A METHOD FOR DETERMINING AIRDROP SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS FOR MINIMUM ALTITUDE LOSS TO EQUILIBRIUM by MAURICE PAUL GIONFRIDDO B.S. in A.E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (19 5 3) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January, 1969 A Signature of Author. Department o..f Aeronautics and As t r Qnauti cs, Jan. 2, Certified by . 1969 . . . Thesis Supervisor Acceptedby....... · * *·. r * * * *· * * · · *~ · · I* 1l ,1 · Chai ran, * · e · * · * ® · * Departmental on Graduate Students I:; 0 .~~~~ "~···1· .RRAPI 1969 f 7-, 't *· · · ··· ** * · Committee A METHOD FOR DETERMINING AIRDROP SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS FOR MINIMUM ALTITUDE LOSS TO EQUILIBRIUM by MAURICE PAUL GIONFRIDDO Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on January 1969 in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science of the requirement ABSTRACT The equations of motion of a two-body parachute-cargo airdrop system, derived in previous unpublished work, by the author,were corrected, the range of values of the initial conditions and systems characteristics was expanded, and solutions to the equations were recomputed on a digital computer. The computer results were analyzed in detail and analytical expressions for the calculation of system natural period and damping ratio were derived. Empirical relationships between system variables were studied. During this study, a rather simple relationship between maximum system rotation and minimum altitude loss to equilibrium was discovered. The results of this work indicate that: 1. The later portion of an airdrop trajectory, that is that portion of the trajectory after the system has attained its maximum rotation from the horizontal, can be described within reasonable accuracy by a linear, second-order differential equation with constant coefficients. 2. An expression for the natural period of the cargo oscillations during the later portion of the trajectory can be derived in terms of the physical characteristics of airdrop systems and yields values which, on the average, are within 13Z of the values obtained from the more exact computer solutions. 3. An approximate expression of the cargo oscillations for the damping ratio during the later portion of the 2 character- in terms of the physical can be derived trajectory istics of airdrop systems and yields values which, on the average, are within 2% of the values obtained from the more exact computer solutions. However, in an individual case, the approximate damping ratio may vary from 52% to 129% of the value obtained from the computer. 4. The major reason for the large variation bedamping ratios and those obtained from the approximate tween computer solutions is the inappropiateness of the assumption that the airdrop 5. system rotates about a fixed axis. For any airdrop system, the value of the maximum system rotation that occurs during the trajectory is a unique criterion for determining whether the resulting altitude loss to equilibrium is minimum possible. the Minimum al- titude loss to equilibrium occurs when the maximum system rotation, When , ma8x. , is within a few degrees of 100 degrees. is less than or greater than 100 degrees, the resulting altitude loss to equilibrium is greater than nec- ess ary. m,, ,, is affected 6. Maximumsystem rotation, primarily by parachute-cargo line length and parachute opening time. 7. Within the range of variables thesis, the values of non-dimensional considered in this parachute-cargo line length,L , and non-dimensional parachute opening time, altitude loss to equili, that result in minimum (4 -2) brium are related by the expression: L 0.645 X- r)o?. Thesis Title: Supervisor: Eugene E. Covert Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professor Eugene E. Covert of the Department of Aeronautics and Astro- nautics for the encouragement and guidance that he provided throughout the preparation of the thesis. est in the progress of the work provided His sincere interme with a good deal of additional incentive. Appreciation is also due to the US Army Natick Labor- atories for providing me with such an excellent opportunity to further my education, to the M.I.T. Center for Advanced Engineering Study for furnishing me with such excellent study and computational facilities, and to Mrs. Elaine L. Clark her fine typing of the manuscript under rather trying conditions. 4 for TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NOTATION 7 INTRODUCTION 10 COMPUTATIONS 14 ANALYSIS 15 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 Comparison of Approximate Natural Periods with Computer Solutions 24 Comparison of Approximate Damping Ratios with Computer Solutions 25 Relationship of Maximum System Rotation to Minimum Altitude Loss to Equilibrium 27 CONCLUSIONS 32 APPENDIX A - EQUATIONS OF MOTION FOR TWO-BODY AIRDROP SYSTEM 34 TABLES 38 FIGURES 46 REFERENCES 57 5 LIST TABLEI OF TABLES AND FIGURES - Summary of Initial Conditions and Airdrop System Characteristics 38 TABLE I - Summary of Results 42 FIGURE 1 - Comparison of Calculated and Measured Cargo Trajectories 46 FIGURE 2 - Variation of Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Parachute-Cargo Line Length FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 - Variation of Altitude Loss to · Equilibrium with Parachute Opening Time 48 - Typical Phase-Plane Trajectory of an Airdrop System 49 - Diagram of Airdrop System Rotation about FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 47 a Fixed Center 50 - Typical Variation of Airdrop System Parameters with Time 51 - Variation of Airdrop System Center of Rotation with Rotation Angle 52 - Variation of Maximum System Rotation with Parachute Opening Time 53 - Variation of Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Maximum System Rotation 54 FIGURE 10 - Variation of Optimum Parachute Opening Time with Parachute-Cargo Line Length 55 FIGURE 11 - Variation of Minimum Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Parachute-Cargo Line Length 56 6 NOTATION Co drag coefficient DP parachute drag length of parachute suspension lines distance from parachute center of gravity to center of rotation of airdrop system. (Measured in percent ). of I moment of inertia of airdrop system about a horizontal axis through the system center of gravity k spring constant of parachute-cargo line length of line joining centers of gravity of parachute and cargo Ir length Da of