mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. 86 O- : * 4 m " 200 ;I 400 LI • a ,11 o a 400 - 10001 0 2 PHASE Figure 3.32. 1 (dot), As in Figure 3.31, 1 (dot), dot), 800 4 (N) (radians) for the cases y (dash (solid), ,10 40 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 27r 100 ' 100 2, SR 1000 -1.5, (dash), and (cross). (dash), and 1000 (cross). and cr I: 200 - 1'! 1I1 It' .I' : :I 4001- \I A.; 600 - I I* 1 ,I I rl I I g\ IN \ 800 - r \ \* 1000 I I | PHASE ' 2'~ I | (4) II - _ (radians) Figure 3.33. As in Figure 3.31, for the cases SR = -1.5, Op = 50, and y = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). ~_ ~_____ ^_~1_1~__ X__1 I ~I__ ~_ ~Y~___ ~I_ _I_ _ __ _III, 88 400- 200 r ' I 400 E It I 0r I 600 \ N, , 800 , '\ 1000 1 O 1 2 PHASE (4) 4 (radians) 27r Figure 3.34. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phases for the fastest growing Green mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. Or * Mr i 200 x I X 400 - I 600 - 1 800 1000 '\ 1 " - I I 2 PHASE I (4) I I I I 4 (radians) Figure 3.35. As in Figure 3.34, for the cases Y = 2, SR = -1.5, and a 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). = ------ whilim, 11, 1 -'IIIYIIYIYlliil IA I \ \ 200 I aI pI It o I I, I ,I I 400 9 I E I I -I a\"t LU w vD C, U) w a_ 600 \L i I k \ \X \ 800 1000 \ Ii N I I II PHASE I (4I) I 4 (radians) , ,I 2rr Figure 3.36. As in Figure 3.34, for the cases SR = -1.5, p = 50, and yT = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). 91 0- io 400 - uj D 600- 800 - 000 -1.0 I -.8 I -.6 -. 4 -.2 0 I .2 I .4 I .6 I .8 I 1.0 v, el Figure 3.37. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport for the fastest growing Eady mode, for the same cases as in ifigure 3.19. Where cases are not shown, they coincide with those presented: the curve for SR = -8 coincides with that of SR = -12 at somelevels; the curves of SR = 0 and SR = +4 coincide with that of SR = -4 at some levels. "' - -"YY 1III11 92 0- 200 - 400 I ,1 w 600 800 1000 -1.0 -.8 -6 -.4 -.2 I 0 I .2 I .4 .6 .8 1.0 v'8 Figure 3.38. As in Figure 3.37, except for the cases YT = 2, SR = -1.5, and a = 1 (dot), 10 (dash dot),40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). Where cases are not shown, they coincide with those presented: below 250 mb, the Up = 40. 100, and 1000 coincide. 93 O- 200 - 400 E I A' 800 S\ * 1000J -1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -. 2 O .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 3.39. As in Figure 3.37, exceptfor tie cases SR= -1.5, p = 50, and y = 0 (dot), 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 ((Ia7,'hi), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). (long dash) . 0 200 I II, 400 - I. \" \* 600 800 p\ N, '1 \;. I.: \.\ 1000 IR - I.( 0 -.8 IB nn I I -.6 -.4 IN -. 2 0 V' I8 II I m I m .2 .4 .6 .8 gI 1.0 e' Figure 3.40. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport for the fastest growing Green mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. Or 200 ~ fII 400 - II 600 - 'I *I ' 800 I- A' SI Il ~1 1000 -1.0 Figure 3.41. and cr = 10 I I I I -. 8 -.6 -.4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 As in Figure 3.40, except for the cases Y. = 2, SR = -1.5, 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). (dash dot), ~~~~__I__ ____~~__ I It, ill 11A, 0- I 00 - 400 - tU 0 I,I 0 v'i 600 I''II 800 1000 -1.0 -8 6 -. 4 -. 2 -. 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 3.42. As in Figure 3.40, except for the cases SR = -1.5, ap = 50, and y = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). 0- 200 / ,, 400 -/ E K 600 , cI/00w 600 -1.0 -. 8 -. 6 -. 4 -. 2 0 CE ( KE - .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 P ) Figure 3.43. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE PE is positive) for the fastest growing Eady mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. 1 - ~lIIi ----- 0 200 .///. / ,, 400 - .- 0-8 E / . -4 I 600 800 1000 -1.0 -.8 I I -. 6 -.4 I -.2 I 0 I .2 .4 .6 I I .8 1.0 CE (KE--PE) Figure 3.44. As in Figure 3.43, except for the cases T = 2, SR = -1.5, Op = 1 (dot), 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). 0- 200- 400 Figure CL 3.45. SIr • As in 600 '7(dot), / Figure 3.43, except for the cases 1 (dash dot), / 800 (long dash) / SR 7 -1.5,p (cross) 4 / -1.0 SCE -8 800 ." - 1000II -I.0 -8 -.6 -. 4 .2 -. 2 /(KEPE .4 .6 .8 1.0 .4l1 .6 .8 1.0 i -.6 -. 4 -. 2 0 .2 =50, 100 O 200 - .*-'. _-- - x "r~ 400 - I r. I,; 2. 'I: I' 600 - F : - I., I. - I.I I: r I ~ S. 800 -\. - I - \ .' \\ \ \ S.. ~\ , t-.. 1000 -1.0 I -.8 I -.6 I -.4 I -.2 I I I I I I 0 2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 CE ( K E PE) Figure 3.46. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE + PE is positive) for the fastest growing Green mode, for the same cases as in Figure 3.19. 101 I_.--' * Y /.d 4-fv 0 *-< I 200 l I a l I l w 400- I It £ I K Ia 600 aI \ 4I. .I 800 a: 10001 - I.( 0 -. 8 '*** % . I II II I .2 .4 .6 .8 _ -. 6 -. 4 -.2 0 I 1.0 CE (KE,-PE ) Figure 3.47. As in Figure 3.46, except for the cases YT = 2, SR = -1.5, and 0 = 10 (dash dot), 40 (solid), 100 (dash), and 1000 (cross). 11111101 102 44 200 h I I: I r r r r 400 -o E S v t 91 \' \; r r r r r r 800 V \,' I I I I I r 600 k 1000 -1.0 1 Is r r r r r I I r I 16 I I I I I I I I I -.8 -.6 -. 4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 CE (KE- I 1.0 PE ) Figure 3.48. As in Figure 3.46, except for the cases SR = -1.5, a = 50, and yT = 1 (dash dot), 3 (solid), 5 (dash), 7 (cross), and 10 (long dash). 0 80 60 40 26 0 100 1.5 - -4 a: 1.6 cn -8 1.7 18 2.0 2.5 3.0 -12 Doubling time (days) vs. SR and Figure 3.49. Eady mode for Y = 5. p for the fastest growing 0 T 9 9 o 0 20 40 60 -4 1.7 -8 2.0 25 3.0 -12 Figure 3.50a. As in Figure 3.49, except for yT = 2. 80 8 cr 4 0 20 40 80 60 100 ,-p Figure 3.50b. As in Figure 3.49, except for yT = 2 and SR > 0. Cn 9 9 S o0 20 40 60 80 100 1.58 -4 -8 1.6 -12 I.? 1.8 . Figure 3.51. As in Figure 3.49, except for = 6. ! I 0 4 80 60 40 20 0 020 25 I0 Q2 30 -8 15 10 -12 Figure 3.52. Green mode Doubling time for y = T4 (days) vs. SR and a for the fastest growing 5. 9 9 9 oo00 07, 0 0 r -8 -12 Figure 3.53. As in Figure 3.52, except for yT = 2. 0 ab 20 .0 3.0 -43. 7 ,(n -8 3.5 3.0 2.0 -12 Figure 3.54. As in Figure 3.52, except for Y = 6. o \o il, PHASE (4) 110 (radians) 200 400 600 800 1000 .2 .4 .6 .8 IkI Figure 3.55. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude (thick lines) and phase (thin lines) for the fastest growing Green mode for the same cases as in Figure 3.8. The boundary condition w' = 0 at p = 0 is assumed. 111 8 6- Uj z OJ 0 0 3 6 PLANETARY 12 9 WAVE 15 NUMBER Figure 3.56. Doubling time vs. wavenumber for y and the upper boundary condition w' = 0 at p = 0. = 2, SR = 8, = 50, - 0111, 112 .6 0 .0 0 O O 2 0 Figure 3.57. 3 9 6 PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 3.56, except for SR = -8. 12 15 1.55 -4 - 1.7 1.6 , C, -8 1.5 .5 10 -12- I!. I I - Figure 3.58. Doubling est growing mode. The are to the upper right ating modes are to the I I I I time (days) vs. SR and Gp for Y = 2, for the fastupper boundary condition is w' 0. Eady modes of tihe dashed line; new, stratospherically origin-Ilower left. W 114 CHAPTER IV RESULTS FOR THE HIGHLY STRUCTURED BASIC STATES 4.1 Introduction The simplified temperature and zonal velocity profiles of the pre- vious section do not contain the detail found in true atmospheric profiles. The goal of this chapter is to include such detail. The static stability and unperturbed state of the model atmosphere will be chosen to include seasonal variations. These variations will be represented by monthly aver- aged u and T data for the months January, April, July, and October. Lati- tudes from 200 N to 700 N in 50 intervals will be included. These months represent seasonal transitions and extremes. The data available allow fine detail to be included in the vertical structure of the unperturbed state. The basic state is kept one-dimensional; longitudi- nal and meridional variations are excluded. In calculating the stability characteristics of these detailed basic states, it will be of particular interest to determine how the modes of the simplified profiles are changed; what new modes, if any, appear, whether the modes grow fast enough to reach significant amplitude; and whether these modes could play a significant role in the general circulation of specific regions of the troposphere and stratosphere. These questions are addressed in this chapter by discussing the longitudinal scale, growth rates and phase speeds of the unstable modes, and by examining the vertical structure of their pressure amplitude, their meridional entropy transport, their meridional-vertical velocity correlations, and their conversion of available potential energy to eddy kinetic energy. 115 4.2 Criteria for Choosing Input Data for the Model There are 44 pairs of u and T profiles from the four months and 11 latitudes selected. The pairs used in the calculations will be chosen from these 44 pairs according to two criteria: First, low, middle, and high latitudes should be represented in each seasonal month; the latitudes 250 N, 450 N, and 650 N are selected to meet this criterion. ion is more complicated and requires discussion. The second criterThe Charney-Stern theorem states that in the absence of boundary temperature gradients a zero in the potential vorticity meridional gradient (q ) is a necessary condition for instability. Furthermore, studies of Green (1972), Murray (1960) as cor- rected by McIntyre (1972), Simmons (1972, 1974), and Dickinson (1973) have shown that a zero in qY has associated unstable disturbances. The studies of Simmons (1974, 1972) also show that pressure amplitudes and meridional heat fluxes of the unstable modes are confined to a region which extends only a few kilometers above or below the height of the zero in q . These results indicate that a zero in the q, profile may result in unstable modes and the location of the zero may be important in determining the vertical structure of those modes. Therefore, when choosing u and T profiles for the model, this second criterion will be observed: Profiles will be selec- ted which represent all the qy zeros present in the larger data set of 11 latitudes and 4 months. The second criterion applies, of course, to the one-dimensional calculations of q,; because the basic states are one-dimensional; meridional variations inu and a (T) are ignored. However, calculations of qy, including both vertical and meridional variability of -u and 6 (T) are made for all data 116 sets and are compared with calculations which exclude meridional variations. Regions where the two methods of q gions where u yy is large. calculation differ are found to be re- However, the zeros of qy are found to be little y affected by the exclusion of meridional variations; thus, the one-dimensional calculation of q is qualitatively realistic. The second criterion, therefore, allows for an adequate representation of potential source regions for baroclinic instability. 4.3 The Data Sets The data sets are chosen to cover more than one year where possible, so that the study is climatologically representative. Data from the north- ern hemisphere is more plentiful and thus better suited for a climatological study. Four data sets are used and are described below. They will be re- ferred to as Data Sources 1 to 4, respectively. 1) Oort and Rasmusson (1971) provide 5-year means (May 1958 to April 1963) for all months, for latitudes 100 S to 750 N in 50 intervals and for levels at 1000, 950, 900, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, and 50 millibars. 2) R. Newell has provided the tables of u and T (for the years 1964 to 1968) from which the plots in Newell et al. (1974) were made; this data covered all months and latitudes 200 N, 250 N, 300 N, ... 850 N, and is for levels at 200, 150, 100, 50, 30, and 10 millibars. 3) Tahnk and Newell (1975) supply u and T values at 5 mb and 2 mb; these data were available only in 100 intervals from 150 N to 750 N, and the data set is only for one year, 1972. 4) Finally, for levels between 1 and .1 mb, data from Newell and Tahnk (in preparation) are used; the data are from Meteorological Rocket Network observations (MRN); the data cover an 11-year period (1961 to 1971), but are only for North America. 117 Because the last two data sets are very limited as to time and/or spatial coverage, they are used only as guides to extrapolate u and T profiles time periods, 100 mb, and 1) the data sets are from different It should be noted that above 10 mb. 2) they suffer from poor station coverage at levels above 3) they employ different analysis techniques. These three the data sets' values of u, T, factors account for the differences among and hence, values of qY in regions where they overlap. The u and T values of these data sets are presented in the appendix. 4.4 Calculation of qy The calculation of qy is done for all data sets, with and without meridional variations in u and 0 (T). First, a cubic spline was applied to the u and T profiles within each data set to find values at model levels. The cubic spline assures that vertical second derivatives are continuous; this eliminates the possibility of spurious ; file yields p and definition of 0, values. The splined T pro- -profiles from Equations 6, 8, and 9 in Chapter II, and the and these profiles are used with that of _ in the exact definitions, Equation 2 of Chapter III, and in the model approximation: q - f to obtain the two sets of qy values. 