Private v. Public Subsidies: An Analysis of Chapter 774 Subsidies For The Production of Low and Moderate Income Rental Housing by David Searson Carter Bachelor of Science Bates College 1982 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER, 1988 David Searson Carter 1988 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the Author I -vd c-ar on Ca rte r Department of Architecture August 8, 1988 Certified by_ Michael Wheeler Visiting Professor of Urban Studies and Planning Thesis Supervisor Accepted by _- -Michael Wheeler Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development 1 MASSACIUSGE-TS INSTIilE OFTENLG SEP 20 1988 LIBRARIES MfI Libraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The Appendix section of this thesis contains text that is illegible. Private v. Public Subsidies: An Analysis of Chapter 774 Subsidies For The Production of Low and Moderate Income Rental Housing by David Searson Carter SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT Massachusetts "anti-snob zoning law" - Chapter 774 - allows qualifying developers of affordable housing to overcome local regulating barriers by expediting the permitting process and over-riding exclusionary zoning. As presently interpreted, the law applies only to developers receiving a "state or federal subsidy. " This study questions the appropriateness of that requirement. It introduces the concept of a private subsidy as a possible alternative to the state and federal programs. A financial analysis of the subsidy programs that currently qualify under Chapter 774 to create low and moderate income rental housing is used to determine the "economic value" of each. The programs are compared and contrasted to a private subsidy alternative through a discounted cash flow method of analysis. The results of the study indicate that a private subsidy would, under certain conditions, be a valuable addition to the current programs. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 -----------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION 4 Chapter 774; An Overview CHAPTER 2 --------------------------------------------- 9 Chapter 774; Standards and Process CHAPTER 3 --------------------------------------------STATE HOUSING ASSISTANCE FOR RENTAL PRODUCTION Outline of (SHARP) Program SHARP Point System SHARP Analysis 16 CHAPTER 4 --------------------------------------------- 29 TAX EXEMPT LOCAL LOANS TO ENCOURAGE RENTAL HOUSING Outline of (TELLER) Program TELLER Analysis CHAPTER 5 --------------------------------------------- 32 LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT Outline of (TRA '86) Tax Credit Program Selection Criteria TRA '86 Analysis CHAPTER 6 --------------------------------------------PRIVATE SUBSIDY PROGRAM - (Outline) 38 Qualifying Criteria Private Subsidy Analysis CHAPTER 7 --------------------------------------------- 45 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Summary Conclusion BIBLIOGRAPHY ------------------------------------------ 59 APPENDIX ----------------------------------------------- 61 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION In Chapter 1969, 774 the Commonwealth the of of the production to incentives income benefits: 1) exclude single This housing.1 application to low build yields able higher to 2) the approval process; expediting disregard local zoning - densities typically densities is a eligible enables which process by offering incentive primary process encourage to and important two developers are allowed to by-pass virtually thus sometimes a Laws established housing income The permitting submit moderate boards, moderate developers. to developers Massachusetts General low and "comprehensive" of Massachusetts all local developers ordinances are which required to produce low and moderate income housing. The legislative for authorities goal attempt increasing Specifically, of of passage it to to Chapter implement the stock was of aimed thwart establishing "a low at housing 774 limiting moderate decent home and Chapter 774 is now Massachusetts General Laws. Chapter of Though production. housing. income the power state's incentives governmental other and one represents local zoning a national a suitable environment 40B, sec. 20-23 of the for every American Housing Chapter Act of 774, family" 1949, the 2 had been twenty country and set forth years the before in the the commonwealth Federal passage had of not come close to achieving this fundamental objective. Local zoning increasingly housing. been The and related invoked United 272 communities but, was 365 power land - it use control a parochialism municipalities would even (most though Affordable in they ban in land notably, low were clearly housing became a and Ambler controlling Much seen needed NIMBY growth and on impact of predictability- locally, the case Specifically, costly or moderate income a Realty local towns. as the gave of the and exercised cities and uses v. had affordable upheld thereby planning was of Court Euclid and fostered also prompted undesirable Supreme (1926), regulations siting use of private property. positive because use the in Village of significant restricting the Euclid U.S. block States constitutionality of zoning Company, to land socially housing), regional level. (not-in-my-backyard) problem. As to a consequence, exclusionary zoning Jersey and other constitutional have states. been and brought For example, in in statutory the challenges courts of New Southern Burlington 2 Report of the U.S. National Advisory commission of Civil Disorders (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968) usually referred to as the Kerner Report, p. 467. 5 County (1975), N.A.A.C.P. v. Township of Mount Laurel, 336 A2d 713 the New Jersey Supreme Court held that: a developing municipality may not, by a system of land use regulation, make it physically and economically impossible to provide low and moderate income housing in the municipality for various categories of persons who need and want it. The court New Jersey housing Mount ordered Laurel municipalities) opportunities. (and to by provide Unfortunately, all implication and create other expanded implementation of this principle has proven slow and sometimes contradictory. 3 In largely Massachusetts legislative. intrusion to build low and Upon innovative production seven of the and have one Chapter has served moderate sustained hundred fifty been significant developers using a comprehensive at the as an denials a has by allowing 774 was income six snob-zoning represents housing breakthrough years low authorities of income enactment, the 774 on autonomy local moderate legislative throughout attack Chapter into traditional permit.4 state the recognized state by local cases an level and for the impetus housing. as Since ZBA's appealed. 1978 in only These 3 Michael Wheeler, "Resolving Local Regulatory Disputes M.I.T. Housing and Building Consensus for Affordable Housing," Policy Project. Working Paper #9, 1988. 4 In theory, Chapter 774 is only binding in Massachusetts communities that have not reached a designated level of low and moderate income housinq, but very few had met the standard. statistics are a clear indication of the impact of the law. Even that a so, many major government facet developers of subsidies, comprehensive developers of the limits That is, unless developers state or federal comprehensive getting subsidy, permitting approval low process can and apply they the advocates required effectiveness. process "subsidized" housing program, its permitting and only and cannot be for greater densities, use invoked income receive of the by housing. a recognized avail themselves and zoning argue By statute, moderate for 5 of the over-ride. Without the developers, in turn, cannot produce less costly housing. Though the affordability, Specifically, applying the could subsidies allege contend benefit argue financing of governmental economic critics critics they for use that if this that are the increase intended to insure always the case. not administrative actually supposed they were actually is programs they was spared to chew up provide. this cost of much of These delay, private the production of major programs which low and moderate income housing. This paper evaluates three satisfy the subsidy requirement under Chapter 774: 5 Cynthia Lacasse, "The Anti-Snob Effectiveness of Chapter 774 in Getting Built," M.I.T. 1982. Zoning Law: The Affordable Housing * State Housing Assistance for Rental Production program (SHARP) * Tax-Exempt Local Loans to Encourage Rental housing (TELLER) * Low Income Tax Credit program (TRA '86) Specifically, it programs compares private place. and subsidizing Each effectiveness income examines the net economic value offered alternative achieving housing. demonstrates the program in the is in each presently available evaluated with the goal of creating Perhaps value most feasibility of income housing without state or federal subsidies. in to a the market low and low these program respect important, developing of to its moderate the analysis and moderate CHAPTER 2 - 774 STANDARDS AND PROCESS Under developers a single An 774's to the local zoning permit which encompasses Developers by-pass conservation board, "over-ride" to reverse comprehensive apply approvals. planning Chapter adverse ZBA board of all other appeals necessary local boards and commission, clause written permitting into Chapter process (ZBA) for sub-division including the board of health.6 774 allows rulings which the state deems the State unjustified and/or exclusionary. Chapter 774 The receiving a completed application for The must a decision hearings are approved (as decision render closed. under defined must hold a timetable process. ZBA ZBA specifies in to the If Chapter State the a hearing within thirty the conditions for within application Housing the days. The HAC must hold twenty days. The HAC must then forty is days either the project applicant Appeals twenty days after a comprehensive rendering 774), approval the the denied or appeal the (HAC) within hearing within a decision within initial render after "uneconomic" may Committee permit. 6 However, conservation commission approval is required pursuant to the State Wetlands Act if applicable; and a building permit is required subsequent to comprehensive permit approval. 7 thirty days after its last hearing. An applicant filing for a comprehensive permit under Chapter 774 must meet four basic criteria; namely, 1) The developer developer profit must be is defined developer, dividend "qualified." under Chapter a public corporation (as A qualified 774 as a non- agency, or a limited defined by the particular subsidizing agency involved). 2) The development income must housing. include The low or definition moderate income housing quantities required are and similarly moderate of the low or minimum defined by the particular subsidizing agency involved. 3) The applicant control over must the have some property form for of site which the comprehensive permit is being requested. 4) The applicant must have a letter of qualified federal or state intent from a agency indicating potential eligibility for subsidized funding. 8 7 Chapter 774 fails to provide specific limits with respect to the cumulative time span of ZBA and HAC hearings; consequently, the permitting time table is not absolutely finite. 8 Massachusetts Housing Partnership "Questions and Answers about the Comprehensive Permit Process" prepared by Stockard and Engler, Inc. It must the be emphasized that the first subsidizing providing agencies funds. a and second much Specifically, larger they provisions give role than simply guarantee that the project really will advance State housing policy. Developers provide the meeting following each of additional the above information criteria as part of must the comprehensive permit application. 1) Primary site development plans showing the locations and outlines of proposed buildings. 2) A report of existing site conditions including street elevations, traffic patterns, and buildings. 3) Preliminary architectural drawings including floor plans, elevations, and sections. 4) A list of size of proposed units, building types number including of bedrooms, floor the areas, parking availabilities, and open spaces. 5) A preliminary sub-division plan where the sub- division of land is involved. 6) A preliminary utilities plan including sewage, water, and drainage conditions. 7) A list of requested exceptions to ordinances including zoning by-laws. 9 9 Ibid. local codes and A the qualified local permit ZBA for developer their process. The ZBA would safety of the community. Chapter the serious 774 to approve project subject submits consideration which have then may under deny adverse the the application. reasonable information to the comprehensive a permit impacts Otherwise, to this on for the ZBA a project health and is compelled The ZBA conditions may by approve concerning the physical and economic characteristics of the project. If the with conditions developer Any project is may denied render that by the local ZBA, the appeal the decision developer seeking an project to the appeal must or is approved "uneconomic," Commonwealth's comply with the HAC. the following three Geographic Allocating Standards. 1) The application with an must be made existing in low or moderate a city or town income housing stock of less than 10%.10 2) The low total or amount moderate of land income currently housing in occupied the by subject community must comprise less than 1.5% of the total land commercial, in the community and industrial use, zoned for (excluding residential, publicly owned land). 10 Of the 351 municipalities in the Commonwealth, 23 currently exceed the 10% requirement with an additional 39 in the 7% - 10% range. 3) The total land developed the as land in the low and moderate current total area year, area must in the be community income housing, less than community being or in .3% of the 10 acres, whichever is larger. 1 1 A qualified standards that may renders established oversee for the appeal the a mechanism decisions of board. town Chairman selectman, within The Governor the of the HAC) complies with Chapter ZBAs in HAC is appoints remaining The 774 to regard three approval HAC regulate was and to applications comprised of a five- one city counselor three members are appointed these or a conditional "uneconomic." the local permits. The who either a denial project comprehensive member one as developer (including by the Commissioner and the of the Massachusetts Department of Community Affairs. Chapter 774 defines low or moderate income housing as: Any housing unit subsidized by the Federal or State Government under any program to assist the construction of low or moderate income housing as defined in the applicable Federal or State Statute, whether built or operated by any public agency or any nonprofit or limited dividend organization. The State Attorney has concluded from General, this in an advisory non-binding language that a project must opinion, have a 11 Metropolitan Area Planning Commission "Chapter 774: An Interpretive Analysis for Cities and Towns" (Boston: Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, 1969), p. 4 13 state or federal Accordingly, of low subsidy private qualify under subsidies structured and moderate a comprehensive to income permit. units To will date, to Chapter buy-down 774. the cost not qualify a project for this opinion has not been challenged or interpreted in court. The Attorney influenced the provides federal of fe deral Urban Chapter 77 4. But Ho using programs this as h ave void b y sources 0 Opportu ni Encourage Assistance on with the the housing. now, Tax adminis tered with These Program HOP) Rental '86 ing Housing The HOP program, as or substantial the as Since a su bsidy of the (TRA programs Tax TELLER), (SHARP). each Low the federal V has filled hich qualify Homeowners hip L ocal and of under Federal '86), include: Ex empt 1969, De partment three program s SHAR P and program, a gency which The Commonweal Lh implementing Ho by the exception prog ram demonstrate housing. qualified discontinued. Commonwealth's TRA income has an c onstruction moderate subsidy. Rental For the "subsidized" to state subsidies to Credit been of developers Development recently f or programs ar d interpretation require for low or Housing Income to subsidizes rehabilitati on several HAC for qualificatio i General's State Loans to Housi ng This paper will focus TELLER programs, deals exclusively with o n the other hand, facilitate homeownership, and thus i s not really comparable. along rental is designed to Developers either non-profit, This paper dividend dividend This exclusively developer. It therefore, investment, non-profit or all be the understood assumes that other private-sector an appropriate primarily by as that return on limited the limited investment. limited dividend developers appropriate, things are categorized and limited dividend developers. with must developer expects analysis, for subsidies public agency, deals are motivated on who qualify if being not excessive, equal. public agency developers may (By returns contrast, have broader, a non- financial objectives.) This rental subsidy hypothetical in each paper will programs private chapter chapter to follow. begin will with currently an introduction in subsidy alternative. then be compared existence to the three followed by a The financial analysis and contrasted in the CHAPTER 3 - STATE HOUSING ASSISTANCE FOR RENTAL PRODUCTION State was Housing signed development program which is Assistance for into law of rental designed the private in Rental December housing in to "encourage sector of could Production 1983 the to stimulate Commonwealth. types of housing not (SHARP) accomplish the The development without some form of government aid". 12 Under Finance the Agency SHARP (MHFA) financing through most recent addition, cover the funds" to note that must be fifteen or in SHARP (EOCD) some Massachusetts construction cases, issue was provides an shortfalls. by the Executive and accrue SHARP time bond program operating repaid. year the and Housing permanent the sale of tax-exempt or taxable bonds. are provided Development provides tax-exempt projected program, funds are at annual These at 5%. It not grants, is and loans are set up on frame, after which the loan continue the "SHARP Communities SHARP to In cash subsidy to Most renewed 8.5%. so-called Office of interest loans, sold The important as such, a maximum is either project and as repaid, low or moderate income housing. 12 Executive Office of Communities and Development "Program Guidelines, State Housing Assistance for Rental Production (SHARP). July 1987, p 1. 16 The "minimum intent amount economically debt as (over ultimately, SHARP that is, Fundamental that constant the program of subsidy necessary" feasible; service. theory of market time), are cover all to provide rents rise operating and SHARP out of project the sustain the project as expenses to the viability of the program the required repaid to is debt service and is the remains subsidies decrease, cash flow. and However, the SHARP subsidy: shall not exceed in any one year , on a per unit basis, the difference between the amount determined by EOCD to be necessary to pay debt service on a typical, newly constructed rental housing project at prevailing interest rates on bonds whose interest is tax exempt from federal or state taxation, and t amount necessary to pay such service at 5% per annum. All SHARP the The units set as.ide low-income households developments must in units, holding perpetuity in Section most 8 or have a minimum for low-income of 25% of households. cases, will be marketed Chapter 707 rental to assistance certificates. SHARP "equity", currently where equity allows a 6% return is defined as the on sum the developer's of the following three categories: 1. land A developer's allowance 13 lbid p. 4-5. fee of 20% of project cost exclusive of (appraised value of the land) plus developer's overhead of 5% of project costs exclusive of land allowance. 2. A "standard" approximate investment at closing, 2% of the mortgage explicitly stated cash cash in the program investment by the receive a 6% return, developer were investment would to if amount. is attainable. pay cash be counted Although guidelines, developer the as equity, to not any additional also For for expected eligible to example, if the land, this for purposes cash of calculating the developer's permitted annual 6% dividend. 3. A over construction letter of into an operating period credit of 4%, which letter of credit. purpose of the analysis to follow, rolls For the this 4% letter of credit is assumed to cost 1%of the total letter of credit. 14 SHARP MHFA funds competitions funds. Projects against minimum (covered in are awarded developers are awarded the two ways. compete for First, a limited funds on the basis of: standards; following in 2) A merit-based pages); and 3) funds are awarded through pool of 1) a review point the total system amount of available funding. Secondly, Massachusetts SHARP SHARP Housing funds to 14 Ibid p. 3-4. Partnership proposals which (MHP) . The through MHP the awards have the support of the Local Partnership. Local Commonwealth by Partnerships MHP moderate income MHP consideration for as housing a are established way of encouraging development. must also throughout Projects meet the the low and submitted minimum to standards estimated within the merit-based point system discussed below. SHARP POINT SYSTEM SHARP on a maximum proposals of 130 are evaluated points. on Points a point are system earned based through the following three categories: 1) Development Quality Goals- 50 possible points. which 30 carries points in There 10 points. Design- The has a total of are five sub-categories Applicants must this category points in each sub-category. A) This category and receive each of score a total of a minimum of 4 The five sub-categories are: overall quality of the design is evaluated. B) Development Team- The track record of the development team is evaluated. C) Site- The suitability of the site, availability of utilities, zoning, and site control are evaluated. D) Management- The quality of the management plan is evaluated. E) Marketability- The feasibility of the proposed rent schedule is taken into account. 2) Overall Impact Goals- There are a total of 50 points in this category allocated between four sub-categories: A) Housing Needs- evaluated meets on the (10 points) the merits local of the housing need for three bedroom Standards The proposed degree to which needs; units for this category project is v. for example, two bedroom vary somewhat it the units. by location. B) Community positive Impact- community (15 points) impacts are Projects more with favorably reviewed. C) Affirmative housing Action- and job (10 points) opportunities The for degree of minorities is ranked in this section. E) Readiness will to Construct- be given to those (15 points) Consideration proposals that are ready to move quickly to construction. 3) Affordability-Valuethis takes category. into separately There While account allocated the three to is a maximum of 30 points affordability criteria, the value points each but rather Point Count- The unit in ranking are cumulated not as indicated below: A) The Unit derived based on the following table; point count is TYPE OF UNIT NUMBER OF POINTS Low-income with a minimum of 10 points 25% in perpetuity Low-income, 30 year term 8 points Low-income, 15 year term 6 points Moderate-income, 30 year term 5 points 15 year term 3 points Moderate-income, Market rental, 15 year term 2 points Market rental, 7.5 year term 1 point B) The Bedroom larger unit Adjustment size, an Factor- adjustment number of units derived. The multiplied by the appropriate calculate the corresponding factor table is as follows; in To encourage has factor each category is factor to adjustment points. been The adjustment SIZE OF UNIT ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 to 1 bedroom--------------------------0.60 2 bedrooms-------------------------1--1.00 3 bedrooms---------------------------1.40 4 bedrooms---------------------------1.70 C) The Assessment determined requested. Cost of based on to the the Commonwealth- initial SHARP This is amount 15 SHARP ANALYSIS For purposes programs, of a hypothetical The project is accommodate located on is seeking applicable percentage of 25%, to be rented to be or 25 to 15 lbid p. 10-15. (1/2) low units. or current income The remaining units. $16,000 units per Land unit. subsidy is used. of land located zoning, acre lots. all development the Under approval for 100 residential as market-rate $1,600,000, housing across a twenty acre tract forty one-half the developer analysis 100-unit According MetroWest. is set at financial in the in tract can Chapter 774, units. The SHARP section 75 units are assumed acquisition is Hard assumed costs total $6,432,500 (approximately allocated to in respect to rental replacement land $59 development. income reserve, per and per sq.ft.), of which Operating unit operating assumptions type, expenses $500,000 with laundry income, are constant held and are listed in the first table of each section of analysis. This project has been evaluated under four different SHARP financing alternatives: 1. The first alternative financing MHFA at bond a rate issue. assumes of 8.5%, For the as use of per tax exempt the most complete analysis, recent see SHARP-4A (Appendix A). 2. The financing second alternative at a rate of 10%. assumes the use For complete of taxable analysis, see SHARP-4B (Appendix B). 3. The third alternative assumes the financing tax at a rate of credit of 4%. For use of tax exempt 8.5% combined complete with analysis, a low income see SHARP-4C (Appendix C). 4. The combined fourth alternative assumes with a 9% low income tax 10% taxable credit. financing For complete analysis, see SHARP-4D (Appendix D). A discount rate of minimum multi-unit after-tax housing 17.5% has return-on-equity projects (see been used, expected discussion representing the by developers below). Finally, of a holding period of ten The methodology discounted permits employed cash flow alternatives subsidy programs considered to to as developers various programs the money. DCF developers and of the is in the table below: each to in by of by is, the because value DCF time it among of addresses value of sophisticated industry. alternatives the to other unique flows numerous real estate is methodology technique That principle and DCF differences benefits over time. of the four SHARP considered methodology other the are characterized used is alternative each most appropriate currently it This Theoretically, investors in the analysis as analysis of income properties. evaluate quantify the which used, methodology. investment fundamental been be compared well. to investment costs and to (DCF) be the enables has for financial industry standard the is years are The results summarized SEE APPENDIX FINANCIAL VALUE (NPV) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 523,000 D SHARP - With a market rate loan and a 9% tax credit. C SHARP - With tax-exempt financing and a 4% tax credit. 349,000 A SHARP - With tax-exempt financing without a tax credit. 