NN Rugged Field-Service Computing: A Product Development Case MA Study at Dell Inc. sOFc TECHNOLoGy 8 00-iaff by by F[JUN 18 2014 Jeremy M. Giese B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, 2008 LIBRARIES Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Mechanical Engineering Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering In conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2014 @ 2014 Jeremy M Giese. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter. Signature redacted Signature of Author MIT Sloan School of ManagemeniMIT DWgaprtment of Mechanical Engineering May 9, 2014 Signature redacted Certified1b Supervisor Steven ppinger, The General Motors LGO Professor of Management, W41T, loan School ofManagement Signature redacted Certifie 1by Warren Seering, Thesis S pervisor " echanical Bigineering Department Engineering, Professor of Mechanical A cepe- t~4 d41, Signature redacted y lDavicl E. Hardt, Chair Mechanical Engineering C mmittee o Accepted by raduate Students redacted. ____________Signature I Maura Herson Director of MIT Sloan MBA Program MIT Sloan School of Management 1 -jO1 Rugged Field-Service Computing: A Product Development Case Study at Dell Inc. by Jeremy M. Giese Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 9, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract In the face of challenging market conditions, Dell, Inc. is in the process of shifting from focusing on electronics hardware development and sales to focusing on providing complete IT solutions to business clients. Part of this process involves determining what products and services Dell can provide beyond its current offerings, and then developing these new offerings internally or through acquisition. This thesis will use the internal development of one such offering as an in-depth case study to examine an accelerated version of Dell's standard new product development processes. Additionally, it will use the case study to identify pain points in Dell's process and make recommendations to improve this process. The process detailed here resulted in the successful development of a new product concept that Dell may or may not pursue for further development and market introduction. The success of the project is evidence of the robustness of standardized product development processes. The thesis strives to provide a working example of this process in action, and serve as a guide for others who intend to identify new product opportunities and capitalize on them through new product development initiatives. Thesis Supervisor: Steven Eppinger Title: General Motors LGO Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor: Warren Seering Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering 3 This page intentionallyleft blank. 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank Dell Inc., and in particular my internship supervisor, Drew Tosh, for providing me the opportunity to work on this project. Drew's preparation and project definition, as well as mentoring throughout the project process, were critical to its success. I would also like to thank my project sponsor, Ed Boyd, for placing his trust and confidence in this type of internship product development project. Additionally, I would like to thank the various advisors and team members who assisted me during my time at Dell. These include, but are not limited to, Erin Walline, Ed Chun, Drew Moore, Mark Menendez, and Chris Barnard. Each of these people helped me to advance the project at critical junctures and to proceed when obstacles presented themselves. The end result of the case study presented herein would not have been possible without the contributions of each of these individuals. I would like to thank my two faculty advisors, Steve Eppinger and Warren Seering, for their continued guidance and support throughout the internship project as well as during the composition of this thesis. Their input was invaluable in navigating some of the more ambiguous stages of this project, as well as when determining the scope and content of this thesis. Finally, I would like to thank the LGO program and the LGO class of 2014 for their support and for being a part of this incredible educational experience. 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 Table of Contents Ab stra ct.................................................................................................................................. .. 3 A cknowledgm ents....................................................................................................................5 T able of Contents ................................................................................................. List of Figures............................................................................... 1 5 13 13 15 16 16 18 19 21 21 24 29 Quantitative Market Research and Segment Targeting .................................. Contextual User Research ........................................................................................ Product Market Familiarization .............................................................................. Organizational & Process Considerations........................................................... Opportunity Discovery............................................................................................ 29 30 33 33 35 "The Fuzzy Front End" - Needs Categorization & Insight Generation........ 35 Iterative Product and Technology Brainstorming ........................................... 38 Organizational & Process Considerations........................................................... 40 Concept Development & Selection.......................................................................... Identifying Worthwhile Concepts........................................................................... Concept Definition, Storytelling, and Down-Selection..................................... Concept Refinement & Final Selection................................................................... Organizational & Process Considerations........................................................... Concept Refinement................................................................................................ 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9 12 Market and Contextual Research ......................................................................... 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 9 28 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 A Standard Product Development Process ........................................................ Product Development Practices at Dell, Inc. ....................................................... _ 7 The Case Project: An Overview ............................................................................ 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 "The PC is Dead" - Overview of the PC Industry.................... Dell, Inc. - from OEM to Solutions Provider............................................................. Rugged Computing and Field Service................................................................... Product Development Processes.......................................................................... 3.1 3.2 4 Project M otivation ......................................................................................................... Problem Statem ent........................................................................................................... T h esis O verview ................................................................................................................. B ack grou n d ..................................................................................................................... 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 .................................. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 ............. "A Guiding Light" - Defining a Key Point of Differentiation........................... Competitive Product Research................................................................................ Feature Specification and Trade-Off Analysis...................................................... Designing in an Ecosystem......................................................................................... Mechanical Layout & Aesthetic Design................................................................ Manufacturing Considerations................................................................................. Organizational & Process Considerations........................................................... Recommendations and Conclusion .................................................................... 7 41 42 44 45 46 47 47 48 50 52 53 55 57 60 9.1 Recommendations on Product Development at Dell Inc............................... 60 9.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 62 10 References....................................................................................................................... 63 11 Appendices...................................................................................................................... 64 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Card Sorting Exercise Results ................................................................................... Case Project Down-Selection Criteria Definitions............................................. Case Project Concept Story ........................................................................................ Com plete Com petitive Product Assessm ent........................................................ Feature Decom position Results .............................................................................. 8 64 66 67 68 69 List of Figures Figure 1: Planned project schedule, proceeding through four distinct phases: Research, Discovery, Design Development, and Engineering Development.......14 Figure 2: Global PC shipments increased dramatically from 1998 to 2012, but now appear to have stagnated or begun to decline (Arthur, 2014)............................ 16 Figure 3: Market adoption rates of personal computing products. Note the introduction of smartphones and tablets in the upper right portion of the chart (D e d iu 2 0 1 2 )................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4: Panasonic Tougbook and Motorola MC65, market leaders in the rugged notebook and rugged handheld computer segments (panasonic.com & m otorolasolutions.com )...................................................................................................... 19 Figure 5: Dell ATG semi-rugged and XFR fully-rugged notebooks.............................. 20 Figure 6: The six phases of the standard product development process detailed by U lrich and Eppinger 2013................................................................................................... 22 Figure 7: Generalized Product Development Process at Dell Inc................................. 24 Figure 8: Computer rendering of the case project concept device mounted to a pair o f sa fety g la sse s ........................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 9: Highly portable computing devices (tablets, wearables, and handhelds) exhibit strong projected grow th...................................................................................... 29 Figure 10: Field Service customers make up the largest portion of rugged device sales, indicating a large and targetable user segment. ............................................ 30 Figure 11: Relative efficiency of focus-groups vs. interviews (Griffin, 1991)......... 32 Figure 12: User types with associated user needs category ratings. Here the users have been listed in order of the importance of Mobility / Portability, one of the primary opportunity factors identified in quantitative market research.....37 Figure 13: Radar map of user need category ratings from pervious figure. Users covering large areas of the map, such as Oil & Gas Engineering Consultants, have a broad diversity of needs, while users with smaller areas, such as Cable Connection Installers, have a more specific need set............................................. 38 Figure 14: A wide range of varying product concept ideas were generated during the brainstorm ing session........................................................................................................ 39 Figure 15: Idea down-selection occurs in three stages................................................... 