MSAD #40 Response to Intervention

MSAD #40 Response to Intervention- Parent Guide
What is Response to Intervention (RtI)?
Response to Intervention is a method used to identify and assist those students who due
to academic difficulties need to have further educational interventions in order to be
successful in school.
10 Steps of RtI
1. All students will receive high quality general education through classroom instruction.
The procedures used and the extent of student learning will be verified regularly with
reliable assessments.
2. Collect levels of all students’ performance at least three times a year.
3. Identify students who score below the benchmark for their grade.
4. When a concern arises for a student, that case will be taken to the professional
intervention staff in the building. Parents will be informed of this concern, as well as the
District Intervention Coordinator and the building principal.
5. Intervention staff and the teacher will work together to determine strategies for
supplemental instruction. Parents, building target list manager and principal will be
informed of these strategies.
6. The student will receive this supplemental instruction for at least 3 weeks (4-6 weeks
7. Intervention staff will document student learning during this supplemental instruction
through reliable weekly assessments. Attendance for instruction as well as progress will
be documented and shared with the student, classroom teacher and parents.
8. At the end of the 3-6 week period a review of the students’ progress will be done. Based
on the results the supplemental instruction will be continued, revised or discontinued.
Parents, classroom teacher and the student will be informed of the decision.
9. If a student has not shown progress during the first review, the intensity, duration and/or
frequency of the supplemental instruction will be increased. The student will continue to
be monitored for an additional 3 weeks and parents will be informed of the revised plan.
10. If 45-60 school days of intervention at all tiers does not result in sufficient progress,
classroom teacher, special education teacher RtI/SAT etc…should reconvene to discuss
consideration of special education referral. Include parents on team and/or share results
of the meeting. In addition, the District Intervention Coordinator and the building
principal shall remain informed of plan.