82,000 B SHARP - Market rate financing without tax credits. (83,000) The the defined by would SHARP) 4% tax loan under the time is comparisons scenarios, can the credit that with be could guidelines. SHARP associated developer (as ($349,000-$82,000) $267,000 require For in at the onset of a development to be induced present value terms to forgo the dividend variations of value." "financial its limited maximizing profit a example, indicative of is program SHARP of the four each associated with NPV securing analysis in This report this assumes the tax credit. between drawn supplement this and is only a tax-exempt no additional While isolated other project accurate for our hypothetical (yet realistic) 100-unit development proposal. of the A close examination SHARP development sensitivity to assumed of the financial proposals Revenue Growth 25 sensitivity analysis illustrates Factors. their hyper- Specifically, a five percent units is (5%) used Revenue as per SHARP Guidelines. (6%) used for is variable subsidy is Growth the maximum A illustrated in "Sensitivity Analysis: Changes in Growth Revenue average NPV For example, the and a 5% re venue growth yet using represents a significant. Aggressive the market the amount proposal difference rate units of SHARP units, induce which to may require It's clear on the percent Unit Land market NPV respective sensitivity is After-Tax NPV due to Cost Assumptions. unit land cost rate units, falls is $258,000; to $-254,000. $5 12,000, which the profitability make ap plied than set is for) fund for t he growth is This arguably unrealistically - rate of (which affects a development attainable. rate SHAR P program additional of actually rat e ass umptions growth MHFA of fun ds to the applications over-aggressive may can is standardization some the six in the assu mption s regarding the growth greater appear for ass uming a $16,000 rate for rate, a 3% growth of analyzes this Effects and subsidized The sensitivity of this appendix The chart which entitled, the Factor rate units. each for allowance set fourth Revenue Growth the market program. Factor of may Until market fall rate victim to assumptions which aggressive projects (unanticipated) funding in the future. market state. growth One that rates over-aggressive are criticism of extending the SHARP assumptions the risk program concerning horizon that for should the be raised is definition the SHARP program equity, where developers allows of a developer permitted developer's that a developer for a total housing exclusive of costs is developer project or $20. cost, withdrawn be "hard" and with if upon under SHARP, to have Under the 6% $25 level of limited to into the 20% of total election, funding a limited of the an not permanent dividend developer equity "phantom" dividend investing costs are overhead be entitled to a maximum dividend developer's and rental and "soft" back investing earning such of a limited SHARP, at the allowed would includes Furthermore, the development Therefore, mortgage. developer from (this fee equal ($5), a to a unit development fee land). used to raise a produce earning credited 5% overhead additional project. be can developer would with credited of (exclusive can Under land). a hypothetical project the cost of $100 a An example may help. consistent with non-subsidized programs. Assume on 20% and fee of distribution cash annual a 6% return "gimmicks" The developers fee and overhead are The developer. earn project costs of 5% of overhead to a developers includes equity dividend limited in restriction, the the cash dividend equity, in turn, $1.50 per year. Unfortunately, creates "phantom" developments the creation of "phantom" Specifically, regulation. typically employ less than because SHARP cash equity, 10% ($10) even the developer who $100 project annual ($1.50/$10) be that noted From at is, on SHARP is cash developments are project remain even is the developer's of equity project in Return a project is the "affordability arguably the developer's has on Equity index" ; level limited leaving the through inefficient SHARP allocation to will dividend developers. equity in a fee and overhead effect as the actual amount this limited equity in Consequently, which should a diminishing (ROE) increased. It 15% debt financed. largely induces developers minimum publicly financed the relationship This "gimmick" to investment. that a receive amount of cash the actual if increased, constant. on dividend this means to usually not even a binding constraint on However, SHARP permitted the dividend a policy perspective, "gimmick" will a minimum, into the of cash is willing to invest $10 limit score points on a the balance of the project to be subsidies. of public subsidies are drained into over-funded projects. The funds, result is as an limited CHAPTER 4 - TAX EXEMPT LOCAL LOANS TO ENCOURAGE Tax Exempt (TELLER) income local was rental Local created housing housing in tax-exempt housing projects bonds in Laws, financed There of are the two as a way level. to finance their Constitution a portion 1984 Encourage by units low section TELLER reserved programs to and through of (with income the the bonds low program, EOCD moderate 26(m) low which this Pursuant tax-exempt for Housing encourage issuing community. and Rental Under have the option of Massachusetts projects to at the local authorities approval) Loans RENTAL HOUSING income to the General must have households. project can 16 meet this criteria: 1) The development income made units. may set aside 20% of the units Under this available to program, households the earning units less than as low must be 50% of the area median income. 2) The development units this in the program, households may choose development the earning units less as to low must than set aside income be units. made 60% of 40% of the Under available area the to median income. 16 Executive Office of Communities and Development, "Tax Exempt Local Loans to Encourage Rental Housing, TELLER Program", Department of Community Affairs, 1985. 29 In either case, the units households for a minimum actual of amount attractiveness "lock-in" the subsidy to of the must be rented to low income period of fifteen years. the developer depends tax-exempt bond financing The on the relative to taxable financing alternatives. TELLER ANALYSIS Under are limited program, the TELLER to is a 10% program, on return limited equity. defined as the difference dividend Equity, between developers under this the amount of the loan awarded to the project and the total cost of the project. The 100 unit based TELLER project program described is evaluated in using the Chapter 2. TELLER the latest bond issue of 8.5% and on hypothetical financing is separated is into the following two categories: 1. Tax-exempt TELLER financing at 8.5%. Appendix E. 2. Tax-exempt TELLER financing with a 4% low income tax credit. Appendix F. In assumed and both TELLER scenarios, to be affordable. F reflect the limited 20% of the The financial dividends and have been units analyses in Appendix unit mix as E required under the Teller program. The financial value (NPV) of the of the two TELLER scenarios are shown below: FINANCIAL VALUE (NPV) SEE APPENDIX PROGRAM DESCRIPTION F TELLER - With a 4% tax credit. 709,000 E TELLER - Without tax credit. 488,000 Sensitivity analysis indicates that the TELLER also hyper-sensitive to market rate growth a land 4% cost of $16,000 per tax credit $355,000 used for alternative and about the a 5% growth half that when the market drops unit, units. -$276,000 3% for the market rate units is assumed. alternative with produces an a 6% revenue growth The financial drastically to rate assumptions. TELLER rate program is At a NPV of rate is value of this TELLER when a growth rate of CHAPTER 5 - LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT Although potential (e.g. , construction period Tax for of broken into three 10 low years construction Second, other rehabilitation categories. is low and for of for did establish the Low rehabilitation, and income new tax credits are a credit of 9% per year projects that qualifying low projects subsidies to housing deductions The available for federal it First, income-sheltering low-income depreciation housing. rehabilitation of induce construction, available a 4% credit bonds or to the income is or used most of the interest and taxes), Credit out removed accelerated acquisition for '86 formerly development Income TRA involve the income units. using tax exempt finance the construction or units. Finally, a credit of 4% is available for the acquisition of existing low income units. The credits low income project To be received units on a straight must calculate remain the "qualified" low years have low-income dollar credit percentage will may is owner s "qualified units. a present basis" on of qualified line basis for ten years, for amount of multiplied income by the owners a period credit by the value (at "qualified" of fifteen for each "qualified A 9% credit 5%) low but the year, basis" received equal to income years. the of the over ten 70% of the units. The 4% credit qualified will have Credit percentages basis. Treasury, val ue a present to the maintain 70% (at 5%) equal are adjusted and to 30% of monthly by the 30% present values, respectively. States are per with resident. bond this program financing, financing. is based national population country could current population be $7,277,500 per year. low income as on its as high to credits opposed Much of 250 sheer million, as to of the equal used in using $312.5 million. tax- surrounding Based magnitude. annual to $1.25 conjunction projects excitement the in Massachusetts, on a credit for the Based on the 17 the credit would amount to 18 All projects, for low-income tax credits This limit applies "taxable" exempt allocated tax tax-exempt as well as credits must meet "taxable", the applying following three criteria: 1) The project must meet one of the following two resident targeting criteria: a) At least 20% of the be rented to households rental with units incomes in the project must no higher than 50% 17 Richard S. Goldstein and Charles L. Edson, The Tax Credit for Low Income Housing, Real Estate Review, Spring 1987 pp 54. 18 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Office of Communities and Development, 1988. Guidelines, Executive of the area median income; or b) At least 40% of the be rented to households rental with units in incomes t he project must no higher than 60% of the area median income. 2) The "rent than higher restricted" 30% of units must set the the relevant income be retained as gross rents li mitations no cited above. 3) project The minimur n of must fifteen proportio nally. years or the rental credit housing wil I be for a pro-rated 19 SELECTION CRITERIA Pursuant to Order No. 271 administrative the EOCD. for those any TRA on duties '86, Governor Dukakis February of the low With this assignment, projects project not subject to the using tax 12, 1987 tax income EOCD signed Executive assigning credit program to set up a list of criteria tax credit allocation; exempt the bond financing or that is, federal subsidies. First, the projects must meet the following set of five "threshold criteria": 1) The project must 19 Ibid. p. 2 demonstrate financial feasibility and the ability to receive firm receiving of expected a tax to financial commitments within credit commitment. close financing within 90 60 days of Projects days of are then receiving the tax credit commitment. 2) The development team must demonstrate the ability to complete the project as proposed. 3) The project must be ready to move to construction. 4) The project must fit within the goals of the tax credit program and the housing goals of the Commonwealth. 5) The project Affirmative must Action goals opportunities to minorities. Projects permitted Projects associated which to move are meet by the Commonwealth's providing housing and job criteria" are 20 meet to the allocated with help these "threshold next stage of tax credits the competitive "competitive based on a criteria." point system There are a total criteria. of 100 possible points allocated as follows: A) Housing Need. This category has a total of 40 points allocated to three separate sub-categories. 1) The degree maximum income benefit and the tax credit will to which in terms affordable of creation units. This of leverage the additional sub-category low has a total of 20 possible points. 2) The degree to which 20 Ibid. p. 6 the low income units will meet the needs of the community and the region. This sub- category has a total of 10 points. 3) The income degree to and market community and which rate region. the entire units) This will project meet (both low the needs of the sub-category has a total of 5 points. 4) The readiness to move to construction. This sub- category has a total of 5 points. B) Impact. This category has a total of 30 points which are allocated through three sub-categories. 1) The positive impact that the community in which it is project will located. have on the This sub-category has a total of 15 points. 2) The degree to which allocate other the project state resources. diverts This the need to sub-category has a total of 10 points. 3) The degree opportunities for to which the minorities. project This will broaden sub-category has a total of 5 points. C) Quality. This category has a total of 30 possible points allocated equally to three sub-categories. 1) The qualifications of the development team for a total of 10 possible points. 2) The quality and suitability of the site for a total of 10 possible points. 3) The quality of the design, manageability, compatibility for a total of 10 possible points. 2 1 TRA '86 ANALYSIS Again, the hypothetical 100-unit development used is a 9% low-income tax this analysis. Under this scenario, and a market interest rate of 10% are assumed. See in credit Appendix G. This at the value scenario standard drops of 3% (for TELLER, is to the a financial market unit growth $249,000 at market 5% and units). Ibid. p. 6-7. value equal to $558,000 rate assumption of 6%. -$236,000 This hyper-sensitive to market assumptions. 21 shows proposal, unit at a growth like SHARP revenue growth This rate and rate CHAPTER 6 - PRIVATE SUBSIDY PROPOSAL Although programs the differ in TELLER, many and TRA regards, they the approval Specifically, similarities. SHARP, do but also weighs readiness density, design, projects throughout the become a focus central Consequently, agencies from wield of required subsidy, These the significant action objectives, allocation of proposed ancillary factors subsidizing perspective the a development power. important program affirmative state. Credit process for each and the geographic to construct, Tax have not only the dollars and cents of the considers '86 For example, have agencies. subsidizing rather than defining "limited dividend developer", Chapter 774 provides that: Determination whether an applicant for permit to construct low or moderate qualifies as a limited dividend organization,..., provides determining the fate agency, subsidizing subsidizing the of the agency developer process a properly strong applicants. would is agency from which left to the appropriate state or federal applicant is required to obtain funding. This a comprehensive income housing lack role Absent assurances in the that development proposals would serve their intended purpose. If, finance low in fact, and a private subsidy moderate income program housing, an could efficiently effective review process would consistency required, projects of be necessary the to monitor the developments. developers could If mechanism financing used private is this review needed regardless subsidy program would clearly be which of moderate method income these unacceptable, not some type of the ignored were permit to build Accordingly, to subsidize the low and considerations performance and use a comprehensive injurious to the public good. policing Any still and of units. ancillary inconsistent with the central focus of Chapter 774. Even solved, if the the problems requirement Eliminating the of monitoring to use state or federal required of public achieved through three mechanisms. First, level, could a decision program. Second, use be sought legislation requirement. Finally, designed works within which efficient approach could the be at the compared be a private subsidy confines could of the appears to to be State judicial program subsidy program when could passed changing subsidy" present can subsidies remains. subsidies in favor of a "token The development of a token most developments the this be law. be the judicial and legislative alternatives. I organized propose to a system by which a modest provide a token subsidy for and moderate income housing developments. fund would privately financed be low QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR PRIVATE SUBSIDY PROGRAM I suggest the MHFA MHFA the presently subsidy granting background, needed Also, issues to the financial and obtain level administer this site approval process in new program. letters SHARP, as an it The a state-funded subsidy would feasibly) project could review initial step has the organization. of additional (at least be understandably Since necessary process be in time eliminated. with respect to lessened because no state funds would at risk. Prior to awarding a site approval letter, MHFA would evaluate the project based on the following set of criteria: 1. Quality of architecture the would Development be evaluated - to The site plan insure that it and is in keeping with local community character and standards. 2. Development Team required to demonstrate total development the financial for the demonstrated institution. The development team would its ability to: cost as strength balance - cash equity; a letter The raise 10% of the and necessary to qualify for of the project. by 1) This of commitment development team be 2) exhibit financing ability would from would be a lending also be required to have secured a threshold participation on the part of minorities of perhaps 10%. 3. Affordability match the The project affordability guidelines existing qualified minimum - would be of least one other at This would subsidizing agency. of percentages required as units affordable to include well as would be income and rent level criteria. 4. Tenant required in units Selection to offer All - a minimum developments of 20% of the the project to qualified that the project is income In the event minorities. under-subscribed low by such minorities, the units may then be offered to other needy individuals. In the local pending approval view of the fact that projects ZBA are moderate income exercised when issuing failed to developers be program) would approved projects, performance in housing bond initiate approved To applicants equal to letters. approval damaged. projects, insure would five care community, a site level of the threshold counted toward percent low and would be Clearly if the process (and the construction required be before of to total post of a estimated project costs. The in the site following of public funds, approval manner. letter issued If the by MHFA project the letter would be used requires would be used the assistance in its current capacity as a pre-requisite to programs project letter was financially could be MHFA. This development approval and be feasible SHARP. through However, private if subsidy, the the used to acquire a one dollar token subsidy from token qualify as letter such as subsidy "subsidized" could then presented to the would by be effectively a state agency. used to comply local ZBA to 22 with The the site Chapter 774, establish eligibility for comprehensive permit consideration. An program important is it that available for the time low element opportunity and in be amount and of effectively increases the and moderate needed to financed housing. secure subsidy would low-income private financing the income leverage housing, of current approval, in by effect subsidy could, increasing the production net the of low would spending; the reduced developments Moreover, the By decreasing be proportionally housing involved private subsidy amount of funding income financially feasible. moderate increase it advantage of the cost to developers privately fact, practical be that to is, getting more housing bang for each subsidy buck. The present agencies have limited resources to allocate 22 Conceivably an aggrieved abutter could challange such a practice, or a local ZBA could refuse to recognize the Appeals to the court or the appropriateness of the application. The fact that Chapter 774 was HAC might well be pursued. enacted to promote more affordable housing - not to promote subsidies for their own sake - would be strong evidence in support of the "token" subsidy program. 42 to qualified applicants, and moderate the last income several and this housing years, units they can these qualified proposals does the lack of funding than constrains the amount of subsidize. During agencies have typically the funds to had more subsidize them. limit the entire process, low Not only it also deters other qualified developers from participating. With the the production longer implementation of be capped market low by conditions and of a private moderate the public funds , the private significantly increase the rate housing. course, Of attempt to control response owned by local parcels development, of communities viewed as housing would no Depending on subsidy program production would of and might for alternative likely One proactive be to market with could affordable should of development. commensurate of waiting program, available. local communities the direction instead income subsidy municipally- this type proposals of which might be less desirable. PRIVATE SUBSIDY ANALYSIS The 100 cost of a private subsidy unit development Appendix H. associated with used throughout this paper the same is illustrated in Consistent private subsidy with program moderate income revenue assumptions difference in down subsidy the as as market revenue growth rate in the the other programs. is the absence This they public the rate to 3% (from 6%) of the to low and cost and any The unit major limitation on allows developers to available. subsidy revenue For same program become units. in project value of $739,000. units makes like the variations subsidy programs, and of dividends. program, sensitive to for housing, dividends public dedicates 20% of the this program the distribution draw existing The programs, growth example, translates rate private is very assumptions a change in the into a reduction CHAPTER 7 - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 23 This value" comparative base line zero). Each first, on the the is of the between As average, values. of to the development, compared subsidy method for is evaluated (net delay for each 15% and 20%, I have of the developers yield chosen on a uniform purposes of results of the analysis second, financing project density. the net present public soundly an after-tax depending value; subsidy eight to be in three ways: present) discussed above, Private-sector 17.5% for the The time (stipulated on the basis of breakeven this type should equity return DCF calculated of its financial breakeven third, alternatives. projects "financial value of a private basis of and Using value how much public subsidy program basis approval; an evaluates a particular subsidy brings to the on analysis subsidy agree return that on cash project-specific risks. expected calculating net after-tax present are listed in the table on the following page. 23 Many thanks are due to Tod McGrath for patience in reviewing the financial analysis of this paper. 45 his time and Table 7A - NPV RATING SEE APPENDIX NPV PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TELLER TRA '86 709,000 With a 4% tax credit. - 558,000 Market rate loan with - a 9% tax credit. SHARP 523,000 With a market rate loan - and a 9% tax credit. TELLER - 488,000 Without tax credit. SHARP - With tax-exempt financing and a 4% tax credit. 349,000 SHARP - With tax-exempt financing without a tax credit. 82,000 Market Subsidy Deal - Market rate 0 (Baseline) financing without tax credits. SHARP - Market rate financing (83,000) without tax credits. developer this example, For using without tax higher than the credits the NPV SHARP realizes same Rating program a net development with table tax-exempt present using shows value of a private that a financing $82,000 subsidy. Conversely, market of a developer using rate financing and $83,000 less than the SHARP program with taxable no tax credits has a net present value the net present value achieved through market rate financing alone (the private subsidy program). In each necessary that to obtain required development. time, case, is offset arguably from both by which a assume public subsidy soon - a tax. no greater than the approval the delay. Indeed, we expressly addresses practical and time housing process takes longer an applicant must wait for when the cost of the privately-financed of course, The is that the less that subsidy is worth. becomes methodology results typical money. surprisingly entirely a In practice, and time - a given for subsidy approval, point these policy benefit of There comes a the After that, are subsidy the employing is subsidy the DCF the time value of money perspective. We must also expressly address the money value of time. In as programs, the subsidies in benchmark, in terms much as time delays are following terms analysis of delays. breakeven time quantifies Using the time delays of the additional a costly (in the respective private subsidy as a are calculated months) reality of these and permissible expressed before a public subsidy program loses its proforma value. Developers and public administrators disagree about time tables; but every case is same. the stipulate Rather than I have calculated the declining value of each average, an subsidy as approval time drags on. The following as a benchmark. subsidy program number of analysis uses the The time (shown months in in is scenario and based is on if any further subsidy program with each to render delays hypothetical 100-unit illustrate point added value of each subsidy expires. the public are those breakeven the private subsidy was the intended associated the chart below) which developer worse off than analysis delays private used. the This development at which the Table 7B - TIME DELAY GRAPH IN APPENDIX PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TELLER With a 4% tax credit. - TRA '86 - BREAKEVEN TIMEDELAY IN MONTHS 24+ Market rate loan with a 9% tax credit. SHARP With a market rate loan - and a 9% tax credit. TELLER - Without tax a tax credit. SHARP - With tax-exempt financing and a 4% tax credit. SHARP - With tax-exempt financing without a tax credit. Market Subsidy Deal - Market rate financing without tax credits. SHARP - Market rate financing without tax credits. (SEE ACCOMPANYING GRAPHS) 0 (BASE CASE) NEGATIVE developer For example, without tax approval and the credits costing up time under of a project (of for Delay the Time than more tables certain are further difficult to market the program would and Although a developer predict, rather than market, enduring may profit additional conditions potential approvals for financing received. in a more familiar above, time tax-exempt with subsidy the Chart expected the feels If the time to a public one. a private subsidy is greater than 3 months, move to construction waiting in program SHARP scenario. subsidy each the required should estimate the time developer a if for approvals the commencement should prefer the forgo at those listed exceeds estimated various under financing to secure considering this analysis) in type assumed a developer drawn: alternatives financial end be can conclusions following the permit, comprehensive a for 774 Chapter under qualify would subsidy a private that Assuming market additional risk. For graphic illustration evidence of Dollars policy the makers of declining importance lost to delay of profit no allow state agencies to incentives for value of one. subsidies Expedited development of process. approvals investments and affordable the strong is the approval expediting leverage current expanded administrators, program and would produce housing without added expenditure. An of the which through allowances in return development to low or how also suggests developer who anticipates inclined Ironically, and delay. design a denser that added density project may to trade-off can A density. that cover will cost. opposition local exacerbate knew he could If the developer analysis This project a the of portion delay for state approvals a long to terms density increased makers but time, against approval not policy and developers in provides housing. income is 774 some allocating moderate subsidy, receive developers for subsidies Chapter produced. product actual mechanism be of analyzing alternative method build promptly, he could afford to develop a less objectionable project. The following subsidy from programs in developer's the analysis quantifies the value of the various terms breakeven of Once perspective. acceptable densities, the privately- again, subsidized "Market" deal is used as the base case, instance, project densities per acre, per acre subsidy Clearly, the comprehensive under approved the analysis answers would were if be a developer received without a subsidy program willing to accept fewer than Assuming vary. permit the willing any to five units many units "How if a given time delays?" accept additional has value, five units to density the that is equal question, though in this the developer would per acre; that is, be trade- (see table 7C below) off time for density. Table 7C - DENSITY TRADE-OFF GRAPH IN APPENDIX DENSITY IN UNITS/ACRE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TELLER - SHARP - With a 4% tax credit. 