DOCUMENTATION 0'F SOME FORMAL ASPECTS 07 A MEDIEVAL VILLAGE, AND THETR USE IN A UESIGN PROJECTION by Gail 'C. Soyajian B. A. Jackson tllege., 1970 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture at the MASSACRUSETTS INSTITUTE 07 TECHNOLOGY June, .1976 Signature of Author. Certified by . . _ Department of/Achi tectuie . Maurice Smith, Thesi Si~Spervisor Professor of Architecture Accepted by . - 0 Rotch JUN 14 1976.1 eIDBRAgnEtsIS 0 0 0 * 0 ABSTRACT WOCU:ENTATION OF SOME FORMAL ASPECTS OF A MEDIEVAL VILLAGE, AND THEIR USE IN A DESIGN PROTCTION by Gail C. Boyajian Submitted to the Department. of Architecture on May 14, 1976 in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture The purpose of the thesia was to find in the form of a village which grew over time some generalities and references which could be partially applied to a desien process in another situation. One montb was spent in Sauve, a medieval village in the south of France, documenting references with two other students, Jean-Pierre Carniaaux and George Hauser. The following three months were spent in the partial application of these references to our various programs. Thesis Supervisor: Mauri ce Si th Professor of Architecture roe6) 9s (#romt onymo4 0yiprpti-/ *11~ 6e Oil' t~urpc s/m=ll W/Ii*44 --t mlaff 646, vlyIyfcd /6f hd fPr -in il~ to Owt- for-Of 1I4 I9n4,lOat /IA04 P'ao' Of gCars. f&yy 4avt q 7 ~n loit/imo A.'Ph/As,1 Me5' r fxi /Is ztof ecpt-t/, A.A& /ok'fl5 Avd fm 4 Wh Adt peoplek&-6ll fs'Iz kvi their ii~ihvit rimrlr zl5~rZ~ are- - Ihey exrptv~s W7e nimra af ,oeopol ~An dea4av ,o'7 ,icha'S,~~4 7UA'.crr I't4AWi'i5 vchy 4hzra4 4 , 61;v atda (z 'y friaX 1az~ MOJ~d fhcy twn5k y, 1*11rf Avdaej in-k-'he 2IL e/ m1 ore aw o Pi 7ldi/6 bav;fbtfcy w~tt: klre-gai krtpfbe f an 4hqcz; o~ltwsr /410M IO/ t qC-if i~~~'fnw 4r, v lnery im wAd=~ ~ IUMna'-' i17z1*i4k z~cr~J&~ a45~ ,ioimwi*,zo )Ie~ afk *WO/ Oeawf y-eaIM147 y A'na z~ev-(,dzt/-'t 11245a1n&onj * * w, n expororn of hilh denlly 16vo rhife h"Ooslj 7o pvvde- a- hoclbl, Irxmt~ork i/zt 1.-5 ekte-I rieataL 'O The boldl -~ 4d-the W5~m4~vtt -- fr boldly 6 61ntpy ea6 of *Ooik 4oen rrrtfozfd-9re he- dealnlm', 61hold- bemLc 4 -r t aq451mi/zir- as5 fcti5ji .