41 Figure 16: Example of a storyboard from the case project. This particular example illustrates the main benefits and use cases for the wearable camera system. Storyboards can help to convey the complex benefits on a novel product much more quickly than verbal or written descriptions. ................................................. 45 Figure 17: Assessment of key differentiating attributes and potential improvements for product segments similar to that of the product concept .............................. 49 Figure 18: Example feature decomposition, focusing on alternative options for im plem enting a user feedback feature. ......................................................................... 51 Figure 19: Chain of feature and mechanical layout decisions. The feature requirement at each step of the chain is in the top of each box, and the resulting decision is detailed below ................................................................................................... 54 9 Figure 20:Cross-section of mechanical layout of case project device. Dimensions are in mm. The circular element is the battery, the rectangular element is the circuit board, and the triangular shape is the overall device cross-section and housing d im e n sio n s.................................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 21: Cross-sectional view of final device design, based on mechanical layout, aesthetic design, and manufacturing considerations............................................... 56 Figure 22: Exploded-view of final device design, based on mechanical layout, aesthetic design, and manufacturing considerations............................................... 57 10 This page intentionallyleft blank. 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 1 1.1 Introduction Project Motivation In the face of challenging market conditions, Dell, Inc. is in the process of dramatically restructuring its business model. The company is shifting from focusing on electronics hardware development and sales to focusing on providing complete IT solutions to business clients. Part of this process involves determining what products and services Dell can provide beyond its current offerings, and then developing these new offerings internally or through acquisition. This paper will use the internal development of one such offering as an indepth case study to examine an accelerated version of Dell's standard new product development processes. Additionally, it will use the case study to identify pain points in Dell's existing process and make recommendations to improve this process. The goal of the new product development case project is to identify an aspirational new product concept that moves the needle for Dell, from both a revenue and strategic positioning standpoint. Rugged computing products for field service workers has been identified as a market segment that has significant potential for Dell, and will be the focus of the work examined here. Field service is defined as any worker involved in the installation, maintenance, or repair of equipment in the field, across a broad range of industries. 1.2 Problem Statement The goal of the case project was to develop an aspirational new product concept for Dell, with sufficient detail such that the product would be ready for quote by a third party manufacturer. An aspirational product is defined as one that delivers on 13 a user need in a novel way, and in a way that is not currently served by Dell's existing offerings. The project was initiated with field service as an intended target segment, but with no defined or required direction beyond this. The overall duration of the project was six months, an extremely aggressive timeframe in which to identify and subsequently develop a product opportunity. Another goal of the project, beyond the development of a new product, was to assess whether or not such a timeframe is realistic in a large company. The project is intended to provide a case study of Dell's product development processes, and help to identify the aspects of Dell's process that both help and hamper such high-speed product development initiatives. Research P Market 30 &py Experience ' Report Development Research Review Discovery Technology Discovery Concept Discovery Concept Reviews Design Development Engineering Concept Direction Refinement Model Creation Renderings Enghneerng Development Engineering refinement Design Refinement Engineering review 3wks Nmn 6/17/13 Mon 6/17/13 Fri 7/26/U3 Fri 7/5/13 5 wks Mon 6/17/13 Fri 7/19/13 I wk 0 days 28 days 2 wks 3 wks 3 days 40 days Mon 7/22/13 Fri 7/26/13 mon 7/29/13 Mon 7/29/13 Mon 8/2/13 Mon 9/2/13 Thu 9/5/13 Fri 7/26/13 Fri 7/26/13 2 wks 3 wks 2 wks Thu 9/5/13 Thu 9/19/13 Thu 10/10/13 Wed 9/18/13 Wed 10/9/13 Wed 10/23/13 1 wk 12 days 2 wks 2 wks 2 days Thu 10/24/13 Wed 11/6/13 Thu Thu Thu Thu Wed 9/4/13 Fri 8/9/13 Fri 8/30/13 Wed 9/4/13 We12/6/13 11/7/13 Fri 11/22/13 11/7/13 Wed 11/20/13 11/7/13 Wed 11/20/13 11/21/13 Fri 11/22/13 Figure 1: Planned project schedule, proceeding through four distinct phases: Research, Discovery, Design Development, and Engineering Development The project plan called for four distinct development phases: Research, Discovery, Design Development, and Engineering Development. These phases are described in detail in Chapter 2 of this paper. 14 1.3 Thesis Overview This paper investigates, in detail, the process steps required to identify a novel product idea and develop it into a feasible, coherent product concept. The case project demonstrates the success of this process, and is invoked in each section of the paper to provide examples of all steps taken. The general format of each section is a discussion of the tasks required in each phase of the product development process, as well as a description of a number of specific product development tools and frameworks applicable to that phase. This generalized discussion is followed by a detailed assessment of the critical steps taken in the case project. This format should provide the reader with a solid understanding of the steps required to develop a new product, as well as numerous examples from the case project to further illuminate the process. Generally speaking, the paper assumes that the reader is considering product development from the standpoint of creating an aspirational product in the technology hardware segment. While product development processes are generalizable to a very broad set of markets, industries, and product types, the process and steps described in this paper are tailored to this specific type of development effort. 15 2 2.1 Background "The PC is Dead" - Overview of the PC Industry The PC industry has experienced meteoric growth over the past three decades, with annual PC shipments rising from 10M units in 1980 to almost 300M units in 2011 (Dediu, 2012). Now, after this 30-fold expansion in market size, the traditional PC industry appears to have stagnated, and possibly even begun to decline. Quarterly global PC shipments from 3Q 1998 - 3Q 2013 100000 a HP 9 AS a IBM 75000 go"lB ce t~ao is r fteu aeSWWW NEC MM: 0C 50000 25000 3Q99 2Q9 1qoQ 4Q00 3Q01 2Q02 1Q03 4Q03 3Q04 2K05 1Q06 406 3Q07 2Q09 1Q09 4Q09 MQ1O 2Q11 1Q12 4Q12 3Q13 Figure 2: Global PC shipments increased dramatically from 1998 to 2012, but now appear to have stagnated or begun to decline (Arthur,2014). Compounding this slide in global sales, traditional PC manufacturers have also had to contend with the market entrance of several low-cost competitors. Commoditization of both PC components and design capability has allowed companies like Asus and Acer to capture market share by offering relatively high quality products at very low prices. 16 WIND shbped Parywmor *asynwema low= PC 1000u to- 0 Sanato" 1111 turn turntnwamtur t910106r0 imam auua maWsiaml Figure 3: Market adoption rates of personal computing products. Note the introduction of smartphones and tablets in the upper right portion of the chart (Dediu 2012). In addition to these difficult competitive forces in the traditional PC industry, new computing products and form factors, such as the smartphone and tablet, have seen tremendous success and acceptance in a very short timeframe. These products offer similar enough performance capabilities and feature-sets to be considered direct competitors with traditional PC products. In light of these market trends, some industry analysts have proclaimed that "the PC is dead" (Lee, 2014). This has all led traditional PC manufacturers to ask the question: how do we continue to operate and profit in a product segment that has become almost 17 completely commoditized? In recent memory, this has been achieved by altering the relationship between the PC manufacturer and business clients, and providing software services and IT solutions in package deals with PC boxes. This strategy has managed to keep the PC a highly relevant product, despite ever-shrinking margins. However, the introduction of new computing devices and form factors has reiterated the point that this industry is still changing rapidly. This rate of change presents both a significant threat and opportunity to traditional PC makers, and has forced them to seek to develop new products and services that could be the next big thing. 2.2 Dell, Inc. - from OEM to Solutions Provider Dell Computer Corporation was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell. The company saw immediate success due to several key operational innovations, including direct PC sales, a mass-customization production system, and the use of standardized PC components. These innovations contributed significantly to Dell becoming the market leader in global PC sales by 2003 (Holzner, 2006). Throughout Dell's existence, numerous market shifts have occurred. A repeating cycle of the commoditization of existing technology and PC products led Dell to expand into non-commoditized product segments. Then, as new technology and components have been developed, Dell has moved in to capture market share and bolster its profits (Holzner, 2006). The recent market entrance of low cost competitors such as Acer and Asus have begun this cycle again, forcing Dell to once more adapt and find new revenue streams. Dell's most recent strategic re-alignment has been to shift from focusing on providing the best products and service in the PC market to providing the best products, software, and service in the overall IT solutions market. Dell's new strategy relies on continuing to sell its bread and butter PC products, and bundling them with additional service and software products. To support this shift into new 18 products and services, Dell has executed a significant string of acquisitions, purchasing at least 25 companies since 2007 at an estimated cost of $7.9 billion (Sherr, 2012). However, the fantastic success of new product form factors such as the smartphone and tablet has challenged Dell's typical wait-and-adapt strategy. The company has been relatively unable to compete in these new product segments, with initially disappointing unit sales on new product launches (Arthur, 2013). Dell has therefore seen the value in developing proprietary novel product concepts that will introduce the brand to new user segments and generate potentially explosive new revenue streams. 2.3 Rugged Computing and Field Service One market segment that Dell has identified as potentially primed for innovative product introduction is rugged computing devices. Rugged computing devices are typically sold to business and enterprise customers, and span a wide range of industries and product types. The largest existing product categories by both unit and dollar sales are rugged notebooks and rugged handheld computers. Panasonic's Toughbook line of products is the market leader in notebooks, and Motorola is the market leader in handheld computers. These products have enjoyed significantly Figure 4: Panasonic Tougbook and Motorola MC65, market leaders in the rugged notebook and rugged handheld computer segments (panasonic.com & motorolasolutions.com). 