Active matter - overview 18.354 L23 Active matter lds Numbers in Biology Typical Reynolds numbers number is dimensionless group that characterizes the ratio o fined as ⇥U L UL Re = = µ density of the medium the organism is moving through; µ is t ; is the kinematic viscosity; U is a characteristic velocity of stic length scale. When we discuss swimming biological organ eatures that are moving through water (or through a fluid with hose of water). This means that the material properties µ and ber is roughly determined by the size of the organism. e characteristic size of the organism and the characteristic sw rule-of-thumb, the characteristic locomotion velocity, U , in bi y U L/second e.g. for people L 1 m and we move at U 1 Birds Fish Bacteria Berg lab, Harvard Bacteria Wioland et al (2013) PRL Vortex life time ~ minutes Motor-driven filaments Drosophila embryo, Goldstein lab, Cambridge Motor-driven filaments Dogic lab (Brandeis) Nature 2012 Amoeba Physarum Tero et al, Science 2010 Physarum Tero et Tero al,etScience 2010 al (2010) Science Questions • universal aspects of collective motion & selforganization ? • • • biological functions ? • effects of boundary conditions ? information transport ? mathematical description? (microscopically, macroscopically, …) lds Numbers in Biology Typical Reynolds numbers number is dimensionless group that characterizes the ratio o fined as ⇥U L UL Re = = µ density of the medium the organism is moving through; µ is t ; is the kinematic viscosity; U is a characteristic velocity of stic length scale. When we discuss swimming biological organ eatures that are moving through water (or through a fluid with hose of water). This means that the material properties µ and ber is roughly determined by the size of the organism. e characteristic size of the organism and the characteristic sw rule-of-thumb, the characteristic locomotion velocity, U , in bi y U L/second e.g. for people L 1 m and we move at U 1 Bacterial motors movie: V. Kantsler ~20 parts 20 nm Berg (1999) Physics Today source: wiki Chen et al (2011) EMBO Journal E. coli (non-tumling) non-tumbling HCB 437 10 ㎛ Drescher et al (2011) PNAS Results w of itswe “puller” image. d. field Atwalls, distances rfocused <6µ mon theadipole overestimates flow field. (E) Experimentally measured flow to planemodel 50 µm from thethe topbacterial and bottom tancesurfaces 2 µm parallel to sample the wall. chamber, (F) Best fitand force-dipole model, (G) residual field. Notewhere the Bacterial cell body, of the recorded ∼ 2 and terabytes of flow 4 flowmovie fieldResults ofdata. an E. In coli “pusher” decays much faster, when a bacterium swims close thecule surface, fortothe length of t theflow mea this data we identified ∼ 10437) rare events when (non-tumbling HCB achieved by fitting theByTo measured andminisbest-fit force decays cellsBacterial swam in the for > surfaces. 1.5 s. tracking labeled, n flowfocal fieldplane far from resolve the the at variable locatio fluidcule tracers infield eachcreated of the rare events, relating their the decays ofposition thetracked flow speed uof of with flow by individual bacteria, we gfp- sion fluc m surfaces. To resolve the minisfield (r > 8 µm). and labeled, velocity to the position E. andcoli orientation ofthe the cell bacterium, field dis non-tumbling as they swam through a (Fig. suspenof body (Fig. 1D) illustr walls, we dividual bacteria, we tracked gfpthe measured and best-fit force dipole field 1C). The the specific fitting and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reHoweveo1 sionswam ofdecays fluorescent tracer particles. For measurements farcharacteristic from surfaces field displays the dipole length ℓ= of the flow speed u with distance r from the center i as they through a suspensolved the time-averaged flow field in the E. coli swimming he minismeasure walls, we focused on a plane 50 µm from the top and bottom value of F is cons movie dat However, the force dipole flow sig oftothe cell (Fig. 1D) illustrate that flow down 0.1% of body the mean swimming speed V0 = 22 ±the 5 measured ticles. For measurements far from ckedplane gfpcell bod surfaces of the sample chamber, and recorded terabytes ofresistive 2 ∼ 2their and force µm/s. As E. coli rotate about their swimming direction, cells swam field displays the characteristic 1/r decay of a force dipole. measured flow to the side of thel 4 a 50 suspenµmmovie fromdata. the top and bottom for the In this data we identified ∼ 10 rare events when note that in the b time-averaged flow field in three dimensions isbody, cylindrically fluid trace However, the force dipole flow significantly overestimates the cell where the flow magnit far from achieved ber, and recorded 2 terabytes of forall>components cells swam in∼the focal plane 1.5 s. Byoftracking thebehind µm the ce symmetric. Our measurements capture this measured flow to the side of the cell body, and behind the 4 and veloci didentified bottom for the length ofposition the flagellar bun fluid dragatonvaria the 10symmetric rare events when fluid∼ tracers in each of the rare relating their cylindrically flow, except theevents, azimuthal flow due to cellof body, where the floworientation magnitude isof nearly and perfo abytes field (r f achieved by twoconstant opposite and velocity tocell the position and ofu(r) thefitting bacterium, the of rotation the about its the body axis. The topology ne for > 1.5 s. By tracking for the length of the flagellar bundle. The force dipole fitthe was solved the nts when spec the measured flow field (Fig. 1A) is the same as that of a and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reat variable locations along the sw are events, relating their position Bacterial flow fiel achieved by1B), fitting two opposite force