- mIC 4Czz4y 76a~m/-4'c,5 *z uxk-~~ to' horvl' theyale been m'-fadc,yftoc- MzikIty liocxd dea.,jwch! tva'frhinx" 417 lr at a. mIde /cid/tkZ I)A4k4r9don'l jdooyo ev eve the-~1 &Ire , heNwzl Ab:$,fz/ tsr'le- in ChtI1c , NHa5, ee NihIi5 of " ate-11- vrl< 6 Crfies Wi 6frne tcp, so9 niecm eoftip 04,neL cfOPe4 ktvn /&LA/ r-jt Of' Mc Oifr -fo'r rccreb,n w~ AnOpn 6p ,q5 mt~h Z71* ,4'55ibe, Con~n ezhc5 uc1d0114 be tMd -C a/ifh%~/51,J~r~$ f /-B. AtiaerSOo 6i*vd/t' 14&41 Iq76 I .~ vow Ob 16Llet. 1I6 kfrazJboll!5 1.crtla pbotoyrztph o/ 6azuvc, 2z, /41/4/es nzp of ;a:5-zkeedwf ~. *5e~ douurn9p ihe Iviaon of Hie, village, 0/mIi op'vm Ac river f 5eti~'6hyoswb 4he- reL0o ~ of he- Pbojd 01 lr 'Ve/al aic~ P/aez de f~/e throtyh mw 0 f/zee de, 1ylixt oe wche6 &Ible45are- 5.oetroi' j,.dee 1. reet/vzlkuv aq whch qe,. diredlfy ip Oiichilem~lIt- Ar :Oli 1, rcf *4) 0, -,I O p6P-e-, /WJPPC/7iy af-t a, of dir c-lvono em10i If eompkxi reafo4 cwn e 114 3 5/m~l/~r ~zz-m 4l n ra 6-rcr-t~, om, flj~inrtrvoion.5 z~ W40"4 dkzrfLto bIK 4'10e, ftvnt f1*4$ 1-Ive ryitrf heiyi#6. I~3~e~e~zzdon, h010r r tv~ d14## ofd0r a4 'id%~o;j1k IA1z'wt px6Which hoid- ihe df novIC-pai POqcoIi /t derI t~j f'3 Jtnh; a7 -ks(ot~ ~ f~ r a~d V rt-ri4 pk4rapph-of Wv4e 45hows reaA nlhit i lh re to 4e phtaj, Ant -the, rlye-- .~ -~ "A;.1 ap *"Id 4~i . I v" Vj~ -~*' 'Di *N.; -- 442 A- 'NW -$ u- 7 -7L qlA ilk ..... ... 4<m 10 Pill ~rrr~ L-4 1 - y T7 N. 1 I' K ; "I /4 N12 i 1 13 4 r. .- - --. J. tf'I IS bi I-I- er- ss-- - - ~. I, ~t -the, refaenee5 aic v6 ccLobt $3 6eace6.Ie. -wr r/Av~ -tehill.jmopeq-e t herc, lffrc e~v1,vu1anY et jibImt /1or a~rcvw Pb,, er-eavn opacc) oonentzt4~ms and, heiyh#5s of bpi4d4. r4z~ ei - firAc dJ~9rit'L'ton s ich 4-7ene. i * lbrzwhlnj 41ihmon yg~lcwi ?Vc6 ihe p4 fl~~ fdldJ 2*e4 knAL 1onn c o,.cf~ I- ci ntee~,~fatr of +h-Aw dis:rftvlli 0/1efive- 4rcn r4s,4 'p t4_5 ~~kr5 be1i1/:cg(ci c~n it 911 0neTt io renot ie-, I& I uy, w.bkfofetwe ! IrA N ------- aetion bbwn o p1t>4 dsalc :24 efn £5J'4pZf b-elwe 61 z*4 of bt'fypex i : .................................................. 4arye, ea/4'zf Ive- 6pAt /tre*, and 'xlre, refcrenec -e- ateae1- 6pate6C- what, the dene~ih of but-i'a Ina pArtj oflMe tilt *h4 1C6ys (a ImP6 AttW open 6 yxee- occvrn5 tuiet ncefiork- (r<4f 6e4C41Ol 'W4) ezolc net~invott'5 11-Y p~. 2 7. zi 6egc. 14 (,7,s--k the, ztrch J6Iwo x ztlec vfc. 1i5C/15 P4C of The> inxiU, c4(~tribvi1, ltizdc'n 1oIlowv s ~roo15 re 4, ref 6,st~ tncre~e 'thc hill emkn t3atP4 Ict kn m1 -i7mbcnry~~-n ~g/~ ci~~erc*e bIcr.~kiwtctz~!d - A. Mgjl frf C anbab~un. & I vhM wlkz lhepztrti4 "zzVnl eon/bet k1d-crlt bayl I, - 0 'Ii i7~ . . . . . . .I i .4 U 4. % 47