19 higher margins than traditional PCs, leading Dell to enter the market with offerings of its own. Dell currently sells two rugged offerings: the ATG semi-rugged notebook and the XFR fully-rugged notebook. These products have been quite successful, with particularly strong sales to the US Military and the Public vertical, which consists of police and emergency response. Sales of these products to field service users, however, have been less exceptional. It is suspected that this is due to the highly mobile nature of field service work, as well as the very specific computing needs of field service workers. Both of these characteristics are somewhat incompatible with Dell's fairly large, fairly heavy workstation-replacement level rugged notebooks. Figure 5: Dell ATG semi-rugged and XFR fully-rugged notebooks. Field service is suspected to be a very strong potential market segment to pursue primarily because of the sheer number of people it employs. In the US alone, over 5.6 million people are employed to install, maintain, and repair equipment in the field across a broad range of industries (www.bls.gov). Additionally, experience selling Dell's existing product lines into companies involved in field service work has shown a significant willingness to pay for productivity-enhancing products and equipment. Dell therefore speculates that the launch of a novel product that is purpose built for field service workers has the potential to sell at relatively high volumes, and at very high margins. 20 3 Product Development Processes There is a generally recognized need for the standardization of major business processes in organizations of all sizes. Seeing as many companies rely on the introduction of new products and services to continue to grow and remain profitable, standardizing the process of new product development and introduction seems to be a desirable activity to undertake. As of 2004, over 60% of firms engaged in significant product development efforts used a standardized process (Markham & Lee, 2013). When implemented correctly, applying formalized processes to new product development results in the enhancement and proper channeling of the creativity of employees, and enables employees to contribute to the overall success of a company. If implemented poorly, however, these processes can stifle innovation and motivation, and prevent companies from bringing truly innovative products to market. This chapter will briefly examine a broadly accepted standard product development process that can be modified and adapted to a given firm's individual needs and circumstances. It will then provide an overview of the product development process that has been implemented at Dell, and which was followed throughout the course of the case project. 3.1 A Standard Product Development Process Much work has been performed analyzing the tasks required to repeatably and reliably bring new products to market. The codification and standardization of these tasks into a well-defined process has been performed in many organizations. Interestingly, despite the immensely wide variety of products available on market today, there are many aspects of product development processes that are applicable across all industries and markets. It is possible to articulate a standard product development process that is viable and successful regardless of the type of product in question. The work by Karl Ulrich and Steven Eppinger, contained in the book 21 "Product Design and Development," presents a generally accepted rendition of this process, and will be outlined here (Ulrich & Eppinger, 2013). Ulrich and Eppinger define a product development process as "the sequence of steps or activities that an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialize and product." Broadly speaking, this process is arranged in six phases, displayed in Figure 6. A summary of each phase follows. Planning Detail Design Concept IJSystem-Level JiRefinement Design Development Testing and Production Ramp-Up Figure 6: The six phases of the standard product development process detailed by Ulrich and Eppinger 2013. Phase 1: Planning The planning phase consists primarily of opportunity identification and selection, as well as the articulation of project goals. Target markets and users are identified. Additionally, strategic and financial business objectives are often established in this early phase of product development. Phase 2: Concept Development The concept development phase consists of primary user research and needs identification. This is followed by needs-based brainstorming and concept generation. The concepts that are generated are intended to deliver on the identified user needs and to capitalize on the market opportunity that was identified in the planning phase. 22 Phase 3: System-Level Design This phase consists of decomposition of the selected concept into functional subsystems or subcomponents, and the subsequent definition of the method of implementation for these sub-units. This includes the selection of appropriate technologies to be included in the product, as well as geometric definition of the form of the product. Manufacturing and production approaches are considered during this phase as well. Phase 4: Detail Design Detail design consists of finalizing the exact specifications of the product. This includes detailed definition of all component geometry and dimensions, final selection of all off-the-shelf parts and components, and design of the manufacturing processes needed to produce the product. Phase 5: Testing and Refinement This phase consists of construction of production-level products. These completed units are then tested for performance and robustness, and refinements to the detailed design are made as necessary. This phase focuses on ensuring that the product will deliver on its intended performance specifications and satisfy customers once it enters the market. Phase 6: Production Ramp-Up The final phase of the product development process consists of producing the product via the actual production system to be used for full-scale production. A ramp-up phase is required to ensure that the manufacturing workforce is up to speed on the process and that all of the kinks have been worked out of that process. 23 There are many more details required to make this generalized product development process a useful tool, and these are enumerated in "Product Design and Development" by Ulrich and Eppinger. This process can also be adapted on a per-organization or per-project basis to ensure that it is appropriate to the specific needs and circumstances of a given product development undertaking. To that point, Dell utilizes a process that is very similar to this six-phase description, but with tweaks that make it viable within the company. This Dell-specific process will be outlined in the following section, and then examined in detail throughout the remainder of the thesis. 3.2 Product Development Practices at Dell, Inc. This section will focus primarily on the early stages of product development at Dell, from opportunity identification through to full concept definition. The work described here maps nicely to the first three phases of the standardized product development process in the previous section. Dell has generated its own unique terminology for the tasks performed in this early phase of product development, which will be introduced here. Generally speaking, Dell's process proceeds through four distinct phases, which correspond to the case project schedule seen in Figure 1. Research * Market Trends Identification - Contextual User Inquiry * New Technology Investigation Discovery - * User Needs Categorization - Concept & Technology ideation Competitive Product Research Design Development Engineering Development *Concept Specification Refinement * User Experience Definition Ecosystem-Level Concept Creation 0, Complete Feature-Set Definition - Mechanical Package Optimization Manufacturability Considerations e Figure 7: Generalized Product Development Process at Dell Inc. 24 Phase 1: Research The Research phase consists of significant quantitative and qualitative assessment of the target market and user segment. This research serves to both inform Dell about a new category with which it is not familiar, and to identify specific user segments and user needs that present the greatest opportunities. Phase 2: Discovery The Discovery phase consists of confronting the "fuzzy front end" of product development, when significant knowledge has been accumulated about target users and their needs, but concrete insights and product ideas have not yet been articulated. In this phase, findings from the Research phase are categorized and synthesized into concise user-needs. These needs are then used as stimuli for brainstorming. An iterative process of brainstorming and technology / product research is conducted to generate potential product ideas. Phase 3: Design Development The Design Development phase is spent primarily on assessing the numerous opportunities that were identified in the previous phase. As part of this assessment, opportunities are screened via several criteria, and pitched to various stakeholders within Dell. Finally, a single concept is chosen. Competitive product research and benchmarking is conducted to fully understand what is and is not technically feasible for the chosen concept, and to generate a list of features required to be competitive in the market. 25 Phase 4: Engineering Development. Engineering Development, the final phase, consists of fully defining the user experience and technical specifications for the chosen concept. Significant tradeoff analysis is performed in order to hone in on the final set of features that will be included in the product offering. Mechanical and other hardware considerations are taken into account during these tradeoffs, and a mechanical layout of components is completed. This layout serves as a guide as to what is or is not possible during aesthetic design and usability discussions. Manufacturing methodology is also considered during this phase. Dell's product development organization is set up to support this process, with the Experience Design Group (EDG) being primarily responsible for the bulk of these activities. EDG is comprised of four teams. The Design Language team is responsible for the aesthetic direction of Dell's products, ensuring consistent style and branding for the full line of offerings. The Design Development team assists with bringing product concepts from the Concept Development phase through the Engineering Development phase, focusing on mechanical layouts and manufacturability. The Usability group performs product testing and specifies product features based on ergonomic and anthropometric studies to ensure a consistent and positive user experience. Finally, the Materials & Technology research group works with third party suppliers to develop new manufacturing and materials technology to incorporate into new Dell products. In addition to these primary teams with EDG, Dell maintains a separate product development process for highly prioritized, aspirational products, called Special Vehicle Teams (SVT). SVT projects are kept highly confidential even within Dell, and are meant to be accelerated through the standard product development process. The goal of these projects is to bring novel products to market as fast as possible. 26 Finally, on the product management and marketing side of the organization, Dell has numerous product planning groups, organized by product category. These categories are generally split by user segment, including consumer, business client, and rugged. Some product planning groups are also focused around specific product groups, such as servers or cloud services. These groups are responsible for market analysis and monitoring, with the goal of identifying market trends that could present opportunities for strategic product initiatives. For the case project, the thesis author resided in the Design Development group within EDG. The project most closely resembles an SVT initiative, with an accelerated timeframe of six months from project start to complete concept definition. The development team for the case project consisted of one mechanical engineer (the author), two industrial designers, and one member of the rugged product planning group. The development team was managed by members of the Design Development and Usability groups within EDG. This group provided a wellrounded skillset to perform the various tasks called for throughout Dell's product development process. The case project closely followed the process outlined above, and will be examined in detail in this thesis. 