DEVELOPMENT OF A HEATED MULTILAYER SHEAR SENSOR by Todd Jerard Barber B.S. Aero. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1988) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE in Aeronautics & Astronautics at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 1991 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author ................... .. :..:.... Departm S, Certified by............ .. 1990 ..... . .......................... ........ of Aero tics & Astronautics / ,,October 1990 ............... . ............. Alan H. Epstein Professor, A/eronautips & Astronautics .. .-......................... A ccepted by ....................................................... .. ....t- .......... 0........A.............. PHarold Y. Wachman, Chairman Departmental Graduate Committee Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics MA$SACHUsETTS1STRUTE OF TECHNlrV(iGY FEB 19 1991 Aero UBRARIES DEVELOPMENT OF A HEATED MULTILAYER SHEAR SENSOR by TODD JERARD BARBER Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics February, 1991 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering ABSTRACT An experimental study was carried out to test the feasibility of using a double-layer heat transfer gauge for ultimate application in determining the time-resolved behavior of the boundary layer, passage shock, and possible separation point on a transonic compressor rotor blade. In particular, a gauge with equivalent heater and sensor temperatures was tested, to see the effect of cancelling the steady-state heat conduction into the substrate. Tests were performed in a subsonic wind tunnel for steady calibrations and in a shock tube for an unsteady step response. For the steady flow case, the use of a controlled gauge allowed for the calculation of the skin friction over a flat plate. Experimental results agreed with theory within the accuracy of the experiment at all but the lowest sensor overheat ratios. Shock tube predictions for the voltage change of the sensor across the shock were generally good, except for one case tested. In both scenarios, the theoretical model overpredicted the actual sensitivity of the gauge to Mach number. A new gauge geometry was designed for future compressor testing, with tradeoff studies being performed for the parameters under the control of the experimentalist. In particular, both fourelement and ten-element gauges were designed specifically with compressor testing as the ultimate application. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Alan H. Epstein Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The list of people who share this accomplishment with me is truly enormous and it is my pleasure to recognize their efforts. First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Professor Alan Epstein for his uncanny experimental talents, his extreme friendliness and approachability, and his faith in my abilities through all the trials and tribulations of an experimental thesis. His patience, understanding, and expertise will not be soon forgotten. The GTL support staff has eased my journey through graduate life beyond comprehension. The efforts of Viktor Dubrowski, Roy Andrew, Jim Nash, Bob Haimes, and Jerry Guenette have literally saved months of aimless wandering. Karen Hemmick, Holly Rathbun, Nancy Clark, and Diana Park all have been indispensable for the completion of this project. It is with a twinge of sadness that I leave you all. My fellow students in GTL have truly been an inspiration for over two years now. There are so many who have helped me through, not just in a technical sense. I would like to formally thank Sasi Digavalli, Judy Pinsley, and Pete Silkowski for brightening the interior of 31-256 with their friendship. To Martin Graf, my new friend and successor, I wish to extend a special welcome and a heartfelt thank you for making my last weeks at MIT as pleasant as possible. I offer my deepest respect and thanks to Charlie Haldeman, the one student in GTL who was never too busy to drop his work and solve my problems. To my best friend in the GTL, Tonghuo Shang, I send a mixed message--a happy 'thank you for everything and best wishes for you and your wife' and a sad 'goodbye, buddy....' The faculty in GTL, both permanent and visiting members, have provided many useful technical hints throughout this project. In particular, I greatly appreciate the efforts of Dr. Edward Greitzer, Dr. Choon S. Tan, Dr. Mike Giles, and Dr. Peter Bryanston-Cross for their timely advice. Without the wonderful friendships I've enjoyed outside of GTL, my journey through a master's degree would have been much more difficult. I give a special thanks to Al, Aric, Ella, Emily, Glenn, Greg, Gus, Iman, Jamie, John, Sam, Steve A., Thomas, Tricia, Venkat, and Will. You are all the best. Notice I listed these alphabetically, absolutely devoid of any favoritism. I'm no dummy--I want to keep my friends. I shall miss all of you so very, very much. I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family in Kansas. To Mom, Dad, and Lea--thanks for being there for me for eighteen years, helping me to grow into a (more or less) well-adjusted adult. It's too bad MIT has taken all of that away. Just kidding. I love you all very much. Whatever my successes, I take along a part of you. Finally, I want to send my love across the miles to Lisa, the most special person in my life. Your caring and support through the darkest of days were the one thing that always kept me going. I treasure all of our wonderful memories. Soon we will begin a lifetime of memories together. Oh, and one more thing: Psyche, silly willy...your sugar booger will be there soon! TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES -v CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: THIN-FILM HEAT TRANSFER GAUGES: INTRODUCTION AND OPERATIONI, 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO THIN-FILM HEAT TRANSFER GAUGES -- 19 2.2 OPERATING MODES OF THIN-FILM GAUGES CHAPTER 3: THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS FOR UNSTEADY HEAT TRANSFER AND 23 MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE DESIGN 3.1 MODELLING THE UNSTEADY SUBSTRATE HEAT CONDUCTION 3.2 PARALLEL VS. SERIES GAUGES 23 3.3 VOLTAGE PREDICTIONS FOR A MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE 27 3.4 MULTI-LAYER MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE DESIGN TRADEOFFS 29 3.4.1 Element spacing -- 3.4.2 Power considerations in gauge sizing 30 3.4.3 Tag resistance tradeoffs: and plating 31 effects of 2D electrical conduction CHAPTER 4: DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND TEST GAUGES 35 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS FOR THE SHOCK TUBE 35 4.1.1 Introduction and principle of operation 35 4.1.2 Data acquisition and triggering mechanism 36 4.1.3 Selection of diaphragm materials 38 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS FOR THE SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL 39 4.3 DESCRIPTION OF TEST GAUGES 40 4.3.1 Probe supports for thin film gauges 41 4.3.2 The calibration of a 42 4.3.3 Feasibility of balancing non-standard resistors 44 CHAPTER 5: DATA REDUCTION AND ERROR ANALYSIS 47 5.1 DATA REDUCTION FOR THE SHOCK TUBE 47 5.2 DATA REDUCTION FOR THE SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL 50 5.3 ERROR ANALYSIS 54 CHAPTER 6: EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND COMPARISON OF DATA WITH THEORY 58 6.1 SHOCK TUBE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 58 6.2 SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL PROOF OF CONCEPT TESTING AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 6.3 SHOCK TUBE COMPARISON OF THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 60 61 6.4 SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL COMPARISON OF THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 63 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 69 FIGURES 71 APPENDIX A: THERMAL TRANSPARENCY OF THE THIN FILM 161 APPENDIX B: OPTIMIZATION OF ELEMENT RESISTANCE FOR A GIVEN TOTAL GAUGE RESISTANCE 167 APPENDIX C: TABLES OF FLOW PARAMETERS FOR THE TEN SHOCK TUBE RUNS 173 APPENDIX D: VOLTAGE TRACES FOR SHOCK TUBE RUNS #6-#10 184 LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 2 Figure 2.1: Figure 2.2: Figure 2.3: Constant temperature anemometer feedback loop Thin-film heat transfer gauge cross-section Comparison of gauges and operating modes CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.1: Figure 3.2: Figure 3.3: Figure 3.4: Figure 3.5: Figure 3.6: Figure 3.7: Figure 3.8: Figure 3.9: Figure 3.10: Figure 3.11: Figure 3.12: Figure 3.13: Normalized unsteady substrate conduction vs. time Normalized unsteady substrate conduction vs. logl 0 (time) Normalized unsteady substrate conduction vs. time; effect of the glue layer Normalized unsteady substrate conduction vs. log 10 (time); effect of the glue layer Comparison of parallel and series gauge geometries Series to parallel gauge voltage ratio vs. number of resistance elements Sensor voltage vs. normalized shock position; ars = 1.2, laminar flow Sensor voltage vs. normalized shock position; ars = 1.4, laminar flow Sensor voltage vs. normalized shock position; ars = 1.2, turbulent flow Sensor voltage vs. normalized shock position; ars = 1.4, turbulent flow Sensor voltage change vs. temperature ratio: ars = 1.2, laminar flow Sensor voltage change vs. temperature ratio: ars = 1.4, laminar flow Sensor voltage change vs. temperature ratio: ars = 1.2, turbulent flow 9 Figure 3.14: Figure 3.15: Figure 3.16: Figure 3.17: Figure 3.18: Figure 3.19: Figure 3.20: Figure 3.21: Figure 3.22: Figure 3.23: Figure 3.24: Figure 3.25: Figure 3.26: Figure 3.27: Sensor voltage change vs. temperature ratio: ars = 1.4, turbulent flow Oscillating shock on a multi-element gauge Electric power dissipated vs. number ot elements: = 0.342 2/square Electric power dissipated vs. number of elements: = 0.684 a/square Electric power dissipated vs. number of elements: = 1.378 a/square Dissipated heat flux vs. overheat ratio Dissipated to supplied power ratio vs. gauge resistance; effect of n for fixed tag to element resistance ratio Dissipated to supplied power ratio vs. gauge resistance; effect of tag to element resistance ratio for a fixed n Actual [2D] to expected [1D] resistance ratio vs. width to length ratio of rectangular tag Plate to element resistance ratio vs. number of elements; material= copper; effect of a of plate material Plate to element resistance ratio vs. number of elements; material= gold; effect of a of plate material Plate to element resistance ratio vs. number of elements; effect of plate material for a given plate thickness Four-element gauge design Ten-element gauge design CHAPTER 4 Figure 4.1: Figure 4.2: Figure 4.3: Shock tube experimental apparatus Shock tube configuration: before burst Shock tube configuration: x-t diagram after burst Figure 4.4: Shock tube configuration: pressure and temperature profiles with streamwise direction after burst Figure 4.5: Maximum data acquisition time vs. shock Mach number Figure 4.6: Mean and deviation break pressures for shock tube diaphragm materials Mean and deviation Mach numbers for shock tube Figure 4.7: diaphragm materials Figure 4.8: Shock speed percentage error vs. Mach number Figure 4.9: Subsonic wind tunnel experimental apparatus Figure 4.10: Single-layer sensor shock tube probe support Figure 4.11: Double-layer sensor shock tube probe support Figure 4.12: Subsonic wind tunnel flat plate probe support Figure 4.13: Flat plate leading edge profile geometry Figure 4.14: Test material resistance vs. test material temperature Figure 4.15: Sensor resistance vs. sensor temperature: the value of as; brass support Figure 4.16: Heater resistance vs. heater temperature: the value of ah; brass support Figure 4.17: Sensor resistance vs. sensor temperature: the value of as; anodized aluminum support Figure 4.18: Heater resistance vs. heater temperature: the value of ah; anodized aluminum support Figure 4.19: Subsonic tunnel sensor resistance vs. sensor temperature for as Figure 4.20: Subsonic tunnel heater resistance vs. heater temperature for ahl Figure 4.21: Subsonic tunnel sensor resistance vs. sensor temperature for as2 Figure 4.22: Subsonic tunnel heater resistance vs. heater temperature for ah2 Figure 4.23: Anemometer output voltage vs. sensor cold resistance for a fixed control resistance Figure 4.24: Anemometer output voltage vs. sensor overheat ratio resistance for a fixed cold resistance Figure 4.25: Figure 4.26: Sensor to ambient temperature ratio vs. heater to ambient temperature ratio for a passive sensor test Balanced-gauge voltage vs. sensor overheat ratio in zero flow CHAPTER 5 Figure 5.1: Percentage error vs. error-producing source for a typical flow condition CHAPTER 6 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: single-layer sensor, low Mach number trials Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: single-layer Figure 6.2: sensor, intermediate Mach number trials Figure 6.3: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: single-layer sensor, high Mach number trials Figure 6.4: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater passive, #1 Figure 6.5: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater passive, #1 Figure 6.6: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater passive, #1 Figure 6.7: Sensor voltage vs. mass flux: turbulent flow calibration curves Figure 6.8: Sensor voltage vs. mass flux: laminar flow calibration curves Figure 6.9: Heater voltage vs. mass flux: turbulent flow calibration curves Figure 6.10: Heater voltage vs. mass flux: laminar flow calibration curves Figure 6.11: Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for single-layer sensor, brass probe support Figure 6.1: Figure 6.12: Figure 6.13: Figure 6.14: Figure 6.15: Figure 6.16: Figure 6.17: Figure 6.18: Figure 6.19: Figure 6.20: Figure 6.21: Figure 6.22: Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, brass probe support, heater passive, #1 Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, brass probe support, heater passive, #2 Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, brass probe support, heater active Percent difference of theoretical and experimental voltage for a heater active vs. a heater passive case Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.06, t = 0.8 ms Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.08, t = 0.8 ms Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.11, t = 0.8 ms Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.06, t = 1.27 ms Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.08, t = 1.27 ms Sensor voltage vs. Mach number: experimental and theoretical output for double-layer gauge, anodized aluminum probe support, heater active, ars = 1.11, t = 1.27 ms Shock tube pressure pulse: expanded time scale Figure 6.23: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio actual mass flux for turbulent flow Figure 6.24: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio actual mass flux for laminar flow Figure 6.25: Skin friction coefficient vs. Mach number for turbulent flow: experiment vs. theory Figure 6.26: Skin friction coefficient vs. Mach number for laminar flow: experiment vs. theory Figure 6.27: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: ars 1 = 1.02, ars2 = 1.04 Figure 6.28: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: ars 1 = 1.02, ars2 = 1.06 Figure 6.29: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: ars = 1.02, ars2 = 1.08 Figure 6.30: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: ars 1 = 1.04, ars2 = 1.06 Figure 6.31: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: ars 1 = 1.04, ars2 = 1.08 Figure 6.32: Experimental to theoretical skin friction ratio true mass flux: arsi = 1.06, ars2 = 1.08 VS. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. APPENDIX B Figure B.1: Figure B.2: Optimum tag to element resistance ratio vs. number of elements Optimum element resistance vs. number of elements APPENDIX D Figure D.1: Figure D.2: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater passive, #2 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater passive, #2 Figure D.3: Figure D.4: Figure D.5: Figure D.6: Figure D.7: Figure D.8: Figure D.9: Figure D.10: Figure D.11: Figure D.12: Figure D.13: Figure D.14: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater passive, #2 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater active, brass support Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater active, brass support Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater active, brass support Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.06 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.06 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.06 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.08 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.08 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.08 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, low Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.11 Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, intermediate Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.11 Figure D.15: Unsteady voltage traces vs. time: double-layer gauge, high Mach number trials, heater active, anodized aluminum support, ars = 1.11 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Table C.1: Table C.2: Table C.3: Table C.4: Table C.5: Table C.6: Table C.7: Table C.8: Table C.9: Gauge design system parameters for the four-element and ten element gauges Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: shock tube familiarity testing with heavy duty aluminum foil only Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: shock tube familiarity testing with a variety of diaphragm materials Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: diaphragm material testing Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a single-layer sensor (#1) Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a single-layer sensor (#2) Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a homemade double-layer gauge with the heater run passively Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a homemade double-layer gauge with the heater run actively Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a turbine double-layer gauge on anodized aluminum with the heater run actively; ars = 1.06 Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a turbine double-layer gauge on anodized aluminum with the heater run actively; ars = 1.08 Table C.10: Comparison of predicted and measured shock speeds for the shock tube: heat transfer data recorded for a turbine double-layer gauge on anodized aluminum with the heater run actively; ars = 1.11 CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION A hot-film or hot-wire probe is a useful diagnostic tool for making steady or time-resolved measurements in a given flow. The hot-film seems particularly well-suited for making measurements in the boundary layer of a rotating compressor (as in a modern gas turbine axial-flow machine) due to its proven technology, ability to withstand centrifugal stresses, absence of interaction with the flow field, high frequency response, and its The structure of the boundary capacity for spatial resolution. layer, possible separation point, and the oblique passage shock on a compressor rotor blade is largely unknown, particularly in an A correctly designed and calibrated thin-film unsteady sense. gauge may be able to be used to directly verify and measure This dictates the these phenomena in a compressor test rig. design of a thin-film heat flux gauge specifically for that purpose. In particular, it is postulated [Epstein, Gertz, Owen, and Giles] that vortex shedding in upstream compressor blade wakes drives an observed 15 kHz oscillation of the oblique passage shock. This was inferred from a bimodal velocity histogram from A shock oscillation experimental laser anemometry data. amplitude of 0.5 mm was proposed to explain the observations. It is desired to verify this amplitude and frequency of oscillation for The thin-film heat transfer gauge the passage shock directly. offers the experimentalist a means to do so. In addition, a low frequency ( 350 Hz) oscillation is inferred in the experimental measurements as well. It is postulated that this is due to an oscillation of a separation point on the suction surface of the rotor blade. Again , thin-film heat transfer technology may offer a direct measurement of this phenomenon, confirming the Also of interest is the indirect observations previously made. location of a possible transition point in the boundary layer on the The success of a computational code (CFD compressor blade. model) for a turbomachine component hinges on knowledge of the correct location of the transition point from laminar to turbulent flow. In short, a well-designed thin-film heat transfer gauge may provide the mean and time-resolved flow structure in a transonic compressor rotor passage. Such a thin-film gauge would need to be designed with all of the above criteria in mind. In particular, a double-layer multielement heat transfer gauge has been developed [Epstein, Guenette, Norton, and Yuzhang] that satisfies many of the requirements above. Proof of concept testing and preliminary calibrations may be performed on these readily available gauges. Ultimately, a gauge with a geometry tailored to the application (mapping the unsteady flow structure on a compressor rotor blade) should be designed, calibrated, and tested on a compressor simulation rig. It is the aim of this work to perform experiments on readily available thin-film gauges to obtain predictions for the sensor voltage changes as a function of the flow properties in the test. In particular, steady-state and time-resolved testing should both be performed for a wide variety of flow Mach numbers, controlled gauge temperatures, and operating modes (described subsequently). Theoretical predictions for these output voltage changes should be compared with the actual experimental observations for consistency. In addition, a candidate gauge design for the compressor testing should be presented, after a tradeoff study is performed for the various gauge parameters that are determined by the designer. CHAPTER 2 THIN-FILM HEAT TRANSFER GAUGES: INTRODUCTION AND OPERATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO THIN-FILM HEAT TRANSFER GAUGES The use of single thin-film heat transfer gauges as a flow sensor, via constant temperature anemometry, is a familiar concept [Blackwelder]. The principle of operation is identical to that of a hot-wire anemometer, which is a very popular diagnostic tool. A constant temperature anemometer is an electronic feedback loop that will maintain a resistor (called the "probe" or "gauge") at a certain resistance value set by the operator. There exists an approximately linear relationship between resistance and temperature: Rh = Rc [1 + a(Tg - To)] (2.1) where Rh is the hot resistance (equal to the control resistance), Rc is the cold resistance (the resistance of the gauge at To), Tg is the gauge operating temperature, To is the ambient or reference temperature, and a is the coefficient of thermal resistivity of the thin-film material. The ratio of the hot to the cold resistance Rh/Rc is known as the resistive overheat ratio (ar), or the overheat ratio for short. Therefore, a constant temperature anemometer loop fixes a gauge to be at a temperature Tg which is higher than ambient temperature (since ar>l). See Figure 2.1 for a schematic of the anemometer bridge loop employed. A standard TSI anemometer unit, model 1050A, was throughout testing. In a hot-wire anemometer, the heat provided (via a current) to the gauge is dissipated into the surrounding flow via As the flow speed the heat transfer process of forced convection. is increased, for example, the convection of heat away from the hot-wire to the flow is increased; therefore, more current needs to be provided to the gauge to maintain it at the elevated This change can be seen by monitoring the temperature Tg. voltage value across the gauge. Since the temperature (and hence resistance) of the gauge is a constant and the current has voltage value across the gauge will increase increased, the accordingly. In fact, if a reasonable relation can be obtained for the forced convection as a function of velocity, it is possible to use the hot-wire anemometer as a velocity meter, since the temperature of the hot wire is known. The arguments of the preceding paragraph hold for a hot-film In anemometer as well, but additional complications exist. particular, due to the geometric nature of thin-film gauges, forced convection is not the only heat transfer mechanism of importance. A thin-film gauge consists of a thin (approximately 1000 A) film of metal (in this case, pure nickel) mounted on an insulating layer of kapton (a polyimide material) called a substrate. The kapton thickness is many times greater than that of the thin nickel film. Figure 2.2 represents a schematic of a cross section of a typical gauge (not to scale). Heat conduction into the substrate allows for another means for heat to be transferred from the heated film, and has indeed been observed in practice. 2.2 OPERATING MODES OF THIN-FILM GAUGES A comparison of the gauges used (in cross-section) and their operating modes can be seen in Figure 2.3. In the case of the shock tube, the test article represents the shock tube probe support. For the single-layer gauge, the kapton is bonded directly to the test article. For the double-layer gauge, the lower resistor (which acts as a heater) is bonded between the kapton and the test article. Since the heater is bonded intimately with the probe support, it is imperative that the probe support be a nonconducting material. This lead to the requirement that the aluminum probe support be anodized. In the heater passive mode, the bottom thin-film resistor is not controlled in a constant temperature anemometer loop. This is in contrast to the heater active mode, in which both the sensor and the heater are controlled in separate anemometer loops. Experimental results utilizing these three operating modes will be presented later. The off-design condition of balancing both the heater and the sensor to different constant temperatures was not investigated. It was determined that such a configuration was not stable, due to the fact that the resistor operating at lower temperature by the anemometer loop would have its temperature increased beyond its operating temperature due to heat conduction from the resistor operating at higher temperature. Once this elevated temperature is realized in the lower temperature resistor, no means can be provided to reduce the temperature of this resistor back to its operating point (i.e., no mechanism exploiting the Peltier effect exists for these standard anemometer units and probes). This is due to the fact that positive current can only be injected into the gauges by the anemometer unit and increases in current correspond to increases in temperature of the resistor. Control resistances were set on the anemometer unit using both an external 5:1 bridge and the resistance decades, depending on the resistance value of the probe used. Control resistances less than 50 ohms may be set directly with the resistance decades on a 1:1 bridge, while control resistances greater than 50 ohms must be set using the external control resistor feature on the 5:1 bridge. A simple internal rewiring procedure described in the TSI operating manual allows a toggle between these two methods of External control resistors are setting the control resistances. constructed from potentiometers and standard circuit resistors in series. With this design, the overheat ratio can be changed by A circuit resistor is used in series adjusting the potentiometer. with the potentiometer to allow the use of a lower resistance potentiometer, which gives better controllability on setting the overheat ratio. 2.2- CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS FOR UNSTEADY HEAT TRANSFER AND MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE DESIGN 3.1 MODELLING THE UNSTEADY SUBSTRATE HEAT CONDUCTION Various models were tried for the cases of non-zero heat conduction into the substrate. A first attempt at modelling this problem was made by assuming that the support was a good thermal conductor and the temperature at the junction between This the substrate and probe support was ambient temperature. lead to substrate conduction values well over three orders of magnitude higher than the convection changes seen across the From this model, the theoretical voltage output change shock. across the shock was predicted to be no more than 20 mV. Actual output voltage changes across the shock were typically 200-300 mV. Clearly, this model is not sufficient to explain the operation of the device. Rather, an unsteady model must be formulated. It is hoped that this model could demonstrate a much lower value for the conduction into the substrate at the time of data acquisition. In all models employed here, it is assumed that the thermal properties within the thin-film gauge itself can be This is ignored without substantially affecting the output. presumed to be a good assumption due to the low thickness of the nickel film (i.e., the film appears thermally transparent due to its size). This is shown to be the case in Appendix A, which solves the steady conduction solution for the case where the thermal properties of the thin-film are not ignored. The following unsteady heat transfer problem was solved to investigate the time-dependant behavior of the substrate heat conduction: 23. a atJ a2T 2 aT2 (3.1) ` 1 ax2 = at "2 = K2 at(3.2) subject to the following boundary conditions: 1. T1(O,t)= T* [= Ts-To] = constant 2. Tl(8,t)= T2(8,t) aT1 3. k1 ax (8,t) = k2 aT2 x (8,t) 4. T2 (0o, t) = 0 5. Tl(x,O)= 0 6. T2(x,O)= 0 Here, k is the thermal conductivity, 8 is the thickness of the substrate, and K is the thermal diffusivity. The subscript 1 refers to the kapton layer and the subscript 2 refers to the brass probe support. This readily solved via Laplace transform techniques. In particular, it is found that the temperature in the brass support is represented by: T2 (x,t) = T*(1-0) £1 [e -q2(x+2i8) e-(q l-q2)8 0ii e (x+2i) 2 i=O -2iql8] . (3.3) where q2 and 3 are defined as follows: s K2 q2 1 with defined below as: with y defined below as: ".4. (3.4) (3.5) plclk1 p k Y= (3.6) P2c2k2 In (3.6), p represents the material density and c represents the material specific heat. The individual terms in (3.3) may be evaluated [Carslaw and Jaeger] using the following relation: £-1 [e 2 X] s where erfc( as follows: [] = erfc (3.7) L2 ) denotes the complimentary error function defined z erfc(z) = 1 - erf(z) = 1 - 2 e-t2d t (3.8) This is a common function in unsteady heat transfer problems and is rather well tabulated. Applying (3.7) to (3.8), the following is obtained for the final solution for the temperature in the brass layer: oo T2 (x,t) = i erfc [x + 2.9[2.69i + 1] T*(1-3) 2-4 i2t i=O (3.9) From this, it is possible differentiation, since in general: qcond 25. to = obtain aT - k ax the conduction by (3.10) Since differentiation is a linear operator, the derivative may be moved under the summation sign when applying (3.10) to (3.9). As a final result: 0O qcond k2 T* (1 I) r[ ie i=0 = q •2t -(2i+1)2/197t (3.11) This This expression was evaluated numerically by computer. unsteady conduction, normalized by the steady conduction that would occur if the brass support were at ambient temperature (the previously mentioned steady model conduction), is plotted as a function of time in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.1 represents a plot with a linear time scale, and Figure 3.2 depicts the same plot with the time axis on a logl 0 scale. Several features may be noted This time axis in these two figures (particularly Figure 3.2). represents the time since the anemometers were turned on. Since it is generally many thousands of seconds following this process that the shock tube runs were made, the reduction of the substrate conduction is seen to be striking. This gives much more consistent results when attempting to predict the theoretical voltage jump across a shock, due to the fact that the probe is now much more sensitive to changes in the flow. The peak that occurs after 10 ms in the conduction implies that a thermal wave is propagating from the sensor through the substrate. It is only on time scales of this order that the conduction would severely limit the operation of the heater-passive or single-sensor gauge. The effect of a finite thickness glue layer on the results presented in Figures 3.1 and 3.2 was numerically investigated. Assuming that the thermal properties of the glue are similar to that of the kapton (a much more realistic assumption than assuming equivalence with brass), this just increases the value of 8 in the previous calculation. In particular, a 5 gtm glue layer was assumed and the results were recalculated. Presented in Figures 3.3 and Figures 3.4 are the same plots as in Figures 3.1 and 3.2, 26. except now the curve representing the scenario with a glue layer are offered for comparison. As can be seen from the graphs, the effect of the glue layer is to slightly move the peak of the conduction graph to the right, towards increased time. This gives slightly higher conduction values after the peak and slightly lower values before the peak for the glue case, consistent with predictions. Since the glue layer thickness is somewhat beyond the control of the experimentalist, it is important to demonstrate that the effect of a glue layer is not a significant contribution to the heat transfer process as modelled here. 3.2 PARALLEL VS. SERIES GAUGES To completely determine the processes that take place in the boundary layer on a flat plate or compressor blade, spatial resolution of the candidate sensor is an important criterion. In particular, the single resistance bar (such as a DISA sensor) would not allow for good spatial resolution in such an environment, except with a large number of sensors placed in close proximity. Therefore, a multiple-element gauge is desirable for spatial resolution. However, this may adversely effect the signal to noise ratio of the output voltage across the gauge. Two types of multiple-element geometries were investigated; in particular, a parallel (or ladder) geometry and a series (or serpentine) gauge. See Figure 3.5. The use of a series gauge as a hot-film probe has been demonstrated [Epstein, Guenette, Norton, and Yuzhang]. It is desired to compare the voltage across a ladder gauge with that of a serpentine gauge with exactly the same properties. Figure 3.6 represents this relationship, graphing the ladder to serpentine gauge output ratio as a function of the number of resistance elements. This basically scales as the inverse square of the number of resistance elements. Clearly, this dictates that a serpentine pattern be used in the design of a mulitple-element gauge. 3.3 VOLTAGE PREDICTIONS FOR A MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE Z1. It is desired to know the expected voltage change as a shock wave crosses one element of an n element gauge. This allows the experimentalist to determine, by simply examining the voltage trace from a thin-film heat flux sensor, the presence and the motion of a shock. This is important for attempting to decipher the flow structure on the surface of a transonic compressor blade. Unfortunately, the absolute changes predicted by these models are not physically relevant, since these models were derived using the constant conduction into the substrate model, which has been shown not to be a realistic assumption. However, the shape of the plots will remain unchanged if the unsteady conduction model derived previously is incorporated into the present model. Figures 3.7-3.10 present the sensor voltage as a function of shock position divided by gauge length. Therefore, the leftmost points represent a shock just at one boundary of the gauge and the rightmost points represent the shock after crossing the entire length of the gauge. Two different sensor gauge overheat ratios are presented for both laminar and turbulent flow. Although the change in voltage as the shock propagates is larger in magnitude than is shown here, the nearly linear profile of sensor voltage with shock position over gauge length is expected to be seen, even taking into account the unsteady heat transfer term derived last chapter. Notice that in all cases that higher Mach numbers give larger voltage changes as the shock propagates over the gauge, consistent with intuition. Note also that the predicted value of the absolute voltage level is an increasing function of the overheat ratio, as is expected. For the case where the heater and sensor are controlled to be at the same temperature in a double-layer gauge (note the distinction between multi-element and multi-layer), the conduction into the substrate can only equal zero if the heater and sensor temperature are balanced exactly. Therefore, it is useful to estimate the decrease in sensor voltage as the temperature difference between the sensor and the heater is increased. Figures 3.11-3.14 present the sensor output voltage change across a shock (across all elements of the gauge) as a function of temperature ratio, where the temperature ratio is defined to be the temperature difference between the sensor and the heater normalized by the ambient air temperature. Again, results are presented for both laminar and turbulent flows, with two overheats and three Mach numbers investigated. As before, the absolute voltage level presented here is not correct due to the fact that this model incorporates a steady substrate conduction term. However, the shape of the curve with temperature ratio is consistent with the correct substrate conduction model. In all cases, there is a severe penalty for temperature mismatch between the sensor and the heater. Many of the parameters that determine the proximity of the heater and sensor temperatures are beyond the control of the experimentalist. Good calibrations for a are a necessity, as are carefully prepared control resistors or carefully dialed resistance decade values, depending on the mode of operation of the anemometer units. 