monopoles (Stokeslets) dipole le plane dow kingforce the dipole flowtime-averaged (Fig. defined by solved the flow field in the E. coli swimming field (r > 8 µm). From the best and orientation of the bacterium, dipole flow descri variable locations alongswimming the swimming direction thevalue far As of position µm/s. plane at down to 0.1% of the mean speedfitting V0 = 22routines ± to 5 good the specific and fi with accura hall i weFrom e average over tracers, refield (r > 8 µm). the best fit, which is insensitive to and resi A r ℓF acterium, µm/s. As E. coli about their ,swimming direction, theirapproximatio time-avera ˆ 2rotate this u(r) = 3(r̂. d) − 1 r̂, A = r̂ = , [ 1 ] dipole length ℓ = 1.9 µm and dip ow field in the E. coli swimming the routines and fitting regions, we obtain the note tha2 |r|2 specific 8πηdimensions |r| is s, we retime-averaged flowfitting field in three cylindrically symmetric a wall. Focusing value F is Fconsistent with opt dipole length 1.9±µm and dipole force = of 0.42 This µm beh mean swimming speed V0 ℓ==22 5 capture symmetric. Our measurements allof components thispN. wimming and applying the cylindrica and resistive force theory calculat fluid dra of Fforce, is consistent with optical trapforce measurements [45] where F isvalue the dipole ℓ the distance separating the ut direction, their symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to the = their 22 ±cylindrically 5swimming resulted in a sligh rotati note thatThe in the best fit, the cell and resistive force theory calculations [46]. It is interesting to η the viscosity the fluid, dˆ the orientation vector theof flow field struc the rotation ofisof the cell about itsunit body axis. topology on, pair, their three dimensions cylindrically the measu (swimming direction) the best bacterium, and rbehind the distance surfaces, the note thatflow inofthe fit, 1A) theµm cell drag Stokeslet isfrom 0.1 the measured field (Fig. is the same as that oflocated aof the center the cell ndrically nts capture all components of this force dipo Bacteria vector relative to the center of the dipole. Yet there are some ity of a no-slip sur µm behind the center of the cell body, possibly reflecting the force dipole flow (Fig. 1B), defined by fluid drag on the flagellar bundle tsexcept of1.this flow due to Fig. differences Averagethe flow fieldazimuthal created by a single freely-swimming bacterium. (A) Experimentally measured flow field far from a surface. Stream lines indicate local direction of fl dipole Drescher et aldrag (2011) PNAS close to the cell body as shown by the residual of outward streamlin fluid on the flagellar bundle. flow. (B) Best fit force-dipole model, and (C) residual flow field, obtained by subtracting the best-fit dipole from the experimentally measured field. The presence of the flagella E.coli w due to ‘pusher’ dipole Hydrodynamic scattering Assuming that r̂ is uniformly distributed on a sphere, and dˆ uniformly distributed on a circle in the tangential plane at radius r, we obtain A dipole flow v 2 2 2 3 2 2A τ r ⟨|∆θ(τ, r)| ⟩H = (Γ + 1) . [ 22 ] 6 5 A r vorticity =⇤ v⇥ 3 Equating this expression with rrotational diffusion (see Eq. [ 17 ]) yields the effective hydrodynamic horizon encounter time HD rotation ⇥/V rH » 2 3 2A τ (Γ2 + 1) ≃ 20 ⇥| ⇥| ⇤ (⇤ D )2r –1/6 A. r3 ⇥2 [ 23 ] Note that, due to the τ 1/6 - dependence, the result is rather 2 ⇥| ⇥| ⇤ value Dr used for τ and, similarly, rotational diffusion insensitive to the particular to changes in the other parameters. Adopting τ = a/V0 ⇥1/6 and inserting experimentally values (a, ℓ, F, V, Dr ) 2measured A balance as given in the mainrtext, we obtain rH ≃ 3.3 µm for E. coli. H r Equation [ 23 ] can be viewedDas an upper bound, as the dipolar flow model overestimates u for r < 6 µm (see Fig. 1D in Drescher et al (2011) PNAS the main text). fluorescent polystyrene beads, which remained uniformly dis- left to right and cRL for cross E. coli Rectification of prokaryotic locomotion VOL. 189, 2007 FUNNEL WALL CONCENTRATES SWIMMING BACTERIA 8 V . 189, 2007 CONCENTRATES SWIMMING BACTERIA 8705 FIG. 2. Distribution of bacteria in a structureFUNNEL withWALL a funnel wall. (A) Uniform distribution after injectio 80 min. (C) Ratios of densities in the left and right compartments versus time. The blue circles are experim a fit of equation A2 from the Appendix. OL FIG. 1. Microstructures with funnel walls. (A) Schematic drawing of the interaction of bacteria with the funnel opening. Bacteria on the left side may (trace 1) or may not (trace 2) get through the gap, depending on the angle of attack. On the right, all bacteria colliding with the wall are diverted away from the gap (traces 3 and 4). (B) Scanning electron micrograph of the device. (C) Distribution of incoming and outgoing angles FIG. 1. Microstructures with walls. Schematic drawing of the interaction of bacteria with the funnel for bacteria colliding with a wall. Datafunnel were taken for 70(A) events. opening. Bacteria on the Galadja et al (2009) side may (trace 1) or may not (trace 2) get through the gap, depending on the angle of attack. On the right, all bacteria colliding with the wall J Bacteriology diverted away from the gap (traces 3 and 4). (B) Scanning electron micrograph of the device. (C) Distribution of incoming and outgoing an tributed during a 24-h period, and thus this population imbalRESULTS AND DISCUSSION for bacteria colliding with a wall. Data were taken for 70 events. Austin lab, Princeton, 2009 Our swimmers were green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing motile (E. coli) bacteria (strain RP 437/pGFP!2). They were initially uniformly spread in both compartments ANDbacteria DISCUSSION filled with LB RESULTS medium. Individual were tracked as ance