2 ( 1 u ) (1) The results are in Tables 1 to 8. In the _q calculations which include U and 0 terms, there is a I yy y dominance of positive values which is due to the P effect and vertical shear variation. There is a tendency towards negative values of q (below 750 mb) for most latitudes. at low levels These negative regions start at levels 118 ranging from the surface to 900 mb, and in some cases are associated with two zeros. They are caused by large values of the term f 2 ( 1 - U )p. r This same term results in the high latitude 600-750 mb negative -y regions in January, April, and October, and the July high latitude 375-500 mb negative q region. There is little seasonal continuity of qy at higher levels for the 5 year data sets; only July has significant negative q, values above The other months have a few weakly negative - 600 mb. regions in levels covered by both the Oort and Rasmusson (1971) and Newell et al. (1974) data sets, but none of these appears in both sets. q In July, the only negative region below 5 mb in which the horizontal shear term is comparable to the vertical shear term is that at low latitudes between 125 and 175 mb. u , although relatively small in the regions at 550 and 650, 90 to 150 mb, and in the region at 650, 30 to 60 mb, is just enough to tip the balance from positive to negative q values. These negative q regions will not be present in the model calculations of q. The Tahnk and Newell (1975) data set has q tudes 450 and 500 N for all seasons. zeros at 30 mb for lati- At 650 N there is a zero at 25 mb for April and a zero at 50 mb for Ocrober. These zeros are due to large values 2 1 u ) . They are not present in the 5-year Newell et al. (1974) of f C data set. Also, the zeros occur in a region where data points are sparse (there is no data in the Tahnk and Newell (1975) data set between 10 and 100 mb). Therefore, their climatological importance is questionable and they will not be included in U and T profiles used in the model. The MNR data have zeros at high and low latitudes between 1 mb and 5 mb. These are due to large u and may result in instabilities which are barotropic in character (Holton (1975), p. 88). 119 The calculations of Leovy in Charney and Stern (1972) show zeros in qy above 100 mb for 14 October 1957 at 150W. in the October monthly averaged data. These zeros are not present This is not surprising as one data set is only for a specific day and longitude and the other is averaged over one month and all longitudes. Leovy and Webster (1976) suggest (without presenting calculations) that I may have zeros in winter on the tropical side of the stratospheric jet (they used hemispheric daily u data to calculate l ). The MRN data for January have similar zeros but this data is only for North America. set. The zeros are not in the Tahnk and Newell (1975) data zeros are due Both the Leovy and Webster (1976) and the MRN data q to large horizontal curvature, and instabilities associated with these zeros would be expected to be barotropic in nature (Leovy and Webster, 1976). The values of qy calculated for the model (Eq.1 of Ch. IV) when compared with q values calculated from Eq. 2 ofCh. III) reveal the contribution of meridional shear variation. 70is The term involving meridional variation of a factor of 5 or more smaller than u YY . The u YY term is large and negative between 75 and 450 mb south of 350 N in April and January and October. July values are strongly negative (nearly as large as January values) at the same levels but for latitudes 400N and 450 N. In all data sets ex- cept the MRN, July is the only month with large positive u values; these yy are at 250 N and 300 N between 175 and 350 mb; this, of course, reflects the more northerly position of the summer zonal velocity jet. juyy 1 The region where is large are those regions where the model values of q from the observed values. differ most There is a negligible effect on the zeros of below 175 mb for all months. In January and October there are some differ- ences above 175 mb, but the zeros here in the observed _q do not appear in 120 both data sets. In July there is a greater difference, as noted above, and, 0 in addition, in the region 400 N to 50 N, 50 mb to 120 mb. has q The MRN data set zeros resulting from large uyy ; there are almost no zeros among the corresponding model values. and a do not have a Overall, however, meridional variations in u zeros calculated from substantial effect on the number and location of q zonally and monthly averaged data. Therefore, one-dimensional _4 tions are qualitatively representative of the full two-dimensional calculay field. A one-dimensional basic state thus includes essentially all the potential sources of baroclinic instability that would be included in a two-dimensional basic state. This gives further support to the qualitative realism of studying the baroclinic instability of one-dimensional unperturbed flow. 4.5 Processing the Data for Input to the Model The profiles of u and T for the four months, January, April, July 0 0 and October and latitudes 250 N, 45 N, 65 N have already been chosen to be used in the model. Examination of the q fields (model values) reveals that January 350 N and October 500N merit study for associated unstable modes. January 350 N provides q zeros at high (50, 100 mb ) and mid (480, 600 mb) 0 October 500 N provides a close comparison to October 45 N with the levels. major difference being in strength of the negative q of the q region or closeness zeros. None of the data sets includes all model levels. In order to obtain a single u or T profile for all levels, the datawere plotted and smoothed by hand. The Oort and Rasmusson data were followed closely to about 100 mb; the Newell et al. (1974) data from 100 mb to 10 mb. Between 10 and 2 mb, 121 the Tahnk and Newell (1975) data were used. Above 2 mb, the Newell and Care was taken so that Tahnk (in preparation) data were used as a guide. zeros of qY were affected minimally. The smoothed profiles appear in Fig- ures 4.1 to 4.8. To minimize error due to interpolation, points at levels for which the data sets have values are then read from the smoothed u and T profiles . Next, a cubic spline is applied to each set of u or T values to yield values The cubic spline again assures that vertical second deri- at model levels. vatives are continuous, and thereby avoids spurious q small scale variations in model results. zeros and erroneous The splined u and T values consti- tute the input i and T data for the model. The 19 to+12. q values associated with the model input profiles are in Tables A comparison of these values with those q values from the model calculations for individual data sets shows that joining the data sets affected qy zeros only within the overlap region of the data sets. negative q Three regions which appear in only one of the data sets do not appear ** in the model q profiles . mains in the model profile, The final model q One negative q region (for January 350 N) re- although it is present in only one data set. profiles have a weak negative _q region for April 250 N at 400 mb which is not present in observed q profiles. Two negative qY regions, July 250N, 125-175 mb and July 650 N, 30-60 mb, are missing from * The levels, 19 in number, are: .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 900, 950, and 10M0 millibars. ** These 3 negative q regions are for the Newell et al. (1974) data set. They are: April 6 oN, levels 37-41; July 250 N, levels 39-41; and October 450 N, levels 27-31. _ . _____I___ ___ 111 122 the final profiles; in the observations the latter region is weak and the Upper former is strong because of large meridional shear variation in u. level zeros in q are still present in the input data set of the model: 0 at January 350 N (65-85 mb), July 45 N (85-125 mb), and July 65°N (140-175 Therefore, the u and T profiles chosen for this instability study mb). on the whole give a reasonably accurate representation of mean atmospheric qy zeros, and thereby also give a good representation of some potential sources of baroclinic instability in the real atmosphere which were not studied before. S In addition to the complete E and T profiles, the reference values -1 -5 4 -2 -2 +5 S are and u = 0 m sec nt m-, = 10 , .321 x 10 -5 m sec-2 o oo From these used in the numerical calculations. + of n - C-7 n l is calculated from r T and C= The parameter YT and the fields of u and YT is obtained. Rd [ n ( P ) ( P- a The field k- T)] . are all now determined and the model set of finite difference equations is ready to be solved for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for any given wavenumber P. 4.6 Model Results- Classification of Modes The doubling times and phase speeds of unstable modes associated with the - and T profiles are presented in Figures 4.9 to 4.21. assume ' = 0 as the upper boundary condition. All calculations There is no figure for July at 250 N because no unstable modes were found to exist in that case. This is because there is no temperature gradient at the lower boundary nor any in0 ternal zero of q, associated with the July 25 N data; the necessary condi- tions for instability are thereby not met (the relation of the modes presented in Figures 4.9 to 4.21 to the necessary conditions for instability 123 will be discussed at the end of this chapter). planetary wavenumbers .3 to 15 Modes are presented for (when vertical resolution permits), except for October at 250 N where the range is 3 to 18 (there are no unstable modes less than wavenumber 3 for this case). Note that the physical wavelength associated with the wavenumbers changes with latitude. All cases except July 250 N, October 250 N show instability at all zonal wavelengths resolved by the model except isolated wavelengths. Doubling times tend to be longer for 650 N. Modes also tend to peak at shorter physical wavelengths for higher latitudes, which may be due to the increase of 3 with latitude. Within any given season, there is a large difference between the doubling time and phase velocity curves at different latitudes. As one changes season at the same latitude, there is somewhat less of adifference in these curves only for 650 N. The modes presented in the 14 cases under discussion are divided into 6 categories: 1) The Eady modes, whose fastest growing mode has the shortest doubling time of all modes and usually occurs between wavenumbers 5 and 8. 2) The Green modes, which are on the long wave side of a cusp which sepa- rates them from the Eady modes. Exceptions to this are the cases of April and July at 650 N, where the Green and Eady modes merge. There is still a minimum in the phase velocity curve and the wavenumber of this minimum is defined as the division between Eady and Green modes in these cases. The Eady and Green modes are part of a single conjugate solution to the eigenvalue problem which are separated by a cusp point. 11111116 _ ____ I__ 124 3) The "shortwave Eady modes" which have a local growth rate maximum on the shortwave side of the fastest growing Eady mode. 0 only for January, April, and October at 65 N. These modes occur They are defined to exist for wavenumbers greater than that of the local growtbrate modes' curve. minimum in the Eady This minimum is at wavenumbers 6.4, 7.2, and 6.8, respectively, for the 3 cases cited above. 4) The shortwave modes which have their shortest doubling time at the wavenumbers of the local growthrate tioned immediately above. minimum of the Eady mode curve men- They have a cutoff on both sides of the peak value, and are always weaker than the Eady modes at the same wavenumbers. These modes form a solution to the eigenvalue problem which is distinct from that containing the Eady and Green modes. 5) Shortwave modes other than those of category 4, whose fastest growing mode has a shorter wavelength than that of the fastest growing Eady mode. These modes are a conjugate solution to the eigenvalue problem which is separate from the solution containing the Green and Eady modes. Their doubling times are generally much longer than that of the fastest growing Eady mode. 6) Longwave modes, other than the Green modes. The fastest 4rowing long- wave mode is defined to have a wavelength longer than that of the fastest growing Eady mode.. These modes may occur either on the longwave side of a 0 cusp point which separates them from the Green modes (e.g. January, 45 N), or they may form a separate conjugate solution to the eigenvalue problem. For ease of reference, the modes in the six respective categories are given the symbols E, G, Es , Sm, S, and L. 125 Figures 4.9 to 4.21 give several examples of each mode category defined above. Table 4.13 presents properties of the fastest growing mode of all of these examples . Subsequent discussion of the unstable modes will, like Table 4.13, be organized according to mode category. 4.7 The Eady Modes The Eady modes are present for all cases except July at 250 N. The fastest growing E modes are usually between 3000 and 5500 km in wavelength (planetary wavenumbers 5 to 8). has A A notable exception is October 250 N, which = 2000 km and pwn = 18 (see Table 4.13). Doubling times of the fast- est growing E modes range between 1.5 and 4.3 days and average about 2 days; they are shortest for 450 N. The case of January 450 N has pwn = 7.7 and doubling time (D.T.) = 1.7 days; this compares well with pwn = 6.6 and D.T. = 1.6 days for the fastest growing Eady mode, when nominal winter parameters are used in constructing the u and Oprofiles. The fastest growing E mode in Geisler and Garcia's (1977) calculation which used the Lindzen-Hong profile (to simulate winter at 450 N) has a planetary wavenumber greater than 9 and a doubling time of 1.7 days. The doubling time agrees well with this model's value for January 450 N. The wavenumber is difficult to define be- cause the E mode growth rate peak is very flat in the Geisler and Garcia. calculation. With the again notable exception of October 250 N, phase velocities * Modes with doubling times greater than 20 days are not included. The fastest growing Green modes for April and July at 650 N are chosen to be those with their wavenumber just on the longwave side of the point of maximum curvature in the Eady-Green mode growth rate curve. MWM M11 126 of all the E modes are positive except when the growth rate goes to zero. The value of the phase velocity is less than 7 m/sec, so there are steering u = c levels for all the E modes in the lower troposphere. upper stratosphere for some cases (see Table 4.13). r also in the The fastest growing E mode has an easterly phase velocity only for October 250 N, but the u profile is such that in this case, as in all the others, there is a steering level in the lower troposphere. The phase velocity curve for January 450 N is similar to that for the simple u and Oprofiles constructed from nominal winter parameters. Geisler and Garcia's (1977) Lindzen-Hong profile phase velocities are higher (around 14 m/sec for the Eady modes), but the Lindzen-Hong profile also has higher u values near the ground than does the January 450 N u profile, so that the steering levels forboth these cases are at nearly the same height (2 km or 800 mb). Some properties of the vertical structure of the fastest growing Eady modes are presented in Table 4.13 for all the cases for which the mode exists. The complete jWI, Phase (p), vO , and eddy energy transfer profiles are presented in Fiqures 4.22 to 4.29 for 8 of the 13 cases. The cases of January 450 N, April 450 N, and April 650 N are similar in vertical structure 0 to that of January 650 N, and the cases of October 450 N and October 65 N are similar in vertical structure to that of October 500 N. The streamfunction amplitudes show a peak at the ground and near the tropopause for all cases except April and October 250 N. There is gener- ally a strong resemblance to the case of simple profiles constructed from * The tropopause is defined to be the pressure level where the temperature stops decreasing as one ascends from the ground. It is between 200 and 100 mb for the profiles of this section and is at lesser pressure for lower latitudes. 