(f)5-3 - an Souro* Materals and __sm #3F tLum On Con gfary China in Eatern Institut4ixm Chao Kuc -hu CAN-t~rf OrXatr~at,-'W,* jut " StwI $t4A95 £ I Report on Recent (1950-1953) Chinese Source Materials and Research Projects Regarding Contemporary China in the Leading Eastern Institutions as of Mid une, 1953 Institutian Library of Congress Research Project Materials Dr. Chang, on a State Depto grant, made a study on ideological and political implications of Chinese Communismo All important books, monographs and periodicals from the Chinese mainland at the L. of Co are available at the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard. An excellent collection of current local newspapers from Communist China; most of them are not available elsewhere in the U.S.A4 (For dctailed items, see Appo I) Columbia University East Asian Library Lass nsian institute Princeton University yale University University Library Institute of Far Eastern Langru-ags No research projects are being carried out on contemporary China, ac::ording to Mr. Hsu Liang, one of the librarians at Orientalia, L. of Co Som Chinese researchers are Very little recent Chinese material, according to a member of the East Asian Institutes that is not available at HarvardwYenching Library compiling a documentary study of the' Chinese Commfunist moveunder ment the direction ot Profo iiartin Wilbur. Dr. Allen Whiting wrote a dissertation on Sino-Soviet relations in the 1920's which will be published this summer,, Practically no recent materials regarding No research projectP ,n contemporary China Gnd no iaterials are forthcoming according to Mr. S, K. Tung, Librarian of the Chinese Section of the Princ eton Library o Chinese Communism or communist China are in A small collection of Chinese mate4rials Thu was brought bac, ,: y Dr, Talker from Hongkong in September 1952, but all tV a-e major items are available at progresSo : gre 'hinese er a students r Libliographical] : w;ocrks on Ciuner Profe Rowe 0 COMMENTS lo Although few new items of recent Chinese source materials, except mainland newtipapers, are found during the trip to the leading Eastern insti. tutions, it :1 not without positive value to confirm that harvard-Yenching, plus certain private collections, is comparatively the best place to conduct academic research on Communist China or Chinese Comunism so far as the availability of recett Chinese materials is concerned. 24 Harvard -Yenching L'.brary not only has the best and largest collection of Chinese books, monographs and periodicals on contemporary and modern China, but is the only lnstitution in the East (probably in the whole country) where the following maj r sources are available inielatively c omplete filess Hsik-hua Yu-a (Yew China Monthly, Peking, which is the best single source, from Iovembir 1949 to December 1952, except January - July 1952 issues0 CENIS has the photostatic copies of March-April 1952 issues) Jen-mi jihp (Piople's Daily, Peking, most authoritative CCP organ, frva February 6, :949 to May 5, Jaauary-March 195)); and Chigc 1953, except issues of March 1952 and hou-po (Economic Weekly, Shanghi, best source on r3onomic problems in Communist China),, For detailo, Ve Appendix II & JIo 3. The only ;sible institution which may add considerable items to the Harvard-Yenching allection is the Hoover Institute and Library on Peace and War at Palo