Periodic Array The fundamental equations are in ..\WeightedFourierFit\Weighted Fourier Fit.doc equation (28) These become ME W n m P n X m R n m, n m M B MB n ME (1) (2) MC M E M B 1 Note that MB is frequently less than 0, e.g MB = -Mc/2 and ME = Mc/2-1. MB n ME W n W p n W n M n ME (3) W n M n MB Sample set of numbers - This section is coded into winv.for which is called from Wfit.wpj. The code is described in ..\WeightedFourierFit\WfitCode.doc This is for 3107 pts with err = 1e-5, w=1e10, centered in 4096 points with a beginning 494 points with w=0 and an ending 495 with w=0. >WFIT -B-2 -E1 The periodic array in one dimension Frequency Real Wp Imag Wp -0.669110E-01 -0.650957E+13 -0.199712E+11 -0.334555E-01 -0.896845E+13 -0.137574E+11 0.000000E+00 0.310700E+14 0.000000E+00 0.334555E-01 -0.896845E+13 0.137574E+11 The two d version Af mat 0.311E+14 0.000E+00 -0.897E+13-0.138E+11 -0.651E+13-0.200E+11 -0.897E+13 0.138E+11 -0.897E+13 0.138E+11 0.311E+14 0.000E+00 -0.897E+13-0.138E+11 -0.651E+13-0.200E+11 -0.651E+13-0.200E+11 -0.897E+13 0.138E+11 0.311E+14 0.000E+00 -0.897E+13-0.138E+11 -0.897E+13-0.138E+11 -0.651E+13-0.200E+11 -0.897E+13 0.138E+11 0.311E+14 0.000E+00 ALMf mat 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.566E+13-0.290E+11 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.399E+11 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.566E+13 0.290E+11 0.000E+00 0.399E+11 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Afinv mat 0.569E-13 0.109E-15 0.319E-13 0.121E-15 0.303E-13 0.124E-15 0.319E-13 0.101E-15 0.319E-13 0.101E-15 0.569E-13 0.109E-15 0.319E-13 0.121E-15 0.303E-13 0.124E-15 0.303E-13 0.124E-15 0.319E-13 0.101E-15 0.569E-13 0.109E-15 0.319E-13 0.121E-15 0.319E-13 0.121E-15 0.303E-13 0.124E-15 0.319E-13 0.101E-15 0.569E-13 0.109E-15 ME ME W n m X m W n m P n m M B p m M B winv.for Multiply by Wp-1(k-n) and sum on n n ,m Wp n m X m R n M B n M E (4) ME ME mM B n M B Wp1 k n W p n m X m ME m M B ME X m ME W k n W n m P n n M B 1 p W k n R n nM B 1 p m.n Wp n m (5) MB n ME Define X p k ME W k n R n nM B 1 p (6) And Aˆ LM k , m ME W k n W n m P n nM B 1 p n ,m Wp n m M B k m (7) WpINV * (Wf+1d100-4,m -Wp) J -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 R 0.746E+86-0.560E+00-0.604E+00-0.592E+00-0.525E+00-0.341E+00-0.215E+00-0.181E+00 I 0.481E+83 0.793E-03 0.320E-03-0.255E-03-0.594E-03-0.561E-03-0.206E-04 0.615E-03 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.300E+00-0.340E+00-0.349E+00-0.313E+00-0.270E+00-0.120E+00-0.241E-01 0.481E+83 0.606E-03 0.407E-03 0.453E-04-0.260E-03-0.310E-03-0.175E-03 0.248E-03 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.103E+00-0.119E+00-0.130E+00-0.119E+00-0.103E+00-0.886E-01 0.365E-01 0.481E+83 0.272E-03 0.235E-03 0.119E-03-0.253E-04-0.871E-04-0.450E-04 0.307E-06 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.481E+83 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.133E-06-0.181E-06-0.140E-06-0.319E-07 0.883E-07 0.134E-06 0.888E-07 0.481E+83-0.777E-04-0.900E-04-0.104E-03-0.114E-03-0.104E-03-0.900E-04-0.777E-04 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.886E-01-0.103E+00-0.119E+00-0.130E+00-0.119E+00-0.103E+00-0.886E-01 0.481E+83 0.127E-03 0.639E-04-0.603E-05-0.150E-03-0.290E-03-0.322E-03-0.248E-03 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.120E+00-0.270E+00-0.313E+00-0.349E+00-0.340E+00-0.300E+00-0.260E+00 0.481E+83 0.233E-03 0.488E-03 0.340E-03 0.523E-04-0.334E-03-0.565E-03-0.505E-03 J R I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.746E+86-0.215E+00-0.341E+00-0.525E+00-0.592E+00-0.604E+00-0.560E+00-0.491E+00 0.481E+83 0.171E-03 0.735E-03 0.898E-03 