A SPANNING SET FOR THE SPACE OF SUPER CUSP FORMS ROLAND KNEVEL Unité de Recherche en Mathématiques Luxembourg Campus Limpertsberg, 162 a, avenue de la Faiencérie L - 1511 Luxembourg A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 EMail: roland.knevel@uni.lu URL: http://math.uni.lu/˜knevel/ Title Page Received: 18 July, 2008 Contents Accepted: 09 February, 2009 Communicated by: S.S. Dragomir 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: Primary: 11F55; Secondary: 32C11. Key words: Automorphic and cusp forms, super symmetry, semisimple L IE groups, partially hyperbolic flows, unbounded realization of a complex bounded symmetric domain. Abstract: The aim of this article is the construction of a spanning set for the space sSk (Γ) of super cusp forms on a complex bounded symmetric super domain B of rank 1 with respect to a lattice Γ. The main ingredients are a generalization of the A NOSOV closing lemma for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and an unbounded realization H of B, in particular F OURIER decomposition at the cusps of the quotient Γ\B mapped to ∞ via a partial C AYLEY transformation. The elements of the spanning set are in finite-to-one correspondence with closed geodesics of the body Γ\B of Γ\B, the number of elements corresponding to a geodesic growing linearly with its length. JJ II J I Page 1 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 The Space of Super Cusp Forms 7 3 The Structure of the Group G 14 4 The Main Result 17 5 An A NOSOV Type Result for the Group G 23 6 The Unbounded Realization 31 Title Page 7 Proof of the Main Result 41 Contents 8 Computation of the ϕγ0 ,I,m 60 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 JJ II J I Page 2 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction Automorphic and cusp forms on a complex bounded symmetric domain B are already a well established field of research in mathematics. They play a fundamental role in representation theory of semisimple L IE groups of Hermitian type, and they have applications to number theory, especially in the simplest case where B is the unit disc in C, biholomorphic to the upper half plane H via a C AYLEY transform, G = SL(2, R) acting on H via M ÖBIUS transformations and Γ @ SL(2, Z) of finite index. The aim of the present paper is to generalize an approach used by Tatyana F OTH and Svetlana K ATOK in [4] and [8] for the construction of spanning sets for the space of cusp forms on a complex bounded symmetric domain B of rank 1, which then by classification is (biholomorphic to) the unit ball of some Cn , n ∈ N, and a lattice Γ @ G = Aut1 (B) for sufficiently high weight k. This is done in Theorem 4.3, which is the main theorem of this article, again for sufficiently large weight k. The new idea in [4] and [8] is to use the concept of a hyperbolic (or A NOSOV) diffeomorphism resp. flow on a Riemannian manifold and an appropriate version of the A NOSOV closing lemma. This concept originally comes from the theory of dynamical systems, see for example in [7]. Roughly speaking a flow (ϕt )t∈R on a Riemannian manifold M is called hyperbolic if there exists an orthogonal and (ϕt )t∈R -stable splitting T M = T + ⊕T − ⊕T 0 of the tangent bundle T M such that the differential of the flow (ϕt )t∈R is uniformly expanding on T + , uniformly contracting on T − and isometric on T 0 , and finally T 0 is one-dimensional, generated by ∂t ϕt . In this situation the A NOSOV closing lemma says that given an ’almost’ closed orbit of the flow (ϕt )t∈R there exists a closed orbit ’nearby’. Indeed given a complex bounded symmetric domain B of rank 1, G = Aut1 (B) is a semisimple L IE group of real rank 1, and the root space decomposition of its L IE algebra g with respect to a C ARTAN subalgebra a @ g shows that the geodesic flow (ϕt )t∈R on the unit tangent bundle S(B), which is at the same time the left-invariant flow on S(B) generated by A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 3 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close a ' R, is hyperbolic. The final result in this direction is Theorem 5.5 (i). For the super case, first it is necessary to develop the theory of super automorphic resp. cusp forms, while the general theory of (Z2 -) graded structures and super manifolds is already well established, see for example [3]. It was first developed by F. A. B EREZIN as a mathematical method for describing super symmetry in physics of elementary particles. However, even for mathematicians the elegance within the theory of super manifolds is really amazing and satisfying. Here I deal with a simple case of super manifolds, namely complex super domains. Roughly speaking a complex super domain B is an object which has a super dimension (n, r) ∈ N2 and the characteristics: (i) it has a body B = B # being an ordinary domain in Cn , (ii) the complex unital graded commutative algebra holomorphic super V rO(B) of V functions on B is (isomorphic to) O(B) ⊗ (C ), where (Cr ) denotes the exterior algebra of Cr . Furthermore O(B) naturally embeds into the first two factors unital graded algebra D(B) ' C ∞ (B)C ⊗ V r of the V complex V commutative r ∞ C 2r (C ) (C ) ' C (B) ⊗ (C ) of ’smooth’ super functions on B, where C ∞ (B)C = C ∞ (B, C) denotes the algebra of ordinary smooth functions with values in C, which is at the same time the complexification of C ∞ (B), and ’’ denotes the graded tensor product. We see that for each pair (B, r) where B ⊂ Cn is an ordinary domain and r ∈ N there exists exactly one (n, r)-dimensional complex super domain B of super dimension (n, r) with body B, and we denote it by B |r . Now let ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ Cr denote the standard basis vectors of Cr . Then they are the standard generators of V (Cr ), and so we get the standard even (commuting) holomorphic coordinate func|r tions z1 , . . . , zn ∈ O(B) ,→ O B and odd (anticommuting) coordinate functions V r |r ζ1 , . . . , ζr ∈ (C ) ,→ O B . So omitting the tensor products, as there is no A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close danger of confusion, we can decompose every f ∈ O B |r uniquely as X f= fI ζ I , I∈℘(r) where ℘(r) denotes the power set of {1, . . . , r}, all fI ∈ O(B), I ∈ ℘(r), and ζ I := ζi1 · · · ζis for all I = {i1 , . . . , is } ∈ ℘(r), i1 < · · · < is . D B |r is a graded ∗ -algebra, and the graded involution : D B |r → D B |r A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 is uniquely defined by the rules {i} f = f and f h = hf for all f, h ∈ D B |r , is C-antilinear, and restricted to C ∞ (B) it is just the identity, V {iii} ζi is the i-th standard generator of (Cr ) ,→ D B |r embedded as the third factor, where ζi denotes the i-th odd holomorphic standard coordinate on B |r , V r which is the i-th standard generator of (C ) ,→ D B |r embedded as the second factor, i = 1, . . . , r. Title Page Contents {ii} With the help of this graded involution we are able to decompose every f ∈ D B |r uniquely as X J f= fIJ ζ I ζ , I,J∈℘(r) J where fIJ ∈ C ∞ (B)C , I, J ∈ ℘(r), and ζ := ζi1 . . . ζis for all J = {j1 , . . . , js } ∈ ℘(r), j1 < · · · < js . For a discussion of super automorphic and super cusp forms we restrict ourselves to the case of the L IE group G := sS (U (n, 1) × U (r)), n ∈ N \ {0}, r ∈ N, acting JJ II J I Page 5 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close on the complex (n, r)-dimensional super unit ball B |r . So far there seems to be no classification of super complex bounded symmetric domains although we know the basic examples, see for example Chapter IV of [2], which we follow here. The group G is the body of the super L IE group SU (n, 1|r) studied in [2] acting on B |r . The fact that an ordinary discrete subgroup (which means a sub super L IE group of super dimension (0, 0)) of a super L IE group is just an ordinary discrete subgroup of the body justifies our restriction to an ordinary L IE group acting on B |r since purpose of this article is to study automorphic and cusp forms with respect to a lattice. In any case one can see the odd directions of the complex super domain B |r already in G since it is an almost direct product V ofr the semisimple L IE group SU (n, 1) acting on the body B and U (r) acting on (C ). Observe that if r > 0 the full automorphism group of B |r , without any isometry condition, is never a super L IE group since one can show that otherwise its super L IE algebra would be the super L IE algebra of integrable super vector fields on B |r , which has unfortunately infinite dimension. Let us remark on two striking facts: (i) the construction of our spanning set uses F OURIER decomposition exactly three times, which is not really surprising, since this corresponds to the three factors in the I WASAWA decomposition G = KAN . (ii) super automorphic resp. cusp forms introduced this way are equivalent (but not one-to-one) to the notion of ’twisted’ vector-valued automorphic resp. cusp forms. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 6 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Acknowledgement: Since the research presented in this article is partially based on my PhD thesis I would like to thank my doctoral advisor Harald U PMEIER for mentoring during my PhD but also Martin S CHLICHENMAIER and Martin O LBRICH for their helpful comments. 2. The Space of Super Cusp Forms Let n ∈ N \ {0}, r ∈ N and G := sS (U (n, 1) × U (r)) 0 g 0 0 := ∈ U (n, 1) × U (r) det g = det E , 0 E which is a real ((n + 1)2 + r2 − 1)-dimensional L IE group. Let B := B |r , where B := { z ∈ Cn | z∗ z < 1} ⊂ Cn denotes the usual unit ball, with even coordinate functions z1 , . . . , zn and odd coordinate functions ζ1 , . . . , ζr . Then we have a holomorphic action of G on B given by super fractional linear (M ÖBIUS) transformations z (Az + b) (cz + d)−1 g := , ζ Eζ (cz + d)−1 where we split A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 7 of 66 A b g := c d 0 }n 0 ←n+1 . }r E The stabilizer of 0 ,→ B is K := sS ((U (n) × U (1)) × U (r)) A 0 0 0 d = ∈ U (n) × U (1) × U (r) d det A = det E . 0 E Go Back Full Screen Close ˆ On G × B we define the cocycle j ∈ C ∞ (G)C ⊗O(B) as j(g, z) := (cz + d)−1 for all g ∈ G and z ∈ B. Observe that j(w) := j(w, z) ∈ U (1) is independent of z ∈ B for all w ∈ K and therefore defines a character on the group K. Let k ∈ Z be fixed. Then we have a right-representation of G z |g : D(B) → D(B), f 7→ f |g := f g j(g, z)k , ζ for all g ∈ G, which fixes O(B). Finally let Γ be a discrete subgroup of G. Definition 2.1 (Super Automorphic Forms). Let f ∈ O(B). Then f is called a super automorphic form for Γ of weight k if and only if f |γ = f for all γ ∈ Γ. We denote the space of super automorphic forms for Γ of weight k by sMk (Γ). A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Let us define a lift: Contents e : D(B) → C ∞ (G)C ⊗ D C 0|r ' C ∞ (G)C ⊗ ^ (Cr ) ^ (Cr ) , f 7→ fe, JJ II J I Page 8 of 66 where 0 fe(g) := f |g η 0 =f g j (g, 0)k η for all f ∈ D(B) and g ∈ G and we use the odd coordinate functions η1 , . . . , ηr on C0|r . Let f ∈ O(B). Then clearly fe ∈ C ∞ (G)C ⊗ O C0|r and f ∈ sMk (Γ) ⇔ fe ∈ Go Back Full Screen Close C ∞ (Γ\G)C ⊗ O C0|r since for all g ∈ G lg C ∞ (G)C ⊗ D C0|r −→ C ∞ (G)C ⊗ D C0|r ↑e ↑e D(B) −→ D(B) |g commutes, where lg : C ∞ (G) → C ∞ (G) denotes the left translation with g ∈ G, lg (f )(x) :=Vf (gx) for all x ∈ G. Let h , i be the canonical scalar product on D C0|r ' (C2r ) (semilinear in the second entry). Then for all a ∈ D C0|r we p write |a| := ha, ai, and h , i induces a ’scalar product’ Z D E e (f, h)Γ := h, fe A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Γ\G Contents D E for all f, h ∈ D(B) such that e h, fe ∈ L1 (Γ\G), and for all s ∈]0, ∞] a ’norm’ (k) ||f ||s,Γ := fe s,Γ\G for all f ∈ D(B) such that fe ∈ C ∞ (Γ\G). On G we always use the (left and right) H AAR measure. Let us define (k) s ∞ C 0|r Lk (Γ\B) := f ∈ D(B) fe ∈ C (Γ\G) ⊗ D C , ||f ||s,Γ < ∞ . Definition 2.2 (Super Cusp Forms). Let f ∈ sMk (Γ). f is called a super cusp form for Γ of weight k if and only if f ∈ L2k (Γ\B). The C- vector space of all super cusp forms for Γ of weight k is denoted by sSk (Γ). It is a H ILBERT space with inner product ( , )Γ . JJ II J I Page 9 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Observe that |g respects the splitting O(B) = r M O(ρ) (B) ρ=0 P for all g ∈ G, where O(ρ) (B) is the space of all f = I∈℘(r),|I|=ρ fI , all fI ∈ O(B), I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, ρ = 0, . . . , r, and e maps the space O(ρ) (B) into C ∞ (G)C ⊗ O(ρ) C0|r . Therefore we have splittings sMk (Γ) = r M (ρ) sMk (Γ) and sSk (Γ) = ρ=0 (ρ) r M (ρ) A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 sSk (Γ), ρ=0 (ρ) where sMk (Γ) := sMk (Γ)∩O(ρ) (B), sSk (Γ) := sSk (Γ)∩O(ρ) (B), ρ = 0, . . . , r, and the last sum is orthogonal. As shown in [10] and in Section 3.2 of [11] there is an analogon to S ATAKE’s theorem in the super case: Theorem 2.3. Let ρ ∈ {0, . . . , r}. Assume Γ\G is compact or n ≥ 2 and Γ @ G is a lattice (discrete such that vol Γ\G < ∞, Γ\G not necessarily compact). If k ≥ 2n − ρ then (ρ) (ρ) sSk (Γ) = sMk (Γ) ∩ Lsk (Γ\B) for all s ∈ [1, ∞]. As in the classical case this theorem implies that if Γ\G is compact or n ≥ 2, (ρ) Γ @ G is a lattice and k ≥ 2n − ρ, then the H ILBERT space sSk (Γ) is finite dimensional. We will use the J ORDAN triple determinant ∆ : Cn × Cn → C given by ∆ (z, w) := 1 − w∗ z Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 10 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close for all z, w ∈ Cn . Let us recall the basic properties: 1 (i) |j (g, 0)| = ∆ (g0, g0) 2 for all g ∈ G, (ii) ∆ (gz, gw) = ∆ (z, w) j (g, z) j (g, w) for all g ∈ G and z, w ∈ B, and R (iii) B ∆ (z, z)λ dVLeb < ∞ if and only if λ > −1. We have the G-invariant volume element ∆(z, z)−(n+1) dVLeb on B. For all I ∈ ℘(r), h ∈ O(B), z ∈ B and ∗ 0 g= ∈G 0 E A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page we have hζ I I k+|I| (z) = h (gz) (Eη) j (g, z) , P P where E ∈ U (r). So for all s ∈]0, ∞], f = I∈℘(r) fI ζ I and h = I∈℘(r) hI ζ I ∈ O(B) we have s X (k) k+|I| 2 ||f ||s,Γ ≡ fI ∆ (z, z) I∈℘(r) −(n+1) s,Γ\B,∆(z,z) dVLeb X Z I∈℘(r) JJ II J I Page 11 of 66 Go Back Full Screen if fe ∈ C ∞ (G) ⊗ O C0|r and (f, h)Γ ≡ Contents g Close k+|I|−(n+1) fI hI ∆ (z, z) dVLeb Γ\B D E if e h, fe ∈ L1 (Γ\G), where ’≡’ means equality up to a constant 6= 0 depending on Γ. For the explicit computation of the elements of our spanning set in Theorem 4.3 we need the following lemmas: Lemma 2.4 (Convergence of relative P OINCARÉ series). Let Γ0 @ Γ be a subgroup and f ∈ sMk (Γ0 ) ∩ L1k (Γ0 \B) . Then Φ := X γ∈Γ0 \Γ 0 f |γ and Φ := X fe(γ♦) γ∈Γ0 \Γ converge absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of B resp. G, Φ ∈ sMk (Γ) ∩ L1k (Γ\B) , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page e = Φ0 , and for all ϕ ∈ sMk (Γ) ∩ L∞ (Γ\B) we have Φ k (Φ, ϕ)Γ = (f, ϕ)Γ0 . The symbol ’♦’ here and also later simply stands for the argument of the function. V So fe(γ♦) ∈ C ∞ (G)C ⊗ (Cr ) is a short notation for the smooth map ^ G→ (Cr ) , g 7→ fe(γg). Contents JJ II J I Page 12 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Proof. Standard, on using the mean value property of holomorphic functions for all k ∈ Z without any further assumption on k. Lemma 2.5. Let I ∈ ℘(r) and k ≥ 2n + 1 − |I|. Then for all w ∈ B ∆ (♦, w)−k−|I| ζ I ∈ O|I| (B) ∩ L1k (B), Close and for all f = P J∈℘(r) fJ ζ J ∈ O(B) ∩ L∞ k (B) we have ∆ (♦, w)−k−|I| ζ I , f ≡ fI (w) , where ( , ) := ( , ){1} . Since the proof is also standard, we will omit it here. It can be found in [11]. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 13 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 3. The Structure of the Group G We have a canonical embedding 0 0 G := SU (p, q) ,→ G, g 7→ g0 0 0 1 , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms and the canonical projection G → U (r), g := g0 0 0 E Roland Knevel 7→ Eg := E induces a group isomorphism vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page 0 G /G ' U (r). Obviously K 0 = K ∩ G0 = S(U (n) × U (1)) is the stabilizer of 0 in G0 . Let A denote the common standard maximal split abelian subgroup of G and G0 given by the image of the L IE group embedding cosh t 0 sinh t1 . 0 1 0 R ,→ G0 , t 7→ at := sinh t 0 cosh t Then the centralizer M of A in K is the group of all ε 0 0 u 0 0 , 0 ε 0 E Contents JJ II J I Page 14 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close where ε ∈ U (1), u ∈ U (p − 1) and E ∈ U (r) such that ε2 det u = det E. Let M 0 = K 0 ∩ M = G0 ∩ M be the centralizer of A in K 0 . The centralizer of G0 in G is precisely ε1 0 p+1 0 ZG (G ) := ε ∈ U (1), E ∈ U (r), ε = det E @ M, 0 E and G0 ∩ ZG (G0 ) = Z (G0 ). An easy calculation shows that G = G0 ZG (G0 ). So K = K 0 ZG (G0 ) and M = M 0 Z (G0 ). Therefore if we decompose the adjoint representation of A as M g= gα , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 α∈Φ where for all α ∈ R Title Page g := ξ ∈ g Adat (ξ) = eαt α Contents is the corresponding root space and Φ := { α ∈ R| g α 6= 0} JJ II J I 0 is the root system, then we see that Φ is at the same time the root system of G , so Φ = {0, ±2} if n = 1 and Φ = {0, ±1, ±2} if n ≥ 2. Furthermore, if α 6= 0 then gα @ g0 is at the same time the corresponding root space of g0 , and finally g0 = a ⊕ m = a ⊕ m0 ⊕ zg (g0 ). Lemma 3.1. N (A) = ANK (A) = N (AM ) @ N (M ). Proof. Simple calculation. In particular we have the W EYL group W := M \NK (A) ' M 0 \NK 0 (A) ' {±1} Page 15 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close acting on A ' R via sign change. For the main result, Theorem 4.3, of this article the following definition is crucial: Definition 3.2. Let g0 ∈ G. (i) g0 is called loxodromic if and only if there exists g ∈ G such that g0 ∈ gAM g −1 . (ii) If g0 is loxodromic, it is called regular if and only if g0 = gat wg −1 with t ∈ R\{0} and w ∈ M . (iii) If γ ∈ Γ is regular loxodromic then it is called primitive in Γ if and only if γ = γ 0ν implies ν ∈ {±1} for all loxodromic γ 0 ∈ Γ and ν ∈ Z. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 0 Clearly for all γ ∈ Γ regular loxodromic there exists γ ∈ Γ primitive regular loxodromic and ν ∈ N \ {0} such that γ = γ 0ν . Lemma 3.3. Let g0 ∈ G be regular loxodromic, g ∈ G, w ∈ M and t ∈ R \ {0} such that g0 = gat wg −1 . Then g is uniquely determined up to right translation by elements of ANK (A), and t is uniquely determined up to sign. Proof. By straight forward computation or using the following strategy: Let g 0 ∈ G, −1 w0 ∈ M and t0 ∈ R such that g0 = g 0 at0 w0 g 0−1 also. Then at w = (g −1 g 0 ) at0 w0 (g −1 g 0 ) . Since t ∈ R \ {0} and because of the root space decomposition, a + m must be the largest subspace of g on which Adat w is orthogonal with respect to an appropiate scalar product. So Adg−1 g0 maps a + m into itself. This implies g −1 g 0 ∈ N (AM ) = ANK (A) by Lemma 3.1. Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 16 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 4. The Main Result Let ρ ∈ {0, . . . , r}. Assume Γ\G compact or n ≥ 2, vol Γ\G < ∞ and k ≥ 2n − ρ. Let C > 0 be given. Let us consider a regular loxodromic γ0 ∈ Γ. Let g ∈ G, w0 ∈ M and t0 > 0 such that γ0 = gat0 w0 g −1 . There exists a torus T := hγ0 i\ gAM belonging to γ0 . From Lemma 3.3 it follows that T is independent of g up to right translation with an element of the W EYL group W = M \NK (A). Let f ∈ sSk (Γ). Then fe ∈ C ∞ (Γ\G)C ⊗ O C0|r . Define h ∈ C ∞ (R × M )C ⊗ O C0|r as h (t, w) := fe(gat w) for all (t, w) ∈ R × M ’screening’ the values of fe on T. Then clearly h (t, w) = (ρ) h(t, 1, Ew ηj(w))j(w)k , and so h(t, w) = h(t, 1, Ew η)j(w)k+ρ if f ∈ sSk (Γ), for all (t, w) ∈ R × M . Clearly E0 := Ew0 ∈ U (r). So we can choose g ∈ G such that E0 is diagonal without changing T. Choose D ∈ Rr×r diagonal such that exp(2πiD) = E0 and χ ∈ R such that j (w0 ) = e2πiχ . D and χ are uniquely determined by w0 up to Z. If d1 0 .. D= . 0 dr A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 17 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close with d1 , . . . , dr ∈ R and I ∈ ℘(r), then we define trI D := P j∈I dj . Theorem 4.1 (F OURIER expansion of h ). (i) h (t + t0 , w) = h t, w0−1 w for all (t, w) ∈ R × M , and there exist unique bI,m ∈ C, I ∈ ℘(r), m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + |I|) χ − trI D), such that X X h (t, w) = j(w)k+|I| bI,m e2πimt (Ew η)I I∈℘(r) m∈ t1 (Z−(k+|I|)χ−trI D) 0 for all (t, w) ∈ R × M , where the sum converges uniformly in all derivatives. (ρ) sSk (Γ), 1 (Z t0 (ii) If f ∈ bI,m = 0 for all I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, and m ∈ − (k + ρ) χ V r C ∞ −trI D)∩] − C, C[ then there exists H ∈ C (R × M ) ⊗ (C ) uniformly L IPS CHITZ continuous with a L IPSCHITZ constant C2 ≥ 0 independent of γ0 such that A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page h = ∂t H, Contents H (t, w) = j(w)k H (t, 1, Ew ηj(w)) and H (t + t0 , w) = H t, w0−1 w II J I Page 18 of 66 for all (t, w) ∈ R × M . Go Back Proof. (i) Let t ∈ R and w ∈ M . Then h (t + t0 , w) = fe(gat0 at w) = fe = h t, w0−1 w , JJ Full Screen γ0 gw0−1 at w = fe gat w0−1 w Close and so h (t + t0 , 1) = h t, w0−1 = j (w0 )−k h t, 1, E0−1 ηj (w0 )−1 X = j (w0 )−k h (t, 1) e−2πitrI D η I j (w0 )−|I| I∈℘(r) X = −2πi((k+|I|)χ+trI D) e A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms I hI (t, 1)η . Roland Knevel I∈℘(r) vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 −2πi((k+|I|)χ+trI D) Therefore hI (t + t0 , 1) = e follows by a standard F OURIER expansion. hI (t, 1) for all I ∈ ℘(r), and the rest Title Page To prove (ii) we need the following lemma: Contents Lemma 4.2 (Generalization of the reverse B ERNSTEIN inequality). Let t0 ∈ R \ {0}, ν ∈ R and C > 0. Let S be the space of all convergent F OURIER series X s= sl e2πim♦ ∈ C ∞ (R)C , m∈ t1 (Z−ν),|m|≥C JJ II J I Page 19 of 66 0 Go Back for all sm ∈ C. Then b : S → S, s = X 2πim♦ sm e 7→ sb := m∈ t1 (Z−ν),|m|≥C 0 is a well-defined linear map, and ||b s||∞ ≤ X m∈ t1 (Z−ν),|m|≥C sm 2πim♦ e 2πim 0 6 πC ||s||∞ for all s ∈ S. Proof. This can be deduced from the ordinary reverse B ERNSTEIN inequality, see for example Theorem 8.4 in Chapter I of [9]. Full Screen Close Now we prove Theorem 4.1 (ii). Fix some I ∈ ℘(r) such that |I| = ρ and bI,m = 0 for all m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + ρ) χ − trI D) ∩] − C, C[. Then if we define ν := (k + ρ) χ + trI D ∈ R we have X hI (♦, 1) = bI,m e2πim♦ , m∈ t1 (Z−ν),|m|≥C 0 and so we can apply the generalized reverse B ERNSTEIN inequality, Lemma 4.2, to hI . Therefore we can define X bI,m 2πim♦ HI0 := hI\ (♦, 1) = e ∈ C ∞ (R)C . 2πim 1 m∈ t (Z−ν),|m|≥C 0 e f ∈ L∞ (G) by S ATAKE’s theorem, Theorem 2.3, and so there exists a constant C 0 > 0 independent of γ0 and I such that ||hI ||∞ < C 0 , and now Lemma 4.2 tells us that 6C 0 6 ||h (♦, 1)||∞ ≤ . ||HI0 ||∞ ≤ πC πC Clearly hI (♦, 1) = ∂t HI0 . Since j is smooth on the compact set M , j k+ρ (Ew η)I is uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous on M with a common LV IPSCHITZ constant C 00 independent of γ0 and I. So we see that H ∈ C ∞ (R, M )C ⊗ (Cr ) defined as X H(t, w) := j(w)k+ρ HI0 (t) (Ew η)I I∈℘(r) for all (t, w) ∈ R×M 0 is uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous with L IPSCHITZ constant 00 C2 := 6C + 1 C independent of γ0 , and the rest is trivial. πC A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 20 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Let I ∈ ℘(r) and m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + |I|) χ − trI D). Since sSk (Γ) is a H ILBERT space and sSk (Γ) → C, f 7→ bI,m is linear and continuous, there exists exactly one ϕγ0 ,I,m ∈ sSk (Γ) such that bI,m = (ϕγ0 ,I,m , f ) for all f ∈ sSk (Γ). Clearly (|I|) ϕγ0 ,I,m ∈ sSk (Γ). For the remainder of the article for simplicity we write m ∈] − C, C[ instead of m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + |I|) χ − trI D) ∩] − C, C[. In the last section we will compute ϕγ0 ,I,m as a relative P OINCARÉ series. One can check that the family {ϕγ0 ,I,m }I∈℘(r),|I|=ρ,m∈]−C,C[ is independent of the choice of g, D and χ up to multiplication with a unitary matrix with entries in C and invariant under conjugating γ0 with elements of Γ. Now we can state our main theorem: Let Ω be a fundamental set for all primitive regular loxodromic γ0 ∈ Γ modulo conjugation by elements of Γ and n o Ze := m ∈ ZG (G0 ) ∃g 0 ∈ G0 : mg 0 ∈ Γ @ ZG (G0 ) . A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I 0 e Recall that we still assume Then clearly Γ @ G Z. • Γ\G compact or Page 21 of 66 Go Back • n ≥ 2, vol Γ\G < ∞ and k ≥ 2n − ρ. Theorem 4.3 (Spanning set for sSk (Γ) ). Assume that the right translation of A on Γ\G0 Ze is topologically transitive. Then {ϕγ0 ,I,m | γ0 ∈ Ω, I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, m ∈] − C, C[} (ρ) is a spanning set for sSk (Γ). Full Screen Close For proving this result we need an A NOSOV type theorem for G and the unbounded realization of B, which we will discuss in the following two sections. Remark 1. f @ ZG (G0 ) such that Γ @ G0 M f and the right trans(i) If there is some subgroup M f is topologically transitive then necessarily M fZ(G0 ) = Ze lation of A on Γ\G0 M and there exists g0 ∈ G0 such that G0 Ze = Γg0 A. The latter statement is a trivial consequence of the fact that Ze @ M . (ii) In the case where Γ ∩ G0 @ Γ is of finite index or equivalently Ze is finite then we know that the right translation of A on Γ\G0 Ze is topologically transitive because of M OORE’s ergodicity theorem, see [13] Theorem 2.2.6, and since then Γ ∩ G0 @ G0 is a lattice. (iii) There is a finite-to-one correspondence between Ω and the set of closed geodesics of Γ\B assigning to each primitive loxodromic element γ0 = gat0 w0 g −1 ∈ Γ, g ∈ G, t0 > 0 and w0 ∈ M , the image of the unique geodesic gA0 of B normalized by γ0 under the canonical projection B → Γ\B. It is of length t0 if there is no irregular point of Γ\B on gA0. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 22 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 5. An A NOSOV Type Result for the Group G On the L IE group G we have a smooth flow (ϕt )t∈R given by the right translation by elements of A: ϕt : G → G, g 7→ gat . This turns out to be partially hyperbolic, and so we can apply a partial A NOSOV closing lemma. Let me mention that the flow (ϕt )t∈R descends to the ordinary geodesic flow on the unit tangent bundle SB ' G/M . Let us first have a look at the general theory of partial hyperbolicity: Let W be, for the moment, a smooth Riemannian manifold. Definition 5.1 (Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphism and Flow). Let C > 1. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page (i) Let ϕ be a C ∞ -diffeomorphism of W . Then ϕ is called partially hyperbolic with constant C if and only if there exists an orthogonal Dϕ (and therefore Dϕ−1 ) invariant C ∞ -splitting JJ II TW = T0 ⊕ T+ ⊕ T− J I (5.1) of the tangent bundle T W such that T 0 ⊕ T + , T 0 ⊕ T − , T 0 , T + and T − are closed under the commutator, Dϕ|T 0 is an isometry, ||Dϕ|T − || ≤ C1 and ||Dϕ−1 |T + || ≤ C1 . (ii) Let (ϕt )t∈R be a C ∞ -flow on W . Then (ϕt )t∈R is called partially hyperbolic with constant C if and only if all ϕt , t > 0 are partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with a common splitting (5.1) and constants eCt resp. and T 0 contains the generator of the flow. A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism ϕ gives rise to C ∞ -foliations on W corresponding to the splitting T W = T 0 ⊕ T + ⊕ T − . Let us denote the distances along the T 0 ⊕ T + -, T 0 -, T + - respectively T − -leaves by d0,+ , d0 , d+ and d− . Contents Page 23 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Definition 5.2. Let T W = T 0 ⊕ T + ⊕ T − be an orthogonal C ∞ -splitting of the tangent bundle T W of W such that T 0 ⊕ T + , T 0 , T + and T − are closed under the commutator, C 0 ≥ 1 and U ⊂ W . U is called C 0 -rectangular (with respect to the splitting T W = T 0 ⊕ T + ⊕ T − ) if and only if for all y, z ∈ U {i} there exists a unique intersection point a ∈ U of the T 0 ⊕ T + -leaf containing y and the T − -leaf containing z and a unique intersection point b ∈ U of the T 0 ⊕ T + -leaf containing z and the T − -leaf containing y, d0,+ (y, a) , d− (y, b) , d− (z, a) , d0,+ (z, b) ≤ C 0 d (y, z) , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 and 1 0,+ d (z, b) ≤ d0,+ (y, a) ≤ C 0 d0,+ (z, b) , C0 1 − d (z, a) ≤ d− (y, b) ≤ C 0 d− (z, a) . C0 {ii} if y and z belong to the same T 0 ⊕ T + -leaf there exists a unique intersection point c ∈ U of the T 0 -leaf containing y and the T + -leaf containing z and a unique intersection point d ∈ U of the T 0 -leaf containing z and the T + -leaf containing y, d0 (y, c) , d+ (y, d) , d+ (z, c) , d0 (z, d) ≤ C 0 d0,+ (y, z) , Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 24 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close and 1 0 d (z, d) ≤ d0 (y, c) ≤ C 0 d0 (z, d) , C0 1 + d (z, c) ≤ d+ (y, d) ≤ C 0 d+ (z, c) . C0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents Figure 1: Intersection points in {i}. Since the splitting T W = T 0 ⊕ T + ⊕ T − is orthogonal and smooth we see that for all x ∈ W and C 0 > 1 there exists a C 0 -rectangular neighbourhood of x. Theorem 5.3 (Partial A NOSOV closing lemma). Let ϕ be a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with constant C, let x ∈ W , C 0 ∈]1, C[ and δ > 0 such that Uδ (x) is contained in a C 0 -rectangular subset U ⊂ W . 0 If d (x, ϕ(x)) ≤ 1− CC δ C 02 +1 then there exist y, z ∈ U such that (i) x and y belong to the same T − -leaf and d− (x, y) ≤ C0 0 d (x, ϕ(x)) , 1 − CC JJ II J I Page 25 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close (ii) y and ϕ(y) belong to the same T 0 ⊕ T + -leaf and d0,+ (y, ϕ(y)) ≤ C 02 d (x, ϕ(x)) , (iii) y and z belong to the same T + -leaf and d+ (ϕ(y), ϕ(z)) ≤ C 03 0 d (x, ϕ(x)) , 1 − CC A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel 0 (iv) z and ϕ(z) belong to the same T -leaf and vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 d0 (z, ϕ(z)) ≤ C 04 d (x, ϕ(x)) . Title Page The proof, which will not be given here, uses a standard argument obtaining the points y and ϕ(z) as limits of certain C AUCHY sequences. The interested reader will find it in [11]. Now let us return to the flow (ϕt )t∈R on G and choose a left invariant metric on G such that gα , α ∈ Φ\{0}, a and m are pairwise orthogonal and the isomorphism R ' A ⊂ G is isometric. Then since the flow (ϕt )t∈R commutes with left translations it is indeed partially hyperbolic with constant 1 and the unique left invariant splitting of T G given by Contents JJ II J I Page 26 of 66 Go Back Full Screen T1 G = g = M M a⊕m ⊕ gα ⊕ gα . α∈Φ,α<0 | {z } α∈Φ,α>0 | {z } | {z } T 0 := 1 T1− := T1+ := For all L ⊂ G compact, T, ε > 0 define ML,T := gat g −1 g ∈ L, t ∈ [−T, T ] Close and NL,T,ε := {g ∈ G |dist (g, ML,T ) ≤ ε } . Lemma 5.4. For all L ⊂ G compact there exist T0 , ε0 > 0 such that Γ ∩ NL,T0 ,ε0 = {1}. Proof. Let L ⊂ G be compact and T > 0. Then ML,T is compact, and so there exists ε > 0 such that NL,T,ε is again compact. Since Γ is discrete, Γ ∩ NL,T,ε is finite. Clearly for all T, T 0 , ε and ε0 > 0 if T ≤ T 0 and ε ≤ ε0 then NL,T,ε ⊂ NL,T 0 ,ε0 , and finally \ NT,ε = {1}. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 T,ε>0 Title Page Here now is the quintessence of this section: Theorem 5.5. (i) For all T1 > 0 there exist C1 ≥ 1 and ε1 > 0 such that for all x ∈ G, γ ∈ Γ and T ≥ T1 if ε := d (γx, xaT ) ≤ ε1 then there exist z ∈ G, w ∈ M and t0 > 0 such that γz = zat0 w (and so γ is regular loxodromic), d ((t0 , w), (T, 1)) ≤ C1 ε and for all τ ∈ [0, T ] d (xaτ , zaτ ) ≤ C1 ε e−τ + e−(T −τ ) . (ii) For all L ⊂ G compact there exists ε2 > 0 such that for all x ∈ L, γ ∈ Γ and T ∈ [0, T0 ], T0 > 0 given by Lemma 5.4, if ε := d (γx, xaT ) ≤ ε2 then γ = 1 and T ≤ ε. Contents JJ II J I Page 27 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Proof. (i) Let T1 > 0 and define ! 3 C1 := max e 2 T1 − 1−e T1 2 , e2T1 ≥ 1. T1 Define C 0 := e 2 , let U be a C 0 -rectangular neighbourhood of 1 ∈ G and let δ > 0 such that Uδ (1) ⊂ U . Then by the left invariance of the splitting and the metric on G we see that gU is a C 0 -rectangular neighbourhood of g and Uδ (g) = gUδ (1) ⊂ gU for all g ∈ G. Define ! T1 1 − e− 2 T1 , > 0. ε1 := min δ T1 e + 1 C1 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Now assume γ ∈ Γ and T ≥ T1 such that Contents ε := d (γx, xaT v ) ≤ ε1 . JJ II Then ϕ : G → G, g 7→ γ −1 gaT is a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with constant eT1 > 1 and the corresponding splitting T G = T 0 ⊕ T + ⊕ T − . Then since J I T1 1 − e− 2 1 − C 0 e−T1 ε ≤ δ T1 =δ e +1 C 02 + 1 the partial A NOSOV closing lemma, Theorem 5.3, tells us that there exist y, z ∈ G such that (i) x and y belong to the same T − -leaf and d− (x, y) ≤ ε C0 0 , 1 − CC Page 28 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close (iii) y and z belong to the same T + -leaf and d+ (yaT v , zaT v ) ≤ ε C 03 0 , 1 − CC (iv) γz and zaT v belong to the same T 0 -leaf and d0 (γz, zaT v ) ≤ εC 04 . In (iii) and (iv) we already used that the metric and the flow are left invariant. So by (iv) and since the T 0 -leaf containing zaT is zAM , there exist w ∈ M and t0 ∈ R such that γz = zat0 w. So d0 (at0 −T w, 1) ≤ εC 04 , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents and so, since AM ' R × M isometrically, we see that d ((t0 , w) , (T, 1)) ≤ εC 04 = εe2T1 ≤ εC1 . In particular, |t0 − T | ≤ T1 , and so t0 > 0. Now let τ ∈ [0, T ]. Then since x and y belong to the same T − -leaf, the same is true for xaτ and yaτ , and d− (xaτ , yaτ ) ≤ d− (x, y) e−τ C 0 −τ ≤ εC1 e−τ . ≤ε 0 e 1 − CC Since y and z belong to the same T + -leaf, the same is true for yaτ and zaτ , and d+ (yaτ , zaτ ) ≤ d+ (yaT , zaT ) e−(T −τ ) C 03 −(T −τ ) ≤ε ≤ εC1 e−(T −τ ) . 