parachute increase L in line length non-dimensional MrM4" 1' cargo mass reefing line due to tension form of mass of included air in parachute total mass of parachute; the sum of canopy mass, included air mass, and additional. air mass mass of parachute canopy non-dimensional form of non-dimensional form of M? non-dimensional form of non-dimensional form of f' Mr Sc cargo reference area Sb aerodynamic penetration SF projected area of parachute Sr0 projected ,5p area of fully open parachute non-dimensional form of S ~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 7 t time tf parachute filling time - measured from line stretch to full open tr time from line stretch to reefed condition T non-dimensional dampednatural period of airdrop Th non-dimensional natural. period of airdrop system V velocity V velocity of cargo with respect to aircraft t- O IV non-dimensional form of V WC cargo weight X horizontal distance system X non-dimensional. form at of X vertical distance (altitude loss) non-dimensional form of non-dimensional altitude loss to equilibrium for the cargo ic sthe ma, non-dimensional altitude aircraft a mo~ altitude loss of the cargo from to the altitude where occurs 06 angle of attack r non-dimensional form of mass ratio if' damping ratio damping ratio calculated using values for obtained from computer solutions orientation of airdrop system with respect to horizontal 9.~ value of h e at peak of 1st oscillation 8 ema I value of e at peak of 2nd oscillation additional mass factor e air density Z' non-dimensional form of t (27-4) non-dimensional time for parachute to fully open from reefed condition time at which G, non-dimensional 0I angle between velocity 3n non-dimensional natural system occurs vector and horizontal. frequency of airdrop Subscripts a. aircraft C cargo CCIC. calculated from approximate analytical expressions co n1' obtained from computer results e equilibrium O initial condition P parachute 9 INTRODUCTION The operational ability to successfully airdrop large cargoes from rear-loading aircraft flying at altitudes below 80o feet has been a Department of Defense goal for some years. This ability would greatly reduce the chances of the aircraft being detected by enemy surveillance devices and would increase the airdrop accuracy by reducing the amount of time that the parachute and cargo the unpredictable winds. are subjected to the effects of Efforts to achieve a low-altitude capability have been underway for some time and have not yet been completely fruitful. Presently, the minimum airdrop altitude is determined almost entirely by the amount of altitude required for the airdrop system to reach equilibrium conditions: that is, when the cargo reaches terminal velocity and the parachute and cargo are in a vertical orientation. Thus, decrease in air- drop altitude can come about only by decreasing the vertical distance required to attain equilibrium conditions. Typical solutions to this problem have used aerodynamic or mechanical means to decrease the opening times of the parachutes. This, of course, results in the full drag area of the parachute being applied earlier in the trajectory. be based trajectory on the rationale of a point-mass, derived i.e., This approach appears to from consideration the greater of the the decelerating Force, the less altitude required to reach equilibrium. ever, in an airdrop of a cargo from 8f)0 feet altitude, Howthe typical distance between the parachute and cargo centers-of- 1.O gravity is on the order of 150 feet. As might then be ex- pected, measured flight trajectories of parachute-cargo airdrop systems are quite different from point-mass trajectories. Thus, basing airdrop system designs on the characteristics of point-mass trajectories may not be a logical approach and may not result in the desired improvements in system performan ce. Analyses to determine the trajectories of two-body parachute-cargo airdrop systems have been conducted. analyses of references 1 and 2 were used development of a specific low-altitude 1,2,3 as bases The for the cargo airdrop system which did not deviate too greatly from standard airdrop systems. As a result, the analyses did not have sufficient scope to determine basic differences in the response of point-mass and two-body systems to variations in system characteristics. The analysis of reference 3 was conducted primarily to determine the forces being exerted on the cargo and the motion of the cargo itself about its own center of gravity. In an unpublished study by the author, equations of motion of a two-body parachute-cargo a digital airdrop system were solved on computer using the major assumptions that the drag area and the included air mass of the parachute were constant throughout the trajectory. tions for the transient These were not very realistic assump- portion of the trajectory, but the cal- culated trajectories were similar enough to actual trajectories to provide a reasonable basis for determining trends. The major conclusions arising from this study; that the parachute-cargo 11 line length significantly affected altitude loss to equilibrium and that there parachute is an optimum opening time for minimum altitude loss to equilibrium; were intriguing enough to spur on additional study. In the additional study, also unpublished, the equations of motion were changed to take into account the increase of drag area and included air mass of the parachute with time until the parachute was fully opened. In this case, the com- puted trajectories were very similar to measured flight trajectories. A typical calculated cargo trajectory is shown in 'Figure 1. Included in the figure for comparison is a trajectory obtained from actual flight test with initial conditions and system characteristics generally similar to those of the calculated trajectory. Unfortunately, the flight test data, like most airdrop flight test data,were not complete enough to insure that all conditions for the calculated and actual trajectories were identical. trajectories trajectories On this basis, the close similarity between the indicates that the equations do predict cargo reasonably well. The results of the additional chute-cargo line-length study again showed that para- and parachute filling factors in achieving minimum altitude loss to time were major equilibrium and that initial cargo velocity, initial cargo deceleration, and aircraft flight path inclination do not significantly affect altitude Although the study did furnish loss to equilibrium. these important conclusions, the scope of the work was limited in that it did not consist of a systematic 12 variation of all the initial conditions and system parameters over a sufficiently wide range to insure inclusion of all possible design ramifications of airdrop systems. Although it is within reason to obtain a large enough of solutions permit a complete number parametric from the computer study of the problem, it was to felt that effort to obtain a closed-form solution, either exact or approximate, might be more fruitful. Therefore, it is the purpose of this thesis to derive an explicit method for determining the airdrop system characteristics that will result in minimum altitude loss to equilibrium. The effort expended to obtain such a method and the results that permit the design of an airdrop system for minimum altitude loss to equilibrium are presented in this paper. 