Alto, .alifornia. However, from a list which included Chinese mat4iAals publitad on t.e mainland between 1951 and 1952 made available to mt in Jugust 1952 ,y Mrs. Mary Wright, Curator of the Chinese Section of the Huooer Library now rr leave, no -major items are found that are not obtainable at Harvard-enn.ngo It is desirable to secure a list of non-literary Chineso materials a s.uired by Hoover since July 1952. Chinese Newpapers Published on the Chinese Mainland and Available at Crientalia Library of Gon ges, Washingt Title o T; ~As ofeealy June 1953) o English Translation Place Published Perieg Available An-hui jih-pao Anhwei Daily Hofei June 1952=Dev. 1952, Ch' a-ha-erh jih-pao Chahar Daily Kalgan 1951 Ch'ang-chiang jih-pao Yangtse Daily Hankow 1950-Noro 1952 Che-chiang jihpao, Chekiang Daily Hangohow 1950-1952 Chiang-hsi jih-pao Kiangsi Daily Nanchang 1950-1952 Chieh-fang Jih-pao Emancipation Daily Shanghai 1950-1952 Ch'ing-tao jih-pao, Ts ingtao Daily Tas ingtao 1950-1952 Ch'un-chung jih-pao Mass Daily Sian 195174uly 1952 Fu-chien jih-pao Fukien Daily Foochow 1951=1952 Ho-nan jih-pao Honan Daily Kaifeng Novo 1950 Ho-pei jih-pao Hopei Daily Paoting 1950-Nov Hin-chiang jih-pao Sinkiang Daily Tihua (Urumchi) May 1951 Hain-hua jih-pao, New China Daily Nanking 1949-1952 Hin-nng-ts un pao New Rural Daily Kiukan g 't950-1952 Hein-suchou pa* New Soochow Daily Soochow 1950-1952" Hein-wen jih-pao News Daily Shanghai 1950=Des,, 1952 Hu-pei jih-pao Hupeh Daily Wuchang 1950=1952 Hua-ch iao jih-pao, Overseas Chinese Daily Hongkong 1950=1952 *952 Ii Title -_Englianslation Place Published Period ,vailabT Kuang-ming jih-pao Light Daily lientsin then Peking 19504952 Kung-jen jih-pao Workers's Daily Peking 1952-1952 Lao-tung pao Labor Daily Shanghai 1950-1952 Nan-fang jih-pao South Daily Canton Jan. 1950-Nov, 1952 Ning-po jih-pao Ningpo Daily Ningpo 1949-1950 Shan-hsi jih-pao Shinsi Daily TO ayuan 19501952 Shih-chia-ohuang jih-pao Shihchiachuang DaiVy Hopei 19504952 Su-nan jih-pao South Kiangsu Daily Wushih 1950-1951 Su-pei jih-pao North Kiangsu Daily Yangohow 1950-1952 Ta-ohung jih-pao Mass Daily Tainan 1950-1952 Teen-chin jih-pao Tientsin Daily Tientsin 1950Oct Tung-pei jih-pao Northeast Daily !Iukden Dec, 1949-Dec<9 soy,; 1952 NOTE8 There are missing issues in almost, all tk abova newspapero 1952 5 APPENDIX II Collections at the Harvard-Yenching Library, as of 1952 (Information obtaL ned from Dr. A. Kai-ming Oh' iu, Librarian of the Harvard-Yenching Library) 1 The total number of volumes in the Harvard-Yenching Library amounts to 237,000, mainly in Chinese and Japanese with a few scattered in other lan= guages of Eastern Asia, such as Korean, Mongolian, fibetan and Manchu, 2. The total number of Chinese publications amounts to 192,340 voluines, of which about 10 per cent deals with political and economic matterso 3. Contemporary Chinese works in titles and volumes acquired by the Harvard-Yenching Library in the post-war period (up to 1952) are statistically sunarised in the following table: Year 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 Titles 950 Volumes h40o 600 500 535 497 1,700 600 564 550 1951-52 1,900 2,9500 1946-1952: 4,982 9,914 4o For detailed items on the major Chinese general references, newspapers and periodicals which deal with Communist China, please see Appendi-r 1l, 6 APPENDIX III Major Chinese General