_ _ ___j~lC _ _ NUMERICAL I___ SIMULATION OF THE TERRESTRIAL PLANET ___ FINAL _I _I_ ______~~ ______ ___i__X__~_ _I_ _C _ STAGES OF FORMATION by O S.B. Physics, LARRY PAUL COX Massachusetts (1969) Institute of Technology, SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF at MASSACHUSETTS PHILOSOPHY the INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (May, 1978) Signature of Author Department of Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . and Planetary Sciences, Certified . by . . . Accepted by Chairman, Departmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thesis Supervisor -1 Comm eAaduate MASSACHUS TUTE 1978 LIBRARIES . . . . . May, 1978 IS - .. . Students In Anfwer to the Epicurean Syftem, [he argues] How often might a Man, after he had jumbled a Set of Letters in a Bag, fling them out upon the Ground before they would fall into an exaA Poem, yea or fo much as make a good Difcourfe in Profe? And may not a little Book be as eafily made by Chance, as this great Volume of the World? How long might a Man be fprinkling Colours upon a Canvas with a carelefs Hand, before they could happen to make the exaA Picture of a Man? And is a Man eafier made by Chance than his Picture? How long might twenty thoufand blind Men, which fhould be fent out from the feveral remote Parts of England, wander up and down before they would all meet upon Salisbury-Plains, and fall into Rank and File in the exaa Order of an Army? And yet this is much more eafy to be imagin'd, than how the innumerable blind Parts of Matter fhould rendezvouze themfelves into a World. John Tillotson Archbishop of Canterbury in Maxims and Discourses Moral and Devine (London, 1719) --~^-) -I~----LLI.I --- NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE FINAL STAGES OF TERRESTRIAL PLANET FORMATION by LARRY PAUL COX Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in May, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Abstract Four representative numerical simulations of the growth of the terrestrial planets by accretion of large protoplanets are presented. The mass and relative velocity distributions of the bodies in these simulations are free to evolve simultaneously in response to close gravitational encounters and occasional collisions between bodies. The collisions between bodies, therefore, arise in a natural way and the assumption of expressions for the relative velocity distribution and the gravitational collision cross-section is unnecessary. The relation of the present work to scenarios given by Safronov (1969), Goldreich and Ward (1973), and Greenberg et al. (1977) for the early stages of solar system evolution is discussed. A comparison of predictions of the commonly employed two-body gravitational model with integrations of the equations of motion which include the influence of the Sun indicate that the twobody model is inadequate for the treatment of encounters between large protoplanets, particularly when they move along low eccentricity orbits resulting in encounters with low relative velocities. A new model is, therefore, proposed for single close encounters between two small masses, m I and m 2 , which orbit a much larger mass, M. Comparisons of predictions of the model with integrations of the three-body equations of motion indicate that the model is an adequate approximation nr-~-----II-CI-YYII--~ < --5 10 5 M and E > 4, he hyperbolic orbit of ml about m 2 . The current simulations represent to my knowledge the only model of planetary accretion taking into account the presence of the Sun in the gravitational interactions between bodies. m for those encounters with m 1 of where E is the eccentricity ' The protoplanetary bodies in these simulations are assumed to move along unperturbed co-planar orbits until they pass within a sphere of influence distance R s R 0 [ml (m l + m 2 )/M 2 ]1/ 5 , where R O is the heliocentric When a close approach to another body occurs, distance. new orbital elements are computed for each body either by the model or by integration of the regularized equations of motion, depending on the parameters of the Protoplanets are assumed to accrete and form encounter. a body with mass equal to the sum of the masses of the two incoming bodies when a close approach with separation less than the sum of the radii of the bodies (assuming lunar density material) occurs during integration. All simulations begin with an initial system of one hundred bodies of equal mass having a total mass equal to The surface density of that of the terrestrial planets. the system is assumed to have an R- 3 / 2 dependence on heliocentric distance between 0.5 and 1.5 AU and to be The orbital eccentricities are randomly zero elsewhere. chosen from a uniform distribution on the interval from 0 to a given maximum eccentricity, emax These simulations indicate that the growth of bodies with final masses approaching those of Venus and the Earth is possible, at least for the case of a two-dimensional Simulations with emax < 0.10 are found to produce system. final states containing too many bodies with a narrow mass distribution, while simulations with emax > 0.20 result in too many catastrophic collisions between bodies and rapid accretion of planetary-size bodies is prohibited. The emax = 0.15 simulation ends with a state surprisingly similar to that of the present terrestrial planets and, therefore, provides a rough estimate of the range of radial sampling to be expected for the terrestrial planets. Thesis Supervisor: John S. Lewis Title: Associate Professor of Geochemistry and Chemistry - --i^-I 111~11~-~.- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this thesis was an effort involving a number of people besides the author. The topic emerged as a result of conversations with Myron Lecar, W.R. Ward, and J.S. Lewis. Throughout the research the guidance of my advisor, Professor John Lewis, has been of great help. He has not only made many helpful suggestions and criticisms, but has provided a good balance of enthusiasm and healthy skepticism. During in 1976, the sabbatical leave of John Lewis Professor Charles Counselman ably filled in as my advisor and frequent discussions with him were very helpful in constructing many of the algorithms employed in the simulations. This research has from the suggestions, criticisms, and Stephen Barshay and Bruce Fegley. full credit for the interest of I, of course, take shortcomings which undoubtedly remain. During my career in graduate by also benefited school I was supported the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department and by the Mathematics Department. The computing this research was provided by NASA time for Grant NGL-22-009-521. I especially wish to thank my wife, Candace, her encouragement, support, and love, which were essential to me as well as to this research. for 6 I also wish to thank Roxanne Regan for her efforts in typing this manuscript. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE FINAL STAGES OF TERRESTRIAL PLANET FORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS page Frontispiece 2 Abstract 3 Acknowledgements 5 Table of Contents 7 List of Tables 9 I. INTRODUCTION A. The Absence of Known Counterparts of Our Solar System B. Requirements for a Successful Theory of Solar System Formation C. Cosmogonical Hypotheses of the Present Simulations D. Three Scenarios for the Early Stages of Solar System Evolution E. The Late Stages of Solar System Evolution F. The Numerical Simulations II. A NEW MODEL FOR CLOSE GRAVITATIONAL ENCOUNTERS A. B. C. D. E. Introduction A Description of the Model Plausibility Arguments for the Model The Algorithm for Applying the Model Tests of the Model Against Numerical Integration F. Conclusions Drawn from the Numerical Comparisons G. Treatment of Encounters Outside the Range of Validity of the Model 10 10 13 15 17 33 45 48 48 50 52 57 60 68 70 rir~i---ll~--~- -ii_-xrla -1L-ii-urmu -rrrr~-----^-i ra~---r^--~----ypWpn----rrrr- page III. IV. V. THE MODEL FOR COLLISIONS BETWEEN BODIES 74 A. A Description of the Collision Model B. An Estimate of Fragment Size After A Collision C. The Requirement of Total Energy Conservation D. Implications of Total Energy Conservation E. Do the Clusters of Fragments Shrink to Solid Density Before Their Next Collision? 74 THE COMPUTER SIMULATION PROCEDURE 90 76 78 82 84 A. The Basic Assumptions of the Simulations B. The Relative Importance of Close Versus Distant Encounters C. The Algorithm Used for Finding Close Encounters D. A Flowchart of the Simulations 96 103 THE COMPUTER SIMULATIONS 110 90 92 A. Results of Four Representative Numerical Simulations B. An Estimate of the Evolution Times Expected for Three-Dimensional Systems C. Heliocentric Distance Sampling of Material for the Final Bodies of the Simulations D. Conclusions Drawn from the Simulations Regarding the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets E. Limitations of the Present Numerical Simulations 110 127 130 134 136 References 140 Figure Captions 144 Figures 149 Biographical Note 173 LIST OF TABLES page 1. Two-Body Gravitational Cross Sections with Keplerian Differential Velocities 40 Gravitational Cross-Sections Obtained by Integration 2. Collision Statistics (e = 0.05) 116 3. Collision Statistics (e = 0.10) max 117 4. Collision Statistics (e 118 5. Statistics of the Eccentricity Changes Occurring for Encounters and Collisions 120 6. Comparisons of Total System Angular Momentum and Energy 127 max max = 0.15) CHAPTER I. A. INTRODUCTION The Absence of Known Counterparts The study of the origin of of Our Solar System the solar system is hampered considerably by the absence of any known counterparts of our evidence (van de Kamp, of Barnard's star, ) <0.01 M own system. 1969; Except for the tentative Gatewood, no extrasolar 1972) in the case substellar mass has been discovered and confirmed. (mass Because of the many uncertainties in the data, difficult to determine the characteristics of the Barnard planetary system. it is extremely Black and Suffolk (1973) (1976) have suggested that if the residuals and Gatewood from recti- linear motion are assumed to be reliable, two bodies with masses similar to that of Jupiter having periods between ten and thirty years, respectively, are Black and Suffolk further conclude cannot be noted in co-planar orbits. that the However, two planets it should be that the elimination of systematic errors observations conclusions The has been difficult and, indicated. in the therefore, the above are subject to change. tentative detection of planet-like companions of Barnard's star was entirely dependent on the proximity of the star and the small mass of the primary. Since I _ the existence of 1__ ~_1111_11_1~ such objects can be presently determined only by observing the perturbed motion of the primary and since the motion of the primary relative to the center of mass would be highly complicated by the presence of several massive planets, the observation of even a single counterpart of near future. like our own solar Thus, system seems unlikely in the the chance of observing a terrestrial- system of planets is quite remote. At the very least we are, therefore, deprived of the insights that might result systems analogous If scheme from a classification to those for stars for planetary and galaxies. it is difficult to observe true counterparts of our planetary system in their completely formed state, it is that much more difficult to observe them in the process of planet formation both because of the small fraction of their age that is thought to be spent in planet formation and because of the probable obscuration of such systems by circumstellar dust grains. Indeed, there is a large body of observational data on nebulae exhibiting strong "excess" infrared emission which surround newly formed stars. These data yield valuable information about the properties of the circumstellar dust grains surrounding these stars and in the case of MWC (1977) have 349, Thompson et al. inferred the existence of a preplanetary ~IY~P~I~~~ 11 ___I__?YI_ _I1YC______^ 11 (Amalthea), Titan), the seven inner satellites of Saturn (excluding and the five satellites of Uranus are comparable in mass, but are about two orders of magnitude less than those of the main satellites. These satellites also move in nearly circular, except for Hyperion, prograde orbits in the equa- torial planes of their parent bodies. However, often substantial mutual perturbations in the orbital motions of these of possible clues satellite systems. there are Therefore, a number to the problem of satellite formation and perhaps planetary formation have been obscured by the dynamical evolution of these systems subsequent to their formation in much the same way as in the planetary system. If it is difficult to observe true counterparts of our planetary system in their completely formed state, it is that much more difficult to observe them in the process of planet formation both because of the small fraction of their age that is thought to be spent in planet formation and because of the probable obscuration of such systems by circumstellar dust grains. Indeed, there is a large body of observational data on nebulae exhibiting strong "excess" infrared emission which stars. sirround newly formed This data yields valuable information about the properties of the circumstellar dust grains surrounding these stars and in the case of MWC 349, Thompson et al. (1977) have inferred the existence of a preplanetary ._. II-IC~L^ _I~___*I~___Y__LLIL__-s~~ -(^L11-l~-~ _~ _~_~ _I_ 1_____ disk surrounding the star. in obtain- The real problem is ing data on the larger bodies and this is observationally very difficult. Assuming models for nucleosynthesis, classical extinct radionuclides I various meteorites 129 and Pu 244 studied so far) have given the (for the time intervals ranging from 90 to 250 million years for the time of isolation of the gas and grains later forming the solar system to the start of xenon retention in meteorites bodies like asteroids). (presumably in small These formation intervals then indicate that no more than about 200 million years of solar-system history, and probably less than that, preceeded the cooling of the parent meteorite bodies. retention ages (K 40 40 -A0 and U, 4 Th-He ) Gas- further indicate that the parent meteorite planets cooled approximately 4.5 x 10 years ago. crust of the Earth is trial rock. Finally, the minimum age for the the oldest measured for any terres- At the moment this age is about 3.7 x 10 years. Therefore, no more than a few times 108 years for is available the formation of at least the Earth and Moon. The processes leading to the formation of the solar system, therefore, occurred approximately 4.5 x 10 years ago and presumably consisted of a relatively rapid succession of non-equilibrium early evolutionary phases. not then surprising that many of It is the clues to the nature of these processes have been obscured. Consequent- ly, a simple extrapolation backwards in time cannot lead to a plausible picture of the origin and early We then conclude that the chance of solar system. of the evolution observing a counterpart of our system in the process of planet formation B. is indeed small. Requirements For A Successful Theory Of Solar System Formation With incomplete knowledge of only one planetary system, solar the problem of deciding which properties of our system are "accidental" or probabilistic and which are expected to be general to other planetary systems is a delicate one indeed. data, we endeavor, Undaunted by the paucity of our like the ancient Greeks, essential characteristics of reality. propose theories of solar for a Yet, if we are to system formation, requirements successful theory must be explicitly stated. authors, Herczeg among to intuit the (1972) , Woolfson (1968) , McCrea others, have constructed characteristics of the solar lists planet formation. (1969) of fundamental system to be used in verify- ing any cosmogonical hypothesis. proposed which is Many Such a specific to theories of list will now be terrestrial The criteria proposed here for a -- ii---..~~ satisfactory theory are listed in a necessarily order subjective importance. of (1) The existence and approximate number of the terrestrial planets must be accounted for. (2) To a high degree of approximation planetary orbits are co-planar and circular. always less than 0.1 and eccliptic exceptions the eccentricity of planetary orbits of Mercury and Pluto, is With the less than 3.5*. the inclination to the On the other hand, yielding too nearly circular and co-planar a theory orbits would to Also, a corollary of the coherence of my mind be suspect. orbital inclinations is that all of the planets are observed to have a common sense of orbital motion. (3) A theory should lead to the formation of terres- trial planets of appropriate masses at appropriate heliocentric distances. approximate one, This requirement is necessarily an since the eventual discovery of even one extrasolar planetary system with a terrestrial planet configuration having planetary masses and orbital spacings identical to our own would (4) A to me be extremely remarkable! successful theory should also account for axial rotations of the planets. With the exception of Venus and Uranus, planetary rotation is predominantly direct. the (5) The physical structure and chemical composition of the planets must be taken into account. The terres- trial planets in particular exhibit some characteristic deviations from the cosmic abundance of chemical elements and their isotopes. The most important deviations are: (a) an almost complete absence of hydrogen and helium, and a strong depletion of some volatile elements, and (b) an overabundance of deuterium, lithium, and other light elements relative to the present solar composition. (6) As was discussed earlier, no more than a few times 10 least the Earth and Moon. years are available for the formation of at (7) A well-developed theory might include the origin of the Earth-Moon system and we can hope for explanations of the absence of satellites for Mercury and Venus the presence of Deimos and and Phobos. C. Cosmogonical Hypotheses Of The Present Simulations Many classifications of theories the solar system have been proposed, thousands of years old. Herczeg (1968) , (1963), Schatzman McCrea (1972), ter Haar (1965), and Huang for the formation of some of which are In this century Russell (1948) , (1935), ter Haar and Cameron Williams and Cremin (1972) among (1968), others have presented __ In order to categorize the cosmogonical classifications. hypotheses of the present numerical simulations, major divisions common to many of are presented. these classifications Theories of cosmogony can be roughly divided into three classes depending on the intimacy of the connection of the origin of the primitive with the formation of the Sun (A) The the Sun is assumed solar nebula itself. to be a stable main-sequence star with essentially the same structure at the time of formation of the planetary system as today. Here, the raw material of the planets is assumed to be captured from an interstellar cloud either by the intervention of another star or simply by accretion of infalling matter. (B) The Sun is assumed to be in a late phase of its contraction at the time the planets originated. dominant central mass A pre- is assumed to exist already, enforc- ing Keplerian motion of the material in the nebula. it is inferred that the Sun was stellar material, solar nebula forming is it makes for formed from diffuse intereconomy to assume that simply made up of material the left over in the Sun. (C) Here, the proto-Sun is phase of Since assumed to be in an early its formation, very extended and perhaps much more massive than the final, developed Sun. There may be no strong central condensation at this accretion is assumed to have started that of the Sun within the stage. simultaneously with same nebula. Capture and cataclysmic hypotheses are in included The classical hypotheses of Laplace and Kant class A. are perhaps the earliest representatives of C, Planetary respectively. classes B and Many hypotheses rely on a very dense gaseous medium to facilitate planetary accumulation, by reducing relative velocities, cence of solid particles. thus promoting the coales- However, in the current simula- tions only a minimum amount of "circumsolar" matter is assumed, with a density corresponding to the total mass of the terrestrial planets spread over the terrestrial region. The current simulation is based on theories of type B. D. Three Scenarios For The Early Stages of Solar System Evolution Ward In this section the scenarios given by Goldreich and (1973), Safronov (1969), and Greenberg et al. for early stages of the evolution of the solar (1977) system are described. These investigations provide a background for the present study