13 COMPUTATIONS The first step in the derivation of a closed form solu- tion to the equations of motion was to analyze more fully thecomputer results During of the previous unpublished study. the analysis, an error was discovered in the equation used to calculate Thus, the included a portion air mass of the fully open parachute. of the effort on this thesis was of all of the previous the recomputation sult of the recomputations, altitude devoted As a re- solutions. losses to to equilibrium and optimum parachute opening times changed on the order of 10 to 20 percent. Also, additional cases were solved in those instances where supplementary data were required to firmly establish the existence of important trends. The corrected non-dimensionalized free-body to limit dix A. istics diagram they are based the complexity equations of motion, the on, and the assumptions of the equations are presented used in Appen- The values of the initial conditions and system characterfor the 58 cases solved are presented in Table I. In each case, the trajectory solution was carried out to an arbitrary equilibrium condition which was defined as the time when the parachute-cargo orientation is within 5 deerees of verticl ultaneously, the cargo velocity and, sim- is less than 1.05 times the equil- ibrium velocity. Case was chosen to be a reasonable approximation of a typical airdrop where a 3250-lb. cargo is airdropped from an aircarft flying at an airspeed of 130 knots 14 using a 19n-ft. solid, flat circular parachute for extraction and recovery. The remaining cases constitute a limited systematic variation in those airdrop system parameters considered most significant. Values from the comnuter results are The significance of the unpublished of the conclusions line length parachute-cargo resented in Table II. and parachute opening work that time are im- portant system characteristics in determining altitude loss to equilibrium can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. These figures are corrected and supplemented versions of the figures presented In Figure 2, the double curve for in the unpublished study. values of L greater than 2, and in Figure 3, the remoteness of some data points from their associated curve is caused by is defined the fact that equilibrium values for and Vc . as a range of allowable Because of the oscillations of the cargo, the equilibrium conditions can be approached from either boundary of that range: lation where @E Vc that is, during is less than 1.05 can reach equilibrium times the equilibrium by approaching from smaller values of the angle or the larger values of the angle. 4a that part of the oscil- the 85-degree velocity, boundary 5-degree boundary from ANALYSIS Early in the detailed it was analysis of the computer results, found that plots of system rotation non-dimensional time, angle, G , versus , looked very similar to curves describing the response of a linear second-order system with constant coefficients to a step input. A phase-plane plot 4 of Case 1, presented in Figure 4, shows the characteristic of a damped second-order Graphical measurement spiral system responding to a step input. of the slopes of the spiral at e = 90 gave, within the accuracy of measurement, identical values of the slopes except for the first time the spiral. crossed values of the slopesat Q.90* Identical a linear second-order system with evidence suggests, then, that =90 is a characteristic constant the later coefficients. portion . of This of the trajec- tory, beginning somewhere between the first and second crossing of e = 90 ° , is closely or exactly characterized by a linear second-order differential equation with constant coefficients, Why an airdrop system with aerodynamic damping forces that are a function of the square of the velocity by a linear differential equation can be described is not known, but is worthy of future consideration. In order to gain analytical some of the equations substantiation of motion of Appendix of this discovery, A were manipulated in the following manner: The non-dimensional differential equation describing the time variation of system rotation is given as: 15 (1) d't F,) (-V sirnac - V s -L (L +P/)VShX Differentiating this yields: d~d2 (2) d *1t28 (t r) [(Mc C SAC 0t + Sin a -(V ' cos% The given expressions (3) " S in (3) can be reduced , and and, after (2), the following resulIt is obtained: - - -(LtrJ -t Equation d_ d, into equation simplification, + (L/ + sL d dV- substituted are appropriately some algebraic for V sina PCP)cose to the standard -=o form for a linear second-order differential equation with constant coefficients as given below: + 2SW,,1e aja where + ze=o : -, damping ratio C if it can n = natural frequency be shown that the term in the form expressed (can) K in the form, K; can be expressed 16 vr where K - 4o and by changing for the measurement the reference (L+P)( form (3): P)e No exact method for expressing the Changing for the last term of equation following expression in e axis and assuming small angles results in the the reference (3) axis. axis to the vertical from the horizontal of K dT the second term of equation can be found. However, an approximate method has been developed and is described below. Approximate Dampina Ratio It is assumed that, during the later part of the airdrop trajectory, the airdrop system is oscillating in a vertical plane about a fixed center of rotation (See Figure 5). should be pointed out that the fixed center of rotation not necessarily It is the center of gravity of the