Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference On the maximum and minimum response to an impulse in Svars Pepe Montiel Olea (NYU) and Bulat Gafarov (PSU) September 2, 2014 1 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: The maximum (or minimum) response of yt+k to a structural shock ǫt . 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: The maximum (or minimum) response of yt+k to a structural shock ǫt . ⋆ Examples: 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: The maximum (or minimum) response of yt+k to a structural shock ǫt . ⋆ Examples: i) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural uncertainty shock over household spending? 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: The maximum (or minimum) response of yt+k to a structural shock ǫt . ⋆ Examples: i) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural uncertainty shock over household spending? ii) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural monetary shock over yt+k , πt+k or rt+k ? 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Plan for Today → Estimate and conduct frequentist inference on: The maximum (or minimum) response of yt+k to a structural shock ǫt . ⋆ Examples: i) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural uncertainty shock over household spending? ii) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural monetary shock over yt+k , πt+k or rt+k ? iii) What is the maximum effect of a σ-structural oil shock over yt+k , πt+k or Pt+k ? 2 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Messages of this Talk 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). 3 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Messages of this Talk 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). 2. Efficient delta-method inference available for these objects. (max and min depend nicely on reduced-form VAR parameters) 3 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Messages of this Talk 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). 2. Efficient delta-method inference available for these objects. (max and min depend nicely on reduced-form VAR parameters) 3. Our inference procedure can accommodate alternative sources of identification (sign restrictions or external instruments). 3 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Related Work a) ‘Partially Identified’ SVARs Faust (1998); Uhlig (2005); Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) b) Value functions of Stochastic Programs Faccio-Ishizuka (1990); Shapiro (1991); Santos and Fang (2014) 4 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Related Work a) ‘Partially Identified’ SVARs Faust (1998); Uhlig (2005); Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) Min/Max will give efficient estimators of the ‘identified set’. b) Value functions of Stochastic Programs Faccio-Ishizuka (1990); Shapiro (1991); Santos and Fang (2014) 4 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Related Work a) ‘Partially Identified’ SVARs Faust (1998); Uhlig (2005); Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) b) Value functions of Stochastic Programs Faccio-Ishizuka (1990); Shapiro (1991); Santos and Fang (2014) 4 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Related Work a) ‘Partially Identified’ SVARs Faust (1998); Uhlig (2005); Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) b) Value functions of Stochastic Programs Faccio-Ishizuka (1990); Shapiro (1991); Santos and Fang (2014) Min/Max will be cont. and directionally differentiable functions. 4 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Outline 1. Notation 2. Identification and Estimation 3. Illustrative Example 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 5. Frequentist Inference 5 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Outline 1. Notation 2. Identification and Estimation 3. Illustrative Example 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 5. Frequentist Inference 5 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Outline 1. Notation 2. Identification and Estimation 3. Illustrative Example 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 5. Frequentist Inference 5 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Outline 1. Notation 2. Identification and Estimation 3. Illustrative Example 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 5. Frequentist Inference 5 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Outline 1. Notation 2. Identification and Estimation 3. Illustrative Example 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 5. Frequentist Inference 5 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference 1. Notation 6 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference SVAR(p) ⋆ Vector Autoregression for the n-dimensional vector Yt : 7 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference SVAR(p) ⋆ Vector Autoregression for the n-dimensional vector Yt : Yt = A1 Yt−1 + . . . Ap Yt−p + ηt , 7 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference SVAR(p) ⋆ Vector Autoregression for the n-dimensional vector Yt : Yt = A1 Yt−1 + . . . Ap Yt−p + ηt , A ≡ (A1 , A2 , . . . Ap ) and Σ ≡ E[ηt ηt′ ]. 7 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference SVAR(p) ⋆ Vector Autoregression for the n-dimensional vector Yt : Yt = A1 Yt−1 + . . . Ap Yt−p + ηt , A ≡ (A1 , A2 , . . . Ap ) and Σ ≡ E[ηt ηt′ ]. ⋆ Structural Model for the vector of Forecast Errors ηt : 7 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference SVAR(p) ⋆ Vector Autoregression for the n-dimensional vector Yt : Yt = A1 Yt−1 + . . . Ap Yt−p + ηt , A ≡ (A1 , A2 , . . . Ap ) and Σ ≡ E[ηt ηt′ ]. ⋆ Structural Model for the vector of Forecast Errors ηt : ηt = Hεt , H ∈ Rn×n . 