3.4 MULTI-LAYER MULTI-ELEMENT GAUGE DESIGN TRADEOFFS 3.4.1 Element spacing As mentioned above, the spatial resolution of a candidate heat transfer gauge is an important criterion for gauge design. The physical shock oscillation on a transonic compressor blade has been measured to have an amplitude of 0.5 mm. This, however, does not represent the true supersonic interaction length, due to shock wave/boundary layer interactions. In particular, it is desired to know whether the amplitude of shock oscillation is larger or smaller than this supersonic interaction length. Figure 3.15 represents a schematic of this scenario. Correlations can be found for scaling laws for the supersonic interaction domain. It is found that many experimental data points collapse onto one curve, described below: 29. L* = 70 60* (Hi - 1) (3.12) where L* is the interaction length, 80* is the displacement thickness of the boundary layer, and Hi is the incompressible shape factor, which is a strong function of the Reynolds number and a rather weak function of the shock Mach number (at least until Ms becomes greater than 1.3, when separation may occur). For this geometry, it is found that, for the Reynolds numbers encountered on the compressor rotor blade, the supersonic interaction length is roughly 2 mm, or about four times the shock oscillation amplitude. Therefore, the boundaries of the oscillating shock are smeared by the larger interaction region between the oblique shock and the turbulent boundary layer. Hence, providing a spatial resolution less than the shock oscillation amplitude is futile. A design value of 1.00 mm, or 1000 gm was chosen as the distance between adjacent gauge elements (denoted by e). Therefore, the width of the gauge depends only on the the width of the individual resistance elements (5) and the number of resistance elements (n). 3.4.2 Power considerations in gauge sizing It is an important design criterion that the power supplied by the anemometer be equivalent to the power dissipated in the thin-film gauge. This depends not only on the surface area of the resistance elements, but on the surface area of the tags and leads as well. Tags are the electrical connections between resistance elements (i.e., they are part of the serpentine pattern) and leads are two electrical connections from one side of the heat-flux gauge. In general, the leads for these thin-film gauges are goldplated to lower their resistance. There is usually no need to plate the tags, as their total resistance is typically small in a serpentine pattern. However, due to the fact that e is so large and that the cold resistance of the gauge is being designed to have a value of 15 Q (to allow standard use on DISA or TSI anemometer units), as well as the power limitations of the anemometer, the tags have a 30. substantial resistance in the geometry employed here, so they will need to be gold-plated as well. It was desired to have a gauge that would work even with the failure of the gold-plating, but it was demonstrated that such a gauge cannot be constructed. Therefore, the successful operation of this multi-layer serpentine For a gauge hinges on the success of the plating process. completely non-plated gauge, there is an optimum (i.e., lowest) total tag and lead resistance for a given total resistance. This is demonstrated in Appendix B. It was decided to select the total tag resistance to be no more than 20% of the total element resistance, since higher tag resistances will reduce the sensitivity of the gauge to flow changes. The effect of changing the parameter 8 is seen in Figures 3.16-3.18, which depict the dissipated electric power as a function of the number of resistance elements. The three graphs represent three different a values for the gauges, where a is the ohms per square of the gauge. Due to power limitations of the anemometer, a value of 8= 20 pm was selected. This is physically realizable with vacuum sputtering technology. Figure 3.19 presents the correlation for dissipated heat flux as a function of overheat ratio For a given overheat ratio and support for various materials. material for the bonded gauge, this fixes the allowed surface area In particular, Figures 3.20 and 3.21 plot the for the gauge. dissipated to supplied power ratio as a function of gauge cold resistance for different values of n. The horizontal line at one represents the design point. Figure 3.20 shows the effect of the number of resistance elements for a fixed tag to element resistance ratio of 0.1. Figure 3.21 shows the effect of changing the tag to element resistance ratio for a fixed ten-element gauge. However, this is academic, as a value of 0.2 for the tag to element resistance ratio may be too large to assure a sensitive thin-film gauge. 3.4.3 Tag resistance tradeoffs: and plating effects of 2D electrical conduction As mentioned before, the resistance of a material is a function of the geometry of the material and a material property known as the resistivity. In particular, for a rectangular conductor of width W, length L, and thickness t [ t << W,L ], the resistance of the plate along its length can be written as: R= (3.13) where p is the resistivity of the material. However, this is only true for the case where current is distributed evenly over each of the sides of width W. The geometry for the thin-film resistance tag is much different than this. Current is injected at one corner of the rectangle and is lead off at an adjacent corner, the length of the side between these two corners being L. Therefore, arbitrarily increasing the width W of a tag element to lower the tag resistance will not work according to (3.13), since the current lines will thin out and therefore less resistance is offered to the total flow of current than would be expected. The analytical solution of the effective resistance of this 2D plate is extremely complex, and numerous attempts at an analytical solution failed. A numerical solution technique, though, can be readily applied. A computer smoothing algorithm was used to solve Laplace's equation for this geometry. Results were obtained for a case with four times fewer grid points, with no noticeable change of the output. This demonstrates that the smoothing algorithm has converged. Presented in Figure 3.22 is a plot of this true resistance, normalized by the resistance expected using (3.13), as a function of the width to length ratio of the tag. This effect clearly demonstrates that the current density rapidly decreases with increasing W, so this is a substantial effect. This model was incorporated into the gauge design model with a noticeable shift in the results. It is clear that this effect is more crucial for higher values of the tag/element resistance ratio. It is also clear that the solution to this problem is a strong function of the ratio of the 32. width of the element to the width of the tag (i.e., how much of the rectangle has current entering it and leaving it) This analysis was performed for a tag to element width ratio of 52, but may be performed for an arbitrary tag to element width ratio as well. The effect of the thickness of the plating material, as well as the choice of plating material, on the resistance of the plating material for different values of n is presented in Figures 3.23-3.25. Figures 3.23 and 3.24 show that there is a severe (i.e., greater than linear) penalty for choosing higher values of n. However, there is also a sharp decrease in the plate resistance for thicker plates, which may allow for a gauge to be designed with more elements. The desired limit of (Rtag/Relement) < 0.1 may be difficult to obtain in practice for gauges with more than a few elements. Figure 3.25 compares gold and copper as candidates for a plating material, Although with the plate and thin-film thicknesses set equal. copper offers superior performance, the corrosion properties and stability of gold make it a more attractive candidate for plating. There is a practical limit on the thickness of plating that may be allowed. Certainly, a plate thickness of 6000 A is reasonable, with no significant boundary layer interaction phenomena. A four-element and a ten-element gauge were designed Table 3.1 presents the design meeting all the above criteria. specifications and the system parameters for both gauges, allowing for either gold or copper plating. The symbols used are defined as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8 = L = e = x = 1= w = 7. tNi = width of the individual gauge element length of the individual gauge element distance between adjacent gauge elements width of individual tag total length of gauge total width of gauge thickness of thin nickel film 8. tp= thickness of plate material 33. 9. (Pp/PNi) = 10. (RT)cold = 11. (Re)cold = 12. (Rt)cold = 13. (Rt/RT) = ratio total total total ratio of resistivities for plate and nickel cold gauge resistance cold resistance of n elements cold resistance of (n-1) tags of tag to total resistance Figure 3.26 shows a scale drawing of the four-element gauge, while Figure 3.27 depicts the ten-element gauge. The length of the ten-element gauge is nearly one centimeter, so a spatial map of the surface of a compressor rotor blade may be provided with a minimum amount of difficult and complex instrumentation. These gauges were designed with a stringent requirement that the cold resistance be no more than 15 2 . Very different gauge geometries are possible if the cold resistance of the gauge is allowed to be hundreds or thousands of ohms. This requirement is largely one of familiarity, as this is a typical cold resistance value for a hot wire probe. In addition, with this design, the resistance decades control on the anemometer can be used exclusively to set the overheat ratio, thus eliminating the need for cumbersome homemade control resistors. CHAPTER 4 DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND TEST GAUGES 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS FOR THE SHOCK TUBE 4.1.1 Introduction and principle of operation The use of a shock tube offers the experimentalist a relatively simple way to provide a step function in temperature or velocity. This is useful in measuring the unsteady frequency response of a wide variety of flow probes, in this case for a thin-film heat transfer probe. Unsteady flow probe calibrations are also provided via the shock tube. A schematic representation of the GTL shock tube facility is presented in Figure 4.1. This device was constructed with simplicity of operation as the most important To this end, it was decided to use over-pressure to criterion. burst the diaphragm rather than a complex bursting device. This has the disadvantage, of course, of not being able to select the shock Mach number (which is a function of the break pressure) for a given test. Oil-free air is supplied from the GTL compressor and is controlled via a supply valve. A pressure relief valve (50 psi) is The region to the right of the provided for safety purposes. diaphragm (the "driver" side) in Figure 4.1 is pressurized gradually, to allow for a quasi-equilibrium break of the diaphragm. At this point, the gauge pressure in the driver side is recorded. Upon bursting, a shock wave propagates to the left, into the "driven" side of the shock tube. The action of the shock wave on the pressure transducers will be described subsequently. 35. At the moment of rupture, the pressure profile along the length of the shock tube is a step function. Figure 4.2 depicts this configuration, with the moment of rupture arbitrarily called time zero. This facility has the capacity to allow for an evacuation of the driven side of the shock tube, to allow for greater pressure ratios between the driver and driven sides. This allows for arbitrary increases in the shock Mach number, since the Mach number is an increasing function of the break pressure ratio (p4/Pl). However, for these sets of experiments, this vacuum scenario was not employed. Rather, a range of shock Mach numbers were obtained through the use of different diaphragm materials, as explained later. The physical state of the shock tube somewhat after the burst can best be described with the use of an x-t diagram (see Figure 4.3). All relevant features of the problem can be seen here. At the far left, the shock wave is seen propagating to the left with speed c s. To the immediate right of the shock is the contact surface, which is moving to the left at speed u2 . Physically, the contact surface represents the discontinuity between the two fluids of different entropy. At the far left is an expansion wave, which propagates to the right into the driver side of the shock tube. The leading expansion wave moves at speed a4 , the speed of sound in the driver gas at burst. The nomenclature for regions (1)-(4) in Figure 4.3 is standard for the shock tube and shall be used extensively here. At the instant in time cited in Figure 4.3, the pressure and temperature profiles along the shock tube are presented in Figure 4.4. The relation between break pressure ratio and Mach number is derived through standard nonstationary shock relations, with the requirement that the pressure and the velocity are continuous between regions (2) and (3). Notice the gradual change of flow properties through the expansion wave, as compared with the (ideally) discontinuous change between regions (1) and (2) and (2) and (3). 4.1.2 Data Acquisition and Triggering Mechanism 3G. Since the data acquisition time is limited to less than 10 milliseconds for this shock tube (as explained presently), a highfrequency triggering device is clearly an important requirement. High-frequency response static pressure transducers are an Since the pressure excellent choice for a triggering mechanism. increases across a normal shock, as the shock in the shock tube propagates to the left and reaches the rightmost pressure transducer, a step increase in pressure is recorded. This step can be used to trigger a digital oscilloscope to begin recording data from the thin-film heat transfer probe (see Figure 4.1). The thinfilm heat transfer probe is located between the two pressure tranducers. By adjusting the time scale on the oscilloscope, the response of the heat transfer probe to a step in velocity and temperature can be obtained. Since the distance between the two pressure transducers is known, an experimental value for the shock speed can be obtained by measuring the time delay on the oscilloscope. This experimental shock speed can then be compared to the shock speed predicted by knowing the break pressure ratio, which is also a measured quantity. This gives an internal consistency It was found that experimental and predicted shock check. speeds agreed very well (typically within 1-2 %), but only if the break pressure was approached in a quasi-equilibrium fashion. This is due to the fact that if the pressure is still increasing significantly while the membrane breaks, a well-defined shock front is not established by the time the shock has propagated to the first pressure transducer. From Figure 4.3, we can see that the data acquisition time is limited by three different constraints. First, the shock wave may reflect from the far left wall and pass over the heat transfer gauge (again). This is called the driven reflection. Second, the contact surface may pass over the heat transfer gauge as it moves left. Finally, the expansion wave may reflect off of the far right wall This is a driver and may interact with the thin-film gauge. The maximum data acquisition time for these three reflection. constraints is a function of the shock Mach number, and any one of them may be the important constraint for a given Ms . Plotted in Figure 2.5 is the maximum data acquisition time as a function of Ms for the three different constraints mentioned above. It is seen that the driven reflection is limiting for Ms<1.21, whereas the contact surface is the constraint for Ms>1.21. This is significant, because the Mach number range encountered in testing was Ms=1.07-1.30. 