occurs only if the objects actively swim, as opposed to spreading due to diffusion (data not shown). Since bacteria communicate with each other (1) and (moreover) move towards one another tributed (9, 10), it isduring possibleathat suchperiod, quorum- and 24-h thus this population imb Chlamydomonas PRL 105, 168101 (2010) Movie: Jeff Guasto (TUFTS) ‘puller’ PHYSICAL FIG. 4 (color online). Time- and azimuthally-averaged fl Drescher et al PRL 2010 from!velocity vectors (blue [dark gray]). The spiraling near Guasto et al PRL 2010 velocity field. A color scheme indicates flow speed magnitu model: flagellar thrust is distributed among two Stokesle arrows), whose sum balances drag on the cell body (cen separate colors in the inset, compared to results from the size ~ 20µm speed ~ 100µm/s beat frequency ~30 Hz Mechanical control of algal locomotion PRL 105, 168101 (2010) PHYSICAL REVI FIG. 4 (color online). Time- and azimuthally-averaged flow field o from velocity vectors (blue [dark gray]). The spiraling near elliptic po velocity field. A color scheme indicates flow speed magnitudes. (b) St model: flagellar thrust is distributed among two Stokeslets placed arrows), whose sum balances drag on the cell body (central red ar separate colors in the inset, compared to results from the three-Stok 10㎛ flow may be important [30]. We are currently investigating whether similar conclusions hold for the flow field around bacteria, the prototypical ‘‘pusher’’ microorganisms. We thank K. C. Leptos for suggesting the use of autofluorescence to track Chlamydomonas cells, S. B. Dalziel, V. Kantsler, and T. J. Pedley for discussions, D. Page-Croft and N. Price for technical assistance, and acknowledge support from the EPSRC, the BBSRC, the Marie-Curie Program (M. P.), and the Schlumberger Chair Fund. Kantsler, Dunkel, Polin, Goldstein (2012) PNAS [1] L. Turner, W. S. Ryu, and H. C. Berg, J. Bacteriol. 182, 2793 (2000). Surface scattering laws Kantsler, Dunkel, Polin, Goldstein (2012) PNAS Control of algal locomotion 2h 2 mm Kantsler, Dunkel, Polin, Goldstein (2012) PNAS Sperm near surfaces A C B Fig. 1. Surface scattering of bull spermatozoa is governed by ciliary contact interactions, as evident from the scattering sequences of individual cells at two temperature values: (A) T = 10 °C and (B) T = 29 °C. The background has been subtracted from the micrographs to enhance the visibility of the cilia. The cyanPolin, Goldstein (2012) PNAS colored line indicates the corner-shapedKantsler, boundary Dunkel, of the microfluidic channels (see Movies S1 and S2 for raw imaging data). The horizontal dotted line in the last Sperm Surface + shear flow ! Kantsler et al 2014 (submitted) Rheotaxis facilitates upstream navigation ! Kantsler et al 2014 (submitted) Viscosity & shear dependence long distance navigation by rheotaxis ? ⇣? describes u(C(s)) chirality-induced Ċ(s) · [I t(s)t(s)] deviations from exact (31) he second term anti-alignment, Assuming that the tip R(t) of the helix performs a quasi-2D motion along the surface rsal velocity component, as observed in ratio the experiments. ential and perpendicular drag coefficients. The drag we are interested in obtaining simplified e↵ective equations for the mean drag velocity R the orientation Ṅ (t) duehere, to the is action of the flow gradient the rigid helical curve del of a rigid conicalinhelix, as discussed a relatively crudeon approximation to C t ⇣ ? such can be derived from resistive force theory (RFT). (32) =equations , erm cell, for it neglects dynamical aspects of the flagellar beat (exact wave form From⇣||Eq. (26), the velocity of some point s 2 [0, S] on the helix can be decomposed as ects due to translation and rotation of the cell’s head. Notwithstanding, it is pl ods, takes values force ' 1.4 theory 1.7 for realistic flagella. Combining the (31) with Ċ(s) = RFT Ṙ + Ṙansatz U+ ṘN · Ĉ ✏ . N · Ĉ ✏ = Resistive es larger than the typical beat period, Eqs. (36) and (39) provide a useful coarse-gr rque conditions of the over-damped Stokes-regime shear flow profile u,the RFTmain assumessymmetries that the force line-density (force per unit le ng near a surface, asGiven thethe model captures of the problem. Z 2D minimal model S 0 = Fi = ds 0 0 = ⌧i = Z S ds 0 dĈ(s) fi (s), ds f (s) = ⇣|| nh u(C(s)) nh ⇣? u(C(s)) i o Ċ(s) (33) · t(s) t(s) + i o Ċ(s) · [I t(s)t(s)] Minimal model dĈ(s) ✏ijk [Cj (s) Xj⇤ ]fk (s), (34) ds ⇣|| and ⇣? are tangential and perpendicular drag coefficients. The drag ratio where arise the minimal quasi-2D model ourexact simulations. ⇣? results Assuming a er of rotation, yields a 6⇥6-linear system which implemented could be solved to in obtain =RFT, ⇣ || ghethe y-axis (Fig. 1B, Main Text), and Eqs. and (39) imply the following minimal resulting expressions are very complicated do (36) not o↵er much insight. Fortunately, it + some approximations noise gives to leading order e analytical formulas for which U andequals Ṅ , that capture theYtakes essential parts of a sperm with position R(t) =+ (X(t), (t))values and (t)by=flagella. (Nx (t), Ny (t 2 for rigid rods, orientation 'of1.4their1.7dynamics, for N realistic Combining cases U ṘN · Ĉ (translation-dominated regime) and U ⌧ Ṙ Ĉ (rotation-dominated the zero-force and zero-torque conditions ofNthe over-damped Stokes-regime Z S at steric interactions between flagellum and channel wall compensate drag forces dĈ(s)in vertical 0 = F = ds fi (s), Ṙ = V N U ey , are non-zero. Consideringi the 0translation-dominated he (x, y)-components of + the velocity ds ✓ in the (x, ◆y)-directions, ✓ F12= 0 and ◆ F2Z= 0, can be solved for zero-force conditions (34) Nxangular Ny distribution, we Nxfind for 1 ✏ ⌧ 1 Sand1/2 dĈ(s) leading aging over with a uniform 0 = ⌧i+ = (2D) ds '(I1 to✏ijk X ⇤ ]fk (s), Ṅ = ˙ ↵ + ˙ N[CN ) · ⇠(t). j (s) Ny2 1 Nx Ny 0 ds j ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 1 0 with 2X ⇤ denoting the2 center 0 of rotation, yields a 6⇥6-linear system which could be solved t U' ✏ ˙ S ✏ ( 1) ˙ S , self-swimming ±1 defines the expressions flow direction, ˙ >(35)0 and is the shear 1 speed, Nthe for3U and Ṅ= . However, are very complicated do not o↵er m 2 x Nresulting y he ! simple is possible to obtain analytical formulas for U and Ṅ , that capture the essential experienced by the cell, and 2 {0, ±1} the beat chirality. The dimensionless oximate length of the flagellum. The first term is the mean drag on the geometric center of regime) and geom Kantsler et al 2014 (submitted) focussing on the two limit cases U ṘN · Ĉ (translation-dominated U ⌧ code details of the shape of the flagellar beat, and the coefficient D determines second is an orientation-dependent regime). drag contribution due to chirality . For passive chiral 2D minimal model ! Kantsler et al 2014 (submitted) Collective motion Broken reflection-symmetry at surfaces Sea urchin sperm near surface (dilute) in bulk (dilute) F I GURE 1 Dark- f i e l d mi crographs o f l ive sperm o f Tr i pneus t es suspended in natura l seawa ter conta i n i ng 0.2 mM EDTA and ad j usted to pH 8 .3 ( refer red to as standard seawa ter ) . The mi crograph , wh i ch was taken a f ew seconds af ter mov i ng this f ield into the l ight beam, shows some sperm in l i ght - i nduced qu i escence , and some that are sw i mm i ng. Among those sw i mm i ng , mos t show l i t t le asymme t ry as i nd i cated by the near st ra ightness of the i r pa ths . Exposure : 1 s. X 380 . similar for bacteria (E. coli): ght absorpt i on proper t i es o f the g l ass. By us i ng ser i es of f i l ters (Ze i ss : UG5 , BG3 , BG12) , the t i ve wave l ength i n l i ght - i nduced s topp i ng has Gibbons (1980) JCB Di Luzio et al (2005) Nature Howeve r , we canno t be cer ta i n on th i s po i nt because i t is di f f i cul t to make an accura t e es t i ma t e of the percent age of qu i escent spe rm when th i s is arxiv: 1208.4464 2d Swift-Hohenberg model tropic fourth-order model for a non-conserved scalar or ! reflection-symmetry ⇤(t, x), given by b = 2 ⇤ ⇤, (1) 2 2 2 0 ⇤t ⇥ =2 U (⇥) + 0 ⇥ ⇥ 2 (⇥ ) ⇥ he time derivative, and ⇤ = ⌅2 is the d-dimensional ved from a Landau-potental U (⇤) a b c U (⇤) = ⇤ 2 + ⇤ 3 + ⇤ 4 , 2 3 4 0 a>0 (2) e rhs. of Equation (1) can also be obtained by variational ed energy functional. In the context of active suspensions, x) =fluctuations, ⇥ v tify local (t, energy local alignment, phase will assume throughout that the system is confined to d of volume (3) a<0 arxiv: 1208.4464 2d Swift-Hohenberg model tropic fourth-order model for a non-conserved scalar or ! reflection-symmetry ⇤(t, x), given by b = 2 ⇤ ⇤, (1) 2 2 2 0 ⇤t ⇥ =2 U (⇥) + 0 ⇥ ⇥ 2 (⇥ ) ⇥ he time derivative, and ⇤ = ⌅2 is the d-dimensional ved from a Landau-potental U (⇤) a b c U (⇤) = ⇤ 2 + ⇤ 3 + ⇤ 4 , 2 3 4 (2) e rhs. of Equation (1) can also be obtained by variational ed energy functional. In the context of active suspensions, x) =fluctuations, ⇥ v tify local (t, energy local alignment, phase will assume throughout that the system is confined to d of volume (3) 0 arxiv: 1208.4464 2d Swift-Hohenberg model tropic fourth-order model for a non-conserved scalarbroken or reflection-symmetry ⇤(t, x), given by 2 b(1)= ⇤ ⇤, 2 2 2 0 2 ⇤t ⇥ = U (⇥) + 0 ⇥ ⇥ 2 (⇥ ) ⇥ he time derivative, and ⇤ = ⌅2 is the d-dimensional ved from a Landau-potental U (⇤) a b c U (⇤) = ⇤ 2 + ⇤ 3 + ⇤ 4 , 2 3 4 0 a>0 (2) e rhs. of Equation (1) can also be obtained by variational ed energy functional. In the context of active suspensions, x) =fluctuations, ⇥ v tify local (t, energy local alignment, phase will assume throughout that the system is confined to d of volume −1 (3) 0 a<0 b<0 1 trajectory of a swimming cell can a pre arxiv:exhibit 1208.4464 2d Swift-Hohenberg example,model the bacteria Escherichia coli [40] an broken tropic fourth-order model for a non-conserved scalar or ⌃ ij denotes the Cartesian components of the Levi-Civ reflection-symmetry ⇤(t, x), given by a summation convention for equal indices throughout. 2 b(1)= ⇤ ⇤, 2 2 2 0 2 ⇤t ⇥ = U (⇥) + 0 ⇥ ⇥ 2 (⇥ ) ⇥ he time derivative, and ⇤ = ⌅2 is the d-dimensional ved from a Landau-potental U (⇤) a b c U (⇤) = ⇤ 2 + ⇤ 3 + ⇤ 4 , 2 3 4 (2) e rhs. of Equation (1) can also be obtained by variational ed energy functional. In the context of active suspensions, x) =fluctuations, ⇥ v tify local (t, energy local alignment, phase will assume throughout that the system is confined to d of volume (3) 0 eferred handedness [40, 48, 49, 50]. For trajectory of a swimming cell can a pre arxiv:exhibit 1208.4464 nd Caulobacter [48] have been observed 2d Swift-Hohenberg example,model the bacteria Escherichia coli [40] an broken vita tensor, ⌅i = ⌅/⌅xi for i = 1, 2, and we use ⌃ ij denotes the Cartesian components of the Levi-Civ reflection-symmetry a summation convention for equal indices throughout. Sea urchin sperm cells near surface (high concentration) Riedel et al (2007) Science b=0 Active polar fluids ! (things with a head and tail) Results w of itswe “puller” image. d. field Atwalls, distances rfocused <6µ mon theadipole overestimates flow field. (E) Experimentally measured flow to planemodel 50 µm from thethe topbacterial and bottom tancesurfaces 2 µm parallel to sample the wall. chamber, (F) Best fitand force-dipole model, (G) residual field. Notewhere the Bacterial cell body, of the recorded ∼ 2 and terabytes of flow 4 flowmovie fieldResults ofdata. an E. In coli “pusher” decays much faster, when a bacterium swims close thecule surface, fortothe length of t theflow mea this data we identified ∼ 10437) rare events when (non-tumbling HCB achieved by fitting theByTo measured andminisbest-fit force decays cellsBacterial swam in the for > surfaces. 