of the growth of the largest bodies the last stage of terrestrial planet formation. in They also permit an assessment of the initial conditions used in the simulations to be described here. The Goldreich-Ward Scenario: The Goldreich and Ward accretion of planetesimals In the first stage from scenario for the is divided into four stages. small particles are presumed to condense the cooling primordial solar nebula as the vapor pressures of various constituents pressures. fall below their partial After nucleation a particle is settle through the gas toward the nebula while continuing still (1973) equatorial plane of at a rate given by Hoyle The limiting radius a particle can reach descending particle relative in this way is Using the velocity of the to the local gas determined by the balance between the vertical component of the gas drag force, a limiting radius of R % terrestrial region. The estimated by augmenting 3 cm and a characteristic descent surface density of in the the nebula was the total mass of the terrestrial planets up to solar composition solar system. solar Goldreich and Ward obtain time of ten years for the condensation of iron inner (1946). estimating the rate at which a particle descends to the central plane. gravity and the to grow by collection of material in the vapor phase calculated by expected to and spreading it over the The half-thickness and resulting gas density of the nebula are determined by the balance of the vertical pressure gradient and the vertical component of Because of the uncertainty of the number solar gravity. sites, the final particle radii may very of nucleation well be much smaller than the estimated 3 cm especially in light of the fact that no particles approaching this size are found in it is expected chondrites, but particles will that the dust settle into a thin gravitationally unstable disk in any case. Goldreich and Ward next make use of the dispersion relation for local axisymmetric perturbations of a thin rotating disk to investigate the gravitational stability of the dust disk that forms the solar nebula. This dispersion relation 1965a, b) Goldreich and Lynden-Bell, 2 = in the equatorial plane of 22 k c where K2 = 2Q[Q + d(ri)/dr], density, c is the + K 2 - (Toomre, 1964; is written as 1-1 2TGOk G is the unperturbed surface sound speed, Q is the angular velocity, G is the gravitational constant, w is the disturbance, and k = 2r/X the frequency of is its wavenumber. Using the known masses of the terrestrial planets to estimate the surface density of the protoplanetary dust disk, Goldreich and Ward calculate a critical wavelength below which all wavelengths become unstable to collapse in the absence of random motions. The largest form when the unstable disk breaks up have masses of order m % 2 x 10 g, critical wavelength X = 2 47 2G c p fragments that are estimated to corresponding 2 /02 containing total masses as large unimpeded, since the required rate of 5 x 10 8 cm. to a Regions as this cannot collapse increase of rotation- al and random kinetic energies of the fragment cannot be met by the release of gravitational potential energy. If the equilibrium contraction size of a region corresponds to spatial densities at least as great as that of the solid material, the fragment may collapse directly to form a solid body. In the second stage of accretion a first generation of planetesimals having radii up to R O of the order of m ( direct collapse to 2 x 10 14g is expected to form by solid densities. unstable regions have masses 0.5 km and masses Since the largest 104 times greater than the regions collapsing directly to solid bodies, that up to "104 it is expected first-generation objects will be gravita- tionally bound in larger associations resembling partially contracted clusters. Collisions between these associations will be induced by the differential rotation of the disk. Some associa- tions will be disrupted by these collisions while some will probably grow at the expense of others. however, gas drag will reduce Gradually, the internal rotational and random kinetic energy of these associations and they will contract toward solid density. accretion ends with the This third stage of formation of a second generation of planetesimals having masses up to m 'R 2 x 10 radii up to r 1 18 g and 5 km. Goldreich and Ward argue this third stage that further growth beyond is unlikely to occur by means of collec- tive gravitational instabilities. Instead, direct particle- particle collisions resulting from the gravitational relaxation of the disk of planetesimals is expected to be the dominant accretion process following the formation of the second-generation planetesimals. Since gas drag produces a slow inward drift of the planetesimals toward the sun for as long solar nebula is present, it is growth time be essential that the particle short compared to the orbital by this drag at each stage of accretion. Ward demonstrated their as the gaseous lifetime set Goldreich and that at each stage of accretion scenario the survival time exceeds by at least two orders of magnitude. in the growth time Before going on to discuss the work of Safronov and co-workers, we will briefly consider the obstacles encountered by attempts to attribute the planetary formation process to gravitational instabilities of the gaseous nebula. entire The dispersion relation used earlier to investigate the stability of the dust disk is not rigorsince ously applicable to the gaseous solar nebula derived for a thin disk; however, it does provide a good estimate of the surface density required for When the value instability. obtained by augmenting the of a it is terres- g trial planets up to solar g/cm , composition, a ' 1.5 x 103 g is used, the dispersion relation implies gaseous solar nebula collapse unless order of or less that the is stable against gravitational the temperature of than 0.040 K. the gas is of the This unrealistically low temperature forces one to assume a nebula mass greatly exceeding the value needed to account for the present combined masses of the planets in order to obtain gravitational instabilities of the gaseous nebula. This assump- tion then leads to difficulties in later accounting the removal of this excess mass from the In addition, for solar system. the fact that the chemical composition of the planets differs from the assumed solar composition of the primordial nebula indicates that the density of the gaseous component of the nebula was to gravitational of not so high as to lead instability and the resulting formation stable gaseous protoplanets. The Scenario of Safronov: Safronov credits Edgeworth Lebedinskii (1950) with the simultaneous the solar nebula with the instability of the dust layer its disintegration tions. independent and almost inference of the separation of the dust and gaseous components of gravitational (1949) and Gurevich and into a large The effect of turbulence subsequent resulting in number of dust condensain the primordial nebula on the formation of a thin dust layer was considered by Safronov and it was demonstrated energy released by the cloud as that the gravitational interactions between turbulent eddies caused them to move closer to the Sun was insufficient to maintain turbulence Safronov's description of (Safronov, 1969) of the planetary formation process is of the dust condensations to be m ' The initial mass for the terrestrial 5 x 10 between those obtained the first stage in many ways similar to that of Goldreich and Ward. calculated in the cloud. 16 g, a value which for first and planetesimals by Goldreich and Ward. zone are falls second generation In calculating the above mass for the was initial dust condensations, Safronov apparently unaware of the calculations of the gravita- tional stability of thin rotating disks carried Toomre (1964) and Goldreich More surprising and Lynden-Bell out by (1965a, b). is the fact that Goldreich and Ward were unaware during their investigation of the work done on instabilities in a thinning dust disk done by Safronov (1969), Edgeworth (1950). (1949), and Gurevich and Lebedinskii Like Goldreich and Ward, Safronov describes a stage of accretion in which "primary condensations" collide sometimes combining and sometimes disrupting. This aggregation process presumably leads to the formation of "secondary condensations" having masses of the order of 104-106 times those of the primary condensations. Next, the entire system of condensations was assumed to be converted into a cluster of bodies within a cosmogonically short time. This is roughly the last stage of evolution considered in any detail by Goldreich and Ward. Initially, the bodies formed in the flat dust disk are presumed to move in nearly circular orbits and quently have low relative velocities. conse- Later their mass increases as does their gravitational interaction with other bodies resulting in an increase in relative veloci- ties and orbital eccentricities. Since the relative velocity of the bodies determines the rate of planetary growth and the extent of fragmentation of colliding there is a close relation between the relative bodies, velocities of the bodies and their size distribution. Safronov assumes, as is commonly done, encounters between bodies can be body problem. that treated as in the twoof equal mass m, For approaching bodies the relative velocity vector V does not change tude, but merely turns where D is the analysis of bodies through the angle impact parameter and the balance between the in encounters and the energy Y << I in magni- 1 Gm/DV 2 /2. In an energy acquired by lost in collisions, Safronov concludes that the relative velocities of bodies may be conveniently expressed by V = are the mass and radius accretion zone. bodies /Gm/r, where m and r of the largest body in a given For a power law mass distribution of in the terrestrial zone, an estimate of e % 3-5 is obtained. The two problems of determining the velocity distribu- tion in a system of bodies of varying mass and determining the mass distribution of solved simultaneously. should be However, the complete problem is insoluble in analytic form, take the bodies that of especially into account collisions resulting if one attempts to in fragmentation. In order to treat the problem analytically it has split into two parts, one of bodies is to be in which the mass distribution assumed known and another in which the relative velocity distribution of the bodies is assumed to be known. The coagulation theory method used in studying the process of coagulation in colloidal chemistry and the process of rain droplet growth was used to construct equations which describe the evolution of the mass distri- bution function for protoplanetary bodies. investigations of A number of the coagulation equations, ing fragmentations and some not, Safronov and by other workers. some includ- have been carried out by The coagulation coeffic- ient in the most ambitious of these investigations based on the two-body gravitational section. fore, The relative velocities assumed to be given by V = earlier. were, there- /Gm/Gr as discussed the fragmentation of quantitative treatment is very difficult, if not impossible. tions collision cross of bodies When allowance is made for colliding bodies, is Nevertheless, qualitative considera- (Zvyagina, 1973) coagulation equation and numerical solutions of (Pechernikova, 1974) the indicate that the mass distribution of a system of bodies with fragmentations may be approximated by a power function n(m) = cm -q , where the exponent q of this function lies between 1.5 and 2.0 (more likely closer to 2.0) depending on the exact treatment of the fragmentation process. There are a number of reasons why the coagulation theory method fails to be of any use in the description of the final stage of accretion during which planet-sized objects form. First, a distribution function description is only useful when the number of bodies within a given mass interval is large enough to permit the use of statistics. In the case of the largest individual bodies Second, statistics cannot be applied. strated later in Chapters II and III, gravitational collision cross as will be demonthe two-body section does not adequately describe the gravitational interactions of bodies in relatively low eccentricity orbits. Finally, a simultan- eous treatment of the evolution of the mass and relative velocity distributions of the protoplanetary bodies is much more desirable than a divided approach. Numerical experiments including the coupled evolution of the mass and velocity distributions have recently been carried out by Greenberg et al. (1977). 'L'he Numerical Experiments of Greenberg et al.: R. Greenberg, J.F. Wacker, W.K. Hartmann, and C.R. Chapman (1977) have developed a numerical model for the evolution of an initial swarm of kilometer-sized planetes- imals into a distribution of bodies which includes planetoids with diameters up to 1000 km. several The low- and moderate-velocity collisions between solid bodies were carefully evaluated using ments combined with principles. four The outcomes of collisions were divided into categories (depending on the ratio of the masses and elastic rebound, impact for (ii) surfaces of both bodies, body and low-velocity experi- interpolation based on physical the relative velocity at (i) results of the given collision): rebound with cratering of the (iii) shattering of the smaller cratering of the larger one, of both bodies. velocities outcomes is and (iv) shattering Once the range of mass ratios and relative at impact appropriate to each of these collision established, a variety of other parameters specifying collision outcomes remain to be determined. For elastic rebound only the coefficient of restitution, given as the ratio of the rebound velocity to the velocity, is required. more complicated, ejecta mass As the collision outcomes become estimates are required for the total as a function of the mass ratio, material, and impact kinetic energy of the colliding bodies; tioning of bodies; impact the impact kinetic the parti- energy between colliding the cumulative fraction of ejecta with velocity greater than V; dependence of the mass distribution of ejecta; impact strength on body size; distribution of fragments of the the mass shattered bodies; as well as the coefficient of restitution. Despite the unprecedented detail in this model of collision outcomes, caution must be exercised when extrapolating from results obtained for to bodies having masses tude greater. The small laboratory samples twenty or more orders of magni- relationship between material defects in bodies with diameters of several kilometers to defects occurring in small laboratory samples is not at all clear. In addition, gravitational binding energy becomes more important than material binding energy with radii greater than %40 km for rocky bodies (cf.Chapter III). The effect of this dominance of gravitational binding energy for bodies with R 40 km on the mass distribution of fragments when such bodies are shattered by collisions is not understood. Collisions are assumed to result from random relative velocities between bodies as measured by eccentricities and inclinations ential Keplerian velocities. is their orbital rather than from differ- The probability of collisions computed by a "particle-in-a-box" estimate using the two-body gravitational collision cross-section which 30 neglects the presence of the Sun. Besides collisions, which tend to damp the random velocities, Greenberg et al. have taken into account the rotation of random velocities due to gravitational encounters and the gravitational stirring arising from randomization of Keplerian differential velocities. All of these ways of re-distributing the velocities are based on two-body formulae. Numerical experiments with a variety of and velocity distributions performed by Greenberg from their and material properties were et al.. simulations are initial mass The main conclusions drawn the following: (a) Collisions between bodies of 1 km diameter rapidly produce a substantial number of 500 to 1000 km diameter bodies, while bulk of the mass remains in the form of bodies even after assume values conclusions to be true variety of material properties butions so long as than 20 V e and not of is maintained by Safronov are held , where V (1969). the These for experiments with a and initial velocity distri- the initial velocity is e formed. of the order of the escape velocity of the original bodies, large bodies, as 1 km diameter the larger planetoids are (b) Random velocities the somewhat less is the escape velocity of the original bodies. It will be shown later in this chapter that the two-body gravitational cross-section assuming relative velocities of the order of the escape velocity of the bodies account- ing for the bulk of the mass depends on mass as a rather = m2/3 than as as demonstrated by integrations we have carried out for encounters between bodies in circular orbits. orbits, e 0 5.0 x 10 Greenberg et al., then surprising initially Given the very low eccentricity -4 , occurring in the simulations of a dependence rather than the m 4/3 m m4/3 a a m2/ 3 dependence assumed. that the evolution of in these simulations is to be expected It is not the mass distribution indicates a "runaway" growth of the largest bodies while most of the mass of the system remains in the original 1 km diameter bodies. Presumably, simula- tions with a more refined treatment of the gravitational encounters between bodies which included the the effect of Sun would produce different evolutions of distribution, What but we cannot be then can be the mass sure of this conclusion. concluded from these scenarios and simulations about the initial conditions to be used in our simulations? tational In view of the inadequacy of treating gravi- encounters as isolated two-body interactions, it is difficult to know what confidence to assign to the final mass distributions obtained in the preceeding tigations. Safronov's suggestion that isolated inves- zones of accretion will begin to merge at some stage of the evolution of the protoplanetary disk and that the masses of the protoplanets at that time will be comparable within an order of magnitude has some physical plausibility, but proof of the occurrence of such a spike in the mass distri- bution for some value of the mass does not now exist. For the special case of circular motion, W.R. Ward has estimated that such a spike is to be expected (1975) at a value approximately equal to a lunar mass. This value was obtained by assuming that a body sweeps up (2fr) (2Ar)G0, material having a mass m = heliocentric distance, Ar annulus where r is the is the half-width of the from which material is accreted, and is the 0 surface density computed by "spreading-out" the mass of the present terrestrial planets over their portion of the solar Further assuming system. where R Ar = R L 1/3 = r(m/M )1/3 is the distance to the straight-line Lagrangian point, a spike in the mass distribution is found at 1/2 [2 x (M8 + M + Mc + M )] 1.1 M m= (r = 1 AU). 