4.1.3 Selection of diaphragm materials As mentioned previously, to obtain a range of shock Mach numbers, at least two options are available. The use of vacuum in the driven side was not used due to the difficulty encountered in sealing the driven side from small leaks, particularly at the heat Therefore, another option transfer probe attachment junction. was needed to provide a reasonable Mach number range over which to test the thin-film probes. For a shock tube activated by over-pressure and not a manual bursting device, the only way to obtain a variety of Mach numbers is to use different diaphragm materials. Many possible candidates for diaphragm materials were tested. In particular, four types of Flexel cellophane products were tested, along with two thicknesses of common aluminum foil. Standard aluminum foil, although an attractive diaphragm candidate due to its low burst pressure, was found not to break cleanly enough to allow for a well-defined shock wave to form. This was determined by examining the shape of the pressure pulse as it passed the first pressure transducer. A sharp rise in pressure signals a well-defined shock wave, whereas a gradual ramp in pressure indicates a shock wave that is getting steeper and is still being formed. Having eliminated standard aluminum foil, heavy duty aluminum foil was tested. It was found to be an excellent 39. diaphragm material, with an intermediate average Mach number (1.21) with very little variance. The four cellophanes tested were "K" Flexel products, with the following Flexel catalog numbers: HB-20, MST, 123 "V" 58P, and 118 "V" 58F. A variety of trials were made with all five of the candidate diaphragm materials. Presented in Figure 4.6 is a plot of the mean break pressure for each of the five diaphragm materials, with one standard deviation shown. Notice that the most repeatable results are obtained with heavy duty aluminum foil. This is a Stop 'n' Shop brand name product, with a thickness of 1.5 mils. Figure 4.7 presents the same data, except now the more physically relevant parameter of shock Mach number is plotted rather than break pressure. It is intended that Figure 4.7 aid future users of the shock tube by offering a standard database for diaphragm material selection. In particular, an experimentalist may choose the membrane that provides the Mach number of interest or may use a variety of materials to obtain a reasonable Mach number range. The ultimate proof of concept test for the shock tube comes by comparing the experimental and the theoretical shock speeds. The theoretical shock speed is not truly analytical in an absolute sense because it relies on the measurement of break pressure. However, by comparing the speed implied by the pressure ratio at burst with the speed measured between the two pressure transducers, the degree of applicability of the standard onedimensional shock tube equations can be determined. Figure 4.8 presents the percentage error in theoretical and experimental shock speeds as a function of Mach number for each shock tube test run. No distinction is made between the different heat transfer gauge conditions utilized, since we are only verifying the correct operation of the shock tube. The excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental shock speeds is clearly seen. 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS FOR THE SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL 39. The shock tube is an ideal diagnostic tool to obtain the unsteady response (at least to a step function) of a thin-film heat transfer gauge. However, it cannot be of assistance in determining the steady response of one of these probes, nor in obtaining steady calibrations. The ideal test situation would consist of a subsonic wind tunnel, with provisions for changing the velocity and total temperature of the air stream. Such a facility is readily available and is sketched in Figure 4.9. The test section is split into two separate sections. Both flow speed and total temperature of the flow can be controlled, with a Mach number range for the tunnel from 0.0-0.2 and temperature increase over ambient of up to 40 K possible (for low speeds). Heating of the flow is accomplished through resistive (ohmic) power dissipation far upstream of the test section. The temperature of the airstream was not varied in the experiments performed here. Flow speed is readily obtained from the manometer board. The static and total pressure at the test section are measured in inches of oil. From Bernoulli's equation, the difference in these two readings reflects the dynamic head of the system. The flow velocity is obtained as follows: v= 2 po g h sine Pa (4.1) where v is the speed of the flow, po is the density of the oil, h is the height difference between the two relevant manometer columns, g is the acceleration due to gravity, 0 is the angle of inclination of the manometer board, and Pa is the density of the airstream. A compressible model is used to reduce the data, however, as in the future these concepts may be tested on a steady flow device capable of compressible flow speeds. 4.3 DESCRIPTION OF TEST GAUGES 40. 4.3.1 Probe supports for the thin film gauges Several probe supports were constructed to allow the thin-film gauges to be used in the shock tube. A flush-mounting system is used with these gauges, to give minimum disturbance to the flow Bonding is accomplished through standard field of interest. Both single-layer and doublestrain-gauge bonding techniques. layer gauges were tested. A double-layer gauge consists of a top thin-film resistor called the sensor, an insulating layer of kapton, Figure 4.10 and a bottom thin-film resistor called the heater. shows a schematic of the single-layer gauge used in shock tube testing. The radius of curvature rc of the right end of the probe support was machined to match the radius of the inner wall of the shock tube (for flush-mounting). An external BNC plug was used for ease of electrical connection with the anemometer units. The probe support was constructed of brass for its desirable thermal and electrical properties. Additionally, a gauge support constructed of anodized aluminum was used for the final set of tests. It was desired to have the same material supporting the gauge, and hence the same thermal properties, as for the flat plate probe support. Figure 4.11 depicts the gauge support for the double-layer gauge. Clearly, four leads are now necessary for the circuitry. An aluminum minibox was used (far left) to facilitate For both types of probe supports, the two BNC connectors. external groove was filled with epoxy to strain-relieve the leads attached to the gauge itself. The flat plate probe support sketched in the tunnel in Figure 4.9 is shown in detail in Figure 4.12, to scale. The thickness of the anodized aluminum plate is 32 mils. The four square tags in each corner of the flat plate each are equipped with a centered 0.25 inch diameter hole. This is for ease of mounting in the subsonic tunnel as well as for providing a non-critical point of attachment during the anodizing process. As for the shock tube, standard strain-gauge bonding techniques are used to mount the heat transfer gauge to the flat plate. The leads are strain-relieved 41. via a connection to the underside of the plate to a kapton soldering terminal. External connectors then connect the soldering terminals to BNC cables. The location of the gauge on the flat plate was dictated by boundary layer considerations. It was discovered that there was a way to obtain both laminar and turbulent flow depending on whether the flow came from the left or from the right (as seen in Figure 4.12). To assure a well-behaved boundary layer on the flat plate, the leading edge was smoothed to give an approximately elliptic profile, with the requirements that it be symmetric, blunt at the leading edge, and have a major to minor axis ratio of the ellipse of at least five. Shown in Figure 4.13 is a 3D sketch of the leading edge approximately elliptical geometry. Naturally, this profile was produced on the other side of the flat plate (the side not drawn, downstream in Figure 4.13) since it is meant to be interchangeable. The turbulent flow configuration is shown in Figure 4.13. If the flow direction were from the right, this diagram would represent the laminar flow configuration. Without this leading edge profile tailoring, the boundary layer will differ substantially from a simplistic model, due to the discontinuity in slope at the leading edge. 4.3.2 The calibration of a Before a heat transfer probe may be tested in the shock tube, the thermal coefficient of resistivity (a) of each thin film element must be calibrated. For sensors provided by a manufacturer (a single sensor from DISA, in this case), the a is calibrated at the company and its value is provided. Otherwise, a calibration must be performed by the experimentalist. This would not be so except for the fact that the thermal coefficient of resistivity of a material is substantially different from the bulk value as the thickness of the material decreases. In particular, for the sensors tested here, the value of a obtained from calibration is between two and eight times smaller than the bulk value for pure nickel. 4'. A facility is available for the calibration of a for these devices. It consists of a well-insulated temperature bath accurate to 0.1 K, with operator temperature control. The bath fluid is Fluorinert, a non-reacting liquid with well-known thermal properties and Initial attempts at calibration in distilled water were stability. unsuccessful, demonstrating that the distilled water sample was more ionic than expected. The calibration procedure is simply to measure the resistance of the thin-film gauge as a function of bath temperature while the thin-film is completely immersed in the fluid. The thin film must be tested after being mounted to the probe support, as the bonding process might change the value of a. From Equation (2.1), it is expected that the data from such a Therefore, once the calibration would fall on a straight line. experimental points were obtained, a linear regression procedure was used to determine the best fit line for resistance vs. temperature. Figure 4.14 presents such a calibration for a thin nickel film with thickness 2600 A. This thin film was used as a heater with a DISA single sensor, model number 55R47 providing Figures 4.15-4.18 show a homemade double-layer probe. calibrations for ready-made double-layered probes, one mounted on a brass support and the other mounted on an anodized Notice that the heater and sensor must be aluminum support. calibrated separately, and in fact that the value of a is substantially different between the heater and the sensor for each case. This is not surprising, as the heater and sensor for a given gauge are constructed separately by a vacuum sputtering technique. In all cases, the data fits a straight line relatively well. The approximately parabolic shape of the data points in Figure 4.17 represents a non-equilibrium heating process. This usually may be avoided by carefully stabilizing the bath temperature before taking a resistance measurement. Unlike the shock tube, the only experiments performed in the subsonic tunnel facility were experiments using _double-layer gauges with the heater and sensor temperatures actively 43. Ready-made, turbine heat transfer controlled to be identical. gauges were employed exclusively, due to their proven technology and their availability. As for the shock tube, TSI anemometer units were used to control the gauge sensor and heater at constant temperature. The sensor and the heater were calibrated, after flat plate mounting, in the Fluorinert temperature bath described The calibrations for the first flat plate gauge are previously. presented in Figures 4.19 and 4.20, while those for the second flat plate gauge are presented in Figures 4.21 and 4.22. In Figure 4.21 particularly, notice again the slight parabolic nature of the data points, due to non-equilibrium heating of the gauge in the temperature bath. As it will be demonstrated later, the largest error source encountered in the subsonic wind tunnel experiments is due to calibration errors for the coefficient of thermal resistivity for the heater and the sensor. Tests would have been performed exclusively on the the first flat plate gauge, but a sensor failure lead to the construction of the replacement gauge. 4.3.3 Feasibility of balancing non-standard resistors The anemometer units from TSI are typically used to balance probes in a resistance range of 5-50 ohms. The so-called turbine gauges typically have a cold resistance of between 500 and 1000 ohms for both the sensor and the heater. When these gauges were used in the MIT Blowdown Turbine Facility, homemade bridge balance units specifically designed for these large gauge resistances were employed. According to the manufacturer, no data exists on the ability of TSI anemometer units to balance gauges in the centi-ohm to kilo-ohm range. Figure 4.23 represents the data from a simple test to determine if these anemometers can be used for this non-standard application. The anemometer output voltage is plotted as a function of the sensor cold resistance, holding the control (hot) resistance constant at 522.4 ohms. All three anemometer bridges (each one is a 5:1 bridge, with different current levels) were tested. Since saturation for these anemometers occurs at an output voltage of 44. approximately 22.6 volts, the sensitivity to overheat ratio is seen to be represented. However, due to the large values of the sensor output voltage, a forced flow over a gauge with this resistance may cause saturation (these tests were performed at zero flow). No saturation occurred in any of the actual heat flux Figure 4.24 represents a similar test, measurements performed. with now the cold resistance held constant and the overheat ratio varied. Plotted is the output voltage vs. overheat ratio for a cold resistance of 1510 ohms. There appears to be a tradeoff between sensitivity and possible saturation for the different bridges. Bridge #1, the standard bridge for most anemometry work, offers the best sensitivity but may saturate at high flow velocities. This bridge was used exclusively with no saturation occurring. Notice, however, that the curve for bridge #1 is incomplete. At higher overheat ratios, it became impossible to set the standby voltage of the anemometer within the desired range of 2-5 volts for this bridge. One possible test of a double-layer gauge consists of running the heater actively in a control loop and allowing the sensor to be passive. In this case, it is expected that the temperature of the sensor would rise until it approximately equalled the temperature of the heater (in zero flow). Since resistance is a known function of temperature for the sensor, if we measure the resistance of the sensor in this configuration, we can calculate the implied temperature of the sensor. Plotted in Figure 4.25 is the sensor temperature vs. the heater temperature for such a test, with both temperatures being non-dimensionalized by the ambient Bridge #1 Again, all three bridges were tested. temperature. offers superior performance, as the expected curve is a line of slope one through the origin and the curve for bridge #1 closely approximates this. Bridge #3 is not acceptable, because with low overheat ratios for the heater, the sensor temperature is too large. Notice that beyond a heater to ambient temperature ratio of 1.11, the sensor temperature remains roughly constant. It appears that increasing the heater temperature beyond this point only 4•5. increases the heat conduction into the probe support. This therefore may provide a limit on the overheat ratio that can be employed. Figure 4.26 shows the voltage output for a doublelayer gauge operated so that Ts=Th versus the sensor overheat ratio. To an overheat ratio of 1.08, the voltage value for this heater-controlled gauge is sensitive to overheat ratio (again, for zero flow). This does represent a much lower overheat than is typically run for a hot-film probe (generally, ar=1. 4 -1.5 in air). At higher overheat ratios, the voltage value for the double- layer gauge will certainly saturate, at least for these high cold resistance Therefore, overheat ratios were limited somewhat gauges. This may have affected the severely in the tests performed. results adversely, because over the overheat ratio range tested here, higher overheat ratios generally provided better results than lower ones. G'1 CHAPTER 5 DATA REDUCTION AND ERROR ANALYSIS 5.1 DATA REDUCTION FOR THE SHOCK TUBE A simplistic quasi-steady model for the heat transfer effects of a propagating shock were examined in this study. It was assumed in this scenario that an ideal, non-separating turbulent Blasius boundary layer grew in thickness at the gauge location following The Reynolds number for this the passage of the shock. configuration can be written as follows: Re = Rm (cst) (5.1) where 4 m is the mass flux in the shock tube, g is the viscosity of the air, cs is the shock speed and t is the time since shock passage. The quantity (ct) replaces the characteristic length in the Reynolds number equation. By examining the heat transfer coefficient h, the effect of the propagating shock on the convective heat transfer can be determined. In general: Re0.8 Rex h x-0. 2 (5.2) but, since x= cst: h 1 t 1/5 (5.3) Therefore, as the shock propagates away from the heat transfer gauge, the value of h (and hence qconv and VO) decrease after an initial infinite spike. In particular, since the output voltage scales as the square root of the convected heat transfer, for a zero conduction case: 1 Vo - tl/10 (5.4) showing that the decay in voltage with time following shock passage should be very slight. The output voltage as a function of time shall be derived for the case of no substrate heat conduction. The case of constant heat conduction can be treated similarly. The impedance of any resistive element is a function of geometry and a material property known as the resistivity. In particular, the resistivity of a material divided by its thickness gives a quantity called the ohms/square, denoted here by a. For a resistor of length L and width W, the resistance can be expressed as follows: R= =aI (5.5) The measurement of the thickness or the resistivity of the thinfilm gauge is not a trivial process. As for the thermal coefficient of resistivity, the resistivity of a thin-film material is a strong function of the thickness of the material. However, this presents no difficulty since the thickness and resistivity of the thin-film material appear only in the form of a, and a is readily calculated by dividing the measured resistance of the gauge by the length to width ratio. It can be shown [Blackwelder] that the voltage output from a hot-wire or hot-film anemometer can be written as follows: VO = 1+ s) 48. Rscon S (5.6) for a case with no heat conduction (again, this is just a power balance). The parameter S is the area over which heat transfer takes place. The bridge ratio (R1/R s ) is five in all cases tested. Notice that Rs is the hot resistance of the gauge sensor. Combining (5.5) with (5.6) and the definition of h, with the realization that S= LW: V0 = L I + R" arsa h [T s - T] (5.7) Therefore, the voltage output per unit length of sensor is independent of the surface geometry of the sensor, as is expected. The heat transfer coefficient h can be expressed: h = 0.0296 Pr1 / 3 kf LTf)08 (cst)-0. 