METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Blue River, Business & Technology, Longview, Maple Woods, Penn Valley 3200 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 ADDENDUM No. 1 TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS # 16-7117-C3R2 IT STAFF AUGMENTATION This Addendum No. 1 is issued on March 14, 2016 to modify the previously issued RFQ documents and/or given for informational purposes, and is hereby made a part of the RFQ documents. All other information on the original RFQ document will remain the same. This Addendum No. 1 contains two (2) pages in total. Questions and Answers Q1: What is the approved budget for this contract? A1: Unknown at this time. It will depend on the successful company selected for this service. Q2: A2: Is there any incumbent of this RFP? If yes, please provide their name? No Q3: Who received the last award for this contract? A3: MCC has never awarded a contract for this type of service. Q4: What was the dollar spent for similar services last year? A4: MCC hasn’t had a previous contract for this type of service. Q5: What will be the dollar value of this contract? A5: Depends on the successful company selected for this service. Q6: Are the services for a full 40 hours a week or as needed basis? If not how many hours per week? A6: 40 hours per week unless the location and hour coverage stated in the RFP requires more or less. Q7: How many people? A7: At least one person per main location to cover the schedule as outlined in the RFP. Q8: What locations? A8: As stated in the RFP. Q9: What is your service management practice? A9: Users contact help desk, help desk assists them, if someone needs to physically go to the machine then the ticket is assigned to the campus and the tech on location picks it up and does the work. 1 RFP #16-7117-C3R2, Addendum #1 Q10: How are support issues tracked? A10: BMC Numara. Q11: What are the average tickets per day/per location? A11: Contractor would be expected to handle 15-25 tickets per day/per location. Q12: How many people they’re supporting? A12: MCC has approximately 1600 full and part time employees. We also have computer labs that will be maintained under this contract. We have approx. 4900 computers district wide approx. 300 of those being Mac and the rest are Windows. Q13: What specific technologies are being used? A13: We have approx. 4900 computers district wide, approx. 300 of those being Mac and the rest are Windows. We use Microsoft Office. Q14: How many awards will be given as a result of this contract? A14: MCC desires to contract with one company but reserves the right to award to multiple companies. Q15: Do contractors we place have to be our w2 or can they be our subcontractors or 1099? A15: It is up to each company to provide payment to the contractors. Q16: Can we place H-1B workers that are authorized to work? A16: Yes H-1B Visa workers will be acceptable as long as they read, write and speak fluent English. Q17: If a company currently isn’t doing business in MO, will it be acceptable for them to get a MO business license and Certificate of Good Standing from Missouri Secretary of State once they are selected for the award and prior to the signing of the contact? A17: Yes that will be acceptable; however companies must include in their proposal the company’s business license and Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State from the State they are currently doing business in. Q18: MCC accepts certifications provided by those entities identified on the page in this document titled "Certifying M/WBE Agencies". Which page number is this referring to? A18: Please indicate the certification, if applicable, on thehe MBE/WBE Participation Form, page 16. Q19: We are certified by NMSDC Houston chapter - will that be MBE certification acceptable? A19: Yes Q20: A20: RFP states Questions must be received by noon, Tuesday, March 8, 2016 on page 3 and also on the Acknowledgement of Receipt page; however, the timeline table on page 4 says that questions are due March 1st. Can you verify the due date for questions? Questions must be received by noon, Tuesday, March 8, 2016. 2 RFP #16-7117-C3R2, Addendum #1