3.5 With a market rate loan 3.5 and a 9% tax credit. TRA '86 - 3.75 Market rate loan with a 9% tax credit. TELLER - 3.75 Without tax a tax credit. SHARP - With tax-exempt financing and a 4% tax credit. 4 SHARP - With tax-exempt financing without a tax credit. 4.75 Market Subsidy Deal - Market rate financing without tax credits. 5 (Base Case) 5.5 SHARP - Market rate financing without tax credits. (SEE ACCOMPANYING GRAPHS) As the can translate chart above into indicates, large differences small changes in the bottom line. in density Because private subsidies to demonstrated additional private (in the form be as through well as public without the however, the have been bonuses) financially feasible; density achieved subsidies, of density Chapter 774 process, subsidies, would not be effective. SUMMARY As 774's has been requirement of developers on twist different dividend developer needs return. first of In the ironically each with a object for the limited render ultimately the have funds suit highest be wise to the developer may will best will project program leads game programs, which which have various The however, to "subsidy" is to choose a program and Chapter paper, The rule. or some cases, consider appears housing. an odyssey through slightly this throughout a "subsidy" affordable constrained the suggested the time at a particular project comes on line. the from objective, The of rules the participate. "game" The same token, it point of view, to competent dilemma insure that Chapter 774 the the state's entice for the is used for should ultimately increase housing costs. state is developers is that it its intended purpose, take care not to to have needs use to to but by certification 1) Recommendation: of subsidy should be Categorize provided. approved Those in less hierarchy of programs subsidy of scrutiny. projects would subsidy A requiring less. less Projects to submit a more Recognize that projects requiring state may to scarce scrutinized competitively less less public providing subsidy to depth according requiring ensure that 2) program. investment substantial projects programs public deeper comprehensive more in programs time with would participate requiring the than funds not those have requiring be state dollars. The as known state the subsidy "Municipal created game has Delay Game." This The against Chapter does not specify a time frame review. Through the use time delays, to defeat proposals, Unfortunately, myopically offensive, delay game the focus strategy. forego they also municipalities Specifically, on Delay municipalities to local in hearing not only try Game" defensive, attractive opportunities pits for public communities "Municipal response specified discourage future act to self-serving game timetable governments 774 developers. local a proposals. tends rather which to than play the negotiate better designed and less offensive projects. Developers, increasing "carrying determined costs" to safe in secure the approvals, pay ever- knowledge that state or federal subsidies will ultimately render the project "economically" feasible. Recommendation: hearing public guidelines Establish Don't process. to followed be projects allow to in the self-generate the need for deeper subsidies. and State can program subsidy can be it where subsidy, state or federal to that a private shown produce successfully victim a requirement for a is there Why regulatory gimmicks. useless fallen have governments federal housing? affordable What is wrong with a private subsidy? Local Recommendation: the of direction future affordable a private legislating housing. This private concepts that between towns, of the been parts of Director used be the of that in and the country. Downtown in interest as the recommend produce affordable would be one of several "three-way a negotiation" Commonwealth. Private and project approval time-lines are a show potential" "swap negotiated concept of three-way in various utilized to well would I housing. subsidy program developers, issues The setting. could an expressed program subsidy project densities, subsidies, few have all government, state as developers, and communities forms For and for various in this type of settlements reasons in has other Will Fleissig, former Denver Colorado, coined example, Development in the term "negotiated which brought and he elected settlement" in various parties officials reference to the process including developers, together to interact by neighbors, on complex development issues. 2 4 distribution of in developers attempt to p ermit an demonstrates, analysis In is creates SHARP invested. cash actual gimmick SHARP cash-flow. this. of offender dividen d" "limited The m any limits perhaps the "phantom" on the greatest equity for higher effective dividends on SHARP the lim ited sets developments, dividend restrictions as this are non- to seek binding due to lack of available cas h-flow. dividend Limited earn only program a or 6% project with a TELLER be able to earn performance of the unacceptable to most they are program, otherwise they are if 100% cash equity, on Such project. private sector induced to of development depending on the a developer wished to finance return a 10% cash terms dividend, 10% annual For example, selected. (in cash equity is constrained to is, The answer Why? financing). developers induce state subsidies not minimum, maximum, restrictions he or she would only a restriction as much would Therefore, developers. participate inclined to borrow despite superior equity, in the be if TELLER money as possible 24 Wheeler, Michael, "Resolving Local Regulatory Disputes and Building Consensus for Affordable Housing", MIT 1988, p. 27 56 to financial limit The public f unds than are of percentage of supply the resulting considerabl y state of developer's riskier employed. funding of cash are that equity were cash amounts excessive and are of the developments a greater Effectiv ely, allocated inefficiently structure if limited unfortunate consequences of this strategy equity. financial their on restrictions is being channeled into needlessly risky projects. of purposes calculation the Although limitations distribution cash is equity different for under the SHARP program, the same adverse financial consequences occur. invested but which in limit purportedly which restrictions) legislative fictions eliminate and do fact returns financia I on Focus Recommendation: not, highly actual (limited a developer's to due to cash dividend return, cash leveraged (risky) affordable housing financial structures. There will no ever be built. complements will are almost public expenditure and produce than publicly-subsidized programs. enough a private subsidy program, However, streamlined surely that guarantees efficient more can be public subsidy affordable created housing under the which programs with less current CONCLUSION The existing analysis public presented subsidy in this paper, programs with the private a subsidy alternative, private subsidy and to choose cases, the as two approaches subsidies developers analysis would financing can of local developments. Also, through This value the mitigate use "swap resistance of market potential" to (fear induce is of) private available. In most subsidized financing of a respective the Finally, risk. that significant in the developers approvals, higher required subsidy, private indicates density for timely most of saving reducing the time by subsidy programs to swap it proforma less than benefits likely arrange to added the potentially public be willing chance. typical necessary years, were method, longer exist. no secure time this would risk market reducing developers the the combined is of structured the Though succeed. existing public programs, of the to shows that a properly could the implementation value of the private subsidy program financial time program comparing if given light of the density housing BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter 774, Sections Massachusetts General Laws. 20 to 23 of Chapter 774: An Interpretive Analysis Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, 1969. Chapter For 40B Cities and Goldstein, Richard S., and Edson, Charles L., The Tax Low Income Housing, Real Estate Review, Spring, 1987. Kerner Report, Report of The U.S. National of Civil Disorders, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Office, 1968). sec. 20, Towns, Credit For Advisory Commission Government Printing Lacasse, Cynthia, The Anti-Snob Zoning Law: The Effectiveness of Chapter 774 in Getting Affordable Housing Built, M. I. T. Masters Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 1987. Low Income Housing Tax Credit Communities and Development, 1988. Program Guidelines, Production (SHARP), Development, 1987. Guidelines, Executive Office of State Housing Assistance For Rental Executive Office of Communities and Questions and Answers About The Massachusetts Housing Partnership. Comprehensive Permit Process, Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mt. Laurel, 67 N.J. 151, 336 A 2d 713 cert. denied, 423 U.S. 808 (1975); and Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mt. Laurel, 161 N.J. Super. 317, 391 A.2d 935 (Super. Ct., Law Div. 1978). Tax Exempt Massachusetts 1985. Local Loans To Encourage Rental Housing, Executive Office of Communities and Development, Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926). Resolving Local Regulatory Wheeler, Michael, Building Consensus For Affordable Housing, M.I.T. #9, Center For Real Estate Development, 1988. Disputes and Working Paper INTERVIEWS Baldassari, Cohen, Carol - Metropolitan Area Planning Council Howard - Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Corman, Murray - Chairman, Committee. DeLorey, Brian Frawley, Brian Gagliardi, Housing Appeals Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency. - Homeownership Opportunity Program. Special Commission on Implementation Augusto - Chair., of Low and Moderate Income Housing Provisions. Grace, Kelley, Massachusetts Director, Tax Credit Program. - Peter Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo. Edwin - Housing Appeals Committee. McGrath, Tod - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Monahan, Gail - Director, TELLER program. Zapata, Cesar - Director, SHARP and MHFA programs. Appendix A 2 3AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 4 (4A) SHARP DEAL WITH 8.5% TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING, WITHOUT TAX CREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER 6 7mnumnn*mnuuunumtnmmn*mmmn**n 28-Jul-88 mm nimm 118 OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: $4,000 $100 $275 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z 28-Jul-G8 6.00% FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: =2 :== ==== MINIMUM DEVELOPER EQUITY CONTRIBUTION (AS A I OF TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) 10.00% LAND COST UNIT LAND COST UNITS I AFFORDABLE MINIMUM TAXASSUMPTIONS: ======== Z TAX CREDIT I HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 0.00% 10.0 SITE SIZE INACRES (NET OF ROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1=SOLVE FOR DELAY) $1,600,000 $16,000 25.001 20.0 5.0 100 * * * 1 * 9 10 DEVELOPMENT PLAN: * 28-Jul-88 11 = 12 13 14 15 16UNITS 17--------------------- 18 19TWO BEDROOM, LOU INCOME (A) 20TUO BEDROOM, LOU INCOME (B) 21TW BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 22 TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (B) 23 THREE BEDROOM, LOU INCOME (A) 24 THREE BEDROOM, LOU INCOME (B) 25 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 26 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (B) 27 28 TOTALS RENTABLE SQ.FT. ---------- 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 11100 1,300 1,100 1,300 I OF UNITS PROJECTED PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY ANNUALPROJECTED RENT/ 1STYEAR RENTABLE RENT/ SG.FT. --------------- 6 6 30 30 6 6 8 8 ---100 6,000 6,600 30,000 33,000 6,600 7,800 9,800 10,400 ------109,200 UNIT --------- $650 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 UNIT $46,800 46,800 360,000 432,000 64,800 64,800 110,400 120,000 ---------$1,245,600 23 34 35 36 --- # * * f * * # # 29 30 31'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32 'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT * RENT ROLL ------------------ 17,800 7,900 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 * * 1,125 1,082 24 76 ---- 100 27,000 82,200 775 1,121 9,300 13,453 223,200 1,022,400 * * ------- ---------- f 109,200 $1,245,600 f 37 mmmummuunnmuumnummmmunmmanumuunnunmmmanununununmuummam 38 39 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 40 44 45 46 47 48 LAND ACQUISITION 49 50 51 'HARD COSTS': 28-Jul-88 LINE COST/ ITEM RENTABLE COST/ COSTS SO.FT. UNIT ---1 0 -14.65 l1,600,000 $14.65 53 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 54 LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) 55 56 TOTAL HARD COSTS 57 58 59 'SOFT' COSTS: 60 61 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING 62 BOND PREMIUM (.004%) 63 PERMITS AND SURVEYS 64 CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST 65 OAS APPLICATION FEE 66 MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE 67 INSPECTION FEE 68 LOAN POINTS 69 REAL ESTATE TAXES 70 INSURANCE 71 LEGAL FEES 72 TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES 73 ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION 74 RENT-UP AND MARKETING 75 DEVELOPER'S FEE 76 DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD 77 SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) 5,932,500 500,000 6 5------- 54.33 4.58 8----- 6,432,500 177,975 25,730 150,000 551,801 79 TOTAL SOFT COSTS 82 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) 3 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 87 -1600 $16,000 % OF TOTAL COSTS -3--- 13.94% 58.91 59,325 5,000 2---64,325 51.68% 4.36% -.-0 56.04% 16, 421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,575,500 393,875 31,649 1.63 0.24 1.37 5.05 0.08 0.15 0.38 1.55 0.23 0.92 0.92 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.43 3.61 0.29 1,780 257 1,500 5,518 82 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,755 3,939 316 1.55% 0.22% 1.31% 4.81% 0.07% 0.14% 0.36% 1.47% 0.22% 0.87% 0.87% 0.13% 0.13% 0.44% 13.73% 3.43% 0.28% 3,446,024 31.56 34,460 30.02% $11,478,524 $105.11 $114,785 100.00% 8,211 $9,509,149 88**************************************************************** DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 28-Jul-88 ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS I Of TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SQ.FT. COST/ UNIT $200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 $1.83 $2,000 9.16 12.82 10,000 3.37% 16.861 14,000 23.60% 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 282,500 6.41 11.90 9.16 0.46 2.59 $5,932,500 $54.33 $59,325 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 5% TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 117 65 2,825 0.84% 4.76% 100.00% es se .e .. s es .... e.. e. 139 e ues.eee . .ees e e ...... e . 21-J9t -90 - 143 144 1VEW to 3fui OION (CIN, 666(ET UNITS 145 6(001 66IN FACIN: 9SfI5I3E0 UITS 5.01 u m N woo 141 14 149 -InO 151PITEVIIALIFYERS: 353 linit611* 152 LU 06011I 6ils WITS 153 6686111 WNITS 354- 6.11 5.61 0P I I 6 106 1 ---- -- 1A8A 0 f via I YENl 3 2 ---- ---- ---- $223,2 M 1,022,40 4234,5 3,062,144 --- 624,01 1,141,165 I 4 - -- I 1 6 YEN 11 V I S 5 It YEN6 Vial 6 1 VIl 14 16 YENl YEN YEAR 15 1 6 vial 10 e Y 121 11 .. 12311,362 11,2117,695 6420,811 0441,13 621,3 31634,065 1321,1111 1,450,214 1,531,312 2,180,706 2,311,541 1,621,550 - - - -- - - - - - - 6264,666 1,3X1, 202 $271,311 1,210,756 1346,2511 1,127,323 633,561 1,130,%63 1311,141 1 1.140,126 2 155 156 157 10AL POTENTIAL ETWIS 15 LESS VACANCY0 1 562,2W 159 PLUSI636 (r1 LAUli6 1,245,6W 65,5I5 (KY) 61,142 10,040 18,103 1,416,0171362,051 1,394,147 1,311,104 13,6m ltoc 62,653 13,236 61,410 12,561 11,110 3,13,320 163 164 LESS3EIi6 (IPENSES 165 LESSREPLACENNT RESERV 166- 32,506 21,5W 1,26,111 31,325 26,615 It? 366 NET 316A106 [KO3PF 21,540 113,324 56,315 642,111 66,636 15,340 173 LESSKIT SEN(ICE: I1I INTEREST 172 PRINCIPAL 110,243 164,510 756,431 151,17 62,166 1,414,163 1,336,30 410,681 30,311 43,215 33,635 336,5m6 153,55 31,053 223,105 262,600 951,133 1,010.3171 .3073,2694 1,140,0M 144,291 136,423 127,121 68,431 14,51 1,676,111 1,41,511,53,7 452,116 33,426 415 35,016 4",3I6 3XE53 303,233 345,312 390,681 437123 41,301 3,233, 0114 3,286, 36 13,366,264 11,212 101,122 63,336 616,662 U6620 664,361 1.51,311 1,851,314,2,753,461 2,601,503 , 111,126 122,105 130,071 131,673 14,165 15,36 15,136 22,605 21,321 --4----. ,6. 6,40. 161,121 3330 360- 161 162E fECT1W GlOS 306661 1,141,403 1,653,61W 11,16 303,1 12,625 61.012 16,604 16,01, 3,1 4 :,6-0,405 3,611,213 2,492,833 1, 2,3-, 56 ,li4.532 1,1 % 6,1 2,102,114 20,1 2,225,423 524,3 102,44 554,352 511,110 666,163 63103 737,525 365 51,65543,630 54,44 42,662 44,15 41,034 593,410 538,%2 3,451,356 1,541,261 1,73,513 1,846,432 2 2,3 66 4,316 3,6X6,11 656,4231 640,537 623,213 305,25 192,490 134,116 201,634 125,105 33,35 346,636 162,615 1 174 I15A I56 t533,231 rm 1 OPERATI0NS 33,1611 61,112 662,313 118,146 11,354 $240,251 6301,053 31,116 6453,2A3 618,121 6106,260 1603,152 6905,546 61,013,405 3InroWiWsvEisivis to Ki63 (6066061 33. ye3 323,63 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 117 I78 5013(ES31 (0l0m: 179 3633 S636 P 1UIt0AV (PER 3,FA040,0 0 1, 6000 1,000,0W 3,000,000 1,000,0% 3,0 ,00 3,064,04 00,6 000 3,60,00 3 3,000,004346 IN0 SNM Ufill M ARCH 3,010 6 6 1 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 0 I66 REMIN DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 6 0 6 6 6 0 3I2 CAN0 AVAILAB E roe v5 e11WT10 KV. 0 1,112 62,333 136,306 11,350 240,257 301,053 371,116 453,2611,013,405533,237 61,12 106,260 603,152 15,546 163 PENti63CASN 61 UTIONS 16KV. 0 ,112 662,313 136,306 11,30 16,655 616,655 61,. 655 110,655 631,655 11".655 611,655 6190,65511",655 164 135 KTSEhICEC0VERAGE (I3N 36 6, 3 1 .36 3.63 3.61 1.14 1.21 3.21 1.31 1.45 2.09 3.542.22 3.65 3.1 3.64 3.14 0 1,000,000 31 1" III essessessessess.*uggsgessesesgeesees of soup ANALySiS Uil63 I R1PAYMENT: VIN 192 1 TEAR 2 VIM 3 VIMR 4 VIMR 5 YEN via 6 28 Julas YEAR 108 YEAR 14 1 I5 0YEN 9 TEA TEN YEAR T 12 3 1 36 194 S3t6 TURNS A6VA666 60623,030 356INTEREST f 51 3,615 11 987163 ri M3PEAI136 I1 INWISTONSINW AK 6*6006 11" 200(306183 W DISTRIBUTECA,3T,04 CAN OLo 6 203 702 195 6,304 6,631 6,154 1,21 6 6 0 6 32,6 32,36 A~i0 MM-DIS3TRIU6EO MS CY CAN 1111 r o 6 6 6 6 6 0 gigolo. 3 124 1111011 5 to t6 t0 t0 7,663 5,566 24 363 103 0 336,311 532 (61 41,603 1331,661 345, 1 353,251 13,331 0 0 0 6 366,6122,626 342,502 6 6 366,001 441,435 112,0311,21.41E 6s 00 0 66 s0 60 t03 (01 6 so 0E 0 0 0 "01 to) 363 6 0 421,413 37,604 633,21 714,91 622,141 2,356,313 3,065,21 3,666,30 661 4 0 10) 303 6 6 6 I 30) (0 33 u m m u m u 204 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: =========== === 206-- ==== 207 208 209 210 211MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 212 INTEREST RATE 213 MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 214 TERM 215 ANNUAL PAYMENT 216 ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT 217 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235I 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 u e e m u m m u n am u 28-Jul-88 $8,558,234 8.501 0.501 30 $833,027 10.17% YEAR BEG. BAL. $8,558,234 8,495,448 8,427,011 8,352,415 8,271,105 8,182,477 8,085,873 7,980,574 7,865,798 7,740,693 7,604,328 7,455,690 7,293,675 7,117,078 6,924,588 6,714,773 6,486,076 6,236,795 5,965,080 5,668,909 5,346,084 4,994,204 4,610, 655 4,192,587 3,726, 893 3,240,186 2,698,775 2,108,638 1,465,388 764,245 m e PAYMENT INTEREST & FEES $833,027 $770,241 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833, 027 833,027 833, 027 833,027 823,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 764,590 758, 431 751, 717 744,399 736, 423 727,729 718, 252 707,922 696,662 684,389 671,012 656,431 640,537 623,213 604,330 583,747 561,312 536,857 510,202 481,148 449, 478 414,959 377, 333 336,320 291,617 242,890 189,777 131,385 68,782 AMORT'N $62,786 68,437 74,596 81,310 88,628 96,604 105,299 114,776 125,105 136,365 148,638 162,015 176,597 192,490 209,814 228, 698 249,280 271,716 :36,170 322,825 351,880 383,549 418,068 455, 694 496, 707 541,411 END. BAL. $8,495,448 8,427,011 8,352, 415 8,271,105 8,182,477 8,085,873 7,980,574 7,865,798 7,740,693 7,604,328 7,455,690 7,293,675 7,117,078 6,924,588 6,714,773 6,486,076 6,236,795 5,965,080 5,668,909 5,346,084 4,994,204 4,610,655 4,192,587 3,736,893 3,240,186 2,698, 775 590,128 643, 250 701,.12 764,245 1,465,388 764, 245 0 eesseseessesseessessettessSssessessesseSeSsessesseessesseestessesseessessessesseessessessSSsteesessessessessessesse0essesse*essemenessessessesseessesseessesseeesesJul 254eSeSsseSSeeSssss,,SSessssesseSSeSSesseSSeSSe,,15SIseSSesseeSSessSSeeseSSe e811 255 256POO~rnN03AL1S11 U 251 250 253 26) 1A03(01l0S2600A3ilif 0ES: ~ 28 hiK 88 ~ 77711100 TM0060E :-C1STGETIU-| 28.00E 262 263 264 265 26601130E100123305 10 0 Ito 3 ---- 00$793,320 263 PIUS(PtFCMN21I RESERVE 269 LESS63016AGE iTE30i7EES 210 LESS 271 LESS 0MIlIl002103: 31A0 212 213 MAAKE00 01 27410 31112 fLIA011L112) 215 211 I031NUEIN CADICT 211 278 279 TOTALTAI Kirits (Lllil) 200 230 0 0 0 NPRECIAIlN 0 0 iIN01 EE r -------- v E SI IT va34 40 ---- 6942,19 04 IT - V E AI YE5 5 ---- I IsV I S I N E N I YE 2 6 ---- IM95,340 to0 27,500 3 23,675 36,319 31.835 710,241 764,510 50,431 f 295,170 0 215,1 0 0295, 10 5,621 5,627 0 0 0 5,621 --------------------------- ------ - ---------0250,38) 114,333) 1134,111) 210,166) 0 0 0 010,235 1 54,413 37,573 8 YEAR 7 ---- 8 ---- EW1 9 10 -- 151,133 il,0l0,377 01,073,24 2 I AI S YEW it YEA - 12 $0se 070,235 054,413 037,573 to 019,647 YE 14 01,140,00M0 1,211,004 01,206,309 15 1,366,264 5 01,451,1% 35,016 31,53 33,695 40,630 42,662 44,795 41,034 49,36 751,11 744,399 736,423 727,729 718,252 101,122 6%,662 644,319 295,790 215, 1 215,110 21, 110 211 215,1" 215,10 215, 10 5,621 5,627 5,627 5,621 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,621 ---------- ---------------------------- ------------------- ------------------f2,013) 70,542 147,70 230,03 311,600 410,347 510,144 615,393 721,511 19,647 564 (19,152) 040,31) (64,401) (8f,2n) (115,031) (142,140) 5%4 (619,1522 (141,311)(164,401 (3it,921 ($115,0311 (0142,840) 0 ---------- ---------- 3 11172,4500) (203,052) :.:.... 234 FLoS: ANALYSIS O AfTER-T A CASN 265P30OI0MA 28 Ju -8u1 2"7 201 1 0111 RATE O1P ETURN O EQUIT 110110IMUENi 21 INVES00161 :-C30SlmlioN-| 17.51 IN6V(ESIN3 E YEARS EARS 21 VE YEW YEA t YEAR YE0 YE 2R 213 13 10 11 12 0 6 1 a 9 33 1 2 --- --- -- -- - ------ - -- ---------2"4 295 2% CASN IO(NUlfI (100,13,000 I0 141,015 so se s to s se s so o to SO 0 10,655 10,655 211CAS 3152i0010l0 (i3(111) r30 01ERA MNS 16,655 612,313 20,106 177,350 110,655 10,1'5 0 1,112 0 0 0 42,23 164,401 (00,1202 2205,0372 19,647 514 (1,752: 2 TAI KRIM11( ialill f 0 6 0 70,235 54,413 37,573 0 0 0 0 5,355,11 0 29 SAIlSPROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- ---0-0-01- - --------------- - 0,------------------------------- -----------------------------300 301 S 30210TAL Ai(R-TA CASHft1NS 201,60,000) t0 141,0 5 $919116 1137,7521177,913 1170, 14 1149,215 1126,247 s101,72715,930,00 No $64,115 670,235 303 304 AiE1-AI 3E 1SEN VALUE 012,000 305 Aff1 AI 111(131EAL RAEOr E1M3 18.21 306 301 300 e ss 0s55 e Se SSIe 292 TIE lEd ET s s s e s 210 YEW 1,541,217 1,63 33,426 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 0 ---------- YEAR YER YE Y1W0 E YE 14 YEAR 25 so 1 0 0 0 0----------------to 0 0 0 0 to 0 671,012 1 295,710 2 5,621 5 ---------- (172,454) ( 0 05 30j9*i**f***I*****************************************4i*44*I44*************I**** 310 311 ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 312 ======================== 313 315 316 317 GROSS SALES PRICE# 318 319 LESS COMMISSION I 3Z 320 LESS MHfA "APPRE CIATION PARTICIPATION' I 321 322 NET SALES PRICE 323 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: COST BASIS 325 326 PLUS: APPLI CATION OF RESERVE LESS: DEPRE CIATION 327 328 LESS: COST AMORTIZATION 329 330 331 332 TAXABLE GAIN ON SALE 333 334 TAXLIABILITY 335 336 337 28-Jul-88 * $15,180,714 455,421 0 0.00% 14,725, 293 9,903,024 345,892 2,957, 896 56,270 7,234,750 7,490,542 $2,097,352 --------- 338 339 340 341GROSS SALES PRICE# 342 343 LESS COMMISSION 8 3% 0.00% 344 LESS MHFA "APPREC IATION PARTICIPATION' I 345 346 NET SALES PRICE 347 LESS TAXLIABILITY LESS OUTSTANDING DEBT: FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN SHARP LOAN PLUS NON-DISTRIBUTED PROJECT CASH FLOW RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) PROCEEDS NETSALES * 115,180,714 455, 421 0 14, 725, 293 2,097,352 7,604, 328 (0) 831, 568 $5,855,181 INCOME CAPITALIZED B 9.0% NETOPERATING * *mmmemmm e***mem mtm memm mmu mu*H enu 350*neseeeseegssggggggessesegsgggggssegess 32 P9131MA STATEMNI or SINCES A llSESif CASI: :-COSTUETI : IITEST3EIT %I 31 YEAR TSll 0 310 SmCES o CASiN: 311 372 IWIEPER E3lTi ICASI 373 EWANEAR FMIHA ZI wFrus 314 mw 375 T OPERAII10 INCUi 376 INTEREST ON100 DISIIBUTE3CASH rtLU 311 ST SALES PICE 373 BISIRISiITIU if CASN fLU ESERW 319 31 32 SEAR I -- - ---- ---- EA 2 ---- TEAR ---- 90 Es. TOTAL SOURCES OrCASH S 23-Jul-U8 314 X15 366 IE YEAR 3 ---- 1l, 600,000 A 4,271,111 4,279,1170 A 123,RIA 0 793,3239 342,79 1"5,340 0 0 3 0 0 0 A ----------------------------------- INVESTnIT ARS TEAR SEA 4 - - ---- YEA 5 ---- TEAR ---. SEAR 6 ---- AS to 00 A 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 I,073, 234 1,140,0 151,1331,010,3771 I 0 0 0 0 0 A S0 0 A 0 ---------------------------- SE ARS vEaR TEA 7 ---- ---- so 0 0 1,286,3091,366,264 15,-791 31,552 14,725,213 831,568 IA 0 I1,Z02,187 116,%2,677 11,010,377 11,073,2461,140,000 61,211,004 60,000Al,14,271,111 $4,271,1117916,330 3642,799 I95,340 S951,133 ... 