1.5 s. tracking labeled, n flowfocal fieldplane far from resolve the the at variable locatio fluidcule tracers infield eachcreated of the rare events, relating their the decays ofposition thetracked flow speed uof of with flow by individual bacteria, we gfp- sion fluc m surfaces. To resolve the minisfield (r > 8 µm). and labeled, velocity to the position E. andcoli orientation ofthe the cell bacterium, field dis non-tumbling as they swam through a (Fig. suspenof body (Fig. 1D) illustr walls, we dividual bacteria, we tracked gfpthe measured and best-fit force dipole field 1C). The the specific fitting and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reHoweveo1 sionswam ofdecays fluorescent tracer particles. For measurements farcharacteristic from surfaces field displays the dipole length ℓ= of the flow speed u with distance r from the center i as they through a suspensolved the time-averaged flow field in the E. coli swimming he minismeasure walls, we focused on a plane 50 µm from the top and bottom value of F is cons movie dat However, the force dipole flow sig oftothe cell (Fig. 1D) illustrate that flow down 0.1% of body the mean swimming speed V0 = 22 ±the 5 measured ticles. For measurements far from ckedplane gfpcell bod surfaces of the sample chamber, and recorded terabytes ofresistive 2 ∼ 2their and force µm/s. As E. coli rotate about their swimming direction, cells swam field displays the characteristic 1/r decay of a force dipole. measured flow to the side of thel 4 a 50 suspenµmmovie fromdata. the top and bottom for the In this data we identified ∼ 10 rare events when note that in the b time-averaged flow field in three dimensions isbody, cylindrically fluid trace However, the force dipole flow significantly overestimates the cell where the flow magnit far from achieved ber, and recorded 2 terabytes of forall>components cells swam in∼the focal plane 1.5 s. Byoftracking thebehind µm the ce symmetric. Our measurements capture this measured flow to the side of the cell body, and behind the 4 and veloci didentified bottom for the length ofposition the flagellar bun fluid dragatonvaria the 10symmetric rare events when fluid∼ tracers in each of the rare relating their cylindrically flow, except theevents, azimuthal flow due to cellof body, where the floworientation magnitude isof nearly and perfo abytes field (r f achieved by twoconstant opposite and velocity tocell the position and ofu(r) thefitting bacterium, the of rotation the about its the body axis. The topology ne for > 1.5 s. By tracking for the length of the flagellar bundle. The force dipole fitthe was solved the nts when spec the measured flow field (Fig. 1A) is the same as that of a and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reat variable locations along the sw are events, relating their position Bacterial flow fiel achieved by1B), fitting two opposite force monopoles (Stokeslets) dipole le plane dow kingforce the dipole flowtime-averaged (Fig. defined by solved the flow field in the E. coli swimming field (r > 8 µm). From the best and orientation of the bacterium, dipole flow descri variable locations alongswimming the swimming direction thevalue far As of position µm/s. plane at down to 0.1% of the mean speedfitting V0 = 22routines ± to 5 good the specific and fi with accura hall i weFrom e average over tracers, refield (r > 8 µm). the best fit, which is insensitive to and resi A r ℓF acterium, µm/s. As E. coli about their ,swimming direction, theirapproximatio time-avera ˆ 2rotate this u(r) = 3(r̂. d) − 1 r̂, A = r̂ = , [ 1 ] dipole length ℓ = 1.9 µm and dip ow field in the E. coli swimming the routines and fitting regions, we obtain the note tha2 |r|2 specific 8πηdimensions |r| is s, we retime-averaged flowfitting field in three cylindrically symmetric a wall. Focusing value F is Fconsistent with opt dipole length 1.9±µm and dipole force = of 0.42 This µm beh mean swimming speed V0 ℓ==22 5 capture symmetric. Our measurements allof components thispN. wimming and applying the cylindrica and resistive force theory calculat fluid dra of Fforce, is consistent with optical trapforce measurements [45] where F isvalue the dipole ℓ the distance separating the ut direction, their symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to the = their 22 ±cylindrically 5swimming resulted in a sligh rotati note thatThe in the best fit, the cell and resistive force theory calculations [46]. It is interesting to η the viscosity the fluid, dˆ the orientation vector theof flow field struc the rotation ofisof the cell about itsunit body axis. topology on, pair, their three dimensions cylindrically the measu (swimming direction) the best bacterium, and rbehind the distance surfaces, the note thatflow inofthe fit, 1A) theµm cell drag Stokeslet isfrom 0.1 the measured field (Fig. is the same as that oflocated aof the center the cell ndrically nts capture all components of this force dipo Bacteria vector relative to the center of the dipole. Yet there are some ity of a no-slip sur µm behind the center of the cell body, possibly reflecting the force dipole flow (Fig. 1B), defined by fluid drag on the flagellar bundle tsexcept of1.this flow due to Fig. differences Averagethe flow fieldazimuthal created by a single freely-swimming bacterium. (A) Experimentally measured flow field far from a surface. Stream lines indicate local direction of fl dipole Drescher et aldrag (2011) PNAS close to the cell body as shown by the residual of outward streamlin fluid on the flagellar bundle. flow. (B) Best fit force-dipole model, and (C) residual flow field, obtained by subtracting the best-fit dipole from the