7 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Orthogonal SVAR(p) ⋆ Key Assumption of the Structural Model: Orthogonality E[εt ε′t ] = diag(σ12 , σ22 , . . . σn2 ) ≡ D 8 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Orthogonal SVAR(p) ⋆ Key Assumption of the Structural Model: Orthogonality E[εt ε′t ] = diag(σ12 , σ22 , . . . σn2 ) ≡ D ⋆ (ηt = Hεt ) + (Orthogonality) =⇒ 8 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Orthogonal SVAR(p) ⋆ Key Assumption of the Structural Model: Orthogonality E[εt ε′t ] = diag(σ12 , σ22 , . . . σn2 ) ≡ D ⋆ (ηt = Hεt ) + (Orthogonality) =⇒ i i h h Σ ≡ E ηt ηt′ = E Hεt ε′t H ′ = HDH ′ 8 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Orthogonal SVAR(p) ⋆ Key Assumption of the Structural Model: Orthogonality E[εt ε′t ] = diag(σ12 , σ22 , . . . σn2 ) ≡ D ⋆ (ηt = Hεt ) + (Orthogonality) =⇒ i i h h Σ ≡ E ηt ηt′ = E Hεt ε′t H ′ = HDH ′ ⋆ The ‘structural’ parameter HD 1/2 is restricted. 8 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Quick Observation Orthogonal SVAR(p) are partially identified (no need of sign restrictions) 9 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR Yt = ∞ X Ck (A)Hεt−k , k=0 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR Yt = ∞ X Ck (A)Hεt−k , k=0 Ck (A) is a nonlinear transformation of A. 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR Yt = ∞ X Ck (A)Hεt−k , k=0 Ck (A) is a nonlinear transformation of A. ⋆ Structural Impulse Response Functions (variable i , shock j) 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR Yt = ∞ X Ck (A)Hεt−k , k=0 Ck (A) is a nonlinear transformation of A. ⋆ Structural Impulse Response Functions (variable i , shock j) ∂Yi ,t+k · σj ≡ IRFk,ij (A, Σ) = ei′ Ck (A)Hej σj ∂εjt 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Structural Impulse Response Function ⋆ Moving-Average Representation of the SVAR Yt = ∞ X Ck (A)Hεt−k , k=0 Ck (A) is a nonlinear transformation of A. ⋆ Structural Impulse Response Functions (variable i , shock j) ∂Yi ,t+k · σj ≡ IRFk,ij (A, Σ) = ei′ Ck (A)Hej σj ∂εjt ei is the i -th column of In . So Hej is Hj , the j-th column of H. 10 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference 2. Identification and Estimation 11 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Message of this Section: The minimum and maximum response are ‘point-identified’ (even if the structural IRF is not) 12 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters (A, Σ) 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters (A, Σ) are compatible with any 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters (A, Σ) are compatible with any IRFk,ij ≡ ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters (A, Σ) are compatible with any IRFk,ij ≡ ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj such that Hj σj satisfies HDH ′ = Σ 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The structural IRFk,ij is partially identified ⋆ The reduced-form parameters (A, Σ) are compatible with any IRFk,ij ≡ ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj such that Hj σj satisfies HDH ′ = Σ ⋆ However, . . . 13 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The minimum response in the population is identified ⋆ Consider the mathematical program min ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj Hj σj ∈Rn 14 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The minimum response in the population is identified ⋆ Consider the mathematical program min ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj Hj σj ∈Rn subject to the quadratic equality constraint 14 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The minimum response in the population is identified ⋆ Consider the mathematical program min ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj Hj σj ∈Rn subject to the quadratic equality constraint HDH ′ = Σ 14 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The minimum response in the population is identified ⋆ Consider the mathematical program min ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj Hj σj ∈Rn subject to the quadratic equality constraint HDH ′ = Σ ⋆ (A, Σ) maps to the unique value of the program above: 14 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference The minimum response in the population is identified ⋆ Consider the mathematical program min ei′ Ck (A)Hj σj Hj σj ∈Rn subject to the quadratic equality constraint HDH ′ = Σ ⋆ (A, Σ) maps to the unique value of the program above: v k (A, Σ) ≡ − q ei′ Ck (A)ΣCk (A)′ ei 14 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, b−A A b −Σ Σ ! d → Nd (0, Ω). 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, b−A A b −Σ Σ ! d → Nd (0, Ω). (no unit-roots, no singular covariance matrices) 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, b−A A b −Σ Σ ! d → Nd (0, Ω). (no unit-roots, no singular covariance matrices) ⋆ We will consider the plug-in estimator: 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, b−A A b −Σ Σ ! d → Nd (0, Ω). (no unit-roots, no singular covariance matrices) ⋆ We will consider the plug-in estimator: q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Estimation and Inference b Σ) b such that ⋆ Assumption 0: There exist estimators (A, b−A A b −Σ Σ ! d → Nd (0, Ω). (no unit-roots, no singular covariance matrices) ⋆ We will consider the plug-in estimator: q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) ⋆ We provide conditions for consistency and study asy. dist. 15 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function q b Σ) b = − e ′ Ck (A) b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v k (A, i 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function q b Σ) b = − e ′ Ck (A) b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v k (A, i is continuously differentiable for every (A, Σ), except, when 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function q b Σ) b = − e ′ Ck (A) b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v k (A, i is continuously differentiable for every (A, Σ), except, when Ck (A)′ ei = 0. 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function q b Σ) b = − e ′ Ck (A) b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v k (A, i is continuously differentiable for every (A, Σ), except, when Ck (A)′ ei = 0. ⋆ The function, however, is everywhere directionally differentiable 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Main Idea for Asymptotic Distribution ⋆ The function q b Σ) b = − e ′ Ck (A) b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v k (A, i is continuously differentiable for every (A, Σ), except, when Ck (A)′ ei = 0. ⋆ The function, however, is everywhere directionally differentiable ⋆ Adjusted delta-method inference is asymptotically valid. (details later) 16 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference 3. Example 17 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Effects of Uncertainty on Household Spending ⋆ Bivariate SVAR(12) with monthly data (01-1963: 05-2014) 18 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Effects of Uncertainty on Household Spending ⋆ Bivariate SVAR(12) with monthly data (01-1963: 05-2014) New one family houses sold (HSN1f-FRED) 18 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Effects of Uncertainty on Household Spending ⋆ Bivariate SVAR(12) with monthly data (01-1963: 05-2014) New one family houses sold (HSN1f-FRED) S&P 100 Volatility Index (VXO-Bloom’s Website) 18 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Effects of Uncertainty on Household Spending ⋆ Bivariate SVAR(12) with monthly data (01-1963: 05-2014) New one family houses sold (HSN1f-FRED) S&P 100 Volatility Index (VXO-Bloom’s Website) ⋆ Logarithm of both series is HP-filtered (λ = 129, 600) 18 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Effects of Uncertainty on Household Spending ⋆ Bivariate SVAR(12) with monthly data (01-1963: 05-2014) New one family houses sold (HSN1f-FRED) S&P 100 Volatility Index (VXO-Bloom’s Website) ⋆ Logarithm of both series is HP-filtered (λ = 129, 600) ⋆ See Knotek and Khan (2011, FRB Kansas) for details 18 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Maximum and Minimum Response of New O-F Houses sold Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 19 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Cholesky Estimate of Structural IRF (Uncertainty First) Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 20 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference 4. Sign-Restricted SVARs 21 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Two Modifications to the Basic Idea 1. Min/Max response subject to sign restrictions on the IRFs. (mathematical program with linear inequality constraints) 22 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Two Modifications to the Basic Idea 1. Min/Max response subject to sign restrictions on the IRFs. (mathematical program with linear inequality constraints) 2. Min/Max Forecast Error Variance Decomposition. (quadratic objective function) 22 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H need not have a closed form solution. 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H need not have a closed form solution. ⋆ Hence, the plug-in solution v k will be numerical 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H need not have a closed form solution. ⋆ Hence, the plug-in solution v k will be numerical ⋆ Standard Bayesian vs. Frequentist Approach: 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Additional Complication: Estimation ⋆ The mathematical program b j σj min ei′ Ck (A)H Hj σj ∈Rn b subject to HDH ′ = Σ and S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H need not have a closed form solution. ⋆ Hence, the plug-in solution v k will be numerical ⋆ Standard Bayesian vs. Frequentist Approach: grid search vs. nonlinear programming 23 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Maximum and Minimum Response of New O-F Houses sold Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 24 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Maximum and Minimum Response s.t. (∂vxot /∂ǫt,unc ) > 0 Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock (h11>0) 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 25 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference 5. Frequentist Inference 26 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Inference ⋆ We are solving the mathematical program b Σ) b ≡ min e ′ Ck (A)H b j σj v k (A, n i Hj σj ∈R subject to b HDH ′ = Σ 27 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Inference ⋆ We are solving the mathematical program b Σ) b ≡ min e ′ Ck (A)H b j σj v k (A, n i Hj σj ∈R subject to b HDH ′ = Σ and subject to S inequality constraints on the IRFs: 27 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Inference ⋆ We are solving the mathematical program b Σ) b ≡ min e ′ Ck (A)H b j σj v k (A, n i Hj σj ∈R subject to b HDH ′ = Σ and subject to S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H 27 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Inference ⋆ We are solving the mathematical program b Σ) b ≡ min e ′ Ck (A)H b j σj v k (A, n i Hj σj ∈R subject to b HDH ′ = Σ and subject to S inequality constraints on the IRFs: b j σj ≥ 0 m = 1, . . . S ei′m Ckm (A)H ⋆ How do we construct 1-α% confidence bands? 