2 (Ts - T) (5.8) where Tf is the film temperature as before and T is the fluid temperature (before or after the shock, as the case may be). Combining (5.7) and (5.8) gives the basic quasi-steady voltage output relation: Vo=L 1 + R arsG[Ts - T]0.0296 Pr 1/ 3 kf (Tf) (ct)-02 (5.9) This has the correct scaling, in agreement with (5.4). All shock tube runs utilizing a zero conduction condition were analyzed with (5.9), with an arbitrary time being chosen after the shock passage to compare the change in the voltage output observed This result is affected by experimentally at that same time. conduction into the substrate, which occurs when the heater is not The unsteady controlled to match the sensor temperature. 41. modelling of this problem is presented later, with a companion equation to (4.26) derived for these sets of shock tube runs. 5.2 DATA REDUCTION FOR THE SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL The problem that is needed to be solved in general is to calculate the skin friction in a given flow when the velocity of the stream (or mass flux, in compressible flow) and the total temperature of the stream are unknown. This clearly represents the situation of interest in a modern transonic compressor. A calculation procedure based on steady flow is proposed here. Therefore, the validity of the analytical model can be ascertained by examining the true skin friction in a nominally steady flow and comparing it to the skin friction predicted by the model. Indeed, that is what has been done in the steady testing performed. The analytical model for predicting the skin friction is derived in this section. For all heat transfer modelling presented here, steady, quasi-steady, or unsteady, the heat transfer process of radiation was ignored because the emissivity of pure nickel is extremely low (eNi= 0.03). In addition, the fourth power dependance of the radiative heat transfer on temperature allows the radiation to be ignored, since low overheat ratios were used throughout testing. The Nusselt number is a non-dimensional heat transfer coefficient useful for demonstrating heat transfer correlations. It can be shown [Incropera and DeWitt] that the Nusselt number, for a flat plate in parallel flow with an unheated starting length, can be correlated as follows: Nu x = (5.10) where Nux is the Nusselt number at a given streamwise location, Nug is the Nusselt number at the leading edge of the flat plate, x' is the distance from the leading edge to the heated location (the 50. thin-film gauge, in this case), x is the streamwise coordinate, and m and m2 are, respectively, 3/4 and 1/3 for laminar flow and 9/10 and 1/9 for turbulent flow. To obtain the average Nusselt numbers over the region of interest, these expressions would have to be numerically integrated, for (5.11) I x m (a + bxn)p dx is only solvable when p is an integer, (m+l)/n is an integer, or p + (m+l)/ n is an integer. However, for the situation of interest here, a good approximation to the integral can be obtained by expanding the integrand in a Taylor series and retaining the first few terms only. This is possible because the width of the gauge (Ax) is small compared to the length from the flat plate leading edge to the gauge (x'). By performing the above mentioned Taylor series expansion, the following expressions are obtained for the average Nusselt numbers across the gauge width: Nul = Nu t Nu-= 3al 1/3 x' ) 1/ 3 x 9a9 ('101/9 (x' (5.12) (5.12) 1/ 9 A 8 (5.13) where equations (5.13) and (5.14) represent the laminar and turbulent subcases, respectively, and the coefficients al and at are defined as follows: a, = 0.332 Pr1/3 Rex,1/2 at = 0.0296 Pr1/3 Rex,4/5 (5.14) (5.15) with Pr representing the Prandtl number for air (0.72) and Rex, denoting the Reynolds number based on the unheated starting length. 51. To obtain the skin friction, the modified form of Reynold's analogy is employed: Cf = 2 St Pr 2/ 3 (5.16) where Cf is the skin friction and St is the Stanton number, another non-dimensional heat transfer coefficient defined as follows: St Nu PrRe Pr-Re (5.17) To relate the heat transfer coefficients to the sensor voltage, a power balance must be performed. In general, the heat lost to convection and conduction is balanced by the power input to the sensor, or equivalently: = V k (Ts - Th) + qconv (5.18) where the first term on the right is the conduction and the term In this on the left is the power dissipated in the sensor. expression, ks is the thermal conductivity of the substrate, 8s is the thickness of the substrate, Ts is the controlled temperature of the sensor, Th is the controlled temperature of the heater, VO is the output voltage of the sensor, and Rs is the controlled (hot) resistance of the sensor. In general, the convection cannot be explicitly calculated from this expression, due to the fact that temperature at the substrate/support bonding site is unknown. For a heater passive case, it may be calculated by measuring the resistance of the heater. If the sensor and heater are controlled to be at an identical temperature, however, the steady conduction term goes to zero and the convection can be calculated since the voltage output and hot resistance of the sensor are known. The convection can be related to heat transfer coefficients as follows: 52.. qconv = h [Ts - Pr 1/ 3 Tt] (5.19) where Tt is the unknown total temperature of the airstream and h is the heat transfer coefficient, which may be calculated as follows: hx = Nu, kf f x (5.20) The only where kf is the thermal conductivity of the fluid. fundamental unknowns in equations (5.10) and (5.12) to (5.20) are the total temperature of the airstream Tt and the mass flux of the airstream p v, which appears in the expression for the Reynolds number as follows: pv x' Rex' =(Tf) (5.21) where pg(Tf) is the viscosity calculated at the film temperature Tf, defined as the average of Ts and Tt. The procedure used to predict the skin friction is as follows: 1. Select an overheat ratio and calculate the sensor temperature from eq. (2.1). 2. Balance the anemometer so that no heat ideally is conducted through the kapton substrate (i.e., set Ts= Th using the In actuality, this alignment process is control resistors). approximate only. Measure the output voltage in a given total 3. temperature and mass flux. 4. Calculate the convected heat transfer from eq. (5.19). 5. Combine equations (5.19), (5.20), (5.21), (5.10), (5.12) or (5.13), and (5.14) or (5.15) to obtain one equation for the two unknowns Tt and pv, utilizing (5.12) and (5.14) for laminar flow and (5.13) and (5.15) for turbulent flow. 53. 6. At the same flow conditions, choose another overheat ratio and repeat steps (2)- (5). This will give two equations in the two unknowns Tt and pv, which may be solved numerically. It is imperative that different overheat ratios be run for the two trials, or the same equation will be produced from steps (2) to (5). Once the total temperature and the mass flux of the stream are known, the skin friction can be calculated as follows: Cf = 2 Pr 2 / 3 h (5.22) pv CP where Cp is the specific heat of the flow in question. Assuming the boundary layer is well-behaved, the theoretical skin friction can be calculated from the same formula, with the true total temperature and mass flux replacing the calculated Tt and p v. In particular, it may be shown that the experimental to actual skin friction ratio may be calculated as follows: (Cf)e (pv) ~ (Cf)a L(pv)aJ + (Tt)a 3(m-1)/2 Ts + (Tt)eJ Ts+ T' +(Tt)e m T + T' + (Tt)aJ (5.23) where the subscript e denotes experimental, the subscript a denotes actual, T' is a constant (221.2 K), and m is 0.8 or 0.5, depending on whether or not the flow is turbulent or laminar, respectively. It is through the use of equation (4.14) that the graphs of subsequent chapters were prepared. 5.3 ERROR ANALYSIS Many possible sources of error exist that will cause a discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental values of skin friction. A standard error analysis was performed to investigate the relative importance of the error terms to the 54. calculation of the skin friction ratio. For a typical test case, the most important error-producing sources are the thermal coefficients of resistivity of the sensor and the heater (as and ah, This is not due to the inherent error encountered respectively). when attempting to calibrate the value of a, but is due rather to the very large coefficient multiplying a that occurs in the error analysis. The next most important source of error comes from the drift of the sensor or heater cold resistance or the error encountered when setting the overheat ratio. The output voltage measurements represent the next most important source of error. All other errors, including those due to Prandtl number (Pr), distance from leading edge of flat plate to the gauge location (x), angle of inclination of the manometer board (0), width of gauge (Ax), ambient pressure (PO), total pressure (Pt), and ambient temperature (TO) are negligible. This is depicted graphically in Figure 5.1, for a typical case of turbulent flow, arsl= 1.04, and ars -2=1.08. This has important ramifications for the thin-film heat transfer gauge designer. The calculation of a is seen to be one of the most critical steps in the entire skin friction measurement process. Since the coefficient of the a error term cannot be altered significantly, the only way to lower this error source is to reduce the error in a itself during the calibration procedure. The error analysis proceeds as follows: for a given measured quantity which is a function of the n variables al, a2 , a3 , ..., a. such that ai is independent of aj when i,j= 1 to n and i and j are not equal, the error in 0 can be calculated from the chain rule to be as follows: *, Ilr- Amd i=l ýaai 55. w ai (5.24) This is a classic Gaussian distribution on the possible error sources For this case, equation (5.23) was used to in the problem. function, with the ratio of experimental to actual describe the skin friction being *. The error terms evaluated were a s and ah, V 1 and V2, Rcs 1, Rcs2, Rch1, and Rch2, Pr, 0, Ax, x', T t , Pt, and P0 . By far the most influential of the error terms evaluated above are the This may be explained by coefficients of thermal resistivity. looking at the how the coefficient of the a error term scales in this with respect to error analysis. It was found that the variation in a is directly proportional to the variation in Tg with respect to a: * * (5.25) Sa1 However, the variation of Tg with respect to a can be readily calculated: TT = -da ra] 1 + T TrO = - I1 aaar" 2 (5.26) Even for low overheats, this quantity is large due to the fact that the value of a is small and a appears to the negative two power. This mandates a very careful calibration for the value of a, for the only way to reduce the error due to a in (5.24) is to reduce the variation in a divided by a term. The accuracy in calculating a, i.e. -- , is assumed to be 5%. the order of 30-35%. The total error term for as or ah is on The reason that the gas temperature or the wall to gas temperature ratio is not included in the error analysis is because it is not independent of the fifteen variables selected above. Indeed, it is desired to know the error associated with the drift of A the tunnel temperature, which could be as much as 5 K. standard error analysis shows that the effect may indeed be found to 5.5% and 22 % for substantial, with the error in * 56. turbulent and laminar flows, respectively, for a low overheat ratio of around 1.04. It is also seen that the error increases as the wall to gas temperature ratio approaches one , as is expected. Experiments need to be performed with various gas temperatures and wall temperatures to discover how the experimental error scales with the wall to gas temperature ratio. In these sets of tests, only the wall temperature was varied, and the experimental errors observed were indeed more substantial for lower wall to gas temperature ratios (lower overheats). 5q . CHAPTER 6 EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND COMPARISON OF DATA WITH THEORY 6.1 SHOCK TUBE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Ten separate shock tube runs were performed. that characterized these runs are listed below: The parameters Run #1: Shock tube familiarity testing; no heat transfer data recorded; heavy duty aluminum foil diaphragms only; brass support Run #2: Shock tube familiarity testing; no heat transfer data recorded; heavy duty aluminum foil diaphragms only; brass support Run #3: Range of diaphragm materials testing: standard aluminum foil, heavy duty aluminum foil, and 118 "V" 58F cellophane; no heat transfer data recorded; brass support Run #4: Single DISA sensor testing; heat transfer data recorded; brass support; ars= 1.23 Run #5: Double-layer gauge testing; DISA sensor; DISA heater; heater passive; heat transfer data recorded; brass support; ars= 1.20 Run #6: Double-layer gauge testing; DISA sensor; 2600 A nickel thin-film heater; heater passive; heat transfer data recorded; brass support; ars= 1.20 58. Run #7: Double-layer gauge testing; DISA sensor; 2600 A nickel thin-film heater; heater active; Ts=Th; heat transfer data recorded; brass support; ars= 1.20 Double-layer gauge testing; turbine gauges; heater Run #8: heat transfer data recorded; anodized aluminum active; Ts=Th; support; ars= 1.06 Double-layer gauge testing; turbine gauges; heater Run #9: active; Ts=Th; heat transfer data recorded; anodized aluminum support; ars= 1.08 Double-layer gauge testing; turbine gauges; heater Run #10: active; Ts=Th; heat transfer data recorded; anodized aluminum support; ars= 1.11 Tables C.1 through C.10 represent these ten shock tube runs, Each of these tables provide presented in Appendix C. supplementary information to the heat transfer plots that shall The turbine gauges mentioned above are appear presently. readily available, double-layer heat flux gauges that are so labelled for their extensive application in the MIT Blowdown Turbine Facility. Figures 6.1-6.6 and Figures D.1-D.15 represent the unsteady voltage trace from the gauge sensor as a function of time for runs #4-#10 above. The point of zero time represents the interaction As mentioned of the shock with the first pressure transducer. previously, the sensor voltage is expected to rise as the shock passes the heat transfer gauge, since heat is now being Indeed, this is transferred downstream by forced convection. observed in nearly every voltage trace. Figures 6.1-6.3 represent the six data points taken during Run #4. The voltage (and hence heat transfer) closely approximates a 5"0. step. After shock passage, the voltage level remains roughly constant, in contrast with later runs. The voltage jump across the shock increases with shock Mach number, as expected.. Figures 6.4-6.6 are the voltage traces for Run #5. Again, the The voltage traces generally reflect the classic step response. highest Mach number traces, in Figure 3.14, exhibit a gradual rise in voltage after the passage of the shock. All traces exhibit a greater voltage discontinuity for higher Mach numbers, as before. The second trace in Figure 6.5 unfortunately has been shifted on the time axis, so time zero no longer corresponds to the passage of the shock by the first pressure transducer. Comparing traces in Run #5 vs. Run # 4 demonstrates that, for a given Mach number, the voltage jump is less for the lower overheat ratio case. Again , this is predicted by theory. Appendix D contains the remaining voltage traces and their description, representing Runs #6-10. 6.2 SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL PROOF OF CONCEPT TESTING AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: The use of the subsonic wind tunnel facility has been demonstrated in various experiments since its completion. A well-defined steady flow is assumed to be provided, with reasonable flow calibrations having been performed for previous experiments to verify the operation of the infra-red camera and the manometer board for measuring flow temperature and velocity, respectively. No independent sensing devices were employed in these experiments to verify the accuracy of the pressure probes in the test section and the manometer board. The ambient temperature during subsonic tunnel testing maintained a constant value of 300 K, with less than 1 K variation. However, the temperature of the tunnel was not recorded during testing. To verify the sensitivity of the gauge to velocity (or mass flux), a calibration curve is needed. Figures 6.7-6.10 represent the voltage across the sensor and the heater for laminar and 40. turbulent flow as a function of the mass flux for the overheat ratios ars= 1.02, 1.04, 1.06, and 1.08. Due to the scale of these plots, they do not truly represent a calibration curve. On a much more expanded voltage scale, these would resemble classic hotfilm calibration curves. Notice the increase in voltage level as a function of the overheat ratio, as is predicted by theory. These plots basically confirm that the anemometer is operating favorably under these atypical large gauge resistance conditions. The sensor curves are more sensitive to mass flux at lower mass flux values, as is expected from the approximately one-quarter power relation between voltage and mass flux. 6.3 SHOCK TUBE COMPARISON OF THEORY AND EXPERIMENT Figure 6.11 shows a comparison of the theoretical and experimental voltage output for a single sensor at an overheat This ratio of 1.23 as a function of Mach number [Run #4]. represents a test for the analytical model employed. It is seen that the analytical model predicts the output voltage very well, including the trend with Mach number. As the two widely spaced data points at Ms= 1.21 indicate, the error on the output voltage may well encompass the theoretical curve comfortably. To define a voltage after the shock in each trace, an arbitrary time is agreed upon after the shock passage to take the data. In this case, that time difference is 0.2 ms. For Run #5, which is a double-layer gauge with the heater not controlled (passive), Figure 6.12 shows the output voltage versus Mach number for the experimental data and the analytical model. In this case, the analytical model does a reasonably good job of predicting the level of the voltage change, except that the trend with Mach number is reversed. As before, the time delay is 0.2 ms for the measurement of the voltage change. For Run #6, the equivalent plot is presented in Figure 6.13. The analytical model in this scenario represents an unsteady heat conduction model. 