Discussion of Readings stat/engl 332 X by Y Moritz Stefaner What you wrote Ars Electronica over 37,000 contributions over 30 years Data behind Illustration Contributor Country Year Category Award XXX Austria 2001 Internet Golden Nica YYY UK 2004 Music nothing ... ... Process www.it-ebooks.in Figure 13-3. A plot of submissions with missing country information, split up by year and category Figure 13-3. A plot of submissions with missing country information, split up by year and category Figure 13-4. Submissions by company or institution, colored by categories www.i Figure 13-5. World map with submissions per country, split up by category I also explored some of the data in Microsoft Excel, as it seemed superior at producing stacked charts we could use for investigating trends over the years or comparing attribute distributions in subsets of the data. For instance, Figure 13-6 shows the rela- Figure 13-6. Prizes won by different countries These considerations led to the development of more fragile charts, with the interpolation areas toned down to support the notion of them being only connectors between more “solid” yearly events. Figure 13-7. A first attempt at displaying categories by country Exploring stacked area charts for categories over the years revealed some additional issues to tackle from a conceptual point of view. The category structure of www.it-e Figure 13-8. Categories over the years I also became more interested in the evocative, implicit communication aspects of the visualization as I explored the existing charts. I felt uncomfortable with their charac- The packing algorithm www.it-ebooks Figure 13-10. Submissions as dots, packed like sunflower seeds Despite its visual complexity, the underlying procedure for creating these types of modifications to the points themselves, I decided to skip all positions in the sequence that would occlude the number, if it were overlaid on the circle (see Figure 13-11). That dot would simply go in the next available precalculated position, so the total number of dots would remain the same but the circle size would increase marginally. Obviously, this principle only works for circles with enough dots to create the number; accordingly, the number is only displayed for circles containing a minimum of 100 items. The final design Figure 13-11. Numbers created by skipping points in the placement sequence Why the “Color Chapter” was not a reading Color: The Cinderella Data Visualizati Michael D Avoiding catastrophe becomes the first principle in bringing color to information: Above all, do no harm. —Edward Tufte, Envisioning Information (Graphics Press) IS ONE OF THE MOST ABUSED AND NEGLECTED tools in data visualiz e it when we make poor color choices, and we neglect it when we rely o tware defaults. Yet despite its historically poor treatment at the hands of nd end users alike, if used wisely, color is unrivaled as a visualization too 5 y position 0 –5 –10 –15 –5 0 5 x position 10 Figure 4-1. Location of pitches indicated in an x/y plane But what if we’d like to know more? For instance, what kinds of pitches (curveballs, fastballs) landed where? Or what was their speed? Visualizations occupy two dimensions, but the world they describe is rarely so confined. Quick critique … The defining challenge of data visualization is projecting high-dimensional data onto a low-dimensional canvas. As a rule, one should never do the reverse (visualize more changeup fastball sinker slider 5 y position 0 –5 –10 –15 –5 0 5 x position 10 Figure 4-2. Location and pitch type indicated by plotting symbols I consider this visualization an abject failure. There are two reasons why graphs like this one make our heads hurt: because distinguishing glyphs demands extra attention (versus what academics call “preattentively processed” cues like color), and because w –5 changeup 0 5 10 –5 fastball sinker 0 5 10 slider y position 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –5 0 5 10 –5 x position 0 5 10 Figure 4-3. Location and pitch type indicated by facets Multiplying plots in space works especially well on printed media, which can display more than 10 times as many dots per square inch as a screen. Additional plots can b arranged in both columns and rows, with the result being a matrix of scatterplots (in R, see the splom function). In Figure 4-4, I’ve used color as a means of encoding a fourth dimension of our pitching data: the speed of pitches thrown. The palette I’ve chosen is a divergent palette that moves along one dimension (think of it as the “redness-blueness” dimension) in the Lab color space,* while maintaining a constant level of luminosity. –5 changeup 0 5 10 –5 fastball sinker 0 5 10 slider y position 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –5 0 5 10 –5 x position 71 78 speed (mph) 0 5 10 85 Figure 4-4. Location and pitch type, with pitch velocity indicated by a one-dimensional color palette to recover some of the data lost by increasing the sizes of our plotting symbols. –5 changeup 0 5 10 –5 fastball sinker 0 5 10 slider y position 5 0 –5 –10 –15 0 5 10 –5 x position 0 5 10 pitch density –5 71 78 speed (mph) 85 Figure 4-5. Location and pitch type, with pitch velocity and local density indicated by a twodimensional color palette (see inset for details) Animation for Visualization: Opportunities and Drawbacks Danyel Fisher Why animations work at all: Common Fate • large numbers of objects are grouped together, if they are traveling in the same direction and at the same speed • individual objects that take their own trajectories will be seen as isolated, and will visually stand out • limitations: difficulty tracking more than four or five objects independently: the eye gives up, tracking only a few objects and labeling other movement as noise (Cavanagh and Alvarez 2005). What does Fisher mean by ... • change the visualization stably • staging ? This transition does not work so well: www.it-ebooks.info Figure 19-7. Less successful bar chart to pie chart animation: long bars become long, fat wedges on the pie; short bars become short, skinny wedges; then all wedges grow to full length 346 BEAUTIFUL VISUALIZATION This transitions is much better: www.it-ebooks.info Figure 19-8. Better bar chart to pie chart animation: the lengths of the bars are maintained as they are brought into the ring; the ring then fills to become a pie CHAPTER 19: ANIMATION FOR VISUALIZATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND DRAWBACKS 347 Good Practice for Animations • Do one thing at a time • Preserve valid mappings • Maintain the invariant Taxonomy of Animations • Change view (pan, zoom) • Change surface (axis transformation, polar to euclidean) • Filter data (remove points) • Reorder data • Change representation (bar to pie, colour of nodes) • Change the data (move through time step, modify data, change values)