0 e 1 − CC JJ II J I Page 29 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Combining these two inequalities we obtain d (xaτ , zaτ ) ≤ εC1 e−τ + e−(T −τ ) . ≤ c (ii) Let L ⊂ G be compact and let c ≥ 1 be given such that ||Adg || , Ad−1 g and therefore 1 d(ag, bg) ≤ d(a, b) ≤ cd(ag, bg) c for all g ∈ L and a, b ∈ G. Let ε0 > 0 be given by Lemma 5.4 and define ε2 := ε0 > 0. c A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Let x ∈ L, γ ∈ Γ and T ∈ [0, T0 ] such that ε := d (γx, xaT ) ≤ ε2 . Then since x ∈ L, we get d γ, xaT x−1 ≤ cε ≤ ε0 and so γ ∈ Γ ∩ NL,T0 ,ε0 . This implies γ = 1 and so d (1, aT ) = ε and therefore T ≤ ε. Contents JJ II J I Page 30 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 6. The Unbounded Realization Let n @ g0 be the standard maximal nilpotent sub L IE algebra, which is at the same time the direct sum of all root spaces of g0 of positive roots with respect to a. Let N := exp n. Then we have an I WASAWA decomposition G = N AK, N is 2-step nilpotent, and so N 0 := [N, N ] is at the same time the center of N . Now we transform the whole problem to the unbounded realization via the partial C AYLEY transformation 1 √ 0 √12 ←1 2 1 0 }n − 1 ∈ G0C = SL(n + 1, C) R := 0 ←n+1 − √12 0 √12 mapping B biholomorphically onto the unbounded domain 1 ∗ w1 ←1 n ∈ C Re w1 > w2 w2 . H := w = }n − 1 w2 2 Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 31 of 66 Go Back We see that RG0 R−1 @ G0C = SL(n + 1, C) ,→ GL(n + 1, C) × GL(r, C) acts holomorphically and transitively on H explicit calculations show that t e 0 −1 0 at := Rat R = 0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms via fractional linear transformations, and 0 0 ←1 1 0 }n − 1 ←n+1 0 e−t Full Screen Close for all t ∈ R, and RN R−1 is the image of 1 u∗ iλ + 12 u∗ u , u := 0 1 0 0 1 R × Cn−1 → RG0 R−1 , (λ, u) 7→ n0λ,u which is a C ∞ -diffeomorphism onto its image, with the multiplication rule n0λ,u n0µ,v = n0λ+µ+Im (u∗ v),u+v A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms for all λ, µ ∈ R and u, v ∈ Cn−1 , so N is exactly the H EISENBERG group Hn acting on H as pseudo translations w1 + u∗ w2 + iλ + 12 u∗ u w 7→ . w2 + u Roland Knevel √ Define j (R, z) = O(H), and for all 2 1−z1 −1 ∈ O(B), j (R−1 , w) := j (R, R−1 w) g ∈ RGR −1 A b c d = 0 vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page √ = 2 1+w1 Contents ∈ 0 ∈ RGR−1 E JJ II J I Page 32 of 66 Go Back define j (g, w) = j R, R−1 gw j R−1 gR, R−1 w j R−1 , w = 1 . cw + d Let H := H |r with even coordinate functions w1 , . . . , wn and odd coordinate functions ϑ1 , . . . , ϑr . R commutes with all g ∈ ZG (G0 ), and we have a right-representation of the group RGR−1 on D(H) given by ♦ |g : D(H) → D(H), f 7→ f g j (g, ♦)k ϑ Full Screen Close for all g ∈ RGR−1 . If we define ♦ |R : D(H) → D(B), f → 7 f R j (R, ♦)k ζ and |R−1 : D(B) → D(H), f 7→ f R −1 ♦ ϑ k j R−1 , ♦ , then we see that we get a commuting diagram D(H) |R ↓ D(B) |RgR−1 −→ −→ |g Roland Knevel D(H) ↓ |R . D(B) Now define the sesqui polynomial ∆0 on H × H, holomorphic in the first and antiholomorphic in the second variable, as −1 −1 ∆0 (z, w) := ∆ R−1 z, R−1 w j R−1 , z j (R−1 , w) = z1 + w1 − w2∗ z2 for all z, w ∈ H. Clearly det (z 7→ Rz)0 = |j (R, z)|n+1 for all z ∈ B. So det (w 7→ gw)0 = |j (g, w)|n+1 , 0 |j (g, e1 )| = ∆ (ge1 , ge1 ) −(n+1) 1 2 0 for all g ∈ RGR−1 and dVLeb is the RGR−1 -invariant volume P ∆ (w, w) I element on H. If f = I∈℘(r) fI ζ ∈ O(B), all fI ∈ O(B)C , I ∈ ℘(r), then X k+|I| I f |R−1 = fI R−1 ♦ j R−1 , ♦ ϑ ∈ O(H), I∈℘(r) A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 33 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close and if f = then fI ϑI ∈ O(H), all fI ∈ C ∞ (H)C , I ∈ ℘(r), and g ∈ RGR−1 , X f |g = fI (g♦) j (g, ♦)k+|I| (Eg ϑ)I ∈ O(H). P I∈℘(r) I∈℘(r) Let ∂H = w ∈ Cn Re w1 = 21 w2∗ w be the boundary of H in Cn . Then ∆0 and ∂H are RN R−1 -invariant, and RN R−1 acts transitively on ∂H and on each w ∈ H ∆0 (w, w) = e2t = RN at 0, t ∈ R. All geodesics in H can be written in the form R → H, t 7→ wt := Rgat 0 = RgR−1 a0t e1 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page with some g ∈ G, and conversely all these curves are geodesics in H. We have to distinguish two cases: Either the geodesic connects ∞ with a point in ∂H, or it connects two points in ∂H. In the second case we have JJ II lim ∆0 (wt , wt ) = 0, J I t→±∞ so we may assume without loss of generality that ∆0 (wt , wt ) is maximal for t = 0, otherwise we have to reparametrize the geodesic using gaT , T ∈ R appropriately chosen, instead of g. Contents Page 34 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Lemma 6.1. (i) Let Close R → H, t 7→ wt := Rgat 0 = RgR−1 a0t e1 be a geodesic in H such that limt→∞ wt = ∞ and limt→−∞ wt ∈ ∂H with respect to the euclidian metric on Cp . Then for all t ∈ R ∆0 (wt , wt ) = e2t ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) , A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 35 of 66 Go Back Figure 2: The geometry of H. Full Screen Close and if instead limt→−∞ wt = ∞ and limt→∞ wt ∈ ∂H, then ∆0 (wt , wt ) = e−2t ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) . (ii) Let R → H, t 7→ wt := Rgat 0 = RgR−1 a0t e1 be a geodesic in H connecting two points in ∂H such that ∆0 (wt , wt ) is maximal for t = 0. Then R → R>0 , t 7→ ∆0 (wt , wt ) is strictly increasing on R≤0 and strictly decreasing on R≥0 , and for all t ∈ R ∆0 (w−t , w−t ) = ∆0 (wt , wt ) A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms and e−2|t| ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) ≤ ∆0 (wt , wt ) ≤ 4e−2|t| ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) . Proof. (i) Since RN R−1 acts transitively on ∂H and ∆0 is RN R−1 -invariant we can assume without loss of generality that the geodesic connects 0 and ∞. But in H a geodesic is uniquely determined up to reparametrization by its endpoints. So we see that in the first case wt = a0t xe1 = e2t xe1 and in the second case wt = a0−t xe1 = e−2t xe1 both with an appropriately chosen x > 0. (ii) Let u, y ∈ R and s ∈ Cp−1 such that y 2 + s∗ s = 1. Then u eu e √1 − y 2 tanh2 t + 2iy tanh t (u,y,s) := R → H, t 7→ wt 2 tanh t (1 + iy tanh t) s 1 + y 2 tanh2 t is a geodesic through e2u e1 in H since it is the image of the standard geodesic tanh t R → B, t 7→ at 0 = 0 Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 36 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close in B under the transformation iy −s∗ 0 R s −iy 0 . 0 0 1 | {z } a0u | {z } ∈RAR−1 @RG0 R−1 So we see that (u,y,s) ∂t wt = t=0 ∈K 0 @G0 2u 2ie y √ 2eu s A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms ∈ Te2u e1 H is a unit vector with respect to the RGR−1 -invariant metric on H coming from B via R. Now since RN R−1 acts transitively on each w ∈ H ∆0 (w, w) = e2t = RN at 0, t ∈ R, and ∆0 is invariant under RN R−1 we may assume without loss of generality that w0 = e2u e1 with an appropriate u ∈ R. Since ∆0 (wt , wt ) is maximal for t = 0 we know that ∂t wt |t=0 is a unit vector in iR ⊕ Cp−1 @ Te1 H, and therefore there exist y ∈ R and s ∈ Cp−1 such that y 2 + s∗ s = 1 and 2u 2ie y ∂t wt |t=0 = √ u . 2e s Since the geodesic is uniquely determined by w0 and ∂t wt |t=0 we see that wt = (u,y,s) wt for all t ∈ R, and so a straight forward calculation shows that 1 − tanh2 t 1 + y 2 tanh2 t 8e2u = . (1 + y 2 ) (e2t + e−2t ) + 2s∗ s ∆0 (wt , wt ) = 2e2u Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 37 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close The rest is an easy exercise using y 2 + s∗ s = 1. For all t ∈ R define A>t := { aτ | τ > t} ⊂ A. Theorem 6.2 (A ’fundamental domain’ for Γ\G ). There exist η ⊂ N open and relatively compact, t0 ∈ R and Ξ ⊂ G0 finite such that if we define [ Ω := gηA>t0 K g∈Ξ A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel then −1 vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 (i) g Γg ∩ N ZG (G ) @ N ZG (G ) and g Γg ∩ N ZG (G ) @ N ZG (G ) are lattices, and N ZG (G0 ) = g −1 Γg ∩ N ZG (G0 ) ηZG (G0 ) Title Page Contents for all g ∈ Ξ , (ii) G = ΓΩ, JJ II (iii) the set {γ ∈ Γ|γΩ ∩ Ω 6= ∅} is finite. J I Proof. The theorem is a direct consequence of Theorem 0.6 (i) - (iii), Theorem 0.7, Lemma 3.16 and Lemma 3.18 of [5]. For a detailed derivation see [10] or Section 3.2 of [11]. Now clearly the set of cusps of Γ\B in Γ\∂B is contained in the set lim Γgat 0 g ∈ Ξ , t→+∞ and is therefore finite as expected, where the limits are taken with respect to the Euclidian metric on B. Page 38 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Corollary 6.3. Let t0 ∈ R, η ⊂ N and Ξ ⊂ G be given by Theorem 6.2. Let h ∈ C (Γ\G)C and s ∈]0, ∞]. Then h ∈ Ls (Γ\G) if and only if h (g♦) ∈ Ls (ηA>t0 K) for all g ∈ Ξ. P Let f ∈ sMk (Γ) and g ∈ Ξ. Then we can decompose f |g |R−1 = I∈℘(r) qI ϑI ∈ O(H), all qI ∈ O(H), I ∈ ℘(r), and by Theorem 6.2 (i) we know that g −1 Γg ∩ N 0 ZG (G0 ) 6@ ZG (G0 ). So let n ∈ g −1 Γg ∩ N 0 ZG (G0 ) \ ZG (G0 ), ε1 0 −1 0 , RnR = nλ0 ,0 0 E0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 λ0 ∈ R \ {0}, ε ∈ U (1), E0 ∈ U (r), εn+1 = det E. j (RnR−1 ) := j (RnR−1 , w) = ε−1 ∈ U (1) is independent of w ∈ H. So there exists χ ∈ R such that j (RnR−1 ) = e2πiχ . Without loss of generality we can assume that E0 is diagonal, otherwise conjugate n with an appropriate element of ZG (G0 ). So there exists D ∈ Rr×r diagonal such