0 It is: not clear how this 1-2 argument could be modified to take into account non-zero eccentricity orbits of accreting bodies. E. The Late Stages Of Solar System Evolution The Safronov Description of the Growth of the Largest Bodies: Realizing the inadequacy of distribution functions for studying the growth of the largest bodies, (1969, pp. 105-108) investigation of the Safronov takes a different approach in the late stages of planetary accretion. This description serves as an example of the assumptions and physics currently employed stages of the dynamical in studies of the evolution of and also raises many questions the solar late system for which it is hoped that the present numerical simulations will provide some answers. The gravitational collision cross-section along with the expression for the velocity relative to the circular velocity, V2 = Gm/er, are used to argue that the largest body in a given zone will grow more rapidly than the second-largest both absolutely and relatively. further argued that the ratio of the mass body, m, to that of the to a certain of the largest second largest, m', limit, calculated to be m/m' R increases only 200 to Safronov then concludes that a characteristic the accumulation process was "embryos" It is 1000. feature of the formation of planet whose masses were far greater than the masses of the other bodies in their zone. Confirmation of this conclusion is claimed based on estimates of the masses the largest bodies falling on the inclinations of the axes of rotation of the planets of the planets as determined by relative to the ecliptic plane. The scenario given by Safronov largest bodies is as follows. for the growth of the the ratio m/m' As increased, the orbit of m became more nearly circular as m grew due to randomly oriented impacts and much smaller bodies. be an The subsequent accretion of supply zone of m was assumed a width determined by isolated annular region with the mean orbital eccentricity, e, bodies. to of the main mass of The zone of gravitational influence of m, as measured by the distance to its libration point, R L L1 to be more than one (m/3M) 1/3R, was calculated magnitude smaller than the supply zone of m as So long as accumulation process began. and eccentricities remained supply zones were narrow. the final the bodies zone of a planetary "embryo" remained small, velocities order of in the the relative small and the Outside the given zone were others in which the relative velocities were assumed to be determined by the largest bodies assumed relation V2 = Gm/8r. These inside them via the embryos, in turn, grew relatively more rapidly than other bodies in their zones and the late their orbits also tended to become circular. stages of solar system evolution began, expected that there would be many planet it was "embryos" present. For as long as they occupied different zones, they were affected by the law that the As largest body of all not should grow relatively more rapidly. As the bodies grew, the relative velocities also grew and the supply zones broadened. When adjacent zones began to overlap, relative velocities equalized and the embryos began to grow more slowly. However, the smaller smaller embryos are expected to continue in nearly circular orbits for some the distance between embryo orbits time, since for which the smaller embryo is perturbations susceptible of the larger is only three to five times greater than the distance to R and several times smaller than the width of the supply zone. between embryos are expected by the embryo population due increased The gradual reduction in to the mass increase of the embryos is expected to continue until all surrounding material has been used up and between embryos have become so large tions Collisions only after m has 1.5 to 2 orders of magnitude. larger to strong are unable to disrupt the over large time spans. This is the the distances that mutual perturba- stability of their orbits expected to be the primary process determining the law of planetary distances. This scenario for the late stages of planetary accretion is, for the most part, a speculative description of what might be expected to occur. It is not clear whether the assumption that the gravitating system of bodies can be treated as a set of isolated zones within each of which the relative velocity distribution of smaller bodies is controlled by the largest body through the expression V2 = Gm/8r can be justified. In any case, the assumed expression for the relative velocities cannot be expected to be of any use zones. in the case of overlapping Also, as was stated earlier, the two-body gravita- tional model is not an adequate description of the gravitational encounters between the largest bodies when the presence of the sun is taken Encounter Physics: (m I M ) into account. A Comparison of the Two-Body Model with Integrations Including the Presence of the Sun for Bodies Initially in Circular Orbits: In order better to understand the gravitational interactions between bodies when their orbital motion about the Sun is taken into account, encounters between bodies initially in co-planar, These encounters circular orbits were studied first. arq much more tractable than more general ones, since it is possible to specify these encounters with Bettis and Szebehely the regularized equations of motion, were carried out for a range of orbital (1971), for the following four sets of values of 10 = mI (i) -2 M 10 i = m M , (Figure (iv) m and -5 2); (iii) of influence" (i) and (ii). 1/5 m to m i and m This radius and where m 2 2 -3 M , m2 = M e m = = m (Figure 3); integrations were initiated five hundred times the larger body for cases is given by Rs = R2[ (m2(ml + m2 where R 2 denotes the distance from is taken to be are unequal. (ii) The separation between radius of the (Battin, 1964), 2 10 (Figure 4). e2 M = spacings the two masses: (Figure 1); taken to be "sphere ] M m e = m2 = M and terminated was 2 -2 at which the encounter bodies M 10 and Integrations of spacing of their circular orbits. the two bodies the masses of the only three parameters: When the larger mass when the separation value 500 R resulted in orbital angular separations greater than 7/2, as occurred for m ing = M(, an initial separation correspond- to an orbital angular radius 1 AU. of the orbit of m 2 separation of was 2 were I integrated, since inside the orbit of m 2 were expected symmetric with those outside. 7/2 was used. The in each case taken equal to Only those encounters with m the orbit of m mI 2 initially outside the encounters with to be approximately These integrations reveal many interesting differences from the behavior predicted on the basis of the two-body model of gravitational encounters where the presence of the Sun is not taken into account. Before these differences are described, an expression will be derived for the two-body gravitational crosssection to be tions. edges employed for the comparison with integra- The limiting case of grazing impacts defines the of the range of the collisions result. m 2 For and radii R 1 and R2, impact parameter, D, two bodies for which having masses of m 1 respectively, and the conservation of energy requires 1 mlm2 2 mI + m where V 2 V 1 mlm2 2 m + m2 o V 2 Gmlm2 R1 + R 1-3 1-3 is the relative velocity of the bodies 0 separation and V. 1 of impact. is at infinite their relative velocity at the instant For a grazing impact the conservation of angular momentum requires m2 Vi(R1 + R2) = m2 V D . 1-4 Combining the two conservation laws the D 2 = (R + R ) 1 2 is obtained for the grazing collisions. m 2 [1 + 2G 1 1 R1 +m 2 1 + R 2V 2 impact parameter If m 1 and m expression 2 1-5 just resulting in are assumed to be in circular orbits about the Sun with radii R and R 0 + D, o then the relative velocity at infinite separation may be taken to be the Keplerian differential velocity 1/2 Vo = 9 [ (i_( R 1 1/2 ) ]( + D R (D < R GM R D D 2R 1-6 ). The collision regions with their widths and impact velocities (given as a fraction of the circular orbital velocity at 1 AU) are obtained by means of the two-body gravitational cross-section with Keplerian differential velocity and tabulated in the upper part of Table the four sets of values 1 to 4. density Also of and m 2 I presented in Figures The bodies were assumed to be of constant lunar (P = 3.34 g/cm shown in Table widths, of m 1 for and ) and R 0 was taken as 1 AU. 1 are the collision regions, impact velocities as obtained by their integration the regularized equations of motion. After these integrations were performed it was discovered that Dole (1962) and Giuli (1968) in attempting to account for the rotation of the Earth by the gravitational accretion of small bodies had integrations, where those m carried out similar encounters with initially inside that of m 2 their investigations the body m the orbit of were also included. I was In assumed to be mass- Table 1 Two-Body Gravitational Cross-Sections With Keplerian Differential Velocities a(A.U.) outer inner boundary boundary Aa(10 -5A V./V 1 cir A.LU.) 0.99809 1.00191 382 0.152 ml=m2=10-2M 0.99737 1.00263 526 0.160 ml=10-3M 0.99115 1.00885 1770 0.707 0.98778 1.01222 2444 0.741 m2=10 -2M ml=10-5 M , m =M ml=m2=M Gravitational Cross-Sections Obtained by Integration a(A.U.) i Band m =10 -5 -2 M , m 2=10 M ner 1 +I- r -5 V./V A.U.) 1 cir boundary boundary 1.00446 1.00457 0.071 1.00512 1.00520 0.071 Aa(10 = 2[Aa(1 0 ) + Aa(20)] -2 ml=m2=10-2 M 1.00551 1.00578 0.074 1.00643 1.00655 0.074 a = 2[Aa(l 0 ) + Aa(2)] m =10 1 -3 M, m2=M( 2 1.02040 1.02110 0.329 1.02369 1.02407 0.329 a = 2[Aa(10) + Aa(20)] m -m 2=M 1 2 @ = 216 1.02560 1.02670 110 0.347 1.02985 1.03042 57 0.347 a = 2[Aa(10) + Aa(20)] = 334 .. ~li dlLll___bLaLIIIIIIl-L. ~IC----l_ therefore, the mathematical structure of the less and, restricted three-body problem was used. Dole found case For this seven distinct inner bands of heliocentric impacting orbits which yielded to the two outer bands found trajectories in addition in the present integrations. Of the seven inner bands found by Dole, two consist of directly approaching trajectories which impact m 2 without looping, and the remaining five consist of loops before which make one or more major bands together account for the inner impacting impacting m 2 The two . approximately 85% of all As we had expected, trajectories. the two directly approaching trajectories inner bands are closely symmetrical with the two outer bands at least for the case when m 1 is assumed to be massless. The integrations of Giuli can most readily be to our m = M own integrations . the two outer bands when the 10% + R 2 due to the radius R for Giuli's integrations) the = 10 -1 final 10 -3 M and increase in = 0 is taken into account along with integrations the results to the choice of separations for = (compared to R M sensitivity, exhibited in both our Giuli's,of I is found for the location Very good agreement and width of R in the case where m compared the integrations. the initial and and In computing the total gravitational cross-sections obtained by integration, _~ 2[Aa(l o ) + Aa(2 symmetry of o )], in Table The major differences between the behavior exhibited for < M ) encounters between two small bodies orbiting the which neglects the presence Sun when the two-body model, of the Sun, is used and the behavior observed when these encounters will the inner and outer directly approaching bands found by Dole and Giuli. (m 1, we have made use of be summarized are integrated next. First, the two-body model predicts collisions of m and m 2 for those orbits of m distances having heliocentric I in a relatively broad range centered on and symmetric about the orbital radius of m 2 . that range is given for four sets of values in the first part of Table 1. ized equations of motion of m hand, demonstrate I of m I and m 2 about M,on the other and m 2 occur distance. earlier, Giuli and Dole have shown that five of that these stated these of all impacting five bands contribute only trajectories. major bands are approximately symmetric of m 2 . As in trajectories which make one or more loops before collision and 7 to 8% and m 2 having orbital radii falling nine distinct bands of heliocentric bands consist of I Integrations of the regular- that collisions of mi instead for orbits of m The extent of The remaining four about the orbit The two inner bands are observed much closer and _ the two outer bands much further from the sun range of trajectories predicted Consequently, it is that m 2 will experience collisions with bodies expected further from its own than is predicted by the in orbits two-body model. taken as Second, 2 collision cross-section, the total four major band widths, the sum of the obtained approximately one order of magni- from the integrations is m than the on the basis of the two- body model to result in collisions. tude *___ F~_~II -.I~(_I-_IIXIII1LI smaller for each of the four sets of values of m 1 than is predicted by the two-body model. relative velocity upon collision determined Third, and the from the integrations was approximately half of the value expected on the This result clearly the two-body model. basis of has profound significance for accretion models of formation of planets. the Finally, the dependence of the gravitational collision cross-section on the mass m found from both the integration ratios G(ml = m 2 U(m 1 = m (ml = by 0 a 10 m = 10 2 -5 1/3 2 M . -2 , G(m M ) and m2 =10 -2 1 M ) = 10 -3 M @ , 2 is = M )/ m2 = M )/ 2 e to be given approximately These same ratios computed for the two- body model with Keplerian differential velocities show the Sm same approximate dependence of 1/33 2 . a on m 2 , namely When encounters between bodies in circular but inclined orbits are considered, the mass dependence of the cross-section is expected to be given by a = m2 2/3 This dependence of a on mass is in sharp contrast to the dependence obtained by Safronov in considering the growth features (1969, pp. 105-108) of the largest bodies The gravitational two-body in a given isolated zone. collision cross-section was used to obtain this dependence assuming the mean velocity of the smaller relative to the circular velocity of the larger body to and r are the mass be given by V = /Gm/@r, where m radius, respectively, of the incident bodies largest body in the and isolated zone and 8 is a parameter computed to be in the range 3 to 5. The dependence of a on mass obtained by Safronov in this way is given by a " m with the dependence a 4/3 . This is to be compared inferred for the three- dimensional case from the integrations of encounters between bodies m 2/3 initially in circular orbits. ficance of this difference of is that for a m4/3 the mass the largest body increases by accretion faster than the masses of the running smaller bodies away to large mass. in a given zone, thus For G a a given zone will tend towards m the bodies in similar mass values, since the smaller bodies will increase their mass the The signi- faster than largest ones. The importance of the difference in the present investigation is in the choice of the initial mass Ya B-~~L~C~I~ distribution of bodies to be used in the numerical simulations. The choice of equal mass bodies for this initial distribution appears case, since isolated if a m4/3 to be defensible in either the largest bodies in each zone are expected to have similar masses once most of the material in each zone has been the largest body in a zone. bodies are swept up by For the case a m2/3 the expected to attain similar masses at an stage of evolution. Since only one or earlier two hundred bodies can presently be accommodated by the numerical simulation programs, the choice of equal mass bodies distribution also seems F. for the initial to be the most convenient. The Numerical Simulations The numerical simulations carried out here have a number of advantages over treatments cribed in some detail such as those des- earlier in this chapter. the mass and relative velocity distributions of planetary bodies are free the initial conditions are handling encounters is First, the proto- to evolve simultaneously. chosen and the algorithm established, Once for the distributions of the orbital elements of the bodies evolve in response to the gravitational close encounters and occasional colli- sions occurring between bodies. larger Events involving YY1_____Ul____s___LLI1__XI~ LI~~ XII_. bodies and moderate mass ratios are included and are treated in the same way as events between pairs of bodies with large mass ratios. Collisions between bodies arise in a natural way in these simulations and assumed expressions for the relative velocity distribution and the gravitational collision cross-section are not needed. This is a fortunate feature, integrations of close since as we saw earlier, encounters between small bodies initially in circular orbits show characteristics that are not at all explicable by two-body gravitational models. Integrations of close encounters between bodies initially in small eccentricity orbits, e ' 0.02 say, also indicate more complicated behavior than can be accounted for by two-body models. or other Finally, no reliance on such artificial constructions isolated zones is necessary. Next, a brief outline for the remainder of this thesis will be given. It is the primary purpose of this dissertation to determine whether terrestrial-like planetary systems can be produced as a result of the gravitationally-induced collisions and accretions occurring in a swarm of approximately lunar-mass protoplanets, at least when the bodies form a co-planar system. gravitational encounters A new model for close is described in Chapter II and plausibility arguments are given for chapter, predictions of results of motion the model are it. In the same compared with the integrations of the regularized equations of and a brief discussion of the treatment of slow encounters is also given. the In the next chapter (III) a scenario is developed for collisions between protoplanets. Chapter IV describes and in Chapter V the results of tions are presented. the numerical simulations several computer simula- A discussion of conclusions drawn from the simulations about the terrestrial planet forma- tion process and a short consideration of possible future investigations are also given in this final chapter. A NEW MODEL FOR CHAPTER II. CLOSE GRAVITATIONAL ENCOUNTERS A. Introduction A model is described for single close encounters between two small masses, m mass, M(ml,m2 << M). I and m2 , orbiting a large The special case where m and m 2 I comparable will receive particular consideration, are shown to be equally valid when m but the model will be and m 2 A close encounter is are not comparable. to be an approach of mi taken and m 2 for which their minimum separation, as they move along unperturbed orbits about M, is less than the "sphere larger of the small bodies. s The (i) and m 2 are and m 2 about M into two parts: and m the unperturbed two-body motion of m the unperturbed the separation of m 1 The motion of m analyzed is i serves in this model to divide the s and m when the separation of mi (ii) where m (Battin, 1964), radius R 1 denotes the distance from M to mi. The radius R motion of mi given by is This radius the larger mass when mi now taken to be unequal. 2 1/5 1 + m2 1 [(m of influence" radius of the 1 into two 2 and m parts. 2 2 is is about m 2 assumed in I and when . less than R inside the radius It about M is greater than Rs, two-body motion of m and m 2 R is further s this approxima- tion that the center of mass of m 1 orbit in the gravitational and m describes an 2 field of M and that m and m I 2 have residual motions with respect to their center of The reference frame to which these residual mass. are referred motions contrast to the usual Chandrasekhar is clearly an accelerated one in inertial frame employed by (1941) and Williamson and Chandrasekhar (1941) in their classic treatment of stellar encounters. Indeed, the assumption of conic motion of the m , m i center of mass accounts for much of the 2 improvement of the present model over that of Williamson and Chandresekhar in which is assumed. The variation of 2 influence of the m2 2 will give rise << M, tidal field, encounters completed within a time relative to the time required for small m and m small, by requiring m i , only negligible mil I However, we will require that Rs be to a tidal field. sufficiently of mass the gravitational field of M over the region occupied by m for all m 2 center straight-line motion of the mi, to assure at least sufficiently the motion of the center of mass about M. The special case of encounters between two bodies of comparable mass orbiting a much larger mass has been considered recently only by Horedt and Zalkalne (1970). (1972) and Steins Horedt considers only the special initially moves case where m 1 the large mass, M, and m bolic orbit around M. studies seems to be 2 in a circular orbit around moves in an unperturbed hyper- The primary interest in these in encounters satellites or asteroids and of comets with indeed Horedt's model seems type, applicable only to very rapid encounters of this since no allowance is made for changes in the velocities of m i and m the encounter. 