2- :::= === = =====.. ==. == ==2======. = SEAR 1 ---. AS 0 0 0 EAR 9 ---1o 0 H 0 0 SEAR to 0 I 0 0 S 0 0 A - -A0 IT 11 10 12 1 ===== === = ---- 0 I 9 0; T===:= 3s Us USES ir CASN: 3s 386 37 3w 61, If 4,27,17 ACIISIIU i LIMEWLPENT 6H0,00AA KSELAPENT i EIUE3CK3NIS/LAN IRTEBEST I FEES: EwA NfIME IRAN 0 I 00 10 to to I0 15 AR A1 0 0 00 A A 60 0 0 0 0 136,423 0 727,721 713,252 701,122 6%,662 0 7170,241 714,590 751,431 151,717 744,311 %,604 M,623 105,299 0 0A 74,5% 81,310 62,73E 6,437 114,776 125,105 7,740,693 0 0 0 6 00 0 0 0 13,303 0 0 A 116,397 0 0 1 041,601 0 512(0) (0) 0 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,011,352 190,655 10,155 0 62,313 116,106 177,350 0 9,772 19655 6,045,637 0 0 276,505 382,133 0 0 A 0 186,39 0 ---------------------------- ---------- - - ----- - -- - - - --------- -- ------ ------------------- is 4,27-,117- so AlTIIATIU: MAimRMAGE 0 EVA INKIrKIT SERVICE RESERVE 0 0 REPAYENITOF SmRP rim1i 0 0 312 TAN LIARILITI U SALE 0 313 *LIITED DIVITRD' IISTIIUNIONS FLOM RESERVS TISTRIBUIEB PUJECfCASH 39 VON -----------15 3% 0916,330 311 TOTAL USES iF CASN $I, 600,000 $4,2719,17 I4,279,117 1042,711 995,340 1951,133 11,010,377 11,073,24 61,140,080 AI,211,004 IA 11,302,11Io 116,%2,177 Ho 31= 399 400 sS eessesses eeseSes g*SSgsgge *gsgsgseseseseeesgegeeeeueeseegegesesesmeeusssseeuseseeeseseeeseeeegs es.,eusuemgegee*eeesegsuemseeseteessteesseuegn~o~eeseseesteesesse.,,,,,,m,.,s,,,g,,egg,;s 361 39 311 0 190,655 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: BASELINE ('MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T PROFORMA TINE DELAY (INMONTHS1 28-Jul-S8 $0 0 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ("AT $82, 000 DELAYED 'ATNPV' PRESENT VALUE OF BASELINE 'ATNPV' SUBSIDY 582, 000 60,000 38,000 16,000 (6,000) (27,)00) (42,000) (69,000) (89, 000) (109,000) (129, 000) (149,000) (168,000) (187,000) (206,000) (225,000) (243,000) (261,000) (279,000) (297,000) (314,000) (331,000) (348,000) (-65,000) (381,000) $82,000 60,000 38,000 16,000 (6,000) (27,000) (48,000) (69,000) (89,000) (109,000) (129,000) (149,000) (168,000) (187,000) (206,000) (225,000) (243,000) (261,000) (279,000) (297,000) (314,000) (331,000) (348,000) (365,000) (38,000) TIME- MONTHS OF TIME DELAY 446 munmmumunummmuummunmuummumm 447 m 448 AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TOCHANGES INREVENUE GROWTH 28-Jul-88 450 ===================== UNI T L AND COS TS $24,000 $4,000 $8,000 $ 2,000 $16,000 $20,000 +ATNPV (420,000) (692,000) (94 0.00% 43,000) (1,167,000) (1,390,000) (1,614,000) (221,000) (487,000) (73 53, 000) (976,000) (1,200,000) (1,423,000) 1.00% 2.001 (29,000) (295,000) (55 59, 000) (788,000) (1,003,000) (1,218,000) 174,000 41,000) (590,000) (816,000) (1,034,000) (87,000) (34 3.00% ANNUAL 376,000 122,000 4.00% (1315,000) (361,000) (575,000) (811,000) REVENUE (151,000) (379,000) (569,000) 584,000 6,000 336,000 GROWTH 5.001 82,000 (145,000) (371,000> 799,000 559,000 6.00% 313,000 FACTOR 324,000 (125,000) 100,000 5I, 000 1,029,000 790,000 55 7.00% ('MARKET" UNITS) 579,000 135,000 79 99,000 353,000 1,270,000 1,037,000 8.001 405,000 623,000 64,000 845,000 1,528,000 1,299,000 1,06 9.00% 7,000 1,127,000 908,000 693,000 1,805,000 1,575,000 1,34 10.00% t * I 467 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECT ON AFTER-TAI NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES IN DENSITY (HOLDING 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 UNITS/ ACRE -----2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 AFTER-TAX NPV --------($650,000) (549,000) (543,000) (438,000) (348,000) (338,000) (286,000) (206,000) (202,000) (106,000) (20,000) 79,000 82,000 181,000 269,000 283,000 375,000 482,000 484,000 590,000 683,000 697,000 790,000 893,000 897,000 999,000 1,092,000 1,097,000 1,199,000 1,301,000 1,407,000 1,414,000 1,519,000 * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appendix B 2 3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 4 (48) SHARP DEAL WITH 10.01 TAXABLE FINANCING, WITHOUT TAX CREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER 6 7 28-Jul-88 * * * * * SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: VPERATINS ASSUMPTIONS: OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PEP UNIT RESERVE FOR PEPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR $4,000 $100 $275 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION % 28-Jul-9B 6.00% rNANCING ASSUMPTIONS: MINIMUM DEVELOPER EgUITY CONTRIBUTION (ASA I OF TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) 10.00% LAND COST UNIT LAND COST MINIMUM I AFFORDABLE UNITS $1,600,000 $16,000 25.00% TAXASSUMPTIONS: TAXCREDIT I HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 0.00% 10.0 SITE SIZE IN ACRES (NET OF ROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) 70TAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, I=SOLVE FOR DELAY) 20.0 5.0 I00 1 * 9 9 10DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 11======== = = 12 13 !4 15 16 UNITS 17 ----18 19 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 20 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 21 TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 22 TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (8) 23 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 24 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (8) 25 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 26 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (B) 27 2B TOTALS 29 + * 28-Jul-88 RENTABLE SQ.FT. -------1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 TOTAL IOF RENTABLE UNITS SQ.FT. ----- -------- PROJECTED MONTHLY RENT/ UNIT --------- PROJECTED ANNUAL RENT/ UNIT --------$7,800 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 6 6 30 30 6 6 8 8 ---100 6,000 6,600 30,000 33,000 6,600 7,800 8,800 10,400 ------109,200 $650 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 24 '6 27,000 82,200 775 1,121 * PROJECTED IST YEAR RENT ROLL ---------$46,900 46,800 360,000 432,000 64,800 64,800 110,400120,000 ---------$1,245,600 * I + t * * I * 30 31 "AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32 'AVERA6E" MARKET UNIT 33 34 35 36 1,125 1,082 ---- 100 9,300 13,453 223,200 1,022,400 ------- ---------- 109,200 S1,245,600 * * * 38 39 DEVELOPMENT CST ASSUMPTIONS: 40 ====================== 28-Jul-98 COST/ RENTABLE LINE ITEM 48 LAND ACQUISITION 49 50 51 "HARD COSTS': RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) TOTAL HARD COSTS % OF TOTAL COSTS COSTS SQ.FT. COST/ UNIT $1,600,000 $14.65 $16,000 5,932,500 500,000 54.33 4.58 59,325 5,000 51.22% 4.32% 6,432,500 58.91 64,325 55.54% 177,975 25,730 150,000 634,571 8,211 41,053 !e,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,592,054 398,014 31,649 1.63 0.24 1.37 5.31 0.08 0.15 0.38 1.55 0.23 0.92 0.92 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.58 3.64 0.29 150 150 500 1;,921 3,980 316 1.54% 0.22% 1.30% 5.48% 0.07% 0.14% 0.35% 1.46% 0.22% 0.86% 0.86% 0.13% 0.13% 0.43% 13.75% 3.44% 0.27% 3,549,487 32.50 35,495 30.65% $11,581,987 $106.06 $115,320 100.00% 13.81% 58 59 'SOFT' COSTS: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7! 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING BOND PREMIUM (.004%) PERMITS AND SURVEYS CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST OAS APPLICATION FEE MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE INSPECTION FEE LOAN POINTS REAL ESTATE TAXES INSURANCE FEES LE2AL TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION RENT-UP AND MARKET!NG DEVELOPER'S FEE DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL SOFT COSTS 1,780 257 1,500 6,l46 82 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 81 32 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) $9,591,919 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 57 m m m tm em mm n m n nu u m u un ntn n tnu nntn t 38 28-Jul-89 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS % OF TOTAL LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SQ.FT. 200, 000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 $1.83 $2,000 50,000 282,500 9.16 12.82 6.41 11.90 9.16 0.46 2.59 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 2,825 3.37% 16.86% 23.60% 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 0.84% 4.76Z 55,932,500 S54.33 559,325 100.00% COST/ 'HARD' UNIT COSTS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBIN6 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 5% TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 117 -9141 M 1esse 140 28-Jul-60 O PERATIONS: 143 1ACTOR: qist(T N6006IN 1442VE 0 1456EV.' G000IN FACTOR: S0PS2l0E0 146EtIPENSE6gut" FACTOR 147 240 149 254 151POTENIALREVENUES: 152 600 22r60 UN2TS 153 006ET tI02S2 UNITS 6.01 UNIS5.01 5.01 YEAR 6PFR A YE 2ia I 7 E5A 2 ---- PERATIG S YEN YEA we 3 ---- --------------------- ----------- 1,245,600 1,319,104 1,394,047 -- YER 1 ---- 5 ---- 4 ---- 4256,302 4246,070 6223,20 6234,50 2,217,65 1,141,761 1,022,400 1,003,744 154 YEAR YEA YE ARS R Y5R YE20 YE3 --- -. ---- ---- ---- 4363,569 0321,760 0346,256 621209 314,065 6284,311 1,630,163 1,629,55 1,727,323 1,31,202 1,450,214 1,537,312 ------ ----------- -- - - - - ------------- ----------- --------- - --- 6271,301 1,26,75M --------- 12 if 15 10 141 1 1 ---- 1301,746 1 - 6 1 0400,035 ,2 2,057,270 2 ----------- - -- 1,940,620 - -- - 655 POTENIALKVE S TTAL I57 0 52 251 LESSVACANCY twariy (NET) i00E re1A 159 PLUS 156 1,476,077 62,20 65,145 69,742 10,040 20,600 2,236 11,120 --------------------- ----------- 160 1,749,403 1,653,060 1,562,057 1,151,311 1,851,276 82,653 87,470 73,004 76,103 17,100 12,625 13,382 14,185 15,036 15,930 26,895 ----------- ----------- ----- ------ ------ ---- 1,903 -- 2,073,580 2,114,532 - 2,456,102 2,322,56 116,128 17,1%6 103,671 101,727 22,60 20,122 22,321 -------- ----------- -- -- ----- 12,561 122,052 - - - - - - --- -- -- 62 IlNC0E 162 ErFEtiVE GROSS 2,193,320 163 164 165 LESS 2P0PAT1N6 OIPENSES LESS REP.ACEEN0 PESERVE 266 i67 ICO0 166 6NTOPERATI026 2,212,714 2,225,423 2,96,74. 1,676,2:2 1,773,0441,877,291 1,411,579 1,503,717 1,262,79 1,326,3402,414,13 --- ------ --- -------.. . .. .. ....... -------------------- ------------- - ----- - 372,500 312,225 27,500 2,875 --------------------27,500 713,320 410,61 30,327 ----------- 43f,215 31,62 ----------- 56,614 118,520 951,133 1,010,377 56,375 642,799 695,340 452,776 32,1:0 2 ----------25155 475,415 5,098 -------- --17,053 1,073,24 1,140,000 1,211,004 2,286,309 2,355,32 2,412,033 -77---44-- -,---- w7,970 66,763 5501,352 44,795 40,630 42,662 ----- ----- ----------- ---- 1 491,16 524,145 3,653 30,695 ----------- ------ 223,105 1,366,264 262, 2,630,405 ,- 637,101 47,034 - ---- -- --- 7 I 33,2': 345,81: 2,730,573 1,451,256 1,541,287 2,6U,171 290,607 2,046,432 - 437,721 668,956% 7 49,3065 - - . .. . 467,107 5 70%,702 7 169 270 LESSKe SEPVICE: 272 inERST 172 FRil'IPAL 906,436 47,7?6 615,000 58,274 "1,425 52,737 083,006 71,155 8n9,769 64,313 675,5 70,626 50,158 %,004 07,21 0,002 040,07 206,705 636,939 227,2 624,630 072,030 1.-,532 143,133 2 158,267 173 174 1AsFOW 6(ric20r 1606E2i (060,8421 II2,331 2650,6221 203,0211 65E,215 0I2,222 15,12 625,641 0:,146 0412,102 641c,14 6587,125 0662,627 0 0 0 0 0 222,33 56,622 3,021 0 0 T0O0(61 COVERAGE (1.1 7RI 256,256 I77 171 SORCESor fl~IN6: 04,004 1,000,0001,000,0 2,004,004 1,000,700 2,000,000 ff0 ,040,044 2,060,004 2,040,000 1,000,0041,000,0001,000,000 I1 0A2I6ISilMPWILAP 200 0P401 ru6s0AA6E 2%,258 222,363 58,622 3,02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I6I RUI K101.1E' C11101111U011 205,118 256,641 332,146 412,102 412,94 507,125 662,87 TOKY. 0 0 0 0 %,215 119,22 12 CAS AVAAtE 000 2S7I3UT20N 677l,34 2192,314 0192,314 to 60 56,215 4119,122 1185,918 00 0 183 PI002E2( CASH I2STRIBUI S T0 K2 . .. --.. .. .. .. 124 -----113~~~~~~~~~58,1 .35 1.43 0.52 1.62 1.72 1.00 2.06 2.12 1.19 1.27 2iN r06, IF An2 1.10 2.00 1.00 2050 KT SERIf CVERAGE 175 1760LOO0266 REi2It IWA 6764,422 0 12,270 0 0 0 2,000,00 1,,00,00 0 0 0 0 0 764,422 617,277 0212,314 0192,394 0192,314 9,27 -2. 2.14 0 0 012,314 0 012,34 19 191 192 10 000yS1 s orSirPoullim ====Y==== == EAR == YEAR 1 15 SN6APP 216241i KPA ENT: (20:3$ ST 0 65t 40A0Eu( OPERATIONS 197 PA7FNIS r 204 " UsM0ING 6AL CE I1 A6UAL 6ISf2IBUE0PROJECT rASo NOR 00 200(UnA2fVE R 2ISRIBUT CASH FL0 201 202esaessesseaen,,geseenaeaaeseanteenese 0256,258 6,476 0 262,665 0 0 ssees,,,,, 0I2,33 15,17 0 31.94 0 0 20Jul-66 YE At YEAR 2 650,622 63,029 20,%8 0 0 461,735 0 0 4 0 YEAR 3 to 23,53 0 4%,327 0 0 YE A 4 YEAR 5 0 24,816 0 0 521,144 6 0 0 0 YfAP YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR B YEAR YEAR TAR 10 9 0 0 0 0o 26,72 26,942 26,057 27,360 0 0 64,446 131,753 219,700 231,004 538,841 426,030 547,20 574,562 0 65,5% 314,131 490,423 0 0 50,750 0 65,56 460,327 0 0 s0 21,302 0 227,623 512,027I - 1,542,76 YA 12 22 to 11,311 0 0 13 24 I 0 t 0 to 60 0 0 6I9,7'e6 2,242,644 ,,e,,toe0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,e,,,,ou,,, *en eoa*..soeusasuesu, e usuuigseo gueigggggegSese sgggg,,ggss ,gsg,,,gg,,g,,gmegggggsggggnsegengegngggggueenggsenegenneesggsseesennge**os,,,,,sssg,, 0 0 ANALYSIS OF 28-Jul-88 PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE TERM ANNUAL PAYMENT ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT $8,632,727 10.001 0.50% 30 $954,162 10.17% YEAR 253mn *Hm *+um *** tu BEG.BAL. PAYMENT $8,632,727 8,585,001 8,532,:54 8,473,990 8,409,597 8,338,442 8,259, 816 3,-72,935 8,076,930 7,970,846 7,853,623 7,724,091 7,580, 958 7,422, 796 7,248,028 7,054,908 6,841,511 6,605,708 6,345,145 6,057,223 5,739,069 5,387,509 4,999,035 4,569,772 4,095,436 3,571,294 2,992,118 2,352,128 1,644,339 863,495 $954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 nu u 334,t162 954, 162 954,162 954, 162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954, 162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954, 162 954,162 954,162 954,162 354, 162 954,162 954, 62 954, 162 tn * INTEREST & FEES $906, 436 901,425 895,888 889,769 883,008 875,526 867,281 958,58 848,078 836,939 824,630 811,030 796,001 779, 394 761,043 740,765 718,359 693,599 666,240 636,008 602,602 565,688 524,899 479,826 430,021 374, 986 314,172 246,973 172,719 90,667 M H* AMORT'N END. DAL. $47,726 52,737 58,274 64,393 71,155 78,626 86,882 $8,585,001 8,532,264 8,473,990 8,409,597 8,338,442 8,259,816 8,172,935 %,004 8,076,930 106,085 7,970,846 117,223 7,853,623 129,532 7,724,091 143,133 7,580,958 158,162 7,422,796 174,769 7,248,028 192,1.19 7,054,908 212,397 6,841,511 235,804 6,605,708 260,563 6,345,145 287, 922 6,057,223 3!9, 154 5,739,069 5,387,509 3,560 388,474 4,999,035 429,264 4,569,772 474,336 4,095,436 524,142 3,571,294 579,176 2,992,118 639,990 2,352,128 707,189 1,644,939 963,495 781,444 (0) 863,495 ***u * *" " *" " * falloff## 254 -SS.. ss...sessse,.e 1s11#11e#904111s footlssessses Islsess1 se1 sesesss1#1 seimsssesesees eses s ...... ..... 0#11sse 25 251 P9o00W000 All10lSIS Br0*1 1)11liS 011*10tiTIES): 02g Jbl so = = = = = == == = 257 == 251 259 260fr(0TIVFIAI RAN S 4V T I E AIS 20.000 :-C1St)U(0101 261 262 YEW YEW TEO EA0 00EAR YEAt 263 4 5 6& 0 1 2 3 7 N 9 10 E 15 13 14 ---------- ---- ----------264 215 O" *IE 6 IK N 266 M111 t 00 09 0703,320 0942,90 1195,340 1951,1331t,010,377 11,073,24 01,140,010 1,211,004 1,216,109 11,166,264 11,451,156 01,541,287 261 26 PLus RIPIACFEfnT OSEORE 27,504 20,175 30,3090 31,135 33,421 0 35,098 36,853 40,630 38,65 40, m0 42,662 44,795 47,034 ST 6 r(ES INtK 261 LESS110MT0AGE M09,716 193,09(i 075,526 367,291 906,46 901,425 958,158 141,071 036,039 024,630 110,03. 79c,101 210 LESS 9ECIAI0ON 0 293,050 29,54 291,950 29,950 2m,150 298,150 290,?50 298,950 ?m',950 290,950 ---- 271 LESSAMORTIZION: wNirArI.Cim06 TEE6 5,627 5,627 5,62 5,120 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,6271 5,627 5,62 5,627 ---------------------------------------------.----..------ ---.-----. --------..272 ----.--.. --..--0 273 1AKA0tE I00K 0390,113)4334,3201(274,06) (211,37) (143,701) (71,731 06,%4 174,24 267,410 36,743 42,75 5,075 505, 7U 0 274 TAI BENEI uoABILlITY 59,006 40,250 20,085 109,254 96,946 (41,800) (1,421) (24,350' (14,175) (102,6"1 I X2,016 (964,0211 275 276 INVESTMNT TAICRDIOS 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 -------- -- ------------------------- -- ----------------------------------- --- ----- - -- - - - ?77 sses esessssestesases . s~asse if I 11 61,66,L97 0 0 290,050 0 0 ------- 0 93,612 0 0 273 271 I0TALTARKNFrIS (l0ttIA1010 20 201 .04 .05 to 6109,254 093,612 0 to tm====giI ?22===22-===== ===== == 176,946 659,16 :== == 040,259 120,095 === -===I (124,350)140,00 til,421) ==== ==-- (1974,175) I: (102,6981 1132,01) - )064,021 I - AtALSISOrArTER-TACASH06DUS: '00600RA s0ssee10 .97 200 289 290 E9Ufff0 RATE or 29 EIM IRNE -YEAR YEAP VfAR 0 ---- 293 294 295 2% 1A500NV0ST111 (11,100,001 to 1640,01 00 297 CAS * ISit0 IU0I* 004)0(000 6001 0000*o 017 29 TAI METl Ii 1t 0LITY) 0 0 0 109,254 299NISALES 0 PRWEEDS 0 ---------300 301 302TOA AETAI CASK 6 TO0 S (11,600,00)0 303 304ARi0 1* A NF PRESEN VA6 (113,000) 305 A6-9TAT INTE AL.RATEOrRETURN 16.71 301 30?es 17-51 10U0i0 iSTMNT ON YEW YEAR vEM 1 o0 YEAR YEAR S N F YEtAP 2 2 ---- ---- 76,046 0 to 0640,0 0109,254 003,612 I 0 YE EAR 4 ---- ---- 0 to 00 0 0 0 0 59,116 40,29 20,095 ',4.10 0 ------------------------ S0 0 93,612 0 ---------- N V '- I I 5 ---- 0 (24,359' 0 0 140,00 0 676,946 S 7 -.-.- 0 (74,175) ---059,116 I YEAR YEAR 6 ---- 0 ---------- A E 0 0 -- so 00 56,215 0 -.--- 06,473 N ---0o (ti,122 0 0 - 1139,207 - YEARe 10 1' 9 0 tA IV N F 0 S Y I S YEM - so IS,~ -- - ----- 0004,407 f0 0 1 m 0:' " 2 4,79,04 -0160,044 0 3 -- 0143,t0 1 309 *** ***** * * ****** *********t**************** * 310 311ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 312 313 315 316 317 GROSS SALES PRICE# 318 319 LESS COMMISSION 1 3% 320 LESS MHFA 'APPRE CIATION PARTICIPATION' I 321 222 NET SALES PRICE 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: 325 COST BASIS 326 PLUS:APPLI CATION OF RESERVE 327 LESS: DEPRE CIATION 328 LESS: COST AMORTIZATION 329 330 331 332 TAXABLE GAIN ON SAI LE 333 334 TAXLIABILITY 335 3316 337 338 339 4ttttttttt 28-Jul-88 $15,180,714 455,421 0 0.00% 14,725,293 9,989,933 345,892 2,989,499 56,270 GROSS SALES PRICE# 34: 343 LE C"MMISSI( N 3% ~ 344 LESS MHFA 'AP! PECIATICN PARTICIPATION' 0.00% 345 346 NET SALES PRICE 347 348 LESS TAXLIABI LITY 349 LESS OUTSTANDI NG DEBT: FIRST MORTGA GE LOAN 350 351 SHARP LOAN 252 PLUS NON-DISTR IBUTED PROJECT CASH FLOW RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) 353 -54 355 NET SALES PPCCEEDS 356 357 ' NET OPERATING 3478,549 :NCOME CAPITALIZED 1 9.0% 358 7,290,056 ---------7,435,237 $2,081,866 $15,180,714 'f5, 421 0 14,725,293 2,081,866 7,853,623 0 0 S4,799,204 4tit sses sem eesseseses 3,1 362P3FOPNASTATEMNT OF SU1ESANDUSES O CASH: 364 ISYES ET 363 YEW TIME 33 370 SUMCESIS 377 0 (ASA: KIt&ELER --- -- 600,000 YEAR I ---- YEA E NT Y YEAR -- YEAR YEAR 6 4 ---- YEAR 3 ----- - - 7 ---- 0 3,029 IUICEIS' 731AtS .. ,340 951,133 0 0 A 0 VEAR ---- 5 ---- 0 1,073,284 1,010,377 0 0 0 0 0 0 SISME YEAP to iM6 0I IIVE AIS YEAR 5 2 ---- 372 E0U7TY (CASA? so -0 37, 373 rliarmll 0 4,316,64 4,316,.4 0 314 Si*P409 0 0 0 26,2503 375 El1 SPERAIlll6 IK631 0 0 3.4 4,.3.. 342,799 376 J0: 3O07T731U3E3 (ASA (lIA PES.0 0 0 377 WYSALESP11CEC 0 0 . . 0... 373 37ISAYIINi I C si (AS tDLU ISEEVE 0 0 ----------------37, 330 CESINCASH $4,316,364 Al,600,00064,316,34 11,049,57 IUWA 1573018 ,VI 2- 364 35 36 367 0 0 0 0 NT E YEAR -- AI S YEAR YEAR 9 ---- 70 to 04 0 30 30 0 0 0 0 1,211,004 1,206,09 1,366,264 0 0 0 0 74,725,213 0 A YEAR 14 YEAR f 75 Ao 50 0 0 ------------------1954,162 64,162 3954,162 $1,01A,377 17,073,'14 11,140,010 11,17,,04 30 01,236,3 30 116,011,557 33 334UlSES U CASH: 335 311 ACUISlIYI SE LMB/PRN33tW3 Y 000 ,60, 331KSE'.EtV V IIPOROEWSIS/tANS SAAB 0 353 IUYfESYS fEES: 54*r 3l076AGE 0 339 All7t7I7ATY7l: 0 330 ofA4 Iurs tBi~ SERV7CE RESERVE 0 391 3YPAYWST P SMURP msius1% 0 392 7*IAILItOi UiSALE 0 313 'LISIYES SIYIIEU' iSTRYIS~IJYIOS 0 394 ARM-8SIS PRDJC CASHA PLt0 NWA ilOSYSAGE fUIS7AE 3%6 337 TYYILUSSP& ASA 600,000 so 4,316,34 0 Al, so 4,316,364 0 0 0 0 0 0 PESERVE ---- ---- 34,376,354 30 0 30 ' 906,436 0 0 901,425 52,73759,274 0 0 47,726 95,4E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,041,579 3954,162 30 339,763 64,313 30 s0 N33,00 71,155 0 0 0 S,215 875,536 79,626 0 0 0 3354,762 0 367,237 56,332 119,122: c ------ - ---------37, 4,316,34 0 -- -0-- so 0 835,151 %,004 0 64,443 0 191,394 0 P0,762 37,'70,377 A:,073,28e 30 7,9370 0 192,314 37,:40,YO' , 46 219,70 2,001,366 4,92,197 c 07,f17,00A 31 07,26,3(9 376,091,57 to to 399 400 messeesessesemessesesenesessesggnnene 12 gsegse ,,u,,,,,,,gn,,gn,,nesg,,gengg n,,,,,, e m,,s,,,,,,me,,,,,,,,g,,,,g,,,o,,,,,,,m,,,,, emsesugsesneesggesessss esseenA A ~o:f44$4H4H4*4*Hi*44HHI*H4444*44*44*I*444*4*~*II44sE4444~j~~4 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 28-Jul-88 BASELINE ("NARKET DEAL") AFTER-T $0 PROFORMA TIME DELAY (IN4ONTHSY 0 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ("AT (183,000) TIREMONTHS OF TIME DELAY DELAYED 'ATNPV' PRESENT VALUE OF SUBSIDY ($83,000) ($82,000) (104,000) (124,000) (143,000) (163,000) (182,000) (201,000) (220,0300) (23,000) (256,000) (274,000) (104,000) (124,000) (143,000) (163,1000) (:32,300) -RAAP% (343,000) (201,000) (220,000) (228,300) (246,'200) (274,000) (292,000) (309,000) (226,000) (243,000) (360,000) (360,000) 377, 000) (393,000) (409,000) (425,000) (441,000) (456,000) (472,000) (487,000) (50!,000) (377,000) (393,000) (292,000) (309,000) (226,000) 446 BASELINE "ATNPV' '409,00- (425,000) (441,000) (456,000) 472, COO) (487,000) (501, '00) '*I**I*H4#4~4f*f**4ffEf4*f**44~9**f*IflH4I*I**I*4H*e*~4*49*4*IIf 447' 448 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TOCHANGES INREVENUE GROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 450= 28-ul-88* 451 1NT L AND COS T S 452 +ATNPV $0 $4,000 $8,000 S12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,0 453 0.00% (440,000) (671,000) (902,000) (1,133,000) (1,364,000) (1,595,000) (1,825,000) 454 455 456 ANNUAL 457 REVENUE 458 GROWTH 459 FACTOR 460 '"ARKET' UNITS) 461 462 463 464 465 466 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% 9.00% 10.00% (250,000) (53,000) 166,000 368,000 589,000 816,000 1,054,000 1,303,000 !,569,000 1,852,000 (481,000) (293,000) (94,000) 132,000 344,000 577,000 819,000 1,075,000 1,341,000 1,626,000 (712,000) (513,000) (328,000) (88,000) 107,000 342,000 587,000 842,000 1,112,000 1,398,000 (943,000) (1,173,000) (1,404,000) (1,635,000) (737,000) (968,000) (1,199,000) (1,430,000) (550,000) (769,000) (987,000) (1,209,000) (331,000) (78,000) 110,000 355,000 617,000 888,000 1,177,000 (568,000) (303,000) (83,000) 129,000 388,000 663,000 953,000 (794,000) (1,013,000) (541,000) (776,000) (257,000) (495,000) (83,000) (243,000) 163,000 (59,000) 440,000 215,000 730,000 510,000 t * * * * * * 467 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: 470 = 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 * EFFECT ON AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES IN DENSITY (HOLDING UNITS/ ACRE -----2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 s.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 9.75 9.00 9.25 3.50 9.75 10.00 * (750,000) (667,000) (669,000) * * * f * f * (573,00) * AFTER-TAX NFV --------- (493,000) (486,000) (399,000) (301,000) (303,000) (205,000) (141,000) (88,000) (83,000) (29,000) 45,000 51,000 128,000 2!6,000 213,000 301,000 381,000 386,000 466,000 553,000 550,000 639,000 722,000 811,000 808,000 898,000 978,000 984,00 1,'65,000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~HIMV S1103SO XVi % K1IM 'BN13vVNIJ IdW3X3-XVI Z9*BHIM * *BB-Inr-B8z 9 GIAVO 9 IV30 ddVHS (0t) t SISA1VNV gNisOH 3i0VU80JJV E D XTpuaddv 118 119 120 OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: 121== = == SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: ==s= 122 OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT 124 RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR 125 126 FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: 127 = =LAND 128 MINIMUM DEVELOPER EDUITY CONTRIBUTION 12L (ASA OFTOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) 130 131TAXASSUMPTIONS: 132 ==zzzzzzzSITE 133TAXCREDIT 1 134 135 136HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 137 139 = = === $4,000 $100 $275 10.001 4.001 10.0 == == 28-Jul-88 # ==== SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES ORNO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION 1 YES YES COST UNIT LAND COST T MINIMUM AFFORDABLE UNITS $1,600,000 $16,000 SIZE INACRES (NET OrROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT CCALC) UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1:SOLVE FOR DELAY) # 6.00Z 25.0N)# . 20.0 5.0 100 # * 3 28-Jul-8 10DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 11========= RENTABLE SD.FT. 15 16 UNITS 17 ----TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (8) TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (B) THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (8) THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (B) 28 UNITS 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 TOTALS 31 'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32 'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT IOF 1,125 1,082 PROJECTED ANNUAL RENT/ UNIT PROJECTED IST YEAR RENT ROLL $650 650 $7,800 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 $46,800 46,800 360,000 432,000 64,900 64,800 110,400 120,000 6,000 6,600 30,000 33,000 6,600 7,800 8,800 10,400 100 109,200 24 76 27,000 82,200 100 36 PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY RENTABLE RENT/ SO.FT. UNIT 109,200 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 775 1,121 9,300 13,453 * * * * * * * * ---------- * $1,245,600 * 223,200 1,022,400 $1,245,600 37 38 39 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 40 =================== 28-Jul-88 LINE ITEM COSTS 48 LAND ACQUISITION 51 'HARD COSTS': 52 53 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 54 LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) TOTAL HARD COSTS 59 TOTAL SOFT COSTS 92 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) 83 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 85 87 % OF TOTAL COSTS $14.65 $16,000 13.94% 5,932,500 500, 000 54.33 4.58 59,325 5,000 51.68% 4.36% 6,432,500 58.91 64,325 56.04% 177,975 25,730 150,000 551,801 8,211 16, 421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,575,500 393,875 31,649 1.63 0.24 1.37 5.05 0.08 0.15 0.38 1.55 0.23 0.92 0.92 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.43 3.61 0.29 1,780 257 1,500 5,518 82 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,755 3,939 316 1.55% 0.22% 1.31% 4.81% 0.07% 0.14% 0.36% 1.47% 0.22% 0.87% 0.87% 0.13% 0.13% 0.44% 13.73% 3.43% 0.28% 3,446,024 31.56 34,460 30.02% $11,478,524 $105.11 $114,785 100.00% 'SOFT' COSTS: ARCHITECTURAL I ENGINEERING BOND PREMIUM (.004%) PERMITS AND SURVEYS CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST OAS APPLICATION FEE MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE INSPECTION FEE LOAN POINTS REAL ESTATE TAXES INSURANCE LEGAL FEES TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION RENT-UP AND MARKETING DEVELOPER'S FEE DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) 79 $1,600,000 COST/ RENTABLE COST/ SQ.FT. UNIT $9,509,149 88 *************************************************t********tetete 89 90 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 28-Jul-88 9L 92 93 94 95 z OF LINE COST/ 96 TOTAL 97 COST/ 'HARD' ITEM RENTABLE COSTS COSTS SG.FT. UNIT 98 --... --......---.--oo RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 51 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 282,500 $1.83 9.16 12.82 6.41 11.90 9.16 0.46 2.59 $2,000 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 2,825 $5,932,500 $54.33 $59,325 $200,000 1,000,000 2 117 2=2 ===22 3.37% 16.86% 23.60% 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 0.84% 4.76% 100.001 _ zz **9SOlOI~Ol96@*SSlI6UIgg,,,,,,.IlI,,,I,,,,,,,S,..4.g,,g.,.g,,,,,,.,,,.,... 149 141"KWAit AMLSIS O 142..................... CA*i 1Lu (KilCmi rRm m n.. mm m...m 144SWIM 0m0 F1TR: 8mu 143KV01 6810M8l FACTOR: 146EI001NSE 688NT 0AC70 Ms91 6.01 5.41 M5-151POTENTAL KW S: I52 INI0E Wits 13 9*001UNITS5 A IP.E YEN 0*8 149 ---- 0f8 .. T IN IT I . E AIS ---- YEN 4 3 ---- ING pII A I P 008 YEN YA 2 ---- via Y E A RS YEA YEIE 5 --- 6 - - A a14 - - 7 . . 