127 nominal winter parameters. The two exceptions decay rapidly in the upper troposphere to extremely small values throughout the stratosphere; they also have the highest planetary wave numbers of all the cases, as one would expect. The phase profiles show that the pressure wave tilts gradually westward with height except in the upper stratosphere where the westward tilt is very strong. Calculations of the phase difference between v' and W' show that the meridional circulation associated with this wave is strongly poleward and upward throughout the troposphere and lower stratosphere and changes over to poleward and downward circulation in the upper stratosphere where [(( is small. The meridional entropy transports are poleward throughout the model atmosphere for nearly all cases. Weak shallow equatorward fluxes at the ground for October 250 N and January 650 N are the only exceptions. The transports are strong only in the lower troposphere and peaks there or at the ground. Mode kinetic energy release is strongest in the mid and/or lower troposphere (depending on the input a and T profiles) and goes to zero with w at the ground. The greatest destruction of mode kinetic energy is in the lower stratosphere, but the amount of destruction is very small compared to the amount of kinetic energy generated in the troposphere. 4.8 The Green Modes The Green mode spectrum joins that of the Eady mode at a cusp point. The Green modes are present with the Eady modes for all cases except July 250 N. The fastest growing G modes have wavelengths between 5000 and 10000 km (planetary wavenumbers 2.5 to 5, except for a value of 7 for October 250 N). . I_ 128 Doubling times for the fastest growing G modes very from 4.6 to 19 days, 0 and average 8 1/2 days; the longest doubling times are for profiles at 65 N. The case of January 45*N has the fastest growing G mode at pwn = 4.8 with D.T. = 6.9 days. This compares very well with Geisler and Garcia's values of pwn = 5 and D.T. = 7.5 days for the Lindzen-Hong progile. Calculations using simple ii and 7 profiles constructed from nominal winter parameters give pwn = 3.3 and D.T. = 6 days for the fastest growing G mode. Phase velocities for the G modes are positive except for April and October at 250 N. The range of phase velocity values is like that of the E modes and steering levels are similar to those for the E modes. The G 0 modes for the case of January 45 N shows the same disagreement with the phase velocity calculations of Geisler and Garcia as did the E modes; the reason for this was discussed above. The phase velocities of the G modes for January 450 N agree well with those for the case using nominal winter parameters. The vertical structures of the fastest growing G modes for 8 of the 13 cases are presented in Figures 4.30 to 4.37. 0 The cases of April at 25 N, 0 0 450 N, 650 N are similar to that of January 25 N and the cases of July 65 N 0 and October 450 N are similar to that of October 25 N, and thus these five cases are not illustrated; all cases, however, are included in Table 4.13. The streamfunction amplitudes show strong peaks in the stratosphere and secondary peaks near the ground. 0 The January and October 65 N fastest growing G modes have strong amplitudes throughout the stratosphere. Those 0 of January 450 N and, especially, October 50 N have very narrow peaks near the top (p = 0). Stratospheric amplitudes are much-stronger than tropo- spheric amplitudes for the fastest growing G modes; the opposite is true 129 for the dominant Eadymodes. Geisler and Garcia's stratospheric amplitudes for the G mode in some cases are not much stronger than tropospheric values. They attribute this to a very small difference between the minimum zonal wind in the stratosphere and the mode phase speed. has a large value for this difference: 6 m/sec. The case of January 450 N However, for the cases of October 450 N and 500 N the difference is small (K 1 m/sec) yet the fastest growing G modes for these cases have very strong peaks in the stratosphere. Results from this model are inconclusive regarding the dependence of stratospheric G mode amplitudes on the difference between the stratospheric zonal velocity minimum and mode phase speed. The streamfunction phases indicate a westward tilt with height of the fastest growing G mode pressure wave throughout the atmosphere for all cases except for January 650 N and October 250 N, which have a shallow region of eastward tilt at the ground. The westward tilt is strongest in the strato- sphere and mid-troposphere for most cases. Calculations of the v' and W' phase difference show that the meridional circulation of the fastest growing G modes is poleward and upward in the lower troposphere and poleward and downward in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. October 650N are exceptions. In these cases, the circulation in the stra- tosphere is poleward and upward. The stratospheric circulation of the Green modes agrees well with the v'' (1964b). January 65N and covariance data presented in Newell Newell's 18-month data set shows poleward and downward transient eddy motion at 70 and 45 mb in all seasons and latitudes 200 N to 700 N except for the case of winter and spring above 550N. In this case, the circulation is poleward and upward. * Molla and Loisel's (1962) v'w' covariance data (for only 2 months) pre- 9111111111Y --1 130 The meridional entropy transports are poleward with strong peaks in 0 0 0 the stratosphere for all cases except January 45 N and 65 N and July 45 N. The pressure wave' for the exceptional cases also hada weakwestward tilt with height in the stratosphere. 0 January 450 N and October 50 N are the only cases which have peaks of v'S' near the top, at 20 and 10 mb, respectively. The G modes in general have much stronger stratospheric v'8' rela- tive to tropospheric values than do the E modes. The release of mode kinetic energy is strongest in the lower troposphere with some modes also having strong values in the upper troposphere. The destruction of mode kinetic energy is very strong in the stratosphere, and it is much stronger (relative to tropospheric values) for the G modes in comparison with the E modes. 0 Exceotions are the cases of January 65 N, October 650 N, and July 450 N; the first 2 of these exceptions actually have a weak generation of mode kinetic energy in the stratosphere. 4.9 The E s and Sm Modes The E s and S modes always occur together. m and are present in all seasons except summer. They exist only at 650 N As shown by Table 4.13 and Figures 4.13, 4.16, and 4.21, all the Es modes are remarkably similar to each other as are all the S m modes. The most unstable E s and S modes are m (cont'd from previous page) sents a similar picture for the lower stratosphere. However, Wallace (1977) states that: "Calculations of the temporal correlation between vertical velocity and temperature by Molla and Loisel (1962) ... indicates that mean air parcel trajectories in the waves slope upward toward the pole". No vertical velocity-temperature correlations are presented in Molla and Loisel (1962). Their v 'w covariances do show poleward-upward transient eddy motion in a 0 100-50 mb layer, but only above 55 N for only the 2 months January and April 1958. 131 planetary wavenumbers 13 and 6 1/2 and have doubling times of 3 and 5 days, respectively. The phase speed and steering level height of the most unsta- ble Es mode (2 m/sec, 1.5 km) are half of the respective values for the Sm modes. The vertical structures of the most unstable E s and S m modes are presented for January 650 N (Figures 4.38 to 4.41); the structures of the modes for April and October are very similar. The streamfunction amplitude of the Sm mode peaks in the upper troposphere and secondly, near the ground. The much shorter zonal wavelength Es mode peaks near the ground and is trapped in the lower troposphere. The pressure waves of both modes tilt gradually westward with height except for shallow regions of weak eastward tilt near 750 mb and the ground. The meridional entropy transports in these shallow regions are correspondingly weak and equatorward. transports are primarily poleward for both modes. The entropy They are strong in the mid and lower troposphere for the Sm mode and strong in the lower troposphere for the E s mode. The meridional circulation for both modes shows a strong poleward and upward correlation of v' and U' at all levels. The generation of eddy kinetic energy is strongest in the mid troposphere for the S mode and in the lower troposphere for the E mode. m s The destruction of eddy kinetic energy is very weak and occurs in shallow regions. The Sm and especially the Es modes are very short-wave modes and are strongly active only in the lower or mid troposphere. They would be of little importance to the stratospheric general circulation, because of their shallow depth. 4.10 S Modes The short wave modes have zonal wavelengths less than 3700 km. They ~ IYYIIIUI -- 132 occur at a wide range of mid latitudes and, except for an Sm mode at 65*N, they are not present in October. S modes varies from 4 to 15 days. The doubling times of the most unstable The most unstable S mode for two cases, April and July at 45N was not resolved by the model; they are both shorter than 1500 km. These Modes at pwn = 13 were taken to represent these cases. two cases also have a cusp point at wavenumber 5.7. At wavenumbers less than 5.7 there are weaker longwave modes which form with the S modes, a distinct unstable solution to the eigenvalue problem at all wavelengths except that of the cusp point. Phase velocities are high (4,-15 m/sec) for the S modes of low latitudes (250 N, 350 N) and are low (Z 3 m/sec) for the S modes of higher latitudes (450 N, 650 N). The S modes whose fastest growing mode is unresolved and their longwave counterparts have a remarkably constant phase velocity for all wavenumbers except very near the cusp point. is ~- 3 m/sec, and steering levels are at 890 mb. The phase velocity The other S modes have steering levels higher up in the mid troposphere and in the stratosphere. Figures 4.42 to 4.45 present the vertical structures of 4 of the 6 most unstable S modes. 0 The two S modes for April 25 N are similar in ver- 0 tical structure, as are the S modes for April and July at 45 N. The streamfunction amplitudes for all the fastest growing S modes except those which are unresolved are strong only in the upper troposphere and peak just below the tropopause. 0 The April and July 45 N S modes for pwn = 13 are trapped in the lower troposphere and peak at the ground. The streamfunction phases vary very little with height except near the ground and in the lower stratosphere. In the latter regions, the wave 0 tilts westward except for July 65 N which has a substantial eastward tilt 133 between 140 and 180 mb. a westward tilt. v'I' Near the ground the April and July 450 N modes have For all seasons, the wave has a strong poleward-upward correlation in the troposphere which becomes poleward-downward in the stratosphere.. The meridional entropy transports are strongly poleward in the midand/or upper troposphere for all cases except April and July at 450 N. The only appreciable transports for these two cases are poleward and near the Only July 650 N has a significant region of equatorward transports ground. and these are near the tropopause. Eddy kinetic energy is generated only in the upper troposphere for all cases except April and July at 450 N. These two cases have all their kinetic energy generated near the ground; kinetic energy for the S modes of these cases is destroyed between 830 and 900 mb. The S modes for April 250 N lose their kinetic energy in the upper troposphere, just below the tropopause and, to a lesser extent, in the mid-troposphere. January 350 N and July 650 N have shallow regions in the mid and upper troposphere where there is a small loss of mode kinetic energy. 4.11 The L Modes There are no L modes at 250 N for all four months, nor are there any L modes with doubling times shorter than 25 days for April. The wavelength of the fastest growing L modes varies between 3.5 and 13.5 x 10 3 km. are only 2 L modes of wavelength less than 8 x 10 longest doubling times (13 to 14 days). There km, and these have the The doubling times for the most unstable modes of wavelength 8 x 103 km or greater varies between 6 and 11 days. The phase velocity of the L modes varies between 2.5 and 7 m/sec ---- -- -- --IIY IYIIIHY U III1 134 except for the case of January 350 N, whose L modes have much faster phase The steering levels in the troposphere for velocities of 18 to 20 m/sec. the L modes ranges from 920 to 390 mb. January 351N, July 45*N, and July 65N also have steering levels in the stratosphere (see Table 4.13). The vertical structures of 4 of the 7 fastest growing L modes are presented in Figures 4.46 to 4.49. The omitted cases: January 450 N (pwn= 2.3), July 650 N, and October 650 N are similar in vertical structure to those of 0 January 45*N (pwn = 3.6), January 35 N and January 65*N, respectively. The streamfunction amplitude of all the fastest growing L modes peaks at the tropopause or higher. 