2 arising from their motion about M during On the other hand, our model will be shown to be an adequate approximation for many purposes in the more general case where the two small bodies move in initially unperturbed elliptic orbits about M, the eccentricity of the hyperbolic motion of m 2 provided about m 1 satisfies the condition E > 4. Kaula (1975) has evolution of a stated that the system of planet embryos accreting much smaller planetesi- mals may be "significantly affected by the small of events involving ratios." fraction larger bodies and moderate mass The present model is uniquely suitable for the numerical simulation of such a system. B. A Description of the Model The When m 1 essential features of the model are as follows. and m 2 and velocity of reach a separation Ar = R the center of mass of mI, s , the position m 2 are used to determine a conic section orbit about M. always an ellipse in this be by the model. The center of mass is along study, but I and m is is not required to this ellipse for the duration of Meanwhile, m This orbit assumed to move the encounter. execute two-body motion, always 2 along hyperbolic orbits here, with respect to their less center of mass for as long as their separation is than R m s . The frame of reference chosen for the motion of and m2 about their center their center of mass and an initially specified then accelerated of mass has its origin at its axes parallel to the axes of inertial frame. This frame in accordance with motion along is a conic The duration of the encounter but does not rotate. the extent of the simultaneous motion mass are determined by the and of the center of time required for m I and m2 to execute their hyperbolic motion about their center of mass from a separation Ar = Rs back again to Ar = R s . to closest approach and The algorithm for treating encounters using the model will be described detail in the last part of close in more this section, but we will next argue for the plausibility of the above features of the model. C. Plausibility Arguments for the Model First, we examine the assumption that the motion of the mi, m than the and m2 with M as origin motion of m + R R 1 + G(m + G(m are given by R R -R + M) -= Gm2( 3 2 3 1 R R 1 12 2 R 2 + M) -R 2 Gm R R R 1 3 R2 2 R R1 - R 13 R - R2 12 tional R2 The constant. = R2 - R1 2-1 ), 2-2 and m I 2 the gravita- , and G is exact equation ) 1 where R 1 and R 2 are the position vectors of m with respect to M, less 2 equations of The influence radius. sphere of and m for separations of mi section with focus at M a conic is along center of mass relative to M 2 of motion of the center of mass of mi, m 2 relative to M then is 2-3 + + ml1 + m2 m1R1 m22 where R 0 =+ + ( 1 + m)R 2 0 = -G(M (in mR + m 1 + m 2 )( is the position vector of the m I, m R 2 1 mR 2 1 center of mass. Denoting the position vectors of m respect to their express R and m 2 with center of mass by rl and r 2 , we may -3 -3 and R 2 2 1 in Eq. 2-3 as 2 3 R 2 ) _i~sl~I__1_IX(__nUr~__ ^___~~~ R -3 i (R 2 + 0 2 - 2R 0ri + r) 0 i 1 -3/2 = R (1 + 0 2 -3/2 r -_ 2 R + + 2R 0 r 2 2 R i = 1,2 2-4 Taking into account the assumption that m i , m r 1 ,r rl,r 2- < R s' s 2 << M in 1/5 R2 R R [(m (m + m ))/M yields the result 0 1 1 2 -3 Expanding Ri and keeping terms to second . R << 2 order in r./R we find 0 R -3 r 1 3R -3 R [i 0 Substituting + 0 R *r. 3 2 2 0 r 2 i 2 R 0 (R 15 -2 this result into Eq. 2-3 of order higher than the second -+ 0 *r ) r i 4 R 0 2 . 2-5 and dropping terms in r./R we 1 0 following approximate equation of motion obtain the of the mi, m2 center of mass, G(M + m . R 0 ' + m2 2 1 R2 - ^ S [3(R r)r 0 where r = r 2 - 2 r R0 (R-C-) 3 ^ + 2 (1-5(R ^ mm 1 2 + m2 (m 2 r) 0 term term to the central force in Eq. be of order R 0 ] } 0 2 R R s 0 2 m M 4/5 x 2-6 , The ratio of the non-central r . r )R 2 force 2-6 can be seen to so the assumption of conic motion of mass is a very good approximation. the m l , m 2 center of Next, we consider the justification for assuming conic motion of m 1 and m2 about their center of mass. The exact equation of motion of m2 relative to m is obtained by subtracting Eq. 2-1 from Eq. 2-2, R R 2 - R = r = -G(m 1 1 + m 2) 3 r + GM( R R 3 - 2-7 -. R 3 From this equation of motion we obtain the equations of motion of m and m m. 4 r + G relative to their center of mass 2 -+ r. 3 4+ R. GM m. (m.. + m.) 2 r. 3 m i = i + mjj i 1,2 ( R3 R. 3 4+ R. - R R.3 2-8 2 - j Again, making use of the condition rl ,r 2 < R << R in -3 expanding R. , but this time keeping terms only to first order we have 1 in ri/R 1 0 0 -3 R. 1 R -3 (1 - r 3R 0 ) 2-9 0 -3 Substituting this expression for R. dropping terms on the right-hand into Eq. 2-8 and side of higher order than in ri/R the first the following approximate gives 0 equations of motion of m and m I relative to their center 2 of mass + S Gm. - 3 1 I 2 + m.) (m 3 2 {r r. + m. 1 + m. (-) R i = 1,2 i 0 0 ) ^ [3(R 0ri)R - 2-10 j # r.]} • 0 i The ratio of the non-central force term to the central 2-10 is of order in Eq. force term M m. r3 R M m. - RM 3 M m 1/5 s3 I 1 R M so the assumption of conic motion of m to their center of mass is m2< 10 -5 M. It is not as good an assumption, however, m Finally, a brief explanation of given. The and m 2 relative a valid assumption for mly as that of conic motion of the mi, expression for the I 2 center of mass. the origin of the sphere of influence radius, R s , equation of motion of m 2 relative to m is is from Eq. 2-7 r + G( 1 +m 2 ) + r 3 r The right-hand side of R GM( R 1 3 R1 2 ) 3 2-11 R2 this equation is, of course, the Recall from Eq. 2-2 disturbing force due to M. that the motion of m 2 relative to M is given by . R + G(m R2 + M) 2 R + + 2 -Gml r r 2 R 1 + -- ), R 1 2-12 where the right-hand side is the disturbing force due to mI. According to Laplace, the advantage of either equation of motion depends on the ratio of the disturbing force to the corresponding central attraction. The preferred equation of motion is the one providing the smaller ratio. It can be demonstrated (Battin, 1964) that the surface boundary over which these two ratios are equal is almost spherical with radius 1/5 R R[ m 1 (m 1 + m 2 ) s if r << R0 , 0 where m While these predictions of integration of for tion of a to be lend plausibility to large variety will be presented for applying algorithm will close of also the present encounters of numerical of motion are desirable. in Section E, the model in a little more detail. the larger mass. the the model with results the algorithm described taken the equations These comparisons first is arguments model, comparisons of I 2 M but must be The following descrip- serve to define the _im~~_ parameter space D. to be used in the comparisons. The Algorithm for Applying When m frame the Model and m 2 reach a separation equal to the I of influence radius of mi, positions _~_L~__CX_____~IIL11_1_1~ sphere it is assumed that their and velocities with respect to a reference (X,Y) with origin at M are known. At this instant the positions and velocities of the center of mass of mi and m and of m 2 I and m 2 relative to their center of mass Next, the eccentricity vector, £1, are computed. orbit of mi with respect to the m i , calculated in the standard way from and velocity of m mass. and m i center of mass is the initial position with respect to the m i , m 2 center of move with respect to their center of mass 2 (Figure 5). Now, define (x,y), second, (x,y) , two sets of orthogonal coordinates at the mi , m 2 center of mass. has axes parallel to those of is rotated relative to inates and velocities of m 1 and m2 (x,y) are given by (X,Y) The and the (x,y) through the P, so that its x axis is parallel to E system to P, in the X,Y coordinate system which have their origins first, is then by the direction of £1 which corresponds an orientation angle, ate 2 the The orientation of the hyperbolae along which m 1 specified angle m of . The coord- in the rotated coordin- the transformations JIII^__YILYI/__I__Ijl~ _~I X sino x -sinO cos yl S1 cosO x cosO sin -sin cos yl 2-13 x2 2 mx m1 1 m2 1 m x x2 2 1 m2 y1 Making use of the symmetry properties of i l i i = i encounter. 1 =Yi where the primes the hyperbola, i 1, 2-14 2 ' indicate values at the end of the Reversing the the final coordinates transformations in and velocities in (2-13), the (x,y) coso -sin sino cosP coordinate system become S' sinP "' xyl cos4 x 1 2-15 x' 2 m1 x' 1 Y2 m2 Y1 x 2 2 - m 1 1 m2 1 The coordinates and velocities of the mi, of mass after m 2 center the encounter must be determined next, but these quantities depend on the duration of encounter. For a partial hyperbolic the relative encounter this duration is given by -3 a At = 2/ (E a with = H cosh + a and E are respectively, eccentric of - s), the semi-major axis the orbit of ', now be determined by of m2 (eo), and eccentricity, about m the mi, m . The final center of mass 2 solving Kepler's of the duration, At, along with the (XO 'Y m ') 2 semi-major axis center of mass. and velocities (X (E ',Y ') of a0 standard formulae 6.4.15 of e0 , E , the ' by Eqns. 6.4.3 and The final coordinates and velocities and m 2 relative to M are = X ' 0 O) (e.g., Fitzpatrick, 1970). X ' i (a) The final center of mass may then be obtained from of mi can equation making use and initial eccentric anomaly computed for the mi , coordinates 2-16 E anomaly, E eccentricity IHI) R ( a where IHI sinh + x i ' then X ' i = X ' 0 + 1 ' i = 1,2 2-17 Yi' i = Y0' O + yi' 1 Y.' 1 = Y 0i ' + y ' If desired, the initial and final coordinates and velocities of m and m I 2 relative to M may be expressed instead as orbital elements of two ellipses with foci at M. E. Tests of the Model Against Numerical Integration Changes in the eccentricities and of the orbits of mi and m 2 about M are calculated many close encounters using the model. are semi-major axes for These changes then compared to the corresponding changes obtained by numerical integration of the three-body equations of motion. Before presenting these comparisons necessary to describe the parameter specifying are the values of the masses mi remaining parameters sons can be divided into the motion of m mass mi, (a, m 2 E, space to be used in the encounters. First, there The it is and m I ,, ±) and center of mass eccentricity of 2 adopted for the present comparitwo groups: those describing with respect to their center of those describing (a and m2. 0 , e0, 8 0) . the hyperbolic orbits the motion of the From Section D the along which mi and m 2 move with respect to their center of mass is given by E. m 2 The parameter a specifies the separation of m and at their point of closest approach as a fraction of the sphere of influence radius. hyperbolic orbits, The orientation of the specified by , is defined to be the angle between the eccentricity vector of the m about the mi, m2 center of mass and the X-axis of reference frame with origin at M. radius, R s , along with a the encounter. orbit I The sphere of the X,Y influence and £ determine the duration of The sign ± specifies the direction of motion of m I and m 2 along Motion of m I and m 2 about their center of mass in the same their hyperbolic orbits. sense of rotation as the motion of their center of mass about M is denoted by +, about their center of mass denoted by -. of mass is in the opposite Finally, the motion of specified by the eccentricity (e ) of mean anomaly (80). of mass and motion of m orbit relative be arbitrarily semi-major axis The orientation of chosen. 2 sense is the mi, its orbit about M and m I m center 2 (a ) and along with its the mi, m center 2 to the reference frame, X,Y may It will be assumed in all of comparisons to follow that the orbits of mi M are co-planar, and that m and m 2 the about and m 2 orbit M in the same I direction, but these conditions are not required by the model. When all of the above parameters are the elements of the m I and m 2 orbits specified, about M prior to The the encounter are determined. integrations are started with initial positions and velocities for m m2 2 is their I and m 2 For certain and m 2 prior to close approach reaches a local maximum which is When this occurs, less than R0/10. the initial positions and velocities of and m2 used to start the integration are this and are terminated when and separation again reaches R0/10. encounters the separation of mi I integrations then proceed The approximately R0/10. to closest approach of m m to derived from the above elements, at a time prior , close approach for which the separation between m m and I chosen at local maximum provided the separation there is of the order of R /20 or greater. The numerical integration, therefore, includes virtually all of the effect of the interactions of mi since the and m 2 on their orbital elements, above choice of initial separation two orders of magnitude greater than the influence radius. The integrator used is typically sphere of is one developed by Myron Lecar, Rudolf Loesser, and Jerome R. Cherniak series expansions of the positions (1974) using Taylor and velocities in time. appropriate, since it has been shown efficient for n-body one where n is The use of this integrator to be particularly integrations similar small. seems to the present A of complete test of the model for the nine parameters described encounters is a grid spanning earlier for clearly not possible. all specifying In the remainder of this section results of certain parameter searches are described where all but one or two parameters are held fixed while the remaining ones are allowed to vary. An attempt has been made to select these searches carefully in such a way as to gain insight into various parameters on the outcome of a close encounter. First, the dependence on a and eccentricities (ae of the orbits of m , I ae2) and m (Figure 7). The mi, C of changes and semi-major 2 axes in the (Aal, about M was investigated = two different orientations, 7/10 the effect of m 2 / /10 the encounters in both these figures was assumed sense of motion of m 1 was and m 2 taken to be opposite (-) their center of mass about M. 1 AU. ) for (Figure 6) and $ center of mass motion along a circular orbit with aO = RO = Aa = for to be Also, the about their center of mass to the sense of rotation of The masses were chosen such that m 1 = m 2 = m 0 with the ratio m /M = .01M /M = 1 2 O 0 -8 denote the mass of the Earth , where M and M 3.0 x 10 and of the Sun, respectively. Values of Ae 1 , Ae 2 , Aa 1 , aa2 were obtained by application of the model and by numerical integration for all of the encounters represen- ted by the grid intersection points The values of Ael, Ae 2 , Aal, Aa 2 in Figures 6 and 7. given by the model were used to produce the contour plots by interpolation. of E the values of Ae and For a particular value decrease as the close approach distance, given by a fraction of R s , increases as one would (E critical value of decrease as E decrease 'v 2), expect. the values increases for of Ae aa as a Above a and Aa a given value of a. This in Aa and Ae is due to the increasing relative velocity of m I and m at their point of closest approach 2 as 6 increases. A measure of the agreement between the model and the numerical integration is E a afforded by the values of Ee and , where E E e a = eael1 -Ae - Ae ' + JAe 2 - Ae 'j 2 = SAa 1 - Aa 1 ' IAa 1 '1 + IAa + IAa 2 2 - a2 ' model. and the unprimed ones Contours of E e obtained by to values obtained from and E a 2-19 ' The primed quantities refer to values tion and 2-18 IAe1 ' + IAe2 integrathe are plotted in Figures 5 6 for the same grid as was used for the contours of eccentricity and semi-major axis changes. All of the contour plots For instance, the E is and E e contours show that the model a in agreement with the integrations e with P = r/10 than when understand the effect of run with 4 assumed that mi motion was along = 7r/10. c motion (+) of mi For mi = m2 for = m 2 r. 4 and 0.16, 0.32, 0.64. Again, = and center of mass o0 , that the a circular orbit with a and m 2 0 = R it was = 1 A.U. 0 run for both senses of about their center of mass. it is not necessary to study encounters with r, since an interchange of mi r < In order to better 4, a new set of encounters was This sequence of encounters was > for lower values of spaced by intervals of 7/20, with 6 = 4, with a = 0.04, 0.08, 4 0. show a dependence on and m < 2r which are identical with The values of Ael', 1"' Ae 2 ', ' numerical integration for the Aa 1 Aa ', 2 2 gives results 2 those for ' 0 < 4 < obtained by encounters with a = 0.16 and E = 4 are plotted in Figure 8 for both senses of motion. The percentage errors are again given by Eqs. 2-19 and 2-18 and the absolute errors are given by E = Ea = (JAel - Ae 1 ' + (I Aa - Aa 1 ' + iAe 2 - Ae 2 'i)/2 2-20 aa2 - Aa 2 ')/2. 2-21 The near identity of Ael taa m2 2 1 is due and Ae to the symmetry of these and with circular motion of the m The percentage of error Ee exceeds = 0 and vicinity of for m I = m 2 = 0. ) , and Ea = Tr/2 exceeds 50% 4, expected for these values of = = ( Large percentage errors zero near = 0 and Ae passes /2. and 2 iT IAall and encounters with m I, 50% of m2 I = center of mass. only in the is equivalent to $ = 0 only in the vicinity of for Ae and Aa are to be since Aa passes through zero near through = 0 and At such zero crossings, even relatively small absolute errors give rise to very large percentage errors. The sequence of encounters in Figure 8 then serves to establish a boundary at c I 4 such that for encounters with E Ae 2 > 4 and a , Aal, and Aa < 2 .80 the model produces values of Ael with percentage errors generally much less, n/2. provided For most purposes it is errors larger than 50% tolerable, since the mi, is not too close to 0 or expected that percentage = 0 and = 7/2 will be the absolute errors are quite small these orientations. orbits of at c less than 50%, m2 for So far, only encounters with circular center of mass have been considered. Now, the effects of variations of the center of mass motion, keeping the remaining parameters fixed, described. will be The dependence of E (a, parameters ferent e e sets of was determined for 80) = m0 . 2 eters, and E e a a (X, £. represents the were quite independent of changes in the e in Figure 9 then The boundary case, c = 4, largest dependence of E among the sets of fixed parameters and E e on e a is relatively decrease independent of slightly as R 0 Even is not large e 0 , but both E e 2 on e 0 * and E a Finally, we consider increases. encounters with values of mi and 0 investigated. considering the marked dependence of Ael and Ae a ±) The largest variations of E for this case the dependence of Ee on e0 E , £, were observed for encounters with relatively small values of R several dif- For most of these sets of fixed param- center of mass parameters. and E on the center of mass a the remaining fixed parameters for ml = m E and E e and m2 other than ml = m2 m0 Only negligible fluctuations E a were found when m /m 12 within the range m . 0 was 2 1 < ml/m Next, values of E of 6, c values used e 2 < and E in the values of E 32 a subject to (ml + m2)/2 were determined 16 m for = 9/10 for these encounters, where m = m since, = for the grid several values The orientation of the relative hyperbolae was be and allowed to assume values in Figures 5 and 6 of m in the range m 0/16 < m < e = m2 . taken to aside from values of in the vicinity of the Ae and Aa zero ' = 97/10 may be considered to be a worst crossings, $ case in the sense of giving and E E a the largest values of E e As m decreases the E (cf. Figure 8). = 50% e boundaries occur at larger values of = 50% and However, E. this movement of the above boundaries is sufficiently yields E e , Ea a a value of 50%, > On the for m = m 0/16. 0 50% E = 4 still E slightly in excess of small that a value of 3 for m = 16 m 0 other hand, already assures E e, at least for encounters with c Ea not in the immediate vicinity of the Ae and Aa zero crossings. F. Conclusions Drawn from the Numerical Comparisons The elements of theoretically be expressed in terms of used in Sections D and E However, no concise, to specify close encounters. since the determination of the final coordinates and velocities estimate of (el, e2) the parameters explicit expression for this trans- formation is possible, mass requires and m2 about M can the orbits of m of the m i , m a solution of Kepler's equation. the eccentricities of for the case ml = m2 and i + m 2 , center of An the orbits of m e but precise values and m2 = 0 may, however, be obtained from the approximate relation e 2 where m = m 2 (E/a) (m/M)3/ 5 of el and e 2 can change by a factor of 2 due to dependence on other parameters, such as the values . For m = m2 = m0 I and E = 4 of el and e 2 given by the above relation range from 0.015 at a = 0.80 to 0.068 at a = 0.04. These values are typical of exact values taking all of the parameters into account, and, estimate of the lowest values therefore, provide an of el and e 2 for which the model works. In summary, the present model yields changes of orbital elements of m and m I 2 the resulting from a close encounter, which are in reasonable agreement with the corresponding changes given by numerical integration, provided the parameters specifying the encounter within the region of validity of region of parameter space and m I cal + m 2> $ E and E = nT/2 a (n = 0, specified by E comparisons integrations give E of e m /8, 1, e , 2, the model. Ea a . . t lie For the 4, a < .80, of the model with numeri50% except in the vicinity ). These larger values of near zero-crossings of Aa and Ae do not seem to be a serious concern, since the absolute errors, E and E of , do not increase . + m 1 significantly for these values If greater accuracy is desired, the model errors are bounded by E m e 2 2 1 2m 0 0 • e , Ea a , 10% for E ' 8, a .64, and When straight-line motion of the m mass is assumed comparisons with l , m 2 center (Williamson and Chandrasekhar, 1941), that E integrations indicate e and E a E > 128. for all but the fastest encounters, exceed 100% of Unfortunately, our model is not an analytic one, as is that of Williamson and Chandrasekhar, because of our assumption of conic motion of the m i , m center of mass. of systems of In the context of computer simulations many 2 small bodies orbiting a much larger body, the present model is nevertheless very offers a substantial improvement simple to use and in handling most close The model ceases to be a useful approxima- encounters. tion only for the very slow encounters between bodies in grazing, nearly circular orbits. G. Treatment of Encounters Outside the Range of Validity of the Model Those close encounters having parameters outside the range of validity of the model and those for which a collision is predicted by tion of of mi the model are treated by integra- the equations of motion. and m 2 about M, however, when R = close approach of mi Eqs. R2 - The equations of motion 2-1 and 2-2, R1 and m 2 . become singular, becomes small during a This singularity in the equations of motion causes a loss of accuracy and a considerable increase in the integration. Therefore, the by transformations computer time required for singularity is eliminated in a process known as regularization before the equations of motion are readable account of integrated. this process has been given by Bettis and Szebehely (1971). First, a Jacobian transformation of the is performed where the vectors Q + Q = > A clear, + (mlR 1 + m2R2)/(m 1 + m 2 and R are defined by 4 4+ 4 and R = R 1 - R 2 ) coordinates . The equations of motion in Jacobian coordinates become Sr G(m + m2) R 4r r 2 1 F = GM(-- 3) r r 2 1 4. + F; R 2-22 and G(m + m + M) r = 12 m 1 + m 3 r 2 r 1 + m2 2-23 -23 r 2 The singularity resulting from close approaches m 2 now appears only in the equation for R. Sundman's in the and Next, using smoothing transformation, dt = RdT, independent variable of m for the first equation of motion, one obtains R SR' - R R- + G(ml R m ) R + R F, 2-24 where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to the new independent variable T. in the singularity remains above equation of motion, but its been reduced, of Eq. A i.e. the term R 2-22, while severity has appears in the denominator in Eq. 2-24 there is only a factor of R as a divisor. For motion in two dimensions Levi-Civita introduced a coordinate transformation in addition to a transformation of the independent variable. Levi-Civita's trans- formation may be written as 4+ul R =(u)u =u -u 2 U u2 u1 u2 u2 2 u2 u R where ul and u 2 are the new dependent variables. 