system, since forces rotate about instantaneous bodies acted upon by external centers of rotation which are determined by resolution of the .5 Referring to figure 5, it can be seen that the tangential components of the cargo instantaneous and parachute respectively. forces and moments velocities are gives the following V SLron ( -h)(L +r) ae VC and Vr ?snoL Converting the tangential velocities to rota- tional velocities (4) VcsLtV c 4 17 equations: ", san)p=-h(Le (4a Figure 6 shows that, velocity,Vc for Case 1, the non-dimensional , reaches a value of 1.0, i.e., cargo equilibrium c. velocity, slightly before the airdrop system reaches and never varies substantially from that value after that. This is true for all the trajectories where there are well- definedoscillations. Thus, throughout this analysis, assumption is made that Vc the .1 . Using this assumption and substituting (4a) into the second term of equation equations (4) and (3) gives: CO SpC(k)J de 5Mre SoD sJ and given trajectory. Cr/ $ are constant Therefore, center of rotation, with the assumption of a fixed the second-order ducedto the standard form of a linear ential equation with for any equation in is re- second-order differ- constant coefficients and is given below: (5) The natural frequency of the oscillation is coefficient () of the C391 _ ~Ti ewterm: r_ given by the the natural period by: T (6a) ZTT and the damping ratio is given by the coefficient of the /d t term divided by 2. -c -)/5 (COsp/ 2My)() 2 c Center of Rotation In order for the expression for damping ratio to be useful to the airdrop system designer, center of rotation must be capable of beingzcalculated from the knownsystem characteristics. in the lateral tarily 5. direction it is assumed equilibrium direction equivalent velocity, are zero. The external forces acting on the airdrop system as it is momen- stopped in its rotation Since that at g90 the airdrop the net external are shown in Figure system is at its forces in the vertical The lateral forces can be replaced by an force acting at the center of gravity and a torque about the center of gravity. The instantaneous rotation is found by determining or without the location of the the acting at c.g. to rotation. system just balanced by the ?CeCpSFVsLn Sacp Ad due to the force opposite acceleration due acting at the center of gravity is: V si n o the location of a point within that has its acceleration The acceleration center of sz The torque acting about the center of gravity is: L CPSV.5Ln' The moment 5. k)(- . 5$CV A&t of inertia of the system about its center of gravity is: (8) At I the of the = M~,(I -Ef t MFC- (-R+-,& instantaneous center of rotation, the algebraic sum linear acceleration tion wi 11 be zero. and the acceleration due to rota- This gives the following equation: Z~~w V-Dnt MC' , Z .. ecsV's,( .... n = simplifying, non-dimensionalizing, and rearranging yields the following characteristics (9 ) 6h implicit equation for h in terms of system : e Sb(M( C-i)} + X(-)4N Mf-/VI I~ 13 tesBe- SbcY2 mrl-(-) Use of the quadratic formula will and negative real value for any physical significance, . =r - hA r (I O =- 0 result in a positive Only the positive value has since most negative 20 '0W1jg M values of h damping ratio which is an unreal- would result in a negative istic condition for the airdrop system. Initial Conditions A final requirement to completely the initial describe conditions Analysis to be fulfilled in order to be able the oscillations for the later portion of the trajectory. of the plot of e versus technique, that is, (Figure 6) showed decre- by calculating the logarithm of the peak and the subsequent of the amplitudes of the initial ratio Z using the logarithmic that the damping ratio determined ment of is the knowledge peak yielded values of the damping ratio that were very close to those obtained from the phase-planeplots. This impliesthat the airdrop system behaves like a linear with constant peak, GK rotational coefficients at least Also, precisely velocity, from the time of the initial, at the time of rMX ,the is zero (See Figure 4). Beyond d/2z that time, the parachute second-order system drag area remains constant and the cargo velocity does not deviate greatly from its equilibrium velocity. For these reasons, the point in the trajectory where r occurs forms a convenient, boundary between the earlier mathematically and later apropriate, portions of the trajectory. Choosing this point automatically yields one of the two required initial condition conditions , i.e., is the value of d/d =O . eax e only from an analysis of the earlier 21 The other required initial This valuecan be determined portion of the trajectory. Earlier Portion of Traecto . An attempt ther an exact or approx- was made to der imate closed-form analytical so for the earlier part of the trajectory and especiall the boundary conditions at At zero time, the rotation At time for the airdrop system is zero. velocity of the system is ocity known again zero. and velocity of ), , the rotational With the rotational that a likely approach would be it appeared to consider the angular impulse and momentum the parachute-cargo combination at Zc, relationships and .%r In general, t =.I L ) (I Cie )i t, (~dZ~/d) - (/1t) tz ri e 'j Introducing expressions the parachute the external torques applied to for simplifying yields: and cargo and Tv ) Sf. vel- at the b oundaries of the earlier portion to be zero of the trajectory, al acceleration S;rnco I\- - S&c_' -() ri"Cv + 9 (I- I- .E -At) 22 O of this expression, In order to integrate S , V, ip , V ,cAt of S the variation e and with with time must be known. time is known exactly. analysis of the plots of Vc time during the and ,, , V of Vc of Only Graphical versus showed that earlier part of the trajectory while the variations and Vp with time could be closely by simple exponential approximated the variations functions, the other terms were not easily describable. Reference to the literature showed that iterative computer solutions are generally employed tories or, ited to as in the those portions case to analyze airdrop trajec- of Reference 7, analysis of the trajectory where the assumptions that the cargo path is horizontal or is vertical accurate. is lim- are reasonably Thus it appears that an analytical expression for cannot be obtained. 