Identification in multidimensional hedonic models Lars Nesheim CeMMAP, UCL and IFS March 2015 Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 1 / 48 What is a hedonic model? Hedonic models are models of markets for differentiated products. They are used to analyse a wide range of markets including those for a) workers, b) houses, c) automobiles and many others. In a hedonic market, each product is described by z, a vector of observable (and sometimes unobservable) characteristics that affect either costs or utility. Hedonic models are used to forecast prices for new products, to adjust consumer price indexes for changes in product quality, and to estimate how consumer demand and consumer utility depend on z. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 2 / 48 Multidimensional hedonic models Nearly all empirical applications of hedonic models involve products with multidimensional characteristics. Labor markets: wages depend on a vector of skills, occupational characteristics, risk of injury/death. Housing: housing quality is measured by its location vector, size of house, size of lot, quality of materials, age of dwelling, etc. Computers: prices depends on processing cores, speed, memory, brand, display, weight, ... Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 3 / 48 2010 London housing prices 2010 London house prices 6 x 10 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 5.45 1.9 5.4 1.8 5.35 5.3 1.7 5.25 5.2 north Nesheim (CeMMAP) 1.6 5.15 east Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 4 / 48 2010 London housing prices Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 5 / 48 Nonseparable hedonic models: the identification and estimation problem Nonseparable models: Hedonic demand z = d (x, ε) for vector z implicitly defined by system of first-order conditions Dz p (z, m ) = Dz u (z, x, ε) . Prices and demand generated from matching equilibrium. Identification and estimation problem? Given data on (z, x, p, m ) , identify and estimate (p, u, Fε ) . Nonparametric identification results for scalar nonseparable hedonic models worked out in Heckman, Matzkin, Nesheim (2010). This paper extends this work to multidimensional hedonic models. Related work in Chernozhukov, Galichon, and Henry (2014). Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 6 / 48 Results: multi-market data Fully nonseparable hedonic model is point identified: Requires policy invariant normalizations. Requires data from multiple markets with “rich” price variation. Requires observable multidimensional aggregate supply or demand shifters. Estimation based on nonparametric estimation of the joint distribution F Z |XM and p (z, m ) . Identified structural functions can be used to estimate the impact of counterfactual policy changes or changes in the economic environment. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 7 / 48 Results: single market data 1 Additivity restrictions Additive specification is over-identified (up to normalizations) Dz u (z, x, ε) = u0 (z ) + v (x ) + ε. Resulting econometric model is a multidimensional transformation model Dz T (z ) = v (x ) + ε. 2 Work in progress Simulations of two dimensional model and estimation. Applications to 1) wage data and injury/death risk, 2) housing market data and location quality are in progress. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 8 / 48 Outline 1 2 Model. Equilibrium. Existence, uniqueness and purity, differentiability of price function. 3 Identification: single market data. 4 Identification: multiple market data. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 9 / 48 Model: products and prices Products (jobs, houses) have payoff relevant characteristics z ∈ Z ⊆ R2 . Traded in many markets indexed by m ∈ M. Price in market m is p (z, m ) . Buyers and sellers cannot move between markets. If they do, we are in the single market case. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 10 / 48 Assumption 1: Distribution of buyers Set of buyers with characteristics (x, ε) ∈ X × E ⊆ Rnx × R2 . Random variables (X , M, ε) continuously distributed on their supports. With ε ⊥ ⊥ (X , M ) . Density functions (fXM , fε ) ∈ C 2 (X × M) × C 2 (E) with 0 < bXL ≤ (fXM , fε ) ≤ bXH < ∞. Can allow for discrete X ; potential loss of point identification. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 11 / 48 Assumption 2: Buyer utility Buyers have reservation utility u0 (x, ε, m ) = 0. Buyer (x, ε) in m who chooses z obtains u (z, x, ε) − p (z, m ) . Utility function u ∈ C 5 (Z × X × E) . Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 12 / 48 Assumption 3: Distribution of sellers Set of sellers with characteristics (y , η ) ∈ Y × H ⊆ Rny × R2 . Random variables (Y , M, η ) continuously distributed on their supports. With η ⊥ ⊥ (Y , M ) . Density functions fYM , fη ∈ C 2 (Y × M) × C 2 (H) and with 0 < bYL ≤ fYM , fη ≤ bYH < ∞. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 13 / 48 Assumption 4: Seller profits Sellers have reservation profit π0 (y , η, m ) = 0. Seller (y , η ) in m who chooses z obtains p (z, m ) − c (z, y , η ) . Cost function c ∈ C 5 (Z × Y × H) . Alternate (easier) case: endowment economy Distribution of sellers is FZM and profits are p (z, m ) . Alternate (harder) case: Nesheim (CeMMAP) Monopoly case Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 14 / 48 Buyer’s problem In market m, problem of buyer (x, ε) is to find z to solve v (x, ε, m ) = max {u (z, x, ε) − p (z, m )} . z ∈Z First-order condition is Dz u (z, x, ε) − Dz p (z, m ) = 0. Solution defines demand function z = d (x, ε, m ) . For the moment, assume second-order condition is satisfied. Analogous problem for seller. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 15 / 48 Equilibrium Definition (Equilibrium) Let α be a measure on the space of buyers, sellers and products. A pair (α, p ) is an equilibrium if 1 Markets clear: The marginals of α equal the marginals of buyers and sellers respectively. 2 Agents optimise: If (z, x, ε, y , η ) is in the support of α, then z is optimal for (x, ε) and for (y , η ). Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 16 / 48 Assumption 5: Generalized single-crossing 5a. For almost all (x, ε, y , η ) , the problem s (x, ε, y , η ) = max {u (z, x, ε) − c (z, y , η )} z ∈Z has a unique interior optimizer, z = h (x, ε, y , η ) . 5b. The matrix M + M T is positive definite where 2 Dxy s Dx2η s M= . 2 s D2 s Dεy εη 2 u > 0 and D 2 c < 0. 5c. Moreover, Dzε zη Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 17 / 48 Optimal transportation formulation Find equilibrium by matching buyers and sellers together to maximise social welfare. Social welfare maximisation problem is Z max s (x, ε, y , η )d γ (1) subject to γ ∈ Γ(FX ,ε , FY ,η ). Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 18 / 48 Equilibrium Theorem 1 (Existence, uniqueness and purity of equilibrium) An equilibrium exists and is unique. In this equilibrium, matching is pure. Each buyer matches with a unique optimal seller. Second-order conditions are satisfied for everyone who enters the market. If s (x, ε, y , η ) > 0 almost surely, everyone enters the market almost surely. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 19 / 48 Equilibrium Proof. Under the conditions stated: Social welfare maximisation problem is an optimal transport problem with a unique solution. Matching is pure. Multipliers on constraints can be used to construct prices that decentralise the optimal allocation. Prices are unique for trades that occur in equilibrium. See Chiappori, McCann and Nesheim (2010). Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 20 / 48 Assumption 6: Curvature of surplus To ensure smoothness of equilibrium payoffs, fourth derivatives cannot be too big. Specifically, there exists a constant c0 > 0 such that for any (x, ε) ∈ X × E, (y , η ) ∈ Y × H, and ξ ∈ X × E, ζ ∈ Y × H, ξ ⊥ ζ ∑ (s p,q sij,p sq,rs − sij,rs ) s r ,k s s,l ξ i ξ j ζ k ζ l ≤ −c0 |ξ |2 |ζ |2 . i,j,k,l,p,q,r ,s See Ma, Trudinger and Wang (2005). Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 21 / 48 Assumption 7: s-convexity of spaces of buyers and sellers If optimal map from buyers to sellers hits boundary of space, can lead to failure of smoothness. To avoid this, require spaces of buyers and sellers to be s-convex and s ∗ -convex (these are generalisations of convexity). For all (y , η ) ∈ Y × H, the set Dy η s −1 (X × E, y , η ) is convex. For all (x, ε) ∈ X × E, the set (Dx ε s )−1 (x, ε, Y × H) is convex. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 22 / 48 Differentiability of price function Theorem 2 (Differentiability of price function) p (z ) is twice continuously differentiable in z. 1 Envelope theorem implies s (x, ε, y , η ) ∈ C 4 . 2 Thus, under assumptions 1 - 7, Ma, Trudinger and Wang (2005) Theorem 2.1 implies v (x, ε) ∈ C 3 and π (y , η ) ∈ C 3 . 3 Price function satisfies p (z ) = u (x, z, ε) − v (x, ε). 4 So, using envelope theorem again Dz p (z ) = Dz u + (Dx u − Dx v ) Dz x Dz p (z ) = Dz u. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 23 / 48 Single market estimation problem Data on (xi , zi , p ei )N i =1 . Price function p e = p (z ) + ξ where ξ is measurement error. Demand function z = d (x, ε) satisfies Dz p (z ) = Dz u (z, x, ε) . Want to estimate (p, u, Fε ) . Data provide direct estimates of p and F Z |X . Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 24 / 48 Failure of point-identification in a single market Even if Fε is known, multiple models for d are consistent with data. Suppose ε is bivariate independent uniform. A demand model consistent with data is −1 d1A (x, ε 1 ) = F Z1 |X (x, ε 1 ) h i −1 − 1 x, F Z1 |X d2A (x, ε 1 , ε 2 ) = F Z2 |Z1 X (x, ε 1 ) , ε 2 . An observationally equivalent demand model is i −1 h −1 x, F Z2 |X d1B (x, ε 1 , ε 2 ) = F Z1 |Z2 X (x, ε 2 ) , ε 1 −1 d2B (x, ε 2 ) = F Z2 |X (x, ε 2 ) . Neither model is structural. Can be used to predict distribution of demand if price held fixed but not otherwise. Not a normalisation in a single market. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 25 / 48 Failure of point-identification (2) Even if d (x, ε) were identified, still u is not. The first-order condition is Dz p (d (x, ε)) = Dz u (d (x, ε) , x, ε) . u is a function of nx + 4 variables, but, in a single market, we only observe its values on a nx + 2 dimensional manifold. Without further structure, it is impossible to estimate Dz u (d (x, ε) + ∆z, x, ε) . Need data from multiple markets or further restrictions on u. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 26 / 48 Point-identification using additive marginal utility restriction Suppose utility takes an additive form Dz u (z, x, ε) = u0 (z ) + v (x ) + ε. First-order conditions become Dz p (z ) = u0 (z ) + v (x ) + ε. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 27 / 48 Point-identification – Bivariate transformation model Rewrite this as Dz T ( z ) = v ( x ) + ε where D z T ( z ) = D z p ( z ) − u0 ( z ) . This is a bivariate ”transformation” model with the restriction that Dz T (z ) is the gradient of a convex function and T (z ) is one-to-one and onto. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 28 / 48 Implications of transformation model Density of data is fZ |X (z, x ) = fε (Dz T (z ) − v (x )) |det (Dzz 0 T (z ))| . CDF of data is FZ |X (z1 , z2 , x ) = Zz1 Zz2 fε (Dz T (s ) − v (x )) |det (Dzz 0 T (s ))| ds −∞ −∞ = Z fε (ε) d ε. Dz T (A)−v (x ) where A = {Z ∈ Z : Z1 ≤ z1 and Z2 ≤ z2 } Dz T (A) − v (x ) = {ε : ε = T (z ) − v (x ) for some z ∈ Z } . Multivariate formula for change of variable. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 29 / 48 Derivative w.r.t. z Z Dzi FZ |X (z1 , z2 , x ) = fε ( ε ) ∂Dz T (A)−v (x ) Z = Dε 1 fε ( ε ) Dz T (A)−v (x ) Z + ∂2 T (z ) ∂2 T (z ) d ε2 − d ε1 ∂z1 ∂z i ∂z2 ∂z i ∂2 T ∂z1 ∂zi Dε 2 fε ( ε ) d ε Dz T (A)−v (x ) Z Dz T (A)−v (x ) Nesheim (CeMMAP) ∂2 T ∂z2 ∂zi T = ∂ ( Dz T ) Dε fε ( ε ) d ε . ∂zi Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 30 / 48 Derivative w.r.t. x ∂FZ |X (z1 , z2 , x ) =− ∂xi =− ∂ ∂xi Z fε ( ε ) d ε Dz T (A)−v (x ) Z ∂Dz T (A)−v (x ) =− Z ∂v1 ∂v2 fε ( ε ) d ε2 − d ε1 ∂xi ∂xi (Dε fε )T Dxi v . Dz T (A(z ))−v (x ) Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 31 / 48 Derivatives of CDF Restrictions of separability are Dz FZ |X = (Dzz 0 T ) Dx FZ |X = − (Dx v ) Nesheim (CeMMAP) Z Dε fε d ε (2) Dε fε d ε. (3) Z Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 32 / 48 Normalization For some x0 , normalize Dx v (x0 ) = I and define FZ0 |X = FZ |X (z, x0 ) Fε0 = Fε (T (A) − v (x0 )) . Then, using (2) and (3) Dz FZ0 |X = − (Dzz 0 T ) Dx FZ0 |X . Linear system of PDE’s in unknown Dzz 0 T . Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 33 / 48 Final result Restriction on T is −Fz01 Fx02 Fz02 + 2 Fx01 Fx01 ! + Fx02 Fx01 2 2 T22 = T11 . Linear second order elliptic differential equation in the unknown T . Identified up to boundary conditions. For example, one could impose that for all z ∈ Z, Dz1 T ( z ) = Φ − 1 ( z 1 ) Dz2 T ( z ) = Φ − 1 ( z 2 ) . Once T is known, equation (3) is a system of first-order linear PDE’s in Dx v . Looking at two different values of z, this can be solved for v (x ) with an initial condition such as v (0) = 0. With T and v , known, recover fε from change of variables formula. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 34 / 48 Single market estimation max {fε ,T ,v1 ,v2 } {∑i (ln fε (ε 1i , ε 2i ) + ln det(Dzz T (zi )} subject to ε 1i ε 2i Dz1 T ( z ) Dz2 T ( z ) v1 (0) v2 (0) = = = = = = Dz1 T (zi ) − v1 (xi ) Dz2 T (zi ) − v2 (xi ) Φ−1 (z1 )∀z ∈ ∂Z Φ−1 (z2 )∀z ∈ ∂Z 0 0 Simulation Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 35 / 48 Multimarket identification (1) Recall the FOC Dz p (z, m ) = Dz u (z, x, ε) . ∗ = d (x, ε, m ) . In single market, it is impossible to learn the Let zm precise value of ∗ Dz u (zm + ∆z, x, ε) ∗ + ∆z is never observed. because outcome z 0 = zm With multiple markets, can learn marginal utility at outcome z 0 by finding a market m0 with price p (z, m0 ) such that z 0 = d x, ε, m0 = zm∗ + ∆z. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 36 / 48 Multimarket identification (2) Equilibrium implies that marginal price varies across markets due to observable cost or demand shifters. That is, variation in distributions of observables F Y |M and/or F X |M . Use this variation to estimate p (z, m ) and F Z |XM . Need support and price variation conditions. Also need normalisation on distribution Fε . Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 37 / 48 Assumptions 8 and 9: Full support and price variation Assumption 5 implies that for each (z, x ), Dz u (z, x, ε) : E → V is one-to-one where Vzx = Range (Dz u ) . Assumption 8: Range of Dz u Assume that Range (Dz u ) is independent of (z, x ) . Define the random variable v = Dz p (z, m ) and let V = Range (Dz u ). Assumption 9: Distribution of V | ZX Suppose that (V , Z , X ) has support on V × Z × X. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 38 / 48 Normalization (1): Distribution of unobservables Vector ε are not observed and have no natural units. Enter model in non-additive fashion. Natural normalization: each element of ε measures percentile rank of consumer in some dimension. For example, ε 1 may be the percentile rank of z1 conditional on (x, m ) and ε 2 may be the percentile rank of z2 conditional on (x, m ) and ε 1 . Choose units of measurement so that elements of ε are independent uniform random variables. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 39 / 48 The identified set There is a family of demand functions, distributions Fε and utility functions Dz u that are consistent with the data. Let d (x, m, u ) = Q Z1 |XM (u1 , x, m ) Q Z2 |Z1 XM u2 , Q Z1 |XM (u1 , x, m ), x, m . The identified set of demand functions includes all functions of the form de (x, m, ε) = d (x, m, R [Fε (ε), x ]) where Fε is a distribution function and R is any invertible measure preserving transformation satisfying det ∂R = 1. ∂u Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 40 / 48 Identification of Dz u Suppose I choose Fε ∼ Uniform and R (ε, x ) = ε. Then Dz u (z, x, ε) = Dz p (d (x, m∗ , ε), m∗ ) where m∗ solves z = d (x, m∗ , ε). e and d, e then If instead I choose an alternative Feε , R, Dz u e(z, x, e ε) = Dz p de (x, m∗ , e ε ), m ∗ where m∗ solves z = de (x, m∗ , e ε ). Observationally equivalent models, different interpretations of ε since e e ε = R Fε ( ε ), x . Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 41 / 48 Normalization (2) Choice between d and de is a normalisation. Both predict same distribution of demand in each market m. Demand of consumer (x, ε) predicted by h d (x, ε)i is same as demand of e e consumer (x, e ε) under d where e ε = R Feε (ε), x . By construction, equilibrium price in market m0 using d is the same as e R, Fε ). that obtained using (d, Conditions under which this is NOT a normalisation: Change in economic environment changes u. Change in Fε . If ε is NOT independent of x. If support conditions are not met. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 42 / 48 Conclusion Multimarket data required for point identification of unrestricted model. Estimation based on nonparametric estimation of a multidimensional distribution function. Computationally simple but highly demanding of data. Restrictions that reduce dimension required for point identification using single market data. Applications in progress Willingness-to-pay for locational quality and housing quality using English Housing Survey and American Housing Survey. Willingness to accept risk of injury and death on the job using US CPS. Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 43 / 48 Monopoly case Equilibrium price p (z, m ) in market m could be determined by monopolist or by oligopoly competition. For the monopoly case, given (u, FXM , Fε ) and product cost c (z, m ) , monopolist chooses p (z ) . Monopolist solves Z max {p } (p (d (x, ε)) − c (d (x, ε))) fxm (x, m) fε (ε) dxd ε subject to d (x, ε) ∈ arg max {u (z, x, ε) − p (z )} . z Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 44 / 48 Monopoly: mechanism design formulation Or, equivalently, choose (v , d ) to maximize profits subject to participation and incentive constraints (Rochet and Chone, 1998, Carlier, 2001 or Figalli, McCann and Kim, 2011). That is, Z max {v ,d } [u (d, x, ε) − v (x, ε) − c (d (x, ε))] fx (x ) fε (ε) dxd ε subject to = Dx u (d, x, ε) Dε v = Dε u (d, x, ε) v ≥ 0 v (x, ε) = sup u z 0 , x, ε − u z 0 , x 0 , ε0 − v x 0 , ε0 Dx v {z 0 ,x 0 ,ε0 } Solution p (z ) depends on c (z, m ), FXM , Fε and u. back to demand Nesheim (CeMMAP) Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 45 / 48 Example: Distribution of buyers Density of x vs. (x1,x2) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 x2 Nesheim (CeMMAP) 0.2 0 0 x1 Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 46 / 48 Example: Distribution of sellers Density of y vs. (y1,y2) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 y2 Nesheim (CeMMAP) 0.2 0 0 y1 Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 47 / 48 Example: Optimal matching back to estimation Y1(x) vs. (x1,x2) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 x2 Nesheim (CeMMAP) 0.2 0 0 x1 Multidimensional hedonic models March 2015 48 / 48