2 , 2-25 Levi- Civita's transformation gives the important relation R = 2 2 ul + u 2 so that the calculation of a square root is not required to determine Introducing the relative distance R the new dependent variables equation of motion for R, G(m 1 u" + ) + - Eq. 2-24, into the "smoothed" one obtains 2(u'.u') u = in u-space. 2 u (u)F. 2-26 2-26 2(u.u) The coefficient of u in the last equation can be be equal to one-half of the negative of shown to the two-body bind- 73 ing energy per unit mass, E. The transformed "smoothed" equation of motion for R can now be written as - u" E - - u = T u-u (u)F, 2-27 where + - - 2(u'-u') E = G(m + m) 4 u-u - + m2 G(m 2 - 2-28 R The above expression for 8 contains a singularity and if used in the above equation of motion would result of course in a singularity in the equation of motion. However, a regular differential equation for the binding ene'rgy can be found 6' = and is given in u-space by 2(•(u)u - F). 2-29 The system of regular differential equations t = u -9 u" - u 5 = 8' = 2u' may then be u'u .- (u)F (u)F (u)F solved for u and for - be obtained from R = 2-30 -*. _ (u)u. the time, t. R may then A seventh-order Runge-Kutta algorithm with automatic step-size control proposed by Fehlberg (1969) was employed for the numerical integration. CHAPTER III. THE MODEL FOR COLLISIONS BETWEEN BODIES A. A Description of the Collision Model A scenario for events following the collision of two bodies is described and various numerical estimates relevant to the subsequent behavior of given. the system are In particular, the total energy of the two colliding bodies at impact and the total energy of the system at later order stages of the scenario are to demonstrate that the model computed in satisfies the minimum requirement of consistency with total energy conservation. First, however, the various stages of the scenario are outlined. In a model in which the immediate formation of a solid body is sipating assumed, the primary mechanisms for dis- the impact kinetic energy are heating of the resultant body and escape of the remaining material. For bodies of equal mass with m > M(, the impact kinetic energy, if converted entirely into heat, would be cient to melt all of the material in both bodies. heat capacity and melting respectively. The temperature of the material the bodies were taken to be 0.166-0.182 cal/g and suffi- in those of ordinary chondrites, 1180-13500 C (Alexeyeva, 1958), Further, for bodies of this size the 75 comminution energy is binding energy. far less than the gravitational Since heat conduction is quite cient over times as short as those elapsing it seems much more are likely that the two shattered into smaller fragments. ineffi- in collisions, impacting bodies From the computer simulations it is observed that the fraction of collisions with sufficiently high impact kinetic energy disperse the material of both bodies to completely to large distances is quite small provided the orbital eccentricities are not too large (Tables 2-4). We then conclude that although a few high velocity fragments may escape, they carry considerable kinetic energy off with them and most of the fragments, having smaller velocities, will in general form a gravitationally bound cluster of fragments. The outside radius of such a cluster will necessarily not exceed the distance to the straight-line Lagrangian point corresponding to the total mass of the cluster, Since since more distant fragments escape the cluster. no data are available (or, for that matter, likely to soon become available) on the size distribution of fragments for shattered bodies of this gravitational binding size, where forces dominate over material bind- ing forces, we make the plausible assumption that the mass of a typical fragment is equal to that mass for which 76 comminution energy equals gravitational binding energy. Since the fragment clusters are AU) (-10-3 and the fragments are on the basis of the above assumption small and, relatively small (a few tens of kilometers in radius) therefore, numerous, collisions between fragments will be frequent. These sipate the kinetic energy of the cluster as heat, addi- collisions will eventually dis- tional comminution energy, etc. disrupted in the meantime by If the cluster is not collisions or close encoun- ters with other clusters or large bodies, it will shrink, primarily by flattening, at least at first, as its kinetic energy is dissipated, eventually forming body of-mass approaching that of a solid the cluster. B. An Estimate of Fragment Size After a Collision Before the total energy of the system upon formation of the cluster can be computed, we must estimate the mass of the fragment for which material binding energy equals gravitational binding energy. Experiments have been performed by Greenberg and Hartmann (1977), with both finite and semi-infinite targets over a range of velocities (3-300 m/sec), to determine the critical energy per unit volume for catastrophic parameter, failure of the referred to as the "impact target. strength," was This found to be I This impact s 10 7 3 x ' ergs/cm 3 for rocky material. strength has been confirmed much higher impact velocities by Moore and Gault and these results dent of velocity. for basalt at km/sec) (1-3 in experiments (1965) and by Fujiwara et al. (1977) indicate that impact strength is indepenThis number most likely represents an upper limit for the material binding energy because of probable flaws in bodies larger than a few kilometers radius. Since an order of magnitude in estimate is sufficient for our purposes, the impact strength cited by Greenberg and Hartmann for small bodies is taken as representative of the material binding strength of considered here. the fragments being Equating this impact gravitational binding strength to the energy per unit mass, the radius of a typical fragment is found to be I R f = ( 47r p G ) 1/2 1 The corresponding mass of this mf ' 1.2 x 10 -5 m . 3-1 40 km. The total fragment is energy upon formation of a self-gravitating fragment cluster can now be determined on the basis of the above assumption of fragment size. 78 C. The Requirement of Total Energy Conservation The gravitational potential energy of the system at the instant of impact is Gm U i S = 3 5 R 2 Gm 2 1 3 2 1 5 R2 Gm m 1 2 R 1 3-2 3-2 + R where the first two terms bring the material comprising the bodies, of constant density, tions, represent the work done to into the given spherical distribu- and the third term is of the bodies. T. where V. The incoming 1 2 -pV. 2 = i assumed to be = the mutual potential energy kinetic energy at mm 1 2 m + m2 3-3 is the relative velocity at impact. simplicity the bodies are For for now assumed to be of equal mass and density, ml = m 2 = m, case the total impact is energy of the R = R = R. For this system at the instant of impact is then E As was occur = m 2 V 4 i stated earlier, 17 Gm 10 R 3-4 collisions with E. > 0 very seldom in the simulations. Next, me i let m c denote the mass the total escaping mass. of the bound cluster and Total mass conservation then requires m 1 + m = 2m = m c + m e . 2 The total energy of the system, once the cluster has been established and any escaping fragments are E' Here, Uf of far away, may be expressed as = Uf + U + T + T + Q. f c c e 3-5 is the sum of the gravitational binding energies the cluster fragments, U is the gravitational poten- c tial energy of the fragment cluster, T c is the total internal kinetic energy of the fragment cluster, T e is the kinetic energy carried away by escaping material, and Q is a term including energy dissipated in a variety of ways such as in comminuting or compacting material, in phase transitions, etc., dissipated as heat. but primarily includes energy (Note that the energy required to raise the temperature of the rock by a little more than 10 K is sufficient to crush the rock!). Since the cluster satisfies the virial is a self-gravitating system, theorem which states that 2<T > = c <U > c where the brackets indicate brackets, it , 3-6 time averages. Dropping the the total energy of the cluster may be written as E c = U + T = U /2 c c c ,- 3-7 80 and the cluster may be said U /2. c If for to be bound by an energy simplicity all fragments in the cluster are assumed to have the same mass, mf, is taken to be equal to that mass and binding energies are equal, and their mass for which gravitational then Uc is given in this case by c i,j ifj where Rc is r. 13 mm. U G r. 13 -Gm f 2 ij i#j 1 r. 13 the harmonic mean value of , over all pairs of fragments. potential Gm The quantity Rc is 2 n(n-l) 2 the total c 3-9 2R a characteristic scale size for the to the extremities of Since the distance from the cluster center to the outlying extremities is limited by the distance to the straight-line Lagrangian points, taken to be a fraction, f, extremities. 3-8 c expressed as as a harmonic mean it clearly refers the cluster. R the separation, central bulk rather than to the outlying be f Since n >> 1, energy of the cluster may be U = c cluster; Gm the core radius may of the distance to the It may then be written as 81 R where R 0 and Mg is = f R= f R 1/3 m ( -) 3-10 is the heliocentric distance of is the solar mass. the cluster The total energy of the cluster then given by E The G f 4R 0 f c (3M) 1/3 m 5/3 c 3-11 . total gravitational binding energy of the cluster fragments is U = f 3 -3-12 G 5 If the fragments 2 m. i R i=l i n are assumed to have the same mass, mf, and to have uniform densities equal to the density of the colliding bodies, p , then 3-13 1/3 2 f 3 mf 3 G cmf 3 G( 5 Rf 5 Rf 5 2/3 3f In the absence of predictions of the total the distributions of mass fragments, and and velocity of c escaping mass, the escaping the energy dissipated as heat for collisions between bodies of mass m > Mi, we will choose conservative assumption and set Tee = Q = 0. the most With either 82 calculated total or assumed values for each term in E', energy of the the system upon establishment of the cluster may be written as 4R E mc 5/3 4R f - 5 G( 3 ) m We may now ask how much of the initial energy could be absorbed in fragmenting f m2/3 c 3-14 impact kinetic the colliding bodies, assuming the formation of a cluster of fragments of equal mass, mf? D. Implications of Total Energy Conservation Earlier in this chapter the instant of impact was determined m 2 E. = T. + U. = V 1 1 4 i 17 Gm 1 10 R total energy at the to be 2 3-4' for the case of colliding bodies of equal mass and density. The kinetic to be a fraction, impact. be energy at impact is further taken L, of the total potential energy at The total energy of the system at impact may then expressed as E. 1 = (1 - )U.- 1 3-15 where X < 1 for E. 1 < 0. course for E. > 0. 1 material was also zero terms c = to zero, the 2m. of A = T./-U. the total is to be expected of Since the kinetic energy of set equal and mc No accretion An energy of escaping mass expression and m f/m escaping for f = R c is /R may be obtained.by L in equating the system at impact and upon forma- tion of the fragment cluster, (3M )1/3 4R 1 0 f = 2/3" ( For the S)1/3 ) [ 3 10*2 5/3 (1 - small value of considered here, value of f. 17 A is With pI ) - 3 mf 5 ( m 3-16 ) c the ratio m f/mc being the primary factor determining the = 3.34 gm/cm (lunar density), mf = -5 1.2 x 10-5 m (the mass for which impact strength equals gravitational binding energy per unit mass), RO = 1 AU, and A = 0.95, f < 1/20. Thus, mc = 2m(, the above expression gives energy conservation permits the forma- tion of a quite compact cluster even in the case of a collision with relatively high impact kinetic energy. When, in addition, the impact kinetic in heating, comminution, taken into account, we energy dissipated and compaction of material is conclude that at least for 84 A < 0.95 practically all of impacting bodies is cluster. the material from the gravitationally bound in the fragment Having hypothesized the formation of gravita- tionally bound clusters of fragments of the shattered colliding bodies as a stage in the process of accretion, it remains to show that these clusters will shrink, by dissipating energy in collisions between fragments, to solid densities in a time less than the characteristic collision time for the protoplanetary bodies. E. Do the Clusters of Fragments Shrink to Solid Density Before Their Next Collision? The collision probability per unit time for one fragment is given by 1 where N is is - - V N 0, the number of 3-17 fragments per unit volume, V the mean relative speed of the fragments, and a the collision cross-section of the fragments. is Suppose that in each collision between fragments an amount of kinetic energy AT = mm 1 1 2 8 2 m1 + m 12 -2 V 3-18 is dissipated as heat, comminution energy, etc., where is the fraction of the relative kinetic energy dissipated. For m = m i 2 = mf this dissipated energy AT = f 8 -V 4 per collision. is -2 3-19 In the mean collision time, T, there will be n collisions in the cluster dissipating an amount of kinetic energy T where n is T mf -2 V 4 = n- the number of fragments in the cluster. The total kinetic T where v2 c = -m 2 c is the mass energy of the cluster is v , average facilitate comparison of T and v2 is needed. 2 2 = 2v . 3-21 speed of the fragments. , and T To a relation between V Identical fragments have been assumed in this computation, case V 3-20 and it is easy to show that in this For present purposes the difference between rms and average values may be neglected, -2 2 relation V = 2 v results. The and the total kinetic energy of the cluster may then be written as 86 T c =- 1 -2 m V 4 c 3-22 It comes as no great surprise that the number of collisions per body required to dissipate the kinetic energy of the cluster is Tc 1 • 3-23 T Assuming that T remains constant as the cluster the time required for evolves, the cluster to dissipate enough kinetic energy to shrink to solid density may be approxi- mated by t =- T . 3-24 The behavior of a cluster of fragments kinetic energy and as it dissipates subsequently shrinks is certainly much more complicated than the simple model described here indicates, but an order of magnitude estimate of settling time will suffice. It remains then to evaluate T. Invoking the virial theorem once again and recalling the total potential energy of -2 1 2<T > =m V c 2 c the cluster Gm = -U c = 2R 2 c c , 3-25 the mean relative speed of a cluster fragment is determined to be Gm V = / R 3-26 c c Given the mean relative speed of the fragments and their mass, the effect of gravitational focusing in encounters between fragments can be readily estimated and is found Therefore, to be negligible. for the fragments is taken to be their effective geometric cross-section, o = mf = the collision cross-section 4W 3 and R - P(Rf R = f 2 (2R f) (m /3M ) With the relations . 1/3 , the mean collision time may be written as 1/3 S= f 7 /2(f) 3-27 m c where the proportionality constant C is 2/3 3 7/6 C = - = 1210 years (- S3Mo given by 3 at R =1 AU. 0 The largest mean collision times occur for 3-28 the least massive fragment clusters and for those clusters with the largest values of f = Rc/R The mean collision time L . between fragments for the least massive clusters simulations, m c ' 0.04 M ® , assuming f 'O 1/20 is in our of the order of 5 hours. and = 1/10, extreme values of f = Even for the 1/4 the mean collision time between fragments is expected on the basis of these estimates to be of the order of 50 days with a corresponding settling time for 1.5 years. On the other hand, the mean collision time between bodies in the early stages the cluster of the order of (t< 1000 years) of the planar simulations carried out here are of the order of 40 years. Considerably greater mean collision times between bodies are expected for a more A more detailed treatment of realistic non-planar system. the collisions between protoplanets and evolution of their the subsequent collision remnants would of course be highly desirable, but is certainly too ambitious for the present computer simulations. Collisions between bodies are simulations as follows. tion then treated When a close approach with less than the sum of the two radii is integration, in the found by the two colliding protoplanets are assumed to accrete and form a body with mass equal to the the masses of the two incoming bodies. elements of separa- sum of The orbital the newly formed body are determined from the position and velocity of the two colliding bodies at the center of mass of the instant of impact. The 89 relative velocity of the bodies upon impact and used to calculate a value for X is recorded (Eq. 3-15) which in turn is used to decide whether the assumption of accretion was a valid one. Relative ding values of A are impact velocities and correspon- tabulated for the collisions in three simulations in Chapter V. 90 CHAPTER IV. A. THE COMPUTER SIMULATION PROCEDURE The Basic Assumptions of the Simulations In the present simulations of the growth of the terrestrial planets by accretion of large protoplanets (mi M /50), the protoplanetary bodies are assumed to move along unperturbed co-planar orbits until they pass within a sphere of influence distance, body. R s , of another If a close approach to another body occurs, orbital elements are computed for each body. new When the parameters of the encounter fall within the region of in Chapter II for close validity of the model described encounters, the new orbital elements are computed using the model. Those encounters having parameters outside the range of validity of the model and those predicted by the model to have separations at closest approach less than the sum of the radii of the two protoplanets are treated by motion integration of the regularized equations of (cf. Section G of Chapter bodies during these starting II). The motion of the latter encounters is at an initial integrated separation of 50 R , and continuing through close approach to a final separation of where new orbital elements are computed 50 R s for each body. , As stated in the previous chapter, two protoplanets are assumed to accrete and form a body with mass equal the to sum of the masses of the two incoming bodies when a close approach with separation radii of the bodies (assuming lunar density material) occurs during integration. newly formed less than the sum of the The orbital elements of the body are of course determined by the position and velocity of the center of mass of the colliding bodies at the instant of impact. Several considerations influence the choice of 50 R s as the separation distance at which integrations are initiated and