23 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Comparison of Approximate Natural Periods with Comuter Solu- tions The natural periods of the airdrop system, as determined by noting the times between the maximum amplitudes of the oscillations indicated by the computer solutions, were compared with the natural periods calculated according to equaIn tion (6a). amplitudes period, reality, the measurement results in determination of the time between of the damped natural T, which differs from the natural period,T n , by a factor involving T However, the damping ratio, that is: TV in almost every case, the damping ratio, S , was small enough in magnitude so that the difference between T and Th , generally T'he comparison cases, where less than 3, was neglected. showed that, for the average of the 41 the frequency could be measured, the natural periods calculated according to equation (6a) were 137 higher than the damped natural sults. periods derived from the computer re- In the worst case, the calculated natural 31Z higher than that eriod was derivedfrom the computer resultsand, in the best case, the calculated natural period was 4% higher. The poorer correlations occurred for those cases with the shorter parachute-cargo line lengths where the oscillations were ust barely discernible. In the nominal case, Case 1, which has a well-defined oscillation, the calculated natural period was 9 higher. A critical comparison with actual flight test data is not possible since the system rotation angle, is not generally or reported. it has been, measured 0 , In those cases where a complete enough record of initial conditions and system characteristics is not available. Since no approximations were required term in equation efficient of the to derive the co- (5),the differences between the calculated natural periods and those obtained from the computer solutions of the assumption must arise only from the inappropriateness that all the coefficients of the terms of equation (3) are constants. Equation ( I - M'r/Mp ) (6) can be simplified is essentially by noting that the term 1.0 for almost all parachutes and that in most cases, the line stretch due to tension, can be neglected. (10) Natural period is now given by: ZTr T T Comparison ofApproximate Damping Ratios with Computer Solutions Comparison of the damping ratios equation calculated according to (7) and based on the locations of fixed centers rotation calculated according to equation correlation with the damping ratios solutions. from 0.067 r obtained of (9) showed fair-to-good from the computer The computer solution damping ratios ranged in value to 0.277, while value from.024 to .181. the calculated damping ratios ranged in The average value of the ratio, fc^i./Jo 25 in Table II for 38 cases, tabulated on the whole, there is excellent of the ratio for individual to as high as 1.29. was 0.98. Therefore, correlation. cases varied This individual However, values from as low as 0.52 correlation is not as good as desired. As a first large step differences, in investigating the locations the reason for these of the centers of rotation, calculated according to equation (9), were compared with the locations obtained from the computer solutions. case (except case numbers of the coefficients results was calculated is assumed length 26, 27, 28, 29 and 40) the values of h in an unchanging in equation (9) are identical, h from case to case. value for to be 0.134; to be located lation, of the computer the location 13.4% of the parachute-cargo center of gravity. results shows the parachute for which oscillation equation in Figure 7. incidental where This relatively since values of good prediction n at at =- 90 (9) was derived, imately 0.15, compared to 0.134 which is (9). and cargo with system rotation figure shows, also, that the value of h tion Yet, in- that during any oscil- The variation of angle is shown for a typical the condition line of the center of rotation varies greatly and is not always located between centers of gravity. which that is, the center of rotation away from the parachute spection For every =90 This degrees, is approx- calculated using equaappears to be co- degrees for those cases ) crosses 900 sometime during the trajectory do vary from 0.032 to 0.282. Inspection 26 of the tabulated values of cOm r. in Table II indicates some dependence on parachute by equation (9). opening time which is not predicted This dependence occurs in those cases where the parachute opening time is longer than the optimum opening time for a given para- chute-cargo line length, and where there is not a well-defined oscilla t ion. damping ratios were cal- Also, during the investigation, culated, again assuming a fixed center of rotation, computer-derived values of are tabulated 0 oftlcc ~ Sclc.in as h at - 90 II. Table . but using These damping ratios Inspection of the values also tabulated in Table II shows poorer agreement. The average value of the ratio was 1.14 with a variation 0.85 to 1.71. accurately from Thus, it appears that the only fair ability to calculate the damping ratio of results mainly from the inapornpriateness an airdrop system of the asstmption. that the airdrop system rotates about a fixed axis and not used to derive equation from the other approximations Relationship Loss Between (7)@ Maximum System Rotation and 2Minimum Altitude o Equilibrium The computer results were analyzed empirical relationships between 0 of the trajectories. . Figure m. and other resulted shows that, for a given parachute-cargo for possible simple cariacteristics and from this analysis h, line length the maximum system rotation increases with decreasing parachute opening time. At the lower values of maximum 27 system rotation (mx, c 105 °) it appears that the curves may be independent of the equil- ibrium aerodynamic penetration, of the one curve for S =81.7 5SD - that is, the lower part falls into the proper sequence of changing parachute-cargo line length, L This figure can be used; given a parachute-cargo length, L , and a parachute opening time, (;- trajectory. The value ,0, of altitude GMas 1 the problem and damping ratio to determine loss to equilibrium occurs. from the altitude at which What is now missing is the altitude the altitude of Gr,, 4 . for a complete solution Inspection of Table II shows a wide loss to on the various are the previous plots of to loss from the aircraft altitude to range of values for altitude to be more dependent portion of the can then be used together with the calculated natural period the Zt) ; to deter- , for the later mine the initialcondition, m