1223,2M $234,361 S24,071 6256,312 1271,301 8284,066 0299,109 1314,065 8321,768 9346,2% 6363,561 8311,14 8400,135 1,822,4001,003,7441,141,016 01 1, 2",,156 01,,2102 1,450,21 1,537,312 1,621,550 1,721,323 TOTAL POTENTIAL REVENUES I LESS9AA I51 15P.S 11E rm 28-Jul Is S11151108E 5.01UNITS YEAE 155 156 ISO . OPERATIONS: 1,245,600 62,389 0,040 MANNY9 (8I) 65,565 69,742 10,600 1,394,847 1,311,104 13,804 78,103 11,231 1,562,057 1,476,077 82,653 87,470 12,519 11,110 12,625 1,653,011 1,749,403 1,81,376 2,601,583 1,951,311 2,753,41 222,105 130,07 15,036 15,939 21,32" 137,L73 16,815 22,609 2,102,7142,223,4232,355,322 2,492,833 2,638,405 14,185 10 8420,807 0441,121 1,82'0,113 1,140,920 2,1 0,106 2,311,348 09,727 11,128 11,%6 103,679 13,38' 1 15 - - 12k1 11 2,057,270o 2,073,580 2,114,532 17,10 2,322,% 18,"]3 2 20,122 161 m2 163 164 165 EfFECTf amS iEm 1,193,328 1,212,799 LESS OPERATING EIPSES LISS #[PLACEMNT RESERVE 1,3X,30 372,500 11 16OFTPERATIN ME1 27,500 193,320 1,414,113 1,41,571 %,375 1,64 842,719985,340 637,101 61,9% 47,034 4 11,528 151,155 187,053 223,905 22,100 303,231 345,812 390,617 437,721 417,187 513,410 538,112 51,133 1,010,3177 1,73,284 1,140,000 1,211,004 1,201,301 1,366,264 1,451,156 1,541,28 1,636,971 1,841,432 1,731,503 Ifl 170 171 1,583,797 1,676,118 1,773,844 1,871,21 1,9,7% 391,125 410,1611 431,215 452,716 475,415 499,11 524,945 550,352 577,170 60,763 702,404 737,525 27,50 28,875 30,31 31,135 33,426 35,09 31,853 30,65 50,05540,630 42,62 44,795 54,441 LESS KITSERVICE: INTEREST 172 PRIKIPAL 173 174 175CASK ilm(Krici) 1716 FUNDING MI 770,241 764,590 758,431 751,717 744,391 73,423 62,786 68,437 74,5% 81,310 88,62 %,604 ---------------------------.-.------.-- -- ......-- ---...---. .. -.---.......-- -- - - - -- - - - r8m FOR KIT PERATI0ONS COVERE (639,707) 123,010 (1.I I1) 01,772 0 862,313 0 8118,106 0 6240,251 1171,350 0 1307,053 0 0 III OFruBme 111 11179101 SM*P I01A7 MPET 1AI00 1,00m 180 SARP FUNiDS ADVANEE 191 01101111 KML0PE CONTRIBUTN110 182CASN AvAltAREroe 11S0iimi9m 08 Kv. 0 113P011111E9CAUil 11ST18it 1015 10 K . 114 185 KIT SEVICE COVERE(1T111 FUDI, IF A11) 727,729 719,252 101,122 611,662 140,31 623,213 105,211 114,776 192,410 125,105 201,114I,365 - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - 8317,1716 453,281 8905,546 01,013,405 4 0 0 1 614,31 6171,012 6 162,015 1 149,638 8533,237 0 1618,129 0 8708,260 8 6 0 Son 179 1,00,00 123,010 0 1,772 62,313 0 91,772 1.10 1,800,04 1,040,000 0 8 0 0 177,350 118,10 662,313 1.01 118,16 1.07 1,000,00 1,800,800 1, 0,000 1,000,00 1,004,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,440,400 1,M0,00 1,040,000 1,000,8000 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 9 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 240,251 307,053 377,176 453,281 905,546 5',.'7 ('1,20 803,152 1,013,405 F9,1:1 11171,350 0190,655 1190,655 110,655 910,1655 6110,655 $10,655 4150,655 015,6 6190,655 slO,655 1.14 1.21 1.29 1.37 1.45 2.0 1.54 *saususesug,, ges,, 2.22 1.64 1.85 1.74 1 eeggg 119 ANALYSIS Dr SHARP rWiliiN6I 191"= = == I" REPAYINEMI: = == AR = va 1 192 I13 ---- 15ISiUlS AWAKED 1123,010 1% -- tst 7 51 3,05 117PAlIlMI ro I1" MAKllCE 126,018 I9 IsAL 6N-11 15 10tR fi PfOJECT CASi Ft i 20 CU180AIVE MIISiIOUTEOCASiLOL 0 201 GUISIMal16 o 6,619 6,50 I 4 ---- 7,0 0 132,39 139,001 145,959 153,257 3 111,31 48 0 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 186,001 7 ---. to YEAR 114 .... YEN --. YW YEA 10 115 - it i 12 1 .. to so10 $0 of 0 (0) (0) 0 116,357 512 (0) 10) 00 0 (0) 801 0 116,809 714,891262,626 342,582 427,473 822,741 1,737,094 2,350,311 3,065,231 3,80,030 so (0) (0) 0 441,435 0 101 4 0 1 9 0 ---- 24 YEAR 6 5 -- so 5,5%6 7,663 vie vEaR W 3 ---- so 6,304 YEN 2 ---- ---- 28 Jul-91 YEA 9,601 0 0 0 192,017 1,211,41 s.,e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.............. 0 0 517,604 1 6 204 SERVICE: 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT 206 207 208 209 210 211MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 212iNTEREST RATE 213 MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 214 TERM 215 ANNUAL PAYMENT 216 ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 * 252 253 28-Jul-88 $8,558,234 8.501 0.50% 30 * * # f * * $833,027 10.171 YEAR ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BEG.BAL. --------- PAYMENT ------- INTEREST & FEES -------- AMORT'N ------- $8,558,234 8,495,448 8,427,011 8,352,415 8,271,105 8,182,477 8,085,873 7,980,574 7,865,798 7,740,693 7,604,328 7,455,690 7,293,675 7,117,078 6,924,588 6,714,773 6,486,076 6,436,795 5,965,080 5,668,909 5,346,084 4,994,204 4,610,655 4,192,587 3,736,893 3,240,186 2,698,775 2,108,638 1,465,388 764,245 $833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 833,027 $770,241 764,590 758,431 751,717 744,399 736,423 727,729 718,252 707,922 696,662 684,389 671,012 656,431 640,537 623,213 604,330 583,747 561,312 536,857 510,202 481,148 449,478 414,959 377,333 336,320 291,617 242,890 189,777 131,885 68,782 $62,786 $8,495,448 68,437 8,427,011 74,596 8,352,415 81,310 8,271,105 88,628 8,182,477 96,604 8,085,873 105,299 7,990,574 114,776 7,865,798 125,105 7,740,693 136,365 7,604,328 148,638 7,455,690 162,015 7,293,675 176,597 7,117,078 192,490 6,924,588 209,914 6,714,773 228,698 6,486,076 249,280 6,236,795 271,716 5,965,080 296,170 5,668,909 322,825 5,346,084 351,980 4,994,204 383,549 4,610,655 418,068 4,192,587 455,694 3,736,393 496,707 3,240,186 541,411 2,698,775 590,138 2,108,638 643,250 1,465,388 764,245 701,142 0 764,245 END. BAL. --------- * f * f f * * * 4 * f * f f * * * * * f f * * # + * * * f * * * 93 254*esmsess ose,,sssesemsesessses, 6 4 0 0S......................s............................................................. 255 rwmNA A ATSiS NO, 251?..........1..... 250 259 260EFTECIIVW TN RATE 261 2m mr2TS (LA2imitE S)h TAN 20-Jil-8 26.00t INV0ES0IN6E -lMIEIIm-! 7I2 0 TOM 100 iM YEN 2 1 I TEARS YEAR 3 YEA YEAR E3 4 5 VE ST YEAR 6 8 7EM 9 I EI A 1 t0 7 5 TEM 2) 13 YEAR 7(0 I 1EAR 2 0E03 15 14 4 265 26? 0 20 PLP RACEMNTRFSERWE 269 LESS O6 INT~EEST A rEs 210 LOSSKME0C2Ii0120 27122LESS000i7276220: mnF (2946ill6 (EE0 * 0 0 23 (0203 iucu (02306li )L010ltlif) 214 0 0 2112100t1NT TANCKIPtTS 0 271 219TOTAL TAN KrliS s0 0 11L01tl) 0 0793,320 6942,799 1 27,500 710,241 25,1 90 5,621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 1115,340 764,510 295,70 5,62? (250,13) (14,333) 10,235 54,413 0 0,440 o0 60 151,133 11,010,377 11,073,204 0,440 0,66) (24, 37,573 19,647 g4,440 60,443 6134,612 6150,683 g4 11,236,301 1,10,000 $1,111,004 38,319 31,e35 33,426 35,09 3,053 150,431 51,717 744,399 736,423 127,129 215,701 215,710 295, ?0 215, 1 25,710 5,621 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 N,375 61,366,264 11,451,156 311,65 40,630 42,662 711,252 707,922 6%,662 215,10 295, 11 295,10 2?5, 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 564 22,013) 70,542 147,10M 230,031 317,600 410,347 (11,152) (41,381) (64,401) (11,121)(115,031) 4142,840) (112,450) (203,985) 440 80,446 80,440 0100,05 012,012 0116,021 00,443 90,44 660,6% O0 44 039,00 0 1)6,040 $2,A1,171 47,034 671,412 21, 190 7 510,244 41, 6%,431 21, 70 615,313 7 0 0 26,49 01,541,2?7 44,795 684,319 134,59) (1)42,840) (0172,450) ($203,95) 232 2023, esesese,,4 ~~ ,4,, 6,se,,e.,,e ses,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,4,,s.,,,*,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,,, ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,e,,, 204 fL03S: 235P000iM A0A02SIS Or AFTER 10ACASH 207 206 209 21 211 00iElnRATE or RETURN ONEUlT 2i0EST000 17.51 292 FIE 213 2% CAST! iNESTwoU 217CASH DISiff )i0111 (KrIClI) 2" TAN KFIilOAOILIT), 2I9ITSALES POCEE3S 300301 302 TTALAf0R-TAI CASH rLMS 304 A7ER TATNETPWSENT VAL2 305ArIE-IAI INR1ARAE Or KI 306 30? 300 I INv :MNSTit|lm-: 0 (01,600,0 0R 0 0 2 040641,05 OPERATIONS 0 0 0 4 0 0 --------(1,600,040) E S YEN YEAR 2 06419,65 E N Y 6 A via 1E3 3 TM 4 TWM 5 1 00 00 10 0 150,683 0 0 134,12 0 --------- 0 I IT 150,1U3144,633 0 1,712 - 62,313 100,015 81,012 11,021 0 0 ---- 0180,334 11,10 60,6% 0 -- 4211,201 1258,X1 - 0 117,350 31,06 0 -.....- 1251,352 YEAR 1 S 0 V I S 1 I I I I I YE n1A 3 9 E 10 go 0 so 0 140,655 10,655 10,655 )1,655 (6,490) (34,51) 0 0 0 05,55,32 -- 0 -0 - 16,040 0229,723 120,695 1612,176 $6,011,241 Y I A I S TRM TEM TWM 0 - 04 0 0 0 0, 0 00 1 0 0 5,-5,- o TEME 14 13 so 04 10,655 0 TEM 12 2I - - 0 . 00 1349,00 20.61 4ese Ise ll to.. . 309 ********************************************** 310 28-Jul-88 311ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 312 313 314 315 316 317 GROSS SALES PRICE# $15,180,714 318 455,421 319 LESS COMMISSION 1 31 0.00% 0 320 LESS MHFA 'APPRECIATION PARTIC IPATION' I 321 14,725,293 322 NET SALES PRICE 323 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: 9,903,024 325 COST BASIS 345,892 326 PLUS: APPLICATION OF RESE RYE 2,957,896 LESS: DEPRECIATION 327 56,270 328 LESS: COST AMORTIZATION 329 7,234,750 330 331 7,490,542 332 TAXABLE GAIN ON SALE 333 $2,097,352 334 TAXLIABILITY 335 336 337 ---------------------338 339 340 $15,180,714 341GROSS SALES PRICE# 342 455,421 343 LESS COMMISSION 1 3% 0.00% 0 'APPRECIATION PARTIC IPATION' I 344 LESS MNHFA 345 14,725,293 346 NET SALES PRICE 347 2,097,352 348 LESS TAXLIABILITY 349 LESS OUTSTANDING DEBT: 7,604,328 FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN 350 (0) 351 SHARP LOAN 831,568 352 PLUS NON-DISTRIBUTED PROJECT CASH FLOW RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) 353 354 $5,355,1.S 355 NET SALES PROCEEDS 356 * NET OPERATING INCOME CAP ITALIZED I9.0% 357 358 359 ****************** *** 1,4flflIH4flh*,,4**HIIIH*****fI*H***Iflh@Ofl*flh*i**4I4I 95 30 *eses,.,sesness,,,.ogsesesess.,ese.ese.essUS,600S000600*00SI@0@0I.S9lS0I*IOHOS9#I*sHO.ggggggfl99gug9~geeg*gu*ug 9691****s Se@gSOeS* gII.uuI.I6*..**gI g~,s,,, I~ 3' 32 "WM STATINT V 1Or ICES A O UKS O CASIk I,,gueggIss IHUIS@UISIIS9SOSI~*SIO*O**I6S~9flII9IIISSS~IS9IO 29-3V8 -a 323 36 367 361 211 371 310 SlICES Or CASN: III 372 KOELOEIEWII? ICASHI )1, 373 IAinvuim 1 iiK1M 214 SilMP 100il11 375 E WEKRAIIm iC3E 316 INTEREST 0 0-IISIOT| ED CASH 371 NE SALES PlCE 371 SIST1IIE 01o CASH FtU IESEIVE 311 30 31 TOTAL SQMCES Or CAST! INVEST i-CSiSTROIEEtI-: TINE 0 ---60,000 0 0 FLU KS. TEN YI34 TFW 32 ------- 1 ---- 4,279,1-0 0 so 0 123,010 713,320 0 4,271,1171 0 0 0 0 ---------- --- 1,04,271,117 100,000 64,271,117 0916,330 ENI TEAR 4 ---- TM T TEA TEARS TEAR 5 ---- IHOY STOENT TEaR 6 ---- TEN TEAR 1 10 ---.-.. yTEAtS YEA IT 1 -- .. 0EN 12 -- TE 1 13 ...- -- - TEAM 14 - - Is 00 00 o to 60 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 342,799 095,340 951,133 T,010,377 0 1,316,364 1,073,294 1,140,00 1,211,004 1,216,309 0 * 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 39,552 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,125,293 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 13T,168 0 0 -- -- - --------------- - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 15,871 6042,111 615,3401151,133 01,010,377 07,013,284 61,140,010 01,211,004 01,302,101 011,%2,617 34 34 9 5 I 1 9 0 383 314USESorCASN: 21 AC011STI0NW O LM/PlEWLl0PEKI 31 KVELPEiOr IWOIP EIHNTSILAH MAN 11, 640,000 0 0 to to 0 0 0 4,271,11 4, 2711 T1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WIAWT6AGE 0 770,241 764,510 0 750,431 751,711 144,211 131,423 727,121 7tH,252 707,922 1%,662 (0) MUA MiGAGE 0 62,76 74,5% 11,310 0,620 64,4321 %,604 104,1711 125,105 105,299 1,740,613 0 390 WEAKUIIEI KiT SETICE RSERVE 0 0 0 0 0 83,303 0 0 391 REPATE0t O SHAPrISiTs 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 41,601 512 116,317 1,11 292 TAT IKILITV USALE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,097,352 313 *LINT1SIVIHKND* SISitIIONS 0 62,313 I1H,10O 177,350 190,655 110,655 190,655 110,6556,045,37 394 Ml-1ISTRIMTES PROJECT CASH itI RSERVE 0 0 0 101,0 278,505 0 0 0 332,133 ----------------------- - -- - ---- - -- ----------. - - -- - --- - - --.------395 31 397 TOTAL USESO CASH II,04,271,117 6100,000 S4,27,117 1916,330 0842,799 95,3400951,T3301,010,3171 I,013,204 01,140,00 ST,2T1,004 1,302,101 016,%2,677 0o 3M INTERESTI TEES: 310 AITIllAII : 0 399 400SSff s egoo s I, l,,gs,*,,,,h,,,,,,,ges, 59595 s SOS SsUSeSiesesesee sgeo Ou;ueeg,,,,,gse*se ,,,,,,,,,.,,,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 a -- -0-s0 ggggggggg~,gggg egg,u,,,,,,,,,g 0 BREAKEVEN TIRE DELAY ANALYSIS: 28-Jul-88 BASELINE ("MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T so PROFORMA TIME DELAY (INMONTHS) 0 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ('AT $349,000 MONTHS OF TINE DELAY TIMEDELAYED 'ATNPV' PRESENT BASELINE VALUE OF 'ATNPV' SUBSIDY $349,000 323, 000 297, 000 272,00 247,000 222,000 198,000 174,000 150,000 127,000 104,000 81,000 59,000 37,000 15,000 (7,000) (28,000) (49,000) (70,000) (90,000) (110,000) (130,000) (150,000) (169,000) (188,000) 446m m m n mm m m $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 247,000 222,000 198,000 1714,000 150,000 127,000 104,000 81,000 59,000 37,000 15,000 (7,000) (28,000) (49,000) (70,000) (90,000) (110,000) (130,000) (150,000) (169,000) (188,000) n nuu $349,000 323,000 297,000 272,000 m m SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: ANNUAL REVENUE GROWTH FACTOR ('MARKET' UNITS) 466 EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TO CHANGES IN REVENUE GROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 28-Jul-88 UNIT L AND COS TS +ATNPV $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 0.00% (153,000) (426,000) (676,000) (900,000) (1,123,000) (1,347,000) 1.00% 46,000 (220,000) (486,000) (710,000) (933,000) (1,157,000) 2.00? 238,000 (28,000) (291,000) (522,000) (736,000) (951,000) 3.00% 441,000 180,000 (75,000) (323,000) (550,000) (767,000) 4.00% 643,000 389,000 131,000 (95,000) (308,000) (544,000) 5.00? 850,000 603,000 352,000 116,000 (113,000) (302,000) 6.00% 1,066,000 825,000 579,000 349,000 122, 000 (104,000) 7.00% 1,296,000 1,057,000 818,000 590,000 366,000 142,000 8.00% 1,537,000 1,304,000 1,066,000 845,000 619,000 402,000 9.00% 1,795,000 1,565,000 1,330,000 1,111,000 890,000 672,000 10.00% 2,072,000 1,842,000 1,613,000 1,394,000 1,175,000 959,000 I * 467 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: 470 :z:===== 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 EFFECT ON AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES IN DENSITY (HOLDING ======= UNITS/ ACRE ------ AFTER-TAX NPV --------- 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 -7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 ($542,000) (444,000) (390,000) (290,000) (202,000) (147,000) (97,000) (20,000) 29,000 122,000 206,000 302,000 349,000 445,000 532,000 587,000 678,000 783,000 828,000 931,000 1,023,000 1,078,000 1,170,000 1,271,000 1,317,000 1,417,000 1,509,000 1,555,000 1,656,000 1,760,000 1,809,000 1,912,000 2,021,000 * * # f f * f f * # f f f # f * # f * * Appendix D 2 3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 4 (40) SHARP DEAL WITH 10.0% TAXABLE FINANCING, WITH 9%TAXCREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER 6 7 100 28-Jul-98 * 118 119 1 120 OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: 121===================== 122OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT 124 RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR 125 126 FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: 127 128 MINIMUM DEVELOPER EDUITY CONTRIBUTION 129 (ASA I OFTOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) 130 131TAXASSUMPTIONS: 132 ===zzzzzSITE 133TAXCREDIT 2 134 135 136HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 137T9SOLVE 139 SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS $4,000 $100 $275 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z LAND COST UNIT LAND COST 10.001 MINIMUM I AFFORDABLE UNITS SIZE IN ACRES (NET OFROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) 9.00? 10.0 UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE FOR DENSITY SOLVE FOR DELAY) 101 29-Jul-8 YES YES 6.00Z $1,600,000 $16,000 25.001 20.0 5.0 100 1 B mm u im 9 10 DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 11 ========== m nu 14 15 16UNITS 17 ---- m m m m # OF UNITS u m m uuun uun 1,125 1,082 100 109,200 24 76 27,000 82,200 100 36 102 PROJECTED PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY ANNUAL PROJECTED RENT/ 1STYEAR RENTABLE RENT/ SQ.FT. UNIT RENT UNIT ROLL 6,000 6,600 30,000 33,000 6,600 7,800 8,800 10,400 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 TOTALS 'AVERAGE" LOW INCOME UNIT 'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT m 28-Jul-88 RENTABLE SO.FT. TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (B) THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (B) nu 109,200 $650 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 $7,800 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 $46,800 46,800 360,000 432,000 64,800 64,800 110,400 120,000 $1,245,600 775 1,121 9,300 13,453 223,200 1,022,400 $1,245,600 m 37 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 28-Jul-88 LINE COST/ ITEM RENTABLE COST/ COSTS SQ.FT. UNIT 48 LAND ACQUISITION 49 50 51 'HARD COSTS': RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) TOTAL HARD COSTS I OF TOTAL COSTS $1,600,000 $14.65 $16,000 5,932,500 500,000 54.33 4.58 59,325 5,000 51.22? 4.32% 6,432,500 58.91 64,325 55.54? 16,421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,592,054 398,014 31,649 1.63 0.24 1.37 5.81 0.08 0.15 0.38 1.55 0.23 0.92 0.92 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.58 3.64 0.29 1,780 257 1,500 6,346 82 164 411 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,921 3,980 316 1.54% 0.22% 1.30% 5.48% 0.07% 0.14? 0.35% 1.46% 0.22% 0.86% 0.86% 0.13% 0.13% 0.43% 13.75? 3.44% 0.27? 3,549,487 32.50 35,495 30.65% $11,581,987 $106.06 115,820 13.81? 58 59 "SOFT' COSTS: 61 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING 62 BOND PREMIUM (.004%) 63 PERMITS AND SURVEYS 64 CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST 65 OAS APPLICATION FEE 66 MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE 67 INSPECTION FEE 68 LOAN POINTS 69 REAL ESTATE TAXES 70 INSURANCE 71 LEGAL FEES 72 TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES 73 ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION 74 RENT-UP AND MARKETING 75 DEVELOPER'S FEE 76 DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD 77 SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) 78 79 TOTAL SOFT COSTS 80 81 82 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) 83 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 85 177, 975 25,730 150,000 634,571 8,211 1,688 100.001 ====== $9,591,919 87 103 88 89 90 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 BREAKDOWN 28-Jul-88 OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE S0.FT. $200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 282,500 $1.83 9.16 12.82 6.41 11.90 9.16 0.46 2.59 $2,000 $5,332,500 $54.33 $59,325 COST/ UNIT I OF TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 5% TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 117 104 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 2,825 3.37% 16.86Z 23.60% 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 0.84% 4.76% 100.00% 139 It lotsmmto g @ I1 s e s I# , o 944 49Pe3womiANALYSIS O CAN rt (DEFICIT) 142 ........................ e=-=: ........ 144UWN 9303T r OE t 145 EVER 3N0300 FACTO: 1416 ENEN10IN FCiTO 03l9 0ERA0IMS: 2 -T rsm 9MI T UITS 11S1S3111 UNItS 3.01 6.01 5.01 1PE IT 147 I49 ISO ---- 151POTENTIL IVMIS: 152 LU INCME WITS 153 155 I1 ---- I ---- YEARS 2 ---- ---- 0 3 --. 4 ---- ---- ---- T0TAL P 3TENTIAL REVENUES 1,245,6001,311,1041,314,9471,476,077 9,52,057 1,653,06 1,1,403 t59 161 181 LAUm3 i 1,193,32 I1t 27,540 713,320 13I 9T3WERA3I3 INCOME LISSK9T SERVICE: INE11 P9KIPAL 173 ---- 2,073,590 9 1 --... 7 ---- YEARS 9329,118 1,629,550 2,194,532 to 1,33,31" 1,262,799 1,414,13 1,416,59 9,333,79 1,676,111 1,113,144 2,322,518 1,977,211 933,511 1346,2% 1,727,323 2,600,583 122,105 16,95 9,131,0% 1381,148 0 9 4 1,140,82 1,930,3 2,458,105 11 11 2,102,014 2,753 130,071 1,908 1 9,9 2 2,225,423 2 372,500 391,125 410,189 431,215 452,776 475,415 499,11 524,045 550,352 577,370 606,063 637,101 6 7 20,500 23,875 30,319 31,335 33,426 35,016 X,53 33,695 40,630 42,662 44,715 47,4 5 ----------- ----------- ------ I------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- --------- ------ - - ---- .. 96,64 11,521 151,155 17,053 223,105 262,600 303,231 345,392 31,618 430,021 417,107 53,9%2 5 915,340 951,133 1,010,377 1,973,214 1,940,930 1,211,004 1,206,3(1 1,316,264 1,451,156 1,541,28 1,63,971 1,738,573 9 %,375 142,799 169 972 I IN 69,742 65,905 166 171 A 13,04 71,103 82,653 07,470 12,51 97,%6 103,671 101,727 116,123 (0i1 10,000 10,600 11,236 11,910 12,625 13,392 14,185 15,031 15,338 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----62,239 162 ErrEcilE 63051INE1 163 164 LESSWERATI0 EP016SS 165 LISS REPLACEMNT RESERVE 170 It 6 ---- 1,959,318 1,851,376 150 is LEssvK0v(0 a50 PLUS (9m9 ram 5 ---- 1P 9223,244 N 234,31 02,073 0253,32 9271,301 *234, o299,09 314,65 0,o02,400 1,043,744 1,141,761 1,211,695 1,290,% 1,38,20 1,454,214 1,537,312 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... -------------- --------------- ----------.-----..- Flatly UNITS 154 --- INS 906,436 109,425 95,0 539,169 N3,008 915,53 961,291 858,50 47,726 52,737 51,214 64,313 71,155 13,626 36,3W2 91,004 1,005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------.------------ 048,073 117,223 --- -- 924,630 O3,939 121,532 143,133 399,0307? 1 11 150,162 174 175CANl FtO 0DEFICIT FM OPERATIONS I10311919i30 031 ai C0om (1.91i92l%,250 (11119,1421 111,31 (6ill,363) 50,322 9951,1221 3,021 5%,293 (93,291 615,91 0119,122 0 0 0 025,41 9 0 179 09SOURCES or 0t: 179 NA9IMSNMOULAY 30 E1 M9AP 9,044,044 0,000,000 9,400,000 ,040,044 9,000,300 9,040,000 9,000,000 1,000,000 1,00,000 I0 SNPFUNlDS ADVAlE 2%,253 91,363 56,322 3,029 3 0 0 0 0 II 9 IN09 001ilt3ECINifRI0UTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I92 CA9 AIARErotisT11 19Ui09 10m 0 Ky. 0 0 0 0 %,215 111,122 195,91 251,841 332,146 412,002 496,114 57,125 632,817 193P109013 CAN 3istRUl09 S To Kv. t 90 o to 0 %,215 0119,122 095,918 192,394 1,09,000 9332,146 0 1,000,000 1412,102 0 1,000,00 0 0 64%,94 0 0,00,0 1597,125 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 12,210 1092,314 714,411 0 912,394 0992,04 09192,394 91 0 1.52 1.62 1 10 00 9 1 0 I 194 50B1IT SERVICE CO1EAK 9I7TN rtMIlS, IF 1.0 Al0 1.00 1.00 9.00 1.16 1.12 1 910*391pl01 0 3 9 , 41133 0 416,320 3 0 Se 2 529,944 0 0 3 0 547,209 0 0 4 0 514,5*9 0 1 43Ii 5 1 530, 4 421,030 0 65,5% 314,730 0 A $#$##logo1 1.35 1.27 101#191118000091##4911901149#0990 19 192 102OUTSTANDING *A0( 212,113 I9 " uo AMM 30603000009E PROJECT (C1N90600 0 200(1001*000630696190010BTI CASH I'010 202 202 *614444441-----------44SS 1.19 1.43 201 938#6 0 220,123 4"0,423 0 , 0 9 0 592,000 0 0 2 0 111,01 0 0 15,594 460,321 0 1 1 2 203 204 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: 206 207 208 209 210 211MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 212 INTEREST RATE 213 MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 214 TERM 215 ANNUAL PAYMENT 216 ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 28-Jul-88 $8,632, 727 10.00% 0.50z 30 $954,162 10.17% INTEREST YEAR BEG.BAL. PAYMENT & FEES $954,162 $906,436 954,162 901,425 954,162 954,162 954,162 895,888 889,769 883,008 954, 162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954, 162 954,162 954,162 954,162 354,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 954, 162 954,162 954,162 875,536 $8,632,727 8,585,001 8,532, 264 8,473,990 8,409,597 8,338,442 8,259,816 8,172,935 9,076,930 7,970,846 7,853,623 7,724,091 7,580,958 7,422,796 7,248,028 7,054,908 6,841,511 6,605,708 6,345,145 6,057,223 5,739,069 5,387,509 4,999,035 4, 569, 772 4,095,436 3,571,294 2,992,118 2,352,128 1,644,939 863,495 954,162 954,162 954,162 954,162 106 867,281 AMORT'N 58,274 8,473,990 64,393 8,409,597 71,155 78,626 8,338,442 86,882 96,004 106,085 836,939 117,223 824,630 129,532 811,030 7%,001 143,133 158,162 779, 394 761,043 740,765 174,769 193,119 718,359 235,804 260,563 287,922 318,154 351,560 524,899 479,826 430,021 374,986 314,172 246,973 172,719 90,667 BAL. $47,726 $8,585,001 52,737 8,532,264 858,158 848,078 693, 599 666,240 636,008 602,602 565,688 END. 213,397 388,474 8,259,816 8,172,935 8,076,930 7,970,846 7,853,623 7,724,091 7,580,958 7,422,796 7,248,028 7,054,908 6,841,511 6,605,708 6,345,145 6,057,223 5,739,069 5,387,509 4,999,035 4,569,772 4,095,436 3,571,294 2,992,118 429,264 474, 336 524,142 579,176 639,990 2,352,128 707,189 1,644,939 781,444 863, 495 (0) 863, 495 * 01 * 00 0 ki 05 003A 06 of 01 e 01 S~~~91'060'Sl iEC'91EI 986'0CE 6EI'19ES 6W I'ZES 91t'6111B101 0£00 0 0cot 0 0 0 0 0 *900I1 Ebl'EE 'r:! l s t0'zOl101'Eli BlIVO lo 0 6E6506 06E'61 816'51Zl'6| sils P00'6asoo 060 811 0 11 N1A 1 801A 01 0V1A S10V31 1N10 6 003A 0 #VIA 1 1011 M03A S3ANI Mil 86' 0 m886sls 0 0 0 00 s 9 011 S S2 0 C 0 00 SES 9111 il 0 1161 0 0 161111 0 0 is0 0 W10 6 106mIS 00A 0 0 S 0 0 (000009,16) 0 10,00 06 M m "06 0590 0116 8 llIO 8 E61111 01A RV3A 1ININ S 3 N IV3A JNIM Is'll O-m0113SN10-: 10t W.E I - 61 161 g 61 681 INNISUNI A1l03 0 W11 A U310810 01031S 1 031J0 0 SISA IVN s Ille A0MI si k82 sess.sessesseeesssssseese aa,.esesseseseseesseasssssee S NU(63Ii831 SGIUM S 06" Ml1l8VID 11111 305oil 35010131 lHI(1131J3110 15S11 010316Z 15011100 0303 961 161 E 0 0011 OI IA 16614 44013 110 *OlMM 10I'1-ll :S0 *C5IuISiSIIIOeaaaeieiee*eeaia.@eaas~.aeei.*gigogiagageg @eOIeg*gIteIeuIIO@I*I*isO**gig*ggggg*~ leasssesases~ssessassssessettesesesss ea**s,,.e,,..e.,*,*.,...,.. aeaaee,,, ***a*SeBISmggmgg5O*BIIIOIIIgeC***5OO*5Cgg,,iimg.g~g.,,, aee,.,,e ,e.auuua I emelesugseaoseiauaa easemasasase usagesassess. 4110le'k16) OV S EIl sassesesessesesasssss.asee 181 ill 1l0E0Z0 Il'C llO ll Iti 61li 888 £££11 9t 611610 00 0a 00 (111115 11Ij313011 101 GII ---------- 0 0 0 (110'091) 109CIE sit'llt 016'86l 1"0'%1 961WO (8101 DPW99 06,101 E061111 (11l011 (000101 010l 9l10 E0618 E6lI 11l0l) *96'50 98 lti 0'6061 0il'0 6E61'1l 0E9'028 E1611 (01Ell 51101 figC Ill's 06'861 0'0115 001 65100 m80'Ol EW621 E1611 Sie l 00001,11Olt~ )W111 Ek6'lZi 9816 '1ig'il) l's 066 86 0WK 8 1I'0 Il0l'19i 1S'S8 £69'E E18'9E E9'00 f 615'515'I ISV0l11 010 0914906I W05'l0I 000,1111 a ig's E06111 9619 (1611E0l) 111 19 016'86 6'0'6 691'688 S0'Ul W'EE 800'EN 860'l 101SoIs 1116S Eb6B61 11916 IE'll) EK 0 OT r I ,I IV I (908'il) its's o1'1m K0'906 65111 0 ll 0 * 5 313 S1ID 0 1 11061E) (Itk1E) 0 of1 * fig's 0 its's 0 06A'8 0 06 0'8U 0 0 0 of 001'l 0 0 19 00 NS3A1 0N 3old (AI811)ANN 000 11'B1 * 331 il151WV 0N131015j 03HN Nl0 3N3Ni 318191l 91 1011 SS11 Ill 01U33 SS31003Il 1 111010 IINl" S33JS 15333151391001N0 SS31 691 991 lielSl 11g3301311 gnld ge1 1? 