experimentally measured field. The presence of the flagella E.coli w due to ‘pusher’ dipole Active polar fluids B. subtilis tracers bright field fluorescence Wensink et al PNAS 2012 Dunkel et al PRL 2013 Bacterial ‘turbulence’ PIV Vortex diameter ~ 70µm Vortex life time ~ 1 sec tracers fluorescence Dunkel et al PRL 2013 Minimal continuum theory for bacterial velocity field incompressibility polar alignment nematic stresses E=( 0 2 † † ⇥ )(⇥ v + ⇥v ) 2 vortices PNAS 2012 New J Phys 2013 PRL 2013 Isotropic fixed-point Polar fixed-point Eigenvalues of determine stability experiment quasi-2D slice theory vs. 2D slice from 3D simulation Dunkel et al PRL 2013 7 movie segments (40 fps, each 50 s long) to 7 di⌅erent activity levels. Global bacterial flows were quantified Velocity correlations kinetic energy E (t) = ⌃(v + v )/2⌥ an xy 2 x 2 y strophy ⇤z (t) = ⌃⇥z2 /2⌥, where ⇥z = ⇤x v vertical component of vorticity and ⌃ · ⌥ is age. While Exy and ⇤z fluctuate, their (E xy , ⇤z ) are approximately constant d time interval used in the data analysis (Fi two orders of magnitude in energy (Fig. ? the linear scaling ⇤z = E xy /⇥2 , with ⇥ roughly one half of the typical vortex rad Vortex diameter ~ 70µm Vortex life time ~ seconds Dunkel et al PRL 2013 Continuum theory for bacterial velocity field incompressibility non-conservative E=( 0 2 † † ⇥ )(⇥ v + ⇥v ) 2 the creation of a vortex state. Conserved dynamics ? II. HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS Flow equations 0 = r·v @t v + (v · r)v = rp + r · (1a) (1b) Equatio 6th orde requires adopt p 2⇥6 BC (fixes 2 with stress tensor = [ 0 2 (r 2 )+ 4 (r ) ](r> v + rv > ) (1c) 2 2 In component notation 0 = @i vi Interpretation: @t vj + vk @k veffective @j pflow-field + @k kj j = with (2a) for (2b) passive solvent + active component that creates non-local stresses kj =[ 0 2 @nn + 4 @nn @mm ](@k vj + @j vk ) (2c) where @kk = @k @k . Take divergence of (2b) to obtain That is, (vx , vy ) S-type W-typ Here, tively. Conserved dynamics ? II. HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS Flow equations 0 = r·v @t v + (v · r)v = rp + r · (1a) (1b) Equatio 6th orde requires adopt p 2⇥6 BC (fixes 2 with stress tensor = [ 0 2 (r 2 )+ 4 (r ) ](r> v + rv > ) (1c) 2 2 In component notation with growth rate wHkL 1.0 kj 0 = @i vi 0.5 @t vj + vk @k vj = @j p + @k kj 0.0 -0.5 =[ 0 -1.0 -2 2 @nn -1 + 4 @nn @mm ](@k vj 0 1 wavenumber k (2a) (2b) linear stability + @j vk ) That is, (vx , vy ) S-type W-typ Here, tively. (2c) 2 where @kk = @k @k . Take divergence of (2b) to obtain In 2D the creation of a vortex state. p(t, x, ±H/2) ⌘ P. Conserved dynamics ? II. (5b) HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS Equation (2b) for the velocity field v = (vx , vy ) is of 6th orderFlow in two spatial coordinates (x, y) and therefore equations requires 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 6 BCs in total. Consistent with (5a), we 0 = r(which ·v adopt periodic BCs in x-direction leaves us(1a) with @t v + (v · r)v = conditions rp + r · at y = ±H/2 (1b) 2⇥6 BCs) and no-slip boundary (fixes 2 BCs per field component), Equatio 6th orde requires adopt p 2⇥6 BC (fixes 2 with stress tensor 2 2 L,>y), (6a) That is, = [v(t, (r2 ⌘ ) + v(t, ](r v + rv > ) (1c) 0 x,2y) 4 (rx)+ v(t, x, ±H/2) (6b) (vx , vy ) In component notation = (±V, 0). S-type 6th order PDE W-typ 0 = 2@i⇥ vi 4 more BCs for(2a) That is, we still need to specify v= Here, @t vj + We vk @kwill vj =consider @j p + @two (vx , vy ) at y = ±H/2. k kj classes.(2b) tively. S-type: First and second-order derivatives of vanish. with W-type: Second and fourth-order derivatives vanish. [ 0 stand + ‘strong’ + @j vk ) respec(2c) Here, S and and kj = W 2 @nnfor 4 @nn @mm ](@ k vj‘weak’, tively. where @ = @ @ . Take divergence of (2b) to obtain kk k k r the w ity oc We ho like re by pla Mean field prediction for shear flow between two plates the wi H = 12 0.2 E. H = 13.77 FIG. 1 LEFT: Shear force on the upper wire Fx+ ity occ .4 0.1 on the Hdistance = 13.9 between the wires H and theWe ho depends To parameter 2 . White + spots indicate regions .0 swimmer Fx Flow (H, velocity 7.5) profile, 0.0to the 7.5 close RIGHT: 2 =singularity. like re 2 ⇥10 separations. The inset .6 u(y), at three di↵erent wire 2.20 0.1 shows how shear force2.25 varies with separation at by pla 2.30 2 . .2 constant 2.35 0.2 11 13 15 17 .8 1 0 1 y second derivatives to zero, S-type: Setting first and 2 u(y) 10 .8 u0 (±H/2) = u00 (±H/2) = 0, + force on the upper wire Fx + periodic BCs in other directions is less restrictive and the non-zero coefficients C (25) 2 and C3 E. C1 = Active nematics Dogic lab (Brandeis) Nature 2012 autonomous motility, which are not observed in their passive ana- relative po 1 77 Massachusetts Avenue E17-412, Cambridge, M Department of Mat Active nematics logues. Taken together, these observations exemplify how assemmicrotubul (Dated: October 23, 2013) BASICS 77biomimetic Massachusetts Av blages of animate microscopic objects exhibit collective between mi Active nematics PACS numbers:1 a Jörn Dunkel1, ⇤ b d In 2d, the symmetric order-parameter tensor Q(t Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts In + + PACS numbers: with 77 Massachusetts Avenue E17-412, Cambridge, PEG Depletion force BASICS Qij = Qji , (Dated: October 23,can 2013) This be Tr Q = 0, BASICS numbers: In 2d, thePACS symmetric can be order-parameter represented as tensor Q(t, x, y) Microtubules with ✓ ◆ In 2d, the symmetric order-parameter tens Motor Time + µ Kinesin clusters force with Q = .(1) where the bu Q = QjiBASICS , Tr Q = 0, This can c ij µ Dogic lab (Brandeis) Nature 2012 S= > 0,0, we Q = Q , Tr Q ij ji can be represented as whereas n = Defining In 2d, the symmetric order-parameter tensor Q(t, x, y) ✓ ◆ no head or tail canQ-tensor order-parameter be represented as p µ th Q= . 