that E0 = exp (2πiD). Theorem 6.4 (F OURIER expansion of f |g |R−1 ). (i) There exist unique cI,m ∈ O (Cn−1 ), I ∈ ℘(r), m ∈ λ10 (Z − trI D − (k + |I|) χ), such that X qI (w) = cI,m (w2 ) e2πmw1 m∈ λ1 (Z−trI D−(k+|I|)χ) Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 39 of 66 Go Back 0 Full Screen for all w ∈ H and I ∈ ℘(r), and so X f |g |R−1 (w) = I∈℘(r) X cI,m (w2 ) e2πmw1 ϑI m∈ λ1 (Z−trI D−(k+|I|)χ) 0 for all w = pact. w1 w2 ←1 ∈ H, where the convergence is absolute and com}n − 1 Close (ii) cI,m = 0 for all I ∈ ℘(r) and m > 0 (this is a super analogon for KOECHER’s principle, see for example Section 11.5 of [1] ), and if trI D + (k + |I|) χ ∈ Z, then cI,0 is a constant. (iii) Let I ∈ ℘(r) and s ∈ [1, ∞] . If trI D + (k + |I|) χ 6∈ Z, then qI ∆0 (w, w) k+|I| 2 ∈ Ls (RηA>t0 0) −(n+1) with respect to the RGR−1 -invariant measure ∆0 (w, w) trI D + (k + |I|) χ ∈ Z and k ≥ 2n − |I| then qI ∆0 (w, w) k+|I| 2 dVLeb on H. If A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 ∈ Ls (RηA>t0 0) with respect to the RGR−1 -invariant measure on H if and only if cI,0 = 0. Title Page Contents A proof can be found in [10] or [11] Section 3.2. JJ II J I Page 40 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 7. Proof of the Main Result We have a L IE algebra embedding ρ : sl(2, C) ,→ g0C = sl(n + 1, C), 0 a b c −a a 0 0 0 7→ c 0 b 0 . −a Obviously the preimage of g under ρ is su(1, 1), the preimage of s (u(1) ⊕ u(1)) ' u(1) and ρ lifts to a L IE group homomorphism a 0 a b ρe : SL(2, C) → G0C = SL(n + 1, C), 7→ 0 0 c d c 0 0 k under ρ is A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel b 0 d such that ρe (SU (1, 1)) @ G0 . Let us now identify the elements of g with the corresponding left invariant differential operators. They are defined on a dense subset of L2 (Γ\G), and define 0 1 0 i 0 D := ρ ∈ a , D := ρ ∈ g0 and −i 0 1 0 i 0 φ := ρ ∈ k0 . 0 −i The R-linear span of D, D0 and φ is the 3-dimensional sub L IE algebra ρ (su(1, 1)) of g0 @ g, and D generates the flow ϕt . φ generates a subgroup of K 0 , being the image of the L IE group embedding it e 0 R/2πZ ,→ K, t 7→ exp (tφ) = ρe . 0 e−it vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 41 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Now define 1 1 (D − iD0 ) , D− := (D + iD0 ) and Ψ := −iφ 2 2 as left invariant differential operators on G. Then we get the commutation relations Ψ, D+ = 2D+ , Ψ, D− = −2D− and D+ , D− = Ψ, D+ := and since G is unimodular ∗ ∗ D+ = −D− , D− = −D+ and Ψ∗ = Ψ. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 So by standard F OURIER analysis L2 (Γ\G) = M d Hν Title Page Contents ν∈Z as an orthogonal sum, where Hν := F ∈ L2 (Γ\G) ∩ domain Ψ ΨF = νF JJ II J I for all ν ∈ Z. By a simple calculation we obtain D+ Hν ∩ domain D+ ⊂ Hν+2 and D− Hν ∩ domain D− ⊂ Hν−2 Page 42 of 66 for all ν ∈ Z. Lemma 7.1. D−e h = 0 for all h ∈ O(B). fg . So Proof. Let g ∈ G. Then again h|g ∈ O(B), and e h (g♦) = h| D −e h(g) = D− e h (g♦) (1) = ∂ 1 h|g (0) = 0. Go Back Full Screen Close (ρ) Lemma 7.2. Let f ∈ sSk (Γ). Then fe is uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous. Proof. Since on G we use a left invariant metric it suffices to show that there exists a constant c ≥ 0 such that for all g ∈ G and ξ ∈ g with ||ξ||2 ≤ 1 e ξ f (g) ≤ c. Then c is a L IPSCHITZ constant for fe. So choose an orthonormal basis (ξ1 , . . . , ξN ) of g and a compact neighbourhood L of 0 in B. Then by C AUCHY’s integral formula there exist C 0 , C 00 ≥ 0 such that for all h ∈ O(B) ∩ L∞ k (B) and n ∈ {1, . . . , N } Z e 0 00 0 |h| ≤ C vol L ||h||∞,L ≤ C vol L e h , ξn h (1) ≤ C ∞ L and since g → C, ξ 7→ ξe h (1) is linear we obtain e h ξ h (1) ≤ N C 00 vol L e Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents ∞ for general ξ ∈ g with ||ξ||2 ≤ 1. Now let g ∈ G. Then again f |g ∈ O(B), fe(g♦) = ff |g , and by S ATAKE’s theorem, Theorem 2.3, f and so f |g ∈ L∞ k (B). So e e ξ f (g) = ξ f (g♦) (1) ≤ N C 00 vol L fe(g♦) ≤ N C 00 vol L fe , ∞ JJ II J I Page 43 of 66 Go Back Full Screen ∞ and we can define c := N C vol L fe . 00 ∞ (ρ) A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Now let f ∈ sSk (Γ) such that (ϕγ0 ,I,m , f )Γ = 0 for all ϕγ0 ,I,m , γ0 ∈ Γ primitive loxodromic, I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, m ∈] − C, C[. We will show that f = 0 in several steps. Close V Lemma 7.3. There exists F ∈ C (Γ\G)C ⊗ (Cr ) uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous on compact sets and differentiable along the flow ϕt such that f = ∂τ F (♦aτ )|τ =0 = DF. Proof. Here we use that the right translation with A on Γ\G0 Ze is topologically tranV sitive. So let g0 ∈ G0 such that Γg0 A = G0 Ze and define s ∈ C ∞ (R)C ⊗ (Cr ) by Z t s(t) := fe(g0 aτ ) dτ 0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 for all t ∈ R. Step I. Show that for all L ⊂ G0 Ze compact there exist constants C3 ≥ 0 and ε3 > 0 such that for all t ∈ R, T ≥ 0 and γ ∈ Γ if g0 at ∈ L and ε := d (γg0 at , g0 at+T ) ≤ ε3 then |s(t) − s(t + T )| ≤ C3 ε. Let L ⊂ G0 Ze be compact, T0 > 0 be given by Lemma 5.4 ε 1 be and C1 ≥ 1 and e given by Theorem 5.5 (i) with T1 := T0 . Define C3 := max C1 (C2 + 2c) , f ≥ ∞ 0, where C2 ≥ 0 is the L IPSCHITZ constant from Theorem 4.1 (ii) and c ≥ 0 is the T0 L IPSCHITZ constant of fe. Define ε3 := min ε1 , ε2 , 2C > 0, where ε2 > 0 is 1 given by Theorem 5.5 (ii). Let t ∈ R, T ≥ 0 and γ ∈ Γ such that g0 at ∈ L and ε := d (γg0 at , g0 at+T ) ≤ ε3 . First assume T ≥ T0 . Then by Theorem 5.5 (i) since ε ≤ ε1 there exist g ∈ G, w0 ∈ M and t0 > 0 such that γg = gat0 w0 , d ((t0 , w0 ) , (T, 1)) ≤ C1 ε, and for all τ ∈ [0, T ] d (g0 at+τ , gaτ ) ≤ C1 ε e−τ + e−(T −τ ) . Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 44 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close We get Z T s(t + T ) − s(t) = |0 Z T e e e f (gaτ ) dτ + f (g0 at+τ ) − f (gaτ ) dτ {z } |0 {z } I1 := I2 := and A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms T Z e e f (g0 at+τ ) − f (gaτ ) dτ |I2 | ≤ 0 Z Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 T ≤c d (g0 at+τ , gaτ ) dτ Z T ≤ cC1 ε e−τ + e−(T −τ ) dτ 0 Title Page Contents 0 ≤ 2cC1 ε. Since γ ∈ Γ is regular loxodromic, there exists γ0 ∈ Γ primitive loxodromic and ν ∈ N \ {0} such that γ = γ0ν . γ0 ∈ gAW g −1 since Lemma 3.3 tells us that g ∈ G is already determined by γ up to right translation with elements of ANK (A). Choose w0 ∈ NK (M ), t00 > 0 and w00 ∈ M such that Ew00 is diagonal and γ = V gw0 at00 w00 (gw0 )−1 , and let g 0 := gw0 . We define h ∈ C ∞ (R × M )C ⊗ (Cr ) as h(τ, w) := fe(g 0 aτ w) = fe(gaτ w0 w) for all τ ∈ R and w ∈ M . Then Z I1 = 0 T h τ, w0−1 dτ. JJ II J I Page 45 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close We can apply Theorem 4.1 (i) and, since f is perpendicular to all ϕγ0 ,I,m , I ∈ ℘(r), m ∈] − C, C[, also Theorem 4.1 (ii) with g 0 := gw0 instead of g, and so |I1 | = H T, w0−1 − H 0, w0−1 = H T, w0−1 − H t0 , w0−1 w0 ≤ C2 d ((T, 1) , (t0 , w0 )) ≤ C1 C2 ε, where we used that H (0, w0−1 ) = H (t00 , w00 w0−1 ), choosing the left invariant metric on M , and the claim follows. Now assume T ≤ T0 . Then by Theorem 5.5 (ii), since ε ≤ ε0 we get T ≤ ε and so Z T e |s(t + T ) − s(t)| = f (g0 at+τ ) dτ ≤ ε fe . A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents ∞ 0 0 C Step II. Show that there exists a unique F1 ∈ C Γ\G Ze ⊗ L IPSCHITZ continuous on compact sets such that for all t ∈ R V r (C ) uniformly JJ II J I Page 46 of 66 s(t) = F1 (g0 at ) . Go Back Full Screen By Step I for all L ⊂ Γ\G0 Ze compact with L◦ ⊂ L there exists a unique FL ∈ dense C C Γ\G0 Ze uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous such that for all t ∈ R if Γg0 at ∈ L C then s(t) = FL (Γg0 at ). So we see that there exists a unique F1 ∈ C Γ\G0 Ze ⊗ V r (C ) such that F1 | = FL for all L ⊂ Γ\G0 Ze compact with L◦ ⊂ L. L dense Close Step III. Show that F1 is differentiable along the flow and that for all g ∈ G0 Ze ∂τ F1 (gaτ ) |τ =0 = fe(g). e It suffices to show that for all T ∈ R Let g ∈ G0 Z. Z T fe(gaτ ) dτ = F1 (gaT ) − F1 (g). 