2: NORMS AND THE JACOBI METHOD Math 639 (updated: January 2, 2012) We shall be primarily interested in solving matrix equations with real coefficients. However, the analysis of iterative methods sometimes requires the use of complex matrices for reasons which shall become clear in the subsequent classes. We shall consider first vector norms on Cn , the set of vectors with n components, each one a complex number. We start the Euclidean norm (standard vector length) defined by 1/2 X n 2 |xi | kxk2 = i=1 for x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )t ∈ Cn . This norm satisfies the usual norm axioms: kxk2 ≥ 0, for all x ∈ Cn , (non-negativity) (2.1) kxk2 = 0, only if x = 0, (definiteness) kαxk2 = |α|kxk2 , for α ∈ C, x ∈ Cn , kx + yk2 ≤ kxk2 + kyk2 , for x, y ∈ Cn , (triangle inequality). We shall sometimes refer to this norm as the ℓ2 norm. This norm obviously can be restricted to real vectors in Rn . Norms give a notion of length to vectors. Consider the case of R2 . You can think of vectors in R2 as points (the vector being from the origin to the point). The set of vectors having Euclidean norm less than or equal to one consists of points which are within the circle (including the boundary) of radius one centered about the origin. The conditions in (2.1) represent the set of axioms which a norm is required to satisfy. Many other norms are possible. For example, the “ℓ∞ ” norm is defined by kxk∞ = max |xj |. j=1,...,n It is not difficult to check that k · k∞ satisfies (2.1). The set of vectors in R2 of length at most one using this norm is no longer a circle as was the case with the Euclidean norm. Find this set by tracing out its boundary; the set of vectors in R2 whose ℓ∞ norm equals one. Another useful norm is the “ℓ1 ” norm. It is given by n X kxk1 = |xj |. j=1 1 2 Again, it is not hard to see that it satisfies all of the norm axioms (2.1). Sketch the set of vectors of R2 of length less than or equal to one when measured in the k · k∞ norm. These norms can be generalized into a whole scale of norms, i.e., 1/p X n p . |xi | (2.2) kxkp = j=1 These are norms for 1 ≤ p < ∞. When 0 < p < 1, these expressions fail to satisfy the triangle inequality. Problem 1. For n = 2 and p = 1/2, find two vectors x, y ∈ R2 satisfying kx + ykp > kxkp + kykp . We shall use norms to more precisely measure convergence of iterative methods. Our discussion of an error vector ei converging to the zero vector in Class 1 was somewhat intuitive. In contrast, we can be more rigorous if we show that for some norm k · k on Rn , kei k → 0 as i → ∞. Problem 2. Let M be an n×n nonsingular matrix with complex coefficients and k · k be a norm on Cn . Show that k · kM defined by kxkM = kM xk is also a norm on Cn , i.e., show that this norm satisfies the axioms (2.1). Let G be an n × n complex matrix. A vector norm k · k on Cn induces a matrix norm on G by (2.3) kGk = sup x∈Cn ,x6=0 kGxk . kxk The set of n × n matrices is a vector space V (under matrix addition and the usual definition of scalar-matrix multiplication) and kGk satisfies the norm axioms (2.1) on V . This is sometimes called the operator norm and, in general, depends on the choice of vector norm. If G is an n × n real matrix, we can define an alternative matrix norm by (2.4) kGkr = kGxk . x∈Rn ,x6=0 kxk sup It is clear that kGkr ≤ kGk. Most of our results below hold for the this matrix norm as well and we shall often use the same notation kGk for both. We shall sometimes refer to this as the “real” matrix norm. 3 Remark 1. Because the “operator norm” is a norm, we can make conclusions of the form kA + ǫBk ≤ kAk + |ǫ|kBk. Here A and B are n × n matrices and ǫ is a scalar. We used two of the norm axioms for the above inequality. Remark 2. The spectral radius of a real or complex matrix A is defined by ρ(A) = max |λi | where the maximum is over all eigenvalues λi of A. We have that kAk ≥ ρ(A) no matter what norm on k · k we choose to use on Cn . Indeed, if λi is an eigenvalue of A and xi is a corresponding eigenvector, then Axi = λxi so kλi xi k kAxi k = = |λi |. kxi k kxi k Now, kAk is the supremum of the quantity on the left hand side above over all non-zero vectors and so kAk ≥ ρ(A). The opposite inequality does not hold 1 A= 0 in general. The matrix 1 1 has only the eigenvalue λ = 1 and so ρ(A) = 1. However, kAk∞ = 2 as we shall see below (see, Proposition 1). Remark 3. For an n × n real matrix, the real matrix norm given by (2.4) also satisfies kGkr ≥ ρ(G). This is no where near as obvious (we shall prove this in Class 4). As well as satisfying the norm hypothesis, the operator norm satisfies two important additional inequalities. We state and prove these for the real operator norm and real matrices. The proofs for the complex case are essentially identical. Specifically, if A, B are n × n real matrices and y ∈ Rn , (2.5) kABk ≤ kAk kBk and kAyk ≤ kAk kyk. We shall prove the second inequality first. It is obviously true if y = 0 as both the left and right hand side are zero. If y 6= 0 then by the definiteness property of the norm, kyk = 6 0 and kAxk kAyk ≤ sup = kAk. kyk x∈Rn ,x6=0 kxk This is just the second inequality of (2.5) in disguise. 