2+µ 2 ,(2) ◆ ✓ = µ µ Q= Qij = Qji , Tr Q = 0, (1) . where the Defining the eigenvalues of Q are given by µ S > 0, we n be represented as pDefining We startn whereas ± =✓ 2 + ◆ µ2 , (3) ⇤ =± energy dens p µ i i j ij Dt Dt approach each derivaother along þ v ! r indicates the material where D=Dt ¼ @ P H Y S I C A L Rweek E V Iend E t PRL 110, 228101 (2013) DQij We have integrated num P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S &1 þ v ! r indic where D=Dt ¼ @ 31 MAY 2 10, 228101 (2013) t diffusion ¼ %Suij þtive, Qik !D &¼ !ikDQ0kj þþ & DH ; is(1c) ' Q the anisotropic kj ij ijij ij 1 Dt of uniform P H Ytive, S I fluid Cconfiguration Edensity V E case of an incompressible ofLconstant D ¼ D0 'R D Q!, isacctc PRL 110, 228101 (2013) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ijA ij þ 1I ij W tensor, is the!,where viscosity, isaequations the pressure, and according square-root law, xðtÞ two /% tis an incompressible fluid of constant#density &the t, with r ! v ¼p 0, to the are given by the a locity, with disclinati tensor, # is the viscosity, p is þnematic v ! rbyindicates the parameter. material derivawhere D=Dt ¼ @tare r!v ¼ 0, the equations given the annihilation time. More precise calculations ht sho ¼ ð@ v þ @ v Þ=2 alignment Here u ijthe i j of ja isquareHe x axis Dc nematic alignment parameter. 2 @ friction de shown that the effective is itself a function of ¼ @ ½D @ c þ " c Q %; (1a) tive, D ¼ D ' þ D Q is the anisotropic diffusion accord an0 2incompressible fluid ofÞ=2 constant !, rate i ij j 1 density j ij ij ij and 1 ! ij Dc case of Dt ¼ ð@ v & @ v are the symmetrized of x ð0Þ ¼ ð)L=4; 0Þ. The in do ij i(1a) j j i separation ) logx=a, although defect [29,30], (ð@ ¼i v (j0 & ¼ @ v Þ=2 are and ! ¼ @i ½Dij @#j cis þ the "1 c viscosity, @j Qij %; ij j i tensor, p is the pressure, and % is the Dvi given Dt where r ! v ¼ 0, 2v & thetensor equations by@substantial thesche a Th finite differences does inmolecular the overall pictu !are ¼not #rimply @the (1b) strain and the vorticity, The i respectively. i p þ tensor j $ij ;changes strain and the vorticity, re Dt þ @j vmodel alignment parameter. Here uij ¼ ð@ vi nematic ap i vj simple i Þ=2 predicts This thatof thethe defect and antidef To render Eqs. (1) dimen ¼ #r2 vi & @i p þ @j $ij ;field Hij embodies (1b) the shown relaxational dynamics nematic DQ ij relaxationa field Dt and !ij ¼ ð@i vj & @j vi Þ=2 are the symmetrized ofik !kjH approach each other along ¼ %Surate &ij!embodies Qkj þ &&1the Htrajectories. (1c) ij þ Q iksymmetric ij ; Dc by the approximate length Dt co 2 Qij strain tensor and the phase (with & a rotational viscosity) and can be obtained defect phase (with & a rotational visco We have integrated numerically Eqs. (1) for an ini &1 vorticity, respectively. The molecular ¼ @ ½D @ c þ " c @ Q %; (1a) ¼ %Suij þ Qik !kj & !iik Qkjijþ &j Hij ; 1(1c) j ij loco stress bymaterial the elastic stress t field H embodies configuration of uniform concentration and zero flow þ v ! r indicates the derivawhere D=Dt ¼ @ Dt from the variation of the Landau-de Gennes free energy of a t from the variation of the Landau-d the relaxational dynamics of the nematic 2 then does ij time by )diffusion ¼ #‘ =K tive, D D1disclinations Qij is and the anisotropic locity, with two of charge )1=2 located ij ¼ D 0 'ij þ xH two-dimensional nematic [21], two-dimensional nematic [21], H ¼ &'F='Q , with þ v ! r indicates the material derivaD=Dt ¼ @ Dv ) phase t(with i& a rotational viscosity) and can be obtained tensor, # is viscosity, p is viscous theL pressure, and is the 2 the x the axis of a ijsquare + L and boxij at %initial positi This s elastic stress. the ! ¼ #r v & @ p þ @ $ ; (1b) D ' þ D Q is the anisotropic diffusion ij ¼ 0 ij 1 ij i i j ij þ @j vi Þ=2 by us nematic parameter. Here uij ¼!ð@i v from the variation of the Landau-de Gennes free of a0Þ. The j performed x)alignment ð0Þenergy ¼ ð)L=4; integration is !and "of2 ¼ " To simplicity, we let "appro Dt Z # is the viscosity, p is the pressure, and % is the Z 1 ¼finite ð@i,vwith & @j vi Þ=2 are the symmetrized rate !the 1 1 1 ij j differences scheme described in Refs. [11,1 two-dimensional nematic [21], H ¼ &'F='Q ? 2 ij v Þ=2 by ?ij 2 F=K ¼ 2 dA 2 ðcjrQj & c 2ÞtrQ þ boundary conditions are c alignmentDQ parameter. Here uF=K ij ¼ ð@¼ i vj þ @dA j i strain ðc & c cðtrQ ; ÞtrQ þ Þ þ tensor and the vorticity, respectively. The molecular To render Eqs. (1) dimensionless, we normalize dista ij 42 str We &1 p 4 4 vi Þ=2¼ the symmetrized rate offield !are%Su " embodies the relaxational dynamics of the nematic H allowed to evolve until th j ¼ ð@i vj & @jZ þ Q ! & ! Q þ & H ; (1c) ij ij ik 1 kj ij of the active rods i‘ ¼ 1=an byikthe kj approximate length 1respectively. ij ? The2 molecular 2 2(with1& a rotational 2 ensorF=K and the vorticity, phase viscosity) and can be obtained Dt config snapshot of the order param jrQj ¼ dA ðc & c ÞtrQ þ cðtrQ Þstress ; þ by (2) vis the elastic stress of the nematic phase $ ¼ K‘ variation of the Landau-de Gennes free energy of a 4 dynamics of the nematic 4 from the 2 2 j embodies the relaxational sim and time by ) ¼ #‘ =K representing the ratio betw the beginning of the relax locity, two-dimensional nematic [21], H ¼ &'F='Q , with ij ij withwhere & a rotational viscosity) and can be obtained where K is derivaan elastic constant w bo (2) stress. viscous and elastic In these dimensionless units, þ v ! r indicates the material D=Dt ¼ @ i extensile system, with " ¼ t where K is an elastic constant with dimensions of energy, 2 2 2 ? e variation of the Landau-de Gennes free energy of a ! " all the x Z S 1and =2, and is 22j=2. the Perio criti simplicity, let?"2 ¼ ¼2 " take "1c1¼ j" 1 we trQ 2þ D 2Q ? 