0 The fastest growing L modes for January45 N, January 650 N and October 650 N peak just below the top of the model atmosphere; their structure would be resolved better if there were levels above 1 mb Only (47 km), the highest level for which streamfunctions are calculated. 0 the L modes for July 450 N and January 35 N have appreciable streamfunction amplitudes in the troposphere; these occur in the upper troposphere. The most unstable L mode's phases show that their pressure waves have a zero or westward tilt with height throughout the model atmosphere 0 for all cases except January 350 N and July 65 N. eastward tilt between 350 and 75 mb. These cases have a strong For all cases, the v'w' correlation indicates a poleward upward circulation at lower levels which becomes poleward and downward in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. The meridional entropy transports for the fastest growing L modes 0 0 are everywhere zero or poleward except for January 35 N and July 65 N. For these cases, there are strong equatorward transports in the region of the eastward tilt of their pressure wave. The poleward transports of the fastest growing L modes 135 all peak in the stratosphere, only July 450 N has a secondary peak at the ground. The most unstable L modes whose streamfunction amplitude peaks near the top also have their meridional entropy flux and eddy energy transfer peaks at or near the top. The fastest growing L.modes for July and January at 45 0 N have most of their kinetic energy generated in the troposphere between 850 and 250 mb. These modes also have a substantial amount of their kinetic energy destroyed in the stratosphere. The remaining four fastest growing L modes have most of their kinetic energy generation in the stratosphere and lose their kinetic energy in the lower stratosphere or upper troposphere. These four modes are examples of in situ baroclinic instability of the stratosphere. Two of these modes (those for January and October at 650 N) have their peak v'&' and JIJ values at or near the top. An accurate represen- tation of their structure above 10 mb would require more levels in that region. The other two L modes (January 350 N and July 650 N) are well re- solved. Their significance is discussed in the next two sections. 4.12 The Necessary Conditions for Instability and the Existence of Unstable Modes In the above discussion, it has been shown that there are long and short wave modes (the L, S, and S modes) associated with the u and T prom files obtained from monthly averaged data. Figures 4.9 to 4.21 show that these modes exist at the same wavenumbers as the Green and Eady modes. In one case (April 250 N) 2 S modes exist at the same wavenumbers as an E mode. These long and short wave modes were not present for the parametric u and T profiles of the previous chapter. For 3 u and T profile pairs of this chapter, ~~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ mimia~-~~YIYYIY IIII~Y 136 the Eady modes had a strong shortwave local maximum at approximately waveWhy do number 13; this also did not occur for the parametric profiles. these new long and shortwave modes exist? Why did the Eady modes' growthThe answers rates in some cases acquire a local maximum near wavenumber 13? to these questions come from an examination of the relevant quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity profiles. The Eady and Green modes exist for the chapter if i and T profiles of this 1) there is a temperature gradient at the lower boundary, or 2) there is a zero in the qy profile. The case of January 250 N had a sur- face temperature gradient and E and G modes, but no qy zeros. The case of April 450 N was altered without affecting the qy zeros so that it had no surface temperature gradient; its E and G modes were only slightly affected. The case of July 250 N shows that indeed no modes exist if the necessary conditions for instability are not met. Removal of internal qy zeros or changing the surface temperature gradient does substantially alter the gorwth rate spectra of the G and shortwave E modes. Doubling the surface temperature gradient for January 250N decreased the fastest G mode doubling time from 5.3 to 3.3 days. of the 600-730 mb negative q Removal region for the cases of January, April, and October 650 N resulted in removing the local maximum of E mode growth rates near wavenumber 13. (By definition, this means removing the Es modes). The simple parametric u and Tprofiles do not have this negative q region. Removal of the 730-800 mb negative qy region for the cases of April and July at 450 N increased the fastest growing G mode doubling time from about 8 1/2 to 17 days and .increased the doubling times of E modes between wavenumbers 11 and 15 from about 2 1/2 to 10 days. The removal of the negative 137 y region for the cases at 650 N required increasing u by .3 m/sec at 700 mb 0 and by .1 m/sec at 500 mb; for the cases at 45 N, the removal was accom- plished merely by increasing U at 850 mb by .3 m/sec. These and other cal- culations show that a very small change in the U profile can result in a drastic change in the zeros of the ( The curvature of the u profile, u , is what has an important role in de- PP termining y. This need not be the case. profile. y Substantial changes in the _ profile could be made without significantly affecting the zeros of q if Upp is not appreciably affected. The above calculations have shown that small changes in the result in the removal of q spectra. E profile can zeros which drastically affects the growth rate However, the cases of January, April and October at 650 N have widely differing u profiles, but very similar q y at 600, 730, and 880 mb). profiles (all have zeros Their growth rate spectra (and even the phase velocities and mode structure) are remarkably similar. Thus, a substantial change in the U profile need not have an important effect on the growth rate spectra unless is it accompanied by a substantial change in the zeros of the y profile. Calculations of Gall and Blakeslee (1977) and Staley and Gall (1977) have also shown that the growth rate spectrum at short wavelengths is very sensitive to low level change in the G and static stability profiles. They claimed that this was because the short waves "felt" only the part of the 5 profile below 500 mb. This explanation could not apply to the longwave Green modes of this study, which were affected by low level changes in u. Gall and Blakeslee (1977) and Staley and Gall (1977) did not discuss the effects of their low level changes in u and O on qy. The S modes, like the E modes, do not exist if the 600-730 mb negas m tive qy region is removed. This is more than just removing a local maximum 138 in a growth rate curve. An entire distinct conjugate solution to the eigen- value problem exists only when a specific negative qy region (with its associated zeros) also exists. The profile of qy requires negative values for it to allow, in conjunction with the surface temperature gradient, the bracketed term in Eq. 1 of Ch. III to be zero so that C. need not be zero for 1 the S m of ' modes. The E and G modes in these cases do not need negative values to meet the necessary conditions for instability. The L modes (except for January 450 N) and S modes exist only when certain negative qy regions are present; these regions are specified in Table 4.13. These modes (with the exclusion of January 450 N) are part of a conjugate solution to the eigenvalue problem which is distinct from that containing the Green and Eady modes. The L modes for January 350 N and July 650 N are the only modes associated with negative q modes are regions in the stratosphere. These an example of in situ stratospheric . baroclinic instability. They have downgradient meridional entropy transports and have their kinetic energy generated at the levels of their associated negative qy regions. The S , S, and L modes were not present when the simple parametric i m and T profiles were used. These modes are seen to exist for the more com- plicated u and T profiles of this chapter because these profiles have zeros not present in the simple parametric profiles. modes which exist only when a specific negative q 4 The S , S, L, and E m s regions exists always have downgradient meridional entropy fluxes at the levels of that region. In about half the cases, the fluxes peak at one of the q the negative y region (See Table 4.13). zeros bounding Modes which are associated with the surface temperature gradient have downgradient fluxes at the surface. Thus all modes have downgradient meridional entropy fluxes in the region of 139 their source of instability, and their maximum entropy transport is generally above or at the top level of their destabilizing negative qy regions. Several cases indicate that the amount of negative is important in determining the strength of the growth rate of the associated unstable mode or in determining whether it exists at all. October 50 0 N, July 250N and January 350 N each have a negative qyvalue at only one level, and none have an unstable mode associated with this negative qy region (to within model resolution). and October 450 N each have negative q April 250 N regions 2 levels deep and do have associated unstable modes which have small growth rates and/or have small extent in wavenumber space. July 450 N, April 450 N, January 350 N, January 65 0 N, April 650N, and October 650 N all have much larger negative q regions and all have associated unstable modes of much larger growthrates. 4.13 Importance of the Unstable Modes to the General Circulation of Specific Regions Foz modes of different wavelengths, one cannot conclude that the modes with larger growth rates will dominate the general circulation; their growth may cease sooner than those which have slower growth rates. This was shown by Gall (1976) and Staley and Gall (1977) for the case of long vs. short waves. They found that quasi-geostrophic unstable modes of wavelength < 3000 km were trapped below 500 mb whereas modes of wavelength > 4000 km extended through the depth of the troposphere. They also showed that modes which were trapped in the lower troposphere (the shortwave modes) stopped growing sooner than modes which extended to upper levels. Therefore, the longwave G and L modes of this model, although having sig- nificantly smaller growthrates than the E and Es modes, may be very important to the general circulation in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. All the fastest growing G modes (those discussed in this chapter, and those associated with parametric u and T profiles of Chapter III) have _~ ~~ ~CL"L~L ^^ ~ - - IIIIIIIIYYYLIYY I1I~I i 140 their strongest streamfunction amplitudes inthe stratosphere and/or the upper troposphere just below the tropopause. The peak value of the streamfunction amplitude always occurs near the tropopause. The meridional entropy transports of the fastest growing G modes in all but four cases (see Table 4.13) are strongest in the stratosphere with most cases having their strongest transports in the lower stratosphere. The transports are poleward and may be the cause of the observed secondary maximum of poleward transports in the lower stratosphere (Oort and Rasmusson, 1971; Newell et al., 1974). All but 3 of the fastest growing G modes have most of their kinetic energy depleted in the stratosphere. The Green modes, then, are potentially very important to the general circulation of the lower stratosphere and may also be important for the general circulation of the upper stratosphere and the region just below the tropopause. The L modes, in addition to the G modes, have strong () .5 of their peak value) amplitudes, meridional entropy transports, and kinetic energy losses in the stratosphere. Four of the fastest growing L modes may be important to the general circulation above the lower stratosphere. However, these modes have large amplitudes and entropy fluxes very near or at the top of the model atmosphere and may require more levels in this region for an accurate determination of their vertical structure. The fastest growing L mode for July 450 N is the only L mode which has strong poleward entropy fluxes in the lower stratosphere. The L modes for January 350 N and July 650 N are well resolved and are examples of stratospheric in situ baroclinic instability. They both have strong equatorward entropy transport in the lower stratosphere. Observations of Oort and Rasmusson (1971) and Newell et al. (1974) disagree as to the direction of the transport in the lower stratosphere 141 0 for January 35 N, but they agree that the transports are weak. 650 N, they'agree that the transports are weak and poleward. For July The G modes, which have growth rates comparable to those of the L modes in these cases, show weak poleward fluxes for January 350 N and strong poleward fluxes for July 65 0 N. Thus, the G modes and L modes arising from in situ baroclinic instability may both be important to the general circulation of the lower stratosphere for January 350 N and July 650 N. Most S and Sm modes have strong streamfunction amplitudes throughout the troposphere. Three cases, the S modes for April 250 N and July 650 N have strong fluxes in the upper troposphere; all fluxes are poleward except for July 650 N which has a region of equatorward fluxes between 160 and 180 mb. All the other S and S modes have poleward v's' values which are strongest in the mid or lower m troposphere. The S and S modes could be important for the general circulation m of the upper troposphere. In the mid and lower troposphere they are likely to be dominated by the E and Es modes which have strong amplitude and entropy transports in these regions and which, in all cases except January 350 N and January 650 N, have much larger growth rates at the same wavenumbers. The Eady modes, like the S and Sm modes, have strong streamfunction amplitudes throughout the troposphere. In some cases the E modes have strong amplitudes for about 20 mb above the tropopause. The meridional en- tropy transports of the E modes is strong only in the lower troposphere as is the generation of their kinetic energy (there are no regions where E mode kinetic energy loss is large relative to the amount generated). The above description of the Eady modes associated with the u and T profiles of this chapter also applies to the Eady modes associated with u and T profiles generated from the parameter values: yT = 2, SR = 0, 1, or -1.5, 142 and tr = 50. Thus, the general circulation of the troposphere, especially the lower troposphere, is expected to be very strongly affected by the Eady modes. The Es modes and E modes of similar wavelength have strong amplitudes, v'S' values, and eddy.energy transfer values only in the lower troposphere. These modes are therefore likely to be important to the general circulation of only the lower troposphere, with E modes being dominant. The most unstable G modes have been shown to be potentially important to the general circulation of the lower stratosphere, in contrast to the most unstable E modes which have very weak amplitudes and fluxes in the stratosphere (relative to those in the troposphere). The longest E modes have wavelengths comparable to those of the Green modes. The question arises as to whether they share some of the G mode properties and also are potentially important to the stratospheric general circulation. Calcula- tions for 10 of the basic states of this chapter show that the long wave E modes, which are within half a planetary wave number of the cusp point dividing them from the Green modes, do share many of the properties of the Green modes. In particular, they have much stronger stratospheric ampli- tudes and fluxes than those of the most unstable Eady mode. at a maximum usually at the tropopause. Amplitudes are The v'8' values are greater than 1/2'the nominal value generally between 90 and 40 mb and sometimes between the tropopause and 40 mb. poleward and downward. The circulation-of these longwave E modes is Nearly all of their kinetic energy is generated in the troposphere, and they have a much greater dstruction of kinetic energy in the stratosphere than does the most unstable Eady mode. Thus, in addi- tion to the G (and possibly L) modes, the longest wave E modes may be im- 143 portant to the general circulation in the stratosphere. 