E D UC 360 Secondary Instructional methods and Strategies

UC 360
Secondary Instructional methods and Strategies
Fall 2015
Course Section:
Meeting Time and Place:
Course Credit Hours:
EDUC 360A0
Monday 4:00p.m. – 5:45 p.m. BE 114
2 credit hours
Faculty Contact Information: Dr. D. Jackie Smith, Assistant Professor
Office hours: M: 1:3:30 pm, T: 9:00-10:30; :Th 9:00-10:30 &2:30-3:00, or by appointment
Office location: BE 217
Phone number: Office: 423-869-7153
Email address: dennis.smith@lmunet.edu
Course Description:
Organization, strategies, and responsibilities of teaching in the middlegrades. Participatory approach to
understanding and teaching middle school students. For secondary candidates. Clinical field experience 30
hours.Prerequisites: EDUC 290. Fall, Spring.
Course Objectives/conceptual framework:
Candidate will understand:
the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of discipline he/she teaches, and be able to
creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful
for learners to assure mastery of the content InTASC 4, EPP A.3
how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking,
creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues InTASC
how to plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing
upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as
knowledge of learners and the community context InTASC 7, EPP B.3
how to use technology and technology based resources to facilitate developmentally appropriate
student learning. EPP B.6
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Texts/Materials for the Course:
 Marzano, R. (2003), Classroom management that works: Research-based strategies for every
teacher. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
 Silver, Henry F., Strong, Richard W., and Perini, Matthew. (2007). The Strategic Teacher.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
 Porton, Harriet: (2013). Teaching the Standards: How to Blend common core State Standards into
Secondary Instruction.
 College LiveText©
 Blackboard
Supplementary Materials:
 Tennessee Department of Education State Standards
Course Requirements, Assessment (Learning Outcomes) and Evaluation Methods:
 Course Requirements:
Attend all class meetings arriving on time and staying until dismissed by professor
Attendance: Candidates must be present for at least 75% of all scheduled class meetings in order
to earn credit for the class. (*NOTE:This course meets 16 times during the semester more than 4
absences will result in failure, regardless of your total score)
Candidates will receive an attendance grade at end of the semester, missing class will be assessed
at 10 points per missed class, an excused absence only means that any work used for assessment
may be submitted by candidate
All candidates are required to use LMU Email, no Emailed assignments will be accepted unless
approved by instructor prior to submission
Students excused for school activities will make up class work before the next class session
Athletes will be required to bring game schedule to class
Cell phones are to be silenced at all times while class is in session, unless directed by instructor for
class activities
No text messages sent during class time
Use APA formatting for formal writing
Read required virtual and paper text assignments
Complete all in class related work, quizzes, and examinations
All assignments are to be completed on time and submitted in class by the syllabus schedule
unless directed by professor, work submitted one day after due date will be lowered one letter
grade, work submitted two or more days will receive no letter grade
Students missing the scheduled Mid-term exam or scheduled exam must take it at the next
regular scheduled class meeting, after which a grade of zero (0) will be given
Students missing the scheduled Final Exam will have one week to take the exam, after which
a grade of zero (0) will be given
Participate in class discussions, activities, or events related to course
If writing skills are weak you may be referred to the Tagge Center for Excellence for additional
help and rewriting
All candidates enrolled in EDUC 360 will be assessed by quality of work by use of the
following grading scale: 95-100 A (4 ), 90-94 A- (3.67), 87-89 B+ (3.33), 83-86 B (3.0), 80-82
B-(2.67), 77-79 C+(2.33), 73-76 C (2.0), 70-72 C- (1.67), 67-69 D+ (1.33), 63-66 D (1.0), 60-62
D- (.67), Below 60 F (no quality points)
Evaluation of work will be based upon 100 point scale for the following: class participation,
attendance, lesson plans article critique(s), chapter quizzes (1-12), examinations (test, mid-term,
and final exam), Presentations
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Methods of Instruction:
Lecture, demonstration, practice, application, collaborative learning, cooperative learning.
Text Materials and or presentations
Classroom instruction that Works Presentations
Teaching the Standards Discussions
Clinical Experiences: 30 required hours field experience
Information Literacy/Technological Resources:
 LiveText
LMU Email Account
Access to LMU Library Data Base
TN, KY, VA Dept of Education Websites
University Policies:
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES POLICY: As a rule, all students must read and comply
with standards of the LMU Student Handbook and LMU catalogue. Any student seeking assistance in
accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act (1990 as amended) should contact the ADA Coordinator,
Dan Graves, with regard to required documentation and in order to make appropriate arrangements.