line Emoy r,, , which appear initial conditions versus In .) than this case, there does not appear to be the desired simple empirical relationships. At this point, a more general tories was considered. Altitude loss to equilibrium wasplotted versus maximumsystem rotation to determine whether maximum system rotation was a significant trajectories. dependence view of the system trajec- characteristic The graph, shown in Figure a, of minimum altitude For any given parachute-cargo of airdrop shows a remarkable loss to equilibrium on . line length, the altitude to equilibrium is minimum when 28 1rm.,. is approximately xM loss l131 degrees. ,, , The variation in the optimum to 102 degrees, for the different from 98 degrees line lengths is probably due to the fact that the value of the minimums are inter- polated values rather than calculated values. It would be possible to redraw reasonable-looking points and have all the minimums grees. portions curves through the data occur at precisely Note that as the line length, L of the curves at values of ea, degrees gradually , decreases, the greater than open up and flatten out. sition is that the curves will 100 de- continue 00O A logical suppo- this trend and even- tually become a horizontal line, probably for the value,L-O and that the value for altitude loss to equilibrium , would be that calculated from point-mass considerations. The one curve for SD= 8.77 dicates the dependence , shown by a dashed line, in- of altitude loss to equilibrium on equilibrium aerodynamic penetration, however the minimum altitude loss still occurs at a value for EmA of approx- imately 100 degrees. With the assumption are minimum that those trajectories altitude-loss-to-equilibrium with @ .- iO' I trajectories for any given line length, the data from Figure 8 were cross-plotted to provide opening time versus a graph of optimum parachute parachute-cargo line length. 10. The extrapolation justified since is well-known acquired by for The results are shown in Figure of the line to the origin is reasonably zero line-length, i.e., a point-mass, it that minimum decelerating altitude the mass 29 loss to equilibrium at as high as possible is values Note that the plot may be independent as soon as possible. aerodynamic of the equilibrium considered, Figure 10 can be used as a basic have been sign graph by airdrop system designers. chute opening time,(? - dea For a system with r ,that will provide minimum loss to equilibrium. to the system designer is the mag- Also of importance nitude of the minimum altitude loss to equilibrium be attained with the given opening parachute Figure that line length, Figure 10 gives the para- given parachute-cargo altitude Within the range and airdrop system characteristics conditions of initial penetration. Combining time. length and the optimum plots again resulted in of the line to zero parachute-cargo Extrapolation 11. line - loss to equil- line length yields a value of minimumaltitude A good deal of additional 1.0. ibrium of approximately puter results would be required to determine or is of some significance. coincidence data point that will for SD = 8.77 com- if this is merely The remoteness of the from the line drawn through the data figures points for SD= 4Z.ZI is to be expected since previous the magnitude of the altitude show that is a function Thus, rotation, loss to equilibrium of ·Se it is seen that the value of the maximum system e,,, is a powerful criterion for the determination of whether an airdrop system with a given parachute-cargo length is operating or not. at minimum If i)a¢ is not within altitude loss to equilibrium a few degrees of lo0 then the airdrop system is taking more altitude 30 line degrees, to reach equilibrium than necessary. If this is the case, then changes in the line- lengthor the parachute opening time or both can yield optimum trajectory. the The necessity during the design of para- chutes to insert fairly long suspension lines, on the order of a canopy diameter, reliable parachute in order to maintain opening characteristics and to maintain high drag coefficients produces important practical restrictions chute-cargo line length can be. opening time can be an easier task. , on how short the para- Adjustment of the parachute However, care should be taken to insure that the method used to modify the normal parachute opening time, e.g., staged reefing, does not cause equa- tion (A.1) which describes the normal opening characteristics of solid, derivation flat circular parachutes to be invalid. of a new equation able cases will and recomputation be required. 31 In that case, of the applic- CONCLUSIONS 1. The later portion of an airdrop trajectory, is that portion of the trajectory its maximum rotation that after the system has attained from the horizontal, within reasonable accuracy by a linear, can he described second-order differ- ential equation ith constant coefficients. 2. An expression oscillations for the natural durin, the later ortion of the trajectory be derived in terms of the physical systems 13, o and yields period of the cargo values which , characteristics on the ave rage can of airdrop are within the values obtained from the more exact comnuter solu- tions . 3. An approximate expression for the damping ratio of the cargo oscillat ions during the trajectory ate r portion of the can be derived in terms of the physical istics of airdrop systems and average,are within 2 the approximate ields values which, on the of the values exact computer solutions. damping character- obtained from the more However, in an individual ratio may vary from 52% to case, 129% of the value obtained from the computer. 4. The major reason for the large variation tween the approximate computer solutions damping ratios be- and those obtainedfrom is the inappropriateness of the assumption that the airdrop system rotates about a fixed axis. 5. system For any airdrop system, rotation the value of the that occurs during the trajectory 32 maximum is a unique criterion for determining whether the resulting altitude loss to equilibrium is the minimum titude loss to equilibrium rotation, Mai , ,,, When possible. occurs when is within the maximum system a few degrees of 100 is less than or greater than ln resulting altitude Minimum al- loss to equilibrium degrees. degrees, the is greater than nec- ess ary. 6. Maximum system rotation, al , is affected pri- marily by parachute-cargo line length and parachute opening t ime. 7. Within the range of variables thesis, the values of non-dimensional length, L (?i-T, brium )p.t considered in this parachute-cargo line , and non-dimensional parachute opening time, that result in minimum altitude loss to equili- are related by the expression: 33 L = 0.645(2- 2')oF. APPENDIX A Eq uations of Motion for Two-Body Airdrop System The airdrop system model used as a basis for the equations of motion is shown below: D. X A number of assumptions were made in order to yield tractable solutions. 