Supplemental Figure 1 CGTTGACAAATAAGTTTGATCGACATTGTGTGACAAATTTAAAACACATCATTAATAACAACGAGGACAAATACAGTTCAGATATCGTCT W-BOX -908 ACTATTAAAACACTTCTTCTATAGGAGCAAAGAAAAATTGTCGGCAACGAACTGGGGACCAATAATATTCCGAGTTTGAGTTCAAACTGA DRE -818 GTAATTTTATTTTGAGAAAATTTGCCAAGTTAACTTATAATTCTGGTTTACGTGTAGTAATTTATTAAGTTGTTATAGGAAAATGAGAAA MYB ABRE WUN -728 ATACTAAGACACATCCAAGAAAGTTTCACACGAAATTTACTTACAAAAAGATTGTTTATTTAATACTTCCGTATATAGATATATAAATAT WUN -638 TTAACACATTAATTATAAAGTTCAAGATAATTGATTATCTATCTTTTTTTGTCATCTGAAATTATTATCGCTCAAACGAAGTAATTCTGA MYC -548 GGAAAGTTGTTTACAAACTAGTTATTTCATTATTGTCTACTTATATAATAGAATTAAAAAAAATTATTGCTTAATGCAATTTAGTTTTAG -458 ATAAAATCATTAAACTTAATAGATTATATAAGTTAGATATCAATAATTGGGCTTGCTTAAAAACATAAATATAAAATATTATTGGGCCGT -368 TACGTGCATACAAAACGAACCTTCTAACAAACAAGTGTGAACGTTACGACTTCAAAATTAAAAAAAAACACAACAACTATGTCCACACGT ABRE MYC ABRE -278 AATCTCATATGATTCAGATTCCAAGGAGAACAAAATTAAAAACAAATCTCGTAAACATACATACACTTCACATAAAACAAAAGGTACAGT MYC CAAT -188 ATATACCATAAATCTCCGAGATTCTTTTGATGTATCTGTCCATTTCATTATTACACAAACTAGGAAACTGATATCTCTCTATTCACATTC TATA -98 CTCTGATTCTATTTCTCTTTATATATATTCACCCATTAACCATCTCAATCTTATAACCCTCAAAATCACAATCTTCTCTTACAAAAAACT -8 TTGAAAGATG Supplemental figure. Structure of the RNS1 promoter. One kb of genomic sequence upstream of the start codon (box) of RNS1 was analyzed to identify the presence of motifs with significant similarity to previously identified wounding- and ABA-related cis-acting elements (grey boxes). These include CAAT and TATA boxes, wound-responsive elements (W-box, WUN), a dehydration-responsive element (DRE), ABA-responsive elements Supplemental figure S1: Structure of the RNS1 promoter. One kb of genomic (ABRE), and MYC binding sites. sequence upstream of the start codon (box) of RNS1 was analyzed to identify the presence of motifs with significant similarity to previously identified wounding- and ABA-related cis-acting elements (grey boxes). These include CAAT and TATA boxes, wound-responsive elements (W-box, WUN), a dehydration-responsive element (DRE), ABA-responsive elements (ABRE), and MYB and MYC binding sites. Supplemental Figure 2 abi2 A C A W RNS1 EF1-a B ABA C 12h 24h Wnd 12h RNS1 Supplemental figure S2: (A) Induction of RNS1 by ABA treatment is dependent of abi2 signaling. Northern blot analysis of RNA extracted from abi2 seedlings 4 hours after wounding (W) or after treatment with 100 μM ABA for 4 h (A) or water (C). (B) Increase in RNS1 activity in response to ABA. Plants were treated with 100 μM ABA or wounded for the indicated times. Protein extracts were prepared from these plants and 90 μg of each sample were analyzed. RNase activity was detected by an in gel activity assay. The band corresponding to RNS1 was determined by comparison with an extract from plants wounded for 12 h. Wounding samples are included as positive controls for the induction of RNS1 mRNA and activity. Supplemental Figure 3 Col C W abi4 C W Ws C W abi5 C W RNS1 EF1-α Supplemental figure S3: Induction of RNS1 by wounding is not regulated by ABI4 and ABI5. Northern blot analysis of RNA extracted from WT (Col or Ws) and abi4 and abi5 mutant seedlings 4 h after wounding. Individual bands were quantified and normalized using EF-1α as loading control. Supplemental Figure 4 control ABA control wounding Supplemental figure S4: Patterns of RNS1 promoter-driven luciferase expression in response to wounding and ABA. Four-week-old plants were treated with 100 μM ABA (a, c, right) or wounded (b, d, right). Control plants were mock-treated (a, c, left), or not treated (b, d, left). Six hours after treatment, plants were imaged using a CCD camera without illumination to register luciferase activity (c, d). White light images are also shown (a, b). Arrows in (b) indicate wounding sites. The bar below panels c-d indicates the arbitrary scale of luciferase activity measured in those panels.