Business Communication English 302/Fall 2003 “Communicating on the Job”

Business Communication
English 302/Fall 2003
“Communicating on the Job”
Assignment #5
Negative Message Memo
Write a negative message memo to the members of your class about your service
project and how your group will not be able to provide one of the services promised in
your previous memo.
Put the topic in the subject line.
2. Open your negative message with a buffer. A buffer may be good news,
facts, chronology of events, references to enclosures, thank, or statement
of principle.
3. Give a clear and convincing reason that prepares the reader for the
4. Deemphasize the refusal by putting it in the same paragraph as the
5. Give an alternative, but allow the reader to decide for himself/herself if
he/she want the alternative.
6. If you have a good alternative, refer to it in your ending. End with you
attitude and a look into the future.
Length: One-page memo
Time: Your first draft is due Monday (Nov. 3) at the beginning of class.
Format: On the due date of the first draft, bring five copies to class and submit a typed,
single spaced copy to each member of your workshop and one to your instructor. To
submit the final draft, further instructions will be given.
Audience: Your instructor and the members of your class will be the audience for this
assignment. Your polished piece for this assignment will be submitted at the end of the
semester in your portfolio for a final grade.
Evaluation: You will be given feedback for revision during your workshop by the
members of your group. You will submit a revised draft to your instructor who will
give you further feedback for revision during a conference.