References, Newspam and Periodicals on doumunist ChinaLi~n the Harvard-Yenching brary, Harvard University (I). General Reference aterials Ao Chung-hua nien-cien,, 1948 (China Yearbook of 1948), China Yearbook Association, Nanking, 2 vols., 1949, 2080 po (Personal copy) 2o Chung-hua en-min kung-ho-kuo san-nien-lai ti wei-ta ch' en -hin (Great Achievemantasoof the People Republic ChN n h Past T e ears), Jen-min Pub, Co., Peking, Dec. 1952, 172 p. 3o h tst!.am oh Isa' fa-11 hui- en (Compendium of Laws and con a isa of the Central GOvernment), compiled by FEC, GAC, Hsin-hua Book Co., Peking, 1st Series, Aug0 1950, 824 p.I 2nd Series, June 1951, 1149 p. 4o Hain-Ch -knio ien-wu-chih (Biograp hies of Personalities of New China), Chou-mo Pub o Hog 1 P. (179 men and 29 women leaders of Communist China) (Personal copyi 5o Hain-min-tsu tas'u-tien, (Encyclopaedia of New T£ms), Ch'un-ming Pub. Society, Shanghai, 1952, M p. 6,o Hgm Yings T -cta±Rh .mo, shih- eh *ri-a-chih (Biographies of Industrialists of Conemporary (28 leading Chinese entrepreneurs; Coaunist China) (Personal copy) ng, U 0 Co,, Shanghai, 1948.' 202 po h now dead, and about 20 are now in 7. Hu Hua, editor, Chung-kno hin-min-chu chu-i ko-ming-shih tas an-k' ao tsu-liao (Source Materials for the Studfy of the History of New Democratie RevolUtion in China), Commercial Fress, Shanghai, 1951, 494 Po 8. Hua-shn pao shou-tse, 1949 (Handbook of Hua-shang Pao of 1949), Hongkong, sban Jaily, 1949, 390 po 90 Hua-t -chlu ts'ai-oheng -chi fa-lin hui-pien (Compendium of Laws and Rgat n Regarding Finang and Econoi Policies for the East China Region), compiled by FEC, East China Military and Political Committee (East Chim Adminitrative Commission since January 1953), Shanghai, Sept, 1951, 2 vols, 2033 Po 100 I-chiu wu-san nien ching-chi nien-pao (Economic Yearbook of 1953), Ching-chi tao-pao she, Hongkong, February 1953, 252 po 110 Jen-min nien-chien, 1950 (People's Yearbook of 1950), ra-kung Book Co. Hongkong, .950, 3 P 12o Jon-min shou-ts'e, 1950, 1951, and 1952 (Peoples Handbook, 1950, 1951 and 1952 editions), Ta-kung pao, dhangb, April 1950, 271 po Feb. 1951, 2 vois, 559 P.; and Aug. 1952, 582 po 7 APPENDIX III ( 3. Mao etng hSuan-ehi (Collected Works of Mao T*--tung) (The Norhea) book Go., kiarbin, May 1948, 999 p. iung pe 16. Mao, Ze-tung hapan-ehi (Collected Works of Mao fse-tung), Jen-min Pub. Co., Peking, 1st volume pub. in August 1951, 296 p.; 2nd volume pub0 in March 1952i 786 p. Preface states, among other points, that "the" works of Chairman Mao, written from March 1926 to May 1941, have been proof-read by the author himself and a few revisions are made." 3rd volume is also published but not yet available hereo N . !L'" - (Handbook on Agricultural I~ I%,,206J) 16. an-nien-lai hein-Chun -kao ching-chi ti cheng-chiu (Economic Achieve ments of Now C in the Past 11ree Years), Jn--mn Pub. Goc, keking Jan0 19 5 3 192 pe 7. Ting Fang agd Lo I, Hain ta'ai-cheng-hauh chiao-chk (Textbook on New Finance), Shih-yueh Pub, C~1951T ola 597 fc 18. Tu-pao shou-tsIe, 190 (Handbook for Newopaper Reading, 1950), Chanagkiang Jih-pa(Yangtze Daily), Hankow, Aug. 1950, 879 p. with 235 p. in ad ia4. 19. T' u-ti kai-ke chng ao wen-chien hui-chi (Compendium of Important on Agrarian Reform), Jen-ain Pub Co., Peking, 1951, 155 p4 20. lee-mm .4 .1 ~. W1rsn COW). Sb hlh-m te' u-tien (People'' s raotiad Enoyviosdia F bra 1953 9080 p 8 APPgNDIX III (116 )0 Nesapr .