Contact information: dan.graves@lmunet.edu and/or 423.869.66267 (800-325-0900 ext. 6267).
COUNSELING: LMU counselors are available to help current students with personal, career and
academic concerns that affect academic success and quality of life. The Director of counseling, Jason
Kishpaugh, can be contacted at jason.kishpaugh@lmunet.edu and/or 423.869.6401 (800-325-0900 ext.
Discrimination, Scholastic Dishonesty, Cheating, and Plagiarism Policies can be
found in the student handbook: http:// www.lmunet.edu/campuslife/sthandbook/handbook.pdf.
Course Evaluations: In addition to meeting degree requirements specified in the graduate and
undergraduate catalogs, all students are required to complete University-administered course evaluations.
Students who do not complete the course evaluations will be subject to some form of sanction.
LMU’s Inclement Weather Policy: http://www.lmunet.edu/curstudents/weather.shtml.
Students should check their LMU email during delays/closures to receive information from individual
faculty regarding potential assignments and/or other course information
INTENT TO GRADUATE: Students planning to graduate at the end of the current semester
need to apply for graduation by submitting an Intent to Graduate form to Erin Brock
(erin.brock@lmunet.edu) by the deadline indicated in the Important Dates section of the syllabus.
Graduation forms and additional information can be found at www.lmunet.edu/education.
for the University to provide a program for the preparation of teachers, counselors, or administrators, does
not guarantee eligibility for certification, licensure, or benefits. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate
to be knowledgeable about specific state certification/licensure/benefits requirements, qualify for
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certification, licensure, or benefits and apply for the same.
UNIT COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY – The School of Education recognizes differences
among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender,
exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area. The unit designs,
implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate
the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments
indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided
for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education and K-12 school
faculty, candidates, and students in K-12 schools.
mission statements:
Lincoln Memorial University Mission Statement: http://www.lmunet.edu/about/mission.shtml.
Carter & Moyers School of Education Mission Statement:
http://www.lmunet.edu/education/about/Unit%20Conceptual%20Framework%202011.pdf (page 6)
Undergraduate Education Mission Statement:
http://www.lmunet.edu/education/academics/ITLU/Handbooks/20132014%20Initial%20Teacher%20Licensure%20Undergraduate%20Handbook%20(2).pdf (page 5)
Course Outline/Assignment/units of Instruction or Clinic Schedule:
Jan 11
class Topics
Introduction to course, review of syllabus
Strategic Teaching, Silver, et. al, pp 1-17
Read text book assignments
Read text book assignments
The Best Teacher in you : Introduction p 1
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Work: Applying the Research on
instruction: An Idea Whose Time Has
Jan 18
The Unit Plan: Getting Started;
Lesson Plan Format
Read text book assignments
Design a lesson plan from your field of
Read text book assignments
Assignment: Chapter 2 of Classroom
Management create your classroom
rooms and procedures
Jan 25
Strategic Teaching: Part Two: Mastery
Strategies; Chapter 1 New American
Lecture and Chapter 2 Direct Instruction
Lesson Plan due
Continue unit plan design
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 1
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Summarizing and Note
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Read text book assignments
Assignment: Classroom Management,
locate and bring to class a copy of
either a middle school or high school
Feb 1
Strategic Teaching: Part Two: Mastery
Strategies; Chapter 3Graduated Difficulty
and Chapter 4 Teams-Games-Tournaments
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 2
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Homework and Practice”
Feb 8
Feb 15
Feb 22
disciplinary plan
Classroom Instruction that Works
Assignment: Chapter 3 page 53 of
Teaching the Standards on cooperative
group assignments
Read text book assignments
Classroom Instruction that Works
Assignment Article Critique #1;
research how reading is integrated
into your content area
Strategic Teaching: Part Three:
Understanding Strategies; Chapter 5
Compare and Contrast and Chapter 6
Reading for Meaning
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 3
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Reinforcing Effort and
Providing Recognition” ,
Read text book assignments
Strategic Teaching: Part Three:
Understanding Strategies; Chapter 7
Concept Attainment and Chapter 8
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 4