1. The major assumptions were: The airdrop method chosen is recovery parachute. In this method, the reefed recovery para- chute is used to extract the cargo from the aircraft. the cargo clears the aircraft, the parachute that of extraction-by- the reefing line is severed and is allowed to inflate. Zero time coincides with the instant that the cargo leaves the aircraft 34 After and the parachute begins inflating from its reefed condition. 2. The only aerodynamic forces acting on the para- chute and cargo are drag forces. 3. The parachute and cargo drag coefficients are independent of their respective angles of attack. 4. The elastic line joining the parachute and cargo has a spring constant, k 5. The parachute . center of gravity is located at a fixed distance from its skirt regardless of the change in parachute shape as it opens. 6. The air density remains constant throughout the tra e ctory. 7. The variation in parachute area, 5p , is a function of time only and is described by the following equation: [.020 + . 0034( 118.4) f (A.1) This equation is essentially 1 that derived experimentally by Berndt and De Weese8 for a solid, flat circular canopy in its latter stages of opening, i.e.,from Z-= 0.3 to =1.0 The constant, 0.0020, in the above equation differs from the constant, 0.0117, in Berndt and De Weese's equation in order to take into account the fact that equation (A.1) was used throughout the opening process, i.e., from -1.0 . / - O to This was done to simplify the computer solution, but is not unreasonable since the reefed parachute shape is close to the shape assumed by Berndt and De Weest for the beginning of the "terminal filling period". 35 8. From case to case, the variation in parachute filling time is inversely proportional to the initial cargo velocity. 9. Throughout the opening process, the shape of the parachute is represented by an inverted conical frustum topped by an oblate hemispheroid. 10. throughout value is The parachute drag coefficient is constant the opening process and was chosen to be 0.7. a compromise that attempts to take into account the variation in drag coefficient with velocity. The non-dimensionalized equations of motion are as follows: = (A.2) (A.3) (A.4) (A.6) SapSl VX a ( m ( )S _ a = Ml osA ( y)/sin? (A.7) (A.8) V Cs 36 This (A.9) = Coso (A.1) = SLno (A.11) _ n I - V 51ri (t, (A. 12) = (A.13) -±V, SLixK + -L } where: Mc Er) + acv In order to non-dimensionalize the above equations: a. All lengths or distances were divided by SD Th us X c b. All areas were divided by Sp c. Velocities were divided by Ve Ve = VItI c d. Masses were divided by e. non-dimensional time, 2- 37 , where 3Se 3 SD , = Vt/S - a: Cl I 31 jI I IC CCC C : j V, I CI C,(N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, '>C% C ___ _ _ _ I cc oc _ c V ¢ or, C 0 C 3 d L C C.. r-4 N 4J 0 I4 ........ 1 4 -L r- a: co 4 C1 CC C -4 ci N I- . N CN N r- 9i - .C-' J', - c c -- - - i C , c N. 4 -4 - C w4 -r1 C cCCc c - c CCC. C sc iCc t Cc _ C_____CC J .. e a_ 'O _ __ ....... ___C, _C _, 34 ....... i ECa~'- 1 Vi ....... C c c _, ., i1 I tI 1 >p~~C4 N (N i ,, ~~~~C ... ,, C"4 C' 1ii (N ( NlN ,~ a. I C") iiii _ C'4 .... CC C C, C" CN C(N : C C d( (N ~pl(N))( , -J UV) __ - -_ -r- 41) aJ I:$ *-4 q~J - uT q C ; o~l CCo or uc _CC- C C ->vE, _CC I . I ..... r. __ L C___ 0 C II I C C4 f¢ I ' 4) 9-4 ct HJ C C -~ v. , i .. .- C - Gc c * CN C;r b C",v a ^ CzC cs t. A3ul C C< C",.. C c C , I .. N C __ ' CN c a> C, Ci ... C I C c ; , . , -d _ __ 1<04~~~~~~ - _____ _ _ __ ____ __ _ H1 4>0 C Q2 _ tr "C r- 3^ o 0rc O c --- - - C ct: -I C dl c- 2 rzl r- 9-' O' '4 4 CI 11 c 1 C' -3 c'r" tY o' C I I I I ciI I tr cI I II I cr 9-4 Cl. I I r- C~ :F pc C 3 4. Pcr Pll cC c C cc o= c C C c c V- Cy 'IC I 'C C", C"l -. C' I-' C F9-4 U- t-4. C, '-4 -4 rg.c F- Lr I r- -4; Cr 4, e- cl, C.. - (r r-- Lr cc C'; I -<1 Ce I- 9 -f.. 9C r- I C C. C'- -41 li f- C r- 9- I -3 I I I C q Cr 9- V- r- -C C' Cl Cf C' c' r tr C V Cy U C' c C c C I I I I cc. I" I Lr -4z c: -Z V I C' C, %4 el, q It %C 4. 4., tr Lf Ir e- C i I C Un c S IL cr-- -rICI: 1 I c I el rf~ U f u 4'L~ 3 c I- el I Cc C I f,I %I C C 0 -4 C- ci C -a r C, i rl E (D -I r A q Ic o 0¢i 1 C c C C if C c0 'h 0 C r o I 4. I C- Re 1 a o C a) - C- c r 'C 0 Li r r c u a c -4 r c I, C c c C C c c 0 c c C: L c c C 9 'I c 4 '4 U r C Ic r C C I I c 0 I ¢ I c c V- 4 I _c c c c c c .C c !C_ 1 u C. C: N C- ¢: 4 c r O; IQ c C 4 -4 -4 oc rl- I 0%IC V C I '-I P-4 E- I r I C c r C C I r C C C r Cu ¢ I CE 0 -. -I C 4 P 4 0 Cu U, Dci c co C C c: C I C C 1. ru I r r C IL L C .c c: c 05-' - I F I t -4 rc a c C' aC o C C C' II I 04 4.-4 c C a il I -4 . C a C- p. L C --a U p cc -i 4 - I |- I m m- I i_ ~m P w | | I - i49 4 I I Ml t- - j _ - 1-4 ON I I I c I c -.4 - I '1 4 "-4 U-' t. CO c. -; -4 --rl3 v v - rl b - CL CL · · - - - cl- i - V. I I 145 I Ct' - c ~ IE ~ trh _ !_ - C - (- U, - - r- cc I ~-4 -4 r-4 9 I,-4 1.4 -4I t-4 4 - I It v,, C *( C K M It' i vt, N N rl_ 4 cl 1 r 1-4 C A, r- (N ,_ I C9- . M I ON ' -4- C-4 , Is FIrn 1- N Io 40_ N C1 ~4 9-4 K I I C. I Ct' . f l.0 I C Vt CIe -4* * -4- rl, C CI C CTd - WI -I . M Fe. I - (N _/ * 4 ' -.-4 I oN] C. C - c -t*1 ifz -w 4 - ri Cb - ,_ NI- , q -4-4 -4 o-s C- -_Co I r-4 F9-4 - - ItC- I I -4- I - ON Ur cc - Ct Ct_ V-4 1-4 I - tI c~~~~~i 9- -. (v C' Is _N ~~~t - ~~~~~~~j·i g * 4~~~~ 4 ., cli (9- _ -4 P-4 t_1 4 v4 I 9-4 -4 e-- - - en . 9-4 '.1 I ,,Or -4 e - · IjC ~Z 13 C -.- 9-4 t1 9-4 C P-4 f-4- - $~~~I , I i- V-4 e - F- r- F -| m E - %CC r( cc 1-4 -4 I - ON K (N - C ON -;4-4 1-4 c c - CN C-4 - ocD; A C CV C - 0v c -4 - I I Co 'I E ,.,. m" (N - '-C ON c '-q C I I __ - It' I - I CI o o C' _-4 r- '0 4 (N- r.el 9-4 - c· c· 9-4 (N · - S:: C 0 i IN4 ] O16 .O In .n a C IE En - _ _0. . _. __, 4 * . * aGC ._ i CM0 . N C0 , * .t'O *- C. NOC 4- .... 9 0 0 Ct C, -,4 -4 0 it'I* IrcJt N It N c4 . PS-U · f4-. Xi .t Ct'. Cy Ln oc. < O C . oC - 1V r4 <-, )4r I I ,. r I I I I N Vt' S it * . C Cn P % N. . .. rq " C C "4 e - 4 t,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, _' C _. < v 9-4 C944 -M . * C: N ¢. . CON C ,0 ( o C E-i . I C N D Cq Ie -4 Cc II I V-4 -44 .0 eq -4 it (N~ OI It I s -4 At oC 1-4 r (N NCt C< < _ .