2 2the (see also supplemental tive, D ¼ D ' is the anisotropic diffusion mensional nematic [21], H ¼ &'F='Q , with trQ ¼ S =2, and c is the critical concentration for the sna ðc & c cðtrQ jrQj F=K ¼ dA ; ÞtrQ þ Þ þ ij 0 ij ij dimensions boundary are 4assumed, transition, and the xdefects where K isij an elastic constant 1ijwith of energy, 4conditions 2 isotropic-nematic so ð0Þ the ) In annihilate. passive nematic liqui ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p ! " 2 2 ? allowed to evolve until they Figure 1 show ZtrQ isotropic-nematic transition, so that, at equilibrium, S ¼ tensor, # is the viscosity, p is the pressure, and % is the (2) ¼ S =2, and c is the critical concentration for the ? 1 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 exo 2 1 &parameter cknown =c. Finally, the stress ten that the dynamics the fin snapshot of the order and flow field shortly a cðtrQ2 Þ2 þ jrQj ¼ dA ðc & c? ÞtrQ2 þ p ; ij ? r a (se 4 4 2 isotropic-nematic transition, atwhere equilibrium, Sð@ ¼the 1& c so =cthat, . Finally, the stress ¼ $ þ $ofbackflow, is due the to ¼tensor þ @so-called vfor nematic alignment parameter. Here u ijthe K isbeginning an constant with dimensions the of relaxation both aenergy, contractile ijelastic i vof j$ jelastic i Þ=2 ij ij the th sum stress ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p ij To ren Giomi et al PRL 2012 2 2 ? (2) ? r a rthe¼ ab trQ ¼ S =2, and cto is nematic the critical concentration for extensile system, with "ientation ¼ )0:2 inof the units defined 1 & c!=c.¼ Finally, the stress tensor $are $ þsymmetrized $ is the sum of the elastic due elasticity, $ the nematic ord kn ij ¼stress ij ij ð@ v & @ v Þ=2 the rate of and þ Q H & H &%SH ijQkj , wh ij i j j i kj [31]). ikS isotropic-nematic soij that, atikequilibrium, ¼ (see also thetransition, supplemental movie S1 Active nematics PRL 110, 228101 ( case of an incomp where r ! v ¼ 0, th r Dc ¼ @ ½D Dt Dv ! ¼ #r v Dt DQ ¼ %Su Dt r by the Active nematics REVIEW LETTERS PRL 110, 228101 (2013) week ending 31 MAY 2013 PHYSICAL FIG. 2 (color online). Defect pair production in an active case of an incompressible fluid ofandconstant densi suspension of microtubules not and consistent kinesin (top) with the same where r ! vobserved ¼ 0, in theourequations aresetup given by phenomenon numerical simulation of an extenexperimental sile nematic fluid with " ¼ 100 and ! ¼ "0:5. The experimental picture T. Sanchez et al., Dcis reprinted with permission from 2@ Q Nature (London) 491, 431 (2012). Copyright ¼ @Giomi ½D @ c þ " c i ij etj al PRL12012j 2012, ij %; Macmillan. Dt Note that the potential cannot contain odd-power terms since Tr Q2k+1 = 0 in 2D. Consider the corresponding field equation Alternative approach To obtain closed equation, we must express v = (vk ) in F @t Qdiscuss @k Qpossible (12) ij + vk two ij = terms of Q. We choices Qij vk = Dvelocity @n Qnk and where v is the advection (16a) 3 Qjk ) vk = D @n (Qnj (16b) 3 F 2 a @ Tr Q2 b @ Tr Q2 4 = + where 1the constant D is a response Qij 2 2 @Qij 4 @Qij1 coefficient with units length 0 /time. Note the 2crucial 0 di↵erence between the 2 @(rQ) @(rrQ) 2 4-1 assumes -1 two closure conditions: Eq. (16a) that active @k + @k @n . LC (13) -2 2 Q@(@ 2-2 flow@(@ Qijopposite ) k @nin configurations andk QijQ) create fields -3 -3 -3 -2 which -1 0 1 may 2 3 also be -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 directions. By0 contrast, Eq. (16b) Using written asD<0 extensile D>0 contractile k 2 gridsp Note that the potential cannot contain odd-power terms situations because they have identical spectra (although work 2k+1 since Tr Q = 0 in 2D.are Consider the corresponding eigenvectors swapped).the corresponding 100 ⇥ field equation Adopting (16a), which distinguishes between contracshoul Alternative approach tile and extensile nematics, the equations of motions take F the form could @t Qijequation, + vk @k Qwe To obtain closed must express v = (vk )(12) inIt s ij = Q nates ij 3choices terms of Q. We discuss two possible @t Qij + D(@n Qnk )@k Qij = aQij bQ ij + (18a) T = 2 @k @k Qvelocity ij 4 @k @ k @n @n Qij where v is the advection and vk = D @n Qnk 4 Qjk ) or, equivalently, vk2 = bD@@Tr n (Q F a @ Tr Q Qnj = + (16a) (16b) 3 Q 2 @Q 4 @Q ij ij ij @ Q + D[(r · Q) · r]Q = aQ bQ + (18b) t where the constant D is a response coefficient with unitsDen 2 2 2 2 2 @(rQ) @(rrQ) r Q (r ) Q length2 /time. Note the crucial di↵erence between the 2 4 2 4 unit t @ + @ @ . (13) k k n two closure2conditions: Eq. (16a) assumes LC norm @(@k Qij ) 2 @(@kthat @n Qactive ij ) Dynamics conservesQthe Tr Q ⌘ flow 0. As indicated configurations andtrace, Q create fields in opposite vecto above, the velocity breaksEq. Q !(16b) Q symmetry, butalso be directions. By term contrast, which may Using could be replaced by (D, Q) ! ( D, Q) symmetry. written as In principle one could include additional terms on k @t Qij + D(@n Qnk )@k Qij = aQij bQ ij + (18a) Alternative approach 2 @k @k Qij 4 @k @k @n @n Qij T =1 or, equivalently, @t Q + D[(r · Q) · r]Q = bQ3 + aQ 2r 2 Q 4 (r (18b) 2 2 ) Q Deno unit ta normal vector growth rate wHkL Dynamics conserves the trace, Tr Q ⌘ 0. As indicated 1.0 above, the velocity term breaks Q ! Q symmetry, but could be replaced0.5by (D, Q) ! ( D, Q) symmetry. linear In principle one could include additional termsstability on the rhs., such as0.0 correctly symmetrized combinations of and Ga vorticity coupling terms involving ! Q where ! = ik kj ik -0.5 @i vk @k vi with vk being expressed in terms of QChaos via thepossible? adopted closure-1.0 condition (this could lead -2 -1 0 1 to less2 isotropic structures). wavenumber k Exam Prelim. simulation results D<0 extensile Prelim. simulation results D>0 contractile