4.14 Calculations for W' = 0 at p = 0 Changing the upper boundary condition in the parametric study of Chapter III resulted in large changes, for some parameter combinations, in the Eady and especially in the Green modes' growth rates, phase velocity, and vertical structure. stratosphere). The changes were drastic when Oj equaled 1 (no In addition, new modes appeared which were associated with a temperature gradient at the upper boundary when t' = 0 was the upper boundary condition. The calculations of this chapter are virtually unaffected by a change in the upper boundary condition from Y' = 0 to static stability, 0 = 0. 0' This is because the , becomes very large near p = 0 and would damp out the effects of the upper boundary condition. It would also not allow a temper- ature gradient at the upper boundary to be of any importance in affecting the necessary conditions for instability. From Eq. 1 ofCh. III one sees that large 0 at the top allows one to neglect the integral whose integrand is evaluated at the upper boundary. bility for Thus, the necessary conditions for insta- ' = 0 at p = 0 become, for very large -at p = 0, nearly iden- Thus, modes which are present for Y' tical to those for Y' = 0 at p = 0. at p = 0 will also be present when N' = 0 at p = 0 and vice versa. Since O at p = 0 is large but finite, there is a small difference between calculations assuming different upper boundary conditions. When w' = 0 at p = 0 there are for January 650 N and October 650 N additional longwave modes of planetary wavenumber ( 1.5 and doubling time > 2 weeks. 144 These modes exist only when the temperature gradient at the upper boundary is non-zero and only when = 0 0'is the upper boundary condition. kinetic energy is generated mostly in the stratosphere. Their 145 1 I I .'1 / • * ."/ / , oIl * 250 N E IO U)r*. / / '35 0 N / /45ON 650N ./ 10 ~- w \ -\ /1/ *..'/ JANUARY / .. JANUARY 100- .000" 1000 0 Figure 4.1. I 20 I I I I 40 60 80 MEAN ZONAL VELOCITY (m/sec) Zonal velocity profiles for the basic state for January. 100 146 * I AP \ 100 -1000 0 - , . 0 0/C, 20 \45N MEAN 20 VELOCITY 5ZONAL40 40 MEAN ZONAL VELOCITY Figure 4.2. As in Figure 4.1, for April. 60 ( m/sec) 80 60 80 (m/sec) 147 /o * 00C I \ JULY 1000 cre -60 Figure 4.3. • ° \ -40 -20 MEAN ZONAL VELOCITY As in Figure 4.1, for July . 0 (m/sec) 20 148 E.0e S . ,"4 0// E // • IGOl* I 250N I // 45N 65 MI0 .. D OCTOBER N . I000 0 Figure 4.4. 20 40 MEAN ZONAL VELOCITY As in Figure 4.1, for October. 60 (m/sec) 80 149 JANUARY *0\\0 I\ ,/ 65N/ 1 0 / /* / 1000." * / .26 1 .* 100 35N * 0/" /450N 0 I 1000 200 * 220 240 260 TEMPERATURE Figure 4.5. 280 300 (oK) Temperature profiles for the basic state, for January. 150 _. -\ APR IL S/* /*C 2 A - C//* U)J I 100 1000 - I000200 Figure 4.6. ". i I II 220 I 240 260 TEMPERATURE (oK) As in Figure 4.5, for April. 280 300 151 I'. I I' .. I I I I i JULY o * \ **\ . c9 E * 0n / , *o 0*_/ .* 100 -. '25 0 N 1 65 0N 450N S. 1000" 200 . 220 240 TEMPERATURE Figure 4.7. -- As in Figure 4.5, for July. 260 (oK) 280 300 152 -o 100 1000 200 220 240 260 TEMPERATURE Figure 4.8. As in Figure 4.5, for October. (0 K) 280 300 153 18 .8 15 .6 12 o T 4- 9 1 ZU) 0 - o 0 o I 3 1 6 PLANETARY I I 9 WAVE 12 0 15 NUMBER Figure 4.9. Doubling time (thick lines) and phase velocity (thin lines) vs. wavenumber of unstable modes for January, 250 N. Solid curves represent the Green and Eady modes. 154 23 I .8 -20 6 17; U, -14 4 / 2- L. I /" 0 0 3 6 PLANETARY - /0 I I 9 12 WAVE NUMBER PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER Figure 4.10. As in Figure 4.9, for January, 350 N. 5 15 . 8 155 18 I 15 6 12 - o .2- 00 9 0 .0 -Ju. 0 3 6 PLANETARY Figure 4.11. 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for January, 45 N. 12 15 I- Illilaillil 156 I .8 1 18 15 6 12 -i - E oo 0 uJ 'I\- m - z cn o > () 6 I D d I o0 0 Figure 4.12. 3 6 PLANETARY \ 9 WAVE 12 NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for January, 65'N. 15 157 .8 I 21 - 18 .6 - - 15 u, -12 o 4-F 0 0 -j 4- 9 - 1233 0 Z 6 2- S /I 0 3 6 9 PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER Figure 4.13. As in Figure 4.9, for April, 250 N. O00 12 15 U6 158 18 -15 .6 12 o u, H - 00 9- Li - 6 0 0 Figure 4.14. l I 3 12 9 6 PLANETARY WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for April 45*N. 15 159 18 12 (n 0 E Li, >u o o 0 0 9 H o- 3 Figure 4.15. 6 PLANETARY 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for April 650 N. 12 -j w 160 18 .8 15 6 E ----- o ----- O t OO PLANETARY z WAVE NUMBER c -a m 9 0 12 159 a .- r-a 0 Figure 4.16. 3 6 PLANETARY 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for July, 450 N. 12 15 J 161 _1 I- 0 z D 0 0 o(1 -16 3 6,. I 3 I 6 PLANETARY Figure 4.17. I 9 . 2 1 . I 12 I WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for July 650 N. 162 II3 8 0O .6 -r E U, 0 T 5 < 0 . 2- -12 -15 0 3 6 9 PLANETARY Figure 4.18. 12 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for October 250 N. 15 18 163 .8 18 15 6- 12 j 7 E 0 S90 i- 2 - I 6 .2- 0 o. 0 Figure 4.19. 3 13 I 6 PLANETARY 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for October 450 N. 12 15 Y Y YIIIIY YIIIIIYII lii~ '~^IIYYYI - 164 18 .8 15 6 -o 0 9 Li J0 S-i z ---- I I SI - - 0 m. 0 6 .2 - 0 0 Figure 4.20. 3- I 3 6 PLANETARY I 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for October 500 N. I 0 12 15 165 18 15 12 Z E >- 7o o 90 Uj Ho I 6 3 0 0 Figure 4.21. 3 6 PLANETARY 9 WAVE NUMBER As in Figure 4.9, for October 650 N. _________________________________________ IIYI IImuYi lYYi IIIYIII., 166 400- uJ I*I 800- 1000I 0 .2 .4 II .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.22. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude for the fastest growing Eady mode. Cases: January 25,N (dot), January 350 N (dash dot), January 650 N (solid), and April 25N (dash). 167 ''N 0 2 4 .6 .8 Figure 4.23. As in Figure 4.22, for cases: July 450 N (dot), July 65 0 N (dash dot), October 25 0 N (dash), and October 500 N (solid). ---- ~ wlli 168 N 200 'N I' 400 * I I I I I I I I I * I\ I II II 600 800 Irnrn 2 4 PHASE I/i} (radians) 2rr Figure 4.24. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase for the fastest growing Eady mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.22. 169 0\1 " I II 600 400 - 1000I U aI 0 , I 2 I 4 2 IYIIYYYII I 170 200 I I I I 400r i 600- '.I 800- 1000- -1.0 -.8 -. 6 -. 4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.26. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport for the fastest growing Eady mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.22. 171 0 *I 200 V. 1** I. 400 .0 E w n 09 w 600 800 " IY 1000 L -1.0 -. 8 -.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.27. As in Figure 4.26, except for the cases July 450 N (dot), July 65N (dash dot), October 250 N (dash), and October 500 N (solid). milli 172 0 a K* 200 *g** 400 J r r 600 r r r I 800 1000 -LO1 -. 8 -. 6 -. 4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 CE (KE-,-PE Figure 4.28. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE - PE is positive) for the fastest growing Eady mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.22. 173 0- 200- I 400 E Cr 600 800 .- 1000 -1.0 '-.8 -.6 -.4 -2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 CE (KE- PE) Figure 4.29. As in Figure 4.28, except for the cases July 450 N (dot), July 650 N (dash dot), October 250 N (dash), and October 500 N (solid). ... -U h h h W11 jINIh 174 "" I - 400 / y/ /. 600 00 1000 .2 .4 .6 .8 I1 Figure 4.30. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude of the 0 0 fastest growing Green mode. Cases: January 25 N (solid), January 35 N 0 0 (dash dot), January 45 N (dot), and January 65 N (dash). 175 0 .4 200 I... 1** 600 800 r\ .2 .4 '4*' Figure 4.31. As in Figure 4.30, except for the cases: July 450 N (dot), October 250 N (solid), October 500 N (dash dot), and October 650 N (dash). II ~" I III~I'll,flINI bI 176 0 200 600 PHASE {4i} 4 (radions) Figure 4.32. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase of the fastest growing Green mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.30. 177 0-- .a 200400- U, w I Cr a- 600 - " \ 800 - 1000 I 0 2 I 4 I 27r PHASE {4,} (radians) Figure 4.33. As in Figure 4.32, except for the cases July 450 N (dot), October 250 N (solid), October 500 N (dash dot), and October 650 N (dash). 11~111~ ~~_~_ Y 178 """""""' ""' I\ i " 200 - 400- 600 - 800 - 1000 -1.0 I I I I -.8 -. 6 -. 4 -.2 I I I , I I I I .2 .4 .6 .8 I 0 I I I I 1.0 Viet Figure 4.34. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport of the fastest growing Green mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.30. 179 'Z 200 /I I I I I I I I 400I I I I I I I J I J I 1 600 r I I I r I r I 800 - ... r r 1000 -1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 v'8' Figure 4.35. As in Figure 4.34, except for the cases July 450 N (dot), October 250 N (solid), October 500 N (dash dot), and October 650 N (dash). -101IN11141 180 I / II 200 E (n U) II 0 " \ . I CL 600 • / 800 1000 -1.0 I , -.8 I -.6 - I -.4 I -.2 I .2 0 CE (KE--P E I .4 I .6 I .8 1.0 ) Figure 4.36. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE-* PE is positive) for the fastest growing Green mode. Cases are those in Figure 4.30. 181 00 I -f . 200 I 400 E 800o \, w D 600 CE (KE E Figure 4.37. As in Figure 4.36, except for the cases July 450 N October 250 N (solid), October 500 N (dash dot), and October 650 N (dot), (dash). - -- 11hi 182 E w Cr, D Cn a 600 - 800 - I 100 0 I .2 I I .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.38. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude of the fastest growing E s and Sm modes. Cases: E s, January 650 N (dash), and Sm, January 650 N (solid). 183 200 - 4001- 600 I I I r 800 I r 1000 n I I h, I ,| I I I I 2 4 PHASE {\} (rodians) Figure 4.39. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase of the fastest growing Es and Sm m modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.38. _ ._._I _____ 184 0- 200- E .i 400 600- 800 1000 -1.0 000 -. 8II -.6 -. -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 v'8 Figure 4.40. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport of the fastest growing E s and Sm m"modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.38." 185 0 200 400 600 800 I000 -1.0 -.8 I -.6 I -.4 -. 2 I 0 CE ( KE I .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 PE ) Figure 4.41. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE-3 PE is positive) for the fastest growing ES and Sm modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.38. 111' 186 200 - I - 0 400 -" E I WI I0 " " " I I / / . . . _.i..' " . 10001 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.42. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude of the fastest growing S modes. Cases: January 350 N (dot), April 250 N (solid), 0 0 July 45 N (dash dot), and July 65 N (dash). 187 0- 200 -- 1 II 400 E D n Cln U) I : 600 800 - 1000 I O 2 4 27r PHASE {4} (radians) Figure 4.43. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase of the fastest growing S modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.42. Y1 - 188 0- - 200 - . 400E0 fastest growing S modes. Casse are -4 -4 -. 2 v, e, those in Figure 4.42. 600 600- 800 800- -1.0 -1.0 -_8 -8 -. -. 66 -.2 0 0 .2 .2 .4 .4 .6 .6 .8 .8 1.0 1.0 VI 8' Figure 4.44. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport of the fastest growing S modes. Casse are those in Figure 4.42. 189 0 p 200O 'a- 400 -3 600 800 1000 - -1.0 -8 -. 6 -4 -. 2 0 CE (KE-- .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 PE Figure 4.45. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE--PE is positive) for the fastest growing S modes. Cases are those in Figure -ImII 190 / *. .. . I I 200 ... . - 400 \ (I) S." a. 600 - 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.46. Vertical structure of the streamfunction amplitude of the fastest growing L modes. Cases are: January 350 N (dash dot), January 450 N (dash), January 65 ON (solid), and July 450 N (dot). 191 ..-----,. - _- I I 200 * I II 400- \ L Icr " I 600- . 800 - I i I I 1000 0 II I 2 4 PHASE {4'} (radians) I 2rr Figure 4.47. Vertical structure of the streamfunction phase of the fastest growing L modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.46. - In -- - Nl,, 192 .. (U 200 - 400- 600 800- 1000 -1.0 -.8 -. 6 -. 