27 4 The Case Project: An Overview In an effort to provide context to the following chapters of this paper, a description of the end result of the case project at Dell is detailed here. This description should provide a reference while investigating each stage of the project and inform the reader about what impact each step of the process had on the final deliverable. The case project is the direct result of the new product development process that is examined in this paper. The research, idea generation, and concept refinement efforts required to bring the case project to its current state will be examined in great detail. Stated simply, the case project product concept is a wearable data capture documentation system for use in rugged, field service environments. It consists of a wearable camera system and associate software products, all of which are designed to enhance the productivity of Figure 8: Computer rendering of the case project concept device mounted to a pair of safety glasses the target user. A number of hardware accessories are also considered in the concept, as a means to make the solution usable by a wider span of potential user groups. The main intended benefit of the system to is to simplify worksite documentation and work report generation by non-office workers. This benefit is achieved through a combination of hands-free technologies and a novel approach to documentation data management. The final deliverable of the case project is the complete definition of this product concept, including technical specification, aesthetic design, user experience, and manufacturability definitions. 28 5 5.1 Market and Contextual Research Quantitative Market Research and Segment Targeting As indicated in the introduction to this paper, rugged field service computing devices have been suspected by product planning groups at Dell to be a potentially fertile segment for new product introduction. In order to validate or disprove suspicion of a market opportunity, quantitative market analysis must be performed. Such analysis can also serve to identify specifically which segment of a given product market is most attractive or underserved. In order to assess market conditions, reliable market data must first be obtained. Dell does not maintain this direct market research capability in house, so a number of 3rd party research firms were engaged to provide detailed historical and recent market data. This data included figures of gross sales by units and dollars across a wide array of relevant product categories. It included information on a global scale as well as broken out by geographical region and market. It also specified market share figures by major competitors across these product lines and geographies. When examining such a glut of data, it is critical to identify key metrics that are being sought, and to Rugged Revenue Growth (Global, %) 140% 120% - Tablets 100% Wearables understand what must be identified to signify a market opportunity. In the case of this project, evidence of strong product segment growth, a large potential user-base, and a targetable user segment -Handhelds 60%60% -- Laptops 40% 20% 0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 9: Highly portable computing devices (tablets, wearables, and handhelds) exhibit strong projected growth. 29 were considered to be the prime metrics of a strong market opportunity. Detailed examination of the data revealed various product categories and user groups that met these criteria, but the user / product combination that best fit the metrics was field service workers and mobile, rugged computing devices. This confirmed the suspicions of the product planning groups at Dell that this was indeed an attractive market, and that a new product introduction should be pursued. Mobile Rugged Device Volume by Segment * Field Service N Government - Military N Health Care E Trucking - Other E Manufacturing Shop Floor N Warehouse/DC 0 Other Figure 10: Field Service customers make up the largest portion of rugged device sales, indicating a large and targetable user segment. 5.2 Contextual User Research Having quantitatively validated the existence of a market opportunity, the next step in defining a product concept is identifying a user need opportunity. Such an opportunity could consist of an unmet need or latent need, or a performance gap in existing products on the market. Successfully identifying such a need in a user segment that aligns with the market opportunity previously identified should 30 provide strong reassurance that there is in fact a viable product concept to be developed. When pursuing aspirational new product concepts, such as in the case project, it is critical to initiate original contextual user research and not rely on presupposed assumptions about the user group or product category in question. This will help the development team to generate new insights about the user group in question that will lead to novel product ideas. Additionally, when branching into new product categories or generating product concepts for a novel user segment, exploratory user research can be highly valuable. Exploratory research is defined as contextual inquiry intended to identify a general need-set of a user segment, across the full spectrum of activities that the segment experiences. This is in contrast to targeted user research, which seeks to identify the specific needs of a user when performing a certain task or using a certain type of product. Exploratory research can help the development team to identify a wider range of latent needs. This is particularly beneficial when the team seeks to generate product concepts that are outside of the traditional scope of the organization. An important aspect of maintaining an exploratory scope is generating an appropriate interview questionnaire. While broad scope is important for exploratory interviews, some boundaries must be placed on the discussion. For example, in the case project, the goal of the research was to identify as many computing device needs of field service users as possible. Interaction with computing devices was therefore set as the scope of the interviews. Topics beyond this scope, such as use of hand tools, safety equipment, or apparel, could have yielded interesting product development insights, but are not pertinent to the market opportunity identified through quantitative market research. The specific interview topics for this project included devices used, interfaces with those devices, device usage, device setup and maintenance, device ruggedness, and expansion of device functionality. These topics generated the opportunity for wide ranging 31 discussion during interviews, while keeping within a scope appropriate for the project. Another consideration to be taken into account when designing user research campaigns is the type of research to be conducted. Significant research has been conducted as to the efficacy and efficiency of various types I/ . o",v.ew f 4 C e . of contextual inquiry, with the results 0-i 0 Figure 11.nOne summarized insumaried Fgur11.OneNumber potential approach to user research is I I 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 S I of R..9.nnssr Grows. 9 10 Figure 11: Relative efficiency of focus-groups vs. interviews (Griffin, 1991). to conduct a mix of varying types of interviews. One on one interviews tend to be the most efficient at identifying the broadest range of user needs, but focus groups and group discussions can lead to topics and therefore needs identification that would otherwise potentially not come up. Additionally, the use of in-field tag along observation is critical, especially when investigating a user group that is not already well understood by the organization. Seeing a user perform tasks in his or her natural environment can allow the researcher the opportunity to directly observe performance gaps, latent needs, or compensating behaviors that the user would not otherwise directly articulate in a formal interview setting. In the case of this project, a mix of one on one, focus group, and in-field tag along research was conducted. All of the individuals interviewed were users of computing equipment in field settings, and represented a wide range of industries and job functions. This diversity of interview format, industry, and work task was critical to identify a highly varied range of user needs. This was done intentionally, to align with the exploratory nature of the research, and with the wide scope of the market opportunity identified. The category represents a broad range of industries and product segments, and the contextual research was designed accordingly. 32 5.3 Product Market Familiarization In addition to developing an understanding of the business market conditions and the needs of potential product users, it is also critical to gain familiarity with the existing range of products that could serve the user segment in question. In exploratory research, such as in this project, this range of existing products can be very large. Being aware of the full range of products that the user group in question is exposed to helps put both quantitative market research and contextual user research into context. For example, in this project, product research was conducted on rugged laptops, tablets, handheld computers, wearable devices, construction equipment, analog and digital sensing equipment, field communications products, and a number of other categories. The research consisted primarily of awarenessbuilding tasks, such as internet searches, reading manufacturer websites, and reading product reviews. This sort of awareness-building helps the researcher to develop empathy with the user segment in question, and to understand the type of products that the user may work with on a daily basis. 5.4 Organizational & Process Considerations Generally speaking, Dell's market and contextual research processes closely align with industry best practices. One primary recommendation can be made that could potentially bolster Dell's early-stage opportunity identification and assessment capability. While this case project began with an in-depth quantitative market analysis to assess the size and scope of the suspected opportunity, this is not standard practice at the company. Many product concept ideas are generated with an assumed understanding of the markets that Dell already operates in. Many others are generated for new markets but are never provided with sufficient resources to perform such research. Both scenarios leave open the potential for opportunities to 33 be misrepresented in terms of scale or scope, and for subsequent inappropriate pursuit or abandonment of product development initiatives. A potential solution for this problem would be the creation of a dedicated earlystage market research group, which is not a cost center associated with a specific product group or segment. This group would serve to assess the quality of the suspected product or market opportunities identified throughout the company. It would differ from existing product planning groups in that it would focus solely on new and aspirational product opportunities, as opposed to monitoring the various markets in which Dell already operates. Keeping this early-stage research group independent of any product group would be critical to maintaining its impartiality, and lead to an unbiased identification of the most promising opportunities available for Dell. 34 6 6.1 Opportunity Discovery "The Fuzzy Front End" - Needs Categorization & Insight Generation Having performed detailed market research and collected raw data on user habits and needs, the product development process now moves on to needs categorization and insight generation. This phase of the process is often called "The Fuzzy Front End" of product development. It has earned this name because this phase can be associated with uncertainty, ambiguity, under-definition, and lack of direction regarding where the project should move next. Individuals' differing interpretations of contextual research can lead to lack of consensus, and desire to avoid pursuing dead-end product ideas can prevent the team from confidently identifying a path forward. Understandably, this is a phase that can induce significant frustration and doubt within a product development team. This section of this thesis will focus on several needs categorization and insight development tools that were useful through the course of the case project. The first step in attempting to digest user needs is to decode and distill them into a consistent and standardized format. The goal is to translate direct quotes from users into a simplified form that still captures the essence of what the user was expressing. Using this process generates a manageable list of concise, comprehensible user needs, which will simplify the other tools discussed in this section (Ulrich, 2012). One commonly used tool in attempting to demystify raw contextual inquiry data is a technique called "card sorting." This is a process by which user need statements are sorted into categories, without any a-priori determination of what those categories should be. The resulting categories can then be named, and these names are then considered to correspond to potential user need categories. The process is often repeated by a