terminated. Clearly, the separation must be large enough to include in the integration as much as possible of the effect of the encounter on the orbital elements of the two protoplanets. At the same time the separation should be sufficiently smaller than the typical spacing between protoplanets that the effect of the nearest neighboring protoplanets on the encounter between the two under consideration can generally be neglected. For a system of one hundred protoplanets hav- ing a total mass equal to the sum of the masses of the terrestrial planets, with uniform spacing of the protoI)lanets in the ecliptic plane between the heliocentric distances 0.5 and 1.5 AU, the typical spacing is L170 R s The separation 50 Rs was chosen as a compromise between the above two requirements. It should be noted that only the effects of those encounters expected on the basis of unperturbed orbits to result in separations less than the sphere of influence are included in this simulation. B. The Relative Importance of Close Versus Distant Encounters One can ask what fraction of the changes orbital elements of the protoplanets might be result from close encounters, more distant encounters, < R , (Ar)m min s (Ar)m min > R s of the importance of close encounters of the protoplanetary . in the expected to as opposed to A rough estimate in the relaxation system will now be given. The argument here is very similar to one made for twodimensional disk systems of (1972). stars by Rybicki In estimating the relaxation time due to encounters, we assume that encounters between bodies can be as two-body interactions neglecting Sun. the presence Including the influence of the Sun on where relaxation time of the the encounters by means of the model described in Chapter II the estimation of treated would make impractically difficult, an order of magnitude estimate is sufficient and much simpler. It is not difficult to show that in the center of mass system the orbits of both bodies are hyperbolae, the asymptotes of which make an angle 7-6 with the deflection angle 6 given by 2 4 SD sin 6 = 2 where V is [1 + G 2 2 -1/2 V D V (m 1 +m2 4-1 2 the relative velocity of the bodies and D is For Do = G(ml + m2)/V the impact parameter. the deflection angle in the center of mass frame is The relaxation time, TR 6 = 7/2. can then be estimated as the time for a typical body to experience an encounter with D < D . This will be an overestimate of the true relaxa- tion time, since the cumulative effect of long-range The number of encounters encounters has been neglected. with D < D bodies, during T R is equal to the surface density of a, times the area (VT R ) -(2D ) within which another body must pass to satisfy D < D O . number of encounters with D < D O T R = V 2G(m 1 + m2) 2 Setting equal to one, we this find 4-2 94 A more refined estimate including the cumulative effects of long-range encounters, D > D O , will now be given. The relaxation time is defined for this case as the time in which the root mean square velocity change the same order of magnitude as the due to encounters is typical relative velocity between bodies. An expression for the deflection angle 6 equivalent to the one given earlier is tan 6 G(ml + m2 = 2 2 DV 4-3 - For long-range encounters the deflection angle is small and may be approximated by 2G(m S 1 DV + m2 The velocity perturbation G(m AV 1 4-4 for distant encounters + m2 DV is then 4-5 The condition giving T R then becomes 2 V 2 E (AV) 2 G(ml + m2 ) V ( (VTR)a D 0 2dD 2 D 4-6 with the lower integral taken to be DO the upper limit formula for AV breaks down, and where the taken as o D. limit of the since the integral converges rapidly for The relaxation time for large long-range encounters is then V TR = 2G(ml 4-7 + m 2)C a result identical to that for encounters with D -0 < D . Therefore, the relaxation is substantially due to and the cumulative effect of encounters with D < D0, long-range encounters is of no more than the same order of magnitude. It remains to establish the relationship between D and the sphere of define influence radius, R close encounters For this , used to in the current simulations. the typical relative velocity between bodies is expressed as a fraction of the circular orbital velocity at their mutual heliocentric distance, V = XV c , the relative velocities observed for bodies in the current simulations generally fall within the range .01 < X <.06 with X = D /Rs assuming m .025 being typical. = m2 = m, The ratio may then be written as 96 2 Gm D 2Vc 24/5 c R 2 2 1/5 2) 2 C 3/5 m - (-) M 2 ,~ 4-8 R M where R is than Rs for in our the A heliocentric > .0078, which is simulations. When relative velocities are than for those with D of argued that encounters contribution bodies to the algorithm used the basis of less C. than for i. The The is one less if less the case that long-range . of it < min the R s make The expected close be the major system. to give is Keplerian can reasonably encounters influence the encounters to differential those orbits then on approaches now described. Finding Close Encounters Part algorithm possible only for (Ar) relaxation is also noted system, with finding particular pair of is the Used for Spatial separate parts, orbits in sphere of The Algorithm is due D almost always greater unperturbed the it < DO motion the distance. naturally divided spatial bodies, and a close the minimum than the one into two temporal. encounter is distance between sphere of influence For a spatially the two radius, R s , of the is the two bodies. larger of specified by its semi-major axis, angle of perihelion; m.(a.,e.,w.) 1 1 1 and m.(a.,e.,w.). J I 3 Two I the bodies which must be considered. number of pairs of encounter is possible if Clearly, no close - e.) 1 - a.(l 1 1 eccentricity, and immediately available to limit simple tests are or The orbit of each body R s > a.(l + e.) 3 3 + R s 4-9 if e.) 3 a.(l 3 - R s > a.(l + e.) 1 1 + R survived these Assuming that the given pair of bodies has tests, intersection between the the orbit of m* 1 there is an to be determined whether it remains s of locus of points within R s and the locus of points within R s the of orbit of m.. 3 The locus of points within R semi-major axis, a, and eccentricity, be bounded by two ellipses having the original ellipse; and e' = (a/(a - and e" = (a/(a + R ))e. s R s of an ellipse with an the same orientation as inner ellipse with a' ))e and an outer ellipse with The along its semi-major axes; however, = a - Rs a" = a + R s ellipses inner and outer of the ellipse exactly bound the locus of points within R (a,e) shown to e, can be along the semi- the outer ellipse "bulges" minor axes inner ellipse slightly and include an area slightly and outer bounding ellipses greater than the locus of points within R the For Rs << a the error along almost always s of less than 1% and in any case no close because of this error of R (a,e). semi-minor axes is error is current simulations this In the '\R e /2. s the inner Therefore, is slightly "flat." the , usually much less, encounters will be missed the bounding ellipses since enclose slightly more area than necessary. Denoting the inner and outer bounding ellipses for the orbit of m. 1 i' and i", by those for m. denoting intersection of the respectively, and similarly and j", by j' the condition of locus of points within R of the s of the orbit of m. with the locus of points within R orbit of m. is equivalent to the requirements that i 1 intersect j' or j" and j intersect i' or i". s of each orbit, i intersects both j' and j intersects both a close In the containing points most common case of overlap of the bands within R s i' and i". Two separate regions where encounter might occur then exist. exists. distinct possibilities: Less frequently the bands occurs and only one a "grazing" intersection of region of overlap j" and In this case (i) there are two i intersects j' but not j" and j intersects i" but not i', lying (ii) j" i intersects i' but not i". but not j' and j intersects Since the intersections between two ellipses finding problem of or in the same plane has a simple explicit solution, the tabulation of spatially possible close encounters is relatively straightforward. The values of the angle 0 at which two co-planar, (al,el, 1 t) confocal ellipses, (a 2e2 W 2), and intersect can be determined by equating the radii from their common focus - a.(l r =i i e. ) 1 4-10 1,2. = 1 + e. cos(O - w.) 1 It can be shown without much difficulty that the values of 0 for which rl = r 2 are specified by cos(0 where = w = - F 1 e 2 sin tan-l 02 - l' (sin w)/(cos w - = 4-11 /1 + 2 2 (a2(1 - e 2 elF/e2). the relation ))/(a (1 - 2 2)), and There are in general two values of 0 which are determined to modulo of course e 2r, provided 100 e This -1 -< sin w 2 1. 1 last inequality is then the condition for section of the two ellipses. simplifying, succinctly 2 e 2 Substituting for the condition for written 4-12 2 - 1) 2 2 - 2ele 2 e F 1 12 < 1. 4-13 cos W for the intersection of two ellipses and with the ellipses the locus of points within R found earlier to enclose of an elliptic orbit, one can quickly determine whether close encounters spatially possible for are possible tabulation of one or two for the pair, the explicit (depending on whether the of each orbit is intervals. If angles make possible a the intersection of bands containing of angular are the given pair of bodies. solutions for the intersection s and as With the above condition within R i intersection may be more ( close encounters inter- locus of points "grazing" or The points segments then have the property along "general") pairs each of these arc that their distance from the nearest point in the other arc segment is no greater 101 than R s . The temporal part of the algorithm for determin- ing potential close encounters consists of determining that time interval for which the bodies next simultaneously occupy corresponding orbital intervals. ii. The Temporal Part First, time intervals corresponding to the pairs of angular intervals are computed using Kepler's equation. The time intervals are referenced to the time since pericenter passage either at the time the last encounter involving the given body ended or of the 1 and t. 3 let 6. and with m. For a pair of denote the mid-point times time intervals and P. and m., let of the intervals, 6. denote the widths of the finally let P. time involving this body simulation, if no encounters have yet taken place. t. at the starting intervals, and be the orbital periods associated respectively. The condition that the bodies next simultaneously occupy these corresponding orbital intervals after n orbits of m. can be shown to be A < where A is (6 1 + , 62)/2 2 the lesser of 4-14 102 A = Imod(nP. + t., P.) - t. 4-15 and A In 2 = p 1 - 4-16 A . 1 the expression for Al x - [x/y]y, , mod(x,y) is defined as where the brackets indicate that the largest integer whose magnitude does not exceed the magnitude of x/y is used. The above condition that m. 1 simultaneously and m, j occupy corresponding orbital intervals for which interaction is for a close one. a necessary condition spatially possible is encounter of m. and m., their intervals The bodies may still pass through in such a way that their minimum than R but not a sufficient . To establish whether the minimum separation between the bodies time they are separation is never less is in fact less than Rs during the simultaneously occupying their corresponding intervals, a minimum search routine is employed. routine used, Brent (1973), combines golden section search and successive parabolic interpolation. simulations it is possible in most cases whether the minimum separation evaluations of the positions The is less In actual to determine than Rs with of the bodies and their *--_-r__-r-r;~;rr~-~oEnusxe,~ei*~ 103 corresponding separation at only two distinct times. This is so because it has been observed that for relatively small eccentricities the separation does not change very rapidly during the time simultaneously occupy their intervals. Therefore, separation after interval in which the bodies corresponding orbital if the estimate of minimum two evaluations is greater than 4R it has been found in practice that no close encounter will occur. This completes the discussion of the algorithm for finding close encounters. the simulations follows. A verbal flowchart for D. A Flowchart of the Simulations Step 1. (Initial Conditions) First, starting values are chosen for the masses and orbital elements of the bodies in the system whose evolution is to be simulated. All simulations to be presented here begin with one hundred identical bodies with mass equal to 0.02 Earth masses. The total mass equal to the total mass The of the system is of the present semi-major axes of the orbits of then very nearly terrestrial planets. these bodies are required to fall within the range 0.5 to 1.5 AU, corresponding approximately to the range of semi-major axes the terrestrial planets. The surface density in all of of 104 these simulations was assumed to have an R on heliocentric distance between 0.5 and zero elsewhere. -3/2 dependence 1.5 AU and to be The initial eccentricities of the orbits were randomly chosen from a uniform distribution on the interval from 0 to some maximum eccentricity, ema angles of perihelion for the orbits are given by x . The a sequence of random deviates from a uniform distribution on the interval (0, 27) . Finally, the time since peri- helion passage for each body is distribution on the interval taken from a uniform (0, P) where P is the orbital period of the given body. Step 2. chosen; An initial simulation usually this Step 3. time step, At, is is taken to be five years. Once the masses and orbital elements all of the bodies in the system are specified, for it can be determined as described earlier whether a close encounter is spatially possible for each pair of bodies. pairs of bodies for which a close encounter angular intervals lying within R s of For those is possible, the other orbit are determined for each orbit. Step 4. encounter is and For each pair of bodies for which a close spatially possible, determine the starting ending times using Kepler's equation of intervals during which the bodies those time simultaneously occupy 105 the sections of their orbits for which spatial interaction is possible. Naturally, only those time intervals with starting times within the current simulation time step are considered. For each time Step 5. a minimum interval obtained in Step 4, search routine combining golden section search and successive parabolic interpolation is used to determine separation of the bodies, (Ar) whether the minimum in fact less than Rs interval. is . , min for any time within the given Those times corresponding to minimum separations comprise a set of potential close encounter less than R times. Step 6. The < R (Ar) min s times associated with next sorted into ascending numerical order. of these times determines The are least the interval within which the next close encounter will take place along with the which will experience pair of bodies, m.1 and m., J that encounter. Step 7. the time during separation Again, using the minimum search routine, the approach of m. is equal to Rs and m. is obtained. for which their For this time the positions and velocities for each of the bodies are calculated of and orbital elements for the relative motion the bodies are then computed from these positions and 106 The eccentricity, E, velocities. a, of semi-major axis, and the relative motion determine the method to be used in the next step to compute the new elements of the and m. orbital motion of m. about the Sun following the encounter. Step 8. If 6 > 4 and (Ar)mi n = a( mmn - 1) < 0.8 R and m. the new orbital elements for the motion of m. 0.8 R s, If c < 4 or in Chapter II. the new orbital elements (Ar)mi For m. n = a(E - 1) > are found by integrating the regularized equations of motion of m. presence of the Sun. about the close encounter model the Sun are computed using described s in the and m. E < 4 encounters between m.1 and take place relatively slowly and these encounters are, therefore, integrated starting with an prior to close approach of 50 Rs justification of this choice). to close approach of m. separation between m. 1 and m. (cf. initial separation Section A for The integrations proceed and terminate when the and m. again exceeds J positions and velocities of 50 R s . The the bodies upon termination of the integration are used to compute new orbital elements for the motion of m. Those and m. about the Sun. encounters predicted by the model to have separations at closest approach less than the sum of the radii calculated for the two protoplanets, assuming 107 homogeneous composition and tions between bodies used to initiate and integrations of these encounters were s . terminate the again chosen to be When a close approach with separation less the sum of the two radii is incoming bodies. form a body upon impact is the masses of the two elements of the newly formed from the position and velocity of the center of mass of instant of impact. sum of The orbital body are determined the two colliding bodies accretion was a valid at the the bodies The relative velocity of recorded and used later the assumption of than found by integration, the two protoplanets are assumed to accrete and with mass equal to the separa- The initial and final also treated by integration. 50 R are lunar density material, to determine whether (cf. Tables one 2 to 4). With the new orbital elements for m Step 9. (only the elements for m. are required following a collision), determine whether a close encounter is ly possible for each pair of bodies with i or members. and m. i spatial- j as For those pairs for which a close encounter is spatially possible, determine intervals for as in Step 3 the angular each orbit which lie within R s of the other orbit along with their corresponding time intervals. 