4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Figure 4.48. Vertical structure of the meridional entropy transport of the fastest growing L modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.46. 193 0 200 400 600 800 1000 L -1.0 -.6 -.4 -.2 .2 0 CE (KE--- .4 .6 .8 1.0 PE) Figure 4.49. Vertical structure of the transfer of eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy (KE -> PE is positive) for the fastest growing L modes. Cases are those in Figure 4.4E QUASIGEOSTROPHIC P)TENTIAL VORTICITY MIRIDIONAL GRADIENT (UJ) TABLE 4.1. LEVELS 7-29, LEVELS 13-41. 1? SOURCES: LEVELS 25-97, #1 JANUARY* SEE SECTION IV-5 FOR A ODSCRIPTIQN OF THE DATA SOURCES. LATITUDE()= 25 50 35 -531. 12677. 5818. 10913. -1141. 4385. 3258. 4426. -4111. 40 45 50 FOR DATA (10I/(MSEC)) LEVELS 3-71 44o 03, 5b 60 65 1064. -5937. -8508. 14153. 2782, 2740. 5772. 5447. 14149. LEVEL 1933. 1678. 1369. 1161. 990. 882. 816. 706. 445. 31. 915. 3913. 7893. P487* 6809. 1318. 1101. 729. 511. 369. 257. 140. 30. -86. -41. 1316. 3925. 6898. 7426. 5999* 4118. 4681. 3630. 3836. 4038. 2030. -105. -591. -1049. -1406. -1558. -1394. 933. 705. 254. 37. -27. -25. -17. 80. 304. 766. 1439. 2356. 3277. 3376. 2658, 1221. 892. 317. 79. 95. 208. 312. 542. 937. 1507. 1568. 1436. 1164. 945. b47. 1831. 1539. 992. 825. 954. 1109. 1128. 1216. 1408. 1690. 1386. 834. 134. -118. 138. n *Level n is related to pressure level p by: 5636. 5643. 4173. 37184. 3382. 2957. 2508. 2049. 1623. 1313. 1267. 1732. 4387. 4264. 3098. 2576, 1989. 1308. 524. -355. -1272. -2088. -2550. -2369. 1986. 1823. 1589. 1217. 810. 368. 713. 716. 1267. 1324. 1354. 1365. 1359. 1341. 1320, 1303. 1303. 1342. 1195. 1134. 1615. 1778. 1935. 2084. 2224. 2349. 2455. 2537. 2589. 2609. 2330. 2126. 1894. 1611. 1298. 1138, 1152. 1149. 981. 479. 323. 2077. 5423. 5688. 4306. 8944. 7507. 9718. ?449. 2997. 2758. 2326. 2165. 2178. 2155. 1629. 1472. 1593. 1727. 1724. 1772, 1894. 2046. 1577. 2212. 21P3. 2210. 2305. 2407. 1873. 1053. 827. -94. -181. 327. -417. -38. 3309. 3173. 2909. 2785. 2699. 2593. 2448. 2320* 2224. 213b. 1790. 1344. 874. 807. 1189. /2 where N=98. ,a 40 C2 C.4 -C VS N0 a0%inC4y Ucm 81NonO..4VCO f In4-Q aC* .a v1.In.4 0 * N' r . a -4 n lcma' 1'4-, 0 woo 4 On a .4 p . C IV CYn 41 *I' a, -r fn~on r. c W N . Go -rc 1 N .4.4 .4NV)~ -.4~if o -a =- s P- wl W . ~vacur W .4 cc . -- -A &on I 4045-.41mWe't44n p n .ccW v VS N C V , )C N N - 4 . L 4 ~ ~ N VS . -V ?1- a, .- fn c*~ - 0S4 'nN f-- -44aW4aN '~ z n-n I or- I.' ~ ) %W- M4P-4r a' C%0 -. 0r 4n W, t- W .444,..4.*5 'cd44a I.- v cc~ a, a'-P.'W Y 1-. - Wpof C o% P. ~ ~ 0 Fn4rN, 0 N I- 'a a W ~ ao- W W a V on0 N c a f CC r ,NC 7 4 ~ 4n Sa %C4 4, 0 4P NI 4 .4r4Zc,4'VSS0 N C2 4 NO Of" P P-4 04VS ~~ ~ 5P.- a a0% a a' 10 n 0 P- '1 N-4 'D -N N44aW4-4.4r4 N 4 N NW) ~.4f-m ~~~~~~~~ r~ ~ -4~ "~ r 4 V V 4 04 f- 4n 1.~ P. f. %&W) # CY .0 0' NO%a a, n f V4 .4~~~5- PVS a' n N a, 4 0 .4NS4N'4.a'0 195 TAdLE 0 0 0 4.2. AS IN 4.1 APHIL. FOR 40 35 30 LATITU'r ): 45 65 60 55 50 L EVEL 569. 779. 1559. 3044 1 1395. 14"p. 31 3684. 4473. 2279. b42. 5701. 21 1. 1977. 168 .* 1476. 242F. 2473. 2516. 2551. 256P. 2556. 2504. 18229 2172. 1157. *LT -4 312. 215. 50. -187* -494. -863. -1269. -1663. -1966. -2122. 271. 1741. ?4'5. 2282. 2024. 1715. 1371. 114". 10P4. 1046. 967. 813. 1083. 24~4. 491P. 5879. 4990. 2411* 2104. 171P. 1 3 5. 042? 6P1. 5'(0. 2215. 1908. 1447. 1029. 63q, 400. 324 4. 346. 2174. 1716. 1186. 719. 242* 220. 321. "77. 723. 14(107 507!. 5746. 4(4',. 1372. 2171. 3018 4. 3242. 2697. 1307. 1504. 167. 15h?. 1321. 1 08. 1392. 770. 478. 4 A8. 4 74. 431. 460. 641. 933. 1380. 1849. 1570. 1370. 1130; 472. 773. 549. 674. 790. 717. 630. 568. 579. 747. 1041. 13i'1. 1394. 11 54. (7 -2395. -663. 648. 275. 26'. -267. -792. -1409. -2122. -2'.01. -3650. -4173. -"93. -1377. -1s88. 2. 5542. 4626. 691. 185. e92. 501 37. -4R2. 1300. 1150. 1031. 1343. 4550. 1503. 1299. Q09. 585. 1 07. 1 t29. 1659. 1462. 1209. 2659. 2564. 2064. 2176s 2334. 2357. 2463. 1590. 2464. . 876. 906. 075o 1100. 1057. 7?24. 567. 479. S24. 658. 666. 786. 922 . 1059. 12071. 1448. 1756. 155?. 106. 361. 163. 639. 668. 717* 762. 820. 940. 1173. 1502. 1949. 2447. 1908. A61. -628. -1325. - 32. '0 Ob TABLE 4.? CONTINUfr). LATITUEEPE): 25 30 35 40 45 so50 55 60 65 877. 739. 597. 462. 449. 4923 592. 75?. 600. 635. 679. 725. 754. 782. 817. 8620 728. 791. R77o 978. 920. 993. 113t. 1387. 17q3. 2513o 3975. 5925. 7717. 8433o. 6117. 371P. 36190 3547. 345. 281b. 2098' 13917 731. 17 -4750 1091. 4694. 8506. 12805. 93b0. -113,9. -29604. -12071. 620. 736. 851. llP6, 173. 24553 3880. 5b46. 7U90. 331. 8214. 7317. 6622. 5173. 3385. 2115. 1165. 241. -654. -b15130 -2351. -687. 3329. 6q549 9970. v201e -10305. -16781o -(206. LEVEL 25 27 29 31 33 3 37 169. 1773. 1802. 1788o 2041. 2501. 3221. 4377. 5204. 8472. 10664. 11229. 109610 9546. 6789. 4652. 30p0. 1~2? 21. 306. 1413. 2497. 3510. 354?. 3298. 305.3 2798. 2560. 2330. 2592. 3324. 4034. 4758. 28 3. -4344. 1279. 2844. 6218. 918F. 11 8a. 13293. 1361o 11762. 6782. 3596. 2522. 16481. 1147. 1177. 1470. 1811. 2166. 242f. 2662. 2884. 3103. 3303. 4 1 2N84. 1624. 613. -2.. 1Pebl. 245P. 1937. 2291. S3097. 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 5 61 6' 61 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 F 8, 87 89 1 93 95 97 179a?. 1811. 1722. 1484. 1426o 1556o 2010. 1284. 13140 13480 1405. 1641. 2000. 2515. 32f9. 4520. 6636 920 10612. 11813. 11427. 80p6. 5764. 5205. 4414. 3572. 2703. 1809. 1060. !65. 11 62. lqq5* 2710. 34ql. 4229. 4h93. '411. -110. -3188. -530 -2674. 106. 10822. 7339o 867. 847. 044. 85h. 51. 1094. 1323.16q7 1242. 979. 730. 510. 4580 488. 610. 846. 774. 668; 553. 441o 477. 577. 740. 9 3. 231V 3395. 4677. 5919. 7312. 8635. 9409. 9869. 9638. 772m. 4233. 2C69. 2005. 2114. 2366. 2415. 2458. ?459. 249. 24q2 7 540 1241. -12S7. -37!6. -F117. -33)3. 926!0 15)857. 9196. 1241. 1886. 2661. 3534. 4723. 6397. 8855. 11123. 11852. 9901. 4580. 1202. 1449. 151. 2595. 2834. 3035. 3238. 3414. 3574. 3744. 2136. -1191. -4510. -7824. -4223. 11822. 9101. 5167. 1330. 18?50 2302. 2776. 3460. 46009 6701. 9344. 11087. 9950. 4278. 851. 1679. 2642. 35bsq9. 3655 3532. 3401. 3301. 3172. 3082. 27b?. 2204. 1561. 770. -851. -30190 8075. 6024. 965. 1309. 1590. 1852o 2258. 29559 4288. 6061. 16000 7978. 5673. 3519. 3462. 3432. 3423. 3038. 2(56* 22b5o 1922. 1012500 2048 4002. 6140. L98 &8bt -6107. -15937. -4v45. 990. 974 940. P8o IJ a MIIM m iMIi miI a - - a .- a TABLE 4.3* LATITUDEtN)= AS IN 4.1* 25 FOR JULy. 30 40 35 45 50 55 60 65 LEVEL -657o 253 3428. -220. 1902. 2078. -2514. -3737. 1480. 1587. 2507. 582. 2255. 93. 2019. 1427. 1786* 1409. 1674. 2107. 2405. 2620. 2763. 2837. 2846. 2791. 2676. 24qA . 2271. 1298. 1791. 1630. 1575. 1521. 1470. 1420s 1371. 1321. 1271. 1218. 1170. 2594. 2454. 2359. 2249. 2096. 1946. 1804. 1623. 1442. 1328. 935. 296. -888. -17. 2061. I9400 2362. 2298. 2220. 2107. 1945. 1798, 1669. 1503. 1305. 110'.. 826. 562. 425. 221. -172. 1632. 4445. 357 .* 6367. 5769e -182. -328. 1143* 841. 545. 277. 3 . -176. -375. 176. 282e 473. 746. 1091. -560. 1482e k90. 1437. 1399. 1309. 1015. 588* 259. 82. -94. -310. -500. 226. 1866. 4320. 5489, 4674. 1877. 2202 ... -730s -872. -120. -92. 61. S102. 2449. 3755. -148. -207. 2374. 275. 1086. 189. 41. -67. 1690. 1670. 1618. 1376. 1006. 709. 530. 321. 14. -389. 110. 523. 2211. 3096. 1758. 1673. 586. 370. 2011. 1999. 1954. 1753. 1454. 1226. 1102. 960. 750. 45. * 306. 1102o 2356 2231 -962. -968. 1168. 1071. 913, 669. 187. 72. -29. -110. -73. 475* 1508. 2773. 3061. 2378. 924. 771. 538. 332. 194e 1490 1630 236. 692. 488. 209. 42. 22. 104. 4735 348. 143. -31. -106. -42. 135. 427. 400. 719. 790. 792o 688. 222. 424. 758. 1251. 1043. 4H3. -326. 1057. 99. -1182. 471. 182. -716o -663. -1656. -1306. 877. 1484. VS -J * 4 4 W 0 .5 0 onI =n0 0- 04 ... J C, in0I, VSN n Ir ~ ~ ~ - =4 VS .4 .. J ~ *0 4440 SN ' L4 1 Z94 4 00. . 0 . . -I" z0c0o z00 000 0 . 005-4 PPL.-0p c S 45 .N-.-.N , . C4 SCI 0l iS. . 0 . 4- 1 P.- p cI W,% In. ZNO. * mc 44-4N0VS44 r 4 I r on 4 o . . Z - C2 m CDt- N..V r- -M SO~ .55P~ 5-VV5 a45 f 4p . P. %a N C4 Z~4 .v . .4.~nl .7, C ,4 I. 0- on 444c' 0? 1S. . -0 @-,a Z0.4ia.V . . 5-4. Nw 4.4 NONO~fl6 f I # CC o % V VS4 0 V NNV P t- 4V it)V~i5 to 4 C--.4 - 445 On ft VSN... C S.-.0 y0 Ly fe in In4 w ~I V- ?? M0'\ N 0'4 4~'4..f4-4000 (g.N~ 440' NC ZA040~9nD 04 :ac 0W Fn P5-4 -S -5-N cin M Zaof-Z V. 0~ V S4V 40'5-4 0 f- 0N N- C f- 9 -C~i451- - 0SN ~ ~n09~er 1~4In Mr71 o 0 nr-C 04'.444 N ~F-ko4- 4'Z CIVS0=- .NS =-C r-.4P.-"-4 N ft~ 0 oarP-InW 0.0 5-. YL ~ N ) S 0 V V S0'~~g05-N 0 t P 0-V n 045-400VS454VS45*~.05VS~ifVSNNVe55.. n0 ~ ~ ~ . .440 MCI Y NS N fl.NON5-N 5- V j 0'-45 54 ~ ~4~ ~ ~~0 ~E N 0 V ~~~rc . ~~ Q CI S t-, 0 in N:po 0? mw wI on - sl In v4SN W) on 5- 0'- Z s54 I- I.Ja 035- 4444LI545.1LI4444-5--5-544440'0~'4 on ifr-l, N~~~ i 45 e- c 0D M~NO9~~~~~ 0 4 M , 4550~VRil o~ +n ~ II r M W) 0 In z= Fn -101W) o eN M a% 45f..ff.4V ~ ~ ~9R~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~NrloR0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lr~~o~aQrg~~r 0. "N F M W .4 0 1 -V4ic'iV4P W4LpSr-S a,0 61P nF N V VS 4W N -9 C~ ) 4F C~~P0 00~~oo~9~~~ VS 5- V~Qcs 0' 0C 'NN 0if 4V 44 S05-0-VS5-VS0 0?4 4N 4.6S .4?-40'N5-3~o0VS40444j~~N~g*-5--0 4N0.OVS SVNS.4?N VSN4 440VS N .,-C4.T... .~.4 -1)44 I V).4 4-.-. NN VSN CS.-. * 0r rVSC2-0' 1~0e~~9 ~ ~ ~ ~ NNVVSVSSVS IfS50'VS55-'.VS45-'.'VS55-'..VS554'.tV 199 0 0 TAPLE 4.4. LATITUDEeJ)= AS IN q.1t 25 FOR OCTOPER. 35 30 40 45 o5 5b 3540. 1406. 1443. 3774. 2101, -1250. 65 60 LEVEL 5367* 4659. 2389. 2440. 4962. 20897 94, -247. -513. -666. -666. -460. 1509. 2663. 3694. 3369. 2? 1. 2048. 1764. 1469. 1162. 942. 193. 179C. 1459. 1156. 706. 587. 491. H94. 2000. 3944. 5145. 4574. 496o 451 502o 878. 574. 1038. 2121. 3717. 4670. 4111. 1929. 1726. 1318. 994 741. 559. 9245. 6400. 5022. 18T0. 1601. 1096. 821. 730. 660. 406. 307. 339. 270. 358. 866. 1781o 3065. 3640. 3162. 247. 265. 615. 1232. 2064. 236q9 1952. 1 H37. 14 5. $67o 572a 558* 596. 512. 478o 512 623. 656. 722. t29. 842. 716. -3048. 7533. 2096. 2072. 2240. 2094. 1863. 1558. 1191. 777. 343. -71. -405. -583. -532. 2011. 19 6. 1926. 1686. 1375. 1106. 602. 190. -100 -4 8R7 -b45. -603. 1337. 902. 1552. 2424. 2234. 1988. 1750. 1517. 136)o 1286. 119lH 1052. 5443. 1596. 3141. 2447. 2156. 1780. 65. 1595. 1952. 2025. 2041. 2006. 1 31. 1 430. 1718. 1612. 170o 1266o 147q. 2102. 1' 12. 646, . 4096. 376t. 1 2023. 2094. 2592. 2867. 3015o 3047* 2980. 2831. 2620. 2368. 2100. 1846. 2448o 2259. 2064. 1883. 1704. 1587. 1518. 1434. 1304. 1112. -145. 226.b 252,24 2020. 1651. 997. 684. 677. 753. 733. 789. 931. 1132. 930. 594. 187. 6. 92. 21b0. 1831. 1236. q58 958. 1012. 946o 93b. 990. 10o91 850. 494. 74. -92. 42. .0 C U O ~ ~ ~ C2 ~ ~ ~ In .J 4 U9 - c.Go .0 . 'a in w' in :3 r CD N cu uN0F- 0 V).4N z- a on O N - M,0 a' r-p-a~ 0%a'a .C4.4 -ZCC in inN o %a 'n Nf .4 CD Q' C, P. C,NIc4' Qc P- m a00 0 A CD4* u'n = I 0. 0 n Nn * N Z. a'S Ln I-., P. tit n~ C 'OV xI 4fl oN 0?0f in0# a a,-4 N . NN M W S ~ -w0 S 0 -n CD ' 4r CP. T'N 4P.VS4N .Pa NNNN 0 N t- P- ~P Ifl--on 0 N Jf ' C4~ W N P- W'a z M. C~~~)OQ~~ n~ a '0 Z I .04 P-' 'a kc W)w 9~~~~~~~ -4r.")P N w)I w) w vJ.) m 0=0 N -r Sc9 NpIC QQN09 C 4rn~ Q aIL P OIT~~ 9~ V( .N.P .0O C 9~~~9~ 7..03 N~~~ V CI 'V V .0N 4WO4 -- * N 201 OC 9~~5~901~~0~~rCQG~~r~~~Qt0 F~r~~RJ~~3~~~ p 4P r 0 r- r r- cN n N O ~~~~roo~r9 ~ W) W05 f. W% ~ NI o4~~ ~ P 0Nc N Vt*4~si~SD0..PP....OO m~~0 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~9~0 ~~nD~~~~ 4 ~ 4MC9 CJ (J 'n ~ ~ ~ V ~ cl~v~.-wZ ~ bQ~~~~~~t -0 ' 4 V 45I4W P.O No N#P.C00P#VVV' ~ QO - 00N: N Cl. loor 52~~0~9~01~~~ PV .J N - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II9~~NPO~N9~~Q :) * 4* I- ~ .h w 4 IS '0 *S (fy)t (10 I/M QUASIGEOSTROPHIC POTENTIAL VORTICITY MERIDIONAL GRADIENT TABLE 4.5. LEVELS 13-41, 82, SOURCES: LEVELS 25-97, #1o MODEL APPROXIMATION, FOR JANUARY. SOURCES. #3, LEVELS 3-7. #4. SEE SECTION IV-3 FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA LATITUDEfN)z 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 THE EC)). LEVELS 7-299 60 . 65 LEVEL 3 5 7 948. 2995. 1995. 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1700. 1594. 1886, 1918. 1961. 2009. 2059. 2106. 2142. 2162* 2157, 2121. 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 2134. 2051. 1903. 1649. 1304. 1063. 945. 785, 513. 94. 164. 1862. 4544. 4628. 3438. 2313. 1806. 2418. 1845. 2970. 1731. 2312. 2328. 2503. 1894. 1592. 1102. 737. 431. 180. -56. -286. -524. -621. 436. 2615. 5161. 5516. 4146. 2891. 2704. 1998. 987. 485. -63. -609. -1072. -1337. -1297, 1790. 1426. 831. 476. 280. 173. 104. 157. 382. 883. 1565. 2461. 3345. 338R0 2702. 1789. 1409. 776. 488. 461. 533. 606. 834. 1260. e199. 2039. 1985. 1769. 15740 14590 3619. 1856. 1184. 4118. 802. 2231. 1882. 1547. 966. 797. 957. 1168. 1271. 1467. 1780. 2178. 1959. 1461. 786. 534. 766. 2063. 1811. 1328. 1220. 1402. 1613. 1702. 1855. 2088. 2348. 1975. 1307. 454. 184. 603. 1790. -295. 1875. 3337. 3787. 2841. 2775. 2630. 2404. 2104. 1752. 1397. 1133. 1119. 1602. 3310. 3406. 2567. 2273. 18350 1242. 492. -398o -1363. -2254. -2803. -2720. 2274. 2183. 2023. 1763. 1416. 1598. 1432. 1735. 1667. 1588. 1501. 1407. 1311. 1219. 1140. 1085. 1069. 2030. 1826. 1493. 1168. 820. 541. 314. 30. -396. -929. -278* 2232. 5553. 5892. 4316. 2446. 2586. 2327. 2244, 2099. 1754. 1665. 1740. 1844. 1892. 1998. 2176. 2369. 1933. 1210. 331. 109. 638. 2339. 2311. 2135. 2067. 2025. 1986. 1931. 1896. 1888. 1874. 1577. 1166. 729. 703. 1.135. 2 a 0 7- ~ on Oq ~ ~ ~ 4:e 0 .J In 000064, oS 00.-. 00 7 4 0 4 nI 4 4 4 tc N #005 40N tf 4. m4 1 r 088. N; 1 .0 cb N 40 0 aaton4. om4.9 A 7C 0 W) a a- n 8 NN8ft 4 0 ft"O P 90.4 0.0000006000640*.0.00 04 o i 0 in .4074 tv 'r in n N ~ 4D 9 C ~ 5-7-8080 : 0 a ~ 0 l N N 0t CY 01 44 -W wl tf 0 405 ; .4~~~~a ,0 *a .$r 000C ~ 70 D C0 a. .onO CF. c P.a Nft cmf 8. ON i n0cQ C.1i t i 10 ~ N a% N sf5 4N0 -aQ PN 4 ~ 0N l 0 to07 p 00 C 0N.00 on4-470We0 No4ft a0 % t-.a.so0M0 - OC;1 0 40cc 7p - N8 0 o %p Nc Nr -N 010 4 rC . 1;00 N 4z N 0.: 7-408o. %0% %amC 8 0 4.0 00a0ft aP0a6% 0~ .4r 000 7 t n te4 CwN0 ".fcf 0 1.-P 0 leo* C 048 84. 40 -0 N.0 C NN,4.4 V, . 0 0 0 N . . P,. 00 No00 400 Nqr 40 0 f. 4 . 04 . - f00 C5-ON8NNONSwe4V 'r 44 .f 0 ~ n cm CY'4W).r- 9.4.4Np Nt 00 ~ ~ 7 ~ O N- 808. p- OP a NNNOOOOR0 7- ~ . r ~ ~~ ~ N * ~ ~100 ~ .W . C NO w4 4 o 0 in08 0 "a 8 IN 0%CM 0 n 0).4 ta80 0 ~~QO~oc~~O0 O0 nN~~o CC~~~~n~o~n~~~~cC~O~R~0 4 0 4c . 0.4& 4 -W 00 7- 84 0 O n O N %0 W)n n0 0 WS 'W 04ln-444445-5-p.5-5-088 F,.. 