Kings Road Primary School History Presentation

The History of
Kings Road Primary School
By Ethan WA and Sam C
• Here is the history of Kings Road Primary
School, Chelmsford.
• Surprisingly, we didn’t know most of the
information you are about to learn, so
please enjoy!
The beginning
• The school was built in 1928 as a
separate Infant and Junior school.
• It was not until 2000 that it was merged to
become an joint Infant and Junior school.
I remember 1952 …
• We asked our caretaker, Mr. French, what
the school was like when he came here
in 1952, so the next couple of slides are
about what we found out from him.
I remember 1952 …
• The boys were separate from the girls, so the
school was split down the middle.
• The children were 5-7 years (the Infants) and
the children from 8-11 years (the Juniors).
• Disgustingly, in 1952, they had outside toilets!
Just think how cold that must have been
• Finally, most pupils went home for lunch as
they lived so nearby
Old entrance for boys
Information from 1952
• Here is a comparison of the number of
students in 1952 and 2011
• 40 students per class
25 students per class
• 1 teacher per class
1 teacher per class
• 0 LSAs (Assistants)
1-3 LSAs per class
Head Teacher havoc!
• Here is a funny story from 1952:
– On a snowy day all the children came into
school, built a giant slide out of ice and all
started sliding down it. Suddenly, disaster
struck, the Head Teacher came outside!
Though, instead of telling them all off
he said:
– “Can I have a go?” so he did, but, unluckily,
broke his arm in the process!
The Marconi Hut
• An ex-Army Hut from 1st World War
• Achieved fame in 1922 as Radio Station 2MT
(Two Emma Toc), Britain’s first regular licensed
sound broadcasting station.
• In 1960 the PTA of Kings Road School moved
the hut to their playing field where it was the
sports pavilion for 30 years.
• Donated to the Museums Service
• Re-erected in Sandford Mill Engine House
in 1992.
Images of the
Marconi Hut
Can be viewed at Sandford Mill
and Oaklands Park Museum,
Famous pupils
• A famous England/West Ham football
player who scored a hat-trick in the 1966
World Cup final was once a pupil at
our school.
• His name is, of course, Geoff Hurst and
there is now a house at our school named
after him (Hurst).
Famous pupil 2
• Another famous pupil who attended
Kings Road Primary School was
goalkeeper Mervyn Day (born 1955),
who played for West Ham United and is
now Head Scout for
Leeds United.
• He also managed Carlisle
United Football Club.
Map 1
• Here is a map of our school from 1998
Map 2
• Here is a map from 2011. Can you see the
Birds eye view 1
• Here is a birds eye view picture of our
school, though we don’t know when it
was taken.
Birds eye view 2
• Here is another birds eye view of our
school, which was taken in approx. 2009.
• Thanks for watching, from Ethan
and Sam!