4 For the first inequality in (2.5), if x ∈ Rn with x 6= 0, kABxk kA(Bx)k kAk kBxk kAk kBk kxk = ≤ ≤ = kAk kBk kxk kxk kxk kxk where we used the second inequality of (2.5) twice above. The first inequality of (2.5) follows by taking the supremum over x ∈ Rn , x 6= 0. Now, consider a linear iterative method for solving Ax = b with A an n × n matrix. Let x1 , x2 , . . . be the sequence of iterates generated by the method and x0 be the starting iterate. Since the method is linear, the errors ei = x − xi are related by ei+1 = Gei for some n × n matrix G. Applying (2.5) gives kei+1 k ≤ kGkkei k. Repetitively applying this gives kei k ≤ (kGk)i ke0 k. Now if γ = kGk is less than one, then the k · k-norm of the error converges to zero as i → ∞. Moreover, each step of the iteration reduces this norm of the error by at least a factor of γ. Thus, we have show: A linear iteration method converges for any starting iterate and any right hand side provided that there is a vector norm k · k with corresponding matrix norm kGk < 1. Proposition 1. Let G be a n × n matrix. Then n X n |Gij |}. kGk∞ = max{ i=1 Proof. Set n X n |Gij |}. γ = max{ i=1 Let x be in Cn j=1 j=1 with x 6= 0 and define y = Gx. Then, n n X X |Gij ||xj | Gij xj | ≤ |yi | = | j=1 ≤ n X j=1 |Gij |kxk∞ ≤ γkxk∞ . j=1 Taking the maximum over i = 1, . . . , n gives kGxk∞ = kyk∞ ≤ γkxk∞ . 5 Dividing by kxk∞ and taking the supremum over all such x give kGk∞ ≤ γ. For the other direction, we first note that if G = 0, the identity is obvious. Otherwise, we let i be an index for which γ= n X |Gij | j=1 and set x ∈ Cn by xj = ( 0 : if Gij = 0 Ḡij /|Gij | : otherwise. Here Ḡij denotes the complex conjugate of Gij . Note that kxk∞ = 1 and kGxk∞ ≥ |(Gx)i | = n X |Gij | = γ. j=1 Thus kGxk∞ ≤ kGk∞ . kxk∞ This completes the proof of the proposition. γ≤ Example 1. (The Classical Jacobi Method). Let A be an n × n matrix with nonzero diagonal entries and D be the diagonal matrix with entries Djj = Ajj . The Jacobi Method is given by Dxi+1 = Dxi + (b − Axi ). Note that this method is cheap to implement as it only requires simple linear operations on vectors and the inversion of a diagonal matrix times a vector. Remark 4. The whole point of using iterative methods to solve matrix equations is to get a sufficiently accurate solution without doing an enormous amount of computation. Accordingly, each step of the iterative method should be relatively cheap (at least much cheaper than the amount of computational work required to invert the matrix using direct methods such as Gaussian Elimination). Thus, whenever we propose an iterative method, we will always consider the computational effort required per step. Of course, we shall also be interested in convergence/divergence and the rate of convergence. The error for the Jacobi Method satisfies (2.6) Dei+1 = Dei − Aei , (why?) i.e., ei+1 = (I − D−1 A)ei . 6 Definition 1. A matrix A is called diagonally dominant if |Ajj | > n X |Aji | i=1,i6=j for j = 1, . . . , n. Theorem 1. If A is diagonally dominant then the Jacobi method converges for any right hand side and initial iterate. Proof. Applying the previous proposition to the reduction matrix G = (I − D−1 A) gives Pn n i=1,i6=j |Aji | kGk∞ = max j=1 |Ajj | which is less than one when A is diagonally dominant. Remark 5. The above proof illustrates how it may be more convenient to work with a specific norm to obtain a specific result. The ℓ∞ norm fits very well with the diagonally dominant assumption. We shall be applying iterative methods to sparse matrices. A matrix is sparse if it contains relatively few non-zero elements. An example is the tridiagonal n × n matrix A3 defined by if i = j, 2 if |i − j| = 1, (A3 )ij = −1 0 otherwise. A full n × n matrix has n2 non-zero entries. In contrast, A3 only has 3n − 2 nonzero entries. Dealing with sparse matrices efficiently involves avoiding computations involving the zero entries. To do this, the matrix must be stored in a scheme which only involves the nonzero entries. We shall use a modified “Compressed Sparse Row” (CSR) structure. A nice discussion of compressed sparse row structure can be found at http://www.cs.utk.edu/∼dongarra/etemplates/node373.html. This structure is designed so that it is easy to access the entries in a row. Our modification is made so that it is also easy to access the diagonal entry in any row. The CSR structure involves three arrays, VAL, CIND and RIND. VAL is an array of real numbers and stores the actual (nonzero) entries of A. CIND is an integer array which contains the column indices for nonzero entries in 7 A. The length of VAL and CIND are equal to the number of nonzero entries in A. Finally, RIND is an integer array of dimension n + 1 and contains the row offsets (into the arrays VAL and CIND). By convention, RIND(n+1) is set to the total number of nonzeroes plus one. This structure should become clear by examining the following example (see also the URL above). Consider 2 −1 0 0 −1/3 3 −2/3 0 . A= 0 −1/4 4 −3/4 0 0 −1/5 5 The modified CSR structure is as follows: VAL 2 −1 3 −1/3 −2/3 4 −1/4 −3/4 5 −1/5 CIND 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 3 and RIND 1 3 6 9 11. Note that the i’th entry of RIND points to the start of the nonzero values (in VAL) for the i’th row. It also points to the start of the column indices for that row. The modification is that we always put the diagonal entry at that location, i.e. VAL(RIND(i))=Ai,i . The general CSR structure does not do this. Indeed, the general CSR storage scheme does not have a diagonal entry whenever the diagoal entry is zero.