number participants, and by both individuals who did and who did not have exposure to the original user research. The user needs categories that 35 are identified most frequently can potentially be considered to be more valid or accurate in their alignment with true user need categories. Card sorting was performed on the raw data that was collected from the 31 field service workers that were interviewed for the case project. The results of this exercise can be seen in Appendix 11.1. The colors present in this graphic indicate which interviewee or group of interviewees made each statement. The exercise resulted in the identification of ten distinct user needs categories. This ability to categorize needs helps to provide significant structure to creative thinking and development team conversations. The cards in this example were color coded by interview participant, so that specific user data was not lost in the process of need distillation. This was done to examine the post-sorted cards for correlation between user and need category, or between industry and need category. Is the case project no such correlations were found. However, keeping identifying data associated with each need statement is a good practice, as it leaves open the opportunity for further analysis once the cards have been sorted. Once the team is equipped with an agreed upon set of user needs categories, a useful tool can be identifying any high-level user segmentation that may exist. Ideally the exploratory research that was conducted spanned a fairly wide range of users. Identifying which needs categories resonate most with these varying user types can help the development team to see whether there is the potential to develop product concepts that are applicable to a specific subset of users. One process to perform this segmentation analysis involves rating the importance of each user need category for each user that was interviewed during the contextual research. Once this rating has been performed, users can be categorized by a number of different metrics, such as generality or specificity of need importance. 36 Needs Categories Name Occupation Industry ______Portability rblty Corputing Power Ruggedness Need for Peihrl Total 5 3 16 3 1 11 Rick Natural Gas Plant Inspector Oil & Gas 5 3 Brent Construction Site Construction 4 3 Inspector______ Importance Ratings __ ____ Leon Pest Control Business Owner Business Services 3 2 2 2 9 Deven Cable Connection Installer Telecom 3 1 5 1 10 Shae Oil & Gas Engineering Oil & Gas 2 5 4 5 16 Consultant Figure 12: User types with associated user needs category ratings. Here the users have been listed in order of the importance of Mobility / Portability, one of the primary opportunity factors identified in quantitative market research. In the case project, the importance of four user need categories was rated for a number of users. The distribution of these ratings amongst the various users can help the development team to see the diversity of needs importance across different user types and use cases. In this case, there was a clear difference in the importance of Mobility between the various users. This was interpreted to mean that products that focus on improving the mobility of field service workers should focus on the needs of specific user types. A good way to visually communicate the differences in needs between these users is to create a radar map of these ratings. These charts allow the different user types to be readily apparent, and aid in communicating the differences between user types amongst the development team. These tools are all methods by which the development team can begin to decipher the messy, qualitative data that comes out of exploratory contextual inquiry. By analyzing the data via a number of different methods, patterns or trends about the users, user segmentation, and need categories should start to emerge. 37 Mobility/ Portability 5 4 -Natural X - '7 Need for Peripherals Computing Power Construction Site Inspector -Oil - Gas Processing Plant Inspector & Gas Engineering Consultant Pest Control Business Owner -Cable Connection Installer Ruggedness Figure 13: Radar map of user need category ratings from pervious figure. Users covering large areas of the map, such as Oil & Gas Engineering Consultants, have a broad diversity of needs, while users with smaller areas, such as Cable Connection Installers, have a more specific need set. 6.2 Iterative Product and Technology Brainstorming Equipped with an understanding of the target user, the development team can now begin to brainstorm product ideas. Good brainstorming practices are well documented, and should be followed for this task. Brainstorming sessions can be conducted with a number of different focus areas, including user needs categories or user segments. In the case project, an initial brainstorming session was conducted focused around four different user segments. This session resulted in the generation of several dozen product, product feature, and solution ideas. Product development is rarely a linear process, and using the results of certain steps of the process to reiterate previous steps can often provide deeper insight and 38 better product ideas. As a case in point, the results of the initial brainstorm session helped to bring further clarity to the understanding of user needs categories. After the brainstorm was completed, the product ideas were sorted into categories, much like the card sorting task used in the needs categorization phase. The brainstormed product ideas were sorted without any a-priori intention of what the categories would be. The resulting categories were: Hands Free Operation, Portability, Device Input / Output and User Interface, Data Capture, Modularity, and Data Access / Security. These product idea categories provided a link between product ideas and the types of users that would value such products, and as such, created a new set of topics around which to brainstorm additional ideas. This sorting also helped to clarify some of the categories of product concepts that could be potentially useful for field service workers. Hands Free Portability Operation Data Capture 1/0 or User Interface Modularity Data Access / Security Figure 14: A wide range of varying product concept ideas were generated during the brainstorming session. Brainstorm sessions can also be organized with technology as a creative stimulus. Identifying potential technologies that the development team suspects may be influential in the yet-to-be-selected product concept, and brainstorming on those technologies, can yield very interesting product ideas. This process can also be iterated on, or combined with needs-based brainstorming. Product ideas that the development team thinks show promise can be investigated from a technology standpoint, and the relevant or interesting technologies that are identified can then be brainstormed around to generate additional ideas. In the case project, numerous concepts were generated in the first needs-based brainstorm that pertained to 39 surveillance and image capture. This prompted the development team to research technologies that enable microtized cameras and imaging systems, and employed that knowledge to conduct additional brainstorm sessions. Knowledge of the underlying technology can inspire new ideas, and also help guide the development team in understanding what is or is not feasible during brainstorming sessions. 6.3 Organizational & Process Considerations There are aspects of Dell's organizational design that both encourage and hinder effective brainstorming. Dell's dedicated and co-located Experience Design Group greatly facilitates the occurrence, frequency, and spontaneity of brainstorming sessions. The various teams within EDG frequently intermingle and convene to have both planned and impromptu brainstorming sessions. On the other hand, EDG is located in its own building on the Dell campus, physically isolated from other departments that are engaged in product development, such as marketing and supply chain. This may sound trivial, but the inconvenience of the isolation likely reduces the likelihood of these other departments being involved in impromptu brainstorm sessions, and decreases their likelihood of being invited to formal sessions. While the placement of EDG within the campus was deliberate, and intended to provide the group with autonomy and insulation from the at-times creativity-stifling realities of business, the negative effects of this decisions should be considered. Members of EDG should be cognizant of the need to interact with outside groups as frequently as possible, and actively pursue marketing, supply chain, and sales inclusion in brainstorming sessions. 40 7 Concept Development & Selection Once a substantial number of concept ideas have been generated, the development team must identify which of these ideas hold the most promise. This requires investigation of each concept idea and subsequent idea ranking and downselection. This phase represents a major shift in the product development process, away from focusing on extensive idea generation and towards idea refinement. It is frequently depicted by what is known as the "product development funnel." The net effect of the work in this phase will be the selection of a single product concept to move forward with, while discarding dozens more. The case project tackled concept down-selection in three stages, each of which will be examined in detail. A three-stage approach was chosen to optimize the time spent examining the potential of each brainstormed concept, and to attempt to avoid discarding potentially promising candidates too early. At each stage the definition of each concept idea becomes more refined, and the bar for proceeding to the next stage becomes higher. Stage 1 1 Product Concept 2 Finalists 20 Concepts 87 Ideas Stage 2 Stage 3 Figure 15: Idea down-selection occurs in three stages. 41 7.1 Identifying Worthwhile Concepts The first step in identifying worthwhile concepts is to define the criteria against which each brainstormed idea will be assessed. There are an endless number of criteria that could be used, and each concept down-selection initiative will be different depending on its particular market and organization. However, these criteria usually fall into one of three buckets, each of which aligns with one of the factors necessary for product success: market viability, technical feasibility, and user desirability. A common framework for generating criteria is called the "Real-Win-Worth-it" method, which was originally developed by 3M. This framework poses three questions to the product development team (Eppinger 2012): " Does the idea address a real opportunity? Is there a market need for this idea, and does the technology exist to actually develop the product? Does the idea address a perceived user need? At this point in the process, the development team should have sufficient familiarity with the relevant market and technology issues to answer these types of questions fairly accurately. " Can the company win with this idea? Does the idea align well with the company brand and market positioning, and does the company have the capabilities required to bring a superior product to market? For evolutionary products these questions can be fairly straightforward. When working on aspirational product concepts that may reside beyond the company's current purview, these questions demand more attention. " Is the idea worth pursuing? Will development and launch of this product idea result in substantial financial or strategic payout for the company? Again, aspirational product ideas demand significant attention when answering these types of questions. 42 Considering each brainstormed product concept along these three lines of inquiry can help the development team to generate appropriate rating criteria. During this very early-stage idea rating, it is critical to answer these questions quickly, often relying on the intuition of the members of the development team. Once each idea has been rated according to the selected criteria, the ideas are sorted by highest total numerical score, and down-selection can take place. In this first stage of down-selection, it is recommended that a significant portion of the ideas be kept. The relative portion of ideas to keep vs. discard depends on the resources available to the development team. The ideas that are kept will be further investigated and developed, so the number kept should be commensurate with the time available to the team. In the case project, six rating criteria were identified according to the Real-WinWorth-it framework: Real: " User Desirability " Feasibility / Technical Complexity " Generality / Specificity of Need Win: 0 Fit with Dell Strategy & Brand Worth-it: 0 Feature vs. Product vs. Solution Each idea was scored in each of these categories on a scale of one to three. Each rating was concretely defined in order to avoid ambiguity. This helped to ensure that the ratings for each idea were consistent and comparable. The definitions can be seen in Appendix 11.2. 