Project Success Metropolitan Community College- Penn Valley Program Application 2015-2016


Project Success

Metropolitan Community College- Penn Valley

Program Application 2015-2016

Personal Information:

Name: (First) ____________________________(Last)_____________________________(MI)________

Date of Birth: ______/______/______ Gender: M F

Student ID#:_________________________ Social Security Number: ____ -____ -_____

Home Phone #:_____________________________ Cell Phone #:________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________



(City) (State) (Zip

Email Address: ____________________________________________________________

Ethnic Identity (Check the box that applies to you):

___ American Indian/Alaska Native ___Asian ___Black/ African American ___Hispanic/ Latino ___White

___Native Hawaiian/ other Pacific Islander ___More than one race reported ___No response /unknown

Financial Aid:

Have you applied for Financial Aid for the current school year? ___Yes ___No

What type of Financial Aid are you receiving? ____Scholarship _____Veteran’s ______Loan _____Grant

_____Other ______No assistance

How did you hear about us? _______________________________________________________________

What is your current enrollment status here at Penn Valley Community College?

___FT (12+hrs) ___PT (6-11hrs) ___Day student ___Evening Student ___Weekend Student

Career Interest: ____________________________________

Degree Plan: ____________________________________

My target to receive the following degrees:

___Associate’s ____Bachelor’s ____Master’s ____ Doctorate

___ Professional

First Generation Verification: Did either of your parents graduate from a four year university? __ Yes __No

Disability Verification:

Please identify any physical or learning disabilities that limit your participation in the educational experiences and opportunities offered by Metropolitan Community College.



Note: Documentation of your disability is required. Disability documentation for MCC-Penn Valley students is retained in confidential files in the Disability Support Services, HU 001

Income Verification:

Yes No

____ ____ Were you born before January 1, 1992?

____ ____ Are you married?

____ ____ Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?

____ ____ Do you have legal dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live you and receive more than half of their support from you?

____ ____ Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?

____ ____ Are both of your parents deceased, or are you a ward/dependent of the court (or were you until age 18)?

Release Information

I certify that the information I have provided on this application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate. Furthermore, I understand that by applying for the Project Success Program, I authorize Project

Success staff to obtain records and/or data pertinent to my participation from other sources, including Disability

Support Services, and to release information to the United States Department of Education TRIO programs. The

Project Success staff also has my permission to communicate verbally or otherwise with staff, faculty, and/or off-campus professionals on my behalf.

Student Signature __________________________________ Date _____________________

For Office Use Only

If you checked “No” to all of the above questions, provide the following information


What was your parent or legal guardian’s taxable income for 2014?


What was your taxable income for 2014?

What is the number of people living in the household?



If you checked “Yes” to at least one question, provide the following information :

What was your taxable income for 2014? __________

What was your spouse’s taxable income (if applicable)?


How many people are in your household? Include yourself, your spouse, and any dependents.

Sources of income:

