ENG 3U1/3UB Exam January 2015 Centennial C.V.I.

ENG 3U1/3UB Exam
Centennial C.V.I.
January 2015
2 ½ hours
50 marks
Note: Both the clarity and correctness of your written expression will be taken into
account. You may use a dictionary, but not of the electronic variety.
Part A: Sight Essay and Short Answer Questions (
Read the accompanying opinion piece and answer in complete sentences the
questions that follow. One or two focused sentences will be enough to earn each mark.
Longer answers will not necessarily be regarded as superior.
Part B: Sight Short Story and Argument (
Read the accompanying short story and follow the instructions below.
Annotate the text of the story by highlighting/underlining and making notations
in the margin. Your annotations should demonstrate your ability to identify theme(s),
characterization, and stylistic devices used in the story. It is highly recommended that
you plan your argument either by using the attached outline template or by creating your
own outline/mind map on foolscap.
Create a topic sentence in which you state the theme for the story. Write a
properly structured, well-developed and clearly supported argument to illustrate this
theme. Use a minimum of two direct quotations from the story to support your
argument, which should be about 400-500 words.
Categories/ Criteria
Argument Evaluation Chart
R Level 1 Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge/ Understanding
• logical progression of argument
• well-chosen quotations
Thinking/ Inquiry
• arguable, clearly stated topic sentence
• explanations reflect depth of analysis
• explanations link to theme
• proper paragraph structure
• smooth integration of quotations
• annotation of text
• conventions of language (grammar,
sentence structure, spelling)