61. The fact that the experimental points remain roughly constant with Mach number suggests that a thermal equilibrium is being set up, with unmodelled heat transfer processes driving the phenomenon. With a steady, no conduction model, the theoretical curve in Figure 6.13 would appear roughly constant, but at a level over twice the experimental values. If all unsteady heat processes could be properly modelled, a theoretical curve would predict the experimental data points to a much higher degree of accuracy. However, the decrease in sensor voltage change with Mach number would still not be expected, even in that scenario. As before, the voltage after the shock was recorded at 0.2 ms. For Run #7, which is identical to Run #6 except for the fact that the heater is now controlled so that there is no steady-state conduction into the substrate, Figure 6.14 offers the comparison between theory and experiment for the voltage output as a function of Ms . Although the trend with Mach number is again reversed, the voltage levels between the theoretical and experimental curves are reasonably similar. Hence, in this case, the use of an actively controlled heater has allowed for a better prediction of the experimental voltage output. This is demonstrated more strikingly in Figure 6.15, which gives the percentage error in voltage change across the shock (theoretical vs. experimental) as a function of Mach number for both the heater passive and heater active cases [Run #6 and Run #7, respectively]. The heater active case predicts the experimental voltage output far better than the heater passive case. Data is recorded after the shock passage at a time difference of 0.2 ms. Figures 6.16-6.18 represent the runs #8-#10, respectively, with the time after shock passage when voltage data was recorded being 0.8 ms. Figures 6.19-6.21 represent the runs #8-#10, respectively, with the time after shock passage when voltage was recorded being 1.27 ms. The extreme disagreement between the theoretical and the experimental values as compared with 42. previous runs can be observed. Clearly, the large voltage dips present account for some of the discrepancy, but not nearly enough to explain the much larger theoretical prediction for the voltage output. Notice that the results are improved somewhat for the 1.27 ms case. It is postulated that the reason for the large discrepancy in both cases may be due to a non-standard operation of the anemometer unit. As mentioned previously, there may exist two possible drivers for the large voltage dips seen following shock passage; namely, separation of the boundary layer or an unmodelled heat transfer process. By examining a greatly expanded trace of the pressure pulse recorded by the first pressure transducer after a shock passage, it may be possible to estimate whether or not the boundary layer has separated. Figure 6.22 shows such a pressure pulse. If the boundary layer were not separated, a smooth rise in pressure would be seen, even at this time scale magnification. However, the existence of an inflection point (even a small horizontal region) around a time of 0.03 ms suggests the possibility that the boundary layer is indeed separating. More extensive tests would need to be performed to see what the true state of the boundary layer is at the heat transfer gauge location. The severity of the voltage dip is an increasing function of the shock Mach number and a decreasing function of the overheat ratio (or physically the temperature of the sensor). The increase in the voltage dip with increasing shock Mach number is perfectly consistent with a separation model. The decrease of the size of the voltage dip with increasing sensor temperature cannot be explained with a simple separation model, so some unmodelled heat transfer effect must be dominate in this instance. 6.4 SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL COMPARISON OF THEORY AND EXPERIMENT Presented in Figures 6.23 and 6.24 are the experimental to theoretical skin friction values as a function of the measured mass ,3. flux. Ideally, all curves should fall on a horizontal line of value one. For each mass flux, four overheat ratios were run, for both laminar and turbulent flow. By using any two overheat ratios and the measured sensor output voltages, the experimental skin friction can be obtained. The trends seen in Figure 6.23 and 6.24 are clear: (1) results are better for higher overheat ratio combinations; (2) results are better for two overheat ratios that are not adjacent (i.e, 1.02 and 1.04, 1.04 and 1.06, and 1.06 and 1.08); (3) theoretical skin friction tends to overpredict the experimental value at low mass flux values and underpredict the value at higher mass fluxes; and (4) turbulent results are better than laminar, consistent with error analysis predictions. Figures 6.25 and 6.26 graph the actual values of the theoretical and experimental skin friction as a function of the test section Mach number, a more useful parameter for scaling. Similar to the shock tube, it may be said that the theoretical curve is overpredicting the change due to Mach number. Figures 6.27-6.32 show the theoretical to experimental skin friction ratio as a function of mass flux, with calculated error bars on each data point. Basically, Figures 6.23 and 6.24 represent a composite of all of the curves in Figures 6.27-6.32, albeit without the error bars. A composite curve was not utilized here for the sake of clarity. The laminar error bars consistently extend beyond the boundaries of the graph, comfortably enclosing the expected output curve. It should be mentioned, though, that the largest error bars occur for the case of laminar flow, ars l= 1.04, and ars2 = 1. 0 6 , which represents the largest experimental deviation as well (see Figure 6.30). Turbulent error bars are much smaller, and typically do encompass the predicted line except at the lowest overheat ratios. The laminar error bars are much larger than the turbulent ones due to the fact that the exponent in heat transfer/boundary layer correlations for.. laminar flow is 0.5, while it is 0.8 for turbulent flow. It is seen that the use of the double-layer heat transfer gauge with Ts=T h does a (0+. reasonable job of predicting the experimental skin friction values in a steady flow of unknown mass flux and total temperature. Whether or not the agreement will hold in an unsteady flow situation remains to be seen. (5. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY An experimental feasibility study for a new mode of operation In for a double-layer heat transfer gauge has been performed. particular, three operating modes were tested: a single-sensor mode, a heater-passive mode, and a heater-active mode. Experiments were performed to verify predicted models of gauge output in these modes for both unsteady and steady flow. Unsteady flow results were generally in good agreement with the analytical model, except that the model tended to overpredict the change in output due to Mach number. In addition, unsteady flow results for the anodized aluminum support were substantially different than those predicted by theory. The model correctly predicted the observed increase in voltage jump for an increase in the overheat ratio. Voltage dips following the passage of the shock in the shock tube were observed, and may be explained by a local separation of the boundary layer coupled with unmodelled heat transfer effects. An expanded view of a typical pressure profile during shock passage demonstrates that separation is probably present. The magnitude of the dip in voltage increased with increasing shock Mach number and decreased with increasing sensor temperature. It is found that the agreement between theory and experiment for all modes tested is better for higher overheat ratios than for lower ones. For a fixed overheat ratio and Mach number, the heater-active experimental output of the double-layer sensor was found to be better predicted than the heater-passive experimental output, showing some justification for the concept of a controlled heater. It was found that the calibration of a, the coefficient of thermal 6G. resistivity, and the accuracy of setting the operating resistance of a gauge are important to realize the heater-active mode, for small differences in the heater and sensor temperature can adversely effect the sensitivity of the gauge. In addition, the use of TSI anemometers on non-standard centi-ohm and kilo-ohm probes has been demonstrated via anemometer testing. Steady-state experimental results attest to the ability of the heater-controlled multi-layer heat flux gauge to be used as a skin friction measurement device in a flow of unknown mass flux and In particular, for the varieties of overheat total temperature. ratios, mass fluxes, and flow types (laminar, attached and turbulent, attached) tested here, the experimental and theoretical skin friction values were in agreement within the accuracy of the Again, the measurement, except at the lowest overheat ratios. analytical model overpredicted the effect of the Mach number. The theoretical value of the skin friction is obtained via a simplified assumption about the velocity boundary layer over the gauge and the thermal boundary layer incident at the gauge, increasing downstream of the gauge. It was noted that the largest errors occurred during the flow situation which allowed for the largest error bars. Turbulent results were generally better than laminar ones, consistent also with the error analysis. Larger gaps between the two overheat ratios used to experimentally calculate the skin friction offered better results, as did higher overheat ratios in general. Again, this is in agreement with the error analysis. The calibration of the thermal coefficients of resistivity of the heater and sensor is the major source of error in the steady experiments, due to the large coefficient on the error term corresponding to a (it is not due to the inherent error in calculating a itself). A simplistic steady model of the substrate by assuming that the gauge conductor is not adequate. For a case it is run passively, an unsteady model '1. heat conduction into the support is a good thermal where there is no heater or was developed to estimate the conduction into the substrate as a function of time. This model predicts the sensor output voltage far more accurately than a simplified steady model. A new gauge was designed to meet the criteria previously mentioned, specifically suited for use on a transonic compressor rotor blade. It was found that a serpentine gauge is preferable to a ladder gauge for sensitivity. The shock wave/boundary layer "smear" was calculated to be roughly four times the expected shock oscillation amplitude, dictating the choice for the element spacing. The 2D electrical conduction in the tags of the thin-film gauge was found to be significantly different than a simplistic model of the conduction through that region. This was incorporated into the gauge design. It was shown that optimally the total tag resistance and the total lead resistance should be the same, and also that the thin-film nickel resistor is thermally transparent for a steady heat conduction calculation. Both a fourelement and a ten-element gauge were designed after a parameter trade-off study. It is recommended that the double-layer heat transfer gauge designed here, or one similar, be tested in a transonic compressor facility to understand the time-resolved boundary layer, shock wave, and separation point structure in that environment. Also, an unsteady heat transfer problem accounting for the dynamics of the anemometer feedback loop and the heat generated within the thin-film must be solved, with periodic as well as step boundary conditions on convection. Additionally, it is recommended that an error analysis be performed for the thermal coefficient of resistivity as it is presently calibrated. In this way, methods of reducing the inherent error in calculating cc may be discovered, which will greatly reduce the experimental error encountered in steady testing, due to the dominance of this source of error. GJ8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Berry, Robert W., Hall, Peter M., Harris, Murry T., "Thin Film Technology,", Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J., 1968. 2. Blackwelder, Ron F., "Hot-Wire and Hot-Film Anemometers," Academic Press, Inc., New York - London, 1981. 3. Carslaw, H. S. and Jaeger, J. C., "Conduction of Heat in Solids," Clarendon Press, Oxford [Eng.], 1947. 4. Eckert, Ernst R. G. and Drake, Robert M., Jr., "Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972. 5. Epstein, A. H., Gertz, J. B., Owen, P. R. and Giles, M. B., "Vortex Shedding in High-Speed Compressor Blade Wakes," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 236-244, May-June 1988. 6. Epstein, A. H., Guenette, G. R., Norton, R. J. G. and Yuzhang, Cao, "High-frequency res1ponse heat-flux gauge," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 639-649, April 1986. 7. Hayashi, Masanori, Sakurai, Akira and Aso, Shigeru, "A Study of a Multi-Layered Thin Film Heat Transfer Gauge and a New Method of Measuring Heat Transfer Rate with It," Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 30, No. 88, pp. 91-101, 1987. 8. Hayashi, Masanori, Sakurai, Akira and Aso, Shigeru, "Measurements of Heat-Transfer Coefficients in the Interaction Regions between Oblique Shock Waves and Turbulent Boundary Layers with a Multi-Layered Thin Film Heat Transfer Gauge," Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 30, No. 88, pp. 102-110, 1987. 69. 9. Hildebrand, Francis B., "Advanced Calculus for Applications," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1976. 10. Incropera, Frank P. and DeWitt, David P., "Fundamentals Heat Transfer," Wiley, New York, 1981. of 11.. Leipmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., "Elements of Gasdynamics," Wiley, New York, 1957. 12. Rohsenow, Warren M. and Choi, Harry Y., "Heat. Mass. and Momentum Transfer," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1961. 13. Sabjen, M., Morris, M., Bogar, T. and Kroutil, J., "Confined Normal-Shock Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction followed by an Adverse Pressure Gradient," American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No. AIAA-89-0354, 1989. 14. Shapiro, Ascher H., "The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow: Vol. I," Ronald Press Co., New York, 1953-4. 15. Schlicting, Hermann S., "Boundary-Layer Hill, New York, 1979. Theory," McGraw- 16. Strang, Gilbert , "Introduction to Applied Mathematics, " Wellesley, Mass., Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1986. 17. White, Frank M., "Viscous Fluid Flow," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974. 10. LL L2-= FI GURE, 2..1-: Co•s-rAtJT -TEPErhTUOE APEMOME-ETERP FEFbt ACV LOOP P0SSIBLE SEc6ND ATICLET FIGURE _,2 : 'THIM-FILM iEAT -ItRANMFER GAUGE C•ADf-5ECcTIdN I-s- -= 7T T= Ts s SUKAPTON SuBSTMTE T- -f Smnle--koec Giuage FIGURE Z.3: Douk\e-- i&lr G6leý Reicr Pjfi'je CoMPARISON Headcr OF GAUGE5 AND OPErATING Adrve MoDE- I-- Time dependence of the substrate heat conduction Z 2) Od U 2'-o (0- ci 4 3r 0o <D o o 100. 200. _ · · · 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. TIME [SEC] FIGURE 3.1: NORMAL1ZE) UMSTEADYn SVUSTRATE coNI)UCTION VS, -TIMe 0 7I-¢q Time dependence of the substrate heat conduction z 0 o o 01 W U, a) cnd D- -4. -3. -2. FIGURE3.3: NoRMALl[ED -1. 0. LOG TIME 1. 2. 3. UNSlEADIY 5u6ITRATE CONDOCTWdlO VS. 4. [TIME] u 1-D model; effect of the glue layer z 0 to C4 o 0 >- i) o q 0 5~~ Jlu~ I~ltr 100. 200. 300. 400. 0o0. 6oo. 700. 800. TIME [SEC] FIGURE 3.3- NOPJALIZED OUNSTEADY SUBSTRATE CoNDucTnoa VS. TIME o 1-D model; effect of the glue layer z o o !5 Pq 1,,- 5)).1 PC 111eT i. LOG1 OTIME 3.4: NOIRMALI-E) ONSTEADY SU6ST.ATE' CONDUCT(oN VS. LOG,, [TIME] PAALLEL- ELE~MIT 5 EiLEIN3JT ( GAU 9- =5E b Ej --r-A e r ELfEm LEA P5 FIGURE 3.5 Co•rAPIs•E OF PAMeLLEL AND SEIES 6ALUE GEorWETPIE5 Comparison of ladder and serpentline gauges 0 I- Ill ElT -I__________________________El_______ _1~1~ · 1. 2. NIUMBEri FICGUR OF RESISTANICE ELEMENTS I I SERI ES/PAMALLEL GAUGE VOLTAGE rIATO VS. N Overheat ratio- 1.2; flow type- laminar o 0 • O I11 M, (.4 0.8 1.0 1.2 SHOCK POSITION / GAUGE LENGTH [ FIGUR, 3.1: SENSoa VoLtFPAGE VS. 1.4 \l0MAL1WED SftCK PoSIT\oNJ Overheat ratio- 1.4; flow type- laminar 0.2 FIGURE 3.8 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.8 SHOCK POSITION / GAUGE LENGTH [ I SENSoR VoL~AG E VS_. 1.4 NOKMALIED) SHoCK POSI~TIo o Overheat ratio- 1.2; flow type- turbulent a T1. o MS1L3 N' I.4* A 1| SHOCK POSITION / GAUGE LENGTH f FIGVRE 3.1 • SENSo LVoLT6E VS. NOKMA(LIZED SI4oCK PorITIONI\ Ln Overheat ratio- 1.4; flow type- turbulent 0. o a M= Il? o M 1.3 Co 0 00 0 U) 0.0 ~ ~~~ 0.2 0.40608.02141. ---p___- o I- I I I I I I I 1.0 1.2 1.4 to CR 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.6 SHOCK POSITION / GAUGE LENGTH ( ] FIGUE 3.10: SENSoI VOLTAGE VS. NoAMALIaED -51oclK PoSITIONJ Overheat ratio- 1.2; flow type- laminar E 0 cI C ..-- x10'"-2 FIGORE 3.1: SENSOR -.- v r..u TEMPERATURE RATIO VOLTAGE CRANJGE u- ,.,, u Inn -1.UU I ) VS-. "TEMPERATURE RKATIO Overheat ratio- 1.4; flow type- laminar E O o Ic 0 (I) WrlI.2 f1· [.3 u.uu u.ou 1.uu x10**-2 FIGURE 3.12_: SENSoR0 1.50 VOL-TrE 2.00 2.50 TEMPERATURE RATIO [ CHANGE 3.00 3.50 4.00 VS. 'TEMtpERATOE RVAT)I Overheat ratio- 1.2; flow type- turbulent E 0 1.3 1.3 0 2.00 FIg6VE 3.13: x10**-2 2.50 TEMPERATURE RATIO _NSok, Vo L'TA4 E 3.00 .00 I VS. -EMPEKIATO, RE RATI(o Overheat ratio- 1.4; flow type- turbulent E C) 1 O" 0 0 0 i '4 rz U.uu u.ou I.uu x10**-2 LOU 2.00 2.50 TEMPERATURE RATIO ( ] FIGKRE 3.14; SENS•Ot VOLTMhE CfI+AJ6E 3.00 3.50 4.00 VS. -TEMPEJTO-RE RATI 0 oO LEAD FIGURE 315: OSC1LLATING 506Cr- ON A MVLTI-ELMEMNT GAUGE GADGE • I•ULTI-ELEMENT A •.¢_.5 : 51-1•cIC ON 05CIL•TI•G FIGo•E cli i u N au g u g e rii with uuc. VII·I 0342 oh L~CI e 6 (= I )m F' co 0 cd6 f;"i "-25,q 0 C- to 0 [9( 2-oprn a c - -T 0. FIGORE 3.Mo" 5. r I 10. 15. ELE CTRK. \C Pow0EZ !_ DPSWPATED - - I 20. 25. 30. NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ELEMENTS I ] VS. NUMI3E 35. 40. OF ELEMENTS d - Ni gauge m with 0.684 ohms/square ( - AA .. Ii nd CL, I 0 s= z ) i ui d 0. FIG6RE 3.1 : 10. 5. ELECTI7R 15. POWER 20. 25. 30. NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ELEMENTS I 35. ST P PATE D "qS. NUMBER OF ELEMEINT-S a NHigauge with 1.378 ohms/square ! c, 5- a_ a-d o d 6: a5,L? 0N 46; 0. FAGURE 3.18: 5. 10. 15. 30. 25. 20. NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ELEMENTS I ELECTR\(C POER DI>\SItM-TEb VS. idrABRE 20y 35. 