<t _ v- eq _ C N C (N (N C -r- - N 4 N* - rO CO CC CN ,i, Ii N 1-, C C ON ON Ct' 0: N (N4 r- N _1-4 ( t4 I I c C· ', 'C C N 1- vD. s · . · tu· ' tC M_< 6J MI -M N· C"1 N( ur. 4 V-4 ON, C > . c C..I {4-' C4 ,. C ~ -# t * M - ON O'.0 PI 00 (N t _ __ , _ __ ' a'C O 6C CC cC` " CY ) -- c CC ' V~l ;I ' CY)_ u\ cI I . .. 1 ~ 4. . .- C H tU X c-I . Q 4, I J· · s rs· <-. r c-4 . r-4 ..Cc-II .., r·4 c'--I9 cc~ 9 .0- . t -5 ... _ c a ' - I I rl . en V- c-I _ . c- ..1 c-4 ... 1- v-4 . , ' 3-4I 1 4 c- c-4 c.9 c . . ' 4 C, .. _ C Y 41 .i-4 'l 4 ' . ._ \9-4 6 9Q .9 - c- ( __ . ' · - r I w-44 r tI _4_r C c - * _ r C, C 1 -4 O .C' r cI 3-4 ¢ 1 -L cuc C C ' C dV r- I cr d C C' C c r- C a Ct a' oa'. IL r a oC ' - ., c - 0 v-IC cu-I . * r c _ r- r-4 % cin p 4.) - * -c. N. aoI c.. . r-4 V- c_.I _ ~' a' ND C-f * N oM .(-C uC C _ C a L c 00 00 C U . cc C.r I -4. % C c. .. o C ' IVI T C (C av-4 -. . ___4 I ... '; 4"' C JC C " C '. COC C a - "a a' % 3. r -.. sa4 m* * E a'4 a'a w o "' .w * * < u 0 . * (1) (c-DI~C4 l v _ C C c FI I (N C C ~vlil C C "I "1 t( N (N - c- _~ _~ ___~ C" ) N P" ". _ C - - ci _t v? , C_ (N9*.. (N N t1, v (N C r- oc C U-' 'C C -q . (N ~~I - n N- .) C C.) - 0 0 C E-v a' I ' ;i 0' 1' C- -4- N· -~ a I c-I cc-I v- 4 4 - CN r CNC c- _ m < ...'.' (N (N_ \61 CC, 6~7 ~31 Ci cI .4 C")4 - c( : ,u-4 cc- cC cc C- ·_ C C _u *;r . *0 L4 uS . C d _5V _9~ c-ICC-I ac -4 U CI L. N .u' c~In * CC L C ;fO C _-u cC I *o e (N C N") (C CCI1 N· . I C (3C( C C I I 33~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C): Jj 1 1 0 Y~~~~~~~ el I I;~ a~i ~l Ln uI oc1 I CI ~ tl al C: I: , C_ ( (f ' . fn eq Vu) C ~~. u"~1~- u~ e. . cc . . c u'" b I C cc, ONt ® (U cc C M,CO " , C C cC C c, , . 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c r-l CC ,,- C 6 04 r cc C C 'c-, rC M( PC:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 91 C. -¢ -, 4cj i < c I , ,, - < Ij f e csI f J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cl '¢,W~~~~% -- 00 ' ' ee { l 'J cc" i 'r ' St a0c; a) U a) 6 r, C14 M-14 CI,, --__ 0 C 0 O .O.I(N ON ~4 I C", ON -T CN r (N U' S \CCOC\S aG (U V 0 .-4 -e -L n (N C O -Ci '' 'C ' 4 -. ll .. - - 1-4 (U a 4) r-4 .0 U ~~ _ '00 (N (N 1NC C.- cc· fl- I e* * 'j I (N1 eq '-4 r~ u-~~ C 51 ~C 1`, * u'" - C CC*N C C) r-4 c,N C NI CC C %.t .C C (N '. C11 .4 ' en ' -4 N C) Ln - C~~~~~~~ 5U ) I -1 2 *N ~(N .t4 C C4 C~ 14 -4*C r-4 'O ITcC- u' -4 '- M -. 4 0a7) . -7 0-4> 4-4 4C4-4 I4 I '4 JV]-C F-4 r- N j1~ I · 1 S~~~~~~~~~S ,-_ 4· -4 ( ·. -,T · u--4 ,- C a' S(` C5 c I f I cc r-,-~ ~~~ ON )i N :~ N- ~·- C. (N -~~~ C, (C ~·4 0 -4 C c0 04 I ~~ C ·-- · 4 01 N -4 ,,...4 01 4*4 r,,,., e) ; a) 0 r-4 :>o 44 ) 4 1-It - . ,u - - '¼ .... Q) -N (N c C c -4. - N ~ C C ,"~ ~ C N '.t N- 44 -4U Cz (N s.4J (N (N7 - .4 -r,( 41 , .4~ .4 - (N 4-4 r- -4 C'iC C c e4 (N e ~ C 'C '",, "' C 6. - J (Nl U4 (N 1 .0 C c (N ir ~ '.0 .s Nl r(N (N (N ~ C (N r,, .N4 ... -.. 4 (5 4 -4 (N (N4 14 ' 61 -4,45 Q .4 C - ~ (N IPI (N r C ,r ,u.R43 I~C -4 (N VI 4l - - ',u 1- -o C4 LUcU .4 tU Ai 0) k4 c ',0 6 V rl- N- 4.4 0 G U, a) -4 :> ,-4 415) .1 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE -FT ?0 0 100 200 L. I 0 30C -4 400 w <i 500 600 7na VV Figure 1 - Comparison of Calculated Measured Cargo Trajectories 46 and 28 2 O 24 I Do 20 __ LL () 12 8 - 4 0 ( 1.0 20 3.0 4.0 PARACHUTE -CARGO LINE LENGTHFigure 2 - Variation of Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Parachute-Cargo Line Length 47 5.0 L - 24 ml I 20 S~ D Lj 16 C3· 0.I 0 0 LzJ t-4S 12 8 4 ri 0 2 4 PARACHUTE OPENING ,. Figure 3 .... 8 TIME -( -?) - Variation of Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Parachute Opening Time 48 10 O 1 LL) 0- 0 -L -4 4c-I ) 0r Gi EO LU II C3 O tDZ UJ 0O d O l 0 I ow (-n O C CNI 0 I NOI~O el' UID0O13]lVNOl1kiO 57- I j 0 4r;lWt i C,,, F PARACHUTE C.G. F - V sitnXp 1 CENTER OF ROTATION STEM CG. ;0 C.G. V sn c, Figure 5 - Diagram of Airdrop System Rotation about a Fixed Center .50 LIJ ca, C 4 Z C 4.J.4 I:m r4I C) *-4 oc f~ E-4 NC S33'N3a lre -n31 ", o0 0 .5i t43 0 M.4 AIZO'13A OWe 0 NOtIVIO4 WILSAS . %n NI~ "dds - V3,IV . , .. 1-vimozfl-w-H 0 3nH viVd in c~ O Lu Cjr n i Q4 4) U 4 o< oo 40 .4r U __ AO 331N33D A 00 no -A D I % II 4J NO LLI to LU- (D Z LL.I ..cj 4-i co0 . = 0 4 p m t so 0 3j -e_ C,4 CY CL C) S3383G-'5( IA 0con (".II 0 00o C)~ OC or aZ Q)i 28 __ -- //6 //z60 2 2 / I 20 L 2.69 ?T/ :D 19 59 ci 0 0 LU OX 29 14 C/I V) 0 8 - L .O 48( LLJ s __.s5 H H I-- Lt 3.32 12 C) 0 0 4 .-j n II _I 8) 8( I I 90 100 _ I 110 MAXIMUM SYSTEM ROTATINFigure 9 - ! 120 l MAX. - DEGREES Variation of Altitude Loss to Equilibrium with Maximum System Rotation 54 130 -7 i r 10 II :r_ i LJ I 5 4 r.f - r) -- 0 3 =) 2 / a_ /0 I nv /, 0 ,...... 2 I,I 4 t G 8 PARACHUTE OPENING TIME- (,-:;) FOR MINIMUM ALTITUDE LOSS Figure 10 - Variation of OptimumParachute Opening Time with Parachute--Cargo Line Length 55 10 a v 2 24 t) IN D 20 - LU 12 V) - 8 4- / / / / ED :E 0 0 I_ I I 2 ___ I I 3 4- L 5 PARACHUTE- CARGO L IME LE NGTH- L 7 _ _ Loss to with Parachute-Cargo Line Length Figure 11 - Variation of MinimumAltitude Equilibrium 56 REFERENCES 1. Patterson, A.G. and Foster, J.E.: Low Altitude Air Delivery Development of Equations of Motion. AAI Corp. Report No. ER-4350, April, 1966. 2. Foster, J.E. and Jezek, B.W.: Preliminary Investigation of Low Altitude Airdrop Exploratory Development Extraction by Recovery Parachutes, AAI Corp. Technical Report, August, 1966. 3. Neustadt, M., Ericksen, R.E.: Guiteras, J.J., and Larrivee, J,.A.: A Parachute Recovery System Dynamic Analysis. ATAA Paper No. 66-25, January, 1966. 4. Ku, Y.H.: Analysis and Control of Non-Linear Systems, Ronald Press, New York, 1958. 5. Sears, F.W.: Mechanics, Heat, and Sound, Addison-Wesley Press, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. , 1950. 6. Anon: Performance of and Design Criteria for Deployable Aerodynamic Decelerators, Air Force System Command Technical Report No. ASD-TR-61-579, December, 1963. 7. Heinrich, H.G. and Rust, L.W., Jr.: Lecture Notes from University of Minnesota Parachute Engineering and Retardation Summer Course, Chapter II, Trajectories, July 17-28, 1961. 8. Berndt, R.J. and De Weese, J.H.: Filling Time Prediction Approach for Solid Cloth Type Parachute Canopies, AIAA Aerodynamic Deceleration Systems Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 7-9, 1966. 57