- 2han ih- o (!angtse Daily), Hankow. ~Jly I95O-JiiW1952 issues (incomplete). 10 2. -Chieh- iAh-o (Emnipation Daily), Zenan then Shanghai 0 oer 9 -February 1949 and June 1-July 4, 1952c 3o Hain-hua-jih-po (New China Daily), Chungkingo August. to February 1947 (1942-1946 issues available at Hoover Library),, 4. fua-oh'iao 5a Jen-min ih(People a Daily), Peking, leading Comnmist organo Fibi~iV 6, 1949-May 5, 1953 (March 1952, January-March 1953 not available). 6b Nan-fan ih-o (South China Daily), Cantono STO-November 30, 1950 and Sept. W=November 2, 19520 7 Shen Pao (Shanghai Daily), shanghai, independent-conaervative Xust 1923 to May 1949. (A few issues missing) 8 T ih- o (China Daily News), New York. (omplete file). (o paq (Ta-kung Daily), indpendent-left November 1929-Decsmber 1941 (Almost complete, Tientsin, Shanghai) October 1942-March 1943 (incomplete) May 18-August 161 December 1-31, 1944 (Chungking edition) January 1945-March 1946 (c king edition) April 12, 1946-December 5, 19 (Tientain, almost complete) August 5, 1946-November 21, 1948 (Shanghai, almost complete) May 15-December 31, 1950 (Shanghai, almost complete) October 1949-December 1950 (Hong Kong) Current (Hong Kong) 9. Wen-huipao (Wen-hui Daily), hanghai then Hongkong left, 1946 to date (with many missing issues). j 9 APPNDIX II Perid (III)o 1~s ( Otlook), weeksy, abangbai Febrary19$3 (Insouuplete). 1. 2. 3. M-chi bomr Ch~nqchg o (Economic Weekly), Shangha -April 1953 (with a few issues missing). (The Mases), Weekly, Shanghai then Hongkong June 946-November 1949 (with a few issues missing). (louth of China), Bi-monthly, Peking a chi 1iFJiune 1,510 and No. 9 1953 (maw issues missing) MiW 4w 5.Woer of China), Bi-monthly, Peking. A ZW ,8104,In 1.950 and 1951 t a Hain-chien-she (New Reconstrution), Bi-mothly, dhangha 194-MAY 1.953 (with missing issues). t Han-ChungkuO fu-A (Women of New China), Bi-monthly August 195April 1953 (with missing issues). 8e Hin-hu Peking0 (New China Monthly), Peking0 to December 1951, except June 1951a (Jan.-Deo personal coy) March-April 1952 (photostatic cop, CENIS, M.I.To) August-December 1952. N e19 9o Reln-knan-oh'a (New Observer), Bi-aonthly, Peking. 5-ay 1953 (with some issues missing) Jt Bi-uonthly reking. 10. Heaseb-bi (dtu) seiweber 199 -April 1953 (with a few issues unavailable)0 11, Jain chia= January 1 (People'A Education), Bi-monthly, Peking. 1953 (Sporeaic issues only). 12. en-ain, hou (People's Weekly), Peking. 7DI 1550-December 1952 (a few issues unavailable)o 13. uan-h'a (Observer), Bi-monthly9 ShmnghaL predecessor to A71st oeiplete file, September 1946-May 1950. - P I n 1951 10 (KUo-Wn Weets), Shanghai then Tient3sin0. -~Iiis96 to 1935 (ith a few issues missing). 5. Li-sbib bhi-hsleh (Histr Tecshing), monthly, Tientain. Jamiiir l95-ovmber 1952 (inoompte). 16. BiEaftm s)-monthly, Shanghai, Noes Appendix III inolude only major Chines* soure mtertials on contemmporary ChIna av4lable at Harvard-lenohing Library,. For .*m of the important English souroes on the same period, please see *elected Works 'in English. for a tpical, 5ml"o Oder GhinAg .1M0-1952, containfing497 Its~rrdeir topical headingas The bibliography, compiled by t he author of this report, is reproduced and diatributed on a limited scale by the Reg n Studies Progra on East Asia, Harvard University, in November 1952.