108 Step 10. For each pair of bodies including i or j as members and having at least the spatial possibility of a close encounter, determine times of the starting and ending those intervals during which the bodies simultaneously occupy the sections of their orbits which spatial interaction is possible. time intervals with previous step, Again, only those starting times within the current simulation time step are Step 11. to be considered. For each time interval computed in the the minimum search routine is used to determine whether the minimum separation of is for the bodies in fact less than Rs for any time within the given interval. Those times corresponding to minimum separations less than Rs form a new set of potential close encounter times. Step 12. If any of encounter pairs includes the old set of potential i or j, delete the new and old sets of potential them and encounter pairs combine along with the times associated with their minimum separation. If the combined set of potential empty, all close encounters is chosen. is in the current simulation time step have been treated. tion time step encounter pairs In this case a new simula- If the number of close 109 encounters occurring in the time step just completed is greater than one, the new simulation time step to be one half of the no close is If length of the preceeding one. encounters have occurred in the previous simulation time steps, taken the new time step is taken to be Otherwise, the twice the length of the preceeding one. simulation time step remains If the starting the same. time of the new simulation interval two exceeds a termination time estimated to be greater than that for which the system ceases to experience further the simulation is then ended; close encounters, otherwise, branch to Step 4 and continue, once the new time step has been chosen. When the combined set of potential encounter pairs is not empty, sort the times separation into ascending these times corresponding to minimum The numerical order. least of is then the time of the next close encounter and determines the pair of bodies, the next close encounter. i' j', involved in Branch to Step 7 and determine the new orbital elements for i' and j'. This completes the description of the computer simulations. and the algorithm for In the next chapter the of four numerical simulations are discussed. results 110 CHAPTER V. A. THE COMPUTER SIMULATIONS Results of Four Representative Numerical Simulations 1. The Plots Results are presented in Figures 10 through 24 of four representative numerical simulations of the terrestrial planets by accretion of planets. of the growth large proto- These simulations primarily differ in the values chosen for e max , cf. Section D of Chapter IV. The time evolutions of the orbital eccentricities for the bodies in each simulation are given in Figures and 19; the corresponding presented "in Figures 11, 10, 13, 16, semi-major axis evolutions are 14, 17, and 20. An equal abscissa increment has been assigned to each gravitational interaction in the above figures independent of whether the interaction results in a collision or not. associated times are given as Collisions and in these and 21 logl0 of the time in years. subsequent accretions of bodies figures by small boxes. the semi-major axes, the system bodies are The are denoted In Figures 12, 15, 18, eccentricities, and masses of shown for nine different stages of The each simulation including the initial and final ones. boundaries of semi-major axis and eccentricity the initial 111 distributions frame. of are indicated by the rectangles The areas of the small boxes marking in each the location each body are proportional to the masses of the bodies. Finally, the number of system bodies for each of the nine stages is indicated at the top of the frame. Next, several features apparent in these plots of the simulations will be described. First, in the eccentricity evolution plots we note a redistribution of eccentricities for all of tions: the simula- the number of bodies with very small values of eccentricity decreases and a "tail" extending higher values of eccentricity develops. toward Also, a rapid initial increase in eccentricity is apparent for e max = 0.025 and 0.05 simulations. Where the these figures are not too dense, one range of typical measures of Later Also note values. in the chapter quantitative (N > 90) that in the late each simulation the perturbed occurring during these eccentricity changes are tabulated and discussed for the early tion. lines in can observe the eccentricity changes close encounters. the evolution of each simulastages of smallest bodies evolution of are commonly into orbits having relatively high eccentricity 112 the plots of semi-major axis In effects" are that "edge evolution one observes fairly modest in that bodies only infrequently scattered out of their of heliocentric distance, 0.5 to 1.5 AU. are initial range Further, bodies are more frequently scattered outward beyond 1.5 AU than inward of 0.5 AU. One can also make qualitative estimates from these plots of the range of semi-major axis changes typically occurring during close encounters. A detailed examination of the semi-major axis plots reveals that pairs of bodies in orbits having either nearly identical or very dissimilar values of their semi- major axes rarely collide and accrete, even when the orbits approach each other place. closely enough for collisions to take Most collisions then occur for pairs of bodies with only moderately dissimilar values of their semimajor axes. Many instances exist in the simulations where bodies in orbits having nearly identical values for their collision semi-major axes repeatedly interact without until an event happens to scatter one other of the bodies into an orbit with a moderately dis- similar semi-major axis value. follows. or the Usually, a collision soon I would also like to draw attention to the many instances of repeated close encounters between the 113 for example, the pair of bodies same pairs of bodies; simulation with a = 0.025 the e max the period 3.77 max < period 4.38 < logl0t 4.60. AU during in the pair of bodies 4.12 and < log l0t = 0.05 simulation with a the e ; 0.52 in % 1.2 AU during the One cannot help but wonder what outcomes of these sequences of close encounters might result if tidal dissipation in the bodies were in the simulation program. included In the plots of system states at selected (Figures 12, 15, and 21) 18, one can more easily follow the progress of accretion in each simulation, masses of the bodies, represented by the box shown along with the orbital eccentricities rapid for smaller heliocentric distances areas, are and semi- since the surface is greater in that region. tion of the eccentricity and is since the As expected, accretion is more major axes of the bodies. density of bodies times again apparent in these The evolu- semi-major axis distributions plots. Also as expected, the to have smaller orbital eccen- more massive bodies tend tricities since the accretion process averages the eccentricity vectors of The final lations states of the orbits of the e max = 0.025, the accreting bodies. 0.05,and 0.10 simu- contain too many bodies with masses which are too 114 small relative to those of Venus and Earth. hand, the e max = 0.15 simulation ends with a final state which is very suggestive of planets, and Venus On the other two of these the terrestrial system of bodies approach the Earth and in mass. The final states of the four simulations are compared with the terrestrial bars indicate system of planets in Figure 24. the heliocentric range of each body. The numbers above the bars give the mass of the bodies hundreths of an Earth mass and the numbers The in between the bars provide a measure of the stability of the heliocentric gaps between orbits. expressed as fractions where R is The heliocentric gaps are of A = 2.4 R[(m 1 the heliocentric gap between m and m 2. numerical integrations Birn + m2 )/M 1/3 distance to the center of the (1973) has carried out and presented theoretical arguments based on the Jacobian integral which purport to show that bodies in orbits separated by gaps greater stable in the sense that, except for oscillations, semi-major axes of all orbits remain time than A are the constant over long scales. 2. The Collision Statistics The ratio of the total energy at impact for a pair of 115 colliding bodies energy, to their total gravitational binding (T + U)/-Q, provides a convenient measure which may be used in deciding whether a given collision accretive or destructive. When is (T + U)/-Q is greater than one, a collision is expected to result in the complete disruption and dispersal both bodies; however, when a collision is expected values of the ratio, of the material of (T + U)/-Q is less than one to result in accretion. (T + U)/-Q, for Average collisions occurring in three of the four simulations discussed in this chapter are tabulated in Tables 2 to 4. The numbers of accretive and destructive collisions are also tabulated for each of the m.-m. values for which collisions occurred. There are a number of interesting observations which can be made from these statistics. First, the average (T + U)/-Q ratio for all of the collisions occurring a given simulation increases as e max the average value of (T + U)/- increases. for the m I collisions exceeds the average value of in Further, = m2 = 0.02 M (T + U)/-Q when all of the collisions for a given simulation are included. 0.02 M It is no surprise and m = 0.04 M , m then that the m 1 = m 2 = = 0.02 M for all of the destructive collisions. collisions account Perhaps, the 116 Table Collision m 2 Statistics (e max = 0.05) m. 1 (M /100) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 14 (M9/100) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 22 26 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 22 6 8 10 16 8 16 # (accretive) 34 14 4 3 2 3 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Simulation average value collisions = 0.103 # (destructive) (T + U) / (-) (accretive only) 0.158 0.073 0.065 0.065 0.012 0.030 0.030 0.021 0.039 0.084 0.063 0.046 0.004 0.012 0.031 0.022 0.693 0.169 0.033 0.020 0.031 0.037 0.027 1 of (T + U)/(-Q) for the accretive 117 Table 3 Collision Statistics m. m. (M /100) (M /100) (e max = 0.10) 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 18 20 22 24 30 4 6 8 12 14 16 22 26 6 8 10 12 12 14 22 12 20 20 (T + U)/(-2) # (accretive) 27 18 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Simulation average value of collisions = 0.171 # (destructive) 5 (T + U)/(-Q) (accretive only) 0.325 0.153 0.102 0.256 0.096 0.005 0.024 0.009 0.002 0.009 0.101 0.168 0.073 0.061 0.012 0.001 0.002 0.040 0.021 0.094 0.021 0.009 0.043 0.072 0.027 0.033 0.044 0.005 0.281 for the accretive 118 Table 4 Collision Statistics m m. (M /100) (M /100) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 18 26 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 18 20 24 32 58 4 6 10 14 20 8 18 20 24 10 12 24 12 14 30 40 34 60 (T + U) / (-) # (accretive) # (destructive) (accretive only) 9 2 0.438 0.253 0.266 0.292 0.052 0.208 0.065 0.006 0.022 0.039 0.030 0.163 0.165 0.094 0.051 0.050 0.025 0.0001 0.115 0.068 0.015 0.255 0.192 0.025 0.013 0.089 0.235 0.104 0.012 20 15 9 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Simulation average value collisions = 0.238 = 0.15) (e max of (T + U)/(-Q) for the accretive 119 most significant observation to be made from these statistics is that the number of destructive collisions increases beyond 0.10, so that rapidly increases as e max for simulations with initial values of is no longer e max > 0.15, one justified in assuming that all collisions result in accretions. 3. Eccentricity Evolution in the Simulations In Table 5 statistics are tabulated pertaining to the eccentricity changes occurring during the early stages of each of the four representative simulations The quantity denoted in the described in this chapter. table by Ae is the average value of m.Ae. + m.Ae. over simulation starting those events occurring between the time and the tenth accretion event, where Ae. and Ae. are the eccentricity changes of the two bodies in the given event and the masses m. the initial mass, 0.02 M and m. are In these statistics we . refer to those gravitational interactions in collisions as encounters. simulations, at least for the here, in units of not resulting Note that in all of the early stage considered the gravitational encounters on the average result in eccentricity increases, mass average but as e max is increased the eccentricity increase per encounter decreases. 120 Table 5 Statistics of the Eccentricity Changes Occurring For Encounters and Collisions e 0.025 max 0.05 0.10 0.15 Ae/encounter +0.00269 +0.00178 +0.00074 +0.00066 Ae/collision -0.01333 -0.01434 -0.05069 -0.08463 IAe /encounter 0.01007 0.01040 0.00712 0.00569 Ae/encounter TAe /encounter 0.27 0.17 0.10 0.12 +2.96 +1.59 +0.20 +0.41 collision-encounter balance ratio 5.0 8.0 68.7 # encounters during the first ten collision events 147 140 137 ZAe (encounters) IAe (collisions) 128.2 527 121 Collisions, on the other hand, tricity decreases, and collisions always result in eccen- the eccentricity decreases increase as e is max increased. due to The mass average eccentricity of the system of protoplanetary bodies is then determined by the balance between the eccentricity increases resulting from gravitational encounters and the eccentricity decreases resulting from collisions. The ratio EAe(encounters)/ILAe(collisions) I provides a quantitative measure of this balance: when this ratio is greater than one, eccentricity is increasing and, less than one, ing. the mass average conversely, when it is the mass average eccentricity is decreas- The collision-encounter balance ratio gives the number of encounters required on the average to offset the eccentricity decreases due to collisions. A measure of the average absolute eccentricity change per encounter is provided by ael/encounter encounter and finally, encounter) quantifies = the ratio Im.ae.j)/ (ae/encounter)/(IAel/ encounters. simulation starting accretion event, the mass quite rapidly for the + the rate of the eccentricity increase due to gravitational From the (Imiaeil e max time to the tenth average eccentricity increases = 0.025 tions and decreases for the e max and = 0.10 e max = 0.05 simula- and 0.15 simula- 122 tions. It is expected between 0.05 that an e max and 0.10 would balance between the value somewhere on the average result in a eccentricity developed in gravita- tional encounters and that lost in collisions for planar system of bodies the co- all the chosen here to initiate simulations. In a system where non-zero orbital inclinations are allowed, fewer close gravitational ted to result in collisions. are expec- interactions The number of encounters per collision for a three-dimensional system of bodies with the same members as the system used to initiate the two-dimensional simulations is expected to be at one order of magnitude greater than the number two-dimensional case. to above is e max in the The eccentricity balance referred then expected to occur for higher values of in the three-dimensional case than in the two- dimensional one. The necessary eccentricity to produce terrestrial-like final configurations of bodies those least in the e max = such as 0.15 simulation might then be built up by the additional gravitational encounters occurring in the three-dimensional case. A quantitative eccentricity estimate of the effect of orbital averaging of the many bodies accumulating 123 into a planet has been made by Ziglina and Safronov (1976) . A number of assumptions were made in this estimate including a mass distribution for the bodies, the total number of bodies per unit area as a function of the distance to the Sun, and the distribution of orbital eccentricities of the bodies, among The estimate others. they obtained for the orbital eccentricities of the just- formed terrestrial planets may be written as 1/2 e where m 1 C(- acc 1 m ) V is the upper limit of impacting bodies and m 5-1 e- 1 c the mass distribution of is the present mass of the planet. surface of the planet is The parabolic velocity at the denoted by Ve and the circular Keplerian velocity at the heliocentric distance of the planet by V c. C, constant, includes parameters used to specify the mass distribu- tion of bodies and their velocity relative to the circular Keplerian velocity; assumed by Safronov, C = estimated by Safronov rotation axes of acc taking m 1 for the parameter values 0.11. (1969) Values of ml/m were from the inclinations of the terrestrial planets. -3 e The /m = 1.8 x 10 -3 the The values of for Mercury, Venus, and 124 than one order of magnitude smaller than the current values observed in the terrestrial system. Ziglina and Safronov, without any further arguments or estimates, conclude that the modern orbital eccentricities of the planets must be determined to a greater extent by their prolonged gravitational interaction since the time their accumulation was complete, rather than directly by the process of formation. On the basis of their estimates of ml/m from the rotation axis inclinations of the terrestrial planets, Ziglina and Safronov rule out the possibility of collisions and accretions of bodies with moderate mass ratios in the final terrestrial planets. ml/m occurring stage of accumulation of the On the other hand, the values of in our simulations are a little more than two orders of magnitude greater than those estimated by Safronov and yield values with of e acc which are the present orbital eccentricities trial planets. This brings for the terres- up the intriguing possibility that the present orbital eccentricities of planets might perhaps serve consistent the terrestrial to distinguish between those scenarios for the final stage of accumulation of the terrestrial planets characterized by very small values of 125 ml/m, e.g. Safronov (1969) and Weidenshilling (1975) , and scenarios characterized by values of ml/m often greater than 1/10. A careful review of Safronov's estimates of ml/m along with quantitative estimates of upper limits on the orbital eccentricity changes of the terrestrial planets due to their mutual gravitational interactions and interaction with Jupiter are required in order to determine whether this discrimination between scenarios is possible. 4. Numerical Checks on the Simulations One numerical simulation was run to check the validity of the encounters model for those close encounters typically occurring Values in the present simulations. for the orbital element changes for each of close encounters occurring in the the simulation were calcu- lated both by use of the model and by integration of regularized equations of motion. the Comparison of these two sets of values revealed that the model, in agreement with the conclusions stated in Chapter II, provide a useful approximation, E e , E a a orbital element changes occurring ters for which E r 4 and c 0.80. does indeed 50%, for the in those close encounEven with E < 4 the model was often a useful for encounters approximation, 126 especially for those encounters with 2 < E < 4. since there were some encounters However, for which the predictions of the model were in radical disagreement with the results obtained by numerical integration, it was thought to be more prudent to compute orbital element changes encounters having C < 4 by numerical for the integration of the regularized equations of motion for the duration of the encounter. It was further noted that the model, almost without exception, predicted larger values for the minimum separation between bodies during the encounters with E > than was obtained by numerical integration. 4 Therefore, the model consistently somewhat underestimates the orbital element changes relative to the changes obtained by integration for encounters with E > 4. Furthermore, since almost all collisions result from encounters with 6 < 4, the model frequently predicts collisions between bodies for encounters in which integration of the equations of motion produces no collision. A further check on the accuracy of was made by calculating the total angular momentum of the system of protoplanetary bodies for states of the e max the total = 0.15 the simulations the initial and simulation. final These values of system angular momentum and total system energy are compared to the corresponding values for the current 127 terrestrial The total angular system in Table 6. as it should be, while momentum is closely conserved, the total system energy decreases by initial and final states of the e max 1.23% = 0.15 between the simulation. Table 6 Comparisons of Total System Angular Momentum and Energy L 2 (g-cm /sec) system E (g-cm2/sec 2 ) system initial (100 bodies) 5.152 x 10 -6.020 x 1040 final (6 bodies) 5.152 x 10 -6.094 x 1040 terrestrial system 4.95 Finally, the numerical x 10 -6.20 integration of x 1040 the individual encounters was checked by integrating backwards to make sure that the initial conditions in time could be re- produced. B. An Estimate of the Evolution Times Expected for ThreeDimensional Systems The evolution time expected for a three-dimensional system is estimated using the ratio of the two-body 128 collision probability for a three-dimensional system to a two-dimensional system along with the evolution that for times obtained in the two-dimensional computer simulations. The collision probability per unit time for one body may be written as 5-2 U n G T n is where U is the mean relative speed of the bodies, the number of bodies per unit surface area or volume, and a is the collision cross-section. section in two dimensions is The collision cross- taken to be 2R and in three 2 where R is a multiple dimensions to be fR physical radius of the bodies, r. The f times the factor f, which provides a measure of the increase of the collision cross-section over the geometric cross-section due to "gravitational focusing," is tions of circular encounters mately 28 0.02 M . for the integra- in Chapter I to be approxi- two-dimensional case with m I = m 2 = The surface area available to the 100 bodies in the simulations S estimated from the = is given by 11(1.52 T'lhe correspondinq - 0.52) = 21r (AU) 2. volume assumed 5-3 to be available to the 129 100 bodies in a three-dimensional system is taken to be equal to that of the solid of revolution formed by rotating = i a regular trapezoid, bounded above by = -imax, max = 0.5 AU and r and by r max = below by 1.5 AU in full revolution. heliocentric distance, one , Making use of the Pappus-Guldinus theorem we obtain for this volume, V = 2r/5 tan i 5-4 (AU) 3. max The ratio of the three-dimensional to the relaxation two-dimensional is then given by times T 3-D T -D 2/5 S- tan i 1 AU max 8f 5-5 R test bodies having a dimensionless For a set of relative velocity, U = u/Vk k V 2 0 = -GM a K 5-6 with respect to a field body in a circular orbit of radius, a, U there exist (Opik, 1951). when expressions for e max The maximum possible and i max in terms of eccentricity occurs the orbits are co-planar and when the perihelion of the test body's orbit is at the field body's orbit and 130 may be written in terms of U as e = U2 + 2U. max For any U, the maximum 5-7 inclination orbital plane of the field body) i max = 2 sin For small values of U, e max -1 (relative to the is according to Opik (U/2). = 2U and 5-8 i = U are good max approximations. With the values m I = m 2 = 0.02 M , and determined e max e max = 0.15 f = 28, = 0.075 radians), the ratio to be approximately 280. T3 - D / 2- D is This ratio with the = 0.15 simulation time of 61,400 years yields an estimate of 2 x 107 years for stage of accretion considered case