4 o. I #fa 000 00 ~ jf 4..lC4n1 W p.4047-5-40000~n r oi ni i a% % a . ... . C OOCO. . a . D .~N COO n~~~~s~ n~~~n U 55~ * e. 01f 0..C 1,W 0 . N00 .40 0C: CCO 0N 4 . 487-C1C:.0 8.c1 ON O 8 -0 . 0 aN cr. 0 P C0N4 OD0 "CN0= 7 bo7-" . p4 to7--44N7-84008.4.4-N0Nfl40.4N.78 N 4.4 2 0.4.4 0078080 -000 la.* 8 CCN .48COOO4ON0ONC.4o~c.4ooao488C4000.o *-'~~~~~o~arnos~~~~ 0 8C ON C4 n OOO .4N NO 4N 007-78N-8.4 n~~~1 hSQ~~gO a n~bOn0~Q9 0 .5 o 203 I 1 0 0m TABLE 4.6. LATITUOFtI= AS IN 4.5, FOR 25 APRIL. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 LEVEL 2248. 1924. 2131. 2169. 1876. 2210. 1869. 1846. 1960. 1992e 2034. 2085. 2141. 2198. 2250, 2287. 2298. 2271. 2104. 2016. 1864. 16289 1317. 1092. 975. 841. 651. 431. 635. 1832. 3942. 4645. 3811. 1820. 2098. 2496. 1817. 1983. 2399. 1975. 1838. 1752* 1641. 1503. 1339. 1155. 9f3. 789. 1312. 920. 540. 588. 431. 304. 188. 343. 208. 254. 780* 7H2 1291. 2093. 3918. 4426. 3554. 2075. 292?2. 3012. 2410o 313. 612. 11 68* 1487. 1770. 1964. 1872. 1536. 1336. 742. 448. 448. 476. 571. 784. 1056. 14417. 1848. 1858. 1495, 1400. 11721. 656. 488. 618. 765. 744. 735. 743. 801, 970. 1234. 1518. 1536. 1282. 1099. 935. 680. 601. 709e 840. 895. 980. 1106. 1285. 1277. 1178. 998. b88. 858. 1082. 1226. 1047. 609. 392 612. 428. 197. -85. -420. -803. -1212. -1604. -1906. -2205. -3050. -3691, -3926, -1048, -1435. 1680. 1523. 2488. 865. 39. -593. -1352. 463. -5. -529. 1877. 1569. 1031. 633. 361. 233. 205. 1437. 2770. 1363. 1495e 1346. 12180 930. 542. 1575, 1399. 1161. R52. 673. 663. 19900 1742. 1737. 2277. 1748. 1801. 1730. lqq7, 2065. 1896. 1605. 1272. 881. 1866* 1922. 2199. -2062. 830. 737. 613. 592. 688. 824. 962. 1159. 1433. 1766* 1547. 1038. 317. 20, 228. 582. 568. 587. 598. 625. 734. 973. 1312. 1774. 2292. 1771. 740. -738. -1432. -942. a U a Inoo An SIC1 n VS .. 4- ~ W 'A f 1*O 0%4 aN" 0gg~0%01--a a w4 0% nI0%.PIcn4 .a 0 0 0 iS ,.M. 0 .NvS 0 0 0-*P 0 0 0% n I'n 0 0 0 0 0g~~ # %00 0444eeca 0 , M FS.f %3' on ( 0 00 nNP n 0 N a ~aa,~ai~4. aI 0 O' (% -40 NWD 0 908*_6 a N. ~ n0 0 CW 40 ~~n~00~~ooaNoc CC F- 4I Z0A;:IN w *a*0%In mo ~ ~ ~ 4= S-v" C4n0 a a0%Nn . . . n . 4.4-v'a~cr.n Oa-4a . 94 II i p.0%4CS0 0 N 0 r-%a %awfOn . . w .4 . %- 0 in . . n4.aav..r. NNNN a00-%0 N 0 . .4N C on44I ......................... f a%P- . s . In%0 0-' if . .. N " Ma v. -I , I q~ o' oa rVS VS.N.9.v m n...a0%InavN%al) ~ ~ 043-4a4 ~ ~~~~9~~~~~r ~N0-0%%0%0IfSV-4 w% 4 0 , r- m 0%a o o0 n~a~ V~00v~00p&r%..p ~0I~0~n~~00-0V00 ~~~~nn9QI~)~~~N~~A~~~q~S Q~CO~~~~g~~~~ b~~~~~bn~o~o.~ ~ %a " IN N cv 0~9~O~~~n~0~~~~ o0 Nf w N N m%of on N I-n ~ In. 0% In I'- 11. z ' N*a'* V;1 a.- N z% vS ; i 0% z' 40 % 4 moo 0 0^0 *# N a N 0 w a qa0 oS o. o% lt o% o o 0, %a w of %o aS an 4-N %a on P.% Na0w% i vl m a w w a m% ao0 m 0%C~~aav~a4CavS0%4*40%4.~ O C 4 4 0 % 4 0 NV 4 aCq S .. 4NvSV5.vS I vS~~g~~~fSNV-O'a~ .4.4.4 55I -~n~ I..,I ofN-00CD NW)N CCr 0%a-a 0 - On0 hJ ~~~ .J ~ ~J 'a9~~QOQ~~~~Sb~~~C~~ * 0 Nna a .J w~~nre 4 205 0 0. TABLE 4*7. LATITUDE&)= AS IN *5, 25 FOR JULY. 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 55 LEVEL 1529. 1900. 2170. 1706. 1719. 2114. 2069. 2122. 1947. 1935. 1Q24o 1913. 1901. 1889. 1876. 1860. 1843. 1079. 1972. 1951. 1923o 1828. 1687. 1607. 1613. 1646. 1725. 1905. 1833e 1538. 766. -354. -1150. 1831. 1791. 1735. 1621. 146R. 1370. 1341. 1317. 1297. 1307. 12'~?. 1254. 1375. 1475. 1320, 1828. 1627. 1943. 1692. 1675. 1782. 1563. 1552. 1613, 1554. 1530 1625. 1608H 1518. 1533. 1558. 1590. 1626. 1657. 1677. 1677. 1649. 1590. 1257. 1109. 934. 731. 1656. 1613. 1553. 1368. 1096. 1.87. 763. 605. 373. 60. 83. 662, 220. 3698. 3632. 1557. 1356. 1012. 798. 997. 1723. 1290, 1226. 1845. 566. 1671. 283. 87. -226. -675. -1296. -971. 350. 30lf * 482106 4 106. 516. 928. 339e 1290. 1687 2079. 2395. 2536. 2394. -437. -528. -416. 1044. 657. 222. 388. 625. 141. -69. -271. -204. -565. 1248. 1156. 1024. 717. 282. -3271. 799. b69. 505. 260. lb. 1457. 139 4. -186. 1139. 1079. 908. 1045. 905. 700. 427. 131. -330. -610. -954. -1283. -705. -211, -314. -389. -337. 232. 782. 3076. 4058. 3054. 1275. 2525. 2770. 1994. 869. 698. 712. 528R 444. 231o 253e 101. 88. 780 72. 169. 116. 244. 492. 311. 559. 957. 1528. 1400. 916. 177. -140. -40. 923. 1120. 1244. 1240. 1093. 844. 554. 408. 1950 44. 4. 85. 266. 565. 1037. 1685. 1321. 4300 -797. -1243. -900. Li j. 4j W fr an i- -i -a 0 4 aq N0 n0 -D. Mn M, o ~aIt N 0 .. ) ~ on a.-. "I-nD N no0~ * N 0 t- 0~ 0 n ft 4 a. a a . oneNa% .- 4 0. %a ~ ~ inmvW a0 a 0 1 4 1af N a 10 a )0044 0 r "N N ZD a aa0-0Va@0..-0 M oa P- w-w, -0 -N 0- M0P 0 na ' C a .- a0 z.80 a, M I*4 -. s at a to M4 W-a Va Ss. 40 .a w- .a cor nNy #n a a 0S fnpnW N 0 aD a 04 N C, an Fn4--(' N N - 'D -Wt C' -n t- N N0'aa.a..n~-. N~t00.4.4.4C .O0-4-,,W)a S N-N -r-P N N -wWv0 4 NN J% 0 QN - o C %n 0 M 'a 'n nN aN 0 x a n0o a4V00%a* ft - N-00 - 0.*~ a N - oazI 0' ~.a0--V 0 a- W 4'8 -n D?N w) wna a O am4.0 -4N 0 W, Q N0 al in .4 .40 on ~ .. 0'q0 O e 0 it0)S 4r00 0aN SO8 a -n 5.aDN.0a fO 0T Va 401 0% In f a. ae a-a0No W) 0'4.0 N-NaD 0 4- g ) -- -40~~0o..00C0.0W ana N 0 0~~~~~~~~ 0aNa ~ 0a0.J0 W)01 l W "rn.r-r n 0 .0--. -0 -W4as-00 8 N af.Pa. - r "N 207 TABLE 4o8. LATITUDE &)= AS IN 4.5, FOR OCTOBFH. 35 25 40 45 50 55 60 65 LEVEL 2439, 2256. 2423. 2309. 2191. 2460. 2207. 1943. 2822. 1791, 1635. 1843. 1751. 1641. 1519. 1 '8o9. 12c1. 1974. 1894. 2052. 2009. 1957o 1897. 1831. 1763. 1699. 1647. 1615. 1622. 2103. 2039o 1929. 1778. 1604. 1506. 1473. 1433. 1371. 1302. 1244. 1460. 2207. 2859. 2730. 2095. 2115. 2670. 1011. 1973. 1 10. 1528. 1880. 1661. 1280. 1250. 932. 604. 36P. 205. 694. 556. .18. 261. 134. 448. 143,. 3236. 4302. 3830. 1847. 1992. 1677. -21. -|q. -1 . 444. 1444. 3P29. 3211. 2008. 2529. 646. 2133. 2004. 1871. 1611. 1965. 18640 1763o 1!21* 1295. 936. 554. 1217. P62. 1798. 1538. 10810 730. 461. 102. -150 -72. -6. 4 54. 1304. 2510. 3(j00. 241?7o 2228. 2121. 1700. 1k15. 16060 1403. 1130. 796. 417. 20. -355. -645. -775. -678. -257. -520. -6317. -5560 1750. 1442. 895. 591. 491. 436. 299. 206o 167o 226. 581. 1182. 1q90. ?271. 18370 1747o 1412. 0oo. 018. 524. 583. 526. 532o 615. 784. 876. 992. 1134. i 156. 1015. 2132. b1502. 1528. 1829. 477. 177. -160. -414o -5370 -471, 1144. 1052. 1000. 2050. 1936. 1740. 1515, 1275. 1128. 1053. 964. 835. 683. 714. 1283. 2638. 3564o 3212. 1950. 1720. 2680. 17470 1424. 808. 539. 571. 685. 668. 1697. 1418. 859. 629. 684. 791. 177. 713. 957. 823. 939. 1211. 1102. 921. 621. 249o 4930 1 4.3. 0 q 0* 354. 454. 1293~. 295. C I. z-14 0 CCN -a )0' I o" oNo in 1.0 41 W 0' %a W Cr * .0 C* Pd CO P. w P, 0 04 0 wC 41 .0C # 0 a C 1'3 cc0. '. NaNN"a"NM MM ".4. .4 4 V N 1 r N F- N o6' 4 0 =f- .40 a*I.* CO 4 P. 90 _ a "%o" , 0 CI :a - 4 00 PnW W)0 0 hl 0'4 -3 ~ a0 Cy .4 0 O a,0 00 'ocr m1 0e 4'N F-~ Na Nm rnN 0laO"d WF 0'i 4 Go N* 1: C no 4 P % N f VC P..NI 0 ' IQ'D Ir ~ 0 ? -i v Nfa 4NVs " .4 0' Cw I a-, - 4 ; # NN : V N m -ZCzC N c 0 -4 NN.C 0 0. &0 0 0 a0 * 0a 0:1hPV U a4 O 0~.-44..4U00 0 f-0 co C P- N .N.0NP. I .4' C Z' -0 0 C. oe N 1 %r r- 0' W) 4 C f C U Fn CD a l rC ri.0N' N z 1:,4 m0 a l;49 0'O ; 0 0r-M N W.)CNN . ~~~~~1 w f-40 S r-P-'0cr.mc C C'N- o c gocc .-. P. W) - c UDco 4n0W) n.F0t a N C3NI Cc . " 11)P, CN C C3'm 4 4N4~P NV 4rVJ W5 N~ O. fl0o%C trUl w -r a0100f- r, 0nW)0 1a ' 'N 4P N4a, 0 C o I W) ao 0'0,1)C;4 N0 pN f2 C ' P- N 4r tr .0 i Pn GCW) Q 0f 1 I',.4 - C Wi C 1N 110, N C;. C af 0 W oo mF -. c@N n ' N .0 9 eFnP m'~ P.N, $n a, ~ in .C 1: C: N N0'.N,4)0CCV0V -% , CytN U 209 S POTtNTIAL VORTICITY MERIDIONAL OUASIG[,OfGPI'HI( TABLf 4.'0. MODFL APPROXIMATION AND (.ef)), (tOI 4(5y)t .T GAl[ F(ORJANUARY. SORCESt )ATA ALL FOR L CO POIT E LA.ITITOLL .5 45 2 65 LLVLL 2097, S19 8. 2228. 2224. 2161. 20 5. 119. 1742. 1549. 1303. 1 (Ib6. C. C,0 2. 1411. 2219. 37811, 5781. 611h3. 7040. C613. 5553. 15 . 4 , 7.. 273A. 1473. 2101. 2164. 1871. 1672. 1920. 147P. 1063. 332. -304. -478. -3,1. 63. 124. 14,25. 232b. 2841, 3926. 5346. 7185. 8444. 8532. 7244. 7066. A491 727 . 4205.r 2344. 464•9. 14, h23., 5 ''. .? 419h. 5396, I 11 84 744. ' . Ii 1502. 1374. -143. -1874. -1052. -271 4O'0. 1 ?, . 1q24. 1 '74. 2213. 2472. 2422. 2004. 1421. 1024. 903. 1212. 1256. 1317. 1357 1315. 1253. 1170. 1093. 1171, 1322. 1541. 1853. 2302. ?" 65. 3562. 4028. 4617 . 5416. 61,75,. 7812. 8423. 7705. 4'66. 28339 2654. 26352 2759. 2565. 2391 2246. 2127. 2041. 2 1'?. 500. 2102. 3265. 3310. 2357. 2159. 2188. 2639. 2450. 2057. 1629. 1368. 1140. 970. 881. 779. 711. (179. 689. 740 876. 1052. 1306. 1717. 239b. 3562. 4642. 5292. 5476. 4777. 4140. 4199. 4127. 3915. 2706. 1316. -22. -1243. -2311. -3230. -1664. 1943, 470~ 10 14q2. 1481. 79. 2312. 65E@. 4163. -8707. -4980. -39 73. -2h543. -15604. I ~" ' 0. I-n In 0f ez~~~S 0 %ZNO-O -- J "Ia 0 In nNSr 1.I . x 1 YemZvz-C o -- .4-I- cl e.mm o "In or0 or uF nt C04 a W4Vr W ) I zf-r N N -)I E ~ ,4P-r LrP , nr leIc r N C -0 -- ir 211. p e. 04 0 TAqL( 4.11. L AT I TL)t.e )= AS 1 4.99 2' JULY. F(' 45 45 L VEL 7 9 1 bt, 17'-0. 2230. 2284. 11 1942* 13 15 17 1o 21 1P?1. 17&4. 1P09. 1, 12. ;CO . 29.P e 207. 115. 15, 12, 7. 3 23 25 27 P9 ,1 33 35 17 41 43 45 47 4o 51 039. 600. 3L.I S30! 9179. -. 4 /. 'l 1. 444o, 2P24. 301 p n0. , t,7 19 1 U' (,7 ro 71 7! 7' 7 79 pr1 / 11 3 • 7 0f1. 1 ), . 2044.. 74( 3. ?440. t 1 74. 14(1. e s. 1027. 1414. 1I I Z 1. 7. 2 , 33 1, "• ,' 3. r'7. , f. 5' . 1 4. -1,,. 1011. 1 f '4. 1541.oh216 2030. 113. 1048. 1 44! 557. 491i 145be 1157o 5.60 453. 71t. iP1 * 700. 39 . -4S. 9. -537 . -1 443. 1'P8. 3303. t) 346. 4 2. 19?24. 11041. I 47. 4 6. " 1197. "P23. 1. 1 1'9P0. 1227. 1074 1021. 1168o 1580. 2068. 21 55. .! 71. 3'430. ; ;I ,:3 2C00. -14'.?. -4f 7. *420. -2"?0. 104 ".' 7L,6. '( ( . 439o 4?P. 450. 331. 103. 4 273. 672. 1313* 2009. 1491. 76* -1L39. -1677. -21. 224e. 3 1 q* 4454. 4c'7 o 5311. 547bo 6145. 6,15 #1 5f00. 2017. -b32. -6b7o -A55. 101. (,27. 1024. 1 40. 1617. 1102. " 0? 2204. 1110. 1 3.5 5. '3, -11 2. -'13. -4P2. "13 fin' oo N.c:-.-..4.. 4 Cf cu ~ * "O ~ft ck ~ oo'a4c4 .444 NO 0- S Son 4) 44 ~ ~ N mo mof-m.-*#nm~ r.m ui9 n r C O U a~W w004 ~~ N ~ onO. ~I 4N on4 ~ # P a4 f4) F- cc0 4f'~ 000000..4 N - 0. F.V 0-0. N 44 M 4# o0F N 'r tv N 4%'4 ey- ) NN D% 4# 0 N -~ 4 N cu N N 040 N -F-r-P-0 440 a f0' 4 -aW ) 0 4 wawa 4. on f. '' 213 a0 0f r -n I- 0 sl 4)Nqop 214 Table 4.13. Summary of unstable mode properties. Explanation of columns: 2) MO-monthof profile. 1) MODE-mode types as defined in sections IV-6. 5) PWN - planetary wavelength. WL 4) (ON). profile of 3) LAT - latitude the phase spe4d. of part real CP 7) time. doubling DT 6) wavenumber. level(s). steering S.L. 9) speed. phase the of part 8) CI - imaginary amplitude streamfunction the of value 10) 1IPK - pressure level of the maximum 11) FIPK - pressure level of the maximum absolute value of the meridional entropy flux. The v'e' peaks are .positive unless a "-" preceeds the entry. 12) 17I >.5 - the region where the streamfunction amplitude is greater, than 1/2 the maximum absolute value. 13) Iv'e'j > .5 - the region(s) where the absolute value of the meridional entropy flux is greater than 1/2 the maximum absolute value. The regions contain positive v'O' values unless other14) ICEI > .5 - the regions where the absolute wise indicated by (*). value of the eddy kinetic to eddy available potential energy transfer is greater than half the maximum absolute value. The regions are for kinetic 15) Qy < 0 - regions energy generation unless otherwise indicated by (*). (1) where the quasi-geostrophic potential energy vorticity meridional gradient is less than zero and (2) which are associated with the given unstable mode. See section IV-12. Each mode described is the fastest growing mode for the mode type given. MODE MO AT YL (K(M) PwN T (DAYS) CI Ce (M/SEC) (M/SEC) TABLE 4.13 I-i l I S.L. (H) t(8E) (PR) II>.5 9 (8B) Iv-j >.5 IMn) ICI>.5 4402505004008008RO0- 6040 2.20 3.59 4.53 2.71 1.49 843 755 770 780 362 230 1000 338 1000 1000 920 880 115-1000 110-1000 150-1000 140-1000 00-1000 900-1000 720-1000 820- 940 2.2 0.39 2.32 1000 880 430-1000 820-1000 1.7 6.12 2.62 600- 830 920-1000 810- 950 E E E E 1 1 1 1 25 35 45 65 5400 5500 3700 3500 6.8 6.6 7.7 4.8 1.9 1.5 1.7 300 E 4 25 3900 9.4 E 4 45 3500 8.2 1.72 8.17 E 7 65 2700 6.2 4.0 1.32 0.89 E 10 ?5 2000 18.2 4.3 -2.21 0.60 E E E 10 45 10 50 10 65 3700 3200 3200 7.7 8.1 5.2 1.6 1.b 2.5 6.89 7.45 3044 2.84 2.70 1.66 843, 60*15,1 730, 50.15 752. 20 735 76 770 88 8709 50.30 750 770 752 6 1 25 10000 3.6 5.3 2.84 2.46 806 175 60 160 1000 E 4 65 3100 5.4 2.3 3000 1.71 E 7 45 3700 7.7 2.0 4.92 2.33 735 150-1000 880 180-1000 230 1000 130-1000 270 840 170-1000 620- 820 910-1000 690-1000 820 880 630- 980 810- 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 80 130-1000 170-1000 160-1000 680-1000 790-1000 810- 960 500540400770- 840 920 700 920 60- 400 860-1000 70- 310 900-1000 60 10- 100 508304572020300820- 140* 880 65* 840 150* 390 920 558105555- 170 7002525- 90 800680240- 300 660-820.910-1000 8585- 200 140W 900 180* 750 120 910 800 1 35 10000 3o3 9.6 9.31 1.37 6 1 45 5900 4.8 6.9 5.95 1.06 806 8 20 6 1 65 6500 2.6 19.0 1.96 0.43 820 211 880 175 70. 