18.354 Nonlinear Dynamics II Towards hydrodynamics Jörn Dunkel Hydrodynamics works at all these scales! µm mm m km ly lds Numbers in Biology Some typical Reynolds numbers number is dimensionless group that characterizes the ratio o fined as ⇥U L UL Re = = µ density of the medium the organism is moving through; µ is t ; is the kinematic viscosity; U is a characteristic velocity of stic length scale. When we discuss swimming biological organ eatures that are moving through water (or through a fluid with hose of water). This means that the material properties µ and ber is roughly determined by the size of the organism. e characteristic size of the organism and the characteristic sw rule-of-thumb, the characteristic locomotion velocity, U , in bi y U L/second e.g. for people L 1 m and we move at U 1 d they move at about U 1 mm/s; for microorganisms L 1 dunkel@math.mit.edu High-Re vs Low-Re dunkel@math.mit.edu VERY High-Re dunkel@math.mit.edu Low-Re (laminar) flow Flow & transport in cells Drosophila embryo Goldstein lab (Cambridge) Flow & transport in cells Drosophila embryo Goldstein lab (Cambridge) Intracellular transport Chara corralina Giant cell http://damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gold/movies.html Vesicles in a shear flow model for blood cells dynamics Vasily Kantsler Swimming bacteria movie: V. Kantsler ~20 parts 20 nm Berg (1999) Physics Today source: wiki Chen et al (2011) EMBO Journal dunkel@math.mit.edu E.coli (non-tumbling HCB 437) Drescher, Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) PNAS Results w of itswe “puller” image. d. field Atwalls, distances rfocused <6µ mon theadipole model overestimates the bacterial flow field. (E) Experimentally measured flow to plane 50 µm from the top and bottom tancesurfaces 2 µm parallel to sample the wall. chamber, (F) Best fitand force-dipole model, (G) residual field. Notewhere the Bacterial cell body, of the recorded ∼ 2 and terabytes of flow 4 flowmovie fieldResults ofdata. an E. In coli “pusher” decays much faster, when swims close thecule surface, fortothe length of t theflow mea this data we identified ∼ 10 events when (non-tumbling HCB 437)rarea bacterium achieved by fittin theByTo measured andminisbest-fit force cellsBacterial swam in the for > surfaces. 1.5 s. tracking decays labeled, n flowfocal fieldplane far from resolve the the at variable locatio fluidcule tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position of the c decays of the flow speed u with flow field created by individual bacteria, we tracked gfp- sion of flu m surfaces. To resolve the minisfield (r >field 8 µm). and labeled, velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, dis non-tumbling E. coli as they swam through a suspenof the cell body (Fig. 1D) illustr walls, we dividual bacteria, tracked gfp- overforce the measured andaverage best-fit dipole we field The the 1C). specific fitting and performing anwe ensemble all tracers, re- (Fig. Howeve sionswam ofdecays fluorescent tracer particles. For measurements farcharacteristic from field displays the 1 dipole length ℓ =o of the flow speed u with distance r from thesurfaces center i as they through a suspensolved the time-averaged flow field in the E. coli swimming he minismeasure walls, we focused on a plane 50 µm from the top and bottom value of F is cons movie dat However, the force dipole flow sig oftothe cell (Fig. 1D) illustrate that the flow down 0.1% of body the mean swimming speed V0 = 22 ± 5 measured ticles. For measurements far from ckedplane gfpcell force bod surfaces of the sample chamber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of 2 and resistive µm/s. As E. colidisplays rotate about their swimming direction, their cells field the characteristic 1/r4 decay oftoa the forceside dipole. measured flow ofswam thel a 50 suspenµmmovie from the top and bottom for the data. In field this in data we dimensions identified ∼is10cylindrically rare events when note that in the b time-averaged flow three fluid trace However, the force dipole flow significantly overestimates the cell1.5body, where the flow magnit far from achieved ber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of cells swam in the focal plane for > s. By tracking the µm behind the ce symmetric.measured Our measurements capture all components of this flow to when the side of the cell body,ofand behind the 4 and veloci didentified bottom for the length the flagellar bun at varia fluid drag on the ∼ 10 rare events fluid tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position cylindrically symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to cell body, where the flow magnitude u(r) is nearly constant and perfo abytes of field (r f achieved by fitting two opposite and velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, the rotation of the cell about its the body axis. The topology of ne for > 1.5fors. By tracking the length of the flagellar bundle. The force dipole fit was solved the nts when the spec the measured flow field (Fig. 1A) is the same as that of a and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reat variable locations along the sw are events, relating their position Bacterial flowdow fiel achieved by1B), fitting two opposite force monopoles (Stokeslets) dipole le plane kingforce the dipole flowtime-averaged (Fig. defined by solved the flow field in the E. coli swimming field (r > 8 µm). From the best and orientation of the bacterium, dipole flow descri at variable locations along the swimming direction to the far value of position µm/s. As plane down to 0.1% of the mean swimming speed V = 22 ± 5 0 the specific fitting routines fi with good and accura h i e average over all tracers, we refield (r > 8 µm). From the best fit, which is insensitive to and resi A E. coli r direction, their time-avera ℓF swimming acterium, µm/s. As 2rotate about their ˆ thisµm approximatio u(r)in= the 3(r̂.coli d) − 1 r̂, routines A= , r̂fitting = length , regions, [ℓ 1 ]= we dipole 1.9 and dip ow field E. swimming 2 the specific fitting and obtain the note tha2 |r| 8πηdimensions |r| is cylindrically s, we retime-averaged flow field in three symmetric a wall. Focusing value F is Fconsistent with opt dipole length 1.9±µm and dipole force = of 0.42 pN. This µm beh mean swimming speed V0 ℓ==22 5 capture symmetric. Our measurements allof components this wimming and applying the cylindrica and resistive force theory calculat fluid dra of Fforce, is consistent with optical trap measurements [45] where F isvalue the dipole ℓ the distance separating the force ut direction, their symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to the = their 22 ±cylindrically 5swimming resulted in a sligh rotati note thatThe in the best fit, the cell and resistive force theory calculations [46]. It is interesting to η the viscosity the fluid, dˆ the orientation vector theof flow field struc the rotation ofisof the cell about itsunit body axis. topology on, pair, their three dimensions cylindrically the measu (swimming direction) the best bacterium, and rbehind the distance surfaces, the note thatflow inofthe fit, 1A) theµm cell drag Stokeslet isfrom 0.1 the measured field (Fig. is the same as that oflocated aof the center the cell ndrically nts capture all components of this force dipo Bacteria vector relative to the center of the dipole. Yet there are some ity of a no-slip sur µm behind the center of the cell body, possibly reflecting the force dipole flow (Fig. 1B), defined by fluid drag on the flagellar bundle tsexcept of this flow due Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) to PNAS Fig. differences 1.Drescher, Averagethe flow fieldazimuthal created by a single freely-swimming bacterium. (A) Experimentally measured flow field far from a surface. Stream lines indicate local direction offl dipole close to the cell body as shown by the residual of outward streamlin fluid drag on the flagellar bundle. flow. (B) Best fit force-dipole model, and (C) residual flow field, obtained by subtracting the best-fit dipole from the experimentally measured field. The presence of the flagella E.coli w due to weak ‘pusher’ dipole Chlamydomonas PRL 105, 168101 (2010) Movie: Jeff Guasto (TUFTS) ‘puller’ PHYSICAL FIG. 4 (color online). Time- and azimuthally-averaged fl Drescher et al PRL 2010 ! from velocity vectors (blue [dark The spiraling near Guastogray]). et al PRL 2010 velocity field. A color scheme indicates flow speed magnitu model: flagellar thrust is distributed among two Stokesle arrows), whose sum balances drag on the cell body (cen separate colors in the inset, compared to results from the size ~ 20µm speed ~ 100µm/s beat frequency ~30 Hz Volvox carteri somatic cell cilia 200 ㎛ daughter colony Drescher et al (2010) PRL dunkel@math.mit.edu Volvox Goldstein lab (Cambridge) Volvox meta-chronal waves Brumley et al (2012) PRL meters kilometers (miles) http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/site_usage/site_reqts.html Galactic & intergalactic gas dynamics horsehead nebula (hubble) Water knots Irvine lab (Chicago) Surface effects http://web.mit.edu/ehl/www/Home.html Bush group “Quantum” HD Couder lab (Paris) Bush group