of a three-dimensional i = 0.075 max radians. Chapter the time required for in our simulations system with e max the in the = 0.15 and This estimate is well within the limits for the formation time C. (i max interval discussed in I. Heliocentric Distance Sampling Of Material for the Final Bodies of the Simulations It is informative to examine the range of helio- centric distance sampling of material for the bodies in 131 the simulations at several stages of their evolution. Figures 22 and 23 In the original semi-major axis distribu- tions of component bodies are shown for those bodies with mass greater than 0.1 M the final one, of the e max at six stages, = 0.05 and e max simulations, respectively. The original of the component bodies are indicated by a including = 0.15 semi-major axes (+) and current semi-major axis and mass of each body are in the figures by an As expected sampling the range of heliocentric distance in bodies with smaller mass tends to be narrower in bodies with larger mass. As also seems reasonable, the range of radial is greater in the e max max = 0.15 sampling simulation than in the 0.05 simulation for bodies of = located (x). than the range of sampling e the a given mass. The semi-major axis distributions of component bodies are sometimes not at all symmetric about the current semi- major axis of the body being considered. This is often the case when two bodies are accreting material from overlapping "repel" heliocentric ranges: the two bodies tend to each other so that the body closer to the Sun samples more material outside its orbit than inside, and the reverse is of course true for the body farther from the Sun. It must be emphasized, however, that this behavior 132 is by no means always observed. is only a tendency and The radial sampling function observed for the bodies in these simulations may generally be described as follows. from the i.e. the material comes 75% of For a given body, approximately zone bounded by the orbits of the next inner, 8% comes from toward the Sun, and next outer bodies, the zone bounded by the next inner and the orbits of second inner bodies, 17% and the remaining comes from the zone bounded by the orbits of the next outer and outer bodies. second However, we must caution that this radial from a small sampling function is based on statistics Furthermore, number of simulations. it undoubtedly reflects the edge effects resulting from our choice of The the initial radial distribution of material. similarity of the final state of tion to the system of the e max sampling to be expected for Much more complex "edge and Mars. simula- terrestrial planets does permit us to form the above working hypothesis the radial sampling of = 0.15 for the radial at least the Earth and Venus. effects" have no doubt influenced the material comprising Mercury It must be pointed out that although the radial sampling observed for bodies in the simulations represents only the sampling occurring during accretion, the range of radial the last stage of sampling is expected to be 133 much narrower for bodies with small values of Therefore, their mass. it is apparent that the range of radial sampling exhibited in the final bodies is primarily determined by the last few accretion events involving the given body. Hartmann (1976) has used Wetherill's tions (1975) calcula- of the gravitational dispersal of planetesimals from different orbits about the Sun to obtain data on the sources of different late-accreted materials added to the terrestrial planet surface layers. the final impact destinations of particles impacts statistical samples of starting in nine different orbits in the terres- trial region of the solar (p. 555) Wetherill tabulated Hartmann has system. In his Table III converted the relative numbers of obtained by Wetherill to obtain the percentage of mass striking target planets from each source orbit. These results indicate that large fractions of the mass added to the terrestrial planets in their later stages of growth probably formed nearer other planet's orbits, in agreement with conclusions drawn from the present simulations. However, our radial sampling function is not directly comparable to that given by Hartmann, but seems to be qualitatively similar. 134 D. Conclusions Drawn From the Simulations Regarding the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets Perhaps the primary conclusion is like planetary systems that terrestrial- can be formed as a result of the gravitationally-induced collisions and accretions occur- ring between bodies in co-planar systems of protoplanets such as those provided the chosen here to initiate the initial average orbital eccentricity of the system of bodies is in the range 0.05 < <e> Simulations with initial values are found simulations, to result of <e> in final-state < 0.10. smaller than 0.05 configurations having many bodies of nearly equal mass, none of which approach the Earth or Venus in mass, Figure 24. On the other hand, initial values of <e> greater than 0.10 result in substantial numbers of catastrophically disruptive collisions between bodies and it is expected that the accretion process for this case will at least be dramatically slowed, if not reversed. The numerical eccentricity values simulations indicate in the range 0.025 < <e> be sustained by the gravitational the eccentricity that mass average lost encounters offsetting in collisions, at least for early stages of evolution of the co-planar to begin these simulations. < 0.05 can the systems used These values of <e> are 135 somewhat too low to produce terrestrial-like systems, but higher values of <e> may result from the higher ratio of close gravitational encounters to collisions holding for three-dimensional systems. Estimates of the time interval required for this stage of accretion in a reasonably thin hypothetical three-dimensional protoplanetary system were made earlier in this chapter. The times required for the two-dimensional numerical systems simulations from initial of 100 equal mass bodies with m = 0.02 M state configurations final completion of to the are used with theoretical estimates of the ratio of the three- to the two-dimensional relaxation time, based on the two-body gravitational model, to predict a time interval of the the order stage of accretion considered here. well within the limits of a few times 2 x 107 years for This time falls 108 years for the formation of the terrestrial planets, based on the oldest ages measured for rocks from the Earth's crust along with 40 40 the K 40-A40 and U, Th-He 4 gas-retention ages for various meteorites as discussed in Chapter I. Finally, the original heliocentric distance distribution of component bodies making up the bodies final mately states of the simulations 75% of in the indicate that approxi- the material of a given body comes from 136 zone bounded by the orbits of the next inner and the next outer bodies. remaining 25% The comes from two zones bounded by the orbits of the next inner and second inner bodies and by the orbits of the next outer and second outer bodies, respectively. This description of the heliocentric distance dependence of the sampling function for a given body is, however, only intended as a general rule of thumb. For certain bodies a number of factors such as edge effects or possible bombarding material perturbed into the terrestrial region by an early-formed Jupiter may significantly modify this sampling function. E. Limitations of the Present Numerical Simulations these simulations Many of the desirable features of were described in the final section of Chapter I. this section we will turn our attention limitations. First, In to some of their actual systems of protoplanets, if they are quite thin, even are nevertheless three-dimensional, and this fact presents a whole new set of difficulties attempting to simulate such systems. earlier that the number of It was argued encounters per collision for a three-dimensional system of bodies having the same in 137 bodies as those in the system used to initiate the twodimensional simulations is expected to be at least one order of magnitude greater than the number dimensional case. Therefore, for the two- significantly more computer time would be required to simulate the three-dimensional systems. The eccentricity balance might as a result occur for higher values of <e> in the three-dimensional case than in the two-dimensional one, but since the character of the encounters presumably also changes in three-dimensions, one cannot be is sure that this expectation justified in fact. Several simulations which were carried out have not been discussed here, because the orbital spacings between bodies were not stable close approaches, (Birn, 1973), (Ar) m < R , min s simulations terminated. when no further were predicted and the In the two-dimensional case this situation is most often the result of an alignment of some number of system bodies. the orbital eccentricity vectors of the Inclusion of the effects encounters in some of these "final" states would give rise to some additional collisions and of these systems. expected to be of distant subsequent evolution "Avoidance" mechanisms such as this are an even greater problem in three-dimensional 138 simulations which include only the effects of close encounters. Another limitation of present form is the in their the simulations small number of bodies (N = 100) This which can currently be handled by the programs. makes an assessment of the influence of our initial system of one hundred bodies of 0.02 M , on choice of an equal mass, m = the final configurations produced in the simulations difficult. Two-dimensional simulations beginning with protoplanetary systems having more bodies and a variety of mass distributions the influence of the initial conditions on the final configurations produced. upon should elucidate Such simulations seem feasible some improvement and/or modification of the way in which encounters are handled in the simulation programs. We have attempted here to simulate the last stage of terrestrial planet formation neglecting any outside influences. If, for example, Jupiter has attained a substantial part of already its mass before the stage of accretion considered here, the influence of bombarding material perturbed by Jupiter into orbits crossing the terrestrial region must be scenario. included in a realistic ~_I___ ____1~_1~_ 139 Finally, some collisions do occur in these simulations which, based on their expected relative velocities at impact, should be completely disruptive, and yet the simulations assume that all collisions result in accretion. This assumption appears to be well justified for collisions occurring in systems with mass average eccentricities <e> < 0.05. It cannot be ruled out, however, that bodies were accreted and several times planets. subsequently dispersed by collisions in the process of forming the terrestrial In order to simulate properly this formation process, it would be necessary to construct models of the disruptive collisions commonly occurring systems with <e> > 0.05. in those 140 REFERENCES Alexeyeva, K.N. (1958) , Meteoritika 16, (in Russian). 67, (1964), Astronautical Guidance, McGraw-Hill, Battin, R.H. New York. Bettis, D.G., and Szebehely, V. Space Science 14, Birn, J. 133. Astron. & Astrophys. (1973), Black, D.C., (1971), Astrophysics and and Suffolk, G.C.J. Brent, R.P. (1973), 24, (1973), 283. Icarus 19, 353. Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Chandrasekhar, S. Dole, S.H. (1962), Edgeworth, K.E. Fehlberg, (1941), E. 93, Planetary Space Science (1949), (1969), Fitzpatrick, P.M. Astrophys. J. M.N.R.A.S. 4, Computing (1970), 109, 285. 9, 541. 600. 93. 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It proved more convenient to plot logl0 (RMIN/(RI + R2)) rather the minimum separation, RMIN, where R 1 and R 2 are the radii of M 1 and M 2 assuming that they are homogeneous, spherical bodies of lunar density. regions where log be M 1 = 10 Therefore, the two 0(RMIN/(R 1 + R2)) = 0.0 represent collisions between the bodies. encounters In this sequence of the masses of the two bodies were taken to -5 M and M 2 = 10 -2 than M . $ 145 Figure 2. Same as Figure 1, but with M1 Figure 3. Same as M 1 = 10 -3 M and M Figure 1 and Figure 2, = M2 = 10 -2 M . but with = M 2 Figure 4. Same as Figure 1, but with M1 Figure 5. The parameters = M2 = M . specifying encounters in the model. Contours of ae and Aa Figure 6. by the model for m E in a, E. all these 2 encounters was 1 AU. taken to be (-) I , m I = m Figure 7. = m 2 0 center of mass for 2 taken to be along a circular The sense of motion of m I about and the orientation of the relative hyperbolas was given by were m 6 obtained along with contours of Ee and The motion of the m orbit with RO = m2 was and m (AU) in 0, = /10. The masses with m0/M = 0.01 M /M. The parameters specifying these encounters are identical to those in Figure 6 except for the orientation angle = 77/10. Figure 8. Dependences of Ae and Aa tion angle of E e , E a of motion (AU) on the orienta- given by numerical integration. , E e , (+). was assumed and E a Dependences on c are also shown for both senses The motion of the ml, m 2 center of mass to be along a circular orbit of radius R 1 AU. The remaining 0.16, and mi1 = m 2 = m 0 . fixed parameters were E = 4, a = I~U~1~ 146 Figure 9. Dependences of Ae and Aa (AU) fn e 0 of Ee and given by numerical integration. Dependences Ea on e0 and R 0 are The remaining parameters were S= = m0. m2 to be The = 4, a = 0.16, e0 = sense the bodies and m 2 in the e max For clarity in plotting an was assigned to each gravitational resulting in a collision or not. times are given as and m1 = 0.0, and was taken The time evolutions of the orbital eccentrici- are plotted for tion. of motion of T/2, fixed (-). Figure 10. ties s also shown. and R 0 = 0.025 simula- equal abscissa increment encounter, whether The associated logl0 of the time in years. event Collisions subsequent accretions of bodies are denoted by a vertical line connecting the eccentricity values two colliding bodies just prior and by a small box locating of the to the current encounter the orbital eccentricity of the newly accreted body. Figure 11. The semi-major axis to the eccentricity evolutions Equal evolutions corresponding in Figure 10 are plotted. abscissa increments were again assigned to each gravitational encounter and accretions the same way as in Figure 10. are denoted in 147 Figure 12. The semi-major axes, masses of the system bodies are stages in the e max eccentricities, and shown for nine different = 0.025 simulation, initial and final ones. The number of including the system bodies for the nine stages is indicated at the top of each frame. of the initial The boundaries and eccentricity distributions are rectangles in each frame. semi-major axis indicated by the The areas of the small marking the location of each b ody are proportional boxes to the masses of the bodies. Figure 13. Same as Figure 10, but for the e = 0.05 Same as Figure but for the e = 0.05 but for the e = 0.05 but for the e = 0.10 Same as Figure 11, but for the e = Same as Figure 12, but for the e = 0.10 max simulation. Figure 14. 11, max simulation. Figure 15. Same as Figure 12, max simulation. Figure 16. Same as Figure 10, max simulation. Figure 17. max 0.10 simulation. Figure 18. simulation. max 148 19. Figure Same as Figure 10, but for the e max = 0.15 simulation. Figure 20. Same as Figure 11, but for the e = 0.15 Same as Figure 12, but for the e = 0.15 max simulation. Figure 21. max simulation. Figure 22. The original semi-major axis distributions of component bodies are shown for those bodies with mass greater than 0.1 M one, of the e max major "+" at six stages, = 0.05 including the final simulation. axes of the component bodies The original semiare indicated by a and the current semi-major axis and mass of each body are located by an "x". Figure 23. Same as Figure 22, but for the e max = 0.15 simulation. Figure 24. A comparison of the final representative simulations with the present terrestrial system of planets. range of each body. mass of states of the four the bodies The bars indicate the heliocentric The numbers above the bars give the in hundreths of an Earth mass, and the heliocentric distance gaps between orbits are sed as multiples of As As = is a gap argued to be 2.4 R[(ml + m2 )/M stable by Birn 1/3 1/3 (1973). expreswhere 0.015 0.010 M, =M /10' Ma =M /100 0.005 0.015 0.010 0.005 1.0125 1.0100 1.0075 1.0050 1.0025 1.0000 0.9975 0.9950 0.9925 0.9900 0.9875 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4 .5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 ORBITAL SPACING(R.) 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 0,0 SLQ6 *0 0066*0 SZ66*0 0S66*0 SL66*0 00001 3D to S200. I 0s00.! 5L00 I 0010* S2101 s00.0 01010 SIO0 s00.0 01010 slbl 0.060 0.040 Ml =M* / 10, M,, =M* 0.020 0.060 O.040 0.020 1.080 1.070 1.060 1.050 1.040 1.030 1.020 1.010 S1.000 0.990 0.980 0.970 0.960 0.950 0.940 0.930 0.920 3.0 * . .... ...... 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 ORBITAL SPACING(Rs) 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 0.060 0.0oo0 0.020 0. 060 0.0k0 0.020 1.080 1.070 1.060 1.050 1.0O0 1.030 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.970 0.960 0.950 0. 90 0.930 0.920 3.0 ( ao ,eo) Parameters m I , m2 a, E, c, Sao,e, Snn Sun ± (ml and m2 about their CM) \ CM 80 (CM about the Sun) m 154 oc a.a, (AU) 0 a (AU) E0 Z.o I- 11 4.0 0 8.o 16.0 Y ) i ! k t 7,' r~i5-- ,0 , ! -- .oo) /.o li/ loool 31.01 64.0 .o0 .o8 .31 .16 .64 .04 .08 .16 .3g . .4 0 08 .32 6 OC _c Figure 6 .64 *!o 155 :l.O i0 I I I :o \t~ ~71iC I 10. 0,,0 Bi -ooL , 4or 004 160 4.0 OF -0. -- oo.o -l zoo -.,, ) ) / _ 04 o 32 .16 64 .04 0o 16 + 321 o04 08 31 I OL 10 aa, (AU) (AU) ,a, 2.0 40 so 160 31 0 (4 0 I6 4C 32 44 o+ 08 3 16 d. Figure 7 .4 04 08 31 16 oC '4 Ae, e +o1 - o.5- Ae, oJ ea o O9 g A3o 00 Ee + Le 0 + 005 0 o +.005 T--~- + ~+~±~ ~ + 4 ++ it,. + 4.t + . ,. . o o +. o 80. +- , - oo5 4 S 4 I 407. - 01o - 005 9 0 A AL - .o015 20'. 02 - Ad A A4AAA&A - 05 AAA r- 4 ae C,4 la 4 T (+) a (. 1001. S0102. m 2 Ee, E" +.oz gO O + + ols 8 B005 oa 00000 0 co5o 80zo 0 S+ .01 +.oo on + +., + 60% +. 0 . 407. - 01 A 0 - .015 - .oa - 025* .0'7. 0 9* * A& AL A AL - 0o ApL . . Figure 8 SA &h AA. . AA A A A& A4 . . & I 4 71 4 * a 0*t ** e*eOOW SI 000** 6 aaB~ ci @0. V 0~ TV ,~ywWW WW Y TV WI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vvvwv0 0 WWVVv )00 0 00 "00000 T 51 01 5-t- 00 a 1,og 7777 7777 7 V 777777777777 ale 4 n'v Orl 0.9 .srT 0000000000 00 50 of 0*0 0 000 0 I a st Ot .. . l .50 0 .1 * 0 Soo 4 v7 v v .Sic+ T rVv O1' aSt. . 5o 01 at 00 @000.0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 - 0 *~. Y WW V YYv I WY? vW WY WV WY WY? 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SE999qJOI9AXIS99 U.1 7 xx 19 1 10 1 0 so x o0 4 70 x x so x Ii x o 1 0 1 to aa0 a o 1 to I so I So SEnIMRJOR AXISIR U.) x x 17o I %o 050 060 070 Y1 1 40 GeV ON lee lie 1 20 1 30 SEMIMIJOR AXISIR U.) so I 1 0 1 to 12 24 16142 241410 ema x =0.025 18 8 M*39W 4.3 -*w 4WH(* *28Col e 0.2\ 0.9 1.6 02 overloap 0.02 e 12 18 32 H Hi3.51--4 =0. 05 12 18 36 10 11 3.5 -4 )-*. 3.3 --*- 4.1 A/A s overlop 34 38 -*i 2 over2.41 1.3 36 6.4 16 3.5 6 1 4.4 2.6 32 6 ema maxx =0. I 0 30 18 32 8 I-- 39 H 3.8 H-I .9 .9 2 22 e max= 0. 15 1.4 30 16 tI1 3.9 H 4.0.3 4.4 60 84 I 0.3 0.4 12.9 I 0.5 26 -, 5.5 100 H 81 A I , 0.7 5 I I--1 2.71 6 9.6 1.3 I 2 1.4 0.3 --- H 7.0 H Terrestrial P Ia nets 26 II 0.6 6.0 H1 I 0.7 I 0.8 1 0.9 1 1.0 8.5 I III 1.4 - I I I.6 1.6 I 1.8 A.U. 173 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Larry Paul Cox was born and reared Alabama. in Birmingham, from Ensley High School, He was graduated He attended the Massachusetts Ensley, Alabama in 1962. Institute of Technology and received an S.B. in 1969. Research for his in Physics senior thesis led to publica- tion with J.V. Evans of "Seasonal Variation of the F Region Ion Composition" (J.G.R., 75, Following 159-164). graduation he continued to do research with J.V. Evans as a staff member of the Millstone Hill Ionospheric Observatory, Lincoln Laboratory. This research led to a further publication with J.V. Evans of "Seasonal Variation of 75, the O/N 2 Ratio in the F -Region" (J.G.R., 6271-6286). As a graduate student in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences the author has held a National Defense Education Act Fellowship, a Teaching Assistantship in planetary physics, and Research Assistantships in the Department of Mathematics as well as Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. work has been in the fields of in the His research ionospheric physics, galactic dynamics, and planetary accretion dynamics. 174 He married Candace Lenoir Kelton of Denver, Colorado in August, 1969. His wife has taught English in junior high school since 1970.