193 70 42 1000 230 107 211 70 80- 450 60- 100 143 60 60- 320 820-1000 5- 20 130- 200 10- 510 920-1000 35- 200 5200 700 1007 -2.32 0.63 G 10 45 9300 3.1 7.7 8.10 1.50 G 10 t0 6300 4.1 7.4 7.84 1.16 750 5 10 6 10 65 5600 3.0 15.0 2.95 0.48 790 230 880 0.72 2.31 6 4 45 8000 3.6 8.1 6.83 1.19 G 4 65 7400 2.6 13.0 2.96 0.64 G 7 45 8000 3.6 8.6 5.75 1.16 G 7 65 5000 3.4 17.1 1.36 0.39 830- 950 130 10 25 4.6 4555 900-1000 10- 70 193 G 4.4 50- 900 10- 500 900-1000 60- 350 970-1000 60- 400 820-1000 30- 440 850-1000 90- 350 940-1000 150- 430 862, 50910o2 700, 5010 752( 20 7001 80 770S 88 8805 6015 700 8300 530- 810 315 G 4 25 940 830 940 670 920 20 1000 735 G tIp) 55- 10- 430- 690 770- 920 300- 810 330- 900 820- 900 110 60 810- 960 608304568050750820- 200 150 R 880 180 810 180* 900 920 TABLE MODE MO LAT WL PWN (k) ES C9 1 4 ES 10 OT (DAY.) .5. CP (V/SEC) CI (M/SEC) 4.13 CONTINUED S.L. (m*) IvpI ( Mr) 843 840 940 1000 17 I IYI>.5 (MB) 'I ).5 (MB) 880 880 800-1000 790-1000 (Mp C*I.S5 tI (MB) (M) 840- 930 830- 930 840- 920 840- 920 600- 730 600- 730 1400 12.'4 1200 14.2 2.r 1.5F 1.9b 0.50 0.01 1200 13.1 2.8 2.38 0.56 840 1000 880 800-1000 940- 950 830- 920 600- 430830400820400R20- 670 930 670 920 670 960 430- 660 600- 730 430- 660 600- 730 430- 660 600- 360- 530 350- 520 480- 95- 150 * 240- 410 240- 410 380- 18 SM I1 2600 6.4 4.3 3.17 0.77 650 360 600 190-1000 SM 4 2300 7.2 5.0 3.9P 0.60 360 600 210-1000 SM 10 2500 6.P 4.9 4.32 0.65 650 30 650 340 600 190-1000 S S 1 4 3100 10.0 3.6 16.90 1.30 290 480 140- 590 3200 11.6 10.0 16.00 0.40 230 110 140- 380 95- 150 S 4 S 4 3700 10.0 15.4 14.60 0.31 210 110 110- 350 100- 420 2200 13.0 11.0 3.52 0.24 0.36 510 7', 4 380 96 413 94 880 1000 1000 930-1000 qP0-1000 9$0-1000 920-1000 S 7 S 7 P200 13.0 8.0 ?.oO 1000 7 1500 11.4 15.6 3.90 0.12 900 67 435 155 1000 s 290 400 190- L I 13500 2.2 11.3 19.10 1.52 491 110 -80 40- L LL L L 1 II 1 7 8000 12400 12000 5000 3.6 2.3 1.4 5.4 6.03 8.9 11.00 14.0 6.94 7.40 2.69 P065 1.56 1.75 1.33 0.48 3 1 b 210 L 7 3500 5.0 13.1 4.45 0.34 L 10 8400 2.0 11o.0 3.54 1.02 752 735 717 920 65 386 165 740 160 3 10 0 10 70 -170 20 223 1001103- 460 160310- 180* 440 65- 110* 5- 20 0- 20 5- 60 65- 110 940-1000 160- 200* 5- 60 860- 890 4 910-1000 860- 890 *6 910-1000 J30- 440 71- 120 210 010 565250- 400 160- 200 10- 30 730 730 730730400- 50- E0 600- 730 F80 140- 1) 0 600- 730 217 CHAPTER V SUIMMARY OF IMPORTANT RESULTS The climatological profiles are shown to be unstable to severallong and short wave modes. This may due in part to the absence of thermal and frictional dissipation. Newtonian cooling would lessen the growth rate of long wave modes (Geisler and Garcia, 1977), and surface frictional dissipation would tend to stabilize the short wave modes which are confined to the ground. In the more realistic case, which includes thermal driving and dissipation, the unstable mean flow supplies potential energy to the perturbations to balance the loss of perturbation potential energy through thermal dissipation, and the loss of perturbation kinetic energy through frictional dissipation (Charney, 1959; Pedlosky, 1970, 1971; Stone, 1972). The long wave modes discovered by Green (1960) are shown to have several interesting properties. To exist, they require a non-zero valueof y and are made -muchmore unstable by a stratosphere or rigid lid. Their wavelength becomes c as yT (or 8) goes to zero, and the Green modes become T shortwave modes as yT becomes large. ing Green modes are moderately short: Doubling times of the fastest growabout 6 days in the case of a nomi- nal winter stratosphere with linear u and T profiles, and less than 10 days for most of the climatological profiles. In the parameter study, the Green mode amplitudes are particularly strong in the lower stratosphere (relative to other levels) when nominal winter conditions are assumed. Amplitudes are. also strong in the lower stratosphere for the cases in the climatological study. For both the parametric and climatological studies, the stream- function phase of the Green modes varied much more than that of the Eady modes, and the variation was usually confined to small regions in the lower stratosphere and mid troposphere. The phase difference between the meri- 218 dional and vertical velocities indicates that the Green modes have a meridional circulation in the lower stratosphere like that observed. The meridional entropy transport for the Green modes in the parameter study is countergradient and particularly strong in the lower stratosphere when nominal winter conditions are assumed. In the climatological study, transports are strong and polewards in the stratosphere in nearly all cases; they are countergradient for the cases with reversed shear. The Green modes' amplitude, meridional heat flux, and kinetic energy destruction are much larger in the stratosphere than are the same quantities for the Eady mode; this is true for both the parametric and climatological studies. The Green modes are thereby more sensitive to changes in the unperturbed state of the upper layer. Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity meridional gradient profiles calculated from monthly averaged u and Y values possess a considerable number of zeros. The zeros and their associated negative regions of qy have a sub- stantial effect on the spectra of the unstable modes. Some modes had their growth rate drastically reduced when a negative y region was removed. New modes, distinct from the Eady and Green modes, were shown to exist because certain negative q, regions are present, and these modes tend to have a larger growth rate when their associated q regions extend over greater depths. Their fluxes y at the levels of those regions are always downgradient. Certain of the new modes are potentially important for the general circulation of specific regions of the atmosphere. Some S and S modes could be important for the circulam tion of the upper troposphere. The E 'and some S modes could influence s middle and lower tropospheric circulation. In addition to the G modes, some L modes could be important for the stratospheric circulation. these L modes are destabilized by negative q Two of regions in the stratosphere 219 and are examples of in situ stratospheric baroclinic instability. A very small change in the u profile (.3 m/sec or less) can have a drastic effect on the unstable mode spectra by reducing growthrates or by entirely eliminating certain modes. affected. Both long and short wave modes are Staley and Gall (1977) and Gall and Blakeslee (1977) reported extreme sensitivity of short wave mode growth rates to small low level changes in U and the static stability. They attributed this to the short- wave vertical structure which they claim causes the mode to "feel" only low level parts of the basic state profiles. This explanation cannot hold for the long wave modes of this study, which were affected by low level changes in W. Rather, it was shown that only the small changes in 1 which drastically alter the stability properties of the qy profiles (by removing negative qy regions and their associated zeros) result in a substantial change in the unstable mode spectra. In the stratosphere, long wave modes have been shown to be potentially important in transporting most of the heat, even when the flux is countergradient (see Section III-4 and -5, and IV-8, -11, and -13). Most parameterizations of the eddy heat flux (e.g. Green, 1970; Stone, 1972; and Held, 1978) have assumed that the most unstable Eady mode is respon- . sible for the eddy heat flux. These parameterizations are therefore not likely to be capable of representing the stratospheric heat flux. Most of the long wave modes which are potentially important for stratospheric heat transport have their kinetic energy generated in the troposphere. Therefore, a successful parameterization of the stratospheric heat fluxes is likely to have to rconsider these long wave modes and to treat the stratosphere and troposphere together. 220 APPENDIX Zonal Velocity and Temperature Data -a % 00>4 3 3'~NJ 3' I 3 000 0' II0 ' .. .4 0P3LI .40P33 0P 0 Pi3' L ' -0' P0 4 3 L 0 3 "30LI 0 O U, 0 0 04 b. 00 3 ~' LI 0 P3P3'0P30 .I 000 O LI.p3 3 L .~ '0 P3 L.3300 C 0 NJ LA L OOP3LALAP30 -J CD.0 & @3 P (ALAP3 tp 00' M00P3P3P3.- NL4L3L L'0 00 4 ZI 4 0 f-j 1 30 'L r% 4 - MS J 00%A0-cc0 3 0 a %Q -4 %aPQ P : 00000000000 ID 0rL'0 LW 0L 0 M -4 0I A&L4 N s- 0v=0==Q=QOO 03 " LN poo o L 4 i LI N 0"3L3 0- .d OPu" P3 ii"' P 0' 41 - (A s &&wo0 00P3P33' 0 P3L~t L '0 (I r 000P3N) 0 0 P3P N3Otot rLAV' I' -.. 0' -40 NJ J 0 3'J:"0 0 C3 II~i0' LA LIc 3'3 LoL6I3OOO 00' 0 0' 0 -4 - JO .. -4 'M us LAL3 L 3' 00 p V0 .(.N. L" ONiC .rk ' LP' 4 0 N)a 0'0'L N 000 N00P3 0 0O!3L 0 0 *4.* n. m 00 l -. 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N ft C N-N -- NN Cl* I 1 17% I? oioOa' Go r D NNNC4N .4.N C 0.0 NN NNNNN .0 N N " CU CYS N NNC.NNN : 1 c P C cu em C:O N 10L 0 .4.4N m m N ' N N a, N 70 N <C C%.fl . ' ~ co cu cm (14 - m cm CUCU cu r- All go~F~c 7- UCY 0007-0O~o Q. L- C C 1 CP Ifu NN-. 0V ****** C, - M -4 cu Y \-cl l c 0 CD N I-u CN cc --C'1 I. N t.0-7c 7-.0V)U C%< (v CM y tv 00 NNNNNN 0000 N ; 00m' TO* ' &0 0'I'. -W Ln 'a0 ) *********** 40a,.0 94 Vu- OO a. 4 CA CI070 0'7-f-U )4 .C)0 &NO QunantWWWWW N .4 dN U)4'40-7 7 O oWN~gwoo@ *********** 44 ANNNWNNNWWN r h *********** t@@@htWOMON 74NNON0' 0 N' O4. 7 0 3-7-7-00 N .N I*- U) It) . % S0 I'. ~ -0 ~ 404 7-0 IF .7-7-0 N I) 3.074.077-7 *********** NNEMORWWWJP NNNNN N NNNN NNNNWNNNNNN *********** uN N NO N N N -4 N N ' -47-0 m a N P7- *,w 0 N V. a' w 7 a ,~7 C ft QQ9>< ERN N WO *********** n07a' f-l7 U .7 ~cc~~~cc wwmaq&>> eg NNN - 0l 1 1 40 f N 4' ANNN 7C. - .. n 40 N dNNN NN N N NN NN N N N N n N N ANN m N M 9004@@@@> N 0*********** SQQMCmw~6 AN N N === r =m =0'M70 0 3 00.4NU)if7-0'0 0000 -W. 000000000O 228 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 229 Support for this thesis was in part from the'National Aeronautics and Space administration under grants NSG 5113 and NGR 22-009-727, and in part from the United states Department of Transportation under Grant AT(11-1)-2249. 0 The list of those who helped and inspired me in the course of my education is indeed very long, and, for that reason, could not be comprehensive. Nevertheless, I want to thank those to whom I am most indebted. First, my advisor Professor Peter Stone has always been a source of inspiration and encouragement. He has been very understanding in times of slow progress, and always constructive in his criticism. I also want to thank Professor Edward Lorenz for his good friendship and deep inspiration both as a scientist and a true gentleman. I acknowledge Professor Reginald Newell's guidance in the early years of my study at M.I.T.. Miss Isabelle Kole and Mr. Sam Ricci are to be thanked for their friendship and excellent work of drafting the figures. I am indebted to Ginny (Powell) Siggia for typing the text, and wish her and her husband love in their marriage which took place during the time in which she typed my thesis. I am grateful to Diana Lees Spiegel for her many kind words and competent assistance in coding and running my programs. To Professor Eugenia Rivas I give thanks for her warm friendship and helpful discussions. Revisions and extensions of the thesis were suggested by Professor Jule Charney. I am thankful for the interesting discussions I have had with my fellow students, in particular: Brett Mullan, Gary Moore, Lin Ho, Ron Errico, Minoru Tanaka, Long Chiu, and Bijoy Misra. Administrative assistance was cheerfully given by Jane McNabb and Virginia Mills. I wish to thank Susan Ary, David Nergaard, and Kathy Huber of the Department for their good friendship. And I wish many broken (meteorological) records to the weather station at Saugus Mass. in return for the countless bits of practical advice and ceaseless wit of its operator, Eddie Nelson. My gratitude for my educational experience extends beyond the Department of Meteorology first of all to my parents, my earliest educators, James Fullmer and Antonine Fullmer. The instilled in me the importance of a good education and made that education available. To them this thesis is lovingly dedicated. My gratitude in addition extends to Sr. Patricia Margaret who also helped start me out on my academic journey, to Mr. Philip. Hart who gave me excellent and inspirational instruction in mathematics, to all my ment6os at St. Joseph's Prep from whom I received the priceless gift of a broad education, to Professor Leonard Cohen for his friendship and guidance at my undergraduate school, Drexel University, and to Wade Rockwood and Fr. Bob Moran for their kind and good advice. g g S 230 Very special thanks go to my longest and closest friend, Ted Kuklinski. Ted has helped me in every way a good friend could. His caring and encouragement have always been there to sustain me. I have had the rare and wounderful experience of being in school with this kind and selfless man for no less than SIXTEEN years. I also want to express my deep gratitude to the many members of the Paulist Center Community who have touched my life in a myriad of different and beautiful ways. They have supported me in rough times and shared the joy of good times. From them I have learned much about the meaning and beauty of life. Just a small fraction of these good people do I mention here: Bill Dougherty,-Loretta Jordan, Mary Lou Doran, Blair, Joe, James, and Jennifer Mergel, Bob Paine, Vinny and Elaine Adams, Jim McCarthy, Elanor Morrissey, Linda Jeffrey, Jane Vincent, Nancy O'Brien, Bev Eder, Paula Ripple, Rich Zablocki, Dick and Kathy Noonan, David and Kathy Konkel, Kathie Voigt, Kathi Connors, Cathy Wright, Mary Hardigan, Janet Gawle, and especially Glen Hoffman. Finally, I want to give my greatest thanks to God who has given life, my talents, and my friends, and without whom this thesis my me could not have been written. 231 -References - Boyd, J.P., 1976: The noninteraction of waves with the zonally averaged flow oi a spherical earth and the interrelationships of eddy fluxes of energy, heat, and momentum. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2285-2291. 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INDEX TO CITED WORKS (Chapter-Section) Andrews & McIntyre III-1 1976 Houghton, 1978 I-i Boyd, 1976 I-i Klein, 1974 IV-13 Burger, 1962 I--I Cardelino, Cardelino, 1978 1978 11-2 Charney, 1947 I-i Charney, 1959 V Charney & Drazin, 1961 III-1 Kuo, 1956 I-1 Leovy & Webster, 1976 I-1, IV-4 Lindzen, Batten & Kim, 1968 II-2 Lorenz, 1951 III-4 Charney & Pedlosky, 1963 II-2 Lorenz, 1967 II-3 Charney & Stern, 1962 I-1, IV-4 McIntyre, 1972 I-1, IV-2 Dahlquist & Bj6rck, 1974 II-1 M.I.T. I.P.S., 1973 II-1 Dickinson, 1973 I-1, IV-2 Molla & Loisel, 1962 IV-8 Eady, 1949 I-i Morel (Ed.), 1973 11-2, 3; III-2 Gall, 1976 I-1, III-5, IV-13 235 Moura & Stone, 1976 i-2, III-3 Gall and Blakeslee, 1977 I-1, IV-12, V Murgatroyd, 1969 I-1 Geisler and Garcia, 1977 I-1, 11-2, 111-4, IV-7, 8 Murray, 1960 111-6, IV-2 Green, 1960 I-1, 2; 111-3, 4, 5, 7; V Newell, 1964a I-i Green, 1970 V Newell, 1964b IV-8 Green, 1972 I-1, IV-2 Newell & Tahnk (in prep.) IV-3, 4, 5 Held, 1978 V Newell et al., 1969 I-i Holton, 1974 I-i Newell et al., 1974 I-1, III-4, IV-3, 4, 5, Holton, 1975 I-1, 11-2, IV-4 Oort, 1971 I-1 13 1I1111 236 Oort & Rasmusson, 1971 I-1, 111-4, IV-3, 4, 5, 13 Palmen & Newton, 1969 I-1 Pedlosky, 1964 II-4 Pedlosky, 1970 V Pedlosky, 1971 V Peng, 1965a I-1 Peng, 1965b I-1 Phillips, 1954 I-1. II-1, III-3 Simmons, 1972 I-1, III-6, IV-2 Simmons, 1974 I-1, IV-2 Staley & Gall, 1977 I-1, IV-12, 13; V Stone, 1972 I-i, V Stone, 1978 III-3 Tahnk & Newell, 1975 IV-3, 4, 5 U.S. COESA, 1962 III-3 Vincent, 1968 I-1 Wallace, 1978 IV-8