43 Rating each of the 87 concept ideas along these ratings led to a total possible score of 15. Considering the time availability of the development team for further concept assessment, the top 20 concepts were selected to move on to stage two of down-selection. The lowest score amongst these 20 ideas was a 10 out of 15, indicating that many of the top 20 ideas had ratings of three across numerous of the rating criteria. 7.2 Concept Definition, Storytelling, and Down-Selection Once the top ideas from the opportunity discovery phase have been selected, additional due-diligence is required to make further down-selection decisions. The development team can spend additional time investigating the Real-Win-Worth-it questions previously identified. Alternatively, the team can attempt to more fully define each concept idea. A more precise definition in terms of user benefits and product features can help build consensus around what each idea really is, and can help to communicate the ideas to individuals outside of the development team. In the case project, each of the top 20 ideas was further defined in terms of both potential product features as well as main user benefits. These attributes were conveyed in the form of "concept stories." Each story consisted of a narrative description of the product, as well as a use-case scenario. This scenario was fabricated to imagine the way in which an end user might use the product, in an effort to communicate the main benefit of the product. The concept story for the case project can be seen in Appendix 11.3. When selecting final candidates from these top ideas, it was important to get input from colleagues outside of the immediate development team. The concept stories helped these outside advisors to understand the concept idea, and to provide their opinions and insights about the viability and likelihood of success of each of the concepts. The Rugged Marketing group was the primary stakeholder in the case 44 project, and this group was given executive authority to choose two of the top concept candidates to proceed for further investigation. Concept Refinement & Final Selection 7.3 Significant vetting is required to make a thoughtful decision as to which concept candidate should be pursued. This task consists primarily of continuing the work from the previous down-selection stage. The concept story should be further refined, product features should be clarified, and use cases should be elaborated upon. All of this information should be presented in such a way that each concept can be described and conveyed quickly and completely. Because of the significant expansion of resource expenditure required to advance a product concept beyond this phase, executive approval is often required before proceeding. Creating a concise and clear concept story to present to company leadership can be a very effective way of building excitement for the product concept. In the case project, these refined concept stories were presented to company leadership, which made a determination on which concept to pursue. 9' 7 400 r _ __ __ _ /VOTES Figure 16: Example of a storyboard from the case project. This particular example illustrates the main benefits and use cases for the wearable camera system. Storyboards can help to convey the complex benefits on a novel product much more quickly than verbal or written descriptions. 45 7.4 Organizational & Process Considerations The primary process consideration for the concept down-selection phase is standardization and documentation. Dell should strongly consider developing a company best-practice for both performing and documenting the work done here. The reasons for this are twofold. First, if all development teams use a common framework for selecting concept ideas, each time a new development team is formed the members will already have an agreed upon method for what can be a contentious step in the product development process. Second, documenting this process forms a record of the due-diligence performed when analyzing each concept idea. If, as often happens, after the down-selection phase a non-development team member challenges the culling of a particular concept idea, the documentation of that idea's ratings and its reason for rejection can settle disputes. Because this other colleague will be familiar with the standardized down-selection process, there should be little debate about the validity of the concept rejection decision. 46 8 Concept Refinement Once the final product concept has been selected, the goal of the development team is to advance the definition of the concept to the point that it can be pitched to an investor or buyer, or sent out for manufacturing quote. This effort spans a wide range of activities that convert the existing rough concept idea into a polished, coherent, and feasible product concept. 8.1 "A Guiding Light" - Defining a Key Point of Differentiation This phase of the product development process involves making subjective and at times divisive decisions about what the product concept is, and what it is not. These decisions will determine whether the product that is eventually developed stands apart as a differentiated, innovative product, or one that merely falls in with the rest of the pack. There are many tools and principles that designers and development teams use during this phase in an effort to stay on track. One principle that can be particularly useful is what the case project development team called the "guiding light." The concept of the guiding light is to concisely and explicitly define the product feature or benefit that makes the concept unique and differentiated amongst what is almost always a very competitive market space. Defining this concept attribute early in the concept refinement process, and gaining consensus amongst the development team and other stakeholders, can be very powerful as the refinement phase progresses. The guiding light of a concept can be invoked to settle disputes, make difficult feature trade-off decisions, and explain decisions to external stakeholders. In the case project, the guiding light was defined to be complete commitment to productivity enhancement.The importance of this determination will be reiterated several times through the remainder of this chapter. 47 8.2 Competitive Product Research An important step in defining the feature-set of a new concept is understanding what products are currently on the market. An assessment of existing products can lead to insight as to which features are required to compete, and which features have made the market leaders stand out in their field. Additionally, in technologycentric products, such as the case project, assessment of the component breakdown of competitive products can help the development team understand what is technically feasible with current product technology. Identifying which competitive products to research is the first step in this phase. This may sound trivial, but when developing an entirely novel product concept there may be no direct competitive products on the market. In this case, products that have a similar feature-set or benefit to the concept, but that target somewhat different user segments or industries, can be a good substitute. Once identified, these products should be assessed in a number of ways. First, any quantitative technical specifications should be noted. These quantitative values will serve as a point of comparison when selecting the performance characteristics of the product concept. Second, an assessment of the key differentiating attributes of each competitive product should be performed. This assessment should take into consideration the target user of each of these products, and consider what attributes that user would value. If the product concept is in fact a novel and differentiated idea, its guiding light attribute should provide an interesting lens by which to compare it to the competitive products in question. Each of these competitive products has their own unique feature set that makes them differentiated and valued by their target user segments. By analyzing these features according to the guiding light of the product concept, the development team should be able to identify a unique feature set to design into the product concept. Features present in competitive products that adhere to the guiding light principle should be included, and features or 48 performance characteristics that are lacking should be noted for inclusion on the product concept feature set. The product features identified through these quantitative and key differentiating attribute analyses should provide the development team with a broad set of features to consider designing into the concept. In the case project, no products existed on the market that directly competed in the intended target segment. Therefore, products that could potentially be considered "wearable data capture devices," but that target a different user group, were selected for assessment. These included products in the rapidly growing consumer "action camera" segment, as well as the relatively new and much-hyped "glasses-mounted computing" segment. Assessments were performed on the market leading products of both of these categories. All features that are quantifiable were noted, including battery life, optics quality, size, and weight. Then, the key differentiating attributes of each of these products was identified, as they might be perceived by the target user segment. The full details of the competitive analysis that was performed can be seen in Appendix 11.4. Action Cameras Key Differentiating Attributes * High Quality Video Glasses-Mount Computing * Hands Free Operation Guiding-Light * Improvements & Battery Life - * * Data Management Seamless Data Access 3 rd Extreme Ruggedness f Party Apps Ruggedness Image Quality Battery Life Figure 17: Assessment of key differentiating attributes and potential improvements for product segments similar to that of the product concept 49 These competitive products were then considered from the standpoint of improving them according to the guiding light attribute of the product concept. For example, the market leader in action cameras has been successful because of their superior optical and video processing quality, and the extreme ruggedness of their product. However, a similar product that was focused on a "complete commitment to productivity enhancement" - the guiding light attribute of the case project concept - would benefit from improvements in hands free operation, battery life, and data management simplification. This analysis helps to generate performance metrics through which the case project concept can stand out against established products. 8.3 Feature Specification and Trade-Off Analysis Having identified a substantial list of product features to potentially be included in the product concept, the development team must now pare down this list and finalize the actual feature-set to be included. This process can be thought of in a similar way to the concept generation and down-selection funnel discussed in sections 6 and 7. It is important to consider not just what value a specific feature will take, such as battery life, but also how each of these features will be delivered in the final product. In order to adequately assess the feasibility of various features, the development team must consider the various ways in which each feature can be implemented. This process of "feature decomposition" is similar to the established process of "functional decomposition" that is detailed by Ulrich & Eppinger (2012). A feature decomposition exercise is particularly helpful in hardware development projects where the device being developed can be created by combining a number of existing, mature technologies and components. A mini-brainstorm is held for each feature of interest, generating a list of how each feature could potentially be implemented. 