Business Communication English 302/Spring 2004 “Communicating on the Job”

Business Communication
English 302/Spring 2004
“Communicating on the Job”
Assignment #2
Part A
Inquiry Letter
Write a letter of inquiry requesting detailed information about a product or a
service in which you are interested. The questions in the letter of inquiry should be clear
and specific. You will mail out this letter and do an analysis of the response letter you
receive for the second part of this assignment
Tell the reader for what purpose you need the information.
The questions should be elicit more than yes/no responses.
If you have more than two questions, indent and number them.
Tell the reader if you need the information by a specific date.
Length: One-page letter
Time: Your first draft is due Friday (Jan. 30th) at the beginning of class.
Format: Use a block format for your letter. On the due date of the first draft, bring five
copies to class and submit a typed, single spaced copy to each member of your
workshop and one to your instructor. To submit the final draft, further instructions will
be given.
Audience: The recipient of your letter is the primary audience. Your instructor and the
members of your class are the secondary audience for this letter. Your polished piece for
this assignment will be submitted at the end of the semester in your portfolio for a final
Evaluation: You will be given feedback for revision during your workshop by the
members of your group. You will submit a revised draft to your instructor who will
give you further feedback for revision during a conference.