27 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed A d → Z ∼ Nd (0, Ω) Σ 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed A d → Z ∼ Nd (0, Ω) Σ b Σ) b ... and we are interested in v k (A, 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed A d → Z ∼ Nd (0, Ω) Σ b Σ) b ... and we are interested in v k (A, ⋆ Can’t we just apply the delta-method to get the limit of 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed A d → Z ∼ Nd (0, Ω) Σ b Σ) b ... and we are interested in v k (A, ⋆ Can’t we just apply the delta-method to get the limit of √ b Σ) b − v (A, Σ) ? T v k (A, k 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method ⋆ Since we have assumed A d → Z ∼ Nd (0, Ω) Σ b Σ) b ... and we are interested in v k (A, ⋆ Can’t we just apply the delta-method to get the limit of √ b Σ) b − v (A, Σ) ? T v k (A, k ⋆ Question: Is v k (·) differentiable in (A, Σ)? 28 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromowitz CQ (Lagrange Multipliers Exist) 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromowitz CQ (Lagrange Multipliers Exist) ⋆ Result: If sign-restricted problems satisfy the LICQ and have unique minimizer or maximizer: 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromowitz CQ (Lagrange Multipliers Exist) ⋆ Result: If sign-restricted problems satisfy the LICQ and have unique minimizer or maximizer: a) Lagrange Multipliers are unique 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromowitz CQ (Lagrange Multipliers Exist) ⋆ Result: If sign-restricted problems satisfy the LICQ and have unique minimizer or maximizer: a) Lagrange Multipliers are unique b) Value function is fully differentiable: 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Envelope Theorem (Bonnans-Shapiro, Faccio-Ishizuka) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems have a Lipschitz Cont. Value Fn (Enough for Consistency) ⋆ Sign-restricted problems satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromowitz CQ (Lagrange Multipliers Exist) ⋆ Result: If sign-restricted problems satisfy the LICQ and have unique minimizer or maximizer: a) Lagrange Multipliers are unique b) Value function is fully differentiable: v ′k (A, Σ) = ∇(A,Σ) L(Hj∗ (A, Σ), λ∗ (A, Σ)), L : Lagrangian, 29 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method Confidence Sets for IRFs(no sign restriction) Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 30 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method Confidence Sets for IRFs (sign restriction) Response of HSN1f to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 8 6 Percent Deviation from trend 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 31 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method Confidence Sets for IRFs(no sign restriction) Response of VXO to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 20 15 Percent Deviation from trend 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 32 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Delta-Method Confidence Sets for IRFs (sign restriction) Response of VXO to a Structural Uncertainty Shock 20 15 Percent Deviation from trend 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Months 30 35 40 45 50 33 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Other things we have done ⋆ Results for Monetary and Oil SVARs (Identification power of sign restrictions/external instruments) 34 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Other things we have done ⋆ Results for Monetary and Oil SVARs (Identification power of sign restrictions/external instruments) ⋆ Monte-Carlo exercises to analyze coverage (we also analyze a Lagrangian Bootstrap) 34 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Other things we have done ⋆ Results for Monetary and Oil SVARs (Identification power of sign restrictions/external instruments) ⋆ Monte-Carlo exercises to analyze coverage (we also analyze a Lagrangian Bootstrap) ⋆ Comparison with Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) (our procedure is efficient at points of full differentiability) 34 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Other things we have done ⋆ Results for Monetary and Oil SVARs (Identification power of sign restrictions/external instruments) ⋆ Monte-Carlo exercises to analyze coverage (we also analyze a Lagrangian Bootstrap) ⋆ Comparison with Moon, Schorfheide, Granziera (2013) (our procedure is efficient at points of full differentiability) ⋆ Relax full differentiability: directional differentiability 34 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Conclusion: Frequentist Approach to SVARs 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). 35 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Conclusion: Frequentist Approach to SVARs 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) 35 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Conclusion: Frequentist Approach to SVARs 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) 2. Efficient delta-method inference available for these objects. (max and min are diff. w.r.t. reduced-form VAR parameters) 35 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Conclusion: Frequentist Approach to SVARs 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) 2. Efficient delta-method inference available for these objects. (max and min are diff. w.r.t. reduced-form VAR parameters) √ d b Σ) b − v (A, Σ) → T v k (A, vk′ (A, Σ)Z . k 35 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Conclusion: Frequentist Approach to SVARs 1. The maximum and minimum are ‘point-identified’ in SVARs (even if impulse response functions are not). q b b b ΣC b k (A) b ′ ei , v (A, Σ) = − ei′ Ck (A) 2. Efficient delta-method inference available for these objects. (max and min are diff. w.r.t. reduced-form VAR parameters) √ d b Σ) b − v (A, Σ) → T v k (A, vk′ (A, Σ)Z . k 3. Can accommodate alternative sources of identification (sign restrictions or external instruments). 35 / 36 Introduction Notation Identification and Estimation Example Sign Restrictions Inference Thanks! 36 / 36