010161 00 00 30346 ]I 11340 01 9 l £91 I1 S 0 Ell w 1601 19 t's 01'861 UVI'06 E£'IE UK161 66010s 00 sl IV )9A 01 A i 6 M9 9 0 NI v I S 3 A N a 1 803A 0]1 I 00 01 ' I 8 9 031 0 0I 3 t 0 t W0 80 ' INIISIANi S1313 803'E -Mil1300513-1 1 100'513 901 101131JJ3 O9 I 6%I * Il *I~fl1 101.5 (S111118011) S5130J3 *aeesasssegasaaleslssalaesseesa.aasaeseeeaessee ~ Stsseasessesse.aaesssessaaeseeseasees SISIONV00101611 OEl £S1 assaeesessessgsaosesssasses yg ************************** * 309 *** I*** ***** ** *** ******* 29-Jul-88 311 ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 312 ========================= 313 314 315 GROSS SALES PRICE* 318 319 LESS COMMISSI ONI31 PRECIATION PARTICIPATION' I "AP 320 LESS MHFA 321 322 NET SALES PRICE 323 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: 325 COST BASIS 326 PLUS: APPLICATION OF RESERVE 327 LESS: DEPRECIATION 328 LESS: COSTAMORTIZATION 329 330 331 332 TAXABLE GAIN ONSALE 333 334 TAXLIABILITY S15,180,714 455,421 0.001 0 14,725,293 9,989,933 345,892 2,9B9, 499 56,270 7,290,056 7,435,237 $2,081,866 335 337 338 339 340 341GROSS SALES PRI CEf 342 343 LESS COMMISSI ON@31 344 LESS MHFA 'AP PRECIATION PARTICIPATION" I 345 346 NET SALES PRICE $15,180,714 455,421 0 0.00 14,725, 293 347 LESS TAXLIABILITY LESS OUTSTANDING DEBT: FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN SHARP LOAN PLUS NON-DISTRIBUTED PROJECT CASH FLOW RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) 7,853,623 0 0 $4,789,804 NET SALES PROCEEDS * NET 'PERATING INCOME CAPITALIZED 2,081,866 I9.0% * * IIII*II44141141,1441********* **************************************************II*******I* 108 SS*SS*IUlH*9elI9O4leeggggIlgggsggIlI~eUUIIlOlega6@IIi*UU so.egu.,uue.,.geeoggegmuesolusou*uoo,,,,,,,,su,.,,.,,,,,,,,*,u.eouo,,,,n,,e,,, H gIgeuuiHi5 @(H(SHU((SO*SISSIIS H S.,,.,,S,,,,@,gH,,SOUU 2129PI MIA SIATEfENT OF S CESAn USESif CASH: 26-Jul1 -8 314 X5 211 211 :-CmlitKyin-i INVESinENT 218 I(E YEAR YEA YEAR YEAR 361 0 1 2 -- -- ------370 SMURCES OF CASH: 311 312 KV1131E110E EI11 (CASH) Al 30 so ,600,000 30 313 NwtGAE Timwlm 4,316,3X44,316,%4 374 SMIP min - (11,233 35 KIWERA111 I1(3 * S 113,320 I42,799 314INITREST O -11-1 I TSRNE0 CASH Lm 1ES. 0 0 o 0 31? El SALES PRICE * I ----- 0 373 BISiilmb or CASH rim KsniE 2--- 5o 0 NA 0 INVESiWENT TEARS YEA 3 ---- YEa ---- 1E6 4 ---- YEA YEAR 5 ---- --- toto 0 51,1122 195,340 0 0 0 0 0 3,029 M 951,133 1,010,377 1,073,2 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 T0 0 0 YEAR 6 .-- TEARS YEAR YE* 1 ---- YEAR 9 ---- 15 11 t0 - -- 12 1 t0o toto 0 0 1,140,0901,211,004 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR 8 ---- 0 0 0 1,2M,309 1,316,264 0 0 0 14,125,213 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I - 30 TOTAL SMCESOF CASH 301 383 ,00,011 It, 14,316,314 04,316,Y4 31,041,578 154,162 1154,162 0954,162 11,010,317 11,073,214 11,140,010 11,211,004 384 USES Or CASK: 306 AC3IISII)1 Or L /MS/ KVELMPVNI 61, 0 ,600,000 30 0 30 331 KV0(1t& OrI0W10MNTS RA I 0 0 0 60 4,316,364 4,316.364 0 0 0 06 3 INTEREST a rEs: lirA l IMAGE 0 906,436 90), 425 109,169 175,53 103,003 141,0713 O3,131 0 389 AWTIlATIM:-WBAMI6AliE 0 41,726 64,313 56,0014 (1,035 1,970,46 52,131 71,155 53,274 0 0 390 IWA fIf01011 KTSEIOICE RESERVE 0 0 0 0 5,416, 0 P r 110P 9m fMil 3I 1(91 0 0 64,441 (1,7153 219,7"8 0 Is 312 IAT LIAIlLIIMSALE 0 0 6 2,0)1,866 0 0 313 "LINIE1giviKo' 31Sal0tI13S 0 135,918 0 56,215 112,314 192,394 4,02,197 119,122 0 314 WIi-DISIRIBIUEI PROJECI CASHTM 0ESERVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------.. - -? -- --- - - --- -- --- - - 395 3% 311 11M USES O CASH ,600,00 34,31,3 01 ,31,3 61,049,51 t954,162 *954,162 1954,1M2 01,016,371 01,073,24 11,140,090 60 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e eseesseeseesseses. 1116,091,351 30 I . . .tgseessesesSIssessesseSe*I*SessIessessesseSeSiessesetssetesssisesesseseseenesee se 0 ---- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -0-- - ---- .- 1,211,004 399 400 21,26,39 S to 11,2,309 $16,011,557 30 sussesseessessessessesseSseSSsseSsIsssAssess#s#USes*SeSOS ss **Ul*sessesess SSessesse *Seeses 00 so 401 muunmumummumnummmmummmemuum 402 403 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 404-==-================== 405 406 407 408 BASELINE ('MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T 409 410 PROFORMA TIME DELAY (INMONTHS) 411 412 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ('AT MONTHS OF TIME DELAY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 446 28-Jul-88 $0 0 $523,000 TIMEBASELINE DELAYED 'ATNPV' 'ATNPV' $523, 000 495,000 467,000 439,000 412,000 385, 000 358,000 332,000 306,000 281,000 256,000 231,000 207,000 183,000 159,000 135,000 112,000 89,000 67,000 44,000 23,000 1,000 (21,000) (42,000) (62, 000) $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRESENT VALUE OF SUBSIDY $523,000 495,000 467,000 439,000 412,000 385,000 358,000 332,000 306,000 281,000 256,000 231,000 207,000 183,000 159,000 135,000 112,000 89,000 67,000 44,000 23,000 1,000 (21,000) 42,000) (62,000) *mumuunnuumuunnummmuunnunnunnu 110 447 448 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TO CHANGES INREVENUE GROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 450 2-Jul=-88== 451 U N I T L A ND C 0 S TS 452 +ATNPV $0 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 453 0.00% 166,000 (65,000) (296,000) (527,000) (758,000) (988,000) (1,219,000) 454 1.00% 356,000 125,000 (105,000) (336,000) (567,000) (798,000) (1,029,000) 455 2.00% 553,000 314,000 94,000 (131,000) (362,000) (593,000) (824,000) 456 ANNUAL 3.00% 772,000 512,000 278,000 56,000 (163,000) (381,000) (603,000) 457 REVENUE 4.00% 974,000 739,000 518,000 275,000 39,000 (188,000) (407,000) 458 GROWTH 5.00% 1,195,000 950,000 713,000 528,000 303,000 65,000 (170,000) 459 FACTOR 6.00% 1,422,000 1,183,000 948,000 716,000 523,000 350,000 112,000 460 ('MARKET' UNITS) 7.00% 1,660,000 1,425,000 1,,94,000 961,000 735,000 523,000 363,000 461 8.00% 1,909,000 1,681,000 1,448,000 1,223,000 995,000 770,000 547,000 462 9.00% 2,175,000 1,948,000 1,719,000 1,494,000 1,269,000 1,046,000 821,000 463 10.00% 2,459,000 2,232,000 2,005,000 1,794,000 1,559,000 1,337,000 1,116,000 464 465 466 111 * # f f # # * f # * 4 467 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECT ON AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES INDENSITY (HOLDING * 470 =============== 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 UNITS/ ACRE ------ AFTER-TAX NPV --------- 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 ($503,000) (430,000) (321,000) (240,000) (161,000) (50,000) 30,000 121,000 221,000 313,000 372,000 419,000 523,000 572,000 642,000 744,000 817,000 901,000 994,000 1,078,000 1,154,000 f # # * # f * # f * I I * I 1 I I 1,254,000 1,330,000 1,414,000 I 1,505,000 1,590,000 1,670,000 1,756,000 1,847,000 1,933,000 2,011,000 2,109,000 2,188,000 I I * 112 Appendix E 2 28-Jul-88 HOUSIN6 ANALYSIS 3 AFFORDABLE 4 (3A)TELLER DEAL WITH TAX-EXEMPT FINANC!NG 1 8.5., WITHOUT TAXCREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER T mununmmmunmunumemuummtunuunuunnunnunumenueun 113 * * 119 120OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: 121=============================== 122OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT 124RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR 25 126FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: '27 1231NIMUM DEVELOPER EgUITY CONTRIBUTION 129 (ASA % OF TOTAL DEVEL3PMENT COST) 120 !?!TAXASSUMPTIONS: 132 132TAXCREDIT 1 134 135 136HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 137 125n uuuu u m m m un SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: 54, 00 $100 $275 10.00% SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z 10.0 m nuunn 114 $1,600,000 $16,000 20.00% SITE SIZE INACRES (NET OFROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) 20.0 5.0 100 mm m m mm * 1 UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1:SOLVE FOR DELAY) nn t 10.00% I AFFORDABLE UNITS m f NO YES LAND COST UNIT LAND COST MINIMUM 0.00% 28-Jul-88 mn e m m 3 9 10DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 2g-Jul-g, 11========= A. 13 14 15 RENTABLE 16UNITS I OF SQ.FT. 17----- -------- PROJECTED PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY ANNUAL RENTABLE RENT/ RENT/ UNITS S.FT. UNIT UNIT PROJECTED 1ST YEAR * RENT RCLL ----- -------- --------- --------- ------------------------ 18 19TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 20 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 21TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 22TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (8) 23THREE BEDROOM, LOWINCOME (A) 24THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 25 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 26 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (B) 27 28 TOTALS 29 30 3! 'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 5 5 30 30 5 5 10 10 ---100 1,125 1,088 20 80 33 ---- 34 35 36H 100 m m u n m mm m mm n ***m n 115 5,000 5,500 30,000 33,000 5,500 5,500 11,000 13,000 -----109,500 $650 550 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 22,500 87,000 775 1,125 ---.. $7,800 7,200 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,200 15,000 9,300 13,500 3,:00 360,000 432,000 54,000 54,000 13,000* 150,000 * * 9 * $1,266,000 * 186,000 1,080,000 * - 109,50O m $39,000 u s1,E6,300 n n m n mm t* m ***** 27 22-Jul-s8 39 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 40 48 LAND ACQUISITION 49 s0 51 'HARD COSTS': RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) 56 TOTAL HARD COSTS %OF TOTAL COSTS LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SD.FT. COST/ 4NIT $1,600,000 $14.61 16,000 13.95% 5,932,500 500,000 54.15 4.57 59,325 5,000 51.73% 4.36% 6,432,500 58.74 64,325 56.091 59 "SOFT' COSTS: ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING BOND PREMIUM (.0041) PERMITS AND SURVEYS CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST OAS APPLICATION FEE MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE INSPECTION FEE LOAN POINTS REAL ESTATE TAXES INSURANCE LEGAL FEES TITLE & ECORDING EXPENSES ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION RENT-UP AND 'ARYET!NG DEVELOPER'S FEE DEVELOPER'S "EUEA SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) TOTAL SOFT COSTS 82 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) 83 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 85 S6 87 177, 975 25,730 150,000 551,185 1.63 0.23 1.37 5.03 0.00 0.15 0.37 1.54 0.23 0.91 0.91 0.'4 0.14 0 16,421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 0.46 5; 000 16 1,572, 735 14.37 293,434 3.59 E1,649 0.29 1,790 257 1,500 5,512 0 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 1,000 i50 150 500 22 4 3,9)4 316 1.55% 0.22% 1.31% 4.81% 0.00% 0.14% 0.36% 1.47% 0.22% 0.87% 0.87% 0.13% 0.13% 0.44% 13.72% 3.4'% 0.28% 3,434,991 31.37 24,350 29.952 $11,467,491 $104.73 $114,675 100.00% 19,500,322 116 98***********************5******+****+***************************** 89 90 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 28-Jul-88 92 93 94 95 LINE !?EM COSTS 96 97 98 COST/ RENTABLE SQ.FT. COST/ UNIT % OF TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS & FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 5% TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $2,900 10,000 14,000 7,000 1,000 10,000 50,000 282,500 $1.83 9.13 12.79 6.39 1!.87 9.13 0.46 2.58 2,825 3.37% 16.86% 23.60% 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 0.84% 4.76% 85,932,500 $54.18 $59,325 100.00% $200,000 1,000,000 !,400,000 700,000 ,00,00 1,)00,000 117 117 500 -I 159 uoe.s . oeonesses M Mss Moo##eIs g gessg eeee,0esessesessesesesesessess esse 1e s M I I IeIses iseeseIIIemeIstoI I$e nIoIMIsoe lltfsIIsesse oifrIIstoosfmIIIIfs1#91se01s oegIesfosiseusss sesso s sIeIIetnosI s ,I t 146 28-hl -88 141 P11N8A ANALYSIS O CASH 1111 (KiICil 1TO K ERAIO11S: == 142 = 143 6.01 144 REVEME 08811r raCT8R: Mini UNITS 145REVEU 6808TN FACTOR: SUS11tt18 UNITS 0PFI A T11 6 Y 1E A I 0P E P A 0 6 YEA S 146 EiPOiSE6P0000A 6OCT86 147 YEAR AR YEA4 YEAR YEAR YEA0 YEAR YEAR YE 148 YEN we IEM YEAR YEN 12 14 13 15 10 1l 1 9 7 5 6 3 4 149 1 2 ----------- - ---- --- - ' -- ---- -- - -------. 150 151 POTENIAL RENllES: 1302,974 1286,547 6274,807 0261,721 249,2 0231,3 M 8226,44 6215,318 152 t. IK" UNITS 8205,865 0195,300 81,000 1,934,116 1,824,637 1,721,356 1,532,001 1,623,921 153 8A8EIUNITS 1,445,284 1,363,475 1,213,401 1,286,277 1,144,100 1,00,00 ------- - --------- ------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- - --- -------- ---- ----- ----------- - --.------154 WAR Wm 1,340,100 1,266,000 Is? 15 91 .S VACTA1N lAU1Y i @ 51 89,063 79,418 84,134 11,910 75,011 11,236 1,711,258 1,682,672 1,589,559 1,501,616 1,418,553 67,005 70,92 10,600 63,300 10,000 13,382 12,625 ,0,41 2, 2,805,16 2,113,114 , 13:,715 |25,30 111,854 t18,4:4 15,528 15,036 14,185 05,65 91,808 94,202 ,173,172 ---- 1 35 2 -----. 2,507,201 2 2,6 2,050,162 - ---- - - 2,38,286 2,237,01 140,52 16,895 8334,021 1318,123 17,908 18,983 20,122 637,101 47,034 .. . . . 668,1% 49,3016 2 140 162 6tT6timT 60S0S wowE 163 164 LESSKRATIli E10llSES RESERVE 165 LSSREPLACMIFT I" 167 168NETOIATI6 1NCOPI 169 170 11 72 173 174 LESS KIT SERVICE: INTEREST PRINCIP. 1,8f,3% 1,438,4451,522,7061,611,9211,7(,381 ,2I2,70012,83,6951,358,862 2,268,8542,401,963 2,542,908 2,143,244 1,112,23 2,024,420 4"9,1K 452,776 475,415 431,215 410,681 391,125 372,508 35,018 36,853 33,426 30,311 28,875 27,500 - -------- - -- -------- ------------- -------- ---------2!,52T 151,1-5 17,053 223,705 262,608 303,232 345,892 310,687 51,27? 66,654 2,570 1,243,555 1,321,311 1,403,0091,41,586 17,862 975,295 1,036,5041,101,4011,170,342 812,70083,65 32,835 $31,441 6818 OPERATIONlS($19,554) I75 CASH8 8 16N16iCi) E0U0106E6 806160C6ERAG I.I Y08)102,779 m02 276rUNin 0 085,607 0 6143,141 0 743,708 88,546 751,020 81,220 757,127 763,811 769,526 74,527 68,3'3 62,728 - - ----- - ---------- -------- 1571,635 1:04,250 269,154 133,066 1411,301 167,057 0 0 0 7 0 702,404 550,352 40,630 51,855 2,692,150 577,870 737, 525 54,44 42,662 606,763 44,779 -.. - 417,107 593,410 538,%2: ,683,62: 1,788,646 I,300,118 1,584,01) F'7,025 639,942 6%5,I6 622,634 717,585 26,228 192,312 209,620 114,669 .. . . . . I . . . .---- ---- - - 727,053 -05,201 . . 735,739 6,515 - 524,145 38,615 437,721 1:4,707 6655,332 5,394 11,067,24 0 0 0 1753,464 851,367 2 655,821 176,433 600,381 211,865 683,154 148,500 ----- a 277 178S1I8EESor 6n186: 1,000,000 1,000,000', I,00,000 STOOPW6ILA0(PER8A) I7 1011100 0 0 100 SNARP MStAWAKEN P 0VFl6E1 C11I00TION I1I0 UIF E06 0 6R 8 SiTRIU tO 10 8V. 182CASHAVAIlAt 831,441 10 113PERIIE01CASHDIMI5l8NIONS1 8V. 164 1.10 0.11 1.04 r=0106, I ANY) CVERAG6 (3IIIn 115 681 SERVICE 190ANALYSIS 0 SHAP 63 1686 6 7PA1N28T: = == =--= 191 000 1,00,000 0 1,100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 143,141 695,003 85,607 675,003 1.25 1.32 1.45 1.41 1,000,000 l,000,000 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156,394 1,067,724 571,635 6 419,057 411,301 85,0038 055,003 015,00. 175,003 15,003 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,uW0,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1 0 31,441 085,607 1.17 000 !,0 0 0 204,250 65,003 2.55 0 .0 269,254 330,08 15%003 05,003 2.69 1.77 1.70 2.02 YEAR = YEAR YEAR 2 192 3 YEAR YEAR 4 5 115 SHARPf10105ADVANCED so to 0 0 51 116IllTEREST 0 rem OPERATIONS I1 PAINENTS 1"IOiSIAND16 8ALAlCE 0 CASH6t0 19"ANNUAL 0o0-ISIUTEiio PROJECT 200(UaI ll 2 O DISiTRIDTED CASH 6l01 0 0 201 2029988e898,e8898tesesseessetteessesse8e1tessessessesse9e9stetteste9weess 0 40,138 8 0 0 0 0 0 #0 so so 0 0 0 107,246 0 174,151 243,085 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 476,631 326,250 354,054 157,384 48,130 to to43 to 0 0 0 0 0 657,461 756,364 564,327 574,620 331,535 0 96sseessesseseessessessessessettesesses8ee1sesse * 0 * 00 YEAR YY 11 1 so80 0 0 0 00 0 861,311 a 9 - - - 8 0 I I 1,761,603 00 0 0 0 0 - -- 91. 11 0 0 0 972,921 e .- to 4,602,148 1,284,972 671,19O 5,574,061 909e1stesse8teste6s YEAR 10 YEAR . '94 0 e YEAR YEAR 15 6 -. ----.--. -3 YEAR YEAR 14 7 YEAR 6 0 0 757,464 171,003 2.26 2.15 28-hil88 = 1 0 6., 132 75,003 0 2,325,932 0 2,983,313 88stessessess 9Ies9'e'essessessessessessesIese 203 nmanumummmmum 204 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: 28-Jul-88 207 208 210 211MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 212INTEREST RATE 213 MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 214 TERM 215 ANNUAL PAYMENT 216 ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT 217 $8,550,290 8.50% 0.50 30 $832,254 10.17% 218 YEAR 219 220 221 BAL. 1332, 254 832,254 832,254 8,487,562 8,419,189 8,344,662 8,263,427 8, 74, 882 , 78, 367 7,373,166 7,858,497 7,733,507 7,597,269 7,448,769 7,286,904 7,110,472 6, 319,160 6,709,540 6, 4q0, 055 6,231,006 5,959,543 5, 663, 647 5,341,122 4,989,568 4,606, 376 4,188,695 3,733,424 3,237,178 2, 696,270 2,106,680 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 1!4 245 246 247 248 nu m mnn m nnn $769,526 763,881 757, 727 751,020 743,708 735, 739 727,053 717,585 707, 265 696,016 683,754 670,389 655,821 639, 942 622, 634 603, 769 583,205 60,791 536,359 509, 728 480, 701 449,061 414,574 276, '83 336,008 291,346 242,664 189,601 '31,762 68,718 832,254 232, 254 832, 254 932, 254 3,254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 832,254 832, 254 832, 254 932, 254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 a32,254 832, 254 222,254 832, 254 832, 254 932, 254 832,f54 1,!64,027 332,254 763,536 832,254 nnm INTEREST & FEES PAYMENT $8,550,290 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 250 251 252 253 SES. n 119 m m num AMORT'N END. $62, 728 68,373 74,527 81, 234 88,546 96, 515 105, 201 114, 6693 124, 989 136,238 148,500 161,865 176,433 192,312 :'9, 620 223,485 .19', 049 SAL. 235,895 W22, 526 351, 553 283, 13 417, 60 455,271 496,246 540,308 $8,487,562 8,419,189 8,344,662 8,263,427 8,174,882 8,078,367 7,973,166 7,858,497 7, 733, 507 7,597,269 7,448,769 7,286,904 7,110,472 6,918,160 6,708,540 6,480,055 6,231,006 5,959,543 5,663,647 5,341,122 4,389, 568 4,606, 376 4,188, 695 3,733,424 2,231,178 2,696,270 642,653 1,464,027 21,463 .,41W,680 '*0,492 763,536 n nnn 763,536 0 n m nnn m * 01 06 ** **agga,,ea.. **IIGIIIItIOIaaaaas*aaaa*aaaeaaseaalaaaae*aaagaIgagIigaOga,1000,II,,I.,...,.,.,.,.,...g,.,,,,,,. a.eaae,,,m.,mmaaa., gage IIiIiiflis **ealsla..ISeessessea,&,eas 90E 0E It'll 0E 000'B0000 W6'IIO'O06o IW'CS Is6'ls 101'01s 01'o6u, 00. 06 E. '11% $1'64u 011 96i' 896'i9 h (0000@09'i Of M403SJC31o ixV3oIo : 0I I13 All 1lIJ3 3010 IN534 11 0 0E 0OE [0' 50011 OS03 00-30v 100 0E 10 1o0'30'. (908'C 0 0 (100'66) iCo'o6 US'ils 00 0 ; 0 U10' (I'2i ':; 06 (Z':c c C 0000'l ['.:1 ti:1 :.'BCE 00 06 0 01 EI I I 001 Ik3 oE 0V3 R 00E 0 0 006'0E 69't ooCoo0 oi'EPi 06 00 06 .- I s AU3 VVI4 --..-. . a ]A eA .... OV3A 0 0 tis' ol'Eg 8600 .-I MUA 9 Is 1 WUA 0 00'0 0 0 s0333B6u 0 S31S 0 0 00g60 N00004340mal 0 0 11.3313) N*il004151 (000'009'161 1k66 0 0S03 0161 IN3NISM1A1Nsv 5U 6 *60 6 0i6 0 #VIA 161 3mil 1 161 5 a3 AI 3 N S 3 A0 1 0I ;-1111081SI-)-: 03NIS3AI Alin03 11 01 3Me0 3000 1301003 061 601 08Z 1" a ao 51011 NS03 1-000J& 10 SISAlIN U0003Ad 080 lL 00 I 0 * 0110'la, * 40OItes' ) OCCOOOOIS) OOiIOZ11O 00666040 1 110000200 --- --- -- --- --- -- . . . . . . 0001hI00l U0Zill) 190 tislE9E'1 I 4 GI 69f[a isi#6 o . a ---------Is ---- --- , --------of 5 096 0 ---------- a --(AlilleVIl) ~ W..S a a .a Y101 uli -- -- S1ill~ get S ~ . a , I , a a . 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YEAR 9 to S YEA II I TEAF YEAR 1312 372 KVElWOP [QUITY (CASH) At,600,000 s8 so 1,554 to s0 to 10 m076AGEripwAllIKG 373 KWA 0 4,215,145 4,275,145 0 0 0 0A 0 0 HO 0 374 SHARP ruoiG 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 9 0 375 NET OPERAI81 8 I(0E O 0 0 0 917,80t 175,315 1,0316,504 1,101,08 1,170,342 1,243,555 !,321,311 1,403,081 0 376 I28f08ST ONM-DISitRIUt 7 EDCASH r.09RES. 0 0 0 4, 092 0 2,, 95 13,725 34,:61 14,18 52,881 -- -0----- 377 MEYSALES PRICE 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,130,719 371 DISI1R9U8IM OF CASH rtM RE O SFRVE ---- I 0H 0 0 0 0 1,8%,521 371 380 381 TOhA SOURCES Di CASH 1!,600,000 84,275,145 84,275,1458832,254 183,115 1117,361 1175,315 11,040,515 81,115,133 01,:00,"7 8:%,437 11,405,572 8:8,546,:28 TTTT-=-382 383 384USES Or CASH: 385 316 AChUISITIhN Or LAN/PEI V[LWKNI so to to to so 81,600,0800 80 so 0 387 IELOPiINTi O IlWWOVEM ISILAlDSRAH 0 0 0 3 4,275,145 0 0 0 31 18isiRES lEES: PenAPKAI6AGE 0 0 769,532 703, 8C1 757, :2: 751,020 743,708 735,139 727,053 '77,505 707,265 339 AN8IIOAION: WA HOPIG AGE 0 -- 2-----0 0',728 68,373 74,527 81,234 89,546 1%,5:5 !cs, :01 774,0691 124,9891 ,733,507 0 310 WA REUIREDKl'SrPV0C E 7SERVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 1MPAYIfu or SHARP G 1UNDN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 [AtLIABILITIY O SALE n 0 01 0 0 2,212,545 0 313 'LIHNIIE DI18(' 8STRI lUyItDS 31,441 85,607 95,003 95,003 95,003 95,003 95,003 95,003 1,302,510 0 394 0 DISTRIBUTEDPROJECT CASHItL. RESERVE 0 0 48,138 !!:,38 187,876 309,171 478,3:5 001,550 ------------------- - 315 3% 3917 TOTAL USESV CASH 11,600,0004,275,14514,275,1451832,254 111063,6519:7,861 1975,3511,040,515 11,115,1331,,0' A,:O,137 81,405,572 18,541,1:0 C 318 311 .. ==:. .. . ..--. 400 :4 YEAHe Is to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 to 0 0 H H 0 0 H 0 . H H 0 H H 0 0 H to ..- 402 403BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 404 = = = = = 28-Jul-88 = 405 406 407 408 BASELINE ("MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T 409 410 PROFORMA TIME "ELAY '!NMONTHS) so 0 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ("AT $488,000 MONTHS OF TIME DELAY 0 1 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 12 13, !4 15 16 17 :8 19 20 21 22 24 446 7,I!EDELAYED 'ATNPV' $488,000 460,000 432, 000 405,000 378,000 352,000 326, 000 300,000 275,000 250, '00 225,000 201,000 177,000 :53, 000 120, 000 107,000 54,000 6,0 39,000 17,000 (4,000) (26,000) n00) (47, (67,000) '88,000) BASELINE 'ATNPV' PRESENT VALUE OF SUBSIDY $488,000 460,000 432, 000 405,000 378,000 5,000 326,000 300,000 25,000 250,000 225,000 201,000 177,000 *C: AlSo 1"2000 130,000 107,000 34, 000 39,000 17,000 (4,000) (26,000) (47,000) (67, 300) '88,000) Hmmnummuumnumamunumannuunnunun 123 448 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TO CHANGES IN REVENUE GROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 450 28-Jul-88 451 UNI T L AND COS TS 452 +ATNPV $0 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 453 0.00? (100,000) (365,000) (622,000) (878,000) (1,134,000) (1,390,000) (1,646,000) 454 1.00% 126,000 (175,000) (431,000) (688,000) (944,000) (1,200,0) (1,456,000) 455 2.00% 408,000 95,000 (208,000) (484,000) (741,000) (997,000) (1,253,000) 456 ANNUAL 3.00% 707,000 395,000 S6,:,0 (212,000) (498,000) (772,000) (1,037,000) 457 REVENJUE 4.00% 1,026,000 714,000 403,000 99,000 (197,000) (485,000) (767,000) 458 GROWTH 5.00% 1,364,000 1,052,000 740,000 434,000 133,000 (162,000) (452,000) 459 FACTOR 6.00% 1,724,000 1,412,000 1,100,000 792,000 488,000 188,000 (106,000) 460 ('MARKET' UNITS) 7.00% 2,106,000 1,794,000 1,482,000 1,172,000 867,000 565,000 266,000 461 8.00% 2,513,000 2,200,000 1,388,000 1,577,000 1,271,000 966,000 667,000 462 9.00% 2,944,000 2,632,000 2,20,000 2,008,000 1,701,000 1,395,000 1,093,000 463 10.00% 3,402,000 3,090,000 2,779,000 2,466,000 2,157,000 1,852,000 1,546,000 464 465 466 124 # f f * f * * * I I t * * 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECT ON AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES INDENSITY (HOLDING 470 471 UNITS/ AFTER-TAX 472 ACRE N'i ------ --------473 4 475 76 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.7! 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 ($793,000) (665,000) (543,000) (402,000) (397,000) (252,000) (119,000) 32,000 37,000 189,000 329,000 483,000 488,000 644,000 787,000 5.75 345,00 949,000 6.O 6.25 1,107,000 6.50 1,252,000 6.75 1,413,000 7.100 !,116,300 7.25 1,577,000 7.50 1,722,000 7.75 ,392,Z00 8.00 1,886,000 8.25 2,047,000 3.50 2,192,000 8.75 2,353,00 3.02,56,200 3.25 2,517,400 9.50 2,662,000 9.75 2,223,000 10.20 2,826,000 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509mu I u m n n n n m n u I * f f f 4 f f f 4 + 4 4 * 4 * I * * m n a 125 e t u u m n u n m a Appendix F 2 3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 28-Jul-89 4 (3D)TELLER DEAL WITH TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING 1 8.5%, WITH 41 TAXCREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER 6 7 126 119 120OPERATIN6 ASSUMPTIONS: SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: 121 == ============= 122 OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT 124 RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR 125 126FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: 127 128MINIMUM DEVELOPER EQUITY CONTRIBUTION 129 (AS A I OF TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) $4,000 1100 $275 28-Jul-88 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z NO YES 10.001 $1,600,000 LAND COST UNIT LAND COST 10.00% f f f # $16,000 f MINIMUM 130 131TAXASSUMPTIONS: 132 133TAXCREDIT 2 134 I AFFORDABLE UNITS 20.001 # f SITE SIZE INACRES (NET OF ROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) 4.001 20.0 5.0 100 f # f 135 136HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 137 139 m u m n u m f 10.0 m u n m u n 127 u e 1 UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1=SOLVE FOR DELAY) e u n m mtmt n m m u n n m f t a * ~ a ,,.,,,,,.,~,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,n,,,,.,.,,..,n,*.........,.,.ein,***.*.iee.**i*i*i.e..,....... 28-Jul-88 10DEVELOPMENT PLAN: RENTABLE SD.FT. 15 16 UNITS 17 ----TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) TWO BEDROON, MARKET (A) TWO BEDROON, MARKET (3) THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) THREE BEDROOM, LOUINCOME (3) THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) MARKET (B) THREE BEDROOM, 28 B OF UNITS 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 TOTALS 'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT 5,000 5,500 30,000 33,000 5,500 6,500 11,000 13,000 100 1,125 1,088 20 80 100 36 128 PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY RENT/ RENTABLE UNIT SG.FT. $650 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 PROJECTED ANNUAL PROJECTED RENT/ 1ST YEAR UNIT RENT ROLL $7,800 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 109,500 22,500 87,000 109,500 $39,000 39,000 360,000 432,000 54,000 54,000 138,000 150,000 $1,266,000 775 1,125 9,300 13,500 186,000 1,080,000 $1,266,000 I I 37 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 28-Jul-88 LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SQ.FT. 48LAND ACQUISITION 49 so 51 'HARD COSTS': $1,600,000 $14.61 53 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 54 LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) 55 56 TOTAL HARD COSTS 57 58 59 'SOFT' COSTS: 60 61 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING 62 BOND PREMIUM (.004%) 63 PERMITS AND SURVEYS 64 CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST65 OAS APPLICATION FEE 66 MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE 67 INSPECTION FEE 68 LOAN POINTS 69 REAL ESTATE TAXES 70 INSURANCE 71 LEGAL FEES 72 TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES 73 ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION 74 RENT-UP AND MARKETING 75 DEVELOPER'S FEE 76 DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD 77 SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (5%) 5,932,500 500,000 ---------- 79 TOTAL SOFT COSTS 82 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) zOF TOTAL COSTS $16,000 13.951 54.18 4.57 584 59,325 5,000 ------- 51.73% 4.361 ------ 6,432,500 58.74 64,325 56.09% 177,975 25,730 150,000 551,185 0 16,421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,573,735 393,434 31,649 1.63 0.23 1.37 5.03 0.00 0.15 0.37 1.54 0.23 0.91 0.91 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.37 3.59 0.29 1,780 257 1,500 5,512 0 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,737 3,934 316 1.55% 0.221 1.3 1% 4.81% 0.00% 0.14% 0.36% 1.47% 0.22% 0.87% 0.87% 0.13% 0.13% 0.44% 13.72% 3.43% 0.28% 3,434,991 31.37 34,350 29.95% 511,467,491 1104.73 $114,675 100.00% 33 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS COST/ UNIT 19,500,322 87 129 88 **************************************************************** 28-Jul -88 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SQ.FT. COST/ UNIT I OF TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS $200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 282,500 $1.83 9.13 12.79 6.39 11.87 9.13 0.46 2.58 $2,000 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 2,825 3.371 16.861 23.60% 11.80% 21.91% 16.86% 0.84? 4.76% $54.18 $5,9322,500 $59,325 100.00% zzEEEE ZEE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUB6RADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 51 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS EEEEEEEEEEE=====m= 117 130 139 esasse ,,lse oeess e assesse saagogsoa 0ssosggeis 10 141PINT6A ANALYSIS I CASH (t1 (9IC0I fr ........... ===x*. 