50 User Feedback Visible Visible Feedback Mechanism Peripheral Vision LEDs HUD Audible Feedback Mechanism External Speaker Integrated Ear Piece Remote Ear Piece Accessory Audible Feedback Content Voice Tones Hybrid Tactile Feedback Mechanism Vibration Temple Prod _ Audible Tactile Remote Pendant LEDs Figure 18: Example feature decomposition, focusing on alternative options for implementing a user feedback feature. In the case project, 37 potential product features were identified for the product concept. A mini-brainstorm was then held, generating up to four potential implementations for each of these features. An example can be seen in Figure 17, illustrating the various ways in which feedback can be transmitted from the device to the user. The full results of the feature decomposition for the case project can be seen in Appendix 11.5. The resulting list from feature decomposition provides a tool for the development team with which to investigate the various combinations of components and technologies that can deliver the desired feature set for the product concept. Seeing a full list of feature implementation options can also provide the team with a good way to assess which features interact or interfere with one another. For example, in the case project, weight, battery life, and video quality were identified as important competitive features. It is immediately apparent that these features are in competition with one another. This led the development team to quickly agree that the battery on the device should be swappable, as opposed to integrated into the unit. 51 While some feature decisions can be made through a simple inspection of the feature decomposition list, it can be beneficial to wait to make a final determination about feature selection. The ecosystem in which the product will exist, mechanical component layout and aesthetic issues, and manufacturing requirements should all be considered before making final feature-set decisions. 8.4 Designing in an Ecosystem In today's computation and software-centric product market, hardware devices are rarely sold as standalone goods. Bundling of hardware with associated software, integration with mobile computing devices such as smartphones and tablets, and offering of additional hardware accessories are all commonplace practices. Therefore, when designing hardware products, the development team must take time to consider the impact of the software and computing ecosystem in which the concept product will reside. This consideration can have a significant impact on the feature-set that is ultimately designed in to the final product. A primary topic that the development team should consider is the opportunity to "off-board" certain product features to other elements of the product ecosystem. For example, certain features may be able to be removed from the core device simply by allowing it to pair with a smartphone or other computing device. Similarly, hardware accessories may allow for certain features to be removed from the core device. This offers users the option to add in the removed functionality by purchasing such accessories. In the case project, the decision was made to remove nearly all of the hardware configuration user interface elements from the core device and off-board them to a companion smartphone or tablet app. This decision required the addition of a Bluetooth chipset to the core device, but drastically simplified the resulting mechanical layout and aesthetic design of the device itself. 52 8.5 Mechanical Layout & Aesthetic Design Having generated a list of potential feature implementation options, the development team must now consider the mechanical layout of the components required to deliver the intended feature-set. The goal of creating mechanical layouts is not to finalize the detailed design of the internal geometry of the device, but to investigate what is, and is not, realistic in terms of component, feature, and technology combinations. This stage will bring certain feature incompatibilities to light, in some cases drastically simplifying feature selection decisions that seemed previously intractable. The end goal of creating mechanical layouts is to generate a realistic physical envelope of the functional components of the product concept. The goal is not to generate a detailed mechanical design of all engineered elements of the product concept. Before beginning a mechanical layout, the development team must identify which features are of highest importance to the success of the product. This feature ranking should be done through the lens of the guiding light of the product concept. If there are certain attributes of the concept that cannot be compromised on, or that must be included in the product for it to be viable, this should be noted before mechanical layout begins. These firm feature requirements can often guide or dictate decisions about other, subordinate product features. In the case project, device weight was identified as a critical feature. In keeping with the guiding light of "complete commitment to productivity enhancement," the development team determined that the device must be comfortably wearable by the user for an indefinite period of time. Usability research conducted at the host company indicated that this results in a maximum weight for a glasses-mounted device of about 60g. Another critical feature was circuit board area. In order to fit the chipsets required to provide the desired functionality, the total circuit board 53 area had to equal about 1400 mm 2 . These two features were locked in place as being immutable, with all other features subordinate. The next features of primary importance were frontal cross-sectional area and optics quality. Again, these features were identified using the guiding light principle. A small frontal area would keep the device comfortable and unobtrusive when used in a wearable configuration. High quality optics were required to ensure that a wide field of view of visual data could be collected and that that data was of high enough fidelity to be useful to the user. Optics quality was assumed to be correlated to the diameter of the optical element that would fit on a given layout. The development team then generated a number of mechanical layouts. These layouts all adhered to the two immutable features, weight and board area, but varied in their success in minimizing frontal area while maximizing optical area. The weight requirement dictated the use of a fairly small battery. The development team realized that stacking a round battery above the circuit board created the option of having a roughly triangular cross-section for the device. A circular optical element could then be circumscribed within this triangular cross-section, providing a small frontal area and a large optical element. A summary of this feature selection process can be seen here: Optical Area: Maximize - Circumscribed Circular Optics Frontal Area: Minimize <6 g h: Weig- -Small, Circular Battery ~~~ Stacked Battery & Board 0Triangular CrossSection - .,Bo~ard Width rBoard Area: 1400 mm2 / - Overall Board Length * Overall Device Length Figure 19: Chain of feature and mechanical layout decisions. The feature requirement at each step of the chain is in the top of each box, and the resulting decision is detailed below. 54 The resulting cross-section layout can be seen here: 115 05 - 0.5 Figure 20:Cross-section of mechanical layout of case project device. Dimensions are in mm. The circular element is the battery,the rectangular element is the circuit board, and the triangular shape is the overall device cross-section and housing dimensions. The resulting cross-section, length, and component placement decisions represent the completed mechanical layout. This layout was then provided to a team of industrial product designers. The designers were tasked with developing an attractive, functional design to "wrap" around the mechanical layout. Industrial and aesthetic design was not a primary focus of the case project, so the topic will not be addressed in detail in this paper. However, the approach for making feature tradeoff decisions during industrial design should follow the same guiding light principle that has been invoked throughout this phase. 8.6 Manufacturing Considerations Having selected a mechanical layout that optimizes the product concept featureset, and arrived at a desirable aesthetic design, the development team must investigate potential approaches for mass production. Seeing as the overall goal of the concept refinement phase is to add enough detail to the concept to ensure that it is feasible, some consideration must be given to the manufacturability of the design. The goal of these manufacturing-specific considerations is to ensure that the product concept feature-set and mechanical layout are realistic and can be produced in a cost-effective manner. As in the mechanical layout stage, the goal here is not to fully define the manufacturing process for the product concept. 55 In the case project, two general approaches to manufacturing and assembly were considered. The primary custom component with significant flexibility as to its method of production was the main housing of the core device. This component was to be made out of metal, and could be either machined from a solid billet or casting, or stamped. Both processes were assessed from a high-level, considering complexity of manufacturing and complexity of assembly. A cursory review of both options, along with the intuition of the development team, led to stamping being selected as the manufacturing method of choice. Again, the goal of these manufacturing inquiries is not to fully define the manufacturing or assembly method that will be employed. These details are often worked out with the supplier that will be contracted to produce the product. However, sufficient detail was added to the mechanical layout and aesthetic design models to give the development team confidence that a stamped main housing was feasible. The resulting component layout can be seen in these cross-section and exploded view models: Figure 21: Cross-sectional view of final device design, based on mechanical layout, aesthetic design, and manufacturing considerations 56 Housing Insert Mi C Housing Shell Back Gasket Control Dial Lens Optics Spring Cover LED Ring Dial Control Gasket LensLens Body Lens Cover Ring Toggle Switch Insert PogoArray USB Memory Daughterboard Interface Retention Mother-board cent 5 Figure 22: Exploded-view of final device design, based on mechanical layout, aesthetic design, and manufacturing considerations 8.7 Organizational & Process Considerations The activities outlined in this chapter span a wide range of disciplines and represent a significant portion of the time spent during the overall concept development effort. As such, there are many process and organizational considerations and trade-offs that could be made. The remainder of this chapter will focus on three recommendations to improve Dell's capabilities and effectiveness in this stage. The process consideration that comes up earliest in the concept refinement phase is standardizing the use of the guiding light principle. Development teams at Dell must make a serious effort to define the single, overriding, differentiating attribute that will make the product unique in the market. This attribute is the product's reason for being, and should be clearly articulated, understandable, and agreed upon by all people and groups involved in the development effort. Defining a strong guiding light, and ensuring that this guiding light is not skewed or forgotten, should become a key step in the development of every new product at the company. 57 This will ultimately help Dell deliver more differentiated, interesting, and successful products to market. Another process consideration concerns the technological complexity of the product segment in which Dell operates. This complexity makes it critical that development teams at the company have very strong technical understanding and capabilities. To this end, Dell has focused on recruiting product, manufacturing, and technology savvy designers into EDG. This is commendable, as generating realistically feasible product concepts cannot be done without this technology sensitivity. However, because of Dell's new strategic interest in expanding its product offerings - both in terms of hardware and software - it is critical that EDG expand its technical purview. Engineers with strong mechanical, electrical, manufacturing, and software training and experience should be integrated into the various teams within EDG. This will drastically improve development teams' ability to generate feasible product concepts, especially when dealing with non-traditional Dell products. A final process consideration for Dell is increasing the integration of the supply chain group into this early phase of the product development process. This is particularly true for novel, first-to-market ideas such as in the case project. Part of assessing the feasibility of a product concept is determining if and how the product will be made. It is not reasonable to assume that the company's existing contract manufacturing partners will have the manufacturing process capabilities required to make products significantly outside of Dell's normal product range. While the technology and manufacturing-inclined designers of EDG likely have strong intuition on what can and cannot be produced, they do not have good visibility of what Dell's manufacturers can and cannot produce. Bringing supply chain and manufacturing groups into this early phase of development can increase this visibility. It will also serve to increase the lead-times that supply chain groups have to develop new capabilities and manufacturing partners, or find new partners with 58 the required capabilities. This early involvement of the supply chain organization is critical to ensuring fast time-to-market, especially on aspirational ideas. 