0.493E-03-0.968E-04-0.603E-03-0.732E-03 The Penalty term above makes X-4 0. The other X’s are still normal. The effect of the other X’s on this is not different for the -1 row with all other values 0. This effectively removes the first value of X from the solution vector. With X1 = 0, the other values can be found. The exact evaluation of A cannot be done by convolution owing to the fact that it is not periodic. winv.for To find X k ME X m Aˆ k , m X k m M B LM p (8) Or adding a 1 to the diagonal elements of ALM, so that ALM k , m k ,m ME W k n W n m P n nM B 1 p m,n Wp n m (9) Or ALM k , m k ,m W 1 p ME k m P m Wp1 k n W n m Wp n m (10) nM B To correspond to ..\WeightedFourierFit\for\winv.for the n and m are intechanged ALM k , n k , n W 1 p ME k n P n Wp1 k m W m n Wp m n mM B The penalty comes in for |n| MB or ME. This is tied to the other values by Wp-1. J -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 J -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R 0.704E+30 0.263E+24 0.316E+19 0.830E+14 0.475E+10 0.594E+06 0.162E+03 0.106E+00 R 0.934E-02 0.919E-02 0.918E-02 0.917E-02 0.918E-02 0.919E-02 0.922E-02 0.926E-02 R 0.932E-02 0.105E-01 0.118E-01 0.130E-01 0.142E-01 0.153E-01 0.165E-01 0.176E-01 R 0.188E-01 0.116E+00 0.162E+03 0.594E+06 0.475E+10 0.830E+14 0.316E+19 0.263E+24 I 0.439E+26 0.319E+21 0.474E+16 0.147E+12 0.972E+07 0.137E+04 0.414E+00-0.773E-04 I -0.349E-03-0.353E-03-0.357E-03-0.362E-03-0.368E-03-0.374E-03-0.381E-03-0.388E-03 I -0.395E-03-0.845E-03-0.840E-03-0.833E-03-0.824E-03-0.811E-03-0.796E-03-0.779E-03 I -0.759E-03-0.822E-03-0.108E+00-0.251E+03-0.825E+06 0.707E+10 0.112E+16 0.166E+21 So that (8) becomes ME mM B ALM k , m X m X p k (11) In the crudest approximation, ALM [k , n] W p1 0 P n 1 k , n This implies that after Xp has been found, that it can be made into X, by Do m=MB,ME X[m]=Xp[m]/(Wp-1[0]*P[m]+1) Enddo In a better approximation the ends are tied together while the middle is left out Rearrange the k,s as MB,ME,MB+1,ME-1,...,ME-(L-1),MB+L. This forms a 2L+1 element array, that can be solved for the appropriate X's. Iteration X it k X p k M / 2 1 M / 2 1 m M / 2 n M / 2 Wp1 k n W n m W p n m X it 1 m (12) For each value of m, the terms in the sum are different. The sum over Wp is a convolution, but not the sum over W. For Wp-1(k-n)=k,n/W(0) X it k X p k 1 M / 2 1 W k m Wp k m X it 1 m W 0 m M / 2 Note that for -M/2k-m<M/2 that the term in parenthesis is zero. Or M/2+k m > -M/2+k. The sum is not zero for m-M/2+k and for m >M/2+k (13) k M / 2 W k m W p k m X it 1 m 1 m M / 2 X it k X p k M / 2 1 (14) W 0 W k m Wp k m X it 1 m m M / 2 k 1 1 1 Wk , n Wn , m W1,2 W1,2 S k .m S1.2 1 S 2,1 W2,1 W2,1 For k=-M/2, the first term is from -M/2 to -M or zero. The second term is from m=1 to M/2-1. For k=M/2-1, the first term is from M/2 to -1, and the second term is zero. There is a sum of ~ M/4 terms for each k, so that the time requires is M2/4. To evaluate for the L terms in each corner requires 2*L*L/2 or L2 operations. Start with Xp X 2 k X p k X 3 k X p k 1 M / 2 1 W k m W k m X m W 0 m M / 2 1 p p M / 2 1 W k m W k m X m W 0 m M / 2 p M / 2 1 (15) p M / 2 1 W k m W k m W k m ' W k m ' X m 1 W 2 0 m M / 2 p p m ' M / 2 p This converges as 1/W[0], 1/(W[0])2 etc. The convergence works as long as the W difference is < W(0) which in our case is almost a given. Evaluation of Xp The equation for Xp is a convolution. #Xp X p k ME W k n R n nM B 1 p (16) ..\Fourier\DiscreteConvolution.doc (1.4) MC M E M B 1 X p k ME nM B R nWp1 k n 1 MC ME ki r i w i exp j 2 M i M B 1 p C (17) The sum, with the usual problem of locations, is returned by FFT. ..\WeightedFourierFit\for\Wfit.wpj