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Nonlinguistic
Article Critique #1 due;
Strategic Teaching: Part Four: SelfExpressive Strategies; Chapter 9 Inductive
Learning and Chapter 10 Metaphorical
Assignment Article Critique#2;
research how technology is being
utilized in your content area
Classroom Instruction that Works
Continue unit plan design
Read text book assignments
Assignment: create your homework
Read text book assignments
Read text book assignments
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 5
Classroom Instruction that Works
Feb 29
Mid-term Test Chapters 1-6 of Strategic
Continue unit plan design
Read text book assignments
First 15 hours of placement to be
completed and required forms completed
for the 1st placement
 Log sheet
 Evaluation
 Demographics
 Cooperating Teacher Profile
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Mar 7
Mar 14
Strategic Teaching: Part Four: SelfExpressive Strategies; Chapter 11 Pattern
Maker and Chapter 12 Mind’s Eye
Continue unit plan design
Classroom Instruction that Works
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 6
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Setting Objectives and
providing Feedback”
Read text book assignments
Strategic Teaching: Part Five:
Interpersonal Strategies; Chapter 13
Reciprocal learning and Chapter 14
Decision Making
The Best Teacher in you: Chapter 7
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Cooperative Learning”
Article Critique #2 due;
Read text book assignments
Mar 21
Mar 28
RTI and you the Teacher
Apr 4
Strategic Teaching: Part Five:
Interpersonal Strategies; Chapter 15 Jigsaw
and Chapter 16Community Circle
Classroom Instruction that Works
Assignment: complete a paper about
your understanding of RTI
Read text book assignments
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: Cues, Questions, and Advance
Apr 11
Strategic Teaching: Part Six: Four-style
Strategies; Chapter 17 Window Notes,
Chapter18 Circle of Knowledge,
RTI Writing Assignment DUE:
Research based Classroom Instruction
that Works: “Identifying similarities and
Apr 18
Strategic Teaching: Part Six: Four-style
Strategies;Chapter 19 Do You hear What I
Hear?, and Chapter 20 Task Rotation
Unit Plan Uploaded to
Apr 25
Unit of Study Presentations
Review for final
Second placement of 15 hours to be
completed and required forms from 2nd
 Log sheet
 Evaluation
 Demographics
 Cooperating Teacher Profile
Field Experience Journal Due
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May 2
Final Exam Dec 7 4:00 pm
* Subject to change at instructor’s discretion
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s words or ideas as one’s own (See APA Publication
Manual, 6th ed., pp.15-16). One of the most common forms of plagiarism is the paraphrasing of several
phrases, sentences of ideas in a paragraph with only one citation at the end of the paragraph, resulting in
confusion between the cited content and the researcher’s own words or ideas. Another common form is the
practice of substituting words or phrases while retaining the original author’s for and structure.
Plagiarism in any form is one of the most egregious violations of professional ethics an author can commit.
Submission of plagiarized material, even by accident or ignorance, is a severe infraction of the professional
ethical code and can result in expulsion from the program. To avoid plagiarism:
Cite sources within the text for all phrases or ideas that are quoted or paraphrased.
Cite sources within the text in the format delineated in the APA Manual, pp. 174-179.
Certification of Authorship. I certify that I am the author of this paper titled ________________ and that
any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also
cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also
certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. I understand that falsification of
information will affect my status as a graduate student.
Student’s Signature________________
Date ______________
(This statement must be included with all written assignments.)
XII. Important Dates in the LMU/Education Academic Calendar SPRING 2016
Last Day to Add Classes
Martin Luther King Day (no classes)
Convocation (9:30 a.m.)
Last Day to Drop Course without “WD”
Last Day to Drop Course without “F”
Spring Break/Easter Holiday (no classes)
Last Day of Classes
Final Exams
January 20
January 18
February 9
March 19
March 21-25
April 29
May 2-6
Student Community Engagement: A cornerstone of the University’s mission is service to humanity. As part
of the University’s Student Service Initiative, students receiving any form of institutional aid participate in
at least 10 hours of service learning per semester. Students are encouraged to network with one another in
classroom settings and with instructors and advisors for searching out and creating appropriate service
learning projects related to their field of study. For more information visit:
http://www.lmunet.edu/campuslife/initiative/index.shtml or contact Larry Thacker, Associate Dean of
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