40. I OF ELE 0ENT• Effect of test material E P),f=ir IL IU) ii -1.1 FIGVU.E 3j9': 1.2 DIS-S\tfATED 1.3 1.4 RESISTIVE OVERIIEAT RATIO REAT FLUX '5. 1.b 1.7 I OVERA.EAT RAT(O Effect of # of resistance elements ([ . o•tL, 1] O' 0 C -J a. a_ IL U) 0r 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. GAUGE RESISTANCE IAL FU16 E 3.20: DISS\PATED/s5VPLIED powE-. 1T'1o V'. •AU6E RESISTW•lC Effect of tag/element resistance 0 Ia 10] C aa a_ci Fn03 U) 0 d GAUGE RESISTANCE F(6V~-F 3.2~: DISSIPATED/SUPPL\ED PoEew - A-Jro Inl VS. GAUGE SES I TA J(E CJ t w f ceffE 2D e lect a r U n c cI cJl d 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 W/L I I F(GOCRE 3.27.: ACtUAL (21 /EMAECTEbD ib-] RESISTANCE£ (RATIO V;. W/ L. Effect of ohms/square of plate material; material- copper IUJ da LU C -9-2 'Ist. G:= if = 03a % it ; C 0.5•, 0.181 lrt. it ; 0dO oO c2 3. FIG()E 3.23: 4. 5. --- # OF ELEMENTS PLATE /ELEMENT · u. lo I I RZE7SISTANNCE IA-TIO Vs. NUMBER- OF ELLFPE1T- Effect of ohms/square of plate material; material- gold u'CAr C- 1c tV k/st. ).2AL2 90 6. # OF ELEMENTS FIGOE 3oz24: PLATE/ ELEMENTT RES-TA•IuLE 7. 8. 9. I ) -RA*1o V5. NUMBER OF 10. ELEMENT5 Effect of material choice for a given plate thickness Ltr ts] Il fIit 0 uq 0t Cu p0"t 0 (3 o- 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 # OF ELEMENTS FIGURE 3.25: PL&TE /ELEMENT 4.0 b.0 U.0 I I RE-jS5P1&JCE RK11b VS. NUMthEl of ELEOfEP- 3. L- -TABLE E CAOG L Lt- ()E5 Ju: 5'sTh\ { 9 tAAnot J Io EkJ T C' + Au GUG C ILco y- 45.4 114 = looo /.,,. = + 4-3.0 100o 654+y" = +A~ Au ..0 2.o = A~ [zoo -30g 30 •o0, [q50 w= t•34 ?,, 1500 -= PJli (500 6wo A 0ooo = ,o = ..• ., .u 7- = S 0.2.44 7.. O5.0 IS.o .q 14.4. _10.51 .P I 0. 32.1 15". ?.oo5 O14 zp i 0.37Z7 \4.07 0.19 i Z.7I I.'7 M1. 143 T 12Ir m S FIGUCRE 3.2-- CA LEi -ou- ELEM ENT DE!S\GN • i1ip 491. 4 o loooýA 1Z/M IOOO~~mf7# IA2I 15.•/-/ t -. ~W7f I v p -1 Stoopm SCALE F(G6RE 3.2'7: = -TEN- ELEME • T GAOGE PESIGr\) OIL-FRKCE""TRAI45 UCEi s~-A AT ON OiSTA NfCE SUPPLY VALVE lx b J--- SHOCI TUBE PKESSURPE / MATIEMAL / j DIA&PHiAGM BRIDGE BALAI4Ci E AN D AMPLI FIE UNIT DIGITAL TRANSIT TIiE OSC.ILLASCOE" (Cr) FI6ORE 4.1_ SFhOCK -FU3E EX PFEI ME N'TAL t iF 'ALVE 10 &,*I'st5yraveo I Pa= P FIGURE 4.L: SIo(CK TO-E OFFIGUAnT(OoJ •BEFORE R)&ST x-t d;,, j,.,, (d' \ rl I :?$1 L t: I ' CONT(CT CosmerIL SHoc K WAVE' (z) (1) ((3) T\ I •~· • // / / ) ,, (3) ,, -EXPrANSio7 1 F:O NT f•/ 1 JJ FIGUýE 4.3: SRHOc TOE +/t ~ OF\iGU ATIoNC -- r _LS)Jfl9 Y3IAV'o :I-)N- O'D IA(00 -:'%V3~n91d 3aLL- )MO 5 `L3 3il I 11- -4 31~ (·tT) ~b e- Vz) r ' I m41 f(TO -;n ?JA d ( Jns-aJ 11 .I. d 5D S-(T MI III CO•'Af Sr .uAFACE C-. oZ 4: o• o a ý FLEC•TJM DR•VEA LIMIT x 4: 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 SHOCK MACH NUIMBER F\GU1E 4.5 -AXIMUM 1.30 1.35 1.40 I DATA ACaU\SM\noN TIME vs. MACIA WIMUMF Database for material selection C jfEPAE5ENTS ± AVEJAGE 1. STAIIDARD PEVIAIION U. C4 uiid d I- ad 1. FIG6RE 4. 2. 3. MEANJ AD tEVjTA-iOJ 4. 5. o0 DIAM••W P BREM• PRKESOVF OR MATERIALS Database for material selection : dard deviaAIon on I-&A reprtserts (Acan :t A st1. I----0--- --e------- i I--s--I pos 5 mON M1ATEIAL aIt , 140- 2- 0 I--O-- J1- 23 119I "VII6 5•-~f iit '" 'Hi~v -ciTy A\. -o~ lvave' 58P _L 1.15 1.17 1.19 1.21 i!/.* (sA gL p p I I 1.23 1.25 1.27 1.29 1.31 MACH NUMBER I FIGURE 4.q: MEAN ANb) DEVT\AnToN MACR NMBEF-L FOR DO\At~AAGM HMATEUAL• I I k'). ofal jo'1 I I I ze) LCac LO % I Lu P 1 LO· C) bg T13rJ FLAT MoulJToJ TEST sj ý',C 110 IIkWEPI FIGoKE 4. SIUBsorl C WIND TOWNEL EXP)(?EglErTiM AL APPQAIATU tiEAT T•A- fWE THIZEADED 14OLe Fok IWC PLUG 5IGNAL -TEMtihAL INTErJWAL ELECTRicfAL CoNNeCtoJ PASIA6E" GROOUN TERAMNAL =AltNINAL 15NLu PWG FIGo E410: SINGLE-LAYEKR SENSol r- #" "'f . &' LEAD C4.oVE rc = JIfyL 1ocK TuBE P1ROE SUPfdgT 150$ ifi-~--SEt PLU4 BINJ rTjMJSFFER - SeJoA, GdOUND TEPMIMAL INTEPWAL ELECTI.(AL C4J)ECTIOIJ P&AA66 SEN50JoLS1GIL TEAMPJAL -- ~IL- ~I~Z~P~-H~-l-L-Y 1: 0.q5 '° rc = 1 3 "lsnsl r- [tIEATE FIGOKE 4.1.: 00d oruvsw I I In %-^ L- I3NtC PLUG E LAYEFR SENSof. St+o -TufE ePRoE 5uProRT ^ ,,11 ^i rl r 11 0.25 3.50 F\GURE 4.12:-. r1#TE PIOBE SUffoRT SU6SOMC WND TouPELL FLAT ANoDRIs GRIP TA IGE J FLOWJ D\WECT 10 N iEN-TE-R LEAD SENSOR ECLENCTIC J\GWLY K LEAP ELLIPTLC PRoFILE k(Arrku~lnlrlr FI16KE 413: lI LEADS - ILt I r'L-hl YROBb SUPPORT FLAT PLATE LADING EDGE P?'oFILE GEoMETfK Y The determination of i Z00 A N f-film 0 <N CJ o <N CF) 014 N oIj Oi 0) 35.0 FIGORE .14: 37.5 40.0 1TES FIATERIAL 42.5 45.0 47.5 TEST MATERIAL TEMPERATURE FESTAsCwc 50.0 ['K I 52.5 VS. TET- MNHTERIAL 55.0 EMPEATUKE The determination of os 30. F160fW 4+ 15 SENIoSO i 40. brass s5uport 50. 70. 60. SENSOR TEMPERATURE ('K ESTISThN CC vs. 80. 90. 100. I -Etm PErPATU-R The determination of o> 28.0 FIGURE +,1-6: 35.5 I brass sUeport 43.0 50.5 65.5 58.0 HEATER TEMPERATURE [' K I HEATE - RE~ICPSTN CEF vs C 73.0 HET9E- 80.5 88.0 -rMPEi-A-TURE The determination of cgs 30. FIGOcE 4.1.1 40. :SESOR i a•tlidJ Al suport 50. 70. 60. SENSOR TEMPERATURE ['K R.EISTA-NCE 80. 90. 100. I oSENSOR -T-O PeFZlATURE The determination of 30. FIG7RE0 4.1-9 : <,i ; 40. HEA-TEKR aMwieA Al sveprd 50. 70. 60. 1 EATER TEMPERATURE I'K I EI STA-nýCE VS. 80. 90. 100. 1EETER EM PEPfATURE The determination of P(s ; nro'lOtd 30. PCGURE 44t( SUfSSog 40. At. 50. C TUcJEL S)JSoP rupp,,• - 70. 60. SENSOR TEMPERATURE R 5 80. 90. 100. 'KI VS.S.elSTmE SWJOR TEPERATVPTE The determination of p Al luFPdt ,A E h o 1i I-I 13 U) z, C2 0, C 30. FIG OUE 426: 40. 50. 60. 70. HEATER TEMPERATURE I'K _SV5ONIC -TuLOJEL OEATE& RE•STAlMCE 80. 90. 100. ] V;. EATER -'I-MPE ATI)RE d r- The determination of o.s i ano;•d Al suppart E -C o c( U) z I- 0z tr (/) 30. FIGogM 40. 50. 60. 70. SENSOR TEMPERATURE [ K I 42I: 5u650Nlc -TONNEL gEtSoK 9 \SANCE 80. 90. 100. S'JSofz -MPa~ATLKE The determination of o~A 30. FIGokE 4.7jj Z 40. a"iute Al -upport 50. 60. 70. HEATER TEMPERATURE ('K SvU65ONI C.1rNEL EATTR ?-.ESISThMCE 80. 90. 100. I V5. HATEKR -EMERATUvE Feasibility of balancing CCq o centiohm resistors IR1- 522.4 .1] n~~hrr II~ J -. #3 >0 -c\J 'U (L 0-j 0 d c\j 4 L0 G3) r O0 11-- 1 ~ 3410. 360. 380. 1 400. ~__ 420. 440. SENSOR COLD RESISTANCE FG(UE 4.23: ANEIMoMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE 460. 480. 500. [ohmsl SESOI.Ko COL( (UE.S\TMrJ)C Feasibility of balancing kilo-ohm resistors (R.- 1510 ]Li c - >d Lii a BRUIE &u DBKG 0 3 1. (it FCq >0 0o 0 0 1.00 FIGUOF. 4Z... 1.05 1.10 ANEMoMETEAT 1.15 1.20 1.25 RESISTIVE OVERHEAT RATIO OUTPUT VoLTh i1 VS. 1.30 1.35 1.40 [ ] _WS.o OlELHRENFT L R,.•O Sensor passive; effect of bridge choice N r- [ T.o 300 K] 0 O I- 0 Wo 0 to 0 (I) V9 1.00 4.Z5 I r I 1.02 1.04 1.06 a BRItE i IL o 13.DGE & BIDGE 4 3 -2. ----- T 1.08 1.10 HEATER/AMBIENT TEMP. RATIO 45-JSo. /AMBIEW~T -TEpERTVUE '\S. 1.12 1.14 1- 1.16 ( HEhTEP /ANMB\ET -EMPRATIgE Sensor, heater temp. balanced; zero flow SENSoI OUTIPUT VOLTAGE IIEATER Ou•lTf VoLTAGE to 05e 4: -J et-~------~Mi --- c~c~-Mi ~c~-Mi 1.01 FIcuaE 4.24: 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 SENSOR OVERI IEAT RATIO BALANCED- GAUGE \OLTAGE6 VS. 1.07 1.08 1.09 ( SENo(L OVEIAEAT FATIO Relative importance of error terms +rbutnf C aSs. Z1,0+ 1as, 1.081 ERRaoR- PRoRoucWG NUMBER 1. C' os 2a W- Sovo5Iu 3 RCeA 4I11 V, Vi 'ii 5 AK 0 19AL4 T. Pt.t sEcoINOY c< c -" •TIAKY NECLIGI.BLE A 6 S-- 1., I- 2. - 3~ 4. ERROR-PRODUCING SOURCE FIGoUE 5.J: PERCENT,,E Ebt Fok, ElPRt- jtoDuCl G So WcEJS IN Ou65N\% TEL " 3-14-90 NO S=lI.Z3 iEATEA : P= Z.1.7yI 71 i I i ( ao o' I-- I 0fl C Tii I II _J I I i I I i i i I ýI ---TI -III II I I I 1 Co S0.00 0.80 0.40 1.60 1.20 2.40 2.00 TI ME (MS) 3-14-90 NO AEATER aKs 1..3 = 20.3.. 1.v0 I ' _____ cO (I- J 0 -.. 4- LT Vjt ________________________ 1 i IT "ii~s?·~'4- u ~c' I •> I w MF RTR '0O.00 1~T~ ~!flr i q'IF~r~Ffl ~flMF NOT 0VFamn 0.40 n I I I 0.80 I 1.20 I I 1.60 2.40 2.00 TI ME (MS) FkwQ ý,t: UNSTEAMD VOLTAGE a1l. IWE VS. TIME 3-14-90 1 qxz I.Z3 "4EA, : NO M Kr 2 NAWU" t'vv L"Uý pI~ _______ \2.-.L 122 I I L il11~ _. co Co. AMF I '0.00 ATP NIT 'VF -- 0.80 0.40 1.20 1'.60 TIME (MS) 3-14-90 N4o E•ATE. doA 1.27.3 a 7-.1 ,'1i s 1.2.1 TIt 2. 40 2.00 itr I 19 i, In.,MU (J. .- c 1 -r co RflMF I '0.00 j -- 1 :F1TT NITTVF 0.40 ~F1T;Fn 0.80 1 Ii 1.20 TIME (MS) 1 i 1 .60 i Ii 2.00 i I 2.40 FIGKE ..L: U(STEADM VOLTM E 1TALES VS. TIME 130. 3-14-90 NO 4TM 4': L.,3 : Cf I IMt.lM~) 3-14-90 NO REA17-0 ' *1.23 Uc C- TIMELM ~jM FIGURE (og UNVSTEAbY VOLTAGE TACE5 VS. "TIME 131. 4 -24-90 atrs PA\SWE HEATEri (.'ZO : I..03 .0 Mr = I. 2. 1 j | rr 'I i 7-, cn 11 I ., cz L i ;mF 0.00 rpTp P,_ _ _7 -J 7 ~I ý 1 y b 1ss' -'F NA0.40 VE I 0.80 I i 1.20 ' 1.60 2.40 2.00 TI ME (MS) 4-24-90 HEATEM fiv 40V= Lo Ms; [g*'~; -r I .Jn v, ~!i ~~r -: II i I~L"rC~,~P--IR- cS I ~o~~n QVFýpf-Fn , 1jCMF r-PTq -ljfjT ) IIU.0 U 0. 40 F I MF T(F OOTA Aff FlUKJE ýA4: ONVSTEIO 0.80 1.20 TI ME (MS) I 1.60 40IAUE 11ThlEs 132. 2.00 vs. 2.40 1T ME1 4-24-90 4A;, HEATEik PPAIMV : .2. _i Mft =.22 I I 1 i i i I w,I __ Mi co )m UJ K y dU-· tI I· I d flMF ·- · kp .·· IraRg 0.40o 0'.00 0.80 S1.60 1.20 2.40 2.00 T I ME (MS) '4-24-90 i.ZA tAr2 EA.TEa. PASIVE: I i _111 C 1Y1~ Il cn k A[ h L, ?6a Ms 1 I s 1.2.2. -ri~ J ~_Li ~I I-4 3 Z7-. I I I I CO or• _J \. . U ..... S h(lHt 0.00 IIWIU. . -. .... .. .Ynl . . UV~qFll;ill 0.40 I I 0.80 I I 1.20 1 I 1.60 I I 2.00 2.40 V5. TiMt TIME (MS) FIGrkE 6.5 U%5ITEAW VoLT6E TM1LE 133. 4-24-90 alk i 1rATEA PASSEV6: Y * ?6- 31.5 ps,? I I I1 LA f I-Wi7 I ___ I cn2 .n C ~NrL.h4'N1N 1 i I RfMFOIJ , 0.00 h iii 0.40 I / 0.80 I 1.20 1.60 I 2.40 2.00 TIME (MS) 4-24-90 hEATER G PASS•NE: I.o• .. o j Iw A q I I U Pi= 35.1 s: M- = f.3o i I i a I Ify 67&s41 U-) I •nMF Iut, ArMT TA •IFJT;A | '0.00 I j / I I 1.20 / i UL 0.80 TI ME (MS) FI6LRE C.6: II i 0.40 UNSTENAY 1.60 2.00 i I 2.40 VoLTME T1-P-E( '4V.TIME 134. Turbulent flow calibration curves a aIs 1.02ap 12 & "A, t O -0 0,= = 1.0+ :;LOG 1.08 (w2 c Il c/I r- -I l 16. 21. 26. 31. MASS FLUX FIGuRE 36. 41. 46. (kg/m/m/sl SENSOR \IOLTAhGE vs. AMI FLUX Laminar flow calibration curves o qAS7 1.02. o 0•s = 1.04 q cjg I.O( it- nr ~----a 0 ul U) MASS FLUX FG6Ug% 6.8: 5EWJfO(. VoLT6FE ikg/m/m/ls OlAs FLUx Turbulent flow calibration curves t 0 0 0 IO0L r 02 ao CaS. 1.02. o aAr= .. .-. . I- - (.91: ,As-.0LO + 4& - 1.08 - - 21. FvGOke 1.0V A 26. SEaTER. 31. MASS FLUX -- !-- ....- I.. (kg/m/ml/s VO LTA E V\. MtAs FLU X, Laminar flow calibration curves I · · __C_ I < o 0-4 O I r 0 aGR, 1.02. o 1.04- pel --- T~ -7 r MASS FLUX FIG16KE .-i IREATEt r~--- ~7- VOLTT6aC -I~~------~-~ [kghn/m/m/s VS. jANs PLUX d Experimental vs. theoretical comparison: as, i.13 i s',Iat sensor ;i bra. Suft#r E UO I-- cor 0 5 -- 1.20 I7- 1 1.21 I FlI9E 6.iI: -- 1.22 SER~KO 1.23 1.24 1.25 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER VOLTMe vs. 1.26 1.27 $ 1.28 ( I MACH UMB13ER Experimental vs. theoretical comparison: d (0 al,= l, zo; e Igrt° kukic rdlyt ý,eLr d E oi< o 0- (1) 00 0 ORETICAL POINTS EtIERIMENTAL a] POIlMT d •r-- Nq 1.18 -- ~-~ ..r FIGURE C.I_ --- - 1.28 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER SEMSo(L \oLTiG.DE .30 1.32 1.34 I M\cI4 NutJMi3ER dci Experimental vs. Ilheoretical point comlparison, 0 I-- ar = i.20 ; he5dc1r F& " I IV '1bA rof I- d o (D E uo Sdi 0 o RE II(AL I) ItIErI IAL I011, [5 po1lr)i d0 0 N ---------r o ________________ 1 1.24 -- 1.22 1.24 I.I C 1.28 - r- i.18 1.16 1.14 F16UkE 1.16 .13: 1.20 1.30 SIHOCK TUBE MACII IJUMBEI1 SENSo \JoLTAGE \f•. M'. j Num 6II Experimenlal vs. liheorelical point comparison a ap' . j.2-0 i ýer arclvc ; brgaLi ivfr -CL C ~ --- TIIEORETI-AL poo'Tf EYpERIyflEiITAL PollPTI . I. 180 I .. 1.195 FIBGUE 4.t4 1.210 SENOR~ - I 1.225 I- 1.255 1.240 SIIOCK UIRE MACII IfAJMBER VoLTIk4E 1.270 1.285 1.300 I Vs. r1AcK WKJUMOFE . Comparisoll of heater active and healer passive O 1.• .LO . I 0 III an O IL .4 TIlv 0II TIVC Iii 6 \'I !l` 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 SIHOCK TUBE MACII WIMBER 1.28 30 I FLk*UE (.I5- PERLEVW DIOFFR•EVLE OF THEDRE"T"hL WAD EER\NE NTA L VOL11GE ,&l0S5 1RE SEJorL Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison i ars- · 1.o io a)vc j su,(en i td= 0.89 s lo -~ --- <o 0 0E o 00 U)l ij w---1.16 6 --- r----1.176 FIGUI -E .1u: -~--II--1 1.186 1 1.196 SENSoR. 1.206 1.216 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER VOLTMGE 1.226 1.236 1.246 I Vs. MIALC NVUM6 Ek O Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison i a r = 1.08 0 i 'e) -C= ruf, 0.. (t O V j 1.16 0.... i0 0 1.175 ....... 1 1. 175 FIG60KE .il: 1.190 .190- 1.190 $ENýSOR 1.205 1.205 1.220 I 2 1.220 1.235 1.235 1.235 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER VOLTPr4E Vs. 1.250 1.250 I f 1.250 1.265 1.26 1.265 1.280 MACH WvrMER 0 Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison 0 1,1 ai, 1.11L _ I~RtcJ dI ut ;1 L'; 0.8mr I 5' E O0 0o Ul 0n U) -I~ ----- 1.17 1.18 1.19 133 s~fS~a L9--e ~~~1~-. ~ 1.20 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.22 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER FIGURE .~ : SEISOR( VOLTAGE I 1.23 I 1.22 VS. - ~ 1.24 1.24 [ Mi-CH JUiMER 1.25 0 Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison i ars .0.a o• ic•) iu(prt i t'= I.2'ns r 1 - ----------- - - - - - - - - - -. 1.168 FIGU 1.178 G.1t- 1.188 1.198 1.208 1.218 SHOCK TUBE MACGI NUMBER SEW5foR VoLTAx6 Is. 1.228 1.238 1.248 I IALVi NUM6ER O 0l Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison ai , I- 1_S j.01 a' Ale) su',tr, i • ' I. Zh I -------------------------------- ----- 1.160 - 1.175 -I -1 1.190 -- 1.205 -T-- I 1.220 1.235 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER F\GUAE .ZD"0 SEN.SOP \oL-LTMcE \VS- - - 1.250 - --1.265 1.265 1.280 [ ~)uM IMQh rE 0 0 03 Experimental vs. theoretical point comparison a[ i.lL I anoLacA ' u~oart( i 1.25 V_ ______~.-----------4 0 r ..- 9- ---- - i I 1.17 1.18 F\GN RE .z.£-I 1.19I 1.19 SEnso0( I 1.20 I ---- I---~--r-- 1.21 1.22 SHOCK TUBE MACH NUMBER VOLTA-EC vs 1.23 I1 .- 1.24 . . .. . . . . 1.25 I[ M LIA t)VM EA C C c co JI 1l TIME (MS) F1GL0 6.2 .: 5RXVIc TUBE PREFSLt/E euusiE: EXeP~NDEb TINE SALe Flow type- turbulent 0 I- U) 0 r: -0 i I11 co d aa 0 l7.L.07 AL rý1o0 Arg1.0( 4 AAj ILO- LO , 41kj d 1.04 ap-- 1A hZ cz o i° 16_ 21. r.04+ aQ o i akl-s 1O0 108 Ak.Lg LOS 36. 31. ACTUAL MASS FLUX [kg/mlm/sl lN FIGUE 6.13: EXfLPEplvETl/UEfETrAL Sl\) EICTIO V/S. ALTUAL MASI FLUA I r-• I,I Flow type- laminar Z 0 CI- LLc zn¢0 ci,i4 a U) [02.1.02 W(1- 1.0c 'P 0 t,._1 <7 A-I = : aLl• = 0i (.04I04. I,06 ; '* = 1.08 Ana)~ "&t.i 1.08 (.08 (.08 0 0 2. lU 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. ACTUAL MASS FLUX [kg/m/m/s] F60KE .Z4: ExRE&IMETAL/7TEROETI(AL I SlAlIJ FRKCTIOIJ 45. VS. 50. ACThL IAffJ FLux Flow type= turbulent , -"lfl D CQTif AI /II 0I\I o O0 o z 0 z U) -- "---------- 0 N. 0.08 0. 0.10 0.12 0.14 TEST SECTION MACH NUMBER F=Iu.E .z5: S1KI FR\C1\ot e CoEFF\ECIEJT , 0.16 0.18 0.18 I I V\S MANI NUMB3EK Flow type- laminar 0 u I a TIlC[ORfKAL i I~irn . EXOMEJTAL i CURVES .•, COOM Al•: (l08 al 1t L 1.04 1.01 o 0 z z ___-- 0.02 F\GO6 Z E.: 0.04 SK(1 0.06 ftRZ CT\j6 0.08 u. IZ .10 TEST SECTION MACHI NUMBER · 0 I I r Fr~--- 0.16 u. 14 i COEFFICIEWT\ VS. _~ 0.18 I MNk WUMBEk r OHR #1= 1.02; OHR #2- 1.04 z O z U) 0 0 0 ACTUAL MASS FLUX FI6v 6..: .E EXPEJIMEN1TAL /-I Ikg/m/m/s] JETYAL SUP IrLiCT\oN Vf AiCTUAL MINs5 FLUX OHR #1 102: OUIR #2- 1.06 0 z 0 -,- t) 0 (u 0 TOBOULEN o LAMIAIAK I .J --I 16. 21. 26. EXPERjMETwfhl/-TEbIFnET 41. 36. 31. ACTUAL MASS FLUX (kg/m/m/si L StcN ,FRK(TIn 46. VS. AcIUAL MINf FLUX 03 OHR #1- 1.02; OHR #2- 1.08 z O C) z u} U) TURBULENT ,,o r- ,tmNAmm I I. jF--.... r---1- I | ___________ _ , | __________ ACTUAL MASS FLUX FIGURE TI ,6_L EXPERIMNTAL/I"HEDREICAL -. ikg/m/m/si ,lC7IIONVS. ACTvAL MWI FLUX, uo O| O iR # 1- 1.04; OHR #2- 1.06 z 0 00 z U) O O a- t0 0 I r- flr 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. ACTUAL MASS FLUX (kg/m/m/s] FROm E 6,30. EXPERINENThL /il•EDbtT L S•6, F9•cLno1J 46. 51. vs. Actr•UL FIASf fLU\ M OHR #1- 1.04; OHR #2= 1.08 O 0 u- z U) -J O a TURULENT 0 LmINAR- 14: 0 o 16. 11. F'6v~E 43t-: M 21. LPfrEN./1tEtIc7I 26. 41. 36. 31. ACTUAL MASS FLUX [kg/m/m/sl WIN FPIcTlol10 46. V5. NCTUAL HfNIf FLUX OHR #1- 1.06; OHR #2= 1.08 z O I-- u(I -J C0) ar xlU 16. FIG6UE .32.: 21. EfEuy.M•/,L/IEO 26. 36. 41. 31. ACTUAL MASS FLUX [kg/m/ml/s r'FI(.AL SON• MWIl VS. /RIcTIOl 46. FLUR APPENDIX A THERMAL TRANSPARENCY OF THE THIN FILM It may be shown in a straight-forward manner that the thinfilm's non-uniform temperature profile may be ignored. Therefore, models may be employed that neglect the actual heat conduction within and through the thin-film, treating the surface at the thin-film location as a constant-temperature boundary condition. Consider a region composed of a thin-film resistor with thickness t (region 1) and an insulating substrate of thickness B - t (region 2). Therefore, the problem to be solved is: D2T 1 2 = -A ; 0 x t (A.1) a2T 2 2 ax -0 ; tSx<B (A.2) subject to the following boundary conditions: aT -Tx1 (0) = 0 (A.3) T 2 (B) = 0 (A.4) T l (t) = T2 (t) (A.5) aTxT1 kl T 1 (t)= k2 -x IWI. (t) (A.6) where A is the steady heat conducted within the thin-film gauge and can be written as follows: i2 R A=WLtk WL t k, (A.7) where i is the current through the sensor, R is the operating resistance of the sensor, W and L are the width and length, respectively, of the thin-film gauge, k 1 is the thermal conductivity of the thin-film, and t is the thickness of the thin-film. In addition, the hot resistance of the gauge can be written: L R= Wt R 1 + a (Tg - To)] (A.8) Finally, it seen that the the average temperature over the gauge must be equal to the temperature Tg, or: t I Tg = t f T (x) dx (A.9) 0 Since the value of A is nominally constant, (A.1) and (A.2) can be integrated favorably: Tl(x) = 1 -2Ax T2 (x) = cx + d + ax + b (A.10) (A.11) where the parameters a, b, c, and d are arbitrary constants of integration. Applying (A.3) to (A.10), (A.4) to (A.11), (A.6) to (A.10) and (A.11), and (A.5) to (A.10) and (A.11), the values for a, b, c, and d can be shown to be: a= 0 (A.12) 16z.. b = At + 28 k (A.13) c = -Atk k2 (A.14) d = ABt (A.15) The ambient temperature T o is now added back into the solutions obtained for T 1 and T 2 , since TO was originally subtracted from the original problem. With this in mind, (A.12)-(A.15) may be combined with (A.10) and (A.11) to obtain the temperature profiles with x for the thin-film region and the substrate region: TI(x) = T + t(t + 28 ) - (A.16) x2 T 2 (x) = TO + At k2 [B - x] (A.17) Note the parabolic temperature profile within the thin-film gauge, as expected. Now the gauge temperature can be solved for in terms of the heat produced in the thin-film, by combining (A.16) with (A.9): t Tg = t To + t(t + 28 kt) - x2 dx 0 (A.18) Tg = To + At t + 38 k8 Recalling the definition of the resistive overheat ratio: 143. (A.19) ar = Rhot Rcol d - 1 + a(Tg - To) (A.20) the equations (A.20) and (A.19) can be combined to give: A= k2 (ar - 1) k1 a 5 t (A.21) The values of the heat conduction to the substrate for this model and a simplistic model can now be compared. The heat flux to the substrate can be written in general: (A.22) qcond = -k2 ax (t) Applying (A.22) to (A.17) and utilizing (A.21), the following may be obtained for the conduction: (qcond)thin-film modelled (A.23) = For a simplistic model, the conduction is easily shown to be: (qcond)thin-film ignored k2 (a - 1) k2 (ar - 1) (A.24) Therefore, the relative effect of the thin-film can be seen by forming the ratio of (A.23) to (A.24). Calling this ratio Q: 1 Q= 1 k2 t (A.25) 3 k1 8 Therefore, more conduction is seen than is actually modelled with a simplistic assumption. However, the value is very slight due to the fact that k2 << kl, since kapton is an insulator and nickel is a 164. reasonable conductor, and that t << 8, which is just a manifestation of the design used in thin-films. In particular, reasonable values for the parameters can be taken as follows: kl1 = 5 W mK k2 = 0.202 mK t = ooo000 A 8= 25 Pm With these values, the value for Q is 0.999946, effectively equal to one for the accuracy given here. Hence, for a steady calculation, the non-uniform temperature profile within the thin-film may be ignored. 