142 * .. 20-Jul. ======..*T====-.=.. 143 0t4 (06m 1 0T0 To: mmE1 mS 0456(03 6mN06 fACimt: su35 Si03H 04610PENSE 03NIN11 (00C 141 1411 6.01 5.00 i00s 0F 5.00 1E03 141 VE3 m 2 153 154 3 0116,000 ---- ---------- 0p(1A IN 5EN 5 ---- - E 6 - -- -- 1i 7 YEA gEM 8 Y vEm 1E0 YA 9 A0 5 YA it 10 YW 12 12 0205,465 9215,31 0226,034 0231,311 0249,253 0261,121 1,213,40 1,206,211 I,363,415 1,445,284 1,532,001 1,623,921 ----------- ----------- ----- ------------------ 1j 1,000,000 1,144,100 PAIKET WITS VE A00 S 4A 4 -------- 053 151POTENTIL(N( S1: 152 to ICME 10001 tAI106 15 $213,547 1274,001 1,721,356 ----------- 0302,914 0318,123 1,934,116 2,050,162 1,024,637 6334,021 0350,131 0 2,300, 2,173,172 -- 155 1% 0T0 POEN1IAL KIWUIS 0,266,000 1,34O00 1,411,553 1,51,559 1,500,616 1,692,672 1,7111,2501,85,641 2,113,194 2,237,0902,368,26 2,507,201 1,1%,163 2,654,213 2,00,044 I1 153LESSVA v0 51 159 PillS INC0( TIN LOiNN 160 161 162((fCti0 0335S03(1K0 163 164 LESS 3PERATIN16EMIUS 163LESSRIPLEE(70 RESERVE 166 167 168IT ERAiI0K 63,300 61,005 70,920 10,00 (ET) 10,604 11,236 --- -----------------------------------------1,212,730 21,500 410,691 30,309 ------- --- 6,315 363,61 012,700 34,134 61,063 12,625 13,382 14,105 - --------- - - -- - --------- 11,100 -------- -- 94,282 105,651 110,854 111,414 16,395 17,10s 03,103 - - ----- - - - - - ...---- 99,600 15,036 15,938 - -------.-- -- - - - - 1,33,61 1,43,445 0,522,716 1,611,921 1,706,301 1,016,3% 1,912,293 2,024,420 2,143,144 ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------I -------- ,-26-- 1,233,615 372,500 391,125 21,500 20,875 ---------- ----------- 0IN 79,471 75,031 431,215 30,335 ----------- 452,776 33,426 -- -- 36,614 911,861 11,520 975,35 150,955 0,036,504 151,727 74,52? 751,020 31,234 743,708 10,54 1143,141 0 0 0204,254 475,415 35,01 ----- - - 499,16 36,053 . - - --- 187,053 1,101,40 223,105 1,170,342 135,139 %,515 727,053 132,0 125,360 20,122 ---..--.-.- 21 2,401%3 2,260,154 2,542,100 2 524,145 550,352 517,870 606,763 637,001 66,119% 102,4 38,695 47,630 42,662 44,75 47,034 41,386 52,055 - -- ---------- ----------- ---------- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -262,600 303,231 345,892 310,617 437,721 437,107 533,%25 1,243,555 1,321,311 1,403,009 1,491,516 1,584,711 0,633,621 l1, 641 161 10 LESSKIT SERICE: III IIEIEST 172 T"-" 761,526 62,720 P3i(CIPAL 173 174 I15CASHftm 13f0Cit 1760 3i6m6 fUN 0PER0A0i0Ns n6 im3tf KIICAEmE i.1i ti 763,300 60,373 ($19,554) (02,179 95,607 131,441 0 0 3 0 0 105,201 $411,301 1331,0M $261,154 0 107,265 717,505 114,669 0 0 61%,016 136,238 124,919 $409,051 0 1571,635 S ImCIS o 670,369 161,065 143,504 U59,332 152,464 655,021 639,96 192, 176,433 $851,361 1%,314 $ 0 0 II7 78 663,754 FMK: 179NAOINII SI3POTLAY (PER1NYA) 1,004,00 SimP fI3 S AUVANE0 KRUM3 KIF5 LfER CONTIBUTION 112CASNAVAILAKLE IM 5IStiIUIlM 10 Ky. 0 1,00,000 1,0000 0 i30 III 063PEKNIT00E CASH31tSItI3UTI3S To K6 . 104 Ki1 SiEviE co(35E 050 (3ti1 fUmlm, if £111 196 O0 00 0 $31,441 35,601 015,607 143,141 095,003 1.04 1.10 1.17 31,441 0.91 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 204,250 95,003 261,154 15,003 1.25 =it= 1.32 =T- 1.41 z-= 1,000,000 1,000,00 0 0 33,06m 411,301 095,003 015,003 0 0 571,1C5 055,003 49,051 15,043 1.51 1.41 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 .12 15,003 1.61 1,000,000 0 0 0 152,464 1,003 051,37 15,003 1.90 2.02 1.71 1,000,000 0 0 015,003 1,06,924 15,003 2.15 2.26 956,394 1,000,000 1,000,000 A 0 0 0 %t= =T. 1,000,000 0 0 1 0 0 0 * * 00 -z m === 189 I0 Or MP 0 S00 103 flWI ALYSIS ===.==.== REPAYMENT: 191 .== 112 193 YW - 194 195 SNAPPflmiS a0vartE 00 1I7PAFi s ntow 5 EA0iMS lI OUISIIl6N ALG0l0E III A3IM00 M IN ISTI TE PI0JCT CASm fLUi 200ClMAISE S-016110003CASH OfL 201 220g to l1%INTERESTI t 0 YEA ---. 0 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEW 0 40,131 VW 4 ---- so 0 0 0 3 ---- It 0 VW 2 0 - 0 0 to 0 4,13 151,314 0 0 0 0 101,246 331,535 0 0 0 174,151 574,620 23Jul90 YEAR TEAR 6 ---- ---to 0 YEN 5 7 90 so 0 to 0 0 0 0 243,005 810,111 0 0 316,213 1,204,112 YEAR vEm via ...0 so - so V Y 2 1 I - - . YEN 11 10 9 .... 3 ---- ---. - 2 so to s 0 0 0 314,054 1,761,603 0 0 476,631 2,325,932 0 0 564,321 2,133,313 3 0 65?,461 3,739,157 0 - 0 0 0 156,364 3 1 4,601,140 5 203 204 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: 206 ================================ 207 208 209 210 211 MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 212 INTEREST RATE 213 MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 214 TERM 215 ANNUAL PAYMENT 28-Jul-88 $8,550,290 8.50z 0.50z 30 $832,254 10.171 216 ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT INTEREST YEAR BEG. BAL. PAYMENT & FEES $8,550,290 8,487,562 8,419,189 $832,254 $769,526 832,254 763,881 757,727 8,344,662 8,263,427 8,174,282 8,078,367 7,973,166 7,358,497 7,733,507 7,597,269 7,448,769 7,286,904 832,254 832,254 751,020 832, 254 254 832, 832,254 832,254 832,254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 743,708 735, 739 832,254 655,821 639,942 727,053 717,585 707,265 696, 016 683,754 670,389 AMORT'N $62,728 $8,487,562 68,373 8,419,189 74,527 8,344,662 81,234 8,263,427 88,546 8,174,882 96,515 105,201 8,078,367 192,312 209,620 228,485 6,918,160 7,973,166 114,669 7,858,497 124,989 7,733,507 136, 238 7,597,269 148,500 7,448,769 161,865 7,286,904 176, 433 7,110,472 7,110,472 832,254 6,918,160 832,254 6,708,540 832, 254 622,634 603,769 6,480,055 832,254 583,205 249,049 6,231,006 832, 254 560,791 5,959,543 5, 663, 647 832, 254 832, 254 536,359 509, 728 5,341,122 4,989,568 4,606,376 4,188,695 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 832, 254 480,701 449,061 414,574 376,983 271,463 295,895 322,526 351,553 283, 193 417, 680 455, 271 3,733,424 832, 254 336,008 496,246 3,237,178 332, 254 291, 346 2,696,270 832, 254 242,664 2,106,680 1,464,027 763,536 832, 254 832,254 189,601 131,762 68,718 540,908 589,590 642,653 700,492 763,536 832,254 253 132 END. BAL. 6,708,540 6,480,055 6,231,006 5,959,543 5,663,647 5,341,122 4,989,568 4,606,376 4,188,695 3,733,424 3,237,178 2,696, 270 2,106,680 1,464,027 763,536 0 s i 254 i!E IF TRY Kirlits2 (Ltit PtMM ANALYSIS m.......... 25125...... t ..... ISSN .... . S 25? 259 21.01 2M EFECIViTARRATE 261 212 263 -- --- 0 to 0 - -- -- - - IITvES IARS VIM 3 VIM 2 YENa 7221 N 274 TEIni Si I :-CMiSttim-: F ----- ---- E E - E - I IT T A IS E YEN no0 VFW lt 5 liN 4 l 1 Y YEA1 5 6 3 ,7 YiAR 10 I- 011 9 ---- --- --- - 215 27ILiESt 210 LISS 271 LSS i rtii I5302061 iCOIISi 21NT1A1ILEM 310IFIU 211 IN1* rilUNcl AW1110713: IN I I R[ INOM 215 3 214 2AI K132121 1L11011112 27? 215 TAI RIIIS 211INViSTMENT 271 (13T i6 0 4 1 61,731 N SO 120% 245,453 N N 5,121 NI 0 of 4231,401 0 215,453 5,121 2 04 5,121 5,121 5,621 6,3 66, 5,121 44,455 353,541 12,563 552,541 (1,040) 130,To 761,06 111,21 110,264 (51,212 121,1121 016,643 31,061 059,141 ( 113,1041 (67,0242 (4 ( 1 0 0 16,130 16,130 16,130 11,150 679,344 055,021 110,34 11,2841 55411547 215,453 245,453 5,621 5,121 3,154 449,455 245,453 5,11 5,121 117,7% 015,050 1131,254 5,&27 171.112 213,566 14,111 31,415 46,21 56,73" 6,130 16 v 130 00 o KiriS (L2itity) 6,01 01,265 11,315 121,053 3,154 143,70 76,70 1 913513597 123,535 $1170,342 ,3,504 25,14221,19,607 $95,4 215,453 21, 453 245,453 21, 453 455 15,453 151,721 ("17,16 215,453 5,121 (111,1212 244,3101 25,242 14,514 0 1212,316 0 1,3 66, 0 N 0 163,70 (72,390 2M,455 5,121 (532,227) ( (0( 201 500 ~S2222I20212S22221SS22S2SI2I *,,,,*,g,,,,, 222 S252I222S2222S22 8 Or 02110102COINTIMIS5: 23 701030 ANAILYSIS 21 215 EUI 291 K910KORATEOFRETURNII 211 292 213 301 Ses of 11,6"10 ) 0 IT N i0 141,1$1 I 0 (02,104,000) N YiEA 1 12211 0 255 211 (043 2542S1213( IIIF2(112 itS OPERATION2S 11511101111(11 211 CASH 2"6 30230212( (L2AM37TY11 I"NET SALES "WIS 302 COANH23.006 531 TTANIII-I 303 MI1N13043.2 30402111TA2NiT 25IITvES I _mTU2SK2110: INVESTMENT 11.51 231224 0 022,140 2 0 32,442 51,71 14,344 N 0203,313 2Ii A 11 0 via0 (0 lilt 211 144,411 (24,5542 4 91,2F51 225,050 0 0(46,412 I I 4 3 5 YiEAR 1 110IEAI T OI S lilR lil 1 t0 0 $0 t0 0 330,"' AP9 ,i 1 61,154 20,50 243,242 15,101 0 254,0612 132,2271 17,0.42 2i,24 5313 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Ii22,485 0215,110 100,022 0354,1 0404,213 1456,30 Y 1 lia ll ( 1 710 lio IT I 30 434,051 0 0 $7,120,014 0704,000 S1 t0 oN 512,135 0S 0 00 t o0 a0 0 0 S *444444444*44#*44441444414404*4444444*444#444444e4444444444*44414441n6444fl4441n44444;;e.e 28-Jul-88 ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 316 317 GROSS SALES PRI CE. 318 319 LESS COMMISSI ON1 3% 320 LESSMNFA 'APPPRECIATION PARTICIPATION' 321 322 NET SALES PRICE 323 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: 325 COST BASIS PLUS: APPLICATION OF RESERVE 326 327 LESS: DE1PRECIATION STAMORTIZATION LESS: COS 328 329 330 331 332 TAXABLE GAIN ON SALE 333 334 TAXLIABILITY 335 336 337 -----338 339 340 341GROSS SALES PRICCE* 342 343 LESS COMMISSIOIN1 3% PRECIATION PARTICIPATION' 344 LESS MHFA 'APP 345 346 NET SALES PRICE 347 348 LESS TAXLIABILITY N6 DEBT: 349 LESSOUTSTANDI 350 FIRST MORTGAAGELOAN SHARP LOAN 351 PROJECT CASH FLOW NON-DISTRRIBUTED 352 PLUS 353 354 PROCEE EDS 355 NETSALES 356 INC3OE CAPITALIZED * NET OPERRATING 257 358 359 S15,598,762 I 467,963 0 0.00% 15,130,799 9,893,756 345,892 2,954,526 56,270 7,228,852 7,901,947 $2,212,545 115,598,762 I 467,963 0 0.00% 15,130,799 2,212,545 RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) 7,597,269 0 11886,521 $7,207,506 ----------9 9.3% :134 IsaIe ,,IIoIeItesIesIesefeeIsstouess ==:== --- ------ S 0o * * a ---------- 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 I * 01 ------ 06 ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 * , I * g #tf tfessegaasea*,aI ofeeOSII -l'90V'81l ---------- ZW'16'I ---- ------ oW 101 LW 'SO 0 0 0 E00'000 Si'EEIl't 910I'm9 SW 40l 0 01 0 El UE'CI I0 l'a 0 1 09'Vs8 E00'" E00'S 0 0 0 0 0 0 1bt'lES 0 0 0 0i'ti OEC'I WIN'0 12'L WIN'Ett 0 0s ssua IIIeegsaaseaaea gmffee61es ese s s s4s641s11e161efesset otsIIs goIsesset goo got sasftse tseesaaensese -Mo S9'E~S 196'L 166 SW'000 WsM'SAII LEtt% is1IE0'001'11[[CIS --0----- - ------------------ - - - ------------- --- -------- HO Doi 't 6t 1'6% E00' E00'0 EO0'% 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIS'% 10'501 6'tI 6EO'SE LS0'O1 5'l3 * 6 G01'l 0 000 06 00 0 WLLt@ Soi'Sil'0s It 1633S -- - 06 06 zz Col'Sit'0s 00'009 115113 Jo 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mli Mt 6E SISRKE iWIQI 116 116E -- -------- ----. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 Bil'29li 01 0311I8 1514 SV)131N0D Nu 06E S9RIMI1035SI .4030I 0111111.E61 3SNA1110101 1W1 6E m1mJ 4UN A SiUAVdIM 16E 3364S 01 1113081VM 6E M4351 3SIO VW '111tll14M11 6K ISH300I WE SH :513j 199000M I RO8 310l/SINIA1111d1 A0 01N31401130IK 0 0 06 000'609 'is I3M6401134/MUW1 B EIAISlO 9K SE 11153 JA53NW CEK 8s09,S11iLLi 00 u o s -.-------. ---------- ---------- s I UE'Sl 0E0'10001'Is0 I ElSI'I0 £0'000W ---------- .......... * a * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -O-t 0 Ist'0s 04 it' ' 10 881 00'0,t0I 05lit'l fAs CIS 0 00 0 00 ---- ----- ----- --- ---- 1901'161 00 0 F9'E5 I t WIECN0 -------- £tI'SItt SttS' ----- -- -- 113AI3EA 11101 'It 000'00 -------- 003A 0 0 Mi 31UdSINS 1O OILE it 11W530E31510 SMaIS11111 031 Sit 1i3191101113 mI IJ 30001 VgS ILL 9013uIJ 3MUMh VM (S03) Al3 1 30l6 001 'is 06 III SaWIA ..---- --- ---- ---- 6 VIA IlOI1S3ANI A VIA 003A ZK IK OBE MiJ 0553A 1MIOIISIOSit 163511 0 'SM 0olt 0 0 005'Ol18 06 01 ---- 01 11 003 00 0 0 0 St 011 0C ---- i El 003A 0]h 0U0 0 160't 100'101'I 00 0 00 06 S06 -- - Al Sl av1A S -- I E 01 I 0u30 003 Ett lit ---- 1 0 9 0 lot isE S 0130 V03A 001A]N10 V1 :-u1138aSo3-: ISIA1 SE LW 19E * '1S3 sa SW wUs33I u-lpf-Il9 IeeseaIIase tse o#o es elss Ifoes e t Igos1seItsIsateIeIsIeIsIeIeIeIsI$#sA .,ff",a aseseseee aee1a B111660IA6100e12 e I se", J* oinos acsMo~ in essssseseasesesesesssssssseseseeselv ea eas aasIimoottiefeIIeeia IeI'eliioeii aa, e 401 enannatuuttuuntennuttatunnununtunnunutut 402 403 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 28-Jul-88 404 405 406 407 408 BASELINE ("MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T $0 409 410 PROFORMA TIME DELAY (INMONTHS) 0 411 412 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ('AT $709,000 413 414 415 TIMEPRESENT 416 MONTHS OF DELAYED BASELINE VALUE OF 417 TIME DELAY "ATNPV' 'ATNPV' SUBSIDY ---------------418 419 420 so $709,000 $709,000 421 0 678,000 678,000 422 0 i48, 000 648,000 423 0 618,000 618,000 424 0 588,000 588,000 425 0 559, 000 559,000 426 0 530,000 530,000 427 0 502,000 502,000 428 0 474,000 474,00 429 0 446,000 446,000 430 0 419, 000 419,000 431 0 392,000 392,000 432 0 365,000 365,000 433 0 339, 000 339,000 434 0 313,000 313,000 435 0 287,000 287,000 436 0 262,000 262,000 437 0 237,000 237,000 438 0 213,000 213,000 439 0 189,000 189,000 440 0 165,000 165,000 441 0 141,000 141,000 442 0 118,000 118,000 443 0 95,000 95,000 444 0 72,000 72,000 445 446 Henannunutunnunnuttenunnutunuttununuutt 1 ir 447 448 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TDCHANGES INREVENUE SROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSURPTIONS 450 = ========== 28-Jul-88 451 UNI T L AND COS TS 452 +ATNPV s0 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 453 0.00% 121,000 (144,000) (400,000) (657,000) (913,000) (1,169,000) (1,425,000) 454 1.00% 347,000 46,000 (210,000) (466,000) (722,000) (979,000) (1,235,000) 455 2.00% 629,000 317,000 13,000 (263,000) (520,000) (776,000) (1,032,000) 456 ANNUAL 3.00% 928,000 616,000 307,000 10,000 (276,000) (551,000) (815,000) 457 REVENUE 4.00% 1,247,000 935,000 624,000 320,000 25,000 (264,000) (546,000) 458 GROWTH 5.00% 1,586,000 1,273,000 961,000 655,000 355,000 59,000 (231,000) 459 FACTOR 6.00% 1,945,000 1,633,000 1,321,000 1,013,000 709,000 410,000 115,000 460 ("MARKET' UNITS) 7.00% 2,328,000 2,016,000 1,703,000 1,394,000 1,088,000 787,000 488,000 461 8.00% 2,734,000 2,422,000 2,110,000 1,798,000 1,492,000 1,188,000 888,000 462 9.00% 3,165,000 2,853,000 2,541,000 2,229,000 1,922,000 1,617,000 1,314,000 463 10.00% 3,624,000 3,311,000 2,999,000 2,687,000 2,379,000 2,073,000 1,767,000 464 465 466 137 . , , , , , , , , , , , SET 00*01 OO'9cz'E SL'6 00dZ61aC 0;, 0O0dE(MCdC 000,8881Z s£V6to OO0'8ZL'Z 00'6 * # # # # OODO8IZ # 00O'tB9'Z # LOS 90; 90 Cos US~ S0'8 00; ;Z,8 On8 *O'0lzT('Z OVL OO0O'91O'Z £LL O O0'9L1'Z 66t L6* WVL *OOOIZLB'I *000'899'1 W6 WV9 9 On6E *000160'10 00*9 *O006Z'1 06t SLI OO0O'Z91'1 Ov Sz, IOOO's00'1 oo0o0'98 # # # # # # # f # # Let 0O1; *O0O'60L 98t SL*t 000,199 O0t 000,80; s£lt OOO'OLE o.* 000'0zz 000'1L1 WELC oS*E 000izz SZIC (000,601) (00011;z) OO06 Vlz MOW'*0) (000'1**) OSI *(00019s) OO~z se *8* ED* 18t 08* WL BLt LL £VZz *(000's89S) 383V IsiiNl *AJN *ivi-s3ijY * *9NIC1DH) AIISN30 NI S39NVHO A~ MIlVA AMUS3 * AN XYI13~1JV NOg 133JA OL* :SI5A1VNV AIIAIIISN3S 69* 89t L9 Appendix G 2 3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 28-Jul-88 # * 4 (2)MARKET DEAL WITH 97 TAX CREDITS 5 DAVID CARTER # 6 7 *Hetmettetteettuttteettetettett#nuunnunumuttunnumttitannunnutununntatttuntuunnuntun 139 119 SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: 120OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: 29-Jul-98 121 $4,000 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) 122OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT Y0 $100 LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION YES 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT $275 (YES OR NO) 124RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z 10.001 125 126 FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: LAND COST 127====================2 $1,600,000 10.001 UNIT LAND COST 128 MINIMUM DEVELOPER EGUITY CONTRIBUTION $16,000 129 (AS A Z OF TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) NINIMUN Z AFFORDABLE UNITS 130 20.001 131TAXASSUMPTIONS: SITE SIZE INACRES (NET OF ROADS) 20.0 132 ======= Z 9.00% 5.0 DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) 133TAX CREDIT I TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) 100 134 * 135 * 1 136 HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 10.0 UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE * (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1=SOLVE FOR DELAY) 137 ********************************************************************************************************** 138 140 9 10DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 28-Jul-88 11 ================= 12 13 14 15 16UNITS 11-------------------------19 19TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 20 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 21TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 22 TWO BEDROON, MARKET (8) 23 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 24 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 25THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 26 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (8) RENTABLE SQ.FT. 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 27 29 17,800 5 5 30 30 5 5 10 10 5,000 5,500 30,000 33,000 5,500 6,500 11,000 13,000 ---- ------- ---------- 100 109,500 $1,266,000 20 30 22,500 87,000 TOTALS 30 31'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32'AVERAGE' MARKET UNIT 33 I OF UNITS ----- PROJECTED PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLY ANNUAL PROJECTED RENTABLE RENT/ RENT/ 1ST YEAR S9.FT. UNIT UNIT RENT ROLL ---------------------------------------------- 1,125 .,os ---- 34 100 35 36 141 $650 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 775 1,125 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 9,300 13,500 $39,000 39,000 360,000 432,000 54,000 54,000 138,000 150,000 186,000 1,080,000 ------- ---------- 109,500 $1,266,000 * * * I * 37 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 28-Jul-88 LINE COST/ ITEM RENTABLE COST/ COSTS SO.FT. UNIT 48 LAND ACQUISITION Z OF TOTAL COSTS $1,600,000 $14.61 $16,000 13.83% 5,932,500 54.18 59,325 51.27% 500,000 4.57 5,000 4.321 6,432,500 58.74 64,325 55.591 49 50 51 'HARD COSTS": RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEWER, ETC.) TOTAL HARD COSTS 59 'SOFT' COSTS: ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING BOND PREMIUM (.0041) PERMITS AND SURVEYS CONSTRUCTION LOAM INTEREST OAS APPLICATION FEE MORTSAGE APPLICATION FEE INSPECTION FEE LOAN POINTS REAL ESTATE TAXES INSURANCE LEGAL FEES TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES ACCOUNTING & COST CERTIFICATION RENT-UP AND MARKETING DEVELOPER'S FEE DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (51) TOTAL SOFT COSTS 82 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (MHFA) 1.37 5.79 0.00 0.15 0.37 1.54 0.23 0.91 0.91 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.52 3.63 0.29 1,780 257 1,500 6,339 0 164 411 1,688 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,903 3,976 316 3,538,338 32.31 35,383 30.58% $11,570,838 $105.67 $115,708 100.00? 83 84 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS 1.63 177,975 25,730 150, 000 633,863 0 16,421 41,053 168,809 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,590,270 397,568 31,649 $9,583,000 87 142 0.23 1.4 0.22? 1.30% 5.481 0.00% 0.14% 0.35? 1.46? 0.22% 0.86? 0.86% 0.131 0.13% 0.43% 13.74% 3.44? 0.27% 98 * 89 28-Jul-88 90 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS * 92 93 94 t 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SG.FT. -- - - -- - COST/ UNIT 1 OF TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS -- - - -- 113 114 115 116 117 * * * * * f * 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 * * SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SUBGRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 8 51 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 3.37 16.861 23.60% 11.901 21.911 16.861 0.841 4.761 * f $59,325 100.001 * ======= ======* $200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 282,500 $1.83 9.13 12.79 6.39 11.87 9.13 0.46 2.58 $2,000 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 10,000 500 2,825 $5,932,500 $54.18 =========== ====== * # * * * 143 ----16 140 141 142 w1mAANALYISOrCASH Ft16 143 144 QMW IIEIICIT} 1m6 13ERAIMS: ..... *== ....... ============ RET 8mit rAcm: 145 WEW"E611N FKi: 91SIIEER M111 1411PENKM"INFACTOR 147 In 149 150 151 POf iL 6N13St oills 1,00m 152 L1 EN UNITS 153 NRAET UNIT5 6.01 S 5.01 5.01 YEN YEa M ---- - --- 6PE YA TEA 2 -- 1 YEN 1,060,000 1,144,000 1,201,0001,340,100 1,416,5531,501,616 ATIN6 YEA YEA 1 6 ---- 6215,310 0205,065 1,24,297 YEAR 5 ---- -- 1,213,40 v TEN 4 - 0PE YEARS YER TEN 3 6195,300 155 RfOEMI S 1s 10TAL POTENTIAL 2 .. =..=..=** 1,33,475 YEA YEA ---- 1 ... --- $241,250 0226,014 2137,3M 1,623,121 1,445,204 1,532,001 2,113,104 1,005,6411,9%,163 1,692,672 1,161,250 1,569,559 2,237,0902,X8,286 2,507,201 01131 1 10 ---- 261,721 1,1:1,356 YEARS 11 1 . - ---- .. 0214,07 1 1,824,637 2M,547 1,934,116 111,154 118,414 302,174 0 6 1 2,050,162 2 2 125,360 1 2,654,213 2,610,044 151 156 LESSWACKV 15 1511 niUs16C6K rim ----- LAIM1 ----- ------------------------ 67,005 70,921 63,30 10,000 20,113 11,231 11,910 12,E25 ---------------------- 161 162 ErFECYIE moss I60E9 163 PERA5I!6 EIPENSES LESS 164 165 LESS REPIACEENT RESERVE 1,283,195 1,212,704 372,500 27,50 167 161 NEOERATYIU I601E 112,704 163,695 13,38? ----------- 14,134 15,938 ----------- 1,43,445 1,35,861 1,611,121 4",101 3,653 a 1;112,293 1,706,31 1,106,316 475,415 35,010 452,716 33,426 %,35 86,614 116,521 1,03,5041,101,446 1,170,342 1,243,555 99,643 105,651 94,202 11,963 20,122 21,321 22,601 --------------------- 1,063 16,815 17,900 1,522,7M 431,215 3t,035 410,601 30,3i 391,125 28,95 27,540 175,315 911,961 71,411 14,185 15,31 75,001 2,024,420 550,352 524,145 30,695 40,630 262,6010 303,231 151,s55 117,053 223,905 1,613,621 1,584,111 1,403,119 1,411,566 1,321,311 2,260,654 2,143,144 517,870 42,662 345,892 1,7In,640 2 7 1 631,1016 5 47,034 4 60,763 44,115 437,72 w 390,U7 1,00,171 169 110 171 LESS KIT SERVICE: INTEPESY PRIMCIPAL 62,470 657,221 52,432 57,615 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------13 114 175 CASN r11 ( ICITI rS P0ERATIONS (1102,2021 (151,207) 02,101 $60,403 021,602 i16 ImitI nUinE3tIKiTC0mRAGE (i.I at) 193,612 51,207 3 172 345,115 61,717 351,451 63,442 1196,501 255,441 3321,654 0 0 33,I1X 16,165 - 6401,409 64M,107 0 631,460 64,442 622,016 92,96 ---------- 69,111 1576,U4 6 1116,719 0 02,510 112,721 102,175 ?11,271 123,631 112,392 ---- $873,741 716,101 135,1994 765,306 7 1 141,59 S105,276 0 0 0 0 0 III III SOECESo FSmmI: 1?9 1111160SIM OUTA0(PERflHAI 10 SNAPP 1u05 1,060,000 l,000,00 1 1,000,00 1,00,000 ,000,300 0 1 1 0 0 406,401 49,197 255,441 323,654 1186,501 10,493 6121,602 R CONTRIBTION 3EU110EKVFtE0 12CAsOAVAiLAiE Fo Sitiomilm10Ky. V. 183PEIRII3I CASH6iitUiti0lS t03 0 0 0 0 60,413 121,602 06,506 0o 62,%6 0 0 3 2,% 30 1,000,000 1 1,000 ,000000 0 AwMcE3 III 1,000,000 1 1,000,000 1,000,00 0 0 0 0 669,117 76,719 1713,741 2187,41 121,490 0241,410 1,000,000 0 0 51,64 3255,441 0 1,000,003 0 0 15,276 1287,4910 0211,410 0 ll 10 0 00 0 6286 0 104 SERVIEC1EEAGE 1 6530IT . 3(IEW 1g f=06, Ir ANY) .=== 0.14 6.11 1.00 1.13 1.07 1.20 1.29 .2-: =.= .... .... 1.44 1.36 1.53 1.63 1.13 ==== == == 2 1 = z = 2 101 I " ANALYSIS o SHARPf12I6 191 112 193 21 htI -8 I REPAIENT: YEAS YEA 2 -- 1 ---- ---- -- - - YEA YEAS 4 . . 3 --- YA YEAR 5 -.. YEAR 7 6 TEO ---- . . - -- YEAS 1 6 YEA 10 YEAS II ----- ---- ---- YEAY T 1 - 2 194 IISSNAPPIMIOS AlVAEED 1% Is1ERSt 1 51 117PAYMENTS TIOPOPERATIS I" GUISTAN1uI1 BALANCE t0 00 of 0 0 0 1 0 i1m 0 0 * 1 19ANALM ISTRIYUTE990JEC CASH 0 0 0 203CL"uATIVE m-1STIUTED (ASHfL 201 ,,g,,,,,gg,,00,gmugggegogmgg,,gsg..,ugggmuOOOAO.,,A0006,,,0UU0S0S0 oeoeeeos,.. mug 202 202 00 to 6 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 41,164 0 10 0 0 00 0 11,919 202,417 A 29, 114 3 0 0 32,327 41,164 60 00 s3 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 481,221 501,251 697, 186 160,063 361,560 0 00 0 0 4 650,174 0 0 0 1,033,101 0 0 1,514,330 t 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 203 204 205 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: 206 209 207 208 28-Jul-88 MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE TERM ANNUAL PAYMENT ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT $8,624,700 10.001 0.00% 30 $914,902 10.17% YEAR 8E6. BAL. PAYMENT INTEREST & FEES AMORT'N 58,624,700 8,572,268 8,514,594 8,451,151 $914,902 5862,470 $52,432 18,572,268 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 857,227 851,459 845,115 8,381,365 8,304,599 8,220,158 8,127,272 8,025,097 7,912, 705 7,789,074 7,653,080 7,503, 486 7,338,933 7,157,924 6,958,815 6,739,795 6,498,873 6,233,858 5,942,342 5,621,675 5,268,941 4,880,933 4,454,125 3,984,635 3,468,197 2,900, 115 2,275,225 1,587,846 831,729 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 253 145 838,136 830,460 822,016 812,727 802,510 791,271 778,907 765,308 750,349 733,893 715,792 695,882 673,979 649,887 623,386 594,234 562,167 526,894 488,093 445,412 398,464 346,820 290,012 227,523 158,785 83,173 END. BAL. 57,675 63,442 69,787 76,765 8,514,594 84,442 8,220, 158 8,127,272 92,886 102,175 112, 392 123,631 135,994 149,594 164,553 181,008 199,109 219,020 240,922 265,014 291,516 320,667 352,734 388,008 426,808 469,489 516,438 568,032 624,890 687,379 756,117 831,729 8,451,151 8,381,365 8,304,599 8,025,097 7,912,705 7,789,074 7,653,080 7,503,486 7,338,933 7,157,924 6,958,815 6,739,795 6,498,873 6,233,858 5,942,342 5,621,675 5,268,941 4,880,933 4,454,125 3,984,635 3,468,197 2,900,115 2,275,225 1,587,846 831,729 (0) a 06 * S 0 * ---* o 0 0 0 --- 4 0 ... MM"MM EOO 30S*81E 0 WES i0o00lSCS1a6&'ZI 1041014 -010)1 ---- MIZE11IS --- S11 -- tf61nsW,16C6sl 0 m14V0 SSI'mI(hli1m(419%401 10,11 ---Vii --... Ol a s I11431A 1I N I m I 3 A I I 1,0sIPP is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 IsiIOZ EWEOZ4 1 1 1 uIW%1 L1IS) (11101) # -- 14 ---A 5 a 1411AI I I AlI S 3 A I I :-40011 103-: 1(1 311141 114533 1 0) 1 WN 401J O 1 1 1 1333M S*WS IN w (lIl1111111 19*3435 lVI"I1 -- SNO01111311 ---101.1111M33)NO1l1111S11451 3 Ii it l 1 1(13l IN3115311 A111163K a 0113 a13111 311113116 Ill Sl $Ee 611*I'r-e !SIh 41334N111 A1SISIMWi 401001501JU 141 066 *0 a 0 A K'(-l 11'0(l 114I1(l 118,161 1111Sl 1101(1 I11 I6 19411I 1"5191 -------- I1413(3 I 1 1 61113314* 113115301 l10 5333 114411 5*33301411511113 1311E4( * 1(r1114 (0141si l"141411 1161'lK) 4(u4314(4A30)14 agg93li 110(1iO1606tLL014Ies&41 110,16a4 1 1 (11I1114111I 1133131 311tit ...C 61I~ ,,.,...........aa.a~~o.g.ggn~go~ge EW14 (ICUl 151(9 E06U6"'1 aae~go.nag~~g.n.,.~.....e.~a,....aN3Aaas..aag.g15 00'411 U1111,11 (1061111 (L1819l 1411) 1 a 0 MINI131 1310V31V Ell ~ ------------------------------------------ I 1111(lI 06I .,.aggnagsagaaaa,~ag ....... 110,619 611fl IWESO I- fi' 6 014'Eli 611(145 966 * fig's IO( ill's ill's fig's ill's ill's fig's fig's fig's 1191% is's Ill'S tl4El 601 116l 64401,W l'Ili601411i 609II0 10l411 609161 609161 61111 I e fil5014 ll98l9 62'29 61*61 10C514101311 IIaIl 03('LO ii'IS 305 41100 OW 310 9E 3l5 IV14 1(1410 iU'LI 01019814 0 oc1(1ll(011 501141l914l1 GEV4A1 r11414 LW0%ICE 9WEE'( UVIE1(1C5111KSIl I5LI I4 11(01S fiI'141('11 916,11 6883101 11(11(30 ((('EWIl z l i' sos0'ii' m410'1l0it (50(1114 11'116$ ------ * (114(15 EI V A13 1143 j3 II 01 113D IND1 #V31 11143 131 £ a P31 1 0143 113 94 1 461'i116 O ------ I a of IIM $11 I 1 0 14 4 1 1 1 ---- 9 E 4 3313 1 141101 i :101111101414W S31 01041331031 5531 il 53331*S31111 39149111 511 6491 AM1N1111334113 5111 0191 313 13m IS IAI1 55143A Ia1 1 - 1 14 1131 1131 113 113 -1111131011913-: 1 li 1U114II013141991 ---- I 113 I Ell 3131Al 191 IV hVIIA14311131.1.11011 I s 5043 aSt 10611 860 A9 0su * 0O': *0 t L0'&8L'L LtT S%0*6 1 03Z11IdV NON3N 9IVMd 13N # L * 8~ZLL$S033JOUd S31Vo 13N MLE (iSM~IN; HIM) 3AM3S3 flOI HSV3 133fB~d 0308flSII-NON Sflld L NYOI d3VHS WVOI 3CJVOIdOW ISSIJ oLE * :193G 9NIONVISIlO S531 ISE D*E AI1iIIVIl XVI SS31 *LLO'L6]'Z etE X* LLLO 'QI 'S I *0 3318d S31VS 13N Wt loo.O C96S'L~t I aNOIlVdIOIISVd NOXIVI 338ddV. VJHN SS31 %EI NOISSIUM03 SS31 Z9L'86S'SIS W~ D~E #3313d S31VS SSONS ItE ------BEE LEE 9EE SEE JdliIlVIl xvi E UP 3lYS NO NIV9 31OVIVI UP' TEE OCE RiE Sze LZE *LLO'L.1 'iS *EOL'9t8'L 96S0'tBZ'L OLZ1S t60 '586 'Z 1LB'ste 3M 0NOIVI SSL '086 '6 V 1503 :SS31 AMCd3 :SS31 31lddV :sfld 3135NJONDI SISYS 1S03 MV C31snraV SS31 REt SZE tiE EiE 33ISd S31VS 13N ZiE 66L'OE I 'SLI 17r *0 lOOl C9 E6Lgt I aNoi1vdioiIaVJ KIIVM 03SddVe VJHN SS31 OlE IE1 NOISSlWW03 SP03 C1E Bic lWSL'S'IS #30I~d S31VS SSOSS LIE 91E LTE flE ElE ZIE 1S0333O~d S31VS 13N 30SISAIVNV TIE 0O1 I 6O Be-Imr-aZ **I***********a~aaa~aa~a~ga~aa~.