59 9 Recommendations and Conclusion Several recommendations to improve Dell's product development capability are identified throughout this paper, and will be summarized in the following section. 9.1 Recommendations on Product Development at Dell Inc. The various organizational and process recommendations identified throughout this paper are recounted below. Recommendations on Market and Contextual Research: * The creation of a dedicated early-stage market research group that would serve to assess the quality of suspected product or market opportunities. This group would focus solely on new and aspirational product opportunities, as opposed to monitoring the various markets in which Dell already operates. The purpose of this new group is to avoid the misrepresentation of opportunities in terms of scale or scope, and the subsequent inappropriate pursuit or abandonment of product development initiatives. Recommendations on Opportunity Discovery: * An increased focus on involving groups outside of EDG, such as marketing and supply chain, in product brainstorming sessions. These groups have a vested interest in the success of Dell's new product introductions, and significant insight into the markets in which Dell competes. This extensive knowledge and passion is invaluable, and would bring new perspectives into brainstorming sessions. Because of the physical 60 isolation of the EDG offices, members of EDG should actively pursue marketing, supply chain, and sales inclusion in brainstorming sessions. Recommendations on Concept Development and Selection: * The standardization of the product down-selection process. This will accelerate the work of development teams because each time a new development team is formed the members will already have an agreed upon method for what can be a contentious step in the product development process. Additionally, documenting this process forms a record of the due-diligence performed when analyzing each concept idea. This should serve to avoid extended conflict and debate over concept selection or rejection. Recommendations on Concept Refinement: * The standardization of the guiding light principle. Any product's key reason for being should be clearly articulated, understandable, and agreed upon by all people and groups involved in a development effort. Defining a strong guiding light, and ensuring that this guiding light is not skewed or forgotten, should ultimately help Dell deliver more differentiated, interesting, and successful products to market. " Expanding the technical capabilities of EDG. Because of Dell's new strategic interest in expanding its product offerings, it is critical that EDG expand its technical purview. Engineers with strong mechanical, electrical, manufacturing, and software training and experience should be integrated into the various teams within EDG. This will drastically improve development teams' ability to generate feasible product concepts. 61 * Integrating the supply chain group into the early phases of the product development process. Part of assessing the feasibility of a product concept is determining if and how the product will be made. While the technology and manufacturing-inclined designers of EDG have strong intuition on what can and cannot be produced, they do not have good visibility of what Dell's manufacturers can and cannot produce. Bringing supply chain and manufacturing groups into this early phase of development can increase this visibility. This early involvement of the supply chain organization is critical to ensuring fast time-to-market, especially on aspirational ideas. 9.2 Conclusion The body of work contained herein should have served to develop an understanding of how applying standard product development processes can successfully help development teams identify promising opportunities and then develop those ideas into feasible product concepts. The case study project should have provided numerous examples of those processes in action, and provided evidence of the robustness and effectiveness of the process that was followed. The concept generated through the author's work in the Experience Design Group at Dell, Inc. was pursued for the issuance of intellectual property and further development, and as such can be seen as a successful concept development exercise. 62 10 References Arthur, C. (2014). How the 'Value Trap' Squeezes Windows PC Makers' Revenues and Profits. [Online] Available at http://www.theguardian.com/. [Accessed: 22-Feb2014]. Arthur, C. (2013). Dell Eyes Wearable Computing Move as PC Business Keeps Slumping. [Online]. Available at http://www.theguardian.com/. [Accessed: 22-Feb2014]. Dediu, H. (2012). The Rise and Fall of Personal Computing. [Online] Available at http://www.asymco.com/. [Accessed: 22-Feb-2014]. Griffin, A., Hauser, J. (1993). The Voice of the Customer. Marketing Science, Vol. 12, No.1 (Winter), 1-27. Holzner, S. (2006). How Dell Does It. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, V-10, 63-72. Markham, S. K., Lee, H. (2013). Product Development and Management Association's 2012 Comparative Performance Assessment Study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 30, No. 3, 408-429. Lee, T.B. (2014). The PC is Dead, and this Year's CES Proves it. [Online] Available at http://www.washingtonpost.com/. [Accessed: 22-Feb-2014]. Sherr, I. (2012). Dell's M&A Strategy has Helped it to Diversify. [Online]. Available at http://www.marketwatch.com/. [Accessed: 22-Feb-2014]. Ulrich, K. T., Eppinder, S.D. (2012). Product Design and Development, 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 47-49, 121-123. 63 for bluetooth calls 3 -Docks tablet only for faster z- uses neaopnone jack to piug into aux audio of car. Important rD M, M -w OrD x Ml m 3 0 CL I-A Fn CL (D "a I-A Cv 1 - remotes into pcs 11.2 Case Project Down-Selection Criteria Definitions User Desirability: 1- Will not be understood or desired by its intended target users. 2- Will be moderately desired by its intended target users. 3- Will be strongly desired by its intended target users. Feasibility / Technical Complexity: 1- Significant technical development necessary. 2- Achievable with a low to moderate level of technical development. 3- Achievable by primarily combining existing mature components or technologies. Generality / Specificity of Need: 1- Delivers on needs of a specific or unique sub-set of field computing users. 2- Delivers on needs of a moderate number of field computing users. 3- Delivers on needs of the majority of field computing users. Fit with Dell Strategy & Brand: 1- Poor fit. Idea is strategically or categorically misaligned. 2- Decent fit. Idea may be on periphery of current Dell strategy and could open new strategic avenues. 3- Strong fit. Idea is aligned with either Dell's current range of offerings, or with current business vision. Feature vs. Product vs. Solution: 1- A product element that can be applied to many different end-products, or, an element that is in and of itself not a complete product. 2- An end-product that can be sold discretely, either as a complete end-use device or as an accessory. 3- An aspirational idea that must be supported by multiple discrete products. 66 11.3 Case Project Concept Story This is a wearable computing / display product that could be stand-alone or be integrated with a number of different field-worker safety products, such as hardhats or safety glasses. It is a HUD that allows the worker to reference text and image information, take photos / video, record voice-information, and can act as the worker's primary display. The device could be a self-contained computer, or be connected to a computing device elsewhere on the worker. The HUD could be controlled in a self-contained way, or be integrated with I/O and UI elsewhere on the worker, either via a tablet or some form of wearable device. Amanda is a windmill inspector and repairwoman. She spends her days climbing windmill towers and repelling down windmill blades. She needs to be able to take a lot of photographs of her work, as well as be able to read work orders and other notes with her hands free. With her safety glasses with integrated HUD, she can do all of these things. The glasses are wired to a computing system on her belt, which allows for a very long battery life and full computer power routed into her glasses. When Amanda needs to take notes, she does so via a forearm mounted keyboard, which is also connected to the computer on her belt. 67 Battery (mAh) Ruggedness Software Functionality I/O User Feedback Wireless Audio In Dimensions (in) Weight (g) Heads-Up Display No Bluetooth Mono Audible Wi-Fi No Wi-Fi Mono No On-Board Button Wi-Fi Mono No On-Board Button submersible Add-on, 200' resistant, proof available submersible No 5' submersible Studio Add-on, 200' Free App, Free Studio Studio Water Studio Studio controller body Button Free App, Free Button Free App, Free Free App, Free Buttons on Free App, Free / remote WiFi, Bluetooth Mono 802.11 b/g/n Mono .9 x .67 x 3.33 1 x 1.25 x 3.75 1.5 x 2.4 x 1.2 1.5 x 2.4 x 1.2 / remote N/A body: 2.3 x 3.7 x 1 22 74 73 73 No Large App Selection Voice ? 42 ? 167, camera 30 365 1250 1050 1050 camera: 1 x 2.6 12 GB No No microSD 2GB No No microSD No microSD No microSD Storage (on board) Storage (add on) ? ? 60 120 120 135 Video Time (1080p) 65 720 160 1080(60) 65.5 480(30) 75 1080(3) 120 or 170 4K (15) 120 or 170 1080 (30) FoV (degrees) Video Qual 5 5.3 ? ? 12 5 Pixels (MP) 1500 6 300 100 glasses Ear-piece controller 240 accessories 330 accessories accessories 200 Integrated into separate 5 accessories & Box w/ mounting mounting 4 Box w/ 3 Box w/ mounting 2 Box w/ mounting 1 Form Factor Price Product C CD CD (D CD CD CD F+ n, U, (AI 0 0A (A CLMI C 3 ID 0 0 .P" 11.5 Feature Decomposition Results Feature Option 1 Mounting Wearable Detachable User Customizable Aiming Mechanism Location Mount Integrated Manual Aiming Operation Image Orientation Calibration Manual User Input Voice Input Gesture Input Physical Keys Voice Mic on Unit Camera Based Buttons on Unit Option 3 Option 2 Option 4 Camera Integrated Automatic Automatic (IMU) Gesture Physical Keys Remote Mic Mic on Boom Additional Sensor Remote Control Pendent Visible User Feedback Visible Feedback Mechanism Peripheral Vision LEDs Audible HUD Audible Feedback Mechanism External Speaker Voice Audible Feedback Content Tactile Feedback Mechanism Vibration Integrated Ear Piece Tones Temple Prod Tactile Remote Pendant LEDs Remote Ear Piece Accessory Hybrid Hybrid Physical Comms Integration Voice via BT Voice & Video via Wi-Fi Photo Quality Video Quality Image Processing FoV (degrees) Optical Zoom Lens Construction Flash / Lamp 1-5 MP 480 p On Board 60-90 None Integrated None 5-10 MP 720p Battery Integration Battery Capacity (video) Charging Integrated 2-3 hours USB Cable Swappable 3-5 hours Dock Accessory 5+ hours Pogo Pin outside USB hatcl Tablet Integration Data Storage Data Transmission Real Time Sync None Wired Only None On Board, Fixed BT BT On Board, Expandable Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Voice Command Processing Voice to Text Processing None None On Board On Board Outsourced to Computing Device Outsourced to Computing Device Privacy No Features Physical Camera Shutter Physical Mic Shutter Ruggedness Dust Protection Water Protection Drop Temp 1/O Accessibility Dust Fully Dust Proof Hose-Directed Stream Fully Drop Proof Full Temp Range Removable Caps Water Drop Additional Compatability Webcam BT Headset 10+ MP 1080p 120-150 90-120 Point & Shoot Equivalent Replacable / Changeable Integrated LED Flash / Lam Remote Flash / Lamp Submersible Capless-Accessible 69 >1080p >150 BT & Wi-Fi Temp