145. APPENDIX B OPTIMIZATION OF ELEMENT RESISTANCE FOR A GIVEN TOTAL GAUGE RESISTANCE For the use of thin-film gauges, in order to assure the maximum sensitivity of the gauge, the sum of the lead and tag resistances should be kept to a minimum. One way to do this, previously mentioned, is to plate the leads and tags with a low resistance material, such as copper or gold. However, it is desirable to design the gauge so that the sensor resistance to total resistance ratio is In reality, this maximized in case of a plate material failure. analysis was performed before the plate process was discovered to be applicable. For a gauge with total resistance of 15 0, the element resistance can be written as follows: (R)(RT) (Re)0 = (B.1) 1 + X + co(B.1) where (Re) 0 is the cold resistance of the elements, (RT)O is the cold resistance of the sensor (15 0), . is the tag resistance divided by the element resistance (cold or hot), and co is the lead resistance Therefore, it is desired to divided by the element resistance. maximize (B.1) with the choice of X and co. From a power balance of the sensor, it can be demonstrated that co can be found as a function of X. In particular, for a case with ar= 1.5, a thin-film thickness of 1500 A, a= 0.3 %/K, 8= 20 .m, e= 508, imax = 0.35 amp, 8s= 25 pm, and ks= 0.202 W/mK, the power balance equation gives the following expression for oo: c(,) =C0•- C4 [(C - 2) - 2] -(1 +) (B.2) 166. where C is defined as follows, for a given number of gauge elements n: 91.5 n1 C (B.3) From (B.1), it is seen that to maximize (Re) 0 is the same as minimizing (1 + X + o). However, from (B.2), the expression (1 + X + co) can be written as a function of X only: l+X+o = f(X)= CO- 4 CX [(C - 2)k - 2] (B.4) af To find the optimum X, the quantity a must be calculated and set equal to zero. The X then obtained by solving the equation The represents the optimum choice for greatest sensitivity. presence of an optimum is expected, for the power limitation imposes that the total surface area of the elements, tags, and leads be a constant. This allows for a gauge design with too high of resistance for the tags and too low a resistance for the leads, or vice versa, depending on the length to width ratios of the tags and leads. There should be an intermediate geometry that minimizes the sum of the tag and lead resistances, which is the same as In fact, the maximizing the element resistance from (B.1). optimum X for this scenario is readily calculated from (B.4): af 0 = 0= C[(C - 2)X - 2] + C(C -2)) C - 24 C[(C - 2)k -2] =0 (B.5) Manipulating (B.5): '61. C4 [(C - 2))- - 2] = X(C-2) - 1 (B.6) Squaring each side and cancelling terms: (C- 2) X 2 - 2 X - 1 = 0 (B.7) This is readily solved via the quadratic equation to give the optimum value of tag to element resistance: 1+ 40.5 C t o°P C - 2 (B.8) Combining (B.8) with (B.3), the optimum tag to element resistance ratio can be determined as a function of the number of gauge elements: oPt ( n ) = (n - 1) + 6.764 4 n - 1 93.5 - 2n (B.9) It is an increasing This expression is presented in Figure B.1. By function of the number of gauge elements, as expected. combining (B.9) and (B.2), the optimum lead to element resistance ratio (m) can be obtained as a function of n. This is not presented here due to algebraic complexity. However, it can be noted that, for a given n, the value of o is, within rounding errors, equal to the value of M! Although at first glance this is a startling result, it makes perfect sense when the mathematics of the problem are Having obtained the focused on rather than the physics. expression for the optimum o (wopt = Xopt), the optimum element resistance can be plotted as a function of the number of gauge elements. This presented in Figure B.2. Notice the severe penalty for increasing the value of n, although it is not as severe as an inverse square law. The values of the resistance of the tags and j4%. leads are changed by changing the length to width ratio, consistent with the constraint that the total surface area remain constant. This optimization procedure may be used to design the most sensitive non-plated gauge possible for a given fixed total resistance. (09. 0 u' o ul (3 r -- I- 0 ......... 0. 4. 6. NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ELEMENTS 8. R() b B.1 I1 · n -- -2. OfTIMUM TAG/ELEME" 2Bý\STWMN 10. I MWTo 2. I I V5. I 4. N\M6E OF ELE}METf cxi Total resistance- 15.0 ohm ed r p: r r\l r- d r e6 ·- 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ELEMENTS I ) OfTIMlUM ELEMENT I%-•\E~AN CE vs. of ELEMENVTS APPENDIX C TABLES OF FLOW PARAMETERS FOR THE TEN SHOCK TUBE RUNS Presented below are the material, break pressure P4 [psig], break pressure ratio P4 /P 1 [ ], shock pressure ratio P2 /P 1 [], shock Mach number M 1 [ ], predicted shock speed (cs)pred [m/s], distance of shock travel Ax [m], shock transit time r [ms], measured shock speed (cs)meas [m/s], and the percentage error in the shock speeds [ ] for each trial of the ten shock tube data runs performed. Tables C.1-C.10 correspond to Runs #1-#10, respectively. Ilz, COMPAKISON OF pl(DICTED AND G6.rv If 11 WD- P•.20( +)5i ) AAFDAl :3 1 +3"+ tv (4) 'r ( s)c, 1.7 1.2- 22O 0.7 0.1971 2.S5 O.rlzir i.2_o 2.5 , Al Fc;d '1- (MIS) '7~,error 4oC -Oi387a 2.21 1.51 418 N3Y.1l-~r 1.14- 1. 9+ 3... 2_ #O.L4 Zi,- 0.12r .. 5L +13 MAl Fo, 5S Tu3E- a 3 [A.,vt Duty Shock +vbe -fl y /.3 2lUe.,y D&/ SHocK SPEEDS FOR TIIC 5lIcr0 1M1, I•Aa.Irw\ Al F'ol MEASU&RED 5_-% O~727 0o.2rz At 0.7l7 -- iL OF COMPAKISONI PIEDICTED AND MEASURED azs Shock IDi Gre.,r Pie ("ri~l P~. u•Ae famo.•,i LAY'. Inl r / '-pJ £Her mis - ,-- e•rror 1.1U& I +0A8l A412V I ,, IewyU Dty Al Foil I '/Yc·. 5 ?71 L.C I I I 7 1.158 LZA-. 3 lAenvy Puty Z.% .. L. HeAvy o0t4 1. 63 ZZA4 +O.rqa7 1 4 2.5'lr 413 +o.72% 0.J'1 L-51 Al Fo't 5 kC I 2 A-ehvyI ut, Ali Iol (.'WiI 4j-4 Al Foil Al Foil I- ( ~-- ZA.4 Z4.ct TuE FORK -I-E StI-kCF.I -l-esting A mIl -- fhlecy Du0• S1OC(K SrEEDS 03.77 4-111 411 2.52_ i.5( 4·1~1 +o.€8• +648 7w. 1.1521 G --- I ---- I I I I- - - I COM1PAKISOIA Of 113 D[J- Gre.v : M•\ .. 1h. A•1.48 FolI G3 •,•o Do 3._. Siloc(( FO• TH-E St511K TuI3E SPEEDS Plate +f Wiarpyi 1j I~xi4eri- M&At MEASURED PIEDICTED AND Maeriats (P) is Oq 373 V.727 (Irts) CS(r4) 7trecror 1.13L 3% -0.80,-4.34, 1.43 119 J.08 361 0.27 I.8qo 385 Z..58 1.58 _.,t q7 0.1 i.7z8 1- +42. -0.b At Foil Hervy Duty 2.50 1.5 •Iti 4114 0.'ll 1.738 418 1.1 I..30 445 01.6( 0.707 44L o0.6/1, 47 0.7f7 13L P Al Fo:I -0.8Lm 5 "f 35.1 3.31 118"58F 1.8 .8 CeflopIne 1.G i1.2 14686 COMIPAKISON OF PREIICTED AND MEASURED SIIocK SPEEDS DA Gr.r fb + ts S;'I3le 5••au ; tad "trakrfer roKR -IIlE 511•cK Tu6EaLrec-ded c I I I (', III /2\ (M)'r (MS) 1Sc, (,,,s) I , error I I------ SI• OK"RED-20 2-"K" .1-53 20. 1.1-8 I +410 20.3 1' 2.38 1.52- 1L.2.0 4it 4160 410 0.27l +IALt 1+1 -9-0.k8 -0.'18 ' 3 ,.50 Al F;il 0. r12j •1•.55 leavy Dull At Foil 5 s18 'vs58F 21.693 Cellopanee 3.0L 118 "V"5F Cellopane 32.1-.7 -1. q3 ., 2.8 +31 -0.20Z 1.4-2. 4-17 1.G16 +34 -O.r(o?4r OJn 1 1.5() Il 4-4t--oU. Uo,,"i, COMPAKISOIN OF PREDICTED IDX AND Govr It5 : I ITr AiI Ia 9ST 2AST CelIopgI~e --- - r--I., IAII Fvl, I n 5)(x / - \ (CI~r 1.4-13 18.0 Zo.3 401 410 2.38 017 Ic. (MI)I I At Foil He4vy DLAy Al Fodi 11.563 I.52.3 1.1r60 - 0.13 & 414. +0.1IL 1.144 'ký6 0G r 11.21 5 18'V" 8F 0.G2ri1 3.1+4 434 0.o7jq 445 3.727 43q -O.4C7, 43 · .6?i , 1.990 58 F 35, 1 l "V" 31. ýellap~r~e 3,31 Ic.'30 I "/I 1.164- .1.158 2.51 /eror I Z3 -1.23 V- 3 Heavy Dtuty I_ -I 4mtZ sL_ CelIoAnAn aoc, recor•ed SirlIe gauge~ kfed +rKirfer - ! Tu3E TIE • S110lcK FO SIIOCIK SfEEDS IMEASURED COIIPAKISONI OF PIUEDICTED AIM lJ Grof 11 CG P4../ MEASURED Dou le- lyer pup S 1p, / .15 "K"HB-aa Cellopha•e 399 A408 18.'t 3 4-15 P,4c1 2.95 Al Foil 7 erfor I13 1._, +0.5 0.7z7 4-06 0.721 .1300 4ao5 -I.0o- G~rin 1.55q I- Ce3\\Vha.e 1.x22 ,rIS) 0.7217 2 Cdl\opone Cs( (in) 314- Cellthone ke•,vy Dvi Al FollI eoater rssiye /2\) IAd Icr Ilk 1.385 FOR THE 511cCKir TuE- SllOCIK SPEEDS 2.50 3L.0 31 1L.q39 3.18 1.13 P.)31 431. 0.72'| i..10 L37j iyiri .G~i5 G +35 ao.5s 1. 28 1.656 L431 -0.51- i COIM"KISON Of PIEDICT-ED ID IGr P (I'-e) K.HB-5o 1U.8 Cello -- AND IMEASU•RED l 75 "kDi1 Iu -lcje r "t 1/ P2/'t 2.) 11,110 TrOE- (Mr) C5 (ms), r ("I) I C 1 ti 4'j .1i 51lOcK FOR -I-IlE SilocI< SPrEEDS 405 0.O27 .188 or-e rror 401 -0.s- TL "' H" " 2-0Z 2Z.5. 373 1.5Z I 1-11 0-'27 1.752- 41 5 - .Or 3 "'~Al 3.A L.5 1.583 i.12 411 0.127 1.72! ii2L -o,5(0- 32.1 3.22- .7o01. 4-38 30, 3.o8 Fo;a At Fo'( 5 '""' -''"" Cll1•' n"e ', - 1..i. 1.2-r.7 0.'71 1.d(4o 4-38 +3+ 0.7lZ7 i.,Co 438 0 ,-0.3 - (COIIAlr r~1tk od or- PitE()l(1C6 AIJI) .0 j* P• - u P'I I ) Ple EEI)DY FAENU#-Eb) -116I(C( 1& :-I 3 : D)ou0 c -lslr mlI Ff 11Ct- SHock TtU3LI ve, INj A(C I kt5+r es rrc . Ax, 'r' (mls) (M) L or1 roet i I . 1 k-( " Sr,,G,) 400 0.302 O.14-L L.082_ -0.CC" r (Illo 2A f kane 4o5 L.t04o 3 A. FdI i.540 .114- 413 O.3(2 0.718 4-1•2- 0.301oz 0.131 +?§5 O.3o2~ A. L.4O8 Al. F&.l 1.•30 CdloQph .J d E s -j i.2-06 5 12-3 "V'BSP 0.734 411- 2-6.0 26.44 1,.32, t0?7 4130 2.A+ -1-.Th- 4L25 0,302- O017.o 431 COIITAlUoodr "K'Ht- OF P itEDICIE AMJ) EAUttEF) 1( 5716C 1_4.1 12.09 .1_33 1,111. 4- _.8 tie 216- VEEI)J -life ]Uj O.3oL 0,14o 2L43i.448 1.11 4-0 L L-315 1.-524 41L 0,302 O.fq- 5MoL ( 4-o T U13 -2.o0 a.7 0 403 -1-.5 3 H•env JA 20.5 t Al 1Fud 0 42 -.1..-- 0.707 43'7 -l O,o30Z O,61o +3 -9,'4 Ai. F, 12"V"WB 4q. 60 o i c0Z31 . 4 L.88'"."' . Li&& 4+2 L 5 I1.260 431 03a, - (CO1IAýLISorJ OF PitEbI(•lU) L1a.T )~ 1EAULVEb 11(C( ISEEDf 57 "/iC I1 - - rt (-) 1.1q8 o 40o Z.166 Z . 5 1.315 1,5u I 7-. Ax, I,4,5c. At. F, I re - massr I H4lo 4K4 (Adlte '1t 3 TL 3E 1 SHockC l i-11F -ll Dct,, G6 rr 4-I•0 · 0,& l~-(yc,3,u, ja ' fl 7i' AMJI) i.205 C1 9L (r%~) 0.30 Z- 41±0 a.30z.. 4io 0,302. 4ý2o -1 qq. 4-0o -11,42 O.1t760 F*tl A.4- ji3 "V"5OP 2oSl 2K6U1-c 2H 1.540 i.zo I 4A14 li34- +15 1A487 U1,41 1.242- 12-40o , 302 431- -1.:'7i I--- AI f* 2,i /) l, V·I'C Y~WLUJ -/ 17.I I 4 I~~ I L·r~J I APPENDIX D VOLTAGE TRACES FOR SHOCK TUBE RUNS #6-#10 Presented below are the voltage traces for shock tube Runs #6#10 in Figures D.1-D.15. Figures D.1-D.3 represent the data points for Run #6. This case is nominally the same as Run #5. As before, the highest Mach number traces (Figure D.3) display a gradual rise The voltage dip in voltage after the passage of the shock. precisely at the moment of shock passage increases with increasing Mach number as well, diminishing the trend of increasing voltage jump across the shock with increasing Ms. The reason for this voltage dip may be a local separation of the An boundary layer or an unmodelled heat transfer process. argument shall be presented for the former explanation subsequently. Comparing the voltage jump for a given Mach number between Run #5 and Run #6, it is seen that the voltage changes are comparable. Figures D.4-D.6 represent the voltage traces for Run #7, which is identical to Run #6 except that now the heater is being actively controlled to be at the same temperature as the sensor. The reason for this operating condition is explained later during the theoretical modelling of the problem. Compared with Run #6, these voltage dips seem slightly less pronounced. The sensitivity to Mach number seems to have been reduced, as compared with the heater passive runs. Large noise spikes (due to laboratory background electromagnetic radiation) muddle the heat transfer signal throughout all six of the traces in this run. Since all electronic components in the experimental setup were already shielded from background noise, no further action could be taken to minimize stray electromagnetic signals. 183. Figures D.7-D.9 represent the voltage traces for Run #8. Particularly at this low overheat value, there is a quite large voltage dip at the shock passage point. This voltage dip is more pronounced as the Mach number increases. All plots display a rise in output voltage following the shock passage, contrary to theoretical predictions. Due to the pronounced voltage dip, the voltage change across the shock decreases with increasing Mach number, also in contradiction with theory. In general, it is seen that lower overheat values give less satisfactory predictions for the voltage change across a shock than higher overheat ratios. Figures D.10-D.12 display the six data trials for Run #9, identical to Run #8 except that the overheat ratio of the sensor is 1.08, not 1.06. Again , we see that voltage dips are present and are more prevalent at larger Mach numbers, but they are much smaller than for Run #8. As before, the trend of voltage change across the shock with Mach number is reversed from what is expected. The voltage increases, for each of the six traces, after the passage of the shock (again, as before). Compared with Run #8, a corresponding Mach number for Run #9 gives a larger voltage jump across the shock, consistent with theory since the overheat ratio is greater. Finally, Figures D.13-D.16 represent the six voltage traces for Run #10, which is similar to Run #9 and Run #8 except that the overheat ratio is now 1.11. All trends cited above hold here as well: (1) voltage dips are present, much smaller than in Run #8 or #9, and get larger with increasing Ms; (2) voltage increases for each trace after the passage of the shock; (3) voltage change across shock is much higher for a given Ms than for the lower overheat ratio cases; and (4) voltage jump increases with Mach number are not seen, inconsistent with theory. Although in some respects incorrect, the runs #8-#10 seem to form a consistent data group within themselves. 184. *581 XQVh30 JO -T.I 37091J A 3YJfoo.M 3vJ4L SAhOi ofV aIft :3aAlSVj '%ZVtu9 06-11-S 0St )L1 II 00 • Ot•' Ot', 0 0,00 0911 4 I I J- I I i rA14ff~I~U l 1 000,I L L ~VI4P1JAIW1 0,~ --) I I I I i 1 I ' _i LI LI F ________ It Zvi$ 0*-v si'l '0. ~is Cs lW ' ot :3mJt6- 11-3H 06-11-S 5-11-90 HEATr eASSlvE: ,qlt l.• P - 71.. 1'9 C~J t4 0- SlJj ' I'~ H- CO o( II I CD I"t 0.00 0.40 0.80 i I I 1.20 2.00 1.60 2.40 TIME (MS) 5-11-90 EATERPASSIVE: 1.10 ,, Mr;a 1.12. r-0i ~?e~t U v- ~J1Jj II I ýA 'IfrR L r I Ii (N c.-U') __ I j I __ I- L LvF ;tlmF irnTC3 ýuIT i 0.00 0.40 t OfF I t 0.80 1.20 1.60 TI ME (MS) FIGcR P.2: Ur JnEAbY VOLTME -rZE 14&, I 2.00 I i 2.40 V5. TIME 5-11-90 __ HE~ta PvEd : a 1 1.7.t0 37-1.p• I i I f\ 1 ~, im0-fýz 1.7I ýtn ýý I cn co I CO (d CO U' T w •.. ... .. '0. 00 . . ... ..T . 1 ~~~ 1 ~~ . . flM~~~ . .. .. .. .. . . 0.80 0.140 FL~~rr . v~~ 1.20 [ I 1.60 2.00 K.. k .. t~ss 2. 40 TIME (MS) 5-11-90 HEATEK PASSWE 4p.5 z . Pvs 37.1 . i. I I t -. "vi ýT I 1 I i ý I . T- 1.Z.g I I r!l Lo 0. (-n -J 0 CD iinMF '0.00 i i!TI i I i i o Y·~ L-·· Io~·····:· i-IL· :~;· · unt 0.40O 0.80 1.20 TIME (MSI FIGU•(E 1,3: ONTrEAP~ I . 60 2.00 II 2.10 OLTA6E "TACEV5. TIME '18. 5-18-90 4EAtVTE. cL r.ou.E : s=(.t. t.1 z a an= z 19 " 77 Ah1.r1 I I\ 7o ii LU I u II_______ I i I i fl _ cLn -J i _ I. I . I ___ I co co I_ 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 2.00 1.60 2.40 TIME (MS) 5-18-90 iEtATA CourTuLL.ZD: aitsa L.o ,JMRA 1.11 t "T* s• M = L'..o i i' cc -_. C. 1i 'i F o_ e T1MF w- A 1. iii iii i... lr I '0.00 I rig I / iT vFgAn-rnn I 0.40 I A 0.80 V I 1.20 . 1.60 TI ME (MS) FIGURE DA: O VOLTNGE "T'[LE Vs. -5IMY Is•. I q 2.00 TIME 5-18-90 artf I.V ,ATEr CoJTR.fDLL 3 auz 1.II 1 6 To Iz .3 ol ~ I 1 ! 11 (0 _J '0.00 l E lPTA &nJOTav 0.40 i* . 0.80 c'U .ME (M c.U I.U r r.UU TIME (MSI .40 5-18-90 9EJTErA CONTRaLIED: CD A&, .10 dh%1.71.0Ts TA I i I I i ( I I PL L?1. ptý mg. \.to i i I/ 1? i Co CI-'I I )"I f C MF 10.00 " PT: J (T u2.00 0.40 a'Faprn 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 TI ME (MS) W o TILE FR"ED. S-- OLTNA4 VSis. TIE 5-18-90 kE&A CoVrtOllED: i C. I H- CO Lo -I C 1.1 44,- 1.1. r -714 3-. r1 *.L~ T\ N -i 71i- I~ I- ~.'.4 7jJV Iv*- *' 1 I' O, c- IflM F I u.00U LRTENiftA F "1 U.40U Fn .. . . ~~~1 dU U. . 1.20 U.80U 1.60 2.00 2. 40 TI ME (MS) 5-18-90 HEATE. CuW1OULLE.:ao, l2, . "T=s: T •,A- 1.11 wI Ph 30o.4 I I ci i i I' I cn I- m I1 C=* I Co ~r~·c~ ~J1~ .A~ ,, '4 "t I 0, C- ;(IMF Ar P4rA I U.0 0.o40 0.80 0.80 1.20 20 60 1 .60 i ii i r i I I I 2.0 2.00 1 2.40 TIME (MS) F1U.E D.6 OVITEADY VOLTN6 -TAECE VS. TIMET 110. 3Will- S 37WAL- 39,VoA0N 1 0E 09 1 0%' 0 E 08 1 31S5io -.'<-:Tp9I pI 0 n0 OPn 00 n0 *000 a a .• uv u. v I 7;- rm Aiii.i .:...... .. ...-. 4--... ....+..7. 7. ii? .. ,.. ... .... I ...... °..'..... ... ;o. • 4. ..-.-... i.. 0 -4....-. .... ... .. -4-'..-• . .. ... .-..-. .:. ... -.b..!..-.. 0 r,-Z.• ....,. ..-... .nh..l.L bCJLJ= 'J | ,.'LIdnS" GR3:OOMV 90T - fli 06-9-6 Do*? 0a I 09-1 02a1 oa1 MS) 3W11 00a1 ........... .......... 09*0 aura 0a0 ...... .... ........... 000. Dac FEZ,- -... ... ..... ... . .. .. .... ... 0 -7 **d aSb ST2f* ............ .... /... . ... .. .i. -. '................ .. .. ..... .. .f: ... .... APT" ............ ............ fl-u "'Ut ....... ... ..... ............ ........... TPU j. o90T -.o ........... '•joanSo C3-IGDoNV 06-9-6 9-8-90 SUPPORT, aANODIEED a,-.0j MF'LZS1 .-.'- o .......-. ... ... " ... ....... V...:i 7!ut .......... -w-..u .. . jf,..{ -4." ut' ...L....". 4i!~ if. 4-l-- •,-- -j I 7- C 4i-. -. 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