*.aa~aa~aaa*..,..,.,.,.,...,,,*...,,,,, *IS63g4I4IgO~gISguIg4H4S9IOSg,3#4,I3300gggg4u,4ggg,,,ggIgg,,gIgOgI *,,,,,eeneene~og:g s,,,,e, 22 PnWM STAIENOr 911 INICES AM USES O CASN: 23-2.716 * 364 :-CMTK1If-: 366 M1 TIRE 0 370 SMCES OFCASH: 371 372 MWLI Efi71 4CASHI 373 MANW 16AE FINANCING 374 MIMP 3 MING 275 MEIERAfTI IMI 3716INTEEST 0 M-isiNif I E1 CASH FLOW HIS. 377 N77 SALES PICE 378 DISIRIN3Il Or CASH FL RESERVE 371 -- 11,10 16 4,312,3 4,312,3V 6 3 3 3 1 3 ---- 0 ---------- YEAR 2 ---- 610 0,316 0 YEN 1 ---- 1 INV(SINENT 1E YEAN YEAR 3 ---- 1112,202 351,207 0 3 1 13,615 177,11 3 3 812,730 3 0 YEARS YEN EAR 4 ---s3o 0 1 1 0 1,036,504 175,35 3 0 ---------- INVESTHEHI N 5 ---- 0 0 1 1,101,401 0 0 0 0 0 ---------0 0 0 0 ---------0 0 ---------- FEAR YEN7A 7E 6 ---- 0 0 YEH 7 ---- H ---- 0 9 ---- to 0 N 1,321,311 0 0 ---------- 0 0 ---------- 0 ---------- 331 10TAL SMES Or CASH 31, 4,312,353 914,102 1914,102 $117,1 to 601,000 14,312,35 6175,395 11,036,504 1,:c!,408 31,170,34231,243,555 $1,325,427 116,91,108 to =======.===2==== ==== -=is========= ====z====== t======= ====== ========== ========== ========== ======zz~ 312 3== 33 234USES I CASH: 35 $3 0 to 0 s3 to3 so so 33 ACNSfTIM IF LUIM/PHIE LMV 64,033 T of, 0 s0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 PAR3 0 0 0 337 KY(L31PEN V IMWROUEENIS/LAll 4,372,350 4,3-2,354 31 I3iEHOSII (EES:WA MM6AGE 345,115 13,t1 830,460 322,016 12,727 102,510 791,271 0 0 327,227 357,459 0 331 AIfIIOAIIS: MA376646E 61,737 76,765 34,442 92,81 102,175 112,312 7,912,705 0 52,432 63,442 0 39" WAREQUIRED KT SERICERESERVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 391 3EPA1MNI O S2W3P FUMIN6 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 ---- 312 TAR LIAHIlIfI 1 SALE 0 0 0 0 0 2,197,077 0 393 'lINtUE BIVIKOr 3ISINItimilS 60,413 121,602 186,5% 255,441 237,490 2,%0 217,410 5,810,13 0 394 ini-H17nwitiIE iniJECT CASHim tStiE 0 0 0 0 41,164 123,435 217,117 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------3% I, 34,312,350 M9L4,102 3914,9"2 1917,16 to s0 397 T01AL USES Or CASH to 100,000 94,312,353 975,395 37,41,504 31,101,401 37,170,342 11,243,555 61,325,427 16,929,10 *====== T===*= . ====.= **2=*== *..==== ======== -c ====..=== ======.=** .... i ========= ===.====== === == -- %-===. ===== =...====*: 39= 3"9 s*S**a**s*g*a*355501515 055mos ma.,.,0505m,.,,.g,.u.s,,,,,,ssumn.,ggm,,ge.,.,. . goones,,, 430 011119411111eosose le sIo s oofe Se 1S oSeSSSeSe 0 3- 862,470 57,675 0 0 o 0 tI3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1,403,1" 0 0 1I* -- to R 3 0 0 4 3n 0 0 YEW If ---- 0 0 0 1,170,342 1,243,555 0 0 4,116 16,420 0 0 15,130,791 0 0 0 370,000 ---------- ---------- YEARS YEWA 10 ---- YEN T=:====== ---------- --------- 401 28-Jul-88 403 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 404 =========z======= 405 406 407 408 BASELINE ('MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T so 409 410 PROFORMA TIME DELAY (INMONTHS) 0 411 412 AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ("AT $558,000 !CNTHS OF TIME DELAY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TIMEDELAYED 'ATNPV" $559,000 529,000 501,000 473, 000 445,000 418,000 391,000 364,000 338,000 312,000 287,000 261,000 237,000 212,000 188,000 164,000 140,000 117,000 94,000 72,000 49,000 27,000 6,000 (16,000) (37,4000) BASELINE 'ATNPV" PRESENT VALUE OF SUBSIDY $558,000 529,000 501,000 473,000 445, 000 418,000 391,000 364,000 338,000 312,000 297,000 261,000 237,000 212,000 188,000 164,000 140,000 117,000 94,000 72,000 49,000 27,000 6,000 (16,000) (37,000) 446 149 447 448 449 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS ON AFTER-TAX NPV DUE TOCHANGES INREVENUE GROWTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 450 28-Jul-88 UNI T L AND COSTS $0 $4,000 +ATNPV $8,000 S16,000 $12,000 $24,000 $20,000 (54,000) (318,000) (582,000) (846,000) 0.00% 210,000 (1,110,000) (1,374,000) 136,000 1.00% 400,000 (128,000) (392,000) (656,000) (920,000) (1,184,000) 339,000 75,000 2.00% 603,000 (189,000) (453,000) (717,000) (981,000) ANNUAL 556,000 3.00% 820,000 292,000 (236,000) (500,000) (764,000) 28,000 REVENUE 4.00% 1,092,000 803,000 526,000 259,000 (5,000) (269,000) (533,000) GROWTH 5.00% 1,409,000 1,107,000 814,000 24 49,000 528,000 (22,000) (287,000) FACTOR 6.00% 1,756,000 1,447,000 1,144,000 848,000 5! 58,000 272,000 (7,000) 7.00% 2,130,000 1,817,000 ("MARKET' UNITS) ,5308,000 1,204,000 90 06,000 611,000 323,000 8.00% 2,533,000 2,213,000 1,901,000 1,592,000 1,2888,000 987,000 692,000 9.00% 2,960,000 2,640,000 2,323,000 2,011,000 1,70 01,000 1,397,000 1,094,000 10.00% 3,416,000 3,094,000 2,774,000 2,459,000 2,1447,000 1,836,000 1,533,000 464 465 466 150 467 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: 470 = 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 EFFECT ON AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES IN DENSITY (HOLDING UNITS/ ACRE ------ AFTER-TAX NPV --------- 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 (673,000) (575,000) (484,000) (383,000) (281,000) (178,000) (81,000) 32,000 128,000 241,000 347,000 466,000 558,000 677,000 788,000 912,000 1,0c0,V/)0 1,124,000 1,237,000 1,363,000 1,449,000 1,577,000 1,692,000 1,821,000 1,905,000 2,033,000 2,149,000 2,279,000 2,361,000 2,492,000 2,610,000 2,742,000 2,823,000 I - f f # # f # # f f 509m 151 Appendix H 2 3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ANALYSIS 4 (1)MARKET DEAL 5 DAVID CARTER 6 7 28-Jul-88 * 152 119 * SHARP SUBSIDY/RESTRICTION ASSUMPTIONS: 120OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS: =* 121=============== 122 OPERATING EXPENSES PER UNIT 123LAUNDRY INCOME (NET) PER UNIT 124RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT PER UNIT PER YEAR 125 126FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS: 127 = = = 28-Jul-8 $4,000 $100 $275 SHARP FUNDING (YES OR NO) LIMITED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION (YES OR NO) DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION Z * * 10.00% 0.00% ZAFFORDABLE UNITS 10.0 20.001 SITE SIZE INACRES (NET OF ROADS) DENSITY (UNITS/ACRE) TOTAL UNITS INDEVELOPMENT (CALC) UNIT LAND COST/DENSITY TOGGLE (0=SOLVE FOR DENSITY, 1=SOLVE FOR DELAY) 138 153 # $16,000 UNIT LAND COST MININUM 134 135 136HOLDING PERIOD AFTER COMPLETION 137 100.00% $1,600,000 COST =LAND 128MINIMUM DEVELOPER EQUITY CONTRIBUTION 129 (AS A I OFTOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST) 130 131TAXASSUMPTIONS: 132 133 TAX CREDIT 1 * * * NO No * 20.0 5.0 100 I * * 9 10 DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 28-Jul-89 12 13 PROJECTED PROJECTED * PROJECTED TOTAL MONTHLYANNUAL YEAR RENTABLE I OF RENTABLE RENT/ RENT/ 1ST UNITS SQ.FT. UNIT UNIT RENT ROLL SO.FT. ------------------------ -------------------- 14 15 16UNITS 17 ----1o 19 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 20 TWO BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (B) 21 TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 22 TWO BEDROOM, MARKET (8) 23 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (A) 24 THREE BEDROOM, LOW INCOME (8) 25 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (A) 26 THREE BEDROOM, MARKET (8) 27 28 TOTALS * I 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,100 1,300 5 5 30 30 5 5 10 10 ---100 5,000 $650 57,800 5,500 650 1,000 1,200 900 900 1,150 1,250 7,800 12,000 14,400 10,800 10,800 13,800 15,000 30,000 33,000 5,500 6,500 11,000 13,000 ------109,500 139,000 39,000 360,000 432,000 54,000 54,000 138,000 150,000 ---------- * * $1,266,000 * 29 30 31 'AVERAGE' LOW INCOME UNIT 32 'AVERAGE' MARKET JNIT t * 1,125 -,d88 20 90 ---- 33 100 34 35 36 22,500 87,000 775 1,125 9,300 13,500 186,000 1,080,000 ------- ---------- * 109,500 $1,266,000 * * 154 37 38 39 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: 40 ================= 28-Jul-88 LINE ITEM 48 LAND ACOUISITION 49 50 51'HARD COSTS': RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS LAND DEVELOPMENT (SITE, SEVER, ETC.) TOTAL HARD COSTS 58 59 'SOFT' COSTS: 60 61 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING 62 BOND PREMIUM (.0041) 63 PERMITS AND SURVEYS 64 CONSTRUCTION LOAN INTEREST 65 OAS APPLICATION FEE 66 MORTGAGE APPLICATION FEE 67 INSPECTION FEE 68 LOAN POINTS 69 REAL ESTATE TAXES 70 INSURANCE 71 LE6AL FEES 72 73 74 75 76 77 TITLE & RECORDING EXPENSES ACCOUNTING I COST CERTIFICATION RENT-UP AND MARKETING DEVELOPER'S FEE DEVELOPER'S OVERHEAD SOFT COST CONTINGENCY (51) TOTAL SOFT COSTS 92 TOTAL DEVELOPnENT COSTS (MHFA) 85 TOTAL CASH DEVELOPMENT COSTS . I OF COST/ TOTAL COSTS So.FT. $1,600,000 $14.61 116,000 13.83? 5,932,500 54.18 59,325 51.27? 500,000 4.57 5,000 4.321 6,432,500 58.74 64,325 55.59? 177,975 1.63 0.23 1.37 5.79 0.00 1,780 25,730 150,000 633,863 0 16,421 41,053 168,809 UNIT 257 COSTS 1.54% 0.22% 1,500 1.30% 6,339 0 164 411 1,688 5.481 0.00% 0.14% 0.35% 1.46? 0.22? 0.86? 250 1,000 1,000 150 150 500 15,903 3,976 316 0.86% 0.13? 0.13% 0.43% 13.74% 31,649 0.15 0.37 1.54 0.23 0.91 0.91 0.14 0.14 0.46 14.52 3.63 0.29 3,538,338 32.31 35,383 30.58? $105.67 $115,708 100.00? 25,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 1,590,270 397,568 S11,570,838 , 83 84 COST/ RENTABLE $9,583,000 ======== 87 155 3.44% 0.27? 88 *+*******+ttt****+t*+*******+t**+t++**************************** 89 90 DEVELOPMENT COST ASSUMPTIONS: ESTIMATED BREAKDOWN OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 28-Jul-88 91 92 93 %OF LINE ITEM COSTS COST/ RENTABLE SG.FT. COST/ UNIT TOTAL 'HARD' COSTS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: SITE PREPARATION AND IMPROVEMENTS SU8GRADE FRAMING ENCLOSURE INTERIOR FINISHINGS I FITTIINGS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY 1 51 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 50,000 282,500 $5,932,5o 117 156 $1.83 9.13 12.79 6.39 11.87 $2,000 10,000 14,000 7,000 13,000 3.37% 16.86% 23.60 11.801 21.91% 9.13 0.46 2.58 10,000 16.86Z 500 2,825 0.84% 4.76Z $54.18 $59,325 :00.00z s SSOISO@2SOJSlSeOU11 Se bOOSabseOs#eOsgOs000eSe lSIIIOOesseIsUses 0U@0@esse 139111a108a1091aoaaoaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaoaooaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaslae oouoeoososmoOsosslss0s0e0000ss0sse00010sOS0egseegesse0eOseeste0eessessusegessisue,04sisn,0*000000600s@se 140 141 PEWIMN MIALSISOFCASlI 142 .....*....*.=..... e 23-si -U5 WEATIM: (KrICIOI 0I =...=..==**........ 143 144 31fm m0n1 0 FACEO 145 REVENUE 03M N FACTO: 1m EIPEim 6060 FATOR 141 148 141 om t wits SU151110E1 UITS 6.01 5.01 1 5.0 P IA T 1106 I0 I01A6 IP VA WE 15 131 POENIt 311AEW S: 152 IN ICMEWITS 153 60KET 0ITS 155 POTENTIAL 3VE 1% OTAL 157 151 151 LESSVCANCY0 159 PLUS IO01 FIM[IMRT IN 160 1,266,000 ) 1,212,100 1,501,616 1,711,250 1,682,0,2 1,511,559 1,911, 163 1,115,41 2, 1I,184 2,654,213 2,368,20 2,23?,090 2,010,044 2,507,201 12 11,102 111,414 132,115 140,502 111,154 99,306 105,651 14,22 3,063 04,134 79,413 15,01 70,921 67,005 22,609 16,01 17,00 15,938 14,185 15,036 21,329 13,:2 01,110 12,625 11,23 10,600 10,000 ------ ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---- ------- -------- 63,300 161 13(3 062Ef(tii0 60105GOSS 1,416,553 1,340,100 W 0 Y 11 1 0360,2670 6274,107 0350,731 0 $201,547 0302,974 0241,250 0261,121 226,04 023,36 0215,3111 2,44,776 2,303,53 1,934,116 2 1,624,6317 1,721,356 1,532,001 1,6123,121 1,445,204 1,296,291 1,363,475 ^ ----------- e----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0195,300 os5,065 6186,0H 1,213,401 1,010,000 1,144,900 ----------- ----------- ---------- 154 6 5 S A0 WT 10 ---- ---- ---- YEAR WE 1 YEAR EM .1 05 VM TIM 714 tEN YEN 4 3 2 I ---- ---- ---- ---- 0 TF6 WE W 1,3'M,91 1,203,6" 1,431,445 1,611,921 1,522,716 1,106,3% 1,706,311 2,542,106 2,024,420 1,112,293 2,612,150 2,143,144 2,401,163 2,266,054 163 EXPENSES 164 LESS OPERAitIN 163lESS 600tKflFFIORESERVE 731,525 6 507,110 606,763 550,352 475,415 41,136702,4014524,145 431,215 452,776 391,125 410,61 372,500 44, 95 51,655 47,03454,440 41,316 42,662 40,630 36,53 31,615 33,426 35,010 39,311 31,835 27,500 28,975 -- - - -- - - - -------- ----------- ---- ---------------- . . . ---------------------- ----------- ------513,410 431,721 417,107 310,67 345,"92 262,600 303,231 223,105 533,12 050155 117,052 K,614 110,521 21,500 6,313 1,613,6 1,594,71 1,411,56 1,321,311I,00,1710,403,361 1,170,342 0,243,555 1,101,400 1,7n,646 975,395 1,036,504 117,161 002,700 363,61 166 161 163 NET 1PERATIN6 INCOME 161 170 171 102 ESS K91 SERVICE: INIERESI POIlCIPAL 62,470 52,432 50,675 69,181 63,442 06,765 157,227 92,306 102,175 34,442 131,136 845,005 135,994 151,451 149,594 112,392123,631 330,460 733,813 I61,00 164,553 174 175CAi FL i filicit rPw PERATIOwS 11.1 il 113,612 076Tits0 Ki011 FoNiEC3 AG6E III 070 SIES OF03103: SHARP 0UTLAY MPER 179 MAIiM 0 10 SNA P TURNSARCE 0 E0 C10I3C 3 1106 060 P19UI69KVEL 0 032CAS1AVAtAItt FOR11S1611tt1N01O REV. 3ISTM 1 S TOKV. 0 363PE6NITE(CASK (1112,202 1 51,207 lA) 0 0 0 SERVICE CtE0A6E (1103 1g6 01m31, 2,% 00 104 185 3M3 0 1,000,0 .. =.. . 1196,50t 0 0 0255,441 0 9U,1617 1165,276 0006,401 6073,0323,654 141 0 0 0576,614 066 I,00,0 0 0 0.31 i0 Am .... 1121,602 0 0 10,413 0 0 1,000,000 3,000,000 1 1,%0,000 1,000,000 0,000,000 1,00,00 00,00 1,000,000 1,000, W0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 768,719 '? SI,64 661,611 328,654 406,409 40, 15,206 120,602 116,506 251,441 60,413 13,747 0165,206 56,614 661,111 0161,119 1320,654 0006,409 3410,907 6121,602 6186,506 1255,441 02,%0 060,493 I,000,000 0 02,%0 0 (051,207) 0 1 011,2F 7 802,510 602,121 322,016 715,712 119,101 0 0 873,747 1.00 0.14 1.13 1.07 .... .... .: 0.1% 1.36 1.21 .20 = 2.00 un == ne 1.53 1.44 1 1.63 = =: T0:T 019 O0r AtYSIS I10 III 112 113 28Jul -90 6P" 03086 0 otP0A0110: V=====F== = = 1 ---- ---- ---- -- - 3 2 - - - - VEM YEAR =W - - 4 - - - --- VIER 6 5 --- -- 0 to 0 6 0 to $0 1 65 S1M P FUOS A3 VAtE 00 0 0 1 I 0 116 INTEST 1 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197 PA 6 TK6Is OPIIDRATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 IAKE0 1 I0S0110IU6inr 0 0 0 0 It 1 0 1 4 0 flIM PROJECT CASil I"9ANNlUAL NON BIST119UTID 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 . 0 FLOW 200(timAIAIIE 11111-11SitTEDCASN 201 oaaaoaaaaaaauaaoa iiaaas000saaaO2oaaOsaasaaoasaaeaoaoaaoaoooa,,aeaa,,,,aeoeaa,,aoasa,,,,aoa,,,,aaeaea,,a, 202 ,aaa aea,,a,0sseaaaaaaaaaeabelse 0,,,,gi,01,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,lgsl,000,,t00000100000100e0000s0g 1 350 0o 0 0 0 to 0 a 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 S 0 0 0 3 0 1111 03 0 0 0 V T V T VEM 10 YEN YEARe YEA YEN YEAR 714 ---- 1 # 0 203 28-Jul -88 ANALYSIS OF PROJECT DEBT SERVICE: $8,624,700 10.00% 0.00% 30 $914,902 10.17% MORTSAGE PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MHFA ADMINISTRATIVE FEE TERM ANNUAL PAYMENT ANNUAL PAYMENT CONSTANT YEAR BEG. BAL. PAYMENT $8,624,700 $914, 902 8,572,268 3,514,594 8,451,151 8,381,365 8,304,599 8,220,158 8,127,272 8,025,097 7,912,705 7,789,074 7,653,080 7,503,486 7,338,933 7,157,924 6,958,815 6,739,795 6,498,973 6,233,858 5,942,342 5,621,675 5,268,941 4,880,933 4,454,12.5 3,984, 635 3,468,197 2,900, US 2,275,225 1,587, 946 831,729 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,302 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 3!4,902 914, 902 314,302 914,902 914,902 914,902 914,902 914, ?02 914,902 253 158 INTEREST & FEES AMORT'N $862,470 857,227 951, 459 845,115 838,136 830,460 822,016 812,727 802,510 791,271 778,907 765,308 750,349 733,893 715,792 695,882 673,979 649,887 623,386 594,234 562,167 526,894 488,093 445,412 398,464 346,820 290,012 227,523 53,785 83,173 $52,432 $8,572,268 57,675 8,514,594 63,442 8, 451,151 69,787 8,381,365 76,765 8,304,599 84,442 8,220,158 92,886 8,127,272 102,175 8,025,097 112,392 7,912,705 123,631 7,789,074 135,994 7,653,080 149,594 7,503,486 164,553 7,338,933 181,008 7,157,924 199,109 6,958,815 211,020 6,739,795 240,922 6,498,873 265,014 6,233,858 291,516 5,942,342 320,667 5,621,675 352, 734 5,268,941 388,008 4,980,933 426,808 4,454,125 469,489 3,984,635 516,438 3,468,197 568,082 2,900,115 624,890 2,275,225 687,379 1,587,846 756, !17 831,729 (0) 831,729 END. BA.. .Se,eInoem-- eesIIII ISInI feet cofese fes. e.poole 9 s Sem SesssssseS e Nigte l I tootseDolts#$eIIeg,.e ss,.sesu ...... ,,IIfI 255 251P6350f00 AlA15s5 11 100 (L103it K11iiS tiES: 257 =-.=-"''=====-un= 258 2519 260ETTECiIW1MRA0 81 20.1 262 261 264 265 C INCOM 266 OETOPERAIlm 261 119E 213 PLUS KPLACEINIFI3 1EES 269 LESS 3MRSAG1E INIEREST 270 LESS K3PEC1a0110 271 LESSAM110I3A3IO:W310A INI TEE 273 0MAKE 274 I0 :-CMUST M3III fill 4 ---- YA 1M WM 5 2 6 ----- - WM YEW 4 I - -- ---- 63,695 012,70 0 t0 27,533 0312,410 213,601 0 5,621 1 0 0 0 2M 3 INE KIIT (tIAN3Ii) 0 20,315 0 30,311 345,115 151,451 157,221 0 0 2M,609 0 213,60 21,609 0 5,621 5,627 (326,506) 120,3 0 (201,516) 5,104 11,422 0 15,213 0 0 1EN T4M 0 YEW -- 1 . .. -- 0 0 80,943 (507) 1A METIS IL lI I 11,422 t0 00 75,2" 154,104 se 44,157 39,615 0 00 0 (322,664) 115071 020,204 2",609 5,1271 5,621 91,411,581 01,403,111 47,034 42,662 40,630 41, m31 765,300 750,349 2",609 5,1271 5,121 5,627 5,627 0 0 ($71,455) (6%,2M0) S (1261,906) (11,212) IS151,411) 230 24 26-Jet -I IT0(Ar(11A1CASH(1005: An 205PROF3OMA131.51 21 21M 239 17.51 V RETUN0 EWUllTINES111 210 lMITS RATE 211 292 293 ---2"4 215 ENT11,60,000) 1 2% CANi1INIFST OPERAIIIIS Tlm 297 CASRISI0LI1iON(KFcI) 0 IA KRIT ILIAILITY) 213 0 299N SALESPROIEtS 300 2-CgmSIRtJti(DN 2 I I TINE YET 3 0 E VE S I EI 1 NI V E A YEA 110 1E N 4 9 Nv I S YEN At 2 5 NE E S I 00 0 so so 6641,700 60,413 (51,2071 0 2,%0 39,194 15,290 58,104 0 0 0 16 ------------------ -4 ---0,-----24,003 - so 121,602 20,284 00 (102,202) 0 3 0 0 0 00 I I A It S YEN YEN YEN 1 10 13 TEM 11 14 1512 ---- .... 91,422 - 00 30 30 So so 4u,173 401,401 328,(,4 136,501 255,441 13,292) 122,664) 146,280) (71,455) (507) 5,144,649 0 0 0 0 -24 , -0 -, 4 ,-1- ---- 1 2 ... .... ,--- ---- 141,700 1610,710) 124,03 61,064 $100,287 0141,86 -0 0 0 0 0 to to -0 0 301 (13,600,000) ArER A CASHTLOUS 302TOTAL 303 P SENT VALUE 304ArIFI-TAI I RATE O RETURN 303 AfTER-A1 IT1ERNAL 306 307 DOfeleesesse.e 141110110 ofs IIIsofIeIItoIIII I IIIts feeSt 300 of0 N I 7 6 | YEN TEN 1186,000 0232,777 1282,373 0334,9'55 65,535,343 t0 so 17.51 sot.of googoltom Iate90110 es1ee ee t 'e e . . . . . . .. 1 I 0 0 11,504,711 I 512,2091 678,422 453,231 351,043 255,195 165,281 (11,1561 (126,11m 4M,212) (11,455)(151,411) (46,20) (22,164) 0 139,794 15 11,321,311 11,243,555 11,170,342 270 27919TTAL 14 I - 36,153 35,010 902,510 11,271 812,727 213,10 213,109 5,627 5,627 33,426 31,835 322,011 030,460 13,11 20,609 21,101 29,101 5,627 5,621 A YEA 4EAR At 1 t2 0 s1,101,400 1,309 172,443) (142,122) 3 0 20,204 31,794 0 0 0 YEA 7 -- 215 271I1EsI1NN TAICKIIIIS 3 YEN 1175,395 1,026,504 0917,131 I t AIS NVES IIEN YE A113 S F-1 ITEIII 3 C (S10 310 311 ANALYSIS OF NET SALES PROCEEDS: 312 = = = = * 28-Jul-88 = 313 314 315 316 317 GROSS SALES PRICE# 318 319 LESS COMMISSION 1 3% 320 LESS MHFA 'APPRE CIATION PARTICIPATION' I 115,598,762 467,963 0 0.001 321 322 NET SALES PRICE 323 324 LESS ADJUSTED BASIS: 325 COST BASIS CATION OF RESERVE 326 PLUS: APPLI 327 LESS: DEPRE CIATION AMORTIZATION 328 LESS: COST 329 15,130,799 9,980,568 345,892 2,986,094 56,270 330 331 7,284,096 332 TAXABLE GAIN ON SALE 333 334 TAXLIABILITY 7,846,703 $2,197,077 335 336 337 --------338 339 340 341GROSS SALES PRI CE* 342 343 LESS COMMISSI ON 1 31 344 LESS MHFA 'APPRECIATION PARTICIPATION' 0 0.001 345 346 NET SALES PRICE 347 348 LESS TAXLIAB ILITY 349 LESS OUTSTAND INGDEBT: 350 FIRST MORTG AGE LOAN 351 SHARP LOAN 352 PLUS NON-DIST RIBUTED PROJECT CASH FLOW RESERVE (WITH INTEREST) 353 354 355 NET SALES PRCCE EDS 356 357 * NET OPERAT!NG :NCOME CAPITALIZED 1 9.0% 358 359 umannum 160 s15,599,762 467,963 0 15,130,799 2,197,077 7,789,074 0 0 $5,144,649 30 ,eeseseoeosesesseeeeseseseesueuooess s N2 PKom0 STATEENT III MCESAM U O CASN: 33 ...r2 .... =... ... . .... z.. 34 35 361 e 2-JIl-fl IN VS E A E Al I VE SINE N I ? S 361 TINE 0 YEAR YEN 1EN 1EA0 YEN YEA YEAR YE3 YEN YEA 10 -- I AIS YEAR YE 12 11 YEAN 0 60 0 I YEN YER 13 9 1 7 6 4 3 5 2 361 1 --- -- ---- 210SMllISOr tUSTI: 371 t0 00 to To 3102, 00 30 to0 0 tCASH 312 KW&IEP EtiTi 051,2071 292 .1,600,000 00 0 -0 0 0 0 0 373 IA M10GME FIMKIC 6 4,312,350 4,312,350 0 01 0 0 01211 0 0 374 soAw FIms 1,101,4081,170,342 1,243,555 1,321,311 0 012,700 235 975,3951,121,504 11,61 T 9PERA0014 INC1E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 INTREST 0 -BIS0ITimi CASH fLO RS. 0 0 15,130,799 0 0 0 0 0 31 NT SALES PMCE 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 371 V1SRI3TI0MWCAsHFLRMKOW - - ----- - -- - ---------311 30 30 $1,101,403 11,170,342 1,243,555 11,321,311616,534,61 $1,610,0004,312,350 £4,312,350 $114,902 6114,102 $117,161 9975,395 91,036,504 So 311 TOTAL SICES or CASN 392 33 314USESO CASH: 385 t0 0 30 0 S0 to s0 00 to to 0 31,600,000 396 ACQUS111M O L M/POIEWLOPPERT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 KYELOPNT O I1010N3IS1.AO ONA3 0 4,312,350 4,312,350 002,510 o 312,127 822,016 830,460 845,!:5 838,131 357,222 012,470 3 INTEEST I, FEES:H0A 0D011A1 0 0 0 102,175 112,392 1,112,705 69,787 76,765 34,442 12,806 52,432 51,615 63,442 0 31 A IlIIAlIM: IWA MIGAE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I3 N-AHIUIRE KIT SERVICE RESERE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39I KPAYPNT Or gmP FORTin 0 0 0 0 0 2,1917,07 0 0 0 0 0 0 392 IN LIABILITY ONSALE 0 1,1,602 1..,50 0 60,413 406,401 5,633,635 0 e 255,441 S 313 *LINIEIt IIVIEN" 11SWINti0 2,%60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 394 303-I1SItINIEH PM9JEET EASH 1L RSERVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 is to 30 0 0 191,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 ---------- 3% 2I1 39 3", 400 TOTAL USES V CASN 11,610,000 $4,312,350 04,312,350 1914,102 1114,902 011,361 0"75,315 11,032,504 11,101,40 31,170,342 1,243,555 116,534,61K to11,321,311 to to 0 401 emtm m mamaannmam 402 28-Jul-88 403 BREAKEVEN TIME DELAY ANALYSIS: 404 = ===== ========== 405 406 407 408 BASELINE ('MARKET DEAL') AFTER-T 409 410 PROFORMA TIME DELAY (INMONTHS) AFTER-TAX NET PRESENT VALUE ('AT MONTHS OF TIME DELAY TIME-. DELAYED 'ATNPV' so (21,000) (42,000) (63,000) (84,000) 'ATNPV' PRESENT VALUE OF SUBSIDY s0 (21,000) (42,000) (104,000) (63,000) (84,000) (104,000) (124,000) (144,000) (124,000) (144,000) (163,000) (182,000) (201,000) (163,000) (182,000) (220,000) (238,000) (256, 000) (220,000) (274,000) (292,000) (274,000) (309,000) (327,000) (344,000) (360,000) (377,000) (393,000) (409,000) (425,000) (441,000) 446 BASELINE (201,000) (238,000) (256,000) (292,000) (309,000) (327,000) (344,000) (360,000) (377,000) (393,000) '439,000) (425,000) (441,000) mummmumnumumununnumnummununun 162 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECTS 'NAFTER-TAX NPV DUE TOCHANGES INREVENUE GROUTH AND UNIT LAND COST ASSUMPTIONS 28-Jul -88 UNI T fATNPV ANNUAL REVENUE GROWTH FACTOR ("ARKET' UNITS) t0 (293,000) (103,000) 100,000 317,000 4.0% 547,000 5.0% 794,000 5.0% 1,056,000 7.0% 1,6,000 8.0% 1,634,000 9.0; 1,952,000 10.0% 2,290,000 0.01 1.0? 2.0% 3.0% 14,000 (557,000) (367,000) (164,000) 53,000 283,000 530,000 792,000 1,072,000 1,370,000 1,688,000 2,026,000 L AND COS TS $8,000 $12,000 116,000 $20,000 (821,000) (1,085,000) (1,349,000) (1,613,000) (631,000) (895,000) (1,159,000) (1,423,000) (428,000) (692,000) (956,000) (1,220,000) (211,000) (475,000) (739,000) (1,003,000) 19,000 (245,000) (509,000) (773,000) 266,000 2,000 (262,000) (526,000) 0 (264,000) 528,000 264,000 308,000 544,000 280,000 16,000 1,106,000 842,000 578,000 314,000 1,424,000 1,160,000 896,000 632,000 1,762,000 1,498,000 1,234,000 970,000 466 163 124,000 (1,877,000) (1,687,000) (1,484,000) (1,267,000) (1,037,000) (790,000) (528,000) (248,000) 50,000 368,000 706,000 467 t 468 469 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: EFFECT ON 470 471 UNITS/ 472 ACRE 473 -----474 475 2.00 476 2.25 477 2.50 2.75 478 479 3.00 480 3.25 481 3.50 482 3.75 483 4.00 484 4.25 485 4.50 486 4.75 487 5.00 488 5.25 489 5.50 490 5.75 491 6.00 492 6.25 493 6.50 494 6.75 495 7.00 496 7.25 497 7.50 498 7.75 499 8.00 500 3.25 501 8.50 502 8.75 503 9.00 504 9.25 9.50 505 9.75 506 507 10.00 508 509 AFTER-TAX NETPRESENT VALUE OF CHANGES INDENSITY (HOLDING * * AFTER-TAX NPV --------- # * f # f f f f f # f # ($919,000) (811,000) (714,000) (607,000) (612,000) (505,000) (408,000) (301,000) (306,000) (199,000) (102,000) (6,000) 0 108,000 204,000 312,000 306,000 414,000 511,000 618,000 * * f t f f ft f 4 f f 6.,000 - 720,000 817,000 924,000 919,000 !,026,000 1,123,000 1,231,000 1,225,000 1,333,000 !,429,000 1,537,000 1,531,000 t t f f t t f t * f f t 164 Appendix I TELLER DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WITH 4% TAX CMMCrS 1700 - #ao - 13w - 100 - (1200) - (100) - 02 g LL (1aWo) (S3O) (100) (teo) - 0 8 4 16 12 MONTH-S C PEMITTNO 24 20 MLAY TELLER DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WrTH 4% TAX CIMOS 63.0m0 13.000 ob.2 11.5m LAI 1 41.000 z L. 45M (11.000) 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 DESITY (LrJfS/ACit) 165 8.00 9.00 10.00 Appendix J MARKET DEAL WT9% TAX CMrr 117cc 940 ! 9.300 9200 tio (5100) (1300) (#400) (I00) 4 0 8 24 20 16 12 MONT6 O' PERMrrrTNG CELAY MARKET DEAL WTH 9% TAX CMfD 22,W3 U 21.50 51.000 zL. (9:00) (51.000) 1. 2.00 . -r , . . . 4.00 3.00 -- r,-r. . 5.00 I 6.00 OEsnY (LtITS/ACE) 166 I 7.00 I - 8.00 I I - 9.00 I - 10.00 i Appendix K SHARP DEAL/TAXABLE WfTH 9% TAX CmaTS A7c= 1#04 1.300 01 1200 1100 I-t. z Lii (1100) 0. (IXO) (1400) (2500) 0 8 4 12 16 MONTIS CF PERMfTTNO 20 24 MAY SHARP DEAL/TAXABLE WITH 9% TAX C'EDTS 13.000 ! 2.000 41.500 w z wi (2500) (11.000) .,- 2.00 - . 3.00 -. I 4.00 I -. I.... 5.00 .. ..- - .- . 6.00 7.00 DB'SfTY (LuNrrS/ACIE) 1 97 - - I- 8.00 ,-.-r-I 9.00 10.00 Appendix L TELLER DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WfOUT TAX CMCrfS 5700 ge7o - 400 a!! 200 stoo - w (4100) - (I2WO) (WsO) -v 0 8 4 24 20 16 12 MONThS CF PERMrITNG LAY TELLER DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WITLIT TAX CfEDTS 43.5Xm 23.000 - twe $I - 8 #1.000- z zI (500) (11.000)' 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 DENSITY 7.00 (LNrTS/ACIM) 168 8.00 9.00 10.00 Appendix M SHARP DEAL/rAX-EXEMPT With 4K ItX CJEOTs 5700 seo 200 (5100) 90) (S400) (00) 8 0 12 MONT1 16 EF PtmfTTNG 20 24 ELAY SHARP DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WrfH 4X TAX CMENTS iJ9 . 1,X) I-t. 51.000 I (9ec0) (1.000) I.. 2.00 . . .. .. 00 . . .. 4.00 ... 5.00 . . 6.00 . , 7.00 DENSITY (LNfTS/ACE) 169 . . I. . .. 9.00 . . . 8.00 i 10.00 Appendix SHARP DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WM-DUT TAX CCTS 5700 - $am SSW 4400 23M !2 0 <a zLd 5100 to- (5100)(#1o) - 0. (420o) (t3wo) - (5o00) - 8 4 16 12 MONTHS CF PERMTTNG 24 20 MLAY SHARP DEAL/TAX-EXEMPT WMCUT TAX CEDTS - 63.5mo 23.000 92.55W L 0! 92.000 51.5m LAI 51,000 0.1 90 (Moo) (#11.00o) 2.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 DBENfTY (LMJTs/ACRE) 170 8.00 9.00 10.00 Appendix 0 MARKET DEAL 93.500 <0a #3.000 - 22.500 - Z1.000 z Q. 90 (WO0) (5.000)2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 DONTY (UNrS/ACFE) 171 8.00 9.00 10.00 Appendix P SHARP DEAL/TAXABLE WrTM3UT TAX CIDTS #700 $400 02 0200 w so z (0100) 0. (9400) (9400) 0 8 4 12 16 20 24 MONT-S CF PRMlTTNG CMAY SHARP DEAL/TAXABLE WTMIUT TAX CRTS 2.000 - #2.000 01.800 #1,000 (#1 . mn) - 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 DENrTY 7.00 (LNfTS/ACfE) 172 8.00 9.00 10.00