0 e If g = g0 at for some t ∈ R then it is clear by construction. For general g ∈ G0 Z, since Γg0 A = G0 Ze there exists (γn , tn )n∈N ∈ (Γ × R)N such that lim γn g0 atn = g, n→∞ A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page and so Contents lim γn g0 aτ +tn = gaτ n→∞ compact in τ ∈ R. Finally fe is uniformly L IPSCHITZ continuous. Therefore we can interchange integration and taking the limit n ∞: Z T Z T fe(gaτ ) dτ = lim fe(γn g0 aτ +tn ) dτ 0 n→∞ 0 = lim (F1 (γn g0 aT +tn ) − F1 (γn g0 atn )) n→∞ = F1 (gaT ) − F1 (g). Step IV. Conclusion. V Define F ∈ C(G)C ⊗ (Cr ) as Z F (gw) := F1 gu−1 , Euw η j(uw)k+ρ du e Z JJ II J I Page 47 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close for all g ∈ G0 Ze and w ∈ ZG (G0 ), where we normalize the H AAR measure on the compact L IE group Ze such that vol Ze = 1. Then we see that F is well defined and fulfills all the desired properties. Lemma 7.4. (i) For all L ⊂ G compact there exists ε4 > 0 such that for all g, h ∈ L if g and h belong to the same T − -leaf and d− (g, h) ≤ ε4 then lim (F (gat ) − F (hat )) = 0, t→∞ A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 + + and if g and h belong to the same T -leaf and d (g, h) ≤ ε4 then lim (F (gat ) − F (hat )) = 0. Title Page t→−∞ (ii) F is continuously differentiable along T − - and T + -leafs, more precisely if ρ : I → G is a continuously differentiable curve in a T − -leaf, then Z ∞ ∂t (F ◦ ρ) (t) = − ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dτ, Contents JJ II J I Page 48 of 66 0 and if ρ : I → G is a continuously differentiable curve in a T + -leaf then Z 0 ∂t (F ◦ ρ) (t) = ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dτ. −∞ Go Back Full Screen Close 0 Proof. (i) Let L ⊂ G be compact, and let L ⊂ G be a compact neighbourhood of L. Let T0 > 0 be given by Lemma 5.4 and ε2 > 0 by Theorem 5.5 (ii) both with respect to L0 . Define 1 T0 ε4 := min ε1 , ε2 , > 0, 3 2C1 where ε1 > 0 and C1 ≥ 1 are given by Theorem 5.5 (i) with T1 := T0 . Let δ0 > 0 such that Uδ0 (L) ⊂ L0 and let δ ∈ ]0, min (δ0 , ε4 )[ . Let g, h ∈ L be in the same T − -leaf such that ε := d− (g, h) ≤ ε4 . Since the splitting of T G is left invariant and T1− (G) @ g0 we see that there exist g 0 , h0 ∈ G0 and u ∈ ZG (G0 ) such that g = g 0 u and h = h0 u. Fix some T 0 > 0. Again by e and so g, h ∈ Γg0 uA. So assumption there exists g0 ∈ G0 such that Γg0 A = G0 Z, there exist γg , γh ∈ Γ and tg , th ∈ R such that d gat , γg g0 uatg +t , d (hat , γh g0 uath +t ) ≤ δ for all t ∈ [0, T 0 ], and so in particular γg g0 uatg , γh g0 uath ∈ L0 . We will show that for all t ∈ [0, T 0 ] F γg g0 uatg +t − F (γh g0 uat +t ) ≤ C30 εe−t + 2δ h with the same constant C30 ≥ 0 as in Step I of the proof of Lemma 7.3 with respect to L0 . Without loss of generality we may assume T := th − tg ≥ 0. Define γ := γg γh−1 ∈ Γ. Then for all t ∈ [0, T 0 ] d γγh g0 uatg +t , γh g0 uatg +t+T ≤ εe−t + 2δ. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 49 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 0 First assume T ≥ T0 and fix t∈ [0, T]. Then by Theorem 5.5 (i), since T0 εe−t + 2δ ≤ ε + 2δ ≤ min ε1 , 2C , there exist z ∈ G, t0 ∈ R and 1 w ∈ M such that γz = zat0 w, d ((t0 , w) , (T, 1)) ≤ C1 2δ + εe−t , and for all τ ∈ [0, T ] d γg g0 uatg +t+τ , zaτ ≤ C1 εe−t + 2δ e−τ + e−(T −τ ) . And so by the same calculations as in the proof of Lemma 7.3 we obtain the estimate F γg g0 uatg +t − F (γh g0 uat +t ) ≤ C30 εe−t + 2δ . h 0 Now assume T ≤ T0 . Then by Theorem 5.5 (ii) since γg g0 matg ∈ L and ε + 2δ ≤ ε2 we obtain γ = 1 and so by the left invariance of the metric on G 0 d (1, aT ) ≤ εe−T + 2δ, 0 therefore T ≤ εe−T + 2δ. So as in the proof of Lemma 7.3, −T 0 F γg g0 uatg +t − F (γh g0 uat +t ) ≤ fe εe + 2δ h ∞ ≤ C30 εe−t + 2δ . Now let us take the limit δ 0. Then γg g0 uatg g and γh g0 uath h, so since F is continuous |F (gat ) − F (hat )| ≤ C30 εe−t for all t ∈ [0, T 0 ], and since T 0 > 0 has been arbitrary, we obtain this estimate for all t ≥ 0 and so limt→∞ F (gat ) − F (hat ) = 0. By similar calculations we can prove that limt→−∞ F (gat ) − F (hat ) = 0 if g and h belong to the same T + -leaf and d+ (g, h) ≤ ε4 . (ii) Let ρ : I → G be a continuously differentiable curve in a T − -leaf, and let t0 , t1 ∈ I, t1 > t0 . It suffices to show that Z t1 Z ∞ F (ρ (t1 )) − F (ρ (t0 )) = − ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dτ dt. t0 0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 50 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close Let C 0 ≥ 0 such that ||∂t ρ(t)|| ≤ C 0 for all t ∈ [t0 , t1 ]. Then since ρ lies in a T − -leaf we have ||∂t (ρ(t)aτ )|| ≤ C 0 e−τ and so e ∂t f (ρ(t)aτ ) ≤ cC 0 e−τ for all τ ≥ 0 and t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] where c ≥ 0 is the L IPSCHITZ constant of fe. So the double integral on the right side is absolutely convergent and so we can interchange the order of integration: Z t1 Z ∞ Z ∞ Z t1 ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dτ dt = ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dtdτ t0 0 0 t0 Z ∞ e e = f (ρ (t1 ) aτ ) − f (ρ (t0 ) aτ ) dτ A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page 0 = lim (F (ρ (t1 ) aT ) − F (ρ (t0 ) aT )) T →∞ − F (ρ (t1 )) + F (ρ (t0 )) . Now let L ⊂ G be compact such that ρ([t1 , t2 ]) ⊂ L and let ε4 > 0 as in (i). Without loss of generality we may assume that d− (ρ (t0 ) , ρ (t1 )) ≤ ε4 . Then lim (F (ρ (t1 ) aT ) − F (ρ (t0 ) aT )) = 0 T →∞ Contents JJ II J I Page 51 of 66 Go Back Full Screen by (i). By similar calculations one can also prove Z 0 ∂t fe(ρ(t)aτ ) dτ ∂t (F ◦ ρ) (t) = −∞ in the case when ρ : I → G is a continuously differentiable curve in a T + -leaf. Close Lemma 7.5. (i) F ∈ L2 (Γ\G) ⊗ V r (C ), V (ii) ξF ∈ L2 (Γ\G) ⊗ (Cr ) for all ξ ∈ RD ⊕ g ∩ (T + ⊕ T − ). Proof. (i) If Γ\G is compact then the assertion is trivial. So assume that Γ\G is not compact, then we use the unbounded realization H of B introduced in Section 6. Since vol (Γ\G) < ∞, it suffices to prove that F is bounded, and by Corollary 6.3 it is even enough to show that F (g♦) is bounded on N A>t0 K for all g ∈ Ξ, where t0 ∈ R and Ξ ⊂ G0 are given by Theorem 6.2. So let g ∈ Ξ. Step I. Show that F (g♦) is bounded on N at0 K. Let η ⊂ N also be given by Theorem 6.2. Then F (g♦) is clearly bounded on the compact set ηat0 K. On the other hand F (g♦) is left-g −1 Γg -invariant, so it is also bounded on N at0 K = gΓg −1 ∩ N ZG (G0 ) ηat0 K by Theorem 6.2 (i). Step II. Show that there exists C 0 ≥ 0 such that for all g 0 ∈ N A>t0 K C0 e 0 . f (gg ) ≤ 0 ∆ (Rg 0 0, Rg 0 0) A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 52 of 66 Go Back Full Screen P As in Section 6, let qI ∈ O(H) such that f |g |R−1 = I∈℘(r) qI ϑI . Then since V fe(g♦) ∈ L2 (ηA>t0 K) ⊗ (Cr ), by Theorem 6.4 we have F OURIER expansions X (7.1) qI (w) = cI,m (w2 ) e2πmw1 m∈ λ1 (Z−trI D−(k+|I|)χ)∩R<0 0 Close w1 ←1 ∈ H, where cI,m ∈ O (Cn−1 ), I ∈ for all I ∈ ℘(I) and w = }n − 1 w2 ℘(r), m ∈ λ10 (z − trI D − (k + |I|) χ) ∩ R<0 . Define M0 := max [ I∈℘(r) 1 (Z − trI D − (k + |I|) χ) ∩ R<0 < 0. λ0 Rηat0 0 ⊂ H is compact, and so since the convergence of the F OURIER series (7.1) is absolute and compact we can define A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 00 −2πM0 e2t0 C := e × max I∈℘(r) Then we have X cI,m (w2 ) e2πmw1 m∈ λ1 (Z−trI D−(k+|I|)χ)∩R<0 0 ∞,Rηat0 0 < ∞. Title Page Contents 0 |qI (w)| ≤ C 00 eπM0 ∆ (w,w) for all I ∈ ℘(r) and w ∈ RηA>t0 0. Now let ∗ 0 0 g = ∈ ηA>0 K, 0 E0 E 0 ∈ U (r). Then JJ II J I Page 53 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close fe(gg 0 ) = f |g |R−1 RgR−1 (e1 ) k e1 0 −1 = f |g |R−1 Rg R j Rg 0 R−1 , e1 η Rg 0 0 Eηj (Rg 0 R−1 ) k = f |g |R−1 j Rg 0 R−1 , e1 X k+|I| = qI (Rg 0 0) (Eη)I j Rg 0 R−1 , e1 . I∈℘(r) p Therefore since |j (Rg 0 R−1 , e1 )| = ∆0 (Rg 0 0, Rg 0 0) we get 0 0 0 e 0 f (gg ) ≤ 2r C 00 eπM0 ∆ (Rg 0,Rg 0) k+r k × ∆0 (Rg 0 0, Rg 0 0) 2 + ∆0 (Rg 0 0, Rg 0 0) 2 . So we see that there exists C 0 > 0 such that C0 e 0 f (gg ) ≤ 0 ∆ (Rg 0 0, Rg 0 0) for all g 0 ∈ ηA>t0 K. However, on the one hand fe(g♦) is left- g −1 Γg -invariant, and on the other hand ∆0 is RN ZG (G0 ) R−1 -invariant. Therefore the estimate is correct even for all g 0 ∈ N A>t0 K = gΓg −1 ∩ N ZG (G0 ) ηA>t0 K A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 54 of 66 Go Back by Theorem 6.2 (i). Full Screen Step III. Conclusion: Prove that |F (g♦)| ≤ ||F (g♦)||∞,N at 0K + 2C 0 e−2t0 on N A>t0 K. Let g 0 ∈ G be arbitrary. We will show the estimate on g 0 A ∩ N A>t0 K. R → H, t 7→ wt := Rg 0 at 0 Close is a geodesic in H, and for all t ∈ R we have g 0 at ∈ N A>t0 K if and only if ∆0 (wt , wt ) > 2e2t0 . Now we have to distinguish two cases. In the first case the geodesic connects ∞ with a point in ∂H. First assume that limt→∞ wt = ∞ and limt→−∞ wt ∈ ∂H. Then limt→∞ ∆0 (wt , wt ) = ∞ and limt→−∞ ∆0 (wt , wt ) = 0. So we may assume without loss of generality that ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) = 2e2t0 , and therefore g 0 = g 0 a0 ∈ N at0 K and g 0 at ∈ N A>t0 K if and only if t > 0. So let t > 0. Then Z t 0 0 F (gg at ) = F (gg ) + fe(gg 0 aτ ) dτ, 0 and so 0 |F (gg at )| ≤ ||F (g♦)||∞,N at 0K By Step II and Lemma 6.1 (i), Z t Z e 0 0 f (gg aτ ) dτ ≤ C 0 Z t e 0 + f (gg aτ ) dτ. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page 0 t dτ 0 0 ∆ (wτ , wτ ) Z t C0 = 0 e−2τ dτ ∆ (w0 , w0 ) 0 ≤ C 0 e−2t0 . The case where limt→−∞ = ∞ and limt→∞ ∈ ∂H is done similarly. In the second case the geodesic connects two points in ∂H. Then without loss of generality we may assume that ∆0 (Rwt , Rwt ) is maximal for t = 0. So if ∆0 (w0 , w0 ) < 2e2t0 , we have g 0 A ∩ N A>t0 K = ∅. Otherwise by Lemma 6.1 (ii) there exists T ≥ 0 such that ∆0 (wT , wT ) = ∆0 (w−T , w−T ) = 2e2t0 , and since Contents JJ II J I Page 55 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close ∆0 (wT , wT ) ≤ 4 ∆0 e2|T | (w0 , w0 ), we see that T ≤ 1 log (2∆0 (wT , wT )) − t0 . 2 So g 0 aT , g 0 a−T ∈ N at0 K and g 0 at ∈ N A>t0 K if and only if t ∈] − T, T [. Let t ∈] − T, T [ and assume t ≥ 0 first. Then Z T 0 0 F (gg at ) = F (gg aT ) − fe(gg 0 aτ ) dτ, t Z |F (gg at )| ≤ ||F (g♦)||∞,N at 0K By Step II and Lemma 6.1 (ii), now Z T Z e 0 0 f (gg aτ ) dτ ≤ C 0 Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 and so 0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms + 0 T e 0 f (gg a ) τ dτ. Title Page Contents T dτ 0 0 ∆ (wτ , wτ ) Z T C0 ≤ 0 e2τ dτ ∆ (w0 , w0 ) 0 C0 e2T ≤ 2∆0 (w0 , w0 ) ≤ 2C 0 e−2t0 . The case t ≤ 0 is done similarly. V (ii) Since on one hand ∂τ F (♦aτ ) |τ =0 = fe ∈ L2 (Γ\G) ⊗ (Cr ) and on the other hand vol (Γ\G) < ∞, it suffices to show that ξF is bounded for all α ∈ Φ \ {0} and ξ ∈ gα . So let α ∈ Φ \ {0} and ξ ∈ gα . First assume α > 0, which clearly JJ II J I Page 56 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close implies that α ≥ 1 and ξ ∈ T − . So there exists a continuously differentiable curve ρ : I → G contained in the T − -leaf containing 1 such that 0 ∈ I, ρ(0) = 1 and ∂t ρ(t)|t=0 = ξ. Let g ∈ G. Then by Theorem 7.4 (ii), we have (ξF ) (g) = ∂t F (gρ(t))|t=0 Z ∞ =− ∂t fe(gρ(t)aτ ) dτ t=0 Z0 ∞ =− ∂t fe(gaτ a−τ ρ(t)aτ ) dτ t=0 Z0 ∞ =− Ada−τ (ξ) fe (gaτ ) dτ Z0 ∞ −ατ =− e ξ fe (gaτ ) dτ, A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents 0 so |(ξF ) (g)| ≤ c ||ξ||2 < ∞, where c is the L IPSCHITZ constant of fe. The case α < 0 is done similarly. Therefore by the F OURIER decomposition described above we have X X F = FIν η I , I∈℘(r),|I|=ρ ν∈Z where FIν ∈ Hν for all I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, and ν ∈ Z. D = D+ + D− , and a simple calculation shows that D+ and D− ∈ RD ⊕ g ∩ (T + ⊕ T − ), and so D+ F, D− F ∈ V L2 (Γ\G) ⊗ (Cr ) by Lemma 7.5 (ii). So we get the F OURIER decomposition of fe as X X fe = DF = D+ FI,ν−2 + D− FI,ν+2 η I I∈℘(r),|I|=ρ ν∈Z JJ II J I Page 57 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close with D+ FI,ν−2 + D− FI,ν+2 ∈ Hν for all ν ∈ Z. But since f ∈ sSkρ (Γ) the F OURIER decomposition of fe is exactly X fe = qI η I I∈℘(r),|I|=ρ with qI ∈ C ∞ (G)C ∩ Hk+ρ , and so for all I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, and ν ∈ Z qI if ν = k + ρ + − D FI,ν−2 + D FI,ν+2 = . 0 otherwise A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Lemma 7.6. FI,ν = 0 for I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, and ν ≥ k + ρ. Proof. Similar to the argument of G UILLEMIN and K AZHDAN in [6]. Let I ∈ ℘(r) such that |I| = ρ. Then by the commutation relations of D+ and D− we get for all n∈Z + D FI,n 2 = D− FI,n 2 + ν ||FI,n ||2 , (7.2) 2 2 2 and for all n ≥ k + ρ + 1 we have D+ FI,n−2 + D− FI,n+2 = 0 and so − D FI,n+2 = D+ FI,n−2 . 2 2 Now let ν ≥ k + ρ. We will prove that + D FI,ν+4l ≥ ||FI,ν || 2 2 for all l ∈ N by induction on l: If l = 0 then the inequality is clear by (7.2). So let us assume that the inequality is true for some l ∈ N. Then again by (7.2) we have + D FI,ν+4l+4 2 ≥ D− FI,ν+4l+4 2 = D+ FI,ν+4l 2 ≥ ||FI,ν ||2 . 2 2 2 2 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 58 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close On the other hand, D+ FI ∈ L2 (Γ\G) by Lemma 7.5 and so ||D+ FI,n ||2 0 for n ∞. This implies Fν = 0. + − So for all I ∈ ℘(r), |I| = ρ, we obtain D FI,k+ρ−2 = qI and finally D qI = 0 by Lemma 7.1, since f ∈ O(B), so ||qI ||22 = qI , D+ FI,k+ρ−2 = − D− qI , FI,k+ρ−2 = 0, and so fe = 0, which completes the proof of our main theorem. A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 59 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close 8. Computation of the ϕγ0 ,I,m Fix a regular loxodromic γ0 ∈ Γ, g ∈ G, t0 > 0 and w0 ∈ M such that E0 := Ew0 is diagonal and γ0 = gat0 w0 g −1 ∈ gAM g −1 . Let D ∈ Rr×r be diagonal such that exp(2πiD) = E0 and χ ∈ R such that j(w0 ) = e2πiχ . Now we will compute ϕγ0 ,I,m ∈ sSk (Γ), I ∈ ℘(r), m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + |I|) χ − trI D), as a relative P OINCARÉ series with respect to Γ0 := hγ0 i @ Γ. Hereby again ’≡’ means equality up to a constant 6= 0 not necessarily independent of γ0 , I and m. Theorem 8.1. Let I ∈ ℘(r) and k ≥ 2n+1−|I|. Then for all m ∈ −trI D) (i) X (|I|) ϕγ0 ,I,m ≡ q|γ ∈ sSk (Γ), 1 (Z−(k t0 + |I|) χ A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents γ∈Γ0 \Γ where Z ∞ 2πimt q := e −k−|I| ∆ (♦, gat 0) k+|I| j (gat , 0) dt I Eg−1 ζ −∞ (|I|) ∈ sMk (Γ0 ) ∩ L1k (Γ0 \B) . JJ II J I Page 60 of 66 (ii) For all z ∈ B we have Go Back − k+|I| 2 q (z) ≡ ∆ z, X+ ∆ z, X− where 1 0 X+ := g ... 0 1 + v1 1 − v1 πim I , Full Screen Close −1 0 X− := g ... and Eg−1 ζ 0 are the two fixpoints of γ0 in ∂B, and v := g −1 z ∈ B ⊂ Cp . Proof. Let ρ := |I|. P V (ρ) (i) Let f ∈ sSk (Γ), and define h = J∈℘(r),|J|=ρ hJ η J ∈ C ∞ (R × M )C ⊗ (Cr ), all hJ ∈ C ∞ (R × M )C , and bI,m ∈ C, m ∈ t10 (Z − (k + |I|) χ − trI D), as in Theorem 4.1. Then by standard F OURIER theory and Lemma 2.5 we have Z t0 bI,m ≡ e−2πimt hI (t, 1)dt Z0 t0 I −k−ρ −2πimt −1 ≡ e ∆ (♦, gat 0) Eg ζ , f j (gat , 0)k+ρ dt Z0 t0 Z D I ∼ E −2πimt = e fe, ∆ (♦, gat 0)−k−ρ Eg−1 ζ j (gat , 0)k+ρ dt. 0 G V Since by S ATAKE’s theorem, Theorem 2.3, fe ∈ L∞ (G) ⊗ (Cr ), and Z t0 Z I ∼ −k−ρ Eg−1 ζ j (gat , 0)k+ρ dt ∆ (♦, gat 0) 0 ZG t0 Z ∼ −k−ρ I −1 = ∆ (♦, 0) ζ (ga ) ♦ dt t 0 G Z eI ≡ ζ G Z k+ρ = j (♦, 0) G Z k+ρ ≡ ∆ (Z, Z) 2 −(p+1) dVLeb < ∞, B A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 61 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close by T ONELLI’s and F UBINI’s theorem we can interchange the order of integration: Z Z t0 I ∼ k+ρ −k−ρ 2πimt −1 e bI,m ≡ f, e ∆ (♦, gat 0) Eg ζ j (gat , 0) dt G 0 Z t0 I k+ρ −k−ρ −1 2πimt = e ∆ (♦, gat 0) j (gat , 0) dt Eg ζ , f 0 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms = (q, f )Γ0 , where Z Roland Knevel t0 2πimt e −k−ρ ∆ (♦, gat 0) k+ρ j (gat , 0) dt I Eg−1 ζ vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 ∼ 1 ∈ L (G) ⊗ ^ r (C ) , 0 Title Page t0 Z −k−ρ e2πimt ∆ (♦, gat 0) k+ρ j (gat , 0) dt Eg−1 ζ I ∈ O(B) Contents 0 since ∆ (♦, w) ∈ O(B) for all w ∈ B and the convergence of the integral is compact, and so by Lemma 2.4, X Z t0 I k+ρ −k−ρ 2πimt −1 q := e ∆ (♦, gat 0) j (gat , 0) dt Eg ζ γ 0 ∈Γ0 γ0 0 ∈ sMk (Γ0 ) ∩ L1k (Γ0 \B) . JJ II J I Page 62 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Clearly Close −k−ρ ∆ (♦, gat 0) I −1 Eg ζ −k−ρ = ∆ (γ0 ♦, gat 0) γ0 −k−ρ = ∆ ♦, γ0−1 gat 0 I j (γ0 , ♦)k+ρ k+ρ I E0 Eg−1 ζ j γ0−1 , gat 0 , E0 Eg−1 ζ so for all z ∈ B we can compute q (z) as X Z t0 I k+ρ −k−ρ 2πimt −1 q (z) = e ∆ (♦, gat 0) Eg ζ j (gat , 0) dt (z) = XZ ν∈Z = = = k+ρ −k−ρ ν −1 I dt e2πimt ∆ z, γ0−ν gat 0 E0 Eg ζ × j γ0−ν gat , 0 t0 e2πimt ∆ (z, gat−νt0 0)−k−ρ Eg−1 ζ I k+ρ 2πiν(k+ρ)χ e2πiνtrI D j (gat−νt0 , 0) e 0 XZ Zν∈Z∞ t0 0 XZ ν∈Z γ0ν 0 ν∈Z A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms dt Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 t0 k+ρ e2πim(t−νt0 ) ∆ (z, gat−νt0 0)−k−ρ j (gat−νt0 , 0) dt Eg−1 ζ I 0 Title Page k+ρ e2πimt ∆ (z, gat 0)−k−ρ j (gat , 0) dt Eg−1 ζ I Contents . −∞ Again by Lemma 2.4 we see that P γ∈Γ0 \Γ q|γ ∈ (ρ) sMk (Γ) S ATAKE’s theorem, Theorem 2.3, it is even an element of X bI,m ≡ q|γ , f , γ∈Γ0 \Γ and so we conclude that ϕγ0 ,I,m ≡ P γ∈Γ0 \Γ q|γ . ∩ L1k (Γ\B), and (ρ) sSk (Γ), such that so by JJ II J I Page 63 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Γ Close (ii) Z ∞ k+ρ e2πimt ∆ (z, gat 0)−k−ρ j (gat , 0) dt −∞ Z k+ρ ∞ 2πimt −k−ρ k+ρ −1 = j g ,z e ∆ g −1 z, at 0 j (at , 0) dt Z−∞ ∞ 1 k+ρ dt = j g −1 , z e2πimt (1 − v1 tanh t)−k−ρ (cosh t)k+ρ −∞ Z k+ρ ∞ e2πimt −1 dt = j g ,z k+ρ −∞ (cosh t − v1 sinh t) πim k+ρ 1 1 + v1 −1 ≡ j g ,z k+ρ 1 − v1 (1 − v12 ) 2 πim k+ρ 1 + v 1 − k+ρ −1 = j g ,z ((1 − v1 ) (1 + v1 )) 2 1 − v1 πim − k+ρ 1 + v1 2 ≡ ∆ z, X+ ∆ z, X− . 1 − v1 A Spanning Set for the Space of Super Cusp Forms Roland Knevel vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 2, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 64 of 66 Go Back Full Screen Close References [1] W.L.JR. 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